#i didnt knwo these existed
akinachiri · 2 years
fuck <- guy who just learned sys tags were a thing on pluralkit and then had to go through every registered member and remove our emoticon ([♞]) from the display names
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3416 · 11 months
mitch saying he switches gloves every couple minutes now because he saw other guys doing it and wanted to try it out... auston is turning this team into equipment divas one by one.. bless their equipment staff
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banesberry-anomoly · 16 days
sorry about this,,, (about sending another ask,,,,)
what are endos and anti endos? i USED to be an anti endo but now i dont know if im anti endo or not.
- @ieaturanium
Sorry this took so long to answer, I was dealing with some other stuff and didnt wanna shortchange an explanation!
So, I'm a mixed origin system and I mainly identify that way because 1. were not entirely sure what the original reason for us becoming a system was, and we think it was multiple things that contributed to it, and 2. We have headmates from all sorts of origins due to being a very large system
And really it can vary! Some endo systems dont remember their trauma, but this isn't true for all of them and assuming can lead to them either trying to dig up trauma that they may not be ready to face or a headmate causing trauma for the system out of spite to prove a point. Ive heard of this happening many times, the former more so than the latter, and its very harmful when anti endos try to push and convince endos that 'Oh you just dont remember your trauma but I still think youre valid!' because of said reasons.
Some may caused by something that could be considered trauma (because trauma is nuanced and varies from person to person, it all just depends on how the brain reacts to something) but because of the nature of what it is the person either doesnt consider it to be trauma for whichever reason or feels more comfortable identifying as an endo sys. Stressgenic is one of those examples.
And then some may just not be caused by trauma at all, like willogenic systems or people that have 'artists muses' (aka their characters will write themselves or talk to them). There are many forms of plurality because it is a wide and varied experience, and not all of them are talked about. Artists muses tend to be the most common example. But not everyone knwos about or wants to self identify as plural, and thats totally fine!
Something I need to put an emphasis on is endo systems can still *have* trauma, and it could still cause headmates to form/split/etc, it just wasnt the original cause of their becoming a system. Just because someones an endo system doesnt automatically make them immune to experiencing traumas in the future that may or may not affect their plurality.
A lot of systems may have been affected and caused by their neurodivergence in some way, like us with our autism and wildly untreated BPD, and we had a lot of ""non standard"" trauma when we was younger which would probably get us fakeclaimed regardless. We dont feel comfortable fully identifying as traumagenic though for various reasons, including how toxic some of the community can be
The anti endo community doesnt only target endo systems, theres a lot that also target pro endo traumagenic systems for the same reasons. "Endos are hurting Traumagenic systems!!!!!!!" but then they go after those that support endos and its like wow, way to support the people you claim to protect. Ive seen traumagenic systems get their own trauma fakeclaimed and called an endo system as a 'justification' for getting harrassed
Endo systems have been fighting for the system community for *years*, dating back to around the 80s or 90s iirc, and so many terms come from endogenic parts of the community (like fictive and factive are two prominent examples!). Endos and pro endos provide sources in internet arguments arguing about their existence only to be ignored or told 'THOSE SOURCES ARENT VALID SOURCES!!!!!' even when theyre medically backed studies
Ive also seen anti endos argue on The Future Is Plural! posts because they think they want more children to be traumatized. This is not anywhere near case or point, which is to fight for more plural acceptance and make it a safer environment for people to explore their own plurality without getting harrased or judged for it
And just to clarify, I dont mind endo neutrals or people willing to learn interacting with me, as Im willing to help educate how I can! Just be respectful and anyone falling under those categories can stick around ^_^^
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fire-but-ashes-too · 1 year
i was tagged by @rickie-the-storyteller over heeeereeee and it didnt let me reblog so new post!
i gto very little ships (sadly) so im gonna go with both platonic and romantic ehehehe
Annexander (is it how were calling it?? idk) (@holdmyteaplease ur the expert on this give me a feedback)
Alexander: Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm? Anne: If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid.
