#this is not a vague ive been thinkin about this for a WHILE
silly lil psa
if i follow you on my multi and we're mutuals so i follow you on a single muse oc blog related to the fandom you right in (same fandom or one you have a verse for) and you don't follow me back (in a like normal amount of time)? you're probably getting softblocked
this does NOT apply to the reverse (we follow each other on a single muse blog, you don't follow me back on the multi. i know there's a lot going on here that not everyone wants on their dash)
maybe this is a hater ass move but if you don't respect my ocs, i'm simply no longer interested.
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scummy-writes · 4 months
I do this often but sorry for just. Postin a lot, and not posting fully finished smutfics lately.
I'm being more self-fulfilling with what I am writing lately, and I joke about the piss fic a lot, but it's also random ships, random fluff, this and that.
However, I am painfully aware that smut is why the majority of the followers I have follow me. I am aware that a lot of you came from vamp, from me writing Isaac and Arthur, sometimes theo, comte, etc... and now i've flipped around to writing someone who, in comparison, is a creep and not at all the character types you guys came here for- and I'm writing weird smut that isnt really super sexy? Some of it was, but then some of it was me opening up a word doc and sharing my thoughts in odd ways.
I am... having fun. On ao3 ive been going back and forth with drabbles/ideas with a new friend. Ive written out hcs that were purely just for me and realized that very bluntly and very quickly, I've shared some sfw stuff that was also bluntly shown to be just for me. And while I am not looking at it going "my writing sucks", I am looking at them and feeling a bit lonely on here at times. I often feel like I am talking to a void. I don't know how to change that outside of posting detailed smutfics that focus on things I may not want to focus on right now.
Outside of Glimpses of Teal and Auburn, and outside of random drabbles/reqs/comms I make, I don't think there is going to be future fanfics I make of Isaac and Arthur. I love them, I love them a lot! But ive also explored a Lot with them. I've also written them for years. There is more I would like to write, I have random Isaac wips that I still think about very often, but other ideas hit me more. I would rather set expectations to a realistic setting, rather than make a vague promise that isn't guaranteed.
Thats been weighin on me a lot lately, especially with villains releasing. I can tell i am likely going to enjoy later routes, they're ticking off a lot of boxes on themes I like but typically don't feel safe exploring in other media, so then I know I'd be juggling three interests at once and thats very difficult for me. I really dont know how so many writers can writer for a multitude of fandoms at once, I feel like the max for me is 2, or a vague 3. (And realistically, its possible villains will just be a thing I enjoy consuming more than creating for).
I do have comms I am working on, and outside of those I do not know when I will have a normal smutfic again. I enjoy exploring other things, but again I do know that its not why a majority of you are here!! I don't say this as a "ill make one soon!" psa, but rather... I'm having fun. I'm aware its not everyones cup of tea, but its not going away anytime soon. If that's something that displeases you, I would recommend thinkin about just occasionally checkin in on my blog instead, or just asking to be on my taglist so you can just get pinged for things without having to follow me.
And, well. I am chatty. I like having distractions from irl, and sometimes I pop in here in burts of posts. I say sorry since i know the anxiety is Clear and Radiating off of those posts, and sometimes I just feel awkward about it.
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goldkirk · 5 years
gonna be real with you guys
#so. so so so#tw ahead for self harm ment.#i left work and got about halfway down the highway routes#planning on writing tonight and eating rice a roni and playing spider man and it qas like heck yeah ‘twill be good#and i was jammin out to music and sliding smoothly through rush hour traffic#then BAM i guess??? i had a flashback????? i dont have a blessed fckn clue what triggered it i was just Thinkin My Thoughts#anyway i was aware of the road and wverything but it was like a movie in my head and i was Feeling Those Feelings and hoo boy#pals. i had to pretend my favorite characters were in the car so i could talk out loud and not speed dangerously bc i was SO thrown which.#has a large tendency to toss me right inro feeling self destructive so that i can regain control or something if#*ig#anyway i was partway out of it which was ALSO stressful bc!! DRIVING STILL. HELLO#and then i started feeling nauseous#and ive been alternating between internal volcano of tar and Drifting™#and i went to walgreens and stopped confused twice bc my brain just...*waves hands vaguely*#and finally got to the aisle i meant to#and i bought a new pencil sharpener and if u know. u know and im sorry#i yanked my stuff in the house after breathing in the car foe a while in the parking lot and i unscrewed the sharpener and then i stopped#and it’s sotting on my couch#and i havent cut in just over a year and i only cut like twice the ysar b4 that and basically kust#isten i don’t have myself together either i promise#i’m super positive and i try really hard and i’m self aware#but im just as overwhelmed and lost as the rest of you sometimes#i promise#like. hang in there my dudes#we can just try our best and know that it’s not a straight line#tw: self harm#self harm#cutting
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starflyfarm · 4 years
(hmgh the inbox is empty n im kinda bored so have sum incoherent thoughts n ideas abt lou under the cut)
(i think ive mentioned a few times tht lou likes singing but that is admittedly an understatement. he loves singing. he hears a song he knos the lyrics to and he feels incredibly compelled to sing tho his lack of confidence stops him in public spaces. u may hear a bit of humming when no ones paying attention to him tho)
(going off that there are certain kindsa songs he likes singing more than others, think its been mentioned that he likes higher energy music generally speaking so naturally thats the kinda music he likes to sing to but he REALLY likes songs he can just belt to it feels so satisfying to him. he is surprisingly good at adele songs)
(he cannot sing really rough throaty songs to save his life tho like just thinkin abt it makes his throat hurt. he likes a fair bit of metal and screamo n stuff but his voice is just too smooth to sing it. smooth but lightly textured. like vanilla icecream w the lil vanilla beans n stuff still in it. hes also not very good at whistling)
(hes mostly a tenor but he does have a pretty decent range and his falsetto is p decent tho it does hurt his throat)
(its also been mentioned that hes alright at guitar but i like 2 thnk inbetween whatever actual lessons he took the very first songs he taught himself were probably sum very embarrassing sappy little love songs w simple chords. u kno how it is when ur a repressed gay teenager)
(idk how any of yall read his voice but generally he talks kinda quietly, very much not a very loud or present person, which is good for not getting caught committing crimes but not very good for socializing as he has discovered.)
(his semi soft voice is decently reflective of his physical characteristics too, i think i mentioned like once that his hair is very thick and soft, but his skin is also p soft with the exception of some scars here and there)
(speaking of his more notable scars are a burn scar on his right forearm from when he was really young, no one remembers exactly how he got it but it had something to do with a kitchen accident, and sum cut scars on his left shoulder from shortly after he’d moved out of his mom’s house. he also has various minor scars on his hands and wrists from handling/playing with cats and getting into the occasional knife fight back in the city as well as a very small scar on his upper lip from a time a dog bit his face when he was young)
(u might not guess it but he is incredibly clumsy and does not have the best spatial awareness when it comes to like. objects. he does fine not crashing into people but hes probably bumped into a lamp post at least once)
(idk if its ever come across but he also does lots of hand gestures when hes talking. snapping his fingers or shaking his hands when hes tryna think trying to illustrate what hes talking about with vague motions. he does a lot of shit w his hands in general, tapping fingers on surfaces drumming his hands on his legs, doin peace signs n finger guns and playing with his fingers/clothes mindlessly)
(hes also the kinda person who has an idle animation™ when hes not distracted by talking to someone or just paying attention to something he’ll probably rock back n forth on his feet or bobbing up and down probably to the rhythm of a song stuck in his head or something, speaking of songs, again, humming is a thing he does too)
(if u read the previous 2 points and thought “that sounds like stimming” ur exactly right)
(he stumbles over his words a bunch when hes excited, even if hes trying to keep his cool stumbling and stuttering are some of the most tell tale signs of him being excited tho it also happens when hes anxious or flustered. id say it applies to strong emotions in general but it absolutely does not apply to stuff like when hes real angry or sad)
(when hes real angry or sad his speech tends to actually be much more concise, he’ll speak slower and take time to really consider his words. when he’s angry both his expression and the words he chooses have the potential to cut like a hot knife thru soft butter, and when he’s sad hes more considering his words to try and keep from bringing the person hes talking to down)
(ive drawn him with a sketchbook a couple times but he probably has a journal with some writing in it too, nothing serious just thoughts he has sometimes phrased with flowery words but its not like. super amazing poetry or anything. hes no elliott)
(speaking of sketchbooks he absolutely draws his friends from time to time. hes incredibly embarrassed by it and hed never show anyone but he does it. a lot of his doodles are accompanied by lil thoughts and comments he has while makin em)
(back when he worked for joja i like to think he was like a phone operator for like. the joja help line or smth which is an oxymoron and he probably spent most of his work day getting yelled at by ppl over the phone. he does not like talking on the phone. much prefers texting)
(idk how clear ive made it on the blog but he absolutely hates morris. morris is probably the only person in town who hes like physically threatened. morris has thusly elected to avoid fucking with him as much as physically possible)
(i think its been mentioned he carries some kinda pocket knife on him at all times but he also likes to carry one a those novelty combs that looks n acts like a switchblade but its not. mostly just to fuck w ppl. pull out what looks like a switchblade then open it and hah uve been fooled it was a comb all along)
(speaking of combs bcus his hair is thick and wavy as mentioned before hes gotta take real good care of it or it gets. Unmanageable. when he was a teenager he didnt take care of it for a while n it got so long and tangled it broke like 2 combs it was awful)
(that in mind he is prone to getting wicked bed head. catch him when he first wakes up and its like a rat king was planted on his head)
(also did i mention he has several knives? pocket knives switchblades hes probably got a decorative dagger in a box somewhere, and ofc his monster fighting sword. he probably has a pair of brass knuckles somewhere too)
(its defintiely been hinted at more than a few times but lou is a huge foodie. he is always hungry and loves food but he cant stand mint or bitter tastes sometimes he has a hard time w sour stuff too. he likes spicy and savory/umami/w/e foods best, and while he does have a decent sweet tooth he can make himself sick off sugary stuff pretty easy especially w really dense sweets like fudgy brownies n shit)
(the reason hes not so good w mint and bitter things is cus his senses r very keen and bitter and mint are very unpleasant to his mouth and nose. theyre intense and stick around much longer than theyre welcome and it just feels bad ykno. this in mind he could not explain to u why he likes spicy stuff as much as he does)
(hes also really sensitive to like actual temperatures, especially heat. if it gets too hot and humid it can make him real nauseous n give him a migraine, hes better in the cold but even then it makes him really sneezy n sniffly. this is moderately ironic considering the previous point)
(jhjh im gonan stop here bcus this is getting super long but this is absolutely not all the stuff ive thought of. its mostly just the more lighthearted n mundane stuff that i could remember off the top of my head lmao)
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frengles · 4 years
here’s my review of the university of chicago, as i approach my oh so exciting virtual graduation:
the people i’ve met here are some of the smartest, hardworking, passionate people i’ve met in my life. i am truly better for knowing them. this includes professors, facilities staff, and my amazing friends who have completely changed my life.
