#this is like feyre in the court of nightmares in acowar
olenvasynyt · 26 days
In ACOWAR during the meeting with Kier when he asks for his people to be free of the mountain, Feyre says “You have every comfort, and it’s still not enough?”
She had every comfort at Tamlin’s manor, and it still wasn’t enough for her…
One thing that really pisses me off about the Court of Nightmares is how SJM writes it so black and white. The entire court, not just Keir, is evil and conniving. There was a part in ACOWAR where he says he is going to let the CoN go to Velaris but he told all of the vendors and business owners to refuse service to not just Keir, but all of the CoN. And this paints the entire court in this black and white lense.
Not a single person in that court is a dreamer like Mor? She was the only fucking one?
I think there can be a little bit of nuance to the situation where a significant portion of the court is just bad because they have been festering in the dark for so long, but guess who's fault is that?? It's the leader's fault, the one who keeps the court up and running, aka the High Lord, aka Rhys.
Rhys says he wants change. That he wants to show the world that he's good. But he continues to keep the Court of Nightmares up and running, he keeps Keir as herald.
"Oh this court is so awful and sadistic," Feyre thinks as she sits on the throne with a crown on her head and with Rhys holding her hand.
And Rhys says "the Court of Nightmares just rules itself" and sure, I guess that's true, but as High Lord, you have the ability to put a stop to that and pull out the bad weeds. But instead, you keep it running to further your agenda and to keep your evil mask on.
Getting mad at Keir for slutshaming your lover and breaking his arm is not enough. Restricting access to Velaris is not enough. Even telling the Court "you guys are bad >:C " is not fucking enough.
Rhys the most powerful High Lord who killed all of the Illyrian war bands who sided with Amarantha after UTM, yet he can't do the same to the CoN?
Rhys and Feyre and the IC label the entire CoN as evil without trying to find the forgotten dreamers, and they continue to keep the court up and running and making the excuse that "it's too hard" despite their power and influence. It means they don't care. Or that Rhys maybe fucking enjoys it.
It also means that SJM (so far) has no idea what she's doing and can't understand the situation she wrote in her own series.
And this brings me to comparing Nesta being locked up, the CoN and its dreamers being locked up, and Feyre being locked up. Is SJM intending this irony and hypocrisy of the IC? I sure hope so because I swear it's the most obvious comparision ever, but it confuses me because a large majority of the ACOTAR fanbase doesn't get it. "Oh well the CoN is evil! They have to keep them contained and Rhys can't do a whole lot as High Lord because the Court rules itself." And the most frustrating argument: "Nesta was addicted to sex and alcohol, she needed to be rehabilitated! It's for her own good!"
They don't see the irony of how the IC treats Nesta because Tamlin also did what he did for Feyre's own good. It was to protect her, keep her safe. Not saying it was 100% good and right, but why are we not understanding that what the IC did to Nesta was not 100% good and right either?
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emmitaaa4 · 4 months
TIME magazine knows whats up
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You know, regardless of personal preferences and what not, I find the absolute resistance/denial of the idea that Elain's book is could be next pretty nonsensical--especially considering everything Sarah has said in the last few days. Do people not see just how much she highlighted the importance of her *female* leads, and how much of herself she pours into their emotional journeys? Her heroines are a labour of love, and it shows in the way that so many of us love Nesta (&Feyre as well ofc).
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The promise Elain holds as a character is insane, and honestly her story is begging to be told; there are so many answers only she can offer us. SJM also has always spoken very fondly of Elain--that interview when she calls her the quiet dreamer; her saying Elain would be her bestie out of all the acotar characters; that bonus acofas interview where she not only says she'd be a florist were she not a writer, but also says she is doing research for our girl's book, and mentions the literal dreams/nightmares Elain would be having.
She is tied to pretty much every major plot point mentioned in acosf... so as for her supposed lack of presence/importance, I'd just like to point out that girlie is literally a walking spoiler. From a purely logistical & narrative standpoint, we have to consider the fact that her visions give us a wealth of information that are pretty essential to the furthering of the plot--the demystification of her powers would fall weirdly were they revealed in, say, the last book of the series. (Plus aren't we all still discussing those she had all the way back in acowar?). Not to mention that her powerS (plural, as we find out in acosf), as well as her being made and her having been capable of wielding Truthteller, make her the perfect character to introduce... well massverse spoilers ig but if you know you know. And let's be real Azriel makes tons of sense as the second MC/PoV in her book considering, well, everything. I've seen many theorize that she has life-related powers (so many possibilities, my fav being her bringing life/light back to the Dusk court and/or the barren lands of Prythian… plus the barren Prison is the third SISTER peak to tackle) and you just know from the way her arc has been set up that her journey will be one of adventure & self-determination as she defies others expectations of her (reader included).
Ouuff rant over. But yea, still not too surprising too see Elain so often disregarded /let out of the conversation given the last few years and how much some parts of the fandom have decentered her in her own story. Cannot wait for our quiet dreamer's time to shine.
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fixing the acowar to acosf pipeline
(compilation of things ive seen and my own ideas)
first rhys does not come back to life
he either enters a coma or is deeply wounded in some life altering way
due to rhys’s incapacitation feyre will become the sole ruler of the night court
this will allow her to learn how to deal with politics and gain genuine trust of the IC of her abilities outside of her being rhys’s mate
simultaneously she will be looking for a way to cure him/wake him up
feyre and elain will come together and decide that nesta needs help and give her an intervention that comes from love and support and worry rather than from rhys and amren
she will still go to the house of wind and train and work with the priestesses etc etc to give her life some structure
very important: cassian will not sleep with nesta no matter what she does. he will choose her mental well-being and to be her friend instead
I want like a rowaelin style reluctant friendship where they end up sleeping in the same bed because they both crave physical touch and each others presence but cassian maintains that sexual boundary
I think it makes a lot more sense for feyre to suggest cassian plays courtier than it does for rhys
some sort of real exploration of nestas powers ideally in the court of nightmares where she realizes there are other dreamers that are suffering there too
nesta brings this up to feyre, and feyre being feyre wants to give them a chance. they bond over this and this is one aspect to them mending their relationship
I think the blood rite and the eris plot can stay
but the human queen (I forgot her name) that’s gotta be better
all 3 archerons have a real conversation about how they feel about each other and realize they do not have to be best friends to love and support each other
nessian gets together towards the end of nestas healing journey where they allow themselves to love each other
and because they haven’t had sex the sexual tension is off the fucking roof
finally nesta saves rhys’s life (somehow idk that’s up to sjm) so no stupid baby plot and she most definitely does not lose her powers
ok so that’s my thoughts!
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arson-09 · 4 months
Acowar Review✨✨ sjm needs to pay for my therapy✨✨
Its not as infuriating as acomaf but its still… bad.
Point 1: the court of ignorance and dumbassery
Lets cut to the chase. why the FUCK didnt feyre read Tamlin and Luciens minds at ANYPOINT while she was doin her hot girl shit of taking the spring court down??? huh sjm??? why is your fmc only powerful when convenient. So much could have been cut down. Acowar was way too long.
The whole destroying of the spring court didnt even make that much sense. Im all for a girlie getting back at the people who wronged her but feyre ended up hurting a lot of innocent people in the process. Feyre even tries to ignore the consequences of her actions. She had to invade peoples minds and manipulate people to get them to turn against tamlin and all this could have been avoided if she read his damn mind and learned he was a double agent. Lucien even hinted towards it
Part One: Princess of Carrion »
Chapter Six
None. It was either go to war with the Night Court and Hybern, or ally with Hybern, let them try to stir up trouble, and then use that alliance to our own advantage further down the road." "What do you mean," I breathed. But Lucien realized what he'd said, and hedged, "We have enemies in every court. Having Hybern's alliance will make them think twice." Liar. Trained, clever liar.
If feyre is supposed to be so smart, and she did pick up on this, why didnt she do anything? This is so frustrating.
Then once she leaves the spring court i found myself frankly not caring. Acomaf hadnt given me enough to care about the inner circle so i didnt and sjm cant make me like rhysand. which i have so many gripes but for word counts sake let me name my main ones
Point 2: Sarah Janet Maas and her shitty love interests
the ignoring rhysand sexual assault of feyre and EXCUSING it and his little habit of not telling his court things
Part Two: Cursebreaker »
Chapter Twelve
Was it going on before you even left?" I whipped my head to him, even if I could barely make out his features in the dark. "I never touched Rhysand like that until months later." "You kissed Under the Mountain." "I had as little choice in that as I did in the dancing." "And yet this is the male you now love." He didn't know-he had no inkling of the personal history, the secrets, that had opened my heart to the High Lord of the Night Court. They were not my stories to tell
here we have sjm acknowledging that yeah, rhysand Sexually Assaulted Feyre UtM in Acotar. Without her consent he dressed her inappropriately (which she was uncomfortable with) had her dance provocatively in his lap, kissed her, and made her drink alcohol so she wouldn't remember the details all without her consent. Yet Sjm is going “its fine” now and feyre herself going “you just dont get it…” ⁉️⁉️⁉️
Now see if sjm actually planned for rhysand to become the love interest why didnt she just avoid all this by having Amarantha make rhysand do this to feyre? Because that would have solved some issues but no. Because Rhysand did all this of his own free will in acotar. He actively chose to do this to feyre. To humiliate her and anger Tamlin because rhysand is obsessed with Tamlin.
Rhysand also loves to not tell his own court things. I was and still am very angry over him not telling Mor, Azriel, Cassien and at the very least his Wife about his plan with the court of nightmares. Just why.
Mors anger towards Nesta also makes no sense. sjm stop writing girl on girl hate challenge impossible
Point three: That one toy story scene “I dont wanna play with you anymore!”
Now tamlin. Tamlin tamlin tamlin im so sorry love for what sjm has done to you. If i start ill never stop. What Tamlin said to feyre and rhysand at the high lords meeting was out of pocket but he also wasnt wrong about some things. Also from established character these actions make no sense and his actions havent made sense since acomaf because sjm threw him and his character away to play with shadow daddy and bad morals. But she also cant commit to making a character of hers actually evil so tamlin saves the whole day by bringing the autumn court to fight and saving rhysand life. Tamlin has redeemed himself by sjm standards but she then wrote the holiday novel which i have read and detested.
Overall the plot was fine. i guess. it probably looked better when compared to the characters.
Sjm learn to redeem characters outside of “ooh they were abused and have trauma so everything they do is okay” for guys and “she fell in love/had sex with the most PERFECT MALE TO EVER MASCULINE.” its boring and flat. Also i know what happens in Acosf (i will not be reading that ty) so wtf happened to Nesta bro. she got the tamlin treatment. boooo 👎
to end off heres some of my favorite highlights from acowar 50%+ thru the book.
