#this is my first odango not on anon!
deimosatellite · 7 months
OH ALSO i posted an odango to ao3.. lookie
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mamichigo · 5 years
Pokemon AU Dazatsu? gym leader ADA, Team Rocket/Magma/Aqua/Skull/etc Port Mafia? w/ starting trainer/legendary magnet Atsushi? OdaAngo as Atsushi's parents or Joy/Jenny?
Anon, how the hell did you know Pokemon is my big weakness?
I went with Johto solely because I liked the gym line up way better than everything else tbh. There was so much to fit in this AU (and I wrote a lot for it) but it was getting too long, so I just focused on dazatsu
(Note: Dazai is pretty much a prodigy, being a gym leader at 18, while Atsushi is a late bloomer, as he only started travelling at 16)
It takes a little while for Atsushi to get to the last gym, where Dazai is the dragon type leader. More because he wanted to explore and see the new cities and Pokemon with his own eyes.
He builds a reputation for himself without even realizing: Atsushi is very passionate and considerate, and with all the exploring, he meets lots of people and always helps them out. He also battles Team Rocket (and fucks them up) like a billion times. He’s Known
Anyways, when he comes up to Dazai, he already knows about Atsushi and is curious to find out who’s this legendary trainer that supposedly saw Suicune before
Atsushi loses the first battle. But instead of getting discouraged, he’s even more pumped up. Dazai often sees Atsushi training outside, and he watches with interest.
Curiosity finally getting the best of him, Dazai approaches Atsushi one day to ask why he was smiling the moment he lost to Dazai
Atsushi explains that Dazai won fair and square, and that it’s always amazing to see how strong other trainers are; the fact that he gets to battle trainers like Dazai is special to him.
“If I win against you, then it’s because I’ve grown since I got here. And I look forward to that.”
Dazai has never met someone with that kind of outlook on life before and he’s fascinated. He understands now why Atsushi has a trail of good stories following him, why everyone’s talking about him
From then on, Dazai comes along whenever Atsushi is training. Usually, trainers wouldn’t like that, since it reveals their strategies and common moves, but Atsushi says he doesn’t mind the company, so it’s okay.
(Atsushi was used to having both Oda and Ango back home, so the solitude is a little jarring, which is part of why he often surrounds himself with people.)
Dazai usually just plays with Atsushi’s pokemon (the ones that aren’t busy training with Atsushi, that is). He also often ends up taking naps while watching Atsushi, so Atsushi has started bringing a picnic blanket for Dazai to sleep on.
He doesn’t let it show, but Dazai admires Atsushi a lot, even if they’ve only known each other for a week and a half.
When they finally battle again, it’s such an unique experience: the rush of exhilaration and genuine joy is something Dazai hasn’t felt in so long–or ever, really. He’s having so much fun, he’s actually giving it his all (because Atsushi deserves nothing less than his best), and they’re both laughing.
When Dazai loses, his cheeks hurt from smiling. His heart is beating so loudly; someone actually beat him, and he finally found the spark he’s been looking for for so long.
And when he looks at Atsushi, who’s cheering with his pokemon, cheeks flushed and just as happy looking as Dazai himself feels, Dazai decides that’s the most beautiful thing he’s seen in his life
Now in addition to getting calls from Ango and Oda, Atsushi also gets them from Dazai too, who promises to cheer Atsushi on when he faces the Elite Four.
After Atsushi is all done (and now the champion of Johto/Kanto), he comes back to Blackthorn City to visit Dazai. He says he wanted to tell Dazai in person that he has no intention of keeping the position of champion, and he’s going home for now before deciding what to do next
Dazai laughs because of course Atsushi would spend the last year training to beat the Elite Four but then reject the champion role
Dazai hugs Atsushi and quietly asks him to allow him to come along, wherever Atsushi goes from now on
Atsushi is shocked, because what about the gym? But Fukuzawa, who has been the previous gym leader, agreed to take Dazai’s place if he decided to leave
After hearing that, Atsushi shrugs, because why not.
