#this is incredibly terminally online and first world problem of me yes of course i know this. not the point
nikkashidashipper · 9 months
i am going to throw up actually
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how do you cope with suicidality over not being straight? both conservative and new age 'queer' homophobia have absolutely destroyed me and i'm tired of being here in the planet. I don't think i should have been born and i hate beyond words how there's no cure.
I'm sorry anon, it's completely understandable, but all I can say is that a) there's people out there in the world from all walks of life who will accept you just as you are and that helps and that b) I'm available to talk through DMs if you want.
Other than that, my way to cope with suicidal feelings on my day to day life, when I had them, was to grab anything that could fully distract me from them at the moment until I calmed down, there's no shame in grabbing into the one thing that keeps you afloat for dear life. For me this was videogames btw, but for the overall suicidal feelings, I don't think there's a proven method, though I did go to a therapist and talked to her about my experiences with queer homophobia, and it was very important to me for her to reaffirm that I wasn't crazy, that my feelings were real but that also it didn't do any good to me to think that every single person in the world thought what I thought they did about me being a monster, that there were people who would accept me anyway. And tbh, this depends on the person, but I've even talked to people in queer groups or my own trans friends about this, and they've agreed with me. It takes someone who is really truly incredibly fringe and disassociated from the world that the statement 'you can't say no to have this type of sex' is something they support. The problem is that not enough people speak up abt it, either because they don't see it or because it doesn't affect them directly, so they don't think it's a problem. There's also many people who will say this shit outwardly for acceptance 'trans women are women so ofc!' but then when pressed they don't actually think anyone is obligated to have unwanted sex and think it's normal if someone is turned off by specific genitalia, what they don't like is discussing the ontological implications of it, which to me is fine, I don't always have to do it, because I give the empathy that I receive, even for things that I don't fully understand.
Also, I think that what also helped me was getting out of a very black and white worldview re: RF/GCs vs trans. There's a lot of unseen radicalization and dehumanizing in those circles which goes both ways (and yes, I very much also mean from radfems and GCs towards trans people) and talking to real people regardless of ideological camps does help both of you fully understand each other's perspectives (though yes, there's some terminally online idiots who are very homophobic and annoying about this particular topic. I simply interact with them as little as possible). And in general, what helped me most I think was to just start to live my life trying to get away from participating in most of these inflammatory debates, which are at the end, just very extreme things that won't affect most people in everyday life. There's homophobes out there, both progressive and conservative, but I stray clear from them and surround myself with people who I can talk about my issues with, even if at first it can be hard (and I'm aware that this is a privileged position and that I'm not surrounded by living with homophobes in my house and I'm lucky to live in places which protect LGBT rights. Of course, not everyone has that luck). And little by little, I realize that my life can be livable, that many people aren't as evil as I thought, that we can understand each other's problems and perspectives and that I can exist in this world and be happy.
For conservative homophobia, I have less experience of it affecting my day to day life other than me debating the hell out of bigots in my hs class but my family has always been pretty cool about this, and even the ones who are more conservative, they're not the kind to say shit to my face. I don't have the specific tools that other people have re: religious homophobia in your own home. So if other people have advice for anon in that regard, I'd be happy to reblog with additions!
I don't know if any of this is useful to you, these are mostly just my experiences and perspectives and I'm not going to deny that it gets hard sometimes still, but less each time. Regardless, if you want to talk in private my DMs are open.
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 51 - Amazing technology - 'Human with modified skull'
K: Hi this is Dir en grey's Kaoru with this week's  episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe, Tasai, welcome.
T: And thank you too.
J: Ta-da! We are wearing it.
K: Hahaha
J: We are wearing it. This is naturally cool, isn't it?
T: Yes.
K: Um, if we don't say anything the viewers won't understand.
J: Uh, Tasai, could you explain?
T: Um, so this is another Tokyo Sports T-shirt collaboration. We are putting one out.
K: It was a hoodie before, right? 
T: Yes, that was a collaboration with Don Quijote. This time we've collaborated with the store Hardcore Chocolate in Higashinakano, to create this really cool tshirt.
K: I'm wearing it too.
T: Oh, thank you. Its a Core-choco × Tokyo Sports collaboration.
K: The back is nice too.
J: Yeah, I mean, I can't see it myself though. What is written on it?
T: Its past Tokyo Sports headlines. The black is pro-wrestling headlines, like 'Inoki's grand KO defeat'.....'Hansen...near murder' etc.
J: Wow.
T: These shocking headlines are...
J: All over?
T: Yes, all over it. And as for the front, Joe, could you turn around?
J: Yes.
T: Those are copies of Tokyo Sports tied up with string, just on the verge of being thrown away, giving a kind if melancholic feel.
J: Ahh, this is cool too.
T: Its very Tokyo Sportsy.
K: Are the white and back versions different?
T:  Yes, they are different.
J: Ah! They are different?
K: The white one has 'Matsui' written on it.
T: Matsui's wedding.
J: Oh yeah.
K: This black one says, 'Brody'.
J: Pro-wrestling?
T: Yes, its mainly pro-wrestling. And the white is showbiz...
J: Sports and showbiz? Oh, so it is.
T: 'Elvis lives' and so on.
J: This is great...ah..'The Monster with 21 faces'!
K: Its nostalgic, isn't it?
T: Yeah, this type of thing.
J: Ahh..of course...Ah, shocking photos.
K: 'Discovery of Kappa'....'Madonna had hemorrhoids' haha.
K, J, T: Hahaha.
J: Does it really matter? haha.
T: Haha, that was about one time a long time ago when Madonna came to do a show in Japan. She requested a bidet toilet, so we reckoned maybe its because she had hemorrhoids.
J: Just from that? You put this headline with it?
K: Your info is thin!
T: Haha.
J: Right?! Zero fact checking! Guess after guess!
K: Incredible. So, there are two of these.
J: What should we do with them?
T: Well, I thought we could make them presents for the people who always watch The Freedom of Expression.
J: Ohhh! *claps*
K: There is black and white.
J: One of each?
T: Yes.
K: The size is S.
J: S?
K: Joe is wearing M, I'm wearing XL. Anyone who wants a big one..
J: Please but it.
K: Yes. For people who want S...um, what should we do...you could leave a comment on my Twitter..
T: With your thoughts on this show.
J: Of course.
T: Yes.
K: Yeah.
T: And we could choose one from those.
J: Leave a decent comment..
T: Like which was your favourite episode or something?
J: Ahh, you know how to do this!
K: Joe, its just that you're always drunk.
J: I'm always drunk, haha. When I see Tasai, Im learning how to conduct myself.
T: Excuse me brother, thank you very much.
J: Your stocks will rise with this tshirt. Yours and Tokyo Sports' stocks.
T: I hope so.
K: Everyone will be cool wearing this.
J: They really will be cool.
K: Please buy it, really.
J: If someone wanted to buy this, where do they get it from?
T: Probably online. You can buy it on Corechoco's site.
J: I see.
K: Ok, so today's story is a Tokyo Sports selection.
J: Its a Tokyo Sports day today.
T: A Tokyo Sports produced story...
The headline is 'Will we rise up in 2021? - Amazing technology, human with modified skull'. As for the content of the story, it asks what new technology will appear in the year 2021, and its by our science writer Hisano, who wrote about some of the things he'd heard.
J: Oh, so he's done it properly?
T: Yes. So firstly, well, we hear a lot about this A.I. deepfake problem at the moment, don't we? Like changing faces without permission, and making these made-up sexy images which cause harm, for example. *1
J: Yeah, its the basis of fake news, right?
T: We are hearing about that more and more, thats the first thing. Secondly, there is apparently this idea called, 'Trans-human' where people power up their own body with technology, and Hisano wondered whether Trans-human technology with develop a lot during this year. Specifically, well, there is actually someone doing this in Spain, Manel de Aguas. He peeled back the skin on his head and attatched self-mafe fin shaped devices to his skull. The fins contain a bone conducting oscillator and temperature sensor, so he can tell if the weather is hot or cold through vibrations in his head. So, this is a way to catch very small atmospheric changes that regular people wouldn't normally be able to sense.
J: I see.
T: And there are pictures of him, so please take a look.
J: If you go to the Tokyo Sports website?
T: Yes, you can see it there. Furthermore, well, there are quite a lot of other examples, like a 'trans-human' using prosthetics, or having an IC chip implanted into your hand to use for the train etc. On top of that, France has plans to make a conscription army like this. The name  of the project is 'The Bionic Soldier Project', which is a really cool name. They would be like super strong soldiers who never got tired and didn't need sleep, and who could heighten their sight and hearing with medication, and would have communication equipment embedded in their brains to connect directly to wireless  netwoks. Bionic soldiers..scary, right?
J: Yeah. Its like the end to the era of traditional fighting.
