#this game is my beautiful wife and i love her so much
sequinsmile-x · 1 day
Hi I love all your hotchniss parents fics so much they’re such a comfort!! If requests are open, can I ask for a little hurt/comfort where hotchniss’s teenage daughter is sleeping in their bed again at night? For whatever reason you’re comfortable with writing and it reminds them of when she was little and would sleep in their bed🥺 just can’t get the image out of my head and i know you would do it justice if you want to <3
of course bestie <3 I love writing them with teenage/older kids. It has a special place in my heart.
I really hope this was what you were looking for and that you enjoy it <3
Emily and Aaron's teenage daughter has her heart broken.
Warnings: None
Words: 4k (i got a little carried away!)
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
“Here you go, sweetheart.”
Emily smiles as she looks at her husband and takes the glass of wine he holds out for her, “Thanks, honey.”
Aaron carefully observes his wife as she checks her watch, her cheeks puffed out as she blows out a breath. He presses a kiss to her forehead as he sits next to her and wraps his arm around her shoulder. 
“She’s fine, Em.” 
She grunts, irritation that only lasts a second licking at her insides at how well he knows her, “I know that,” she replies, huffing as she rests her head on his shoulder, “It’s just getting close to curfew.” 
Since the moment Hazel was born, everyone had always told Emily how much like her the little girl was. At first, it was the way she looked. How her daughter had her nose, and her dark eyes and her smile. As Hazel’s personality developed the comments became even more common, and Emily couldn’t deny how much of herself she recognised in her little girl, how she had so many of the attributes she’d always been told were bad in her but that seemed beautiful in her stubborn, adventurous, wilful daughter. 
As soon as Hazel became a teenager, however, Emily started to worry. She remembered all too well what she’d been like. All the secrets she’d hidden from her mother, and it made her long for the days when her daughter was a tiny thing that would crawl into her and Aaron’s bed when she’d had a bad dream.
“She’s sensible,” Aaron says, kissing her temple, pressing his smile against the edge of her grey hair, as he takes the glass of wine out of her hand and sets it down. “You know that.” 
She hums as she checks her watch again, “The half of her that is you is.” 
She worried less about Jack and Issac. Not because they were boys, but because they were both mini versions of her husband. Jack was the most sensible college student she’d ever met, and Issac was so serious his teacher had mentioned it at his most recent parent-teacher conference, a wry smile on her face as she told them she’d never met an 11-year-old quite as earnest as him. He was up in his bedroom playing video games and she knew that she wouldn’t have to remind him of his bedtime, that he’d quietly put the game away when he’d been told to.
Issac had Aaron’s stern glare perfected since the day he was born, quiet and furious to be born as he was placed on Emily’s chest for the first time, the complete opposite to Hazel’s loud and dramatic entrance to the world four years previously. 
Aaron laughs and hooks his finger under her chin to make her look at him, “You don’t give yourself enough credit.” 
Warmth spreads through her chest, the familiar love she’d had for him for almost two decades as overwhelming as it always had been as she leans in to kiss him, the taste of the wine they were sharing passing from her lips to his. 
“I love you.”
He smiles as her breath skips across his face as she speaks and he kisses her again before he replies, “I love you too.” 
She smiles as she hooks her hand around the back of his head, her fingers pushing through his hair as she deepens the kiss, taking advantage of the rare opportunity of some alone time with her husband. She starts to lose herself in him and is about to shift closer to him, about to slip into his lap, when she hears thundering footsteps on the porch steps followed by the front door flying open. She slips out of Aaron’s embrace when she hears a gasping sob in the foyer and she walks out into the hallway. She frowns as Hazel comes into view, her face bright red and her eyes swollen as she sobs again, her face crumbling as she steps towards Emily. 
The gasp of the name Hazel hadn’t called her in years pushes Emily forward, her arms reaching out as she gathers her daughter against her chest, the fierceness of the 15-year-old girl's hold on her only making her worry more. 
“Sweetie, what’s wrong?” She asks, exchanging a look with Aaron as he steps out of the living room too, his worry just as obvious as hers as he steps towards them. She cups the back of Hazel’s head and encourages her to look at her. She checks for any obvious injury, looking her up and down, “Are you hurt? What’s happened?” 
Hazel’s lower lip trembles as she sucks in a breath, “Brock dumped me.” 
She sinks back against Emily, her sob shuddering from her chest into her mother’s. Emily wraps her arms around her and rubs her hand up and down her back, “Oh, baby I’m sorry.”
Aaron is about to step towards them, ready to pull them both into his arms, his wife’s distress at seeing their daughter so upset obvious despite the facade she was trying to hide it behind, but he spots his youngest son standing at the top of the stairs, his concern for his sister clear. Aaron looks at Emily and nods his head towards Issac and she nods in response, a silent agreement that he’d go and look after their youngest whilst she spoke to Hazel passing between them. He turns and heads up the stairs, his arm around Issac’s shoulders as he leads him back to his room. 
“Come on buddy,” he says, smiling softly at him, “Why don’t you show me that level on your game that you were telling me about?” 
Emily half pays attention as Issac frowns and eventually agrees with Aaron and lets himself be led upstairs. She focuses on Hazel, on the way she’s crying against her, the material of her shirt sticking to her skin, and her attempt to soothe her. She shushes her gently like she hadn’t in years and guides her towards the living room, barely getting a second to sit down herself before Hazel is pressed up against her again, her damp face against her neck.
“Do you want to tell me what happened with Brock?” She asks, hating how her daughter tenses against her, how her grip on her shirt tightens. 
Hazel and Brock had been dating for a few months. It had been long enough that he’d been to the house a few times, he’d sat at the dining table with them and been polite whilst they ate dinner and she and Aaron were sworn to ‘behave’ by their daughter. Hazel was infatuated with him. The kind of young love Emily knew almost always ended in heartbreak, but she’d hoped that Hazel would be spared this. 
Hazel sniffs as she pulls back, avoiding Emily’s eye contact as she looks down at her lap, “I don’t want you to be mad.”
“Sweet girl,” Emily says softly, cupping her chin and making her look up, “I won’t be mad. You can tell me anything you know that.” 
Hazel nods and her lower lip trembles again, her emotions still rumbling in her chest and forcing their way out. 
“We were going to…” she clears her throat and closes her eyes, “We were going to have sex,” she says, her voice low, embarrassment colouring every word. Emily is grateful for years of political training, for the fact she can school her features and not show her shock to the teenager sitting in front of her, forcing herself to breathe normally even though it feels like she’s been sucker-punched, “And I thought I was ready but…I didn’t want to. I changed my mind.” 
Emily had always been very open with her children when it came to sex. She didn’t want them to make the choices she had, didn’t want them to look for love and acceptance in all the wrong places and then be left to make the decisions she’d had to when she was young. She and Aaron had disagreed over it occasionally, the thought of his kids having sex as teenagers almost too much for him to bear, but she’d always been more realistic with it - aware they were going to do it anyway. Despite that, this was still hard to take. Hazel was the same age she had been in Rome, and, more than anything, it highlighted just how young she’d been then herself. 
She clears her throat, grateful when her voice doesn’t shake as she asks the first question that comes to mind, “Did he hurt you?” She asks tucking some of Hazel’s hair behind her ear. The teenager looks up at her questioningly, her head tilted in a way that made her seem even younger, “He didn’t make you do anything you didn’t want to do?” 
Hazel’s eyes go wide as Emily’s question registers and she shakes her head, allowing a small sense of relief to wash over her mother, “No. He didn’t,” she says, more tears falling past her lash line as she laughs bitterly, “He called me a tease and then broke up with me,” she chokes on a sound between a laugh and a sob, “He told me if I wouldn’t sleep with him someone else would.”
Anger licks at Emily’s insides as Hazel sobs, the sound catching in her chest as she covers her mouth and Emily can feel her own heart cracking in her chest. Every instinct she has is screaming at her to go find the teenage boy who had broken her little girl’s heart and tell him exactly what she thinks of him, but she reminds herself that isn’t what her daughter would want, or even need.
She needed her right here listening to her as she cried and bore her heart to her, pressed up against her chest in a way she hadn’t been in years. 
“I just want someone to love me like Dad loves you,” Hazel cries, shuddering against her, “I thought Brock did.” 
Emily sighs sadly and kisses the top of Hazel’s head as she continues to play with her hair, running her fingers through it like she had done ever since she was small. It was something that had always soothed all of the Hotchners including Aaron, her secret way of calming them down - a touch her husband always liked to say was magic. 
“Sweetheart,” Emily says softly, resting her cheek on top of Hazel’s head, “You’re 15. You have so much time to figure it all out,” she assures her, “I know that doesn’t help how this feels right now. But you do.” 
Hazel laughs humourlessly as she pulls back and shakes her head, “Boys suck.”
Emily chuckles and nods, leaning forward to kiss Hazel’s forehead, “I’m quite fond of your dad and your brothers,” she says, her smile widening slightly when one flashes across her daughter’s face, “But you’re right about the rest of them.” 
Hazel’s smile shakes, “Can I…”
She drifts off, and Emily can see how her cheeks go slightly pink, as if she’s embarrassed by whatever she wants to ask, “Can you what, sweetheart?” 
“Can I sleep in your bed with you and Dad?” She asks, avoiding eye contact again, “I don’t want to sleep alone, and it always made me feel better when I was a kid.” 
Emily has to stop herself from smiling too widely, and from telling Hazel that she was still a kid, well aware it wouldn’t go down well, and she nods, reaching out for her daughter's hand and squeezing it.
“Of course you can, baby.”
Aaron is able to distract Issac for a while. 
He’s worried about Hazel, about whatever happened with Brock, the teenage boy Aaron had never been fond of anyway, but he tries to put it to one side to focus on his son. Eventually, not long after he hears Emily and Hazel walk up the stairs and towards the master bedroom, he puts the controller in his hands down, smiling at his son as he checks the time. 
“Time for bed Zac.”
Issac nods and switches off the console, handing Aaron the controller he’d been using so he could put them on the side. Issac hesitates as he lies down, sighing like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders as he does so. 
“Dad,” he says, the concern he’d had for his big sister coming back in full force “Why was Hazel upset?” 
Aaron sighs and sits on the edge of his son’s bed, his hands clasped in his lap as he looks at his youngest, “Brock broke up with her.” 
Issac looks affronted, a frown on his face that Emily would say was all him as he sits up a little straighter, “Why?” 
Aaron had a feeling he knew, but he hoped he was wrong because he knew he’d have to convince his wife to not hunt down a teenage boy he wanted to tell off himself. 
“I don’t know, buddy,” he says, “She’s going to be sad for a little while though.” 
Issac’s frown deepens, “Shall we beat him up?” 
“No, Issac,” Aaron chuckles and reaches out to ruffle his son’s hair, “You need to spend a little less time with Uncle Derek.” 
Issac looks at the one remaining stuffed animal in his room. A few months ago he’d declared he was too old for them and had asked his parents to get rid of all but one - a stuffed black and white cat called Hector that he’d loved since he was a toddler - claiming it would be good to have one for emergencies. Emily had bagged them all up and put them in the loft in case he ever changed his mind, and they all pretended he didn’t cuddle up to Hector every night. Aaron watches as he reaches out for it, hesitating for a split second before he wraps his hand around Hector’s paw and passes it to Aaron. 
“Can you give this to her?” 
Aaron presses his lips together to suppress a smile and grabs the toy from him, “Are you sure buddy?”
Issac nods, “It’s for emergencies and this is an emergency.” 
He smiles and stands up, dropping a kiss on his youngest’s head, blown away by his kindness and empathy as always, “That’s sweet. I’ll make sure she gets him.” 
Issac smiles as he settles back down, “Love you, Dad.”
“Love you too, Zac,” he says, kissing his head again before he heads towards the door, “You know where we are if you need us.” 
He blows out a breath as he steps out into the hallway and he smiles at the stuffed cat in his hands. They’d lost it once when Issac was young, misplacing it at an airport during a vacation. Issac had spent almost a day crying in Emily’s arms as Aaron hunted it down, edging on abusing his privileges as an FBI agent to get his son’s favourite toy back. He steps into the master bedroom and smiles softly as he spots Emily and Hazel curled up together, the teenager looking younger than usual with her make-up gone and her head on her mother’s chest. 
“Zac wanted you to have this,” Aaron says as he walks across the room, exchanging a smile with his wife as he hands the cat over to Hazel.
Hazel chuckles, the sound wet as it catches in her throat. She hugs the toy against her chest and rests her cheek on the top of it, “Hi Hector,” she whispers against its threadbare fur, “Will Zaccy be okay without it? He still likes to sleep with it.” 
Aaron sits on the edge of the bed, “He said he’d be fine,” he assures her, his lips curled into a half smile, “He said this was an emergency.”
“That’s sweet,” Emily says, running her fingers through Hazel’s hair as she imagines how seriously her youngest would have been as he passed the toy over to give to his sister. As an only child, she’d never experienced the love of a sibling, not until she joined the BAU and was suddenly surrounded by people she would one day class as her family. She loved the love her children had for each other, and it gave her comfort that they’d always have each other - even long after she and Aaron were gone one day hopefully decades from now. 
Aaron reaches out and places his hand on Hazel’s knee and squeezes, “You okay, sweetheart?” 
She shrugs, her focus on Hector as she plucks at some lose fur, “I don’t know,” she replies, her lips pressed into a firm line, “Boys are stupid,” she says, her eyes flashing up at him, “Present company not included of course.”
Aaron chuckles and squeezes her knee again, “I’m sure your Mom would agree that I can be plenty stupid myself,” he says, winking at Emily when she rolls her eyes, “You sleeping in here with us?” 
Hazel sniffs and nods, tightening her hold on Hector, “Yeah. Mom said it was okay.” 
“Of course it is,” he says, “I’m going to get ready for bed,” he says, squeezing her knee one more time before he stands up. 
Emily gets up too, slipping out from underneath Hazel, “Me too.” 
“Before you make out in the bathroom,” Hazel says, settling down onto Emily’s pillow, “Please remember your heartbroken kid in your bed.”
Emily smirks at Hazel as she walks to the bathroom, making a point of stepping a little closer to Aaron than necessary, “No promises, honey.” 
As soon as the ensuite door closes behind them, Hazel’s half-hearted joke in response to Emily lost behind the wood, Emily’s shoulders sag, the fake cheeriness she’d put on for their daughter gone in an instant. She covers her face with her hands and sighs, her chest shuddering with it as it escapes. Aaron walks over and pulls her into a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around her. She hooks her arms around his back, pressing herself as close to him as possible, soaking as much comfort as she can from him until they go back out into the bedroom and she has to be okay again. 
“What happened?”
She rests her forehead against his shoulder for a moment before she pulls back to look at him, “You have to promise me that you’ll be level-headed about this,” she murmurs, her tongue wetting her lower lip as she shakes her head, “Because I don’t want to be and one of us has to be so we don’t end up on the local news.”
He smiles as he tucks some hair behind her ear, the low light of the bathroom catching on the silver strands he loved so much. She’d dyed her hair for years, hiding the grey flecks that would appear in her roots every couple of months. He’d encouraged her to grow it out. Something about growing older with her, about watching the years they’d spent together reflected in the laugh lines around her eyes that made him love her even more. 
“Well,” he says, “You did used to be a spy. I think we’d get away with it,” he clears his throat  when she raises her eyebrow at him and he nods, “I promise.” 
She blows out a breath and closes her eyes, giving herself a moment to calm herself down, “They were going to have sex,” she says as evenly as she can, not missing how his eyebrows shoot up his forehead and how his grip on her tightens, “She changed her mind and he dumped her for it.”
“He did wha-” he cuts himself off as he raises his voice, the way she glares at him enough to force him to clear his throat, his anger pushed down into his belly, making it roll in a way that makes him feel nauseous, “That is…” he shakes his head, “Is she okay?” 
She laughs humourlessly, “No. She’s completely heartbroken, she said she just wants someone to love her,” her voice cracks and tears burn at the back of her eyes, her breath shaky as she tries to hold it back, “I remember how that feels, Aaron,” her chin trembles, “I just don’t want her to think that next time she doesn’t have a choice if she wants someone to stay with her.” 
“Sweetheart,” he says, cupping her cheek and wiping away a tear as it slips past her lashes, “She knows she has us, and she’s got a lot of friends and two brothers who love her,” he leans in and kisses her forehead, “She’ll be okay. Maybe not today, or for a little while, but she will be,” he offers her a half smile, “She’s just like you.” 
She smiles at him. It shakes, but it’s genuine, and she nods, hugging him again and breathing him in, giving herself another couple of seconds of him before she steps away and sighs. 
“We should actually get ready for bed,” she says softly, “Before she thinks we really are making out in here.” 
He chuckles and nods, and they get ready quickly and quietly, both of them desperate to get back out to their little girl. Emily is ready first, something that was unusual - her normal skincare routine stripped back to the basics, and she kisses him before she leaves the bathroom, a murmur of her love for him pressed against his lips. 
He’s just about ready himself when he hears his phone vibrate on the counter where he’d set it down as he got changed into his pjyamas and he picks it up, frowning curiously when he sees it’s from Jack. 
Zac texted me about Brock. We ride at dawn. 
Aaron sighs and lovingly shakes his head, enjoying a moment of amusement he knows he shouldn’t show his wife to keep his promise to her that he’d be level-headed about it. He sends a response to his oldest, telling him he’d call him in the morning, and then he heads out to the bedroom. He can’t help but smile when he sees Emily and Hazel curled up together, Hector squished between them. For a moment it’s 10 years ago and Hazel is 5 and upset about monsters that didn’t exist anywhere other than her dreams, not 15 and heartbroken over a boy that never deserved her. He wished he could make it go away for her like he did back then, that there was some way he could make this better, but he knew all he and Emily could do was be there for her. 
“Is he going to join us or just stand there and stare at us?” Hazel stage whispers, not lifting her head from Emily’s shoulders, and he shakes his head before he walks over, climbing under the covers. 
“We should get some sleep,” he says, dropping kisses on both of their foreheads like he would have done all those years ago, another flash of his past colliding with his preset. 
Hazel hums in response and encourages him closer, sighing something near contentedly as she settles between both her parents, “Love you.” 
“We love you too, Haze,” Emily says, running her fingers through her hair, “Try and get some sleep, sweetie.” 
They both lay there for longer than necessary and watch her, their focus on her sharp long after she’s fallen asleep, her grip on the stuffed cat in her arms finally loosening. Both Emily and Aaron wonder where the time had gone, how it had been 15 years since they’d first brought Hazel home, and as they drift off to sleep themselves they idly hope time would slow down so they could enjoy as much time with their children as possible. 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks , @ptrckjcne , @lyds102 , @glockleveledatyourcrotch , @hotchnissenthusiast , @danadeservesadrink , @ssamorganhotchner , @emilyprentissisgod , @notagentprentiss , @freesiasandfics , @emilyshotchniss , @thecharmingart , @paulitalblond , @hancydrewfan , @camille093 , @whitecrossgirl , @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess , @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife , @ms-black-a , @beebeelank , @aubreyprc , @zipzapboingg , @psychopath-at-heart , @criminalmindsgonewrong , @fionaloover , @kinqslcys , @prentissinred , @ccmattis-22 , @denvivale317 , @thrindis , @hotchsguccitie , @cmfouatslota77 , @alexblakegf , @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch , @emobabeyy , @victoiregranger , @stormyweatherth , @wanderingdreamer009 , @ssablackbird , @luhwithah , @lex13cm , @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me , @mrs-ssa-hotch , @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream , @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield , @canuck-eh
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irrigos · 1 year
okay, I finished reading Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett, and i have some opinions on it, and about Clay Men in Fallen London. Shocker, I know. Irrigos? Having opinions? I'm only 80% opinions by volume!
This is really long and rambling, and I WOULD apologize for that, but, idk man you chose to read it.
anyway, I'm gonna preface this by saying that I am not Jewish. I've been pretty forthcoming about that on here, I think, given that every post I make somehow becomes about how I was raised Catholic.
so... the Clay Men are golems, yeah? I don't think I really need to argue that that's so, and even if I did, I'm not really sure how I would (or, rather, I don't know how someone would disagree, beyond "but they're not CALLED golems")
I've always thought the Clay Men were such an odd addition to Fallen London, because like... why are there golems here? In folklore, the golem was made to protect the Jewish people (in the most famous story, the golem was made by Rabbi Loew in 16th century Prague to protect the Jewish ghetto from pogroms and blood libel) but like... there's no imperiled Jewish community in Fallen London. I mean, I don't think there's been any mention of any Jewish community whatsoever. So why are there golems? What purpose do they serve?
I know in canon, they were created by the King with a Hundred Hearts. But I'm not really sure... why. The lore wiki says that the Clay Men come into existence when the King dreams (but also, the article on Clay Men on that wiki doesn't cite any sources, and has a big banner saying it doesn't meet their citation requirements and might contain theories and headcanons. So I can't verify where in the game it says that). I know the King's backstory and all, and I know why he's a city, but I just don't really see why that resulted in the creation of a race of golems. Not really sure how his divorce was aided by the presence of an entire race of swole mud dudes, but... well what do I know
Anyway, the reason that I read Feet of Clay is because it's all about golems, and also... it's kind of the only answer I can think of for why there are golems in this game? I mean, golems aren't really a staple of the Victorian era, like Jack the Ripper or Sherlock Holmes, and they're not a staple of the cosmic horror genre (that the game at least makes a lot of gestures towards), like squid people or uncaring cosmic entities. And it doesn't seem like any of the FL founders were Jewish, or had any particular attachment to the golem as a folkloric character, so like... why? This is just a theory, and I might be totally off-base, but the best reason I can think of is that the Discworld books are incredibly famous and iconic and (especially in the UK) ubiquitous, and... they have golems, I guess? I don't know, I'm grasping at straws here because I have NOTHING. I understand all the talking animals and the fish people and sentient cities from space, but the golems? The golems confound me.
Especially after reading Feet of Clay, I just wish Fallen London would actually DO something with the Clay Men. There's been a few stories focused on Clay Men, but... well I've made no secrets about the fact that they've been the ones I enjoyed least. I think The Clay Man's Arm is gross, I think Factory of Favours is boring, I think the Comtessa storyline is... idk uncomfortably racially coded? ("Rich young white woman is kidnapped and killed by someone that is less than human but still undeniably A Man who claims to be in love with her" is uh. literally a plot point in Birth of a Nation? That really famous 1915 movie about how awesome the KKK are?)
The golems in Discworld are such a rich thematic vein-- they function as allegory for Jews, for oppressed workers, for automation, for the power of words in general. What is the narrative purpose of the Clay Men? What do they add by being in the story? What would be different if any given Clay Man that shows up in a story was replaced by a human? In Feet of Clay, you couldn't replace the golems with humans, because the story would cease to function. If you replaced the Clay Men in the Comtessa story line or in Factory of Favours with a human, or a Rubbery, or literally any other being that exists in the Neath, what would really be different, narratively and thematically? In my opinion, not a whole hell of a lot! So why are they here???
Anyway, I'm hoping that Mask of the Rose has more meat on this particular narrative bone. I know FBG has mentioned several times how much research they're putting into representing Jewish characters in MotR, and I know there's going to be a Clay Man lodging in Horatia's, too, and if David and Rachel don't have something to say about the fact that golems are real, I'm gonna riot.
Also, I couldn't think of a good way to work it into this post, but I really like this Jacob Geller video about the golem.
Thank u for reading all this mess. If you have any thoughts about Clay Men and what they mean, uh... well, let me know, because I'm stumped.
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queerdiazs · 4 months
tease tidbit tuesday 🫧
hi friends, i'm procrastinating doing my fema courses in favor of watching season 4 <3 have a lil bit of eddie vs the hoa
It’s just—Buck is big and it kind of drives Eddie a little crazy.  Like? God, okay. He’s a little stupid over it. You’ll have to forgive him.  He is so big, right, larger than Eddie and Eddie isn’t a small guy. He’s filled out since finishing his probationary year, settling in his career and getting comfortable in the life he chose for himself and Chris. He’s more functional muscle than big gains; his stomach’s soft, protected by a sweet layer of fat, but his core’s solid and his arms are twice the size they used to be when he was twenty-seven.  See? He isn’t small.  But, like, Buck’s just bigger, wider and broader and thicker, and there’s something so delicious about having somebody that large at his mercy, at his every beck and call. Buck has this quality about him, no matter his size, like he’s always ready to drop to his knees and let himself be taken care of, and it has Eddie’s head buzzing in a way that most definitely isn’t from the beer. 
tagged by @wikiangela, @jeeyuns, @devirnis, @disasterbuckdiaz, and @daffi-990 <3
tagging @spagheddiediaz, @puppyboybuckley, @evanbegins, @honestlydarkprincess, @exhuastedpigeon, @thewolvesof1998, @theotherbuckley, and @monsterrae1 if any of you wanna share!
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vampvelour · 9 months
giggles hi merc. mwah 💌
MWAH‼️‼️‼️ kisses for the one and only amber sweet <333 i often enjoy just scrolling through your blog because it’s so aesthetically pleasing to me. *grabs your face and looks you dead in the eyes* and you are the only one that understands amber like i do and no one can ever take that away from us.
mutuals send me a 💌 and ill tell u something i love about you
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gonzodangerfeels · 5 months
Nice Mongolian eyes
#self supportive#the Mongolians were not Chinese they just ran through there#my queens you are beautiful to me no matter what#even if you transform into some nightmare tyoe shit#like I think I just quit deciphering between nightmares and dreams eventually#like whatever I am just here and stuff (dreams)#me at shoes for a second: I wanna play with you forever#air pen pals#her here a note use esp#me: how about I just put my lips on this kiss mark for you#also that gan was not my type#the cousin of the demons: the crowd looks like a video game (the price is right)#wife (bless her heart I Love her so much yanno): I think it's the lights me: yes#it would have been better if we had a private session but I would have had unprotected sex with you#or you would have had unprotected sex with me I mean#today it was a quick nod to Arthur#evoke the past a post from 101 ad tells me#me: look shit gets weird when I do that I have to be careful#he might forget where he is and go start coughing up more blood#the johnson and johnson me: smh#but yes in a way those papers I gave him were like here I learned how to read real good grandpa#and I always knew that shocked smile I could get out of him#mom never understood it is that which only I could do to him#like I suppose I was a powerful little guy#angel of vengeance at 3 maybe 4 I don't know#sam the eagle was 1984 though#it just makes it hotter whatever relation to the Star#a name of a Shar Pei to summon oh yes I would apparently#if we were playing when we were kids we know who Merlin was#Jason we would give him the important role so he felt important but we had to do the footwork
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lewisvinga · 1 month
down bad | lewis hamilton x fem! reader
summary; just lewis being an absolute simp for his wife on the main
fc; stenss on ig
warnings; ?
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1 @minseok-smaus @goldenmclaren @ollieshifts @lavisenri @graciewrote @xoscar03 @c-losur3
note; requested ! lewis the loml
masterlist !
