#this is a baby born btwn me and my partner
horsegirlrehab Β· 7 months
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hey has anyone noticed the dave/davesprite parallels in their dynamic? no? just me? okay.
2nd image is a panel edit so credit to hussie for the original artwork
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mrs-monaghan Β· 1 year
Sis.. now you know I’m going to need your very elaborate thoughts on Jungkook concept photos πŸ‘€πŸ«¨πŸ«’πŸ˜³πŸ˜±πŸ€―πŸ« πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ•³οΈβš°οΈ
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Look, if you need me to do something you can't be sending me gifs of Jimin raising his eyebrows at me. It's distracting as hell.
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Okay so first things first: the word coincidence needs to be BANNED from Jikookers' mouths. Like completely deleted. Obliterated 1300% It needs to not exist anymore. No seriously, how long are we gonna keep using the word 'coincidence' and Jikook in one sentence before we all collectively decide to agree they do this shit on purpose?
"You are me I am you" can only go so far. That's for them having the same moles in the same places, them being born in Busan. Things like that, that are out of their control. Not things like this!
We know, like even if you're an anti you know JK has studied FACE. @jigokuhana and I were just talking about this, JK has everything about FACE memorised. He is prolly a bigger fan than all of us combined. And don't forget he saw everything before we did. So he knows what he's doing. Knows that we will catch similarities btwn FACE and SEVEN. Armys have noticed many things that Jikook (n members) tried to hide from us and I know over the years they have to have seen us noticing some of these things. So how will we fail to notice something that's right infront of our faces? And he knows this. Of course he knew we would notice.
So first we've all seen these floating about
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Those alone are already like, crazy 😏 But then let's talk about the thorns/spikes/shards.
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I mean, what are the chances??? 😳
When u support Jikook, u discover that they are actually really sappy/corny motherfuckers so you inevitably start to get corny yourself sometimes too. This is what my friends (one of them being @lovelysmyleyes) had to say about this. I'll just copy paste them, coz I absolutely agree.
The spikes being directly on Jimin's body feel like it was a more direct hit. JK wearing the spikes on the jacket is more of a defensive maybe? Like a by-product. Almost like He was acting as a shield.
The 'shots' weren't directed at him so even if they hit him they would not have pierced the skin. Whereas it was directed at JM and meant to go deep.
It is understandable, The first thing you want to do is protect your partner the best you can.
Or it can represent keeping others away from them. Roses have thorns on them to keep people/living life forms away, after all.
They got kinda deep y'all. Which brings me to the part that blew my mind;
Mud from LC
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Mud on JK's trouser;
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The pants. I think he is hinting that he helped pull Jimin out of the mud...or at least he was down in the mud with him when he was at his lowest. He was there supporting. Someone catch me cuz I am once again falling into that delulu train headfirst 😭😭😭
He he hee... thats so fucking deep y'all. But seeing as there's no other explanation for why JK would have "dirty" trousers (yet) i'mma go with this assumption for now. #feels πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί
Like, its not even that far fetched though. When Jimin was going through what he went through JK saw it all first hand. Isn't that why we assumed he kept skipping LC in the beginning? Coz it reminded him of that time and it prolly wasn't pretty. He didn't like to remember Jimin in that bad place.
I for one believe JK was there for Jimin every step of the way. Jimin said members were there for him, I'm sure his family was too and most importantly, so was JK.
Thats why he wrote letter. He said it was his turn to be grateful. His turn to give back.
I know it's obvious
So that it's not taken lightly
Let me tell you this properly
Baby, don't leave, just stay with me, yeah
To you who saw me greater than my little self
So that I can only deliver as much as I received
I can't y'all... help 😭😭😭
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Okay but this tweet tickled me 🀭🀭
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I know some Jikookers work very hard in trying not to be delulu (not me. I jump in head first, always. Ha haa) and I applaud that. I do. But these are way, way too many similarities. Even the most clear headed Jikooker has got to find this sus.
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theajaheira Β· 9 months
if this makes no sense I'm sorry, tired and trying to indulge: how do you imagine a Husbands Of River Song type deal (in-universe fun cute bittersweet, out of universe we owe this character an apology) for Jenny going?
OH i had to drag out my laptop for this one!!! so many thoughts!
my initial thing is like -- there is a real crucial difference btwn jenny and river that i think would make it super difficult to write anything husbands of river song-esque. river is mishandled at times but she's always clearly presented as a character we should root for and enjoy, even if we don't 100 percent know her motives -- because she's all but stated to be the doctor's wife, we know that at some point in time the doctor will love and trust her, which means that we as viewers have room to love and trust her too even without full info! her retconned backstory is intended to give us that info and show us exactly why we should treasure her, and imo i think that while i take issue with some of the details/execution, the concept is so fucking sweet??? like holy shit, the daughter of two of the doctor's companions, who we have gotten to know over the course of a season and we've watched fall in love? her superpowers and her alien-ness coming from an act of love in the tardis on their wedding night? she's literally a born traveler. she was conceived in space.
