#this is a 2 parter
transkholins · 1 year
hello copy of the gathering storm i got from a friend on saturday. bring me veins of gold
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lunefrog · 2 years
i'm batting at the angelic hornet's nest with a big stick
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cpunkbubby · 2 years
One dog. It cant get better than this!
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[ID: a photo of a puppy sleeping with her head resting on a giant unicorn pillow. She has white fur with dark brown spots. /end ID]
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awkwardaro · 10 months
Allow me to say something
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expelliarmus · 4 months
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snugglecat453 · 4 months
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Oh childhood… How fast you go by. Needed some Turtle Tot Disaster twins in my life….
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thedoodlebuggo · 3 months
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it's that time again!
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not super happy with the like. pacing? of this update? and the super text heavy page, but it's kinda hard to space out all of that dialogue without it taking up like 3 pages. anyways
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kirby-madness · 1 year
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a2zillustration · 5 months
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
[[ All Croissant Adventures (app) ]]
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daily-ethoslab · 4 months
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[749] any day now.. that tablet pen will come….
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chaoticrosesimp · 6 months
Drawing collab with the amazing artist TDS_whovirak of TenRose (impossible planet and Satan pit) They do amazing Doctor who fanarts , and they draw Ten amazing check them out on Twitter HERE
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@TDS_whovirak (on twitter)
(Rose was drawn by me and Ten was by @TDS_whovirak and then we did our own version of the coloring! )
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the-gif-factory · 4 days
N and Uzi gifs?
Murder Drones: NUzi part 1/?
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opqrstuv04 · 10 months
Eleventh Doctor/River dynamic is so funny to me because it’s like. This milf he barely knows rolls up and starts calling him “darling” and “my love” and his response is to immediately turn his twink charm up as high as it will go 
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lilybug-02 · 8 months
I am making Kris at maximum scrunkly in the next comic update. They look like a stray dog lmaooo.
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varpusvaras · 3 months
Breha confided in Visaiya first.
Visaiya had already heard about Bail's sudden call, as it had very much interrupted the proceedings before, and she was anxious to hear what Bail had to say.
"Was everything alright?" She asked, once they were in the privacy of Breha's office.
"Bail has found his other soulmate", Breha told her.
Visaiya had just sat down, and she jumped right back up.
"Are you serious?" She asked, her eyes wide. "Who is it?"
"We are not entirely sure yet", Breha answered. "But it seems that it was one of the clones in the Coruscant Guard."
Visaiya drew back a little.
"Well, that is a development for sure", she said. "How can you not be sure yet? There needs to be a point of connection, after all."
"Bail talked with several of them", Breha said. "He is going to talk to the Commander of the Guard, as he was with the troopers as well. If it really is one of his men, he needs to know, too."
Visaiya nodded, clearly thinking.
"What about the Commander himself?" She asked. "Did Bail talk with him?"
"I am not sure", Breha said. "Possibly. He was a bit surprised by the whole thing. It was sudden, after all, and it has been so long since we got our marks."
She looked down on her hand, at the two flowers on her skin. One on the left, one on the right, with just enough space between them for a third.
Sometimes it just takes time, her grandmother had said, and Breha was starting to understand now how truly correct she had been about everything.
There had been no way for anyone to predict something like this happening.
"What about you?" Visaiya asked. "When are you going to Coruscant?"
Right. If Bail had found his soulmate, one that shared the mark with them...it stood to reason that perhaps, he would be Breha's soulmate as well.
It made her nervous, in a way that waiting to find her soulmate for the first time around had not. She had met Bail without knowing that he shared the mark with her at first. Now she knew there was someone there, someone who she didn't yet know, but who she knew shared a connection with her, a connection much deeper than either of them could understand.
Breha had wanted a soulmate. She had craved that connection, that familiarity and belonging.
If someone was meant to have that connection with her, she would never deprave them of that.
"Clear my schedule for the rest of the week", she told Visaiya. "I'll be going as soon as Bail has some news for me."
--- ---
Bail called her the next evening.
"I didn't have to ask around for long", he told her. "The Commander seemed to expect me to arrive."
"He had already heard about it, then?" Breha asked, carefully. Either the Commander had heard about it, or-
"Certainly", Bail said. "It is him."
Breha left for Coruscant the next morning.
--- ---
Commander Fox was a notable man.
Breha wasn't sure how else she should've described him when she saw him for the first time in person. She had seen him, before, of course, having received glimpses of him through Bail before this.
He was notable in a way that Breha couldn't help but notice him. He stood tall, with his shoulders resting in perfect attention, and the deep red of his armor making him immediately stand out from his surroundings, like a painting on a white gallery wall.
The most notable thing about him, though, was his face.
Breha had not seen his face before. She had seen the armor and everything else, but not his face. He had his helmet on when Breha stepped inside Bail's office, and his eyes, soft and deep dark brown, immediately moved to her, giving her their whole attention. There was something in his eyes that Breha couldn't quite make out, something well guarded.
