#this is my reaction to seeing people tag their anonymous ask answers and flood the main joe tag
fyeaheddiemunson · 7 months
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Paper Bag (Request)
MCU Cast x gn!teen!co-star!reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Request Description: Hope i am not bothering you but can i request one of avengers cast x teen!reader,where the reader gets acne and they think their ugly so they put a paperbag over their face but the cast notices and they ask them what's wrong and the reader removes their bag and say that they are ugly but the cast is like its normal to have it and you're beautiful.
Warnings: insecurity, self hatred, body hate, language
(A/N): berlin was AWESOME. i slept the ENTIRETY of yesterday so today i will post as well as tomorrow and monday too! enjoy the fics (hopefully) :D
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You’d been in Marvel movies as a returning character for years. Your character was growing up, just as you were, and you loved every moment spent with the cast. They’d known you since you were about 6, and your bond with them was as real as could be. 
Knowing them all for so long, you’d been able to tell them most of your problems. The early problems with fame, love troubles, friendship drama, and general weird thinking about the world. They had in many ways raised you. 
But there was one thing - something that brought such a dark shadow of shame over you, so maddening and humiliating you’d never ever told them. You were insecure about how you looked.
It was ridiculous. I mean, you’d always kind of disliked your body type, and as you grew, you wished you had certain other features. Some of the insecurity came with fame, but the root of it just always seemed to have been there. 
That’s why when you looked in the mirror to see your first pimple, your reaction was not as simple as being bummed out. You felt disgusting. So disgusting, in fact, you stayed in your trailer and cried and cried and cried, and eventually covered your mirrors, because the reflection you saw was an evil taunt. It told you that you were ugly. 
But the mirrors being covered didn’t help. You couldn’t feel comfortable with the cast anymore, not knowing a bright red pimple adorned your usually untouched forehead. Not knowing you looked so stupid. Your mood was ruined, and your reflection was seemingly everywhere to bully you.
It reflected you on smooth surfaces, like counters and shelves, in glass and in bathroom mirrors. You cried each time you were reminded of your frank ugliness. It only worsened when you got several more pimples, and you felt yourself scrambling to fix everything, to stop the taunting that was so constant in your brain. 
The moment you pulled the paper bag over your head, it stopped. You were anonymous again. No fame, no beauty, no ugliness. Anonymity was a superpower. 
The first time you wore it, you only wore it at home, and then struggled the rest of the day with your crippling self hatred. After two days of this, you couldn’t resist it. Wearing it to work. You knew it looked weird, but you just wanted so, so desperately to feel comfortable again. 
“Woah, who’s that?” Anthony asked as you walked onto set that morning, paper bag resting on your shoulders, and three holes (two eyes, one mouth) cut into it. 
“It’s me,” you said curtly. It was a fair group of people you had accidentally run into. Anthony, Scarlett, Sebastian, Chris (Evans), and Elizabeth sat in the break room where you were trying to get some coffee in. You wanted to avoid everyone as long as possible. You knew your actions would raise questions (questions you really did not want to answer), so you’d planned to not speak to anyone outside of the filming. You would take it off in front of the camera, and then grab it as soon as possible, to minimise the agony and self hatred that had caused it in the first place. 
“Y/n? Why are you wearing a paper bag?” Scarlett’s joking tone signalled she (and probably the others too) thought it was a joke of sorts. A prank, maybe. You ignored her question and put a mug beneath the dispenser, pressing a couple of buttons. Coffee was dispensed. You waited silently. 
“Are you okay?” Sebastian called from the couch. 
There was an uncomfortable silence. You just wanted to leave. If only wearing a paper bag everywhere was socially acceptable. 
“What’s with the paper bag, sweetheart?” Elizabeth asked worriedly. They had probably realised by now, that it was more than just a practical joke. You panicked. 
“I’m doing a.. It’s an experiment.. For school,” you lied. You went to pick up your mug, but, regretfully, you realised your hand was shaking. A lot. In fact, your entire body was shaking a little bit. They were just a little bit too close to the truth. To the shame.
You grabbed the mug and took it, backing out to exit the room, but you went to quick, hand slipping, and the mug as well as its contents spilled out onto the floor. The mug shattered and the hot, brown liquid flooded the floor. 
“Hey-” a hand found your shoulder, making you jump away and shriek. The paper bag rattled at the motion. It was Chris who’d walked up to you (very stealthily, may I add) and was now looking at you with those concerned blue eyes. “Are you okay, N/n? What’s wrong?” 
The mug was shattered. The coffee was on the floor. You had pimples on your forehead and you couldn’t stand yourself. You started crying. 
Silently crying, but visibly shaking, you lowered yourself to your knees on the floor, grasping your head through the paper bag in agony. You hated yourself. It was such a loud feeling. 
“Y/n..” you heard Chris mumble, squatting down next to you and stroking your back. The shuffling of feet came closer, until the cast was standing next to you. The paper bag rattled once more, as this time, you took it off.
“I’m so ugly. I’m so ugly, Chris, I can’t stand myself,” you sobbed, now audibly, tears running down your face and some dripping into the spilt coffee. You saw your reflection in the liquid, and shame overtook you once more. “I’m so ugly-”
“Stop. No, you’re not.”
“Yes, I am. I’ve got- I’ve got pimples on my face and I-” you croaked, but broke off into a sob once more. 
“Hang on, is this about pimples?” Sebastian intercepted, stepping forward. You shook your head.
“No.. Well, yeah. But it’s just.. Everything. I always hated how I looked, and I.. This just made it worse, I guess..”
“Oh, sweetie..” Scarlett mumbled, as both her and Elizabeth pulled you up form the wetted floor, and into a hug. They rubbed your back and squeezed you tight. 
“You’re such a stunning young person, N/n. In every way. And pimples! They’re the most natural thing on the planet. I had pimples, Scarlett had pimples, Sebastian, Chris, Anthony! We’ve all had it,” Elizabeth said, as your raking sobs turned to sniffles in the ladies’ warm embraces. You nodded into her shoulder. 
“Please, believe me, N/n, when I say that you’re one of the most gorgeous humans I’ve ever encountered. Inside and out,” Scarlett’s voice had never seemed as comforting as then. 
“For the record, we don’t think you’re ugly either. You’re the definition of beautiful. I’d let my kids date you. And that’s a huge compliment!” Anthony jumped in, semi-jokingly, but gaze as serious as could be.
You wheezed a laugh. The pimples, that previously had seemed as bright and glowing as Rudolph’s red nose, seemed less significant now. Actually, you realised you’d never felt as comfortable as you did then. The insecurity that had had so many ties over you, had been cut loose. You were free and floating. 
You almost felt stupid for not telling them sooner. The confidence you felt, was something you’d never gotten to experience. 
You pulled away form Elizabeth and Scarlett, smiling and wiping your eyes. 
“Thank you, guys. I’m sorry for being so dramatic,” you giggled now, face puffy and cried-out, but still you felt beautiful. 
“Hey, no. You weren’t being dramatic. You were struggling with something and we helped you. Simple as that,” Sebastian said, ruffling your hair and smiling encouragingly. 
“And don’t hesitate to tell any of us, if you feel like this again. We will jump to comfort you at any time of the day,” Chris added, patting your shoulder. You wiped your eyes once more, smiling like a dork.
“Can I get a hug?” you asked. 
They hugged you, and you felt so loved and beautiful. You truly had somewhere, you thought, that you could always tell anyone anything. You had something so incredible. You had a family. 
