#this is my hill i am willing to die on
liu-anhuaming · 6 months
My biggest pet peeve in language learning circles is and always has been when people call Mandarin "Chinese" even though there is not one Chinese language but rather many different Chinese languages (plural! china is linguistically quite diverse), and "Mandarin" 官話 is actually considered its own language family with even more dialects under it and not just one language. I think accuracy matters when talking about what languages you're studying
anyways, here's a tweet on this topic that has been stuck in my mind from the moment i first saw it
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andy-clutterbuck · 3 months
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The Ones Who Live | 1x03 - Bye
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lloydfrontera · 5 months
you know how sometimes cats will stay awake with you late at night despite the fact you can see them almost falling asleep while sitting because they want you to go to bed with them and they're too stubborn to go to sleep on their own? that's javier. lloyd will stay up late at night working on something or the other and javier will be right at his side, being so fucking sleepy and cranky about it and yet refusing to be lulled to sleep because he doesn't want to go to bed without lloyd. if it gets late enough javier will simply. climb up lloyd's lap and curl up there. i fits i sits kinda attitude. he does not care, if lloyd wants to work at fuck o'clock in the morning instead of going to bed like decent people then he can do it with javier dozing on his lap thank you very much
lloyd grumbles about it but he never pushes him off or stops him because he still remembers how many sleepless nights he spent on his own back in korea, tired and sore from working non-stop all day but unable to go to sleep for fear of falling behind in his studies and losing one of the few lifelines he still had. and it's,, nice. to not be alone. to have someone at his side. a reassuring presence who stubbornly refuses to leave him behind even if it's only to move to the bed that's right there in the room. javier's soft breaths tickling his neck, his body heat a pleasant warmth against the chill of the night, his weight grounding him to the moment, to this reality... it just. it's nice.
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neverevan · 6 months
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I think this episode had a deleted scene of Eddie and Buck co-parenting Christopher or them talking about how Eddie and Ana had different ideas about how to treat Chris.
Especially since the whole episode was centered around parent-kid type of relationships and we've seen Christopher exactly zero times in the entire episode until that 3 seconds at the end.
Which feels very odd to me, considering what a big part of Eddie's character is that he's a single dad and how the next season literally starts with him having a panic attack about becoming a family with Ana. (And that if they're gonna pay the actors for appearances, they might as well give them some screentime to make their money's worth, right?)
I mean, it's clear that they are both referring to something specific yet we aren't shown what that is. It might've been something setting up the will and more buddie down the line, but after editing it might've came off too strong and on the nose, so they scrapped it.
(Which would then play into my other delusion that buddie was gonna go semi-canon at the end of season 6 and if so, then it might have had something to do with why Fox went and dropped one of, if not their MOST watched show(s) and biggest money maker and gave it to a rival network.)
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jinxed-ninjago · 4 months
I love it when I say "Harumi was never evil but her actions were" then get people accusing me of saying Harumi's actions are excusable because it reminds me of this twitter meme
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"I don't think Harumi is evil but I'm also not gonna defend her actions because her actions are absolutely evil" "So you think Harumi's actions are excusable?" no i think she's a deeply traumatized person who lashed out violently because her adopted parents neglected her and she basically blamed lloyd for having ever been neglected in the first place which made her lash out violently even more
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burninglights · 8 months
at least part of the reason why people think Death Grips is meme music instead of legitimate experimental music is because it’s fronted by MC Ride; Death Grips would fully be considered experimental punk if MC Ride wasn’t black. In this essay I will
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vnillacone · 2 years
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something something comfort media
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colonel--sarge · 11 months
y'all. im having a lot of feelings about Joseph Kavinsky tonight. he deserved so much better!! i just want him to have gotten his happily ever after! he didn't deserve that ending! 😭
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476b · 3 months
i dont bring it up often but im still very anti-feral cats
just saw a stray breeding pair in the neighbors backyard. had to bring my cats in early from their outside time because of it. that makes 5 or 6 different strays ive seen in the past two months which means theres probably 30. its a real shame that the city still allows this because from this one pair thats probably another 2-6 stray kittens
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retro-radio · 2 years
The stench made him gag and his stomach turn, he felt queasy. He looked at the camera in his hands, it was stained with the same red as the ground. It was seeping towards his shoes, the source coming from a head wound on the man in front of him. Quentin threw the camera away horrified; he watched it clatter to the ground, the lens cracking it was useless anyway the photos he had were all blurry. It didn’t matter that the man before him was bleeding out from the head he didn’t give two shits about him. He was a deranged murder… all that mattered right now was-
Quentin turned around at neck breaking speed. He saw a kid no older than maybe thirteen whimpering from underneath the table, his knees clutched to his chest, his hand rubbing through his hair. He was covered in bruises. He was small for his age and he avoided eye contact, staring at the ground and fiddling with the bandages on his hands. Quentin's mouth went dry. This didn’t seem like the best situation. The kid was looking at Quentin with pure fear and backing away further into the corner like a scared animal. Quentin made a small step towards him and the floorboards creaked under his weight. The kid screamed, backing further away, rocking back and forth slowly whispering to himself. Quentin could only make out a few sentences “I'm safe I’m safe!” And “it’s ok it’s OK!” 