(After Atsushi tells Dazai where he’s from, Dazai spends the rest of the trip smiling the whole time. When Atsushi asks about it, he says “he’s coming home too”)
(The truth is that both Ango and Oda knew Dazai way back when, around the time he was in Team Rocket. After leaving the criminal organization, and before he set out on his journey, Oda told him to “come back when he found what he was looking for”)
(Yes, Dazai is very shocked to find out they’re Atsushi’s adoptive parents–more surprised about that than the fact that they’re now married, in fact)
Anon I’m so sorry I didn’t elaborate more on the backstories, the Port Mafia and Odango. Like I said, this got sooooo long. If you’d like to know more about this AU, absolutely hit me up
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sookashira · 7 years
Tagged by Mr Tinkles @pureren and again, I will break the rules not tagging anyone or writing new questions because I’m this evil lmao fight me.
Disclaimer: Whenever I see Tessa tags me in this things I'm like "yay, another tag game by Tessa" and then I read her answers and I always laugh because her answers are big and interesting to read and then I write my dumb short answers with "lol" and "xD" and "hahaha" and that's all xd
1. What kind of highschooler are/were you? I was... the girl who everybody liked because "too pure and nice for this world". I remember once a classmate told me I was the only "lady" in the class and they also chose me as best classmate lol I was like "wtf, I don't talk to anyone but you still choose me, thanks thanks but I don't deserve it because I didn't do anything".
And most of my friends was from another class and they know I'm quiet and "cute" until I have confidence and trust in people and I'm literally the chibi who wants to fight everybody when they call me chibi. ¿? I talk a lot... and I'm super dramatic ahahaha. I was the Ice Drama Queen before Elsa, excuse me.
2. What’s your favourite poem or quote? A line that stuck with you? I have a lot. I'm always using quotes from The Simpsons or Disney movies and basically my sister is the only one who gets it and complete the dialogues if there are dialogues lol
I'm not good at remembering poems so... And I'm not sure if I have a favorite line, because I like too many. But I'll say Annie's "I just want the weak, who do get swept along with the flow, be considered human too" is one of my favorites because I felt it. I consider myself weak too, in the way I interpretate that quote lol And now is in my sidebar, yes.
3. What’s a mundane special talent you have? (Small stuff like being able to make dragon origamis or being good at rhythm games idk) I'm really good at not make any sound when I walk so basically my mom always jumps scared because she "didn't see me coming" or she "didn't feel me / my presence" or whatever you call it. Hours ago she scold me because she saw a reflection in the mirror and when she turned out I was there staring at her lol
4. What would you describe your aesthetic as? Snowy things lol Winter, snow, snowflakes, snowdrops, ice, colors related to this things, etc. I told you, I'm obsessed with them ahaha That's why my friends calls me "The Ice Queen" lol Not because I'm a person with cold heart. (Basically, I always like characters related to ice or crystals so Annie got a point there lmao). I could marry Shirayuki Mizore if I can but I love too many characters and I can't pick only one plus they are fictional *sobs* (Insert another reason of why I didn't watch YOI: because everybody was talking about it and I was jealous because I saw a lot of things related to ice and blue-ish things and I was like NO NO THAT THINGS ARE MINE!!!! *dramatic Tamaki pose*) Hello, I'm super jealous.