the administration is often Atrocious. moreover, the lack of human compassion in higher level management is astounding, and has only been revealed moreso by the pandemic. when they announced that classes were moving online and we all had to move out it was five days before finals, which were still going to be held in person as scheduled until they changed their minds two days later and moved them online. they did not actually push any finals until midway through finals week when corona cases in chicago started skyrocketing, so people had to study for finals while trying to pack up their entire lives and in the case of seniors, say rushed goodbyes to people they may never see again for a long long time. one of my finals wound up being cancelled entirely with no opportunity for makeup work to fill the grade void and i received a C+ in the class because of a bad midterm grade getting weighted higher than it would’ve been. when graduation was cancelled there was no acknowledgement of the genuine sadness of the necessity to do so, just a “too bad” email and a vague invitation to next year’s ceremony. though i do have to give it to them for continuing to pay facilities staff rn unlike so many other big name schools that can afford to do so (cough harvard cough)
there is too much homework. so many people here are big nerds so they don’t complain but there factually is just too much. you’re expected to take either 3 or 4 classes a quarter and the quarter’s i’ve taken 4 i have not been able to have a weekend most weeks, there just isn’t time. that is bonkers!!!! i cannot count the amount of times ive gotten emails from profs at like 3 am that’s like hey if you’ve got extra time here’s an extra reading that i think would be fun to read before tomorrow’s 12 am class. like bitch!!! im sleeping!!! the homework/social life/sleep thing pick two joke is genuinely real and i have never met anyone who was able to do all of it. wtf
idk why i made this post. just sitting in my apartment in quarantine thinkin bout some THANGS, ya know. flaws being said, i would absolutely say this experience was worth it. this school really has done a lot for me, even though often i feel like just a number to them. (the classes here are SO unique and interesting, and taught by people in the top of their fields! the university paid for me to go to japan last summer! and im even more grateful i got to do that the last summer before the global climate uh, exploded. my second degree in east asian studies may not be getting much field use for the next while, lol) but it also has revealed some of the worst things about academia without compassion. there’s not a lot of time spent stopping and smelling the roses here. which is a shame, because this place can be Beautiful! and is! 
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anathtsurugi · 6 years
Day 11 - Heat (NSFW)
I’m gonna get through all of these. I am! @kalluzebweddingplan​, here is my Day 11. The second of three NSFW fills I had in mind. Enjoy!
Also, @jellysharkbat​, once again, I believe we have your divine HCs to thank for this scene. ;D
 Zeb loved Kallus. Really, he did.
 But sometimes he also wanted to smack him upside the head.
 He could understand how the climate of Yavin IV lent itself to people going around in a state of somewhat less dress than usual. Hells, he'd like to remove his own fur if he could, but that wasn't exactly an option. Kallus, on the other hand, definitely had the option. Zeb remembered the initial days after they'd all escaped from Atollon, about how straitlaced and Imperial the human had been, still was some days. That Alexsandr Kallus never would've considered removing even a single stitch of clothing, no matter how hot it was.
 But with time and distance, the man had begun to loosen up – time, distance, and a damn good lay (if Zeb said so himself). These days, he was much more comfortable joining his rebel cohorts in shedding clothing that wasn't strictly necessary. And Zeb had no doubt Kallus knew he was looking.
 Really, how could he help it? When Kallus began the day in full uniform, but gradually peeled away pieces of it over the course of a very hot day, until he was down to just his pants and boots, leaving very well-defined muscles bared to the humid air, each perfect inch glistening with sweat...
 Bogan take him, but he was so gone on this man. It was hot enough as it was. Did he really have to suffer through it with thirst on top of everything else?
 The last straw came for the Lasat when Kallus paused to take a drink of water in helping fetch some spare tools for Hera while she worked on an X-wing. Zeb looked over in time to see him taking a swig from a bottle, a few drops of clear fluid escaping his mouth and sliding sinuously down his neck...onto his chest...
 Zeb was across the hangar space before he was even conscious of making a decision to move. He was just as vaguely aware of pulling Kallus with him beneath a parked freighter, concealing them from the rest of the bay's view behind one of the ship's landing struts.
 "You are entirely too good-lookin' for your own good, Alex" he groaned as he nuzzled his face into the ex-Imperial's neck, mingling his scent together with his, even though it hardly mattered. There was no one even on the planet who could understand the meaning of their joined scents, much less actually smell that heady, musky fragrance.
 "You're probably right," Kallus conceded, shuddering with want as Zeb mouthed at the juncture of his neck and shoulder. "But I hope you don't plan to do anything about that here, Captain Orrelios. Where anyone could spot us."
 "Oh, no. We're not playin' that game. You've been grindin' down my nerves all day and you know it," he said, looking up at Kallus with a teasing smirk. "Mon Mothma herself and the whole of High Command could stroll up right now and I wouldn't give half a kriff. I'd slam you against the nearest star ship hull and do you so hard, you wouldn't need the ship to touch those stars," he said, lowering his mouth to one of the ex-agent's exposed nipples and briefly swirling his tongue over it, drawing a barely contained gasp from his lips.
 "Ungh...Zeb..." he whimpered faintly, and the Lasat was pleased to glance down and see a conspicuous bulge already beginning to form in his partner's pants.
 "But we can get to that later tonight. Right now, I know Hera's waitin' on you, so I'll make this quick," he said as he dropped to his knees before the former Imperial.
 The little moan that slipped from his lover's mouth could only be described as delicious. When he looked to the man's face again, it was to see a heated blush blooming on his pale skin.
 "Zeb!" he choked out quietly. "You can't seriously think to- right here...out in the open. We're- exposed," he tried to protest.
 "That's the idea," Zeb pointed out harshly before snapping open Kallus' belt and jerking his pants down a few inches. Then he was mouthing very deliberately at the shape of him through the sleek black fabric of his undershorts.
 Kallus very nearly cried out at the sensation, head falling back against the strut while his fingers scrabbled desperately at it. And much though Zeb would've loved to draw this out, to work over every inch of his lover through the tight fabric before even thinking of going further, he had promised Alex that this would be quick. So, lowering the undershorts only to about mid-thigh, he took just a few precious seconds to appreciate the sight of the human's beautifully hard cock before lapping the tip of it into his mouth like a favorite bit of candy.
 Kallus really did cry out this time, barely managing to muffle the tiny, stricken sound with an arm thrown over his mouth. The sound alone was enough to draw Zeb to full arousal, causing him to groan around the human's prick as he went at it, rough tongue laving generously over every inch of heated flesh he could get at.
 "Oh...Zeb...oh, stars...ah!" Alex panted out, one hand reaching forward to grip at the fur at the base of his skull, clearly resisting the urge to thrust, even though they were both perfectly aware Zeb could take it.
 The sounds Zeb was making devolved into outright growls as he bobbed his head up and down on top of the human, utterly merciless in his ministrations, licking and sucking and nipping until he knew his lover couldn't take it anymore. When he allowed one of his fangs to run dangerously along the length of hard flesh, it became too much for Alex.
 Actually rising up on his toes, the ex-Imperial tensed for just a moment before coming completely undone, muffling his own cry as he released down Zeb's throat. The Lasat just growled possessively all the while, eagerly taking in every drop of his seed.
 Once Alex had finished, Zeb held him like that against the strut, hands clamped firmly at his hips while his prick softened in the Lasat's mouth. When he finally released him, he stood quickly, pulling the blissed out human into his arms for a brief embrace. Alex laughed faintly against his chest as he struggled to remaster himself.
 "That really was too good for my own good. Had best be careful teasing you in the future."
 "Too right," Zeb returned, pressing a quick peck to his lips before pulling back from his lover, careful to make sure he could stand on his own before pulling away entirely.
 "Did- did you-" Alex started to ask, reaching for his belt. Sometimes the human managed to make him come untouched, but this wasn't one of those times.
 "No," he said, stepping just out of Alex's reach. "But come find me later and we'll see about returnin' that favor. Meantime, I'll be thinkin' about you," he said, saluting the ex-Imperial before making a somewhat jaunty retreat in the direction of the Ghost, hoping nobody noticed the state he was in.
 "Oh, I'll have you later, Garazeb Orrelios. That I promise you," Kallus called after him.
 "Lookin' forward to it."
