#this is a hint towards my multimuse
omegalegacy · 6 months
About the mun: I’m Taliah, 22, she/her, CET timezone. I tend to get totally obsessed with BioWare minor characters.. therefore I made this Liselle blog. 💜
Blog info: This is an independent Mass Effect RP blog for Liselle T'loak from the Mass Effect Retribution novel. You do not need any knowledge of the Mass Effect novels to interact with Liselle, but knowledge of the games is recommended.
Spoiler warnings apply for all Mass Effect games. This blog may contain potentially triggering content, including graphic descriptions of violence and death.
Basic muse info: Liselle T'loak is the daughter of Aria T'loak, which is a secret kept only between mother and daughter. Officially speaking, she is merely one of Aria’s agents. More info about her (all headcanon) can be found on this blog under #about liselle and #headcanon
RP rules:
- Please follow basic roleplay etiquette. Aka being kind, avoiding OOC drama and so on.
- This is a selective blog (mutuals only).
- Do not steal my headcanons.
- Personal blogs; do not reblog my posts.
- I am selective towards ships and they’re limited to chemistry. I am not ship exclusive. I don't ship with duplicates or underaged muses. I also won‘t ship in and verse where Liselle is not single.
- This is a smut free blog, though I may hint towards smut scenes.
- I am friendly towards duplicates, OC’s, AU’s, crossovers, canon divergent portrayals as well as multimuse & multiship blogs.
- If we’re mutuals feel free to approach me for plotting. I’m also always open towards banter. (:
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tangotekkit · 2 years
Love hinting towards other minecraft creepypastas being canon on my multimuse twitter account :3
hell yeah
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mythvoiced · 4 years
which muse is the trickiest to get into character for? why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
@theimpalpable​​ |  — ⊱asks for muns with a multimuse or more than one muse⊰ 
-. Which muse is the trickiest to get into character for?  I think that would be Patrick, which is quite something considering I keep stubbornly referring to him as my main muse - some main muse he is, fickle as he continues to be - and that is mostly because I keep struggling with connecting the different versions of Patrick that exist within my head. I don’t remember if I’ve described this before, but Patrick is meant to be a character with a secret internal monologue, a secondary character if you will, or more fittingly a deuteragonist because he’s meant to be experienced from an outsider’s point of view.
His manners, his facial expressions, his tensed nature, how quickly he dons and sheds personas, they don’t have quite the effect they’re meant to have if you can read his internal monologue.
This heavily contrasts with my writing style, though, that is characterised by a lot of dipping into said internal monologue, or even if it’s not a monologue and described from a 3rd person point of view, there’s still too much of that insight, those references that give enough hints to properly understand or get a hunch of what’s going on, when experiencing as I’d like him to get experienced can only be achieved by having NO HUNCH at all in regards to his thought process, his feelings, and everything related.
SO, it’s difficult getting into character because I’m constantly with one foot in and one foot out of his mental space.
-. Why were you drawn to each one of your characters? THIS one will be a TAD long, please forgive me ♥ I can start by saying that all my muses with mythological roots, specifically of the Norse, drew me in because of my adoration for the mythology that functions as the source of their base, starting from Patrick who kickstarted my obsession with everything Norse.
Many other characters pull me in because of their standpoint on things, their emotional journeys and their psychology: from Seona who’s hurt translating into unapologetic anger makes her so interesting to write, to Jungwoo and Taejoo who are just trying to survive and disappear within or from society, depending on which one you focus on, and so on and so forth.
And others just... provide me with a challenge I didn’t know I was looking for.
