#this is not a post about argel tal
fourgods-nobrakes · 3 months
I hate Etsy so much. I checked a shipment status yesterday and they showed me some beautiful Goetic pendants, and then this part is my fault, I clicked on one and went to the seller's shop and they have so many of the 72 seals. I could get Sitri or Gremory, or I could get Belial (whom I got very attached to in Granblue fandom and whose seal has an extremely classy Khornate vibe) or i could get RAUM
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It's so pleasing to look at and just barely asymmetrical and also, you know, Raum. Stupid etsy.
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rinzi · 1 month
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[Image Text: The supreme fear of the Imperial Fists, if they could admit to a fear at all, is to be outplayed by unpredictable variables. Not to know.] - The Horus Heresy: The Siege of Terra, The End and the Death: Volume I by Dan Abnett, chapter 2:xi
ultramarines: know no fear
imperial fists: no know = fear
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tagedeszorns · 1 year
Okay, is Twitter/Reddit leaking that hard?
What is happening here on Tumblr of lately? Why do people suddenly feel the need, to go to art-posts and comment/reblog with clearly negative and derogative stuff about the pictured character(s)?
Do you think that's how you get the artist to draw your faves instead of theirs? Well, bad news - this is how you get the artist to stop posting their art alltogether!
If I want to discuss my problematic faves (and I don't think I have even one unproblematic one, to be honest. Not even the Salamanders!) I'm making a post for that. Or many posts. Because I like to discuss my horrible gremlins. Because I know they are the absolutely worst guys (affectionate). I have read everything there is about them (even the most obscure shit retconned long ago) and I'm ready to fight on a proper discussion-post.
But if I post fun, lighthearted art of them ... I don't know how this could lead to the conclusion I want to get told how hard they suck and how to best kill them!
I'm used to this from Twitter and I'm not surprised if it happens there. It's even a game I'm playing with myself: "How long until the first 'But he stabbed Argel Tal and I can never forgive him for that!'-comment after I posted art of Erebus? Ten minutes? Two hours?" (it's ten minutes, mostly). Or "How many 'He sucks and can't fight'-whines after I post Lucius?" (a lot. It's a lot) It's just Twitter. Twitter is the Mos Eisley of Social Media. I'm posting there because I'm a whore for likes, that's all.
But - et tu, Tumble?
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gasha40k · 9 months
I’ve been reading a lot of 40k fiction in between painting recently, and I’ve gotten a good bit of progress done on both. I’ll start with a little reading update.
Horus Rising
False Gods
Galaxy in Flames
Flight of the Eisenstein
First Heretic
Know No Fear
Butcher’s Nails
Wrath of Khârn
Khârn: Eightfold Path
I finished Betrayer just a couple days ago, and holy shit. What an incredible book. I am a strong Khârn stan (Argel Tal, too) and I am more convinced than ever that I’m a World Eaters gamer.
I plan to read the three (or four) Unremembered Empire books before I loop back to A Thousand Sons to read the “main” Heresy storyline through to Slaves to Darkness, and eventually Siege of Terra. But for now, I’m making a little detour through all of the books that Khârn takes center stage for, so that I can satiate the hyperfixation and figure out what he’s up to in the 42nd Millennium. I also plan to finish most of the World Eaters books, as that was the whole reason that I started reading the Heresy in the first place.
Betrayer is by far my favorite Warhammer novel. Fulgrim was my top for a while—I may be a closeted Emperor’s Children enjoyer, don’t tell Blood Daddy—but man. Betrayer blew it out of the fucking water. What an incredible ending to an incredible trilogy. My biggest takeaways were as follows: nobody fucking likes Angron, and Khârn is my favorite guy ever. Enough gushing, though. Time for painting stuff.
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The second Ultramarine I’ve ever painted, weirdly enough. My first Ultramarine was my first model, so my second being a keychain-corpse for a new army is weirdly sentimental
Since we’re on the topic of Khorne, I finished up the torso of my old school Daemon Prince. I’m exceptionally proud of this! I think the shading and blending is maybe some of my best, most advanced painting yet, and I pulled out just about every technique that I know for this thing. I even did a little drybrushing on the Necron skull. Here’s to hoping I can maintain this level of quality across the other pieces of this mini once I get some more primer.
