#this gives me revolutionary war vibes
thelaurenshippen · 10 months
re: that *chef kiss* PERFECT Franken-Drummer post and tumblr not being all over The Expanse, I know right?? it’s such an amazing show with so many delightful, complicated characters yet it’s so unfairly slept on! maybe because S1 takes awhile to get going and ppl give up? idk but it makes me sad that I have so few ppl to squeal about Drummer and Amos and Bobbie and Christjen and Ashford and Naomi (ad infinitum) with 😭🚀😭
WHY ARE PEOPLE NOT OBSESSED WITH THE EXPANSE HELLO!?!?! there's literally so much to love about it oh my god. you're right, it DOES take a second to get going but once it does!!!
for those of you who have not read or seen The Expanse series (I myself have yet to read the books), let me tell you why you'll love it:
political space drama with incredibly distinct cultures and phenomenal world building, if you're a details girlie (gn), you're gonna go nuts
the found family vibes!!??! are off!?!? the charts!?!? (minor spoilers for the first few episodes) four people are thrown into a situation in which they accidentally become the most important people/fugitives in the whole galaxy and most of them DO NOT trust each other, what could possible go wrong, and even better, what could possibly go RIGHT
Christjen Avasarala. you are not ready for her. most powerful mover-shaker on earth with the most incredible outfits you've ever seen, refined elegance with the filthiest mouth, plus she's got a classic "whatever those two have going on is so gay it veers into something else entirely" with her younger protective knight lady, Bobbie
Bobbie. the "not to be a lesbian but oh my god" post is made for her. we meet her in the show for the first time when she arm wrestles a robot and WINS. you will be begging for her to step on you with her mech suit
speaking of women I want to step on me Camina Drummer. angry revolutionary pirate queen of my heart. do you miss the unique agony of 2000/10s queerbaiting but want it to be not baiting somehow? this show does that, idk how else to explain it. the most agonizing sapphic pining you've ever seen but it's textual and also not painful because its gay. don't worry, Camina fucks, just not the girl she wants most (also spoilers, but this is not a bury your gays show don't worry)
Jim Holden is literally just Some Guy who becomes the special fantasy chosen one because he simply cannot stop Getting Involved. nosiest bitch in the universe, I love him.
imagine you're a girl who leaves your shitty ex and gets a normal industrial job on a spaceship, only to have a six foot, two hundred pound killer dressed as a mechanic imprint on you like a baby duck, and its unclear whether he wants to fuck you or call you a little sister but he definitely WILL kill for you and will do literally anything you say and then you both end up caught up in a weird galactic war by mistake and there's this other guy with a captain america level moral compass and he's cute and you're into him except your shitty ex is still out there with the biggest secret you have and meanwhile your best female friend is the coolest person you've ever met but you don't think you can be what she needs and you're holding your family together, you're holding the universe together and all you want is justice for your people but unfortunately you've gone and fallen in love with the accidental most important man in the galaxy. well, every day Naomi Nagata wakes up
Praxideke Meng. botanist of my heart. literally tames the rabid guard dog that no one else could. gentle and able to stay gentle because of said dog. which brings me to...
Amos Burton. I saved him for last because he is my guy. he is THAT guy. canonically aromantic pansexual king. are you into guard dog characters? do you find yourself drawn to the "sorry my love language is acts of service and all I'm good at is killing people" characters? amos burton is like seventeen tumblr posts come to life. previously mentioned enormous killer dressed as a mechanic, former heels wearing "I didn't always work in space" sex worker who is always rolling into brothels and being like "you guys unionized?", gives a shit about basically no one in the universe except his crew and every single child in the galaxy, accidental comedian because he cannot stop saying weird shit, not a nice or good person but a loyal one, and one who is always trying to relearn the empathy that was carved out of him as a young person. every time he goes homicidal to protect one of his chosen people (crew + any and every child), an angel gets its wings.
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aw hey MY favorite was felicity! and elizabeth! love them and this blog it feels like what me and my sisters did when we were really little looking thru catalogues🫶
hi dear anon! 💕
yessss let's hear it for felicity and elizabeth!! 💖💖 I was obsessed with the felicity film as a child, and I watched it so many times lol 😅😅 so lovely to hear that you liked those dolls as well! ☺️☺️ (also is this the time for me to admit to the internet that as like an 8 year old I had a crush on the apprentice guy that ran away to join the revolutionary war?? 🫣🫣)
but omg I am genuinely so thrilled that looking through the blog gives you the same feeling as paging through those catalogues!! 🥰🥰 one of the main goals of the blog is to bring people a little bit of fun and joy, so to hear that it gives the same vibes as excitedly looking through those catalogues is so so wonderful!! ☺️💕☺️💕
thank you so much for this lovely message! 🥰🥰
referencing this post about what catalyzed my interest in historical fashion 💕
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eatmangoesnekkid · 5 months
I want to be pristinely clear that while "The Melody of Love" critiques patriarchy, it doesn't promote the war or tension between sexes, this deep soul wounding, or encourage the de-centering of men. While I understand what women who participate in this movement are trying to do and I agree that there is a dire need for women to stop obsessing over men and generally become priorities in their lives, when you listen to those who promote this movement, there is a haunting hollowness of hidden, unaddressed hurt and pain at the root.
That's why the "de-centering men" movement would never be part of my mission. Far from it. I like to get to the root of the reality—which is deep in the body and not out there. And yes, you should be at the center of your reality, at the center of your universe, the "de-centering men" movement puts a wedge between men and women, instead of bringing us all together, including non-binary people. As usual, I find myself not being part of typical polarized ways of thinking, and more present in a nuanced 3rd lane which has been the case for most of my life. When the handy man comes over to work on my home, if I'm in that movement, I would not consider giving him some tea, juice, or water to quench his thirst. While this gesture from me is not necessary, it does show kindness to someone who enters your home and will feel thought of and move around your space with good vibes due to your hospitality. Such beautiful energy shared between two people and emitted out into an aching world.
Through my critiques, I am making a much larger point about the level of harm these systems-patriarchy, capitalism, and Abrahamic religion do to us because they live in our bodies. They cause breast pain, pelvic pain, back pain, pussy pain, period pain, blood clots, cysts, tumors, and the like. These systems ferment like sauerkraut into our breasts/hearts, hips, bellies, tailbones, and spines and impact our wellness like our moon cycles and experiences with menopause. They negatively influence how we breathe, how we think and perceive, how we make love, how we regenerate, the care and attention we cook a meal, and what we receive and attract. They trigger us to value production over getting a good quality of rest and not staying up late at night. These punitive systems do the work of keeping our nervous systems locked into flight or fight and survival states on a daily basis. Only healthy relaxed women engage the most openhearted passionate love and yield healthy families and healthy communities/villages.