I can do a quick rundown (initial reasons, won’t list things that relate to subsequent changes):
Cesare: his 'caged animal’-like attitude towards just about anything and anyone he encounters, the way aggression used to be his first defence and the psychological divide between trauma-born reactions and natural werewolf instincts. Seona: her restless rage and the contrast between her actions and the person she’s justifying them with. Diana: I wanted a valkyrie and I love her ongoing identity crisis and how violently she defends herself against it. Eunjae: I can’t remember if the mind-reading or the social worker came before, might have happened at the same time, but the idea of an emotionally extremely reserved social worker with mind-reading abilities and a hidden past just has me going buck wild, everything from their attitude to their circumstances to their secrets has so much potential for so many different directions they could be taken into. Domenico: dorky vampire Caleb: Initially I just wanted a hunter muse again, but when I came up with his Sight and started developing his personality, I guess I just can’t get enough of a naturally self-denying and self-sacrificial person with a nurturing demeanour who is also Very Woke on issues and has, you know, those abilities. Sunhee: Lotte’s story gave me the opportunity to introduce someone who has to live through the repercussions of what happened to a loved one Catharina: sells info, steps on men’s feet with her heels, untrustworthy and wicked smart Yoshino: dorky tanuki with no sense of responsibility whatsoever Nathaniel: a challenge to myself, someone who’s views on morality I can’t justify with a traumatic past, he just is and just thinks the way he is and does, without redeemable reason Eros: writing him feels like watching a lover run their hand over silken drapes as they recite love poems with bittersweet undertones to their lover waiting for them in bed Samuel: always wanted an author muse and his ability came to me at random really, so I love the idea of combining the basics of his character with a personality trait I haven’t dived in a lot: inability to act Quincy: dorky time-traveller with very grey morals, sort of toeing the line between good and not so good Haniel: I wanted an angel who is so convinced with the idea that they’re doing good and doing it the right way too, that they’re fallen as a punishment to the very thing they thought was the most praiseworthy part of their attitude, someone who’s so convinced with her ideals she doesn’t realise how many people she’s hurting and damning Muninn: I love Norse mythology Jungwoo: when I first made him, I wanted to dwell into a representation of PTSD I hadn’t yet: plenty of my muses have PTSD, have been through things, but most of them are “””high-functioning”””; with Jungwoo, I wanted to explore not dealing with one’s symptoms well, living one’s own live passively and according to said symptoms, rather than with them; Jungwoo’s passivity is the core of his character and the things I’d like to explore, his passivity and his exhaustion Corey: neglected prodigy with enough good in his heart to not realise how angry he could be Kaeden: I love Goblin and grim reaper lores in general, and I’ve actually given writing a reaper shots before (Han, for one), so I thought I’d give it another one, but divert from the traditional exploration of reaper lore by having him... well... refuse to reap; when I came up with his backstory, the life of Kiha, my interest only grew because it opened such a vast amount of things to work with and also inspired me to connect more muses the way I had Kiha & Seona Lotte: initially, Lotte’s base characterisation was... my love song to the moon, everything I wrote about him, his appearance, his demeanour, his voice, his movements, was meant to remind or be compared to the moon, never equalled; I think that’s why his original concept didn’t inspire me to actually write him a lot, because it lacked a backstory beyond said concept; now though, with the memory loss added, and his indirect connection to Jungwoo, well, I’m dying to write him at all times Taejoo: I’ve always wanted to write a telekinetic character and this was the opportunity to do so; initially, though, Taejoo was meant to be a less... morally excusable character, his original concept depicted him as a character who felt marginalised for his abilities and thought himself not forced to abide by the rules & morals of the world that marginalised him, as a result; then, though, when I sat down and wrote out his full backstory, and added those little details, he lost most of that disinterest towards his peers and developed a near-obsessive nature to create or avoid certain impressions people may have in his regards; while the core of his concept is still ‘just trying to survive in a world that doesn’t want him for something he can’t change’, it is now driven forward by the opposite of the original idea meaning submitting to the best of his abilities to his surroundings and the people living in them, and it’s something I’ve never written before, and its similarities and stark differences to Jungwoo’s attitude make it all the more interesting Nota: I’ll admit, I wanted a tragic character and as a result of this lack of a proper central concept, I don’t write him a lot; his two defining features, the abuse in his home and his wish to be a musician don’t... fit together well, they don’t tie into the other, they just co-exist within his character so there’s a lot I need to work on because at the moment I am NOT drawn in by his character Sabriel: I was on an angel-muse making spree and wanted a Yoon