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gyeolsim · 6 years
misha calls reagan, worried sick, after it posts it’s stupid injury selfie
gyeolsim dude are you okay what happened where are you shit we're not in school i'm in korea what the fuck what the fuck, asshole
headsarolling its cool im cool just a cut no biggie im in ireland where the fuck else would i be
gyeolsim who did this to you are you okay what happened will you surviv survive fuck
gyeolsim can you die
headsarolling im not dyin misha i got it all sewed up some of the other fairies dealt with it its fine
gyeolsim what happened who hurt you
headsarolling like i told moire bitch with a knife
gyeolsim reagan
gyeolsim please fuck it [INCOMING CALL]
headsarolling yo wha's the craic?
gyeolsim [misha sounds strained, close like he is craddling the phone to his face] hey hey [he tries to sound casual, and it's painfully transparent] you okay?
headsarolling 'm fine [reagan sounds strained, like it's trying to convince itself as well] had worse
headsarolling made it through that too
gyeolsim [misha's breath hitches.] was it ...someone from the court?
headsarolling no [laugh] no im 'protected' [its voice is bitter and laced with anger]
gyeolsim okay [pause] ...good did you fuck with the wrong person
headsarolling NO. I-
headsarolling this isn' my fault for fucks sake I didn'- [reagan is interrupted by a voice in the background, speaking gaelic. it snaps something in return before its voice softens slightly]
headsarolling it doesn' matter anywaay. im fine now.
gyeolsim [misha starts going:] hey, hey, it's-- [before someone snaps at reagan and misha freezes, the phone so close to his face it'll leave an imprint in his cheek  when he hangs up.] are you not allowed to tell me say 'how's the baby' for yes
headsarolling wha- no. no tha's just my da. he says hi. i guess.
gyeolsim [reagan can't see misha blink, but there's a baffled pause.] hi reagan's da
gyeolsim okay so what happened then [misha mumbles, equal parts worry and exasperation] you know i'm going to keep calling till y'tell me
headsarolling i don' want to-
headsarolling [reagan snarls and there's a long pause before it continues] she was some fae hunter it's fine. she's gone. i'm fine. [softer] alright?
gyeolsim jesus reagan like a human? i've never heard of-- what the fuck were you thinkin [he curses in korean, then russian, because it has better curse words.] you could've-- you sure she's gone ?
headsarolling yeah like a human and- what do ya mean what was /i/ thinkin? /i/ was in /my/ house bitch came for me not the other way 'round but yeah
headsarolling yeah im sure
gyeolsim [reagan goes 'i was in my house' while misha is like 'okay! okay! i thought, because, you're just, like, you KNOW--''] [he sighs into the phone, a soft shivery sound of relief.] you gonna give me a heart attack
headsarolling ya don' get to give me shit for pickin' fights swan prince [it snaps] [there's another long pause] 'nd i've looked after myself my whole life ye don' have to worry about me i can take care of myself
gyeolsim [something about that makes misha sad] yeah but you don’t have to at least not in the academy not when i’m around you don’t have to do it all by yourself
gyeolsim okay? [he breathes out a laugh] just keep your damn ass alive till then yeah?
headsarolling ive only died twice in my life swan prince and one of those times was at a school function [its voice is - not deadpan, but neutral, as if its not sure whether or not its making a joke] but ill do my best
gyeolsim promise?
headsarolling i- yeah i promise whatever
gyeolsim [misha's bright grin is audible in a soft exhale.] good
gyeolsim i'll hold you to that so she was looking specifically for you? 09/04/2018
headsarolling [a vague hum. reagan clearly doesn't want to give a straight answer]
gyeolsim come on
headsarolling yeah probably
gyeolsim do you know where she saw you ?
gyeolsim i've never-- you don't really go out into the-- cities, towns, whatever-- the-- human world, do you i never thought about it
headsarolling no i mean sometimes i go to the towns if i need food or clothes or i'm bored but i only go at night and i know. i know when people can see me and when they can'
gyeolsim i know [misha says, a reflex of comfort, even if he doesn't.] su yun and the coven have told me stories about human hunters call us harpies i didn't realize there'd be-- that others would be hunted too
headsarolling yeah who'd have thought that people would hunt the monster that aren' hot as well
gyeolsim reagan. [the period is audible]
headsarolling swan prince. [it sounds significantly cheered]
gyeolsim [misha makes a 'humpf' sort of sound, a fat-sounding whistle, like an irritated pigeon coo.] that's so much to take in any of the other fairies ever heard of something like that
headsarolling yes tha's how-
headsarolling [there's a moment of silence before reagan continues] tha's not unheard of.
gyeolsim you think someone put a hit in you ?
headsarolling [reagan chokes on a burst of laughter] no.
gyeolsim [reagan can't see him, but misha's face brightens when it laughs at him, half pleased, half embarrassed.] it could happen !
headsarolling yeah, sure, swan prince
gyeolsim hey mac bradaigh hey hey
headsarolling what.
gyeolsim [he sounds embarrassingly fond, soft like he's never been when they're face to face] fuck you
headsarolling nah [reagan's smile can be heard in it's voice] yer no' my type
gyeolsim [misha breathes out a laugh, the bright, silver thread of his voice shredded into static.] gonna cry myself to sleep tonight
headsarolling better get to it then, id hate to keep ya
gyeolsim ya i'm already tired of hearing your voice
gyeolsim [he sounds, like exactly the opposite of that sentiment.]
headsarolling tell me about shit dreams swan prince
gyeolsim hey
headsarolling what.
gyeolsim will you let me heal you
headsarolling it won' work
gyeolsim but can i try
headsarolling fine
gyeolsim hey [he whispers again, just as insistent as the first time.]
headsarolling what. [its sounds torn between being amused and being genuinely annoyed.]
gyeolsim miss you see you soon
headsarolling ugh.
gyeolsim now go eat some fucking babies
headsarolling /bye./
gyeolsim heh bye sleepy hollow
headsarolling [it hangs up]
gyeolsim [LMAO]
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getabompaway-blog · 6 years
Aug 8 Blurr’s Horror Stream - Cargo
«The good news: boss brought a bunch of loot for us to go through, so I got a nice pile of mixed currency. I’ll have to find out what planets they’re from later.
«The bad news: “Froid” wasn’t actually Froid at all. He was a Soundwave. Lying to me.
«So. So much for that.»
_Whirl here he be, and straight to the Whirl hammock 9:09 pm recuerdaxme 9:09 pm /here he is, arriving in no fashion what so ever. With crates under each arm / _Whirl 9:12 pm Whatcha got there, Teach? recuerdaxme 9:12 pm Bunch of stuff we don't need. We over stocked on some stolen goods. _Whirl 9:13 pm Pfft. A little too into it, eh? So what IS it all? recuerdaxme 9:13 pm Assorted goods. Some weaponry, small weapon accessories. Different types of currency. Some energon. Uh... limbs, bolts, screws... NoodlesAtNight 9:14 pm *Soundwave peers into the room with a feeler before deciding the coast is clear and trudging in to take his seat. Rumble jogs in shortly after and heads right over to where Whirl is with a nod to both him and Blurr.* recuerdaxme 9:14 pm / wiggles claws with the biggest smirk on ever / _Whirl 9:15 pm Hmm. I MIGHT have use for some of that if you need it taken off your hands... *perks up and bobs his head to both Soundwave and Rumble, gesturing grandly to the hammock as he regards the latter* Need a lift up? recuerdaxme 9:16 pm Well, if you want some of it, feel free to look through it. I've got some things here that my new recruit might need /hums and rummages/ found some old texts, too. NoodlesAtNight 9:16 pm //If ya don't mind. Climbin' up my own self ain't awful, but I don't wanna go tippin' out today, heh.// NoodlesAtNight 9:16 pm *Perk.* [[New texts?]] recuerdaxme 9:17 pm Mmhm. Some new texts- or old. They look fairly old to me. New to me. You can have some, if you want. _Whirl 9:18 pm Anytime, mech. *the claw is offered, and Rumble is summarily ferried up* And don't worry about tipping. I've got this hammock thing on lockdown. *tilts his head back at Blurr* I'll go through some of it after the movie, if you don't mind. And as for new recruit, you mean that Getaway that rolled up last week? Getaway 9:19 pm *he's coming in more hesitantly this week than he did last week. he pauses in the doorway a moment.* recuerdaxme 9:19 pm Mmhm. That's the one. Getaway 9:19 pm *and when he hears his name he ducks back outside, whoops.* NoodlesAtNight 9:20 pm *Rumble snorts and gets himself settled in. He might've tried to figure hammocks out while Whirl was gone. It didn't go so well. Of course, it probably would've gone better if he wasn't squabbling with Frenzy over who got to get in it at the time...* *Either way, Soundwave banned them from doing it again.