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun @deephideoutmilkshake @rae-is-typing @sophs-library @herecomesthewriterwitch @alicedanganh @eviemarvel @idk123906​ @xiumin-girl99​ @frostedgiant
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mordoriscalling · 4 years
Stay or Sail Away (1/6)
Here comes part one the modern AU fake dating Geraskier fic that I talked about in this post. I’d like to post each part daily. Tagging @geraskier-trashh as requested! :D
It’s not that Jaskier has any problem finding someone, thank you very much. It’s just that he’s busy. Busy with concerts and composing, meeting fans at various events, travelling, internet dramas involving Valdo (it’s always fucking Valdo). There’s no time for a relationship, only for occasional one night stands that sometimes that leave him heartbroken because he actually manages to fall in love with someone in the span of a few hours. It’s fine, though. Heartbreak inspires him like little else.
Jaskier's never complained about lack of bed partners, when he seeks them out. He’s charming, after all. Still, the moment he hears “commitment”, he flees. It’s just not his way. Or perhaps he’s never found anyone fascinating enough to commit to; it takes a lot to keep his attention.  He wasn’t even looking for someone like that. Not until recently.
His troubles began a week ago, during a phone call with his mum. She reminded him of his father’s 65th birthday party and asked if he would bring anyone with him. This was followed by a series of questions about his love life because, as his mum put it, “you’re 35, Julian darling, and you’re always working so hard! I worry you’ll end up alone”. In order to placate her, Jaskier might’ve lied a little tiny bit about some things. As a result, because of all the twists and turns of the conversation, he made his mother believe he had a fiancé.
A fucking fiancé.
Wanda Pankratz was ecstatic, wishing to know everything about her son’s relationship, but he dodged all the further questions by saying that she would meet his love soon enough. She left it at that but, of course, told half the family about it, if the texts and calls from his sisters and aunts were anything to go by.
Hence, The Post.
It’s a bit pathetic and desperate, Jaskier can freely admit, but he has no other choice. His personal guard Zoltan almost pissed himself laughing when Jaskier asked him to pretend to be his fiancé, and not one of his friends knows anyone who would want to do this. Not even his agent Triss could help him out.
It all drove Jaskier to log on his anonymous Facebook account (he is a pretty big name in the UK; better be safe than sorry) and post in one of the big London groups.
“I need urgent help from someone who’d be willing to act as my fiancé during a family party on February the 24th. The only thing I expect is the ability to sing praises of our love and to compliment my aunts. It’ll take around 4 hours and then we end our relationship. Age from 35 to 40. It’d be great if you knew something about the sea because I intend to introduce you as a sailor who’s never home and afterwards, you die. Can anybody help?”
Since yesterday, the post has got more than a thousand reactions (mostly the laughing one and likes) and hundreds of comments. Many people tagged their friends as a joke, which is not helpful, but Jaskier still scrolls down and down, trying not to let his hope die. Nobody seems to think his request is for real and he’s received no serious offers so far. Then, one of the newest comment threads catches his attention.
Lambert Rivia:    Geralt Rivia Destiny!
                              Geralt Rivia Fuck off
                              Yennefer Vengeberg Omg 😂 Cirilla Vengeberg-Rivia Eskel Rivia you must see this!
                              Cirilla Vengeberg-Rivia Yesssss!! This is perfect! ❤️
                              Eskel Rvia Do it Geralt
                              Geralt Rivia No.
Intrigued, Jaskier decides to check out these people’s profiles. Lambert Rivia is a handsome red-haired man who wears some kind of black military suit in his profile picture. Looking at his bio, Jaskier already knows why Lambert didn’t volunteer himself – he’s in a relationship. Eskel Rivia is blond, even more handsome than Lambert despite facial scars, and also has a photo in a black suit, together with a white cap on his head. There’s no information on Eskel’s relationship status and Jaskier is intrigued indeed. Yennefer Vengeberg is a terrifyingly beautiful woman who, judging how professional her profile picture appears, must work in some serious profession. Cirilla Vengerberg-Rivia is a lovely teenage girl with white-blond hair. Jaskier reckons she’s the daughter of Yennefer and one of the Rivia guys.
He left the poor Geralt’s profile as the last to look at, but now that Jaskier has seen the rest, he checks this one too.
His jaw fucking drops.
Geralt Rivia is a ridiculously handsome man. His face seems practically unreal because, surely, people as beautiful as Geralt don’t actually exist? The man’s long white hair (which makes no sense considering his apparent age), as well as his brown-almost-golden eyes, only add to his otherwordly, stunning appearance. Double stunning in that black military suit he’s wearing in his profile picture, just like Lambert and Eskel. The suit looks familiar and Jaskier has a nagging feeling he really should know what kind of army it is. Google helps him out and he quickly puts two to two – Geralt, Eskel and Lambert serve for the Royal Navy.
He bursts out laughing.
This is too good.
He wonders what he should to about this. Now that he knows about Geralt’s existence, he can’t really miss the chance of meeting him, however slim. His gut feeling tells him not to let the opportunity slip and well, who is Jaskier not to listen?
When he’s in the middle of debating what to write to the man, his phone pings. There’s a new messenger notification... with Geralt’s name. With a racing heart, Jaskier opens the message.
FEB THE 18TH AT 06:14 PM Hey. Everyone’s telling me to message you and won’t leave me alone. Is your request for real? Please say no
Jaskier chuckles and replies:
Hi! I’m sorry they’re bothering you and I’m also sorry to say that my request is very much for real. I’d be forever grateful if you helped me 😁
To this, Geralt responds with:
They really won’t stop until I agree They think it’s so fucking funny
Jaskier purses his lips, already suspecting this isn’t likely to work out. He'll have to face his loving mum and admit that he lied to her about fucking having a fiancé. She’s going to be so disappointed. At the very prospect, bad mood overtakes him, but he still types what he hopes to be a cheerful answer.
Damn, so sorry mate I won’t push you but, again, I’d totally owe you one if you agree  ☺️
What would I get?
Jaskier tries to reason with his hope to calm the fuck down and replies:
Money, or a favour of some sort, I have many connections Could be free tickets to my concerts  Even my company for the night 😏 Just whatever you want I really need help
For a minute or two, the three dots next to Geralt’s photo disappear, and Jaskier’s hope plummets in a  dramatic fashion. Then, more messages from Geralt show up in the chat.
Free tickets seem fine My daughter loves going to concerts She’d like free tickets but I never heard of you
Jaskier starts begging any god out there that Cirilla is Geralt’s daughter. Teenagers make up a large part of his audience (which is great, actually; teenage kids are amazing these days). If she’s a fan, the free tickets are a major bargaining chip.
Well, Julian AP isn’t my stage name I don’t use it on fb
What is it? Your stage name
I’d rather not say here And you must promise me you won’t tell anyone about it too Well, anyone but your daughter
 Can you call me? It’s better to talk about this on the phone anyway
Jaskier sends Geralt his number and waits for the call. In other circumstances, he’d congratulate himself on getting a man like that to call him so easily, but he’s too anxious. His hands itch for his guitar but he doesn’t get up from his bed. He begins smoothing his hair out with his palms, praying in his mind that Geralt hasn’t changed his mind.
After the agonizing wait of six minutes, there’s an incoming call. Jaskier takes a deep breath and picks up.
“Hello,” says a gravelly baritone voice so pleasant that it sends shivers down Jaskier’s spine.
“Uhm, h-hi, Geralt,” he replies a bit breathlessly, “so, my name’s Julian Alfred Pankratz but I’m known to many as Jaskier.”
There’s a beat of silence. “Jaskier?” Geralt repeats, “the one who sings Her Sweet Kiss?”
Jaskier beams, his chest swelling with pride. “The very same.”
“Fuck,” Geralt growls, “Ciri wants to blast this song whenever we drive somewhere.”