Jeonghan muse, so... the two things just kind of got together and Sabriel happened; when I started working a little on their abilities and especially when I fully established what their role was in Heaven, I was drawn in by the fun, high-spirited personality, combined with good intentions and the truly vast powers of the rest of their character created a fun contrast I couldn’t wait to explore: they’re simultaneously one of my most harmless and most powerful muses Junghoon: I wanted a detective muse :3 but as I started developing him and his personality came forward, he became a muse that worked perfectly with the concept of ‘the cards someone is handled in life doesn’t determine their worth or their abilities’, to have such a studious & ambitious muse with ADHD who continues to look forward no matter what may be thrown his way, without showing anything but gratitude towards the things he’s given, and also having enough confidence to hold his own ALMOST unapologetically, he became a Great Guy basically; but I’ll be honest, I simply adore writing his personality, it speaks to me so well and is always something that gives me joy Kangmin: I wanted a perfectionist and the opportunity to explore how ‘all work and no play’ is detrimental to a person and not something that should be considered praiseworthy, how a solely work-oriented lifestyle can lead to an excessive amount of negativity with little to no rewards; the addition of past health problems, I’m not quite sure where it came from, and Kangmin themself has actually softened from what they were originally meant to be like (not excessively, simply more likely to NOT snap than SNAP as they were meant to be) and all in all they’ve become rather melancholic and something about this air surrounding them keeps drawing me in Beomsoo: another psychological aspect I was intrigued to explore: the absolute denial people can get stuck in during their grief, and the extremes to which a human mind would go to protect itself from a reality it can’t cope with; Beomsoo’s generally positive or at the very least neutral outlook on life and how, from an outside perspective, he seems to be a regular guy living a somewhat regular life, while in reality he’s denying something so big that it goes as far as fabricating memories to keep the pretences up, well, it’s quite interesting Chulsoo: I sincerely have no idea at the moment. That may be because he’s so fresh, but, I think continuously re-watching Love Me Harder might have had something to do with it, because I could feel the MV was inspiring me to write s o m e t h i n g, but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what. Then I just… thought to make something up on the spot and kind of roll with whatever idea would stick first et viola, out came Chulsoo. Now he draws me in because he’s becoming meaner than anticipated, which is always an interesting turn of event
So, here is a rundown that was anything but quick, I am so sorry
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Fill out & Repost ♥ This meme definitely favors Canons more, but I hope OC's still can make it somehow work with their own lore and Lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multimuses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
Tagged by: @sweet-talkin-gladiator (thank you :> ) Tagging: @forgedcold, @fortwarden, @abuzzingofbumblebees, @incendiius, @sparkmender, @panickedforcefield, @polyhexianchicken, @blubrownrpblog and er.. anyone else that wants to? You can say I tagged you or whatever.
MY MUSE IS.   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless
is your character popular in the fandom?  YES (???) / NO.
is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  WELL… / NO / IDK. (I think he’s hot...)
is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. (I think he’s strong as well considering he’s a load-bearer and whatnot)
are they underrated?  YES (???) / NO.
were they relevant to the main story?  YES (...???) / NO.
were they relevant to the main character?  YES (???) / NO
are they widely known in their world?  YES (As Ultra Magnus yes but as Minimus Ambus... No) / NO.
how’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
I mean.. I try to follow the canon as close as I can. I’ve read the comics, anayalzed him to hell and back and just.. yeah. I follow canon, but I also add in my own twists here and there so that he’s still following canon, but still... different? If that makes sense.
SELL YOUR MUSE! (aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutual.)
In my eyes, he is the ideal enforcer.. in that he isn’t biassed towards who he brings to justice. You can be an Autobot, Decepticon, Neutral, Alien, or hell even human and he’d still make sure you are given a fair trial with the proper lawyer because you still broke the law.
He is very sassy when he needs to be as in, he isn’t afraid to put you in your place, especially when he’s protecting someone. If you’re going to make assumptions about someone, 10/10 he’s going to shove facts into your face about how WRONG you are and then proceed to ripe you a new one all without so much as twitching once. I love this.
Despite being stern and seemingly emotionless, he’s not really. He just keeps all those emotions inside for the most part and rarely shows them. He is essentially selfless, caring and willing to protect anyone who needs protecting. He has issues of his own, but he’s willing to put said issue to the side to take care of your issues and your wellbeing because those matter to him more. The moments he allows himself to open up and be vulenable for just a second it.. it truly is heartwrenching, but in a good way.
