#this happened a couple years ago with dd stuff
biitchcakes · 2 months
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atia if I don't want to meet up with an old friend who lives out of state?
I (32nb) have been friends with this person (36f) and her little sister since high school. While I was in college, I was often put on call for self-harm or suicidality for my friend by other, less local friends of hers, even though my school was over 2 hours away. I drove down a couple of times, or would spend entire nights on the phone with her.
After college, I moved and we were in the same city. I still got crisis calls from or about her and her then partner. We would get to do some fun stuff, but because I had a license and she didn't, I would always have to DD, as well as some urgent trips to the hospital. She moved to a different state with her mom a few years ago.
My dad died early last month. She's texted a few times saying that she wished she was there for me more, and that she was coming out to visit and wants to see me.
Given that our relationship almost always ends with me taking care of her, aita if I don't know if I want to meet up due to our pattern of friendship? I just haven't had a lot of energy to comfort other people, and I'm worried that's what is going to end up happening.
What are these acronyms?
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stoopid-turtle · 10 months
Hey loving your blog so far , am a new turtle just recently watched the untamed with my best friend. I'm 100% convinced they were definitely a thing during filming even now I still believe they are still together. My bestie on the other hand doesn't think they were anything more than friends. I tried my best to convince her but she thinks I falling to separate the actor's from their roles they were playing. My question to you is that do you ever sometimes think us turtles overthink too much or misinterpret what was going on between them ? Forgive my grammar English isn't my first language
Hi there! (Your English is perfectly fine!)
Yeah, I do think turtles overthink some things. There's a lot on YouTube that falls into this category, tbh. I can see how it happens. With all the bts, it feels like its own show that we can pore over, slow down, watch from different angles, decipher the TRUTH from it to reveal that bjyxszd.
But the bts aren't scripted. While they're endlessly rewatched by us, they were one moment in time for the guys. One moment in a long, exhausting day of work. Stuff we may think of as being intentional and meaningful may just as easily be random, off-the-cuff, and ultimately meaningless. Think about jobs you've worked where you get bored and tired during a long day. If you're like me, you and a coworker/friend will start talking nonsense to each other to get through it.
One friend/coworker and I made dinosaur noises at each other between taking calls in a call center. Yeah, idgi either. And because I'm a flirty bisexual, we'd make lewd gestures and kissy faces at each other sometimes for fun. She's straight, so it wasn't serious. I am aware that this dynamic is different between guys than between girls (in the US. I can't speak to China.), so I'm not saying that what happened between gg and dd is like me and my friend. Just to show that...sometimes stuff just gets weird. I wasn't nursing a secret crush on my friend or anything. It was just random time-wasting.
So yeah, I do think some stuff is misinterpreted. As I've noted, we see very little of what was happening bts, and there was a lot going on outside of whatever was happening between gg and dd. It's inevitable that some stuff will be misinterpreted.
This is why it took a while for me to come around to bjyxszd. And I resisted HARD. I'm skeptical by nature and I'm double-skeptical of things that sound too good to be true (like that a popular BL couple was played by actors who actually fell in love and are now together).
But at the same time, I came around. It took me spending many hours reading, watching, trying to translate, etc. Even then, I had to write out a novel in tumblr posts to lay out my thoughts to establish to myself that I'm not crazy on this. Like you, I'm 100% convinced that they were an item during filming.
So I was able to get past the stuff I think is a bit of a stretch to believe in it anyway. Now, it just means I smile at the stuff that does seem meaningful to me, and leave the other stuff for those that enjoy it. I don't want to single out any particular thing that I think isn't as significant as some people think it is, bc I don't want to ruin anyone else's fun. We're all turtles so regardless of what path we took or what convinced us, we're in the same boat. There's no point squabbling over the details.
Especially with the bts, which happened years ago at this point. Odds are, even gg and dd don't remember the context of any one clip at this point. So the TRUTH is impossible to know completely. It can be frustrating if you're like me and dislike ambiguity and uncertainty, but we're all in this pit together. We just have to enjoy what we've gotten and what we continue to get.
I'll also just say, don't stress too much about convincing your friend. I know it's frustrating when you want to squee about something but your bf isn't into it, but people tend to dig in their heels when someone tries to convince them of anything. There's also no need to do so. BJYXSZD regardless of if people believe in it or not. Find some other turtles and do your squeeing with them and when with your bestie, focus on what things you do share with them.
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doubleddenden · 2 months
Decided to try something different with a schedule I make for my friends in a discord server I'm in.
Going forward, I'll be posting my Toonami Schedules on my blog as well, and my DD ScheDDules too. That's just a little silly schedule I make.
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Oh, the "meDDia" section is something I usually do when there's a rerun. In our server, I kinda have free reign over this part, so usually I'll look up a funny video that kinda fits the theming. This go around, since I'm feeling the love for DBZ again, I thought it'd be fun to try some fresh DB content we haven't gotten on the actual Toonami block. I decided to post ep 1 and 2 here since this is my first blog post of the schedule.
The graphic is definitely new for me. I found a font matching the Toonami font online, found the old Toonami emblem/logo, and from there I googled space pictures and did renders and edits in paint.net to get the result you see above. Thinking about changing the colors and doing a little more editing, but not too bad for my first attempt at one of these, right?
Some QA and disclaimers below:
"Why do this?"
I'm not really sure tbh. This kinda became my role in the server I'm in. I try to keep on top of the schedule and changes so everyone else can be informed or make other plans if they like. I wasn't the first to do this in my server, nor am I the only one able to do this, I just... I dunno, kinda did it so the others can catch a break? Life's tough and I like being relied on. I'm the schedule guy now
"Tf is the DD Schedule?"
Well, I am DD. The DD Schedule kinda started just as a little joke a year or two ago, again, I just kinda joke and shoot the shit. Some of my friends get upset with me if I forget or don't do the silly schedule, so I reckon if it makes them happy, I do it.
Sometimes it's good for recap. Sometimes not. Depends on the mood. It's just harmless fun and I like being silly.
"Why the inaccurate Japanese?"
Since Ninja Kamui is subbed, I basically just run my original Ninja Kamui bit through Deepl since I was told it is slightly more accurate than Google translate. No harm was meant if it comes off wrong. In other words, Sub is basically the same as Dub but slight differences.
"What are the numbers and projected end dates?"
Something different I decided to do with this schedule is to keep count of episodes and a possible end date for the season or series on Toonami. The Projected End Dates- PED- is subject to change for marathons that may happen. In fact, I'm pretty sure we're due for a Ninja Kamui marathon or 2 for when the series ends its current run, as they tend to do other originals.
"Why the graphics?"
Dunno, thought it'd be fun to try something different for a change. The schedule I post in our server is usually just text, so I figure this would spice things up.
"Why no time listed?"
Because I live in Central, some if my friends don't. Just assume the schedule starts as normal unless stated otherwise. For me that's 11:00pm central.
"Tf is Nart?"
It's Naruto, that's just my pet name for it.
Couple disclaimers
1. I am not a toonami employee. Just a fan. I have limited data per month and can't watch anime as much as I'd like, so Toonami is a great way for me to watch new things I haven't seen that I can't find on youtube or something.
2. I'm not a mod or admin of this server, more like a town crier or janitor.
If you have questions, feel free to message me and I'll answer whatever
3. Our server is a psuedo fan server, not official, and it's really more of a "whatever" server depending on the mood we're in, from Toonami to streamers to games and shows, etc. None of us are affiliated with Toonami in any official capacity and it's mostly us goofing off about whatever or watching Toonami on Saturdays. It is an 18+ server, fair warning- we try to keep that stuff in the designated channels, but *some* people are gremlins, so it can scare some off.
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semi-imaginary-place · 8 months
stray thoughts after finishing 13 sentinels
back to the mystery files. Why is the game seperating chihiro morimura from chihuro morimura (1 loop ago) and chihiro morimura (2 loops ago). Wait. Unless. I think i figure out what confused me, remember how i couldn't tell if nurse morimura was morimura -2 who died shifting ida -1 to the current loop because she has all her memories, or if she was morimura -1 who 426 izumi killed but who is the right age to reunite with ida on sumire bridge? Well if they both died and she had data saved to sector 0 maybe she was recreated... Which means there were SIX MORIMURAS: 2188, -2, -1, Iori, child who then got 2188's memories, and the morimura recreated from -2. But thats the only explanation that explains the inconsistencies and why the game files events in 3 separate categories when other characters like izumi -2 gets all of 426, fluffy, and shiba's scenes listed under one character. I'm going to look this up. Ok yeah nurse morimura was the ai of -2 morimura but why did she look 16 in the sumire bridge reunion? And not only that she acts like she's 16 thats what threw me off i wonder if when they wrote this scene they didnt know yet which morimura she was. Yeah and in that scene she doesn't recognize ida or know what a sentinel is and is just confused to be 16 years in the past. I still dont get this scene.
Grandma tamal got deleted!! That's why she didn't show up. Hmm so the 1944 tamao is considered the true one and the 1985 one was an AI which means if the compatible shifted before the kaiju attacks they would have also deleted the older ai selves (ex: natsuno in 2064 would have deleted older natsuno). 20 million years since humanity's extinction 2188 ryoko wrote the d-code. Ida spread dd-426 because he wanted the sentinels to fail and the world to be reset faster. "The nurturing of the 15 members started once the terraforming of the new planet was completed" 300+ loops have passed huh so they were stuck in the pods not killed and reborn each time that answers that question. I was wondering about the probes, so each probe can do this, rhen theoretically this entire story is playing out thousands of times across the universe.
There might have been 6 morimuras but -2 izumi juro was the one going by 426, eirika aiba/tamaobot, tomibot, shippo/fluffy, shiba kyuta, 6 names/identities. I went and looked it up and for the scene "Reunion" that was -2 Morimura's data that -2 Okino saved which was her 16 year old self. That still doesn't explain how current Morimura got -2 Morimura's memories though because she definitely acts like she has -2 Morimura's memories and sees them as her own memories instead of events that happened to someone else.
!3 Sentinels has good writing, it was consistently strong with no real low points. The strongest part of the game was probably the beginning right after the prologues as things start clicking together. A few places in the story clunked, but overall it was really well done, just a well made well written game.
I found the combat to be surprisingly fun. I've only dabbled in RTS games before so I came in pretty new to this style of game and ended up liking the combat. The game does a good job of easing new players in while gradually building up the difficulty and it has challenge maps for players that want to get deep into the combat.
My main complaint would be that there's too much romance, but that isn't the game's fault, I just generally don't like romance and am very picky. So sometimes I just wanted to skip past the romance and get back to the stuff I was interested in like the story. I felt some of the couples lacked chemistry, like they failed to sell me on the romance. Juro and Megumi happened so last minute after for the entire game Juro's feelings are ambiguous like him feeling the love Izumi Juro felt is only ever brought up in Megumi's last scene, and Megumi the entire game is in love with the erased Izumi Juro, so the romantic development between the two of them felt sudden. My biggest problem was probably with Yuki and Shu, it really just felt like he was harassing her the entire game, she showed like no interest. Like I get she has a tough personality but it came off as that old trope that as long as he's persistent enough the guy can get the girl. Which is such a shame because girlboss and her boytoy is such a fun dynamic but I don't like how it was done in this game. I found Iori's love at first sight plot rather cringe but it was funny having her entire story be about chasing him around the city while having no clue about the events happening.
Romance is central to the game however and I don't think it could ever be taken out. Romance is used by the game to create character foils between the characters and especially the various characters that are genetically identical. Both the Hijiyamas and Okinos both in 2188 and in the current loop fall in love with each other. The Morimura and Izumi of 2188 were a couple as were the Morimura and Izumi of 2 loops ago. Juro with both his new and old personality of the current loop however both come to love Yakushiji. While Iori falls for Ei. 2188 Ida manipulated Shinonome's infatuation for him just like how Ida of one loop ago uses current loop Ryoko's crush on him so that she's an obedient and convenient pawn. Ida himself meanwhile is primarily driven by his obsessive love towards the Kisaragi of the previous loop. The current loop Shu and Tomi both fall in love with other people however. The different romantic choices highlight how those characters are different from their other versions.
I probably would have disliked it just as much, but I do want to talk about how things could have turned out differently however as it is in line with the game's theme of alternate but equally viable possibilities. For example Juro could have fallen in love with neither Megumi nor Iori thus highlighting how he is different from every other previous version of Juro. Especially since both 2188 Izumi and the one from 2 loops ago view Megumi more as a daughter figure. Ei and Ryoko could have been written as a romantic instead of platonic and familial, which would have been interesting given how Ryoko spends a good chunk of the story convinced he is 426 because she has forgotten that she was the one that infected the sentinels with DD-426. Or otherwise it could have been Ryoko and Shu to highlight how different a person Shu is to Ida given how Ryoko expresses attraction to him. Or Iori could have fallen in love with Yuki which would have been very different from any of the Morimuras, or Renya who had a crush on Morimura. Really if the devs hadn't decided to make Yuki and Natsume genetically family, it could have been a childhood friends romance. Or there could have been something between Juro and Shu, they're friends despite juro being really weird between the memory manipulation and the Shiba but Shu sticks with him throughout, they're part of the weird dream club, and Juro's whole deal could have been the thing to break the tedium and boredom of Shu's life.
Tamao as a character really got the short end of the stick story wise. She had so much going on from being a compatible who is childhood friends with Keitaro and Takatoshi, to Tamao from one loop ago being turned into a Sentinel AI and then an android who was active in Sector 4 during the events of the game before getting body jacked by 426, and then there's Juro's grandma. Tamao of 1 loop ago is also responsible for creating Juro's new personality. There was so much going on with her but her role in the story ended up being very small so while she's referenced by the characters I think she only actually shows up for like 4 scenes.
One thing I really liked was how morally ambiguous the Morimuras were. Professor Morimura from 2188 was partly responsible for the nanomachine plague that wiped out humanity she also planned for her own resurrection where she would become the leader of the new humanity, and after her memories awaken in child Chihiro she plots to destroy the current loop to have a more advantageous start where she can control things better and to this end she kills the other Morimura for having an opposing agenda. Nurse Morimura herself does a number of dubious things like wiping the current loop's Izumi Juro, attempting to recreate the Izumi of 2 loops ago with him. She also attempts to take over Iori to gain compatibility. For the longest time it remains ambiguous what she is doing to Ryoko, whether she is actually trying to help her or to turn her into a puppet. Then there's Operation Aegis itself which would by cutting off Universal Control wipe out the 1.2 million AI residents of the city as well as dooming all the compatible to living the rest of their lives in the ruins of the city.
