#this is basically just a shoutout post for them 💀💀💀
terminals3v3n · 11 months
can i just say that j3nnifer j3nkins and sky3 ev3rly are stronger than the marines and have suffered more than jesus christ and i fucking mean it 😭 they are stronger than i will ever be 🙏
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fishsticksart · 1 year
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graduation 🎓🎊
i did it and made it through, onwards to bigger and better things
[Next Up Forever, AJR // Night Ride, Siemen Dijkstra // Finale (We Can't Wait to See What You Do Next), AJR // S9 Ep23, The Office // You're On Your Own, Kid, Taylor Swift // You're On Your Own, Kid, Taylor Swift // You're On Your Own, Kid, Taylor Swift // As It Was, Harry Styles // The Great War, Taylor Swift // Comic, @shhhitsfine // Fifteen, Taylor Swift // I Wrote This for You, Iain S. Thomas // Enchanted, Taylor Swift // tumblr user @francisforever2014 // Castle on the Hill, Ed Sheeran // tumblr user @jupiter-suggestion // Where'd All The Time Go?, Dr. Dog // tumblr user @dearalexandra-deactivated201409 // Night Changes, One Direction]
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nijigasakilove · 4 months
Hands down one of the best episodes I’ve seen in a very long time. I just don’t know where to start with this one. I’m done fighting the recency bias tho, this show’s going in my top 5 all time.
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First of all, shoutout to Kiui and Mei for filling in for Kano’s cafe shifts. Real ass friends, sadly they’re retarded and were awful fits for the job 💀 Mei over here freaking out because the customers ordered a “kiss” and Kiui too socially awkward to take orders lmao.
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Kano taking some time to be by herself and find out why she wants to sing is valid. After basically being put on this career path as a way to please her mom and then that whole fall out, she hasn’t really had time to sit and sort it out. I still feel so bad for her breakdown last week.
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Mahiru up to 100k followers herself now.. good for her ig.. still a snake for last week’s stuff 🤷🏾‍♂️
We finally get to see present day Mero.. ngl man she fine as hell. Love girls who dress like her. Mei stalking her at the cafe window and karaoke had me crying tho. There’s no way you should be this good at hunting people down 😭 she’s like one of them idol stalkers who check the reflection in idols’ eyes on their posts to find them.
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Was kinda important that she did that though because Mero told her about how she and Kano were singing for Yukine’s sake.
Shame on the losers talking shit about Kano in class. Don’t blame her for walking out at all. Can’t escape the drama at home or at school, gotta feel suffocating.
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Mei waiting outside Kano’s apartment for her “friend” not her “idol” was a great scene. Set up Kano coming clean about how she’d “used” Mahiru for her gain as well. The problem I have with this tho is it’s nowhere near what her mom was doing with she and the other girls. Also, even with that, it still don’t make what Mahiru was doing last week ok.
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Like sure, they’re both flawed people but one person is clearly more wrong here. Again, doesn’t mean Mahiru is a horrible person. Just don’t fw what she did at all with going behind Kano and working with Yukine 🤷🏾‍♂️
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FORGET ALL THAT THO. The end of this episode was magnificent, sensational, whatever synonym you wanna use I was shaken to the core. Mei is the real MVP of this series rn. I know she a lil slow but she has a heart of gold and literally saved JELEE and Kano with her horrible singing lmaoo. But it reached her idol and that’s all that matters. PLUS “you have to take responsibility for making me fall in love with you” oh my god I LOVE YURI.
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Amazing episode I’m shook.
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puffyducks · 23 days
DCRC Week #12
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This week we're taking a slight detour from the main chapters of PKNA to read the very first PKNA Special Issue: Missing! (Which came out in 1997 alongside the release of Silicon). This chapter is basically the equivalent of an anime OVA where we get to see the various characters just kinda hangin out and doin stuff outside the main plot, which I think is fun!!
Oh boy haha can't wait to see which of the colorful cast of characters we'll be focusing on fi-
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No cause like she fuckin got his ass here. I think if PKNA took place in 2024 then Angus Fangus would have a verified account on twitter and every time he posts about PK there would be people in his replies like "oh rent must be due" just roasting the shit out of him. And they would be right too.
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Bro AI generated a photo of PK stealing ice cream from a child 😭
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Woah dude that's crazy. Could you imagine like, an evil toy manufacturer? Like some sort of toy-based villain. Maybe one that hates video games and dresses like a clo-
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oh nvm there was a balcony. dammit
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See I TOLD you it was the anime OVA, they're at the beach and everything! Just look at that FANSERVICE!
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I'm talking about Camera 9 in his little beach outfit btw. What did you think I meant? Lyla? What does this have to do with Lyla
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So PK is missing and her first instinct is to go and check the jail 💀 I mean I can't say that he WOULDN'T get arrested by the time police I just think it's really funny
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Screaming wait I love overly-confident Lyla
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he's died
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So Camera 9 won't talk to her and she PULLS A FUCKING GUN ON HIM. Cop moment.
...wait wasn't Camera 9 wearing shorts earlier? Where did his shorts go???
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"biological associate" is a really fancy way of saying your boyfrie
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No cause like I'm obsessed with the resolution to this story. Dude kept his grudge for 250 years, get fucking owned Raider.
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Bro shows up for two whole panels just so he can manspread and make a cheeky time reference. I'm exploding him with my mind.
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AAAAAH EW OLD MAN JUMPSCARE shoutout to the picture of HDL though
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WOW how lucky for Xadhoom to have found an entire thriving colony of her people!!! So happy for her :)
Also PK is there too for some reason
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Yeahhhh they really didn't think this one through did they
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You gotta love them dedicating a story to two random Evronian goons and then having it end with both of them just being murdered by Xadhoom. Like they never EXPLICITLY say that Xadhoom is killing the Evronians when she fights them but we all know that's what she's doing right.