But I don't just critique like an academic. I am rootsy, braless, barefoot, and revolutionary to my core, therefore, I channel practical solutions that lead readers towards healing their bodies and truly evolving their lives into bliss.
The melody of love movement is about deep spiritual repair and care: the strength and capacity of love, the truth of our soul and destiny, the intimacies and passion of the body meeting earth, and the regenerative qualities of the female body and how they favorably impact her quality of well-being and abundance. Essentially my work brings your body into a state of love that allows you to masterfully maneuver beyond these wicked systems as an embodiment of love, one of the highest frequency, a reclamation of your original sovereign template that taps you into the inexhaustible reservoir of energy that lives inside your female body, this spark of creation. After we build up our energy and increase our capacity, it is my vision that we will then lend our bodies over to being of service to something larger that favorably recalibrates our global world into greater harmony.
There is actually a deep yearning present inside my own heart to witness more men truly rise into a more healthy honorable expression of themselves on the planet. To de-center men, no matter what your sexuality may be, yields great harm to the feminine heart. I’m not sorry to say this but-- a real woman could never do that. She would die sorrowful...deeply heartbroken. -India Ame'ye, Author
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quinloki · 5 months
…… it is consuming all of my brain function I barely have brain cells to rub together for ANYTHING ELSE RN IM SO SORRY ITS SO LONG
Marco and Sabo who aren't actually from conflicting organizations, they're from organizations that are partnered (whitebeard/revolutionaries) but they have this weird rivalry (mostly on Sabo's side tbh) bc Ace and Sabo grew up together but Ace didn't join the same organization bc Sabo disappeared similar to canon but they were reunited at some point and ace yapped his ear off about his partner marco
anyways the organizations both have someone in their eye (reader) and decide to work together to obtain the asset. however ace is trash at undercover work so they send sabo and marco together instead
reader works for croc maybe doing something similar to what robin used to do and kinda similar vibes to nami in a sense of owing croc a bunch of money they occasionally prowl the casino floor looking for dudes to 'rip off' to help pay the debt down
and oh look it's a pair of brothers talking about how their dad left them a bunch of money and they've never done this before time to get them drunk and clean them out ofc they'll only act drunk and you offer to escort them up to their room safely
then bam drugged and you're out cold and stuffed in a suitcase and they're out of there (but being followed oh nooo) and you wake up in a totally different hotel room and you try to fight them but trained spies so you basically just end up pinned like we're ready to make you a better deal than crocodile just calm down and you're like ???? wait you're not here to use me against crocodile??? i'm down I was only working for him bc I owed him money and his new business partner (doffy) gives me the creeps so what can you offer
and sabo is like what is this stockholm syndrome already and marco just shakes his head and sighs and they basically outline what the organizations are looking for/offer which is like 10x better than working for crocodile so you accept but oop yall are still being followed so spy shenandigans and little scuffles follow and you travel a lot trying to get back to their base
and it puts you all in very close proximity for some time often sharing hotel rooms and then one time the only room available is one bed and ofc then comes the bickering of who will sleep where with the guys planning on the floor and it's like come on we're all adults here it'll be fine (famous last words) and ofc yall wake up snuggled together and sabo is interally like wtfff that's the best I've slept probably ever
and yall have all been practically attached at the hip for safety so everyone is pent up and they both get some morning wood and its like this is wrong yall are brothers and they're like we're not real brothers?? and then you're like oh. well then.
fun times ensue and after it's a bit awkward like well what do we do now but then bam croc's men catch up so it's run away and not think about that time and there's a few more stops between then and getting back to safety and a few more fun times and then yall are seperated when you get back and it's like aw it's over but they start sneaking in to see you and it's like welp I guess this is a thing
and you see them together and seperate and while they see eachother in your company they see very little of eachother outside of it bc they're dealing with eachother for you except marco is very good at putting sabo under him and riling him up and it's always so hot to watch especially when marco orders sabo to do specific things to you
and yall have fun like that for awhile and then ofc there's some drama like maybe croc's men finally sneak in and snatch you up but you're like a beloved member of both organizations so they'll go to war for you and snatch you back and the boys are so happy to have you back they spend days showing you just how much
anyways brain is empty rn imma go to bed and maybe think about more or just more specific sexy times so sorry for the brain dump love you lots hope you enjoyed <3333
Okay - no but that was an awesome ride \o/
You’re in bad with Crocodile, and Doffy wants to “help”, but gods the strings attached to that offer are so bad you’d rather sleep with Croc honestly, but that’s not happening because your relationship with him is exceptionally negative in this story. (I imagine to the point of his cigars making you rankle.)
In come easy marks Sabo and Marco, and oh it’s fun and flirting as you ply these men with drinks and compliments. They even give you small gifts in exchange, tips whether they win big or not. The flirting becoming more heated as the drinks continue in.
Neither is really affected. Sabo’s tolerance is legendary, and Marco can’t even get drunk because of the Phoenix. At least not drinking so little. (He’d slammed a gallon or two once in frustration and had managed to feel drunk for minute or two.
Once the facade is dropped and things are explained (helluva hook you have there, Sabo admits, having taken a wild swing to the jaw), your on board. But you have concerns - your bullshit debt aside, you’re an asset to Croc, he doesn’t let go of assets.
Worry not, their bases are in the New World, and Croc’s connections are in Paradise. It’s going to be a long trip - island hopping down the grand line to reach the Red Line and safety. Weeks and months of staying under the radar and keeping close.
You’re the one to admit you don’t mind some stress relief as long as it doesn’t get weird. They’re brothers - oh wait they aren’t - okay but you’ll be coworkers of a sort, no mixing business and pleasure. We’re all adults here.
Your only concern is that these orgasms aren’t going to be outdone because it’s criminal how well these two work your body. You make it to the Red Line - feelings are caught, you’re caught, war breaks out.
Confessions and concessions as you drown in your two sweet blonde boys, never to be worried about anyone or anything no matter how dangerous it gets.
I love it - it’s a very action packed take on the ideas for Outnumbered, and I love the emotions tied to reader getting kidnapped/saved.
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panlight · 2 years
Considering vampires are eternal, the Cullens could actually have come from any place/time period, so assuming Carlisle is actually 700 years old, what time would all the Cullens have come from? And which country? Would you change their physical age too?
If we're making Carlisle that old, then the logical thing to me is place him during the Black Death, since in his own canon time period there was another, although less severe, outbreak of the plague. So he was maybe born 1325ish and then was turned in 1348ish while the plague was ravaging London. In the old folklore, vampires were associated with disease, so you could tie that in somehow too: that his father thought hunting the vampires would end the outbreak or whatever.