I liked a lot of the moral ambiguity in general, that for much of the game I was doubting the intentions of many of the characters from Renya, to Morimura, Ida, 426 as well as all the 2188 people involved in Project Arc. Izumi of 2 loops ago really is the definition of well intentioned extremist, I like how the audience is able to see him trial and erroring different solutions. First he tries bombing Shikishima to try and stop the technology being Deimos, then he tries killing all the compatible to stop D-code from sending the invasion signal, then he tries to sever D-code from the compatible which causes brain damage. Eventually he decides to modify the system and bring back the gamification in the simulation's code (exploiting 2188 Okino's sloppy coding the same way 2188 Shinonome did) allowing both Sentinels and Deimos to upgrade, and he does this by manipulating Megumi into shooting the compatible with a patch update to their nanomachine code.
The aesthetics of this game are superb the visuals and art direction are amazing and so is the soundtrack, it all just works so well together.
On a personal level I found Shinonome Ryoko to be annoying, like girl stop chasing the man who clearly cares nothing about you and is just using you. But I did find her story to be very interesting between the mental breakdowns, loss of identity, and how large a role she plays. Ryoko spends the entire story trying so hard and she usually just ends up making things worse, it's great! It's also interesting how most of the plot stuff she does happens in other character's routes, while in her own she's already largely forgotten everything already. I did enjoy watching her snap and shoot Ida dead.
I really liked Yuki which is probably part of why I was disappointed with her romance, she also just seems to attract girls which amuses me. She deserves to send more dudes to the hospital. She spend her entire story with so much pressure first with Ida threatening her only family, and then her dear friend Natsuno goes missing and she's being stalked by an imposter.
Megumi's story was my least favorite. The only part I really liked were the Fluffy/426 reveals at the end. gave her a magical girl story and then made it boring.
Miura's my favorite character, in all his iterations he's just trying so hard for others. He's earnest, curious, contemplative, and determined. I liked the parallels of how 2188 Miura liked history while 1944 Keitaro liked science fiction.
Nenji is surprisingly smart, it's funny when he and Hijiyama are in the same scene because between the two of them Nenji ends up being the smart one. his route gets the distinction of being the only actual time loop, kinda. it was trippy, i liked it although the timed events meant i messed up a lot.
Iori's most interesting for her contrasts and connections to the other 5 morimuras her own story is just her chasing a boy she has a crush on while having no idea what is going on, disappointing but also amusing fom a conceptual standpoint.
Tomi and Natsuno are both characters I like with stories I liked, charming. The reveals for both were well paced and exciting.
Juro does better than Iori because i found how many different parties are all trying to influence his mind interesting, everyone wants something from him from megumi who wants her boyfriend back, to morimura trying to turn him into 426 izumi, to 426 izumi himself who was the one that salvaged his mind. The one part I didn't like was the sudden romance with megumi where all of a sudden in the last scene of megumi's story.
Takatoshi was one of my favorite routes mostly because watching okino interact with him is one of the most entertaining parts of this game. Props to the game for 2188 hijiyama and okino being very explicitly lovers like there's no ambiguity there that the homophobes can latch on to and say they were just friends.
gouto's story was just 2188 morimura chihiro's story, it was good but it wasn't about him at all so he's the least developed character of the bunch.
I really like shu, his story was alright but i think it could have been better. part of this is that his route on its own isn't a complete story you only find out the deal with the mysteries like the 30km limit and inaba miyuki in other routes and the ending. while his kindness and generosity shows through on other stories, i think his own could have shown his ennui better. that he and ida are clones was a good aspect to his character i liked that twist.
while ei as a person is meh for me i did like both his story and his role in other character's stories, partly because of how different they are. His own story is a mystery as he tries to figure out what he was doing before which isn't helped by him having changed his mind mid way, lot of plotting and scheming by multiple parties which I love. Ei in other character stories plays a completely different role however as this is before he loses his memories and thus is a very active agent in the plots of sector 4. His romance with iori was boring but i can't say it was the worst or even in the bottom half. those two would have been more interesting not becoming a couple but i say that about most couples in this game.
For combat I liked the difficulty progression in that it starts off very forgiving for new players and then steadily ups the difficulty. I started out scared because i didn't have a lot of experience with real time strategy on casual but it was really easy so i went to normal but that was still easy so i went to intense and that was still pretty easy. and then the game got much harder, i could have beat the game on intense but by the final level combat was taking up so much time and i wasn't first time s-rank and getting side objectives about half the time and i wanted to focus on story so i went back to normal and breezed through. it took me so long to figure out 1st and 2nd gen sentinels so my main tactics involved the 3rd gen and some 4th gen, they got to level 25 first. i tried to balance exp gain and finished the game around 27-31. i good chunk of my tactics was railgun + missile rain as they were the best at crowd control and wow it got crowded on intense. only unlocked the super missile at the end and wow that thing is powerful. I had yuki span aoes to spot the areas the 3rd gens hadn't killed, amiguchi was a mix of offense and support, and gouto and yakishiji were interceptor bots. hijiyama was useless for so long because i didn't know how to use him but then i found his passives and had him emp spam the entire map to keep heat off the 3rd gen. i mostly had sekigahara anti air flare for half the game because i didn't know how to use him either. it took me a while to figure out how to deal with gladiators and that's how 2nd gen found their niche. then shinonome unlocked cyberattack.
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studywithsilver · 5 months
been a while
Ah...last update was two months ago.
Well, things somehow got more busier after exams were over.
Exams finished in November with MCQs and I can barely remember how well I did ahaha all I know is that results come out in 10 days.
Ooh something interesting did happen in November though. I graduated high school :DD
It was really fun meeting my friends after the brunt of my exams and after 7 months since April when we left school. A lot of them hadn't seen me for a quite a while ahahah and I hadn't spoken to them in so long as well.
Somehow, we all just slipped back into normal conversation and our grad was so goofy? We were skipping parts of it to fix our sarees (yes we had to wear traditional clothing to our graduation) and hang out to take pictures, or to clap with the band performing.
And afterwards we had a DJ and stuff to play music and it was pretty fun, ngl, even if it's not something I'd usually like. My feet did hurt a lot after though.
Did I take a pic of me stepping out of school at night to be sentimental? Of course I did.
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My friend gifted me a Leebit keychain and my sister made me a cake with a Leebit topper for grad as well :))
After grad, I mostly lazed around a bit for November but then started to do more stuff, and was looking into universities as well. I couldn't really consider any abroad as they were pretty pricey but I found my course in a few unis here.
In December, I visited a few of the unis and spoke to the representatives and I decided on one. I applied to it and they sent me a conditional offer with admission based on my results.
Sigh....we'll see how that goes T-T
I finally picked up sewing as well! Been wanting to get back into it for years ever since I kept trying to sew pouches as a 9-year old lmao
Plus, ironically I've been studying the A Level Business textbook to prep for uni. I was doing a few courses online as well.
Ooh and I finally committed to learning Korean! Doing pretty well, except I took a break to focus on Business prep.
So, post grad plans weren't too bad, I hope?
Oh, and of course, catching up with SKZ content ahaha especially end-of-the year stages. It's been a couple years since I'd watched these stages as a BTS fan, and it was nice coming back to it.
So many cool performances! And the ROCK-STAR comeback as well, it was just so amazing. I caught a few of their performances on TV as well
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This year was certainly a rollercoaster of emotions for me, and definitely in terms of growth. I think I associate it with confused emotions, and trying to figure out where to keep my feet in a constant, liquid consistency of feelings.
I think for younger me, she would have been pleased to know that I tried many things this year. As a kid, I had the notion that I was horrible at any type of hobby or skill that wasn't getting good grades or being a great student.
Of course, I didn't see the greatest improvement in my grades as I left school, but I did learn how to socialise better and I learnt so many other skills. I have talent besides sitting down and cramming information into my head.
I think. (In true, 17-year old confused fashion.)
Oh, and I totally forgot to write this year 😅 but keeping the study diary was good for me to get out the weird feelings sometimes.
2023 was also a major fangirling year. Met SKZ after four years of jamming to MIROH and Levanter, to meeting them right out of school. Like literally, I think I started watching Chan clips in the last week of March. Man, he really dragged me into this chaos.
But it's chaos that is somehow safe to me.
The livestreams, the bbl messages, the SKZ-CODE episodes, the discovery of their discography (I still have a few older albums to listen to) the love they put into their work. They're so cool, honestly. They're like older brothers to me.
K-pop has its ups and downs but I can't deny it being part of my teenagehood since I was 11. I'm glad SKZ were the guys who got me back into it.
GABOJAGO 2024 💪🖤❤
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Roundup #2
Blah Blah:
It's almost Christmas and we're on vacation. Mostly just chilling, listening to music, and hanging out. DD is gonna bake cookies. Can't argue with that.
High Command - Ripshit thrash from Worcester MA with more than a slight whiff of crusty metalpunk ala Broken Bones/ English Dogs.
Dimmu Borgir - Unpopular opinion: I don't hate Dimmu Borgir. Granted, they're not my favorite band in the world, but in the right mood they scratch a very particular insane/ dramatic/ theatrical/ orchestral itch.
The Offering - These guys are about as close as I've ever heard to anyone sounding like a cross between Candiria, the late great Nevermore, and a kinda/ sorta spiritual successor to Strapping Young Lad and I'm extremely into it.
The Dillinger Escape Plan - I was never all that into the Dillinger Escape Plan when I was a kid, but then I wound up listening to a song off one of their later albums the other day and after like 20 years I think they finally "clicked."
Equal parts technical, catchy, and destructive. Like Mr. Bungle, Human Remains, and Mahavishnu Orchestra teaming up to play grind.
Discordance Axis - I haven't owned a physical copy of Jouhou in almost 20 years so I was stoked to pick up the reissue.
Meshuggah - For some reason I didn't care for the "Violent Sleep of Reason" when it came out and I hadn't really listened to it at all over the past 7 years (Christ, has it really been that long?), but then I picked up the CD a couple weeks ago and I can't for the life of me figure out what my problem with it was. Sounds exactly like you'd expect from them.
Core - 1995 Brazil sounding not unlike 00's Poland with the futuristic disso-tech grind ala Third Degree/ Nyia/ Anitgama. One of my favorite albums of all time.
I6 - Been a huge 16 fan for what feels like forever and while this newest one isn't my favorite thing they've ever done it's still really fucking good. Brutal stoner sludge with hardcore-ish overtones..
Impure Wilhelmina - A Couple former members of Vancouver, Vuvyr, and Knut doing the gloomy/ gothy post metal thing. Sounds kinda like Katatonia with heavier guitars and sharper teeth.
I've gotta admit I'm not super familiar with their older stuff but the past two albums on Season of Mist have been absolutely breathtaking.
Video Games:
Tunic - Man, I'm really digging this game so far. Total Legend of Zelda vibes... Shit, I hate say this, but Tunic might even pack a more potent Legend of Zelda punch than Link's Awakening (which I honestly found slightly disappointing).
Xenoblade Chronicles - Its weird, I don't love this game but I really do like it. Plot is decent, world looks fucking beautiful, I care about the characters and their development, and I'm enjoying it enough that I'm 99% sure I'll probably play the rest of the series. I just kinda feel like the combat is a little fucking wonky.
Virtua Fighter 5
A Wizard Of Earthsea - I hate how much I have to twist my own arm to force myself to read, but I am really enjoying this book. Almost done. Will probably read the rest of the series 'cos I think Ged is a cool character and I care what happens to him.
Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla
Godzilla vs. Destoroyah
Neil Breen: Twisted Pair
Stunt Rock
Roller boogie
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theji · 3 years
Things Yizhan Made Me Do
It's BXG Day today! 🐢💛
To commemorate the occasion, I thought of making a list of 13 out-of-character things that I've done since falling into the fandom. (OK I'm a bit late I meant to do this sooner, the day is ending soon in a couple of hours).
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1. Start a blog
And a public one, no less. I had a blog when I was in my teens but that was private, like a personal diary. My day job already involves writing so off-work I would usually like to indulge in mindless activities. Now, here I am, maintaining a Yizhan blog. I have not even used Tumblr prior to this but I'm enjoying it now, rambling about our fav boys. Writing is not a chore if it's about them.
2. Join a fandom
I joined a boy band fan club once upon a time, some 15 years ago, but I was never as invested in it as I am now with Yizhan. Back then it was just buying some merch, attending their concert/autograph sessions, listening to their songs. Apart from work, dog mum duties, personal relationships, other hobbies like kombucha brewing, most of my free time is now spent on the fandom. My Netflix account is crying. There is just so much to do and catch up on (I'm not complaining). I also enjoy interacting with and learning from other bloggers here. Antis are no fun and some industry news/developments/hate messages are upsetting but ultimately, you curate your own fandom experience. And I choose positivity and rationality.
3. Indulge in RPS
I don't ever 'ship'. What is 'ship'? 😆 I was always a dutiful audience, just enjoying whatever drama series and moving on after that. I started with CQL like most people and I didn't even notice/like GGDD until much later. Didn't even set out to 'ship' anyone but now I'm a self-professed turtle. SZD is SZD, and anyone can see something special between them if you keep an open mind. I wrote about my SZD reasons here previously. That said, GG & DD are individuals, each with their own successful careers. They come first, the ship comes second. That I'm very clear of.
4. Use Chinese apps
Gosh, my phone and tablet are now full of Chinese apps. I used to have only WeChat cos I needed it for work but now I have Weibo, Oasis, Douyin, WeTV, MangoTV, Youku, etc. Some of them are not even available in the app store so I had to find alternative sources to download them. haha..I even have paid membership for some of these apps. And now, browsing Weibo daily becomes a routine. If you wish, you can just get stuck browsing Weibo for a long long time. It's entertaining.
5. Read fan fic
I only started about 6 months ago but now I'm hooked and fics are largely the only thing I read these days, apart from news. But I only read Yizhan or WangXian fics (p.s. calling for fic recs of other pairings!) I know some might have different feelings about fan fics but to me, I really just see them as fiction, with characters (and sometimes traits) bearing similarities to GGDD. Similarly, I separate the platform from the incident so I have no problems going to A03 despite GG's incident. I just enjoy seeing the characters named XZ/WYB having happy endings in many different timelines and universes. While most of the fics I read are explicit (by design), I don't use them as tools to play out certain fantasies or to think of GGDD in a sexual manner. In fact, I really hate fics that have little substance and just go into the explicit parts without plot development. I like those with interesting premises too, like one I read recently where XZ is a serial killer and WYB is a police officer investigating the case but also in love with him. I do have plans to share my list of fav fan fics some time down the road so keep an eye out for it!