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Gotta love Donald vanishing off the face of the Earth so he could fuck off to Tibet with Everett Ducklair 💀 Levitating would be a useful skill to have if he didn't like immediately forget how to do it after this oops
Anyways that's all for today. I really like the PKNA special issues they're all really fun and silly and nothing bad happens in them ever!! So look forward to reading the next one in uuuh idk like 10 more issues or something?
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lousirs · 10 months
this is a dump about the uglydolls movie novel 💋💋💋
Alrighty I'm basically a regular here SO LETS GET TO IT
lodoeheie so I just got the movie novel of uglydolls because i need to fill my hunger for uglydolls content and THERE R SO MANY LITTLE DETAILS AND DIFFERENCES IN THE BOOK???!!???
ok so Lou's monologue in the pipes are completely different and they kind of point out details about Lou like his loafers being expensive and allat
there's this one part in the book where they are about to reveal Ox after the all dolled up scene and instead of Ox, Nolan was behind Lou???? I think it was just supposed to show how awkward Nolan is idk 💀💀
ALSO for some reason I feel like EVERUTIME Nolan made an appearance they always described him as "the handsome doll" and I find that so so silly but I love it
oh YEYEHA it's implied in the book that the dolls wear their own clothes when they aren't doing training which was not the case in the movie (probably due to animation complications)
in the gauntlet scene, in the book, it was Mandy who kinda taunted Lou to participate in the gauntlet rather than him deciding to buy himself. Also it made me think why he even decided to join it in both medias when he knew he'd fail but my friend and I just established that at that point he was probably already batshit crazy and had nothing to lose
the whole Ox flashback part was longer and had more details to it. So both Lou and Ox went for the gauntlet together and completed it but it showed that they failed and everyone thought it was Ox that caused them to fail when it was really Lou (kind of sad that Lou probably knew it was himself and had to put the blame on Ox)
it was also mentioned that both Lou and Nolan have somewhat of a muscular build so time to make some new head cannons
I just found thrse so interesting I'm so sorry
the book is pretty good imo (probably biased) and there's more stuff than what I put here so DEFINITELY go read it for yourself
why hello, we meet again... time for more rambling xD STRAP IN EVERYONE!
yes!! i've known about the novel for a hot minute. i haven't bought or read it (...yet) but i remember seeing silentreadersmatter (i believe?) post about it on wattpad... so shoutout to them lol. anywho time to respond to each thing mentioned in order (just about)...
lou with loafers!!: i always assumed he wore some sort of fancy shoewear... so it's nifty that they added clarification i guess xD
awkward nolan: awkward nolan is the superior nolan (in my opinion. i'm sorry lads)... i see nolan be depicted as a 'uwu soft boy bottom" most of the time... but i always thought he was just a awkward doll. like, an anxious mess that is trying his best but fumbles constantly. he's a ball of anxiety, and i love him. ANYWAYS
buff nolan real??: GOSH, I AM SO GLAD SOMEONE NOTICED THE MUSCULAR NOLAN THING. i always imagined nolan to be taller than the other dolls (he isn't really in the film but i always headcanoned it so because his uniform is smaller as if he was too big for it) but once i saw him be called "handsome" and "tall" and "muscular" in the novel, i flipped. the little baby boy is actually a BIG BUFF BABY. i have a doodle of this from a few months ago heheh... (thank you for giving me an excuse to show it because it's been lingering in my files for a while LMAO)
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^^^ lou is just trying to act evil and devious but he got this tall, handsome muscular doll getting in his way xD
ohhh but i can just imagine instead of the robot dog taking lou to the washer, nolan personally picks him up and drags him there. now THAT'S a moment i want to see.
fashion: oh, i didn't know about the clothes thing! DAMNIT i want to see them all in casual clothing, so i know what kind of styles they wear!! i mean, there's a concept art with lou in a white jumper with a golden 'L' on it... but that's all.
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i have my headcanons for what they wear, but it would be cool to see... especially since most other dolls normally do have numerous outfits for the kids to dress them up in.
gauntlet: yeah, lou kinda lost the plot around that point. i would take a guess that he was probably unnerved by just basically killing two dolls, one that he knew (possibly for a while) and one that was close to his old friend, so when he saw mandy still alive he was like "well sh*t." and then came the downward spiral of him trying to sabotage the others, before inevitably sabotaging himself. ...but i think the book's version of mandy getting the crowds to peer pressure lou to joining the gauntlet made more sense (lou's reputation would be at stake and his reputation is basically all he has) than him joining anyways in the film. i guess they tried to make it make more sense with the whole "I don't even have to win. I just need to make sure you lose." but ehh... eh....
ox's tragic anime backstory: yes!! they should've done this version in the film honestly. perhaps they could've even shown lou's regret for lying to basically his only friend. ...oh wait, i forgot. lou's meant to be a 100% evil villain who kicks babies. anyways, again i feel that the novel made more sense than the canon we got in film. i guess in the film ox got recycled because he was causing others to fail by accident? but the novel's version is much more interesting.
if i remember correctly (and if i don't, count this as a rewritten version lol) the assistant robots took ox away after he 'failed' in the novel. i can imagine a scene where we are in ox's perspective, being forcefully dragged away to the pipes whilst lou looks at him, dread and sadness written across his face, yet he doesn't try to stop the robots. he just stands there, biting back his guilt. ohh... if only...