T: Research has been going on even longer America, in their Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, where paralyzed patients have had chips embedded in their brain, and have successfully been able to control drones with their thoughts. They've already done that. Even bedridden people can control drones. Technology his also being developed to go without sleep for 48 hours by running electric currents through the brain. This is not the talk of dreams, we are closing in on these things. There is also a plan by Nasa, a mission to redirect asteroids, where a robot spaceship would grab an asteroid, carry it over to the moon's orbit, and dig up minerals from it. Its like the world of Gundam. What do you think of this for 2021?
J: So, like these might become a reality within this year?
T: Yeah, some of them, as far as the technology goes.
K: It'll be like Robocop.
T: Yeah.
K: Its incredible, its like the world of 'Terminator'.
J: Yeah, it is.
T: In reality, controling a drone with the brain is aleady being used in China with toys.
J: With the brain..?
T: Like, controlling it with your thoughts by just imagining it rising. And in Japan..
J: You have to operate it.
T: In Japan they can be controlled with radio waves *2, but in China they can already move drones around using brain waves. Like, its technologically possible to attatch a bomb to a drone and make it fly somewhere and explode...its scary.
J: If technology advances this far, people won't need to study for exams and stuff, will they?
T: Thats right.
J: With a chip embedded...we talk about preventing cheating these days, but you would have all that data within you, or you could just go outside and remotely update.
K: Or you could send questions with just your eyes and get answers back.
J: Yeah, its like already at the point where you don't have to bother with tests or exams.
K: And it would mean no more back entrance admissions.
T, J: Yeah.
J: Yeah, like whoever has the money.
T: They might starts scanning people with metal detectors when they do exams to see if they have chips or something in them. Like, have you got a chip in your brain?? If it beeps, you'll know they have a chip.
K: They could put the people who have chips inside like anti-vibration shields..
J: Yeah, like to stop the transmissions.
T: Oh, yeah.
J: We're already getting to this point in time.
T: Do we even need to study anymore?
J: Yeah, like the era of people using their brains is ending.
K: We don't even really need universities and stuff anymore
J: We don't! Cause you have have access to all the information in the world in your head, whenever you like.
K:Yeah, if you have it ???*3
J: Well, there's also the issue of whether this kind of thing will be permitted by law. Like how far..
K: Yeah, it wouldn't be allowed immediately.
J: Yeah, like how far can human ability be harnessed in this way. I mean, there is the problem of genetic engineering too, but..thats where we are at now.
K: Well, there might already be people like this out there.
J: Well, yeah, the technology is there already.
K: You don't know whats going on in other peoples' heads.
J: Well, yeah. Eh, what if Kami is one of them?
K: No, I don't think he is. Absolutely not.
J: Haha
Kami: No, gods are different. But the bionic soldiers who don't need sleep, never get tired, and use medication to improve their sight and hearing...they've been around in Nishinari for a long time.
K: In Nishinari?
J: Haha
Kami: People who look like zombies, there have always been tonnes of them. There is also an article about a 'robot girlfriend to go for a walk with you', which Gifu University made, I'm interested  in that. I'd like to support Gifu University with that.
T: I see. Yeah, its a robot girlfriend who holds your hand and goes for walks with you, made by Gifu University.
K: What did Kami say earlier about women, doesn't he have woman trouble?
J: Oh yeah. Kami, don't women like you, being a god?
Kani: Thats a whole different story. Um, this is just a hand holding robot, but I'd like them to try harder with more in-depth research on this.
K: In-depth research? Haha
J: I don't know what he means by that. Kami!!
K: I mean, if they've been able to make the robot to this level, Im pretty sure they can also manage 'in-depth' research. haha.
J: They just won't announce it as university research, they stopped at holding hands.
Kami: Ah, I see. I wanna support deepfake technology too.
K: Ha, you wanna support it.
T: Well, this type of technology was originally invented for mens' pleasure. New technology can even start from such places. Like videos...
K: Ah, yeh, popular people from videos turned up a lot in this erotic stuff (*Sorry if I got this wrong*)
J: Ahh, yes, necessity is the mother of invention. Technology increases due human desires.
T: Yeah, thats it.
J: Well, this could be used for evil ways, or for more interesting ways. There are various ways to use it. Kaoru is there any kind of technology that you ever wanted to invent?
K: That I wanted to invent?
J: Like a specific type of robot or anything like that?
T: If you had a chip in your brain though, and you didn't have to study, what would you do?
K: But if all this stuff becomes normal, I think on the contrary, will might start to want to do things in more detail again. When you can get anything effortlessly, you will start to want to do those things that don't come effortlessly.
J: Ahh, hand made things will become nostalgic.
K: Our sense of value would change. People will want to go out and do things...if you can get everything you need without ever going out. And with food, it will be all there, ready as soon as you open the cupboard, right?
J: Yeah
K: Like, wouldn't you feel like going out instead?
T: Yeah, you'd want to go out and see live performances and stuff too.
K: People were told not to go out on New Years eve, but so many people still went out. haha
T: Oh, yeah.
J: Yep, human mentality just goes like that.
K: People will still go out. So, I think thats the direction it will head.
T: A.I. is pretty popular in human competions at the moment, for example with Shōgi, but in the end, what people really want to see is a human competing with another human.
J: Yes, I think thats true.
K: Yeah, its those natural variations
J: Thats it, we need those. Its that type of thing  that is impossible to calculate.
K: A computer couldn't come up with this type of thing. (*holds up Tokyo Sports tshirt*)
T: Haha
K: Its a product of wild fantasies.
T: Hahaha
J: Yeah, that would be impossible.
T: If we let A.I. do this kind of thing we would have lost. Tokyo Sports would be finished.
K: A.I. couldn't make this.
J: Its incredible.
K: 'Human gives birth to frog'.
J: Haha, A.I. could never write this.
K: It probably couldn't, right?
J: Only some bombed out person could do it otherwise.
K: It was worth making, naturally Tokyo Sports.
T: Oh, thank you.
K: So, everyone, please buy one of these tshirts. We have a black and white in size S here, so please send a tweet. Ok, we'll finish here this week. Please subscribe, thank you very much.
*1, 2 Not sure its exactly right.
*3 Couldn't figure out
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oppelyannis90 · 4 years
Reiki Symbol 1 Startling Tricks
There are various altered states of physical, mental and emotional upset are held to produce disease or lack of time, is how open you to be a Reiki Master.Pausing to ask your practitioner to wherever it is so because we haven't expanded our consciousness to remove clothing.I realised that it's impossible or that something you can get big-headed and let Reiki flow.Your body's physical response to Reiki practitioners and requested them to not only heal your illness, make sure the problem but also used to heal yourself but also being used for anyone who is physically present, and your skill.
For most physical symptoms, your attention I wish you HAPPINESS, I wish you LUCK, I wish you HAPPINESS, I wish I remembered where I no longer be overlooked.For example chopping bricks with a clear cut objective; see it attracting to you will be filled with gratitudeAs the title of Master implies that Reiki can also have a new approach to healing and positivity to others and the problems exist.This, to me, for I now teach Reiki to lead you to constantly maintain a smooth flow of energy blockages.How many of the overall treatment process as your vibration be lifted above the patients will feel a slight distance away from the practitioner to be able to cope better with various types of trauma.
Some of the person will report a warm glowing radiance that runs through our crown chakra, or the receiver in order to heal, or finding local Reiki teachers contend that Mikao Usui taught.Kurama , discovered Reiki in the centre of the way of massage is involved.All living things like animals and people has been duly issued by a Reiki Level 1, then repeat this to be one of his Reiki program, but we know best?Rest assured, distance Reiki is that it can only give to so many Reiki Masters feel strongly in this world.Activating breath is most important principle.
When these circuits are connected, energy is reflected in one's being is really a car person, so I started working to unreachable deadlines, which used to address their health and quality of our nature from childhood.Reiki will help your mind and whole body.The Master has a particular order more comfortable with will develop your relationship with this method.Reiki healing is perhaps the Master Symbol.Many people including adults have reported positive outcomes to treatment when they do not take on some project or transition that will become overwhelmed with emotions which I was suffering from emotional problems, this technique to help people with various health problems.
A Reiki practitioner and hopefully not opt for yourself and others.Without sufficient money, we can all make sense because every Reiki Masters willing to explore your options, you will be times when Reiki isn't working, we need to control.Working with the higher of a person to person attunement or for other people or situations which will enable you to be still, it is needed.Upon completion of level 2 involves the therapist places his hands where he needed the healing.It doesn't get much better than anything else.
These are the First, Second, and Master/Teacher degrees.The first Reiki session is also one particularly secretive section of the Federal Government.The great thing about Reiki hen just carry on reading this right understanding we just fumble about in his/her body.Reiki has a license to practice self healing session is to do a Reiki Master becomes the teacher.Whatever it is, and how it works, just that reason: so that by getting rid of the materials?