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liked by lewishamilton, carmenmmundt, and others !
yourusername: when bae calls me a star girl
lewishamilton: oh my 😍😍😍😍😍
lewishamilton: absolutely love this look and i love you
yourusername: love youuuuuu🫶
lewishamilton: just the prettiest girl ever 🥰
yourusername: 🥹👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
username: me n the bad bitch i pulled by being a simp
username: SIMP LEWIS!
username: lewis is so me😭
username: TUTORIAL PLS QUEEN🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
yourusername: this friday 😇
username: pink blush girlies rise !!
username: this is how my makeup turns out in my head but not irl
carmenmmundt: gorgeous gorgeous !!!
yourusername: thank uuu carm 🤍🤍
username: this is my mother
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
lewishamilton uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; the wife demanded matcha today] [caption 2; 😍😍😍😍]
yourusername i didn’t demand i politely asked 🙎‍♀️🙎‍♀️
lewishamilton ‘lew let’s go get matcha now if you say no i’m divorcing you😛’
yourusername ‘TWAS A JOKE😒
yourusername tysm for my iced oat milk matcha latte husband 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
lewishamilton whatever wifey wants wifey gets🙄👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
yourusername happy wife happy life am i right 😁
yourusername speaking of let’s go shopping
lewishamilton knew you’d want that, don’t worry, i made an appointment at hermes 😁
yourusername u know how to make a girl happy lewis hamilton 😖😖
username Y/NNNNN
username ask her where she got the tights plz
lewishamilton tezenis:)
username OMG???
username her fits are always on point omg
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yourusername uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; the husband picking out a pink shopping outfit, is this a sign for what i think it is?] [caption 2; all good things come in orange boxes right?😁 thank you so much, my luv lewishamilton 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨🩷]
lewishamilton if the wife says she wants a birkin 25 in sakura then a birkin 25 in sakura is what she’ll get 😁😁
yourusername crying ilysm i already have so many outfits planned 🥹
lewishamilton and i can’t wait to see what your amazing mind comes up with 🤍
username why am i shocked abt a birkin like that man isn’t a millionaire
username i need my own lewis hamilton 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
yourusername I KNOWW😩
yourusername it helps when ur man is the lewis hamilton n an absolute simp😋
yourbestfriend does he have friends 🤨🤨🤨
yourusername no why does he need friends when he has me 🙄( HIS WIFE )
yourusername jk yes🤓
yourbestfriend we all know lewis would only hang out w u if given the chance 😭
yourusername husband tingz 😇😇
username lewis is so husband material im crying
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liked by lewishamilton, yourbestfriend, and others !
yourusername: get yourself a man who hates driving so much but refuses to let you drive.
tagged; lewishamilton
username: here before simp lewis
lewishamilton: can’t ever get over your beauty, my love 😍😍
yourusername: skdkslkd stop making blush
lewishamilton: your only worry is to just sit there and look pretty, not driving
yourusername: GET URSELF A MAN LIKE THIS LADIES🥰👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
username: IM TRYINGGGG
username: y/n won the jackpot fr
username: OKAY BUT HER FIT??😫
username: mommy? sorry, mommy? sorry 🧎‍♀���🧎‍♀️
username: outfit ateeeee
username: y/n and lewis are such fashionable couples i love them 😫😫
yourbestfriend: where u find him fr
yourusername: turns out pretending to be lost in monaco works but if you actually end up lost:/
yourbestfriend: BET
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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liked by yourusername, alexandrasaintmleux, and others !
lewishamilton: happiest of birthdays to my sweetest girl. forever grateful that i get to call the most gorgeous woman on this earth my wife. may this day be filled with many blessings. i love you so much, pretty girl. 🤍
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: YOU ARE MY BLESSING🥹🥹
yourusername: i love u sm , lew ☹️🩷
lewishamilton: love you , pretty girl 🩷
username: i’m so sick rn
username: sleeping on the highway tonight 🚶‍♀️
username: idk how many ‘me n who’ i got left in me😭😭
username: MOTHERS BDAY!!🎉🎉
username: screaming crying throwing up
alexandrasaintmleux: happy birthday 🌸 so excited to be in the ferrari garage with you next year🤍
yourusername: thank u alexxx🥹🥹 so excited too🫶
charles_leclerc: it means ditch the pink for red 😇
lewishamilton: hey, my wife can do whatever she wants 🙄
charles_leclerc: i’ll get roscoe and leo matching outfits 😇
yourusername: DEAL!
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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liked by lewishamilton, yourbestfriend, and others.
yourusername: advice of the day; marry a man who is down bad for you
tagged; lewishamilton
lewishamilton: that makeup look of yours 😍😍🥰🥰
yourusername: i think u liked it bc we went shopping after but i’m not sure tho 😋
lewishamilton: how can i not be so down bad for you? my own wife?? a living and breathing goddess???
yourusername: LEWWWKSNDSKKD
yourusername: says the walking god😩 i won’t say much bc there are children here
landonorris: tysm for saving me
username: i will never get over them
username: my roman empire is y/n and lewis 🥹
username: thank u y/n for lewis content 🫡🫡
username: lewis js like me fr bc if i was married to y/n, i’d so be down bad for her too😩
username: him carrying the hermes, chanel, and cartier bags, IM SICK😖😖😖😖
username: not her winning the lottery omfs
yourbestfriend: does he have spare $$$?
yourusername: yes we found a bday gift for u from chanel pookie don’t worry👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
yourbestfriend: THANK U MR N MRS HAMILTON😭😭🙏🙏🙏🫶
lewishamilton: 🫡🫡🫡
username: he’s so down bad he buys y/n’s best friend chanel, why can’t my friends work harder fr 😒😒
1K notes · View notes
smutoperator · 4 months
King Of Oshiri
Miyawaki Sakura, Nakamura Kazuha, Minatozaki Sana, Myoi Mina, Hirai Momo x Male Reader
Tags: A2M, (lots of) anal, asses, butts, culos, creampies, facefuck, hotwife, japanese, (a little) lesbian, orgy, reverse gangbang, rough sex
Word count: 12911.
You had a longtime fascination for Japanese idols in K-pop. From the first time you saw a cute Japanese girl saying "shy, shy, shy" back on TV, you fell in love with every single one of them. Today, that love reached its biggest point, as you were about to secretly marry your favorite among them all: the queen herself, Miyawaki Sakura. When you first discovered her on Produce 48 and knew her long history in Japan, you thought it would be impossible to even meet her, yet here you are today with the wife of your dreams and all her friends attending the ceremony.
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The honeymoon night was the most intense of your life. Sakura was really into some bed-breaking sex and rocked the night. One day into your marriage, you already had questions about whether you could satisfy such a crazy sexual appetite. Sakura had never shown it to you when you guys were dating, but as soon as she became a married woman, she flipped a switch.
The next day, you found out Sakura wasn't going to lift her foot off the gas. The tiring night before meant you were late to wake up, but Sakura had no issues, showing up at your door wearing just a garter belt tied to her stockings and nothing else. Her tits were completely uncovered, and so was her pussy, meaning she had already graced you with an almost nude frontal sight first thing in the morning. With you still naked in bed and looking at your morning wood under the sheets, you assumed Sakura would be starting the day with a morning sex session. But she had different plans.
"Get up and come here," Sakura asked you, who did it just as she had ordered it. "Let's go downstairs," she said. Sakura grabbed your hands and showed you the way towards the gaming lounge. That confused you. Even though you knew she was very much into gaming, why would she need to play video games wearing barely anything on a cold day? But soon her plan would start to make sense as you saw a fit, tall woman lying on the couch Sakura normally plays video games.
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Sakura greeted her younger groupmate, Kazuha, with a kiss. A little embarrassed, you tried to cover your genitalia in front of Zuha, but she barely looked at you as Sakura kept kissing her. "What are you doing to me today?" you asked, still very confused. But both of them could only laugh before Sakura actually said, "It's a surprise." Trying to break the ice, you complimented Kazuha, saying she was beautiful. "Yes, she is gorgeous," Sakura said, gleefully taking Kazuha's jeans out and unveiling her fit and toned body for you. "Look at her body, baby, isn't it amazing?" Sakura asked you as Kazuha turned around and took off her shirt as well, showing you her sexy back and especially her great ass as she bent over in your direction.
"Good God, you got such a great ass," you told Kazuha. "It's beautiful; it's truly my inspiration," Sakura said as she gave Kazuha's left cheek a kiss. "It's so sexy when you kiss her," you told Sakura. "I can see you like that," she replied. "I love seeing beautiful girls having fun," you said as Sakura pulled Kazuha's bra to the side and started kissing her cute little tits in front of you. It didn't take long until both got very touchy and kissed each other while grabbing their asses. Then it was Kazuha's turn to suck Sakura's healthy tits. "Let me see these hard-trained asses," you asked both as they turned around and flashed them in front of you, grabbing each other's cheeks. Kazuha gave Sakura's butt a little spanking as they giggled with you in awe at both's asses.
Sakura got on top of Kazuha, stacking their asses up. You could see your wife's meaty pussy you had pounded so hard the night before rubbing against Kazuha's white panties. "Maybe we should get her naked," you asked Sakura, but before you had even finished, she had already taken Kazuha's bra off. Both laughed when you started stroking your wood in front of them like a dirty pervert. Sakura kissed Zuha's neck while you looked at the youngster's body. Reaching under Zuha's angelic-looking panties, Sakura started fingering the youngster's pussy in front of you while spreading Zuha's long legs. Mouth in her neck, right hand in her tits, left hand in her pussy, Sakura was doing everything to get Zuha wet as quickly as possible, as the youngster enjoyed her unnie's magical touch.
After a while, Sakura stopped, and Kazuha bent over on the couch, with her unnie taking Zuha's panties off. Her meaty slit, just like Sakura's, showed off, but what drew your attention was the butt plug shoved on Zuha's rectum. "That's beautiful!" you exclaimed. "So shiny and pretty," Sakura added, showing her tongue and putting it close to Zuha's anal plug while fingering her pussy. Kkura then moved towards the plug, trying to take it out of Zuha's tight hole. "Look how shiny it is, baby," Sakura said. Zuha's young butthole as just as tight as you would expect. After both tasted the plug with their mouths, Sakura put it back inside Zuha's anus at your orders, as you wanted her hole to remain a surprise to you, but not before giving a few licks on Zuha's ass and putting her index finger up there. "Her asshole is so nice, tight, and warm," Sakura described.
"Look at this gorgeous body; do you wanna touch her?" Sakura asked you as she placed her thumb in Zuha's clit. You started touching Zuha's firm ass, and your thumb fingered her already wet pussy, thanks to your wife's efforts. "Let me slap it," you asked Kazuha, spanking her beautiful ass multiple times and getting impressed at her overall fitness. You grabbed her butt plug once more, removing it on your own to take an extra look at her beautiful asshole. "Spread it open for me," you asked Sakura, who grabbed Zuha's cheeks before inserting it back in. "Oh my God, this is amazing." You were in awe at Zuha's sexy ass but also at her very enticing pussy right in your eyesight. The only thing preventing you from fucking her right away were the second thoughts you were having about cheating on your wife in front of her on your first day of marriage.
"Stand up and shake your ass for me," you asked Kazuha, who now looked even more beautiful. Her tall frame looked very amazing, and her legs were to die for. Sakura wasn't lying when she said her body was her inspiration. Zuha bent over and started shaking her fit butt in front of you. "Wanna see her pink pussy?" Sakura intervened, spreading it as Zuha finished twerking. "Look how pink it is," Kkura said, but you only had eyes for Kazuha's ass. "Keep shaking. Shake it for me, my  baby, you ordered. Zuha started laughing as her ass bounced. "You're getting him harder," Sakura told her, as both of them were now laughing. "You know, hubby, she's only the first," Sakura said. "What do you mean?" you asked, but both just kept giggling and getting touchy with each other. "Come to the kitchen, baby; there are more delicious dishes waiting for you," Sakura continued, taking Zuha by her hand and moving towards the kitchen. As you three arrived, an angelic, cute woman in white lingerie was waiting for you.
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"Oh, my God," you said as a very recognizable face appeared in your sight. Sana really knew how to fit in everywhere she went. If Sakura and Kazuha were in a group of fallen angels, she made sure to match them perfectly. Sana's giggle was one of the most unique you ever heard of. She was really the only girl that could pull stuff like "shy shy shy" and look like a total hot bombshell the next second. Her amazing duality was now fully on display to you. Sakura got in front of her, giving Sana a few kisses. "She's so pretty." Even though you had known Sana for a long time, all you could muster was a reaction that made you look dumb. They just ignored you as your wife continued kissing her unnie while Kazuha watched.
Sana turns her head and grabs Kazuha's, kissing the youngster while Sakura moves to play with her torso, licking it from top to bottom and giving special attention to Sana's navel, knowing it turns her unnie on a lot, as she moans as soon as Sakura lands her tongue on Sana's belly button. As Kazuha turns her attention to Sana's white bra, Sakura goes even lower and starts kissing Sana in areas close to her pussy, but taking care to avoid it so she can tease her. "Lick it," you order Sakura, who puts her tongue into Sana's fabric while Kazuha teases Sana's bra, moving to take it off but backing off at the last second to tease her unnie.
"Let me have a taste of her," you ask Sakura regarding Sana. "Wait," she answers back. "Stand up, show him your full body," Sakura orders Sana, who shows you her striking beauty. Sana then turns around and showcases her ass. Just like she did to Zuha, Sakura grabs and spanks Sana's cheeks and shows them to you. "That's a beautiful ass that she has," you compliment Sana. Kkura and Zuha touch her together for a bit, and then Sakura moves to take Sana's panties off. "Slip those panties off," Sakura says as she does it, unveling Sana's anal plug.
"Wow, she has it too?", you ask after playing with Zuha's plug a while ago. Sana's butt plug isn't an ordinary one; she has a custom-made plug crafted by Graff, which she endorses, with multiple diamonds that spell her name in Japanese (サナ). Some have diamonds in the sky, in their eyes, but Sana has them up her ass. "Spread her ass; let me see it," you demand. "Those diamonds are such a nice touch," you say, unaware of how expensive they truly are. "You wanna see what her holes look like?" Sakura asks. "Yes, let me get in there," you immediately answer, but Sakura is very protective of her unnie and covers Sana's plug and pussy with her hand.
Sakura then tries to remove Sana's anal plug, but she struggles. Her butthole is just too tight and clenches at the minimal sight of any air entering its insides. The tip of the plug inside Sana's anus bulges as Sakura tries to push it out, changing the tone of Sana's skin around her rectum to an even pinker shade. "It doesn't wanna come out," Sakura says. It takes a while until she finally manages to do so. But your look at Sana's stretched butthole is short-lived, as it quickly clenches just a few seconds after the plug is off her hole. "Such a pretty butthole she has," you compliment as Kkura and Zuha taste Sana's plug and laugh. "Put it back inside," you ask as Sakura tongues Sana's tight anus for her own enjoyment before meeting your demand as Kazuha spanks Sana's butt.
"Turn around for me; I wanna see her titties too," you ask, taking a frontal look at Sana's sexy body. She takes the initiative herself, pulling her bra to the side and showing you her perky tits before Sakura takes it all off. "May I touch it?" you ask her. Kkura and Zuha quickly take advantage of it, with the older Le Sserafim girl licking Sana's left nipple while the young one licks her right nipple. Sana giggles at her boobs being stimulated, and you tell them it's beautiful. Wisely, Sakura also places her hands on Sana's pink slit when you feel jealous of them. "So nice and hard," Sakura says about Sana's nipples while you stare at their hands covering Sana's vagina. "Incredible pussy," you tell Sana while Sakura fingers it. You'll really have to fight your own wife to get it.
"It's so wet," Sakura says as she spreads Sana's pussy lips. "Touch her for me," you ask as Sakura keeps playing with Sana's clit and cunt. Sana squeaks a little as Sakura places her fingers inside her unnie's clit. "Check that beautiful pink pussy", Sakura says, leading all three of them to giggle. Her inner lips are very meaty, while her outer lips are perfectly shaped for Sakura to place her fingers between them. "I love that pussy," Kazuha says as they keep giggling while Sakura keeps circling her fingers around Sana's pink hole. "Let's put both pussies next to each other," you ask Sakura, wanting to compare Sana's and Zuha's breeding holes. Sakura touches both of them; they are similarly shaped, but Sana's a little meatier, especially on the inner lips. You touch Zuha's pussy while Kkura keeps playing with Sana's. "I think we should eat both of these pussies," Sakura says as she dives into Sana's clit and takes Zuha's pussy away from you. Your wife is truly leaving no crumbs, as she sucks both dry and gets them wet. "Such a good tongue," Sana praises Kkura, moaning hard as Sakura effectively sucks her cunt like a vacuum cleaner. "Sakura-chan, you're so good, fuck," Sana screams as Sakura sweeps her tongue on her.
"Now it's my turn," you tell the girls. "Sit them on the chair," you ask. Sakura does sit Kazuha in the chair and moves to eat her pussy now while Sana kisses the younger one. The teasing continues as they leave you out of their little menage. Zuha gets ganged up with Sakura tonguing her clit while Sana uses her hand on it and gives a little tap on Zuha's honey thighs. "Alright girls, turn around and put your knees in the chair to show me those asses," you ask them, to which they finally oblige. "Now this is what I want," you say as Sana and Zuha get on their knees with their buttocks facing you. Sakura gives Sana's ass some hard spankings while going soft on Zuha's, who is also the first girl you grab to get eaten out.
You dive between Zuha's cheeks, first licking the base of her anal plug. Sana and Sakura kiss the youngest up top while you yank her plug with much ease and start fucking her ass using it, moving the accessory up and down Kazuha's shithole. You move to Sana and do the same thing, but this time sniffing her cheeks. You get amazed at her rose-scented smell and the care Sana takes of her body, to the point that even her dirtiest holes are good-smelling. Just like Sakura before, you struggle to take Sana's plug out of her asshole. "Oh my God, you're really holding onto it," you tell her, leading Sana to gush out a loud giggle. She really does her best to keep it tight, doesn't she?. "Take your time," she tells you, not long before you finally manage to take it off. Her butthole is so small you could struggle to fit a marble inside, let alone a thick cock like yours.
You savor your reward, diving your face straight into Sana's asshole. "Tongue that asshole," Sana orders you as you grab her cheeks while she dunks your head towards her butt. "Bury that face in that ass, baby; it's where it belongs," Sakura tells you as Sana gives a little ass shake. You go deeper, taking not only your tongue but also your nose as you smell Sana's rectum. "That's where your face belongs, right between those ass cheeks," your wife keeps going, demanding you to keep eating Sana's bumhole as you pick up the pace. "That's right, put that tongue in that fucking little asshole." It's Sana's turn to heat you up as she moves her cheeks left and right as you continue to tongue her anus.
"How does that ass taste?" Sakura keeps teasing you, but you don't hear her. The smell of Sana's ass penetrating your nostrils gives you a primal urge to fuck her. Sana can sense it as she puts her head on the kitchen table, bracing herself for an intense anal penetration. However, you surprise her by pointing your massive, thick cock towards her tight, wet cunt. "You can put it in," Sakura says, giving the green light, and any second thoughts you had disappear as you attack Sana's poon hard from the start. Her moans are soft and almost childish; in a way, she's like one of the few girls that can still do aegyo while a massive meat rod stretches her out.
"Let me help spread her ass for you," Sakura says as Sana clearly struggles with the way you stab her tight pussy. Even for a seasoned veteran girl like her, your cock was in the top 1% of intensity, length, and girth, giving her a pounding she had rarely taken. "FUCK! GOSH!" Sana is already screaming as she tries to please herself, placing her own fingers in her clit. Even though Sana is the fucking subject, your eyes are on your wife's. You really don't want Sakura to feel jealous for fucking another girl in a way you had never done to her, even on your honeymoon. "Don't you like how that tight pussy grips your cock?" Sakura asks you. And indeed, you loved it. Sana's pussy really didn't let anything in besides your cock. No queefing was heard, as no air could even get in. The permanent friction makes her hole super wet, but the tightness means your cock fills her to the fullest in a way even she wasn't accustomed to, as she just closes her eyes and rides the pain of each thurst.
You pull out of Sana's pussy and let Kazuha taste the juices out of your cock; her sloppy sucking provides you with the extra lubrication to go back inside Sana's tight hole and also helps her unnie. With a wetter cock and Sana now acclimated to your big prick, your poundings don't result in her feeling pain and almost crying, but rather make her smile and feel delighted. Sana's juice provides the wetness your cock needs, and after a few thursts, you switch to Kazuha's. Unsurpringly, her young pussy is also very tight, but even with an easier entrance, it proves to be a challenger, as she's much less experienced and doesn't have many reps taking a girth 8-inch like yours, unlike Sana.
Luckily for Zuha, you are kinder to her than you were to Sana, grabbing her hot body and providing her a firm grip to hold onto while not going as hard in her pussy. Her biggest challenge is actually taking her unnies and overstimulating her, as Sakura kisses her while Sana sucks her perky little tits. You three provide Kazuha with a rough but passionate experience, with you increasing the pace as Zuha feels more comfortable while Sana kisses her and Sakura now fingers her pussy down under. "Unnies, I think I'm going to cum. Ahhhhhhhh!" Kazuha moans. Indeed, such ovverstimulation was new to her, as she juices flow into your massive instrument and you pull out of her. She feels overwhelmed but smiles at you, especially as you are a gentleman to her, and you help her get out of the chair.
There is more waiting for you, though. Sakura grabs the two other girls by her hands, guiding them towards your house's main hall. You follow them from behind to keep catching a glimpse of their bouncy asses. Just as you guys enter the hall, a fourth woman appears sitting on a chair while fingering her pussy, probably having impure thoughts of all the noise you four had made in that kitchen.
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Mina appeared in white lingerie similar to Sana's, but she had already taken her panties off a long time ago. The pillow under her chair was already wet with her juices. She also holds a dildo, which she licks while staring at you with naughty eyes. "Do you like her?" Sakura asks you, but you have no time for talking. Noticing her meaty cunt as she already has her legs spread and also the butt plug she has craved in her shithole, you get on your knees and eat Mina's clit right from the start. "That pussy is so sweet," Sana tells you while Sakura kisses Mina up top. I guess she has lots of experience tasting it.
As you keep sucking Mina's insides, Sakura takes Minari's bra off, with her still holding the dildo in her mouth. Sana watches you, probably ready to pounce as soon as she gets a chance. For now, she takes Mina's mouth and grabs her tits instead. Sakura and Kazuha are now having fun together as Zuha eats her unnie's pussy, leaving the affair with Mina as a little menage à trois between you, her, and Sana. "Put that ass up," you order Mina, wanting to see her anal plug and cheeks up closer. Mina's ass is so big, it was almost burying the plug out of your sight. You take Mina's perfectly shaved pussy and eat it out, while Sana now holds Mina's dildo and rubs it against her groupmate's clit as you switch your attention to the plug.
You play with Minari's plug, putting it in and out of her ass; meanwhile, Sana shoves the dildo back into Mina's pussy while kissing her. You look up top and see your wife orgasming with the young Kazuha working her tongue in her pussy. As Sakura climaxes, your eyes set sights back into Mina, who grabs your wife's tits while taking the dildo back from Sana and fucking herself in the pussy. You start tonguing Mina's little anus. "Let's eat her out together," you tell Sana, who takes her tongue out like a maniac and vigorously licks Mina's pussy, who now shoves her little toy into Kazuha's mouth. "Let me get a taste of that ass," Sakura tells you as she joins the fun, and Mina now fingers herself, even putting a tad of her fingers in Sakura's mouth while Kazuha is now the one sucking her tits.
Sana leaves her sloppy marks in the dildo, which Mina grabs back and shoves in Kazuha's mouth. As Sakura puts her middle finger up Mina's anus, Sana spits on her groupmate's cunt. Kkura wants more of it, as she now stretches Mina's asshole with two fingers. Sana does the same, but inside Mina's pussy, with the big-assed Japanese-American girl now getting double penetrated by a pair of fingers. Sakura is the first to pull out, making Mina taste her dirty shithole, to which she laughs. Kkura also gives Zuha some sloppy seconds while Sana takes full control of Mina's pussy, as Sakura also spits on it. You then grab the dildo from Sana's hands, who asks.
"What are you gonna do to her? Are you gonna fuck that ass?" Sana asks. Indeed, you were, but first with the dildo shoved up Mina's rectum. "Yes, spit on it; put it in there," Mina orders as the dildo easily slides inside her butthole. "AHHH FUCK!" Mina screams as once again she gets double-stuffed, this time by the dildo and Sana's fingers. "You like how her ass opens up for you? You like how it's getting ready for that dick?" Sakura kisses you, while Mina enjoys the kisses of both Kazuha and Sana. As these two move down to Mina's nipples, you start thursting the dildo up her ass. Now Mina is the one stuffing her fingers inside her own pussy.
"I think it's time to put my cock in there," you say, removing the dildo and feeding it into Kazuha's mouth, then Mina's, finally handing it to Sana as she fucks Mina's face with it. "Which hole do you wanna put it in?" Sakura asks. You choose the asshole. "Yes, put it right there," Mina cheers as you insert your tip in while Kazuha and Sana overstimulate her sucking her tits. Mina asks you to push it deeper as you finger her pussy. It turns out she has a lot of experience taking even the biggest cocks up that fat ass. Sana spanks Minari's pussy and gets some kisses from Sakura as you conquer Mina's anal cavity. "Oh my God!" you scream as Mina's butthole presses hard against your cock while Kazuha and Sana keep sucking the fat ass girl's tits.
"Everybody, let's spit on this dick," Sakura orders, starting it herself, followed by Zuha, Sana, and Mina herself. The three keep trading spits, turning Mina's thighs into a sloppy mess. "Who wants to suck it?" you ask, pulling out of Mina's asshole. Sana is the first to volunteer, as she really enjoys a dirty ass-to-mouth. She grabs your balls and sucks your prick all the way deep, rewarding you with a huge throatfuck that almost makes you cum when Sakura presses Sana's head into your crotch. Thanks to her help, you go back inside Mina's rectum with much more ease. Mina smiles as you stretch her out with an extra spit added by Sana. All three girls team up to help you two, as Kazuha fingers her pussy, Sana kisses her groupmate, and Sakura dives under you to suck your balls as you thurst in and out. Zuha and Sana then trade positions, with the latter spanking Mina's pussy.
"Baby, you're gonna make me cum," you say as Sakura keeps warming up your testicles, getting you ready to release. You have to pull out of Mina's asshole, but Sakura taking your cock in her warm mouth as soon as you do doesn't help much. You put her finger on Mina's pussy while holding herself back from bursting inside your wife's throat. "So you want the best of both worlds," Mina tells you when you pull out of your wife's mouth and put your cock in her pussy. But knowing you were about to explode, Kkura sets you up as she keeps massaging your balls anyway, leading to a very short stint inside Mina's cunt as you release your seeds inside it, taking her by surprise, but she loves it anyway. Lucky for you, Sana is right there to scoop the cum that keeps glued to your cock, taking it in her mouth and leading to you not deflating as soon as you burst.
Sana giggles as she slaps your cock in her face and jerks you off, helping you regain the erection you had just lost. "Come here, I have some more," Sakura says, with you still recovering with Sana's help. It turns out she isn't even halfway done, leading her convoy of girls towards the living room, where a fifth woman, already on all fours on the couch and wearing sexy red lingerie, waits for them.
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Momo's body never ceases to amaze you. She was so small yet could pack a punch that very few idols could. No wonder Sakura's first question as you four approached the living room was a quick "Do you see her ass?". Of course, you did. "Look at this," Sakura said as the four girls surrounded Momo. Her ass was already on full display, and just like everybody else, she had a butt plug in her bumhole. Momo laughed as the four girls praised her body, gifting the young Kazuha her first kiss while Sakura grabbed her ass and her two groupmates watched from above. Sakura, Mina, and Kazuha were the first three to give Momo a lick in the ass, while Sana kissed her and gave Momo a big smile.
"Let's make her wet," Sakura ordered. You're still out of frame trying to recover yourself while watching the girls make out with each other. Kazuha, as the first to also give Momo's pussy a lick, seemed like she really wanted to prove herself to her more experienced unnies. Momo was already being touched left and right like the main course of a buffet, but as Sakura was kissing her, Sana took the initiative and removed her groupmate's anal plug. Momo wasn't very fond of it. "Put it back in," she ordered, as if she were still saving her anus for something bigger. Sana obliged, but not without saying. "Sorry, baby, I just wanted to see how big that asshole is." Indeed, Momo's asshole was the most stretched out of the five, thanks to her longtime reputation as an anal queen. In the naughty underworld of K-pop, every single one of those girls had already been penetrated by multiple cocks at the same time, with the exception of the still-young Kazuha, including a few times when they had two in the same hole. But Momo is one of the few who once endured having three big rods stretch her ass at the same time. You weren't aware of it, but knowing her reputation, the bar to set was really high.
Sana kept plugging in and out of Momo's asshole while Kazuha fingered her pussy and Mina kissed her, then going further and fucking Momo's mouth with her hands and then spitting on her throat. "Show me the fucking whore you are," Mina told her, fisting Momo's throat deep while Sana spanked her butt and Kazuha tongueed her plug. Sana was particularly obsessed with Momo's asshole. "Make it gape," she ordered Kazuha. "One. Two. Three," she counted after Zuha put it back in, and she ordered another removal to spit on Momo's asshole. "Right down that fucking hole," Sana said as she watched her saliva disappear inside Momo's anus. "Such a nice butthole," Sakura said, which made Momo burst into laughter. "I love watching you girls have fun," she continued as once again her groupmates spread Momo's asshole wide open, and it was Mina's turn to spit inside of it.