Alexander: *shatters a window and climbs through it* Alexander: *turns around and helps Anne through it* Breaking and entering is wrong Anne. Anne: Okay. Anne: Shut it Alexander, I only shook your hand because I had to. We will NEVER be friends. Alexander: Lets survive this together! Anne: I HOPE YOU DIE. Anne: Fellas, I gotta know for science. Is the opposite of red green or blue? Alexander: Technically a mix of green and blue? Anne: So blurple. Alexander: That's implying you're mixing blue and purple. Anne: Would you rather have fucking bleen? MOTHERFUCKING GRUE? Alexander: You were confusing before but now I'm scared Anne, holding a scooter: Alexander! Can I go outside and play with this? Alexander: Sure, whatever. I'm not your parent, okay? Anne, running outside: Thanks Alexander! Alexander, running out after them and screaming: NOT ON THE STREET! STAY AWAY! Alexander: It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks! Anne: Why would I do that? Alexander: It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free!
Anne and Indigo (the absolute besties)
Anne: So... what would you do if you were in bed with me? Indigo: Depends. Is your bed comfortable? Anne: Yes. Indigo: I'd sleep.
*Anne sends more than 5 messages in a row* Indigo: I ain’t reading all that. Indigo: I’m happy for you tho. Indigo: Or sorry that happened. Anne: I have a plan. Indigo: Good! As long as we aren’t breaking the law again, I’m open to hearing it. Anne: … Indigo: … Anne: I no longer have a plan.
Anne: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, its “intelligent” and “really cool”. Anne: But when I do it, I’m “petty” and “need to let it go”.
ok... this is scarily accurate...
Alexis and Claire (friends to lovers complete dumbasses edition)(they have exactly 1 brain cell and they take turns being the responsible one. most times i gets forgotten at home)
Alexis: My hands are cold. Claire: Here, let me hold them. Alexis: My lips are cold too. Claire: *covers Alexis's mouth with their hand* Alexis: You’d be stupid to lay a hand on me. Claire: Oh, you’d be surprised how much stupid shit I do. Claire: You either buckle down and do your work or you’ll end up at McDonalds. Alexis: We're going to McDonalds if I don't do my work? Claire: NO- Alexis: What do you do for a living? Claire: I exist against my will. Alexis: Claire, I have a question. Claire: What is it, Alexis? Alexis: What color is an orange? Claire: Alexis, you bonehead! Its color is the same as its name. Just like a lemon. Alexis: I hope no one lowkey hates me. Alexis: Highkey hate me. Hate me with every fiber of your being. Alexis: Go big or go home.
tagging literally everyone i know on this one cause the world deserves to do this
@olivescales3 @albatris @bloody-neon @bassguitarinablackt-shirt @briannaswords @cabbojage @daisywords @desastreus @did-i-do-this-write @deanwax @digital-chance @enchanted-lightning-aes @ember-writer @eli-is-an-idiot @firesmokeandashes @fioreshere @guessillcallitart @gwenthekween @harleyacoincidence @holdmyteaplease @iannicellis @jaxypaxyhaxy @j3st3rfun3r4l @kooperation1101 @koala2all @lycaens @liv-is @lyonette-does-things @mayakern @nocturnalmohawk @quinnharperwrites @roisinivy @raspberrykraken @spicymochi @scifimagpie @the-mindless @unmellowyellowfellow @whynotcherries @writingmargo @writing-with-sophia @writeblr-of-my-own @wrenofthewords @yeahthatswhatimtolkienabout @yesireadbooks @your-absent-father @zihus @zillanovikov sorry if i tagged any
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kris-mage-fics · 1 year
i didnt knwo what clothes kyrah wears so i just defaulted to what i give most of my mcs because creativity doesnt exist at 6aam
also kyrahlise lienart because ur cool kris!!!!!! 👍👍👍👍👍
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Omg, she looks sooo good! The smile! <3 Someday she will beat Blade in a sword fight, and that will be how she smiles! Actually, it was a really good choice for clothes! They look great, and it's very similar to what I picture her wearing when training and when she was a bodyguard. On her days off, she wears casual yet elegant dresses, blouses, and skirts a lot. Now that I think about it, that actually ends up being a good representation of different sides of her personality. I love her! It actually took me a few hours to collect myself enough to write a response. Because it's too hard to write when my brain is just internally screaming! Thank you so much, Yuki! You are also cool! <3
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solardick · 5 months
Здравствуйте versus привет.