* _Whirl 9:21 pm Well, good luck. Poor fella seems clueless. But if anyone can handle a crash course, you can, Teach. recuerdaxme 9:21 pm ... Thanks /smirks/ I'll take that as a compliment I taught NOS manners. THAT is a challenge. _Whirl 9:23 pm *Whirl streeetches one last time before also settling in, getting comfortably cozy* Now if only you could teach them to Piston... Getaway 9:23 pm ((hearing this in japanese is a trip)) recuerdaxme 9:23 pm ( lemme know when y'all are good. ) Getaway 9:23 pm ((im good)) _Whirl 9:23 pm ((I am! AND ALSO YEAH IT IS)) recuerdaxme 9:23 pm ( i love this song in all languages ;A; ) ( but spanish is still a fAV ) Piston HAS manners. He's been very decent lately. NoodlesAtNight 9:24 pm //Getaway? Y'mean that gold-faced fragger Prowl likes? He ain't comin' /here,/ is he? Last time we met he was thinkin' how to kill me 'n the others, 'n who to knock off first.// *Rumble scowls.* recuerdaxme 9:25 pm Not the same one, I don't think. Could be, but I don't know. ( I gonna start then if we all good. I have to be up at 4am again tomorrow 8( ) NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm ((i'm good whenever)) Getaway 9:25 pm ((the soonoer the better)) ((soonoer)) _Whirl 9:25 pm ((soonoer)) recuerdaxme 9:25 pm soonerer) Getaway 9:26 pm ((soonoonerer)) NoodlesAtNight 9:26 pm ((soonoerest)) recuerdaxme 9:26 pm omg bgskdfsd ) _Whirl 9:27 pm Nah. This one's from Blurr's neck of the woods, so he's pretty different from our Getaway. *a pause, and Whirl's antenna flattens* And if that other one comes back then I'm going to reach down his throat and turn him inside-out. recuerdaxme 9:27 pm (( is it streaming okay for y'all? )) Getaway 9:28 pm ((there are little static sounds, idk whether it's on my end)) _Whirl 9:28 pm ((ye it's got the little static noises here too)) Getaway 9:28 pm ((oh it's that dude)) recuerdaxme 9:28 pm (( *SIGH* It wasn't there before and now it there )) (( go away mystery sound )) NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm //Huh. That mean he's real sweetlike, or nastier? Never been good figurin' out how they're gonna bend.// *Shakes his head. And gives Whirl a light punch in thanks for what he perceives as support.* NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm *A gentle bop, really, with a grin.* recuerdaxme 9:30 pm You can never really guess what they're gonna be like, honestly. It's either they're Autobots or Decepticons, but most Decepticons are too touchy, feely, sweet. _Whirl 9:31 pm *nudges him back. Yes, threatening enemies with grotesque bodily harm is how he shows affection* NoodlesAtNight 9:31 pm *Soundwave perks. The movie doesn't waste any time, does i-- is that the sound of a human larva? Is it that young? Don't they need to eat more often? Oh dear.* Getaway 9:32 pm ((that rock TV is the saddest thing ive ever seen)) _Whirl 9:32 pm As far as he goes, he was really bubbly, but I dunno. My Getaway was kinda like that too. recuerdaxme 9:32 pm /flops on the couch/ Well, you're all free to pick through the spoils we've gathered too much of. recuerdaxme 9:32 pm We didn't have a Getaway where I'm from. _Whirl 9:32 pm Well, now ya do. recuerdaxme 9:33 pm yes i suppose so Getaway 9:34 pm *okay, he's camped out here now. back on the wall, right outside the doorway.* _Whirl 9:34 pm And I'll go through the stuff when we're all wrapped up. If nobody else wants the limbs, I can take 'em home to Killer. recuerdaxme 9:34 pm Sure you can. _Whirl 9:35 pm Ohh, boy. ...wait, never mind. I was sure it was going to be a zombie on the other end of the line. Chaoit 9:35 pm ....? feck, rabbit you ass let me change my muse)) Getaway 9:36 pm ((rabbit's bein rude about that lately)) ((tonight, apparently, i'm a suspiciously prowl-shaped getaway)) Chaoit 9:37 pm ((trying to make it Sides, but nooooo)) NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm @G: [[He can sense you out there.]] *And it is driving him up the wall. He can't tell why Getaway is hiding. Anxiety-inducing. What if he's up to something? What if he's trying to plan to kill Rumble too?* Chaoit 9:37 pm ((and wow, getaway, your skills at disguise are great _Whirl 9:37 pm ((he's the new Makeshift)) NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm [[Oh, now this is too much. One of them wandering in alone was unsafe. Now another is.]] recuerdaxme 9:38 pm / leaning over his couch to see where Getaway is at. He can sense the lingering, though not as great as Soundwave. / NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm [[She isn't even armed.]] recuerdaxme 9:38 pm / But oh the movie is interesting now / NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm [[Run, human.]] _Whirl 9:38 pm Yeah. Honestly, tying down right by the boat was a bad idea. Getaway 9:38 pm *Getaway starts, then freezes.* NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm *Shakes his head. Too late.* Chaoit 9:39 pm ((okay, is THIS any better? _Whirl 9:39 pm ((still Chaoit with a Blaster face)) Chaoit 9:40 pm ((MOTHER FUCKER _Whirl 9:40 pm Okay, if they haven't moved away from that wreck by NOW... Chaoit 9:40 pm ((can I give up? Just...go with that I be Sides because I may just put rabbit into a stew soon _Whirl 9:41 pm ((ye dude! Sideswipe, then?)) Getaway 9:42 pm *After a moment, he leans in the doorway.* ... Sorry about that. I heard my name, and... well. And then I heard— *gestures vaguely at Whirl.* The, the whole. inside-out. thing. _Whirl 9:42 pm Well. Don't plot on killing my friends and I won't do that. Getaway 9:42 pm Didn't—want to interrupt. _Whirl 9:42 pm You should have nothing to worry about. recuerdaxme 9:42 pm Hnh? Oh, pits. He won't do anything to you. Not now anyway. You're part of my crew. TEchnically, /I/ would do it. Chaoit 9:42 pm ((yeah, cuz Blaster got into trouble with a demigod Chaoit 9:43 pm -and Sides is here, just curiously looking at the screen- What'd I miss? _Whirl 9:44 pm Point. The honor goes to the Captain. @B: I get dibs on anyone who messes with Rumble, though. Deal?
...not that I expect it, or anything, I mean. Just saying. Getaway 9:44 pm No, n-no, no, not—not threatening anyone's friends. recuerdaxme 9:44 pm @W: I mean, I guess. Chaoit 9:44 pm Like, what'er we watchin'? NoodlesAtNight 9:46 pm ((food came right after she put the watch thing on what did i miss) Getaway 9:46 pm ((zombie symptoms don't show up for 3 hours but she's gonna bleed out in 2 hours so they're taking their chances and going to the hospital.)) ((as long as they don't know whether she's infected yet.)) _Whirl 9:46 pm One of them should REALLY be standing lookout now. Getaway 9:47 pm ((so they got an abandoned car. a zombie almost got them.)) Chaoit 9:47 pm Oh NoodlesAtNight 9:47 pm [[...He hopes she did not bite the bitlet.]] _Whirl 9:47 pm *shudders, despite himself* Getaway too. NoodlesAtNight 9:47 pm [[Greetings, Getaway.]] *Bobs his head. At least the mech's making himself known now.* Chaoit 9:47 pm That...a symptom, ain't it? recuerdaxme 9:47 pm Hello, my new little recruit. _Whirl 9:47 pm Yeah, I'm guessing so. Chaoit 9:48 pm Getaway, huh? Getaway 9:48 pm ... Hey, boss. NoodlesAtNight 9:48 pm //They oughta have somethin' over her mouth. Then she can't bite nobody if she goes all sudden.// Chaoit 9:48 pm She's got a point dude _Whirl 9:49 pm Yeah. If there's a chance to cure her then, yeah, but if not... I mean. He knows what he's gotta do. She knows it, too. recuerdaxme 9:49 pm Well, don't be so... whatever you are! Come in. Look at all this scrap we over collected. See if you want anything. Chaoit 9:49 pm Yeah. Sucks, but... -has plopped himself in a seat- Getaway 9:50 pm ... Yeah, sure. Chaoit 9:50 pm -raises servo- _Whirl 9:50 pm *adopts his Teacher Voice* Yes, Sideswipe? recuerdaxme 9:51 pm ...Wow. Chaoit 9:51 pm Can I say that I think the guy's being stupid fraggin' bit-brain right now? _Whirl 9:51 pm Yes, you may. Proceed. *waves aclaw magnanimously. NoodlesAtNight 9:51 pm //Run, buddy. She's done.// _Whirl 9:52 pm At least put her out of her misery so she can die as HERSELF. Chaoit 9:52 pm Kay. The guy's bein' a stupid fraggin' bit-brain Getaway 9:52 pm *gives Whirl a nervous look; but, moves to the crates.* NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm [[Oh dear. She'll have gone while he was out, won't she.]] Chaoit 9:52 pm She's turning into a monster......... NoodlesAtNight 9:53 pm [[Did she get to him?]] Chaoit 9:53 pm .......... _Whirl 9:53 pm Looked like it to me. recuerdaxme 9:53 pm Don't worry so much, Getaway. He's not gonna do anything to you. Chaoit 9:53 pm Let's hope not Getaway 9:53 pm ((don't leave the baby behind jfc)) _Whirl 9:53 pm Yeah. I'm a triple sweetie, remember? Should have DONE THAT WHILE SHE WAS ALIVE, IDIOT. Chaoit 9:53 pm Or that sparkling is going to be a snack Getaway 9:54 pm ... Yeah. Triple sweetie. *doesn't sound convinced.* Chaoit 9:55 pm ....oh boy Getaway 9:55 pm *starts hesitantly digging through one of the crates.* Chaoit 9:55 pm He's not a bright one, is he? Uh.... NoodlesAtNight 9:56 pm @G: [[If anyone attempts to harm you, he will intervene as much as he can.]] *Probably to handle it himself, if it's because of the minicons.