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lainalit · 2 months
So tiktok and also goodreads recommended me acotar to read because I usually really like Fantasy with a good portion of romance. But I'm currently on acowar and I think one of the reasons why I didn't like the series as much as others online is that the worldbuilding is probably one of the worst I've read in quite some time.
Like every time I try to understand anything in this world, it is either a) retconned b) contradictory, or c) doesn't make much sense.
For example, in one chapter, we learn that High Lords are chosen by a godlike figure, and apparently High ladies don't exist because of this,so it's like godlike sexism, but then Feyre becomes High Lady, and we should believe she is equally as powerful as Rhysand, so either Rhysand lied to her and she only thinks she has any power over the night court or everybody can technically become High Lord/ High Lady but why established the rule that they are chosen in the first place?????
Another example would be the whole Court of nightmare thing, so we know that Mor comes from the CoN and everybody there is awful, cruel and evil, but then Mor talks about her cousin, who are in seemingly in abusive marriages, and there are also probably children there too, so either a) the abused women/children are also evil or b) abused women/children deserve to be there for reasons...
I'm usually not so nitpicky about worldbuilding, but the world in acotar is so black and white, like there's no nuance or even more explanation given. Instead, we get feyre painting, training with sexy guys, or having thoughts about how hot Rhysand is....
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offtorivendell · 4 months
The Weaver's Song
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Disclaimer: well I thought I had time to edit this properly and tidy it up, but joke's on me, apparently the entirety of HOFAS has leaked in Portuguese over night. That'll teach me (haha, never) to leave something in my drafts for months. So this may or may not be correct, and YOU might know that, but I'm not going to read the whole thing until I have the original version.
If someone has already posted this theory, I'm sorry!
Spoilers: this contains information from ACOTAR, TOG and CC series books 1 and 2. Please do not discuss spoilers in the comments until after HOFAS has officially been published, or in the reblogs without warning (and ideally a read more option)!
This may be fanciful, but I think I may know what The Weaver was singing about in ACOMAF... it was a metaphor for Prythian history and Void travel.
“There were two sisters, they went playing, To see their father’s ships come sailing … And when they came unto the sea-brim The elder did push the younger in.”
Theia's two daughters, as @silverlinedeyes has posted before, she thinks the second daughter brought Truth-Teller back to Prythian through a rift - though was there a third, unknown sibling, as @wingedblooms and I have theorised?
Playing - playing music? Music as the universal magic/language? Urd’s music?
Whether or not they're also Fionn's daughters, if literal, the ships could be people travelling through the Void/Rift to Midgard… the Feyre, the Nesta, the Elain come to mind, except maybe the Selene, the Eos and the Helios?
The Haldren Sea sounds like it could have a rift/portal in it (similar imagery to the Court of Nightmares/Hewn City). Port/portal?
Did Helena push her younger sister into the rift, to make her return through the Void and save Prythian from the Asteri, per @silverlinedeyes?
If this was then case then Helena knowingly sacrificed herself.
“Sometimes she sank, and sometimes she swam, ’Til her corpse came to the miller’s dam.”
Did she travel through multiple worlds until she reached Prythian, similar to Aelin as the red star? Or was this after returning to Prythian and living her life she then travelled again across the murky realm?
Miller's dam - dam could be their mother? The Mother? Silba?
A dam is also a body of water. The Cauldron?
Miller is one of the oldest human professions - milling grains for bread.
Miller is also a type of moth - moth wings at the HOW library, with their Cauldron/bowl-type statues at the entrance?
What if the Void/Cauldron is the Miller, and Chaos/Cauldron's water is the Dam?
“But what did he do with her breastbone? He made him a viol to play on. What’d he do with her fingers so small? He made pegs to his viol withall.”
What if the Void/Cauldron is the earth, Chaos/Cauldron's water is the dam, and the Miller is the hypothetical third sibling?
How do the underground waterways and/or the pool of Starlight in the Spring Court fit in?
The viol is an instrument; is the language of the universe a song? This would support my idea that Singing is a language of the gods, and Sight/messages from the gods could be a form of Singing.
Breastbone, spells and bonds are threads, viol strings? Pegs tighten/tune the strings. Witchy and sorcery spell vibes, but also hello PUPPET VIBES. Who is/will the Cauldron using as a puppet?
“And what did he do with her nose-ridge? Unto his viol he made a bridge. What did he do with her veins so blue? He made strings to his viol thereto.”
Nose - smells, Azriel can smell the Elucien bond… because it's discordant (theory on the way)? Amren could smell Feysand’s bond, how?
Bridge - I saw the painting in my mind: the lovely fawn, blooming spring vibrant behind her. Standing before Death, shadows and terrors lurking over his shoulder. Light and dark, the space between their bodies a blend of the two. The only bridge of connection … that knife. Paint that when we get home. - ACOWAR, chapter 69. Truth-Teller connecting with the Starsword.
"A violin bridge is a maple piece that sits atop the violin and lifts the strings above the fingerboard in a way that allows you to play both single notes and double stops. It transmits the string vibrations to the soundbox (body of the violin)." It's a conduit. Could Carranam be relevant here?
Blue - Azriel's siphons, the veins in Elain's eyes in the tent scene when she Looked for the Suriel. Can she see the threads?
Viols have six strings - three brothers and three sisters?
“What did he do with her eyes so bright? On his viol he set at first light. What did he do with her tongue so rough? ’Twas the new till and it spoke enough.”
Eyes bright - like Elain's when she's in pain? Pain is a link to the divine, do her eyes go bright when she's using her magic?
Eyes at first light - Sight/Singing at dawn? Eos?
First light - firstlight?
To set at something, to go after it… with an instrument playing him through the Void? Someone is after the firstlight and will go after it. The Asteri and Bryce. Mystics? Elain?
Till - as in the soil/gardening? More likely a boat's till/tiller; did Theia's second daughter’s tongue become the rudder that allowed “the Miller” to steer his way through the water/Void/space between… Lightsingers? Mystics? And there were three ships named after Feyre, Nesta and Elain Archeron.
Mor speaks the truth, Elain speaks what she Sees.
“Then bespake the treble string, ‘O yonder is my father the king.’”
“Then bespake the second string, ‘O yonder sits my mother the queen.’”
“Then bespake the strings all three, ‘Yonder is my sister that drowned me.’”
The father/king and mother/queen have been separated, and are in different locations.
Different worlds?
Fionn/the father/king is in Prythian.
Theia/the mother/queen "sits" somewhere else… a hell/Hel realm? Sits on a throne?
The sister/Helena is in Midgard.
I really think that the Weaver was singing to nobody/Feyre about Prythian's ancient history, along with the crossover - and potential instructions on how to navigate the Void - all the way back in ACOMAF! When she just happened to be collecting a six pointed star sapphire ring (six strings?) for Rhys?
Will each sister become a magical, Singing tiller for the bat boys' wings (as rudders), guiding them through the Void? It gives a whole new depth of meaning to Papa Archeron's fleet going down in a storm!
This also fits for Vassien, with Lucien being the magical tiller and Vassa as the firebird. And even possibly More and Emerie, if her wings get healed, or she gets her own Pegasus! Could it parallel the way they had to fly through holes in the Wall back in the OT, before Hybern destroyed it with the Cauldron (which just happens to contain Void)?
Will they be the light in the dark?
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SJM you wicked bloody genius, this cannot be a coincidence. 🙏🏻
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rizzoreads88 · 19 days
Rhysand/Azriel similar scenes & reactions...
At the end of Acotar when Rhysand and Feyre are saying goodbye to each other we see this moment happen..
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Now as l was rereading acowar I noticed a similar scene with Azriel & Elain.
After coming home from their visit to The court of nightmares Elain comes down the steps and is talking about the visions she's having (this is before they figured out she is a seer) and azriel asks her what she sees..
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She tells them what she sees and this was Azriels response in the next page..
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Notice how His eyes churn while he studies elain.. there is emotion in them .. and then he just winnows away without a word. Why would he just leave without saying goodbye? Azriel doesn't just up and bounce in the middle of conversations let alone without saying goodbye or giving some sort of reason..We know azriel wasn't thinking about her powers because he doesn't figure out she's a seer until 50 pages later.. so what was azriel feeling or thinking in that moment looking at elain that caused him emotion and to just leave without a word?
More importantly why was Mor staring at the space long after he was gone? Seems like she's thinking about what just happened in that convo and why azriel reacted that way?
This is just another "HUH" instance between Elain&Azriel. Another moment that alludes to something else going on but we don't know what yet.(there are a few scenes that exude mate behavior between elriel but for this post I just want to focus on this specific scene and how it’s interesting that it’s similar to rhysand scene in acotar)
Now if you know me l have been saying for quiet sometime I truly believe elain and Lucien will mutually reject their bond. I've always said I hope elain and azriel are that couple that choose love over a mate bond.
However I can't deny there are a few things that point to the possibility of them being mates as well. (I have a few theories on how this could play out). I find these scenes interesting since Rhysand and Azriel have similar reactions but we don't know why Azriel has that reaction yet..
Now I know in his Bonus chapter for Hofas Azriel says he doesn't have a mate. BUT what if elain is his mate he just doesn't realize what he is feeling is a mating bond because as of now she is mates with Lucien.. so he doesn't even think it's a possibility they could be mates because as of now in the story we haven't met anyone who's had more then one mate. So he's just feeling something deep and doesn't realize what it is... or simply maybe a mating bond hasn't snapped for them either yet.
Everybody likes to think it's a "ridiculous" theory that elain and azriel could be mates too but let's not forget..
For 6 out of the 8 TOG books Rowan & us the readers were told Lyria & Rowan were mates as well. Rowan often questioned what he felt about Aelin because he felt strongly about her but had already had his Mate who died ( he didn't know Maeve messed w him yet).
So let's not act like any of this with Elain & Azriel isn't in the realm of possibility
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evajackslover · 4 months
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**this review will contain spoilers for acotar and acomaf**
my rating: 4.7/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫
spice level: 4/5 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
summary: Feyre has undergone more trials than one human woman can carry in her heart. Though she's now been granted the powers and lifespan of the High Fae, she is haunted by her time Under the Mountain and the terrible deeds she performed to save the lives of Tamlin and his people. As her marriage to Tamlin approaches, Feyre's hollowness and nightmares consume her. She finds herself split into two different one who upholds her bargain with Rhysand, High Lord of the feared Night Court, and one who lives out her life in the Spring Court with Tamlin. While Feyre navigates a dark web of politics, passion, and dazzling power, a greater evil looms. She might just be the key to stopping it, but only if she can harness her harrowing gifts, heal her fractured soul, and decide how she wishes to shape her future-and the future of a world in turmoil.
i finished reading book 2 in the acotar series (a court of mist and fury) a few days ago, and it’s safe to say acomaf is an amazing sequel to the first book!! i absolutely adored how sjm developed the characters and love where book 2 has brought the plot!
here are my thoughts:
- feyre’s character development in book 2 was just *chef’s kiss*! her deal with rhys in acotar was the perfect set up for acomaf because with each visit feyre made to the night court, she slowly begin to heal from her trauma under the mountain. this was a huge contrast from whenever she returned to the spring court; you could tell she immediately began to relapse into a bad mental and physical state, and was clearly feeling trapped.