Esme's name always seemed very French to me, so I'd probably move her origin to France if we had more time to work with (might be spelled Esmée though if she is legitimately French). I might make her a few years older so she's more believable as an adoptive mother.
But Edward has to be there first. Let's give Edward Carlisle's original slot of Cromwellian/Restoration England! Honestly his spiritual hang-ups would make way more sense with that background than it does for an upper middle class lawyer's kid from Chicago. Yes, actually, hold on, this is making total sense! Edward and his mother Elizabeth are dying of the 1665 plague in London; and things play out as they did in 1918 Chicago. Yes. Perfect.
They then go to France and add Esme/Esmée to the family (maybe Carlisle met her earlier working or studying in France) in the late 1600s, early 1700s.
Then eventually they go to the USA, either before or after it becomes a country. I think the others would still be Americans. Maybe Rosalie is from the revolutionary era; yes, actually, and Emmett too because they were the same age, and so Emmett and Garrett would be extra close bros being from the same time period. There can still be the social class and geographic differences between Emmett and Rosalie.
I still like the 1920s vibes with Alice and she feels more 'modern' than the rest, so I might keep that. Jasper could be involved with literally any war and his story would work; Mexican-American war could work if we want to keep Maria as his creator. Otherwise we could give him WWI, since Edward isn't daydreaming about it this time, and he could get caught up in some ancient vampire war in Europe instead.
Bella should stay the same I think; and I think Edward does work better if he's really that much older. And I also think the age gap is somehow less creepy when it's legitimately not possible they could have met as humans. In canon, they were born in 1901 and 1987. He was 86 when she was born; he could have still been alive. But in this version he was born in the 1600s, there is no way they are ever meeting but through supernatural means, it's so farfetched that it removes (for me, at least, your mileage my vary) some of the ick factor.
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thedroloisms · 7 months
Never understood the insistence by the greater mcyt fandom that chasing an entire group of people out of a fandom space because of the person they watched was this great achievement. It’s alienating a group of people, treating them like an other, and patting yourself on the back because “at least I’m not like those people” when the wider internet doesn’t give a shit and call you a Dream Stan regardless because that’s what he is? It happened within the DSMP fandom as well and it made me scratch my head because it gave off bootlicking (?) vibes? People who hated the server didn’t care if you were a ranboo stan or not you were still going to be called a Dream Stan regardless. Strangely enough it kind of coincides with the beginning of Dream’s own alienation from the MC Community as a whole and how he voiced that he didn’t feel as though he was allowed to participate in mc community events (like mob vote) despite the game being his entire career and especially when his friends and colleagues were able to participate without scrutiny.
like, congrats on the harassment i guess? the way that people made it all about "protecting their spaces from bad people" too, when uh 1) the alienation of people who liked dream in mcytblr spaces way precedes anything to do with the allegations, yall might act coy but i was there for the sleepytwt wars of 2020, lmao, and 2) the same people who they're throwing out for being Bad People (tm) sure weren't being dropped by the very content creators they base their entire online personalities about? like, in cases like forever and illumina, ccs were very damn quick to show that they didn't support them. and meanwhile people unfollowing dream a whole year after the original allegations is somehow because of the drituation? don't make me laugh. the double standards were craaaazy. i have no clue how these people managed to pat themselves on the back abt content creators that sure were staying completely mum on the subject when they had already convinced themselves that dream is 100% guilty in every respect, get rid of the whole guy. but i digress.
frankly i would say that dream's alienation from the mc community was. early. i mean, speedrunning drama happened in 2020, basically a year or less after he blew up. and when it comes to stantwt? sleepytwt wasn't exactly welcoming in 2020, lmao. the harassment campaign against dream extended long before the allegations and honestly have kind of followed him for his entire career. people continue to hate dream like theyre doing some kind of revolutionary thing (#forActivism!!!) as if they don't sound exactly like the sbi fans that have ragged on him for the last 4 years. like, don't make me laugh, your group circlejerk of oh at least you guys hate dream at least you're not dream stans whenever anything happens (even when said thing might be something like mcytblr drama that has jack shit to do with the guy whose fans you literally expelled from your midsts or allegations against someone completely different) doesn't make you look like praiseworthy activists against a great evil, it just makes you look self-righteous.
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mrjakeparker · 2 years
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First off, for anyone who needs a primer on AI Generated Art here's a concise video on the subject to get you up to speed: LINK I used Midjourney I started out with these prompts to see what I would get: Astronaut with a skull head +skull + skeleton + red spacesuit + character design + full body + red + sci-fi + star wars + Ralph McQuarrie + Jake Parker, cartoon, cartoon network, adventure time style. Then I thought I'd mix it up and see what prompts like octane render + 3d would give me. I didn't like what I was getting so I went back to my original prompts but added rubberhose animation + pixar + disney + 3d. The results were better, so I asked for more variations. When I got them I decided I was getting diminishing returns and called it a day. Lots of interesting ideas to put into my design, but no one design really felt like it nailed the vibe I got from my original design. After this experiment here's what I think:
1) AI Art Generators will only become more powerful/capable. So wishing it away is a waste of time. The only path forward is figuring it out how to implement it and how to regulate it. 2) With revolutionary technology comes a reorganization of status and power. The status quo HATES this and will do almost anything to stop it from happening.
AI Generated Art shifts the power (and wealth) of creating images from people who have training, to people who don't.
This reorganization happened in the 2000s when programs like Maya, 3D Studio Max, and Photoshop made art creation a lot more accessible to people who couldn't paint traditionally, or sculpt clay.
It allowed places like animation studios to be havens for creative people to make art who might not have been able to draw really well. Which really upset people who had trained to animate in 2D on paper, and who studied classical painting techniques. Which leads me to 3: 3) Not everyone who is creative can make art, and not everyone who can make art is creative. The creative people who could also adapt and learn new tools absolutely thrived in the new digital art world.
A lot of the art I've seen generated from AI is a lot like hearing someone impersonate English but who doesn't know the language. It sounds right, but they aren't actually saying anything.
4) I see these AI Art generators as tools. Another resource for creative people to add to their toolbox to make them even more creative. Or at the very least, make their job easier.
5) AI isn't an end to end problem solver for productions. There's still a needs to be an artist to translate it into something usable. Someone needs to interpret AI art into something a modeler can model, or set designer can build.
Example: After a producer plugs a bunch of prompts from a script into Midjourney they take it to the art dept. The crew gets a brief from an art director and instead of a lot of back and forth, the art director points at a page of AI art and says "Make it look like this"
6) Questions I’m still thinking about:
- Do these AI Art Generators actually undermine illustrators, photographers, concept artists? Or does it actually elevate these industries?