Jaskier laughs. “She would love free tickets to my concerts, wouldn’t she?”
Geralt says no more. Jaskier has to swallow down to sop his throat from constricting. “So?” he asks, “Can you do this for me?”
The silence on the other side is deafening and Jaskier doesn’t even breathe until Geralt finally speaks up. “Fine,” he grunts, his tone indicating it’s anything but fine.
Air leaves Jaskier’s lungs in a whoosh, replaced by a flood of such sheer relief that he may as well cry. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” he babbles, heady with joy, “Gosh, you’re my saviour!”
“Just don’t tell anyone about this,” Geralt grumbles.
“Not a soul, Geralt, not a soul.”
“Send me the details about when and where and let’s get this over w–”
“No, wait!” Jaskier cuts in, “My family’s very perceptive, they’ll know it’s a ruse. We should plan everything carefully.”
“You’re making me regret this,” Gerlt growls.
“I’m sorry!” Jaskier hastens to say. “Just... at least tell me a bit about yourself?”
Geralt lets out an irritated sigh. “I’m forty, serve for the Royal Navy with my brothers. Eskel’s the nice one and Lambert’s the prick. My ex-wife Yennefer works for the government.” Jaskier actually shudders at this one because he already can picture it. Yennefer seems exactly powerful like that. “We have a daughter,” Geralt goes on, his tone softening, “Ciri. She’s fourteen. We live in London but I’m away often.”
“Oh, lovely,” Jaskier says with a wide smile because, really, this man’s love for his daughter is so clear and endearing, “this is something we can start with.”
“Just make everything up about our relationship and send it to me. I’ll play along.”
“Thank you,” he breathes out, still amazed at his luck. Jaskier is almost high on the success of his ingenious scheme and his obligations are therefore non-existent, so nothing stops him from teasing Geralt. “Though, to be completely honest," he says cheekily, "you don’t strike me as the type to sing praises of our love and compliment my aunts.”
“Hmm,” Geralt replies. It doesn’t sound like a negation. “Yen says I’m not that bad if I try.”
The fondness with which he said Yennefer’s name is a cold bucket of water poured on his enthusiasm. “O-oh, ok,” he stutters out, thrown off-track, “So, uhm, would you be willing to try for me?”
For a moment, Geralt says nothing, then answers, “If you give Ciri an autograph.”
Jaskier laughs out loud. “Not a problem at all! Whatever she wants.” He pauses. “Whatever you want,” he adds more seriously.  
Geralt only hmms, in a way that Jaskier’s prone-to-romanticism mind would almost call warm. Silence falls between them but it doesn’t feel awkward somehow. “Have to go,” Geralt says.
“Okay,” Jaskier replies quietly, “Thank you again. I’ll text you, yeah?”
After Geralt hangs up, Jaskier huffs out a shaky breath. Deep down, he already knows.
This is going to mess him up.
Part 2
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ritsukiayame · 5 years
Ruki’s Gay Agenda
Warnings: Contains LGBT bullying (does end positively)
Words: 2411
Jun and Ruki were going about their way to school as they always do every morning when they saw a large crowd piling like sardines towards one area in the hall.
“Ruki, what’s going on?”
Ruki hurried over as soon as they walked into the hallways toward his locker. Almost everyone in the school passed by a certain locker or were staring at it in shock. Some people had their phones out and quickly snapped a photo. The others that kept crowding around either gawked or whispered. Some of them, when they saw Ruki stepping forward, they avoided eye contact or shuffled to their next destination.
Ruki and Jun walked towards Ruki’s locker. Red spray paint was tagged across his locker door with equally crudely written words. “Fag. Cock sucker.”
More people started to crowd around them and Jun could feel the air getting smaller and smaller to the point it felt hard to breathe. He tried to avoid the crowd and looked up at Ruki. He continued to stare at his locker but his face was expressionless. “Ruki?” Jun had no idea what to say. He felt like he was completely out in the open. Completely vulnerable, like the whole world was watching them. Someone probably snapped another photo. Jun approached Ruki again. “Ruki? Are you okay? Should we tell the teachers?”
Ruki blinked and looked at Jun and nodded. “Yeah it’s just… I’m kind of confused.”
Jun was taken aback. And so did everyone else it seemed. They all dropped taking pictures from their phones and looked at Ruki in disbelief. “What do you mean?” Jun asked.
“I mean, yeah. I don’t know why someone would do this. I’m just kind of confused why they would waste a lot of time doing something dumb like this. I’m pretty sure they don’t even know me. What was the point of this?” He turned to the closest girls next to them and asked, “Do you know who did this?” The girls quickly shook their heads and shuffled away. He asked the next batch of people. “Do you know who did this?” Same answer.
He kept asking the people around them when a sound of running footsteps was coming toward them. “Get out of the way,” grumbled Alex pushing his way through the crowd. When he reached towards Ruki he turned back at them and barked at them. “There’s nothing to see here! Get to your next class! Move it!”
The intimidated crowd scurried away from Alex who in this moment resembled a short angry chihuahua. His glare scared the nearby screaming girls. He turned to Ruki. “We’ll find who did this and make them pay.”
Ruki moved his hands up in defense. “Woah man. Violence is totally not necessary. But we should probably clean this though.” He took a finger and brushed it against the paint. “Maybe we can clean this off during lunch. This wouldn’t give everyone a good message if this stayed on here right?”
Alex blinked in amazement. “You are not normal.”
Ruki laughed softly. “What do you mean?”
“Like a normal person would get mad or sad or just stay super quiet and sad. But you’re like confused.”
Ruki gave him a perplexed look. “I am confused though.” He pointed back at his tagged locker. “Like seriously. Why would you waste your time on this? You have so much better things to do than just do this?”
“Dude, no one would think that way except you.”
Ruki laughed again but it didn’t sound like he found Alex’s comment funny. But almost like a laugh of self pity. “Maybe I’m not normal.”
More people passing by along with more whispering. Jun turned and grasped Ruki’s sleeve. “Hey. Maybe we should go. I’ll help you out during lunch too!”
Ruki turned and gave him a soft smile. “I’d like that. Thanks Jun.”
Throughout the school periods the school’s inner social media circle flooded with Ruki’s tagged locker. Spreading from each account to the other trying to find who the culprit was as if each person was trying to be an anonymous knight in shining armor. As usual, Ruki didn’t seem to take notice or bother with the flooding messages on his socials asking him questions like he was so person of interest.
When it was lunch Jun met up with Ruki outside of his English class and they both walked to the locker rooms to borrow some towels. “Are you okay?” Jun suddenly asked while they filled a mop bucket full of water from the sinks.
“Yeah? Why you ask?”
The bucket was full and heavy for Jun. Luckily Ruki was stronger because he actually did sports and took over the bucket handle. “It just seems that your reaction is really…” Jun couldn’t think of the right words and he knew he always had trouble with that. “Different? Like you’re not angry that you were targeted?”
Ruki scoffed as they took the stacks of towels and detergent from the bench. “Is Alex rubbing off on you?”
“What do you mean?”
“He just told me I wasn’t normal because I reacted differently than others if they were bullied too,” Ruki said with a smile but quickly retracted it back. “So were you influenced by Alex that I’m not normal?”
“No! It’s not like that!” Jun stammered. He felt his face turn red while holding onto the towels as they walked passed the gawking students in the hall. “Actually I think that’s really brave of you.”
“Brave?” Ruki asked with a slight shocked tone.