- this brings me to tamlin… who finally showed us his true colors! i could not STAND how overprotective he was of feyre upon returning from under the mountain. like, i get the guy had some traumatic experiences, but those were no excuse for TRAPPING FEYRE IN THE HOUSE upon so much other physical and emotional abuse! the moment mor came to whisk her away to the night court had to have been one of the best moments of relief in acomaf.
- morrigan!!! i absolutely LOVE her as a character and her relationship with the other members of rhysand’s inner court! i can’t wait for her and feyre to become even closer bffs :)
- cassian and azriel 🥰🥰 my babies protect them at all costs (also am i right in guessing a cassian nesta relationship coming soon?! because i can totally see it!)
- and finally rhysand!! i cannot express how much i love how his story has expanded throughout acomaf; from teaching feyre to read to confessing his undying love to her, he is the most perfect MMC 🥹
i wish i had room to discuss each and every character, but this post has already gotten so long!
my final thoughts: amazing and can’t wait to keep reading! my only complaint is the spice (i prefer slightly less in my books) but i understand that it is not a YA series and the level of spice was to be expected before starting the series! i’m in the middle of acowar right now and can’t wait to continue feyre’s story!
beautifulll feysand art by the lovely jrtart_ on instagram 💓
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sjmgirlie · 3 months
If you pick your ship only because you don’t like a character *cough* Elain *cough* then honestly what’s the point? You can like the idea of two people being endgame while respecting and admiring other characters..
People don’t like Elain because she’s boring.. really? Let’s see:
She killed the king of Hybern. Literally. She SAVED Cassian and Nesta.
Feyre distinctly recalls Elain saving money to buy her paints. Feyre never bought any for herself. ELAIN did. Knowing Feyre would not give herself that joy.
When Feyre goes to the estate, Nesta immediately says no to having the meeting there. ELAIN speaks up and says that Feyre gave for years and years and If she needs this they need to help her. She acknowledges how they let her down. She is the one who gets the people that work there out of the house.
Elain is the one who thought of the plan to go to Graysen and ask him to house the humans.
She was the one kicking the hounds off of Azriel’s back. She was the one who screamed to the girl at the camp to grab on and actually physically grabbed her as well.
fucking AMREN has said countless times to NOT underestimate her
She finds the Suriel for Feyre
She helps the people of Velaris rebuild
She says the queens can burn in hell when they don’t give the book to the IC
she TOTALLY downplays herself when going to the court of nightmares. You think the girl who is rumoured to be beautiful (this is said by Eris in ACOWAR and he actually does look at her that night too) looks bad in black? She knew the plan was to literally pimp out Nesta to get Eris in deep, why would she try and steal the show? Eris literally says Nesta outshines her that night.. hm, so she doesn’t always? Like it was on purpose
she begins to volunteer to help. Just because she is still stifled doesn’t mean she is unwilling.
She gives a complete play by play of Nesta stealing away a lords attention by dancing just because a girl was mean to her. She describes it in such detail and just says at the end “I just observed”… like?? How is that not interesting that she sees everything
Cassian says that Nesta is wrong that Elain is a loyal dog and that she sees everything Nesta does and knows why. She is understanding.
And this is just off the top of my head. There is more. And we know there is because SJM specifically wrote a Feysand bonus chapter to highlight that Elain is underestimated. Even by her siblings. She is not a warrior or a leader, but she is SOMETHING. And saying she doesn’t deserve Azriel just because we have only had snippets of her in the series is wrong. Yes, I am leaning towards Eriel, but that doesn’t mean I diminish Lucien and Gwyn just so my ship floats. Gwyn and Lucien are fantastic characters. They deserve the BEST. They deserve to be chosen and not second picks. Will they get that knowing that Azriel and Elain literally want each other? No, they will not. And that’s the biggest thing. Why would I want Gwyn, who went through so much, and persevered to get a necklace that was completely made in terms of the likeness of another? Why would I want her to, tbh, be 3rd choice? Gwyn deserves to be with someone who picks her first. Low key she deserves someone like Tarquin. She’s part nymph, how nice would it be to be somewhere warm and AWAY from the place that reminds you of all of your trauma? And to be with a man that even Feyre said would be easy to love.. I’m not even shipping that to take away from her and Azriel. I’m just giving an example of what she DESERVES. And if you’re saying she deserves Azriel’s gift to Elain and literally a guy who was thinking about how he would beg for another girls coochie, then you don’t care about her. You only care about Azriel. And you only care because you hate Elain. The same goes for Lucien. He watched the women he loves be killed by his father and was run out of his court, only to be kicked out of his home at spring court. He finally finds refuge with the band of exiles. Why would I not want him to be happy to fit my own believes in Eriel? If the mating bond is rejected I want it to be mutual. I want Lucien to get what he wants too. Not just Elain. Not just Azriel. Lucien deserves what he wants too.
Bottom line: you can ship who you want as long as you genuinely do it because you think that is what the character deserves. Not because you think another does not.
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nikethestatue · 3 months
Not a question, just a statement. I honestly don’t really care about a ship war. I think everyone is allowed to interpret and root for whoever they want. But what I don’t understand, past so many cannon signs, is how people genuinely believe that the next book could be Azriels. Let alone Gwyn. At the end of ACOWAR, we end with Feyre and Rhys flying in the sky, a gift of being together. It’s their conclusion as the main couple in the series. The next book is a NOVELLA. Novellas are always books that either are prequels (like assassin blade for example) or a change in direction for a series. The latter is ACOFAS. We still have Feyre and Rhys POVs because they will always be main characters, but we begin to hear the voices of other characters: Mor, Cassian and Nesta. This is not an accident. It’s laying down the ground work for the rest of the series. Specifically, we see Nesta and cassian begin their journey of reluctant mates. And the beginning of Nestas story of healing and growth. We also see Cassian’s care for the women in Illyria not training. We also see some things about Mor (like her estate) that we never saw in the plot. We also see a glimpse in to what might have happened with Eris. Could this be in terms of her past, powers and love life? What else do we see in ACOFAS? The continuation of Elain and Lucien not having a connection, and we actually see Lucien and hear from his own mouth about being in the Band of Exiles. What else do we see? Azriel stating he doesn’t spy on Lucien (and he’s a spymaster?? With him saying it’s an invasion of Elain’s privacy: with RHYS thinking it’s more just not to know what they are doing) and then the taking of the plate scene with Azriel being upset with his brother for not waiting for Elain. We see her give Az the headache powder, and him having such a joyous laugh that Feyre never heard before. His eyes being bright. Them sitting and going over the garden plans at three in the morning when everyone else is going to bed. What else do we see? Az not wagering on Lucien coming to solstice while looking out of the window at the garden. What else? Cassian not wanting to wager on women training consistently in Illyria. What else? Amren telling Feyre that Elain has her own problems to focus on, with a pointed look. I could LITERALLY go on. This novella that people give a 3 star rating and saying that is boring is FILLED with plot starting events. Let’s look at ACOSF:
what happens:
Nesta is lost in her trauma and mental health issues
She is forced to train with Cassian, or be sent to the human realms and is sent to the House of Wind
Cassian and Nesta become physical, but there is still that emotional boundary, even though we all know there is something there. THEY also know something is there. Reluctant mates.
who comes into the plot? ERIS. We still don’t know what happened with Mor, but he becomes more visible in the plot. Which was shown in ACOFAS through Mor when she goes to the court of nightmares. She talks about it.
what else happens? The valkayie. A women specific training plot. An an Illyrian women (emerie) comes into play. And she ALSO was in ACOFAS mind you.
Lucien and the band of exiles are in this book as well, and we see cassian’s account of the dynamic between the three of them.
we also see Az being more aloof than usual, and cassian mentions this several times. He sees him brooding way more. And he specifically mentions how he doesn’t need to buffer Mor and Az anymore like he used to. That Az seems to have finally given up after 500 years
we get INTRODUCTED to Gwyn here. Note how she was NOT in ACOFAS? Emrie was, because she feeds into the Illyria plot here. Gwyn has a specific plot of being Nesta’s friend. And also just a bad ass women who overcomes such terrible events in her life to become a true warrior. And to become nesta’s first true friend. People forget that Feyre has Mor and Amren, Elain has Nuala and Cerriwden (sorry if that’s wrong) and Nesta FINALLY has two friends. And how many is in each? 3. Just like the bat boys and the band of exiles. Like Lucien also finally gets 2 friends. (Also want to point out. Notice how Feyres two friends involve Rhys? How Nesta and cassian are involved in training with the Valkaryie? Does this allude to Elains relationship with the wraiths being a connection to Az? Does the band of exiles mean something for Lucien? That’s up to interpretation).
what happens at last? Nesta and Cassian stop fighting their feelings and become mates.
what else happens? The plot around the troves and koschei thickens. And Elain starts to push that she is willing to help the IC. Building into her own book…? Ya. Literally. Not to mention the plot with Koschei that also has Azriel involved “I was waiting to meet you” vibes.
so where did so many of these plot points come from? Literally from the little boring novella that people want to skip over. It’s the literal building blocks for the rest of the ACOTAR series… and I’m totally missing points in it as well. These are JUST off the top of my head. And I read ACOFAS last year lol. The next book is Elains book. And the novellas? Could be Mor or Gwyn or Lucien. It could be Vassa as well.. But the main plot revolves around the sisters and the bat boys. There’s so much cannon that makes it hard to imagine that it won’t be Elain and Az next. But I don’t even wanna go there. I don’t hate any of these characters. They are all literally so flawed, that if we are only looking at flaws, we should hate them all. If we can all go from hating Nesta to having a better understanding at bare minimum or even LIKING her.. then why not for Elain? Since the beginning it’s clear that Elain has been undervalued and not considered. Being she is seen as weak. Always just deemed the pretty useless one. Like she is an SEER. Something just as rare as a shadow singer. And SJM has continuously implied she will not put women against each other. I really loved Gwyns role in Nesta’a story, and I’m not ruling out her being a lightsinger (because why else was that even brought up in ACOSF?? And why does she bring up singing with Az?? Because he’s a shadow singer? Doesn’t seem necessary unless it alludes to something. Nothing is random for SJM). BUT if she isn’t, then I’m still glad we got to see her. I think a telling sign, past the bonus, is that Gwyn went back to the library. If the next book was going to focus on her, she would not be going back. She would be moving forward. But she isn’t ready.. training or not. And that’s OKAY. She could still be a part of the plot, which might be implied in her being in the bonus. But the bonus takes place in the middle of the book mind you. And tbh I PERSONALLY feel it is to add to the plot in a lightsinger way. But that’s just my own interpretation. You can have your own if you want! And like she went through a fucking lot. The next book is clearly Elains journey, which involves Az and Lucien. And in that, it involves Vassa and Koschei.
so anyways, sorry for the super long rant. But I hope this makes sense to people? The ship war can be fun, but I think we seriously need to stop being so mean to people just because they envision a different person with one of the main characters. In all honesty, I trust SJM to follow through on whoever Elain is with. Who Az is with.Who Lucien is with. Who Gwyn is with. Who Mor is with. Who Emerie is with. And even who Eris is with. She is the CREATOR of these characters. And we can speculate, but in the end she truly knows what’s best. She hasn’t been wrong yet… even Amren and Varian is cute as fuck lol. So anyways. Thank you for reading. And let’s all just be happy we get some time in this world!!!