Hello versus hi.
Formal versus informal.
Subject’s birth point on “classical/modern” Waite’s version of the high priestess versus my own variant. The bearer of language and structure.
“Formal” english is a meek point. It barely exists anymore. The more formal an english speaker is the queerer they sound.
May I? Versus. Can I? Proves the degeneration of language. Which isn’t a far off shoot considering the vast amount of imaginative corrections needed to be made between spelling and pronunciation, it comes built it. And predisposes the mass to live an untrue nature. If i worded all that the way i intented. A Bow’s bow. Cant tell the difference between what word means what the contextual fails to the bias.
Yeah. It must be Santa clause. Definitely.
Truth is here. One may easily change the devil card for satan. Uh, i mean santa.
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The russian’s dont technically have a Santa. Its soemthing else. Which serves as a near point.
Its makes the man’s job alot easier considering he doesnt have to fly over and deliver presents to the largest country in the world.
But on track. The high priestess of waites variety, makes a luke warm connection to the biblical holy church of king David or who ever. Part of the old testement. Ehich is primarily the school of gard knocks. Without saying the BJ on the pillars are suppose to represent boaz and joaz or whatever. Like anyone cares. But, those familiar witb the tarot cards would agree. That thise pillars stand for the magician and the chariot. Too bad though that BJ stands for something completely different on the perverted side of society. No one is going to make a connection to the church based on a BJ.
Its the tora or rota. Or whatever BS. The circle of “life” go around and come around the BJ. Getting sick of it yet. Well too bad.
Curiosity abound. What is the difference between C, see and sea? How to spell the letter C? Speaking of meekness. I beleive this is here.
Wholy mother of mary. Damned girl. Dont stop now.
But, oh well, my ass is going to keep me up all night again. I don’t want to be alive anymore. Right in the “erogenous” zone. Never goes away. Always gassy. Always sensitive. Always swollen.i dotn think im going to work again inwamt a fucken ciggarette. Diet doens tfuxken matter. Just life fucken with me since my first memeory.nothing to learn except being raped by existance. Doems tmatter if im an asshole or a savoir. Its always the same. Welcome to life man. Here a staircase. Push. Been that way ever since. For experience. Im hoing start smoking again pop a couple pills maybe ill sleep. And no one to talk to excspt degenerates criminals, foreigners that dont speak english and fags. The only thing i did different today was buy a couple snokes off some fucken cocksucker asshole that talks crap all the time. Like most of them. Probaly drugging me again as usual. Been beeing drugged since forever. Its apart of their warcraft. Been super nice to me today too. Even offered coffee. But fuck you. Last time its fucked me up. Side wffect aof the pills the guesswork doctors gave me. Are. No operating machinery and Psychosis.
Suicide is the only sin god doesnt forgive. No fuck cause you fucken dead. Wait another half hour see if the pills work and if not. Save the rest for when i get wasted and hang myself. Being muscle relaxants or some shit. The fuck if i know. Back to
Pills worked. Mostly. Just felt warm. And now my vission is a little blurry. Doubled the dose he gave me. So 20ml is just a little too little. Last time i took a dose he gave me. It didnt do anything. I dont want ot go to work anymore. I want ot go bsck to being wnemployed and and suicidal. Less stress that way.
Oh well guess ill never know what it feels like not being abused.
Oh gid sent me a rabbit. Still dont knwo what thise mean. A croh flew past earlier.
Want people to quit smoking? How about you make them illegal and stop fucken manufacturing thr fucken things. Maybe we do need a fucken dictatorship. Anout the jobs the jobs. Fuck the job hiw many fucken immagrant do y’all invite over here and they go straight to welfare. Fuck your bs.
I fucken hate this continent. I can eat an wntire large bag of doritos and have no symtoms. Had chicken and homey yestweday. No symptoms. Had so again the next day. Was up all night. . If its at the end of the GI track. Then it can take up to 36 hours to reach that point. But apparently it can take on 15 mins to 4 hours. At leat i grt my proteins worth with a litter of yogurt everyday.
