#this is gonna be a progress thread!
red-dye40 · 1 year
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i have not a scrap of shame left in me i’m gonna make nny’s boots
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nevesceramics · 4 months
Hiiii everyone, we have wifi!! :D time to get back to posting photos of pieces. We are focusing for the next week or two on interior renovations for our house, but after that's done it'll be time to convert the garage to a studio!!!!! 👀
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rcdhotnight · 9 days
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Just a small heads up. I am reaching a point where I am gonna be letting the queue run for my blog since activity is picking up here. So just an FYI. All asks will be dropped into the queue and spaced out. So if you are waiting for a response on an ask it will be likely in the queue. Replies will also be subjected to the queue. Priority follows: Affiliates / Mains / Followers. Affiliates and Mains will be exempt from the queue and get priority on reply time on the spot.
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diathadevil · 2 years
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At this point it's become an almost yearly tradition to doodle out Miyu here.
In my hc I'd like to believe she's alive and living a regular life in post-canon CoPa, and annually visits Seiko's grave. Also I'd like to think mid/late 20s Miyu has an incredible taste in fashion.
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Here's something I wasn't expecting about my embroidery experiment: the cotton thread seems to have shrunk in the wash
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volfoss · 8 months
Literally so hyped to get miss yucky nasty... I am going to learn SO many skills
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mafukasa · 9 months
that medpocket doodle getting more than 5 likes........impressive
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hyaciiintho · 1 year
🌸。*゚+. Starter call | @tenebriism
There's hesitance in entering the home once he had arrived. It didn't matter much whether he entered quickly, or slowly, Link knew Dark would either MEET him at the door, or open it for him beforehand. The silveret had a strange way of knowing WHEN Link was home. Not that he minded that.
The hero just wished he had more time to think over on how he would tell his husband the NEWS. No, it wasn't bad news, not really. After all, it was honor when the royal family appointed you as a respected KNIGHT of their kingdom. Link just knew with such an important and OFFICIAL title... came more important and official tasks.
'Maybe... it just means I'll get to be home more often..?' Came the hopeful thought, knowing that with Knightly duties, he would be required to remain in Hyrule, moving forward. No more traveling to far, distant lands for days at a time.
Yeah... maybe that... would be NICE...
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Steeling himself through a deep inhale, fingers curled around the door handle and pressed onwards into their shared home, gaze on the floor all the while. It would be good news. Yes. GOOD news !!
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milehighmechanic · 2 years
@myatonements​ did u want a novel?
tony wakes up.
his right arm aches; a burning, cramping ache, but nothing like the agony of using the infinity stones. he flexes his hand experimentally, but if anything that makes the pain fade, until it’s just an afterthought. an echo. tony frowns, and opens his eyes. blinks at the familiar-yet-unfamiliar ceiling, turns his head and finds himself staring blankly at his old malibu bedroom.
is this…. some kind of afterlife? is that what this is? he wants to say no, because he doesn’t BELIEVE in that kind of thing, but. well. he knew that using those stones would kill him. he hadn’t much cared, because nat was---- nat was-----
if this was the afterlife, then she should be here too, right?
tony bounces out of bed, the smarting in his chest easily ignored as a minor irritation, lands on his feet shakily. “hello?” he says outloud, wondering, wondering-----
“good morning, sir,” jarvis says, and tony freezes. swallows. 
“hey j.” he smiles, shakily, beaming but with growing confusion. “do you know what’s going on here?”
there’s a pause. “it’s the nineteenth of may, sir. mr hogan is due imminently for your boxing session, miss potts is coming over with the notary from the legal department at nine-thirty to sign your company over.”
“what?” tony stares blankly at the wall, turning on the spot, looking around the room, disorientated. “WHAT.” he stumbles, hand creeping up to his chest as the muscles contract painfully, and---- shit. tony strides towards the window, snapping his fingers to turn it into a mirror. and there, on his chest. jagged dark lines spilling out from the arc reactor ----- the old design arc reactor, before he updated it, long before the nanotech updates. the arc reactor that’s powered by fucking palladium. and his gaze tracks upwards, to his own face----- more than ten years younger than it was five minutes ago. the silver threads gone from his hair, fewer lines in his face. he’s pale, unhealthily so, but hey, he’s currently dying. if this is real. which it can’t be. 
“JARVIS. did anything---- WEIRD happen while i was sleeping?” he demands. this isn’t---- this can’t be happening. this isn’t how time travel WORKS. 