STRONG BOYS!!: heheheheh strong nolan and lou... would be funny if nolan didn't appear strong, but is actually stronger than lou. but then again, how can you tell if the doll is strong? they all look like same. lou says his arms are bumped or whatever in ugly truth but WHERE? WHERE'S THE BUMPED ARMS LOU??
anywho, thank you for the novella lore dump! for anyone who is interested, go check out the novel as well. it's pretty interesting if you are deep into doll purgatory. (also it's mentioned that ox used to wear a fedora from what i remember)(THAT IS TERRIBLE. I LOVE IT)
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chussyracing · 2 years
Could you tell me a list of great blogs to follow and why, please? 🥺 Sorry to bother you, I'm just new here and didn't wanna end up in the wrong circles
baby, i'm the wrong circles.... ok, u will get mostly charles blogs, so let me know u like someone else (or don't, i can help with like.... lewis and seb and mick blogs at most)
@race-week if u need a great insight into the sport, especially if ur a newbie and don't understand some parts of the sport (u get rules, news, tech side, stats and other data) - also this is the first and only general f1 blog u get, others are extremely me-biased
@balaclavacharles my most beloved, loves charles the most (with lewis as close behind), indifferent on the rest, only hates the criminals (rightfully so), very sweet but also funny (follow for the charles posts, stay for the memes) - u will also get a few nyck posts that are so worth it
@livetogether--diealone loves charles lewis and seb, the best artist out there (makes me cry with the charles art often), funny, italian, temperament (sorry this sounds like a date app profile u will understand)
@mssr-monagato funky and opinionated, likes charles and lewis (and pierre), filter out piarles if u don't like it, u will see a lot of it
I'd tag Akira here if I knew HER URL 😭 it used to be effervescentdragon but I bet she changed it for seb so I will add her after I find it, follow for a ton of fics, charles, lewis, seb, filter out carlos if u need (warning for unrelated posts like uh hobit? I think)
@deercharles such a SWEETIE but u will get lovely posts full of charles appreciation, the founder of geochalex nation
@ferrariprince16 lots of edits for ur liking, mostly charles, lewis and seb, ITALIAN (u can never follow too many italians btw), too nice for her own liking, brutally honest sometimes (might make u cry with tiktok edits)
@lileclair unhinged just like me. tag talker (like me), dramatic (like me), great tagging system (unlike me), will find basically any post u need (if not we join forces and spend hours on it lol)
Other blogs i like and why:
@pinsaroulettes - hater first, human second, please keep up the good work
@sbinalino - u will also get guanyu besides charles and lewis and we all need more of him
@vett4l - I hope this is kyle. If not ignore this. otherwise: gifmaker, content creator, mick blog but also likes charles and seb and nyck!!, dutch (derogatory) but anti max (affectionate)
@schumaclerc - because they go together and u can't devide them, again a mick blog, filter out fernando if u don't like him, u will see him there rip, gifmaker, geochalex truther
@maranello (also historical ferrari drivers, u can cry to michael posts) and @evilscuderia and @leqclerc (filter out sebchal if it's not ur thing) and @lukamodric (some football posts too if ur into it) - ferrari blogs (with charles bias just like every ferrari blog should be)
@cichocicho - also a personal blog so u get a lot of relatable posts, come for f1, stay for biatlon (likes the correct Boe brother)
@oscar-piastri - content creator and loves juniors too, legendary mock up merch better than original
@dobbiamo-capire - italian. like painfully so. Will make u cry. Ask them about owls 💀
@samlammers - best roscoe and albon pets account out there. no i'm kidding mina will provide u with all the lewis and charles (and roscoe) posts u need, makes adorable edits
@dailyleclerc - for all the charles content so u stay up to date
@l8tof1 @heartsoftruth @wejustvibing to get ur deserved lewis fix 😋
@champagnepodiums for media analysis, esp lists of drivers and their gains each race weekend
Others i love reblogging from without any particular reasons:
@charlewiss @sokoal @bracedes @holdmyhopeinyourhands @my-fragment-of-peace @userhamilton
Special shoutout to the entire chircus gc and especially those of u who changed ur urls so i didn't find u 🤡
Feel free to add ur recs to this to help anon!
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treesap-blogs · 2 years
Saturday evening post!! “The Merciless Ones” review by Namina Forna
Hello, Tumblrians! As you all might know, I read The Gilded Ones back in January, and really enjoyed it! Namina Forna pulled me into the story with the brutality outlined in the first half, as well as the strong friendships that powered Deka’s journey throughout, and all of the possibilities for exploring the series’ world. Unfortunately though, the ending was clunky to say the least, and it..created a bunch of flaws in the narrative that’d been set up until then. Overall I wasn't jiving with it. But! Seeing as it was still a solid novel, and it displayed Forna’s potential as a writer (it was her debut novel I’m pretty sure? I’ve unintentionally read a lot of those, goodness), I immediately put The Merciless Ones on by TBR! To which it was ordered by a librarian, and it arrived around the last week of the month :).
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I have incredibly mixed feelings about this book, though. Of course, when reading a book that expands on an ending that I disliked (the same thing happened with Six Crimson Cranes to some degree?), it’s logical to assume that I as a reader wouldn’t really enjoy it as much, although I was hoping it would show some promise. It did, in some part! Firstly, I was waiting to see some of the political aftermath of the ending, and we saw that with the Alaki’s treatment, and a bit of inclusion on how the blood ceremony was handled after that (it was basically no longer practiced, spoiler). It integrated more of that brutality present in TGO, especially with the beginning starting off with a bang, as the first sentences are literally about two corpses Deka finds.
Overall though, it had the same issues as its predecessor but intensified: Plot twists felt predictable(except for one?), and the foreshadowing was very obvious because of that. Around the 1/3rd mark I just started making fun of Deka’s “guesses” being proven right again.
SPOILER SECTION!! If you want to read ahead, sure.