* [[We still have a meeting to complete.]] recuerdaxme 9:56 pm Getaway . /wiggles claws/ I've got my optic on you. You're fine. Chaoit 9:56 pm What....the.... _Whirl 9:57 pm *is not really terribly concerned. Being feared is a-ok by him* Chaoit 9:57 pm Well THAT can't be good _Whirl 9:58 pm Also, hey. That kid had the same idea. *nudges Rumble* A bit-and-harness, to keep him from biting. Getaway 9:58 pm *glances up between the two of them; after a moment, gives them half-optic smiles.* Thanks, guys. Means a lot to me. NoodlesAtNight 9:58 pm //Kid knows what's up.// _Whirl 9:58 pm *nods* Chaoit 10:00 pm Hmmmm You don't have time dude recuerdaxme 10:01 pm /smirks/ Don't worry. Captains take care of their crew. _Whirl 10:01 pm Am I missing something, there? *peers* Chaoit 10:01 pm The hell was that? NoodlesAtNight 10:01 pm *He nods. Of course.* _Whirl 10:02 pm Why's that scar something he's scared of? Getaway 10:02 pm *back to digging through the crate. He's rummaging straight past all the bigger objects.* Getaway 10:04 pm *once he gets to the bottom, he starts pulling coins out. he makes a pile of them, just outside the crate.* NoodlesAtNight 10:04 pm [[So he is infected.]] //...Whatcha doin' with all them?// *Points at the coins.* Chaoit 10:05 pm Oh...and now he's becoming one too recuerdaxme 10:05 pm Well, he was bit, wasn't he? _Whirl 10:05 pm *also looks over, curiously* recuerdaxme 10:06 pm / is also watching / Getaway 10:06 pm Saving up. Chaoit 10:06 pm -turns to watch the coin-stacking too- recuerdaxme 10:06 pm Are you planning on buying something? Chaoit 10:07 pm -turns back to the movie after a moment- Getaway 10:07 pm Nah. Just preparing for when I've got to move on. Costs a lot to cross the multiverse when you've got no ship of your own and no friends. recuerdaxme 10:07 pm ... /ugly loud laughter / _Whirl 10:07 pm Huh. Second one we've seen doing that. NoodlesAtNight 10:07 pm [[...No friends?]] Chaoit 10:08 pm Hmn.... recuerdaxme 10:08 pm Just because you're leaving doesn't mean you can't call me for assistance. We can remain allies. _Whirl 10:08 pm Take my advice--stick with Teach. He's tough. He's been around a while. Chaoit 10:08 pm Heh, nice shot guy recuerdaxme 10:08 pm Long while. They say I'm a roach. _Whirl 10:09 pm *gravely* It's true. recuerdaxme 10:09 pm Very hard to kill. _Whirl 10:09 pm Looks like that's how they rest. Sticking their heads in the ground. recuerdaxme 10:09 pm Weird way to sleep. Getaway 10:10 pm *a half-optic smile for Froid.* Present company excluded. But you're not MY Froid. Probably. Chaoit 10:10 pm -snickering- Wait, diggers? Oh, like they go digging and bury their head? _Whirl 10:11 pm *at long last, relents just a little bit. His good influences have had SOME impact on him* Hey, Getaway. It's... you're gonna have to get used to that. You might be the only one around from your timeline. Same with me. Just stop thinking about everything as being "not yours." Just roll with it. recuerdaxme 10:12 pm You get used to it after a while. All I've run into are the Decepticons and they irritate my entire core. NoodlesAtNight 10:12 pm [[Perhaps. Perhaps not. He does not know. Though he is curious as to how you would.]] Getaway 10:12 pm ... Yeah. Yeah, I know. I'm—far from home. On purpose. Chaoit 10:13 pm On purpose, hmn? recuerdaxme 10:13 pm Getaway too. NoodlesAtNight 10:13 pm //Maybe they like the taste of dirt or somethin'.// _Whirl 10:13 pm You'll get used to it, mech. You'll probably come to prefer it this way. I did. recuerdaxme 10:13 pm But, so long as you stay on track, you'll outrun them. If it's Rodimus after you, then I can easily kill him. _Whirl 10:13 pm PFFT. recuerdaxme 10:13 pm Oh, shut up. I could. _Whirl 10:14 pm That was for Rumble, not you. recuerdaxme 10:14 pm Oh, good. _Whirl 10:14 pm I've seen you in action--I believe it. recuerdaxme 10:14 pm Then I retract. _Whirl 10:15 pm *nods gravely* Thank you, Teach. NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm //...Hold up, he's usin' live bait!// recuerdaxme 10:16 pm Huh. I've done that before... _Whirl 10:16 pm Yeah, he... must be some kind of nutcase. Chaoit 10:16 pm Well frack recuerdaxme 10:16 pm Of course, I dropped the bait in the smelting pit. NoodlesAtNight 10:16 pm //I didn't know humans did that.// _Whirl 10:16 pm No wonder that girl back at camp was so nervous all the time. One wrong move and he tosses her in the cage. Getaway 10:16 pm *glances at Froid.* Oh, just—you know. Considering the odds. I ran far and fast on purpose. The odds my Froid had the same thought, and went the same way... Chaoit 10:17 pm Practical...but...messed up Oh. Oh no. DID the kid get bit? _Whirl 10:17 pm I got no respect for that. You should fight 'em head on. recuerdaxme 10:18 pm I mean, either commit or don't hunt them. Honestly. NoodlesAtNight 10:18 pm *He taps a finger to his chin, thinking. That is very good reasoning.* [[He supposes that does make sense. It is a vast multiverse.]] Getaway 10:18 pm *to Blurr* I appreciate that. The—protecting me. From Rodimus. Really. recuerdaxme 10:19 pm Honestly, any chance to slaughter that mech would make me so... /pauses. Thinks/ What's the word? _Whirl 10:19 pm Out of your goddamned mind with glee? NoodlesAtNight 10:19 pm //Hope they didn't. Poor bitlet. 'N this fragger - I mean, he got the blood. How come he don't just leave a bucket in the cage?// recuerdaxme 10:19 pm / glances left and right/ What? That's not the word... which one? Ah, right. / to Getaway/ Content. recuerdaxme 10:19 pm And, what Whirl said. _Whirl 10:20 pm Because he's sadistic. There's always folks like that. You get someone on the other side of some bars and a set of keys and it's just a matter of time. Chaoit 10:20 pm Yeeeeep NoodlesAtNight 10:21 pm //He can't leave her with a fragger like that. He's gonna use the kid for bait too.// _Whirl 10:21 pm Yeah I--yeah. recuerdaxme 10:21 pm ... Huh. I like this one. This... woman. Chaoit 10:21 pm Better than himself, he's gonna be one of them soon. _Whirl 10:22 pm I mean obviously he SHOULD off himself, but not while she's with these people. So here's what you do: Kill that guy in his sleep. Chaoit 10:22 pm ...........or not recuerdaxme 10:22 pm ... Hnh. I knew something was odd. Chaoit 10:22 pm Yikes The man is nuts NoodlesAtNight 10:22 pm [[Indeed. She did not seem to be affectionate in return.]] [[Now we see why.]] _Whirl 10:23 pm Go get the folks in the cage, bring em in. Hopefully some of them won't hold it against you, and then you've got a little squad at the base. THEN you off yourself. Chaoit 10:23 pm Scratch that, he's an afthat NoodlesAtNight 10:23 pm //Aw, Pit. This ain't good.// _Whirl 10:23 pm Especially not for that kid. Chaoit 10:23 pm Nope NoodlesAtNight 10:24 pm [[The clever man?]] [[Does this refer to the older one in the cage?]] _Whirl 10:25 pm The old guy, with the beard. One who talked about the land getting sick. Yep. I'm guessing it's capitalized. Clever Man. A title. NoodlesAtNight 10:26 pm //Primus.// *Flops back on his portion of the hammock.* _Whirl 10:26 pm *looks down, amused* Suspenseful enough for you? Oh, come on, he's asleep, he's a sitting duck. Just SHOOT him. Getaway 10:27 pm *he's got a nice little pile of coins now.* Chaoit 10:27 pm They don't want to attract the things Loud noises do that _Whirl 10:27 pm Then cut his throat. Chaoit 10:27 pm Gunshots are loud noises NoodlesAtNight 10:28 pm //Listen, I did my share of suspensi-- aw, COME ON.// Chaoit 10:28 pm ............ recuerdaxme 10:28 pm /smirk/ do you want more coins? Chaoit 10:28 pm Well slag recuerdaxme 10:28 pm ... huh. that's ironic NoodlesAtNight 10:28 pm //RUN!// _Whirl 10:28 pm Damn. Getaway 10:28 pm If you've got them, yeah. Thanks. Chaoit 10:28 pm You shot her instead Serves you right, afthat _Whirl 10:29 pm Guess he really WAS a clever man. NoodlesAtNight 10:29 pm [[What else will you need? Besides money.]] [[And a ship, and transport.]] _Whirl 10:29 pm *looks over to Getaway* I can hook you up with a loving, beautiful pet. Okay, movie. All his yelling has GOT to have attracted them. Movie, please. You gotta have this guy get eaten. Getaway 10:31 pm *he shrugs.* A—a safe crew to join on the other side, I guess. Chaoit 10:31 pm Smart girl NoodlesAtNight 10:31 pm [[What kind?]] Chaoit 10:32 pm Whooops Getaway 10:33 pm ... The kind that can protect me if Rodimus comes after me. _Whirl 10:33 pm *points to Blurr* Getaway 10:34 pm Yeah—I know, but—boss here is on the wrong side. I've gotta make it to the other half of the multiverse. _Whirl 10:34 pm Well, that's why you kill him, instead of running from him. recuerdaxme 10:34 pm ... Wrong side? Chaoit 10:35 pm That's... recuerdaxme 10:35 pm Mech, you know my ship can travel space at the fastest speeds right? Chaoit 10:35 pm ...depressing. Getaway 10:36 pm Yeah, but you LIVE on this side. You're—FROM this side. recuerdaxme 10:36 pm ... Uhhh. I mean, more or less. I'm not allowed back on my Cybertron Ever. _Whirl 10:37 pm *can't hold back another shudder* NoodlesAtNight 10:37 pm //....WHERE'S THE--oh.