But that's why the other side specifcially HATES ACOFAS and actually recommends skipping it because 'there is nothing there. It's a Christmas Special'.
Whereas, as you said, Anon, ACOFAS is a blueprint for what would be happening going forward and the future stories.
When it comes to Elriel, we see Lucien being the point of contention between them, so we know that this will be addressed and would play a significant part in the book. We know that the Elriel relationship would probably come as a surprise to many and that it will start secretly. Kind of under everyone's noses, but also people keep missing the signs. I think the biggest misinterpreter of signs will be Rhys, because he, again and again, presents a narrow POV which is completely misaligned with what is happening around him. I think there is also something to be said about Rhys really not knowing his closest friends and confidants--I think that that needs to be dealt with as well.
Yes, I think it's fun to ship, but i think there needs to be some logical foundation to shipping and basic understanding of text. There is a logical flow to books and then there is crackshipping. I've noticed that in this fandom, crackshipping has become an art form. People start believing in their own theories a little too much.
Like SJM went and killed Sigrid in the fist 1/3 of the book, whereas we spent so much time on her in HOSAB. Who is to say she won't do the same with Gwyn? I think unless it's a main, readers need to be cautious with their wild theories and their excessive confidence.
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cest-la-vieve · 1 year
A Court of Pain and Pleasure (Ch. 16)
Summary: Evelyn navigates the Court of Nightmares and accepts a date... though not with who you'd expect.
Word Count: 5.4k
Warnings: angst, cussing
Notes: friends, romans, countrymen... lend me your ears. this chapter has taken a long time and i more than appreciate your patience as i sort through life. i hope you enjoy and i'm hoping now that life has calmed down a bit i will be back on a more regular writing & posting schedule!
P.S. - in this chapter more than others, some dialogue is taken directly from ACOWAR. this is just my attempt to follow along with canon, no disrespect to my queen sjm.
Next Chapter: Chapter Seventeen
ACOPAP Masterlist
The Court of Nightmares was unlike any place I’d been before.
Thankful that I didn’t have to walk entirely through the crowd like the others, I found myself at Nesta’s side near the dais with the throne. I felt more than saw Mor reappear to my left moments later, though I was unsure what she had done in the meantime. From the little I had gleaned, her family resided here. Perhaps she had something to say to them before Rhysand’s address. 
The black ends of my dress skirted the floor as I walked, giving me something to focus on other than the sneers on the faces surrounding us. Never had I been in a room so full of hostility. I could tell by the lines on the faces of the fae that they must make these faces often and I found myself regretting asking Rhysand to let me accompany them.
Despite the anger permeating the room, I kept my chin high, letting my eyes trace the disturbing images carved into the mountain walls. I found myself instinctively searching for the comforting glow of the moon and cringing when I realized I couldn’t see it from here. Something about that felt even more stifling than the confines of the tight dress I was wearing. To know that the night sky was out there and I was detached from it… I fought the shiver that worked its way down my spine.
My fingers twitched with the urge to grab Nesta’s hand but I schooled my expression and balled my hand into a fist. I could do this.
I chanced a glance beside me, hoping that at least my sister’s presence would calm some of the nerves dancing through my tight chest.
To my surprise, a large winged figure separated me from the curl of braids decorating Nesta’s crown.
Azriel must have taken the spot between us, his Illyrian armor decorating his tanned skin and shadows drawn in tight as he stared straight ahead to where Rhysand and Feyre would sit.
I mentally smacked myself, of course, he would take Rhysand’s command to be my babysitter seriously.
The shock of seeing him standing next to me wore off as I tightened my features and remembered Mor’s parting words. Make him beg.
That, I could do.
Refocusing on Feyre and Rhys as they approached the throne, I bit back a smile as Rhys yielded it to Feyre and perched on the arm. The distaste that had flooded the air quickly turned to shock and disgust at the action. Evidently, the people of the Hewn City were not well-acquainted with their High Lady. 
Rhys’s voice barked out a single word that broke the spell, “Bow.”
I watched as the entire room fell to their knees, admiring the way Rhysand commanded so completely. Beside me, Azriel and Mor elegantly swept into bows, Mor barely hiding a gleeful smile. I did the same, dropping to one knee for my sister and her mate. I made sure to sweep my hand along my leg as I did so, however, parting one of the panels of fabric so the entire length of my leg was exposed conveniently in view of a certain Illyrian.
I saw the movement of his gaze out of the corner of my eye, the way it lingered and tracked the exposed skin. He didn’t even blink before bowing his head again.
My eyebrows scrunched subtly at his stoicism. I’d have to do more to get a rise out of the male who hadn’t let himself have a single emotion other than brooding in centuries.
Rhysand spoke to the room, admonishing them for the lack of two thrones, and the small grin returned to my face. Then he finished with, “Our loyal subjects” and I felt the sting of tears. Rhysand wanted two thrones because Feyre was his equal. This was their court. And I was proud to be part of it.
I felt something in the air and, though I wasn’t quite certain what it was, my instincts were going haywire with the thought it was a threat. The gleam in Feyre’s eye, however, told me it had to have been fae testing her power, something I knew she was more than capable of handling. Gasps rang out as a triumphant smirk crossed her face.
I almost wished it was tangible so I could make sense of what was going on, but this served as a stark reminder of how little I knew of this life, of being Fae.
Who knew how much time I would have before this war? Who knew how much time it would even take for me to understand these powers that I now possessed?
The flying was the easy part, physical pain and hard work were something I was not unfamiliar with. I could train my body, I could push myself past any limits I had to.
Learning to control my emotions and whatever that Cauldron had flooded my veins with… That was something I wasn’t sure I could handle.
I wanted to, though. I wanted to be a weapon they could use in this war, rather than a liability on the sidelines. Perhaps I wouldn’t even need to learn how to use my power if I could just train with Cassian every day and become proficient with a sword.
Or… The Illyrian camps Rhys had mentioned. Azriel had so adamantly refused to allow me to go there but… I wasn’t listening to him anymore. He had no right to prevent me from doing anything.
I made a mental note to ask either Rhysand or Cassian about potentially training there after we returned to the townhouse.
Amren and Nesta rising broke me out of my thoughts. They walked to the foot of the dais, asking Rhysand for leave, which he granted. He waved a hand as he commanded, "Go. Enjoy yourselves. Food and music. Now."
The music was nearly haunting, matching the dark energy of the city. It was a relief, however, to hear music at all. It somehow made the occupants of this hidden city a bit more relatable. To know that their lives were not consistently shrouded in darkness and melancholy, but that they might find joy in the same things we did above.
I frowned at the idea that Nesta would miss it as she left to fulfill her part of this trip. I knew how she loved dancing and, though I doubted she would let herself be swept away through the night, she could afford to hear a song or two.
Mor grabbed my hand, dragging me through the crowd and to a long table of food and drink. She picked up two glasses of wine, handing one to me before downing her own and offering me a wide grin.
I took a long drink, feeling the dizzying effects of the fae wine immediately. I wondered if I should seek water to offset them but that thought was gone as quickly as it came. One glass of wine wouldn’t hurt and, considering where I currently was, it might even help.
Mor popped one of the snacks in her mouth and turned toward me. “The only thing bearable about these visits is the food and wine they leave out.”
I snorted out a laugh. “I can’t imagine anything being worth the trip down here.”
She opened her mouth to answer but her eyes locked onto something behind me and she quickly closed her lips. I raised an eyebrow in question but she shot me a wink and mouthed the word “beg” before dancing out to the crowd.
I took another swig of my wine, letting the warmth course through my body as I refused to turn around and acknowledge the male behind me.
“Evelyn,” he said in greeting, no inflection to give away what he was feeling or thinking.
I drained the remnants of my glass before grabbing another and finally turning to face him. “Oh, Azriel. I didn’t see you there. Quite the spy you are.”
A flash of something crossed his face so fast I couldn’t quite read it. “Very funny, princess.”
My heart twisted in my chest at the nickname and the memories it summoned. Funny how one interaction could go from infuriating to endearing to heartbreaking all in a matter of days.
I turned back around, setting the full glass of wine back on the table and briskly walking into the crowd of dancing bodies. I ignored Azriel calling my name, focusing instead on making it to the far side of the room.
Nobody moved to speak to me, which was just fine, as all I wanted to do was sink into the shadows and stay there until it was time to leave. Thankfully, the entire room was framed by a long line of columns, big enough that I could slip behind one and sink to the floor. I sighed as I sat, stretching my legs out in front of me before crossing them at the ankles.
As my mind grew foggier, I cursed myself for setting back down that second cup of wine, wishing I could follow it further into oblivion. Of course, that also meant I’d be drunk and likely more depressed than I already was.
I huffed out a breath as I leaned my head back against the column, giggling slightly as the loose strands of my hair tickled my collarbones. I knew I’d have to attend the meeting with the others soon but I couldn’t find it in myself to get up.
I felt him a second before he appeared, almost like my body was more in tune with him than it was with me at this point. I groaned as he stepped out of the shadows.
“Can’t you just leave me alone?”
His face didn’t betray anything, again, as he offered a hand to me. “Time for the meeting.”
I ignored his hand, pushing myself off the floor and dusting off my dress. 
“Lead the way, shadowsinger.”
He did as I asked, pushing his way through the crowd until we reached a small hallway. He pushed open a door, where Rhys sat at the head of an intricate table. Feyre was opposite him, Mor and a male Fae, who must have been Keir, filling in other seats.
Azriel took a seat, leaving the only empty ones next to him or Keir. I grimaced, figuring I should choose the lesser of two evils.
With a heavy breath, I sat as gracefully as I could next to Azriel, averting my eyes from Mor’s father.
With a sneer, the male said, “I know why you’re here.”
I fought to keep the gag from my throat at the sound of his voice. Even though I had never met him, his very presence sent goosebumps up my arms and made me want to leave the room as quickly as I could. I couldn’t keep the distaste off my face at his lack of decorum and the way he surveyed all of us.