Firstly, Melanis got to be cartoonishly evil in the ending. I actually giggled when Deka (foolishly and half-hazardly) tried to convince Melanis into joining her side because The Gilded Ones were lying the entire time (..shocker), to which Melanis just prided them on their sexist cruelty lmao💀 like okay “that just makes me love them even more!” jdkwnfkensof 
Actually, everyone gets to be cartoonishly evil by the end?? Goodness.
Speaking of the gods and their sexism, I..don’t know how to feel about how it was handled here. It felt like there was too much “both sides-ism” in the narrative now, even if Deka’s internal monologue says multiple times that the male monarchs/authorities went totally overboard and shouldn’t have created the misogynistic society that literally tortured Deka (and literal millions) in this series!! But now we have a reason for that oppression(kinda), and it feels weird. Why does there need to be a logical reason for it? Fine, I guess it’s for plot reasons because of how the Merciless and Gilded Ones are counterparts of each other (the former essentially being a genderbent version of the latter), and eventually turned against each other, yada yada yada…
It felt like Forna wanted to make the gods complex or interestingly evil but..I don’t know, execution wasn’t really that great. 
Deka is also ridiculously overpowered?? I completely forgot she was said to be wholly immortal in TGO, and for most of the book it just makes her feel detached from the other characters and a chunk of the stakes of the narrative. Especially with how she literally is for most of the time?! I might not be original for stating this (shoutout to a helpful Goodreads reviewer, I wish I remembered your user, bless), but what made the first book really stick was that even with the fantastical elements it still felt human. Britta and Deka’s unconditional friendship, how the Alaki supported each other, their very human emotions and struggles despite what you’d expect from the premise carried it. For TMO, we got a false(?) McGuffin, along with Deka being very different from her friends..being truly immortal, the only one who can communicate with the gods, kind of being a god herself. It’s..huh. AND NOW SHE CAN GIVE OTHER PEOPLE ABILITIES?! NOT JUST ABILITIES BUT IMMORTALITY?!?! SLOW DOWN😭 (At least we establish she has some limits though, because her physical body is taking physical damage by the end. How the hell does she even work though?! Is she a soul? Something incomprehensible to the human mind, vast and cosmic?? But then how was that formed, is she just..separate from the body she was born/created with? That raises so many questions!!?)
Anyhow. It really set in that I kind of excused how rushed Kaita and Deka’s romance was? They started out with a rivalry or “hating each other”, had one conversation and suddenly they got googly eyes for each other. I’m thinking of this because their “development” was mentioned somewhere in the book, as a way of signaling to the readers how far they’ve come. But it?? Sure doesn’t feel like it in retrospect haha. He also doesn’t do a ton in the book, except for when they legitimately tried to redeem Deka’s father because he’d “realized his mistakes” or some bullshit and he talked some sense into her (BC HER FATHER LITERALLY TORTURED HER?? WILLINGLY!! SHE LITERALLY CHANGED HER APPEARANCE TO NO LONGER HAVE HIS CHARACTERISTICS BECAUSE SHE WAS TRAUMATIZED BRO🧍). I like that Kaita did that actually because I was like “TALK YOUR SHITTTTT” like Deka wdym “I hated my father all this time😔and for what reason😢” Kaita literally was like HE BEHEADED YOU!! Such a stupid part of the book like girlie I get having parental issues but I was gonna lose my shit fr if Forna used his death as a means of redeeming him chkwncosnfoenforn.
That rant aside though, again, Kaita was mostly useless.
I also just found a lot of stuff to be unintentionally funny this time around because the plot got to be nonsensical after a while. There was one part I did find genuinely funny though less so because of the bad writing and more so just the way events played out?? One of the highlights of this book in my opinion was when the Merciless Ones(the male gods) were trying to mess with Deka’s memories and she knew and was just so fed up of being manipulated by gods she just walked out of their chamber lmfao.
One last complaint! Not digging the sudden introduction of romantic relationships for this book. The first one was so based around platonic ones, and found family even, that it kinda took away from that :(.
Ok! Complaints aside! I’m a little intrigued by what they established with White Hands — will she get to explore her own gender and identity outside of what the Gilded Ones pushed onto her in the next book? (Does that mean they could be non-binary like Thandiwe?) Are they technically intersex, therefore making their story also kind of work as an allegory for forced intersex surgeries? I’m kind of intrigued, as a non-binary reader.
Last things I feel like discussing for this section!! I was pretty stoked that Karmoko Thandiwe was revealed to be non-binary! They were my favorite of the Karmokos in the last book, probably one of my favorite characters overall, their introduction just stuck with me and was so metal. (The “I’ll cut your tongue off and put it in a jar to keep me company” thing caught me so off-guard lmao but it was also kinda badass.) I do feel like the confirmation of it was a little awkwardly worded, though (as are most instances of NB rep unfortunately because it’s often expected that the audience won’t automatically catch on, so we gotta have their gender and pronouns be explicitly stated). Karmoko Huon being trans surprised me though! I’m not gonna lie, maybe there were some hints I could’ve been missing out on because Deka was like “oh yea! I guess I picked it up from the specific way she was shut out from society and ostracized” and I just? Couldn’t remember any of that really standing out?? Or maybe it’s like the Kaita relationship thing where not as much really happened? Anyhow. The influx of queer representation was unexpected but good, although I feel like they only got surface-level on how queer people are oppressed in a multitude of ways in this world, specifically in the case of alaki/women? I guess I get why that was the case though, because Deka is our POV and she’s not queer in any way. Point is though I just wish there was a bit more time spent on that, not because I want to see people suffering on the pages even more(heaven knows there’s enough of that for this series), but so there could be a little more care put into discussing it? 
I think that’s all the spoiler-y stuff I have to discuss!