5. What do you think are the most important traits a person can have? Kindness. I'm not really good at picking people traits because I know a lot of people with different traits even ones I say like "I don't like it" but I like them anyways lol I'm too weak. I easily love people even if I have a hard time trusting in them x'D
6. What are your favourite scents? Ehh... Vanilla, when you turn off a candle, Colognes for babies lol I actually love the smell of babies and kids ;u; I love kids. I suck at remember the things I like when people asks me the things I like >:c
7. What hobbies or extracurricular activities have you participated in in your life? Any you were particularly good at? When I was young (I'm old already) I tried ballet ¿? I always liked to dance and do presentations in school's aniversaries lol Once for the english class I had to sing Hakuna Matata with two friends and I was Simba. Doesn't have too many lines in that song but my evil friend made me say some random bugs names or things that rythms with Hakuna Matata. The teacher liked it a lot and she MADE US DO THE DAMN PRESENTATION IN FRONT OF OTHER RANDOM CLASSES AND I REMEMBER MY COUSIN TRYING TO HIDE HIMSELF WHEN I WAS IN HIS CLASS AHAHAHAHA.
8. What “otp things” make you weak in the knees and smile like a fool at your phone while everyone is throwing you concerned looks from the other side of the bus? First... Everyone is always looking at me like that because I'm always saying and doing dumb things. Not so long ago an anon told me I'm "a boob" and I didn't understand it so I had to google it and I laughed because.. yes. I'm super clumsy and dumb, like.. remember I come from the past, aka january 2017.
OTP things... I don't really call OTP to ships that aren't canon lol My first ship was Usagi with Seiya from Sailor Moon x'D I never liked Mamoru for her and I didn't understand Seiya was actually a girl when I was a child but whatever xd my first ship was a female x female lol And I really love when Seiya teases her calling her Odango... so let's start with a cute nickname. Half.. "I'm being annoying calling you like this" half "but I like it for you".
I also like when person A use person B's appareance for jokes lol //I actually enjoy when people tease me for being short lol but shhhht!//
"Remember when you said -insert what person A said trying to imitate voice and expression'".
When one of them is kinda possesive lol "You are mine". I like jealous people, I don't know if this is good.
If one in the ship is shy or tsundere...
I'm trying to remember some ships I like that aren't anime ones lol Agh, I'm so bad at explaining myself and you make me do it in english... *sobs*
9. How would your otp confess and kiss? (*hiding the notepad* this is absolutely theoretical and definitely not stored for further use….) You are stealing ideas and I AM THE ILLEGAL ONE. DISHONOR. DISHONOR ON YOU AND DISHONOR IN YOUR COW.
I don't know why kdramas came to my head with this question but I really hATE how they make the kiss scenes last like.. 10 minutes and from all the possible angles e_e
But I'm a trash for this kisses where is one of them who just... do it and then both are like "MAAAAAHHHH?????!!!" and random reactions while both are red. If they are dramatic, I'd love it more. Like WTF YOU JUST DID??! *hits the other with a bag, book or whatever it has in the hand or close*
The first kiss where they are like staring at each other and kissing again at the next second without anything more are boring lol
10. What aus based on real movies or shows are your favourites? (like disney aus, atla aus, mr and mrs smith aus, etc.) I love Disney AUs because I love Disney but the character must really fit for me to like it lol I also like reencarnation AUs beCAUSE I CRY I MEAN, I REMEMBER THE KDRAMA 'GU FAMILY BOOK' AND I START TO CRY BECAUSE AOKSNHFIDUHUAGDS.
I also like a lot this... when the characters change bodies so basically they have to live in each other and is super funny to see lol //Insert the kdrama Secret Garden. It sounds like I've seen a lot of them but actually not lol//
I'm a trash for the AU where there's a girl hiding her genre and acts as a boy lol MULAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN AND Ouran are my faves, of course.
High School AUs too lol they are like.. too common but I love them. (College ones are meh, tho)
I also like musical AUs but basically they end being like.. Disney AUs because too many songs lol
I don't remember more? I'll read the answers of the other people you tagged later lol I'm super picky but actually basic and with no experience reading fanfics because I'm too lazy to read things that are too long.
11. What’s best: Sleeping in freshly washed bed sheets or eating warm bread thats right out of the oven? Ehhhh... I'll pick sleeping in freshly washed bed sheets because I never make/do my bed ahahhahaa. (Damn verb, I’m not sure which one to use in this sentence lol)
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