#yknow when i think more about it i cant imagine being in either of their shoes its so tragic from their pov omg?
terminals3v3n · 11 months
can i just say that j3nnifer j3nkins and sky3 ev3rly are stronger than the marines and have suffered more than jesus christ and i fucking mean it 😭 they are stronger than i will ever be 🙏
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anonymouscheeses · 4 months
Vaggie and Valentino are connected and no one has been talking about it (I think 😭)
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Brutha. I've always known this but like these two are surface level similar yet so SO SO SOOOO different its terrifying.
Question might be, why tf am I comparing the r*pist and the beautiful, gorgeous, fantastic, inspiring, humble, generous, smeggsy, former angel?
Simply because they are both moth demon's that speak Spanish. It's a bit too specific. And rlly that's kind of all I have right now. Sure, you could say "erm actually, Vaggie isn't a moth demon 🤓" and ur probably right. But if she's not, why is it that in her redesign for the show they lean into the moth hair? It's look much MUCH more moth than in the pilot. So if Viv wanted to stray away from the moth theme, why make it look more like that? She may not he exactly a moth demon but she does have intentional moth features. Perhaps Vaggie just disguised herself like that, either way, still a connection..
I would get it if one of them were in helluva boss jst as a way to recycle and make room or whatever. But no, they are in the same show, same world, same ring of hell, same city(I think). It's a weird connection and I kind of don't want it to exist. Like at all. Because if they are connected I can't think of any other way they are except that Val could be a fallen angel. Which I CANT imagine. Unless Vaggie is like, a winner that became an exterminator, but genuinely that would be a bit complex. But what isn't in this show. Then again, Adam said he created her, or that could be a metaphor for that Vaggie was never noticed as a human and just brushed off to the side so therefore Adam "created" her (created a name and image/status of her). But that's unlikely, I don't they would be that smart lmao.
Personality wise, they both have anger issues. Pilot Vaggie and show Valentino are more alike but show Vaggie is still somewhat spicy. They also both have hot voices, sorry not sorry, like fuck Val (not literally) but his voice is BAZINGA 😍 and I'm a simp for Stephanie Beatriz. I'm a simple gal.
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Design wise they have rare commonalities. They are both heavily red but thats everyone in the show it make my eyes bleed. But. A weird thing someone pointed out in a slideshow on tiktok is that show Valentino has white stripes on his hips. Me personally I'm not sure what to think about it really. Like I mean it IS a new detail that spawned AFTER the pilot and it is like... on the EXACT place. But like, it's such a weird thing to include when it's such a common pose yknow?
Also the X's on the boobs are so sensual I cannot be the only one. And ykno Val is the king of sensual (🤮)
Maybe you could be asking, "if Val and Vaggie r connected jst because they are moth demons then that jst means that anyone that are the same species are somehow tied to eachother huh? 🤓" like Angel Dust and Zestial. But what I think differs from that is the fact these two have actual big similarities apart from jst the fact they are moths. Like what I just explained, personality, design, both speak Spanish. While Angel Dust and Zestial are only just both spiders. Angel's reason for being a spider is due to the ykno, "web of crime" thing. And Zesty man? Idk he probably got bit and fucking died by a poisonous spider. I mean, health shit wasn't exactly great back in his ye olde time.
For Val and Vaggie we have NO idea why they are moths
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But I did find this! From google AI.....? (I didn't even know that was a thing..) but, I think it's true. It explains the dynamic with Angel alot and I think that's an interesting detail.
Which could also apply to Vaggie because of her hyper-dependency on Charlie.
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Plus this fits Vaggie so. SO much. If my theory that Vaggie just disguised herself as a moth to blend in then that would be a good connection to the entire moth motif. Love, I don't even need to explain.
It can fit Val too if you think abt the disguise part a bit. Like he disguises himself as this charming and calming figure to avoid suspicion and lure victims... fucking creepy 🤮
Also in Vaggie's past designs she was more moth.
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Here is like. ONE image I could find that wasn't too blurry. Like I wouldn't say it's heavy moth but I think if you asked me what insect she was based off I would guess moth in like a few minutes. The colors being dark, the fluffy legwarmers. Yum, that's a mothy. (THIS DESIGN YHO KINDA PISSES ME OFF. WHY IS THERE THE FEMALE SIGN OK HER SHIRY I THOUGHT SHE WAS STRAIGHT IN THIS VER??? also str8 vaggie scares me don't ever bring up that thing around me. They are NOT the same. #notmyvagina)
From what I know there aren't any previous old beta designs of Valentino, so he was likely made for the show specifically.
Overall, they are both sexy Spanish speakers who are moth demons, in the same show, oddly specific connected design choices, and have some anger issues.
Oh also they both hate Angel Dust 💜
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zachfoxx121 · 2 months
Okay so I really really really like Russell Adler
Here are some of my favourite headcannons for him. (Featuring other cold war characters)
Alright so first up is his past!! Bro was born in 1937, between WW1 and WW2. He knows both German and Russian, so I like to think either his mom or dad (hell, maybe both) are immigrants from around those areas of Europe. To push that, his file doesn't say where he was born, just the date he was born. And a language is arguably easier learned if its in a household than in a book. Pronunciation and all that. Maybe his parents/one of them were Jewish too, and thats why they immigrated to the USA? It's also debatable if he was even born in the USA, since as I before mentioned, his birthplace isn't filed.
This headcannon is kinda borrowed, I cant remember who I original saw say it, but due to Adler's scar he has trouble/can't smile. It happened after 1968, but before 1981. When you ask him how he got his scar, he doesn't give a truthful answer, like Parks had said. "Oh I had trouble with a girl," "missed and fell," or "a tiger got me." My biggest guess, just from how it looks like a shrapnel wound, is its probably embarrassing. I like to think it was from a mine, maybe even a helicopter accident. But due to its position, it mightve damaged some facial muscles, and makes it hard to upturn a side/both sides of his lips. With scars, depending on how deep, nerve endings get fucked up and make it hard to move certain muscles, yknow?
This ones a bit silly, and has to do with Bell (I always play Bell as male, so sorry if I say "he" instead of "they" as their pronoun.) because I'm such a sucker for their relationship. Since Bell just kinda gets dumped on him, and their about the same build/height, I like to imagine he just dumps all his old/unwanted clothes into Bell's closet. In his file people he works with have described him as fashionable, and I don't know how good he gets paid, so he might go through clothes pretty fast to keep up with the times.
(Also for fem Bell, I imagine it's the same as this but with Park's old/unwanted clothes.)
Building on that, hes probably fashionable so wherever he is he doesn't seem out of place. With his scar it may be a bit difficult to blend in, but if he wears stylish enough clothes thats probably what grabs people attention more. "That guy had such a nice jacket," "did you see his shoes?" Even the difference between his '81 look and his new '91 do good to show his ability to keep up with fashion.
This headcannon is a bit more for Bell, but depending on which occupation you give them (CIA, MI6, ex-KGB) I like to imagine thats the accent they have post brainwash. With CIA, he has Adler's accent, and MI6 he copies Park's. With ex-KGB just a russian accent, which would probably be more realistic since it can be difficult to literally change an accent, but bro was experimented on so much it could have!!
I mention Adler in that because I like thinking of Bell saying a word and everyone being like "why'd they say it like Adler", because even in the USA theres so many accents!! Like even Mason and Woods have slightly different accents, especially if you think about the og voices in bo1.