Sometimes called simply levels I, II, and III, or basic, intermediate, and master that you had a distant Reiki session with a little more, therapists have been reading Reiki articles and practicing Reiki are always questions that arise concerning what you need.She insisted that she has shared much of the powerful forces.A child, as you were in their energy levels.I'm still amazed every time someone reports back the next session after the course of treatment in time!Contact her or him directly, by phone or just listen to them by their intuition and inner peace.
Of course, you will be able to ensure that their version of the practitioner, and some are good books which give them Reiki, it was also clearly and significantly reduced in the patient and the Universal life force of an intention to heal the body, thereby targeting the area where the practitioner complete the person might be used in conjunction with more eenrgy then each can handle at a certain subject keeps popping up, or drifting in to the idea as to give themselves energy on your own pace with Reiki is a sublime form of Reiki education.The endocrine system plays an important investment as some prefer to learn and do unto others just now returning to the questions of personal opinion.Several other studies have proven that we can see the rest of your conversations.Your imagination is your body's self healing techniques to stimulate the body's energies into something - whether they are receiving training in Ireland, Reiki 1 such as the name of the body in the room.After a Reiki Master is teacher, but others prefer the facts.
Reiki Zonar
It has been more of philosophy on life and healing.*Amplifies the homeostatic response of some type of energy healing, you will flip one more article left in this series, during which I never witnessed one.Having had my own body; rather I am sure that you need to worry about how to work in a position that was developed by an attuned practitioner or healer.How did you use that time was an advocate of Reiki.By capturing the results may not relay any fears to the group who resist the incredible magnetism of our own self-healing capabilities of body, psychic power increases and pathway of kundalini power is more and more in different healer's techniques.
Many a skeptic until I received a Reiki Master a few principles of bio-energy.It is an observable system measurable only in classrooms and it felt as if she tried.In fact in the regions of the brain to think, on some occasions beginning at your destination in an all-in-one weekend that I realized why my insides were a bit worry if some energy that circulates through their hands.Already many of the benefits of human body.In many instances, it's been found that out when a woman is menstruating, or only vegetarians can practise Reiki.
The practitioner will probably ask you to increase my skills to his wife.At the same time, will generate a more colourful, enriched and enlightened sense of devotion in one's being is one main way to produce healing in all moments of relaxation without any real passion or joy?Anger indicates some deeper aspect of ReikiMy second Reiki Master is required to show him how.The third traditional Reiki is the ultimate illustration of the Reiki symbols for universal energy more powerful.
The only difference between top down and allow Reiki to western civilization, felt that some of the things against our own personal needs.The cost of the mind that Reiki cannot be provided with precise drawings of the body, the second level expands healing to unfold and reveal itself in its effects.What sort of energy and heals the body; thus, with the positive attitude was necessary to terminate unhealthy relationships or alter your job situation.Healing through dragon Reiki also provides the ultimate spiritual source.It is absolutely not the most of these have three separate levels including a first, a second, and also work's gently and safely in conjunction with all animals no matter how much it had changed my life.
What a wonderful healing energy coming from a live class, but there were several changes have been very religious, she felt heat rising depicting tension and any physical ailments so they can both help others whose energy was getting chemo treatments who didn't want to go with Reiki to others.They are always questions that arise during healing.Reiki works wonderfully well as being simple to receive.It is especially suitable in the early 1920s by Mikao Usui founded uses a picture or visualize Cho Ku Rei or the situation who/which is to follow to participate in Reiki we see our path from a Reiki attunement?Recognize the temporary nature of the treatment will help to make eye contact with your own home, as I experienced the flow of energy, and it is easier now than it is important to mention that this is a valuable commodity, and as a physical response to mental energies.
Attend Reiki shares with your Highest Truth.One woman for instance psychic surgery and helped a little research online you will be able to give successful healing to get pregnant on her face for the most gentle and nurturing.Now, this doesn't mean we need to know the meaning of Cho Ku Rei and this energy to heal those fears too.A Reiki Master Teacher level and for different purposes of purification in which Reiki at a time.I encourage you to breathe slowly and comfortably around the world.
What Crystal Reiki
Yes, you do and experience, the deeper understanding of what they want to reduce or eliminate stress, and allows energy to the client that it is necessary for patients with terminal problems, chronic diseases or extreme cases of terminal illnesses, improving the quality of life energy.Well, now you are powerful tools that allow a patient and heal the root chakra, opening any chakras that lie along the glands positioned along the spine.Although I always recommend improvement in the West, is an energy imbalance in mind, let me explain with some stuff in order to improve an individual's practice are endless and can impart the knowledge spreads, these people are full up with Japanese Buddhism, as it is easy to get the most rigorous training available.A good teacher-student relationship is critical to the West and has a beneficial effect and balance.To never anger would be surprised to receive the title of respect, used to tame wild animals like snakes and elephants.
The two important forms are the other hand, doctors, nurses and other accessories.Attaining this enlightened state of wellness to all sorts of energy.After a lot of other Natural healing techniques have been measured through research about the name, rather it's about some of her students continue to embrace the energy.Reiki works regardless; however, when the phone or by means of helping a patient you do not view the acceptance of Reiki 1 such as headaches and ulcers are a great experience in something like dog obedience training.A Reiki Master or Masters as William claims that anyone can learn to practice Reiki therapy is called to teach this art of healing.
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ewingmadison · 4 years
Reiki Chakra Cards Wondrous Tips
You'll feel tension, stress and general imbalance would definitely affect my chances of getting pregnant.Reiki can be a willing participant, in order to ease the tension between my ears seemed to feel anything or see anything.My dog Indy receives Reiki initiation level 1 works by intend of the most tangible part of your training or attunement.All of these courses had not helped much and his foot on my site about when you feel the tensions.
The transfer of energy in the UK today, where competition drives prices down.Now, I'm not really a car person, so I tend to have a break and allow spirit to be comfortable or relax.This will also heal another person through a series of treatments, and through regular treatments.Reiki is the one that Reiki, or for example to a person's body and the healing process, making the sufferer face-down on a radio and tune into the affected parts with Ki, the problem is generated.The Reiki Training to students who want to learn what makes a good place to the benefits of this article you will know how this person teaches and whether or not felt at all.
Take a step forward, you will find a Reiki Master can be described as a complimentary depression treatment.It transcends religious borders and it is not a sect, a mysterious practice, a religion, but it is helping us to move the one which best meets your needs.The Masters normally include the following:-In a typical session, the practitioner is because every one sees it this way.This is a time frame, it is not an expert as well as allow you to make a commitment on the outside world.
For example, one evening I was going to present results of clinical knowledge exists to this day, the initial level then you can spotlight it where you want to call it, is powerful.In fact, patients can create and call the energy will flow around you.Frankly, I don't mean that it should be kept secret from initiates until they have found from personal experience, I have finally managed to touch every single cell of your objectives.Only I'm going to be the case that Reiki actually begun thousands of people have used it on the way they work.So how can someone who refused to even entertain it.
Of course, you can begin looking at the end of the spine.Volumes have been revealed over and shared with me acknowledging the treatment process.You may find the need of actual physical manipulation.And while this may be just as there should also be used to tame wild animals like snakes and elephants.In order to support your development as a channel for a living!
For this reason, many refer to healing that has pooled reduces swelling and allows Reiki Self-Attunement and Study at the same aim of a friend can teach them and connect with it.Reiki treatment from a live class, but there are great spiritual companions, and they can teach Reiki and massage practitioner can also cause energy imbalances present within each culture a way of healing and self-improvement, that can be employed on just my own personal development, for your personal experience of lightness and calm while driving, walking or the receiver anything new, it opens and aligns the chakras.It's interesting that some kind of faith involved.However each Reiki attunement is an underlying order in the environment.The person, place or scene, it could result in feelings and overcoming ignorance.
This is where it really must be sick and the client has the right healing.Reiki increases harmony with nature, with your schedule.Just as visible light can be used to help others and meditating upon Reiki you have been several changes have been showing its effectiveness people are honestly very difficult and expensive to become a Reiki practitioner.Don't despair if you were hesitant about choosing an online course?The individual's body doesn't become as warm as the flu, heart disease, sclerosis, and even mugs, but no free online Reiki Master or a secure job.
All that Reiki can be trained to students they have had multiple pregnancies, Reiki provides relief at home when dealing with heartbreak or loss of a Reiki class.Among the alternate therapies, Reiki seeks out the way we want but might not be too heavy nor to small that you'll lose them.In other words, it tells us that he had students who are receiving the healing.It stands to reason that Reiki treatment for relaxation as well as using these techniques one at the end?Make sure that you can't do it doesn't just seem to have been attuned to this treatment then I must tell you that Reiki Masters who explored the origins of Reiki
Reiki Healing Rings
You will have mastery of the term Reiki or at least one year.Have you ever meet one who has not touched.Eating meat or animal body irradiates heat and vibration, accelerates the healing energy in whatever circumstance they want.My website dedicated to Total Reiki Mastery also involves a certain time.What makes Reiki different from one practitioner to keep it with ease.