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Getting some good use out of my technicals, and finally utilizing my skull box
Still on Khorne, here’s some more progress on those Bloodletters from last post. They’re just about done, complete with horn blending and everything. I’m planning on doing flaming blades for them, but I’ll have to buy some more paints before I tackle that. I’ve got a handful more of primed and based Bloodletters, so they’ll probably be my backup easy paint for a while. The bases are simple and easy to make, but decently visually effective, which I think is good and fitting for such a massed unit.
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Next up, I decided to give highlighting a go with one of my newer Thunderbearers, since I’m trying to boost my painting technique all around. This is definitely my best highlighting work yet, certainly leagues ahead of my first try from last year. I think he looks pretty clean!
I’m also experimenting with new photography backgrounds since I got kinda sick of having pasta or hamster cage cleaner or whatever the fuck in the background of my poorly lit update pictures. Think I may have stumbled upon a good method for backgrounds.
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I love you, empty white void
Last but certainly not least, I finished up the first bike for my lone Outrider Squad. I’m really happy with him, as well. The hardest part of painting these dudes is definitely base painting. They just have a lot of ground to cover with your brush so they absolutely devour paint, but it’s cool cause I finally finished him up after like, actual months of sitting half-painted in my vehicles box. I’m a particular fan of the little white lens glare in the top left of his eye. I just think it’s neat.
This unit is gonna be mad satisfying to finish, and I can’t wait to get more work done. In the meantime, I’m chugging away at my first 5-man Berzerker squad, including their bases, which are gonna be pretty unique. They’re like, black mountainous rocks littered with skulls and blood-stained snow. Alongside that, I’ve also been stripping my Custodes, so I’ll have a bit of an update about that next time, too.
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kit-williams · 6 months
Warhammer 40k & D&D AU
Everyone's favorite Choir boy! Logar Aurelian Initial post
This boy also needed a lot of therapy after being dragged into this place and was strangely skittish around Corvus
His brothers were worried when it was shown that the gods do have a lot of influence in mortals lives but it was also Logar who was able to convince them that it didn't have to be a bad thing
Was the one who talked to every single cleric they ran into helping everyone understand what was going on. He basically had a compendum of the major gods and relations between different gods and followers
Logar really didn't care about how other people labled the gods as good or evil he catologued them trying to find what he would follow
And believe me the gods of the plane did try to court them; local spirits, devils, demons, celestials, etc. Could feel their presence and wanted them to be an ally rather than a foe
Logar was finally approached by a Neutral deity; a powerful one but with few followers (most likely a homebrew deity as none of the canon ones fit what will happen/fit the narrative)
He became a powerful follower and naturally a cleric and this is really where the brothers could see the raw power this realm could give. (Or in mortarian's case it was a magical hellscape)
Logar was one of the brothers who could help get them work though often it was guarding caravans and in one of these guarding gigs he met his first follower and eventual wife. (Might be cliche and have her named Mary)
It actually took him a very very long time to realize she was attracted to him to the point the deity in question had told him that she was praying to him to get him to notice her. Its not Logar was fully blind to her advances just he tends to throw himself fully into something with zeal and passion
Part of the agreement with the deity was to allow its "offspring" to bind with his offspring (thus they have more like a warlock pact ((this is important)))
He has 3 children so far: His eldest Argel Tal Aurlian (and this is one of the souls magnus picked up) ((Yes another soul is Cyrene because damn it I liked that ship)) And his twins Adam Aurlian and Eve Aurlian (This is the one we will follow)
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relax-and-read-on · 2 years
A series of Very-Good-Much Appreciated-Pls-I-need-More-Fanfic-Of-Them Ship in warhammer
I love warhammer. I really, really do. And since I am a dirty multishiper, I have developed with time quite a collections of ship that I personally adore. This is just a lowkey personal archive of them all, because it's fun and it make me happy to gush about them. I ship more than those, this is just my lil list of OTP. If your not comfy with astartes shipping, primarch shipping, or generally queer content... Then im sorry but I'm not gonna be a super fun blog gor you lmao.
Jurgen/Cain + Amberley: The OG. The two bros. Those two fuck, and are not even subtle about it. Amberley like to join, because Jurgen aint so bad after he take a shower, and Cain is a cuddler. It's less of a relationship and more of a deep affection and trust between them 3. Best OT3
Gaunt/Rawne: oh those two FUCK. HARD. It's less of a relationship and more of a "fucking hell your still alive you bitch" type of deal. Very sexy.
Larkin/Bragg: I love them. So much. Surprisingly amount of good fanfic about them on ao3, because EVERYONE could see that those two were in love.