This headcannon is a bit sad (and a big spoiler for the end of the "Good Ending"). After Adler shoots Bell, I think he stayed to make sure Bell was really dead. To make sure they bled out. In that though, I think he let Bell have one of his cigs, even smoked with him while he died. "Least I can do for you, kid." He didn't let Bell die alone. I really think it was hard for him to kill Bell, but he just had to shut the feeling down because it was (most likely) an order. Even though its probably more likely he shot Bell in the head, better than Arash did.
Anywho thats all I feel like typing out rn have fun with these some of them are constantly playing in my head!!!! :)))
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sunnyfoxsstuff · 27 days
Hello! Hi! Im quite happy tonight lol between @shadowfuka here's the draw of Ghost shi qingxuan!
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Be the judge buddy >;p i hope y'all like this little Fanart i made of my own fanfic! With that imma hop onto the fanfic!
Chapter 4: meeting again
Xie lian, hua cheng and shi qingxuan all shared their deserved diner
After this they went to sleep, hua cheng and xie lian sharing the same bed again it obviously became an habit while on the other hand shi qingxuan was in the guest room however he could not find sleep imediatly so he stared mostly outside looking at the nature around and falling asleep beside's the stair's of the front of puqi shrine,
In the morning the Sun ray's woked shi qingxuan up he wasnt really hungry but he decided to prepare breakfast for xie lian and hua cheng he wasnt expecting any special reaction about it from hua cheng he was more doing it for his friend as a part of pay back for his past help he had offered, not too long After xie lian woke up walking toward's the kitchen to shi qingxuan
XL:"i could've made breakfast y'know you dont need to work or do chore's around" he said feeling a bit awkward
SQX:"pff-" waving his hand "dont worry about it and i wanted to Cook breakfast since you two were still asleep i didnt wanted to bother" he said smiling looking for a minute at his friend before putting his attention back on the food he was cooking
XL:"how-..how does it feel?"
SQX:"huh?" Confused by the question his Friend had just asked
XL:"like uh- yknow? Dying and being a Ghost like- how did it felt? How do you feel?" He said smiling awkwardly
SQX:"since when did you figure it out? But i suppose i cant really hide it well yet, and didnt you asked hua cheng that? He's a Ghost even better he's a Ghost king" he say's joyfull as his usual self extending his arm's up making dramatising gestures
XL:"no i didnt asked him i usually dont it feel's kind of awkward and personnal to Ask someone 'bout their death" fidgeting with his finger's looking down a little
SQX:"hm well i suppose i could tell you, however my death wasnt really tragic unlike other people's that either die saving someone or on war or protecting someone you should know you said it yourself that i was sick gotta admit it felt like torture staying back there sitting and not being able to properly digest my food like literally! I couldnt even move!" He say's a bit annoyed about it "i was already slow because of my limbs which by the way dont really hurt anymore cant deny the pain is still a tiny bit present i dont know why or how so i keep the bandage's just incase who know's but as for my death, first my injuries were pretty Bad and barely had even healed of course and seccond i suppose the illness got me.." he said pausing for minute
A silence fell for a little while, while these minute's xie lian was preparing the bowl's for their breakfast seeing that shi qingxuan was almost done
XL:"i wish i had came back and picked you up" he said with a sad tone
SQX:"naaaa! I didnt even feel my death i just closed my eye's one morning After waking up and..poof! I was a soul!" He say's with a brighter tone bringing the rice and putting some in each bowl's not really filling his enough
XL:"sooo you didnt feel anything?" Tilting his head
SQX"nope! Not even a pinch!" Saying proudly putting the vegetables on the rice with an omelette
XL:"why did you became a Ghost then? You're not one to want vengeance and your brother is-" he shutted his mouth before saying one more word
SQX:"yeah well i thought i would pass on After all there was nothing else to do but,.." he paused thinking about that moment for a minute until he got snapped out of his thought's
XL:"but?" He said looking at shi qingxuan who's smile had wore off because of his thought's
SQX:"i saw a black silhouette looking at me with golden eye's" he say's seriously "you're probably thinking i imagined it but i didnt" he stopped seeing xie lian wanting to speak and without loosing a second he exclaimed what he was thinking
XL:"wait! So you're saying, black water sinking ship"
XL:"the one that traumatised you and killed your brother!," he exclaimed louder
SQX:"yeeesssssss i mean my brother was kinda going insane obviously but i still love him of course he'll always stay my ge'" he answered
XL:"why would that one person Come see you it's odd" he paused thinking with his usual thinking pose while hearing hua cheng waking and sitting at the table too and shi qingxuan starting to munch on his food
HC:"it doesnt look like what you usually Cook gege" he said looking at xie lian snapping him out of his hard thinking
XL:"oh!- yes, that's because i didnt made it shi qingxuan did he didnt wanted to bother us since he woke up before us" smiling at hua cheng finally taking the bowl and eating it without any more word's hua cheng on the other hand looked like a kid a picky eater toying a bit with his vegetables even so he still ate a little bit of it since xie lian seemed to appreciate the food
However soon enough hua cheng felt a stare and looked in the direction of shi qingxuan raising an eyebrow looking at his bowl seeing that he was empty, he tried to ignore the stare of this..New ghost but he couldnt shake it off and put down his chopsticks turning his head to shi qingxuan which had now a side smile and he started glaring back, not giving up shi qingxuan continued his stare and with that they continued their stare glare fight while sometimes breaking it to answer xie lian
In the morning shi qingxuan went off in the forest wanting to explore while hua cheng insisted that xie lian stay's and pass Time together, soon the afternoon came shi qingxuan was coming back while hua cheng was displeased with the presence of a so said 'ghost king' he looked more like a angry fish to hua cheng's eye's, xie lian however tried to make him at home but he'd refuse to enter puqi shrine as to not get more debt from hua cheng
Hua cheng and he xuan were kinda bickering seeing who would Snap at who first like a competition, when suddenly someone got Heard from a far sounding like as if they were running back
SQX:"your highness look what i got!-" he'd exclaim happily to then stop straight infront the three of them seeing he xuan up close again made him feel, fear, with a mix of a bit of happiness and didnt quite know how to act
Xie lian came toward's his friend continuing his talk "what is it what you got?" He answered as if to change his thought's
Shi qingxuan looked at xie lian for a little and then openned outer robe a bit a little white bird peeking his head out
XL:"he look's adorable! You shouldnt take animal's like that though he's a wild bird!"