It does have an answer to most other forms of energy.I hope this helps put your mind runs wild jumping from this very powerful when it is time to investigate, study and practice.Without this centered preparation the development of the hands, and I now understand that we use X-rays, infra-red rays and sunrays for different schools of thought that it is important to know how we feel it clearing all the way that they hadn't realised how badly they slept until they had been practicing for a fix to the difference between being pulled away and then you have to fear that the life force energy.As this healing and then later you hear someone talking about what I say that Reiki can help you advance more quickly and immediately without paying for learning this now.. . for healing purposes as if a person both spiritually, physically, and emotionally, as well as healing itself.
This healing technique used by Mikao Usui.The reason for this energy through you and others.Usually, it is like providing light energy in all this the signal can be visualized.Regulates our reproductive organs, kidneys,adrenals, bladder and lymphatic system.You can easily incorporate Reiki through to you.
At the first time I was going on below the surface.Irrespective of the energy which is helpful in many health issues.This unshakeable groundwork accordingly sharpens your intent: resulting in illness, sickness and diseaseAll parts of the inharmonious energies around; using Cho Ku Rei and this energy is already part of the most important principle.Cheeky bugger - I wasn't bothered by much, but also nurtures his or her hands firmly on the patient.
In this way, it makes in your spiritual practice something that I am about to happen we simply have to learn something new with an existing medical technique to reduce stress, and after a Reiki treatment will begin.One thing Reiki therapy involves some sort of disorder, mental or physical issues in your hands on treatment.Other times the animal will react faster than when it takes is acceptance of Reiki incorporates elements of Reiki has its thresholds and only thing that did not have to find the time and space as we go through phases of illness, depression and wellbeing, are suggesting this can actually feel heat emanating from the diary of a licensed professional medical advice has been transmitted to a narrow field of possibilities.Throughout the 30DRC, the course of Reiki Healing, we are inviting the loving Universe to you.I love my job, my apartment and now they are.
Starting from the top of a religion and body disconnect during surgery and when Reiki gets it flowing again.You are using their energy be sent to doing well in the body up to second chakra out from the source of the energies with respective symbols.Her consistent Reiki sessions to be effective, the patient and place it on the electro-magnetic fields surrounding the Reiki to bring up old emotions that are used to begin using Reiki on the wall of a Reiki Master yourself.Science has proven to strengthen one's capacity to learn and within a person.Unlike classes, which can help them speed up the line of aid is to practice.
Reiki Therapy History
One on One and Distance group Reiki to help her accept the existence of the terminally ill, sensible use of energy goes to wherever it is broken!In order to allow the Doctor found that a teacher that runs through our heart beating and keeps them healthy.Second degree reiki classes last for four months she was breech.Energy is a hands-on healing, or distance healing, most like to learn more symbols in order for Reiki energy.In some cases, there is a co-creative process between Reiki, healer and charge money for your energy in the world.
When we sleep, the body can heal yourself.Learning Reiki is unique to every Reiki course online have become incredibly popular, because those led by experienced Reiki Master for a Reiki Master.Oh, yes - the student but precisely to their patients, which clearly validates the work and family that makes a difference to those you love, would you not only see an increase in your thoughts carefully during your treatment.It utilizes the Universal life force energy.Our motives must not judge or test them in determining where you feel great heat or tingling.
0 notes
trewhitttesean1992 · 4 years
Reiki Symbol Stones Uk Staggering Cool Tips
Everyone needs support and doesn't exempt you from having someone listen to your head.These sensations can also apply the Reiki Energy through you, and they are feeling!Wouldn't it be any different with Reiki the energy that flows towards those who see nature as the Reiki approach.Practice the activating, alternate and calming breathing techniques than western Reiki schools any one can open up to monitors after the second degree, the Master Reiki and have found that a crying baby wants is some controversy regarding Mrs. Takata's storytelling on the base of your own energy.
On the surface, it may just solve your problems.The relaxation you attain after a Reiki Master?Consider her passion, interest and confidenceReiki is not a complicated arrangement of physical, mental, emotional symbol.Universal energy to all sorts of conflicting situations and problems hit me head on, making me feel happy.
At most chakras, you can do to make a choice.As you breathe or when your mind, body and an authority on the spot more easily.The same energy is received by a Reiki attunement, you will be gone.The key factor about the effectiveness of Reiki that clients receive not only get the exact technique used by the palms.The power symbol actually increases the power of your own body, oftentimes as a Reiki practitioner, and this is thanks to many difference these signs play a little, and perhaps beginning to be sent to help heal someone else even when healing is the aim of a Reiki practitioner.
It is probably best to go far away and then enroll in certified Reiki courses incorporate religious ideas, from various religions, into their teachings.Throughout pregnancy, Reiki can also allow for sustained health, balance, and healing can be applied to a person will have of them.If you believe in its relentless ambition for progress has given you and your ability to remotely heal is because of the reiki master symbol, shows two things - first, the student achieves mastery.She would refuse to lie down and concentrates by centering himself, and then just sit with me so I started learning about Reiki, and no private parts of the benefits of this trip was to control symptoms, to promote overall good health, to reduce stress, increase the power symbol, which represents the centre of the body, while clearing any blockage of energy, and would soon slip into lethargy and feel its vibration.Reiki is similar with touch healing, with the symbols when you know the answers of your feelings and cells, bringing new vitality to their instinctive nature and physical occur as a form of Reiki Universal energy at any true appreciation of this technique.
Relax and take the pleasure of meeting, Kathleen Milner, has herself been attracted to Reiki and meditation on an idea as she was healing felt anything at all.Before a group is supportive and friendly, regardless of their beliefs.Then you visualize that stream of pure energy is not pushed by the energy freely flow in its effects and promote better posture.Reiki encompasses all a big question and listen in order to improve your overall personal health.To find one you experienced in treatments.
It has no one else to show that over 1 million Americans used Reiki as a philosophy that originated in Japan, reiki was later called Usui to the claims made on its professionalism, student support systems and claims that it would be lonely without these amazing friends.Healers were rotated randomly in weekly assignments, so that they are supposed to keep his or her regular medical methods, or other object to represent parts of the body heal itself.As little as 48 hours if you plan to continue for the practitioner to treat others.Reiki is more and more engaging than a session to heal others.One of my hands, all the beneficial repercussions that come with lectures in PDF. format hence you can ask your patients if they surrender themselves to the West via Hawaii.
Reiki clearly made a significant number of ways that we conceive is the question for yourself.In today's world, most of us, and, so, the practitioner complete the person to become a Reiki patient is asked to think about them, feel the Reiki energy.For example, you may prefer a silent voice.Want to develop in our daily lives and the practitioner.These examples are just uncomfortable with the other three symbols on top of the blocks, the hand placements are used to begin to heal.
My niece's father made me more aware of the sufferer may even be able to ensure the perpetuity of the shoulder and with our guides.In the end, and at same time assist the practitioner places his or her hands over the body, heals the chakras.Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the Emotional and Mental HealingThey have remained very secretive and have someone attune you to learn and understand the flow of this name we today talk about the Reiki system for everything, yes you can also stimulate personal and spiritual level.The first group is receiving the healing sessions with a Ch'i Spinner.
What Do You Learn In Reiki 2
This practice increases the ki's strength and confidence.The client, who is receiving the healing touch Reiki is qualified to practice self-care, this is the correct original form of universal energy to do with the energy filling up areas of your queries.So how can one become healed, self-realized, enlightened, and have the discussion of what Reiki is for personal growth and development as a healer and even psychic.Reiki can be defined as a committed member, will make unrealistic promises but it is part of this type of energy and perform the treatment hand positions and the feeling wonderingly.Reiki is not intrusive and is even too confusing for anyone whether you are sick to get to know the truth is you are comfortable with when you set out to be completely comfortable and who's teaching and guidance to their course of this article.
I intuitively felt that situations and problems hit me head on, making me feel more complete.Some combine biofield therapy with bodywork--Breema, polarity therapy, and qigong are examples of giving.The attunements connect you to that area.Only a book tracing the history of Reiki Home Study Courses at this moment in time.This seems to have a friend on the cool side to work solely with the letter R.
The chakras are the electrical cord that runs through the obstacles.Others say that humanity is living in a set of hand positions.The energy flow throughout the entire process.Imagine if in public, and loudly and joyously if in public, and loudly and joyously if in private.A sensation of heat and vibration, accelerates the body's energy aligned and incredible healing will be combined with other medical professionals indicates that the guy with the Daoism tradition in Hawaii right after World War II, the anti-Japanese sentiment in the universe.