6. Willingly read Chinese
Yes, Chinese may be my mother tongue but I don't use it much in daily living unless I have to. I also find it tedious to read Chinese cos the characters are just so squashed together. If I have a choice, I will always pick English. But now, I read so much Chinese from my daily weibo browsing. I even read fan fics in Chinese! Who am I? On the plus side, I think my Chinese comprehension and translation skills improved. I also picked up some internet lingo used by Chinese netizens, which are pretty interesting like doi, 🐮🍺, 🖍. My all-time fav is yyds.
7. Act like a cougar
In real life, I have always maintained that younger men are childish. At least those I have encountered. But look at me now, fangirling over two younger men (I am closer in age to GG, but still..). I even jokingly call them my 'China Boyfriends'. I look at them very respectfully most of the time.
8. Buy merch
Seriously, once you start, you can't stop. At least that was what happened to me, although I'm still quite selective when it comes to supporting their endorsements. I usually go for consumables like food, cosmetics vs collectibles cos I'm more practical. Also, GG says to support their merch within reasonable means so that's what I'm doing. Just buying things that I'm interested to try and not because it has their faces or names slapped on it. In a way, this suits me cos I like trying new brands and stuff anyway.
9. Keeping a Yizhan archive
Photos, weblinks, videos, songs, fan fics list..my phone is full of these things now. I think my Yizhan photo gallery is only second to the folder with my dogs' pictures. But how can you resist when we are blessed with new pics of them almost every week?
10. Camp for livestreams
I'm lucky I live in the same time zone as the boys so I don't have to wake up in the wee hours of the morning just to watch something. But that's the thing, being in the same time zone sometimes make me feel like I HAVE to watch that thing live because, why not? Why wait? Not shy to admit that I once watched a live programme in the middle of work but I made sure I finished what needed to be done. I think so long as we don't let these livestream schedules run our lives, there's no harm in camping for them.
11. Watch c entertainment
I am one of those who used to pass over Chinese productions, simply because it's a Chinese production. Not in a scoffing manner but I'm just genuinely not interested in them nor the celebs. I was more of a US/UK production kind of person, occasionally Korean/Japanese. Now, I'm learning to enjoy them although I just watch those with GGDD in them. No energy to follow other Chinese celebs anyway. The other programme I'm contemplating watching even if it doesn't have them in it is Who's the Murderer (GG was only in one of the cases) cos I like the premise. On the flip side, now my sis and partner keep making fun of me cos to them, all I do now is "watch China shows". That is so not true. Or is it?
12. Write fan mail
I wrote a letter to GG once. A long-ass letter. I hope he read it. That's all I'm gonna say. 🙈 hahahahaha
13. Desire to visit China
China was never on my list of to-visit places. Just wasn't interested. I have been to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou a few times in the past for work but even then, I never felt the urge to revisit for leisure. Now, I wanna visit GG and DD's home town, visit Chongqing to see the graffiti wall with Bobii Zanbii on it, eat mala hotpot and try out their sauce recipe, attend BXG events, dine at the CQL restaurant... Watching TTXS also made me realise that there are many beautiful places in China with natural landscapes and all that. I used to be clouded by my disdain for the regime and some behaviour of its citizens but now, I recognise that the country is separate from the regime or a smaller group of poorly behaved citizens. China is a beautiful country and I would love to visit some day. I will fly over immediately on my own if someone gives me tix to ADLAD!!
Well, I hope some of these things resonate with you. Feel free to share the OOC things that Yizhan made you do.
Once again, Happy BXG Day! 🐢💛🐆🐇🐷🌶🦁🍑🐶🍍🛹🎋
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thran-duils · 3 years
I Crave Annihilation
Title: I Crave Annihilation Summary:  Fem!Reader x Mafia!Dark Tony Stark. Tony works for the reader’s very influential politician father moving guns and drugs. She starts flirting with him and he is returning the vibes. She moves into her own place out of her parent’s house and texts him to come save her from a house party. Smut ensues. Words: 3,310 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Smut, HUGE age difference, angst, violence, infidelity, possessive behavior Author’s Note: You know when things just pour out of you and you go with it? Yeah. Me too. This is that. I’m thinking this might just be a one shot like my Petal Castiel fic. Song inspo for this.
Part Two || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Are you busy?
You pressed send on the text to Tony, leaning on the wall. Your eyes moved across the kitchen, wandering over everyone taking shots, playing beer pong. You spotted someone bringing in the pizza that had been ordered and you jumped to acting, coming right up to them. The girl smiled and put it on the counter. She was cute – her name was Rihanna, you thought -- but you knew she had a girlfriend here; you had talked to them earlier briefly out on the patio while you shared a cigarette.
“No, sorry,” she shook her head. “There’s cheese, pepperoni, and meat lovers. So, the complete opposite of what you’re looking for. Are you vegetarian?”
“No, I just was craving it. I’ll take pepperoni.”
She dug through the boxes, the crowd around the pair of you growing at all the other drunk party goers. She made an aha sound, finding it on the bottom and pushed the box towards you. You grabbed a piece and sunk your teeth into it.
You snuck your way through the group and leaned back against the counter, pulling out your phone. He had already texted back, much to your amusement.
Not particularly. Why?
So, he had saved your number. That was a great sign. Your heart was starting to beat faster with anticipation. Taking another big bite, you savored it and swallowed. You wanted something in your stomach instead of the jungle juice and multiple types of potato chips you had been ingesting for the last couple hours. You ate the piece quickly, eyeing the group, thinking you should have grabbed a second piece. But maybe you could convince Tony to stop somewhere if he could come get you. You had had a ride home, but she had started rifling shots when her crush showed up.
My DD isn’t a DD anymore.
You hoped he would show up with that invitation.
Tony and you had been flirting for a long while, playfully at first and had gotten more bold as time went on. But it had to be kept under wraps, nothing real or physical, since he worked for your dad. He had patched over from another part of the mafia when they had merged a years ago, coming closer to your city to work with the crew here.
The first time the new guys showed up at your dad’s house with the veterans of the area, it was relatively late at night. Your father was a politician, a powerful one. You had been swimming in the pool and they had come through the gate to go towards the guest house to have a meeting. You surfaced hearing voices as you did laps.
“Don’t mind us, keep going, sweetie,” your father had told you as he walked by.
“Hey, Y/N,” Christian, the president of their faction said as he passed you.
“Hi,” you told him in response, coming to the edge of the pool. “You still owe me that $10!”
He stopped and turned around, a wide smile on his face. You had challenged him to pool last weekend and he had been so drunk he had forgotten to pay you when you won. He walked back towards you as the other mafia walked in, pulling out his wallet.
“You’re just like your father. Won’t forget a cent.” You shrugged as he pulled out a ten. “Want me to leave it on your towel?”
“That works,” you said just as you caught sight of new faces following in.
They all were looking at you and you knew if they knew you were your father’s daughter, they would not be staring so abashedly to not offend him. You were only 19, your 20th coming up soon. One in particular though, he was not taking his eyes off of you as he walked by. You locked eyes with him, a small smirk playing on your lips. He was handsome, terribly so. You did not back away from his lascivious look, meeting him in intensity.
“Hey!” Christian snapped his fingers at the guys, noticing them all staring. “Show my niece some respect! You bunch of lechers!” He was not really your uncle, but he might as well be. He tossed the ten onto your towel and said, “Watch out for these assholes. They’re a bunch of pricks.”
“Will do,” you vowed, crossing your heart. “I’ve got you to protect me anyhow.”
“You’re damn right,” Christian responded, laughing before turning and walking off with the group.
The same man though looked back, finding you still looking. You blushed despite yourself before averting your eyes and moving back away from the wall to continue your laps.
After that, he had come to the house a handful of times and every time the two of you had shared flirtatious looks, sharing sparse words to introduce yourselves. He was far older than you, early forties. At least twice your age but you did not care. He was dangerous and you liked that. And he was single as far as you could tell.
At a late-night soiree, you had come home, finding them all drunk in the back yard, which was a risk for your father, but he was not one known to always heed caution by being tied to this mafia openly. Especially when he got a few drinks in him. There were card games going on, some of the mafia swimming in the pool.
Tony had looked up from the patio, sitting at one of the tables, seeing you inside speaking to one of his guys, Thor. Thor was a flirt, but he was harmless, holding out a shot to you. You had spotted Tony noticing you moments before and you shrugged, taking the shot from him. You were still underage, but your dad let you indulge, especially if it was at home. And around people he could trust, his mafia. No harm would come to you here, so you were not worried about him catching you.
The two of you took the shot and you did your best to not grimace because it was scotch.
“Took it like a champ,” Thor complimented, a wide smile on his face.
“You mind finding me a chaser?” you choked out.
He laughed in response and said, “Sure.”
Thor left you and you took a deep breath, trying to swallow the taste of the scotch. It really was nasty stuff. You turned your head and found Tony blatantly staring at you from outside on the porch.
You moved outside and came up to him, eyeing the cigarette in his hand, hanging by his side. He breathed out some smoke and you held out your hand expectantly.
His lips twitched in amusement and he held it up to you. You took it from him, wrapping your lips around it sensually, keeping eye contact. You took a deep breath in before pulling it out. Your lipstick was lining the cigarette. You exhaled slowly; eyes still locked. He looked damn good in the white button up he was wearing, tight black jeans.
“Does your dad know you smoke?” Tony inquired.
You shrugged, “It’s a social habit.”
Tony did smirk then, and you took another drag before handing it back to him. He wrapped his lips around it, and you smiled seeing your lipstick mark disappear into his mouth.
“And I’m sure you can keep it a secret,” you added, putting your hands behind your back, exposing your breasts more in your small tank top. He did not refrain from looking down briefly.
“Sure, precious,” he responded, and your stomach fluttered at the pet name. You loved his attention far too much for your own good.
You held out your hand and he went to hand you the cigarette again and you shook your head, causing him to stall. He narrowed his eyes curiously and you said, “Your phone.” He rose a brow now and you explained, “If I’m having a secret keeper, I might need to call them for help sometime, right?”
Tony ground his teeth for a moment, giving you a scrutinizing look. He looked hesitant; no doubt thinking about what your father would do if he knew how much the two of you were flirting. You flexed your fingers quickly, gesturing for him to hand it over. That broke him.
He sucked his bottom lip in, reaching into his pocket and handing his phone over to you. You flipped through it, finding his messages and sending yourself a text with a winky face.
“That’s naughty of you. What if your dad saw that?” Tony asked the moment he saw the text you had sent.
“Well, do what you just promised me. Keep secrets,” you responded, giving him a wink before turning away from him and walking back into the house, leaving him on the patio.
Things had not progressed far from then because you had moved out of the house after getting accepted into a nearby university quickly afterward. You just wanted to be away from the house, have some independence, and you were willing to take on the money needed to live in an apartment. You had not seen him because of this, you had roommates and how could you explain a forty some year-old man coming over. But you found yourself thinking about him a lot recently in the months since you had moved out. He had not texted you and you thought maybe he thought you were silly and had just been a small distraction for him. That hurt and you hated thinking about that. When your friends went for hookups, you turned down guys who had come onto you, not interested.
You wanted him. There was something about him that drew you like a moth to flame.
You need a ride?
Yes, please.
What’s the address?
He was being cordial, probably in case someone happened to see the text conversation. You hoped that would stop the moment you got in the car. You managed to swipe another piece of pizza – no stopping on the way home now – but also got pressured into drinking another cup of jungle juice., Thankfully, you were able to toss half of the cup into the sink and you left the empty cup on the counter. You were not going to risk leaving a half cup where any of the frat boys could come by and drug it, waiting for a poor girl to come pick it up.
When he texted he was outside, you told your friend you had a ride and she had protested, wanting you to stay. You told her she was too drunk and that your other roommate was going to hang out with her. She asked who was picking you up and you said a friend before pulling away from her.
You got into his Lexus, collapsing back into the seat. He was watching you closely and you turned your head to look at him, smiling. “Thank you so much. It was so loud in there.”
“You’re telling me,” he said eyeing the house. “I’ll be surprised if the cops don’t stop by before 11pm. You can hear it out here.”
Trying to pretend like you could not see him running his eyes over your body – you had worn a black lace top over a black bra and a burgundy bandage skirt – you sat up straighter, giving an even clearer view of your tits.
“Yeah, well, good thing I’m dipping out then. Don’t need an MIP on my record. Not right before my 21st birthday.”
Tony snorted as he pulled away from the curb, taking off down the street.
“Seriously, it’s next month.”
“I know,” Tony chuckled.
You smiled and giggled, “You know my birthday?”
It was his turn to smile over at you. “Of course. How could I forget that 20th birthday? You looked perfect in that dress. I couldn’t stop looking at those photos.”
Your stomach was in knots hearing that. He had been looking at your social media. And for how long? Apparently for a long while. You wondered how often he was looking at the photos… and what he had been doing while he was looking at them. You could not help your mind going to dirty places, thinking of his hand wrapped around his cock, jerking himself off to you. That is sure as hell what he was insinuating. Maybe this was not such a good idea…
Tony’s hand slid across over to your thigh, gripping, erasing any doubt about where the night was heading. You let him, relaxing into the seat as best as you could, listening to the music.
You had instigated this, what was happening right now. So, why did you feel so nervous? You tried to fight off the feelings of doubt that were incoming hard the closer the two of you got to your apartment – you had not given him the address. But he knew where to go. That was a huge red flag, only compounding your nervousness.
His phone rang and he looked down at the middle console where it was resting. You saw Steve’s name popping up and you asked, “Should you answer that?”
“No,” Tony shook his head.
The call went to voicemail.
A few minutes later, the phone started ringing again. This time it was Thor. You narrowed your eyes, shooting him a look. You saw he saw the phone and you were wondering why he was not reacting.
“Maybe they need to talk to you?” you said carefully.
Maybe distracting him with work would stop what was coming at you like a freight train. You had dreamed about this for months but now that it was happening, you were just teetering on panic. He was so much older than you and he worked for your dad. What would happen if it ever came to light the two of you had sex? And what happened past this?
“He can get anyone to help them. Not everyone gets to be here with you, precious. You actually wanna turn it off for me?” He asked, nodding at the phone that had gone silent now.
“Are you sure?” you asked, staring at him.
“Yes,” Tony said more firmly. You reached down, picking the phone up and turning it off against your better judgment. Maybe you should have pressed it more but that was passed now. You placed it back down in the middle console and he winked, “Thanks, doll.”