- Is it bad to democratize something like art creation?
- Who truly benefits from this shift in power? Where is the money flowing to?
- Should artists have the option of their artwork being removed from the AI generator's databases? Or is any art you post online free game? Does the AI generator do anything different than what an artist does who has strong stylistic influences from other artists?
7) I'm still learning about this, and still reading up on all the pros and cons.
I would love to know your thoughts. 
We've been discussing it over on the Discord for a couple weeks now: LINK
I also posted this on IG and it blew up. I could not keep up with the comments. Over 750 of them! If you want to get a vibe check on what the broader art community thinks of this check it out here: LINK
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smilingdawn · 2 years
one thing i hated about idw megatron's "redemption" is that he sees turning to the autobots as the only remedy to his decepticon days and solution for the war. he's convinced that stopping the war = admitting the autobots was right, even though it's possible for him to still be a decepticon and not resort to violence aka his revolutionary writer-self. it's almost as if he's forgotten that the decepticons are composed of the oppressed working class who once cowered under the autobot rule (who still exists) and whom he became the voice for- and now that he's taken the autobot side, who would fight for them? don't get me wrong, the decepticons have done heinous things but those were mostly done under his commands and now they carry the blame and consequences for it
like let's talk about the phase sixers/elite warriors and how megatron molded them into planet destroyers whose sole purpose is to fight- what would they do after the war? did megatron ever think about how he shaped his faction into an army with no purpose besides the war and then just left them after it's over?
and earthspark megatron is giving me these vibes
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starboundanon · 1 year
I'll start by saying that I love your fics and really like your blog ♥️ I agree with great part of your takes, especially about how dark of a character Anakin/Vader truly is, despite the fandom woobifying him! I also apologize in advance by how big this ask is 😭
That said, there's something that always made me curious and I'm burning to ask... You've said in a previous post that you didn't like how easily Padmé forgave Anakin for everything he did in canon, that you thought it was psychotic. So what separates Padmé's unconditional forgiveness of Vader's crimes from Luke's equally unconditional forgiveness, for you? I mean, both characters were personally, terribly hurt by Vader. I admit that my knee-jerk reaction when I see people with a similar opinion is always "oh, it's sexism, because Padmé is a woman and Luke is a man, and compassion from a man is revolutionary while compassion from a woman makes her weak" 🙄 but you've always seemed so sensible and reasonable and that can't be the case with you. So I'm genuinely curious about your perspective! Especially because you ship Vaderluke like I do, and Luke and Vader's relationship under romantic lenses gets easier to compare with Anidala.
(Also this entire ask works under the assumption that you do appreciate Luke's forgiveness of Vader, despite knowing he was a terrible father in canon—a far cry from fanon's Dad Vader—and obviously didn't deserve it. I got the vibe from your fics and your posts that you do! But if you don't and you think RotJ shouldn't have ended like that, actually, then I understand that I clowned and you can just ignore this 🤡)
I agree with you that a lot of the heat Padmé gets in the Star Wars fandom (while Luke is canonized for essentially carrying her legacy and vindicating her beliefs) is the result of sexism. But in my own experience within this fandom, anon, I’ve seen sexism against her in the opposite way that you’ve described, and it was that sexism that I was reacting to in the ask you’re referring to here, and the reason why I unintentionally sounded so snarly.
Playing that ask game came on the heels of reading post after post after post praising Padmé for her unwavering faith and loyalty, for her selfless forgiveness, for her unconditional love for her husband. And while, yeah, sure, those things are technically all virtues, praising a woman for having those qualities in response to her mass murderer husband slaughtering hundreds of children REEKS of sexism and tone-deafness to me.
Because that really is the perfect woman, isn’t it? She’s loyal to you no matter what you do, you are the only thing she wants in the whole galaxy (despite being rich, with an important, full-time career, pregnant, or a fucking QUEEN). She will defend you after you’ve physically assaulted her and die believing you were a good man. She will forgive you, love you unconditionally, ignore every single one of your red flags and literally die of a broken heart if you betray her. A flawless, devoted woman!
…At least, at the time of answering that ask, that was the spiel I had gotten from a myriad of stanakins, and from George Lucas’ writing after watching AotC for the first time. I was reactive and unnecessarily vicious in that ask — and I apologize for being that way — because I don’t think Padmé’s unwavering dedication to Anakin is admirable, anon. I think it’s unhealthy. And I LOVE that it’s unhealthy — I’m a darkfic writer, I love unhealthy ships! — but I was just so sick and tired of people giving Padmé the Virgin Mary treatment when her relationship with Anakin was fucking UNHINGED.
Luke’s forgiveness of Vader has its own undertones of unhealthiness, but it also has things Padmé’s doesn’t. Even when Luke can feel Anakin’s conflicted feelings through their Force bond, he still has moments where he doubts there’s actually still good in his father, where he declares him dead like Obi-Wan did, when he lashes out and tries to KILL him for threatening Leia — Luke forgives Vader, yes, but at least we get to see him being ANGRY with him. We don’t get that with Padmé. Anakin confesses to murdering Tusken children and Padmé looks at him like THIS for fuck’s sake
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The only reason we don’t get to see Padmé pick up a blaster and aim it at his grinning face on Mustafar IS sexism, imo. She’s eight months pregnant! Where’s the rage? Where’s the resentment? She has none, she isn’t allowed any! Why? We can debate it till we’re blue in the face, but I will always consider it a massive disservice to Padmé’s character that she was denied the humanity Luke was given in the OT, to the point that her and Anakin’s relationship came across as so ridiculously codependent it was almost silly.
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dalekofchaos · 11 months
Things I would change about the Mafia Trilogy
The Mafia trilogy is one of my all time favorite game series of all time, but if I could change anything about the game, this is what I would change
Mafia Definitive Edition
I would basically add in the ability to extort shops and take over and build on rackets like in The Godfather games.
Fast Travel by train/tram cars like in the original game
Keep in the Knuckles Duster
Keep in Yellow Pete
The ability to go on dates with Sarah, show a sex scene and show Tommy and Sarah's marriage and actually give names and show Tommy with his kids. I just feel like not enough was shown.
Show more of the Salieri-Morello war. I feel like not enough was shown. Sure we killed Sergio and Ghillotti and eventually Morello himself. But we never got to see the full scale war. It felt small. So my proposal see the Morello family hitting the bar and eventually Tommy, Paulie and Sam hit them back. The mission would end with Tommy, Sam and Paulie wacking Lou and Dino and torching Morello’s bar to the ground. I think this is something that should have happened cause we never got to see Lou and Dino again after the second mission and I think it would be Tommy properly paying them back for trying to kill him.