“Yeah. It’s honestly really inspiring. Instead of putting out your anger or giving yourself pity you had another outlook on it. Instead of causing more problems you want to resolve it. I think that’s really amazing. So it’s not really a matter if you’re normal or not. It just…” He raised the towels to cover his face from embarrassment. “You’re an inspiration.”
They reached Ruki’s locker and set down the things. Ruki put his hand on his shoulder and smiled. “Thanks, that means a lot.” Jun nodded and gave him a towel. When he started mixing the soap detergent in the water, Ruki spoke again. “And… thanks for saying I’m not weird or anything.”
Jun looked up and frowned. “Why would you be weird? You’re not weird at all Ruki.”
“Hey Ruki!” Both of the boys turned toward the direction of Alex. He stomped pass the crowd dragging two younger boys in each hand by their shirt collars flailing their arms begging for mercy. Despite his smaller but lithe body, Alex threw the boys in front of Ruki. “I found the culprits.” The boys’ childish faces indicated that they were freshmen. They looked up at Ruki and whimpered like scared dogs. “Apologize you twats!” Alex demanded.
Ruki put a hand up at Alex. “Alex they’re not animals. Talk to them like normal human beings.” Ruki then kneeled down at the quiet freshmen like they were actual kindergarteners. He didn’t seem to show any sign of remorse but rather a sign of humbleness. He smiled at them and they jerked back. “Are you the guys that happened to write that on my locker?”
The smile seemed to intimidate one of the boys as he looked down on the floor without saying anything.
“You can tell me the truth. I’m not going to yell at you if you really did it or not.” Ruki’s soothing voice was seriously not helping this contradicting situation.
“It was his idea!” One of the boys suddenly shouted.
The other boy looked at his buddy in a face of someone that has been betrayed. “Wait what the fuck? You’re the one that wrote on it first!”
“Shut the fuck up Eddy! You always start it! You always kept calling him a cock sucker anyway!”
“Let’s back up a bit,” Ruki interjected. He turned to the boy who was called Eddy. “So why do you think I’m that?”
Eddy continued to look at the floor. The behavior really did resemble a kindergartener that did not want to admit that they hit someone first. “Because you just give off that vibe.”
“How so?” Ruki looked at them both as if he was really concerned. “Like I’m actually curious. I want to know how do I give off that kind of vibe to you guys?”
“Because you act so girly!” The other boy stammered. “You look at other guys so hard like you want to suck dick like dude it’s so gross! Also you move and look like a girl anyway!”
That alone made Jun want to punch that kid in the face but luckily Ruki interjected again. “Because I don’t act like a typical bro type. Is that why you made those assumptions?”
“Yeah isn’t that how gay people act? That’s so weird,” spat Eddy. Alex was about to whack him in the head but Ruki waved at him to stop.
Ruki clenched his teeth. “Yikes. That’s really problematic. Actually a lot of it what you said is really really problematic.” He brought his fingers to begin counting their call outs. “For one, you’re assuming that because I’m a guy I have to act super masculine. Not all boys are born with that masculine mindset you're actually putting a lot of boys in danger if you have assume that on all boys. No, sorry, male presenting humans. Two, you assume that all guys that act ‘girly’ are gay because they don’t fit the typical mold of the masculine bro type. Am I right?”
The two freshmen boys didn’t look at Ruki they continued to look down. Eddy started twirling his tennis shoe laces.
“And one last thing,” Ruki continued raising three fingers. “Let’s just say I really am gay. Like no offense but why do you care?” That got the boys’ attention. “That kind of thing should be something that should be kept to me. And even if I do, what do you call that, ‘come out’ right? I don’t think it should matter that much because my sexuality shouldn’t define who I am. There's so much more to me than my sexuality. And who I love should only matter between me and that other person. Or multiple if I identify as a polysexual, but that should be a relationship between me and that other person. It shouldn’t even be your business unless I invite you into it.”
The two boys were completely speechless. They seem to be at a loss of words so Ruki continued to ramble.
“I am pretty sure if you ask any actual gay guys they probably wouldn’t pounce on you anyway. Because that’s not really how that works. I mean, again if I was gay, I have never seen you before so I don’t know why you would even be afraid of me.” Then Ruki tapped his chin and thought some more. “Could it be you’re afraid of gay guys because you don’t want to be treated like a girl? You don’t want to know what it’s like for a girl in a man’s world?”
“Okay! I’m sorry!” Eddy roared at him overpowering Ruki’s soft voice. Everyone in the hallway stopped in their tracks at them making it feel like deja vu from this morning. His buddy shot a threatening look of betrayal and panic at him. “I’m sorry for calling you all that! It was Aku’s idea first! He keeps talking about it every time and I just kind of tagged along and we thought it would be funny! Just a joke!”
“Dude what the fuck?!” Aku yelled at him. “Why the fuck are you calling me out you’re the one that called him the cock-sucker first! I remembered that!”
“I’m just telling him the truth!”
“Woah guys calm down. It’s fine.” Ruki moved his hands to cease them from arguing even further. He softly laughed and rested his chin on his palm. “I appreciate your honesty. But you know, if you really wanted to cause a scene let me give you a piece of advice. This.” He pointed back at the locker. “Is not the way to do it. You should try being nice sometime. It’s fun.”
“We are really sorry,” Eddy pleaded again on the verge of tears.
Alex kicked them, first Aku then Eddy, face down on the floor. “If you’re sorry stop sobbing and start scrubbing.”
The boys crawled towards the bucket and grabbed the dripping wet towels. As they rubbed the paint off the metal more passerbyers came through for a quick snap or two. The freshmen boys tried their best to ignore them by scrubbing the locker harder and trying hard not to cry. It was like watching a quick display of public shaming.
Alex and Jun tried to shoo the crowd away making them mind their own business. “This is so annoying,” complained Alex. He turned back to the whimpering that felt his intense stare by scrubbing harder. “Scrub harder!”
Jun patted Alex. “I think they get the message it’s okay. See they’re concentrating on making it spotless.” Alex quietly furiating shooed more passerbys. Jun stood on his tip toes and whispered in Ruki’s ear, “The way you handled that was amazing.”
Ruki softly chuckled into his mouth trying hide his embarrassment but Jun could still see he was smiling from his cheeks. “You’re giving me too much credit. I was just trying to tell them how I feel.”
Jun couldn’t help but smile back feeling so proud of him. “Still though. I think they will probably remember this rather than just beating them up.”
“I mean I hope so. But you know,” he glanced at Jun and flashed his perfect white teeth, “you inspired me to say all of that.”
Jun was surprised. “Wait how? What did I say?”
Ruki shrugged. “Because you encouraged me having another approach at it.” Jun was going to come up with a response but his brain almost fried by the compliment. However Ruki went up to the freshmen. He tapped on Aku’s shoulder interrupting his concentration of scrubbing. “You know if you really want to bring people’s attention to other people’s ‘juicy secrets,’ next time say more accurate facts rather than just stirring up fictional claims you know? Like if you wanted to call me out at least get my sexuality right.”
“So you're not gay?” asked a sniffly Eddy.
Ruki laughed but he seemed to be nervous rather than making a joke. “No I’m bi.”
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saitouh · 6 years
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‪You blacklisted me 4-5 years ago???? holy shit, really???  This is you  ↓ 
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 Reblogging me in 2015. This was 3 yrs ago, aero. 
“4-5 years ago” ???? that’s a lie. u don’t even know your own fcking timeline. I blocked your ass first so that you can no longer reblog from me. I didn’t want to see your stupid ass username in my notes. I also didn’t want you to give me 50 more likes and reblogs from your followers that i never asked for. And most important of all, so that i no longer have to see your shit opinions in tsukuyo’s tag.
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Did u think i would be grateful to u or something just bc u gave me more notes on my posts? Whatever, I don’t make that many gifs. 