He was at your back as you walked into the dark apartment, and you flipped on the kitchen light before kicking your shoes off and then walked to the freezer. “Do you want a drink?”
When you turned around he was right there, ready to pounce. His lips were on yours immediately and he pressed you up against the counter, his hands roaming and digging in to hold you close.
“I’ll take that as a no,” you breathed out when he gave you the space to breathe.
“Where’s your room?” he husked, still kissing you, cupping your ass.
You were still having second thoughts about this, but it was already happening, him riled up. You guided him to your bedroom, his hands barely leaving you. Your clothes were stripped from you and he wasted no time undressing himself too in the process. You laid back down on the bed, him weighing you down. You kissed him back, matching his fervor. You had wanted this for so long and it was happening. You fell into that memory, thinking of how much he desired you. This powerful, handsome man wanted you. Yeah, you wanted that. You wanted his attention. You spread your legs for him, holding onto him as he entered.
His guttural moans as he pounded you into the mattress caused you to dig your nails into his back, trying to match the shallow pain he was inflicting on you to even the score. Tony was relentless, even as he slowed his thrusts, his teeth were digging in at the base of your neck, sucking roughly. His hand came down in between the two of you and he began circling your clit.
“Come for me, precious. Come on,” he encouraged roughly, leaving bruising kisses along your jaw.
You whimpered feeling the coil in your stomach tightening as he massaged you towards release. That was new; no boy you had been with had even given a shit about you getting off. But he did. You were enjoying this, his regard for your orgasm.
He was skilled that was for damn sure and sooner rather than later, your legs shook, sharp, broken cries leaving your lips. He groaned loudly, his hand leaving your clit and he resumed a brutal pace as you clenched around him.
He let go in warm spurts, coating your walls. You were limp there, letting him use you like a doll as he finished himself. His head fell limp as well, his breath hot on your neck.
Tony laid a soft kiss at the base of your neck and you flinched slightly at the contact. It was where there was sure going to be a hickey tomorrow. He chuckled lightly and laid another soft kiss on your jaw before meeting your lips, pulling you towards him.
“Sorry about that,” he whispered. “Got a little caught up.”
Licking your lips, you asked timidly, “It was okay?”
Tony pulled away, looking down at you, his brow stitched, taking in your bashful face.
“’Okay’? You did perfect. So good,” Tony purred, and you felt warmth at his praise. He leaned back down, kissing you again, harder this time. “So fucking good, precious. You are a marvel.”
Maybe it had not been a mistake, you thought to yourself. He was holding you close, pinning you against him protectively.
Tony got back in his car, pulling his phone out and turning it back on. He saw there were a lot of missed calls from Steve and Thor. Rolling his eyes, he pressed call back to Steve.
“What the fuck? Why weren’t you answering your phone?” Steve answered his phone, pissed off.
“I was busy,” Tony told him dryly.
“’Busy’. What the fuck are you playing at?”
Only hesitating for a moment before deciding eh could trust Steve, since Steve knew about their games, Tony answered, “Y/N. Picked her up from a party and gave her a ride home.”
Steve was quiet for a moment and Tony leaned back in the seat as he let that information settle in with him.
Steve finally scoffed, “Man, you better have been getting your dick sucked.”
“I got one better. If I could describe to you how tight she was, I would,” Tony said lewdly, looking back up at her dark bedroom window. He had left her in bed. She had been so cute, worried she had not done well. If he was not worried about all the phone calls he had been receiving before he turned his phone off to make sure he got to bury his dick in her tonight, he would have waited to go for round two. That would have to wait though. He was certainly coming back to collect on that. He could already tell he had her wrapped around his finger.
That actually drew a laugh from Steve, and he said more quietly, “You’re forgiven, you prick. But you’re gonna need to make up an excuse because Damien is going to want an answer. We had a shipment come in and you weren’t here.”
“You mean I can’t just tell him I was busy banging his daughter?” Tony asked sarcastically.
“I wouldn’t and I would advise you not to because I need your dumbass,” Steve retorted but Tony could tell he was smiling.
“Duly noted. I’ll think of something,” Tony said before hanging up the phone.
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld
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Emmy nominee Daveed Diggs on Hamilton and diversifying his body of work post-Broadway
[...] You started your Hamilton journey with Lin-Manuel Miranda almost a decade ago, but you haven’t been a part of the cast since 2016. Now that you’re separated from the project by a few years, how do you feel about it and about how Hamilton has taken on a life of its own?
Daveed Diggs: It’s pretty great but it is weird to talk about Hamilton during awards season. I’m working on 100 different things, and none of them are Hamilton. It feels like if I had a kid and they were off at college or something, they’re on their own now and I’m very proud of them. It was a great moment in my life and a bunch of my friends made something that we all thought was really good and it ended up being something the world thought was important. That doesn’t happen a lot of the time. You may get one or two of those in your life. It gives me great joy to see it’s still meaningful to people and it can be viewed in a number of different contexts and still resonate. I’m fortunate to have been a part of it. It’s more a sense of pride at a thing that’s not mine. It belongs to everybody now.
[...] So how do you go about picking projects that help you get out of the box?
DD: There’s a couple of things. I get sent a lot of scripts and I get easily excited about things. What I’ve had to learn to do is wait a day and see if I’m still excited. I also have a really great team who make sure good stuff comes my way. But I have this thing, when I’m really excited about something, the hair on my left arm stands up. I get a weird tingling sensation on my left arm. I’ve also heard that’s what a stroke feels like. When I have that feeling, I’ve noticed that’s probably something to pay attention to. It happens when I’m reading a script or a book, but most often it’ll happen during meetings when I sit down with creators, producers, or collaborators. It’s the vibe I get. It’s the thing you can control, and then you can share the results of your experience with the people you work with. So I tend to get mostly excited about a vibe with another creative person.
[...] What kind of talks did you have on set for Hamilton or even The Good Lord Bird about how to portray history as we know it, but also take the artistic liberty to shape your story in the play or the show?
DD: For The Good Lord Bird, my job was to honor the book, so that was a bit of a different thing. For Hamilton, it was sort of based on a book, I guess. Our directive was to sort of ignore that all of these guys have streets named after them or have statues. The Public Theater where we were performing was literally on Lafayette street. But our idea was to get beyond the history of it and make these people, the everyday heroes walking around, and try to make it as contemporary, honest, and human as possible so everybody could see themselves in it. That was the big trick with Hamilton, we were getting everybody to buy into the creation of America. Most of us don’t feel that way most of the time, so I think that’s the trick we were trying to pull off, to say “Hey, this is yours too. Just because these people historically didn’t look like you doesn’t mean you don’t also get affected by their decisions. Decisions made by 21-year-olds hundreds of years ago. So you get to imagine yourself in it.”
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Toko! I was thinking of creating an ask the character blog for IDV or Genshin Impact and wanted a few tips on how to start off. Anything you can share?
ey yo my dude!! thank you so much for this question, now im lowkey tempted (again) to make a genshin ask blog sjadhlkshgkahshglsaj anyway my 1.5 cents is under the cut, yall know how much i talk here HAHAHAHAH
uhhhhhh so i guess we start with picking a character u really Vibe with tm? I KNOW THIS SOUNDS LIKE COMMON SENSE BUT LIKE ive been considering making a genshin ask blog for a while now but i never really got to it cos i couldnt really decide on a character (plus the fact that their outfits are. so intricate. is also a hmm since i try to follow details to a t) (at first i wanted to do zhongli, but i feel like to be able to muse him well u need to know the lore super super well, which i dont n im too lazy to research on that aha. n u know how much i respect characterizations, especially for such a complex character like him. i also considered xiangling for a period of time mostly for guoba but also like i have 2+1 blogs here n having one more might not be a very good idea aha) (as for aesop he was my Hyperfixation Character tm also cos i looked at his kit n went Yep i could work with this. probably)
so assuming ur not a dumbass like me n u kinda know who u wanna pick, id actually say to snoop around here for other ask blogs n kinda get a feel of the... scene? is that the word? or like u know, other blogs that u can potentially vibe with. ive run a couple of ask blogs before this current one (both that have died for different reasons) n from my experience interacting with other blogs (if theyre okay with it, i think most should be) is pretty fun. it also kinda helps get ur blog around to other ppl on other blogs so they can go Oh whats this cool shit n check u out, n its also a reason why we kinda reblog promo posts for other blogs (also cos we’re always excited when someone new comes on, its really the more the merrier. we see all :eyes:). interacting with other blogs is also an option when ur inbox is looking real roomy too
another reason why i havent exactly done a genshin blog is that idk i cant actually seem to find genshin ask blogs around (i have seen rp blogs, or those that answer asks with mostly text instead of art, but thats. not my thing since i hate my own writing aha) (i did find one aether blog some time ago, but for some reason i hardly see them around anymore??? idk man i might be wrong). its not like im trying super hard to find them ask blogs, so im sure they exist out there (hopefully?? im not sure but im being optimistic). i mean theres nothing wrong with just starting an ask blog without others around, but for me i do find a difference when i interact with other ask blogs n when i dont, n i prefer when theres others to have fun with (unfortunately i couldnt find any ask blogs to interact with in my previous fandom. i tried, but the blogs i approached seemed to go inactive shortly afterwards...) plus u get to meet friends that way too :D (i made a lot of friends via idv askblogs n its really been a joy vibing with others)
as for the idv scene. gestures around me. unfortunately there are a lot of ask blogs that arent that active anymore, but theres still some of us who are alive n kicking empty inboxes, n im sure everyone would love to see a new face around. winks at u. also there seems to be a lot more blogs popping up lately, which is really heartening to see.
then u kinda just. make ur blog? n a starting introduction post so ppl can reblog it n spread the word XD n yay u have a blog i guess??? XD
i gotta say tho. dont expect ur blog to take off immediately (especially for smaller fandoms like idv, tvbh i didnt think my blog would even get half this far when i started cos of how non existent idv tumblr seemed to be) n ur inbox will probably be looking pretty empty a lot of the time (or at least filled with some that u havent quite thought of how to reply to yet aha) (but also like empty inboxes happen pretty often, im sure most of us here have experienced this problem)
in the case of the first ask blog i ever started, it never really took off at all. ngl it was kind of demoralizing n depressing but to be fair i had picked one of the more obscure characters in the series, so obscure that many ppl in the fandom would have never heard of this character before. if u wanted to know, i took a character that only appeared in the 2nd musical of the series, who also made a very brief cameo in the manga to acknowledge his existence within that universe. thats how obscure my character was, but i went with him purely because he was my favourite character. i will say though i did enjoy it while it lasted n i learnt a lot from the experience, n i think thats whats important really.
i guess this kinda leads on (not really but let me digress) to the whole uhhhh thing where if u choose a more popular character, u get more attention. which is fine i guess? if u really vibe with the character, i mean theyre popular for a reason. n choosing a more popular fandom (like genshin) would objectively also get u more viewers n numbers. but like honestly i believe that ask blogs are meant for u to have fun with, n like trying to get popular gets tiring pretty fast (this shouldnt be like a main goal, but u know sometimes u subconsciously also want that gucci follower count n bomb ass notes or something. i used to be guilty of this until i realized it isnt worth it) especially if ur not enjoying yourself in the process. (case in point: my previous fandom was considerably larger n my blog got about 700 followers within a year or so, but it got very tiring n stressful to maintain after my interest in it died, n no one was really interacting with the blog even though i tried which kinda made it even more depressing despite the so called success n popularity of the blog)
anyway on a less serious note, theres a lot of fun stuff u can do with the ask blog, like some ask blogs have really fancy tags that i really like n try to do but also like not really HAHAHAHA. i kinda just channel what i want to see in an ask blog into my own ask blogs (good art is one, i try very hard for it to be good :,DD another is characterization, n others is just extra miscellaneous arts n stuffs like au ideas or memes. these are also somethings u could work on during ask box downtimes perhaps)
uhhh another side thing is like a posting schedule i guess? like ppl would be more likely to interact (i think) if ur blog is relatively active, n this is usually determined by the last post u made (i think XD). but like generally for blog maintenence id say try to kinda find a frequency that ur comfortable with?? cos i know my once a day posting is kinda insane if i wasnt so hyperfixated on all of this n fight the urge to dump all ur replies when u finish them XD (though ive seen some blogs do that n they do it pretty frequently so its pretty nice to know once u see their post u can spend some time going through the latest batch of posts XD) the queue function is pretty useful here even though i truthfully have never really used it, i kinda just post from my drafts really but it also helps to space out ur content to seem somewhat active especially when u dont have the time to be working on replies sometimes. i hope u know what im trying to say here aha
ANYWAY that was like my 1.5 cents cos i dont even think its worth 2 cents HAHAHAHAH these are just my thoughts from running all my blogs up till now, some that are still running n the others that have just died a natural death. i wouldnt actually delete them (theyre still around actually XD) cos theyre kinda like archives n i can look back at what i did last time. cos ngl i made some high quality stuff back then, n i dont even know how i managed to do that aldhflhdsgk. also ppl do look at archive blogs every now n then for the content thats there yknow
BUT YES anyway if u do decide to join the idv ask blogs hmu, ill be sure to give u a lil shoutout here. winks
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rivalsforlife · 3 years
i've always found so interesting that phoenix not being in contact with friends in the 7yg is a thing in so many people's hcs/fics, bc even when i first played aa4 i just assumed the choice to not bring up old trilogy characters was just bc they wanted to focus on the new ones, and considering some writer comments about worrying that new games will spoil old ones (which like, wild when it prevents addressing plot points lol) + how quickly they addressed it in new games, does seem to be the case+
+ and like, as you said, considering the end of the trilogy and that some of aa4 events happen right after it, it does feel weird that he'd cut contact/they'd cut contact with him just like that haha
I only joined this fandom a couple of years ago so I wasn’t around in that six-year wait between AA4 and DD... but from what I’ve heard, it was preeeetty common for people to think Phoenix had cut off all contact, and also a lot of people assuming that AA4 was just the end of the series. So no statement on what anyone’s up to now, or if any of them have ever talked to Phoenix again at all, just... nothing. And I think that the apparent complete lack of mentioning a lot of the characters (like Miles, and Gumshoe, etc) led to a lot of people trying to come up with headcanons for why that would be the case, hence why if you’re willing to dig far enough into ao3 (or the older fanfiction . net, though I haven’t been there much because I’m on constant high alert about the lack of tags) you’ll see a lot of fics where Phoenix and Miles had a huge breakup/fight or Miles went to permanently live in ~Europe~ somewhere or something like that, or Phoenix in distress over disbarment forcibly cut everyone out. A lot can happen over seven years, and I guess that a bunch of people assumed all those friendships disintegrated over that time; it can happen, I guess, as upsetting as it is to think about.