Show us Tommy Angelo's testimony against the Salieri Crime Family. Make it like the Goodfellas trial scene
Mafia 2
There is an entire cache of cut content that shows us a better game we almost got, but I'll just share a select few.
Respect & Reputation. In the beta version of the game players would experience Empire Bay differently based on the level of respect Vito gained from completing missions.
Monique. Vito's cut girlfriend that Vito could take out on dates
Fast travel via Taxi before you get made and via Limo after you get made
Gun License
Fight Club and Hound/Horse races
Side missions doing jobs for Derek, Harry and Mike
Keep in the cut content suggesting that Henry would be revealed being set up and not a rat. My two pieces of evidence. Evidence 1. Evidence 2. Also it was originally intended to have Henry be framed.
Mafia 3
Keep in the cut prologue
Replace Cassandra with Laveau or Lincoln rules the Black Mob. I feel like Cassandra had promise, but her execution was terrible and she just ended up becoming unlikable. Cassandra is hypocritical, self-righteous and endangers the people she claims to protect. She gives all this talk about protecting black people, but she endangers them the most and pretty much made New Bordeaux a ghost town in her ending. As for why Laveau? Laveau is a man of principals and honor. Black revolutionary and Black Panthers vibe. Plus the fact that Lee Everett himself voices him makes me like him all the more. I'm not sure how Laveau's ending would go, most likely New Bordeaux would've been turned into a safe haven for black people, something like that. I also like to think he could voice his own ending and say "Remember, when New Bordeaux speaks, you better listen." I feel like if Laveau was one of the underbosses, then I actually would feel conflict about choosing who to run New Bordeaux instead of just always choosing Vito. Or the simple solution is for Lincoln to recruit the survivors of the Black Mob and rule the Hollow by himself and further cements his rule by rebuilding Sammy's.
Make Agent Maguire apart of the story. My pitch is that he is on the hunt and would be leading the feds against Marcano and Lincoln respectfully. At some point, I don't know what mission, but Maguire has Lincoln right where he wants him, but chooses to let him go and his reasons were that Lincoln was the only one who did a damn thing against Marcano and thought letting him go was best for New Bordeaux as a young and foolish agent. In the documentary portion of the game, he later reveals he was wrong. It was so weird that this random FBI Agent had such a hard on for Lincoln when they never even crossed paths, so Maguire feeling guilt about letting Lincoln go would work imo
Give Lincoln a crew. Simply put advancing with Vito, Burke and Laveau or the Black Mob would give Lincoln individual crew members from The Movement/Black Mob, Italian and Irish Mobs. You can send them to accomplish the list of shit you need to do, fight with you and even send them to collect the collectibles in the district.
The ability to divide up the Bayou to give to your Underbosses. A way we could add in more earn for the Underbosses is to add in rackets in the Bayou. Enough for all 3 Underbosses
Use Signs Of The Times, Faster Baby and No Stone Unturned locations as territory to give your Underbosses. You'd be giving Sinclair Parish, the Sanitarium and the Island to your Underbosses. By doing this and the Bayou, you should have enough to give your Underbosses enough earn to unlock their perks if you are looking to keep everyone loyal and unlock everything
Cancelled Vito DLC makes it in. Not sure what the specifics of this cut DLC were or could've been, but most likely we would've found out Joe is still alive, maybe find out that Eddie was the one who was killed instead of Joe and maybe Vito would see Frankie again. Maybe it could've ended with Vito getting Joe free from Leo and killing Frank Vinci since that was cut from Mafia II. And at the end, perhaps Joe could tell Vito that Lincoln is his son and thanks his old friend for looking out for him.
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icestarphoenix · 2 years
Magical Girls States
Ever since @greatinternetllama's magical girls but with states post I've been getting ideas here and there about what an AU of that could look like.
I didn't want just the states doing magical girl transformations and fighting the [insert monster of the week here] because it sounded kinda boring. I also wanted some more dramatic fight scenes, so it would be fun if some states were that enemy of the week. With all that, I came up with this.
American Dream: Magical States
NOTE: This is extremely bare bones. I haven't had the motivation or time to fully flesh this out.
It was a pretty normal time in the Statehouse, Florida's being chaotic, the Northeast are this close to brawling, and Gov is trying so very hard to keep things together. However, some states start acting strangely. They're not really paid much mind until, uh oh! Those states have gone to sleep, and nothing anyone does can wake them up!
It's concluded that they're stuck in their dreams, and the states are going to have to go in and get them out. Cue the magical girl transformations and the various reactions to their new duds. Some of them complain about the "girly" clothes, some of them don't really care about that, and some of them are concerned that Florida is now on fire.
Because I'm me, Team Spirit is also included in this AU. However, their magical girl outfits will also include their Spirit. And now everyone can see it in the dream world! They may also be related to whatever special power they get.
In the dream world, they only get one life. Dream immortality is traded for enhanced physical ability and superpowers. If a state dies in the dream, they get kicked out into the real world and can't join back in to continue fighting. Once they go into the dream world, the state can’t be woken up through any external means. The only way they will come back out is if they save all the afflicted people or die trying.
Magical Outfit Motifs
Florida: Traditional magical girl (Weapon - Staff with gator head on top)
Florida has the most traditional look as I'd imagine he'd be the poster boy of the AU. Although, his outfit should look like it could be worn on a hot sunny day or to the beach.
Outfit details: Large sunhat (elevation of bucket hat), large spiked collar with chain, 2-piece bikini and skirt
Colors: White, pink, sky blue. Orange is mainly included in his State Spirit.
The weapon and especially its topper is based on Albert, that white gator plush Ben has. It holds an orange orb in its mouth.
Despite the outfit giving classic magical girl vibes, Florida very much does not fight with any sort of grace.
Louisiana: Victorian French inspired (Weapon - French-style saber)
Compared to Florida's outfit, Loui's silhouette is more sleek as contrast and to be aerodynamic.
Outfit details: Has a heart shaped cleavage window, exposed back, coattails
Colors: Black, yellow, green, purple
Power: Wings, he has very agile flight compared to other states that can go airborne for a bit
The guard of his saber resembles a pelican.
Massachusetts: Revolutionary War inspired garb
New York: Ice skater or royal/mob boss aesthetic
Outfit details: Large coat cape, some crown of sorts
Weapon: Ice skates or studded bat
The ice skater idea came first, but then I wouldn’t get to use a bat as his weapon.
North Carolina: Ghost pirate (Weapon - Six flintlock pistols)
Colors: Black, green, blue
He can summon as many pistols as he wants through the two holster belts strapped across his chest, though only six appear at a time.