So i checked my hororscope for my birthday next year. Spyche return. And eros. Pluto sqaure pluto. Neptune sayrts in aries. Mean. Wonder if its a comming out celebration. Oh, there goes a croh. Ita ganna be a shitty day
Anyway. Excuse the insanity and despair. So for the rabbit portent. Or omen. It’s attached to lost and found. Easter bunny. This coupled to the crohs. Lost ans found something negative. But also dor the positive. For the rabbit. Seems to be. A neutral character. But, this is going off a single happening. And will need to be looked into to see if it’s a constant. Like that of the croh.
…uh. He told me his name was BJ.
I cant do it man. I cant look at an image of a woman with nig bold letters saying B J and keep a straight face.
Though inget it. It was definatally a magician chariot converstion. Empowering and all. Can’t say that it didn’t wake me a bit. Even though ive heard it all before. My own priestess. Has innocense written all over her. With a power of a logos looking over her. The magician to the empress or the emperor. As number 4. Nature and rule. Its akin to my gamma card being connected to the star. But i dont like callingnit the star. Its misleading. As there is no wish. Its retirbution. Because the falling star as it is sometimes depicted as. Is a moment to wish. A moment in the future to come. But asnit plays out. It is that moment of the future being breed from temperance. The eight pointed star is the connecting clue to the justice card. And is the calm and quiet of the night from upheaval and unease. It being a woman. Suits it perfectly.
As temperanve is a balancing of Accounts of something that shouldnt be. Waite’s version shits all over these connections. Replaces the eight pointed star connection to strength instead. Mother nature wrestling a lion roar to caressing it. Not my experience.
… ghost busters: frozen empire?
Is this to say that the summer is going to be mild and cool. As aquaman: the lost kingdom, was to the unnaturally warm winter? So, jo “intense heat this summer? The preview looked like some horrible acting. But ant-man. Isnt a greta actor anyway. Funny but. Not very good. I dont know if i should order books. I never read them. They just sit there. But i like having a library. University edition of english grammar. And the evolution of the russian language. Which is pricy. But, tarot books are inadequate and unreliable.
And what happened to my symptoms? Severe again last night. Popped a couple pills fell asleep. Instead of binging anime. Woke up the next morning and all but gone except for the very mild by comparison. Didn’t do anything different even ate a large bag of Doritos. The Polypropylene and thermoplastic resins are delicious.
Whichc must be why when people have a hard time saying something, or looking for the roght word. Most people will comenin a correct them or say “ja, i get ehat you mean.” But, i havent even pooped yet.
Erin on attack on titan finally found the ocean. The ocean and the perils within and withon. Not so different from the perils on the night. Which works as a star card. And the letter V the russian war machine placed upon their naval fleets.
Wow, women are particularly pretty today. Told you V stands for vagina.
What? They’re objects. Blame the english language.
But its monday now. Pains back. And why move away. Looks like the condition is permanent. And if i do. Ill just be forced out of where ever i land ahyway. Its a life theme. Been that way since my first memory. Seems to dissapear mostly on saterdays. I get born, tied to a higjlt toxic relationship to some plutonic fucken cocksycker that treats me like shit. Enjoying the feeling of superiority over me. Litterally. And i get tossed around from place to place for ither peoples convinience. 39 years and counting nothings changed and it has nothing to do with me. . The entire fucken plabet may burn. And i font give a fuck.
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galaxycatxx · 7 months
feeling so pathetic to be here, to be writing this shit, to be feeling this bad.
i knew it from the very first beginning. why am i so sad? why am i crying? i mean, what? i thought that somehow you would´ve created this urge feeling to take control of your life?
Im living in a constant fantasy that i am creating in my head and truly honestly i CANNOT BLAME YOU! I havent been feeding it, you never have! If it was up to you, my fantasy would starve. POints to u for that, actually. I am being dumb. A dumb bitch. Always thought i was Maddy but clearly been being a Cassie. A fucking dumb bitch. I am so sorry for all the pain that im causing to this woman. I dont know if she feels it or knows it, but, trutly, i am sorry. i love the one thats is by your side right now and that doesnt justifies it. at all. but i do. And i truly am sorry. i hope you never find out about this not beacuse im afraid of the consequences but because i dont you to feel this pain. Im sorry.
and in the name of sorryland, i am sorry for myself too. sorry that i am so fucked up up here in my head that i still dont think that humilating myself 3 times (three fucking times) still isnt enough for a goodbye au revoir. i dont know why im like this. but its a dumb way to live.