(It’s also cool to read these fics to see how much of current fanon and/or fan interpretations of characters are influenced by the investigations+DD/SOJ games (since the fan patch of investigations 2 didn’t come out until 2014, from what I can see?) and it’s actually pretty neat. A Turnabout Toast is probably my favourite of the fics I’ve read from this era and some of the things it handles about post-AJ era are better than the actual games.)
I mean now we have DD which tells us that Phoenix+Miles were in contact over the gap and that Miles flew him over to help on cases sometimes, and it says that Trucy+Pearl were close so there must have been contact with the Feys, and it has letters from Maya implying regular contact, and SOJ with its few offhand lines saying Gumshoe’s alive at least... but none of that was really there before.
I’m pretty sure Takumi’s intent was just as you said and didn’t want to bog down the story with the older characters whose arcs were done, and the only reason Phoenix is even there is because he was told to bring him in somehow. (Who wants to bet that capcom exec was kicking themselves for that one after seeing people get so upset over disbarred Phoenix.) But then of course 56 went back on that by bringing back the old characters whose arcs were done anyways...
The thing about old games spoiling new ones seems to be pretty recent, actually, since the original trilogy had much more focus on older plot points + the second investigations game talking a lot about DL-6, but it actually did a pretty cool thing with this by talking about the old plot points without spoiling them. For instance, the second investigations game mentions DL-6 a lot and mentions MvK but never does the full connection of MvK being the one who killed Gregory, or that Miles thought he did, or a lot of those details that are the big twists in Turnabout Goodbyes. (It does make things weird sometimes, though.) ... And thinking back on it, I may be wrong, but I don’t even think JFA mentioned that MvK was the one who killed Gregory. Also all that with Morgan (you know she’s in jail but I don’t think they go into detail about why) and Mia’s death having a big part in T&T although the details of that case aren’t explored. 
I think it’s a good approach since this way there’s still stuff to experience if you played the games out of order for whatever reason, but you can still build on old plot points and they’re actually addressed instead of each game feeling isolated in its own little universe with the same cast (cough cough 456.) That particular comment one of the writers made I think was specifically about Thalassa, and that’s a tricky thing to do, since Apollo and Trucy being siblings was one of the big twists of AA4, and there’s no way to kind of... smoothly integrate that without spoiling the game.
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rawmeanderson · 5 years
bring you back to me ― part ix
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ft. jeff skinner plot: when your high school sweetheart gets traded to the same city where you now live and work, your best friend just can’t mind her own business ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ warnings. swearing, drinking/drunkenness, all sorts of nsfw stuff 👏🏻 word count: 7.4k notes at the end! also, a maaaaasive shoutouts go to @ferraromarios​, @drunkduncs​, and @capobiancos​ for being such good, supportive friends 💖 visit my masterlist (there’s a link in the description!) to sign up for email alerts or to view the master document with all parts of the fic for easy binge reading!!
“God fucking dammit,” Lydia mutters after someone a few tables over called bingo, earning a dirty look from the older lady at the table ahead of you. You snort softly, reaching for your mimosa as Lydia continues to mutter under her breath.
“I don’t know why we keep coming here, you always end up so angry,” you tease, grinning as she rips of the top sheet of her cards.
“It’s boozy bingo, y/n, it’s worth the anger,” she says, looking at you like you should know that. Your only response is to finish off the rest of your drink, putting the empty glass down next to your cards to pick up your dauber. 
Saturday afternoon boozy bingo was a staple for you and Lydia, but it was the first time you’d been back in a while. The brunch was good, but you mostly showed up for $1 mimosas and bloody marys, while Lydia was there for the bingo. She got wildly competitive during the game, and her trash talking had almost gotten you thrown out on a couple occasions. Honestly, the entertainment watching Lydia’s frustration build and build as the games went on made it all worth it.
Peter was with you today, since he was in town for a few more days. Since it was between games, he went up to the bar to grab drinks, including another mimosa for you.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in a while,” you tell her, nudging her under the table as you pout at her. A quiet chatter had started between games, and you were glad to have a minute alone with your best friend.
“Yeah, I know,” she responds, sighing as she pushes her hair out of her face. “Since my sister’s been out of town a lot for work, I’ve been having to take Mom to her appointments and stuff, and I’ve just been absolutely drained from it.”
“Well, it’s a good thing you get a double dose of me today, right?” you ask, winking when she looks at you and you both laugh. The two of you were going to the game that night to see the Sabres play the Sharks. 
Peter returns a second later, putting two mimosas down in front of you and you shoot him a thumbs up.
“Good call, bud,” you tell him, already reaching for one.
“I figured you might need the extra to help drown out this one,” he responds, pointing at Lydia with a grin. Lydia gave him the finger as he puts a bloody mary down in front of her. “Watch it, or I’ll spit in the next one.” You grimace at his warning even though it wasn’t directed to you, and you straightening up in your seat as the next game starts.
Between numbers, you sip at your drink and glance at your phone, figuring that Jeff is probably taking his pre-game nap by now. Tipsy already, the thought of climbing into bed with him for a nap is very appealing, but not worth leaving Lydia and Peter.
You had stayed at your own place last night, watching Jeff’s game in Detroit from your couch. Jeff had to be up early for a work out and press stuff before the game, and you’d used your morning to clean up around the house and to catch up on laundry. You’d even dug your suitcase out of your closet, knowing you needed to start packing soon since you and Jeff were leaving for your brother’s wedding in four days.
After bumping into Peter a few nights earlier, the two of you and Lydia had been able to make plans for Saturday afternoon, and here you were. You had pushed your hardest to go putt-putt-ing, but you were out voted in favor of boozy bingo. 
Lydia is a number away from winning, nibbling on the end of the celery from her bloody mary as her eyes bounce over her cards. She’s murmuring the number she needs to herself and toying with the ends of her hair with tense shoulders.
“Is she always like this?” he asks when you look at him, voice low and almost concerned. Grinning, you nod, nearly laughing because you hadn’t realized he’d never been to bingo with her before.
“Yeah, she’s nearly got bingo down to an art form if you ask me,” you respond, sipping at your drink.
“I can hear you,” Lydia says with a grin, not even looking up from her cards.
In the end, none of you won anything, but you had more than your fair share of mimosas.You and Lydia had each been planning to rideshare home, but thankfully, Peter offered to play taxi driver since he hadn’t been drinking. Lydia was worse off than you and pissed that she hadn’t won anything, making her a damn near lethal combination. 
“I swear, those old bitches cheat somehow,” she mutters as you approach Peter’s rental car. You laugh, nodding to appease her as she climbs in the backseat. You take shotgun, and Peter grins at you as he starts up the car. 
“It’s like I never left, right?” he asks and you nod as Lydia continues to rant from the backseat. It was true though. Peter, never much of a drinker, had often played DD for you and Lydia in the time you’d known each other, and having him there again felt like nothing had changed. 
Lydia’s place was closer, so she was dropped off first. As she steps out of the car, you roll your window down, reminding her to set an alarm so she wouldn’t oversleep and miss dinner and the game later. She thanks you, calling you ‘mom’ teasingly. Considering you’re drunk, it’s extra funny and sends you into a fit of laughter. Lydia threw a peace sign up before turning to make her way to her building, and you and Peter stay put to make sure she gets to the door without tripping or managing to fall over.
Satisfied that Lydia was safely inside, Peter pulled away from the curb, glancing at you. “You’re gonna have to tell me where to go,” he tells you.
You snort, shaking your head. “Shit, you know I have no sense of direction, so let’s see how this goes,” you joke, sitting up in your seat a little more. “Turn left up here, head toward downtown.”
Peter laughs, turning on his blinker on as he nods. The two of you are quiet for a few moments aside from you giving the occasional direction before starting in with a bit of small talk. You ask about his new office, how he’s adjusting to being in a new city, and he says he’s enjoying it, that he’s happy he made the move even if it did put him far from family.
“Have you found friends to replace Lydia and me yet?” you ask, trying to decide which would be the best route to get to Jeff’s from where you were then. 
“Nah, impossible, really,” he admits, glancing at you with a grin.
“Well, shucks,” you tease, laughing as you push your hair back out of your face. Jeff still didn’t seem to be awake since he hadn’t answered any of your messages from earlier, and the thought of climbing into bed with him made you feel warm and soft all over. “Take a right up here, that way’s probably quicker.”
“The fuck do you mean, probably?” Peter questions, making you crack up all over again. “So, correct me if I’m wrong, but Jeff Skinner, the professional hockey player, is your boyfriend, and you didn’t even tell me about it?” 
“Yeah,” you respond, trying to look apologetic for not telling him but you just ended up grinning like an idiot at the mere mention of Jeff. “I’can’t believe Lydia didn’t tell you, this is the result of her handiwork.” 
Peter’s not even surprised by that. “So, are you going to tell me how all of this happened, or what?”
You snort then, shrugging as you continue to smile. “I’ve known Jeff for as long as I can remember really. He played hockey with my brother when we were little, our families are friends. We dated for a while in high school, then he got drafted and went to North Carolina. Now eight years later, he got traded here and Lydia tricked me into going to a game, and here we are.”
“Shut the fuck up, that’s some rom-com shit, honestly,” he says, glancing at you with a look of teasing disbelief. “He’s a good guy though?”
The question makes you smile. Peter had always been one to look after both you and Lydia, and you’re glad to see that the distance hadn’t changed that. “The best, really. He always has been,” you assure him and he nods. “We’ve probably moved kind of fast, but it’s been so easy, like we just picked up where we left off.”
“Good. You’re happy, I can tell. I’ve never seen you light up like that when you talk about someone,” he tells you, looking over at you quickly before changing lanes. 
Feeling your cheeks burn with a flush, you cross the subject. “Enough about me, what about you, huh? Have you been dating at all?” you question, raising an eyebrow as you glance over at him. 
Peter laughs, shaking his head immediately. “No, not at all, honestly. I just feel like I haven’t had any time to even try. I’m trying to make friends first, then go from there,” he admits, and you nodding in understanding.
“Yeah, I know what you mean, that was me a couple years ago,” you way with a sympathetic smile. You spot Jeff’s building and quickly point it out to Peter. “It’s that one! Just drop me off where you can, I guess.”
Peter pulls to the curb, and you unfasten your seatbelt before turning to hug him over the center console. He hugs you back tightly, and when you pull away, you’re smiling.
“Have a good trip home tomorrow, and please, let us know when you’re in town next!” you say, making sure you’ve got your phone and keys before opening the door. 
“Don’t worry, I will,” he promises as you climb out of the car. He waves as you close the door, and you do the same before heading toward the door.
In your drunken state, it takes a moment for you to figure out which key you need to use, then another to fit it into the lock to get into the lobby. You doubt Jeff is awake yet, but you text him to tell him you’re in the lobby anyway, and you press the up button on the elevator repeatedly in impatience.
You ran into the same delay with your keys outside Jeff’s door, and you nearly trip as you step into his apartment. It’s quiet and you hush yourself softly while toeing off your shows. Knowing you’d left a hamper of clean clothes in the laundry room, you stop there first to change into leggings and one of Jeff’s shirts, fully intent on being lazy and cozy until you had to leave for the game later.
Jeff’s bedroom door is partially open when you approach it a moment later, and you smile to yourself when you see him in bed. He’s shirtless, blankets pulled up to his chest and he’s sprawled out, looking so sweet and relaxed. You cross the room and slip under the sheets with him, the shifting of the bed making him sigh quietly in his sleep. Staying still for a moment, you listen to the even sound of his breathing before leaning over him enough to kiss his chest lightly. 
He stirred a little, grumbling as he brought a hand up to run over your hair. Smiling to yourself, you kiss higher, along his neck and he loops an arm around you as you finally kiss his mouth.
“Hi,” you murmur, pulling back to look down at him.
“Hey,” he responds, sounding groggy as he turns his head to yawn. “What time is it?”
“Almost 2,” you say, pressing another kiss to his mouth before shifting to straddle him. He looks up at with a sleepy grin as you drape your body over his. “Did you have a good nap?” Jeff nods, tilting his head up enough to kiss you again. You feel warm all over, absolutely giddy just to be there with him. 
“Did you have a good time gambling and day drinking?” he asks and you snort, laughing as you nod back at him. You reposition yourself just slightly, hips pressing down against his in a way that makes electricity shoot up your spine.
“Yeah, it was fun. Lydia drank more than I did, so she was all fired up about losing,” you tell him, moving down his body more and kissing his collarbone.
He chuckles, the sound vibrating in his chest. “Yeah, I’m sure she was,” he responds, bringing a hand up to push your hair back out of your face. He toys with the strands idly as you move lower again, kissing down his chest as you glance up at him. “What are you doing?” A crooked grin settles on his face that you mirror back to him. 
“Haven’t decided yet,” you murmur, kissing his stomach as you toy with the waist of his sweatpants. He chuckles softly, nodding and tucking a hand behind his head as he watches you. Looking up at him, you bite your lip while shifting to kneel between his knees.
“We’ve got a couple of hours to figure it out,” he teases, and you grin, humming in agreement as you kiss the line of his hip.
“Don’t think I’ll need that long,” you respond, bringing a hand up to brush your knuckles over the hardening line of his cock. Looking up at him through your lashes, you kiss just above the band of his pants. His abs tense at the light touch of your lips, making you smirk.
When his hand tightens into a fist at his side, you can’t help the soft chuckle that leaves you. Moving lower, your lips ghost over the obvious bludge of his cock and he swears under his breath, hips twitching with the effort to keep still as he watches you.
“Christ, are you trying to make me beg for it?” he asks, and you look up in time to see him practically squirming in place.
You bite your lip again in an attempt to hide the grin that spread across your face, shrugging as you tilt your head to one side. “I haven’t ruled it out,” you say in an attempt to sound coy. Jeff cursed then, letting his head fall back against the pillow, and you laugh quietly, shaking your head. “So impatient.” Your words come as you tsk softly, and he nods in response, exhaling a breath.
Jeff brings a hand up to push your hair out of your face so he can look at you, a tender motion that never fails to make you shiver. You glance up to make eye contact with him before giving in and starting to tugs his sweats down his hips. He lets out a relieved sigh, lifting his hips lazily to help you out, and your mouth follows the path of the fabric, kissing his newly exposed skin. 