End of spoiler section!! You may proceed :)
Like the first book though, I liked the action scenes! Even if the plot they were part of was kinda clunky the way the fights played out were solid in my opinion. (And there were a couple times where some batshitery popped up mid-battle and I was like “OH FUCK!” and nibbled on my imaginary popcorn.)
Overall, it feels too harsh a descriptor to call this “worse” than TGO, but I just wasn’t vibing with it as much. All the gripes I had with book one were more prominent here; it felt like the feeling I had reading the ending was extended to approximately 300 more pages. (I’m aware the book is longer than that. The number is there for a reason because it wasn’t that the entire time.) Deka’s backstory stuff just gets increasingly convoluted.
But, with all that’s said and done, I’ll still be seeing how this series ends, because I enjoy most of it and am too far along this journey with these characters to just abandon them. Consider TGO a complicated favorite, if you will.
Book rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 stars.
Paz, signing off!
(Book trigger/content warnings: Torture, gore, PTSD, grief(death of a parent), references to homophobic and queerphobic abuse.)
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lightlycareless · 2 years
Chapter 24 - thoughts.
Long overdue behind-the-scenes post! I got super busy the last two weeks of the last update, but now that I have a bit more time, here is the insight for chapter 24!
Also, as expected, no don’t read this post if you haven’t read chapter 24, which you can find on ao3, on this link here. Because you’ll just get a bunch of no-context spoilers (but if you want, go ahead 😏)
Now, without further ado, I hope you enjoy these behind-the-scene comments!
So, the long-awaited return—the prodigal son, is finally home.
Getting to this point was both exciting and nerve-wracking for me 💀 exciting, because it’s something that I’ve been planning since the beginning of the story, and nerve-wracking because I believed the expectations for this chapter were high, and I feared to disappoint lol
But I stuck to my guns, and here we are!
Let’s start with Naoya.
To bring him home was something that was going to happen eventually, of course. But the most important part if how.
It was easy to assume that he was going to get home, hear from Ranta or anyone else what happened with his wife, and snap.
I decided… I want to explore another side of him—also, I was getting tired of him getting angry all the time, when we’ve also seen this bastard’s cocky side so, that’s what I decided to do.
It’s been noted various times throughout the story that Naoya is basically obsessed in getting this grade 1 promotion—whether because he thinks he’s a great sorcerer and he wants to prove that officially with for the rest of the community, or because it’s a requirement for the heir of the clan, it doesn’t matter. Naoya is going to get it.
And because there’s no information about this, asides from the sister event, I decided to take some… creative freedom :> Although that’s not really an exam, though it seems that it does influence the possibility of getting assessed for promotions.
I wonder who promoted Naoya—or did he pay off someone? LOL. I mean, he probably got a promotion without even requesting it because, you know, Zen’in shenanigans. Heir to the throne. All that stuff.
Well, for the promotion I took the liberty of separating it into two exams, the typical written one, and then, the practical.
The theorical one would be about curses and seals. Things that sorcerers should know at this point, but because it’s a higher level, maybe the community will test them in more difficult knowledge? It has to be. I don’t think many get to learn about grade 1 curses and how they work, asides from the basics, you know? OR DANGEROUS CURSES AND WHERE THEY ARE LOCATED AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I wish we would know more of the jujutsu system, maybe someday.
Also, Idk if Naoya is to be a studious person on its own, but since he wanted to pass, I assume he spent many hours with his nose in the books to ensure he would turn out successful (kind of a funny image to relate him to now that I think about it).
The practical one is well, a piece of cake I guess for someone as talented as him lol. That’d be something for next chapter tho :>
Anyways, now that his exam was done (also, shoutout to Hinata!!) there were 2 things that I wanted to do for his arrival.
Sure, he was going to arrive and be supposedly received as some kind of messiah because apparently, he did very good in his exam and secured a safe future for the Zen’in clan and whatnot, but even if he was focused on getting the promotion and all that it conveys, his mind was obviously with his wife.
This time away was great for him to cool down and well, make peace with her? As if he weren’t the one instigating but ok Mr. Zen’in, we’ll amuse you. Anyways, Naoya wants to be with his wife as some kind of reward for his performance. The elder’s words were good, but not as good as being in the arms of his wife so…
How is he going to scratch that itch? More so when there was obviously something going on with Naoaki?
At first, I intended to have Naoya so drunk in his arrogance that when Ranta would attempt to inform him about the happenings of his wife, he would just skip over them and head straight for his wife, under the excuse that he’d “rather see it through his own eyes” a.k.a whatever Ranta might or might not say, it doesn’t matter, because he’ll get the truth out by himself.
BUT I know it wouldn’t be that satisfying as having him hear the confession about the relationship that was growing between his wife and his brother coming straight from Ranta’s mouth so, that’s what I ended up writing :> besides, I think it was going to be more impactful towards all that was coming next.
However, his delusional ass was still going to be present, thus, him maniacally laughing when it was finally revealed was the result of that. Poor Ranta was like “this man just lost his mind” serves to show how… out of touch he is.
Now, onto what happened that night.
It was cruel how Naoya intended to have fun out of Y/N, as well as attempting to act as if this were nothing more than an intimate night between the two? I really don’t know what was going on inside Naoya’s head, but in a way, because I wrote it… I do hahah
I just wanted to show how… out of touch he truly is, easily manipulated by his need to be appreciated, I guess. He wanted his wife’s attention, but at the same time, he wanted to use her as some kind of toy?  Like it was all twisted to me :/ maybe if he actually got along with her then maybe she would’ve been willing to play along but nope. (Was he thinking on performing Master and Servant? Maybe)
It’s just… evident that to him, even if he “wants” her, it’s not in a respectful way. Women to him are objects for his pleasure, Y/N’s is just a little bit higher up the ranks or whatever.
Thus, leading towards Y/N’s reaction.