SQX:"i do what i want" saying proudly "beside's he's the one that came on my shoulder he was cold so i putted him in there" petting the bird's head
He xuan just observed he didnt know why hua cheng asked him to come and seeing qingxuan standing right there wasnt feeling right, he was sure to have seen him die that day, that morning
Suddenly hua cheng coughed a little bit only to bring the attention to him "he xuan i asked you to come because thi- his highness's 'friend'. Wanted to see you dont make me do it twice." He said with a strict tone grabbing xie lian bringing him inside not wanting to deal anymore with these two he had already beared shi qingxuan's presence long enough he had even dared to cook breakfast instead of his highness saying that he was pissed would be an understatement
Both of the ghost's stared at the door that had been slammed shut right infront their nose, they both felt awkward not knowing how to start the conversation something qingxuan was usually good at, for once he xuan started talking first
HX:"so you're not dead?" Talking with the same monotone tone as before
SQX:"actually- i am-" he answered awkwardly fidgeting with his finger's
HX:"qingxuan" he sighed crossing his arm's "why are you here dont tell me it was to see me because as far as i can tell your body is against being near me." He said coldly not looking away
and he wasnt wrong qingxuan's hand's were horribly shaking he still tried to hide it by putting his hand's behind his back and smile a forcefull smile he didnt know why he couldnt just smile right now, "well i thooought we could probably start over? Our friendship, i wanna get to know you" he exclaimed with a bit of a shaky voice
HX:"sure." Still cold still monotone no change's "but i dont recall you having a home"
SQX:"i'll build my own house we could share it!-" he said determined and bold while the bird flew off back into the wild where he belong
He xuan take a sigh before walking off with an instant shi qingxuan was right behind him following
SQX:"he xuan where are you goooiiiiing!? Wait for me!" His bad leg betraying right on that moment falling face flat down on the dirt
He xuan stopped and looked back amused at the sight but keeping a neutral face, walking back toward him handing out a hand as to help him get up shi qingxuan accepted the help of course a bit embarrassed about falling down like toddler that barely knew how to walk
HX:"your leg isnt healed isnt it?" Looking down at the Bad leg that qingxuan was keeping up
SQX:"uhm, well it depend on the time sometime's it does hurt sometime's it doesnt" he answered to then saying lowly "i didnt thought it would hurt right now, its embarrassing it was fine until now"
HX:"you Can walk or do you need a stick?" He raised an eyebrow looking at him
SQX:"i'd rather die than keep a walking stick by my side!" He exclaimed with a pouting face
HX:"..you are already dead idiot" slapping gently qingxuan's back head
After a little while of fighting and chatting which was as usual only qingxuan talking he xuan made a teleportation array to a nice spot and offered qingxuan to live in a small but big enough house that had been abandonned there,
He wasnt much of a builder so he agreed and so their journey together started.
Imma stop here i feel like i wrote longer than usual! However i loved writing this chapter my creativity just kept flowing lol x)
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urlocaldesertdweller · 2 months
Venture X GN! (Dyslexic) Reader
WOWIE! im celebrating 250 likes with another fic for u lovely people!!! (this is for every spelling and grammar mistake I make with nearly every post :,))
Sloan would either be surprised to find out that you were dyslexic or they would see it from a mile away, it would mainly depend on how severe your symptoms are and how common they are whenever you are interacting with Sloan!
They would definitely think it's odd at first with how many mistakes you would make if the two of you were making casual conversations. But soon enough they would see more signs.
-I just drank some inspired milk
-...Was it inspiring.?
If you were assigned to read some mission logs for the team you would either slow down or speed up and stumble over words until it's nothing but gibberish...
Even if you were told to charge in a certain direction you would have to stop for a moment to either think or even do the hand check with the left making the L... (they thinks its kinda cute but the situation and urgency will vary of course)
Returning to base they realized that they had never seen your hand writing. And if they were to look back into documents where you had to fill out information. They would keep a secret of how awful and messy your writing is, of course, they also think it only adds to your character!!
Eventually, they find the time to ask if you have Dyslexia, you most likely were probably not diagnosed with the confusion on your face when they ask. So they would have to be the one to tell you and ask to get diagnosed. When they tell you it honestly adds relief since you always felt less smart for the longest of times it became a bit of an insecurity of yours.
Shortly after being tested, you were soon confirmed and officially diagnosed with dyslexia. Considering Overwatch's form of work, you didn't really feel all that worried other than getting embarrassed from time to time when you have those moments of your condition hitting during work hours...
But be afraid not! Sloan is there to support and be there for you!!!! When you were finally diagnosed they felt a weight being lifted off of their shoulders with seeing you finally understand these odd and frustrating moments in your life.
You know that some heroes will have certain voice lines after respawning.? Yeah, you fumble even those too. And when Sloan is there they can't help but correct you which ends in a small cute moment between you two!
"Well if they are going to play dirty, then I'm just going have to play dirtierer!"
"...Baby. It's just "dirtier"."
"Well, I'm just going to have to play dirtier!"
"Ugh my head throbs after that one..."
"More than you having to read mission logs out loud.?"
"...Shut your fat mouth."
Or even during your free time when you spend time together Sloan cant help by being fascinated by when you forget certain words and you think of something on the spot to replace that word.
"Sloan I found this really cool shirt do you know where the...um the..."
"The what.?"
"Yknow! Um...damn.. The wear station!! You know what im talking about!"
"Pft-! You mean the trying rooms.?!"
"YES!!! That's exactly what I mean Sloan! ...Stop laughing!!!"
"Oh god..! But wear station...you said wear station!"
Throughout time they watch you grow into a happier and more confident person! Even after you make some of the biggest mistakes you can walk it off and stay on track.! This is what they love and admire about you. Not with how special or different you are but with how strong you have proven to be!
In time they even get to see you write more in your messy but unique style...even if it's unreachable to most it makes them feel full of happiness for you being able to stretch out of your own comfort zone.
Of course, there are still some silly moments on the occasion. Imagine you are training your arm strength with pull ups this happens...
"Hows my form.?"
"It looks good! ...Actually can you move your left hand to the side.?"
Then for a moment, you dont remember and what you thought was the smartest idea to check was the L hand check. Then you let go falling to the ground as you do the check as Sloan panics to reach out and grab you, which they do for you. <3
"WOAH! Woah woah what are you doing?!"
They are at first pissed at why you suddenly let go but when you explain what you were doing their face soften and they break in laughter making you realize and also laugh with them.
Or when for some reason someone puts you of all people in charge of right the documents for a mission... Sloan being your grace helps you spell check it it isn't long to find the first mistake.
"Mission log... "Ligahn" tower."
"Sweetie, who made you do this.?"
"...Santa, I MEAN SATAN! Whoever made me do this is literal Satan."
"...I love you so much."
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skeletood · 5 months
PLEASE please please tell us all about your thoughts regarding davesprite. it does NOT HAVE TO BE COHERENT!!
I mean, it's nothing insane or hasn't already been said before. but god damn the knight making the ultimate sacrafice thing and then it never going appreciated fucks me up. plus it's fucking dave so the dude already spent his life under appreciated so this kid cant catch a fucking break. somebody i was talking to the other day said something about the guardian angel going thankless ? yeah dude imagine doing that when ur 13 and just want yourself and your only friends to live. fucks me right up dude dave is such a good fucking person to his core.
SO FUCKING MAD HE DIDN'T GET LIKE. Idk man i felt like he was actually getting set up for a lot more. like yknow, the dude that had to give up everything for the alpha timeline to keep going? he just gets shit on by his best friend for three years, explodes sometimes and then idk fuckin turned into a cat girl? THAT'S how you one let one of the most important daves to go out?? man... ok i guess..... i guess it is something of a reminder of like. the futility and how little the dead players mean to the alpha timeline. like, you were important but you're still just some stepping stone and i cant even imagine how hard that is for the dude who already doubted he could he anything great or heroic. FUCKING DAVES NOT THINKING THEYRE HEROIC AND THEN SACRAFICING THEMSELVES HEROICALLY. I want you dead dave strider im coming to your fucking house to get you man. i love this stupid kid. like most of davesprites reactions are so fucking normal for a kid that's lashing out or throwing a tantrum. and dude deserves to oh my god. not saying that hes infallible but like! he's a person still! and he has big emotions! why cant anybody but jade see the big emotions in this boy :( i mean i get it they technically both share the commonality of being a sprite at some point, in jades case. ok if i keep going down this thought path im its going to turn into a me shaking john around for being the kind of dude he is. which is like. i love him. but holy shit man.
actually. yknow what im one of the johndave guys. this extends itself to johndavesprite. i gotta put the insane ramblings i had in here too. fuck you im taking it as an excuse to talk about john psychology too and you CAN'T STOP ME.