I didn’t need the notes for whatever, not when you were playing “fake” to be nice but then gaslighted and attacked other ppl who have called u out on your shit. 
Do you think I’m like piduai who’s obsessed with notes? 
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Because your BFF aero reblogged you? And boom. Chain reaction. Would this sense of validation last you a lifetime? 
Get over yourself, aero. No one is stalking you. You are a large blog with 723113 garbage posts flooding the gintama tags. You show up on the main page. On almost everyone’s dash. Who needs to stalk a damn narcissistic exhibitionist when they show up everywhere??? 
You always, always claim u don’t bother with me, and yet u always, ALWAYS reply to “anons” who, for some reason knows about me (just…how)? 
“im largely unaffected by her, SO MANY GOOD THINGS ARE HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!”
ofc you are unaffected by me. so unaffected u have to link every single “anon” to every post u made in response to me everytime i drop a post. yes, so many good things are happening. movies, contracts, SCHOOL! tumblr!!! don’t forget the zines!!! bizarre.
i remember going “what the fck” when u told other people that i was jealous of you for organizing zines. (i had no idea what they were) and i remember saying, dude, i would prefer if you could do your zines whatever all year round if that would help take up all of your time so u stop bitching about tsukuyo and a ship that has NOTHING to do with you. 
it was then some people told me that you claim to be also a published author, you have contracts and movies and whatever, and full time student!!! and you’re on tumblr answering every single fcking ask with massive walls of texts!!! i started thinking, holy shit how the fck could anyone have all that time? don’t authors need to promote their books? dont authors work around the publisher’s schedule? but nah u dont seem to be doing any of those things. what about exams? assignments? practicals? midterms? u don’t seem to be doing any of those things, either. you don’t seem like you’re sticking to any school year calendar from any part of the world that people are familiar with. and you have your own fandom about your books already!!! 
yet you spend more time on here, talking about a japanese work that isn’t yours, and give long-winded opinions (really shit opinions) every single day. every day. and answering sooo many anon asks!!!! sending messages to people!!!! writing massive walls of texts!!! LMAO 
and now you’re trying your hardest to reblog tsukuyo-related things. and make edits of her and reblog gintsuki now!!!!
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why wouldn’t an actual paid author focus more on their own work and brand is beyond me. and u are required to STAY as an anonymous author, too? lmao… it’s such… bs. the people who believe in your shit are truly gullible to a T. 
You claim to be “rarely here”, but u always immediately reblog new art, send messages to people, answer shit, keep tabs on things. “Oh anon, i don’t care about her and i don’t know” <– your template that’s always published after i have a new post. 
u’re so full of shit.
piduai is also having a blast stalking me everyday. i remember she said for 23422389204 times, “this is the LAAAAST time i’m talking to u, this is the last time i’d look at you, this is the last time i’d address you” OK BITCH BUT WHEN THE FCK WILL IT BE YOUR LAST TIME? you all look so fcking ridiculous. OMG I JUST USED THE “R” WORD. someone pls call the woke police.
i swear u guys are like potheads with a serious addiction problem. 
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matamisin · 6 years
Consider: Mina is a genuinely happy and positive person, but everyone has bad days (especially people who have been thru trauma, like seeing your loved ones regularly beaten to a bloody pulp). The thing is that Mina just. Refuses to show that trauma has actually been effecting her. She starts suppressing negative reactions to situations bc she wants to "stay strong." Beginning of the year? She cried when they got rescued from USJ. End of the year? "Lmao guess we survived another one! Ha! Ha! :)"
oh my god like millennial humor?? if yeah then lmao mina please
if not ahhh Mina baby you have feelings too that you gotta tend to!\
Alright- All (or at least all the angst headcanons I received) are answered below the cut! Please be careful, there are some, well angsty things in there!
TW: Eating Disorder, Gore/ Graphic Depictions, Homophobia, Depression, Suicidal Tendencies/ Self harm mention, Death, Possible spoilers to those not caught up with the BNHA manga- Please ask to tag if I missed any!
(looking at all these warnings made me realize omfg YALL DID NOT HOLD BACK IM CRYING ASK AND THOU SHALT RECEIVETH I SUPPOSE)
a-single-eyelash asked:
Denki accidentally hurt someone as a kid, say a sibling or good friend, with his quirk. It made him hate his work, until he saw a hero with a similar work to his. This is what made him think that not only is his quirk cool, but also that he can become a hero. Well until, he hurt Sero. His boyfriend, got electrocuted by him on the battlefield. (Sorry this is an idea I’ve had for a fic)
anonymous asked:
Bakugou is still sad, Sero is suicidal (Read to may fics about it man), Kami is legitimately afraid he’ll disappoint his parents, Tsu feels to normal, Kiri feeeeeelsss way to useless, and idk maybe Aoyama feels ignored. My own angsty headcanons.
Ah, yeah I can see how those can play into those characters!
anonymous asked:
Sero’s fight or flight response with a villains ice-like quirk (if your for that headcanon) OR Sero overwhelming his quirk trying to rescue a goddamn building of people
anonymous asked:
Ashido + Bakugou bond over their quirks being destructive and not really knowing how to use them to actually *help* people
oh wow, I’ve never actually seen it that way.
But how about this: while they vent to each other about how their quirks can’t help people, the other is like, full on giving them descriptions of how their quirks actually CAN but they just never realized and they’re opening each other’s eyes while having their own insecurities knocked down
anonymous asked:
Omg your angst au is so angsty it’s beautiful
AH thank you haha!
anonymous asked:
Angsty headcannon boi-  Sero was bullied in middle school for having wonky teeth and actually had braces. Which is why he has such a pearly white smile now.  Sero was the last in his class to get his quirk and when he did he was laughed at because it was a ‘useless quirk’
anonymous asked:
Angst head cannon.  Sero flinches whenever kirishima hardens.  Sero’s parents are majorly homophobic and are actually quite strict. So whenever sero isn’t with bakusquad he tries to revise but it doesn’t work and he’s scared to ask for help.
Aw, man that’s heart wrenching to have parents so unsupportive- I feel it :( He’s just in a constant worry state whenever they’re around
anonymous asked:
If you’re still accepting the angst hcs… i think kaminari gets like really overcharged whenever there’s a storm and since they moved to the dorms there’s nowhere for him to release all the excess energy. So he just kinda hides away in his room in pain.
Aw, that’s terrible!
I dunno.. I feel like that one day when someone finds out during a storm, they’ll like, ask the teachers about “where someone could discharge a lot of energy askingforafriend” and they immediately know who they’re talking about and they’ll ask Powerloader and Mei and others in their department to build something for him to discharge all the excess AND be able to utilize it somehow :0 just a thought!
