#this is fucekd up this is so fucked up
akinachiri · 2 years
fuck <- guy who just learned sys tags were a thing on pluralkit and then had to go through every registered member and remove our emoticon ([♞]) from the display names
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lycanstonebutch · 2 years
for the questions!! 16, 17, 58, 68!!
15. Do you have any of your own nudes on your phone right now? Yes i do,,, I have both some of mine and some of Sapphe's since we share a phone. AHAH ( I realized you asked me 16 17 but i already answered... so free bonus answer )
16. Do you have anyone else’s nudes on your phone right now? I feel like i try to avoid saving ppl's nudes bcuz it makes me feel creepy, i think ive never saved anyones nudes for any horny reasons ive only ever saved nudes art art references or to reference an OC? And i try to delete them afterwards AHAH
17. Do you have anyone from Tumblr’s nudes on your phone right now? FOR THE SAME REASONS AS ABOVE YES AND NO... I think i get way too scared of being creepy and if im ever like.... rlly rlly gay abt a picture i'll just go back to the post my mutual made and look at it again,,, but tbh i rarely interact with pictures overall bcuz even if im encouraged or told its fine im always more scared of being creepy. IDK!!! I mean smtimes im worried about interacting with ur pics cuz im like. Hope he doesn't think im being WEIRD and EVIL and FUCEKD up rn. 58. Do you have any recurring fantasies you keep coming back to? Do you think they’ll ever happen? Oh like a lot, I think one of my favourite is really like.... flustering someone until they get really dizzy and buzzy in the head and they're like so horny they start getting all 🥺 Another one is. Breeding..... the idea of bending someone over particularly grabbing their hips and fucking into them and feeling the way they feel around me, the way they feel around my knot, and seeing how good they feel once I cum inside them bcuz they want me to.. Hot. And a third one would be consensually intoxicating someone as a planned lil thing, but specifically in the context of petplay. I like the idea of using it as treats until they get so high and buzzy they're all confused and needy and I can just guide them further into the scene. I'd wanna know what their usual limit is though beforehand, lots of talking would have to go into it but theres just smth so hot abt both knowing you're getting the other completely blissed and high out their mind and soon they'll be a buzzy dumb needy lil thing behaving like its in heat bcuz all they can think about are the thoughts I'm putting into their head and that is 'You're a poor thing in heat and im here to help' SORRY FOR THE LONG ANSWER... 68. Admit something sexual that you’ve never told anyone else before. Mmmmm Im pretty open about my fantasies or sexual stuff so i can't think of anything i haven't told at least ONE person before.... maybe mmm, im kinda into sheathplay? Like. There is smth hot abt the sheath part of having a werewolf cock. I also just think overall the gender euphoria of fur is amazing and there's this one scene in beastars, the scene where Haru misunderstands the context and starts undressing Legoshi- okay she puts her hand on his stomach and softly compliments his fur and says she wants to see if its the same color below. That scene killed me, like in many ways ITS SO EMBARASSING TO ADMIT. BUT LIKE IT GAVE ME?? SM GENDER ENVY?? THAT I ALMOST STARTED CRYING?? BUT ALSO THEN I GOT SO HORNY IMAGINING SOMEONE SAYING AND DOING THAT TO ME. OKAY THERE. I DONT THINK IVE TOLD ANYONE THAT BEFORE>
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oflgtfol · 3 years
everyone must listen to the mind electric by miracle musical
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bananonbinary · 5 years
also its 3 in the afternoon, its been 15 hours since my drug fuckup, ive been awake for like 27 goddamn hours, and i STILL cant get to sleep cause i keep having random shivers every once in a while. dont take more than the recommended dosage on medication kids, it fucks u up
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trashycosmos · 5 years
what the fuck is the web beta experience and why did you pick me
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floridakilo · 3 years
opiates are so much sexier than alcohol period nodding out > being drunk im so fucking sick of this fucekd up world 
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justskulkingaround · 3 years
and when i ask stuff like that its never .... forgot how to finish this sentence. and dont feel bad about it it im still fucked up, as ive always been, im jus t my head is fucekd. and with stress, my automatic, trained response, is to drop my needs and try my best to mediate any conflict. and without conflict to try to fix, im floundering like i feel guilty for not doing anything ive never been alowed to i just. so im still... i dont know. i want to explain myself bu t i keep hitting communication walls and... mmm.