Keir went on, mentioning Hybern and Rhysand’s legions, with a nasty look shot at Azriel. It took all of my self-control not to launch myself across the table. Despite the hurt and hatred I felt toward him, I detested the way he seemed to reduce Azriel down to what was the smallest part of such an intelligent, complicated fae. Before I could move, he got to the point, “You mean to ask for my Darkbringers to join your army.”
Rhys, ever the statesman, simply replied, "Well at least you've spared me the effort of dancing around the subject.”
I picked up the glass of water that had at some point appeared in front of me to keep myself from smiling. Rhys and Keir continue to volley, a game of words that could be understood if you looked past the flowery language with the context of our dire situation. Until Mor cut in, "Last I checked you have been free to do as you wish for centuries. Longer."
I saw Azriel tense as Keir ignored Mor, saying that he wasn’t quite free enough to do all that he wanted. Rhys shut him down, putting him in his place, and reminding him who was truly in charge of both courts.
Keir smiled. Every muscle in my body tensed at the sight. It seemed so unnatural on a face like his, one riddled with lines of tension that must have come from whatever hatred filled his heart and mind. It was nothing like the smiles I had grown accustomed to from the other fae in Prythian.
Cassian’s smile of joy and laughter, despite whatever circumstance we found ourselves in. Rhysand’s smile of love that he shot in Feyre’s direction when he thought she wasn’t looking. Even Amren, who still scared me, had a smile of mischief when she toyed with the jewels she carried everywhere with her. Even the smiles I knew the most, ones I coveted above all else, the ones of my sisters. Those were much less frequent these days.
Azriel’s smiles though… I had practically memorized the intricacies of each one. I peered at him from the corner of my vision, wishing his handsome face would lighten with one such smile now. They filled the room, not exactly washing away the shadows but enhancing them, bringing a delicious contrast to his entire being. 
But when Keir smiled… it felt wrong. He glanced around with that look, “You must need my army rather desperately, Rhysand. Are the overgrown bats not up to snuff anymore?”
My lips parted in shock at his arrogance.
Azriel, seemingly unphased, answered, “Come train with them and you’ll learn for yourself.”
That was the shadowsinger of the Night Court. The spymaster that kept his enemies on their knees, afraid of even breathing the wrong way for fear of what he may do.
The game between Rhysand and Keir began again in earnest, Rhys using those powers of his to gouge lines in the glass table. I winced at the sound but continued to do my best to follow along with the word games.
Rhysand’s eyes had a strange light as he sat back and said, “Bring him in.”
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, glancing between my High Lord and the empty seat at the table. I hadn’t realized that we were missing someone in this conversation, particularly as I was just here so my babysitter could keep an eye on me.
A male figure walked in. One that I vaguely recognized…
I stiffened in realization. He had been there that day on the ice. He had been the one holding my sister by her hair.
Mor froze as well, as though she knew this male too, though how I wasn’t sure.
Beside me, Azriel’s hand moved to his dagger and my expression furrowed further. We had released this male that day on the ice, what brought him here now and why was Azriel seemingly preparing to gut him in front of all of us?
Feyre didn’t seem surprised, though I could have sworn I saw her eyebrows raise a bit as the red-haired male walked in and sat in the remaining chair.
Everyone’s eyes seemed trained on the Autumn Court fae, whose features reminded me of a fox, with eyes that were filled with cunning and a long, pointed nose decorating the center of his face.
Eris. His name was Eris.
I felt the whisper of Azriel’s shadows surrounding me, as though they were trying to hide me from him. I gently waved them off, not liking the way it felt like Azriel was trying to stake a claim or something.
Eris sat exactly across from me and I used the silence to focus on studying him. His eyes burned with a fire that was the complete opposite of the one we had seen in Nesta. It was warm, with a hint of danger, reminiscent of a campfire that had the potential to catch an entire forest on fire if left unattended. Exciting and untethered, the fatality depending on whoever wielded it.
As if he felt my staring, his eyes locked with mine. A smile graced his handsome face and he commented, "And who is this, Rhysand? You had mentioned building ties but I’d take a beautiful female in your court over that cranky bastard any day.”
I blushed, using a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear simply so I had something to do other than meet his piercing gaze.
I knew that I shouldn’t have felt flattered, especially with how Mor had reacted to his presence, but to feel so unabashedly admired felt… nice, compared to the way Azriel had been treating me like a dirty little secret. He had also hurt my sister, though, which was not something I would easily forgive or forget.
Azriel practically growled at him and I shot him an incredulous look.
The male’s smile grew wider, “And if she’s gotten such a rise out of your shadowsinger I simply must get to know her better. What is your name, little fox?”
I nearly laughed at the way his nickname fit so perfectly with the way I had evaluated him. “I’m Evelyn,” I said, “Feyre’s older sister.”
As if some invisible wall had been shattered, he looked at me with new intrigue in his eyes. Something about it caused my gut to twist uncomfortably, the flattery from earlier gone.
Rhys cut in, “What is it that you want, then, Keir?”
I shook my head, hoping the physical act would be enough to extinguish whatever was happening with Eris.
"I want out. I want to space. I want my people to be free of this mountain. You have been keeping secrets, High Lord. I always wondered – where all of you went when you weren't here. Hybern answered the question at last – thanks to that attack on… what is its name? Velaris. Yes. On Velaris. The City of Starlight. I want access to the city. For me, and my court,” Keir answered. 
Silence filled the room at his request.
“No,” Mor breathed.
The word meant more than I knew. I wasn't sure what the story was or why she hated this place so much, but even the thought of these people in Velaris made my skin crawl. It felt wrong in the same way Keir’s smile had felt wrong.
I waited for Rhys to agree with Mor and for Azriel to echo the sentiment as well. But the protests didn’t come. Instead, Rhysand simply stated, “There would be conditions.”
My mouth fell open in surprise, my heart cracking inexplicably in my chest. Rhysand was clearly playing a game but I couldn’t tell what it was. Mor also seemed to be on the outside, which was enough to tell me that Rhysand had truly overstepped.
Across the table, Eris chuckled softly. Azriel’s look at him was murderous, a rage lacing it that seemed to go beyond just this meeting. Eris tilted his head at the Illyrian, seemingly an invitation to speak up.
I studied him, trying to figure out his angle in all of this. Once again his eyes found mine but this time, he sent me a wink. My traitorous body blushed again, forcing me to focus my gaze on my lap.
Azriel stood abruptly, stopping any conversation and turning all eyes toward him.
With one hand on his dagger and the other resting on the table, he stared down Eris, a cold calculation playing in his gaze. He was weighing his options, though I don’t think it was for the consequences of his actions. More like he was debating in his head which of the many ways to torture someone he wanted to utilize. As a smirk slowly grew on his face, I became more convinced that he was actually going to do something that he couldn’t take back.
Rhysand cleared his throat. Azriel didn’t so much as look at him as he sat back down.
The whole time, Eris’s amusement didn’t fade. If anything, his smugness grew at seeing Azriel submit to Rhys.
“If Keir is receiving access to Velaris, I’d like to add something onto my end of the deal,” Eris spoke calmly.
Rhysand raised a brow, clearly annoyed. “What, Eris?”
“I’d like access to this lovely creature,” he said, running his eyes over me.
I shivered but I couldn’t tell if it was in excitement or disgust.
“Absolutely not,” Azriel answered.
“You can’t tell me you’re hoarding the Archeron sisters for yourself, Rhysand.”
Feyre looked at me with concern in her eyes but I felt Rhysand gently pushing for access to my mind. I focused my attention on him, letting him in.
Well? He asked me.
Well, what?
It’s your choice, Evelyn.
I wasn’t aware I was a bargaining chip, brother.
If I had known you were on the table, you would have been my leading bet.
I exhaled through my nose, shaking my head a bit. How badly do we need him?
Badly enough that I’m offering our most precious possession to a depraved creature such as Keir.
I nodded in understanding before making eye contact with Eris.
“One evening. That’s your deal.”
“As you wish, little fox. Though I have a feeling you’ll be asking for many more after that,” he smirked.
With those words, my opinion of him was solidified. They were a perverse version of the words Azriel had uttered to me days ago after I had all but begged him to kiss me. When Eris said them… it was possessive. It was demeaning. And I never wanted to hear them from him again.
I didn’t bother with a reply, knowing I had fulfilled what Rhys needed from me.
From there, Rhysand agreed to Keir’s terms, details of the access to Velaris to be decided later.
Feyre asked Ouroboros mirror and Keir surprised me by biting out, “If you can take it.”
We all gave him a puzzled look and, exasperated, he elaborated, “To take the Ouroboros, to claim it, you must first look into it. And everyone who has attempted to do so has either gone mad or been broken beyond repair. Even a High Lord or two, if legend is true. So it is yours, if you dare to face it.” A fae came in and said something to him, causing him to rise from his seat. “Lord Thanatos is having… Difficulties with his daughter again. He requires my assistance. I will wish to speak with you – soon.” And with that, he left the room.
Eris sipped his wine in the silence that followed Keir’s departure. “You look well, Mor.”
I was on my feet before he finished, pointing a finger in his direction as I growled, “You don’t speak to her.”
Even if I was unsure what their history was, I could tell he made her uncomfortable, which was more than enough for me to defend my friend.
Before Eris could respond, Rhysand was by my side with a hand on my shoulder, gently guiding me back into my seat. “This arrangement, Eris, relies solely upon you keeping your mouth shut.”
“You say that Rhysand, but it now also relies upon my evening with the fair Archeron,” he said while meeting my eyes. “I’ve done an excellent job staying quiet so far. Not even my father suspected when I left tonight.”
A rumble left the center of Azriel’s chest, loud enough to shake the table and send shadows scattering across the floor. I didn’t even bother looking at him. If I did, I wasn’t sure if I would end up attacking him or start crying.
“I see you’re still holding a grudge,” Eris said to Azriel. I cocked my head but didn’t ask my question out loud. Grudge for what?
Feyre asked, “How did this come about?”
“You didn’t think that I knew your shadowsinger would come sniffing around to see if I’d told my father about your… powers?” Eris snorted. “Especially after my brothers so mysteriously forgot about them, too. I knew it was a matter of time before one of you arrived to take care of my memory as well. Too bad for you, I learned a thing or two about daemati. Too bad for my brothers that I never bothered to teach them.”
I gaped at him. Yeah, definitely didn’t like this male. Sacrificing his brothers for his own gain? This “date” was shaping up to be one of the worst things I’d ever agreed to.
Mor arched one of her perfect brows, but I didn’t miss the way her fingers dug into her arms where they were crossed in front of her. “So what’s the asking price, Eris? Another little bride for you to torture?”
Eris said, with a glance in my direction, “I wasn’t aware it was within my power to ask for that, though I’d happily agree.”