NOW THE OPPOSITE! (list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?)
He’s a work-a-holic, in that he will put his work before anything else. Even at the expense of his heath. He’s stubborn like that.
He doesn’t know how to relax or have fun, at least in the ways others do. While others want to get rip-roaring drunk and party, he avoids those sorts of scenes at all costs and may even start to issue citations because there are rules being broken.
Oh yeah.. he’s a stickler for rules. Will never break one no matter what, so that can make him a kill-joy. He’s also prone to cleaning obsessively because of his OCD and anxiety and just doesn’t know how to strike up a proper converstation.
I’ve been wanting to RP as Ultra Magnus / Minimus Ambus for like the longest of times since I came across him in the comics the first time he came out, but I was so shy and had anxiety about tackling such a big role. I kept putting it off because I didn’t think I could portray him correctly or others wouldn’t like how I wrote him. I finally gave in though because someone I admired wanted me to try after I mention wanting to try my hand at him and since I gave up so many others I wanted to RP as, I thought this time.. I’m going to do it and so I did. While I do still have some anxiety regarding my portrayal among other things, I’m enjoying myself and I’m glad others are actually enjoying my portrayal as well. You have no idea how much that means to me really. Besides I just.. find him so interesting really. He’s a gentleman, intelligent, resourceful, handsome (in my eyes), loves the arts and needs to be loved honestly.
I guess the fact that I’m enjoying writing this muse and that others are enjoying him as well? Really, if it wasn’t for some of you I probably wouldn’t have taken on Minimus and just wondered about it like I did with other muses I wanted to try my hand at.
do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO. (I mean I feel like I do yet don’t???)
do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO.
do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO.  
do you think a lot about your muse during the day? YES (I do that with all my muses honestly...) / NO.
are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO. (This is rather laughable really)
are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. (HAH!)
are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. (...It depends I guess?? Sometimes I can be and sometimes you have to try harder than that bucko)
I wouldn’t mind it yes? As long as it’s CRITICISM and not just flat out hate like I have recieved before. Telling me the way I’m writing the muse sucks isn’t going to help me get better. You’re just insulting me. Tell me how to improve. Give me tidbits and or hints. Provide helpful criticism. Some of you don’t know how to do that and it shows.
I think everyone does really. It helps not only you but your muse as well. It helps you get a better feeling on your muse and expand their background and whatnot, so yeah. I do.
Not.. really? Considering it’s my headcanon and it’s my interepation of the muse, not theirs. I mean I’m open to new headcanons and if I like it, I may addapt it to my own but I also can refuse it if I feel like it doesn’t fit with my portrayal. If you don’t like my portrayal, you’re welcome to unfollow. Not that hard really.
...Unfollow? I feel like I’m doing a decent enough job on my portral. If you don’t like it, unfollow and move on. Simple.
Everyone has their likes and dislikes. It’s how the world is. How people are. If you don’t like my muse, that’s fine. I don’t care. Just don’t send me messages about it or whatever. I don’t care for that shit.
I don’t mind as long as they’re not an ass about it... Like calling me stupid or an idiot. Not everyone can write perfectly or even speaks / writes English. Remember that. Some of us also have issues with speaking and or typing. Remember that.
I mean.. I like to think I am? Besides my horrible social anxiety and other problems, I try to be nice and friendly. If someone sends me something, I try my best to reply to it in a timely manner. I try my best not to bother people too much but at the same time, I try to be supportive and caring if I see someone is down or needs help with something. I don’t ever rush others for replies since I know real life always comes first. I also don’t force interactions or shipping or what-have-you. I’m just here to have fun and write, which I’m sure a great majority of us are. Having said that, if you ever want to message me or get to know me, please don’t be afraid to do so. I’m not a mean person by any degree really. The only time I’m rude if is someone is rude to me first, but that’s really the only instance. I don’t like to start conflict or drama. That sort of stuff causes me anxiety anyways, so yeah.. Enjoy yourselves, okay?
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prjectalice · 3 years
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weasels-muses · 5 years
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Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
Since this is a multimuse, i have a few OTPS. VanVen and SwissMarine being the most prominent on the blog.