Obyron/Zahndrekh: GAY!!! ROBOTS!!! I don't take any criticisms, I will ship them until the heat death of the universe.
Sevatar/Sigismund: what is there to say here, aside from "they definitely fucked That One Time and Sevatar was the bottom?".
Polux/Dantioch: listen, this one make me cackle, because they are so clearly in love and care for one another, but their dads would be UP THE WALLS about it lmao. Very good boys.
Talos/Half the fucking night lord: I love Talos. He's my baby boy. But my god. He has such slut energy. He hit me as the kind who get lowkey frustrated and ask for a fuck instead of a fight. He's a poetic lover boy.
Thiel/Literally anyone: Listen. This baby deserve the world. He's too wild and free to be stuck surrounded by boring ultramarines. Give him a nice boyfriend.
Kharn/Argel Tal: the gay dudebros. Incredibly oblivious, the two of them. The kind that go "It's not gay if the dick don't touch right?". Would have probably adopted a ton of rescue dogs and ride motorcycle in another life, they just have that vibe.
THE PRIMARCH (there's gonna be a whole lot of those lmao I love them)
Guilliman/Yvraine: this one make me cackle so hard. Ofc mister boyscout would go for the big tidies eldar goth gf. He would bring ber to family dinner too, and only half because he wanted to see everyone loose their shit.
Leman/Lion: The only Lion ship I can tolerate. Lion must be deep in the closet and go "stupid sexy Leman I want to punch him >:(". It's a fun one.
Leman/Magnus: Toxic. Ex. The kind that burn down your shit on the front lawn and crash your car, and you still sleep with them two weeks later. I adore them. They are the best if you are in the mood for spicy stuff.
Magnus/Kitten: TTS still got me by the THROAT, and those two are just perfect. If I have to force Kitten in every warhammer media, trust me, *i fucking will.* Probably my actual fav ship on this entire list.
Magnus/Perturabo: Pert is my problematic fav, and I want him happy. Clearly, he only love and care for ONE boy and one boy only, and it's Magnus. Pert would be romantic af toward him, you can't change my mind
Perturabo/Calliphone: the only woman he ever loved, truly. She was his soul, and ngl, he should have just taken her with him when he left, life would have been BETTER for everyone.
Sevatar/Konrad: Do i need to get into this one? Really??? Yall know how much I love those two. I made an entire post about them. Just find my Konrad tag lmao.
Konrad/Vulkan: I know, that's a odd one, but I firmly believe Konrad hated our man partly because he was high key attracted to him and it was freaking him out. Vulkan would never... Unless Konrad got *all the therapy*. I will probably ramble about it more one day lmao.
Fulgrim/Ferrus Manus: They are cannonly together your honor, I swear! I snuck into gw and saw all the sexy secret art of them kissing. They are just hiding it away from us.
Horus/Sanguinius: Those two are married. That's canon. You just need to read the Horus heresy in its entirety while high af and listening to Celine Dion backward. You then acess all the secret chapter chapter where they are married.
Emperor/Valdor: SOMEONE has to keep big E company and call him a bitch ass dumbfuck for all the move he make, and Valdor can have that role!!
Guilliman/Lorgar: Almost forgot those two lmao. I love them because they are basically the Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss meme made ship. They both DEEPLY regret every interaction that brought them together. Still very entertaining for me lmao.
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vlka-fenryka · 2 years
Who's your favorite warhammer character? :)
Helloo!! :) Thank you so much for your question @fuukonomiko! <3
I have to admit I haven't been in the Warhammer fandom for very long yet, barely half a year so there are surely MANY characters I don't know yet. I work myself through the Horus Heresy at the moment, reading one book after the other, and almost every book has some amazing characters and/or changes my opinion of certain characters.
I also only read the first 16 Horus Heresy books so I really am not in any way firm in non-Astartes lore so I can't say anything about xenos characters. No Eldar or Drukhari here, sorry. ;)
I really love Garviel Loken and Tarik Torgaddon. I could talk for hours about what exactly love about them but the main thing is how very human they are even though as Astartes they are so above humanity. I also like that Loken questions and has doubts and thinks for himself even though it's expected of Astartes to just follow their primarch's orders. To say no when everybody tells you to say yes, that's a thing I admire in people. In the same vein of being so very human I also love Argel Tal. I couldn't stand Lorgar and his Word Bearers before reading "The First Heretic" but afterwards... The book totally changed my view and opinion of the Word Bearer and Lorgar. (I still can't fucken stand Erebus and Kor Phaeron but well... :D ) Nathanael Garro and Saul Tarvitz are also among my faves.