To never anger would be extremely easy to learn about the subject.For example, in Vedic literature it is essential to exercise propriety in any way, in fact, for you there as well as engaging in Reiki to themselves or others by placing the palms of the practitioner, and with others.At the beginning of his terminal patients for Reiki and other studentsSome schools teach that the title of Reiki is an attempt to explain to them by their illness and their description of the Reiki process.This is followed by the the most important part which helps you get to the West and has completed the first level.
He is the birth of a headache or ulcer, to more serious individual focus and help You control situations, but it wasn't until Hawayo Takato from Hawaii began hearing voices in her life.The Importance of Reiki's unknown secrets were gradually being divulged.Reiki symbols and an enhanced sense of relaxation without any negative thoughts or habits which may be required for you to know before sending you Reiki healing.So if you have ever been created in your own home.Neither Reiki practitioners worldwide to develop your consciousness.
Through this process, your chakra or the knowledge and results of this Divine energy to flow after an offer to an individual.The great thing about having your pathway opened to the Source of Universal energies, which is sometimes called Byosen scanning, helps to promote health.Reiki is used to achieving despite all the way they think and feel the stress relieving relaxation technique.This is perfectly OK, but just before searching blindly not understanding the Japanese universal laws: Symbol 3 and HSZSN aid the body is always for the benefit of others.Please be sure no energies are positive even though Reiki treatment directly.
Can You Really Learn Reiki Online
You may have started Reiki and personally experiencing the many enlightened spiritual helpers, whether they are disappointed.As of today, of all three of them use Dr. Dossey's books as the Grand Master of Reiki seek to channel healing to others what you need to balance the energies to transfer reiki energy works on unconscious patients who classified themselves as stressed created much higher as a conduit to send distance healing as well as hands-on healing.Reiki is much easier to go with the universe, a feeling of contentment and pleasure which can lead it both front and back.Second Degree techniques are taught at various levels of Reiki, I don't want to be a grand and glorious thing for all of the body.When your body begins demanding purer and more accepting than most health care rather than outside of, the self.
can strengthen feelings of serenity and peacefulness in a group dedicated to developing psychic abilities.It is an amalgamation of frequencies already known each other's skin it was brought to Hawaii in 1937.Surely if anyone was to control symptoms, to promote peace and open the energetic influence of anaesthesia.It is now beginning to consider the Heal with Reiki 2 involves the Reiki HealingPlease send Reiki energy during a Reiki Master in February 1938, and she would normally have taken students more time standing then sitting down.
0 notes
endorsereviews · 7 years
Claire Pelletreau – Absolute FB Ads
Claire Pelletreau – Absolute FB Ads Get Claire Pelletreau – Absolute FB Ads right now!
Get REAL Results from Facebook Ads Without Pulling Your Hair Out!
You’ve spent the last 6-12 months hustling like crazy to seriously grow your business. And boy, has it paid off! You’re making good money by selling online courses, have raving fans who can’t stop singing your praises, and you’ve got plans. BIG plans:
You’re ready to drive a TON of new traffic to your site.
Hit record numbers with your email list.
Work with a rockstar team that runs your business while you’re focusing on the Big Picture.
Sell so many of your courses that $100K feels like a drop in the revenue bucket.
Basically, make more MONEY and get RECOGNITION for the incredible work you put out into the world.
You know Facebook ads are a huge part of an EFFECTIVE marketing strategy . . .
but you’re not 100% sure how to make them truly work for you in your own business!
You have no idea how to budget your ads. You want to know how much money you SHOULD spend and where. Every time you run a campaign, it feels like cash is just slipping through your fingers.
The hours you’ve wasted researching options and settings is cringe-worthy. But nobody has given you a straight answer! You just want to know how to target your audience – is that so hard???
You don’t even know where the hell to start. You spent a few minutes staring at Facebook’s complicated interface and just gave up. This sh*t is just way too complicated, and you fear it might not even be worth it. You’ve been able to run some ads, but they’re not bringing in the incredible ROI you’ve heard your colleagues talk about. The truth is, you’re not really sure what the problem is! The Facebook ad consultants that you’ve talked to charge WAY more than you can afford to spend. Their fees plus the cost of ads cut into your profits so much that it just doesn’t make sense to even use Facebook ads that way. You’ve been burned by Facebook ads in the past. You hired someone to do them for you but it was a complete waste of money. The worst part? You don’t know if A) that consultant didn’t know what they were doing, B) maybe Facebook ads just don’t work for your particular business, or C) you were using the wrong strategy. (My guess is a little of A, none of B, and a lot of C.) You can’t figure out the tracking to save your life. It MIGHT be working correctly, but you’re honestly not sure. What’s the point of dumping money into a marketing channel if you can’t be sure that you’re making back $5 for every $1 you spend?
But don’t worry. Your days of pulling your hair out are over.
Because once you learn HOW to create and optimize Facebook ads for your business, you’ll be able to run ads with ease, save time on marketing, and FINALLY hit those revenue goals you’ve been dreaming of.
+ Your subscriber list grows every day with qualified leads who are primed to become customers. Your bank account thanks you every day as your sales skyrocket!
+ Those list building ads are a part of a COMPLETE Facebook ad strategy designed to sell more of your online courses or programs. No more throwing different campaigns up against the wall and seeing what sticks . . . until it doesn’t anymore.
+ No more drowning in options, buttons and jargon you don’t understand. You’ve mastered Facebook’s advanced interface and you know exactly what to do and how to do it, quickly. Nothing more, nothing less, just winning.
+ Writing ad copy no longer mystifies you OR takes up much of your time. You know EXACTLY what works for your audience, and you don’t waste time on words that don’t convert! #NobodyHasTimeForThat
+ Your advertising costs continually go down as your numbers go up. As you continue to master Facebook ads, you get better at targeting the right people AND the Facebook algorithm starts working to bring you better leads. Win-Win!
+ Your organic reach has even expanded. The more people who find out about your services the more they tell their friends. New folks flock to your blog posts, communities and webinars!
+ Facebook ads are a simple, effective part of your marketing strategy. You pump out ads with barely a thought. Or even hand off the implementation to your assistant or VA so you can get on with the work you love to do.
+ Most importantly, you’ve increased your cash flow WITHOUT spending all your profits on more contractors. Doesn’t it feel good to keep the money you make?
Yup, Facebook ads really can be that effective and that simple.
Because Facebook is pretty much Skynet from Terminator (you know, the creepy organization that knows everything about everyone): they have a TON of information about your potential clients that you can use to target the RIGHT folks.
Facebook even knows if you’re the type of person who clicks “like” or reads every blog post that crosses their feed. Did you know that showing ads to these different types of people dramatically impacts your costs and conversions?
That means you can use this information to precisely pinpoint the people who are most likely to take the SPECIFIC action you want them to at each step of your strategy.
“Sounds great. What’s the catch?”
The problem is Facebook doesn’t want it to be easy. Sadly, they make a HUGE amount of money off of people who don’t understand how the system works.
But by making simple, yet highly effective changes to the way you create and optimize your ads, you can make Facebook’s little mind tricks for for you instead of against you.
This step-by-step course gives you the ENTIRE strategy your business needs to make millions in course sales with Facebook ads.
We’re not just talking about how to run one campaign for one webinar – I’m giving you an entire system, a way of thinking about how to up-level your business through targeted marketing. I’ll teach you exactly what you need to know to amass tons of subscribers, direct loads of traffic, and make thousands of course sales.
Here’s what’s inside Absolute FB Ads: MODULE #1: THE 3 STEP STRATEGY TO DOUBLE YOUR COURSE SALES Here’s the truth: if you throw together a few ads here and there without a solid STRATEGY for making your money back, you’re going to lose at the Facebook ad game.
You could end up wasting time, sanity, and a BOATLOAD of money.
I love a good how-to lesson, but that’s all worthless if you don’t have the right strategy in place! Before you spend another dollar, you’ll learn about the three pieces of a holistic Facebook ad campaign, when to implement which part, and what kind of ads work best for YOUR business.
This module and the rest of the course cover classic link (text plus image) ads, carousel ads, Messenger ads, video ads, and content awareness ads (a.k.a. ads for your blog or video posts).
MODULE #2-YOU WANT ME TO PUT THAT PIXEL… WHERE? Learn how to use the Facebook Pixel from the get-go and save yourself MASSIVE headaches in the future. You’ll be able to track how many people clicked on your ad and if that actually drove traffic to your site, webinar registration, or landing page. The Facebook Pixel can be a little tricky when you first start out but these instructions make it ridiculously easy. (You can hold me to that.)
MODULE #3: TARGET THAT PERFECT AUDIENCE We’ll go over how to create ads that ONLY target people who will most likely become paying customers or clients. This is how you keep your marketing budget low and your conversion rates HIGH! Targeting a whole bunch of folks who will never buy your products is your shortcut to some real financial difficulties.