Most things, outside of smut of course. Angst, fluff, hate ships, rivalries, the whole bit. I absolutely love development for the most part. I’ll even write break ups/reconnects etc. whatevs. OH and AUs. all the aus..
3 years in either direction. Not including minors. Minors i work a bit different and want to keep it within a year in either direction.
Yeah, i often am. But i quickly tend to give way to ships im already biased towards. rip.
Anything past neck kissing/french kissing is nsfw realm imo. I prefer a fade to black after the insinuation that its gonna go any farther. and in cases of muses that are under 18, I will limit it to kissing and cuddling.
Again, lots of characters on this here blog but here let me throw a few more. Lapipaz, peripaz, etc.
Well, preferably they’d make it known ooc. If its hinted ic that ur muse is interested I’ll likely mention the possibility ooc for discussion in some way.
I’m kind of a ship lover so, whenever the writing meshes and the muses are right.
It HONESTLY...depends on the muse. and the ship in question. It fluctuates. I can get very fixated on developing my favorite ships. Granted i wouldn’t go so far as say im obsessed. I can write other stuff.
I have too many fandoms...don’t do this to me.
JUST....TALK TO ME. write with me. LOVE ME
share hcs with me. Fight me at dennys.
 tagged by @zephyrises whom, according to their responses to this, i get to kick the ass of to gain access to the vanvens. Meet me at dennys bucakroo.
Tagging: Anyone..
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faegrifted · 5 years
tagged by : @lovesbxtch the light of my life
tagging:  @maljefe ,  @symbiiiotic , @wholehcartedly , @stemsurvivor ,@rcprobate,@reedtm , @devilglow , @atlaslain, @goddamnitconnor  , @deathfound , @gotitmemorised , @thereforall , @warpstriked , @connachtking , @drakante honestly if you wanna do it steal it (for the multimuses it's for any muse that will enjoy this)
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× what does your muse smell like? : Umm, mischief, iced coffee, and world walking? Pfft. Well, like with anyone Kenzi’s scent is layered: Formal, Familiar, and Intimate. In passing Kenzi tends to smell like whatever scent she happened to put on that day/night and it changes with what she’s in the mood for (  Sky di Gioia ,  Bombshell , Rentless ) . Depending on what she chose you could get hints of anything ranging from soft spiced woods, to fresh airy florals, to sweet fruits and citrus. For those who happen to know Kenzi better then in passing would be a bit more familiar with the more constant aspects of her scent. Coffee, she drinks it daily, almost constantly, and if it’s not coffee it’s probably mint tea. And for those closest to her you’ll get to know the vanilla and peony of her body lotion, and the violet sandalwood of her shampoo. And for those with supernaturally enhanced sniffers occasionally the metallic tang of all the lovely healing injuries she’s hiding from her last ‘adventure’.
× how often does your muse bathe/shower? any habits? : Despite not necessarily needing them this often, Kenzi enjoys taking them once a day at least. Occasionally she’ll take a second if she’s had any particularly rough or gross events through her daily happenings. Though rather then her usual shower if she’s going for a second bathing in her day she’ll usually opt for a bath with bubbles, bombs, candles, little toy ships to play with, the whole nine yards. It’s quite an event and tends to last hours or however long her water heater holds out. In the main verse it’s one of the few ways in which she indulges herself with things that smell nice and to pamper her skin and hair so it’s where she relaxes.
× does your muse have any tattoos or piercings? : A fair few actually, and even more when she was a teenager. Currently, she has three lobe piercings in each ear, an industrial piercing through her left ear as well as a double helix in her right. She had even more in her ears when she was younger but they’ve all since mostly closed off from not being used if not completely healed. This includes the tongue piercing she had years ago. The last of her piercings is the well-kept secret of her navel being pierced, a privileged sight only ever viewed by close friends and in private, or when she’s drunk and in the mood to flash people but we don’t talk about that and it hasn’t happened in some time. As for ink officially she doesn’t have any. Unofficially however she has a tattoo up the length of her spine, some spirals of symbols and writing round one of her arms, and in at least one ship verse eventually water florals spanning one side of her ribs, and a garter tattoo around her right thigh. And while it’s not everything this picture is a pretty accurate depiction of what her ink/eventual or otherwise are located on her.