// recuerdaxme 10:37 pm Rodimus claimed he pulled off the bounty for my helm, but I don't trust him at all. Huh... now she's gonna take him? Chaoit 10:38 pm -settles- Getaway 10:39 pm Heh. Yeah. I wouldn't trust him either. He's shifty. Chaoit 10:39 pm Roddy? Getaway 10:39 pm And dishonest and power-hungry. _Whirl 10:39 pm And terribly unfashionable. recuerdaxme 10:39 pm Yes, I would know. _Whirl 10:40 pm *holds his claw upside-down and holds it under his eye like it's a goatee* recuerdaxme 10:40 pm He used to be close to me. Ah, but... who needs him. /shrugs pauldrons and relaxes / Getaway 10:40 pm Yeah. I guess you would. recuerdaxme 10:40 pm Not sure how /your/ Blurr handled that mess, but I didn't let him take that ship. My Master trusted me. Not Rodimus. Chaoit 10:40 pm Things don't exactly always work like that Getaway 10:41 pm Your master? recuerdaxme 10:41 pm My Prime. Chaoit 10:41 pm ...someone got munched recuerdaxme 10:41 pm Trusted me with literally everything, down to keeping his armor clean. /flexes claws/ _Whirl 10:41 pm ((I'm liking freeman in this. I've only ever seen him do one type of role, but he's very convincing. Good jearb)) recuerdaxme 10:41 pm ( yeah same!! ) _Whirl 10:41 pm *nudges Rumble* You were saying something, earlier. About having your fair share of something? recuerdaxme 10:42 pm ... That's not foreboding. NoodlesAtNight 10:42 pm [[Oh, no.]] Chaoit 10:43 pm That's... Frag. _Whirl 10:43 pm If he actually cared about his OWN ones he'd end it. recuerdaxme 10:44 pm Nn... _Whirl 10:44 pm ...not what I meant. NoodlesAtNight 10:44 pm //Oh. Uh. Had my fair share of suspensin' from scrap like this. Ain't a good time. Aaaaaan' now they gotta move. Them diggin things is gonna come for 'em.// Chaoit 10:44 pm Hah...haha...holy frag _Whirl 10:45 pm Oh. Pfft. You and me both. recuerdaxme 10:45 pm Look mech, when the rust finally gets to me and I turn into some rusted Empty, I either want Whirl or Drift to off my aft. Or... just chain me up and use me as a quick Empty attack, I guess. That'd be cool. "Release the monster" Bam, there I go _Whirl 10:45 pm Well MAYBE the rust wouldn't GET to you if you'd go to the DOCTOR more often. recuerdaxme 10:46 pm / B( / Well, I DO. Kind of. _Whirl 10:46 pm I'd let you go out in style, Teach. Strap some high-end explosives to you, send you out in the face of someone we'd both enjoy killing. recuerdaxme 10:46 pm ... Good. And then tell Buster he's free from my clutches. _Whirl 10:46 pm ...@B: I'd break it to him gently. Chaoit 10:46 pm Uh... recuerdaxme 10:47 pm @W: ... Well, that's the best I could ask for. Chaoit 10:47 pm Huh.... Getaway 10:47 pm Oh. Yeah, the Prime didn't trust our Rodimus, either. Which makes sense, since he was trying to overthrow him and all. _Whirl 10:47 pm Luckily, I don't think I've got to worry about THIS anymore. Once you've gotten a virus once, you're immune, right? Chaoit 10:47 pm Ooooh That's why they do that recuerdaxme 10:48 pm Well, yes. I've never met a Rodimus that was loyal to anything but himself, really. _Whirl 10:48 pm Oh, this asshole, again. NoodlesAtNight 10:48 pm *Is learning all KINDS of things about the other side of the multiverse tonight* recuerdaxme 10:48 pm Mine is surprisingly still alive, though I've discovered that he's afraid of my denta. _Whirl 10:48 pm As most living things SHOULD be. recuerdaxme 10:48 pm ... Which virus do you mean, Whirl ? Getaway 10:48 pm *... peers at Blurr's mouth.* recuerdaxme 10:48 pm Well, most living things don't live to see them very long /cackle/ _Whirl 10:49 pm The sparkeater one. I went once, so... I mean. That's how viruses USUALLY work. NoodlesAtNight 10:49 pm //...Pit, I wasn't even thinkin' about - mech, I got stuff to tell ya some time. But yeah. Definitely that too.// _Whirl 10:49 pm Hell yeah, SHOOT HIM. recuerdaxme 10:49 pm / he has them nice sharp denta with them energon stains. The flexi-stitches holding his jaw together get nice and wide/ Wanna see? Chaoit 10:49 pm Well then Getaway 10:50 pm ... I can see them from here. recuerdaxme 10:50 pm I dunno. I don't even know if Empties carry a virus. I know drinking their energon is not good for your tanks. Had to cut mine out. Aww, you don't want a close up? I won't bite... much. _Whirl 10:50 pm *tilts his head* Hm? Whatcha mean? *he senses a story... but he can be patient and hear it later. If he has to. But he's nosy* Getaway 10:50 pm I'm good, thanks. Chaoit 10:50 pm Kinda hoping to see that guy eaten now recuerdaxme 10:50 pm / snickers / recuerdaxme 10:51 pm Wait til you see what they can do. You'll see if you work with us _Whirl 10:51 pm Dad goes full zombie and eats the guy to save his bitlet. Chaoit 10:51 pm He'd deserve it recuerdaxme 10:51 pm I'm down to see that. recuerdaxme 10:53 pm (( god i really love him in this )) (( it's a whole different side of him )) Chaoit 10:53 pm ((it's interesting to say the least NoodlesAtNight 10:54 pm //Ah, it's, uh... probably I shouldn't talk about it here. Ain't no prettier'n this scrap.// *Jerks his head at the screen.* _Whirl 10:54 pm *nods* Yeah, I get ya. Some other time. recuerdaxme 10:54 pm You know. If I ever got that sick... I don't think I'd want to get all the way sick. Chaoit 10:54 pm That's...that's not gooooooodon'teatthat recuerdaxme 10:54 pm I don't know. Depends. I mean, the crew would survive without me. _Whirl 10:55 pm Hell yeah, look at em go! Chaoit 10:56 pm Oh no recuerdaxme 10:56 pm (( me: already sobbing )) _Whirl 10:57 pm *just not gonna. Watch this part. Suddenly very interested in Getaway's coin pile* Getaway 10:57 pm *it's grown steadily* _Whirl 10:58 pm *how incredibly impressive* recuerdaxme 10:58 pm Hey, Getaway. Tell you what. You help us get the next few treasures we look for, and I'll give you a ship and some of the fleet members. Chaoit 10:59 pm Is she using him as transportation? recuerdaxme 10:59 pm I mean, I don't need the /entire/ fleet. _Whirl 10:59 pm *returns his attention to the screen* Chaoit 11:00 pm Huh. She is. Getaway 11:00 pm Oh, no—you don't need to give me that much. But—I could use a ship. Thank you. I won't let you down, boss. recuerdaxme 11:00 pm Sure thing. They're all stolen anyway. So, I'd give you one/ *. Chaoit 11:02 pm ((WEH recuerdaxme 11:02 pm (( mOOD )) (( Don't mind me cryin' alone in my home )) NoodlesAtNight 11:02 pm *...Soundwave has an odd urge to check on the protoforms.* Chaoit 11:03 pm ...... recuerdaxme 11:03 pm / internally worries about Oberyn. His best child. / Chaoit 11:03 pm -Sides is going to be squishing his brother later- ((ohmygod ((this ending hurts recuerdaxme 11:04 pm (( yEAH )) Chaoit 11:04 pm ...... _Whirl 11:05 pm Not bad. Chaoit 11:05 pm -raises servo again- recuerdaxme 11:05 pm Not bad at all. Hnh? What is it? Chaoit 11:05 pm Who else here kinda hated the ending because surprise feels recuerdaxme 11:05 pm I mean, if you're into that kind of scrap. / oh he knows what he'll do. / recuerdaxme 11:06 pm / he's gonna have a sleepover with his frames tonight / NoodlesAtNight 11:06 pm //Least the kid survived.// NoodlesAtNight 11:06 pm //'S better 'n most.// _Whirl 11:06 pm Yeah. That's the important bit. recuerdaxme 11:06 pm Yes, I suppose. She wasn't as problematic as I assumed. Very quiet. Chaoit 11:06 pm Family is family And yeah...at least the kids survived _Whirl 11:07 pm Well, you know how little ones are. Unruly. It's part of their charm. recuerdaxme 11:07 pm I suppose. We don't have kids where I'm from, so. Chaoit 11:08 pm ((they have a movie ((called anon _Whirl 11:08 pm I'm not exactly... what you'd call experienced, either. *A LIE* Getaway 11:08 pm ((it's about smokey's life)) ((truly a neverending horror story)) Chaoit 11:08 pm ((YEP recuerdaxme 11:09 pm (( LOL )) Getaway 11:09 pm *just sort of glances between speakers, listening to the conversation about the movie* _Whirl 11:09 pm ((omg)) Chaoit 11:09 pm -huffs, and settles down again- recuerdaxme 11:09 pm /shrugs pauldrons/ I honestly think if kids existed in my universe, they'd keep them away from me. _Whirl 11:10 pm Same. I'm pretty sure if we ever get the hang of propagating, I'm going to be barred from it. Which, honestly, is just as well. NoodlesAtNight 11:10 pm [[Hm. A strange thought, but he has seen plenty of others who have.]] Chaoit 11:11 pm Annnyway I gotta go _Whirl 11:11 pm Huh? recuerdaxme 11:11 pm Heading out? Chaoit 11:11 pm Yup _Whirl 11:11 pm ...to Soundwave, not you, Sideswipe. Seeya. Chaoit 11:11 pm Thanks for the stream, though recuerdaxme 11:11 pm Sure thing. /wiggles claws / NoodlesAtNight 11:11 pm *DAMN IT, WHIRL.* _Whirl 11:11 pm *LOOK HE'S NOT A SPY HE CAN'T BE COUNTED ON FOR THIS STUFF* recuerdaxme 11:12 pm / DID NOT RUIN THE DEAL / _Whirl 11:12 pm *ALSO IF YOU WANT SOMEONE TO PLAY ALONG MAYBE LET THEM IN ON YOUR GAME* recuerdaxme 11:12 pm K-Kyeheheh. Are you *sure* you're completely cleared of that virus there, Whirl? Sounds like you're a little confused. NoodlesAtNight 11:12 pm *Note to himself: never, ever ask Whirl to be a field agent.* Getaway 11:12 pm *... very slowly looks from Whirl to "Froid."* NoodlesAtNight 11:12 pm *Very slowly looks over to Getaway. Yes?* _Whirl 11:13 pm ...huh? Well. I mean, you don't see me waving around tentacles and trying to EAT people, do you? Chaoit 11:13 pm ....annnyway, 'night guys, thanks for the stream, but I'm out now. NoodlesAtNight 11:13 pm //Night, Blaster.// recuerdaxme 11:13 pm See you. No, but that sounds like fun. Can I do that? _Whirl 11:13 pm *i stand by my "tell him the plan if you want him to be a part of it" statement* Getaway 11:13 pm *and then from "Froid" to the small guy who's been cuddled up with Whirl all night.* NoodlesAtNight 11:13 pm *HE THOUGHT WHIRL HAD THE IDEA* _Whirl 11:13 pm *suddenly very serious* It's not, Blurr. Trust me. *no nicknames, so you know he means it* recuerdaxme 11:14 pm / shrugs pauldrons / I wouldn't know. My universe doesn't have oddities like that. recuerdaxme 11:14 pm We have Empties, Zombies and that's it. ... And Rodimus. All are absolute filth., _Whirl 11:14 pm Basically the same principle. ((Getaway right now:))