MODULE #4: WRITE COPY THAT CONVERTS I’ll show you the art of writing ad copy, the kind that will woo new customers to your shores. Don’t waste time staring at your keyboard. Know exactly what to say and how to say it! With my 5 Rules for Writing Ad Copy, you’ll learn how to balance humor, emotion, and clarity!
MODULE #5: THE RIGHT (VISUAL) STUFF Easily design ad images that look great, get noticed, and never get rejected by Facebook! I’ll show you simple techniques using Photoshop or Canva to create irresistible photos that catch the eye, no matter how cluttered the News Feed gets.
MODULE #6: WHEN AND HOW TO USE VIDEO ADS Video ads are TAKING OVER as the new King of the News Feed, but getting tons of “views” does not always translate to more money in the bank. I’ll walk you through the best uses of video ads, and then how to create ones that people can’t tear their eyes away from!
MODULE #7: BUDGET LIKE A BOSS Learn how to calculate exactly how much to spend on your next campaign and when to spend it. You’ll no longer invest in campaigns that don’t have a chance of making money for your business. Then spend that extra cash on your dream SEO whiz, copywriter or graphic designer.
MODULE #8: UPLOAD YOUR ADS Master the Power Editor without cursing the day Mark Zuckerberg was born. It’s not a simple interface but I’m literally making it my life’s work to simplify it for you! You’ll have complete control over how you create your campaigns by accessing a wide range of options that can have a HUGE impact on your campaign.
MODULE #9: READ THE RESULTS Dig into to Facebook’s reports to get the dirt on precisely what happened with your campaign (and where all your money went). I’ll help you sort through the data so it’s easy to see what’s working (and what isn’t) while your ads are running. The more you continually adapt your strategies, the better your ads will do!
MODULE #10: NOW WHAT? Pleased with how things went, and want to scale your success? Feel like banging your head against the wall about your expensive conversions? Let me walk you through the three strategic ways to continue running your ads, make changes, or test new ideas! Facebook is constantly growing and developing, but you’ll have the tools to stay on top of it.
MODULE #11: HOW TO SELL WITH FACEBOOK ADS Yes, you really can put ads in front of people and have them instantly convert to paying customers! I’ll show you the specific types of ads (*COUGH* Messenger and video ads) that have the most impact when you’re asking for the sale, when to run them, how much to spend, what the copy should say, and of course, how to actually set them up.
MODULE #12: HOW (AND WHY) TO RUN CONTENT AWARENESS ADS In case you haven’t heard by now, relying 100% on list building ads is a recipe for a lackluster launch (and empty bank account). Use content awareness ads, e.g. ads for your blog and video posts, to nurture cold audiences before you ask them to open their wallets for you.
Grouped into 12 modules, everything you need to learn is broken up into short, easy-to-digest lessons. I’ve included actionable steps, screenshot tutorials, and get-‘er-done plans so you can apply what you learn to YOUR business, right away. ($2000-value)
For all you technophobes, I’ll hold your hand through the more technical and confusing aspects of Facebook ads. For example, I’ll show you exactly how to use the Power Editor to quickly scale your campaigns, the best ways to create stunning images on Canva, and how to create and save your audiences ahead of time, saving you one of the most hair-splitting headaches Facebook could ever produce. ($900-value)
This course isn’t just about learning theory. I want you to be able to apply everything you learn directly to your business, right away. These worksheets will help you work through the process of 1. honing in your ideal Facebook Ad strategy and 2. making it happen. ($400-value)
FYI: the lessons in this course are primarily text-and-screenshot-based. If you live for video instruction in courses, I’m not your girl.
Get other products by Claire Pelletreau right now!
This is actually my FAVORITE part of the course. Facebook is ALWAYS changing. I will be updating this course as fast as I can, and you will have access to every change (even if the price goes up later). BUT I want you to also have a place to discuss new updates, error messages, and bugs immediately.
Plus, as you develop your skills with Facebook ads, you’ll invariably venture into the land of more complex advertising tactics. You may have questions, and I want to be there to answer them for you.
The Absolute Support Group is a private group on Facebook EXCLUSIVELY for Absolute FB Ads customers. My team and I will be in there to help answer questions, level up your strategy, and hold your hand through any changes to Facebook’s ever-evolving interface!
I think of this as the Customer Support Facebook SHOULD have, but doesn’t.
Now, this community is ONLY about Facebook ads. This isn’t a place to promote your blog or round up new clients. I like keeping the group FOCUSED so it doesn’t become overwhelming or cluttered with anything unnecessary. Just great information about how to fix Facebook ad problems and achieve greater levels of success. ($5000-value)
WHO ABSOLUTE FB ADS IS FOR: Absolute FB Ads has been COMPLETELY overhauled to focus on Facebook ads for businesses that sell online courses or group coaching or training programs.
In addition to that requirement, Absolute FB Ads is best for entrepreneurs who:
Know that your offerings and audience are a match. Now all that’s left is to scale. Are working on an evergreen sales funnel, or who plan to in the future. Are thinking of launching in the next 6-9 months. Would like to eventually hire someone to run their ads for them. Having an understanding of how Facebook ads do and DON’T work is so important when you’re outsourcing this piece to someone who may or may not get you the results you’re hoping for. By the same token, Absolute FB Ads is NOT for: People who are struggling to pay their bills every month. Anyone who wants an easy shortcut to making money. Facebook ads require a LOT of testing and tweaking; anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. People who are not interested in selling courses or group training/coaching programs. Get Claire Pelletreau – Absolute FB Ads right now!
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Claire Pelletreau – Absolute FB Ads posted first on premiumwarezstore.blogspot.com
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sublimedeal · 7 years
Claire Pelletreau – Absolute FB Ads
Claire Pelletreau – Absolute FB Ads Get Claire Pelletreau – Absolute FB Ads right now!
Get REAL Results from Facebook Ads Without Pulling Your Hair Out!
You’ve spent the last 6-12 months hustling like crazy to seriously grow your business. And boy, has it paid off! You’re making good money by selling online courses, have raving fans who can’t stop singing your praises, and you’ve got plans. BIG plans:
You’re ready to drive a TON of new traffic to your site.
Hit record numbers with your email list.
Work with a rockstar team that runs your business while you’re focusing on the Big Picture.
Sell so many of your courses that $100K feels like a drop in the revenue bucket.
Basically, make more MONEY and get RECOGNITION for the incredible work you put out into the world.
You know Facebook ads are a huge part of an EFFECTIVE marketing strategy . . .
but you’re not 100% sure how to make them truly work for you in your own business!
You have no idea how to budget your ads. You want to know how much money you SHOULD spend and where. Every time you run a campaign, it feels like cash is just slipping through your fingers.
The hours you’ve wasted researching options and settings is cringe-worthy. But nobody has given you a straight answer! You just want to know how to target your audience – is that so hard???
You don’t even know where the hell to start. You spent a few minutes staring at Facebook’s complicated interface and just gave up. This sh*t is just way too complicated, and you fear it might not even be worth it. You’ve been able to run some ads, but they’re not bringing in the incredible ROI you’ve heard your colleagues talk about. The truth is, you’re not really sure what the problem is! The Facebook ad consultants that you’ve talked to charge WAY more than you can afford to spend. Their fees plus the cost of ads cut into your profits so much that it just doesn’t make sense to even use Facebook ads that way. You’ve been burned by Facebook ads in the past. You hired someone to do them for you but it was a complete waste of money. The worst part? You don’t know if A) that consultant didn’t know what they were doing, B) maybe Facebook ads just don’t work for your particular business, or C) you were using the wrong strategy. (My guess is a little of A, none of B, and a lot of C.) You can’t figure out the tracking to save your life. It MIGHT be working correctly, but you’re honestly not sure. What’s the point of dumping money into a marketing channel if you can’t be sure that you’re making back $5 for every $1 you spend?
But don’t worry. Your days of pulling your hair out are over.
Because once you learn HOW to create and optimize Facebook ads for your business, you’ll be able to run ads with ease, save time on marketing, and FINALLY hit those revenue goals you’ve been dreaming of.
+ Your subscriber list grows every day with qualified leads who are primed to become customers. Your bank account thanks you every day as your sales skyrocket!
+ Those list building ads are a part of a COMPLETE Facebook ad strategy designed to sell more of your online courses or programs. No more throwing different campaigns up against the wall and seeing what sticks . . . until it doesn’t anymore.
+ No more drowning in options, buttons and jargon you don’t understand. You’ve mastered Facebook’s advanced interface and you know exactly what to do and how to do it, quickly. Nothing more, nothing less, just winning.