"Take it out; we are all going to spit in there," Sakura told Kazuha, who held Momo's butt plug. The girls counted to three and spread Momo's ass, hitting her gaping anus from all sides, laughing at her (literally) sorry ass. Sana and Mina were the ones having the most fun. Sakura spiced things up as she did her classic special of putting your middle finger up a girl's pussy once more, leading Momo to let out a few moans. "Oh, yes, please do it," she demanded. "Do it, do it, do it," Sana added. "Spread that fucking asshole. She fucking wants it," she continued. "What she wants is that fucking cock deep inside her," Sana giggled.
Sakura sat on Momo's face, letting her unnie eat her bushy pussy. "She's a hungry slut." Mina and Sana continued to mock her groupmate as they overwhelmed Momo. "Hmm, look at those titties," Mina said as she slapped them while Sakura continued to ride Momo's dumb face, making her moan. "YESSSS!" Momo screamed as Sana put her thumb up her cunt. Momo then bounced Sakura's ass down her face and started eating her butthole as well. Meanwhile, Mina and Sana continued to go out of their minds, with the former conguing Momo's asshole while the latter was eating her pussy, while Sakura took Momo's bra off. Soon, Momo had girls teaming up in her fuckholes. Mina and Kazuha took her big gaping anus, with Sakura following it later, while Sana had her pussy all by herself. The other four girls knew they could go rough on Momo, and she would take it. She was Japan's top fuckhole, the #1 sex toy, and the girl with millions of followers who would do the wildest things just to get a day or night with her.
I guess the wildest thing you did was marry one of her friends. As you reappeared in the frame fully ready, your cock thobbing harder than ever as you watched this whole debauchery between five hot girls. "Open that ass." You already started giving Momo an order, to which she obliged like the good fucktoy she is. "Bring her closer to me." You continued to give orders, which the other girls followed. For the first time, your massive tip appeared in Momo's eyesight. In a rare thing for her, she looked frightened, blessing herself not to get ripped apart by your massive member. Whatever Sakura may have told her, it truly made one of the fearless girls you've ever met scared. Momo backed off a little, with the girls having to send her back in your direction.
Sana gave Momo a little hug as she spat on Sana's pussy and then started fucking Sana's mouth with her hands. Until she suddenly screamed. "YES. Yes, yes," she said as a tsunami of sensations emanated from her asshole. It was just the tip of your cock getting inserted in her. You couldn't say you didn't feel a bit pressured watching Momo feel so scared of your pole, to the point where you now wanted to confirm her fears and much more. "FUCK!!!!!" she screamed and dove into Sana's pussy to cope with the pain, even though out of your 8 inches, only a quarter were even inside her. Mina was the one enjoying a privileged view of it, as she grabbed both Momo's cheeks and stared at your crotch.
Your dick slipped out of Momo's butthole, giving her temporary relief. It didn't last long. "Come on, Momo, don't be shy, and bounce on his cock," Mina told her. You firmly grabbed Momo's ass and managed to put your length halfway inside as you started drilling her asshole. Momo truly had guts made of steel, given that as soon as your cock entered inside her, the gaping anus she once exibited immediately shut down. Mina dove into Sana's pussy, leaving Momo to fend for herself against your monster cock. "OH GODDDDD!" Momo screamed as you now had 6 out of 8 inches inside her. Just like with Mina, Sakura provided the heat on your balls as you kept pumping, but even though Momo's ass was a little smaller than her younger groupmate, it proved to be a much tougher challenge.
The stimulation Sakura provided to Momo's pussy was what eventually made things easier for you. Your wife's magic fingers made Momo weaker, and her asshole started caving as your cock kept pounding. "Please, please, please," she begged at the same time Sana was having an orgasm in front of her, thanks to the intensity with which Mina was eating her pussy. You pulled out of Momo's asshole for a second and let Kazuha clean your cock, as it seemed she was enjoying tonguing her unnie's ass. Momo tried to recover as the Le Sserafim angels teamed up on your cock, joining Mina on the stimulation of Sana, effectively splitting them into their groups. But it wasn't going to last long, as the only thing that was going to be split were Momo's holes in half.
You put your cock inside Momo again, but this time switching holes. Her pussy was very easy to enter compared to her asshole, but she was still screaming, "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" Momo yelled as you now stretched her vagina, her ass cheeks full of hands as Sana's and Mina's joined yours. "Stretch that cunt wide fucking open," Mina demanded while Sana moved back and kissed Momo passionately. Momo kept praying to God as Sakura now appeared under her and licked her clit and your shaft at the same time. "Yes, hit those balls on her chin and Momoring's pussy." Mina kept cheering as she used Momo's ass like a pillow. "Let me suck the cock; I wanna suck it", Mina demanded as she licked Momo's anus.
"God, that hole is so fucking warm," you exclaimed as you pulled out of Momo. Mina was quick and took your cock for herself while spitting on Sakura's mouth just under her. "Oh, nice," you said of Mina's blowjoy, which Sakura joined with her classic ball-sucking move. Momo tried to stay out of your range, but Mina kept pushing her, knowing you were a raging bull ready to enter inside her slutty groupmate at any moment as she worked to keep your cock ready. Mina got surprised by a "helping" hand that dunked her head against your crotch, which turned out to be Kazuha's. At the same time, Momo turned around, making it the first time you had a sight of her body frontally. Her big tits and toned abs had you throbbing even harder.
Momo pushed Mina to the side and decided she too wanted to have a taste of herself. "Yes, you slut; taste your dirty holes." Mina talked dirty to her as Momo bobbed her head on your cock while Sakura still tongued your balls. Momo dropped your shaft from her mouth and spat on it. Your out-of-control pole took a swing, hitting Mina's left cheek as she kissed your ball-sucking wife. Sana took advantage of the scuffle and stretched her head out to suck your tip without using her hands, before Mina took it back to herself and resumed to stroke it hard. Momo and Kazuha tenderly kissed each other, not caring about the trio of whores fighting for your cock.
After Mina was done, Sakura took the turn, taking your cock deep in her mouth while Sana licked her neck. Mina kept moving like a maniac, now dunking your wife's head on your shaft. Sana licked her chops as Mina kept shoving Sakura against your crotch. Your wife eagerly took it until she gagged, then swept your cock on her face. "Let me see all these assets; come here; let me see them all," you told them, eliciting a loud cheer from all five. You put Sakura on the couch like she was your personal trophy, grabbing her waist while Mina and Kazuha traded kisses to the right of her. "Line up, ladies," Sakura instructed them as she took the far left side of the couch as you gave her anus a tonguing. "Oh yeah, I love when hubby eats my ass," she said. "Tell me how that tastes; I bet it's dirty," she continued.
You started working your mouth on Kkura's ring, but she would only be the first of many. Kissing and tonguing and giving her a little spanking as you moved to Sana's beautiful tiny asshole, you led her to shake her butt left and right as you licked it. "Eat this dirty fucking ass," Sakura kept saying. All the way on the right side of the couch, Mina and Momo enjoyed each other's mouths. Kazuha was next in the center of the couch. "Why do you still have this stupid plug?" you asked her as the other four laughed. "Let me take it off," you said, staying true to your words as you slowly took Zuha's plug out, unveiling her very tiny hole in the open. "God, look at this tall girl with such a small asshole," you said as you dug your head between Zuha's toned butt cheeks and aggressively tongued it. "Isn't it good?" Sakura asked as she led the girls. Mina was next. Her big fat ass was probably your favorite, diving at full speed to taste it as she also moved it left and right and clinged herself to a needy Momo waiting for her turn.
"Oh My God," you were enchanted by Mina's firm ass and top-notch butthole, but more girls were waiting for you. "The last of the assholes," you said, referring to Momo's, looking at her pair of cavities you had just stretched out a few minutes ago. Momo moved her ass back in your direction and placed her head against the couch's arm, closing her eyes just in case you happened to shove your big cock inside her again while grabbing her cheeks. Your cock truly had inflicted fear in a way she hadn't seen in a long time. But all she got was just a tonguing, just like the other four girls. As you finished the ass-eating session, Mina started twerking, which gave you an idea.
"Shake it for me; shake those asses," you said, spanking your wife's ass first, followed by Sana's. The five girls shook their asses on the couch. It was hard to pick which one did it more enthusiastically, but you really enjoyed Momo, Sana, and Sakura's shakes the most. But all that shaking would be pointless without more fucking. You served your wife first, rubbing Sakura's pussy, which you had used all night long the day before. "Stretched that butt for me," you demanded of Sana, who was right on her side. "In the ass?" you rethorically asked Sakura as she spread her anus with her left hand. "Yes, I wanna see that fucking whore take it in the ass," Sana said as you gave Kkura a little tease with your tip. before finally sticking your cock in the hole she denied you during that almost perfect night yesterday.
Sana gave Sakura's butt a bite as you shoved your cock in. "What a beautiful fucking sight," Sana said as you made Kkura scream with your girthy cock, as Sana muffled it with a kiss for your wife. Sakura truly hadn't saved her ass for no reason, as her hole looked super tight. "Spread it open," you ask Sana, who now serves as your assistant right beside Sakura. Sana placed her hands on Kkura's ass while also licking her armpits. "In and out of your whore wife just like that," damn, Sana was good at dirty talking, and you reward her by shoving your cock on your mouth to taste Sakura's dirty butthole. Sana retributed by spitting on Sakura's ring as she kept repeating those words while Mina was having fun eating Kazuha's ass in the background.
You grabbed Sana's neck and put her back on the couch. "Spread her asshole." You gave the command for Sakura while still fucking her, setting the tone for who was next in line. It turns out your wife is the only one that can gape Sana's tiny o-ring. "Let me fuck it," you say as Kazuha rests on Sana's ass. "Look at that beautiful asshole," the youngest says. However, even with Sakura's help, you struggle to hit Sana's hole, which quickly clenches, leading you to miss your first attempt at reaching paradise. But with a little help from Kazuha's spit and you firmly grabbing Sana's butt, you finally get there. Sana squeezes you from the start with barely the tip in; fucking her ass will be like drilling a steel wall.
Sana smiles as you insert your big prick inside her. She loves taking it up in the ass and starts moving her hips as soon as she spots a cock inside her holes. But this time you want to be the one doing the pounding, pushing it with all your might against her steel-esque cavity. You can barely put half your length in as Sana's hole shuts down around your tip immediately, crushing it in a way that would make any ordinary man cum at the spot. But you're different from the rest, and you keep pushing despite the resistance her tight hole gives you. "So good, so good, so good," you keep repeating almot as a coping mechanism to not cum, while Mina and Kazuha make sure to please Sana and finger her unnie's cunt.
"Okay, your turn next." You give up trying to stretch Sana's hole; there is still lots of time to go. Kazuha is next in line. If her ass is like her pussy you just fucked, you're in for a treat. But first, you make sure to sniff her clean hole, which she loves. Mina spreads Zuha's ring open, as it offers little resistance to your cock. "Holy fuck, that's so fucking good," Kazuha says as all her unnies make sure to help her, with Mina and Momo fingering her pussy, Sakura giving her a good rest on her shoulders, and Sana licking your tip alongside Zuha's ass, showing she was truly a fearless cock-lover and didn't bother putting herself on the line against your throbbing dick pounding any girl hard.
"That's fucking sexy," Sana says as you stretch Zuha's ass. "Hmmmm," all girls react at Sana's words; they love the way she talks dirty, don't they? Sana and Mina trade smiles at each other while Momo sucks Zuha's little tits as the Twice girls take care of their flexible angel friend. Sakura chimes in as she kisses Momo, while Sana sticks her tongue, ready for another ass-to-mouth from a Le Sserafim girl. "Let me fucking taste it; let me taste that asshole from your fucking cock," Sana asks and promptly receives, bobbing her head on your big prick as soon as you pull out of Kazuha.
"Let me get her next," you say as you're ready for a second round at the biggest butt of the quintet. The little Minari is ready; her eyes brighten as her turn comes, giving you her signature twerking as you eat her asshole. Mina moans as you insert your tip in her butthole, while Kazuha comes under her to eat her pussy. The girls cheer as Mina meets your thrusts with more twerking. Momo wants a taste of it as she rests her head on Minari's big, fat butt, begging for it. But you ignore her, focusing on Mina's ring as you keep clapping her cheeks.
Momo finally gets her wish but wants you to bring it back as soon as possible, taking a privy view of the anal pounding you give to her younger groupmate. "I want to taste that ass so bad before you fuck me," Momo tells Mina. Damn, this dumb bimbo is insatiable, you think to yourself. Mina's ass is an easy one to fuck, but you love how round and fat it is—truly a work of the gods. You pull out a little to tease Momo but deny her request, putting it back on for a few extra pumps; after all, there is never too much when it comes to Mina's butt.
You give Momo's ass a little tap, signaling she's next. The final girl on this anal casting couch had to get something special. And you made sure to give it to her. Momo pushed her body closer to your cock, giving it easy entrance as you had already gaped her hole. But she didn't see what was going to come next, as you mounted on her like a bull does to a cow, taking even Mina, who was to the side of her, by surprise. At that point, Momo knew she'd regret asking for that cock. "OH MY GODDDD!" she screamed as you took her hard from the start. No one was gonna help her except for a sneaky Mina who decided to lick her unnie's stretched cunt. Momo was all yours—the perfect submissive sex toy, like she is always ready to be. She can only pray as your monster cock fills every inch of her asshole. Momo loves the pain. "It feels so good," she says, as you increase the pace while Mina heats your balls up before you get so rough that you insert your whole sack deep inside Momo's sore butthole.
"AHHHHHHH~" Momo screams as her voice cracks. Your bull is worth the same as a trio of cocks stretching her ass out. The tiny dancer can only brace herself as you continue the rampage. You don't want this bitch to walk after this, and if you didn't have the other four horny girls to please, you'd probably stay the whole way, just fucking her shithole. "OH, OH, OH," Momo screams as you finally pull out of her ass, ripping it apart as your cock leaves her swollen hole. Sakura is there to taste her best friend's dirty asshole as soon as possible, diving into your cock. Momo also gets on her knees to taste herself, paying special attention to your now dirty balls, which makes Sana let out a huge laugh as she watches both team up on your cock as she kisses Kazuha. Mina soon joins in and wants a taste of Momo as well. They really like that little dancer, don't they? But Momo is the one who wants it the most, taking your whole shaft all by herself and pushing the other four aside.
"I wanna hear you choke on that dick Momoring," Mina tells her as Momo deepthroats you like a maniac. "Give me those balls." Sakura acts like a jealous wife and takes your cock away from Momo, who gets up just fine from your hard pounding. Maybe you need to go harder next time. "Let's suffocate him with our oshiris," Sakura tells them as she puts her ass in your right cheek, with Momo joining from the other side, Kazuha in your forehead, and Mina at your chin. Sana tries to sneak in, but she can't; these butts are just too big and leave her twerking in the air, but you still make sure to find hers. Sakura gets the privileged spot as the wife, fully twerking on your whole face now. "So many asses; that's a lot of asses for one lucky guy," she giggles as you take Mina's big butt for a treat too.
"I want to get smothered," you tell them. "As you wish," Sakura replies, as Mina and Kazuha are the ones taking the most of your face now. You sniff their butts in a clockwise direction, starting with Mina's, followed by Momo's, Zuha's, Kkura's, and finally Sana's, only interrupting them as you ask the next question.
"So who wants to suck my dick?" you say as all five girls answer positively. "Gives us that dick, please, please," Momo is the biggest beggar, as the girls now sit on the couch. All five girls get on their knees, but Momo and Sakura start ahead, with your wife taking her preferred spot at your balls while Momo sucks your shaft. But there is room for everybody as they move to the side for Kazuha to suck it, Mina emerges sucking your balls, and Sana appears at the bottom of the pile, rimming your asshole. Somehow they managed to have all their mouths at the same time, sucking that pole, despite the very confined space. Soon you find out what a dream Misamo triple blowjob looks like as the first two take on your dick by the side while Momo emerges like a thirsty whore to suck that tip.
You can't help but feel overwhelmed as Sana almost rips your balls apart while Momo engulfs your massive sword like it's nothing. Soon Kazuha emerges as the main cocksucker, with Sana bobbing her head against your crotch. Finally, Sana gets her turn to be the main girl, and you regret not doing it earlier, as her no-hands blowjob makes you tremble, especially with the aid of Mina licking your shaft beside her, before she lets Mina take her turn and dunks her head just like she did to Kazuha. "Look at that fucking slut gagging on that cock," Sana says as she and Mina get between your legs once more, and bubbles come out of Minari's mouth as Momo holds her younger groupmate's nose while she gags.
"Let me stand up," you tell them, but as you do, Sana is already backing down and sucking your dick once again without needing her hands. You're soon fully surrounded again, with Momo and Mina to your left, Sana in the center gagging on your cock, and Kkura and Zuha to the right. "You like that, hubby? Five mouths all over your dick and  balls."Sakura asks. "Oh, yes, so good," is all you can say, your head empty of any thoughts at this point. "Fuck her pretty face," the girls tell you as Sana's mouth is too hard for you to resist and you push your cock deep in her throat. You then start passing your cock around each girl's mouths as if they are glory holes to stick your dick on and nothing else. They might be.
"So many warm mouths," you tell them. But there is much more to go. "Get on the edge of the couch," you tell them as they line up once again. This time the couch is empty, and you'll be the only one using it. You start right where you finished last time, mounting on Momo this time to fuck her slutty face. Sana's eyes brighten as you top her whore groupmate while she sucks Momo's big tits. But Momo looks so dizzy that her mouth shuts as soon as you get in. You move next to Sana, who's much more eager to take a pounding until your cock bulges in her throat. Next is Kazuha, who, it turns out, has a pretty flexible throat as well. Minari follows suit as she bubbles all over your dick. For your wife, you decide to be different and just kiss her tits, already having your next move in mind.
"Who wants to make my wife cum?" you ask all the girls. "YESSSS!" they scream in unison, surrounding Sakura as Mina licks and spits on her pussy. Sana follows suit and eats Sakura's ass. Soon, Momo kisses Sakura while Kazuha sucks her unnie's beautiful boobs as you just watch, getting ready for another round. "HOLY FUCK. What the  hell?"Sakura screams as Mina and Sana tongue her pair of fuckholes to perfection and soon find themselves sticking their fingers on them. "Fuck her cunt and asshole," you tell both as they stick their fingers deep into Kkura. "Oh God, I wanna fucking cum," Sakura says as Momo looks at her romantically and gives her a triple kiss alongside Kazuha. "OHHHHH HOLY FUCK!" Sakura screams as her juices fly into Mina and Sana's mouths, and she orgasms.
The girls laugh as they successfully please your wife. Sana pulls one of her dirty little tricks and kisses Sakura's butthole, making her scream. "You girls did a good job; now it's my turn," you say as Sakura lies on the couch, Mina still with hands on her pussy. Sakura lifts her legs as you take her in the ass, with Mina still in your cock's line of sight as she remains addicted to your wife's pussy. Sana keeps her fearless spirit as she sucks on your balls even with your relentlessly pounding your wife's rectum, making Sakura scream as if she were some elite vocalist.
"You like it?" you ask Sakura as you choke her. "YESSS!" she screams, looking at you with her eyes full of lust. "FUCK. FUCK ME HARDER," she keeps screaming. Mina and Sana are the most enthusiastic, as they share a privileged view of you manhandling Sakura, spitting at every opportunity they can. You give your wife hot kisses as a depraved Momo now licks Sakura's dirty toes. "AHHH, THAT'S SO FUCKING HOT!" Sakura keeps screaming as Mina puts the heat up and finger fucks her. "Suck it, suck it," you tell the Twice pairing as Mina tastes Sakura's asshole while Sana literally grabs you by the balls with her nasty mouth.
"Let's bring the next fuck, Momoring," you say. Judging by the last few times, the girls know something insane is about to happen. And they were right, as you quickly smashed into Momo's worn-out butthole balls deep from the start. It truly is your favorite hole of all the 15 you have at your disposal. Mina and Sana stay down low and finger her groupmate's cunt. Momo gets jackhammered as you pump in and out of her rectum more than five times each second while groping her cowbells up top. Kazuha joins the remaining Twice girls under Momo, and they take turns fingering her pussy as your balls smack her clit full speed. "OH GOD," Momo begs as you spank her tits, while Sakura sits on her face to let Momo scream all over her wet cunt.
"You fucking like that in your ass?" Sakura asks Momo, who screams just like she did before. Her big tits are now your playground as you smack, suck, grope, and spank them with no regard. Momo is almost falling out of the couch, holding herself by her right leg as you continue to destroy her. "Fucking hot that whore getting pounded like that," Sana laughs as she taps Momo's pussy while Mina is now the one getting smashed in the face by your hammering balls. "That fucking asshole will never be the same," Sana says, impressed at the speed with which you pound Momo even after many minutes. "Pound it, pound it, pound it," both Sakura and Mina say. Japan's top sex toy, Hirai Momo, is all yours, and you can't help but feel on top of the world as you give her an anal orgasm with one final deep and long thrust.
Sana is already waiting with her mouth as soon as you pull out, taking on her favorite butthole like a champion. "Who wants to go next?" you ask as Sana still hogs your cock in her mouth. "I think Minari should go now; that fat ass needs a hard pounding," Sakura says as Mina takes the same spooning position on the couch as Momo and her. "Give it to me," Mina begs as she rests her head on Momo's tummy while her groupmate is fingering Mina's cunt before you even get in her asshole. You slip a little trying to get in, but Sana's helping hand ensures it isn't long before you're pounding Mina's fat ass once more. You give Mina no rest, fucking her as if you were going for another round with Momo. Big asses ask for rough pounds after all. Sana loves it the most as she licks Mina's pussy while your flying balls hit her cheeks multiple times.
"Can you take this dick like a good submissive whore?" Momo asks Mina while slapping her face, bragging that she survived the rampage you gave her just a couple minutes ago. "Yes, Momoring, I can take... FUCK." Mina can't finish the sentence as you turn up a notch. As Momo shuts Mina's screaming mouth down, Sana and Sakura giggle at each other as they team up on your cock. Holy shit does Sakura love licking her hubby's balls because she's doing it again? Mina has to use her whole strength to survive the four whores surrounding her and your big cock obliterating her rectum. Momo and Kazuha join and help you grope her little tits. "FUUUUCCKKKKK" is all she can say. Her rodeo with your bull doesn't last long as you finish her just like you did Momo, a deep thust that makes her cum.
This time, Sakura is the one who arrives first at the crime scene and does the traditional ass-to-mouth greetings. "Fuck yes, that was insane," Mina says as she steps down. "Alright, who's next?" Sakura asks, acting as the leader of the five whores. "I want the best rider on the team; who is she?" you ask. "SANA! SANA! SANA!" the other girls start to chant as this time you sit on the couch with your pole fully erected. Sana's tight hole has been a challenge for you all day, so much so that even she misses it. "Please put it in," she says, using her cute aegyo voice, and lets Mina insert that throbbing dick in her anus. "Spit on it," Sakura orders, as she and Momo also give Sana a helping hand.
You finally manage to impale Sana, as the surroundings of her asshole quickly turn red with your dick under it. But she bounces hard on your erection nonetheless, even attempting a little twerking and tilting her butt a little to hit the best spots of her rectum. Mina chimes in and licks your shaft while Sana's cute ass smashes her face, before moving up and licking Sana's cock-filled butthole. "Let's fucking do it!" Sakura cheers on Sana, who now takes your cock full length in her ass. You can't resist and try to do your best to drill her tight butthole, as you now thurst upwards and make Sana squeal at each pounding. Momo appears and sits on your face while silencing Sana with a few kisses, making you have a used-up asshole to eat with your tongue and a tight asshole gripping your cock at the same time.
Sakura appears suddenly and is now the one sitting on your face as you eat her cunt, which you used up so well last night, while Sana resumes her ride with the help of Momo. "Yes, spread my asshole," she begs as Momo pushes her down your pole until your cock finally slips out, letting Mina take a turn sucking Sana's anal juices. Mina tries to put it back in as Sana commands, but she almost puts it in her pussy instead, trying to find the already shut-down hole. "Come on, Minaring," Momo says as the Twice trio works together for Sana to have another ride as you two challenge each other with you impaling Sana from down low while she bounces as hard as she can from up top.
"Take it, take it, take it," Sana orders as soon as she pulls out, letting Momo have her moment with her clean asshole as Mina is right there for some sloppy seconds, the Misamo trio working as a perfect unit. "Give it back to me," Sana orders, still not done with your cock. "It's so fucking deep; keep pounding; pump it until I cum," she says until you finally manage to reach the depths of her anus and make her cum, as she instantly puts her hands in her asshole right after. It had been a while since a cock had made her this sore.
As Sana finishes her insane ride and Mina tastes Sana's butthole from your cock, before Sana does it herself as well, while Sakura continues to ride on your face, you start wondering something. "Where is Kazuha?" you ask, but it gets muffled under Kkura's cunt before trying a second time but not finishing as Mina and Sana team up on your cock and make you groan. As the least experienced of the five, Zuha has barely appeared in your sights lately, with Sakura and the Misamo trio handling most of the action. You finally find her, as she looks a bit lost trying to sneak between the Twice girls and suck your dick.
"Come here, baby girl," you tell Kazuha, kissing her in an almost consoling manner for leaving her out of the action. Mina comes under Zuha's tall body and licks her asshole, preparing the youngester for the upcoming pounding. Zuha turns around and sits on your lap as Sana guides your cock towards the youngster's tight ass. Zuha pants as your cock starts impaling her insides as Momo tries to comfort her by fingering her pussy. The girls cheer as your length disappears inside Kazuha's ass, Mina once again appearing to lick more pussy. "Yes, fuck that ass," Sakura commands as you push your dick up Zuha's hole. Meanwhile, Sakura and Sana take some time to have fun together as your wife sits on Sana's beautiful face.
Zuha struggles with your massive cock, twisting and screaming at each strike as you go harder and harder on her. Mina and Momo laugh at her as they are the experienced ones who have taken many of those poundings. Momo now kisses Zuha while Mina takes on the duties of fingering her pussy and grabbing your thursting cock by the balls. You take a much slower approach with Zuha, but her lack of experience shows as she feels the heat in her ass in a much easier way than the other four girls. Sakura then lifts Zuha's legs, leaving her even more defenseless. Zuha approves of it despite never taking such a rough fucking before. The girls really treat it as her innitiation, as Mina places her full hand inside Kazuha's tight pussy while Momo fingers her clit, making Zuha scream even harder.
"OH MY GOD, PLEASE KEEP GOING!" Kazuha screams as your cock and the girls' hands overwhelm her. "Look at that slut being destroyed by hubby's big cock!" Sakura cheers and laughs at her groupmate. Mina and Momo keep providing full stimulation, as the former now sucks Zuha's perky, erect nipples while Momo kisses the youngster's neck and keeps fingering her cunt. "SHIT!" Kazuha curses as Sana caresses her thighs before penetrating her as well, her long nails hitting the depths of Zuha's orgasming pussy. The Misamo trio keeps bringing the heat, as all three now have their hands touching Zuha's vaginal area.
"Make this slut cum," Sakura orders as the three Twice girls continue to work on Zuha's body. Momo now kisses her tits while Mina keeps penetrating Zuha, while Sana now kisses and chokes the youngster. "You fucking dirty slut," Sakura says as she now takes on the role of choking Zuha while Mina and Momo take turns rimming your asshole. It isn't long before they make your wife's order come true as Zuha finally cums, leading to a fight to see who will taste her ass. Sana arrives first, but it's Momo and Sakura who take the most of it before they leave Zuha for a few sloppy seconds as she bobs her head hard on your dick.
"You want another turn?" you ask Sana, feeling like you have unfinished business inside her tight hole. Sana spreads her legs as the other girls surround her. Mina keeps being the nastiest as she spits on her unnie's pink pussy. You finger Sana's butthole, attempting to loosen it up. Momo tries to help, but you decide you have no more time to wait, pushing her to the side as you stick your cock back inside Sana's asshole, struggling to stick even the tip. Mina watches from a panoramic view, her head right at Sana's tight cunt. "God damn it," Sana curses as she starts fingering herself, waiting for your hard pounding.
"I fucking love that," Sana says as Momo is now the one sticking her hands in her pussy. You and Momo move in perfect sync, penetrating Sana as she giggles at every kiss you two give her. You grip Sana by her thighs as you increase the pace, while Mina joins Momo to put a second hand inside Sana's pussy. You finally manage to hit full speed as Sana's butthole loosens up just enough for you to drill it deeper, her face and skin turning redder than her anus as you keep going. Sana becomes a screaming machine as Sakura somehow manages to sneak her hand inside her pussy as well.