recuerdaxme 11:15 pm (( lmaooo )) Getaway 11:15 pm ((HAHAHA)) NoodlesAtNight 11:15 pm ((LOL)) _Whirl 11:16 pm ((I'm honestly not sorry this is hilarious)) NoodlesAtNight 11:17 pm *Well, he'll just fold his hands and continue to sit waiting on the couch for whatever hellstorm is about to come his way.* recuerdaxme 11:18 pm /is going to watch, but pretend he's not. This is surprisingly easier with one optic / Getaway 11:19 pm *after a moment glancing between the two of them, focuses on the small guy* Hey. Sorry, I came in kinda late, I never got your name. Let me guess, it's... it's gotta be either Rumble or Frenzy, right? You're both completely different colors where I'm from, I don't wanna guess and be wrong. recuerdaxme 11:19 pm They're both *alive* where you're from? NoodlesAtNight 11:20 pm *Rumble sits up* //Hold on. Y'mean we're dead?// Getaway 11:20 pm ... I... honestly don't know. I'm not a frontliner. I've only seen them in pictures. _Whirl 11:20 pm *still hasn't grasped the full implications of what's going on, but is staring at Getaway while he addresses Rumble. No expression whatsoeve* recuerdaxme 11:21 pm Not "we" Just one of you. At least where I'm from. NoodlesAtNight 11:22 pm *Rumble glances from Blurr to Whirl to the Boss to Getaway. Is he - is he in danger? Should he pop his piledrivers out? He's gonna fidget slightly, already feeling the urge to fight crawl up his spinal strut.* //I'm Rumble. What's it to ya?// NoodlesAtNight 11:23 pm *Don't mind Soundwave, just... watching like a hawk.* Getaway 11:24 pm Rumble! Nice to meet you properly. I'm Getaway. Not—not the one that was plotting to kill you, obviously. _Whirl 11:24 pm Obviously. NoodlesAtNight 11:24 pm *Rumble frowns.* //Heard that, huh?// Getaway 11:25 pm ... Yeah. Kinda. recuerdaxme 11:25 pm Master of surprises. Getaway 11:26 pm *drops his gaze down to his coins.* Everything I hear about my alternate is bad news. I'm kinda used to it, at this point. recuerdaxme 11:26 pm Pits, everything I hear is good news. It's annoying. Why don't you just kill your alternate? Getaway 11:26 pm ... Nah, that's a lie. I'll /get/ used to it. recuerdaxme 11:27 pm I have connections. ... / pauses / Wait a second... This got me in trouble last time. _Whirl 11:27 pm Don't have much experience with that myself, but, yeah. That's another multiverse thing. Getaway 11:27 pm *shocked look at Blurr* I can't do that! recuerdaxme 11:27 pm Well , why not? _Whirl 11:27 pm Shocking dearth of Whirls running around, but apparently not Starscreams, which is a damned crime. Getaway 11:28 pm Because he's— I don't even KNOW him! And he's ME! recuerdaxme 11:28 pm ...No. YOU are you. _Whirl 11:28 pm *dryly, to Getaway* You probably won't have to. recuerdaxme 11:28 pm HE is someone else. NoodlesAtNight 11:28 pm //Well, good. Ya don't hurt us 'n I ain't gotta hurt you.// *Probably. Rumble's breaking out in a smile, but it's not one he's sure he feels yet.* //Y'think that's weird, try bein' me. I got alternates turnin' into -cassettes.-// recuerdaxme 11:28 pm / points at Whirl/ A good point. Getaway 11:28 pm *slowly turns toward Whirl* ... Is he...? _Whirl 11:29 pm I have no clue what he's up to. Vanished. But I mean, obviously things are going to go bad if he shows his face around here, so... recuerdaxme 11:29 pm (( guys the fire in northern CA is now bigger than the city of LA )) (( I'm terrified ahaha )) NoodlesAtNight 11:29 pm ((JESUS)) _Whirl 11:29 pm SPEDDY.....(( recuerdaxme 11:29 pm (( It's out of control )) NoodlesAtNight 11:29 pm ((get packed in case and stay safe)) recuerdaxme 11:29 pm (( Well it's pretty far north but the smoke )) (( It's bad )) recuerdaxme 11:30 pm / leans forward/ Eh, yeah. And if he tries to come here? I'll send him to Whirl's. Getaway 11:32 pm Hm. From what I heard about him, maybe he deserves it. *... starts rummaging through one of the crates again.* _Whirl 11:32 pm *finally relaxes again* recuerdaxme 11:33 pm That's the spirit. Getaway 11:33 pm *doesn't sound very spirited.* NoodlesAtNight 11:33 pm //That's him, though.// *Kicks back again.* //You ain't that mech any more'n our Ravage's some blue 'n white nerd.// Getaway 11:33 pm *at the moment, he is a hollow shell of his previously chipper self.* ... What color nerd IS he? NoodlesAtNight 11:34 pm //PFFF.// recuerdaxme 11:34 pm Kyehehe. NoodlesAtNight 11:35 pm //Black 'n silver, mostly. Li'l bit of yellow 'n purple. 'N if he hears ya called him a nerd I ain't gettin' Frenzy to patch you up.// Getaway 11:35 pm I'll keep that in mind. _Whirl 11:35 pm Mixes a damn good drink, too. Highly recommended. recuerdaxme 11:36 pm /snort / recuerdaxme 11:37 pm I know you're new to the idea of various verses, but you should keep in mind that the only mech with your coding is you. Your experiences are yours. Your fights were and are yours. /shrugs pauldrons/ Same name, same face- doesn't make you them. Didn't do what he did. He doesn't do what you do. It's a complex situation, but you'll get the hang of it. Getaway 11:37 pm Thanks. I'll remember that. recuerdaxme 11:37 pm / this is the wisest thing he has said all year / recuerdaxme 11:37 pm / will give himself a sticker later / NoodlesAtNight 11:37 pm *Soundwave: still quietly observing. Getaway's been rather... off, tonight, compared to before. All the talk about slaughtering his alternate, and now this revelation. Perhaps it can be salvaged somehow? They really don't know who he is, aside from what he's been saying. Soundwave would /like/ to believe he's the protector he says he is. They could use more of them, albeit less focused on the humans.* _Whirl 11:37 pm *decides, again, to show that a little bit of that whole I Know Decent People has rubbed off, maybe* And, mech. As far as places for second chances go... you can't really do better than the multiverse. Take it from someone who knows. recuerdaxme 11:38 pm Look. Let's make this simple. You could be a tool like Rodimus, but you're not. You get to explore the multiverse and make a new... life? Existence ? Job? Getaway 11:39 pm Heh. I try to keep that as my guiding star. Not being like Rodimus. _Whirl 11:39 pm A good policy, honestly. recuerdaxme 11:39 pm That should be everyone's motivation Getaway 11:40 pm ... It's—tricky, though. Isn't it? *he's found a helmet! He pulls it out of the crate.* The first time you—you meet someone who looks like someone who hurt you, and find out they've got nothing in common. *he's using the helmet as a bucket to scoop his coins into. he's focusing very intently on it.* ... Or the first time you're hurt by someone who looks like a person you called a friend. _Whirl 11:41 pm Don't got to be in the multiverse to experience THAT, mech. NoodlesAtNight 11:41 pm [[....He apologizes for the deceit. You seemed so happy to see your companion, and he - well. He doesn't know as much about the ember timelines as he would like, and he enjoys a good story.]]
[[He thought you might manage to go on your way after a while, better than before. It seemed relatively harmless at the time.]] Getaway 11:41 pm No, I guess not. *glances up at Soundwave. then back down.* You really do look exactly like him. NoodlesAtNight 11:43 pm [[That is new to him. He's never seen /anyone/ who looks like him. Perhaps you'd still consider enlightening him some time.]] recuerdaxme 11:43 pm You'll learn to separate the mechs who look the same. I've run into mechs I know are gone, but I know it's not them. You just have to... get used to it, I guess. /flicks finials/ I suppose I'm numb to it because we recycle so much. I don't know if you recycle in your verse, like ours. NoodlesAtNight 11:43 pm [[He would make it something of an even exchange, of course.]] _Whirl 11:44 pm *tilts his head and looks to Soundwave, then to Getaway. ....ohhh.* NoodlesAtNight 11:44 pm *YEAH, WHIRL.* _Whirl 11:44 pm *honestly doesn't seem too bothered* I've never seen it anywhere but your home turf, Teach. recuerdaxme 11:45 pm Huh... wow. Look at us. The only recycling verse. Getaway 11:46 pm ... No offense, but—you've already messed with me once. You know what they say, once bitten... recuerdaxme 11:46 pm (( this fire won't be contained til September lmAO )) recuerdaxme 11:49 pm Mm... just learn to keep your guard up. /suddenly perks up/ I can teach you how to survive! Getaway 11:50 pm *starts when Blurr perks. his helmet-bucket jangles.* Oh—yeah? NoodlesAtNight 11:52 pm [[...Yes, of course.]] *And there goes a fountain of free data. Blast.* [[A pity he'll have to learn about that Rodimus some other way, but an understandable one.]] recuerdaxme 11:52 pm But of course! I'm an experienced lecturer and educator.