"Good afternoon", Breha greeted him. "Commander Fox."
Commander Fox bowed down his head.
"Good afternoon", he greeted her back. "Your Majesty."
When he straightened his back and lifted his eyes back to Breha's, she felt it. The familiar feeling of blooming underneath her skin.
There was no doubt of it then.
Breha smiled.
"It is a pleasure to meet you", she said. "I feel like we have a lot to talk about."
She gave her hand to him, and she saw his eyes glance towards the mark on her wrist.
The mark, that now bore three flowers, the one in the middle interlocking all three of them together.
His fingers on his left hand clenched briefly, before he gave her his hand as well.
"It seems so", he said.
--- ---
Commander Fox was a notable man.
He was very intelligent, that Breha noticed right away. He chose his words well, and was always watching attentively for every movement either Breha or Bail made, continuously reading the room around him.
He reminded Breha of Bail, a little, when he was in the middle of a Senate session or even a debate of any sort.
"We were not ever really explained the meaning of the marks", he told them, sitting on the edge of the office couch with his back straight and his hands resting on his lap. "The Kaminoans left any further cultural education for our trainers. They taught us that the marks are a private matter, and shouldn't be shown to outsiders. No further education on to what outsiders exactly meant. I am guessing now, that it means anyone who doesn't have the matching marks."
He knew what the marks were, now, as it had been impossible to not notice them while on Coruscant, surrounded by millions of beings.
"I am not sure about how to proceed", he said, at the end of it, and then sat there quietly, waiting for either of them to move the discussion forward.
He definitely reminded Breha of Bail.
"We will proceed however you like", Bail said diplomatically. "Soulmarks are a mark of a connection. It is entirely up to you what type of connection you wish to have."
Commander Fox gave them a wary look at that point.
"You two are married", he said, his tone free of accusations, but the words themselves made his message clear.
"We got to know each other first", Breha said. "We didn't get married the moment we learned we shared a mark. He is one of my best friends, and I wanted to have him sharing my life and duty. Marriage was the best suited option for us."
Commander Fox nodded, slowly, comtemplating his next move.
"I am not comfortable with acting upon any meaning yet", he said. He didn't sound harsh when he said it, even though he was speaking firmly. It was an opening, even if it was a small one.
"That is more than understandable", Bail said. "We do not wish to force you into anything. A soulmate is not supposed to be chain, nor the mark a brand."
Commander Fox was quiet for a moment.
"Can I ask one question, then?" He asked.
"Of course", Breha said. "Anything you want."
"Why was it important for you to come here, Your Majesty?" He asked, looking at Breha. "I already received one mark. If you do not wish to force me into anything, was it necessary for me to receive the second one as well?"
It was a fair question.
"I came here partly because I wished to see if you'd be my soulmate as well, yes", Breha said. "I did not wish to potentially deprave you of a connection, either. I came here partly because you are my husband's soulmate, and even if you didn't share a connection with me, you would still be a part of my life as well, regardless. I wanted to extend that knowledge to you as well."
Commander Fox nodded once again. His eyes glanced towards Bail, to see his reaction, and when there was none too large, his eyes returned to Breha.
"I do accept this connection", he said. "I wish you accept my will for it to remain a private matter."
"Of course", Breha said. "Currently only us three, and my closest advisor know about this. It will not spread any further against your wishes."
"Thank you", Commander Fox said. There was a brief spout of contemplative silence once again, before he spoke. "I wasn't sure if I ever wanted to know who shared a mark with me, but if it had to be anyone, I am grateful for it to be you. You have always been respectful of me and my brothers."
They were kind words. Another small opening, though Breha could sense that they were aimed more towards Bail.
"We appreciate your admission", Bail said, clearly sensing the same as Breha. "It is the respect you and your brothers are entitled to, though I understand why it seems like an act you ought to feel grateful for."
"We are not entitled to anything", Commander Fox said. "We are here to serve the Republic. That is our duty."
"It is a great duty", Bail said. "One that you are doing admirably. You are still all people, and you are entitled to be treated as such."
Breha saw how Commander Fox's jaw clenched, ever so slightly. Otherwise, his expression didn't change.
She wondered if he had ever heard anyone say those words to him while looking him in the eyes, without the helmet in between.
"The Republic disagrees", he said. It was a firm statement, said with conviction.
"The Republic is wrong in many cases", Bail said. "No system is ever flawless. That doesn't mean the good parts are not worth being heralded. I serve the Republic, too, and I am serving it by trying to make it a better place for us all, and that includes you and your brothers."
"There is a war to be won", Commander Fox said. "And it is not won by being nice."
"It is not", Bail agreed. "But it is also not won by sacrificing everything for one goal."
That answer seemed to satisfy Commander Fox, or at least it gave him something more to think about. Breha had never really enjoyed politics as themselves too much, but she had to admit that she had found the conversation in front of her fascinating.