“Not even over my dead body,” the spymaster’s voice rang out.
“That could easily be arranged.”
I felt my power flare at his words, rimming my vision in white as he threatened Azriel.
This time, I was tempted to let Azriel have his way with the prick. I hoped he’d pick the most painful way to torture him though.
Then Mor repeated her question and Eris offered a genuine answer, “I don’t know who fed you those lies to begin with, Morrigan. Likely the bastards you surround yourself with.”
“You never gave any evidence to contrary. Certainly not when you left me in those woods,” Mor said to him.
I looked at Feyre, doing my best to ask the question with my eyes. What the hell happened between the two of them?
She shook her head subtly in answer, letting me know Mor was the only person I’d get that story from.
“There were forces at work that you have never considered,” Eris snapped. “And I’m not going to waste my breath explaining them to you. Believe what you want about me.”
My eyes widened at his tone. Clearly, no one here had the full story. Maybe this “date” could be beneficial after all.
Feyre’s stern voice surprised me as she said, “You hunted me down like an animal. I think we’ll choose to believe the worst.”
The reminder of that day sent my mind spiraling with images of Feyre being held by the very male before me. The male I was meant to spend time with.
I stood, dragging the attention to me, as I murmured, “I need another glass of wine.”
I moved to leave the room but a strong hand gripped my arm. I looked up and Azriel’s hard face filled my vision.
Right. Babysitting duty.
He seemed inclined to either leave with me or force me to stay.
“You know where to find me,” I whispered, knowing it was important for him to continue this meeting. I tried to convey with my eyes that I’d be where he found me before, behind the larger pillar, hiding from conversation and the world around me.
He nodded once before releasing my arm.
I snuck out of the room, gently closing the door behind me and letting out a breath.
That meeting was… a lot.
I moved through the crowd, avoiding the bodies of the unfamiliar fae that were twisting in time to the music. I accepted a wine glass from someone who offered, residing myself to the fact that all of this was better processed under the influence of something.
The walk to the large marble column was blissfully uneventful, allowing me to attempt to clear my mind.
I slumped down on the floor much less elegantly than I had the first time, cross-legged and likely slouching. I pulled my hair from the elaborate up-do Mor had styled it in, gently working out some of the jeweled pins before setting them on the floor beside me.
It all felt smothering - my hair piled high on my head, the tight bodice of the dress, and the heeled shoes I didn’t have much practice walking in.
A sigh of relief worked its way out of me as I removed the last pin and my hair came tumbling down around my shoulders. Much better.
I nursed my wine as I waited for Azriel to finish the meeting, letting thoughts of Eris, this war, and all of the tension of the Hewn City float away.
I wasn’t sure how long I sat there, listening to the distant music, sipping from a glass that seemed to be bottomless, and letting my body slowly relax, before I felt Azriel approach.
Looking up, I gave him a drunken smile, until I remembered him walking away from me. The smile quickly turned into a scowl as I averted my gaze to my lap instead.
I expected him to say something, to snap that it was time to go, and walk away without even giving me the chance to stand up. I did not expect to feel his body heat radiating in the space beside me.
I raised my head, stunned to find him crouching beside me. Maybe I was drunker than I thought.
My breath hitched as he reached a hand up, delicately twisting one strand of my hair.
“Don’t go with Eris,” he breathed.
It must have been the alcohol swimming in my veins that had me wanting to agree.
“What?” I whispered back.
“Don’t go with him, Evelyn,” he said more firmly. “We can find another way to get him to cooperate.”
“I-” the brush of his knuckles against my cheek distracted my thoughts as I fought to control them. “I have to.”
He shook his head, dark hair brushing across his forehead.
He swiped his thumb over my cheek and just like that the spell was broken.
I jumped to my feet, fighting back tears as I instantly sobered up. The feeling of his hands on my face… on my body… in my hair. That was enough.
I regained my composure the best I could and firmly replied, “No.”
He was still on the floor, crouching with one knee pressed against the mountain stone beneath us. He looked up at me through his lashes but didn’t say anything.
I took a shaky breath. “No. It is my duty to this court to see this through.”
I blinked.
In the silence that followed I realized that it was not, in fact, a figment of my imagination but that the male before me had actually said that aloud.
The notion alone was so ridiculous that I barked a laugh.
“You can’t be serious,” I told him, crossing my arms and quirking a brow.
My lips parted in shock at his… at his audacity. “You don’t get to ask that of me.”
“Please, Evelyn,” he repeated and I did my best to ignore the tug in my heart at the sincerity of his words. “Anyone but Eris.”
Any compassion vanished. Anyone but Eris? Anyone but Eris?
“So I’m allowed,” I hissed the word, “To see anyone but Eris?”
I’d avoided looking at his face, instead focusing on the rage that was slowly building inside of me. But now, I turned my glare on him, wishing it could tear him to shreds.
His face betrayed nothing, mask firmly in place, “Yes.”
“I’m sorry but you don’t get to allow me to do anything.” Another harsh laugh parted my lips.
At this, he let out a frustrated sigh. “Evel-” But I cut him off with a raised hand.
“I’m assuming your presence here means the meeting is over. I’m going to find the others so we can go home. And I will be meeting with Eris. I always keep my word. I’m done.” 
I turned on a heel, walking calmly over to where Feyre, Rhysand, Amren, Nesta, and Mor waited to depart.
I spared a single glance over my shoulder as I moved through the crowd and something cracked in my chest at seeing Azriel on his knees, hair falling in front of his downturned head, and a look of frustration on his face.
Well, Mor was right.
I had made him beg.
Just not for what I was hoping.
Taglist: @mis-lil-red @ambivertedcroissant @reareaikea @biblophilefox82 @in-some-fandoms @hollyismentallyillhelp @donttellmehowtowrite @issybee0611 @vera0124 @juulle987 @bankerfrog @pricklepearbloom @sevikas-whore @strawberryseasons @azzydaddy @amberash05 @supersoilderswhxre @judig92 @historygeekqueen @awritingtree
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
Not sure if you’re still taking prompts but I’ve had this idea stuck in my head for ages (if you’re not don’t worry!!)
Basically the IC are at the house of wind with a baby they found/baby sitting (nyx doesn’t exist… sorry to that man) and none of them have experience with looking after a baby because when would they of had? Anyway the baby is crying and being a right nightmare and no one knows how to deal with it, and then in comes Nesta who silently sorts the baby out, nappy, bottle, swaddle, everything and everyone is like wtf how do you know this??
And then the story continues with Nesta explaining that she looked after Elain and Feyre a lot when they were younger. Not sure how you would add this but Elain telling Feyre/ the IC a bit more about their mother and how Nesta took the blame/punishment for a lot of their wrongdoings and basically tried to shield them from their mum as much as she could as mama Archeron definitely didn’t win any “world best mum” mugs.
(But also maybe Azriel is away on a big top secret spy mission because i love your other prompts where babies love him because I mean who doesn’t)
I tweaked a few things so this is set around ACOWAR time in the town house and we unlock Nesta's tragic backstory.
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It was definitely a baby. A small, winged Illyrian baby wrapped in a dirty blanket as if somebody had loved him, but that was juxtaposed by the way he’d been dumped on the side of a mountain. Cassian didn’t know how the hell he was even still alive. His faint cry had carried on the wind as he flew overhead. If the light had been dimmer, Cassian wouldn’t have caught a glimpse of him and then that baby would have perished by the dawn. It was early winter and the temperatures in Illyria dropped below freezing at night. 
The baby cried against his chest and Cassian could feel how cold he was. He did his best to bundle the baby close to his skin, hoping that his body heat would help as they flew. 
The flight to Velaris felt too long. Each pulse of his wings was a countdown. It was rare for a baby to be left to die even in Illyria. Females were given care until they were able to walk and feed themselves though unwanted males were given slightly better treatment. Children were generally left in war camps but babies were never abandoned. This was rare. And horrific.
‘We have a problem,’ Cassian announced as he arrived into the town house. 
The others were eating dinner. Azriel was away on a mission and Nesta had cloistered herself in her room where she preferred to eat as usual. 
‘What have you done now?’ Rhys drawled. 
‘Which court have you been banned from?’ Mor countered. 
Before Cassian had a chance to respond, the baby let out a weak cry against his chest. 
Elain blinked at him, eyes noticing the dark head of hair peeking out from the swaddling round his middle. ‘Congratulations?’
‘Not mine. Definitely not mine.’ 
No, he had not touched a female in a long time. The one he did want to touch avoided him at all costs.
His cries grew louder as Cassian tried to recount the story of flying over Windhaven and spotting a strange shape in the foothills of the mountains. He’d thought it was a small pack that somebody had dropped or maybe an animal. A baby had been unexpected. 
‘How cruel!’ Cassian moved to give the baby to Feyre but her expression of concern shifted to pure horror. ‘I’ve never held a baby. Don’t give him to me.’
Elain held up her hands. ‘Nor I. Sorry.’
He shifted on his feet but Mor said, ‘Do not give the baby to me because I’m female. I don’t have a clue. I’m not the maternal type.’
The only other options were Amren and Rhys. Amren would be more likely to eat the baby - and from her wicked grin, she knew Cassian had realised that. Rhys stood and gingerly held out his hands for him. The baby was red in the face, his cry hoarse. Rhys held him out at arm’s length so the blanket dropped away.
‘He stinks.’
‘Being dumped on a mountain will do that.’
None of them could settle him. The poor child had been passed around all of them except for Amren and nobody could stop his kicking legs or tired and feeble cry. His wings were damaged, perhaps from the birth, and they were twisted and small. That was likely the reason he had been unwanted. A male who couldn’t fly was utterly useless to Illyrians.
‘Should we get Madja?’
‘Beside his wings, he looks well enough,’ Rhys said over the screaming. ‘Perhaps a few months old.’
Feyre clamped her hands over her ears. ‘This doesn’t sound like fine, Rhys.’
‘Put it to sleep.’
‘He’s not an it,’ Cassian reminded Amren, juggling the baby on his hip. As often as the baby was passed around, he seemed to end up back in Cassian’s hands.
Elain slipped away claiming she’d return but she’d seen an exit and took it. Azriel was lucky he was off spying and not babysitting. Cassian would have taken a war over this.
Rhys had conjured a basket and a glass bottle but the baby had not wanted milk warm or cold. It had dribbled down his chin, making him cry harder the more times one of them stuffed the nib in his mouth. He lay in the basket, grizzling still with no sign of relenting. 
‘Put it back on that mountain, boy.’ Amren said eyeing the baby distaste. 
‘You’re a horrible creature.’
Amren grimaced, showing off her sharp teeth. ‘I’m not the one who ruined dinner.’