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taketheringtolohac · 3 years
ANOTHER thnn gi think us realky REALLY fucekd up i sthe fact that if youre fat you DO need ro drink more to get the sme affects whihc is literally SO fucked up and evil like wtf 
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timextoxstart · 3 years
I sent that hours ago 😭 if I had to suffer, so so you <3 (why the fuck he drop his mouth like that when he winked in the 3rd blooDY WHORE)
Yes it was disguised, well I think it was, I never read the synopsis and was just going off the cute gifs going around lmao but it sounds reallyyyyy good from what my friend has been updating me on- a proper mindfuck. Omg yeah in the west you have to spoon feed the plot 😭
YEAH IDGI YOU SPEND MONEY TO TALK TO YOUR FAVE THEN FUCKING ASK THEM TO MEOW?!?! okay but did you see when Seonghwa voluntarily did it himself and when the fan didnt react he got embarrassed andndn
I need to marathon the whole franchise again at some point. The nun had potential, but so much of it was ?!?! BUT YEA THOSE SCENES!!! More memorable and felt more horror lol. Also random rec if you haven't seen but you should watch sinister. It's about a writer who buys a house where murders took place but the killings were done by some kind of evil entity so his family is next.
PLS THE GYMNASIUM ONE 🤢 Also the swimming pool still haunts me to this day
Omg not Hyunjae getting drunk :( reminding me of the fic 😓😔 but a vent fic would be so good from you 👀
- 💦
And i was asleep hours ago why are YOU still awake even amy's gone to sleep 😭😭😭😭 and yeah fuck that gifset idk WHY you felt the need to send it to me i never want to see that ever again
omg seonghwa is another breed of men on his own ill just let him dow whatever the fuck he wants he's my atz bias but like sometimes im embarrased by him 😭
The nun was stupid like it was a cliche plot the jumpscares were dumb and i was just kinda mad they got taissa farmiga and STILL fucekd it up djdjdjd also yes ive watched sinister! Omly the first one though, the second one i watched about 20 mins but it didnt stick :")
Wait are you still writing the fic???? I thought you're not gonna anymore 😭 also what is a vent fic and do i wanna know what that is TT
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mrmistoffelees · 8 years
in case youre wondering the main thing i dont like with a lot of the stex fandom is
1. ignoring the female characters for reasons such as saying they are boring (yes ....i mean they can be??? but they arent so...but that doesnt justify hating them or ignoring them....they EXIST people) which is really a cover for just....not liking all the female characters (you realize almost all of these characters are boring and underdeveloped except for like .....2 of the girls (sometimes 3 if you count belle) and one or two of the guys...so literally i have no idea what yall are talking about....because tbh a whole shit ton of the guys are boringass underdeveloped too *cough engines,,,,,,some of the freight,,,,literally ALL of gbs gang*) 
2.ignoring bad behavior (and i dont mean from a character standpoint) some people have said some fucekd up shit that i just dont condone and no one has......said anything. at all. 
3. that being said when people ignore the problematic aspects of characters its also bad because they need to realize nobodys perfect (im literally the first to admit pearl has fucked up real bad) 
4. theyres more but im tired and also forget but thats the main 3
oh yeah 5. you all hate pearls for being a girl and making mistakes and being a person with emotions,,,,like,,,,ok? you all make mistakes. i heard someone say they hate pearl because they hate pink and thought she was too girl. (not true go look at her 80s kickass workout outfit) thats..not a reason. 
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micah-walker-blog · 8 years
All of 'em. I want all the texts.
Send me ☺ for a loving/affectionate text
[ IMSG ]: thane my dude 
[ IMSG ]: where the fuck have you been 
[ IMSG ]: our bromance is dwindling 
[ IMSG ]: no homo 
[ IMSG ]: or all the homo 
[ IMSG ]: idc
[ IMSG ]: …. miss u 
Send me  ♣ for a drunk text
[ IMSG ]: i’m happy u fstill lovne me evpen though i’ve fucekd ur sister
Send me ♥ for a sexual/naughty text
[ IMSG ]: i’m high as fuck but on some real genuine shit why haven’t we fucked the same girl 
[ IMSG ]: at the same time 
[ IMSG ]: what kind of bros are we 
Send me !! for a threatening text
[ IMSG ]: did i leave my oscar de la renta loafers in your apartment 
[ IMSG ]: that was the last time i remember wearing them until we blacked out 
[ IMSG ]: if you have them and don’t hand ‘em over i’ll end this fuckin friendship so quick 
Send me ☼ for a morning text
[ IMSG ]: morning dude 
[ IMSG ]: wanna meet me at the burberry on madison ave and smoke a blunt 
Send me ?? for a strange/vague text
[ IMSG ]: fuck 
[ IMSG ]: brie is planning my death as we speak
Send me ► for a text not meant for you
[ IMSG ]: and then i was like “i’m sorry i took your daughter’s virginity sir it won’t happen again” 
Send me ↕ for a scared/worried text
[ IMSG ]: dude pick up your god damn phone 
[ IMSG ]: i fucked up 
[ IMSG ]: badly 
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cd-i · 5 years
i hate how i just saw the "plase go let me meet her" in this time bc oh my god. i the guy who came up w that was so fucekd. im not gonna say what he did  but fucking christ. he did that all when we made fun of the oremio anime
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