Commander Fox was a notable man even with his helmet on, and even more so without it.
"We all serve the Republic", Breha said, making Commander Fox's attention snap back to her. "We all serve the people in it. We are all making sacrifices, some of us bigger than others. I do believe that you and your brothers are making the greatest sacrifice of them all. Even if you do not think of yourself being entitled to the respect that belongs to every person, I wish that you would at the very least believe in the respect that belongs to you for that. I wish to pay my respects for you and your brothers and on your sacrifice, no matter for how noble of a cause it is. We all serve the Republic, but let us also serve you in return."
Commander Fox leaned back ever so slightly on his seat. He looked a bit surprised, if Breha had to determine his emotions from his expression.
"Do you believe that necessary?" He asked her. He did sound accusing this time, though Breha couldn't blame him for it. She was contesting his entire reason for his existence, after all.
"I do", she said. "What does it say about us all, if we would be comfortable with accepting your sacrifice without graditute? What else would we be comfortable accepting then?"
Commander Fox looked at her for a moment. Breha didn't turn to look away. If he was resolute, so was she. There were things she could not or would not compromise upon, and he could accept them or not, and Breha would accept his decision, not change hers. Not on this.
Finally, Commander Fox seemed to come into decision.
"We all serve the Republic", he said. "I will serve it by fighting for it, and you will serve it by upholding it."
"Yes", Bail said. "This war will not make the Republic into a place where it is acceptable to shed blood to bind the foundations of it together."
"On that we can all agree, then", Commander Fox said. "My brothers will not die in vain."
"They will not", Breha promised. "I promise that with my integrity as a Queen. And I will promise you, as your soulmate, that I shall do the best by you."
"I promise you the same", Bail said. "I swear on it, as I swore to be a Senator and seek for the betterment of us all, and I swear to you, as your soulmate, to be what you need me to be for you."
Commander Fox looked at them, his mouth opening once but his voice remaining quiet. He looked conflicted, Breha thought, but that only lasted for a brief moment.
It was replaced then with another resolution, but there was a shadow of resignation on his face, too.
"My place is with my brothers", he said. "I cannot promise you the same."
"That is alright", Breha said. "Like I said, we will serve you all, as you serve the Republic. Take this as part of our service, for you."
Commander Fox relaxed, ever so slightly, like he was relieved. Breha didn't blame him, as she could imagine, had it been her there instead of him, she would've definitely been relieved.
"Thank you", Commander Fox said. Breha smiled at him.
"We should be thanking you", she said. "It has been wonderful to meet you."
She meant it. Commander Fox was a notable man. Intelligent, loyal, dutiful. It the Force had made it's decision to give Breha and Bail a connection to him, she would serve that will to its fullest.
For Commander Fox himself, and for all of his brothers. There was no singling him out, not when he shared his place and fate with them all.
Breha would serve him, and she would serve them all.
"The pleasure has been all mine", Commander Fox said, polite and mellow, and Breha was suddenly struck with a wish to keep the conversation going, still, to see what else there would be to talk about between them all, to see more of how they would all be able to fit in with each other.
It was then, though, when the comlink attached to Commander Fox's armor started to blink, and he stood up from the couch.
"I'm afraid I have to take my leave now", he said, reaching to grab his helmet from the couch, where it had been sitting next to him. "I am needed elsewhere."
"That is quite alright", Bail said. "It was truly a pleasure to speak with you, Commander. I hope that we could speak more, some other time. I wish you good luck on your duties."
Breha rose from her seat, and Bail followed suit.
"I wish the same", Breha said. "I won't be staying on Coruscant for much longer, but would you agree on having my contact with you, so you could speak with me while I'm on Alderaan, if you ever feel the need to do so?"
Commander Fox tilted his head ever so slightly, looking a bit curious by her request momentarily, before he caught himself and straightened his posture again.
"If you wish so", he said. He took the contact chip from Breha when she offered it to him, and then he rolled his shoulders back. "Thank you, Your Majesty, Senator, for your time."
He bowed his head, so polite and so proper, like he had been practicing it beforehand. Maybe he had been.
"Thank you, Commander Fox", Breha said. "I hope to speak with you again soon."
Commander Fox straightened his back.
"Likewise", he said. "Goodbye."
Then he turned around and pulled his helmet over his head in one, swift motion, and with a few long strides, he was out of the office.
Breha watched as he disappeared from her view as the door slid close after him, leaving only her and Bail standing there.
It was quiet for a moment, before Bail drew in a deep breath.
"I feel like", he said, looking at the door, "whatever happens next, will change us all."
Breha couldn't agree more.
She looked down, at her hand, and at the three flowers on her wrist, with their petals interlocked with each other.
There was a reason, a reason the Force has spent a long time deciding upon, for the connection between them, evident by the marks they all carried on them.
Whatever that reason was, Breha would fullfill it.
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