anonymous asked:
My headcannons: Sero is anorexic Bakugou has PTSD Kaminari has depression Kirishima had self-esteem issues Ashido is perfect (canon)
Oh that last part- she is, she is *clap**clap*
Though.. I will say that just because the others are haunted by those- it doesn’t make them less perfect. It’s their struggles that they learn to cope with and grow from, and it makes them, well, them. Not a definition of perfect can define that :’)
(sorry just speaking from my thoughts cause these hit close to home ahhh)
anonymous asked:
Lmao i sent a lot sorry if their not the best but hopefully some heart strings will be pulled
transcandydemon asked:
Todocanon; todoroki has constant nightmares of the boiling water incident and of his father hurting him or his mom which causes him to not get as much sleep ie his calm attitude and how he’s not quick to get into conversations because of exhaustion
oh ya, such a traumatic past is def something that could still be haunting him in his dreams :’( but when the others notice, they’ll make sure to check up on him and try to find ways to help reduce nightmares or at least comfort him whenever they’re in his dreams
anonymous asked:
Deku head canon : deku is super jealous of kirishimas and bakugoa relationship since hes been trying to get close to kacchan for years and kirishima managed to do it within days
D’: He probably would feel that- jealousy’s very strong! But ah, in my personal opinion, i think he’d feel that, but after time learns that maybe it was best that he stopped dwelling on it and moves on, and learns to accept and be happy that he and Bakugou could at least be acquaintances that could eventually work well :’)
anonymous asked:
Denki headcanon: where he wants to be as close to bakugo as kirishima is and he tries so damn hard but takes bakugos insults to heart and he really does get torn up and upset about it(ex: the sports festival scene )
Oh wait which scene? Dunce face or?? :0 but yeah, I feel like he’d take it to heart at times. (but my bakukami heart tells me to say that when Baku realizes he gives him a good ass pep talk and beings hold back on his insults, or reassures Denki)
anonymous asked:
Bakugou could have PTSD and nightmares
Oh same headcanon! :’D Ah, but poor Bakugou. I’m sure the others would take it into mind and be aware of it and help him subtly so as to not provoke him, :’(
violetsare-tblue asked:
Bakugo: because of his inferiority complex, feels like he needs to prove himself over and over or he’ll be just the victim again  Iida: his left arm is completely numb. He isn’t paralyzed and he can move it. He just can’t feel anything in his hand or arm. Makes holding hands with someone feel empty and useless  Sero: he is so scared of being worthless as a hero and a person. He doesn’t want to be left behind by his classmates so he overworks himself and comes to school with random bruises
Oh mmhmm, I definitely see the Bakugou one! Especially after what he said during his fight with Deku, it def shows :(
Aw, Iida probably still looks back at his actions back in the Stain arc and regrets the errors of his ways. Luckily, I’m sure he’ll find someone who helps him through it and reminds him that mistakes don’t define him :’)
:’( Serooo MAKING ME CRY
casua-aria asked:
I have this Sero headcanon where he was the disposable (like how when tape dispensers run out and become disposable) friend in groups throughout his childhood, but now that he goes to UA, he has true caring friends that would never do that to him.
D: !!
That’s so sad- he must have thought his quirk was just life taunting him for being “disposable” hence the tape quirk :( but heck yeah, once he meets the students of UA he definitely begins to see that he wasn’t the problem in the past, but rather those that he was “friends” with!
anonymous asked:
Sero remembering very clearly all the pain that happened when his arm got cut off, maybe being a little scared of Kirishima for a few days after he first wakes up? Idk
Like maybe.. once he’s able to respond again, he flinches and has an anxiety attack when he sees Kirishima because the sight of him just sends a flood of the memory to play in his head OOF
anonymous asked:
A personal favorite that nobody’s really thought of: a villain cuts off one finger from each of Ochako’s hands so she can’t use her quirk
That’s so dark!! I feel like a villain would do that should they get a hold of her and, mm maybe wanna rile up someone close to her to lure them in
meptoonzart asked:
Kirishima traitor
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I have a lot of angsty headcanons about Kaminari specifically so I’ll just spam you with those. He attracts electricity, so he often gets struck by lightning and has almost died from it twice. Kaminari knows people think he’s the traitor and it eats him up inside every day. He’s been ‘propositioned’ by quite a few creeps because he’s pretty and his quirk is, well, what it is. He has nightmares a lot and it causes power outages, he’s terrified his classmates will hate him for it.(1/?(Idk2maybe)            
Sero got into a fight with someone after the sports festival, because how the hell did he make it into UA’S hero course, and Kaminari happens to be with him and he actively threatens the dude who started the fight with his quirk. No one bullies his friends. His overuse of his quirk is slowly killing him, he hasn’t told anyone that it’s destroying his brain. Bakugo reminds him of living in an abusive household but he doesn’t know how to say it so he laughs it off.(2/?(Okaymaybe4wearegettingthere)             
Kirishima and Sero are the first to find out about both the frying brain and the abusive household, and Sero asks Kaminari if he wants to go try something. Kaminari says sure and Sero reserves a training ground for them, and Sero swings around with Kaminari and he hopes it works for Kami the same way it does for him. Sero is smiling because he doesn’t know what else to do, but swinging through the air helps him feel better and free. It helps. But there’s always, always the anxiety (¾)  
the anxiety of ‘Maybe today is the day I fall’, but he doesn’t realize that Kaminari is helping him stay grounded. He won’t fall. Not when he gets to see Kaminari fuller of life than he’s ever been. They land on one of the buildings in ground Beta, and laugh like idiots as it starts to rain. Kaminari’s dying, Sero is a mess, and they just sit there for hours, past the end of their reservation, talking through their anxieties. Kaminari is scared to die. Sero is scared to lose him. (Okay1more4/5)        
Sero promises Kaminari he’ll be there, he’ll do everything he can to help keep him alive as long as possible, and he asks Kaminari how long he has from his last estimate. Kaminari laughs, starting to cry. Six years. Sero tells the Bakusquad, and they promise him that they’ll be there when the time comes. Not villains or Dadzawa could stop them, and finally it does. For only being a hero for three years, he’s made history for kids who have terminal illnesses (ranoutofspacedammit)      
 And the drawbacks of quirks come more into light. Kaminari may not be a great student or hero, but he brought hope to a lot of people, and everyone will miss him. They can’t hear thunder crack without thinking of him, can’t see the golden sunrise without thinking of his smile. Can’t even bear to look at the classic lit section in a bookstore. He saved people and raised awareness, but he wrecked their hearts as well. (Somehow this turned into a near-fic I’m so sorry Hope you’re doing well(Done))       
iamnootthedabmast-r said:                                                                     
Heard you want some angsty headcannons- so Kaminari tends to stay up due to his quirk and he likes to stay in the dormitory lobby, so he just sits on the couch on his phone or just sits there in the dark- but this leads to him finding some secretive angsty stuff about other people in the dormitory for ex; Bakugou comes downstairs and just starts cooking cause he has terrible night terrors and Kaminari just quietly witnesses as Bakugou cries silently while he eats. (Part 1)    
(Part 2) the next morning Kaminari kind of wants to try ask or comfort him but feels rude and awkward so he also kind of struggles with the knowledge of knowing that everyone in his class is a little to a lot of broken.  So yeah, sorry if it’s a little confusing- in awkward when it comes to writing what I want to write…
                                                                                                                             Anonymous said:                                                   
May we… suggest directly… angsty oneshots? Please feel free to ignore this if you preferred hcs
 (lmao sorry, im not caught up with the manga or anime to know what the first part is referrring to :’D) but ah yeah I’ve seen that headcanon, not too sure how to feel, but it’s out there!                   
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sugas-kookies · 7 years
Cosa Nostra (Pt. 5)
Summary: You were just a girl who took some odd jobs from the Min Syndicate to make some extra cash. When Min Yoongi himself sends a request for you to come to his mansion, any semblance of your normal life gets thrown out the window. What sort of dangers will face you once you become associated with one of the biggest mob bosses?
Word Count: 3.4k
Part [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] 
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You awoke to three quick raps on your bedroom door, startling you out of your comfortable sleep. After staring at the door for a moment, you untangled yourself from your bedsheets and shuffled your way toward the door, too sleepy to give a second thought about your appearance. ‘Who the hell would be knocking at my door?’ You thought as you reached for the doorknob, ‘I doubt that Yoongi would go out of his way to come to my room, unless he sent someone to fetch me.’