Now, writing her initial reaction to when Naoya arrived was something easy. It’s no secret that Y/N heavily dislikes Naoya, but after being distracted by the presence of Naoaki and her staff, it just came crashing down onto her, heavier than she would’ve liked, that’s she’s still locked away in the Zen’in estate.
I don’t think Y/N thought much of Naoya during this time, (or more like she didn’t want to) probably as an attempt from her subconscious to distract her from her harsh reality, but it’s finally here, and there’s no denying that that was her truth all along.
I do think it was almost cartoonish how she reacted, but considering all that she had to go through, it makes sense. To say that she wished Naoaki would’ve stayed was an understatement. But even then, what could he do?
Now, what happened next, was somewhat difficult. Mainly because I got a comment about it on earlier chapters!
I know that Y/N is arguably in a position that she could use to influence those around her to a better situation.
However, it’s never that easy. Considering that the only way that she is heard is through humiliating acts towards one of the many men she hates… but even then, after all the pain she had endured, she was willing to do so, thanks to her finally coming to terms with Mariya, and all that her staff has done for her.
She felt responsible for their safety, as well as the twin’s and Junko’s. She knows Naoya to be an extremist when he doesn’t get what he wants, and fearing that since she already faced his wrath once and she’s already received what she considers the worse of the punishments… the possibility of him turning his sights onto others to create a bigger impact was something that wouldn’t allow her to live.
Thus, she lowered herself to his level and planned to entertain him, something that didn’t happen in the end… because she also came to the conclusion that going straight into his grasp would diminish the efforts of those who tried to protect her!
Now this, is something that I believed many would find conflict with. It might be interpreted as selfish in a way, pushing others into the danger that she wanted to avoid, but the thing is… it’s humiliating what she had to do. Y/N, or anyone else for that matter, shouldn’t have to go through this in order to enact some change.
Sure, sacrifices must be made, and in this case, Y/N standing up to Naoya is a sacrifice on its own. Even more when she��d already done before and she regretted it immediately. But she doesn’t fear him anymore, at least in the sense that she will start standing up to him.
In the end, Y/N deserves to face her own suffering, if that makes sense. Pushing her down in order to save others is something that I consider… well, cruel in a way. Like she’s not allowed to live her life without having to think of others, you know? And while she’s aware of the rest, and wants to do what is right, she also has her own life to defend.
Even if Naoya disliked it, and was more than ready to punish her, but that’s something that she’ll have to deal with later.
Now, finally, into the juicy part!!
I have always intended, in one way or the other, to bring Toji and Jinichi into this story. Like, I don’t think you can talk about the Zen’in clan without Toji being involved.
The first time I dropped a hint about Toji’s existence was during Junko’s tour of the house, where she notified Y/N of a room that was off-limits to everyone. From there, it would be her visit to the library, where many jujutsu-related books were missing.
It’s interesting to me to see how Toji’s departure was handled, considering that everyone feared him lol Did they satanize his room? Throw away everything that had to do with him? Act as if he never existed? Naobito sure remembered Toji well enough to strike that deal about Megumi (although… I don’t remember who approached who. Probably Toji)
Taking us to Jinichi, his brother.
The only time we get to see about Jinichi and Toji is when Ranta reminds him that the Zen’in clan is alive thanks to Toji’s whim… and I think that’s about it 😒 However, taking into consideration the way he behaved in the manga, and the kukuru unit’s review about him, I headcanon him as some kind of… aloof, yet understanding character. Probably too tired of his relative’s theatrical ways, but too afraid to go against the system.
He probably has allot of internalized feelings regarding his brother—after all, people aren’t born evil, they’re raised that way. And I think that Jinichi, as much as he cared for his brother, probably had to do allot of things towards him just to please his family, things that he ended up regretting doing (I tend to believe that the scar on his forehead was inflicted by Toji) Leaving allot of unspoken/unresolved issues to when he finally left.
So, to see Y/N walking into the room of his brother that had been effectively blacklisted from the rest of the world, it brought him some kind of… nostalgia, regret to him, as well as curiosity for he doesn’t believe Naoya, even though supposedly a great admired of his brother, would’ve spoken to Y/N about Toji (that would imply the presence of conversations and let’s be real, not allot of talking goes between the two) less from Naoaki. Do you even know who Toji is? Or was this just a coincidence?
There’s really nothing more to say except that Jinichi was genuinely reminded of his brother, and wanted to hear the opinion of someone outside the clan about him. Someone that doesn’t know about all the things that happened and prove that maybe… it was just his family that thought ill of him.
Of course, I don’t know what he was expecting from a startled, frightened Y/N but she did what she could. Toji is a complete mystery to her, asides from being the sorcerer killer, a statement she just learned that very night. So, it was allot to process, but before she could even do so, Jinichi’s words made her think of Naoaki and she got angry.
This is a thing I was like I’m sorry Naoaki, not to call you useless but let’s be real—Y/N is following the info you gave her lol. Only to be taken aback when it was revealed that Jinichi never referred to him, turning detrimental to both her sentiments, and her knowledge of the Zen’in clan. Toji’s existence showed her a new side of the Zen’in clan, a darker edge of their cruelty, the limits that he had to be pushed through in order to publicly denounce the clan to the extreme of wanting to kill all sorcerers, and… the fact that Naoaki might’ve been lying or intentionally keeping certain things from her. A critical blow towards her trust for the man who made her evidently very happy the past few days.
To think that he was lying to her is enough to break her heart, leading her to wonder if he had truly done such a thing, and why?
And… that’s how the chapter ends :>
For Jinichi to say that well… who knows? But there’s no denying that such implications would rattle anyone’s foundation regarding a certain person. Y/N was so… enamored I guess, by Naoaki, that to think that he could even do wrong just seems like an impossible feat. Even if they’ve already gone through a rough patch.