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so yeah theres that. apolocheese for the itty bittiest fuckin text ever.
in conclusion, davesprite rules, and john drools because hes dumb. i love him! but hes so special and especially stupid. BUT YEAH DAVESPRITE HES SO COOL. and fuckin fun to draw too actually i have some art to post i'll do that here in a sec
BUT YEAH THANKS FOR THE ASKING OF MY THOUGHTS. glad i dont have to be coherent either, shockingly enough its not really my style lmao. hope any of this made any sense o7
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fictionfixations · 2 months
can i just say
you know those transmigrater(?) grator?? i odnt. i dont know the terms for this man
but you know the the the. transmigrates into usually the villain kinda stories?
you know whats my favorite for that kinda stuff? where we were the actual character all along (i think its.. regressor...? ??? either going back into your past as yourself or living another life and then backtracking to a past life of yours that being of generally the villain? idont know if thats what it actually means)
ive also never seen it but i just. think its really cool. and i like reading fics where theyre the same person
in the same way i like it when they have motives. let me be clear, ive NEVER seen the source material so i have no idea whats canon and whats not
but you know what id like to think is canon? shen jiu being a former slave and being super bitter at the world for being very cruel and thats why hes an asshole in like. book canon.(? canon. of. the book. ..in the story.? i think the the the book in that one is like Proud Immortal Demon Way...? IDK man)
or like like. og cale henituse acting like trash because he cares about his siblings and doesnt want negative attention on them also dont know if thats canon. but yknow what? thats my canon
now about time travel in general since it kind of relates, romance is always iffy because its like you know everything that'll make this person fall in love with you. or like, theres an age gap now, and it might not bother them but its not like they know. i know. (its worse if youre like back in your teenage years while youre already an adult cause at that point it feels a little gross)
its that sort of discrepancy(?)
so like. i dont like that there needed to be an entirely new person to be in that body to make change or do things for the better or make everyone like that person
it feels like a cop out.
and also people believing that that person suddenly changed for the better when they arent that person at all???
which. ow.
maybe thats my bad. maybe im secretly an apologist for them, idk, maybe im projecting
but like idk man. the world telling you youre not enough so someone else ends up in your body and then fixes literally every issue in the world (and everyone liking this 'version' of you better). like ow me heart
in all fairness the og's wouldn't have knowledge of the book they're living in??? which is why the transmigrator can do so much
but. THUS. new life AS the transmigrator, then regressing(?) back into their past life with that new knowledge. and probably character growth cause maybe they experience what being loved is like (familial. imagine how cruel itd be to have a lover then one day waking up in a past life of yours that you can only associate as cruel and punishing, and you genuinely cant be sure if that person was made up or not. like was it just a dream? also 'oh god the people i thought mightve been dead are alive')
tbh though it might be because while op time traveling shenanigans (or anything in between) is cool with me, i also like the angsty time travel of 'when i look at them, i keep seeing their dead faces'
of 'how do you know this' (accusatory, 'are you a traitor?')
of also grudges and stuff
but also. more character growth refacing trauma theyve faced before
also maybe probably very much selfish because they kindaa probably just wanna protect their family and will do anything to do so (and thus embrace the 'villain' part that people think of them as)
i dont know if im making sense anymore
now LET ME BE CLEAR i dont like that shen jiu hit his students and shit and was a huge asshole and its not going to suddenly go away. but. its acknowledging what you did wrong, making up for it, but knowing that it'll still stay there. that he still did it even if he deeply regrets it and even if everyone forgives him. because i really dont know in what situation itd be okay to be hit? and also that hopefully hes not that person anymore, but that he wont hide it and will own up to it as a thing he did and shouldnt have done.
anyway i dont know what og cale did besides act like trash but its either the fics im reading are downplaying it or like. thats really it. i have no clue. but still the same thing. if he did some horrible thing, ABOVE.
i just like redemption. and revenge stories. and character growth-ing.
and maybe thats on me for liking villain-ish characters. (im saying villain-ish though because supposedly og cale didnt play a huge part in the book? ....Birth of a Hero...?????? like he just happened, got beat up, and dipped? i think? thats what ive heard anyway. so i dont know if he really counts as one since like uh. white star.????????? ????)
anyway uh thought dump over
feel free to correct me in comments i like learning about things
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edible-star-soup · 10 months
“how can i feel so much love for everyone around me but its not romantic”
“How can I feel so much for people but every time I think it’s romantic I don’t actually like them and I’m just delusional”
“Yours must suck so bad. I can’t even imagine loving and feeling things for people but it never being romantic. I do like people on the infatuation level sometimes but because I analyze them so in depth there’s always something that icks me out. I don’t think I’ve ever really loved someone tho. I’m a firm believer in if you loved them you wouldn’t fall out of love with them. You can move on, but you’ll always love them.”
“we are so different”
“just our beliefs and experiences”
“maybe you need to stop analyzing things that are only there for you, see what theyre showing, instead of what you think you see”
“No I analyze what they’re showing. Cause when you ignore your instincts that’s when you get hurt.”
“i dont go like psycho crazy in depth like learn their every aspect to analyze them. Just like the orange peel theory”
“the what?”
“You ask them if they’ll peel an orange for you, If they say yes, even if with hesitation, it shows that they will put effort in. If they straight up say no or make excuses, it shows they don’t wanna put effort in because that’s your job. Anyways I don’t know how to explain my thinking but like I don’t analyze everything. Like ofc there’s people that are date material I just don’t like them. Cause everyone has mistakes so yknow. It’s not like every little mistake or imperfection matters but”
“ill never get you”
“ill never get me either. Maybe i should just mess around and have fun kissing everybody like you do”
“idk man i guess i just feel like maybe im falling behind, i feel so much for so many people and i want to love them like a lover would and make them feel happy like a lover would, and i feel bad knowing that everyone will always have someone that will make them happier than i do. no matter what i do about it, i cant love them like they want. and its worse because someone will put into words all they want in someone to love and ill be everything they list but i just, cant love them”
“no because i feel romance i fall in love with everything around me all the time and i know what its like to want and to love and be loved but its just not a romance like how others perceive it. i have so much feeling for absolutely everything, but its just not what somebody wants to be with, because i cant love them like they want, but i do.”
“I don’t know how to explain how I feel, I like people and there are people that I would date if given a chance but I don’t like them. I don’t desire to be with anyone but I crave romance. I don’t like people very often but on occasion I do, But I don’t wanna do anything about it because I’d rather sit with my feelings than lose that one ray of hope”
“oh my god were different”
“yeah were different”
“i think everytime we talk personally we get more and more different, or just find more differences”
“Like there’s nobody I want romantically but I WANT a love life. And when I do want someone I can’t do anything about it cause the only time I feel human is when I like someone and I don’t like not feeling human. i just float around. like a damn jellyfish. But when I like someone I feel like I exist. So I can’t do anything about it because if and when they say they don’t like me back they’ll disappear and I’ll be inhuman again. i dont know how to explain it better than that. i just want to feel man. Like ofc I occasionally feel real. But most things just don’t feel real at all.”
“i promise theres more humanity in you than just your feelings for others, if that helps”
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butchtwelfthdoctor · 3 months
i got peer reviewed on this post by @pikechris (sorry for the tag hope you dont mind) but still had way more thoughts hehe anyways i was gonna leave tags but it got pretty long sooo those tags and the rest of my Thoughts under the cut cos damn this did get really really long
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i looked in the replies of that post & people you're not getting it he didnt kiss rory with romantic feeling behind rory was just there and eleven got excited about something else and rory visibly looks weirded out afterwards. it was practically eleven kissing as stimming. like when he kissed jenny. it wasnt out of romantic feelings at all he knows madame vastra would kill him & he isnt interested he was just happy to be able to move after the crimson horror thingy. kissing rory was also played as a joke it was a funny haha yknow. i also dont remember eleven kissing the james corden character but like whatever i cant imagine that being meaningful in any way either.