× any body movement quirks? (e.g. knee shakes?) : Tons, unfortunately, she’s trained herself to hide most of the super telling ones, and the ones that remain can be hard to pick up on since they vary and tend to occur regardless of her mood. I mean Kenzi is rarely ever completely still. Head canting, eyebrow arching, thrumming fingertips, lip biting, eye-rolling, pushing hair back with her hands, just a few you’ll probably end up being super familiar with if you spend any amount of time with her. Most of these are generic and don’t really indicate any specific mood unless they become repetitive which can indicate nerves or something being wrong. Another and one of the more significant ones is her tendency to become hyper-productive when she’s anxious, overwhelmed, or irrate. Kenzi doesn’t deal well with being any of these even though they’re rare moods so sometimes she won’t and she’ll find something to do, and if she can’t she’ll make something to do. The more she’s doing the less she’s thinking and sometimes it’s all that keeps her from spiraling and it’s often what’s best for everyone.
× what do they sleep in?  underwear or pjs ? : LMAO depends on what state she fell asleep in honestly. Most nights she makes it to bed or at least her sectional but depending on her day or how much sleep she’s had the last few days she’s been known to pass out in whatever state she was in when she made it home. Clothes on regardless of cleanliness including whatever blood and or grime she wore home, including her boots :|. This should surprise no one, but for those of you who are new she’s a bit of a disaster. Anyways, when she adults better you can normally find her in soft shorts and old tshirt combos or sleepshirts and rarer actual pj sets running high towards soft cotton or silk. In relationships, she’s a thief and will probably turn your shirts into her pjs.
× what’s their favourite piece of clothing? : Probably the ring of Yggdrasil. Trick left the ring to her in his will and it’s a powerful piece that allows her sanctuary from claiming thralling from fae as well as freedom of passage between the human and fae world. She never goes anywhere without it and rarely takes it off.
× how do they sleep? position? : Like the dead on the occasion she drops once she’s home in whatever state she arrived in. On better nights usually on her stomach half curled on top of her pillow with one arm outstretched and one beneath her pillow, hand beside whatever knife she has hidden under it. And with those she loves, they either become her pillow or will find the little space heater jet packing them and spooned against their back. And in her rarest position (when she feels her most at ease and safe) you’ll find her on the couch stretched and sprawled out on her back, one arm pillowing her head and the other up her shirt to rest her hand on her abdomen, boyish, vulnerable, peaceful.
× what do their hands feel like? : Good question tbh. Sorry folks but that’s privileged info. Kenzi is somewhat self-conscious about her hands and displaying them because they’re littered with scars so they’re usually at least half hidden by arm warmers or fingerless gloves. That being said if one ever gets close enough to her to find out they’ll find them warm, smooth, and scars turned soft with time.
× if you kissed them, what would they usually taste like? : Probably sweetened coffee to be honest. It is her drink of choice after all but if not that probably mint tea or a london fog. And underneath all that cinnamon since that’s the toothpaste flavor she prefers and she is a stickler for oral hygiene.
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withironwings · 6 years
early plotting stuff
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(( For months I’ve been hinting towards important major story arc stuff for this blog, and while I’m not ready to launch into it by any means, it’s going to take some prep. With that in mind, I’m starting to work towards it from now in order to get to the meat of it in the next few weeks. I don’t expect this to be a huge thing by any stretch, but I am carefully structuring it in order to keep it organized.
Those of you who have played Colosseum are familiar with the premise I’m working off of; this plot focuses on the post-game conflict with the Wes impostor (Fein/Shady Guy) and his permanent impact on the protagonist’s public image. Now for a breakdown of what this will all mean in the context of this blog: ))
The “What”
This is, oddly enough, effectively backstory for my blog, taking place between my Colosseum verse and my main verse (2 years later). It’s based off a brief side story from canon in which a former Cipher peon attempts to slander the protagonist’s name by attacking other people while posing as him. I plan on taking this idea and expanding on it, going so far as to include Fein stirring up trouble in other regions.