It’s the second time Naoaki would’ve done something that hurt Y/N in one way or the other, and that’s all her fault in a way? Because she’s been hurt so much, she’s been holding onto the smallest beacon of hope she can get, thus, blinding her to the reality. But you know, that’s how friendships sometimes go, especially if they’re nurtured in a hostile environment like the Zen’in clan. More so when she also has to deal with her environments :/ Ah, there’s so much going on unnghhh and don’t forget, she really hasn’t spoken about these things to anyone else.
However, because Naoaki has proven to be human (and not a monster like her husband) I believe any misunderstanding will clear up soon :> but we shall see.
tldr; Naoya is arrogant enough to lose thought of reality. Hinata hasn't been receiving Y/N's letter's cause she busy acting as a proctor for different promotions, Y/N is afraid of Naoya—but also knows her worth. Jinichi is, deep down that rough exterior, is kinder than many would believe. Naoaki is mysterious. And the Zen'in just can't get any worse (don't try me)
That was all for this chapter’s thoughts! As always, if you have any questions, want to know more about certain things, you’re more than welcome to let me know ❤ I’ll do my best to respond without any spoilers :>
Once again, thank you so much for your support!! I hope to see you all soon, take care, and have a wonderful way ❤
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viscountessevie · 2 years
Let’s Talk Barlow & Bear v Netflix
[To my moots and anons who wanted S3 asks sorry yall I got carried away with this jksdfh so we’ll visit those asks tomorrow, anyways let’s dig in!] 
Shoutout to Franzi @anthonykatebridgerton​ for sending the court document link, bringing this up in our GC and to my attention. It was a wild ride reacting to it and discussing it with you and Lavi @sweetestviscount
Relevant document and article to read:
Deadline Article that broke the story (if I’m not wrong) 
Official Legal Complaint (basically the legal document listing details of the case - also linked in the article) ​
It’s best to read everything to be well informed but I’ll do my best to summarise and will mostly be focusing on the highlights that caught my eye. Aights let’s get into it! 
[EDIT: Sorry forgot to put it under the cut]
This case is basically a copyright infringement case against Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear, the creators of The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical . If you just joined the fandom and watched the show for S2, here's some context. This musical started as a song for Saphne called Burn For You put on Tiktok by Abigail who did the vocals while Emily composed the music. The song blew up right after the show and they ended up making a full track list of songs that eventually ended up being released as a full album on various audio platforms
This is where the case for infringement starts because - I was surprised to find out that - Barlow and Bear never got permission to drop the album on offical platforms. This is bad because the rights fully belong to Netflix and B&B are profitting off it via the streams they get on the various music platforms.
It now ramps up because the girls put in a request for them to be able to perform live shows which was a big no no for Netflix. However, they said it was for charity to help out West End actors struggling post-pandemic. Here's the full rundown from the official complaint document from Section 34 to 36:
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It's the way B&B and their legal team constantly kept telling Netflix it was a one time thing and their brand moving forward would be different and not attached to the Bridgerton Musical.
Take a shot everytime you read the line "Barlow and Bear assured Netflix..." That they wouldn't do [insert thing] then proceeds to do The Thing.
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B&B really said "No, we don't do live performances and we don't want to be known as the Bridgerton girls."
Then proceeded to do exactly what they said they wouldn't.
I think the case is happening now because the biggest gripe Netflix and Bridgerton's team seems to have is the latest Kennedy Centre performance that happened a couple days ago and it was for profit unlike the UK charity performance. They brought out new songs and continued to exploit and profit off the show despite still not having a licence or permission to do so. And yet advertising that they did have permission from Netflix on their posters. Like guys why would you do that 💀💀💀
Netflix is also upset that this show took away from their official Bridgerton show which is The Bridgerton Experience which has also been set up in DC. Basically they're pissed they lost sales to an unofficial Bridgerton event. This is what I think acted as the catalyst to file for the suit.
Also want to hear the stupidest part and what made me firmly take Netflix's side? Netflix offered them a special licence to move forward with the live performances and look what these clowns decided to do:
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This is PEAK "play stupid games and win stupid prizes". This bit especially frustrated me because I've heard how some drama teachers have had to pay out of their pockets for licensing for their clubs to put on plays and musicals but the Tiktok girlies think they are above it?? Especially when they have the money to pay for it too and it would have solved their 'permission' issue and wouldn't be in this mess.
All in all, usually I say Fuck corporations and big companies trying to take down the little guy aka independent artists but in this case, B&B are fully in the wrong. Especially the way they conducted themselves after Netflix told them multiple times not to do live performances and didn't even authorise permission for the album to be dropped on official platforms in the first place.
This post doesn't even begin to cover all of it so I really do recommend reading the whole legal complaint because the attorney who wrote it, Ginger Anders, did an extremely good job. It's easy to understand and very digestible, laying out all the facts and context from beginning to end.
I also liked her style of writing and I don't know if she intended for it to sound like that but at some point you can just tell she was done with their shit and was exasperated. Aside from the above image where the paragraph just ends with "Barlow and Bear refused." I could hear the facepalm lmao. This is my other favourite bit:
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Can you hear the deadpan?? It's hilarious.
I can't wait to read the answer to this from B&B's lawyers and if the girls ever put out statements. Muliple news outlets have already picked this up so they must have seen it and now we wait. Because we have Netflix, Shonda and JQ's statements too - found in the Deadline Article linked above but here you go for easy access:
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Hope this helped fill in the gaps, and you enjoyed my take on it. As always my ask box is fully open to talk about this - it's truly a wild ride!