OH in the same way that nardole having a crush on twelve (canon btw nardole practically says as much is played as a joke. like with the post i mention above, like thats played as a joke because can you imagine the cool very beautiful twelfth doctor having romantic or sexual feelings towards nardole, who is literally, as missy puts it, comic relief? i dont think that its queer is a part of that but idk it might be.
but in any case. the doctor hasnt kissed or been kissed by a man with romantic intent onscreen since 2005. we COULD have had a thirteen and yaz kiss but we didnt which is i think why? people forget? about them? doctor was confimred queer she had lesbian attraction but nothing really. happened about it. so yeah. also apparently a lot of people didnt watch thirteen like cmonnnnnnnnnnn it really isnt as bad as people make it out to be.
twelve kissed missy who was probably the only person he would have kissed at that point. he's horrified when she kisses him before he knows who she is but then the very next episode he kisses her in a... if not exactly romantic a very emotionally charged way. and she knows that. we dont see them kiss again even as their relationship grows more and more romantically inclined (which i actually support any amount of canon thoschei conventional romance would probably be. bad and kill the appeal immediately) because like i said. she turns every dead body on earth into a cyberman then lies about where gallifrey is then fakes her own death then tries to get the doctor to kill clara then he leaves her on skaro iirc then he is supposed to kill her but doesnt and instead locks her in a vault for ~70 years but its okay cos they have takeaway food in there together sometimes. and then world enough and time / the doctor falls happens which i cant even start talking about or i'll never stop & thirteen was 1) aroace and 2) too emotionally repressed to even get close to kissing Anyone, let alone the master after all the timeless child stuff, even though she probably?? wanted to kiss yaz?? a bit??? at least?? yaz wanted to kiss her but there was too much emotional repression going on on both sides but mainly the doctor Which Brings Me To My Point.
Fifteen is the most, shall we say, flirty doctor we've had for a while, and Ncuti is also the first openly queer actor to play the doctor on tv, and while of course everyone on tumblr is Very familiar with all of the ways the doctor is queer (and neurodivergent) without any need for the show to specifically say so, it is really really great that a) the doctor is played by a gay actor b) there are more queer characters and c) we got an actual episode where The Doctor Is Gay With A Man. especially after the. somewhat odd. way yaz & thirteen's relationship was dealt with at the end of thirteen's run, which even though was a queer relationship was like....... not really. shown. they just talked about it. and had icecream. okayyy i guesssssssssss
BUt NOW fifteen gets an entire episode where his mutual attraction to another male character (assuming the doctor is actually a man, pretty sure i read somewhere Ncuti was he/they-ing the doctor but he might have meant the doctor in general, not just fifteen) is a Main Focus of the episode. its the main tension, the main drama, the main interest - you pretty much know from the 'okay we'll teleport the chuldur away' that thats whats going to happen, and i for one went 'oh my god rouge is going to get teleported' from the moment the doctor fixed it to carry six. the Main Focus is now their flirting, their dynamic, the way Those Two Interact, their almost kiss (which the doctor was so ready to duck out of as soon at the thing beeped, but you can tell by the look on rouge's face that he's for sure trying that again later). the doctor showing actual episode-arc spanning romantic interest in a character, let alone a specifically queer one... that doesnt happen a lot.
(the girl in the fireplace has a lot of superficial similarities, though you could also argue that madame de pompadour was far more romantically into ten than he was into her. thirteen's characteristically very awkward attempt at flirting towards yaz in the sea devils special didnt have nearly as much focus on it)
but really the point is the doctor was kissed! for the first time on tv in ten years!!!! and it was a queer kiss!! and that romance was The Major Part of the episode!! the doctor doctorwho was gay kissing a man on out television screens after a genuinely quite good build up!!!!!!!!!!! it would of of course be amazing if rouge makes another appearance (i think he will, most likely in a later season instead of the next 2 eps), and even better if we had a longer arc of that romance, but we got it!!! actual canonical queer romance for the doctor!! their first canon kiss in like at least a couple hundred years of their life, and while i am an aspec doctor who believer there are 100% time when he feels attraction and this was for sure one if them. and it was really beautiful & emotional & the flirting was fun & rouge was a good character & their dynamic was really good and yay!!!!
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sorry to keep sending you asks about songs that remind me of sorry it's locked but pup by nep is so Jay coded
you are so fucking right oh my god. one just, this song is so fun but like? the way it starts out kinda sad and soft sounding and then at the end just changes to being really loud and angry and jarring. Like, that's SO jay. like, a lot of the time at least in Uni he's sad and just kinda mopey about his and Alex's relationship, right? Like "i want you to scold me just to hear you speak" and "i would wait for you like a dog, like a puppy wanting more attention from you" that LITERALLY so perfect. he's a lost puppy chasing after Alex.
but every now and again something like, flips a switch in his head and he just gets like, ridiculously angry and can't think straight, all he wants to do is hurt alex in some way, to like 'make him feel how he makes me feel' right? And he just lashes out and does things impulsively that he'll 100% regret later, but sometimes he just can't stop himself doing it. like, he's just so angry and hurt and everything that all he can think about is getting his own back, or like, making people feel sorry for him or whatever.
and in the end he always regrets it hugely and wishes he hadn't done it or that he could take it back somehow, but he cant and he wishes he could be more in control of his anger, but by the time his anger gets to that impulsive 'i just need to hurt him!!!' stage its like, idk it's like so beyond anger, yknow? like, it's just this all encompassing thing and he feels like he has basically no control over it. it's an entirely separate entity from himself and it just uses him as a vessel to like, release itself on the world?
does that make sense lmfao? probably not.
basically jay gets so angry his anger doesn't feel like it belongs to him, he feels like he belongs to it and he can't stop it doing whatever it wants. yknow? Like, hatred isn't even nearly close to what he feels for Alex when he's that angry. yknow?
damnit now i'm imagining what'd happen if Jay got that angry at Tim. cos like. he's not magically fixed by being with Tim. he'd 100% get that angry with him eventually. like i'm sure it'd take a while, like, you know that "honeymoon phase" or whatever. Jay would think like, 'oh hey look at me, i'm better now it was all Alex's fault i was that angry with him sometimes' and then he gets that angry with Tim and he has to either grapple with 'hey maybe the common denominator in all this is me' or 'well clearly this is all Tim's fault too'
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kozykricket · 7 months
PL Z-A rough thoughts
okayokay ill write some of my thoughts on PLZA, though this is very unorganized. and not even touching on the title really... besides Z and A being like. end and beginning. future and past.