Surprisingly, Elain returned, colour high in her cheeks and behind her was her proud sister. Nesta bypassed them all and went straight into the kitchen where she boiled a kettle of water and turned the taps on in the sink. She dipped her fingers in the water once it was full and, satisfied, returned.
‘Give him to me.’
Nesta held out her hands as if receiving a package, utterly disinterested by the occasion. She drew him to her body, a hand cradling beneath him, another supporting his head and neck. Her face nuzzled close to his, shushing gently as she carried him through to the kitchen.
The baby’s blankets were stripped off – his feeble cry growing stronger – then his clothes. Nesta discarded them in a heap on the floor. The baby stopped crying for a moment. He was naked in her arms, blinking up at Nesta.
‘There, is that better?’
She eased him into the warm water drawn in the sink then dripped bubbles onto his bare body. None of them dared to even speak, not as Nesta murmured in a tone gentler than the one she used for Elain. The baby was enraptured by her. His brown eyes followed Nesta’s fingers as she trailed bubbles over his chest. His legs kicked – but this time it was not out of frustration.
Over her shoulder she said, voice still soft, ‘Did you not think to check if he was wet? He has a terrible rash now.’
A large pot of a cream was conjured by Rhys. Hesitantly, he edged forwards and pushed it onto the side beside Nesta.
They watched with awe as she bathed the boy, tilting him back to wash his hair and even raising a smile from him as she tickled him. There was a natural confidence in the way Nesta handled him. It was a different side of her; a side none would have known she had.
The boy was wrapped in a towel and tucked against her body, but Nesta not yet finished. She narrated every movement to him, explaining that she would make him a drink now and then they would cuddle together. She poured water from the kettle into the bottle. Feyre stepped closer.
‘He didn’t want milk.’
Nesta rolled her eyes. ‘Because he’s thirsty since he’s been crying for hours. You would be too. For goodness sake, his throat is red raw.’
A small hand reached out for the bottle as Nesta carried him through to the living room. She kissed the top of his head as if he were her own.
The rest followed, unable to break out of the trance of watching impenetrable Nesta as the doting carer.
‘They can drink water?’
Nesta shot Mor a disgruntled look. ‘Five hundred years old and not one of you know how to care of a child?’
‘How do you know how to do this?’ Feyre was equally as shocked as the rest of them by this newfound side of Nesta – though Elain stood with a knowing smile.
‘Do you think mother and father had time to kiss you goodnight with their busy social scene?’ There was a brittleness to her tone and her lips pursed.
‘Can you say how old he is, Nesta?’
She settled into a chair, cushioning his head with one of her breasts and tipping the bottle towards his mouth. The boy drank readily, one of his hands gripped the side of the bottle, the other held onto Nesta’s hand. The female herself blinked at them in disbelief. It was shameful really that in five centuries, none of them had ever experienced children or knew the first thing to do with them. Nesta didn’t seem to mind that he was naked except for the towel or that he was a runtish Illyrian.
‘He’s on the small side, but I’d wager around five months – if faerie babes are similar to mortals.’
‘How do you know?’ Rhys pushed.
‘He can sit upright, he can reach for things, hold them, move his head independently. These small noises are attempts at speech. I’d wager if I set him on the floor, he’d be able to roll over or would attempt to crawl.’
For once, Rhys was dumbstruck. He reached out for Feyre and pulled her close, still staring at Nesta as if she were a witch.
The baby himself was growing sleepier. She prised the bottle from his lips. Although his eyes opened again, Nesta rocked him gently against her body. A thumb smoothed his brow then his lids drooped closed again. She applied the cream to the folds of his thighs that were red and spotty from laying in his own urine for hours.
In the safety and warmth of Nesta’s embrace, the child fell asleep. Long black lashes swept down his cheek.
Cassian remained in the doorway even as the others shuffled away to give them both peace. Nesta gazed down at the baby, face thoughtful. It was a glimpse into an impossible future. The very thought made Cassian’s heart pound. A war was coming. Nesta and he rarely exchanged more than barbed words, but seeing her here, maternal and soft stirred a deep longing in Cassian’s chest. It was a hope - a dangerous, fragile hope. Nesta was a natural. She hadn’t balked at the sight of his wings or manoeuvred awkwardly around them. She'd embraced an Illyrian child fully.
It made his throat thick to reflect upon his own beginnings and to imagine a mother who had perhaps cherished him as Nesta did this boy. Had it been that way for him? If he was unwanted, did his mother take him into her arms and soothe him? Or could she not wait to be rid of him as soon as he could take care of himself?
‘Cass,’ whispered Mor, beckoning him to leave his stalwart post observing Nesta.
Reluctantly, he did. The others had gathered back in the kitchen, finishing off a cold dinner. Amren swirled her glass of blood, sipping occasionally.  
‘Since when was Nesta good with children? I thought she’d be more inclined to scare them.’
Rhys snorted at Mor’s comment. Feyre could give no answer; it seemed her sister’s talent with children was a surprise to her too.
Elain’s cheeks pinked as she prepared to speak. ‘We had a servant called Flora. I don’t know if you remember her, Feyre, you were barely walking. Nesta loved her so much. The other servants would feed us or bathe us, but they didn’t care for us like Flora. Flora would always cuddle Nesta and her face would light up when she saw Flora coming down the garden path in the mornings. I suppose she was like a grandmother for Nesta, filling her head with stories and playing games in between her lessons. She was very old.’
‘Your parents?’ Rhys asked.
Elain blushed harder. ‘It is different for mortals – especially in high society. Our parents built social links. They weren’t openly loving. We didn’t lack for money or prospects. Nesta had expensive tutors and spoke languages from the continent fluently. She’s very well educated - even as a child she excelled at her learning. She was able to recite poems, play instruments, sing sweetly, even perform calculations in her mind. I was given more freedom, able to play more. But Flora would always make time for Nesta. I was jealous whenever Flora scooped Nesta up and showered her with kisses. I think perhaps Flora felt sorry that Nesta wasn’t allowed to be a child.’
‘But grandmamma also lived with us and Nesta chose a servant over her?’ Feyre asked, leaning against Rhys. It did seem at odds with the Nesta they knew.
‘She was not kind to Nesta.’
‘What?’ Cassian said, pulse throbbing in his ear.
Elain shrunk in her chair. Even Feyre’s brows had drawn together at this knowledge.
‘She taught Nesta to dance. She was always so kind to us.’
‘Yes, to us,’ Elain agreed. ‘Nesta would have bruises on her legs, her palms would be red where grandmamma had struck her with her stick. She was very nasty to Nesta. The scar on her thumb is from grandmamma.'
'But mother and father? Nesta was only seven when grandmamma died.'
This was not information that should be bandied around to all of them. They knew Nesta was private, knew she wouldn’t want them all to know such a thing – and yet none of them could stop listening to Elain and Feyre.
‘I think the same was done to mother – that’s why she was so cold, that’s why she did not intervene. And Nesta, as the eldest, had to be the most advantageous match for a high-ranking husband. She was forged to be the perfect bride.’
Cassian could have wept. He understood so much of Nesta now, like a puzzle fitting together finally. They had all judged her harshly for her cold exterior, but so much of that was a defence. So much of it had been built to withstand an abusive household.
‘I was always jealous that Nesta spent so much time with mother and grandmamma,’ Feyre admitted.
Elain nodded in understanding. ‘It was Flora who’d wipe Nesta’s tears and cuddle her. When mother and father hosted parties, Flora would have all the children with her upstairs. She’d call Nesta her little helper because she’d hold babies, play with the little ones – games that Flora had taught her – and read stories to them. She used to whisper stories to me in bed when we were supposed to sleep. Some of them, I think Nesta made up on the spot.’
‘What happened to Flora?’
‘It was very sad. She stumbled at home and hit her head. Bled out. Nesta was distraught. It was the only time I remember mother trying to soothe her. She wasn’t the same after that. She didn’t cry when grandmamma died or mother. Each year, Nesta grew harder, felt less. But she did always love to spend time with children and had the same patience as Flora until mother decided she was ready to attend their social functions.’
It was the most that Cassian had ever heard Elain speak. Each sentence was worse than the last. It peeled off parts of Nesta’s armour but it exposed the raw or scarred skin beneath. A mother and father who hadn’t protected their child from a wicked grandmother. A servant who’d truly loved her, cruelly snatched away by death. A legacy forced onto a girl’s shoulders. It was no wonder that Nesta had hardened herself; it was a mechanism to survive.
‘How old was she when your parents decided she was ready for society?’
Elain blushed harder now, unable to look at anybody. ‘She bled early. At eleven. Nesta was taller than those who were older than her – she looked far older than eleven, behaved that way too. Our mother was thirteen when she married. Fifteen when she had Nesta. It’s not uncommon.’
The justifications meant nothing. Mortals did things differently, but fifteen was far too young. Eleven was downright foul. It made Cassian sick. From the disgusted looks on Rhys and Mor’s faces, they shared his view.
‘If you have quite finished discussing me,’ Nesta said, standing in the doorway, face pale, ‘I should like to know your intentions with the boy.’
He was still asleep in her arms, swaddled expertly. Cassian couldn’t decipher the expression on Nesta’s beautiful face. There was betrayal, yes, that Elain had revealed these things as if Nesta was ashamed of them. She had only been a child with no control over an upbringing.
They were guilty of ceasing their compassion where Nesta was concerned, taking her hostile nature as an attack rather than a defence. They had judged her too harshly rather than trying to understand.
Rhys stood, appraising Nesta in a different light, seeing the goodness that she had locked away – the goodness that she had decided the world didn’t deserve for what it did to her. ‘Could you have him tonight? There is an orphanage here in Velaris. He will be well cared for.’
Nesta’s grey eyes combed over the slumbering baby. ‘Fine.’
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shallyne · 4 months
Can you write this fic i saw on reddit?
"I'm looking for fanfic online that rewrites the chapter near the start of acowar where Feyre knows Tamlin will come to her bedroom and she wears provocative nightwear and pretends to have a nightmare and Tamlin catches her embracing Lucian suggestively.
I want Tamlin to lose it and grab Feyre and pull her into the room. Leaving Lucian like wtf. Scared cause he knows Tamlin has rage issues and has hurt Feyre before. Tamlin says to Feyre that they're due to be married, they haven't slept together since her return and his patience has ended and she needs to prove she is with him by sleeping with him. And it's highly suggested that if she dosnt, he will do it anyway. Lucian is trying to break into the room but the wards are too strong. He's screamin feyres name knowing Tamlin will try to force himself on her. So out of desperation, he grabs the magic paper and quill that he saw Feyre using to communicate with Rhysand and sends a SOS to him. Then I want a scene with the inner circle reaving it to Rhys and cas az and Rhys going to spring to save Feyre before any assault has happened, but it's clear it was just about to happen but they get there right in the nick of time. They take Feyre and Lucian back to valaris. Rhys wants to kill Tamlin and his beast nearly comes out because Tamlin has touches his mate and he's super possessive but he doesn't cause Feyre needs him. Az and Cass rough him up a bit but not enough that he can't heal quickly as they're going to go to the other courts and do it legally. I'd like lots of detail. A good, long chapter or 2. Written in the first person, happy to have multiple chapters from different characters perspectives. Lots of angst and tension"
It's fine if you don't want to :)
Cam you tell me anyone who'll be interesred in writing it tho?