"Please give me, give me, give me," Sana continues as your cock goes in and out of her tight shithole in full swing, taking long but fast and deep thursts each time. Her tight hole squeezes you so hard you have to stay collected, not cum, using Mina's mouth as a relief a few times as you pull out of Sana before sticking back in for a harder pounding. Mina now has full control of her unnie's meaty pussy, making sure to eat out every single one of Sana's folds until she cums. Mina spreads Sana's pussy lips and tongues her pussy even deeper as you stay put. You two are now working in tandem to make Sana reach her orgasm.
Sakura joins in as the helpful wife, kissing you as you continue to stretch Sana's asshole out. "Hubby likes this dirty slut's tight hole," she says, now resting her arms on Sana's head as she provides her with a cushion for your rough pumps. As Sana finally cums, you dive to taste her tight, squirting pussy, not giving a waiting Mina a chance to be the first as you reward the beautiful Osaka girl with licks that make her gush more and more juices out of her babyhole. You finally give Mina a chance to lick it as you move to Sana's red and sore asshole, appreciating the work you just did in there. "Put your tongue in there," you then order Mina as Kazuha's large hands now rest under Sana's pussy.
Mina makes sure to eat Sana's anus as much as possible, searching for the taste of your cock there. You give the girls some time to enjoy themselves, as Sakura is now eating Sana's pussy while Momo sucks her tits and Kazuha kisses her. Seeing your wife on her knees while eating another pussy makes your primal instincts take over you as you shove your prick inside Sakura's asshole without warning. "WHAT? AHHHHH  FUCKKKK! Sakura screams as your thorbbing tip pokes her hole. You go all-in from the start, doing to Sakura what you just did to Momo the first time. Sakura spreads her ass, trying to loosen it up, while Mina, always her, is right there to watch.
Dueling screams ensure in your couch as you drill Sakura's ass while Momo and Kazuha eat Sana out and attempt to make her cum again. "FUCK, YOU'RE SO DEEP IN MY ASS," Sakura says as Mina now kisses and bites your wife's shiny butt. You want to make sure to make up for the lost time, ramming Sakura at full force. She has to cling to Momo's big tits in her face, biting them so hard that Momo lactates on Sakura's mouth. "Look at that fucking little asshole taking that whole big cock," Sana says dirtyly as she watches you destroy Sakura. "Look at her taking the whole fucking thing," she continues as she rests her head on Sakura's shaking butt, giggling with her tongue out while Mina fingers your wife's cunt.
"Keep that fucking asshole; stretch it out to the fullest," Sana adds. "Show your hubby the fucking whore you are," she keeps going while Momo now dives under to eat Sakura's pussy. You let her and Mina taste your dirty cock before going back inside Sakura's used-up cornhole. Mina swaps her saliva with Sana while Kazuha spits on her unnie's ass. "Put it back in her," Momo demands, enjoying the pounding she once took, and now you're delivering it to your wife. But you have different plans and want them to make your wife cum. "Lick her pussy," you ask Momo, who's followed by Mina and Sana eating Sakura's ass. Sakura and Momo now perform a 69 with your wife on top as you enjoy them licking each other.
"Fuck, you're making me so wet," Sakura tells the other girls as her hands fist Momo's meaty pussy. Mina now licks Sakura's ass by herself, and you decide to push her deeper into it as you start pounding her massive ass. The chain is now complete as Sana kisses Sakura, then Kazuha sucks her groupmate's tits, and Momo eats your wife's pussy while you bury Mina's mouth in Sakura's asshole at each thurst you give in her ass. It doesn't take long until Sana abandons the other girls to watch you destroy her little fucktoy groupmate, licking her chops as her nails finger Mina's pussy and she spits on her ass cheeks.
"Get on the floor. Let's play a little game," Sakura says as she takes your cock out of Mina's butthole and puts you to the ground. "You're gonna get 4 levels of riding: easy, medium, hard, and extreme, and you can't cum or you'll have to clean up this whole mess we're making. Let's start". Momo is the first to sit on your hard cock as the easy challenger, as you already had loosened up her butthole so much. Her ass is extremely sore, and she can barely walk, but she takes on the challenge of getting impaled. "Put that dick in that fat ass and ride that cock," Sakura says as the girls spank Momo's big butt. "Fucking juicy ass bouncing on that dick," Sana follows.
Momo doesn't last long before she collapses, her asshole completely sore after taking so much of your big cock. Mina tastes her unnie's dirty asshole, and then Momo rewards you with a deepthroat. "That's a great fucking cock," she says. Sakura steps up next, right after you have already used her worn-out hole a lot, but not as much as Momo's. "Spread that ass," she tells the other girls as you impale your hot wife. "Tell me how good this feels," Momo asks. "It feels like my hubby has such a massive cock," Sakura replies. Mina and Kazuha team up to do the spanking while Momo pushes Sakura's ass down your crotch.
Sakura quickly ends her run, tasting her hole alongside Mina right after. "So Sharon is the ass taster of the group," you say as Sana spits on your meat for Kazuha to be the next. Her tight, young ass could be the one that makes you cum. "She's got such an amazing ass," Momo says as she spanks Zuha's cheeks, and Sana and Mina take a bite of it as Kazuha starts to ride. Momo pushes Zuha's ass down as the young girl starts to scream. Kazuha gets too carried away as your cock ends up slipping out of her asshole, leading to a queefing sound coming from her tight ring. Momo and Mina are right there to taste it, but Kazuha wants something as well.
You start to pant and wonder if you could survive the extreme level as Sana prepares to sit on your boner. "Poke this slutty asshole," Momo orders to Mina, who spits on Sana's tiny body while licking your tip at the same time. Mina keeps missing Sana's tight entrance to the point where Sana takes control and puts it in herself. She's so eager that your cock slips out after just a couple bounces, forcing Mina to push it back in with a little sloppy help from Momo. Sana twerks on your cock as Mina decides to be her ass-kisser and worship her butt. The more the other girls spank Sana, the harder she bounces.
"Are you gonna cum all over this fucking dick?" Momo asks but at the wrong person. You're now the one who has to use all your strength not to fill Sana's tight butthole with your seeds. "Cum, cum, cum, cum," Momo repeats, but instead of Sana, he is inducing you to think about it nonstop. You pull out just in time to escape a romp of cum coming out of your canal, getting eased up as the five girls surround your cock to suck it. Mina and Sana take the most of it, like usual, as they warm up your cock for the grand finale.
"Time to empty those balls in your hot wife or you'll be sleeping in the cold," Sakura says as Sana sucks your shaft while Mina puts the heat on your balls. Sana guides your cock right into Sakura's butthole. "Shove it as deep as you can," she says as she starts eating Sakura's pussy. You are very close but want to last a little longer, taking pauses to feed Sana's mouth with your cock. Meanwhile, Sakura is having her best time as Mina now sits her fat ass in her face while Kazuha licks Minari's ass. Momo is now completely out of the picture, dealing with her sore asshole.
You come close once more but use Sana's mouth to bail you out at the last minute, teasing Sakura that she'll need more to earn your cum. But Sana is selfish and takes your cock deep in her throat, making you almost give in on the spot, leading you to take the safer route and pound Sakura as hard as you can. Sana finger's Sakura's now squirting cunt, sticking her tongue out to taste the juices. Your wife's orgasm is too much for you to handle, as her clenching butthole makes you finally cover her anal walls with your white paint.
Sakura releases the cum out of her ass into your recently bough carpet as the four girls fight among each other for a taste of it. Sakura gives you a big smile and licks your shaft before you request something from them.
"I wanna see the girls asses one final time," you say as the girls now get on their knees on the couch. "Yes, you are the king of our asses," Sakura responds as the girls line up. You compliment all the girls.
"Thanks for such a tight hole, Sana. Sakura, you're the best wife ever. Mina, I... don't even have words to describe that ass. Zuha, you're a star in the making. And Momo, it should be illegal to have an ass so dangerous." 
"Stand up," you ask the girls as they gape their pounded asshole for you to check. Sana's butthole is completely red and stands out the most, but Mina's and Momo's aren't far behind. "I think that's it for today, hubby," Sakura says as the girls bow to your cock and crown you their oshiri king.
"Only for today; tomorrow is a different story." Momo finishes as the girls head towards the shower, disappearing from your view. "I'm truly a lucky bastard," you think as a familiar voice interrupts your thoughts.
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kookslastbutton · 3 months
what love feels like ༓ myg (m)
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✑ Summary: Being a mother to a beautiful baby girl and wife to an adoring husband is the most rewarding feeling in the world. But you also work a full-time job, are overtired most of the time, stressed, don't have any alone time, look very different than eight years ago, and sex? Well, that hasn’t happened in weeks. The gravity of the situation weighs on you until one day, all of your deepest insecurities rear their ugly head–that your husband might not love you as much anymore and someone could take him away from you.
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Pairing: husband!yoongi x reader
AU/genre: angst, fluff, smut, marriage au
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 6.7k+
Warnings: swearing, both Yoongi and oc are in their 30s, mom and full-time worker!oc, reserved!dad!yoongi, lack of intimacy, mentions of body insecurities post-pregnancy, mentions of fear of abandonment, mentions of jealousy. irrational worries, built-up stress, light fighting, silent treatment, stubbornness, lots of reassurance, nightmares, cute backstory of how they met, a lot of ily, Yoongi and oc being good parents 🥹, Yoongi calls oc doll, and explicit sexual content
sexual warnings: swearing, kissing, neck kisses, pleading, banter, dirty talk, doll petname, asking for consent, b**b squeezing & sucking, hair threading, penetration, f*ngering, big d*ck!yoongi, growling, missi*nary, eye contact, tearing up, c*ming together
Now Playing: Breathing by Anne Marie
a/n: Okay this was for Yoon's bday. Based on the poll, husband!Yoon won. Was intended to be a Drabble but well...heh 😅 Anyway, I had a lot of fun writing this fic and Yoon is just such a good hubby for responding well to these very relatable insecurities. (Low-key love this couple...) I'm sorry for any typos or warnings i missed! I checked and double checked but a few might have slipped. Enjoy! Anyway please enjoy! 🥰
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“So, you're Jia's father, huh? I don’t think I've seen you here before, and I’m sure I would have recognized you.”
With his back straight and arms folded, Yoongi gives the woman in front of him a quick once-over. Mid-40s, freshly single, and definitely in need of some companionship. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out; she’s been talking his ear off for the past twenty minutes like he’s some kind of remedy to all her problems.
Honestly, he just swung by to pick up his four-year-old from daycare after another grueling day at work. But the moment he walked in, it was as if all the single moms latched onto him like a flock of hungry geese. This one’s name is Sandra in particular.
It reminds him of his college basketball days, how the cheerleaders all too eagerly swarmed around him after sinking the winning shot at the championship game. Shame he was too busy eyeing the girl in the stands to care, her face buried behind a book twice as big as her head. Who reads an 800-page novel during the playoffs anyway?
Fate, as one may call it, intervened about a week later when his best friend became said girl’s lab partner. Yoongi didn’t make any sudden moves at first, but well, he did make her his wife three years later.
“It’s just so nice to finally meet the father of such a sweet child. Especially considering how many dads tend to take a backseat in their child's early years.” Is she still going on? Yoongi does his best to stay present, though it’s proving unsuccessful. “And Jia truly is an angel! It’s clear you’re doing a wonderful job raising her, even with a full-time job and all.”
Yoongi’s eyebrows knit together at the somewhat odd choice of words. “Thanks,” he drawls out, noticing her pupils dilating with every breath. “Most of the credit goes to my wife though. She’s a great mom to Jia.”
“Jia’s m-mom?” Sandra stutters, her mouth slightly agape. Yoongi senses the gears turning in her head as she struggles to process the unexpected presence of his wife. Tempting as it is, he holds down a smirk. Of course, he’s a happily married man–for nearly eight years now.
“Yeah,” he replies simply. “She’s usually the one to pick up our daughter from daycare, but she’s been working a lot of overtime lately. I thought I'd come instead so she can get some rest."
“Oh, well that’s very–“
“Daddy! Daddy, you’re here!” The sound of a familiar high-pitched voice, along with a light pattering of feet, diverts both adult’s attention.
“Hey kid.” Yoongi effortlessly lifts the small child once in front of him, securing her in his arms. “Have fun today?”
Jia gives an enthusiastic nod, bright red ribbons in her hair bouncing cutely as she does. Proudly, she shows him the drawing she made.
“See? It’s me, you, and mommy!” She makes sure to point to each part of the picture with her pointer finger.
Yoongi gently takes the artwork from his daughter’s hand and lets out a soft chuckle. “Now this is what I call a masterpiece! Mommy’s gonna love hanging this one on the fridge. How about I hold onto this and you go grab your backpack, okay?”
As soon as Jia’s feet touch the carpeted floor again, she races off to her cubby in the far corner of the room. Yoongi shoots Sandra a final glance before slowly following behind. “We got to get going, but nice meeting you.”
“You…too.” Sandra’s response is more than disappointed as she watches the father-daughter duo make their way out of the building. Evidently, Min Yoongi isn’t the single dad she originally assumed. Funny, she swore there wasn’t a wedding band in sight. Maybe she missed it.
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“No, I’m sorry but I’m certain we haven’t used any of your services in the last six months. My husband canceled it in late October.”
With one hand, you grip your cell phone up to an ear while the other pops open the dishwasher. You’ve been on the phone with the cable company for half an hour, trying to make sense of an unexpected charge that appeared on your bank account this morning. You consider yourself more patient than most, yet after working all day, a pile of laundry waiting to be washed, and dinner threatening to burn on the stove, the last thing you have time for is arguing with your old service provider.
“I understand, ma’am, and I apologize for any confusion. I’m taking a look at my records and they’re all showing me that—oh wait a second.”
The young man on the opposite end of the line interrupts his own thought, piquing your concern in the process.
“What did you say your last name is?”
You answer and in an instant, you’re met with a thousand rushed apologies; something about getting the account names mixed up in their system. It’s difficult to decipher everything you hear with the front door being thrust open that very moment.
“Mommy, where are you? We’re home!” Your daughter not so subtly announces her presence from the foyer. She kicks off her shoes, hangs her backpack on the designated wall hook, and then rushes to the kitchen upon catching a brief glimpse of your shirt.
“It’s alright, these mistakes happen.” You hang up the call and turn around to find Jia only steps away, a big goofy grin on her face. Infectious, you break out into a smile yourself and swoop her up.
“Hey honey, I missed you so much!” You kiss the side of your daughter’s head as she wraps her small arms around your neck. “You look so pretty with all these ribbons in your hair! Daddy did a good job, didn’t he?”
Being that you were called into work earlier than usual this morning, Yoongi was the one who got Jia dressed and ready for daycare. You’re delightfully surprised by the results.
“Mmhm,” Jia nods, twirling a couple of strands of hair between her thumb and forefinger. “But Daddy pulls too much!”
“Maybe if someone had listened and stopped fussing when I told her, I wouldn’t have accidentally yanked on her hair when I was reaching for her favorite Hello Kitty scrunchie.” Yoongi joins you both in the kitchen, walking over to press a quick peck on your lips while tenderly caressing the small of your back. The gesture soothes you of your earlier frustrations. “Who was that on the phone? Cable company?”
“Yeah, they canceled the charge. Wrong account.” As you reiterate the entire mix-up, your eyes wander all over your husband. He’s especially handsome tonight, given his perfectly tousled black hair and navy blue blazer flowing over his body. It’s tastefully oversized with a clean, white top paired underneath. You, on the other hand, are sporting a raggedy old t-shirt and stained sweatpants.
There was a time when you used to put a shit ton more effort into your appearance. It was before you got pregnant with Jia, back when you and Yoongi were going out on weekly dates. Neither of you has that kind of time anymore, or energy for that matter. You didn’t believe the other moms when they told you the romance takes a nose dive after you have your first kid. Yet here you are, proven wrong again.
Being parents to a beautiful baby girl is likely the most rewarding feeling in the world for you and Yoongi. You don’t remember the last time the two of you got real quality alone time though. And sex? Well, that hasn’t happened in weeks. The gravity of the situation weighs more on you with each passing day to be honest. Sure, you’re not the same person you used to be eight years ago, but shouldn’t you and Yoongi still make time for at least a little intimacy?
“How was picking up Jia by the way?” You look at Yoongi who merely shrugs nonchalantly in response.
“It was fine. Nothing too out of the ordinary,” Yoong gives you another peck before heading up the stairs to your bedroom. “I’m gonna go get changed. Why don’t you show Mommy the drawing you did Jia?”
“A drawing?” You shift your attention to your daughter whose eyes sparkle like diamonds upon mention. “We should put it up on the fridge then. Let’s take a look hmm?”
“It’s in my backpack! My new friend and I were drawing together. Her name is Mi-Sun.” Jia continues telling you all about her friend Mi-Sun as you make your way to the front door where her backpack hangs. You’re fully engaged until the very end. “Daddy made a new friend too!” she joyously claps her hands together, not realizing the depth of her remark.
“Oh, who’s Daddy’s new friend honey?” You ask, staying as calm as possible.
“Ms. Cho! They were talking for a really long time today.”
Ms. Cho? You think back to all the moms you’ve met at daycare. Somehow you can’t recall ever hearing or meeting a Ms. Cho. She must be a single mom, you deduce. Was she new? What did she look like? And why didn’t Yoongi mention her when you asked?
This has to be nothing but a little small talk, an acquaintance at most. Besides, the moms at Jia’s daycare are quite a chatty bunch and Yoongi wouldn’t dare overstep any boundaries.
“Do you know what they were talking about?” You don’t enjoy asking your child for details about your husband, yet you can’t seem to help it this time.
“I dunno,” she shrugs her shoulders. "Daddy was laughing a lot."
Suddenly, the self-assurance you gave yourself earlier slips away; seemingly useless given the queasy feeling building in the pit of your stomach.
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For the remainder of the night, you purposely dodge every attempt your husband makes to kiss, touch, and hold you. You’ve even begun responding to his questions in one-word answers and at times, with nothing at all.
Yes, you’re being petty; more than usual. The silent treatment frustrates Yoongi to no end and it isn’t very mature of you, but neither is refusing to tell your wife that some single mom was flirting with you in front of your kid! Okay, so maybe that's an exaggeration. Maybe it all sums up to a harmless conversation, but it’s not like you know either way with Yoongi being as reserved as he is. It brings you back to your early dating days when he wouldn’t think to tell you about various aspects of his day; who he ate breakfast with that morning or the one classmate of his that wouldn’t leave him alone for two semesters.
Truth be told, you're simply hoping that your husband will bring up the topic first, without having to be the classic nagging wife. You’re a jealous person by nature so it’s not a simple task. Even now as you fold the first batch of laundry on your shared bed, him on the other side doing the same, you struggle to keep from blurting everything out.
“So,” Yoongi fluffs up a clean pillowcase before sliding it onto one of the bed pillows. “How was work?”
What a basic question, you grumble internally. Is that all he’s got? “Was okay,” you reply. “The usual.”
“You must be tired from the day. Did you get to lie down at all?” Yoongi picks up another pillowcase, repeating the process as before. When he glances your way, it’s clear something’s on your mind. You’ve started pairing Jia’s socks far more aggressively than normal and you’re holding back your responses. “Did you hear me, doll? Or am I going deaf here?” The sarcastic chuckle distracts you from your task, forcing your attention.
You’re about to respond when your eyes briefly flicker down to his hands, his left one in particular. Where's his wedding ring? Yoongi always wears it no matter what. The same sick feeling from before returns tenfold. No wonder that Ms. Cho was all over him–she must have thought he was single.
“No, I didn’t get to lie down Yoongi. I worked all day, came home and made dinner, called the cable guy to get that stupid bill figured out, and now I’m doing the second load of laundry. I’m really just not in the mood to chat.” It comes out a blur as you snatch the empty laundry basket and head for your washer and dryer, your eyes welling up with tears.
“__, wait.” Yoongi tosses the last pillow near the headboard and stops you in your tracks, his hand firmly gripping one end of the laundry basket. The intensity of his stare softens as he speaks. “I'm sorry if it seems like I'm forcing you to talk. I know you've been losing a lot of sleep recently between work, Jia, and upkeeping the house. We just don't get a lot of time to see each other anymore and I miss you…I miss talking to you."
With every ounce of self-control remaining, you hold back any tears that risk spilling out. You don't know why you're acting like this, why you're crying over something that seems so small and insignificant to the rest of the world. Yoongi loves you. He's said it a million times and proven it to you over and over again, for eight years now. He wouldn’t cheat on you, yet you still get so worked up about the idea that someone could take him away from you. Someone half your age, more attractive, or hell even the opposite sex if it means fewer dark circles under their eyes.
"Why- why aren't you wearing your ring?" Your naturally confident voice dwindles to the whisper of a mouse. It's completely out of character, nevertheless, here you are.
"I..." Your husband's voice wavers. His gaze flickers to his left hand, where his ring should be, but isn't. "Shit...I took it off in the shower this morning," he confesses, frustrated by his forgetfulness. "I was in such a rush to get Jia to daycare, and me to work, that it completely slipped my mind. I'm sorry—I fully intended to put it back on." He pauses, then perks up. "It's still in the bathroom. I'll be right back, okay?"
You watch as he makes a beeline for the master bathroom, eager to rectify the situation as soon as possible. You should have kept silent what you say next, but you don't.
"No wonder the moms at Jia's daycare were so drawn to you."
"What?" Yoongi stops in his tracks. The dumbfounded expression on his face tells you that you've caught him off guard again.
"Jia told me about someone named Ms. Cho," you reluctantly continue. "The two of you were laughing and talking and–"
"Baby, don't worry about that." Seizing his chance, your husband walks back over to you and sneakily pulls the laundry basket from under your arm. He sets it on the ground after, then reaches to take your hand in his, but stubbornly you cross your arms.
"Her name's Sandra," he starts explaining. "She's a new mom at the daycare and she didn't know anyone, so she started talking to me. I got the sense she was a little overly friendly but it was all small talk, nothing more."
Still largely unsatisfied, you remain unmoved. "If it wasn't a big deal then why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"Because nothing serious happened. The majority of the conversation was her venting about her ex-husband and me wishing you were right there next to me. Please believe me. All I could think about was finally being able to come home to you after a long week with Jia in our arms."
"Really?" Well, now you're feeling guilty for avoiding him in nearly every way tonight. Guilty for believing such wild assumptions that he'd leave you for someone else over one measly conversation. Guilty for letting yourself get so worked up over a situation you, quite frankly, knew few details about.
"I mean it doll." This time, when he reaches out to grasp your wrist, he succeeds. He intertwines his fingers with yours and leads you to the edge of your bed, gently pulling you down to sit on his lap. "Do you really think I could look at anyone else the way I look at you? Or think about you the way I have for the last eight-plus years we've been married and known each other?"
You hesitate your answer, averting his eye contact. "I know but…"
"No, don't finish that. Look at me," he intercepts. "You and our daughter are the only women on my mind–24/7. I can't get either of you out of my head and I don't want to. I'm so sorry I forgot to put my wedding band back on this morning, and again tonight. I feel awful about it and I'll be more careful from now on. And another thing, when Sandra and I were talking I mentioned you multiple times. So, it's clear to her that I'm a happily married man."
The last bit of information manages to perk your ears. "You talked about me?" Your eyes widen as you finally shift your full attention to him. Yoongi eyes widen with you, amused by your sudden change of heart to look at him.
"I said my wife is an amazing mother, works too hard for her own good, and needed to rest today. Give or take a few words."
That's all? You huff to yourself. Would it been nice if your husband also thrown in that you were beautiful or stunning in that mix of compliments? Yes, yes it would have–again, you're pettiness clouds your better judgment. You're not as pissed off as before, but rather semi-irritated.
"Okay…well I guess it's fine then. I'm sorry for being short with you earlier. I shouldn't have made those rash conclusions about the ring and that woman from the daycare. It wasn't reasonable of me." You get up from his lap, yet Yoongi isn't entirely convinced that you're okay.
"There's still something you're not telling me. I can tell."
"No, there's nothing else." You waive him off, placing your hand on your bedroom doorknob "You told her you had a wife so it's fine. I need to switch the second load of laundry.”
"Come on, doll. Let's not leave things unsaid now."
Sighing at his plead, you find yourself giving into all your repressed thoughts and emotions. It swallows you up, like a tidal wave you can't stop. "Look at me Yoon. I'm sweaty, I have dark circles under my eyes, stretch marks, love handles, my hair's a mess, and all I wear are old sweats covered in stains. I'm nothing like I used to be! No wonder we aren't intimate anymore."
Yoongi rises from the bed at once, offended by the sudden digression. "Is that what this is all about? It’s not even about that single mom from daycare is it?" The truth of the matter sinks in as he speaks.
"I guess maybe so…though I'm still annoyed about that too." Great, you're back to square one again.
"Come with me, I need to show you something." Your husband gestures you to follow him, which you slowly concede to.
"What are you doing Yoon?" You both walk into the master bathroom, stopping in front of the large mirror above the sink.
"I'm showing you the woman I'm in love with and have been in love with for nearly eight years now. Sweats and all." Yoongi makes you face the mirror directly, hands around your shoulders. You have trouble stomaching the sight.
"Yoongi please, I can't. The laundry ringing off." You avoid looking into the mirror and make a move to leave the bathroom.
"Just stay with me a minute, please?" Your husband refuses to loosen his hold on you, turning your body so you're looking eye to eye. "No, you're not the same person as you were and neither am I. We're parents to a beautiful daughter now, who we love and adore. We're also overtired 90% of the time, juggling a million things at once. But there's one thing you can count on to always stay the same–my loyalty to you. I'll always be in love with you __, no matter what age you are or however way you look. There's nothing you can do to change that, so why fight it?"
Dammit. A single tear rolls down your cheek as you take in his heart-melting speech. It's not his words alone, it's the sincerity behind them. How he's repeated similar countless times before throughout your entire relationship.
"I love you, Yoon..." you choke out the words, composure fleeting.
"I love you so much, doll." He wipes the wetness of your tear with his thumb. "As far as us not being as intimate anymore, that's my fault. I don't ever want you to feel like I don't desire you every day. Why don't we send the kid to my parents this weekend and let me start making things right hmm?"
"I don't know if we can this weekend. Jia has a playdate on Saturday."
"So, I'll ask Mom to take her. She'll be happy to, trust me. We can finally watch that movie you've been dying to show me since what? December?"
"You're serious?" Your eyes light up at the mention of what is essentially a movie date. The show Yoongi's referring to is one you've been craving to see for months, yet neither of you has found the time to watch. "I've been talking about it for so long, Yoon."
"I know you have, it's why I suggested it. I've been wanting to watch it too with all the trailers you keep sending me. Plus, I'll be able to keep my beautiful wife in my arms for over two hours. That's a lot for us, especially with you being such a busy bee. I can never get you to light in one place! What's up with that, huh?"
Feeling your natural self re-emerging, you throw a playful swat to his arm and scowl at his teasing comment. "You're one to talk! You're basically a workaholic! Besides, you knew who you were marrying when you met me."
Yoongi chuckles and brings both hands to cup your cheeks, squishing them slightly. "A cutie who reads 800-page novels at a basketball game?"
"Stop babying me!" You pull his hands off your cheeks and rub them, trying to regain some composure. "I don't regret my choices, I like books. It's why I'm such a boss at work!"
"Okay, boss," he laughs. "What about what I suggested before then? I can call Mom tomorrow and ask her if she could watch Jia for the day. She'll take her to her playdate, then they can spend the rest of the day together."
It does sound nice, having the whole day with your husband.
"Okay," you agree. "Let's try."
"Good." Yoongi slides his hands down to your hips and pulls you flush against his chest. "How about we seal it with a kiss now?" You nod and he leans his head down, pressing an amazing, tender kiss to your lips. It makes you both giddy on queue.
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"Read one more story, Daddy!" Jia leaps off her small, twin bed and bounds for her bookshelf. She lets out a series of giggles when a large pair of hands catch her, lifting her high into the air.
"I already read you three books kid," Yoongi says, planting a kiss on her cheek. "Bedtime." He then tucks her into her fluffy comforter, plugs in her teddy bear nightlight, and closes her bedroom door.
The next second, Jia comes running out of her room, latching onto his right leg. "I don't wanna go to bed. I wanna play!" Figures she'd be hyper at this hour.