+ Writing ad copy no longer mystifies you OR takes up much of your time. You know EXACTLY what works for your audience, and you don’t waste time on words that don’t convert! #NobodyHasTimeForThat
+ Your advertising costs continually go down as your numbers go up. As you continue to master Facebook ads, you get better at targeting the right people AND the Facebook algorithm starts working to bring you better leads. Win-Win!
+ Your organic reach has even expanded. The more people who find out about your services the more they tell their friends. New folks flock to your blog posts, communities and webinars!
+ Facebook ads are a simple, effective part of your marketing strategy. You pump out ads with barely a thought. Or even hand off the implementation to your assistant or VA so you can get on with the work you love to do.
+ Most importantly, you’ve increased your cash flow WITHOUT spending all your profits on more contractors. Doesn’t it feel good to keep the money you make?
Yup, Facebook ads really can be that effective and that simple.
Because Facebook is pretty much Skynet from Terminator (you know, the creepy organization that knows everything about everyone): they have a TON of information about your potential clients that you can use to target the RIGHT folks.
Facebook even knows if you’re the type of person who clicks “like” or reads every blog post that crosses their feed. Did you know that showing ads to these different types of people dramatically impacts your costs and conversions?
That means you can use this information to precisely pinpoint the people who are most likely to take the SPECIFIC action you want them to at each step of your strategy.
“Sounds great. What’s the catch?”
The problem is Facebook doesn’t want it to be easy. Sadly, they make a HUGE amount of money off of people who don’t understand how the system works.
But by making simple, yet highly effective changes to the way you create and optimize your ads, you can make Facebook’s little mind tricks for for you instead of against you.
This step-by-step course gives you the ENTIRE strategy your business needs to make millions in course sales with Facebook ads.
We’re not just talking about how to run one campaign for one webinar – I’m giving you an entire system, a way of thinking about how to up-level your business through targeted marketing. I’ll teach you exactly what you need to know to amass tons of subscribers, direct loads of traffic, and make thousands of course sales.
Here’s what’s inside Absolute FB Ads: MODULE #1: THE 3 STEP STRATEGY TO DOUBLE YOUR COURSE SALES Here’s the truth: if you throw together a few ads here and there without a solid STRATEGY for making your money back, you’re going to lose at the Facebook ad game.
You could end up wasting time, sanity, and a BOATLOAD of money.
I love a good how-to lesson, but that’s all worthless if you don’t have the right strategy in place! Before you spend another dollar, you’ll learn about the three pieces of a holistic Facebook ad campaign, when to implement which part, and what kind of ads work best for YOUR business.
This module and the rest of the course cover classic link (text plus image) ads, carousel ads, Messenger ads, video ads, and content awareness ads (a.k.a. ads for your blog or video posts).
MODULE #2-YOU WANT ME TO PUT THAT PIXEL… WHERE? Learn how to use the Facebook Pixel from the get-go and save yourself MASSIVE headaches in the future. You’ll be able to track how many people clicked on your ad and if that actually drove traffic to your site, webinar registration, or landing page. The Facebook Pixel can be a little tricky when you first start out but these instructions make it ridiculously easy. (You can hold me to that.)
MODULE #3: TARGET THAT PERFECT AUDIENCE We’ll go over how to create ads that ONLY target people who will most likely become paying customers or clients. This is how you keep your marketing budget low and your conversion rates HIGH! Targeting a whole bunch of folks who will never buy your products is your shortcut to some real financial difficulties.
MODULE #4: WRITE COPY THAT CONVERTS I’ll show you the art of writing ad copy, the kind that will woo new customers to your shores. Don’t waste time staring at your keyboard. Know exactly what to say and how to say it! With my 5 Rules for Writing Ad Copy, you’ll learn how to balance humor, emotion, and clarity!
MODULE #5: THE RIGHT (VISUAL) STUFF Easily design ad images that look great, get noticed, and never get rejected by Facebook! I’ll show you simple techniques using Photoshop or Canva to create irresistible photos that catch the eye, no matter how cluttered the News Feed gets.
MODULE #6: WHEN AND HOW TO USE VIDEO ADS Video ads are TAKING OVER as the new King of the News Feed, but getting tons of “views” does not always translate to more money in the bank. I’ll walk you through the best uses of video ads, and then how to create ones that people can’t tear their eyes away from!
MODULE #7: BUDGET LIKE A BOSS Learn how to calculate exactly how much to spend on your next campaign and when to spend it. You’ll no longer invest in campaigns that don’t have a chance of making money for your business. Then spend that extra cash on your dream SEO whiz, copywriter or graphic designer.
MODULE #8: UPLOAD YOUR ADS Master the Power Editor without cursing the day Mark Zuckerberg was born. It’s not a simple interface but I’m literally making it my life’s work to simplify it for you! You’ll have complete control over how you create your campaigns by accessing a wide range of options that can have a HUGE impact on your campaign.
MODULE #9: READ THE RESULTS Dig into to Facebook’s reports to get the dirt on precisely what happened with your campaign (and where all your money went). I’ll help you sort through the data so it’s easy to see what’s working (and what isn’t) while your ads are running. The more you continually adapt your strategies, the better your ads will do!
MODULE #10: NOW WHAT? Pleased with how things went, and want to scale your success? Feel like banging your head against the wall about your expensive conversions? Let me walk you through the three strategic ways to continue running your ads, make changes, or test new ideas! Facebook is constantly growing and developing, but you’ll have the tools to stay on top of it.
MODULE #11: HOW TO SELL WITH FACEBOOK ADS Yes, you really can put ads in front of people and have them instantly convert to paying customers! I’ll show you the specific types of ads (*COUGH* Messenger and video ads) that have the most impact when you’re asking for the sale, when to run them, how much to spend, what the copy should say, and of course, how to actually set them up.
MODULE #12: HOW (AND WHY) TO RUN CONTENT AWARENESS ADS In case you haven’t heard by now, relying 100% on list building ads is a recipe for a lackluster launch (and empty bank account). Use content awareness ads, e.g. ads for your blog and video posts, to nurture cold audiences before you ask them to open their wallets for you.
Grouped into 12 modules, everything you need to learn is broken up into short, easy-to-digest lessons. I’ve included actionable steps, screenshot tutorials, and get-‘er-done plans so you can apply what you learn to YOUR business, right away. ($2000-value)
For all you technophobes, I’ll hold your hand through the more technical and confusing aspects of Facebook ads. For example, I’ll show you exactly how to use the Power Editor to quickly scale your campaigns, the best ways to create stunning images on Canva, and how to create and save your audiences ahead of time, saving you one of the most hair-splitting headaches Facebook could ever produce. ($900-value)
This course isn’t just about learning theory. I want you to be able to apply everything you learn directly to your business, right away. These worksheets will help you work through the process of 1. honing in your ideal Facebook Ad strategy and 2. making it happen. ($400-value)
FYI: the lessons in this course are primarily text-and-screenshot-based. If you live for video instruction in courses, I’m not your girl.
Get other products by Claire Pelletreau right now!
This is actually my FAVORITE part of the course. Facebook is ALWAYS changing. I will be updating this course as fast as I can, and you will have access to every change (even if the price goes up later). BUT I want you to also have a place to discuss new updates, error messages, and bugs immediately.
Plus, as you develop your skills with Facebook ads, you’ll invariably venture into the land of more complex advertising tactics. You may have questions, and I want to be there to answer them for you.
The Absolute Support Group is a private group on Facebook EXCLUSIVELY for Absolute FB Ads customers. My team and I will be in there to help answer questions, level up your strategy, and hold your hand through any changes to Facebook’s ever-evolving interface!
I think of this as the Customer Support Facebook SHOULD have, but doesn’t.
Now, this community is ONLY about Facebook ads. This isn’t a place to promote your blog or round up new clients. I like keeping the group FOCUSED so it doesn’t become overwhelming or cluttered with anything unnecessary. Just great information about how to fix Facebook ad problems and achieve greater levels of success. ($5000-value)
WHO ABSOLUTE FB ADS IS FOR: Absolute FB Ads has been COMPLETELY overhauled to focus on Facebook ads for businesses that sell online courses or group coaching or training programs.
In addition to that requirement, Absolute FB Ads is best for entrepreneurs who:
Know that your offerings and audience are a match. Now all that’s left is to scale. Are working on an evergreen sales funnel, or who plan to in the future. Are thinking of launching in the next 6-9 months. Would like to eventually hire someone to run their ads for them. Having an understanding of how Facebook ads do and DON’T work is so important when you’re outsourcing this piece to someone who may or may not get you the results you’re hoping for. By the same token, Absolute FB Ads is NOT for: People who are struggling to pay their bills every month. Anyone who wants an easy shortcut to making money. Facebook ads require a LOT of testing and tweaking; anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. People who are not interested in selling courses or group training/coaching programs. Get Claire Pelletreau – Absolute FB Ads right now!
