#this is my first freaking post and I'm scared pls send help
worldweaveralicya · 4 months
Fics vs. Original Work
Hello there, keep reading if you want to know the main differences between writing fan fiction and writing completely original works!
First of all, fic writers are writers. There's not a single reason to look down on anyone who uses their words to create something new in this world.
That said, let's get to the main part of this post!
Of course, that can highly differ if you're writing a fan fic without utilizing the locations from the source material (cough cough AUs cough cough), but usually, you don't have to start at zero when writing a fic. The reader already knows a lot about your story's world and is therefore easily immersed in it.
In completely original works, you'll have to consider world-building way more. Even if your story doesn't take place in a fictional world, you'll have to introduce your readers to the locations/cultures in your story. They won't know what exactly to expect going into the story.
One of the main reasons for writing or reading fan fiction is to see more of our beloved characters. Therefore, here you don't have to start at zero either. Readers already bonded with the characters. That makes it more important to be consistent with writing the characters because readers already have expectations of them.
With original works, you'll have to introduce the reader to completely new characters - And make them interesting. But you'll have more freedom and won't have to worry about straying too far from the source material.
While writing fan fiction, part of the fun is exploring "what if" scenarios. But you'll always have the source material to fall back on if you're stuck. You'll know where the story starts and how it'll develop, you'll have an outline of sorts on which you can build.
If you're writing something completely original, you don't have that outline from the get-go. Heck, you'll probably discover new things about your story while you're writing it! Which is a pretty cool thing, but it can get disorienting quickly.
Sooo, should you write fan fiction or original stories?
Eh, depends. I personally think writing fan fiction before writing completely original work might be good for some aspiring writers, because:
You don't have to focus on every single aspect of a story to make your writing functional, so you can improve your writing skills without getting overwhelmed.
There's less pressure to immediately succeed and publish a whole novel, and you can get feedback from fan fic communities online.
You and the reader are already familiar with aspects of your story, which can make writing feel more natural.
However, that's just how it works for me personally, and you might feel differently about writing fan fiction/original works. You can be a veteran writer and still mainly/only write fan fiction. You can be a beginner and write original works to practice. No matter the case, you should do what feels right to you and what you're passionate about.
Until next time, keep weaving words!
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simonsrosebud · 2 months
ik I'm late to the party but omg.... abram boyd.... I'm sobbing that's so sweet 😭😭 pls tell me more about them
Abram has certified protective big brother energy, but since he isn’t a big brother this goes to his girl friends at college instead. Palmetto is a safe campus, but he (and Elliot by association) still always end up getting their girl friends back to the dorms safely no matter what. I’m talking if two of their friends are fucked up before he even gets there he will leave the bar 10 minutes in just to get them home and then come BACK. (this is based on my sisters friend at lsu and it’s so wholesome)
Abram’s relationship with Neil is interesting bc he’s growing up as Neil is traveling in the pros in his late 20’s. However, Neil visits whenever it’s convenient and once he gets in the groove of this whole godfather thing he treats Abram like he’s his uncle bc he sees how Andrew is with Aaron’s girls. He keeps up with his schedule when he starts playing little leagues and makes Dan send pictures. She sends first day of school updates and a picture of a little Abram missing his two front teeth.
Abram gets a Josten Court jersey and wears it until it stinks. He gets new ones when he outgrows them. By his third one Matt gets him a huge one to grow into as a grown man. He does indeed grow into it.
Neil sends him post cards with a little letters written inside when he’s 4 and Abram loves it so much that Dan facetime’s Neil like 2 weeks after he got the first one but it’s just Abram’s face all up in the camera. “When will I get anover wetter, uncle Neil?” “Oh!” instant delight “It must still be in the mail, buddy, but just keep an eye on the mailbox, okay?” “Okay… do you wanna see your wetter?! I put it on my wall, uncle Neil!”
Neil is the first to start calling him B, firstly bc calling someone else Abram is something he has to get used to. Secondly because Abram acknowledges it as Neil’s nickname and stubbornly doesn’t let anyone else call him it.
Matt retires from exy at like 32 when Abram is 3. Matt’s exy team loyalties lie where his friends are at, so Matt, Jace, and Abram make it a thing to watch every game. Abram can’t keep track of Neil is and gets frustrated by it. Matt mentions it while laughing, two games later Neil has the butt of his stick wrapped in orange. After that Abram keeps saying, “Ope, there’s uncle Neil again …. There’s- I see orange, Daddy! …. There he goes again! …. Look! Uncle Neil!!”
Andrew may have been the one humanizing Neil, but Abram is the one who softens him.
Abram used to hold onto Addie or Annie’s hands and just follow them around at Fox reunions, which got more frequent throughout the years and is why/how the fox kids all got close.