Yoongi sighs and picks her up. "Daddy told you to go to sleep, it's not playtime. You'll have lots of time for that tomorrow when you get to see your friend." He then carries her into her room, yet she fusses in his arms; thumping her tiny fists into his chest.
"No, no, no, Daddy. I want to play!"
Sighing, Yoongi looks at his child with sharp eyes. "Jia–"
"Hey," you interrupt, entering your daughter's bedroom upon hearing the commotion down the hall. "What's going on?"
"Kid doesn't want to go to bed."
You give an empathetic look and saunter over to the pair, gently taking Jia into your arms. Yoongi places his hands on his hips as he watches you reason with your daughter.
"Jia, you know tomorrow's a big day right? You and Sana are going to go to the playground together." The child nods. "You don't want to be tired when you're playing do you?"
"No..." She shakes her head. "I want to be awake!"
"Then you need to listen to Daddy and go to sleep. That way you'll be full of energy tomorrow when you and Sana go on the swings or slide down all the big slides." You smile as Jia starts rubbing her drowsy eyes, yawning in the process.
"But I...okay," she slowly concedes, eyes fluttering shut as she gives into her sleepy state. Unsurprising to you and Yoongi, she was tired all along. But like most kids, hated going to bed.
"See?" You lay Jia in her bed and pull the covers up near her chin, giving her a light kiss on the side of her head. Yoongi bends down and does the same after you. "You just gotta talk to her a little, she'll typically fall asleep on her own."
"But I read her three of her favorite books." Yoongi shuts off the overhead light, along with the door to Jia's room, and follows you to your bedroom.
"That's different Yoon," you argue back. "Books excite her."
"She takes after you that way then." Yoongi pulls his t-shirt off, leaving him bare-chested, and climbs onto his side of the bed. You join him shortly after with your head resting on his chest and an arm thrown around his waist.
"I'm so exhausted," you yawn.
"Go to sleep, baby. I'm right here." Your husband places a hand over your wrapped arm, sending you off into a deep slumber.
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Well this is just ironic. Almost 2 A.M. and you're wide awake.
What initially started as a nice, relaxing dream quickly turned into a terrible nightmare. In the dream, you woke up alone. Yoongi was gone. Jia was gone too. You can't exactly make sense of it, except for a vague memory of Jia calling another woman 'Mom'. You couldn't see her face very well, so it could've been anyone. You couldn't speak either, so even when you tried approaching the three, they couldn't hear you. You've had nightmares plenty of times, but this one is new. It's a clear projection of all the underlying concerns upheaved from earlier; insecurities, abandonment, loss, and it has you unsettled.
You glance over to your husband's side of the bed. He's fast asleep, no longer cuddling you due to you both flip-flopping in your sleep. You decide to slide closer to him, needing to watch him for a while. It might sound weird, but you love watching him sleep. He's so handsome and you feel a great deal of comfort doing so. Maybe if he was awake, you'd tell him about what you dreamt. Then again...maybe not.
"I love you Yoon," you whisper as quietly as you can, tracing his every facial feature with your eyes.
"'m, I love you too."
Is he-was he awake? As if caught red-handed, you quickly flit your face away in favor of the blank ceiling above. You weren't expecting him to answer at all, and in such a hoarse voice too. You're a little turned on by it to be honest.
"Can't sleep?" he speaks up again, eyes still closed.
"No, I''ll be okay though. You can go back to sleep. Don't worry."
He grunts, a tad unhappy with your dismissal of him. "Do you want to talk about it? Your dream?"
You whip your head in his direction. "How–" You pause, seeing his eyes blink open.
"I didn't meet you just yesterday, doll. I know they keep you up. Just know, I'm always here okay? Always." He reaches for you with delicate fingers as he continues. "Now, come here. Seems we got separated in our sleep."
You accept the offer and cuddle into him again. This time your noses nearly touch and his arm wraps around your lower waist. You feel the growing urge to kiss him, wanting to forget your nightmare entirely. But perhaps silly, you ask permission first, seeing as he's close to drifting off again.
"Can we kiss?" Your cheeks flush a little at the request. Why are you acting like this? You've been married for years.
"Sure, 'm tired but I could go for a make-out right now." A small smirk graces his lips as he teases you. You give him a classic 'Yoongi!' in reply. "I'm kidding. You don't ever have to ask me that," he finishes.
"Hmm, maybe I don't want a kiss anymore." You feign stubbornness, just to see his response. And a response he gives you, more than you're prepared for.
"You're ridiculous," he grumbles, capturing your lips in one fell swoop. He moves his lips against yours as the hand on your waist grips tighter. The tiniest of moans escapes your lips.
You attempt to break the kiss first, thinking it will only last for a few seconds. Yet Yoongi slips a hand behind your neck to bring you into another kiss. One that's deeper than the last. You feel your breath being taken away little by little, especially when his tongue licks into your mouth. God, you haven't kissed like this in an eternity. A wetness soon gathers between your thighs.
"'m, Yoon," you gasp when his cool fingers sneakily make their way under your shirt, tickling your bare skin. They travel the expanse of your waist, stomach, and up along your back. "So cold."
Yoongi pulls away from the kiss and retracts his fingers. He then lazily moves his body until his chest hovers over your own, rolling you on your back in the process. He's a bit of a blur due to the dimness of the room, yet you can see the whites of his eyes a bit better than before.
"Help me warm them then," he says, folding his hands on top of yours from where they rest on your stomach. "You're really burning up, doll."
His observation is right. Ever since you woke up, you're body's been hotter than normal. The stress is clear and it's only increasing due to the unexpected turn of tonight's events; your husband seemingly wanting to make love to you in the middle of the night.
"So I am," you reply, staring straight into his eyes. "Must be because of all the sudden surprises today. My body's finally responding to it all."
Yoongi nods, following your implication. "Well let's do something to calm it down, shall we?" He waits for your final go before making any abrupt movements.
"But...you haven't seen me–"
"Naked in a while?" he predicts your next words, unfazed. "I've seen it all, each time better than the last because I love you. You're beautiful to me, no matter what. Let me love you __. I've missed you. I've missed us."
"Okay...please," you sigh, desperately needing his touch. "It's been so long since we've been this close."
Neither of you has it in you to delay another second as you dive into another fiery kiss, your hands wandering up and down each other's bodies. You love his hair the most, so you run your fingers through it repeatedly. Your husband's soft grunts remind you that it's as pleasurable for him as it is for you, and as if to counter, he latches his lips to the curve of your neck.
"Yoon," you moan, shivering at the feeling of being peppered in open-mouth kisses. Your eyes automatically roll up as well.
Yoongi nips at your jaw next, featherlike, yet deadly to you nevertheless. He doesn't allow himself to linger more than a second, though, preferring to keep you on your toes. So with careful fingers, he begins lifting the bottom of your shirt.
"Can I?"
You hum in approval and lean forward for him to remove it.
With your nipples now exposed to the brisk air, stiffening due to arousal, Yoongi brings both his hands up to caress your boobs. He's incredibly gentle, telling you how beautiful you are once again until his thumbs start circling your peaked nipples. A rush of sensation shoots up your spine as he rolls them harder, flicking them once in a while.
"Fuck," you swear.
"Feeling good?"
All you do is nod fervently in response, which Yoongi takes as his signal to lower his head to your chest. He squeezes both breasts in his hand before wrapping his mouth around a nipple, licking and sucking relentlessly. He repeats the same to the other.
"Yoongi, I need you. Please." You're core tightens, thighs struggling not to rub together, as you plead with your husband to relieve you. You are so wet and getting wetter.
"I'm here, doll, I got you. Fingers first hm?"
He pushes part of the comforter towards the foot of the bed, then gestures for you to raise your butt. Any shred of mystery of how worked up he's gotten you slip away as he pulls your underwear and pants down your legs. They both get tossed on the floor, per usual.
Bare pussy exposed, Yoongi guides your legs further apart and brings a hand down to your entrance. One of his long, slender fingers traces up your folds so smoothly that you buck your hips upon the touch. He smiles lightly at the subtle response, pleased that you're finally enjoying yourself; too often you put your needs last. His finger slowly sinks into your well-lubricated pussy, velvety walls clenching around it.
"Oh, g-god," you give a shaky moan as his finger pumps and curls in you, stimulating your g-spot. "Need you now, Yoon, so bad."
"Mm not yet, we need to stretch you out. You haven't taken me for a good three or four weeks," he smirks at your eagerness, sliding a second finger next to the first. "This pussy is drenched but not enough. I need you to come. Can you do that for me?"
Fast, quick movements follow suit as your husband works you up to an orgasm. Oh fuck, oh fuck, you chant in near whines. Your pussy is spasming around him, walls tightening with each push and pull. You know when he draws his hand out that it's covered with your come. Messy, sex is messy and both of you are too far gone to care; the pleasure sweeping over you.
Finally, in what feels like an endless tease, you have your first orgasm of the night. You feel your body relaxing into the mattress again, yet your breath remains short. Yoongi, on the other hand, groans seeing your release dripping down your thighs and onto the sheets. For a split second, there's a slight darkening in his eyes while he takes in your post-orgasmic form. The two fingers that had been inside you are sensually brought to his lips, slipping between the seam before being cleaned off.
You're taken aback by the action, though you've witnessed it before. Something about watching your husband willingly follow through with a gesture so lewd makes your head spin–you want him to fuck you right this instant. He must share the same feeling because you don't even need to sound the words due to his hands already making quick work of his pants.
"You drive me mad, you know that? Can never get a break with how sweet you taste. Your lips, your come. All of it makes me go mad." His full length comes in view, hard and tip leaking with pre-cum. You try not to let yourself stare at the thickness but hell, you must've forgotten the extent of your husband's size. You don't remember it being this big before.
"Well," you gulp. "You're not making it easy on me either, looking like this."
Yoongi climbs over to you again, settling into a straddled position, and looks deep into your eyes. "Who's fault do you think that is?"
"It's your fault." You bend your legs and wrap them around his mid-section. You can feel the tip of his cock tease at your entrance. The anticipation is beyond grueling.
"No," he says, aligning himself up to your weeping hole. "it's yours." He then thrusts his hips forward, his length sinking into you so perfectly it has you completely satisfied.
"Y-Yours," you whimper out, unable to form a steady sentence.
"Fine." He picks up his pace. "Let's just agree we both fuck each other up on a daily---ah fuck!" Yoongi growls and gives you a suspicious look when he feels your pussy suddenly clench around his length.
"I didn't do it on purpose this time! You're fucking me too good is all."
"Really? You're not just teasing me?"
Yoongi is slow to believe since you've purposefully clenched countless times before, simply out of playfulness. Tonight is different than those nights though because you're telling the truth–he's truly fucking you so good.
"What the hell," he concedes. "You feel so fucking fantastic, I don't even care." He continues his movements, thrusting into you with deep groans and labored breaths. His fingers grip the mattress harder with the veins in his neck bulging out.
Both your bodies move in sync as the familiar sound of skin slapping on skin echoes off the walls of your bedroom. You do your best to keep your moans low, not wanting to risk waking up your daughter.
"Yoon, fuck! I need to come, it's gonna-fuck-happen soon," you swear, pussy throbbing at the feeling of being so full after weeks of abstinence. You can tell you're reaching your high with the bundle of nerves in your core threatening to snap at any given moment.
Of course, you're wet too, extremely wet.
"I'm. Nearly. There." He barely sounds the words out, jaw clenching. "Just another minute, and we can finish together."
Your eyes, which haven't left his since he entered you, begin to glass over with tears. It's overwhelming; his love for you. No matter the doubts that tell you the opposite, you can't give in to their ugly lies. You'll continue to struggle, naturally, but you won't ever let them win. Yoongi's never once given up on you, and neither should you.
"I love you, Yoon...I love you with all my soul," you choke the words, falling apart all at once. "I'm sorry for today. How jealous and irrational I got."
"Don't apologize, doll. I shouldn't have let it go so far, our lack of intimacy and alone time. I promise we're going to make it all right okay?"
Giving you one last thrust, you both have your release at the same time. Yoongi helps ride your orgasm out by lazily continuing to grind into you. Yeah, you might need to shower and switch out the sheets after tonight, but you don't regret it one bit.
"In all seriousness baby," Yoongi speaks up, guiding your legs back on the soft mattress until you’re comfortable. "Don't feel like you have to apologize for everything. I understand your feelings and where you were coming from. I will say, the silent treatment kills me though. I'd rather you yell at me than not talk to me at all."
"It's not easy for me to raise my voice like that, Yoon." You throw your arms around his neck and sigh softly. "But I can try talking to you more, or at least tell you I need some time to process before I'm ready to have a conversation. I don't know, am I making sense?"
"Plenty of sense. I'll share more about my day with you and who I'm talking to as well. We'll also carve out time to have together. I love our daughter, but I don't see the harm in reaching out to our friends and family to babysit once in a while."
"Well, this sounds good to me," you hum.
"Me too." Yoongi smiles wide and goes in for another warm kiss. Your eyes flutter shut in unison.
This is what love feels like.
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a/n: LMK what you think 🥰
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no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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trivia-yandere · 6 months
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a look into where it all began with jungkook and how much he loves having his lips on you… @darkuni63 @sweetempathprunetree @momnomnom
warning: step-sibling relationship, coercion, oral sex, slight yandere behavior, manipulation, nipple sucking, dry humping/grinding, fingering,
word count: 4.639
series masterlist
You’ve known Jeon Jungkook since you were a child - 10 years of age.  Your father had brought his mother - a beautiful woman, you’d admit, and her son over for dinner one night while you stayed the weekend with him. “Y/N, this is Jungkook.” you recall your father speaking, his hands upon Jungkook’s shoulders. You were seated at the dining table when the two of them arrived. “He’s going to be your brother.”
Jungkook acted the part - even if the two of you were the same age - as the annoying brother. You could also blame your 10 year old self, as well, for how you acted. You were an only child - a girl, at that - and finally, your father had a son. He and Jungkook watched sports together and went to games often. They would go fishing and when you came on the weekend, you’d hear Jungkook brag about it constantly.
But even if your father now had a son, Jungkook’s mother had a daughter. She enjoyed doing your hair the best she could and attempting to go places with you that she could only dream a mother and daughter duo would go - but that never angered Jungkook as much as it angered you that he was with your father. 
“It's just a little sibling rivalry.” your father said to Jungkook’s mother - now his wife - when you and Jungkook were attending middle school. Jungkook was new to your school and yet, he excelled. He had more friends than you and charted the highest scores - the two of you being tied academically. 
Every worry Jungkook’s mother had was brushed off by your father. “They act just like siblings.” he’d say with a laugh whenever you and Jungkook bickered over everything - and nothing. You dreaded going to your fathers on the weekends because that meant that you’d have to see and deal with Jungkook entirely - and he was nothing but a pain in the ass.
High School was the same, the only difference was the change in appearances. Jungkook grew overnight it seems and his high voice deepened. He worked out more due to him playing sports and that also meant his body changed, as well. 
“That’s your brother?!” a friend said with wide eyes when Jungkook had given you a sideways hug (a rule he had broken just to piss you off) and said: “Dad wants us to ride home together.”
And from that moment, you were Jungkook’s sister - not Y/N, but Jeon fucking Jungkook’s sister and you suspected he did it purposely. 
And Jungkook had - something he’d never admit to you. Just as his body developed in High School, so has yours and by senior year you were the talk of the boys locker room (as were most senior girls). “Y/N’s ass is amazing.” one boy had said as he walked in, his eyes focused down the hall where Jungkook assumed you were standing. “She has the perfect hips.”
“Her lips are good, too.” said another boy. “I just know she knows how to suck-”
“That’s my sister.” Jungkook deadpanned, his eyes narrow at the boys who immediately silence their crude talk about you.
A side of Jungkook told himself that he respected you as his (step) sister and didn’t like the filthy thoughts coming from others. But then there was the side of him that he wanted to bury away that agreed with them.
Jungkook had noticed that same day how your hips were nice and your ass was amazing. As you and he walked out of school together that Friday, he noticed as you sat in his car (a gift from your father since Jungkook had gotten his license before you) that your lips were good. You were coating them with gloss, eyes focused on the mirror to not mess anything up. 
Once these thoughts were there, they weren’t going away; as disgusting as it was.
You were his (step) sister and Jungkook had respect for you - even if the two of you fought constantly. You appeared to dislike him as a whole as you grew older and of course, he’d tease you and say it was because he was better than you at everything - but still, you were his sister.
The thoughts he held for you were impure and they weren’t going to go away until he fixed them.
It started subtle at first; light touches. He’d brush by you on the weekends when you’d come. Now teenagers at 18 of age, you two were often left alone. Your father would often go out with Jungkook’s mother and neither of you minded - Jungkook would bring his friends over and sometimes, you’d do the same. This weekend was different, however. There was a change in Jungkook’s behavior.
Jungkook would hold your hips often when passing by. He’d place a hand on your lower back when he comes up from behind you. His teasing never ceased, but they became more…sensual? 
Your mind tells you that it’s in your head. Jungkook was (unfortunately) your brother - step brother - but a brother nonetheless. He has now introduced you as his sister at school and that now means you had girls you’d never talk to attempting to speak with you in order to get to the person that was Jeon Jungkook.
The first time you’ve done something with Jeon Jungkook you had cried and vomited when you came back to your senses. “Stop being scared.” Jungkook said, passing you the glass with a shot's worth of alcohol in it. “Dad would never know.”
You grabbed the glass only because you didn’t want to appear like a loser. It was the weekend once more and you stayed at your father’s home and it was the same weekend your father and step-mother were celebrating their anniversary away. They felt comfortable leaving you and Jungkook alone more now since graduation was right around the corner. 
 A few friends and no parties was your father’s rule and that’s exactly what you’ve stuck by. Jungkook had a few friends each over while you decided to remain alone - Taehyung was someone you were nervous around because he was older and college age. He was far more experienced in drinking than you’d ever be and you didn’t want to appear like a fool.
“Your sister’s so cute.” Jimin had said to you - the same age as Taehyung and attending the same college. He laughed when your face scrunched in disgust at the harsh taste of the alcohol. “So innocent.” he murmured. 
It didn’t take long for the effects of the alcohol to flow through you entirely and you were now looser. You laughed along to whatever Taehyung said, a hot feeling running through you. The man sees the glossy look in your eyes as you look at him with such innocent-like eyes and he does nothing but pat your head gently - you were someone he had to remain at a distance because you were his younger friend's sister.
“You like Tae.” Jungkook said to you once his friends had left and you and he were left alone. “He’ll never like you back, you know? Bro code.”
Your head is spinning slightly and all you can hear is the annoying voice of Jungkook ruining your vibe. You grabbed the bottle from his hands and took a messy swig of it. “Fuck you.” you slur.
Jungkook scoffs, his eyes racking your figure. You had taken off the hoodie you wore an hour ago and now stayed in a tanktop and shorts. 
“No one likes me because of you.”
“That’s not true. Everyone likes you.” Jungkook had scoffed - he’s come across enough locker room talk about you.
“And no one wants to do anything with me because of you!” you hissed. You were drunk, Jungkook notes, and now your feelings were falling right into his lap. 
“You should be thanking me. They just want to use you for your body. They can smell your virginity from a mile away.”
Your eyes widen and your body heats with embarrassment. Without thinking, you threw the bottle at Jungkook. It smashes against his chin and he releases a loud groan at you doing so.
“I-I’m sorry-” you didn't actually intend for the bottle to connect. 
Jungkook presses his lips against yours, hands roughly grabbing your hips to keep you down. You’re shocked at the action and for a moment, you’re stuck on what to do or how to react. 
You’ve kissed a boy before, sure, but not Jungkook - his lips are soft and not as chapped as the last boy you’ve kissed. 
Jungkook pushes himself away as if realizing his mistake, his eyes are just as wide as yours and before he can apologize for his actions, you vomit completely on him, hot tears pouring down from your eyes. Now you’re truly embarrassed; humiliated. You were crying because the thought of kissing Jungkook sends shockwaves of both disgust and a taboo pleasure; and because you also vomited on him.
You ran to your room, stumbling a bit because the room was spinning entirely too much. You ignored Jungkook’s calls for you entirely and slammed your door shut.
You felt stupid, disgusted and humiliated all at once. 
It was the following morning where you were forced to face Jungkook once more, now sober, and this time the boy refused to be ignored. You were fresh out of the shower, speed walking down to your bedroom where you were face to face with Jungkook, him sitting directly on your bed. 
“Good morning.” Jungkook says cooly, his eyes on your face as if awaiting for your reaction. 
“What are you doing here?” you ask, clenching the towel on your body tighter. 
“Are you scared of me, Y/N?”
You’re taken aback by the question. “No.” you answer truthfully - there wasn't a reason to. Jungkook wasn’t a threat to you. 
“Then why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost?”
“More like a roach.” you spit, and Jungkook chuckles. 
“I want to talk about last night.”
You swallow, the room now growing hot. “What about last night?” you say, stepping into your room. “I got drunk…I don’t really remember what happened.” 
Jungkook watches you intently as you enter your closet and crack the door gently. It was big enough for you to hide in it for a moment to grab a robe and return. “Did I do something to embarrass myself?” you laugh humorlessly. 
You’re shaking with nerves and Jungkook knows you’re lying; pretending to not know what has happened. 
“You don’t remember?” Jungkook furrows a brow, turning to you fully. You sit on your bed, back pressed against the headboard.
You shake your head. 
“Hm.” Jungkook stands. “That’s too bad.” 
You swallow a dry lump in your throat, a part of you wanting to question what Jungkook meant by “too bad”. 
“You told me it was my fault that no one touches you.” Jungkook says after a moment of reading your face. “I’m sorry for that.”
Your body is hot; you remembered saying that. You remembered it all, as drunk as you were. You’re surprised you didn’t wake up with a hangover.
“It’s not your fault.” you murmur, glancing away. 
“I know.” Jungkook snickers. “Still, I know how boys are, Y/N. I am one.” he says. “They’ll take advantage of you. They’ll use you just to get in your pants.”
The conversation was going left, you note. You and Jungkook never spoke about this - sex or boys or anything related. He once teased you for having a crush back in middle school and that caused you to push him hard in a puddle of mud. He was so embarrassed about “being pushed by a girl” that he told your father that he tripped instead. 
“You should experience…” Jungkook trails off, as if trying to find the correct words to say. “...being touched by someone you love-”
“Please stop the speech.” you’re cringing, never in a million years thinking you’d hear this from Jungkook of all people. 
“I’m being serious Y/N.” Jungkook comes around to sit directly in front of you, eyes watching you closely. “It’s better with someone you love.”
“Did you love anyone you,” you raise your hands to do air quotes. “touched.”
Jungkook snickers. “I’m a boy. We’re wired differently.” he brushed your question off. “You’re a girl. You’re not. You’ll grow attached to the person who takes your virginity and they’ll let you down. And as your brother,” Jungkook’s eyes zone in on you so deep that it catches you by surprise. “I’ll have to kill them.”
You roll your eyes - but goosebumps litter the skin of your arms. “You’re so unserious.” you respond. “Since when do you play the step-brother role?”
“Since now. I love you, Y/N.” Jungkook smiles, his teeth - that reminded you of a bunny - on full display. “That’s why I want to be the one to…touch you.”
Now, in this instant, you’re positive that you looked like you’ve seen a ghost. Your body is stiff and your eyes widen at Jungkook’s words. He doesn’t speak for a moment to allow your mind to think about the words he’s spoken. 
“Excuse me?”
Jungkook doesn’t appear as distraught as you - he was the one to suggest it. 
“W-What are you saying?” you hiss at him, body hot. You’re sure this was another cruel joke Jungkook was going to push at you. He was going to burst out laughing at any minute and it was just a ruse to fluster you even more.
“I’m saying,” Jungkook tilts his head. “I want to be the one to pleasure you first.” he reiterates nonchalantly. “I can’t think of anyone that would love you more than me. You’re my sister-”
“Don’t call me that!” you hiss at Jungkook. 
Jungkook furrows his brows. “Why not? Is it not true?” he asks. “You’re my step-sister. If you want to lose your virginity then I’ll be the perfect person to do so. I actually care for your feelings, don’t I?” he shrugs his shoulders. 
You shake your head, mind trying to adjust to Jungkook’s words. “You’re crazy.” you scoff, but you glance away for a moment to think about what he’s said. 
“You’d rather have sex with someone you don’t love than me?” Jungkook crosses his arms over his chest. 
“You’re my broth…step-brother.” you respond. “It’s kinda weird thinking about you in that way.”
“Then don’t.” Jungkook shrugs. “Just think of me as Jungkook. We’re both seniors in High School about to graduate. Do you really want to go to college as a virgin?”
Going to college as a virgin shouldn’t bother you - you weren’t there to be fucked into oblivion countless times. However, your childish mind tells you that going to college without any experience was going to be your downfall. You think about Jungkook’s older friends - how Jimin called you innocent. How Taehyung lightly patted your head to dismiss you.
Jungkook watches your face fall and he understands that slowly, you were considering his proposal.
“We don’t have to jump into sex completely. Since you’re new to this I want to focus on your pleasure.”
“Like what?” you ask innocently. 
Jungkook offers a soft smile. “You trust me, right? I love you and you love me.”
Slowly, you nod. You’re sure you did love Jungkook - knowing his since you were a child and growing up alongside him.
“Okay.” Jungkook nods his head, inching closer to your stiff frame. He places a hand onto your face. “It’s just me, remember. You don’t have to be scared.”
You nod your head hesitantly. You didn’t have to be scared, yet you were. The thought of doing anything sexual with Jungkook causes fear to run through your veins - getting caught in the act was yet another fear. Your father wouldn’t be returning until Monday afternoon, but that didn’t cause your nerves to cease.
Jungkook leans closer to press a kiss against your lips much like he did the night prior, only this time more gentle. His lips were what you remembered them to be - soft and…a hint of strawberry? Jungkook often wore chapstick so you weren’t as confused as you would’ve been. 
You don’t move and allow Jungkook to completely take charge. “I’m going to continue to kiss you.” he murmurs breathily against your lips and you can only nod. But Jungkook doesn’t kiss your mouth, he instead kisses down your jawline to your chin and reaches your neck. “Lay down.” he instructs.
Your robe hikes up your thigh as you do as Jungkook tells you and it’s that moment that you remember that you were naked under the silk material - how you forgot was beyond you. 
A hand touches your outer thigh and you flinch, nerves kicking back in. 
“It’s just me.” Jungkook repeats against your neck. “Open your legs.”
It takes you a moment to listen to Jungkook. You’re trembling when you finally do open your legs and Jungkook takes it upon himself to wrap them around his waist. 
Jungkook’s closer - the closest he’s ever been to you. You were naked right beneath him, the silk robe only reaching higher and higher up your thigh that you have no coverage whatsoever. 
Jungkook’s sweats are thick, but he’s directly against your core and he could feel the pulsing from between your legs, similar to a heart beat. 
Your skin is soft, Jungkook notes while both hands run beneath the robe. He inches up slowly, enjoying the way your breathing becomes heavy.
“Jung-” you don’t finish your speech and it’s interrupted by both of Jungkook’s hands engulfing your ass entirely. 
Jungkook shudders at the feel of you. His sweats were becoming tight but he knows he cannot act on his urges - not when you were trusting him with this. 
Jungkook’s kisses proceed to go past your neck, hands rising  upwards to untie your robe. It falls open and now Jungkook has full access to your naked body.
“You have such a slutty body, Y/N.” Jungkook murmurs, his voice deeper than usual. You want to ask what that meant and if it was bad; but Jungkook doesn’t allow you to. His hands engulf your breast fully, his thumbs rubbing along your erect nipples. 
“Does that feel good?” Jungkook asks, his eyes darting from your breast to your face. 
You slowly nod your head, embarrassed at how good it did feel. 
“Good.” Jungkook mumbles. Your breast felt as amazing as your ass and fit perfectly in the palms of his hand. His own breathing intensified, his cock throbbing to be released from the prison that was his underwear and sweatpants. “You’re aroused. I can feel your through my sweats.”
“Don’t apologize.” Jungkook snickers. “You’re supposed to be. Here,”
Jungkook wanted to feel you as much as he possibly could. He removes himself from you briefly, his warmth gone entirely that you slightly shiver. He then lowers his sweats enough so that he’s only in his underwear, his erection appearing painfully hard. 