Your question was answered as you opened the door to reveal Seokjin and Hoseok, both giving you dazzling smiles as you looked at them questioningly, “Um, hi guys, do you…need something?”
Seokjin cleared his throat before saying, “Yoongi listened to your…grievances, and has decided to let you leave the mansion of your own accord, whenever you want.”
“That’s only if you let us tag along though, (Y/n),” Hoseok added, “It would be way too risky to let you go out by yourself.”
You stared blankly at them for a moment before replying, “So Yoongi has just assigned me babysitters, huh? This is definitely not what I fucking wanted…”
The two men looked at each other before shrugging, “I’m sorry, (Y/n), but rules are rules,” Jin said, giving you an apologetic look. You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. As much as you wanted to get mad, you couldn’t find it in yourself do so. It wasn’t fair to blame Hoseok and Seokjin, they were only doing their jobs, and probably wanted to babysit you as little as you wanted to be babysat.
“Okay, fine, I understand. Since I can go out and do whatever I want though, we’re going shopping. I need some cooler clothes since it’s only getting hotter outside. You two…wait here I guess, I’ll be ready in like 30 minutes or so.” Without waiting for their response, you closed your door and let out a puff of air. Shopping with two guys glued to your side was going to be awkward as hell, but you truly did need to get more summery clothes so you weren’t sweating it out in long sleeves.
Staying true to your word, you had finished getting ready in about half an hour, stepping out of your room to see Hoseok and Seokjin sitting against the wall, “Sorry to keep you waiting, I’m ready to go now.”
They both got up immediately, Hoseok breathing a quiet “finally” in relief as the three of you walked out of the mansion. The boys led you to a small SUV and opened the back door to let you in. ‘”Just how many cars does Yoongi need?” You found yourself asking out loud as you climbed into the back seat behind the driver’s seat.
Seokjin let out the same squeaky little laugh that he had when you first met him as Hoseok replied, “Well, it’s not exactly inconspicuous to be driving a Tesla everywhere. That just screams “I kill people for a living”, and that’s definitely not the kind of attention we need.”
You knew you shouldn’t laugh when he was probably dead serious but you couldn’t help yourself as you found your laughter mixing in with Jin’s high pitched one, “Alright, alright, you have a point Hoseok. Now, let’s begin our embarrassingly awkward shopping journey at the outlet mall shall we? There’s no better gal pal bonding than shopping.”
Their laughter filled the car as they pulled away from the mansion, the humorous atmosphere easing your nerves significantly. You soon found yourself wanting to throw yourself out of the car when Seokjin revealed his love for dad jokes, yet you found yourself laughing all the same. Conversing with them wasn’t as awkward as you were expecting, yet you knew that was probably going to change with them hovering as you tried to shop. Still, with your newfound semi-freedom, you were determined to enjoy your day outside of the Min estate, and away from all of the mafia shit, save for your body guards.
Pretty soon your trio pulled up to the outlet mall, and your nerves began to knot in your stomach a little; however, you weren’t going to let your awkwardness about the situation ruin the mood. You hopped out of the car and gave the two boys a smirk, “I know just how much you were looking forward to this, so I’ll shop as slow as possible, okay? Oh, and of course we’ll spend most of our time in the lingerie sections of stores.”
The pained looks on their faces made you explode into a bubbly laughter, “Oh my god, your faces are priceless! You’d think I just threatened to torture you.”
Seokjin blushed and shyly scratched the back of his head, “You’re not…actually going to spend all of your time in the underwear section, are you?”
You rolled your eyes as you walked towards the entrance of the outlet mall, “Since you’re so nervous about it, I have half a mind to do so.” You gave Hoseok and Seokjin another mischievous smile so they knew you weren’t serious, but it didn’t seem to soothe their minds all that much. ‘Men get so uncomfortable by the weirdest things,’ You thought to yourself as you and your handsome entourage entered the first store.
From there, shopping was actually more of a breeze than you thought it would be; Hoseok and Seokjin proved to be pretty good shopping companions, either with Hoseok’s goofy behavior or Jin giving you his honest opinions about the clothing you picked out. It was so natural, it almost slipped your mind that these two men weren’t your friends, but your body guards assigned to protect you from God knows who.
You sighed a little, putting the sweater you had just been looking at back on the rack, ‘Just because they’re here for their job doesn’t mean they don’t like being here, (Y/n). I shouldn’t even care what they think anyway, we’re all just temporary coworkers until this whole Jungkook thing gets solved.’ A buzzing in your pocket snapped you out of your thoughts.
Unsure of who would be texting you, you took out your phone to see what the notification was. It was from an unknown number with a simple message: “Ditch your body guards. Meet me at the coffee shop two blocks down to the right of the mall. Don’t be scared, I only want to talk. I’ll be waiting.”
You froze, eyes glued to the message on your phone, ‘What the fuck, who is this?’ You thought worriedly to yourself, ‘What do I do? If it’s Jungkook, it’s stupid to go alone, but then again this could be my opportunity to get close to him like Yoongi wants…’
“Hey (Y/n)! Does this just scream fashionista or what?” Hoseok chuckled as he popped out of an aisle wearing the ugliest feathered vest you had ever seen. You would have laughed if you weren’t stressed out over this anonymous message. “(Y/n), a little bit of a reaction at least? What’s wrong?”
Seokjin looked up when he heard Hoseok ask what was wrong and narrowed his eyes a little bit, “Does it have to do with your phone? Did someone send you a message?” The boy’s playful attitudes were gone in an instant, faces stony as they looked at you for an answer. If you wanted to check this out for yourself, you were going to have to come up with a lie, and come up with something quick.
You shook your head, “No…well, I did get a message, but it’s just my manager wanting me to fill someone’s shift last minute. I’m just irritated because they always ask me to fill in. Anyway, Hoseok, you’ll be a damn fool if you don’t buy that vest right now.”
Hoseok gave a small laugh, but the way the two men looked at you told you that they didn’t quite believe you. They had every reason to be suspicious, your lie was very weak, and you weren’t much of an actor. You had the feeling that if you didn’t find some way to slip away soon, they’d decide to leave before you had the chance.
‘Think, (Y/n), think! How can you get away without them noticing?’ You casually glanced around the store, your eyes falling on the women’s dressing rooms. ‘If I remember correctly, the dressing room has a back door or some employee room that I can slip out of…It’s a shitty plan, but it’s my only shot.’ You turned to the boys, “Hey, I’m going to try on some of these clothes to make sure they fit, you guys can wait outside.”
They simply nodded, leaving you to try to casually walk to the dressing room without making them even more suspicious of you. Once you walked in to the dressing room, you began searching for the door that you had remembered being back here. You rounded the corner of one of the changing stalls only to find that the door you had recalled was a fire door. ‘Fuck, if I open that door the alarms are gonna go off immediately. Hoseok and Jin will definitely know something’s up then,’ You paced in front of the door for a minute before sighing to yourself, “Well, it’s not like I have any other choice.”
You pushed on the door and immediately began sprinting, the fire alarm blaring in your ears. “There goes my chance of slipping out unnoticed,” You grumbled under your breath as you continued to run out of the outlet mall. Once you had gotten roughly a block away from the complex, you slowed your pace to a walk, confident that you had given Hoseok and Seokjin the slip momentarily.
Your phone began buzzing almost immediately, messages and calls from the two men flooding in endlessly. ‘I can’t tell them where I’m going, but I shouldn’t leave them worrying about my safety…’ You thought to yourself as you sent them a brief message: “Don’t worry, I’m okay. I have something I have to do, don’t look for me.” Satisfied with your text, you put your phone on silent and continued to the coffee shop that the mysterious number told you to go to.