JUst not as dumb as being in love with u.
I wish, and i hope, but i gotta be honest. its all just wishes and hopes. Not a trully feel of "we´re gonna make it".
i probably will humiliate myself one more time asking you again, what are you willing to do?
look at you boy, i invented you
the cicle is always the same. I give in. You push me closer. we connect. we feel something that is beautiful, and amazing, and its an unexplainable conection. the really kicks in. we grow apart. we miss each other. i give in. you push me closer. we connect. we feel something that is beautiful, and amazing, and its an unexplainable conection. the really kicks in. we grow apart. we miss each other. i give in. you push me closer. we connect. we feel something that is beautiful, and amazing, and its an unexplainable conection. the really kicks in. we grow apart. we miss each other. i give in. you push me closer. we connect. we feel something that is beautiful, and amazing, and its an unexplainable conection. the really kicks in. we grow apart. we miss each other. i give in. you push me closer. we connect. we feel something that is beautiful, and amazing, and its an unexplainable conection. the really kicks in. we grow apart. we miss each other.
and it never ends.
up untill now.
i need to say goodbye.
i need to put a dot on it. i know your state of mind. you´ll stay like this for a while yet. and i just cannot keep hurting myself waiting for you to open your chest and just admit what you want.
i am also sorry for you, cause i knwo youre in pain, and i sympathize. honestly. now i know exactly what you were feeling. this fear of accepting waht you want and owning it. its scary as fuck. and for that, i am sorry that you didnt had profesisonal help earlier that would have aligned with mine and the timing would agree. i think its going to take you a while to see all this huge picture of your life, and honestly you´re fire! in all the kinds of ways. youre amazing. but either you take me in and we´ll be fire together, or, i burn myself - again -. And im sorry but i dont think i can take another one. It just hurts too much.
why? why are we always late for each other? 2020 i was unvailable. and when i got free, you got into this relationship.
maybe we´re just a few pages on each others lives. meant to just exist in the story. but not to be the story.
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mitski-slope · 11 months
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i just learned that hermitcraft has a fandom??? what.
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no cause what if i start studying ethnomusicology …
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rebekah-lexi2408 · 5 years
I know I discovered wtfock late to the game bc I watched episode one and had to wait for the clip of the almost kiss, I just don’t know bc it feels like I’ve been here from the very beginning!!!
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lovphobic · 3 years
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dojaeyong-moved · 6 years
wow rmbr when i ulted doyoung jungwoo taeyong and ten...
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heckling-hydrena · 3 years
I. I do not know how to respond to this. This is probably the best ask I’ve ever received, honestly.
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perqabeth · 3 years
first impression of your moots vs current ?
if i miss anyone watch me move to antartica, get plastic surgery and change my identtiy to gaston. including the ones im close close to😿
@shoyotime : you prolly alr know everythiung im gonna say bUTT ANYWAY,, we met on wattpad in the comments section lip bites and ngl i thougth u were like 18 or 20 then pls bc u sounded SO MATURE. and d9ont get mad at me but the first day (AS IN THE DAY WE FIRST MET YKYK NOT WHEN WE STARTED TALKINGON IG) when we gonna make gaso gang acc ykyk i thought you were kinda bossy goodbye i will leave now im so embrazzed I WAS STUOID AND ONLY 14 THEN OKAY hahahahhaa nervous sweats anyway BUT NOWWWWWWWWWWWW PHEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ur like on of my (even my only, maybe) closest friends or wtvr 😒😒😒😒and i l*ove and care abt you or wtvr 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒 and you make me bvery very happie or wtvr 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒 vvvv smort and sexc and HONEST!!!!!! person AND FUNNY ASF ty for existing smh and not dropping me and aleesha on the first day😟