so at first i assumed it'd be in the FUTURE instead of past (as did everyone) cus yknow, the blueprint style being all neon glowy... and also scarlet n violet setting up the idea of past present and future (though honestly i think ih ave more to write on how terapagos was kinda shafted and i really wanted more on imagination-born-creatures or timelines tbh, or even just more on what terastalizing even is) anyways, i mean. they're both hexagon related... zygarde n terapagos right, uh. what point in time will it be? well, with the amount of evidence ive seen for it being in the past, id say it makes far more sense to take place in the past. HOWEVER heres my crazy game theory: it'll take place in both. theres no way this will come true, but imagine: you are in the future or present of kalos, and lumiose city has ended up devastating the ecosystem, causing zygarde to be pissed because yknow, its whole thing is protecting threats to the ecosystem. and . balance and such so then you travel back in time to FIX the urban planning. you get yoinked to when lumiose city was being built into what it is in the modern day, and ... heres where it gets to Unlikely territory. the gameplay loop would consist of you hopping back and forth, seeing how your time in the past changing peoples minds and suggesting different more eco friendly designs for the redevelopment of the city... effects the future of the city! realistically though itll just be "you go in the past to stop zygarde from getting pissed. but because this is a game and there needs to be a threat, zygarde gets pissed anyway" either way itll definitely be like. surely itll be about "welp, the people designing the city got a bit overambitious and too human-centric, rather than a nice balance of humans and pokemon in mind... but, im genuinely really glad we're gonna get a game where zygarde can shine (and where kalos can shine) because they both got HEAVILY shafted (x2 and y2 canceled, presumably to make way for sun and moon for the 25th anniversary. or to be less predictable) so yknow zygarde just got slapped into alola for no reason really
and i think... the balance of people and pokemon living together in the early days of pokemon society is. obviously something that will tie into the ecosystem ofc
its. all very interesting
im curious what role zygarde will ultimately play though, because like. i thought giratina or arceus would be the main big thing in PLA, and didnt expect arceus to just kinda be guiding you
so i suppose zygarde could end up just being a Guide and you're helping it regain its power or basically filling its role...
id much prefer if we got to see zygarde doing its job, though. in a scary way.
really also wondering how xerneas or yveltal may fit in, considering life and death
my biggest reasoning for thinking we'll visit different time periods of lumiose is ... well, that the game takes place "entirely in lumiose city"
so yeah uhhh anything else im forgetting
honestly i cant really word what im tryna say about how the XYZ legends will fit into the story and what roles they'll play, but i essentially kinda hope it isnt too much of a repeat of PLA. i think zygarde shouldnt be a postgame activity, but rather at the Main Climax of the story. kinda bummed that you just get to choose dialga or palkia mysteriously being angry as the big climax in PLA
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organatwins · 1 year
exploding you with my mind tell me EVERYHGIN about your padawan ocs i need to hold them very gently in my hands like theyre those bagged goldfish you get at the fair. i need them in my hands to hold and sob over because thyere so fcute im gonig to scream.
WAUGHH THANKIES TYSM THIS IS SO KIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay so first before i go into this you haveto know theyre originally from an outline for a dinluke visual novel gamei started coding and never finished. heheh. the story was originally just about din settling into life with luke and the students while training with the darksaber, but the players choices and how they had din interacting with luke andthe children deteremined the ending.
the padawan children in this au were:
Alluria- a young pantoran girl with bright eyes and a brighter smile, shes very happy with her life on yavin IV and loves studying the force with her fellow padawans, though tends to be alittle air headed and unfocused in her excitment. she wants to be everyones friend! has trouble actually,,, making friends,,, comes off kind of too strong and too much and scares away the other students who are much more reserved than she is
Reina - the youngest baby my darling reina...a young rodian girl who was seperated from her family during imperial rule- and has entrusted masterskywalker with the very important mission of helping her find them (her brother has passed without her knowing, they were extremely close- her mother holds vigil for reina every night and prays for her safe return) and believes whole heartedlysomeday they will. she was extremely shy and soft spoken when she first came to lukes academy- but has since warmed up enough that her very caring and empathetic nature is begining to shine through,, luke thinks she will be a healer
Lylah - a sleepy (almost narcoleptic) twilek girl who has visionsof the future when she dreams- when the force decides shes ready fora vision, she is already fast asleep. luke has seemingly endless patience for her, as he cant imagine having the burden of the future onhisshoulders at such a young age. Lylah is very reserved . quiet and to herself, but not in an aloof way. i think she just knows she wont be awake very long and tries to conserve energy.
Ryo - the oldest and most troubled of all my girlies... came from a very rough home life where her use of the force was punished from a very early age, despite her not being able to control it. using the force scares her, soshe rarely joins the other padawans during training. stays back and tries not to make friends really, becus she feels like this only temporary . and hey, maybe shes right, yknow? lylah has been having visions of a dark force watching them... maybe ryo should be tho one to go investigate,, she doesnt think anyone would even notice she was gone..... the bare bones plot to this vn (since i will probably never go back to it): Din is visiting Grogu at the Jedi Praxeum for the first time; he has met up with Luke on outer rim planets quite a few times but he is the first parent to be allowed to know the location of the actual school. He does not take this lightly. He is introduced to a small handful of other students, as well as invited to stay as long as he likes and observe any of Grogus classes. He does not take this lightly either. Din sits in on as many classes as he can, both enthralled by luke and the desperately need to be as close to grogu as possible. Theres DEFINITELY a scene early on where din walks in on luke training by himself in the dagobah tank-esque look like a little sweaty,,, its a dating sim, fucking sue me. Anyways. Din starts noticing more and more about luke, starts falling in love, you KNOW, the usual, but conflict wise he also notices one of lukes older students seems very troubled… Din points this out to Luke, who has very much noticed and is worried about this students pull to the dark side. He asks Din to talk with the student, give them an outside perspective from quote “a good mans point of view.” Din is hesitant, but agrees for both Luke and his students sake. The student is further gone than Luke had thought, and lashes out at Din, then runs away. Luke is very worried, but also wants this student to have the time they need to let out their emotions on their own… he's just scared of crossing the line either way and not giving them enough or too much time… defos DEFOS a scene where luke cries about how practically raising these kids by himself is so scary and he doesnt know if he's cut out for it, while Din assures him that ofc he is and that he isnt alone. He gives Luke a keldabe kiss, assuming he doesnt know what it means (he does) and assures him that he will never be alone if he doesnt want to be… later, Luke asks Din to come with him; as he has sensed the student off planet and where Luke suspects a sith artifact to be. They battle the student turned sith; and their sith inquisitor “master”...  possible endings ensue.
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dyketubbo · 1 year
oh yeah i agree with the thing about ctubbo not getting angry about things around people. reminded me of a meta i wrote back when the nukes went missing. it has been like. two years. but here's some stuff from that i think still applies
"he has to be very loud about his weapons and very quiet about the things he loves" "but he also can’t be too bold about it. showing that you have powerful weapons is also a good way to get targeted, so he has to toe the line of either side to even exist peacefully."