Quentin felt his heart break he decided he should try and get on this kids level so he crouched down and extended his hand. “What’s your name?” He whispered, trying to sound as non threatening as possible. The kid looked at him curiously but didn’t move from his spot “Aaron…” he trailed off looking at the body behind Quentin “P…Peterson”. Quentin nodded and slowly reached forward more trying not to make any sudden movements “ok… Aaron, I’m Quentin ok?” Aaron nodded and slowly scooted forward but kept his hands wrapped around his body tightly. “N…nice to meet you” Quentin nodded and reached into his bag pulling out a paper aeroplane “here you are” he handed it to Aaron who looked at it curiously. “Thankyou…” he trailed off looking at the blood on the floor “are you going to hurt me?” He asked, shaking slightly at the question. Quentin sighed and extended his hand more towards him, smiling. “No… I’m not I promise” Aaron gave him a strained smile “pinkie promise?” Quentin nodded and held out his pinkie to the kid “I pinkie promise”. 
Aaron looked at it, his eyebrows furrowed like he was considering his options. “Ok…” he took Quentin’s pinkie in his pinkie and shook it. Quentin nodded and gently placed his hands on Aaron’s waist who squeaked and tensed up his body shaking more violently. Quentin slowly brought him out of the cramped space and held him gently in his arms. Aaron froze up peeking through the crook of his arm “I… is my dad… dead?” He cringed at the word ‘dead’ Quentin looked at the bird statue that had Ted pinned to the floor he grabbed a blanket from the nearby couch and threw it over the body not wanting to traumatise the kid more than his deranged father already had. “No, he’s just… sleeping?” Quentin shielded the kids eyes and carefully lifted him up, placing him on his hip. 
Quentin had never been athletic but Aaron was light and was easy to hold. “Ok Aaron I need you-” he was cut off by Aaron gripping his shoulders and laying his head on Quentins chest he was still shaking but not as much now like being close to Quentin has somehow calmed him. Quentin caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror recoiling at his busted lip and black eyes. Ted had put up quite the fight kicking, scratching and screaming but Quentin whacked him over the head with his camera and his rage didn’t stop until he saw red. He carried Aaron out the house and  down the porch stopping in the garden “this is where my sister is buried” Aaron's tiny voice said. Quentin rubbed his back soothingly “what happened to her?” Aaron bit his lip and looked down so Quentin decided not to push. He placed Aaron in the front seat and climbed in next to him throwing an empty coffee cup onto the back seat “sorry about the mess kiddo” he smiled and pulled his seat belt across his body. He plugged the key into the ignition and the car lurched forward he stepped down on the accelerator. Next stop: The station.
“You are not fit to raise a chil-”
Quentin's voice boomed through the police station. He slammed his hands down on the bench gasping as pain shot through his arm. The chief sat before him “Quentin please understand that the only living relative this boy has is his aunt so-” he was cut off again by Quentin sighing “No! I’m not allowing that poor boy to go to anyone else in that freak show of a family!” He didn't mean to sound so harsh. Normally he was quiet and passive but he wanted this kid to be safe. The whole car ride Aaron was silent and that deeply concerned him making him wonder what else that man had done! “He's not going into the system so like I said: I will take custody of him”. The chief sighed clearly too tired to fight and leaned back in his chair. “You can't take him…you have no experience in child care”. Quentin peaked through the curtains of the office seeing Aaron sat next to a female officer with a mug of milk and wrapped in a blanket. He closed the blinds and walked back over to the desk. “We have no idea what that poor boy has been through! We can't fathom the trauma he has experienced so please keith…let me take care of him”. It made Quentin’s blood boil thinking about what that monster could have done to Aaron; he took a few moments to compose himself. “What happened to the father anyway?” He spat the word ‘father’ out no way in hell did that man deserve to be even considered a father. Keith looked down “he has been taken to the local hospital to be treated, he will then be trailed and sent to an asylum for the criminally insane.”