@srkuv : thoughts r being thunk rn I DONT REMEMBER HOW WE MET HOLYYYYYYY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT i think it was on ig when u were added to gaso gang gc?? or was it on wp?????? I KNOWI MET YOU THRU INEZ????? first child: smal impression.... wAIT *FIRST IMPRESION: SMOL CHILD 🤡🤡🤡 must protecc vv sweet :( okay uwu,, it hasnt changed much 👍ur still my smol childn't but ur like mature for your age!!! and like sm0rt ngl, still muct proteque but you can fight anyone you want. you arent afraid to say what you want!! mwah mwah
@maipxilia : MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MY FAV CHOILD OMG SCreams okay okay ngl when i first met you/saw you on my dashboard bc we had the same moots ykyk i thoguth you woulkd be 16 or smth PLEASE also hoLY SHIT PRETTAY ASS BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH AND HELLAAAAAAAAA FUNNY OMG. AND?#$%^& YOU READ RIORDAN BOOKS TOO T A S T E I TELL YOU. current imp: maia my beloved ilusm you like my typos :(((((( DO U KNOW HOW HAPPY THAT MADE ME B R O I ALMOST TRATED CRYING did i tell u i ranted abt that on my spam twt acc l0l ,, YOURE SO PRESHUS TOO MAN I CANT BELIEVE MAIA IS REAL but im so glad she is omg MAIA BEST GIRL OMLY OMLY ONLY shes so NICE AD SWEET AND chaotic sweet and awesome pls i want to cry and cradle you and protect yo form everything mwah maiko my QUEEN,, not saying i would drop everything just for you but... thats exactly what im saying 💘💘💘💘
@mysterystarz : novAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA OMG HI QUEEN <333 hru ☺🤲 i thought you were really really sweet and sophisticated when i first ur blog omg AND UR WORKS???? CHEFS KISS EVERYTHING TO ME she writes so well omg i cannawt. vv nice too and loves akashi a lot pls. i still think you're very VERY VERY sweet and awesome AND CALMING BRO ur so so nice i cannot stress rhat enough :((((((( another person who's very very precious ok an angel i tell you AND ALSO ERY FUCKING PRETYY LIEK WTF...... MA;AM HAND IN MARRIAGE??????
@sumerag1 : ri 😕😕😕😕😕 you CLOWN when i first met you i thought you were only here for may and didnt wanna talk to anyone else yk 😀👌 also i thought u were not very good at texting bye,,, BUT YOU HAVE A WAY WITH WORDS THAT MAKES ANYONE FEEL COMFORTED AND WANTED????? MA'AM HOW. now omg ilysm ur so FUCKING N I CE you always text me first anf :((((( check up on me :(((((( aND ME FEEL APPRECIATED OKAY ILYSM THIS WORLD DOESNT DESERVE YOU RI BEST GIRL AGENDA also omg supreior headcanons i must say
@kodzukoi : KOI KOI KOi KOIIIIIIIII you came in my ask box right1!!!!!! PHEW IF U DID IM SO GLAD BC UR SO :(((((((((((((( AWESOME MAN YOU MATCH MY ENERGY >:))))))))))))))))) AND UR SO NICE TO TALK TO i thoguth you were like vv calm and laid back and stuff at first AND U ARE!!!1 BUT LIKE MORE CHAOTIC I THINK :DDDDD UR SUPER COOL 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 EVERRYTING YOU DO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
@elitparadox : omg ele loml hi you are so nice!!!!! and calm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and you seem liek the mom friend who always showers her chirren w love and grounds everyone yk??? BUT UR STILL SO SO FUN AN DYOU HAVE SO MUCH LOVE TO GIVE I LITERALLY WANNA CRY :(((((( YOURE SO SO SO SWEET I CANNOT breaksdown i swear you make everyone feel loved :((((((((( I HOPE UR GETTING THE SAME IN RETURN BC U DESERVE THE SAME OKAYU ur so loving i cannaut stop sayng that <33333
@sakusaxwindex : girl youre literally m ycousin...... um annoying ass mf dont knwo who she is bullie <///3 but the only person i tr*st or wtvr 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒 smh #vros💯✨ or wtvr 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒 only cusin i genuinely l*ke and look forward to or wtrv 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒 smh r0t
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lixiesbabyhands · 3 years
what is everyone thinking about the skz comeback
liek i have my opinions (mostly positive, that shit scratched an itch in my brain i didnt even knwo existed but also some like wtf) but idk what yall are thinking
drop into my ask box ig i wanna hear what u think, even if its one dot point even if its a whole ass essay. i wanna hear it
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