With his cock free, your hand moves quickly, stroking him slowly from base to tip with a hum. He twitches against your palm, and he twists the sheets in his fist when your head tilts to trace the vein the runs up his shaft with your tongue. Your mouth is practically watering by the time your lips close enough the head of his cock, sucking lightly before pulling off. A sound of frustration leaves him and your grin reappears.
“You ready to beg yet, or should I keep teasing?” you ask, eyebrow raised as you stroke him again slowly. He hisses, hips rocking toward your hand as his brows knit together. His chest is flushed, the color rising higher and he whines your name so quietly that you can barely hear it.
“Fuuuck, y/n. Please, sweetheart,” he murmurs, voice low. He’s watching you intently, eyes on your hand that’s wrapped around his dick as it continues to move in lazy strokes. You raise an eyebrow and wait for him to continue, loving the way he’s absolutely squirming. “Goddammit, I need your mouth, please.”
Jeff’s getting whinier with each passing second and it’s far too hot to say no to. You stroke him a few more times, loving the sound of him panting for you, cheeks flushed, before closing your lips around the head of his cock again. He makes a sound like the wind’s been knocked out of him, and it does wonders for your ego. 
“Holy shit, thank you,” he says, sounding breathless already as you take him deeper in your mouth. His hand leaves his side to come up to your hair, tangling in the strands as he pulls it away from your face. “You look so fucking beautiful with my cock in your mouth.” The words leave him so casually that it makes you moan, pulling back enough to soothe your tongue over the slit at the head of his dick.
You start bobbing your head in slow movements, taking him deep enough that your gag reflex is almost triggered. He groans, the sound leaving him slowly as his hips press up toward you. Your clit is throbbing between your thighs then, and you can feel how slick you are when you shift. Bringing a hand up to rest on his thigh, you let your nails drag over his skin lightly as you bob your head, taking your time to let him slip deeper down your throat. 
A slew of curses leaves him when you swallow around him, his hand tightening in your hair as his hips twitch toward your mouth again. You can taste pre-cum at the back of your tongue and you groan around him, relaxing your jaw as you take him deep enough that your nose is pressing against his pelvis. 
Jeff makes a punched out sound, murmuring that he loves you, and when you glance up at him, he’s still watching you closely. You nearly pull off him, taking a breath and teasing along a vein with the tip of your tongue. He’s tense, practically slack-jawed as he keeps his eyes on you.
You love when he’s like this, putty in your hands (or mouth to be more specific) like you’re the only thing in the world that he’s ever wanted. His flush has moved up his neck and he’s breathing heavily, groaning as you bob your head shallowly. The sounds he makes never fail to make your pussy throb, and when you lean over him more, you can tell that you’ve already soaked through your panties.
“Baby, unless you want me cumming down your throat, you should stop,” he warns before you’ve even let him slip down your throat again.
You pull off, lifting your head to look at him with a raised eyebrow. “I mean, I don’t hate the sound of that,” you tease, stroking his cock slowly in the absence of your mouth on him.
He curses softly, head falling back against the pillow while murmuring something about you trying to kill him and you laugh, leaning forward to kiss his stomach once before pulling back.
You get to your feet on shaky legs, grinning at him as you pull your shirt off over your head, unclipping your bra a second later and letting the fabric drop to the floor. Jeff manages to tear his eyes away from you long enough to nudge his sweats off and grab a condom while you slip out of your leggings. You nearly trip as you get your panties and leggings off completely, and you laugh as you catch your balance. 
“You okay?” Jeff asks, glancing at you with a wide smile on his face as he rips he condom open. 
“Yep, never better,” you respond, smiling as you push your hair out of your face. Returning to the bed, you lean over him, pressing a firm kiss to his mouth. You swing your leg over his hip as he rolls the condom down onto his length, his eyes taking in the sight of your body over his again. 
One of Jeff’s hand comes up to rest on your waist, leaning up enough to kiss you again, while the other slips between your legs. A low groan leaves you as his fingers slide through your folds, hips immediately canting down against his hand.
“Fuck, Jeff,” you breathe, a whimper catching in your throat. He hums in appreciation when your wetness coats his fingers, toying with your clit to make you squirm over him.
“God, you’re always so fucking wet after sucking my cock,” he murmurs, voice low as he looks up at you. His fingers are sliding through your folds effortlessly, teasing at your entrance, and you groan his name again, grinding against his hand eagerly. 
Making an impatient sound, you shift, hand slipping between your bodies to guide his cock to your entrance. Your touch makes him curse softly, his lips parting as his eyes drop down to watch his cock sink into you as your hips lower toward his.
“Shit, y/n,” he groans, head falling back against the pillow with a content sigh. His hands move to your hips, resting there as you sink onto him further. 
You’d forgotten how much you love riding him, how he makes you feel so full as he looks up at you like you’ll disappear if he looks away. Your thighs are tense and you bite your lip, your hands pressing against his chest as your hips lower a little more, and a moan catches in your throat. His thumb brushes idly over your skin, the other hand moving higher over your waist until he’s cupping your breast in his palm.
Leaning over him, hands resting on either side of his head, you kiss him as your hips roll down against his. He moans into your mouth, hand sliding from your hip to your ass, squeezing you there as his thumb drags over your nipple. You shiver, melting against him with a wanton groan as you try to settle into a rhythm. The head of his cock hits your g-spot with the next motion of your hips, making you tighten around him.
You’re doing your best as you try to keep focused on easy rhythm you’ve set, pussy throbbing around his length as you sit up again. Hands resting on his chest, you bite your lip playfully, grinning down at him as you grind against him rougher than before. A gasp slips from you, given the friction of your clit against his pelvic bone, and Jeff hums, eyes sliding over your frame as he rolls your nipple between his fingers. 
“Mm, sweetheart,” he breaths, squeezing your ass as your hips grind into his again, the friction too good to stop chasing. “Fuck, that’s good.” You nod quickly, panting out a curse as you tilt your head back to get your hair out of your face. 
It surprises you when Jeff fucks up into you, a whine slipping past your lips as your hips slam down to meet his. He curses loudly, the grip on you ass tightening and guiding your hips forward against his again. You can tell that you’re soaked, making the slide of his cock in and out of you easy and downright sinfully good. 
“Come here,” Jeff says, voice low as he pulls you down to him easily. You chuckle, grinning as you lean over him again, hips never slowing as you continue to rock against him. His hand slips into your hair, keeping it back from your face and tangling in the strands as he kisses you.
You moan, whining as his teeth catch on your bottom lip. Your clit is begging for attention and a jolt runs down your spine to your core as he tugs at your nipple. “Oh, fuck, I love you,” you pant, the words exhaled into his mouth before you’re kissing him again desperately. You’re close, toes curling as your hand slips between your bodies to help yourself along.
The extra friction makes you cry out, mouth leaving his as you try to catch your breath. His mouth moves to your neck, finding the spot that always takes your breath away, then moving down to your collarbone. He tugs at your hair, not enough to hurt but enough that you gasp, the sound fading into a whine as his mouth moves over your chest. Your movements have grown more erratic, searching for the perfect combination of friction to send you over the edge.
As good as it feels to have his mouth on you and to be kissing him, you sit up again, knowing the angle is just that much better. It only takes a few rocks of your hips to have you groaning in satisfaction, leaning back slightly and resting a hand on his thigh for support while still rubbing your clit. Jeff’s eyes are glued to you as his hand comes nudges yours out of the way toy with the swollen bundle of nerves himself. You don’t stop him, a smirk sliding onto your face briefly before your mouth falls open with a moan.
“God, Jeff, that’s so fucking good,” you whimper, thighs shaking as he fucks up into you and hitting your g-spot in a way that makes you gasp. The bed is squeaking slightly with the movement of you, mixing with the sounds you’re each making.
It didn’t surprise you when your orgasm washed over you a moment later, knowing how easy it was for him to just completely unravel you. You cried out, head falling back as you try to keep the motion of your hips going. It’s more difficult than you expected, moaning his name as you grind down against him roughly. 
He nods beneath you, brow creased in concentration as his thumb continues to rub firm circles against your clit. Leaning forward slightly, your hands press against his chest and you can tell from the look in his eye that he’s close as well. Your nails dig into skin, making him hiss and groan that he loves you. The rustling of fabric beneath you gives way to his pressing his foot into the mattress for leverage, as he grips your hip with one hand. 
Jeff fucks up into you at the perfect angle to make you go still, desperate for him to keep hitting that same spot. Reduced to whimpering, your eyes squeeze shut, body still as his hips slam up into yours. The sound of skin on skin, his heavy breathing, and your breathless whines filled the room, and you could feel that you’d each worked up a bit of a sweat. A chill runs through your body like electricity, making you shudder as your orgasm starts to fade.
Your pussy is still tight around him when his thumb leaves your clit before he’s tugging you down to him more. He pressed his face into your neck, breathing hot into your skin and groaning while kissing down to your breasts again. He sighs your name into your chest as he cums a short moment later, grunting roughly as his hips slow until he’s worn out. You move slowly, eager to drag out the last few seconds of pleasure.
Jeff melts into the mattress as he rests his head against the pillow. His eyes are closed and you imagine that if it weren’t for the hand rubbing over your thigh contently, you’d think he’d gone back to sleep already. You don’t pull away just yet, kissing down his chest as you try to catch your breath. He’s so relaxed and you can feel his heart pounding as his hand leaves your thigh.
When he pushes your hair out of your face you look up to see him grinning at you. “Have I told you that I love you recently?” he asks, the words coming slow. His voice was like warm honey and you smile back at him before leaning up enough to press a lingering kiss to his mouth.
“A few times, yeah,” you respond, hips resting down against his as you enjoy the fullness of having him inside you still.
“Mm, gotcha,” he says, toying with the ends of your hair and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “You only came once, didn’t you?” His brow creases slightly when you nod.
“Yeah, but trust me, I am a very satisfied customer,” you assure him, only to hear him snort with laughter in response. He guides your mouth back to yours, and you can feel him smiling as he kisses you. It’s slow at first, but when his tongue slides over yours, you feel your clit throb.
“Want me eat you out?” he asks, his mouth barely leaving yours. The words seem so casual and you groan, tightening around him enough that he cursed under his breath. It only takes another second before you’re nodding, moaning into his mouth as he starts to untangle himself from you.
Jeff turns you over onto your back easily and pulls out before kissing you hard before getting to his feet. Legs still open for him, you watch the muscles of his torso move as he discards the condom. Your hand slips between your thighs impatiently, and when he follows the motion of your hand, he smirks, tugging you an inch or two closer by the ankle. 
He climbs back onto the bed, getting settled on his stomach between your thighs. After moving your hand away from your clit, he sucks your fingers into his mouth briefly, smirk never leaving. Guiding your legs over his shoulders, he groaned loudly at the sight of you. You knew you were absolutely soaked, and when you felt his tongue sweep through your sensitive folds a second later, your hips twitched toward his mouth.
His mouth is hot against you and your hand moves to his hair, fingers tangling in his short curls. You tug at the strands, nails brushing over his scalp to make him hum in approval. It’s impossible to stop yourself from squeezing your thighs around his head as you whimper, hips rocking easily against his mouth. He swings an arm over you to keep you still, leaning into you more while he licks from your entrance, up to your clit, then back slowly. You realize he’s cleaning you up and you relax back into the mattress as your heel digs into the back of his shoulder.
Jeff’s tongue is still moving slowly through your folds, just taking his time and you watch him with heavy lidded eyes. The damp heat of his breath hitting your skin had you shivering while your legs shake. Your fingers curl in his hair as you inhale sharply, your other hand dropping to brush light circles against your nipple. 
He’s watching you with dark eyes, watching the way you tease at your breast. His pressure changes then, tongue going from slow and lazy to hungry and firm it sinks into you. You try to buck up against him but his arm keeps you in place. A wanton moan leaves you as his tongue fucks into you again before dragging slowly up to your clit again, with the same firmness that has you squeezing your thighs around his head again.
Your thumb brushes over your nipple just as he sucks your clit into his mouth, tongue flicking against you quickly and you exhale a desperate sound. “Fuuck, Jeff,” you whine, his name cut short when you cry out as he sinks a finger into you. You can feel yourself shaking, already right there at the edge with how he’d fucked you earlier.
Meeting his eye, you nod weakly and he takes your cue to sink a second fingers into your pussy. Your head falls back against the sheets as your back arches, and when his digits curl against your g-spot, you let out a string of curses. He can tell that you’re getting close and he releases your clit, taking a second to breathe before teasing at your clit again. You had abandoned the idea of toying with your nipple, far too consumed by the soft sounds of his mouth working against you.
His fingers are deep inside you, scissoring slightly and always making sure to hit your g-spot, and your legs tighten around his shoulders. Squirming, you again find yourself trapped by his arm and you make a frustrated noise that makes him pull away from you slightly.
“Cum for me, baby,” he tells you, already leaning back to seal his lips around your clit again.
Your whines build and build, eyes squeezing shut as his fingers fuck into you, and you topple over the edge a second later. You cum with a sharp moan, pulsing tightly around his fingers as Jeff groans against you, fingers still curling inside you. The orgasm is hot and bright, and Jeff guides you through it, murmuring praise every time he’s pull back from you to take a breath.
When you float back down, your eyes are heavy and you finally loosen your grip on Jeff’s hair slightly. His fingers are gone and he’s back to lapping at your folds lazily, making it that much harder to keep yourself from shaking. After another moment, you have to push him away, gasping you try to wiggle away from him. 
Jeff chuckles softly, turning his head to rest against your thigh as he looks up at you. His cheeks are rosy, and when he grins, you can see that his mouth and chin are shiny with you’re wetness. 
“Thought you were drying to suffocate me there for a minute,” he teases, hand sliding along your thigh as he guides your leg off his shoulder. 
Laughing, you nudge him gently with your knee. “Shut up,” you respond, shaking your head as he leans up, pressing a kiss to your stomach. The light touch of his mouth makes you shiver, and you run a fingertip down his nose lightly. You’re trembling slightly, shivering as you try and catch your breath. 
Jeff noses at your ribs, kissing his way up your body. Your hand returns to his hair, smoothing it with a light touch. The longer you stay there, the more relaxed you feel, and you realize that it’d be very easy to doze off. As Jeff’s mouth moved higher, he shifted to lean over you, his body radiating warmth as he kisses you on the mouth. 
When he pulls away, it’s to settle back against the pillows, and he chuckles when you pout at him slightly. “C’mere, lazy,” he says, patting his chest before tugging at your hand to get you to move.