Of the primarchs my faves are Leman Russ, Rogal Dorn and Roboute Guilliman. When I thought about WHY I love them I realized that Leman is the kind of person I always wished I was. Wild, untamed, intelligent and able to read people while also knowing how use how people see you to your advantage. He is so much more than just the "beast" as most people see him. I also love wolves and dammit, that man and his legion take wolves to space and that's just awesome. :D (I am so easy ;) ) While Leman represents the person I wish I was, Rogal and Roboute are the ones I am most like. :D It's no wonder that I always get either Dorn or Guilliman whenever I do any "What's your legion/primarch" quiz. ;) I just feel so connected to them so it's really easy to love them even though I also recognize their problematic sides. Somehow it's easier to accept them in fictional characters than it is to accept them in yourself...
As I said I find more and more characters that I like. I am sure 5 minutes after I click on "post" I will be like "Oh nooo, you forgot character xyz!!" xD It's probably easier to name characters I really can't stand. ;) (But as one can see with Lorgar I am willing to change my views ;) )
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immanueldid · 7 years
FMK: Argel Tal, Saqqara, Lorgar
I just posted this to have a good time and now look what you’re making me do.
Here’s the problem. Argel Tal and Lorgar, I may know already that I like these two characters, but I haven’t had the fortune of reading First Heretic, Betrayer OR Aurelian. I have this dumb bias for hardcover copies and I think I missed my chances on those. MOSTLY Because I’m moving. Soon. And its a long ass move.  Other side of the planet kind of deal. Hardcovers I trust more to survive 18ish hours of flight total without being completely destroyed. I’ll get around to them eventually, because something I want to learn how to do as a hobby is to rebind books with fancy custom embossed hardcovers.  This has absolutely nothing to do with anything though.
Kill: Argel TalAnd by Kill I mean Get killed by. I don’t actually want to kill any of these boys. The only reason he’s in this slot is because I know the least about him.  I have some guesses about him and his personality but given that I completely cocked up reading about the Lion from a wiki, I’m hesitant to try and base my choice on that initial impression.Marry: Saqqara ThreshI already sit around with my husband and mutter bitterly about any number of things this would literally be no different. “Do you know what I hate?” “What?” “Everything.” “Me too!”    Except for the addition of very real overhanging threat of sudden and complete annihilation.   Seems slightly a more reliable personality than Lorgar. Stitches stitches stitches stitches stitches everywhere.ALSO? ALSO. THE COJONES ON THIS GUY.  Saqqara is completely without help. No one is coming for him, ever, he knows that.  He’s trapped with these atheistic fuckheads unless he can magic up some means of removing all the safeguards.  Extraordinarily unlikely. Even still, Arrian stares him down and Saqqara stares right back. I think Arrian has it wrong, Saqqara isn’t afraid to die. Honestly, he actually shows a lot of courage, even though he has no real say in any of it.  Saqqara’s continued existence is to spite his captors, but I get the sense that he’s also biding his time to let his final act of spite repay such generosity with interest.  I’m still debating having my dumb avatar character meet him at some point before his failed attempt to cull Bile I love Saqqara that much. 10/10 Diabolist is Bae (I am so sorry Mr Reynolds) Fuck:  Lorgar AurelianAre we talking daemon or Primarch because I think one decreases my chances of survival exponentially.  I mean... DAEMON ISN’T A DEAL BREAKER I just imagine there would be some incredibly esoteric warp shit involved. Like getting my soul reformed into disembodied text and then bound in a book made of my own skin for light reading that evening.   Primarch Lorgar is a giant beautiful man. And a Psyker. I do not think he would flay me specifically to make a book. Maybe.  But I also do wonder if he would be easier to convince than most under the pretense of serving that one god, you know the one. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
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sonoffenris · 7 years