"move on, don’t look back, never try to take revenge because if you do the pain will only come back tenfold."
and it's kind of interesting because that last one changed i think! i think he got a lot more jaded at the end and began being more and more reckless and stuff like going after sam goes against that. but i think it just shows that he couldn't afford to care anymore about his own safety along with everything else. it was tearing him apart
this switch really happened when cranboo died i think. ctubbo just stopped caring at all everything was a game to him because nothing was permanent and while god killed everything around him it wouldn't let him die. god that plot sucked so bad
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the revenge thing with ctubbo makes me hmmmmm so often because like. im a ctubbo kills cdream enjoyer but not out of revenge just out of the conclusion of how far ctubbo has gotten in terms of dropping morals for the sake of safety/self defense. so the way he got characterized as a big revenge enjoyer to me (esp with how it was encouraged by ctechno and ceret) just felt ehhhh to me yk. tubbo isnt a pushover but he isnt Aggressive. hostile towards sam in the moment of Getting Michael but i cant imagine him naturally gunning for putting him in the prison lol in my mind he would like.. very heavily focus on getting michael home and then building up defense. defense over offense and all
plus like. he would have learned from the festivals shit. hell he Did learn. he refused to execute ranboo because it wouldnt be fair. also i think him being suuuper against revenge after all that makes him a better foil to both quackity (active revenge enjoyer) and techno (hypocrite about getting revenge) . BUT YES REALLLL esp the loud about weapons but quiet about what he loves ougghhgh. yknow one thing that irks me is when people have ctubbo like casually reveal to people that hes married after its been established that yk. he and ranboo are truly just keeping it as secret as they pawsibly can. he wouldnt trust people with knowing about his family he didnt even mean to tell fundy
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lungthief · 10 months
not even bothering to ask on anon bc this is my calling card but I am DESPERATE to know your shivlisa headcanons
HI im so sorry it took me so long to respond to this ask, i promise i wasn’t ignoring it, i just have a long ass backstory framework i wrote for them lmao, here it is:
- shiv & lisa meet while shiv is in undergrad at yale and lisa is completing her law degree (and TAing one of shiv’s classes probably)
- start to hang out outside of class
- definitely friends, probably mutually attracted to each other at this point (i cant decide whether or not itd make more sense for them to start hooking up while still in college or if they wait until after when theyve reconnected) (shivs definitely at least Aware of the fact that she likes girls if she’s not already fucking them) (i feel like her brothers’ own dabbling in gay shit made her avoid confronting her feelings as much as possible bc she saw the consequences firsthand w/ what happened to roman and probably kendall also) (she’s so determined to not be the fuckup) (but the problem is that she is Very Much attracted to women) (maybe it’s a lady Gaga poker face moment where she goes out and fucks guys and thinks of girls while doing it)
- lisa graduates, goes to DC—shiv is still studying polisci but doesn’t really know what she wants to do
- all she knows is it makes her feel better to at least pretend to care about people and it makes staying out of the business look like her own choice instead of her dad and her brothers actively freezing her out
- shiv graduates, leans toward the left
- this sparks a big argument with her dad re: ATN or politics or something (probably ends up getting belittled by him & her brothers), which makes her decide to fully pursue being a political consultant for dems
- reconnects with lisa while trying to surround herself w/ libs in DC
- she & lisa start hooking up (despite the fact that lisa has a boyfriend) (i imagine this is also around the time kendall introduces shiv to nate so thats happening also)
- neither lisa nor shiv really acknowledge the whole Feelings part of their thing but it is definitely there (more so for shiv than for lisa, which shiv hates bc she hates caring about other people more than they care about her) (she’s Shiv Fucking Roy everyone should be worshipping her)
- meanwhile logan is still pissed at shiv for everything
- things are also not going well with nate, he either suspects or knows she’s cheating on him but she breaks up with him first to get out in front of it (he worships her but he’s also on her level which makes him dangerous anyway she’d rather just have a boyfriend who doesn’t challenge her like that) (she’s also just devoting so much of her time and energy to trying to figure out where she stands with lisa)
- lisa starts talking about getting engaged to the guy she’s seeing, tells shiv they have to break off their thing
- shiv is Heartbroken and jealous but won’t admit it
- she also has no one to fall back on bc she already broke things off with Nate
- so then lets it slip to someone that lisa fucks women (i don’t think she’d talk about their recent relationship, i think shiv would off-handedly allude to them having a relationship in college even if they didn’t “how do you know” “we went to college together. i know from experience” etc etc even if shes completely lying her ass off. this angle looks especially bad for lisa bc the whole TA/student thing)
- lisa’s boyfriend? fiance? catches wind of this, breaks up with lisa over the rumors
- lisa goes to shiv for comfort but shiv is super blasé abt the whole thing bc part of her wanted this to happen
- lisa gets suspicious of how this info even got out and shiv tries to just play it off as DC gossip but then (because shes in love with lisa still a little and wants to believe lisa loves her) is like “well. it’s already out there why not continue this we dont have to say that we’re dating or anything we can just. yknow. stay together” basically proposing they have an actual formal relationship even if it’s not public
- lisa is fucking pissed bc a) shiv just fucked up what was supposed to be Her Marriage and b) is like “is this some fucking ploy to get at your dad???” bc obviously shiv roy daughter of conservative media empire even just rumored to be dating a prominent Black female dem lawyer would be a Big fuck you to logan (i doubt shiv even really considered this angle bc she’s so involved in her own jealousy and feelings for Lisa) and it is a move that would also endear her to the dems and get her more important jobs (which is the whole reason she sought out lisa in dc in the first place even if not the Entire reason)
- shiv has no idea how to even respond to this she did not realize the consequences
- Lisa (rightfully!) tells her off about how she’s self involved and hypocritical for trying to appear empathetic when she doesn’t even think to consider the extent to which shiv’s pettiness would affect lisa as a woman and as a POC in the professional world and how even just associating with shiv makes her look and feel bad because shiv is heir to The Misogynistic Racism Factory
- Shiv Knows She Fucked Up Real Bad and attempts to explain that she did it all bc she loves lisa and she was jealous and lisa is like you are fucking delusional!!!! the two of us together would never work out even if we wanted it to (bc i do think there is part of lisa under all of the pragmatism that would want it to work out) and shiv is a mess at this point bc she hates feeling naive and lisa is basically confirming that she never was as In It as shiv was
- Shiv (miserable) is probably like “im sorry im sorry I’ll take care of it I’ll get PR to deal with it i just don’t want to lose you please let’s be friends let’s just put this all behind us okay” and lisa is like no actually I want nothing to fucking do with you you made a big fucking mess and now i have to clean it up
- And this whole fight and cutting lisa off is what Shiv becoming the mess that she and Tom reference later on and what eventually leads her to dating him
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resolvebound · 4 months
♡ romary !
Send me a ♡ plus a ship // Accepting
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wink wink
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙰𝚂𝙺𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙾𝚄𝚃 𝙵𝙸𝚁𝚂𝚃? they didn't have an eloquent 'will you go out with me' moment - no, instead they had an argument after Rogue took a hit for Mary and she was Not Happy about it, and it led to him revealing his true feelings about her with a big ol' smooch (i was rereading this thread last night, i adore them sm)
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚆𝙴𝙽𝚃 𝙸𝙽 𝙵𝙾𝚁 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙵𝙸𝚁𝚂𝚃 𝙺𝙸𝚂𝚂? as above, Rogue channeled his inner caveman, said "you're Mine" and laid one on her. She's not gonna let him forget it either.
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙶𝙸𝚅𝙴𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙾𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁 𝙽𝙸𝙲𝙺𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴𝚂? he has a very strange attachment to her name so just always calls her Mary. She, on the other hand, probably gives some teasing nicknames at times or maybe an endearment. i cant remember if we've discussed that before hmm
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙲𝙾𝙾𝙺𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙼𝙴𝙰𝙻𝚂? they would take turns or work together but Rogue does have this Strong Instinct to provide for her (a dragon habit of hunting/gathering for its partner/kin/clan) and it translates to him wanting to cook for her (in an excessive amount too).
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙷𝙰𝚂 𝙱𝙴𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝚃𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴 𝙸𝙽 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙸𝙲? Mary would have more Fun music, so i vote for her. (Rogue mostly uses music to relax/fall asleep)
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙷𝙾𝙶𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙳? neither really, because they're too busy being plastered to each other's sides
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚆𝙰𝙺𝙴𝚂 𝚄𝙿 𝙵𝙸𝚁𝚂𝚃? Rogue because he never sleeps jk but yeah
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙼𝙰𝙺𝙴𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙲𝙾𝙵𝙵𝙴𝙴? Rogue, since he's up already
𝚆𝙷𝙾'𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙸𝙶 𝚂𝙿𝙾𝙾𝙽? Rogue is all over her like a rash usually, but there are times when he gets all in his head about things and Mary cuddles into him Big Spoon style.