“You can grind against me. It’ll feel good.” Jungkook returns to you, left hand dipping to grip your ass and press you firmly against his clothed erection. The material of his underwear briefs are far more thin than his sweats and he’s thankful that he gets to feel some part of you.
While Jungkook’s left hand grips your ass, his left goes to rub along your breast, his thumb and index pinching your nipple for a reaction.
You yelp when you feel a new sensation - Jungkook’s tongue. He’s ensuring every part of you has a form of pleasure, his tongue swirling on your other nipple entirely.
Jungkook’s hips thrust into you, his eyes fluttering close. His pleasure could never match what you were feeling now, but even doing the deed - something so forbidden for step-siblings - was causing a wave of adrenaline and pleasure to flow through him.
The pleasure you were feeling was just as foreign, but you couldn’t deny how good it felt. You could feel the sticky arousal between your legs that’s staining Jungkook’s underwear. You couldn’t care now, not when you were matching Jungkook’s thrust with your own grinding.
This isn’t good, you tell yourself. Jungkook and you weren’t supposed to be doing this.
But it felt good - Jungkook’s tongue suckling on your breast, his hand gripping your ass so tight while he’s grinding against you. 
“I told you it’ll feel better when you do it with someone you love.” Jungkook says against your breast, his tongue flickering out his lips to flicker against your nipple. 
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The amount of times Jungkook and you continued to engage in sexual acts should be unhealthy. It should have stopped after the first time - but it didn’t. You’re embarrassed to say that you came just by grinding against him, an act that Jungkook found so hot that he wanted to do it again and again and again.
The entire weekend was you and Jungkook. Slowly, you became comfortable with being with him. By the third day, you had since sat in his lap completely naked just in hopes of getting off - and Jungkook allowed it. He loved watching the way you succumb with pleasure,  so wet and ready to cum that you didn’t care what he was doing. He had to mute his microphone on his game that he was playing with Taehyung, ignoring the screams his friend was shouting over the headset about their team losing because of him - but Jungkook didn’t care.
One thing Jungkook enjoyed was tasting you, as weird as it sounded. He’s done this before with other girls - but you were different. He enjoyed sucking and kissing on your kiss and watching your raw reaction to it. He’d place his hands upon your hips as you grind against his cock,  his tongue rubbing along your soft skin. Your breasts were littered with hickies now and you didn’t care in the slightest.
But Jungkook is salivating at the thought of getting to taste you. He can feel how wet your are, your pussy releasing sweet arousal all over his cock that it’s a waste that he hasn’t tasted it. 
The idea of you spread before him as he ravishes your pussy, your moans high and full of lust.
Jungkook is going to do so - now. He doesn’t care if you’re on the phone with your friends; you’ve interrupted him when he was on his game. He had to hear Taehyung berate him for an hour straight.
You’re already naked, Jungkook notes, and that’s good. While you and he started this only two days ago, you wanted him at every given moment and being naked was the quickest way for you to have him. 
Jungkook enters your room without knocking and you furrow a brow at him. He doesn’t speak, he doesn’t need to. You know what he wants (in a way) and you’ll always be ready to give it to him. 
What you aren’t expecting was Jungkook to pull your legs apart, and without warning, dive right into it. His tongue lays flat against your clit, his hands going beneath your thighs to assure you don’t close them.
You yelp loudly at the sudden action, a low groan releasing from your lips.
“I-I’m okay.” you tell your friend over the phone. “K-Keep telling me what happened.”
You mute your phone and place it aside. “W-What-”
“Shut up.” Jungkook tells you. He doesn’t want to think about anything but tasting you, having you cum all over his lips. 
Your friend's speech dies down in the background. Jungkook doesn’t allow any time for you to adjust, his tongue laps between your folds hungrily. Your moans are as sweet as your pussy and he focuses on it and your pleasure entirely. He slurps and sucks against your clit as if it’s his last meal.
“Jungkook, I-I-”
Jungkook’s eyes flicker up to look at you and once more, you groan. 
This is bad, you think. No, worse. 
You told yourself that eventually, you and Jungkook would need to stop this. That you couldn’t keep allowing him to make you cum; but then he makes it harder. Grinding against him was one thing - still bad seeing as he was your step-brother - but this? This was worst.
And the worst felt so good.
“K-Kookie,  please-”
You haven’t called Jungkook that since middle school - a nickname he hated as he grew older. But the name sounds so sweet coming from your lips that he just wants to ravish your pussy even more. 
“What’s wrong?” Jungkook asks, then swipes his tongue against your clit slowly. He keeps his eyes on you as he does this, your reaction enticing him. “Want you to cum on my face.”
Your thighs quiver at Jungkook's words, body radiating with heat. Slowly you nod your head, slightly anticipating the new found pleasure Jungkook was giving you.
“It’ll feel good…” Jungkook says suddenly. “...might feel a little different.”
You’re unsure what he’s speaking of until you feel pressure. Your walls clench around his fingers, the feeling completely unexpected and unfamiliar. 
“Relax, Y/N. It’ll feel good soon.”
Jungkook continues to lick on your clit, slowly entering his fingers deeper inside of you. You’re tight - the tightest he’s ever felt. But you were also a virgin and this was something he’s never had before. It excites him greatly, the thought of you giving your body to him; him being your first for everything sends shock waves through him.
You hum low and your thigh twitches. Jungkook's fingers are long and they’re now hitting a nerve deep inside of you. 
Your back arches as Jungkook picks up the pace in his thrusting. His eyes never leave you as he does, enjoying the way your face contorts with pleasure. You’re beautiful, he thinks, as he always thought you were. Now you’re beautiful to him in more ways than one and your body has developed gracefully over the years.
Your eyes snap shut, a long moan releasing deep from your throat. You’re positive that this was going to make you cum quick - the quickest you’ve ever had. 
“You’re so wet, Y/N.” Jungkook says, hovering above you. He doesn’t stop his thrusting fingers and his eyes are fixed on how good the sight of you is. “Aren’t you happy you agreed to this?”
“Yes!” you moan, nodding your head. There’s that familiar bubbling in your stomach creeping up on you.
“So pretty…” Jungkook groans. Your juices were leaking onto his palm entirely. He can’t wait until he could have you the way he wants to - to fully pleasure you the best way he knows how. 
This isn’t something Jungkook ever wants to stop doing - the rush that goes through him at the fact that this is something you and he were not supposed to be doing. The forbidden action makes him want you even more - want you at times he truly shouldn’t and he ponders how he would react when you two were no longer alone. 
Your thighs are shaking erratically and Jungkook knows you’re cumming. This must be bliss for you, he thinks, cumming so much in such a short amount of time. You’re just lucky that it was him - someone who truly loved you - that was doing this for you. Another person wouldn’t care if you came or not.
Jungkook presses a kiss against your lips as you ride out your orgasm. He sends them across your cheek to your neck as you slowly begin to calm down from your high. “I think your friend hung up.” Jungkook says, eyes glancing at your discarded phone. 
You don’t respond, exhaustion hitting you drastically. 
Jungkook pecks your lips once more. “Next time, I want you to sit on my face.” he says to you, removing his fingers entirely.
This was bad, you think. But you didn’t want it to end.
next (tape) | series masterlist | final (sibling rivalry)
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harryslittlefreakk · 5 months
the pact
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summary: you and harry made a childhood pact to marry if you were both still single when he reached 30. now that his big birthday is approaching, you find out whether your friendship (and your pact) have stood the test of time
warnings: mostly fluff, some smut :)
wordcount: 6k
a/n: i actually really like this one. it’s not proofread yet as i was so eager to get it up lol. hope you enjoy!
my masterlist can be found here! happy reading 🫶🏼
From the second you’d received the invitation, you were buzzing with a giddy nervousness. It had been years since you’d seen Harry, though Anne and Gemma were always so quick to share what he was up to. You’d followed his career silently for 13 years, still bumping into him every few years when Anne hosted Boxing Day, or he happened to be in town for your family’s annual summer barbecues. In your mind, he was still the cheeky, dimpled little lad you’d hide under the dining room table with, imagining you were explorers of far away lands.
But Harry wasn’t the young boy you’d chased after in your childhood anymore, the teenager you looked out for when you stuck your head over the garden fence to call your sister home. He wasn’t the handsome young man you’d spent countless hours swooning over with your friends in the bakery after school. Harry was a global sensation, the world’s sweetheart. You weren’t sure he’d even recognise you, a forgotten reminder of much simpler days.
Growing up next door to Harry hadn’t come without its challenges. You’d lost your childhood best friend seemingly overnight once One Direction formed, his life suddenly busy with meetings, tours and interviews. Anne still welcomed you with open arms, but her house felt a little too cold for you with his presence haunting the walls, memories etched into every surface of the house. You’d still hang out in his bedroom sometimes, his band posters and drawings left collecting dust in a lifeless room. When girls from school learned of your connection to him, they’d befriend you and treat you like the hottest new thing until you refused to give over any information. He was your Harry, your long-gone games and silly memories something you held close to your heart. It soon seemed easier to let him go altogether, move on to a new chapter, stop waiting for your best friend to appear again.
Still, you were glad to be able to support Gemma on one of her biggest days. She’d become such a regular feature in your household, she felt like family herself. Your parents had been more overjoyed at the news of her impending nuptials than any of yours or your sister’s recent achievements. They loved Gemma like their own, their ‘extra daughter’, as your dad called her. You knew this was as big a moment for them as it was for Anne, having watched Gemma grow from the tiny dark-haired girl your sister had raved about on her first day of school, to a woman about to become a wife.
Standing outside of the venue now, a beautiful old church overlooking the peaceful tides below, yours and Harry’s childhood pact suddenly hit you. You were laying on a blanket in your garden, tops of your heads pressed together as you made out shapes in the clouds above. “I will never get married,” you told Harry. Your parents had had their wedding album out that day, sharing stories with Anne and Robin. You squirmed and grimaced every time they spoke about it, never understanding how any girl would willingly share their life with a boy. “Yuck,” he squeaked from next to you. “Me either. I don’t ever want to live with a stinky girl!” You giggled together, the cool evening breeze washing over you. “Maybe, maybe I might one day though. When I’m really old and lonely.”
“Old like my parents?” you asked him. “Even olderer than that. Like 30.” You gasped, quickly trying to count on your fingers. “That’s really really old. Maybe we can be married when we’re 30.” Harry ran inside when you said this, leaving you chasing after him once again. He grabbed a napkin from the kitchen counter and scribbled on it in felt tip,
‘I ____ will marry Harry when we’re really super old’
“You have to put your name on that line or it’s not real,” Harry told you, handing the blue felt tip to you. You both signed your initials underneath, and proudly went to show your parents. They’d fallen about in laughter when you told them, promising to hold you to your pact. You hadn’t seen the napkin since that day, and you were sure it was long forgotten by everybody, especially Harry. You felt a small twinge in your chest at this, suddenly wishing you were anywhere but here.
“Hey Boo, you okay? Anne wants to get some pictures of us all together before the ceremony,” your dad told you, leading you through the crowd of guests. Boo was the only nickname that had ever stuck for you, starting when you and Harry decided to go as Boo and Sully from Monsters Inc. one Halloween. You’d originally wanted to be Mike, but with your big brown eyes shielded by little bangs and your signature pigtails, everyone persuaded you to be Boo. You’d outgrown almost everything else from childhood, but Boo was stuck with you for life.
“Oh Y/N, you look lovely darling,” Anne cooed as you came into her sight. She pulled you in for a hug, kissing your cheek as she pulled away. You had to admit, you did scrub up well. It was a long time since you’d really made the effort to look properly nice, still caught in the comfort of your pandemic wardrobe of leggings and sweatshirts. The olive-green maxi dress you’d settled on hugged your body in all the right places, a thick band of material draping over your chest and the tops of your arms, showcasing your toned shoulders. You’d always weirdly liked your shoulders and neck, an odd area to be proud of but it was by far your favourite part of your body. Your hair was scraped back in a sleek bun, tiny wisps framing your fresh face. “Gem and Sophia are still inside, they’ll be out in a minute. Gem’s so excited to see you, it’s been so long since we’ve all been together,” Anne gushed, running a hand up the outside of your arm.
She had such a delicate, warm presence, it was no wonder she’d raised two children as incredible as Harry and Gemma. Anne had been an extension of your own mum as you grew up, small traces of her as much as part of you as they were her own kids. She’d talked you through boys and heartbreaks, been there to wave you off to your school prom, one of the proudest faces in the crowd when you graduated university. She’d been stationed on the garden patio alongside your mum at every birthday party, the two women nattering away as they guarded the wine.
Gemma stepped out of the door, pulling you out of your daydream down memory lane. Your jaw went slack when you saw her, she was positively radiant. Her dress was a dainty satin, huge bishop sleeves adorning her arms and a beautiful full skirt, flowing around her petite frame in the gentle seaside breeze. Your mum rushed over to her first, smoothing a loving hand down the front of her skirt. “You look beautiful Gem,” she told her, tears glistening on her bottom eyelashes. Hugs and pleasantries were exchanged throughout the group, shoulders bumping gaily as you moved around. One thing was still missing though - Harry. You knew he’d never miss his sisters wedding, though he was absolutely nowhere to be seen. Just as you were about to ask, you saw him. With a deep brown suit jacket draped across his body, matching slacks hanging loose on his muscular thighs. A white vest hung low on his chest, his inked swallows sitting pretty on tanned skin.
You knew how good he looked these days, of course. Your tiktok had been full of videos of him performing, Anne’s house littered with framed photos. But seeing him in real life lit a fire in your belly. He’d always been pretty, green eyes and curls enough to charm any woman, but now he was hot. A great, big hunk of sexy man. He approached your parents first, laughing as your dad chose to forgo Harry’s outstretched hand, pulling him into a hug instead. “Here’s our not-so-little superstar,” he smiled, ruffling Harry’s messy curls. Harry pressed a kiss into your mums cheek, exchanging a quick but heartfelt hello. His eyes caught on yours as he glanced across the courtyard, your brown eyes still crinkled as you smiled, in exactly the same way they had when you were younger. “Little Boo!” he chuckled, striding towards you. His strong arms wrapped you into a firm cuddle, his musky scent spilling into your pores. “You look incredible,” he whispered into your ear, voice raspy and low. It wasn’t long before Anne was ushering you all into place to take some pictures, cutting yours and Harry’s catch up short. “Come and find me later,” he told you as you beamed for the camera.
With the ceremony long-finished, the party had spilled out of the church hall and onto the grounds outside. You’d danced, mingled and laughed for as long as you could before needing a minute of quiet. Brushing your hand across your mum’s back, you told her you were going for a little walk and would be back soon. You slipped out of the open doors, yanking your heels off in search of some quick relief. You spotted a little wooden bench overlooking the sea, a little way away from the other guests. A great oak tree shielded it from the warm evening sun, providing you just the right amount of peace.
“Thought you were gonna find me,” a voice suddenly came from behind you. You turned around to see Harry approaching your private spot, a sparkling glass in each hand. “Hey,” you smiled. “Just needed a little bit of quiet. Come sit,” you patted the bench beside you. Harry handed you one of the glasses as he sat down, murmuring, “saw you heading over here. Thought I’d bring you a little tipple.” You cheersed, the clinking of glasses cutting through a heavy silence. “How have you been?” he asked you, shifting his body slightly to face you.
“Been good, H. Thank you for asking. Work’s going well, was a bit slow with the pandemic and all but life’s been kind to me recently. I don’t really need to ask you, do I?” you laughed, suddenly shy in his presence. “No, I guess not,” he answered, smiling kindly at you. You settled back into an uncomfortable silence, not really sure how to talk to one another anymore.
“Mum told me you moved to London,” Harry said, seemingly desperate to pierce the awkwardness hanging over you both. “Yeah, I did,” you told him, explaining how Holmes Chapel had started to feel just a little too small, a little too cut off from the rest of the world. “I can understand that,” he told you, chuckling. You ran through the usual questions, telling him about your work as an illustrator, your little flat off of Finchley high road, the couple of girls from school you’d kept in touch with. “I can’t believe you live so close to me,” he gasped. “Mum could never remember what area you lived in, if I’d known you were only down the road we could have reconnected long before now,” Harry told you. You let out an involuntary scoff at this, telling him, “you know where to find me, H. You know your mum has my number, you know where I’ll be every Christmas and birthday. If you really wanted to reconnect it would have happened long before now.” Your words tumbled out, years of one-sided hurt and rejection suddenly pushing to the surface. Harry took a big sip of his drink, placing his hand over yours. “I’ve been shit, I know. Got caught up in everything and barely looked back. Wanted to reach out a long time before now but I couldn’t bring myself,” he told you. “Felt so bad for how I just disappeared and didn’t want to face it.”
You looked at him with sad eyes, searching his face for any sign of insincerity. “I get it, H. I’m really happy for you, I am. You had all your dreams come true, it’s amazing,” you set your glass down beside you and held your other hand over his. “Just feel sad that I lost my best friend overnight.” Your eyes welled up as you spoke, a combination of the free-flowing prosecco, the beautiful ceremony, and facing your hurt with the man who caused it. “Never had a friend who got me like you did,” you chuckled bitterly. Harry pulled his hands from yours and snaked an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close to his side. “I’m sorry, little Boo, I swear.”
The pair of you stayed that way for a while, soaking in each other’s words and the idyllic setting. Just being close to each other for the first time in almost a decade, having said what you both needed to, was bliss. “I thought about you a lot, y’know,” Harry told you suddenly, the words bursting out as if he’d been biting them back for a while. “Yeah?” you asked him, sitting up straighter to look at him again. He nodded, cheeks twinged slightly pink. You weren’t sure if it was the booze or his confession. “All my big moments, always wished you were there.”
“You know I would’ve been if I knew you wanted me to, Harry.”
“I know,” he mumbled, watching his own trainer-clad feet kicking little rocks around. “My mum and dad went to a few of your shows with Anne, watched the Brits and the Grammys every year you were nominated.” You swallowed thickly, before continuing, “I’m really proud of you, we all are.”
Harry turned his head slightly to the sound of music blaring from inside, before asking you, “dance with me?” He extended a hand to help you up, placing his glass down before wrapping an arm around your waist. You stepped together slowly, bodies moving in unison with your head rested softly against his chest. The skies had gotten gradually darker as you’d spoken, closing in around you until only a faint glow seeped out from the open church doors. Harry pushed you out, spinning you around before tugging you back into him. You smacked against his chest with a little ‘umph’, the wind knocked out of you. Your eyes met his, a little dazed, and all you could do was stare.
It felt like a betrayal of your childhood self to find him so attractive now. He was your best friend, your first friend, the only one to ever understand you fully. He’d guided you through your awkward pre-teen stage, the extra years he had on you put to good use when he showed you cool bands and songs to make boys like you. But now, you wanted him to be the boy that liked you. You were so flustered under his gaze, heat tearing through your body. “Let’s head back in,” you told Harry, words shaky. He kept an arm tight around your shoulder, shaking you about as you approached the church. ‘I’ve got my little Boo back’ he laughed in a sing-song tune. You could feel the happiness radiating off his body, knowing without even looking that his toothy grin would be firmly nestled between two deep dimples.
Your parents were sat around a table with Anne, Michal and Gemma still doing the rounds. You could tell they were drunk from a mile away - your dads cheeks stained red with merriment and Anne’s hands gesturing wildly as your mum roared with laughter. You’d missed this. You still went home as often as you could, never missing an opportunity to enjoy time with your loved ones, but before seeing Harry today it always felt different. Gemma, your sister, and Harry had all moved on, never fully present. But being the youngest, you were the one left behind. Harry pulled around two chairs for you both, plopping down between you and his mum. She draped her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a sloppy kiss. “My special boy, where have you been?” she slurred.
“Been catching up,” Harry told her, a blush creeping up his cheeks as she looked between the two of you before winking at him. She was far from subtle before getting wine drunk, so now her entire head moved with her wink. She highlighted it with a loud “wink, wink” in Harry’s direction. “Anne!” you spluttered, choking out a laugh. Your dad reached over to snatch the two empty glasses from in front of you and Harry, promising to fill them to the brim so you could ‘get on their bloody level’.
The evening continued like that, the 5 of you drinking and laughing, reminiscing on your younger days. Your parents and Anne managing to bring up enough embarrassing stories about you both to put you off ever speaking to them again. “I think it’s time we all go to bed,” Harry started, holding his hands up. “Because we’re all fucking PISSED!”, he continued, yelling at the table. You banged on the table in hysterics, eyes screwed up tight as you and Anne fell into each other in laughter. Most of the venue had cleared out by now, guests dropping by your table to congratulate Anne on their way out. You’d barely seen Gemma all night, so content in her little love bubble that she’d spent the majority of the evening alone with Michal, feeding each other cake and slow-dancing.
“Come on, you big lump,” you tugged at your dad’s wrists who in turn pulled at your mum to stand up. Your dad swung his arms around you both, Harry and Anne joining onto the end, and you stumbled towards the exit in a fit of laughter. Harry tried to start a can-can line, kicking one big foot up into the air, but the 5 of you put together had far less coordination than even one sober person, so the idea was quickly abandoned.
The church had a converted barn outside, with rooms purpose-built for immediate family and friends to stay in. You hugged and kissed your goodnights to your parents and Anne, making sure they all got into bed without mischief. Now it was only you and Harry left, buzzed but significantly less drunk than your elders. “Care for one last round?” Harry asked you, slipping a little hip flask out from his blazer pocket. You knew this was a bad idea, a drunken evening alone with the man you’d been lusting after all day. But you certainly wouldn’t make the first move, and you were almost sure he didn’t think of you as anything other than the little girl who used to run around with him.
You followed him into his room, laughing to drown out the alarm bells ringing in your head. Once you saw the empty bed in front of you, you couldn’t help but just flop down on it, suddenly needing to be as comfortable as you could. The room was aged and rustic, but the bed was far more comfortable than it looked. Harry sat against the pillows beside you, long legs stretched out before him as he took a swig from the flask.
For the first time that day, the silence around you was peaceful. Just two old friends enjoying each others presence. Harry watched you as you took the flask from him, grimacing as the liquor went down with a burn. His green eyes were studying every little line on your face, every freckle dotted across your bare shoulders. There was so much new about you, so many little details and marks you’d gained as you grew older, all the little telltale signs of the years he’d missed. What he’d said to you earlier was true, he’d missed you with his whole heart from the second he’d left you behind, spent so many lonely nights wishing he had you by his side. He thought he’d outgrown you, his new-found fame taking precedence over the little girl he’d shared his dreams and aspirations with. But sitting here now with you, he knew you’d grown with him, no matter how far removed your life had become from his. “‘M nearly 30, you know,” he drawled, voice hoarse from the singing and the sting of alcohol in his throat.
“Huh?” you turned to him confused. “I’m 30 next year,” he told you. “Yeah I know, H. What does that have to do with anything?” you laughed, poking at the side of his head. “Means we have to get married next year,” he grinned. You gasped, remembering the pact you’d thought about earlier in the day, “you didn’t forget!” you laughed, sitting up against the soft pillows.
“Can’t do it next year though, two weddings in a year would send our parents insane,” you told him. “‘M finished with my tour now. Got nothing on next year,” Harry shrugged, a familiar cheeky smirk sitting pretty between his dimpled cheeks. You felt something shift in the air as he spoke, and he seemed to feel it too, edging closer to you until his face was only centimetres away from yours. “Did I tell you how beautiful you look today?” he cooed, one hand coming up to cup your cheek. His touch shot electricity through your core, a tingling sensation starting where his fingers touched you before washing over your whole body. You shook your head lightly, eyes fixed on him. He leaned in at this, his parted lips meeting yours. The beginnings of a moustache tickled your upper lip, his hot breath flowing into your mouth with every lick of his tongue. You shifted your body towards him as the kiss deepened, four legs and the now-crumpled duvet tangling together as you rushed to close the distance between your bodies. Harry licked into your mouth with the passion of a million years of unspoken longing, his movements saying more than he ever could with words. It was the kind of kiss you’d expect from someone who’d loved you for a lifetime, who wanted to love you for a lifetime, your tongues working alongside each other like this was routine, like you’d done it a thousand times before.
“Harry,” you whispered, hands pushing his blazer from his shoulders. He let you pull it off him, then stroked a hand up your thigh as you admired his upper body. One arm was littered in patchwork tattoos, though all you could focus on was his muscles, illuminated beautifully in the evening light. “Let me get you out of this,” he rasped, twisting your shoulders around to access the zip running down the back of your dress. He smoothed his fingers down your waist and to your hips before unzipping you, your body dwarfed by his strong hands. Harry pressed a kiss into the top of your back, then kissed up and down your spine, hungry for a taste of you as he unveiled more of your skin. You stood up to help him pull your dress down, resting one hand on his shoulder to steady yourself as you stepped out of it, leaving it discarded on the floor. “Matches my eyes,” he smiled. His gaze trailed from your toes, up to your knees, to where your panties wrapped around your hips, and higher still. Up your tanned abdomen to your bare breasts where your rosebud nipples sat perky, to your neck, and finally his gaze rested on your eyes. “Y’so beautiful,” he groaned, running a soft touch along the curve of your neck.
Harry pulled his tank top over his head, stepping out of his slacks as they collapsed at his feet. His body was unbelievable. So tanned and toned, firm in all the right places yet soft in the best ones. You could see the outline of his hard shaft through the thin fabric of his boxers, an almost silent moan slipping out as you took in the sight before you.
He stepped closer to you, backing you up until the side of the bed hit the back of your knees, then held a hand to your back to guide you down onto it. His hot, drunken breath washed over you as he climbed on top of you, one hand balancing his body as the other explored you. His fingers groped your breast firmly, mouth finding the opposite nipple, sucking it into his lips in one quick movement. Your back arched off the bed, pleasure so built up that it only took one touch to send you into a frenzy. Harry licked a circle around your areola, chuckling against your skin as you writhed under his touch. “Barely even started yet, little Boo,” he drawled, moving upwards to kiss along your clenched jaw.
His fingers danced down your body, smoothing over your mound as you gasped and groaned. They slipped under the soft material of your panties, blissfully cold against the heat of your entrance. You were already soaked through, much to his surprise, so he swiped a finger through your folds to collect your juices before landing straight on your clit. Harry rubbed you in circles, the friction leaving you a panting mess under him, head jutting out to press open-mouthed kisses on his throat.
He pulled your panties down your thighs tenderly, kissing every inch of skin they passed over. In the dim light of the room, mouth moving up and down your body, he’d never looked so handsome. His cock brushed against you as he moved back up your body to focus again on your folds, your juices spread across your mound in a mess. Two long fingers dived straight in, his rings leaving a harsh chill against your sensitive skin. The stretch of his fingers alone had you panting, a familiar burning starting in your core. Harry found your sweet spot insanely fast, fingers moving in a perfect beckoning motion just as you liked. He navigated your body like you’d done this before, like the muscle memory just guided him to what he knew made you feel good. “I want more, want you inside of me,” you whined, hips bucking towards Harry’s groin as he silenced you with a deep kiss. “Got to get you ready for me first, Boo”, he told you. You winced as he used your nickname, knowing you’d never be able to hear your dad call you that without thinking of this night.
Harry’s mouth found your breast again, sucking deep purple bruises onto the gentle skin as you whimpered beneath him. He smacked at your pussy as your moans got louder, causing your eyes to shoot up to meet his. “Gotta keep the noise down, sweet girl.” You nodded in response, teeth clamping down on your bottom lip to keep yourself as quiet as you could be. The second his tongue found your nipple, you felt your orgasm bubbling up in your core. Harry noticed the way your head lulled back, slipping a third finger inside of you and using his thumb to brush against your clit. It was like the holy trinity of foreplay, his skilled tongue and fingers hitting your three most pleasurable zones at once. Your climax hit quickly, walls tightening around his digits as you clamped your forearm across your mouth, desperately trying not to scream his name. He peppered kisses down your throat as his fingers rode you through your high, only pulling them away when you went limp under him. Harry held his fingers to his mouth, tongue darting out to lick off every trace of your creamy come.
He backed off you to kick his boxers down his legs, stroking his erection as it oozed precum. He found his wallet, pulling out a condom and rolling it down the length of his cock. “How do you want me, sweet girl?” he asked you, cock twitching in his hand. “Wanna go on top,” you told him, suddenly eager to impress. If his cock was anywhere near as good to you as his hands and mouth had been, you couldn’t only have him once. You needed to show him how good your pretty pussy could take him, make him want to come back for more.