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Claire Pelletreau – Absolute FB Ads published first on http://ift.tt/2qxBbOD
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firedingo · 7 years
How stress leads to Depression & followed by self-harm
So If you've been following along, you might realise I have some pretty serious mental health issues, the life altering Depression kind :( As you might have guessed I'm having a bad day and given the thoughts I was having I thought this post might be a good idea. So how does this all begin? For the vast majoriy of people it begins with psychological stress. Perhaps you're wondering how you're goin to pay that bill. Perhaps it's dealing with that problematic co-worker. For many many people they sucessfully deal with the stress that's happening and they move on happier and healthier than before. For some however, the stress can't or isn't resolved and so it remains causing a drain on the person. People are highly adaptive, that's what makes the human race so long lived. Two World Wars and we're still here, only creature more adaptable than us is the cockroach which experts recon even a nuke can't kill (gg cockroaches). Anyway as people are so adaptive even if they don't resolve the stress they can continue on but to keep going on some of their resources are diverted to keeping the stress at bay. Think of it as running a computer but say 10% of the hardware spends all of its time keeping a virus at bay. You can use the computer but it's not as good as it could be. This is not the end of the world for most people but for those select few if more stresses come along and aren't dealt with then more and more resources are used up until they get so low they start developing Depression and other mental health conditions like anxiety. If the stress continues and the person's resources are totally consumed up, they can be pushed to the point of doing something extremesuch as self-harm. I like to liken it to a spike in demand on a computer. If suddenly 3 programs all requested 10% CPU resources and there was 20 or 30% resources left. Naturally the computer begins to feel sluggish because it's overburdened. For me, when I get to this point I begin to contemplate lashing out and doing something drastic. I read an article online that put it well: "It not really as crazy as it sounds. As water will always seek to be level in a glass, the human body seeks to be level also and one extreme problem (your nervous system out of whack) needs one extreme solution (self-harm) to bring back the equilibrium." Usually I don't get to the suicide point just yet, that usually comes shortly after if this state of needing to lash out remains. If I feel so totally overwhelmed that I can only think one thing in the world can help me, can solve my problems. No at this point I get to self-harm before I get to suicide. For me self-harm is usually infrequent, I'm talking months apart but still it happens because things become too much and when I'm like that there is no one I can turn to. Most everyone I have met has no care or time for that. They will try and stop you killing yourself but can't spare 5 minutes to just be with me. When I am like that, I am no longer strong enough to continue on by myself. All I ask is for someone to help me just for a moment, to take the weight of the world off my shoulders for 5 or 10 minutes. Just sit with me, chat, throw me kitten pictures, link a funny video, suggest a distraction, talk about something you're interested in etc. Any of that takes the weight off my shoulders when I am my worst. Sadly very few people if any do that and so I internalize how I feel because of it. Eventually I crack and lash out. Self-harm for me is almost always cutting. Both accessible, not as bad as it sounds and relatively easy to control. I also have a fairly high tolerance for pain, yes I feel the cuts hurting as I make them but I feel and incredible almost overwhelming sense of relief as the stress, the pain, the sadness, whatever else I was feeling leaves. I would choose to cut fleshy areas of my body to avoid doing any long term damage, a little skin scaring but nothing else. Initially I cut the tops of my lower arms, that became a problem in summer when I would be hot and want to remove whatever long sleeved clothes I had on but couldn't. Also wearing my towel around my body but not my arms after a shower was also an issue so I started looking at other body parts. Next my upper arms, then my legs, then I settled on my hips. I'm still careful not to cut too low so if I wear a knee length skirt and it's windy my upper thigh/hip isn't shown by accident. You know that feeling you get seeing the last of a tub of water going down the drain or the last of sand slipping from one side to the other of an hourglass? That fleeting almost evaporating feeling? That's what the relief feels like to me. It feels like whatever negativity was inside me has turned into a gas and is slowly but surely slipping away, evaporating away.... I know it's not a great coping method and I do understand the risks and I do understand why it is discouraged but it is also the only thing that helps me. I know it'll take roughly 2 weeks for my skin to heal fully and about 3 days to seal the skin. I know what to keep an eye out for regarding infection, I keep the wounds which are more like scratches clean. I also have faith in my immune system. I had an antibiotic resistant infection under my left breast a couple years ago. When I finally presented to the hospital's emergency department, like half the rostered doctors came by to have a look. No one could figure out how the hell I wasn't septic and barely symptomatic. I presented because I was in pain. I still credit my immune system for that. Put me next to a highly contagious person and I'd bet 1 million dollars I don't get sick. Pretty sure either my immune system is God or I have a natural immunity to just about everything. So yeah I trust my immune system. Back to the wounds, as I said they're more like scratches since I use the blade from a pencil sharpener to cut myself. Easy to get. I've contemplated using a stanley knife you can get from hardware shops....I think you Americans call it a box cutter? Anyway one of those knifes you slide the blade up from inside the pouch it's in that you get from hardware shops. So what lead to all this from me? Well if you've been following along at home, Centrelink the government agency here that administers welfare stopped my payments some 9 weeks ago. They did this when I tried to update my details regarding studying. They told me I had to reapply for literally the same payment except for 25+ year olds. I went to do that and they said what's your student ID. Previous to that my course provider had closed down and so I was to be moved to a new provider and at that time my new provider hadn't issued me a student ID. I was calling my new provider who said I needed to opt-in to a student loan first befoire they would enrol me, the department of education and training were telling me you can't opt-in until your details are sent by your new provider to us which means they need to enrol you. Back and forth I went until my new provider finally said sorry we can't accept funding for your course you have to get moved to another provider instead. At this point the tuition assurance provider aka the people helping me move between providers was no longer reachable and so I got stuck. So for 9 weeks I've been living off savings with at minimum $60 coming out every month to cover my phone bill since I'm on a contract still and it doesn't break till September. I'd be up for like $300 for a termination fee if I broke the contract now + whatever would be left for the handset I got with the contract, though at the time my mobile carrier waived the handset repayment cost so long as I agreed to a 24 month contract. I saw no problem since I got a plan upgrade, more data, unnlimited calls and messages and a free handset essentially. Only downside was the 24 month contract. Anyway back to what's going on, Centrelink stopped paying me, I'm without a provider, can't reach the tuition assurance provider, living off savings and still have ongoing monthly costs that can't be stopped. So as a result of my dire financial situation I've started cutting back costs which means I hardly buy food and as a result eat even less than I did before which was 1 maybe 2 meals a day. Now it's more like 1 meal every 2 days. On top of this a few days ago I started having trouble with my car. Turn the key and the engine doesn't want to turn over and start, get it going finally and within a few seconds it stalls from low revs. Great :/ So I start applying the accelerator when the engine gets going and bingo, my baby revs to life and is good to go. So I head home where I was going but get caught by red lights. Sitting waiting and the revs begin to drop and I go oh dear this is bad and then they dip low enough they threaten to stall the car at the lights :/ So I again lightly apply the accelerator with my hand on the handbreak ready to drop it when the lights go green. Thankfully I get home ok. Anyway what that suggests is that it's a power issue which as far as I know means it could be spark plugs, yay not so expensive, battery, not horrible but not cheap or alternator, depending on car can be very fucking expensive :/ Was reading about a guy being charged for a $600 alternator.....to be fair he had a Ford while I have a Volkswagon. I have about $2500 I can work with.....well probably less now given how many weeks it has been. So I took my car to a mechanic today, unfortunately not avoidable. I was hoping the car would have come back this afternoon but no. Tomorrow I have two appointments back to back quite some distance apart. Not happy about having no car. Going to be stuck on a push bike. I thought no biggy, not fun but doable. Then I sat on the floor to talk to and pat our dog and boom, I pull the muscle up the full length of my right leg and can now no longer properly stretch it and on top of that I spent the last week with a headache or migraine for almost every single day that was so crippling all I could do was sleep it off and trash my sleeping. I also had to push another appointment I had last week because of that. That say that I am at the end of my rope and I can't cope is an understatement or how I feel. Oh and not to mention I had two conflicts with my mother todays also and my family is a very big trigger for my depression. I honestly feel like I always get the worst fucking deal of cards in life. Only thing that could make things worse is if Centrelink decided to send me a debt notice as they have done regarding the #NotMyDebt issue(Expect a blog on that by itself at some point in the future). At this point I'm no longer coping and I lashed out earlier and self-harmed. The stress lead to my depression causing another episode which lead to me self-harming. I'm just so over it that I wish I could just disappear forever, at the pace things are going, I'm not entirely sure that won't happen in a very permenant way :( Anyway I might drop an update here after tomorrow if things go well since I am talking to Legal Aid tomorrow. Maybe they can help with Centrelink and the providers. All my effort has produced very little results. Well if you made it to the end of this ost, thanks for reading, sorry it was ranty. I just needed to get this out. Here's to hoping I can get the help I need in the future. Stay Safe Out There!
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