Utah: Priest
Outfit details: He has long angel sleeves in the shape of bee wings. His priest garb includes a yellow honeycomb pattern.
Colors: White, yellow, black
I’m trying to give them more specialized powers rather than big ones like firebending or earthbending to make it easier to come up with unique powers for all of them.
The states will probably die off one by one in order to rack up the tension and gradually thin the roster.
As for the states stuck in their dreams, I have California and Nevada as ones I'm sure of. Each region will probably have two states that need saving. Maybe Gov or even DC will need to be saved too.
Nevada: His silver hands now have an infectious property. Anything that he touches with his hands will turn into solid silver that he can manipulate. He can form silver cards to serve as ranged weapons in order to spread the silver further. Nevada will utilize the environment of his casino battleground such as by swinging from his new chandelier or even turning his patrons into silver to use as shields. He will do whatever it takes to win.
California: Not so much a person as they are a force of nature. His golden halo shines bright like the sun and its rays will burn the lands around it indiscriminately. Laser focused light will split the earth and shatter it.
Had this idea of Loui sacrificing himself to protect Florida. Specifically, he gets impaled through that heart-shaped window on his chest. (If you know why a pelican is on the state flag, this symbolism makes more sense.) Before that happened, Florida treated this whole thing like a game, he had superpowers and could now do these awesome moves and kick so much butt. But his best friend sacrificing himself was a cold splash of reality. Florida starts taking this a lot more seriously, and he also combines his staff with Loui's saber to create a scythe weapon. (The gator head bites down on the sword's handle.) He becomes a terrifyingly competent fighter, even more so than before.
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warriorlid14 · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about it and I kind of ship Gale Hawthorne with Delly Cartwright. I know you’ve spent much more time thinking about these characters than the week or so that I have though so I’m curious about your thoughts.
I saw a post that was talking about how Gale hasn’t seen killing on an individual level the way Katniss did in the games so it’s sort of more abstract to him. I started thinking about it and realized that Katniss (for much of the series) hasn’t seen firsthand killing on a massive scale like Gale did with the bombing of 12. So in a way she’s also naive. She and Gale have such different damage that by the end of the series they can’t understand each other despite their early shared history, upbringing, and similar personalities.
So my thought is that Delly is to Peeta what Gale is to Katniss—someone who shares his temperament and upbringing and functions as a sibling/best friend. Just as Peeta was by Katniss’s side in the games, Delly shared Gale’s pain throughout the series. She watched her childhood friend get whisked away to die twice & she watched bombs fall on her district as she huddled in the woods.
Katniss and Peeta work well together—opposite temperaments with shared trauma. So I feel like Delly is someone who is perfectly suited to complement Gale as he heals. Thoughts?
Oooh interesting thought!
I love the differences between the killing Katniss saw v the killing Gale saw.
Katniss saw other people kill each other. And while yes, obviously she knows this is the Capitol’s fault, there is also some blame to give to the person who directly did the killing (and also have sympathy for them because she's in their shoes). She also gets to meet and sympathize capitolites.
Gale saw direct capitol weapons (and their supporters) kill his entire district. All the blame is on the capitol (and their supporters). It's why I subscribe to the whole Nut scene being 30% logic, 70% raw emotion ("We saw children die and couldn't do anything about it!")
I also ship Gale and Delly! I also ship Gale with like 378363 other people because he's a shippable dude.
Delly: yes, absolutely! I always kind of forget that she also had a friend in the Games. Delly/Gale to me work best post war. Gale is going through the motions and trying his best to fix a broken nation but is emotionally checked out. And Delly, despite the trauma of losing her family and home (and growing up in Panem) is still somehow optimistic, which is what draws Gale to her. She is his summer the way Peeta is Katniss' spring. (Also wrote a thing about them earlier)
Madge: Gotta say, this one has risen to my number 1 ship. I see them as revolutionary buddies. He's tactical and strategic and she's stealthy and has connections and can charm the rich. I headcanon that they become friends during the first book and are exchanging secret plans in the 2nd one.
Peeta: .... listen, LISTEN. They bond over being hung up on Katniss and fall in love. Just, it writes itself. Also I have this scene seared into my brain where they're training together and Gale has no idea Peeta can wrestle. And gets his ass handed to him. And is mentally like ".... is it wrong that I'm a little turned on?"
Thom: childhood best friends to lovers (Katniss didn't rlly have friends, but I headcanon that Gale had a friend group within his classmates)
Johanna and Cressida are also decent options and both have a "mark me down as scared and horny" vibe and I love that for him.
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waterfall-ambience · 1 year
Perpetua Naming Significance
One of the general rules for Perpetua is that names have power, and that every character's name has to be meaningful to some extent.
And this one got really long so it's going under the cut
Damien Vexx - In universe, his name was chosen out of a list of first names and surnames picked out by the Wither King. 'Damien' was included because it sounds like 'demon', though it is etymologically unrelated. 'Vexx' as a surname comes from the word 'vex' (to annoy), just with an extra 'x' because it looks cooler.
On a meta level, this is supposed to be reflective of how he's largely ineffectual as a villain. There's also a few other Damien/Damians in media who are either meant to be evil (Thorn (The Omen)), antiheroes (Wytte (Hooky) or bratty kids to some extent (Wayne (DC), Desmond (Spy x Family)). I learned of many of them after having named Damien Vexx, but it solidifies my decision.
(Captain) Ignacio Javier Luna - I wanted his name to be Filipino-Spanish-sounding, so I picked names from my personal life. 'Ignacio' was one of the names my parents were considering when naming my younger brother (and he's a bit salty that they didn't do it, because he thinks it's a cool name. And it is). 'Javier' was originally going to be 'Xavier' because 'haha Xisuma connections', but I changed it so it'd flow better. The name 'Javier' was also the second name of a 'golden boy' classmate of mine, so to me at least, there's an association with success.
In terms of meaning, the religious associations arose naturally (Saint Ignatius, Saint Francis Xavier), as did the association with fire (to complement Damien's lightning) and celestial bodies. His name helped inform his entire vibe.
The 'Luna' surname was taken from the Filipino revolutionaries Antonio and Juan Luna. In a Filipino cultural context, the shared surname is mostly to signal that yeah, Captain Luna is important. Pay attention to him.
The in-universe lore is that one of Captain Luna's ancestors blew up the enemy moon ship during a war against an evil space empire, and people started calling him 'Luna' as a reference to that.