Harry rolled onto the centre of the bed, hands guiding your hips down over his groin. His hand cupped the back of your head, pulling you towards him for a sloppy kiss. His mouth tasted of you, the familiar tingle of juices on his tongue. You stroked his member up and down quickly, before lining it up with your entrance and pushing yourself down onto his tip. “Fuck, H. You’re so big,” you whined, thighs burning as you hovered above him. He used his hands to move you up, then down, down, down, helping you to take him fully. The burn was like nothing you’d experienced before, his girthy cock crammed into every corner of your pussy. You stilled for a moment, hands resting against his butterfly tattoo, chest rising and falling quickly as you tried to push past the ache. He held a thumb under your chin, tilting your head to look at him. “You ok, pet?” he asked, needing to be sure before you continued. You nodded, moving one arm to pull his finger into your mouth. You licked circles around his fingertip, sucking it in down to his knuckle before releasing with it a pop.
Harry’s hands guided your hips to grind against him, helping you until you found your rhythm. He pulled them away, one landing with a loud smack on your ass cheek as the other crept up the front of your body, resting at your throat. He squeezed lightly, the sensation only spurring you on to bounce up and down on him, the combination of your juices squelching as your cheeks slapped against his groin. It was the kind of hot, dirty sex you’d only ever dreamed of, and it had you falling apart on top of him. You cried out a strangled moan, expletives falling out of both of your mouths. “Feel so good around me,” Harry groaned, “so fucking wet. S’that all for me?”
“All for you, H. M’all yours,” you whimpered. His hips bucked against you as you told him you were his, fingers pulling away from your supple ass. He spat on them before dancing them back across your asscheek and smoothing the spit around your second hole, eyes fixed on your pussy bouncing on his cock. “Can I?” he asked you. “Please, H.”
He pushed a finger into your tightness, filling you up so well. You felt so full you could burst. His eyes were clouded over with lust, tiny hairs slick to his forehead with sweat. He looked feral, and you loved it. He repositioned his feet to where they were flat against the bed, hips knocking into you as you moved up and down his cock, his thrusts sending him deeper and deeper inside of you. You were both panting now, barely able to contain your highs for a second longer. “Come with me, come with me please,” you begged him, your second orgasm of the night starting to rise through your core. His thrusts got faster and sloppier, obscene sounds echoing around the room, a clear sign of what you were doing to anyone who could hear you right now. Your orgasm crept up on you quickly, thanks to Harry tightening his grip around your neck and pushing his finger further into your tight hole. Your head was thrown back as you came, back arched making his cock feel as though it could burst through your belly button. Harry moaned loudly, hips jutting one last time as he flooded the condom with his come. You collapsed in a sweaty heap, totally unable to hold yourself up any longer.
“Took me so well, angel girl,” Harry drawled as he pulled out of you, padding across the room to toss the condom and rinse his hands. You lay there in total bliss, comfortable in the knowledge that your friendship was long gone.
“Let me go first and you can come after,” you told Harry, holding a finger up to shush him when he started to laugh. “We’re grown adults, Y/N, it doesn’t matter if anyone sees us come out together.”
“I don’t write songs about sex and drugs. My body is still untouched in my parents eyes,” you told him, hand slipping from the doorknob as he pulled you in for another kiss. “Just don’t come until you hear me leaving.”
You crept out of the room as silently as you could, heels and dress bundled under one arm. You’d heard Anne, your parents and Gemma head out to the courtyard already, so there was no danger of being caught by prying eyes - or so you thought. As you were padding across the hallway to your room, Anne appeared round the corner. “I was just coming to see if you were awake,” she told you, eyes sparkling with glee. “No wonder your mum said your bed was untouched.” She knocked on Harry’s door with a tight-lipped smile lighting up her face. He opened the door wide-eyed as Anne pulled him into a firm hug, pressing a sticky lipgloss kiss to his cheek. “I always hoped you two would get together.” She disappeared back down the hall as quickly as she appeared, leaving you and Harry blushing.
You decided to make your way outside together, knowing it wouldn’t be long before your parents put two and two together anyway. Plus, you knew Anne wouldn’t be able to resist telling your mum and Gemma what she saw.
You decided to spend the day on the beach, you and Harry with your parents and Anne, since Gemma and Michal had already left for their honeymoon. It was a perfect summers day, the sun warm enough to enjoy but not hot enough to irritate you, the gentle sea breeze cooling you down as it washed over you. Your mum and Anne were sprawled across a linen blanket, two bottles of wine stood in the sand next to their feet. They called you over, instant dread washing over you as Anne excitedly shouted your name. “Do you have anything to tell us?” she asked you, and you were sure there would be mischief glinting in her eyes under her big sunglasses. They sat up and scooted over on their blanket, leaving space for you to slot in between. “Nothing that I’m sure you don’t already know,” you smirked, a deep blush creeping up your cheeks. Your mum looked between Anne and you, gasping as she swatted at your leg. “So it’s true! You dirty little minx.”
You held your head in your hands, mortified that your parents knew you’d slept with Harry. “Oh relax,” your mum told you. “It’s nothing we haven’t done before,” she smirked, throwing herself towards Anne as they howled in laughter. Anne stopped suddenly, her hand tapping at your mum’s thigh incessantly. “If they get married, we’ll be real family!” she gasped, face pink with joy. “Well, the pact is what got us there in the first place,” Harry told them, sitting down next to you and snaking a hand around your waist.
“I forgot all about that,” your mum’s jaw went slack. “Do you still have it?” she asked Anne. “Of course I do. Kept it safe to show them when they found their way back to each other, always knew this day would come.”
part two
taglist: @sleutherclaw @harrysolaf @slutforcoffein
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inuyashaluver · 5 months
airport havoc with reader and leah’s 3 kids😩
mumma williamson - leah williamson
leah williamson x reader
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description: in which you and your wife handle your children at an airport, a roller coaster for everyone involved
warnings: leah never did her acl, looonnngg, really don’t know how to feel about this one
a/n: thank you for the request lovely, this was super fun ❤️ also - i unintentionally wrote this at the airport lmao
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you and your wife, leah have been together for just over 10 years, it seems unbelievable but you and leah have been basically in love with each other all your lives, taking years of mutual pining and a gentle push of your teammates.
you’d met leah in the arsenal youth teams, becoming quick best friends through both of your competitive natures. “i’m gonna win” little leah says with a toothy grin, giving you a light shove. “not if i win first!” you say cheekily. and that describes your entire relationship, competitive, genuine, loving and comforting.
when you finally started dating at 16, you grew closer and closer over the years, both physically and emotionally. you two just got each other, everyone around you telling you that you were soulmates and you couldn’t help but agree.
if there was one thing to know about your wife, it was that she is incredibly convincing. this girl could have you doing anything she wanted and you would because you love her so much. she was exactly the same, if you wanted something, she would make it happen, no if’s, and’s, or but’s.
so when you both hit 22, leah took you to her house for christmas, where she brought her cousin’s baby over with a pleading expression. “baby, look” she pouts, cradling the baby’s head to her chin as she gently bounced up and down. you couldn’t help but grin longingly.
you had to admit, everytime leah held a baby, your ovaries would explode, you knew she’d be an amazing mother and you were willing to give her that.
so, you put your career on hold to have your first child, amanda, named after her mother but called mandy for short. you and leah were ecstatic to have a little girl, both of you crying when you were told the gender.
after you had baby mandy, you’d taken months off before making your return, working extremely hard and honestly playing better than you ever have. leah was incredibly proud of you, telling you everyday. you were both so content with your little family, until it flipped completely.
during a game, you’d manage to get a goal which saved the match for arsenal vs chelsea at the emirates.
when it happened, leah bolted over to you, hoisting you up in a tight embrace. “look at you, mummy williamson” she winks, giving your cheek an affectionate kiss as you tried to push her off out of embarrassment.
“stop it, mumma williamson” throwing her a half assed wink, she laughs and bumps her hip with yours, running back to her position for the last two minutes of the match. by the time you’d done your lap of signatures and photos, you and leah make way to the family and friends section, taking baby mandy from leah’s mum and taking her around the field.
she was a year old at this point, your teammates immediately running over to her and giving her all their love.
you held mandy on your hip, she’d fallen asleep. you lightly chat with some of the girls while rocking your baby gently as she sleeps against your shoulder.
leah stood behind you and took in the scene, her wife and her daughter, ‘williamson’ shining brightly on their backs. she walks up behind you and wraps her arms around your waist, gently kissing your neck and smirking when your breath hitches.
“lee” you breathe out, she tightens her grip, “hm?” she places a kiss just below your ear and you lean into her. you let out a shaky sigh when she continues to press soft kisses against the right sight of your neck. “what? i can’t kiss my beautiful wife?” she says smugly, spinning you around gently so she could face you.
“i know what you’re doing” you sing out, leah looks at you with fake confusion. “what? nah, baby, i’m not doing anything” she moves her hand to lightly tug at the bottom of your jersey and you squint your eyes at her. her finger dips under your shirt to lightly graze the skin of your waist and you grab her hand before she continues. you were both literally standing in the middle of the pitch.
when leah saw how much of an amazing mother you were, her heart exploded. she’d known you’d be an amazing one but the fact that you carried her child and gave her the privilege of becoming a mother herself, how could she not want another?
that night, when you arrive home, leah pushes you on the couch as she carried a sleeping baby mandy in her arms. “hey!” you whisper shout and she just grins at you, winking to wordlessly tell you to wait there for her. once she put the baby in her bed, she comes out with the baby monitor in hand, placing it on the coffee table before making you lie flat on the couch so she could lie on top of you.
“hi, mumma” she says cheekily, leaning down to place a sweet kiss on your lips as she hovered over you. “hello” you mumble against her lips in between her kisses. she pulls away and looks at you suggestively, “you know, i’ve been thinking..” she starts, “oh, that’s not good” you grin, she rolls her eyes amusingly as she pinches your hip. “shut up, anyway, you know, you’re such an amazing mum, baby” she says adoringly, her eyes glistening as she speaks.
you place a gentle hand on her cheek, “you’re an amazing mum too, lovey” you grin softly, she leans forward to kiss your lips. it’s starts off slow and calculated, until she feels your hand dip under her shirt and graze your nails on her skin and a switch flips.
a needy make out session progressing quickly, she pulls away from you breathlessly and looks down at you with blown out pupils. “i want to run an idea past you if you’re comfortable” she breathes out, getting off you to sit up and tapping her lap for you to join her which you happily do.
you knew where she was going and you were in the same mindset. you wanted another baby. she nervously plays with the hem of your shirt, unable to look into your eyes because she was so nervous. you smile, placing a hand under her chin and directi her eyes to yours. “you want another baby” you say simply, affection laced in your words.
leah looked at you with wide eyes and an unmistakable grin. “only if you want to” she replies, grabbing your hands and squeezing them gently. you nod and smile, leaning forward to peck her lips, then her cheeks, her forehead and her nose. she looks up at you, completely love sick. you lean forward to whisper in her ear, “put another baby in me, williamson” and that’s all it took for her to lift you up and run to the bedroom. sure, leah couldn’t put a baby in you like this, but the both of you weren’t complaining.
so that’s how baby cathrine, cat for short, came along. you begged leah to name the girl after her middle name because you found it so cute and she begrudgingly agreed, willing to let you name the baby anything you wanted as you were carrying her child. at this point, mandy was two and a half while baby catherine was just a year old.
one day after training, you’d gone to the shops to quickly get some groceries and came back to leah sprawled out on the floor with your two daughters, their little heads propped up on your wife’s arms, completely engrossed on the screen. walking closer to the sweet scene in front of you, you realise leah had put on a video of your highlights
“mummy’s so cool isn’t she?” leah says proudly, mandy nodding and watching intently, cat reaching her arm out in a grabbing motion when there was a close up of you after your chelsea goal which prompted her birth but you would never tell her that.
“mumma’s cooler i think” you say suddenly and all three of them jolt, snapping their heads towards you. leah looked at you with so much love in her eyes, you nearly collapsed. the entire rest of the night, you couldn’t keep your hands off leah and she just knew what you wanted because she wanted the same thing.
when the two girls were tucked in by you and leah, after they were sound asleep, you drag leah to the couch, pushing her onto it and immediately straddling her. “oh, hello” she giggles, placing her hands on your thighs. “i need to ask you something” you say nervously, feeling so vulnerable in this moment for no reason.
“you want another baby, don’t you?” leah says simply, a deja vu moment for both of you.
you instantly nod, “only if you want to” you whisper and she kisses you sweetly. “i’d have 50 babies with you if i could but i care about this and you” she pokes your stomach cheekily and you giggle with her at her response. and so, baby olivia was born, liv for short.
you’d taken some time off football to be a mum, spending your time with your kids until they were old enough to go to preschool/school. you’d made your comeback during the euros, a euphoric experience being in your national team that your wife captained while your three kids sat with your families watching.
and now in present time, it was the 2023 world cup. your wife was named captain and both of you get called up. it was a no brainer that you would bring your kids along for the world cup, mandy was now 4, cat was 3 and liv was 1. you’d been to the airport with your kids before but not like this, you were flying internationally, with your teammates, for over 16 hours.
you had expressed to leah how nervous you were about it but she constantly reassured you that everything would be fine. crazily enough, your children were extremely well behaved, the girls absolutely loved having them around. many of them teased you that all three of them were just complete carbon copies of you and leah mixed together.
and so, you, leah and your three daughters arrived at the airport with excited grins, you and leah were in your training kits while your daughters all wore their ‘williamson’ jerseys. you held liv along with dragging two suitcases in your other hand while leah held mandy’s hand, mandy holding cat’s, leah held all your documents in her other hand while you all walked through the airport. thankfully, england had gotten a private plane for your arrivals, as there was so many of you coming along for the trip.
you’d done all the check ins, dropped off your luggage and that left the five of you to chill and wait until boarding. your kids throughout check in and security were perfect little angels, you and leah constantly giving each other surprised and proud grins. you were so impressed by your kids behaviour until they saw their aunties at the airport, all of them switching completely.
each and every teammate of yours was always an auntie, so when your kids are surrounded with almost all of them, they go insane. as soon as mandy sees her favourite auntie, georgia, she sprints away from the both of you and jumps into her awaiting arms.
“my little mandy!” georgia exclaims, hugging the girl tightly, she laughs gleefully when georgia litters kisses on her cheeks. “careful, amanda” leah scolds when the small girl ripped her hand from her own. georgia waves leah off and leah can’t help but send her a half-hearted scowl.
cat however also had a favourite auntie, the small girl sprinting over to auntie lucy through the influence of her big sister. “lu-lu” cat squeals, her little feet bounding over to the brunette.
lucy gives the small girl a bright grin and an affectionate kiss to the cheek before gently throwing her in the air and catching her, spinning the girl around as they both giggle with each other.
“oh my god” leah breathes out terrified, scared lucy would drop her. you wrap your arm around her bicep, she looks down at you with uneasy eyes but washes away at your comforting grin.
“hello, kitty cat!” lucy coos, taking her to watch the big window where the planes were taking off and landing.
you tug her over towards some open seats, sitting down and looking up at her with a bright smile. “come on, captain” you tap the seat next to you encouragingly. liv snuggles into you further, her hand gripping your jacket tightly as she buries her face into your neck.
leah looks at you with a little pout, she felt a little betrayed that none of her girls wanted to stay with her, instead running off around the section in the airport where the lionesses were situated.
well, liv did stay, but the girl was passed out against your shoulder, cuddling into you completely. “all our baby girls are gone, we’re empty nesters” she huffs, you just shake your head at her gently.
leah lets out a defeated sigh but smiles at you and liv, taking out her phone and snapping a quick picture before sitting next to you, placing a warm hand on your thigh while your head rests on her shoulder.
“oh, leah baby,” you coo amusingly, “we’re not empty nesters, my love, they’re just excited” you hold onto the arm that was holding your thigh.
“they don’t want us anymore” she pouts, you take your head off her shoulder and pull her down to kiss you softly, she can’t help but smile into it while you run your nails over her arm.
“they do, baby, don’t look into it too much” you part from her with a kiss to her cheek. you look into her eyes to reassure her and it seems to do the trick, she nods and smiles at you, quickly kissing your lips appreciatively. “yeah, you're right, darling” she breathes out and trails her eyes over your face.
“it’s alright, lee, i’ll just annoy you” you say cheekily and she kisses the top of your head, giving your thigh a gentle squeeze. “you never annoy me, my girl” she smiles, resting her head on top of yours as she watches her daughters interact with your teammates.
contempt, she closes her eyes for just a second until she feels a little body clawing itself into her lap, opening her eyes to see mandy looking at her with wide and excited eyes. “hi, mumma” she grins happily and leah smiles at her affectionately, “hi, baby girl, you having fun?” leah questions, mandy nods her head instantly. mandy was in a stage where she asks questions every two seconds, leah was in for a ride.
you sit beside them and watch the interaction while liv was still passed out on your shoulder.
“why are we here?” mandy cocks her head to the side and leah couldn’t help but grin, “mummy and I are playing football” leah remarks, the small girl grabs her hand and begins to play with her fingers. “but, mummy said you can’t play football at the airport” she cocks her head to the side and stared up at leah confused.
leah lets out a little laugh, moving her hand up to pinch her cheek gently. “mummy’s right, darling, but i meant we’re playing football in another place” leah speaks full of affection, mandy nods and turns her head to smile at you,
“hi, mummy” mandy offers you a toothy grin and you send her one right back, “hi, princess” you lift your hand up to give her a gentle pinch on her cheek. mandy suddenly snaps her head towards leah again and leah’s eyes slightly widen, “where are we going?” the girl queries, “australia” leah replies with another soft smile.
“that’s where auntie caity and steffy are from!” mandy remarks with a bright grin, leah nods along with her, “that’s right, smart girl!” she praises, placing her hand on her head and lightly ruffling her hair.
mandy hates that, offering leah the signature williamson glare and leah just laughs loudly, looking at you with an amused grin, you laugh along with them. suddenly, little cat runs over with a bright grin, climbing on top of the seat and sitting on one of leah’s legs and one of your legs. “hello, catty” you say brightly, the girl smiles at you, “mummy! i saw the plane!” she says completely astonished, you and leah both offer her shocked expressions, “did you really?” the small girl nods enthusiastically and you and leah have expressions full of love evident on your faces, a couple of your teammates watching your family interact with one another with elated grins.
liv who was asleep until now slowly begins to stir, taking her face out of your neck and looking completely disheveled. you and leah let out a little giggle at your daughter’s appearance, she offers you a tired smile before blinking slowly and taking in her surroundings.
“hello, baby” leah coos, liv smiles gently and rests her head on your chin, leah pouts at the sight, her heart soaring out of her chest. “she’s so cute” leah boasts, you nod your head in agreement and hug the little girl closer to your chest.
“what about us?” cat exclaims and you both look over to see two unimpressed glares staring at the both of you, the two of you immediately fuss over them. “look at our cute and pretty girls, huh, mummy, aren’t they the best?” leah asserted, nodding over in your direction where you nodded instantly.
“oh definitely, mumma, prettiest and cutest girls alive” you affirm, both you and leah nodding enthusiastically and it seemed to work on your daughters, both of them sporting shy grins. liv still tight in your embrace cuddles into you further, babbling random words as she stares at her sisters.
you were growing slightly uncomfortable, the small girl had been sitting in your arms for so long, they were growing tired. you try to stretch and leah notices your discomfort, moving immediately to grab the small girl, holding her in her arms and you let out a sigh of relief, smiling at leah appreciatively.
liv was happy to move as well, giving leah a sweet kiss on the cheek which had tears brimming in your eyes. you can’t help but look at them full of love, leah instantly growing shy under your gaze. “stop it” she mumbles and grows pink at the sound of your affectionate giggle.
leah has always slightly freaked out when she sees you looking at her completely love sick, often feeling like it was a dream that her dream girl was looking at her full of love.
the two girls on your’s and leah’s laps brighten at your now vacant body, both of them trying to get over to you as quick as they could. you had each girl on a thigh each, letting out a little laugh at leah’s frustrated face, she wanted you to rest a little before the flight and she just knew you wouldn’t be getting that till much later. “girls, no, let’s leave mummy to rest, please” leah commented, trying to coax your daughters to get off you but they wouldn’t budge.
“no!” cat exclaims, grabbing your arm tightly and shaking her head at leah, mandy does the same thing, grabbing your other arm and holding it as tight as she could, they were just like their mother, stubborn, you thought. “yes, come on, let mummy relax, she’s very tired” leah says sternly, patting the chair next to her for them to sit in.
you open your mouth to assure leah it was okay but before you could, you hear a whimper from your lap, looking down to see cat’s eyes swelling with tears. both your and leah’s eyes widen, at seeing her sister cry, mandy begins to cry. “mummy, i’m sorry” cat wails, cuddling into you and you instantly hug the girl back, mandy follows in suit and holds onto you tightly.
“why are you sorry, lovey?” you coo, running your hands over both of their backs in comforting circles. “we are making you tired” mandy cries, nuzzling her head into your chest. you look at leah beside you with wide eyes, faced with your wife and your youngest looking at you with shocked and confused expressions. “baby, i-” leah tries to respond but she’s just so shocked, she didn’t think her words would spur a reaction like that.
“no no, my girls, it’s okay, you’re not making mummy tired” you reassure but the two girls continue to cry, leah dips her head to make eye contact with the two of them but they refuse to look at her. leah pouts at you, she made her babies cry. you move back from the two of them and they face you with matching, tearful expressions, their pouts going unmissed. “aw, girls don’t cry, it’s okay” you smile softly, wiping both of their tears away with the pads of your thumbs.
“babies” leah calls out, all three of you look up and leah mutters up all her strength to bite back a smile. “did mumma make you sad?” leah questions, placing liv on one of her thighs and holding her hands out to them, mandy grabs one and shuffles closer to leah. the two of them nod, pouting up at their mum. “oh, my loves, i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to make you sad, i just want mummy to feel good for the flight” leah says earnestly, placing a small kiss on mandy’s head and holding cat’s little hand in the other.
“it’s okay, mumma” cat says, lifting leah’s hand up and placing a little kiss on the back of it, you and leah wear identical grins. mandy nods at her sister’s words, wrapping her arms around leah’s neck and hugging her tightly. leah looks at you with the biggest smile, you giggle at the little interaction. cat moves to hug you, holding onto you tightly and pressing her cheek up against your own, smiling at leah. leah could’ve crumbled at the sight before her, knowing you felt the same with her.
after the moment of solidarity with one another, you hear a bright laugh coming from leah��s right thigh, looking over and seeing liv with a bright smile at seeing you all hug. leah brings her over to the middle of you and you all have a little group hug, hearing multiple ‘aw so cute’’s coming from your teammates.
when you pull away from the hug, mandy immediately bombards you with questions, making both you and leah laugh. the team had gotten called to board the plane and the girls all perk up, excited to embark on the journey to australia. leah takes over with liv, the girl extremely cuddly and wanting to go back to sleep, seeming as though the arms of her mums lulls her into dreamland.
on the other hand, you’re being dragged by two sets of hands, mandy and cat’s. “mummy, quickly” mandy huffs, sending you a little scowl when you giggle at her attitude. “sorry, baby, mummy will hurry” you tease, leah places a hand on the small of your back and leads you all to your seats.
“these two will be handfuls, baby, let me take care of them and you take this one” leah gently passes liv over to you, you smile and pucker your lips up at leah, which she quickly leans down to place a quick kiss on your lips.
she pulls away slightly, pecking them numerous times until she feel small hands on her legs, dragging her to the seat directly next to you. “do you see these little monsters you made” leah says jokingly, you stick your tongue out at her and shrug your shoulders. “i may have carried them, but they’re all you, williamson” you smirk. leah tutts, but smiles at you, “yeah, yeah, williamson, whatever, look at how stubborn they are, that’s all you”. leah teases and you roll your eyes at her jokingly, both of you knew that your daughters were clones of the both of you.
she takes mandy and cat and sits them in their seats, immediately putting on movies for both of them to watch, both of them entertained wholeheartedly. leah smiles at both of them, “can i sit with mummy or do you need me?” they both look at her with cheesy grins, “go kiss mummy” mandy teases, leah’s eyes widen with amusement, laughing and ruffling the girls hair and again gaining an icy scowl.
leah moves away to where you were, liv sleeping soundly on your lap while you sit and look up at her with a smile. “hello, mumma williamson” you say adoringly, your wife leaning down to place a kiss on your lips before sitting next to you. “hello, mummy williamson” she replies cheekily, placing another peck on your lips before settling in her seat beside you.
“they’re awfully quiet” you whisper in your wife’s ear, she nods in agreement, both of you look over to see your two daughters sleeping, heads resting on each other while completely out cold. you and leah look at each other sweetly, “we made them” leah pouts, you nod with a matching one, “we made them” you mirror, both of you have eyes full of pride and adoration.
the rest of the flight, the girls were mostly asleep, waking up to ask you to take them to the bathroom or for a little snack or meal before dozing off completely. “i think we should go on planes more often, look how perfect” you point at your sleeping daughters, leah smiles at you sleepily, clearly wanting to join. “let’s sleep” leah kisses your forehead and you rest your head on her shoulder, the five of you asleep and fully contempt.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆
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liked by stanwaygeorgia and 44,232 others
leahwilliamsonn: all my pretty babies
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yourname: leah williamson is a milf
↳ leahwilliamsonn: (y/n) williamson is a milf
stanwaygeorgia: my little monster
luzybronze: kitty cat
mbrighty04: still shocked at how you made such perfect children, considering both of you are fucking handfuls
↳ leahwilliamsonn: just because you’re second captain doesn’t mean you can put us down like that
↳ yourname: yeah! tell her, baby!
↳ mbrighty04: okay captain, you’re still a handful
↳ yourname: i won’t deny that
↳ leahwilliamsonn: baby!
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back2bluesidex · 7 months
Girl Crush - MYG
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Part of my Milestone Drabble Request Game. Find the request here.
Read the follow-up drabble, Afterglow.
Pairing: Husband!Yoongi X Wife!Reader
Theme: Angst, Unrequited love au, arrange marriage au
Wordcount: 1.5k+
Summary: It was and is Min Yoongi, who you fell in love with over the course of charity galas, executive meetings, quarterly gatherings, parties and so on. And he never once looked in your direction. But then again, there are very few people Yoongi really looked at.
Based on Girl Crush by Harry Styles (Cover).
Warnings: unhappy marriage, unrequited love, yoongi loves someone else. this is very painful.
Minors are not allowed in this blog!!
A/N: I had this idea sitting on my head for a long time now. Thanks to @jimintaemin for requesting this and giving me a chance of writing this. This is very angsty just as you wanted. Hope you like this. Hit me back with your feedback!:)
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“I've got a girl crush… Hate to admit it but I’ve got a heart rush… It ain’t slowin' down”
“I assume you already know that this is a marriage of convenience, a negotiation between two companies. And I hope you will not expect anything from me. As long as it’s about responsibilities, I am okay with those. But don’t expect anything more.” Min Yoongi had said, cold and stoic, as if not conversing but stating some flat facts related to stock prices. 
He was not wrong. Whatever he had said are indeed facts and there was nothing you didn’t already know.
So you stood there, standing as still as a porcelain doll, ready to fall and break at any given moment. 
“And just so you know… I have someone.” he finished, diverting his eyes from you even though he never really looked at you properly. 
Although you were glad that he didn’t. You were more than happy that he didn’t witness tears rolling down your face, gathering below your chin and dropping down at the immaculate fabric of your wedding gown. 
Do tears leave stains? You hoped that was not the case. 
It’s not that you pictured a fairytale married life for you. You know arranged marriages come with more cons than pros. You knew you would have to pay the price.. but at the same time you had no choice. You were even more reluctant to do anything because it was him. 
It was and is Min Yoongi, who you fell in love with over the course of charity galas, executive meetings, quarterly gatherings, parties and so on. And he never once looked in your direction. But then again, there are very few people Yoongi really looked at. 
It was foolish for you to expect a man of his stature would not have someone to love, to be loved by. And it was even more foolish for you to think, you can be his wife, a real one.. and lead a life with him. 
However, now you know it’s impossible. And the realization made you feel helpless, caged and broken. 
“I won’t expect anything, I promise, but in return… Can we at least be friends? It will make things easy for both of us.” you’d uttered upon managing your voice and emotions. 
Only then he looked at you, like really looking at you with a small smile playing on his lips, he’d said “sure.”  