 Quentin nodded satisfied that he wasn't going to get away with this. He wouldn't admit it out loud but he had grown slightly attached to the kid holding his hand as they entered the station trying not to hold too hard but firm enough so that he couldn't run. “I may not have the slightest experience in childcare; the only kids I’ve taken care of is when I used to babysit in my teen years, but I can give him somewhere to stay”. Keith sighed again and rubbed his temple “exactly! He needs to go into the foster care system” Quentin shook his head “do I have any experience in child care? No, am I ready to be a dad? NO! But I think I might be the best chance at a stable home this kid may have!” He watched Keith fold his arms across his chest and sat there for a few minutes, his bottom lip pushed out as he reached into his desk. “Here…” he placed a thick folder on his desk, opening it ‘Custody Papers’ in bold letters at the top “sign here…give this kid the home he deserves”. Quenttin grinned wider than he had ever before scribbling his name and initials at the bottom placing the pen next to the folder “thank you sir”. Quentin opened the door to his cabin. It wasn't much but it was home, Aaron was by his side clinging to his legs he seemed content with the idea that Quentin was now his temporary guardian. “I have a spare bedroom for you if you would like, or you can sleep in my bed and I can sleep on the couch?” He removed his Jacket and lanyard and hung it up. The station had bandaged and helped clean some of his wounds. Aaron nodded and looked up at him, his wide brown eyes meeting his “I…I can sleep in the spare bedroom…thank you” he hugged Quentins leg tighter and followed him up into the bedroom that had fairly lights strung from the roof the metal framed bed in the corner with fresh floral sheets. Quentin allowed him to get settled in promising to be back. He went downstairs and heard the landline ring, he picked it up and put the receiver to his ear “hello?” He asked, unsure of who it was “Hello is this Quentin? I’m here to ask about the adoption of Aaron Peterson”. Quentin smiled wide again leaning against the door frame “speaking”. 
@gutz-radio @daradiostarz @teeveetrashee because you guys wanted to read it!
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anotherpapercut · 10 months
I'm seriously having to resist so hard the urge to block everyone on this website over that math color post. if you think math is red I'm sorry but you're wrong and you're going to math hell also. forever.
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angerinc · 1 year
Bestie, my love, ny beloved, you know im gonna ask for goldengo (i dont know yow to spell it)
I need the silliest of guys
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I am SO happy to deliver, I love this creature
Here's your silly coin ghost, honey <333
ScVi doodle requests are still open!
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moreroads · 1 year
#prev tags#how is cooking on here that's not a chore#me now#i beg your fucking FUCKING pardon Liz#cooking sucks ass and I really really REALLY HATE IT COME TO MY HOUSE AND LET ME SHOW YOU THE JOY OF COOKING COWARD
Chores are the regular and routine light work of maintaining a home or farm (Miriam Webster definition). It can ALSO mean a task that is difficult or disagreeable. (Also MW).
It is part of the regular maintainance of a home. Thats the part I am defending. That it COUNTS with the rest of the list.
That I personally find it disagreeable is a me thing and not one up for debate.
I live with people who love cooking
I have made food by myself and felt the joy of that. I have been taught in ways that are comfortable and within my limitations about the joy of cooking.
It is a chore to do it as often as I need food.
It is a chore; it is work. My job is food service, and I find great fulfillment in making food for people and being compensated for it.
And I am not a coward for not finding that the joy outweighs the toil.
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iscratchdoors · 1 year
there are many reasons to be a pc gamer such as modding and choice of hardware and blah blah so on but the main reason is just getting to play all the random weird shit on steam and itch and wherever else on the internet that was made by 1 guy in his basement high on mold spores that's never seen a controller in his life
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southislandwren · 1 year
Damn you bring up witchcraft and queer haircuts while talking to friend A and then friend B (Uber religious) is uncharacteristically non-communicative. Funny how that works
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toxxik-skintea · 2 years
I’m sorry to be the one to say this about L!Ninian but…
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