Edward Marlowe (The Wither King)- If Captain Luna is meant to be Filipino, the Wither King had to be white (no specific heritage in mind). Both names are English in origin, 'Edward' meaning 'rich guard' as a reference to how his family was supposed to guard the Star Crystal that became the Perpetua Key. 'Marlowe' means 'the remains of a lake' according to the baby name sites, which creates an association with decay, while also kinda sounding like it could belong to an old money family.
Helen - We could go into mythological associations, but we won't. I needed a name that sounded fairly mature and 'normal', in comparison to a lot of other characters. MCR provided. Being undead, she changes her name and identity as she sees fit (because she can), so she doesn't really carry a surname anymore. Though if she were to use one for whatever reason, it'd be either Baycock, Ashtoreth, or Harrison, depending on her mood (references to The Omen and Good Omens).
Avery Tan - As a trans guy, he named himself. He took advantage of his surname to make it sound like a pun on 'Everyman' (to poke fun at him being 'ordinary', it's also his superhero name), though etymologically his name has nothing to do with being generic. 'Avery' is derived from names that have to do with magic (elves, fairies). He doesn't have anything to do with the fae, either (not like Alice or Riza). He just liked it, partly because the name was gender neutral and it gives him some degree of plausible deniability if he doesn't want to come out to someone, or as well as being flexible in case he feels different about his gender identity.
The surname 'Tan' was originally picked from people I knew IRL.
Minerva Tan - 'Minerva' - Roman form of the Greek goddess Athena. Her parents named her this in the hopes that she'd be intelligent, and boy howdy, she was.
Alice Hallward - Part of her backstory is that she was the protagonist of a portal fantasy as a child, so the name Alice ('Alice in Wonderland') felt like a natural choice. 'Hallward' is a nod to my current favourite fictional painter, Basil Hallward from 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'.
Riza - She was created to fill in for Alice and live her life while Alice was going on adventures and trying to get back to Fairyland. Being derived directly from Alice, we're playing by 'Shadows House' rules where their names intentionally sound similar. Riza's name was derived like this: Alice -> Alis -> Lisa -> Riza (original -> sound -> name ('too soft') -> name (more fitting to personality)).
Icarus Noctua - Another mythological name, because I can't help myself. He was originally meant to be something of a 'Grian meets Victor Frankenstein' type of character for my DnD character's backstory, though the campaign didn't push through. Frankenstein is sometimes called 'the modern Prometheus', so I chose the name 'Icarus' to reflect his hubris. 'Noctua' means 'owl' in Latin, because sometimes you've gotta double down on the bird/flying associations when creating Grian expies LOL.
Newton - Immediate association with Isaac Newton, though Perpetua's Newton isn't a scientist but an architect instead. Icarus gave this name to him in order bind his demonic consciousness to a robotic body. As per demonic naming traditions, his name was Rotanev, after the star. He eventually embraces both mortal and demonic names.
Phobos Abaddon (The Knight of the Nine Circles)- 'Phobos' after the Martian moon, and meaning 'fear'. 'Abaddon', meaning 'ruin or destruction'. Truly one of the stereotypical demon characters ever.
Not everyone with a celestial name is a demon, but if they're a demon, their name is probably celestial in origin (eg Betelgeuse).
As of now I haven't quite fleshed out his Perpetua counterpart in terms of their relationship, but his name is Gavin (derived from Gawain, the knight from Arthurian Legend, who was sometimes described as 'brave but hot-headed' in the surrounding literature).
Augustin Ambrosio Luna - 'Augustin', having general religious but also Catholic associations (Saint Augustine), as well as in my personal experience, being common among younger brothers. His second name, 'Ambrosio' is the real kicker though because it's derived from 'Ambrosios', meaning 'immortal'.
The irony is that Augustin isn't the immortal Luna sibling, in fact, he's so Not Immortal, the most important thing about him is that he's dead. Not undead like Helen is, but fully dead, in part because Ignacio did his best to erase him from Perpetua's history so the gods couldn't try to tamper with his memory by resurrecting him.
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roydeezed · 1 year
One Piece-Chapter Round-Up(Chapter 1080)
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This chapter we whip around to another part of the world to see our favourite fearless hero rescuing his protege. This makes me straight up terrified ya’ll. I’ll go into why later. Though this might seem like a pretty self-contained chapter, it puts forward some heavy implications about the state of conflicts going forward. Mainly, how many different factions there will actually be. Oda usually likes to keep the focus pretty dialed in on the Strawhats so it was wild that he not only cut away to Law, but also Sabo and Kid. And now with this focus on Koby, he makes his intentions clear. Not only will this upcoming conflict focus on the newer generation, Luffy as a Pirate, Coby as a Government Agent, and Sabo as a Revolutionary, but many, many factions will be involved, including the Revolutionary Army, The World Government, SWORD, The Strawhats, The Red-Haired Pirates, The Blackbeard Pirates, and Cross Guild. And the reason why Oda’s cutting away so much is that he needs us to understand how it all came together. This is the world that the Marineford War set into place, and it shows that the death of one of the strongest people in history, Whitebeard, was only the lighting of a powder keg. I’m gonna go in-depth on this chapter past the “Keep reading” so check it out for more thoughts. 
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These are some Departed, Infernal Affairs type vibes I'm getting here.
Okay, so there’s no way Garp makes it out of this alive, right? Both sides can’t make it out of this unscathed so there needs to be some sort of give from one side. Blackbeard needed to split his focus among several places and getting Poneglyph rubbings were a priority for him so he went to the least contested island the victors of Wano were going to. By splitting Blackbeard’s crew Oda gets to do a few things. Through the story he gets to showcase the different abilities of the Blackbeard Pirates in order to set them up as proper rivals to the Strawhats, and as Blackbeard he gets to show us his priorities. First of all, let’s look at the breakdown again.  So since Van Auger, Burgess, and Doc Q were with Blackbeard fighting Law, and Shiryu, Pizarro, Sanjuan Wolf and Vasco Shot are on Hachinosu, that leaves Catarina Devon and Lafitte with Aokiji on Egghead. Let’s examine the dynamics there because I think Blackbeard’s about to betray Aokiji and Moria is actually the tenth titanic captain.
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First of all, knowing he would fight someone quite capable he brought his homies with him. He only needs one guaranteed victory. So why send someone to egghead? And with only 3 people as opposed to the 4 each on Hachinosu and against Law? Because Catarina Devon and Lafitte, the two sneakiest members of the Blackbeard Pirates, aren’t there to help Aokiji take anyone down. They’re there to kill Aokiji. Maybe if it’s me imagining things and giving Blackbeard too much credit but he’s not dumb. As soon as Aokiji is forced to explain SWORD, Blackbeard’s whole demeanor changes. I do believe he intended to use Koby as a bargaining chip but now he’s possible bait. I think Blackbeard has realized that Aokiji is SWORD and is sending Lafitte and Devon there with him to assassinate him. I think this would be confirmed we see Lafitte and some other person with Aokiji since if Devon is disguised in front of Aokiji, it’s him she’s trying to trick. 
