#this is all in the first three books
radical-rapscallion · 9 months
jason asano truly is one of the most characters of all time. he noclipped and got isekai'd into another realm entirely naked. immediately stumbled upon a blood cult. absorbed a fucked up rock and got night vision out of it. befriends these weirdos he found in cages. frees said weirdos. later on befriending everyone he can. one of his besties is an actual prince. he has no luck when it comes to women. loves sandwiches. is trying to introduce pamphlets to this realm. regularly disrespects gods and monarchs. tried to explain gravity once and almost got murked by a goddess. one of his familiars is a transgender pile of leeches which is also an apocalypse beast. he specifically calls himself a "hypocritical socialist". a solid chunk of people think he's evil because of one (1) recording where he waged psychological warfare against a group of teenagers in a VR fight. he's even australian.
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demigods-posts · 1 month
they're filming season two, but i'm thinking about the potential adaption of the mount tam scene in season three. you know, the one where annabeth could apologize for pushing percy out of the way and falling off the cliff in his place, and how she knows that sounds terrible but they didn't have time for another plan and she didn't want to lose him that way. but percy just engulfs her in a hug because he's so relieved that she's safe now and everything else be damned. and annabeth doesn't understand why he's snickering to himself after that last statement, but she melts into the hug anyway because she missed him. and thalia and grover stand in the background happy for their friends on the outside but internally mortified, because their friends are definitely falling for each other but fate may not allow them to see it through.
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shirtdraws · 11 months
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Aftg book 4 getting announced was not on my 2023 bingo but I am excited beyond words nonetheless
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crowley1990 · 10 months
It’s December so everyone put in the tags what your favourite book(s) you read this year is (are)
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expelliarmus · 7 months
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octoir · 6 months
tomarry hot take: I actually don’t think Harry would even come close to defeating Tom in a duel
I think he COULD come close, with extreme levels of training and practice, but that classic “step into DADA and whoop Tom’s ass” scene? guys…I have something to confess.
Tom’s a fucking nerd.
he’s studied and practiced dark magic for years. he’s canonically regarded by DUMBLEDORE as the most brilliant student to ever walk through Hogwarts. Tom would DESTROY him.
imho the real fun of tomarry comes from the subsequent arc of Harry training to defeat him, and then actually coming close, and THEN Tom starts to become intrigued bc who the fuck is this semi-competent little shit?? and why is he now thinking about him all the time??
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rowrowronnie · 1 year
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tf2 if it was awesome
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thekeytothenorth · 1 month
super funny that basically the only two characters in the whole series who defend jaime against his bad reputation are brienne… and robert baratheon
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brienne viii AFFC
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brienne viii AFFC
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eddard ii AGOT
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eddard ii AGOT
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TSC 3 !!!!!! TSC 3 !!!!!!! TSC 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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augustinewrites · 6 months
fushigojos tackling a home project together is the first true test of how well they've bonded as a family
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boredsporkles · 27 days
Ok ok ok so
It’s the height of the minyard josten rivalry drama and some sports news show manages to convince them to do a live interview 
And so they’ve got 2 of those little individual couch chairs things that seat like one person (you know the ones I’m talking about)
But because they are dramatic little bitches Andrew has decided to just like drape dramatically across Neil’s chair so he’s basically sitting in Neil’s lap (don’t question me I have A Vision)
And obviously the interviewer has like
some questions
But they try to keep it professional until they finally ask something like: so Andrew what do you think of Neil?
And Andrew
who is basically sitting in Neil’s lap (neither of them have acknowledged this) just looks straight at the interviewer and says: Oh what Josten? Can’t stand the guy.
And then just says nothing else for the rest of the interview
Do you see it
Do you see my vision
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wikitpowers · 1 month
remember when cassie said that blackthorn's get down and dirty in every book???????? because yeah that's not left my memory since??????????
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shinewonder · 2 months
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night guarding
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moonysghosts · 4 months
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crowley, my favourite snek
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Okay, we all know being a demigod is a shit position. Its scary and gets you killed in really nasty ways. But I feel like being a Big Three Kid has to be the shitiest position in all the shit positions.
Like, imagine being Thalia Grace. Your dad is king of the gods, lord of the skies. Led a war to get rid of a tyrant. And the only thing you get is his scorned wife AND brother, who both try to kill you (with one technically succeeding), a drunk of a mother, and brother who you thought was dead. Oh, wait, he’s not dead! No instead he was used as an offering to appease your dad’s wife and help fight in a war and prevent mass destruction.