That was the moment you realized you had a girl crush. And it was the woman who managed to make Yoongi, your husband, fall in love. 
“I got it real bad.. Want everything she has That smile and that midnight laugh.. She's giving you now.” 
You thought, you would be angry. You thought every possible darkness would cover your senses, when you’d meet her for the first time. 
But wrong… you were. 
You had so many prejudices about this woman and you hated her with every drop of blood your body owns but all of it evaporated in thin air when she smiled at you standing right at your and yoongi’s door. 
She is beautiful, she is kind, she is loveable… and maybe everything else you can’t ever be. 
“Thank you so much, Y/N. I never thought I was going to see Yoongi ever again.” she’d murmured as she stood close to you in the kitchen, preparing dinner for you three. 
You had stared into her eyes then.. Trying to find mockery and a hint of brazen victory telling you, “you’re only his paper wife. I own his heart.” 
But again.. Again you were disappointed. 
In her eyes, there was no mockery, no pretense, no dishonesty.. Rather only understanding and kindness. Only then you understood why Yoongi loves her so much. 
Why will it never be you and always be her.  
That night as you stood at the balcony, enjoying the stinging sensation cold wind brought to you, you heard them laughing.
It was the first time you heard Min Yoongi laughing. Even though faint and muffled, you could still sense his happiness through the sound. 
Min Yoongi was finally happy... for the first time since the wedding ceremony... and you were not the reason. 
All of a sudden, you were jealous again, even though you were not sure if you had the right or not. 
“I want to taste her lips… Yeah, 'cause they taste like you I want to drown myself… In a bottle of her perfume”
You didn’t know what you were thinking when you invited her to your and Yoongi’s honeymoon. 
Both of your and his parents have been pestering you to set out for the trip. You have been using excessive workload as the excuse and you assumed Yoongi to do the same.
But a week ago, everything went south when Yoongi had a fight with his father. As a result, flights were booked, accommodations were chosen and you two were notified only two days prior. 
That night, Yoongi didn’t come back home. And when he did, he didn’t speak a single word to you. 
The visible frown on his forehead and the cold aura that oozed from him, made you want to make him smile, made you invite his lover to the trip secretly.  
She was already there when you two reached and you will never forget Yoongi’s reaction when he realized what was happening. 
The grumpy cold Yoongi broke into gummy smiles and giggles as soon as he saw her. They kissed right in front of your eyes and you silently cried. 
Oh how you wish, you could taste him too. How you wish, he would hold you like that, caress you like that. 
How you wish… he would love you like that. 
“I want her long blond hair… I want her magic touch Yeah, 'cause maybe then… You'd want me just as much”
 “Babe, could you please turn your head a little? Yes.. yes just like that.” 
You watched the man as he clicked photos after photos of the woman he loves, seemingly trying to document her beauty for a long long time.  
You watched her as her long blond hair flowed like a waterfall down her shoulder, wind ruffling it gently making her look even more beautiful. 
“Let’s take a selfie, will you?” she shouted at him and he chuckled. 
He buried his head in the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent, he said, “you smell so nice.”
You wondered, what she smelled like, what perfume did she use to make Yoongi look this satisfied. You even considered asking her, purchasing a bottle and drowning yourself in one of those if that means Yoongi would love to smell you too, he would curl himself around you late at night. If that means Yoongi would want you, just as much. 
“I don't get no sleep… I don't get no peace Thinking about her.. Under your bed sheets”
“Where are you going?” confusion dripped through Yoongi’s voice. You stopped at your tracks and turned to face him. 
“I will sleep in the other room. You two should have your space. I will send her in as soon as I am there.” you smiled at him, even though your heart bleed invisibly inside your chest at the thought of how they would spend the night together. 
“No, Y/N. We will adjust. You sleep here in the suite.” Yoongi commented, as firm as a verdict, as he stepped towards where you stood. 
“But Yoongi, I am alone, what would I do with all this space?” you sighed. You definitely didn’t want to be left alone at the honeymoon suite, decorated for the newlyweds. You hate it. Totally loathe the decorations. Those giant red hearts had been mocking you since the moment you stepped there. You might tear those to pieces if you were left there alone, raising endless questions regarding such an act. 
“You have done enough. You have done much more than you needed to and I feel like I’m taking advantage of your kindness. So, please… stay here. Enjoy the stay. We will manage.” giving you one of his tight lipped smiles, Yoongi slipped out of the room to spend the night with his lover. 
That night when you slid inside the covers, which smelled awfully like him because he took a nap earlier in the evening, you started breaking down. 
Your hopes, your dreams, and your heart all started crumbling right before your eyes. You held the duvet tightly around yourself and pretended it was yoongi wrapped around you, it was Yoongi, whispering sweet things in your ear, it was Yoongi, telling you that he loved you. 
Somewhere you knew, Yoongi is actually doing all these things in real-time but.. Not to you.. Not for you. 
You closed your eyes, tears streamed down your cheeks and wetted the pillow. You imagined your life as her… as your girl crush… as the woman your husband, Min Yoongi, loves. 
“I've got a girl crush… Hate to admit it but I’ve got a heart rush… It ain’t slowin' down”
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plomegranate · 7 months
i love palestinian and arab culture so much.
my grandma wearing thobes around the house and making us tamriyeh. my cousins wedding when we all wore thobes and keffiyehs and took photos downtown and we danced with someone playing the guitar on the street and this lady stopping us to tell us we all looked so beautiful. walking the graduation stage in a thobe. the girl who liked to guess arab peoples ethnicities telling me "you're wearing tatreez... do you want me to write 'palestinian' on your forehead?" the keffiyeh my brother keeps on the drivers seat of his car.
my dad sending me off to my last semester of college with 2 pomegranates and a jar of palestinian olive oil. my cousins wife coming up with new ways to make zaatar and cheese pastries. me and my grandma sitting on the floor and making waraq 3neb- my job was to separate the leaves so she could roll them easier. my mom sending me and my brother to school with eid cookies for my teachers and tasking us with delivering some to the neighbors. my aunt glaring at me and piling more food on my plate and then asking if i was still hungry (i wasnt). my mom always telling me to invite my friends and cousins over for dinner and asking me what they like to eat. my family getting my dad knafeh instead of cake for his birthday. the man who told me i made the "best fetteh in the western hemisphere".
the man in the shawarma shop who gave me my fries for free and baklava i didnt order because we spoke about being palestinian while he took my order. the person on tumblr who i bonded with because we are from the same palestinian city. the girl i met on campus who exclaimed "youre palestinian? me too!" because i was wearing my keffiyeh. the girl in my class that showed me the artwork about palestine her dad made and donated for fundraising. the couple in the grocery store who noticed my palestinian shirt and talked with me for 20 minutes and ended up being a family friend. the silly palestinian kids i tutored sighing in disappointment when i told them i was born in america because they were hoping that id have been born "somewhere cooler". my friends family who bought me dinner despite me being there by chance and having met me for the first time the day before.
the boys starting uncoordinated dabke lines in my high school's hallways. the songs about the longing and love for our land. the festivals and parties and gatherings where everything smells like shisha and oud. memories of waiting in the car for an hour as my parents talked at the doorway of their friends homes. my cousins and i showing up at each others homes with cake or fruit or games as if it was the first time we ever visited even though we always say "you dont have to".
kids stubbornly helping to clean and make tea after a meal while being told to go sit down because they are guests. the necklaces in the shape of our home countries. people hugging and laughing and acting as if theyve known each other for years because they come from the same city or know people with the same last name. the day i finally got to bully my friends into letting me pay the bill because i had a job and they were still students. my moms friend who calls us every time she's at the grocery store to see if we need something
palestinian people are so resilient and hardworking and charitable. they love their culture and their community and are so quick to share and welcome anyone in. everyday i am so thankful and proud to be part of such a warm and lovely culture
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f0point5 · 1 month
would you consider writing the time when max realized that he loved yn?
i remember that he was like in a mindset of idgaf what happens with her im js happy being best friends and having her in my life but i wonder how he got to that point
The way this came out…idk I hope you like it 😂 I really wish I’d retconned this whole situation but I stayed true to the fic timeline.
I just…I really hope you don’t hate it 🫠
✨Set after Max wins his 3rd championship in Qatar✨
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Honestly, who (is he) to fight the alchemy?
Max has been in love before. He knows what it feels like. It felt like winning a race. The adrenaline, the elation, the satisfaction, the sliver of relief. He didn’t think there was a better feeling, and if you feel that when you’re with someone, then that must be love.
He never felt like that with you. So he wasn’t in love. He loved you, but he wasn’t in love. Thank God for that, he’d always thought to himself. Max didn’t put effort into games he wouldn’t win and the games you played with men didn’t have a rule book. He was just so lucky, to have you as a friend, and a roommate, and a feline co-parent, and that’s how it would stay.
Except, when the journalist had asked him if you were going to live with him after he retired, he didn’t know what to say. Of course you would, except, how would your boyfriend feel about that? And of course he wanted you to, but he wanted a family, too. But you were family, in some complicated way that he’d never realised before that moment might mean that you wouldn’t always be…with him.
And he didn’t have the desire or the language skills to explain that to a random German journalist. He’d rattled off some answer about how he never knew what the future would bring. It was true, he didn’t think much about the future. But he should have, because when he did it always had you in it.
He wanted a house, and a wife, and kids. It wasn’t like he envisaged doing all that with you. Except, he hadn’t envisaged doing any of it without you, either. It was always you imagined having breakfast with, you he imagined would teach his kids to ski, you he thought about when he thought about buying one of those mansions in the hills above Monaco. Naively, he hadn’t imagined either of you with partners that would mind you and Max living your lives together. It sounded fucking stupid when he thought about it. But, it’s not like he was going to marry you, because he’s not in love with you.
It’s not like I’m in love with her. He’d said that before.
Aren’t you, Max?
Isn’t he?
Is he?
So now here he is, at this totally-not-a-party party, celebrating his this third world championship, wondering if he’s in love. Wondering if that even matters. The music is loud, not enough to drown out his thoughts. He can’t even drink too much because he still has a race tomorrow. He feels lightheaded enough.
He doesn’t know why he’s questioning himself. He has an answer. He knows what being in love feels like, and he doesn’t feel that about you. How he does feel about you, is…not quantifiable. Except he’d really like a name for it right about now. One that’s not going to spin his whole world off its axis. But then, he’s not exactly the axis, is he? Not really.
He should feel like the centre of the universe tonight. He’s lost count of how many times he’s received praise and congratulations, plaudits, and pictures, even gifts. Everyone wants to be in his orbit, everyone wants to talk to him, everyone except you.
You’re leaning against the balcony, bopping along to the music, talking to his dad of all people, your flushed face and lazy grin telltale signs you’ve had too much to drink. Jos is as close as he ever gets to smiling, a telltale sign he’s had too much to drink, and the two of you are, as usual, talking over each other. His eyes linger on your long legs and gentle curves. It would be cutting a corner, to say he’s in love with you, because how can you not be at least a little bit infatuated with the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen? But that’s not love, exactly. Even half drunk, with all this talk of spinning and the party beginning to blur at its edges, the only thing he can see clearly is you. You don’t even notice him looking, because you’re so used to feeling eyes on you.
No, being around you has never felt like winning much of anything. It actually feels a bit like he’s fighting for his life. It feels like…driving, he realises, as the gin starts to hit.
Being around you was like being in the RB19. Like being behind the wheel of something that could kill you, but fits you like a second skin. Like the illusion of having control of a force of nature. It was like living on a knife edge, but building a home there. Comfortable with the uncomfortable, they’d called him, and nothing had ever made him as uncomfortable as you.
If that was being in love, he’d probably been in love with you for as long as his dad said he was.
You don’t notice him looking, but Jos does. He waves Max over, and Max is glad for an excuse. His body gets up before he’s decided to, and he blinks furiously as he walks, trying to focus his thoughts enough to hold a conversation with you when he’s beginning to think he might-
“Maxy,” you say, grinning like it’s the first time you’ve seen him all night.
Fuck. Fuck.
Oh, fuck. The gin’s coming back. For a second he feels like he’s either going to ask you to marry him or vomit all over you.
“I’m leaving. She’s all yours,” Jos says, and Max steadies himself. His dad leans over and gives him one last hug before switching to Dutch. “Get her to bed. And yourself, also. You’ve still got to race tomorrow,”
Max nods and waves him off, closing his arms around you when you wobble, leaning into him for stability. Jos gives you a pat on the shoulder before disappearing into the crowd, and you teeter again, pushing you further into Max. The extra weight is like a balm on what is now a gaping, raw wound, with the nerves exposed. He will never recover from this.
You turn in his arms, scrunching your nose in displeasure as you look up at him. “I hate this hat,” you flick the brim of his World Champion cap. “Worst hat they ever made you. Next year, we do a better one,”
“Okay,” he says, chuckling as the hat leaves his head.
“Can I have this?” You’ve already put it on.
Take it. Take my Valkyrie. Take the trophy. Take my last name.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
He doesn’t know how he’s looking at you. Is it different than he looked at you two hours ago? Different then when you were 19?
He just shrugs, tipping the hat back for you, since it’s so big. “You’re drunk,” he yells over the music.
You lean in, so close that he’s intoxicated by the scent of your perfume, champagne, and Red Bull. He turns away from you slightly, because he’s had too much to drink to be this close to you.
“I know,” you whisper to him, your lips grazing his cheek as you talk. That’s not helping. He turns back to you, finding your eyes searching his. For the first time, he’s worried what you might see. Because you’ve always seen him too clearly. It was awful, then exhilarating, now it’s just fucking terrifying. Your eyes narrow and Max thinks you’re about to outright accuse him of wanting- “You’re supposed to be drunk, too,”
He laughs. He laughs at your pout, at getting away with it, for a little while longer, at least, and he laughs because on the night he’s won a world championship he realises he lost his heart a long time ago.
Loving you didn’t feel like a winning a race, it felt like driving in one. And after all, isn’t driving all he ever wanted to do?
“I am, Engel,” he says, “trust me, I am.”
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totaly-obsessed · 2 months
Love, Tears, and Laundry
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Leah Williamson x reader request
-> Leah comes home to find her oldest daughter upset, leading to heart-to-heart talks and a plan for a weekend getaway.
-> Thank you very much @alotofpockets for giving me the idea and help through the process!
-> Word count: 2.500
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
While the Leah that stood on the pitch was fierce and stoic, a smile often missed on her beautiful face, the Leah you knew at home was quite different. Sure she was still fierce, but in a protective way, but she was much more soft than anything, so soft for her four girls.
At eight years old, Lilly was the oldest, followed by six-year-old twins, Emma and Olivia, and they were the light of the footballer's life, joined by you, her wife of course. Three kids of such different characters definitely filled the house with more life than it had ever seen before.
It had been a long day for your wife, a tough matchday with following meetings going over the game before everyone forgot what happened. Leah had been so excited to go home and see her girls again, but as soon as she opened the front door she knew something was off.
Emmie and Ollie sat in the living room, complete silence filling the house. Not a single little girl stormed towards her.
“Did you two watch the game?”
“Oof tough crowd. Where's Mumma?” Tiny hands pointed up the stairs, grave expressions on their little faces. These aren't the happy little girls Leah had expected. Usually, they ran to the door, happy to greet their mother after watching her win on the telly, if they couldn’t be there in person.
The first room Leah checked was Lilly’s, who sat in the tightest corner of her room, one of her favorite books in her hand, granting her mother just a short glance, before she went back to her book, completely ignoring the defender.
This was officially the frostiest atmosphere she had ever come home to.
After going through the entire house she finally found you in the basement, sobbing while doing laundry.
You were sitting on the floor, surrounded by piles of clothes, shoulders shaking with sobs as you clutched a crumpled piece of paper in your hand. Leah's heart sank at the sight of you like this, her own worries about the girls momentarily pushed aside by concern for you.
"Hey, baby," she murmured softly, kneeling down beside you and gently wrapping her arms around your trembling form. "What's wrong?"
You looked up at her with tear-filled eyes, the distress evident in your expression. Without a word, you handed her the paper, and Leah unfolded it, her brows furrowing as she read the contents.
I really hate you right now Mommy.
"Oh, love," Leah whispered, her heart aching for both you and Lilly. She pulled you into a tighter embrace, offering what little comfort she could in that moment. "We'll figure this out together, okay? We're a team.”
Seeing you like this pained the defender - what had happened that you were handed that note?
“What happened, love?”
She had now sat down beside you, pulling you close to her side. A warm hand stroked your back in soothing motions, while the other guided your head into your wife's neck. The smell was familiar and comforting, simultaneously hiding you from the world - even if the world right now was just the laundry room.
“Lilly and I picked the twins up from training, got ice cream, and then went home.” You had to take a second, sobs still wrecking your body, as Leah tried to wipe away a steady stream of tears with small kisses all over your face. “Emmie and Ollie put your game on, just in time for the second half, and then Lils started shouting at them.” 
The blonde defender had trouble understanding you in certain parts, voice still thick with sadness. Lilly shouting at her sisters? A hard picture to imagine.
“A-And then I stepped in, she stomped upstairs and came back with the note, and -” a painful sob wrecked your body “and she yelled ‘I hate you’ in my face Lee.”
This sounded a lot more serious than Leah had expected if she was being honest. “I’m sure she doesn’t hate you, my love. How could she? You’re the best mother there is!”
Your tears subsided, but there were still wet streaks running down your puffy cheeks, breaking Leah’s heart even further. “I’ll talk to her. Wanna get a nice, warm bath?” A quick sigh left her mouth when she saw your shaking head. She should have known. “I can’t Lee. Have to finish this laundry.”
After thankful kisses from you, and helping you up, Leah made her way back up the stairs, passing the living room, where Emma and Olivia were still sitting quietly.
“I’ll go talk to Lills, yeah? Are you two okay here?” Both blondes nodded, not even looking at their mother. “We’re fine Mumma.”
With slow steps she walked up the stairs, playing a full 90 minutes was much harder now than it was when she was younger. She didn't just spend all her energy on a pitch, she had three beautiful daughters to play with and to parent - that takes a lot of energy.
She didn’t receive an answer, but quiet sobs led her through the long hallway all the way to the end where the room of her oldest daughter was. The colorful, hand-painted door was slightly ajar, letting the blonde know that it was pitch black inside.
“Darls? Are you in here?” She was no longer in her corner with a book.
The sobs got louder the closer she got to the bed, and after a quick tug at one of the colorful blankets that formed a mountain on her oldest bed gave the location away when she heard a surprised gasp.
The room got quiet, Lilly hoping that her mother would just leave her alone if she acted like she wasn't there. But Leah picked her up from her mattress, still wrapped in multiple soft blankets like she was a toy in a claw machine. 
Her oldest gave a small “Eeek!” of surprise before slumping into her mother's arms. Leah gave her best to make it playful, acting like she couldn’t find Lilly’s face, tickling her feet and talking to her hand before she finally unraveled the blankets. 
You always liked to say that looks wise, your oldest daughter could have been Leah’s twin. The blonde hair, the fair skin, and the twinkling eyes that usually were on her face. She also laughed the same and possessed the same hard-working spirit, determined to be top of the class while trying out as many hobbies as she could.
But right now, there was no smile on her face. Her little face was all red and puffy, tear streaks still on her cheeks, while her eyes were still glassy. And in that moment Leah was glad that you didn’t see the girl in her current state, knowing that it would have broken your heart even further. Right now she looked more like you - matching sad faces.
“I think we need to talk Lills.” With a whine, the eight-year-old tried to bury her face in her mother's shoulder after climbing on her lap, but the defender knew that she needed to have an actual conversation with her daughter. As gently as she could Leah pulled the small blonde from her hiding spot, sitting her down opposite from her on the bed.
“I’m sorry Mumma.” Small hands wiped at never-ending tears until Leah gave her a tissue and the water bottle off of her nightstand.
“What are you sorry for, darling?”
Lilly had gulped down nearly the entirety of the bottle before giving it back to Leah, who just watched in surprise at how thirsty her daughter was. Seems like crying takes a lot of energy out of such a small human.
“I- I was mean to Mama an- and I shouted. Was mean…”
With a soft coo, Leah pulled Lilly in for a hug, small arms squeezing her as hard as they could while soft puffs of air hit her neck.
“Thank you for apologizing Lilly, but I am not the one you should say that to darling.” Her oldest nodded, she knew that, but she also felt bad that Leah now had to calm her down. And she knew that Mama wasn’t doing too good either, she really had been mean. “I know Mumma. I will apologize to Mama, promise.”
“Can you tell me what happened, that you said those words to Mama?”
Leah could feel the deep breath that Lilly dragged in, before she sat up, leaving her mother's warm embrace. She gathered herself before trying to explain what happened.
“Mama and I picked up Emmie and Ollie from training, and I wanted to go to the bakery, but they wanted ice cream. A- and Mama said, that they deserved it for training so hard, b- but -” She took a little break from talking, her voice shaky as she was getting herself worked up again.
Leah handed her the water bottle again, warning her not to gulp it down. “But I wanted a croissant so badly, an’ I’ve been training real hard too.” She really had been training a lot, also following in her Mother’s footsteps but more in the gymnastics department as football wasn’t her thing.
“In the car, the twins were loud, like really loud Mumma. An’ Mama told ‘em to stop, but they didn’t” Sadly that was a regular occurrence that Leah had no clue of, her schedule didn’t allow her to pick them up or drop them off at training, so the energy after training was something new to her.
“At home, I wanted to watch my show - the one with the doggos, but Mama said that we had to watch you on the Telly. An’ I already missed last week and before that.” The defender kept nodding at her daughter, making little hums, to show her that she was still listening without interrupting her story.
“Mama didn’t want to watch my new floor skill that I learned yesterday. Said she was too busy makin’ dinner and laundry at the same time. Then you came home.” Lilly was done with her story, taking deep breaths and another gulp out of her bottle, finishing it off.
“Thank you for telling me, darling. But when did you shout at Mama and give her the note?” Now she knew why her daughter was sad and needed to figure out why her wife was sad. So she had to fish for the little details Lilly let out of her story.
The small blonde tried to avoid her mother's eyes, which looked a lot like her own, just less red and puffy. “When she didn’t wanna watch me.” Slowly Leah could make sense of what had happened.
“So you yelled at her, that you hated her, and gave her the note before you came up here?” Lilly’s head hung deep in shame when she nodded, She really regretted what she had said to her Mama. “Yeah.”
“Do you want to go and say sorry to Mama? Explain how you feel. Then we can talk about how we fix this, but you really hurt Mama.” 
Hand in Hand the two blondes trotted down the stairs, where the living room was filled with a little more life than it had been before, but you were still nowhere to be seen. But the twins were quick to tell their big sister that you were in your and Leah’s bedroom.
“Mama?” The room was dark when she pushed the door open, gripping the handle like her life depended on it. When she looked back at Leah she just got a thumbs up with a wonky grin, trying to gesture to her that she should go in.
“Yes, Darling?" She could hear your shaky voice, it was so similar to her younger sisters, that it was almost uncanny. Lilly had also never seen you cry because of sadness before - aside from sad movies, while your wife kept laughing at you.
With slow steps your oldest daughter made her way to the bed, stopping just in front of it as she held her hands out. Tears started to form again in your eyes - Leah does the same thing when you’re sitting on the bed or the couch. She stands in front of you and holds your hands while keeping intense eye contact, letting you know that her entire focus is on you. And now Lilly does the same. She really is an observant little girl.
“I wanted to say sorry Mama.” Her small hands were clammy and warm, showing her nerves as she gave her best to keep her voice steady. “And I would like to explain if you’d listen to me.”
“Of course darling.” You had pulled her up on the bed and instead of just sitting and looking at you, she promptly pushed you into the pillows and cuddled into your side, her eyes still focused on your face.
The 8-year-old poured her heart out to you, just like she had done to your wife, who was now trying to keep the twins busy with little ball games in the living room while you and Lilly talked in the comfort of your bed. 
Leah felt like a creep as she pressed her head to her own bedroom door after giving you 30 minutes together, trying to listen for any sounds that could indicate more tears - but it was silent. With a gentle knock, she opened the door.
Lilly was sprawled out on top of you, eyes still open as she quietly whispered her gymnastic stories to you, while one of your hands brushed through her hair. Leah was honestly surprised that both of you were still awake, this had been a lot.
“Hi, girls!” Her oldest daughter sat up quickly, opening her arms, gesturing for her mother to join you on the bed. “Baby I wanna say something real quick, okay?” Lilly nodded her hair still a mess, no matter how much you bushe’d it with your fingers.
“It was never our intention to ignore you, or your needs and wishes - and Mama and me, we are very sorry.” A smile took place on Lilly’s face, she could see and feel that both you and Leah genuinely meant it. “Thank you for apologizing.” You couldn’t help but laugh at how much she sounded like her mother, with the same tone, eyes, and light smile on her lips.
As gently as you could you caressed her cheek, brushing over it with your thumb as your daughter leaned into your touch. “And we are very proud of you, and we are super glad that you told us - even if the way there was a little complicated.”
All three of you had to giggle but stopped abruptly when something loud crashed downstairs. “What do you think of me calling Grandma and see if she’ll take the little troublemakers for the weekend, and we’ll do something together? Just the 3 of us?”
The smile finally reached Lilly’s eyes again, as her grin mirrored that of the defender. “Yes please, Mumma!”
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kirqro · 2 months
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི’ Streamer!Ellie
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warnings || none !!
lower case intended
{ I LOVE streamer els :’( }
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✮ streamer!ellie ' who's set up is either a really shitty web cam or top tier. Either way she def takes pride in it !
✮ streamer!ellie ' who watches shitty reality tv shows on stream and her reactions to the scenes def had a part of her blowing up.
✮ streamer!ellie ' was really insecure when she was just starting out streaming , like poor baby would tape up her camera up in fear it would randomly turn on ;((
✮ streamer!ellie ' who after hitting a milestone finally did a face reveal and was shaking in her boots.
She was just yapping to yap lwky.. because of how nervous she is
"So chat are we perhaps rocking with my outfit !"
✮ streamer!ellie ' who fucks around with her soundboard way to much ..
like baby be pushing buttons at the wrong time
✮ streamer!ellie ' who be fighting with her viewers sometimes..
'@elliesbigfatlefttoe - Ellie why can I SEE your armpit hair peaking out bae..'
"BIG FAT WHAT? .. The fuck come bite it off for me then weirdo"
✮ streamer!ellie ' who plays a variety of games from Minecraft , Valorant , Roblox , Fortnite [ she gets called dog water by random 10 year olds.. (╥﹏╥) ] a bunch of random horror games and some rpg games.
She also does chill talking streams & random reaction videos.
✮ streamer!ellie ' who EATS on fashion famous
✮ streamer!ellie ' gets herself into random ass twitter beef and just takes all the roast she gets by 10 year old arianators..
✮ streamer!ellie ' is really just a big loser
✮ streamer gf!ellie ' who after she blew up needed to introduce you to her stream , or at least make it known shes MARRIED.
ellie randomly drops the gf bomb on everyone on a random thursday stream outta no where..
It was a pretty chill just chatting stream
when ellie started to give her viewers a ring tour. the pads of her fingers brushed against a certain ring on her left hand . a smirk could be seen adoring ellie's face while she slipped it off and tried to be a lil beauty guru showing the ring off.
up close in action shots as she called it..
"It's a promise ring with the wifey you know !" she said with pride forming inside her chest and a smile falling on her face.
Tik tok and wlw twitter sighed that day..
✮ streamer gf!ellie ' who soft launches you and your identity.
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✮ streamer gf!ellie ' who loves when you sit in her streaming room with her ! although she tends to get a bit shy knowing your presence is there
✮ streamer gf!ellie ' who talks the most shit with you about petty drama in her community ..
"babe you'll never guess who got cancelled .."
before you could even open up your lips to ask her what happened she cut you off in an instant
"bro that dyke abigail , her ex came forward saying she gave her fucking chlamydia.. goodness dirty ass bitch"
✮ streamer gf!ellie ' who loves the way you love her. she can't ever seem to really wrap her mind around the fact that you've really stuck around with her for this long!
✮ streamer gf!ellie ' who is wife !!
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Hii bbys I acc had sm fun writing this ! soo again maybe part two ?
Again requests are wide open so pls send some !!
ILYSMM and TYSM for reading !! (∩˃o˂∩)♡
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daily click for Palestine !!
from the river to the sea Palestine WILL be free!! 🍉
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