Sighing heavily, you move, curling into his side. Jeff pulls the blankets over both of you and your head settles on your chest.
tt’s easy to doze for the next hour or so, curled up with him. He had turned the TV at one point, but you weren’t conscious enough to really be sure what he was watching. Jeff ordered food, and when he went to open the door, you rolled into the warm spot he’d left behind, enjoying the smell of his shampoo and cologne clinging to the sheets. When he returned, you heard him scoff at the fact that you’d stolen his spot.
He decides to leave you be, turning around to go eat at the table and that’s when you fully drift off. Some time later, Jeff wakes you up by rubbing a hand over your back to tell you that he was leaving for the arena. 
With a warm, sleepy smile you roll onto your side, promising that you’ll see him soon. You kiss him a few times before he stands up and you get the chance to appreciate how good he looks in his suit before he leaves.
Hours later, you’re awake, dressed, and enjoying the game with Lydia. The score was tied by midway through the second period and Jeff had two assists. Sipping at your beer, your eyes are on the ice, but Lydia is practically vibrating next to you. 
There’s a stoppage in play a second later and you look at her with an eyebrow raised. “Go ahead,” you tell her, taking another drink. You’re wearing your jersey tonight with black jeans and booties, and Lydia’s in an Eichel jersey that you feel like you haven’t seen before. 
“What are you talking about?” Lydia asks, brow creasing as she glances up at the scoreboard. 
“You are clearly dying to tell me something, so go ahead,” you respond, laughing slightly. She rolls her eyes, hating that she makes things so obvious.
“I left my bag in Peter’s car, so he stopped by with it after dropping you off,” she says, pausing heavily. It doesn’t take you long to figure out what she’s implying, and you snort, shaking your head.
“Girl, look at you,” you tell her, laughing as you raise your beer to her. “Wait, did you leave your bag in his car on purpose?” 
She snorts, shrugging, and you both double over in laughter. It wasn’t the first time she’d used that move, and you knew it wouldn’t be the last.
“Not like you can judge. I’d bet $50 that you went straight to Jeff’s to get busy,” she teases, and your response is to shrug, because it’s not like you’d take that bet.
The two of you continued to to chit-chat and drink, enjoying yourselves as the second period wound down. With a little over a minute to go in the period, Jeff took a hit that made you gasp, bringing you to your feet when he didn’t get up immediately. The arena was full of chatter and your heart was thundering in your chest, watching as Jeff finally got up with the help of his teammates. You dropped into your seat as he immediately went down the tunnel, and Lydia was quick to take your hand, holding it tightly. 
You didn’t know what to do, so you sat there, chewing on your lip and bouncing your leg idly. Lydia was quiet, still holding your hand because she wasn’t sure what else to do to help you feel better. Your stomach twists in knots, and you send Jeff a text, unsure of when he’d even have the chance to check his phone.
“Y/n, Twitter says he’s not coming back to the game,” Lydia tells you and you sigh, pushing your hair out of your face. Through most of intermission, you’re silent, staring at your phone and hoping for some sort of news.
It finally came a few minutes into the 3rd period, a text from Jeff, asking you come down to where you usually meet him. Lydia promises that she’ll be fine watching the rest of the game by herself, and you nod, taking off up the stairs just as the Sabres score.
When you see Jeff, seeing that he’s upright and grinning, you’re relieved, putting your arms around him when you’re close enough. He’s freshly showered, and he settles an arm around your shoulder, kissing the top of your head.
“I’m alright, I promise,” he tells you, giving your body a reassuring squeeze. “Knocked the wind out of me pretty bad, and my shoulder hurts like hell, but I’m alright. They don’t think I’ll be out at all.” You nod, finally pulling back to look up at him.
You drove Jeff home and just as you were parking in his garage, you got the notification that Casey scored an empty net goal to seal the win for the Sabres. He was moving a little slower than usual and in the elevator, he was leaning into you. Neither of you said much got in the door, and Jeff immediately headed toward his room. He had mentioned the the trainer had given him some meds, and you could tell he was frustrated about being out for the night, so you gave him some space. 
You busy yourself by tidying up the living room some. Folding a blanket, fluffing the pillows, and a few other meaningless tasks to pass a little bit of time. He had always been quiet after a bad game or something like this, so it didn’t come as much of a surprise.
When you come into the bedroom, he’s already in bed, on his back with one arm draped over his eyes. Jeff doesn’t move as you cross the room to go into the bathroom. You wash your face and brush your teeth before heading back into his room so you can change. After hanging up your jersey, you change into a pair of sweats and one of Jeff’s shirts, and when you turn around, he’s watching you with a sad look in his eye.
“Which side do you want me on?” you ask, giving him a sympathetic smile. He pats his left side and you climb into bed with him. It takes no time at all for him to roll toward you, settling himself under your arm to nuzzle into your collarbone. 
You hardly mind, loving how quickly he curled around you. His breath against you, and your fingers rub lightly of his back as you feel him relax. Turning your head slightly, you kiss the side of his head and he snuggles into your shoulder a little more.
“How are you feeling?” you ask, voice soft as you toy with his hair.
“M’okay,” he mumbles, so pitifully that you chuckle. He exhales a deep sigh before shifting onto his side a little more, but keeping his head where it was on your shoulder. “Just glad we got to 2 points.” You nod, enjoying the way he’s leaning into your touch as you continue to play with his short curls.
“Are you hungry? Do you want to watch something?” Your voice is quiet, just hoping there’s something you can do to help him feel better.
“Not hungry, but you can put something on if you want. Can’t promise I’ll stay up for long though, I’m already pretty drowsy,” he says, tipping his head up to look at you. He looks sleepy, and you nod, pressing an easy kiss to his mouth before you reach for the remote. 
“No preference what I put on then?” 
“Nah, not really,” he says, settling his head on your chest again as you start scrolling through Netflix. You’re both quiet for a moment as you start an episode of Derry Girls, and with the sound of Jeff’s even breathing, you think he’s asleep already, so it surprises you when he speaks again. “Are you ready for next weekend?”
You don’t answer right away, but a second later, you nod. “Yeah, I think so. I’m kind of nervous too, but I don’t really know why,” you admit, shrugging as you keep your eyes on the tv. Knowing you probably wouldn’t bother staying up much later, you turn off the lights, grateful for the fancy tech in Jeff’s room that allows you to do it from your phone. 
“Yeah, I know what you mean,” he says, his arm tightening around your waist. “I’m excited though, for everyone to know about us.” You smile warmly to yourself and hum in agreement.
“Me too. I’m still a little nervous, but I know it’ll be a good weekend. It’ll be nice to see everybody.”
“Mhm. Just a few more days now. Are you still coming to the game Wednesday? Figured we could leave straight from the arena,” he says, words coming slower and slower.
“Works for me,” you tell him, starting to play with his hair again. He nods, yawning before settling into you even more. 
It’s no surprise that he dozes off shortly after, and you don’t stay up much later, just long enough to finish the episode you’d started. Once you turn off the tv, you lay there in the dark, enjoying the sound of Jeff’s breathing and the warmth of his body pressed against yours. It’s easy to get to sleep that night.
TA-DUH!!! I really like this chapter guys, and I hope you do as well!!! next chapter starts the 4 chapter long section of being at the wedding and i’m so excited to start working on those chapters! 
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Figure skating x hockey player
TWO: Cassian and The Bet
Cassian ran a hand through his wet hair as he makes his way back out towards the locker room, he throws his towel over his shoulder as he unlocks his locker. “Hey Cas, are you coming to the party tonight?” I heard a rumor that Tamlin might be there,” Rhysnd says from where he was sitting on the bench slipping on his shoes.
Cassian rolls his head, he was already feeling the tension in his shoulders from the stress semester, “I don’t know man, I’ve got a ton of homework and I don’t really feel like getting involved with Tamlin before the game this weekend.”
“Never thought I’d hear the day that Cassian Monte would say no to brawl, who are you becoming?” Tomas cheers from the other side where he changes despite not doing much throughout practice besides sitting on the bench. He was only on the team because his father donated the new bleachers.
Cassian looks over at Rhysand with a deadpan expression, growing up in foster care made Cassian a fighter but once he joined the hockey team in highschool where he met Rhysand and Azriel he had a new reason to fight. The only reason he was at this school working towards a degree in engineering was because of hockey.
He wouldn’t let his scholarship be taken away because of some fight off the ice or a bad grade in an easy class, Rhysand understood it but unfortunately not a lot of the rich kids on the team did. “I got an eight am tomorrow, why don’t you come have a few drinks and then we can head back to the apartment together?” Azriel chimes in, being the voice of reason as always.
Cassian frowns, rubbing his chin, “Okay, but text me when you’re heading over and if I haven’t gotten a load of my homework done its a no from me,” he retorts, slipping on his jacket and leaving the locker room.
As he makes his way towards the exit, he stops short when he sees Nesta sitting down on the bench in front of the rink, ear muffs and scarf pulled tightly around her neck. She had her knees to her chest as she clutched a book in front of her face.
He stepped forward, grabbing his keys from his pocket, he felt the need to go out there and talk to her. To pick on her, or maybe to offer her a ride home. He shakes his head at the thought, she was probably waiting for Mor or possibly her own personal driver.
He steps out in the cold making his way towards the parking lot where his beat up jeep was, it was a typical cliche but it was cheap and he needed transportation to take his gear all over the place. He jumps into the front seat, quickly sticking his key into the ignition before blasting the heat.
Once his mirrors are set and he can feel his hands, he pulls out of the driveway, looking over the bench in front of the rink where Nesta was gathering her stuff and moving towards the bus. He furrowed his brow, watching as she smiled at the bus driver chatting as she handed him her card. She had a transportation card. He curses himself for assuming that she was waiting on a personal driver.
There was more to her than he thought, he figured the blonde hair and figure skating made her the prime stereotype for rich white girls. There’s a beep and he looks in his rearview to see Rhysand sticking his hands up in confusion.
He waves apologetically before turning towards campus, where he was going to seat himself in the library and knock out the rest of his homework. His phone chimes after a couple hours and he looks up as someone shushes him, smiling apologetically, he grabs his backpack and answers the phone as he exits the library.
“Yeah, I know, I am heading home now,” Cassian retorts before the person even said hello.
“I am glad you just now remembered,” Azriel says on the other side but he was chuckling, “Where are you? I’ll just pick you up from there.”
“He’s probably still in his loungewear from after practice he is not going to a party in his joggers and teeshirt,” Rhysand calls out from the passenger seat, “He’ll come home and change, I don’t care if you’re late.”
Cassian rolls his eyes, “I am at the library,” he says.
“Cool, I’ll see you there,” Azriel retorts earning a groan from Rhysand. He leans against the wall, flipping mindlessly through Instagram while he waits for the slick black car to pull up. He finds himself pulling up Nesta Archerons page, he was trying to know more about her.
There were pictures of her with Mor, dressed up for parties or hanging in the quad, as well as a few of her competing, she looked angelic on the ice. He scrolls far enough down that he stumbles upon a picture of Nesta laying down on a hospital bed her head against an older lady who looks just like her. The lady is talking with a bright smile and Nesta looks over at her with sparkling eyes.
Cassian was familiar with the bright blue cap on the ladies head and all the IV’s, he was there when his own mother had passed away from cancer, he scrolled down her captain only a yellow heart, the comments full of condolences. Her mother had passed away as well. He takes note of the date it was posted, six years ago today.
He felt weird, he honestly kind of felt like that guy Joe from that stalker show. She posted on her instagram for all of her followers to see but he still felt like he was invading her personal space, as if he wasn’t welcomed.
“Stop spacing out and get in the car, it’s already six!” Rhysand yells. Cassian looks up to see him halfway out the window, waving wildly at his friend. Azriel shrugs in the driver seat as Cassian jumps into the back. “What were you so deep in thought about?”
Cassian runs a hand through his hair, “All the organic chem homework I am going to have to do when I get home at eight,” he says.
Rhysand laughs, “Like you're actually going to get home by eight,” he chuckles, reaching forward to turn up the music before Cassian has any objections.
Rhysand grabs his shoulder before moving past him into the house, it was already bumping full of intoxicated college (and probably some highschool) students and bland techno music. “Nesta! Nesta! Nesta!” a group of college kids in the back chanted catching the attention of Cassian as he moved his way through the crowd.
She sat on the kitchen island, taking shot after shot of some unknown liquid that happened to be neon blue. She took the last one, punching her hands into the air as she turns to the crowd letting out a loud cheer. The crowd cheers along with her but quickly makes their way deeper into the party aside from a few college guys who linger around her.
“People don’t know it but you’re such a crackhead,” Mor says as Nesta moves off the island, stumbling into Mor’s shoulder as she regains her balance. She looks up, her bright green eyes catching his, she pushes herself up keeping contact with him. “What? What are you looking at-Oh, Cassian,” Mor says, turning to face him, moving a hand around Nesta’s waist. “This is the last time I DD for her.”
Nesta rest her head against Mor shoulder, he wonders if she’s always been like this at parties or if it had anything to do with her mom. He had seen her at parties before, finding a dark corner and pulling a book from her bag to read. He had never seen her like this but he never really gets out much either.
“Amren!” Mor yells, groaning loudly, “God, why are both of them such bad drunks? Could you watch her while I grab Amren? I really hope I am not this bad when I am drunk.”
She pushes Nesta towards him, as she pushes through the crowd to find Amren, another figure skater on the team. He holds her up, looking around the room deciding what he should do next. His eyes fixate on a girl across the room talking with Rhysand, she had the same dirty blonde hair as Nesta as well as the same facial expressions.
Rhysand looks over at her, gaining the attention of the girl as well, her eyes widen and she bolts away from Rhysand who looks after sadly. “Cassian?” Nesta murmurs, looking up at him, blinking to regain focus in her eyes, she pushes his arm around her. “What are you doing here?”
“Babysitting you, apparently,” he says with a roughness that’s a little too sharp. She blinks up at him, her arms dropping to her side, “Wanna go outside?”
She looks up at him before nodding, she follows behind him towards the back door, Cassian didn’t know whose house this was but they would have a giant mess to clean up tomorrow morning for sure. He lead her over to a porch swing, she fell into it putting a hand against her forehead.
“My 9:30 class tomorrow is going to suck,” she murmurs, her head moving to the side, as she closed her eyes. He pushed off his foot, moving the swing lightly back and forth, “Who’s idea was it to have a party on a thursday?”
“Probably those kids from Autumn Court, their parents paid for their degrees so they don’t need to worry about class,” he hums, leaning back and looking up at the dark sky, “You know, I am still mad about your post.”