“no sir,” his AI responds with obvious confusion. 
“fuck.” well either this is real, or it isn’t, and he doesn’t have a way of figuring out which right now. he’ll work on it. but if it IS real, he needs to… do something. fuck. act normal. if he’s somehow inhabiting the body of his younger self, he can’t exactly steal some pym particles and travel back to the future without destroying this timeline. so he’s gonna have to play along. 
or maybe not JUST play along. maybe he can change things. if the normal rules of time travel ( which he only made up, like, two days ago ) don’t apply, then he can change things. he can stop thanos before thanos even gets a CHANCE to… to….
grief comes roaring back in a tidal wave. ( grief he’s been bottling up, ignoring, because they need to finish it, build the gauntlet and bring everyone BACK. that was what she died for and that had been the only thing keeping him going. ) tony chokes, flinging up a hand to cover his eyes. natasha. he can save natasha. she doesn’t have to die. 
she’s going to be here in less than two hours. 
( NO. she’s not. well, she is, but not her. not HIS natasha. a younger version who hasn’t even met him yet. HIS natasha is dead. )
tony scrubs tears away from his eyes angrily. gets to his feet. “JARVIS,” he says, voice hoarse, “we got a lot of work to do, buddy.”
the next two hours are a blur. nausea rears its ugly head when he tries to eat, and oh yeah, tony remembers this. he chokes down a green chlorophyll drink instead, heads down to his workshop to start plans for the new element and arc reactor. if he doesn’t have to blow up half his house, alienate rhodey and pepper and annoy fury into giving him his dad’s shit, he’s not going to. and he wants this palladium out of him as soon as possible. 
he heads upstairs when happy arrives, tries not to stare too hard at the decade younger version of his friend. that’s---- he’s never going to get used to that. he’s distracted, but then, he thinks he was then, too. at least his friends are used to him acting fucking weird. all he has to do now is hide that he’s been training with the black widow and captain america for over a decade. 
pepper turns up and tony barely lets himself glance at her, quipping back on autopilot. and then happy stops fighting, and tony turns to see, he knows who he’s looking at, but still he turns, and his heart skips a beat. he probably stops breathing. 
nat. it’s a physical effort to swallow back the words on the tip of his tongue. to stop himself from vaulting the ring and pulling her into his arms. she only looks at him for a moment before turning her attention to pepper but tony’s STUCK, gaze trailing after her. 
this is real, isn’t it? fuck, this is REAL. 
happy thunks him on the head. tony spins, scowls at the all knowing look on the man’s face. for a second he tries to get his head back into the boxing game. it’s a lost cause. he ducks under happy’s fist, holds his hands up and starts unwrapping his gloves.
what did he say last time? he can’t remember. he remembers the way she’d climbed into the ring. he remembers the way she’d looked right through him. 
tony takes a deep breath, leans on the rope, fingers tapping restlessly. “hey, scusi! what’s your name? are you new in the legal department? i haven’t seen you around before.”
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tm1o-a · 1 year
queue on this blog restarts today! just a heads up, i dropped quite a few threads. even if i didn't have too many to begin with, so much time has passed, and some of them i just didn't know how to continue them. if you wish for a thread of ours to continue, do feel free to send me a message with it! in case i have no ideas to continue it, we can discuss about it together. alternatively, do feel free to send me new prompts, or plot with me!
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krys-loves-otome · 2 years
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2022 Art Summary!
Lot's of color this year, plus more finished projects than in previous years. 2022 was a good art year for me!
Below will be previous years' summaries, for your viewing pleasure.
See you guys in 2023!
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ohmyfairies · 2 years
Well I’ve stabbed myself with a needle half a dozen times but I’ve started this year’s cosplay!!!
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apocalypticdemon · 21 days
first draft has been started. i can feel that this one is gonna be a more arduous process than the last one. not necessarily bc of length but bc i can feel that it's more challenging for me, mentally
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tidepoolalgae · 3 months
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darkaac · 5 months
literally what's the point
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crystal-verse · 8 months
if i don't continue this quest then i don't have to go through The Vault. if i never progress msq then haurchefant stays immortal. who cares about aymeric, really? who cares about him when you're the one who's doing to die? why continue forward when you'll only lose someone.
if you don't progress the story, they never leave. isn't that the most painful part of video games? you have to keep going forward. you have to lose them. your love cannot surmount fate. we are all just tied to its wheel as it turns, and our loved ones die whether we want them to or not
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