my absolute worship and adoration of amy/rory is possibly jumping out here, but i personally love seeing their baby and getting to go "that's their baby :)" so no issue at all with melody pond. it's hard (for me at least!) not to love river when you look at her as amy and rory's daughter!! so much anger and bitey rage and impulsivity and adventure (amy) and so much unwavering devotion to a partner who is not verbally demonstrative but who shows their love through awkwardly expressed physical affection & grand romantic gestures of devotion (rory)!!! and i am getting SO off track i just. am back in the sauce. my POINT is that we are given a billion reasons to love river, and the show loves river, and you can feel that.
conversely, jenny.... the show is kinda built to ice her out? she's giles's girlfriend, which gives her a pass to exist, and her retconned backstory is essentially constructed to make it sadder when she eventually dies. like, if we think about it, ALL of the weight of her death comes from the fact that she's trying to redeem herself -- for this backstory that was made up in the eleventh hour. jenny is essentially given depth to make her murder a cool storytelling moment, which is fundamentally horrendous, and not at all something i can ever see this show doing to river. (i think there are similarities, but river's death is sorta retroactively given weight through later episodes that turn her into a person, which feels in many ways like the inverse of what happens to jenny. both of their deaths bring them narrative interiority in different ways.)
soooo all of this to say that i have A LOT of trouble constructing a husbands of river song situation for jenny, because i think that would require the buffyverse to have even the slightest iota of awareness as to the scope of how wrong they did jenny! dw i think was very aware of what was done to river, more so as the years went on -- we see that in the name of the doctor, when we're given post-library river who is clearly heartbroken and feels abandoned! and the husbands of river song was such a beautiful way to try and give river a storyline that shows us the rich life she's led outside of the doctor -- to make it feel less like she revolves around him and stops existing when he's not in the picture. it reinforces this dynamic where she and the doctor are travelers in each other's lives. they're both having fun with it, even if there's always grief woven in.
i feel very strongly that the show itself fundamentally believes jenny's death to be a Good Smart Thing, an Important Thing, and so any attempt to apologize for doing it would go against that fundamental belief -- that we so often see repeated verbatim in the fandom! so many people going "i'm so sad for giles but this was such an amazing moment!" which is HORRENDOUS. and which is also probably why i am so "this is my specialest girl" about jenny. she should live.
but if i was to come up with something, i think it would actually be in the form of a post-canon tie-in novel, or maybe some kind of extended special episode -- not the show itself! i would want jenny to be removed from this specific narrative that thinks her death was righteous -- that she exists instead in a story that's for her. and the plot that follows is actually very loosely the plot of a fic i kind of wanna write but have never knuckled down and written. someday!!!
when i was working on figuring out what you make, i gave jenny a cousin (nora) who has awe-inspiring magical powers but who absolutely refuses to use them for anything constructive. she's a very no-nonsense judgy fighty weird-about-her-emotions type, and she's got the world's softest husband & their three babies. i've always liked the idea of writing something where she finds out about jenny's death, goes, "well! FUCK that, actually," and just, like, casually resurrects jenny in a way that (let's throw in some doctor who lmao) is maybe a little time-bendy? like maybe she scoops jenny's consciousness out of her the moment before death, and then manages to revive the body? lots of weirdness so that jenny's not being snatched out of the afterlife. nora's methodical like that. but BECAUSE this is a very weird and roundabout process, jenny's memories are a little scrambled, and that means she really doesn't remember anything about sunnydale in a way that's super coherent!
and all of this coalesces into giles, in some random ass colorado town for no reason, getting rung up at an adorable little family grocery store By Jenny and nearly having a fucking heart attack. so essentially the whole plot is just giles trying to first come to terms with SEEING jenny, then kinda clawing at the walls about the whole thing, THEN trying to figure out what the fuck is going on and maybe restore jenny's memories in the process, while meanwhile nora has snapped into full-on protective mom mode because she doesn't think he deserves any kind of contact with jenny ever. the implicit narrative suggestion would be -- maybe it's better if jenny DOESN'T remember him, yk?
i think it would make the most emotional sense for this to happen over the summer between s2 and s3, because it would be able to be this cute one-off where it also feels believable that giles and jenny's relationship could eventually recover from this. this of course systemically destroys giles's arc in the entire rest of the show and sends the whole thing crashing down like dominoes, because, like i said, show fundamentally believes that jenny should be dead. i can't speak for how the rest of canon would look after that, which sorta defeats the purpose of "adorable little one-off tribute" -- but if jenny does get her memories back, it's always possible that she and giles sequester herself away from canon somehow?
but also, if it's a one-off, it could end in some awfully bittersweet way where giles actually decides to let jenny go, or to let nora keep his memories of the summer, or something. like jenny's memories actually don't come back, even though she and giles are of course spending time together and she is shown to be still very clearly in love with him. i feel like that would probably be the ending that would most hammer home the fact that canon is a cesspool, giles is returning to it, and maybe jenny would do better away from a narrative that thinks she's most compelling when she's dead. (this is the ending i personally feel would be most truthful and make the most sense.)
THOUGH i just actually thought about it for a moment and. if we're being real here? jenny would choose to stay. so that's probably also important. i think there could be something really compelling about giles trying to Make This Choice on her behalf that we as the viewers have been shown is actually a pretty damn good choice, and she knuckles down and goes "counterpoint: i love you enough to want to die all over again." which is insane and deranged and i don't know whether i actually would want them to end this together or not. but that does reflect my general feelings about g/j, on occasion.
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