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fwacchi · 2 years
On mobile & sorry if I said anything weird my first language isn't english & for not using puntuation I'm not good at it
Hello! This is just a mini rant(kinda)(since no one that I currently know are into vtubers or know what they are & I just wanna talk about it) but I just came across this tiktok short/edit (don't really know what to call it 😅) but she basically trying to expose? Vtubers (mostly nijien) (mostly nina in this case) but she was a minor (it's in her prof.) & I found on one of her edits/videos she was asking ppl for shoutout bc she 'needs her fame back' & that just makes me feel weird about it like.. Idk.. I think that recently I just had seen some ppl trying to cancel some vtubers on tiktok for stupid things like fu-chun getting 'cancel' for liking/reading BL even though he's bi if I'm correct (ik that some of the cancel aren't really recent but tiktok just kinda stated to put those videos on my for you page recently) like for vox I kinda get why he's was cancel but at the same time not bc sure you can feel uncomfortable & all but for me personally I think that calling him a p*do was too mush like lately ppl have been throwing that word around to losely & I just think that he over share to much but yeah
Btw it's ok if you don't want to respond to this you can just ignore it but have a good day/night also I hope that your first day in college was good! My younger sister also just started college & she was saying the same thing as you so just know that you aren't alone 🤣🤣
Your English is reallyyyy good!! <3 and good luck to your sister too!!!
I've wanted to talk about this topic before but didn't really have the chance to but now that you've ranted about it, I'm gonna reply to your rants with a rant of my own so buckle up 😌
(there's literally an essay down there so enter at your own risk 👁️👁️)
This is exactly why I barely go on tiktok anymore. when I used to be a diehard fan of kpop artists, shits like this was way more worse. At some point, it started disturbing me to the point I actually never went back on tiktok again. That's how much I hated that app back then. Literally just one or two months ago I opened that app again, thinking I could have a peaceful life in vtubers fandom but oh lord I encountered a hate video.
It was something similar to what you said, but what I saw was a video saying "canceling nijisanji en" and I thought it was a joke or something so I went to the comments section to see what it was about. And the whole comment section was filled with "omg yes" "ugh shifting to nijisanji jp right now" "well at least shu is safe💀" honestly, I was like huh??? seems that they were talking about most of the nijisanji en boys interacting with an artist who was apparently racist (or something else i'm not really sure) but yeah that's the bits of it. [I saw a comment under the specific post saying something like "if this is how yalls attitude is, then don't even think about coming to the jp side" and I was like SLAYY GIRL YOU RIGHT ASF] sorry I'm pretty much gatekeeping niji jp from toxic fans like that who could just hate on their so called "oshi" on a baseless rumour.
First of all, I'm on twitter literally everyday and have heard nothing of that issue. Or maybe it's possible that I could've totally missed it. Secondly, even if the issue is true, I'm pretty sure the en boys wouldn't have interacted with the said artist if they knew about it. Like girl, vtubers don't have to know everything about everyone on internet. Just because they don't follow up on who is who and who is supporting what doesn't mean you have the fucking rights to cancel them.
Let me tell y'all something mind blowing. Reading BL isn't a crime. Surprising? Get that into your fucking mind. BL is a genre just like Mystery, Romance, Historical and etc. Even if you're straight you can read/watch BL it's not wrong. It's not wrong as long as you don't fantasize about it and get off on it. If you're a straight person reading BL (yaoi) and getting turned on about it and being public about it, then seek help. That's just so wrong. You girls don't like it when men jerk off to lesbian porns so it goes both ways.
This is me speaking for myself as someone who enjoys BL and I would love to read GL genre too. But there's just none that suits my taste and BL stories are being published more and more rather than GL. That's the main reason I read more BL and not GL. It has nothing to do with me being a freak. I don't even read much yaoi like BJ ALEX, painter of the night, etc. I mostly enjoy fluff BL genre because I see it as any other romance. (if you have good gl manhwa/anime/donghua/manga recommendations, please share it with me👁️👁️)
And calling vox a p*do? that's just way too offensive and wrong. Did you see him having dirty talks or actually having sex with a minor? No you fucking didn't so stfu. You don't even know who he truly is behind the avatar so what gives you the rights to say something so horrible about him? And this goes to everyone else. Even if a person you know, or barely know, is a prostitute, slut, playboy or whatever, you do not get to judge them. You're not their parents/family members so you get no say in their life. Just stfu and live your own life instead of judging others'. UNLESS you see them committing real crimes which is against the law of your country then report them to the police. That's all you have to do.
Now, I don't want to categorise all tiktok users as one group but most of the people, I repeat, MOST of the people in tiktok are underage, or simply just utter fools who have no morals in them. Especially those hate accounts (and this goes to EVERY hate accounts. not just the ones dedicated to nijisanji/vtubers).
I see some accounts saying "this is a troll account. i actually love [insert name] so much🥺" no. If you love them as much as you claim to, then you wouldn't even think about hating on them like that even for a joke. That's just disrespectful.
What do they really get out of this hating behaviour? likes? shares? comments? fame? well if that's what they want then they're really doing it in a wrong fucking way. I didn't know people could be happy getting those achievements from such a nasty way. They have little to none shame. Possibly bringing down someone's career because of their stupid behaviour isn't something to be proud of. Their parents surely wouldn't be proud of it either. Am I mean? well not as much as they are and at least I'm only speaking facts.
It's literally so easy to shut up your mouth if you don't like something. Like, go find something else you enjoy instead of hating.
+the nijisanji en family has been getting bigger these days which is why they're getting more hate that are visible. The only thing we can do is comment something to put some sense in their shitty mind(which will end up going over their head considering how dumb they are), report, block and scroll away. Fools like them can't be fixed unless they themselves realise what they're doing and how it harms others around them. We really shouldn't be wasting our time and ruining our mental health over some dumb asses.
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