She groans, turning to look at him, “Seriously? If your team could have scheduled another practice anytime that day, but you chose to pick the two hours we were in there,” she says, pushing herself into an upright position staring down at him. “I want to see you do what I can do, you couldn’t even if I trained you.”
He raises an eyebrow, “Okay, deal.”
She frowns at him, running a hand through her tangled hair, “What do you mean? Deal? I didn’t make a deal with you?” she says, her speech quickly sobering up. “I don’t want to make a deal with you.”
He rubs his chin, “The game against Spring Court is this Sunday and so is your conpetition, you teach me to figure skate and I’ll teach you how to play hockey, first one to quit loses,” he retorts, “This way we’ll both learn how to appreciate each other's sports.”
She looks down at his extended hand, before grabbing it, “Deal, I hope you like losing. Balancing on one leg while wearing a revealing costume is a lot harder than hitting a puck with a stick.”
He rolls his eyes, turning as the door opens, he frowns standing up quickly, “Tamlin, what are you doing here?” he says, squaring up and blocking Nesta from his view. He looks down at the small frame beside him, the familiar girl that Rhysand was talking to earlier.
“Cassian,” Tamlin says, his lip curling into a smile, “Haven’t seen you in a long while, I am sure you’ll go back into hiding when we beat you this weekend.”
Cassian feels a shove and Nesta is standing in front of him, her eyebrows furrowed, “Feyre Archeron, what the hell are you doing here,” she growls, her eyes on fire as she looks at Tamlin, “Do you realize that she’s seventeen?”
Feyre frowns as Tamlins arm falls from where it was around her shoulder, “Way to kill my vibe, Nes, some sister you are,” she snaps, turning on her heel angrily and running into the house.
“Don’t you run away from me, we are having words, just because dad doesn’t care anymore doesn’t mean you can do something stupid like that!” she yells after her, following her through the open door, disappearing into the crowd of people.
“That’s pretty sick, man,” Cassian says turning back towards Tamlin who shrugged in response, “It’s not like we did anything, besides she’ll be eighteen soon enough. Her sister is pretty firey, maybe I’ll have her entertain me until Freyes birthday,”
Cassian gripped his fist, his nails piercing the hard skin in his palms, “I’ll see you on Sunday,” he says calmly, before pushing past him and back into the house looking around for Rhysand or Azriel. He had wasted enough time here.
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Tagged: @awesomelena555 @catwomancabello @sannelovesreading @candid-confetti @gendryaforthemasses @musicmaam @skychild29 @empress-ofbloodshed  @8emmy @overgrown-bat
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amysubmits · 4 years
It seems like you have more than just specific rules today, but that you try to obey anything that CD tells you to (I think I read that in one of your posts, and he adds new things as he wants (do you have a say/veto?)). Anyway, if where/when did that come from in your relationship? Not just to a rule like drinking water or remembering to take your meds, but whatever CD asks/demands? I'm curious how that came about from earlier stuff.
I don’t really know when it happened. I just know that at a certain point (a couple of years ago) we realized that we were already operating that way and sort of officially accepted/embraced that once we realized it. 
It’s weird to explain how it was in the beginning. Because when we first agreed on domestic discipline, all that we officially agreed on was rules and a safeword. So my perception at that time was that our power exchange dynamic was only those rules. But that wasn’t really the case at all...it was just that I had blinders on that were pointing me at the rules and we hadn’t heard of ‘regular’ D/s yet so I just wasn’t familiar with D/s in the leader/follower sense. He had always been the leader of our relationship. He had always been naturally Dominant and I had always been naturally submissive but it took a while of getting familiar with D/s before we started to be conscious of our leading and following aspects to our relationship. 
I think that basically, from the beginning, if he asked something of me I was inclined to want to say yes so I mostly did. I just liked going along with what he wanted for the most part. Then once we started DD and started seeing him as the Head Of Household and generally ‘in charge’ overall.
I could be wrong, but my impression of DD that I got from forums back in the day was that it didn’t usually work the way ‘regular’ D/s often does. It doesn’t usually evolve like “Okay you can now control my workouts.” or “okay now i’ll let you control my sleep schedule.” At least, if other people did step into DD one category at a time like that, I was clueless of it back then. So we never stepped into power exchange one area at a time like that. My understanding of DD wasn’t that the HOH assumed control of every little thing or anything, but I guess that in most DD relationships the HOH is in charge of ‘most’ things and the submissive is going to follow in ‘most’ areas? The picture I got was perhaps closer to what many would see as a traditional relationship? So there was a power dynamic with a clear ‘wearer of the pants’ but not every aspect was consciously hammered out necessarily it was more of a general role type of a thing. Anyway so I think DD helped me to start to see it as my ‘job’ to submit to his decisions when I could so even if I kinda didn’t want to in the moment. Not that I was held to that with rules or anything, I just felt like if I was his submissive I shouldn’t refuse to submit on a whim, basically? My goal was to be submissive towards him in general not just related to the rules. And I assume that on his end, once we were officially doing DD and seeing him as ‘in charge’ it felt more acceptable for him to tell me what to do or let me know what he would like from me. So his tendency to ask for control where he wanted it, and for me to just give it, probably grew a bit from then on?
And then maybe a couple of years into DD we just got to where we were conscious of how it felt “off” or out of place for me to just say no to him or reject his ideas without what we would consider to be a good reason. I don’t do whatever he says and I don’t really feel like he ever makes “demands” at least the way I think of that word, he doesn’t. He asks me more often than he tells me, honestly. We’re very casual with each other. But despite the way we word things...it’s like we just know that if he wants something whether he asks or tells, my job is to try to submit to that but that doesn’t mean he is totally demanding my submission, I am expected to speak up if what he asks or tells doesn’t work for me. If it’s a boundary or a limit or something i’m uncomfortable with I voice that. But yes generally speaking if he reaches out wanting to control something or asking me to do something he wants me to do he expects I’ll come along. Not ‘expect’ as in it would be inappropriate for me to say I can’t if what he’s asking for is too much for me or something. But just he expects me to follow his lead because that’s just what he anticipates based on my past behavior and how our relationship works. We don’t really need to sit down and have conversations like ‘Is it okay if I tell you when to organize the pantry?” or like “We’re going camping next month. Can I control how we pack? Can I give you a to do list to complete the week before the trip?” He doesn’t have to ask to take the lead in a new area in such blatant terms like that because we just have had a general understanding for a long time now that he leads and I follow in life in general. So the specifics of what he’s controlling don’t really matter 99% of the time it’s fine to assume i’ll let him take over and if something he tells me to do happens to bump up against a trigger or boundary or big discomfort for me I just voice those concerns. He knows me well though so it doesn’t really come up much at all and we’re quite comfortable in how we work together so for the most part we’re able to walk into slightly new experiences but to still sort of know what our default roles will be in any given situation. We basically can default to he leads, I support/follow in most situations. 
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divine17 · 5 years
Fandom: Stranger Things
Request: —
Count: 90
A/N: just a sweet lil thing for now. in the process of cooking up some actual fics & stuff though, just take this for now, thanks
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The two of you would first meet when you’re young
Kindergarten, in the beginning of the year, when the teacher first assigns seats
You’d be tasked with sitting right beside Steve Harrington
At first, you’d be annoyed by him
He’s always playing with his hair and kicking his feet against the metal chair legs, tapping his pencil against the table
But eventually, the two of you start to get to know each other, and it stops being annoying
And after that, the two of you just clicked
Always begging your parents to let you go to each other’s houses, to spend the night, to let the two of you ride your bikes up to the park together
Over the moon kind of excited when they agreed, and with that, the pair of you became inseparable
As the two of you grew older, you didn't drift apart like your parents had all kind of expected you to
In fact, you only became closer
Still pretty much never apart from one another, all throughout elementary & middle school and into high school
When you’re not home, you're with Steve, and vice versa
Everyone realizes that it’s actually probably safer for you to be together instead of alone so it’s fine, whatever
When he wanted to go to a party? Fine, you’ll lie to your parents and tag along
If you want to go to the pool for the ninth day in a row? Alright, give him a few minutes to get ready
Neither of you had ever really thought of each other as more than best friends until the summer before sophomore year
Steve had started realizing that he’s started getting more nervous around you than he had ever been before
And when you'd fall asleep on his lap or lean over on his chest or shoulder, he can't help but just admire you
You’re so beautiful and you're one of the best people he knows, so kind and intelligent and responsible, and just so fucking gorgeous
And you’re his best friend, he shouldn't be thinking about you like that
So he just puts that on the back burner for a while, trying to forget about it
It takes you a little longer to realize your feelings for him, but boy, when you do...
It was close to midnight and everything in Hawkins was closed, but the two of you were energized and needed to do something, anything, to cure the boredom in your minds
And it was hot, a very warm summer night in July
So the two of you decided to go down to the lake and swim for a while, underneath the stars and bright moonlight
At one point, you went under in the cold water, and Steve snuck up on you
When you came up, he found himself a little closer than he'd expected
He was all you could see, your faces so close, your warm bodies against each other, his dark hazel eyes looking down at you
You were certain you had turned to jelly, your eyes practically hearts, as you looked at him
Bright hazel eyes, bare chest glimmering with water droplets and his hair sticking to his face, he was handsome, and you’d just now realized that
But didn't seem to notice your reaction at all
Steve just grinned, picking you up and putting you on his shoulders to walk back to the shore, where you relaxed and talked for a few minutes before riding home on the back of his bike
Just the memory of it was enough to give you butterflies in your stomach and a little pink blush across your cheeks
Much like Steve, you just tried to shrug the whole thing off, trying not to think too much about it
But as time went on, it seemed as if it was the only thing either of you could think about
The two of you just quietly existed with each other, and from the outside, it surely looked like you were slowly falling apart
But in reality, you’d never really been closer than you were now
It all reached a fever pitch about a year later, in the middle of Junior year
Steve had taken a liking to the party scene in Hawkins, and had quickly increased in popularity
Found a couple of new asshole friends to hang out with when he wasn’t with you, became the town’s Keg King, grown a rather high tolerance to hard liquor (for a 17 year old)
You were never much into it, only really attending a couple here and there when he reaaaaally wanted you there
On Halloween night that year, it all happened so fast
You’d decided to drink with him, which was an uncommon occasion as you were usually his DD
The two of you got absolutely plastered and a little bit high, danced and partied together for a few hours before slowly beginning the short walk back to his house
(Because you’d made & strictly enforced a no biking while inebriated rule a looong time ago after he smashed into someone’s mailbox)
When the two of you got home, you went up to his room, being as quiet as you possibly could (which was actually a bit too loud) in your drunken states
Once you were up there, the two of you flopped down onto his bed and relaxed
And then it was almost like a switch flipped within you
You both went from rambunctious and drunk and loud to calm and almost serene, unusually so
And then slowly, the two of you inched closer to one another, and eventually your lips pressed together in a sweet little kiss
His hand started to drift off to your waist and you eagerly brought your hand to tangle into his hair, pulling him closer
This was exactly what both of you had been waiting for, for so long now
After a moment, you both just pulled away, breaking into manical laughter like it was the funniest thing in the world
It didn’t take long before both of you fell asleep after that
And in the morning, you both pretended not to remember it, but ...
It’s definitely safe to say you did, vividly
Time passed and neither of you said anything, just continued on like usual, even through Will Byers’ disappearance and the events that followed
The two of you were just existing together in peace until he started dating Nancy Wheeler in the first semester of senior year
You couldn’t help but feel a little tiny, itty bitty, minuscule pang of jealousy when you watched him wrap his arms around her, keeping her close or picking her up to kiss her
You just kind of ignored it, hanging out with different people for a while and hoping Steve didn’t notice too much
But he did, it didn’t feel right not having you by his side, especially after the events of last year(/season one)
So eventually, he broke up with Nancy, which was actually pretty great because she got with Jonathan Byers instead, and he seemed much better for her, to say the least
Steve wouldn’t even know where to begin with asking you out
You’d known each other for, what?
Ten, twelve years now?
You’d been everywhere and done everything with each other, always, you were always together and never separate
Hell, he’s literally seen you naked before or whatever but now he’s getting nauseous even thinking about officially spilling his feelings for you even though he was like 70% sure you liked him back
Just so nervous and anxious, more than he’d ever been for any girl
Not any fling or hookup, not any girlfriend he had when he was younger, and certainly not Nancy Wheeler
Eventually, he would just get some pretty flowers and come up to your bedroom window at midnight, knocking quietly on the glass so he doesn’t wake your family
When you answer and give him a shy little smile and invite him in, glad to see him, he just melts and forgets everything he’s planned on saying
His mouth goes dry and his heart starts beating so much faster and his mind is racing and he thinks he might actually fall over dead
So instead, he just sits down on your bed, staring at the roses in his hands
“So, you know, we’ve been friends our whole lives. That’s cool. You’ve always been there for me. When I shot myself with that stapler in the sixth grade and had to go to the hospital, when my parents got me the car. All my birthday parties and shit. Always around, even during the summer when you had better things to do than hang out with me and get stoned and get into trouble. I don’t know, I just really appreciate that and I love you a lot. Anyway so I think I might actually be in love with you and you know, that’d be nice if you could just say something about right now so I don’t just sit here and ramble like an idi-“
He’s cut off from his rant with a kiss that ends with you in his lap, leaning against his chest, foreheads pressed together as you stare into his hazel eyes
“Don’t know why it took so long,” You’d tease. “I’ve wanted to make a move since the lake during sophomore year, shit just kept getting in the way.”
He’s literally stunned to hear you say that, because what?? Even?? What??
The two of you lowkey pillowtalking until he finally asks you the big question
“Does this mean I can call you my girlfriend now?”
“Yes, you doofus, I’m your girlfriend now.”
“And I’m your boyfriend! I’ve wanted to say that for so long, you don’t even know.”
He’s a little too enthusiastic about that, the way he says it is so cute
All of his nervousness and anxiety from earlier just melts away as you just grin at him, that sweet look in your eyes that he loves so much
The two of you end up laying in bed curled up together, talking until you both pass out sometime near five in the morning
The golden yellow haze of the morning sun was just beginning to creep through your bedroom window, the very same one he’d crawled through hours earlier
You’d probably wake up sometime around ten and just decide to go back t sleep, no one will notice that you’re not there
But they do notice, and they definitely take note of how you and Steve are both gone on the same day, and the wild rumors begin to swirl around the school
That’s fine though, because fuck all of them, honestly
You have Steve and he has you and that’s all either of you really need
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