Or maybe you can imagine being Percy. Son of the sea god, the stormbringer, the earthshaker. You get to live with a disgusting, abusive man for around 6 years. Who smells like literal shit. All because your scent as a demigod is too strong, BECAUSE of who your father is. You see things that you aren’t supposed to see and do things that people can’t do and go years thinking something is wrong with you. That your the problem. Then you get to the one place where you’re supposed to be save. But! Here is the kicker! You’re not! Your uncles hate you and you’ve been accused of stealing a symbol of power. A series of events that will kick off a war, and guess what. You’re a center point for it. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood.
Mhm, but then there’s Hazel. Daughter Pluto, god of the underworld and riches. But that doesn’t really change anything does it? She’s still living in 1930s America, in a red state. One where confederate flags still hang if you go deep enough into the city. She go to a school where the kids are supposed to be just like her! They still don’t like her tho. She’s got no idea who your father is, only that he left her with a parting gift. Only it’s not really a gift. Sure, she can pull rubies and diamonds from the earth, all worth millions. But anyone who’s ever gonna touch it will die. She lives with her mother, a woman gone so mad with greed it kills her. And Hazel, by the way. Laying dead Alaska, inhaling oil. But it doesn’t end there! She can’t have her mother suffering for eternity, can she? The answer is no. Hazel gets to spend the next 70 years in the Fields of Asphodel. It still doesn’t end! Because when she’s brought back to life, she gets to fight in a war against giants, her sad story seemingly never ending.
Nico’s a son of one of the Big Three, one of the most ancient and most powerful. But most people look at him as something bad, something not worth taking a second glance at. Something too look away from, mostly. He’s from the 30s, spent years in a magical time casino with only his sister at his side. She doesn’t stay for long though, she dies soon after they discover their heritage. And he doesn’t remember his mother much, a name without a face. A face without a name. He survived an attempted assassination at 2, though it wouldn’t be the only time his was life was threatened. He clings to his sister, even though she’s dead. He’s the son of the god of the underworld, is he not? There had to be a way, and there is. Only she won’t talk to him, she seems more concerned with communicating with the guy who got her killed instead. She chooses rebirth, and he decides to lay it to rest. She’s not coming back, and he has a war to fight in. (He gets stuck in a jar and forcibly outed a few years later, but that’s a lot to get into for now.)
Jason Grace is a pillar of New Rome, their golden boy, their American boy. He’s a son of Jupiter, a natural born leader. He’s been at camp for as long as he can remember, he wants to be praetor soon. He’s had a rocky start, but maybe he’ll be one of the lucky ones. Retire a veteran and live a long life with Reyna in New Rome. Only that never happened. He has no idea where he is, there’s a girl holding his hand, and she’s cute but it feels wrong. They get attacked and people come in and call him a Greek demigod, familiar, yes, but still wrong. It doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t put things into perspective the way it does for Piper and Leo. He’s goes to a quest to rescue Hera, the name sounds wrong. He nearly dies but at least he remembers who he is. He spends the next 6 months trying to get back home, even though he isn’t too sure on where or what home is. He gets there, eventually, but it doesn’t stop there. He’s dragged on quests and battles and fights in the war but at least he survives it, he’s still there. Apollo needs help, he and Piper give him aid. He gets dumped. He doesn’t get to he a veteran in New Rome. Not with Reyna, not with Piper, not with anybody. He doesn’t get kids or grandkids. No, he gets shot down, another demigod buried.
You could be any one of them, really. Pick your poison, but I guarantee you won’t like any of them. Spending years trying to find a place where you belong, where you feel safe. Only for it to never come.
Percy, who, if you really look at the books, isn’t really all that well liked until he’s at least 2 years into camp. Only to then be sidelined because the courages, brave, fearless daughter of Zeus is back from the dead. Nico, the son of one of the most feared and hated gods. Who has death written all over him, who excludes it so much animals can smell it and humans can sense it, who’s been ostracized and pushed off to the side since he was 10. Hazel, who was treated like disease as soon as she stepped foot on camp soil. Who’s gone her whole life looked as something that’s cursed, that will only bring misfortune, a bad omen.
Shit positions, all of them.
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bisexualfemalemess · 4 months
Another thing i need from season 3: “do i look a mess?” “Yes, but you’re my mess”
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