The coffee shop itself was small and rather unnoticeable, with just the workers and a few patrons inside. You peered into the windows for any sign of Jungkook, but you didn’t see anyone that even remotely looked like him, ‘If Jungkook isn’t here then…who the fuck asked me to come here?’ You furrowed your brows in thought before you felt a tap on your shoulder, making you yelp in surprise.
You turned and were met by a bright, boxy smile, “Hello, (Y/n), I’m glad you decided to come.” Taehyung was so passive with the idea, as though he totally didn’t just somehow find your phone number and arranged an anonymous meeting.
“You’re…Kim Taehyung. How the hell did you get my phone number, let alone find out my name?” You crossed your arms, irritated that the stunt you just pulled to get away from your body guards was pretty much pointless.
He grinned as he scratched the back of his head, “Ah, it just took some poking around, and asking the right people the right questions. Anyway, come inside with me, I’ll buy you a drink, if you want.” Taehyung gestured to the door, waiting for you to walk towards it. You had half a mind to turn around and walk right back to the mall and find Hoseok and Jin; you had no patience to deal with an all-too-naïve investigator going down the wrong rabbit holes. Still, you figured you should humor the guy, otherwise he would just keep pestering you until you at least talked to him.
“Fine, I’ll go in with you, but I’m not particularly in the mood for a drink,” You replied as you opened the door to the coffee shop, “You have no idea how much shit I just got into for this bullshit, and I see coffee way too much at my job to really enjoy it.”
Taehyung nodded, “Alright, I understand, but that’s too bad though. A drink really would have lightened the mood.” He scanned the shop for a moment before adding, “Let’s sit at that booth in the back, since it’ll give us more privacy.” You knew he was picking that spot because it was away from any windows, ensuring that the boys wouldn’t be able to see you unless they deliberately came inside the shop. Not having the energy to protest, you walked over to the place he pointed out and cautiously took your seat across from him, biting your lip out of nervousness.
He didn’t say anything, instead choosing to bore holes in your head with his penetrating stare. It was weird, to say the least, and you couldn’t stop yourself from giving a small shiver at the intensity of his gaze. While Yoongi’s eyes were cold and calculating, Taehyung’s were strangely warm and inviting, yet prying. It was as if he already knew everything, or at least had already guessed, and was just waiting for the words to come tumbling out of your mouth. Whether he actually already knew or not, you couldn’t really care less, but you did want to warn him about getting involved. You had an inkling that people didn’t last long when it came to getting in the way of Min Yoongi.  
“You’re playing with fire, you know,” You began softly, “If Yoongi finds out you lured me here, he’d have your head.”
Taehyung cocked his head questioningly, “Lured? I didn’t lure you anywhere. I simply asked if you would meet me and have a chat, and you came. Luring implies the use of blackmail or something beneficial, none of which I intended nor stated.” He chuckled a little bit as you frowned, annoyed that he had a point, “Either way, you’re here now, which means that I get to ask you the questions I’ve been dying to know the answer to.”
You crossed your arms and cocked your eyebrow, “And what makes you think I’m going to answer these questions?”
He smirked, “You’ll tell me what I want to know, one way or another. You probably won’t even know you’re giving me the information I want until it’s already slipped out of that cute little mouth of yours.” You were about to show your annoyance at his subtle flirting when he interrupted, “What’s your connection with Min Yoongi?”
You hesitated for a moment, debating on what you should tell him. Eventually you decided to say, “I’m his girlfriend. What does it matter?”
Taehyung hummed in curiosity as he leaned back in his seat, “Really? I’m not too sure about that answer…”
“What, do you want me to prove it or something?” You shot back, irritation bubbling in you. He was already seeing right through you on the most basic of questions, what else were you going to accidentally let slip by just being here?
He shook his head, “No, no, it’s not so much with you that it’s unbelievable, it’s with him.” His eyes went cold for a second, as if thinking on some unpleasant memory before continuing, “I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but the way that man looks at you is not the way a man should look at someone who is supposed to be his girlfriend.”
You rolled your eyes and scoffed on the outside, but on the inside your stomach began to tie itself in knots, ‘What does he mean, by the way he looks at me? He looks at me like he looks at everyone else. Anyway, it’s not like I don’t know he’s just using me…’
“Were you hoping that you were different? That in using you he would develop some sort of fondness for you?” Taehyung inquired, almost as though he were reading your thoughts. You didn’t say anything, knowing that he was right. He continued, “Have you ever thought about the possibility that you aren’t the first woman that he has used?”
Your eyes snapped up to look Taehyung in his eyes, hoping to find any sign that he was lying or just being cruel, but all you saw was blatant honestly, “….What do you mean, Taehyung?”
“You know exactly what I mean.” When you didn’t respond, Taehyung sighed and pulled out his phone, fiddling with it for a few seconds before sliding it over to you, “Those are photographs of all of the women Min Yoongi has “gotten close to” over the past five years. They were a lot like you, naively believing that they were different, special. Most of these girls we still haven’t found, (Y/n).”
Numbly, you swiped through the photographs, looking at each girl. They looked…well, normal, like you. They were all young women, probably fresh out of college with either money problems or a thrill for danger. Each photo made you sicker and sicker, the words “still haven’t found” echoing in your head. “Why are you showing me this?” You quietly asked, gently sliding the phone back towards him.
He pocketed his phone before looking you in the eyes apologetically, “At heart, I’m still a cop, and cops are supposed to protect people. I don’t want to add you to this folder, (Y/n).” Taehyung let the crushing silence hang in the air for a few minutes before saying, “Help me take him down, (Y/n), and prevent any other women from getting onto his list of used objects. If you’re worried about your safety, I swear I’ll protect you, but I need information in order to do that.”
You sat with your hands in your lap, looking at them solemnly. You knew Yoongi was just using you, but now faced with the possibility that he would just kill you once he was done with you had you scared and confused. It was almost impossible to wrap your brain around the idea. The way Hoseok and Seokjin joked around with you today, the way Namjoon made jokes about you and Yoongi being like an elderly couple, Yoongi saying that you were a part of the Min family now…it all just seemed too real and genuine for Taehyung’s words to be true. ‘That’s right, they can’t be true,’ You told yourself, ‘Taehyung is just using mind games to try and get me to rat them out…these pictures could have come from anywhere.’
You looked back up at Taehyung with defiant eyes, “I’m sorry, but I’m not going to just rat them out. Whether what you say is true or not, I can’t just turn my back on them. I knew what I was getting into when I met them.”
He sighed, appearing a little crushed by your response, “Ah, I thought I got through to you for a minute there, but I guess I got a little too hopeful.” He stood up out of his seat, “It was nice to finally get to talk to you, (Y/n). If you ever need anything, you know what number to call.” Taehyung began to walk out before pausing and added, “Just…if anything, don’t risk your life for his goals, and don’t put yourself in Jungkook’s path.” With that, he left, leaving you to your jumbled thoughts.
You didn’t know what to believe anymore; Yoongi treated you like a fairly valuable asset to the Min Syndicate and seemed to care about your well-being, but Taehyung also appeared concerned, and was a little more honest than Yoongi. There was only one way to find out who was telling the truth, and that was to find out more about these girls that Taehyung had just told you about. Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you took out your phone to see what time it was, only to see an incoming call from Yoongi.
‘Fuck I forgot that I totally just ditched the boys and made everyone evacuate that store at the mall. They must have told Yoongi about what I did…’ You took a deep breath, debating on whether you should answer the phone or face a furious Yoongi when you got back to the mansion. ‘I’m going to get yelled at anyway, so I might as well pick up.’ You thought before hesitantly clicking the green button and raising the phone to your ear.
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