The “Why”
I’ve been referencing things that are more or less fallout from this part of story for a long time. One of the bigger things I touch on is the whole semi-secret identity thing going on with “Snagger Wes” vs “trainer Mark” and why he works to distance himself from his own reputation, as well as why his reception as Orre’s savior is mixed.
I’ve hesitated to include it in my about page because, as far as canon goes, this was a woefully underdeveloped plot that basically boiled down to a single pokemon battle. That doesn’t really make for a good backstory. However, winging it and making up my own details isn’t ideal since it won’t have any real impact on how others see him even though that’s the whole point of it happening in the first place.
So, to create that impact, I’m playing it out with others as something that will permanently affect certain aspects of this blog.
The “How”
Not counting initial chatting with people over the details, this will all happen in three basic steps, with only the last of those having major consequences on this blog.
Step 1: Introducing Fein. Fein is one of my muses over on @braveandunusual and the antagonist of this arc. I’ll start mentioning him in threads and ask responses here to solidify him as part of this blog’s canon, and those who are interested can interact with him on my multimuse anytime. This will keep it from feeling like he’s just popped up out of the blue when things get going.
Step 2: Fein building his team. I’m kicking things off with him making a threat to Orre, Hoenn, and Kanto, but also opening himself up to buy pokemon off of those looking to make a little money. I plan to get three full teams for him to use during the conflicts in Hoenn and Kanto, and I’m leaving it up to you guys which pokemon he gets. These pokemon are “burner” teams intended to be expendable (by means of abandonment or death) for him to use up against Rocket, Magma, and Aqua, but despite his flippant attitude towards them, they’ll play a part in deciding the outcome of the main conflicts.
Step 3: The attack/manhunt. Fein launches his promised assault against the other regions as a means of making as many enemies as possible and getting the real Wes killed. These threads will be pretty violent in some cases, and are intended to shape other muses’ opinions of my characters, which will become a part of this blog’s canon. His standing with other muses will be reflected in how I portray his relationship (be it positive or negative) with the rest of the world.
I’m a fan of long term consequences, so if you’re interested in being part of this, be prepared for it to shape my blog in some way for the foreseeable future. IM me any time for additional details!
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thxwanderer · 7 years
Knowing your partner well can potentially make writing together a lot easier.
Tagged by : @eccxntrix / I went to high school with you irl. You’ve been with me through thick, thin, narrow, wide, and I love you so much. Tagging : No one. I’m just doing it because I want to. But anyone is free to do it as well
NAME: Debbie (or Debbums) PRONOUNS: She/Her SEXUALITY:  Leaning towards Demisexual ZODIAC SIGN: Scorpio TAKEN OR SINGLE: Single
THREE FACTS: 1. I’ve been to South Korea on a teaching Internship 2. I can play cello, trumpet, violin, and piano.  3. I can speak 3 languages
HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): About 6-7 years on tumblr.
BEST EXPERIENCE: I absolutely love allowing my muses the freedom to explore and grow into who they are. It’s amazing to see them grow close to other muses and I love it when me or my muses are actively sought out or missed due to my status as a college student taking up so much of my life. I love connecting with typists/muns just as much because they are so similar or different from their muses and I’ve learned so much about myself. 
FEMALE OR MALE: I don’t have a preference, but in the past I was prone to male characters. I have a few female characters now to help me break that mold because I want to be more versed in characterization for various types of muses.
MULTI OR SINGLE: Single. Single. Single. I personally feel that if you can pull off multi, good for you, but with my multimuse blog already in use and the fact that all of my muses need different things, being multi would be a bit much.
PLOTS OR MEMES: Plots. I adore writing plots and planning or simply going with the flow, but memes are also really fun to get from people.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: I am an avid fan of all three, but not all of my muses can react/work well with each one. Smut is highly specific for some of my muses because there are some who will not engage in any sexual act and the like, while others thrive off of it. I am an angst brat and fluff used to be my forte in the past.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):  I am my muses. I truly am. There are hints and aspects from them that are directly from me, but there are things that they have each taught me about myself and how I wish to be in life. I love all of them dearly (which is why I am still around)
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