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Next, narratively I don’t think it makes sense for Garp to get out of this alive. One, it would be an excellent chance for Garp to pass on his will to Koby and second it would provide more motivation for Luffy to take down Blackbeard. It’s also is a good chance to show off his powers and introduce us to his squad that he’ll sacrifice himself for. I just don’t see him having a part in the final fight going forward. And that brings us to one key thing, that decides if Hachinosu itself is a trap for Garp or not. And that’s if Blackbeard knows how much Koby means to Garp. If he does, this whole thing with Koby trying to free Moria could be a trap. While Moria loves his crew, why would he stand up to such a ruthless pirate such as Blackbeard and why would Blackbeard even leave him alive? The only other reason than it being a trap is that Blackbeard hasn’t found who he will give Moria’s fruit to and the previous owner needs to be alive before the transition. Also there’s the fact that Blackbeard has beef with Garp since Blackbeard we clearly in some way shape or form an admirer of Xebec, who was officially taken down by Garp. Maybe that’s why he was originally going after Luffy before switching his focus to Ace. 
In this chapter we find out the fruit’s of some of the other titanic captains and get another mention of the rocky port incident in which Blackbeard acqquired Hachinosu with Koby’s help after Law instigated it. I really love how it flavours the world as this huge event that took place while we weren’t observing Luffy. Pizarro ate the island-island fruit which seems to be an evolution of Pica's fruit the same way Akainu’s fruit is an evolution to the mera-mera-no-mi. Vasco Shot has a fire based fruit and Sanjuan Wolf ate a giagantification fruit which I guess makes him able to become even bigger. This chapter, more than anything seems to be setting up for the future conflict by letting us see the players in action before the final conflict as we also see some Marine’s in action like Kujaku with her whip-whip fruit that can command inanimate objects, Prince Grus with his squelch-squelch fruit that probably made the clay infantry, and Hibari, who can use some variety of powers. While most marines seem to match up against pirates, it seems these agents, who are probably SWORD, match up more with the revolutionary army, with Kujaku mirroring Belo Betty, Prince Grus mirroring Kurasu, and Hibari mirroring Koala while being a tsundere like Pudding.
I really love the characterization this chapter. Koby is such a damn hero while also putting into perspective how terrible his life has been that he doesn’t believe anyone would rescue him. I really want him to know the lengths that Hibari and Helmeppo went to save after this cause my boy needs to know his self worth. I also adore that Garp put on such a huge display of love for Koby. Believe in your worth Koby, you’re a gem. Koby also readily sacrifices himself to be bait and even looks death in the eyes calmly, he’s rreally shaping up to be a great rival to Luffy. He’s still got a ways to go as Luffy is already a Yonkou. We also see that Blackbeard probably trusts Shiryu a lot as he left him in charge of three incredibly destructive people in San Juan Wolf, Pizarro, and Vasco Shot.
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With Oda jumping around so much, I don’t know where the story is going to go next but I’d love to see this conflict play out fully. We might head back to Egghead before cleaning this one up just like we did with the Kid conflict. Either way, we’re in for another break week so strap in folks. 
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chans-room · 8 months
Assign an idol to the song and explain why
B. Key
C. Jeonghan
D. Changbin
E. Mingi
Killing in the Name
You Know What They Do to Guys Like Us in Prison
Brain Stew
Come Out & Play
Hump de Bump
And yes, I am still waiting to hear about YOUR Saltburn au
I’m sorry this took SO long Luce 🫡 I meant to just pair songs and people and explain why but then bc I am ✨mentally ill✨ I started brain fic-ing (can you tell I came from the era of song fics?)
also the saltburn au is coming I’ve just been possessed by demons and I’m writing too much now
Killing in the Name - Jeonghan
Okay so I will admit im not the most adept at svt but im getting there!! And Jeonghan has always given me Lowkey anarchist vibes + social non-conformity in a way. But as for the fic concept: sorta apocalypse au? where you happen to meet the young revolutionary Jeonghan and fall in love with him while overthrowing the corrupt government. You both struggle to stay alive and stay together while on the run and doing your most to help create real change in the world. Unfortunately, you both die for the cause but you are venerated like saints by the revolution and your friends rebuild the world in your honor. 🫡 Love that for you.
Brain stew - Mingi
Brain Stew is actually one of my fave Green Day songs, and it unfortunately gives me Mingi vibes. I know he’s no stranger to depression central. So my initial thought was college au where Mingi gets overwhelmed by everything halfway through the semester and kinda ✌🏼 dips ✌🏼 on all his obligations, and his friends, and pretty much everything. He feels really alone and isolated and ends up in some community servers where he’s anonymous, not necessarily talking or trying to reach out but interacting here and there. But he ends up really connecting with someone who he lets in, and they end up encouraging him to take better care of himself, to seek help, and to really start living again. He recovers from his depressive episode and starts to thrive. Really just Mingi centric hurt/comfort vibes ☹️❤️
Come Out and Play - Changbin
Okay this one was kinda hard, but the vibe of the song was very Changbin to me. So it’s giving like opposite sides of basically a mafia war, and Changbin is caught in that cycle of violence. You try to convince him that it doesn’t need to be like this, that there are no real differences between him and this supposed enemies, and to help him see the pointlessness of the violence but he can’t see it until it’s too late. Ambiguous ending that flashes forward to a funeral — is it his or is it yours? No one will ever know. Wow this is suddenly giving R+J lmao
Hump De Bump - DK
I love songs about fucking lol the vibe reminds me of like a 1950s au where high school kids go to the popular makeout spots to fuck and keep getting caught by cops or parents or priests lol and you and him have to carefully evade all those adults in order to fool around in peace. Super light hearted and kinda rebellious and fun, exactly what I think of when I think of DK 🖤
You Know What They Do To Guys Like Me In Prison - Key
Songs about crime and questioning your sexuality while ruminating on the inevitability of death? ✨Key vibes. ✨ The fic would focus on him in prison, navigating the fear and hopelessness while struggling with his attraction to a new friend/fellow inmate and wondering if that means all the crimes he’s committed getting to prison were in vain bc he did them to get his lover back from the dead. But he ends up lighting the prison on fire and sacrificing himself to fill his quota. No one knows if he succeeded in bringing them back or if he was reunited with them in death.
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wwelove829 · 6 months
They’re giving me André Leon Talley and US Revolutionary War patriot vibes
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