Looking for fic writers
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bookofmirth · 8 months
When people say Elain is an introvert (and it’s why she’s well suited for Azriel) and is currently thriving/happy…it makes me laugh a little and it’s kind of annoying. Compare ACOTAR & ACOMAF Elain to ACOWAR - ACOSF Elain and there is a massive difference. She is traumatized. In the beginning, Elain is described as laughing, talking, interacting and dancing with multiple people at parties. She personally greets them. She can convince anyone to do anything with a few smiles. In the human lands she was happy and the farthest thing from introverted. After being turned by the Cauldron, she becomes quiet. She has unresolved trauma. I think in SF, it’s stated that Elain is overwhelmed by crowds and she didn’t use to be that way; she loved balls and parties. That joy was taken away from her. Elain in the Night Court seems out of place. Shippers argue we’re being “anti-feminist” (or that we hate her) when we say Elain shouldn’t be in the NC (or with Azriel) even though she has became friends with the wraith twins and is making a home there for herself. Elain doesn’t seem like herself and as if she’s not happy. How can someone read SF and conclude that she’s fine and is meant to be in a court that “sucks the life from her.” Also adding, shippers say we really don’t care about Elain because we say she should choose who/what she wants and when she chooses to kiss Azriel we don’t agree with it. Well, we don’t know if she really wants him, because it wasn’t in her pov. She wanted to kiss him, yes, but is it only lust or is there romantic feelings? For Az, I only picked up on jealousy and lust.
Honestly some people learned about feminism from wikipedia and it shows. That's a rich criticism coming from a fandom who can't extend that same grace to other female characters, though. Just saying. Everyone is a feminist when it comes to Elain, but Mor? Nesta? Feyre? They forgot how to read.
Elain in acowar-acosf is a shell of who she used to be. in acosf it's described a couple of times that she is starting to seem more like her old self, but that old self goes away so quickly. She's being sly about something, we just don't know what. She has zero relationship with Nesta, whom she was closest with before. She's trying to help the IC when trouble comes, but gets shut down. She's not friends with anyone in the IC, which is weird to me considering how much time she spends with them. Something isn't clicking in the Night Court!
In fact, sjm said in an interview (in the back of the paperback of acofas, I think?) that Elain has been having nightmares about vines choking her. We haven't read about those in canon yet, so where are they? I assume she's still having them because we haven't had her story yet. We haven't even had a chapter that tells us her thoughts yet, like you mentioned.
I've never seen anyone argue that Elain shouldn't have tried to kiss Az - not saying it's never happened, I just can't speak on it. Personally, I've even said that I don't really care if she was hurting Lucien's feelings by doing so. Be messy, do what you want, follow your heart or vagina or whatever Elain, do it. But like you said, we don't know how she actually feels. There's nothing wrong with her (or Az's) sexual desires, no one has ever said that that in itself is a problem. It's the utter lack of romantic feelings that is putting us off, when paired with the idea that supposedly, they are in love? I can accept that they are sexually attracted to one another, but chafe at the idea of them being so in love when Az couldn't think of a single positive thing to say/think about her beyond that physical attraction.
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arson-09 · 4 days
its very interesting to me how Tamlin is the character and High Lord that is heavily vilified (I would almost say even more than Beron strangely) when he is the only High Lord to have talked about d how he has gone about removing slavery within his court, protecting lower fae in general, and his court was open to immigration from other courts (i cant remember if its mentioned again in acomaf but in acotar fae from other courts are free to move to the spring court. example, Alis) and how overall he is a great leader. Especially when you compare him and Rhysand as High Lords.
The Court of Nightmares is well, a nightmare. Its existence is extremely strange and makes Rhysand look very odd. as well as its unclear how Rhysand gets his wealth. Velaris was a hidden city until acomaf-ish, which means it was locked (so no immigration or emigration which isn't bad per-say but does bring up how it works economically) and Rhysands inability or unwillingness to protect his citizens (not enforcing the wing clipping ban and allowing people to be abused in the CoN. and before anyone starts about him not being able to control the illyrians, why did he make it a law in the first place? It just makes him look bad) makes him look like a shitty ruler. His supposed "feminism" and friendship with the people of velaris doesnt answer these very important questions or justify the strange shit he does. Versus Tamlin, which you can refer to my opening statement for the comparison. Also to note, his rule only came into question and stability after Feyre broke into people minds (which I do feel is extremely gross and a huge violation of ones autonomy and privacy) and had to sabotage him. I won't comment how I feel about this in this post, but it says a lot that she had to go through such lengths to break him down. Especially after it was revealed he was in fact a double agent and never actually siding with Hybern.
The only time Tamlin is an arguably bad high lord is in acofas and acosf where he is in a severe mental crisis and not in a position to properly rule. But even then, it's not clear if this is actually causing harm to the land and people. It's probably not good because they don't have a proper leader but I can't believe it's a severe issue.
Its definitely a strange choice, isn't it? Cause I think anyone in their right mind would choose the anti-tyranny, anti-slavery leader who does his best for his people... and its somehow not our supposed 'hero'
"I once told you I would fight against tyranny, against that sort of evil. Did you think you were enough to turn me from that?"
Acowar, chapter 44
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starfall-spirit · 1 year
Hate to break it to you, but Feysand has always been a retcon and SJM is a liar who says she’s always had them planned to sound cooler and to cover up the fact that she’s always said 1) she never plans her books and 2) she had to add Rhys in earlier and that she’d originally planned for him to be the villain.
Detailing the actual story of how ACOTAR came to be from her own former newsletter, she wrote two and half ACOTAR books in 2009 (then originally only a trilogy). In 2014, SJM scrapped and rewrote the entirety of that original second and half of a third book and completely started over with them, creating what is now ACOMAF and ACOWAR. She did not change anything in ACOTAR, though, but she did add things in during editing. She’s also said Nesta and Lucien were originally supposed to be mates and that she didn’t even plan for Nessian until she wrote the scene where the IC goes to ask Feyre’s family for help.
If Nesta and Lucien were originally endgame, that would infer that Feyre in the original second book actually spent a majority of her time in the Spring Court because how else would Nesta meet Lucien? He doesn’t live in the NC. He doesn’t live the AC. And if a majority of the plot is taking place in Spring and the story is from Feyre’s pov, it would also imply Feyre was still with Tamlin. 🤷🏼‍♀️ And a quick reminder that the entire series was originally a Beauty and the Beast/Tamlin retelling, not just the first book.
You can love Feysand, no one is telling you not to, but if you’re going to try to debunk what others are saying, then at least find out why they’re saying it in the first place so you can provide a proper counter argument. There’s overwhelming evidence within the first book that anything after it was never planned.
In fact, you could take Rhys out of the first book and the Calanmai scene would still work if Lucien had been the one to find her. The dresser would still work if Feyre and Elain’s drawers were swapped. Amarantha’s whore could be anybody, and the scene where Rhys forces Tamlin and Lucien to beg for Feyre could’ve happened with that anybody, not just Rhys. Maybe you should think about why the first book of a book series, where he’s supposedly been the plan all along, could still play out without him. 😬
Hi, anon.
I would first like to let you know, my inbox is not a place to start ship wars or attack people for their opinions of canon fandom matters. I hope in the future you respect the simple request at the top of my page to leave me polite asks.
But, to clarify a few points you've addressed here, look under the cut
"She never plans her books."
Anon, I'm not sure what precisely you mean when you say plan. There are many types of writers. When you're drafting an original story you may create an outline detailing the step by step plot, conflict, character development, call to action, etc.
Or perhaps you are an author like me, who instead prefers to free write. I won't hesitate to admit I can't stick to an outline beyond points A, B, and C. For example, my Anastasia AU
Chapter 1: The Rumor, The Legend, The Mystery (St. Pete)
Plan Con
Meet Elain
Chapter 2: Things My Heart Used To Know (December)
Learning Heritage
Rhys’ 1st appearance
Chapter 3: The High Lord Lies Cold (Neva flows)
Rhys Bonus
Chapter 4: Let Me Say Goodbye (Stay I pray you)
1997 ~For the Magic~
Carriage out of Dusk 
Carriage stopped enroute
Chapter 5: In a Crowd of Thousands
Travel on foot to gate to Day
Meet Helion
Chapter 6: Could it Be? (Quartet)
2. "She had to add Rhys in earlier than planned to be a villain."
What exactly is the point of this statement? Maybe Feyre could have stayed inside the manor on Calanmai. Maybe Lucien could have stumbled upon her and the three fae who targeted her. If you think she's the only author to rewrite a story or add characters in an earlier or later position, I'm going to guess you don't have much of a concept of the natural writing process.
3. "Detailing the actual story of how ACOTAR came to be from her own former newsletter, she wrote two and half ACOTAR books in 2009 (then originally only a trilogy). In 2014, SJM scrapped and rewrote the entirety of that original second and half of a third book and completely started over with them, creating what is now ACOMAF and ACOWAR. She did not change anything in ACOTAR, though, but she did add things in during editing."
Again, the natural writing process. Rewriting a hundred times over if it's necessary to get the book published. Editing for the sake of a fluid storyline.
4. Your points on Nesta, Lucien, and Cassian have nothing to do with a Feysand of Feylin endgame. There could have been a dozen different ways SJM planned on Lucien and Nesta meeting outside of Spring that we will never know. The fact is that in the end, SJM decided "Lucien and Nesta would be at each other's throats. And not in a good way". Or something along those lines. In walked Nessian.
5. "You can love Feysand, no one is telling you not to, but if you’re going to try to debunk what others are saying, then at least find out why they’re saying it in the first place so you can provide a proper counter argument."
I am aware I have the freedom of expression in the fandom. I would also like to clarify I was entirely polite in "debunking" the counterargument to defend Tamlin. Did you feel particularly attacked when I told a new fandom member to try the second book and see if it was to their liking when they saw Rhysand's story?
Or was it my assessment of Tamlin's lack of anger management and every marker of an abuser he shows from the second he comes to take Feyre across the wall.
No matter how many rewrites ACOTAR went through, there was no character retcon on Tamlin or Rhys. Book one was an adaptation of Beauty and the Beast and Book two was an adaptation of Hades and Persephone, even if very few elements were taken from the actual tales.
For any others who wish to drop in and give me a polite hello, my inbox is always open and I'm chugging along so I have some lovely Feysand and crack ship snippets to provide you with.
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