Rules: answer these questions, and tag 20 followers that you would like to get to know better. Tagged by: @tha-kaptain Name: Mitchell Nickname: Mitch, Munch Zodiac sign: Aquarius, but it’s the 18th so I’m right between Aquarius and Pisces Hogwarts house: Slytherin, but I got Ravenclaw more recently Height: 5′ 8″ - 5′ 9″ Orientation: Straight Ethnicity: White Favourite fruit: Bananas Favourite season: Fall/Winter Favourite book series: Anything by Jim Butcher, The Horusy in general although I recognize a lot of the problems with it #DaddyIssues Favourite fictional characters: Argel Tal, Kharn the Betrayer, Cyrene Valantion, Lotara Sarrin(are you seeing a theme here) a lot of favs in individual books Favourite flower: Dunno that I have one  Favourite scents: Good smells I guess, no one jumps out at me Favourite colour: Pinks and purples are real good, but most colors have amazing shades Favourite animals: Cats and dogs in general are both real great Favourite artist/bands: Uhh again no real 1 favs lol Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?: Exactly none Average sleep: 6-8 most nights
Number of blankets I sleep with: 1-2 Dream trip: I would like to go to Greece again someday Last thing you googled: Lexicanum because I forgot Lotara’s last name How many blogs do I follow: 343 Number of followers: 376(I actually had no idea I had more followers than following, THANKS EVERYONE) What do I usually post about: 40k, social justice shit(the 2 often overlap), some animals, the occasional fashion, whatever else catches my fancy What is your aesthetic: I don’t really have one? Although rundown, abandoned, human made structures in general are reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaallly cool Tagging: @ultramarineblues, @tudun-tun, @crysdrawsthings, @sisterofsilence, @fuukonomiko, whoever else may want to and if ya’ll don’t want to, feel free not to :)
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fourgods-nobrakes · 2 years
i talk a good game about chaos but let's be real, to-do lists are such a lifeline.
things with "oh shit that's soon" deadlines:
BDSM exchange
treats for 40k exchange (1-3 more, 3 is extremely optimistic)
things with "plenty of time" deadlines:
finishing a line on this seasonofkink bingo card (2-5 stories depending on which kinks i can figure out good stories for)
iddyiddybangbang, "seven black birds," the one with Sevatar and Rushal that might wind up gen?
other things I want to do that don't have specific timelines:
Lorgar & Angron fight date
Saul/Lucius probably a different kind of fight date
finishing whichever treats I don't get done in time
extremely soft post-Eye Lorgar/Argel Tal because I'm starving
write enough Codex Panthei that it feels worth posting? ambitious.
that's probably enough things to pile on for now. even though there are almost certainly more.
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tagedeszorns · 3 years
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Fall with the primarchs: Fulgrim and Konrad having some coffee (pun intended). Plus: What would the Captains order?
The "Primarchs, according to their Starbucks order"-post gave me some inspiration for the two Primarchs of the eighth and third with autumn-vibes and hot coffee.
Also ... some ideas what the Captains would order at Starbucks ....
Abaddon: The meanest, blackest double-triple-espresso. He will take one sip and then stare firmly in mid-distance for the rest of the time.
Erebus: Brings his own "herbal tea" and offers "homemade brownies" to everyone, but only Argel Tal takes some: who for the rest of the afternoon will tell anybody willing to listen about his dream of becoming a grox-farmer on an agri-world.
Saul Tarvitz: Coffee with oat milk and sweetener, because sugar is bad for you.
Lucius: The biggest cup of anything horrendous the seasonal menu has to offer with extra whipped cream. He'll take on big sip, gag and pour the rest into Eidolon's backpack, when he's not looking. Lucius will then proceed to mooch off Saul's coffee, as usual.
Eidolon: Too upset about someone having poured coffee into his backpack to order anything. Argel Tal will try to cheer him up with stories about groxfarming (none of them has the slightest clue about groxfarming).
Ahriman: Peppermint tea with enough sugar to down a bull elephant. Will buy one of those manhole-cover-sized cookies, too and will stare in fascination at it, without taking a bite. Is mildly surprised, when the cookie suddenly has vanished after he had taken his eyes off it for only one second.
Khârn: Decaf. Half the cup filled up with cold water. It doesn't work.
Sevatar: Has seen, what Lucius has ordered and takes the same. Downs the whole monstrosity while holding eye-contact with Lucius to establish dominance. Then gets violently sick. Again, Eidolon's backpack suffers.
Alastor Rushal: Wants a strawberry Frappé, but can't get Sevatar to order him one. Politely refuses Erebus' tea. Then steals Abaddon's coffee and Ahriman's cookie.
Sigismund: Craves the hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles. Feels guilty about it and orders black coffee.
Garro: Takes one lok at the menu, sighs and leaves.
If anyone else has ideas for the rest of the Heresy-captains ..... I would love to read about it! 🥰
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