Abram plays minecraft but just creative mode. He likes adventure or sports videogames while his brother likes Call of Duty and whatnot.
BIG lego kid until he’s like 14.
As a teenager, Abram and Neil text so much and talk on the phone a lot. About exy, about French help bc he’s learning it in school, about some fantasy show that Abram somehow got Neil into, about sports and college applications and when he can come visit again. And then about who these new kids in Neil’s house are and are they gonna stay a while? should we add them to the cousin gc? hey how’s elliot doing? and hey can you send me elliot’s number? and if i’m doing all this hard work to keep the strikers away the least our strikers could do is do something with the ball i keep getting to them, anyway, are you guys bringing blake and elliot to thanksgiving? i’m excited to meet them. and i know ur gonna be weird if i ask you about guys but im pretty sure i have a crush on one and im kinda freaking out and im scared to tell my parents and-
Matt is so loving when he comes out to him and Dan, hugging Abram really tight and just telling him he loves him and he’s so proud of him and Abram cries a little.
The first time he kisses a boy (bc crushes are only from afar) it’s freshman year of college and it’s because he starts looking at Elliot too often for too long and needs to get that shit out of his head bc that’s his best friend.
Abram has lunch with Dan like twice a month because she tries to stay out of his hair since she’s the exy coach at PSU.
When he and Elliot get together he finds he loves to wrap Elliot up in his clothes.
Elliot goes to all of his home games with their friends and cheers obnoxiously. Abram loves it. He also… fucks Elliot while he wears his soccer jersey.
He is definitely a gentle giant, but once he and Elliot get together he throws that boy AROUND in the bedroom.
there’s a lot more about him but i hope that’s good for tonight hehe
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regretisstoredintheme · 9 months
HI OMG!!! IT'S YOU I'VE BEEN TRYING TO FIND YOU AGAIN HIIII!!! You are so awesome I'm so happy you exist please continue existing argahhrhs I remember sending an ask a long time ago and you replying so nicely and making me happy and I have not forgotten about you since (I forgot ur username but also I forget my own birthday so like/lh) rahrah I hope that's not weird m sorry if it is I uhhh
Neeways for the asks thing!! If if you're still taking (idk when u reblogged it I didn't see)
what made you start your blog?
tell a story about your childhood
what’s some good advice you want to share?
Pls have the greatest day and have a very good year this year (im manifesting it this is a threat/silly)
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Thank YOU for existing 😭😭 I’m literally nothing w/o you guys I love you so much — which ask we’re you if you don’t mind me asking??? :0 I don’t remember a lot of my works BFJBSJS
anyways! Answer time!
what made you start your blog?
I started it because I had been talking to a mutual on another account I believe? In any case @tmntxthings is a huge reason why I had the guts to post my stuff :(( ❤️❤️ they were a huge support and even gave me ideas for my first post: Leo x ShyFelineReader. They are AWESOME and you should check em out >:)
share a childhood story!
Ooo boy… which one should I pick? Alright. I don’t remember a lot from my childhood, but this one’s pretty funny in hindsight.
in 5th grade, I was definitely the “everyone needs to act their age” kid.. it wasn’t cute but anyway— one day when I was playing on the playground I noticed a little spider in the wood chips. I bent to look at it and a few girls surrounded me to see what I was looking at. They freaked out upon seeing the spider but I insisted I just wanted to help it and attempted to scoop it up.
just then, a shoe comes out of nowhere and steps on the spider (and, effectively, my fingers.)
now I have a huge respect for life, so my teachers pet looking ass stood up and shoved this girl. Not like pushed — like SHOVED. “That’s an innocent creature! This is his home! It WAS at least— how would you have liked it? How would you like it if I squashed you and left you to die!?” Looking back I was intense asf as a little 12 y/o but eventually I ran off after scaring the shit out of this girl.
I… ended up apologizing once my favorite teacher’s aid had us talk to each other but STILL BADASS FOR A TEACHERS PET WHO DIDNT GET IN TROUBLE FOR ANYTHING!
what’s some good advice you’d like to share?
honestly? For someone who’s just starting out as a writer, especially a fanfic writer, here’s what I got.
Write your favorites. Nothing quite like writing what you want to give you motivation. Have an idea? Go! Do it right now! Write the dumbest version! Build the skeleton that will build your life. It’s worth getting over the hurdle of just… starting.
Don’t do requests you don’t want to. take this with a grain of salt, but you’re never going to please everyone. It can be great to get out of your comfort zone and try new things with new characters, but if you’re just starting out? Stick to the ones that make you excited, the ones that make you think “that’s such a good idea!” Or “I know just the setting for that!” And take the idea and run with it!! Most tumblr users don’t even expect their ask to be answered.
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