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚈𝚂 𝚄𝙿 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙻𝙰𝚃𝙴𝚂𝚃? Rogue and his chronic insomnia
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙲𝙷𝙴𝚂 𝙵𝙾𝚁 𝚆𝙷𝙾'𝚂 𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳? it's pretty equal but Rogue is a possessive/protective dragon man and would be all about keeping her close (plus she is a smol and must be looked after and not lost). Except yknow......the fact their relationship is Secret (for now) means they're not allowed to even Look at each other for too long
𝚆𝙷𝙾'𝚂 𝙰 𝙵𝙰𝙽 𝙾𝙵 𝙿𝙳𝙰? I think Mary would be Pleased to have Rogue showing her some public attention and she would want to show him some affection too (to show everyone that he's Hers), but even if they weren't Secret, she would be aware that he's a private type and that he would prefer to keep things like that between them. that being said, lowkey acts of affection would still be welcomed (when they're Not In a Secret Relationship), and you Know Rogue is pulling her away to steal a kiss sometimes. She also would be a Tease in public i feel. teheheh
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚂𝙽𝙾𝚁𝙴𝚂? neither, but sometimes Rogue makes a purry rumbly sound in his sleep if he's particularly At Peace
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙶𝙴𝚃𝚂 𝙰𝙽𝙽𝙾𝚈𝙴𝙳 𝙼𝙾𝚁𝙴 𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙸𝙻𝚈? it depends on the cause, but probably Rogue (at other people, not her)
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙸𝙽𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙰𝚃𝙴𝚂 𝚂𝙴𝚇? they both do. a Lot. but i'm going with Rogue as he is Insatiable when it comes to her. on the other hand, i think he does try restrain himself as to not 'bother' her, but she is quick to snap him out of it
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙰𝚂𝙺𝚂 𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙵𝙾𝚁 𝚃𝙷𝙴𝙸𝚁 𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝙸𝙽 𝙼𝙰𝚁𝚁𝙸𝙰𝙶𝙴? i dont think he cares too much about marriage but if its something she expresses an interest in, he would propose. ngl he would get a kick out of her being his wife tho (i can just imagine him growling at someone and the classic "that's My Wife" moment where he intimidates/smacks them away from her)
𝙼𝚈 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴'𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝚅𝙾𝚁𝙸𝚃𝙴 𝙼𝙴𝙼𝙾𝚁𝚈 𝙾𝙵 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁𝚂: he's a sap for her, so pretty much any moment with her is a fave (until the Breakup Era of course, in which thinking of her just brings Pain.). He's fond of times where she gets a bit flustered (revenge for times when she's flustered him of course), and any time where they rest peacefully together.
𝙰 𝚁𝙴𝙶𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝙼𝚈 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴 𝙷𝙰𝚂 𝚁𝙴𝙶𝙰𝚁𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁𝚂: that it took an argument for him to finally express his feelings for her. and of course that their Circumstances are far from ideal. also pls don't break up with him Mary
𝚃𝙷𝙴𝙸𝚁 𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴 𝙻𝙰𝙽��𝚄𝙰𝙶𝙴𝚂 𝙰𝙲𝙲𝙾𝚁𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚃𝙾 𝙼𝚈 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴: Physical touch and quality time for sure. They keep very close, very affectionate. They have limited time together, so they know to value it. They already valued their time together Before they became a couple, but its all the more precious now. Rogue is a man of few words, so he does tend to express himself more through touch and through gifts/acts, and Mary Gets this. By now, they've figured out how to read each other and communicate (mostly).
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I just finished season 4 and unlike with the others I didnt have a whole lot to say as a was watching, mainly because I was actually enjoying myself and thought the season was mostly really good ? absolutely wild. Nevertheless I have some thoughts
I LOVE Alya and Marinette working together, its a delight. When I talk about "man can you imagine if MLB did like a magical girl show and focused on female friendships instead of catfighting" THIS is what Im talking about!! And Idgaf about how this affects the Love Square at this point, this is all Ive wanted! Also, I feel like Alya and Nino knowing each others identities cheapens the Love Square conflict more than anything but I cant fully articulate why so I'll just leave it at that
The Love Square is in a very strange place where, when the identity reveal finally does happen, its simultaneously going to feel like its too little too late (a la the destiel confession bc this fucking show is just straight queerbaiting) and rushed because like. what kind of development is there between these two. They barely focused on romance this season (which is definitely part of why I think its better lol) but I dont mean that in the sense that we had less catfights and Marinette making a fool of herself for no reason, I mean that in the sense that it barely felt like they interacted at all, atleast to me so thats kinda odd
In the past Ive complained about how the civillian plotline usually feels very disconnected from the superhero/akuma plotline and I think theyve done a much better job, my favorite episode of the season is probably Qilin both for tying the akuma into the civillian plot and for having a somewhat unique conflict resolution. In general, I liked that we had people rejecting akumas as well as preventative measures in form of the charms, although I do think it sucks that a few episodes afterwards Shadowmoth just figures out a way to circumvent them and then its back to business as usual. I feel like a better workaround would be that the charms can only protect you from one akumatization each, so like, the charm Ladybug gave her grandfather in Simpleman can only protect him from becoming Simpleman again, but if he turns into Bakerix, she needs to give him a different charm. But I do find the charms cute
The new heroes all suck tbh, the only design I liked was Purple Tigress and Pigella came close to looking kinda good but then they made it this intensely unflattering shade of pink, which I find impressive because Rose is already wearing an completely different intensely unflattering shade of pink in her civillian form. One thing that I appreciated about whatever Mylenes superhero form is called, Pigella and Purple Tigress is that they had more justifiable reasons for Ladybug to pick them than most of the heroes in the last season, who were mostly just picked because They Were There ig. And then Penealteam rolled around and we were back to doing exactls that kind of bullshit. great.
Also, Ive already talked about this in a seperate post, but if they absolutely insisted on looking for a replacement for the Bee, it shouldve been Sabrina and they shouldntve invented a whole new character for it
Adrien got a little more focus this season and we actually got some insight into his character when hes not either The Object Of Marinettes Idolization or Ladybugs Punny Sidekick Thats Slowly Becoming Obsolete which I enjoyed because he has a lot of potential from a dramatic standpoint what with being Hawkmoths son and all, but hes usually so bland that I dont really care too much so this was pretty nice. And it only took us 4 seasons for him to get some focus, yknow, the other superhero in the title? Well better late than never I guess
Speaking of Adrien, Ive made quite a few posts where I said that this season would be ruined for me the second the Sentiadrien reveal happens but it never did, we're getting that in season 5 and I am not looking forward it especially considering the small taste Ive already gotten of it with Adrien being very obviously controlled by that ring. Like, I'll probably talk about it in more detail when it gets fleshed out in the show but for now I'll just say it doesnt make the stakes higher like the writers seem to think, it make the story wayyyy less interesting and it feels like its supposed to be an explanation for Adriens behaviour towards his father when we absolutely do not need one beyond "hes being abused"
I know I said that I thought this season was really good and now Im just just complaining mostly like I always do but idk, Im not as good at formulating my positive thoughts as my negative ones. The last thing I'll say is that I loved Scarabella and I loved her design and I loved the whole episode she was in, as well as the entirety of Sentibubbler, Alya really served this season
Thats it, thanks for reading :D
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