recuerdaxme 9:23 pm ( lemme know when y'all are good. ) Getaway 9:23 pm ((im good)) _Whirl 9:23 pm ((I am! AND ALSO YEAH IT IS)) recuerdaxme 9:23 pm ( i love this song in all languages ;A; ) ( but spanish is still a fAV ) Piston HAS manners. He's been very decent lately. NoodlesAtNight 9:24 pm //Getaway? Y'mean that gold-faced fragger Prowl likes? He ain't comin' /here,/ is he? Last time we met he was thinkin' how to kill me 'n the others, 'n who to knock off first.// *Rumble scowls.* recuerdaxme 9:25 pm Not the same one, I don't think. Could be, but I don't know. ( I gonna start then if we all good. I have to be up at 4am again tomorrow 8( ) NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm ((i'm good whenever)) Getaway 9:25 pm ((the soonoer the better)) ((soonoer)) _Whirl 9:25 pm ((soonoer)) recuerdaxme 9:25 pm soonerer) Getaway 9:26 pm ((soonoonerer)) NoodlesAtNight 9:26 pm ((soonoerest)) recuerdaxme 9:26 pm omg bgskdfsd ) _Whirl 9:27 pm Nah. This one's from Blurr's neck of the woods, so he's pretty different from our Getaway. *a pause, and Whirl's antenna flattens* And if that other one comes back then I'm going to reach down his throat and turn him inside-out. recuerdaxme 9:27 pm (( is it streaming okay for y'all? )) Getaway 9:28 pm ((there are little static sounds, idk whether it's on my end)) _Whirl 9:28 pm ((ye it's got the little static noises here too)) Getaway 9:28 pm ((oh it's that dude)) recuerdaxme 9:28 pm (( *SIGH* It wasn't there before and now it there )) (( go away mystery sound )) NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm //Huh. That mean he's real sweetlike, or nastier? Never been good figurin' out how they're gonna bend.// *Shakes his head. And gives Whirl a light punch in thanks for what he perceives as support.* NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm *A gentle bop, really, with a grin.* recuerdaxme 9:30 pm You can never really guess what they're gonna be like, honestly. It's either they're Autobots or Decepticons, but most Decepticons are too touchy, feely, sweet. _Whirl 9:31 pm *nudges him back. Yes, threatening enemies with grotesque bodily harm is how he shows affection* NoodlesAtNight 9:31 pm *Soundwave perks. The movie doesn't waste any time, does i-- is that the sound of a human larva? Is it that young? Don't they need to eat more often? Oh dear.* Getaway 9:32 pm ((that rock TV is the saddest thing ive ever seen)) _Whirl 9:32 pm As far as he goes, he was really bubbly, but I dunno. My Getaway was kinda like that too. recuerdaxme 9:32 pm /flops on the couch/ Well, you're all free to pick through the spoils we've gathered too much of. recuerdaxme 9:32 pm We didn't have a Getaway where I'm from. _Whirl 9:32 pm Well, now ya do. recuerdaxme 9:33 pm yes i suppose so Getaway 9:34 pm *okay, he's camped out here now. back on the wall, right outside the doorway.* _Whirl 9:34 pm And I'll go through the stuff when we're all wrapped up. If nobody else wants the limbs, I can take 'em home to Killer. recuerdaxme 9:34 pm Sure you can. _Whirl 9:35 pm Ohh, boy. ...wait, never mind. I was sure it was going to be a zombie on the other end of the line. Chaoit 9:35 pm ....? feck, rabbit you ass let me change my muse)) Getaway 9:36 pm ((rabbit's bein rude about that lately)) ((tonight, apparently, i'm a suspiciously prowl-shaped getaway)) Chaoit 9:37 pm ((trying to make it Sides, but nooooo)) NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm @G: [[He can sense you out there.]] *And it is driving him up the wall. He can't tell why Getaway is hiding. Anxiety-inducing. What if he's up to something? What if he's trying to plan to kill Rumble too?* Chaoit 9:37 pm ((and wow, getaway, your skills at disguise are great _Whirl 9:37 pm ((he's the new Makeshift)) NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm [[Oh, now this is too much. One of them wandering in alone was unsafe. Now another is.]] recuerdaxme 9:38 pm / leaning over his couch to see where Getaway is at. He can sense the lingering, though not as great as Soundwave. / NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm [[She isn't even armed.]] recuerdaxme 9:38 pm / But oh the movie is interesting now / NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm [[Run, human.]] _Whirl 9:38 pm Yeah. Honestly, tying down right by the boat was a bad idea. Getaway 9:38 pm *Getaway starts, then freezes.* NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm *Shakes his head. Too late.* Chaoit 9:39 pm ((okay, is THIS any better? _Whirl 9:39 pm ((still Chaoit with a Blaster face)) Chaoit 9:40 pm ((MOTHER FUCKER _Whirl 9:40 pm Okay, if they haven't moved away from that wreck by NOW... Chaoit 9:40 pm ((can I give up? Just...go with that I be Sides because I may just put rabbit into a stew soon _Whirl 9:41 pm ((ye dude! Sideswipe, then?)) Getaway 9:42 pm *After a moment, he leans in the doorway.* ... Sorry about that. I heard my name, and... well. And then I heard— *gestures vaguely at Whirl.* The, the whole. inside-out. thing. _Whirl 9:42 pm Well. Don't plot on killing my friends and I won't do that. Getaway 9:42 pm Didn't—want to interrupt. _Whirl 9:42 pm You should have nothing to worry about. recuerdaxme 9:42 pm Hnh? Oh, pits. He won't do anything to you. Not now anyway. You're part of my crew. TEchnically, /I/ would do it. Chaoit 9:42 pm ((yeah, cuz Blaster got into trouble with a demigod Chaoit 9:43 pm -and Sides is here, just curiously looking at the screen- What'd I miss? _Whirl 9:44 pm Point. The honor goes to the Captain. @B: I get dibs on anyone who messes with Rumble, though. Deal?
...not that I expect it, or anything, I mean. Just saying. Getaway 9:44 pm No, n-no, no, not—not threatening anyone's friends. recuerdaxme 9:44 pm @W: I mean, I guess. Chaoit 9:44 pm Like, what'er we watchin'? NoodlesAtNight 9:46 pm ((food came right after she put the watch thing on what did i miss) Getaway 9:46 pm ((zombie symptoms don't show up for 3 hours but she's gonna bleed out in 2 hours so they're taking their chances and going to the hospital.)) ((as long as they don't know whether she's infected yet.)) _Whirl 9:46 pm One of them should REALLY be standing lookout now. Getaway 9:47 pm ((so they got an abandoned car. a zombie almost got them.)) Chaoit 9:47 pm Oh NoodlesAtNight 9:47 pm [[...He hopes she did not bite the bitlet.]] _Whirl 9:47 pm *shudders, despite himself* Getaway too. NoodlesAtNight 9:47 pm [[Greetings, Getaway.]] *Bobs his head. At least the mech's making himself known now.* Chaoit 9:47 pm That...a symptom, ain't it? recuerdaxme 9:47 pm Hello, my new little recruit. _Whirl 9:47 pm Yeah, I'm guessing so. Chaoit 9:48 pm Getaway, huh? Getaway 9:48 pm ... Hey, boss. NoodlesAtNight 9:48 pm //They oughta have somethin' over her mouth. Then she can't bite nobody if she goes all sudden.// Chaoit 9:48 pm She's got a point dude _Whirl 9:49 pm Yeah. If there's a chance to cure her then, yeah, but if not... I mean. He knows what he's gotta do. She knows it, too. recuerdaxme 9:49 pm Well, don't be so... whatever you are! Come in. Look at all this scrap we over collected. See if you want anything. Chaoit 9:49 pm Yeah. Sucks, but... -has plopped himself in a seat- Getaway 9:50 pm ... Yeah, sure. Chaoit 9:50 pm -raises servo- _Whirl 9:50 pm *adopts his Teacher Voice* Yes, Sideswipe? recuerdaxme 9:51 pm ...Wow. Chaoit 9:51 pm Can I say that I think the guy's being stupid fraggin' bit-brain right now? _Whirl 9:51 pm Yes, you may. Proceed. *waves aclaw magnanimously. NoodlesAtNight 9:51 pm //Run, buddy. She's done.// _Whirl 9:52 pm At least put her out of her misery so she can die as HERSELF. Chaoit 9:52 pm Kay. The guy's bein' a stupid fraggin' bit-brain Getaway 9:52 pm *gives Whirl a nervous look; but, moves to the crates.* NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm [[Oh dear. She'll have gone while he was out, won't she.]] Chaoit 9:52 pm She's turning into a monster......... NoodlesAtNight 9:53 pm [[Did she get to him?]] Chaoit 9:53 pm .......... _Whirl 9:53 pm Looked like it to me. recuerdaxme 9:53 pm Don't worry so much, Getaway. He's not gonna do anything to you. Chaoit 9:53 pm Let's hope not Getaway 9:53 pm ((don't leave the baby behind jfc)) _Whirl 9:53 pm Yeah. I'm a triple sweetie, remember? Should have DONE THAT WHILE SHE WAS ALIVE, IDIOT. Chaoit 9:53 pm Or that sparkling is going to be a snack Getaway 9:54 pm ... Yeah. Triple sweetie. *doesn't sound convinced.* Chaoit 9:55 pm ....oh boy Getaway 9:55 pm *starts hesitantly digging through one of the crates.* Chaoit 9:55 pm He's not a bright one, is he? Uh.... NoodlesAtNight 9:56 pm @G: [[If anyone attempts to harm you, he will intervene as much as he can.]] *Probably to handle it himself, if it's because of the minicons.* [[We still have a meeting to complete.]] recuerdaxme 9:56 pm Getaway . /wiggles claws/ I've got my optic on you. You're fine. Chaoit 9:56 pm What....the.... _Whirl 9:57 pm *is not really terribly concerned. Being feared is a-ok by him* Chaoit 9:57 pm Well THAT can't be good _Whirl 9:58 pm Also, hey. That kid had the same idea. *nudges Rumble* A bit-and-harness, to keep him from biting. Getaway 9:58 pm *glances up between the two of them; after a moment, gives them half-optic smiles.* Thanks, guys. Means a lot to me. NoodlesAtNight 9:58 pm //Kid knows what's up.// _Whirl 9:58 pm *nods* Chaoit 10:00 pm Hmmmm You don't have time dude recuerdaxme 10:01 pm /smirks/ Don't worry. Captains take care of their crew. _Whirl 10:01 pm Am I missing something, there? *peers* Chaoit 10:01 pm The hell was that? NoodlesAtNight 10:01 pm *He nods. Of course.* _Whirl 10:02 pm Why's that scar something he's scared of? Getaway 10:02 pm *back to digging through the crate. He's rummaging straight past all the bigger objects.* Getaway 10:04 pm *once he gets to the bottom, he starts pulling coins out. he makes a pile of them, just outside the crate.* NoodlesAtNight 10:04 pm [[So he is infected.]] //...Whatcha doin' with all them?// *Points at the coins.* Chaoit 10:05 pm Oh...and now he's becoming one too recuerdaxme 10:05 pm Well, he was bit, wasn't he? _Whirl 10:05 pm *also looks over, curiously* recuerdaxme 10:06 pm / is also watching / Getaway 10:06 pm Saving up. Chaoit 10:06 pm -turns to watch the coin-stacking too- recuerdaxme 10:06 pm Are you planning on buying something? Chaoit 10:07 pm -turns back to the movie after a moment- Getaway 10:07 pm Nah. Just preparing for when I've got to move on. Costs a lot to cross the multiverse when you've got no ship of your own and no friends. recuerdaxme 10:07 pm ... /ugly loud laughter / _Whirl 10:07 pm Huh. Second one we've seen doing that. NoodlesAtNight 10:07 pm [[...No friends?]] Chaoit 10:08 pm Hmn.... recuerdaxme 10:08 pm Just because you're leaving doesn't mean you can't call me for assistance. We can remain allies. _Whirl 10:08 pm Take my advice--stick with Teach. He's tough. He's been around a while. Chaoit 10:08 pm Heh, nice shot guy recuerdaxme 10:08 pm Long while. They say I'm a roach. _Whirl 10:09 pm *gravely* It's true. recuerdaxme 10:09 pm Very hard to kill. _Whirl 10:09 pm Looks like that's how they rest. Sticking their heads in the ground. recuerdaxme 10:09 pm Weird way to sleep. Getaway 10:10 pm *a half-optic smile for Froid.* Present company excluded. But you're not MY Froid. Probably. Chaoit 10:10 pm -snickering- Wait, diggers? Oh, like they go digging and bury their head? _Whirl 10:11 pm *at long last, relents just a little bit. His good influences have had SOME impact on him* Hey, Getaway. It's... you're gonna have to get used to that. You might be the only one around from your timeline. Same with me. Just stop thinking about everything as being "not yours." Just roll with it. recuerdaxme 10:12 pm You get used to it after a while. All I've run into are the Decepticons and they irritate my entire core. NoodlesAtNight 10:12 pm [[Perhaps. Perhaps not. He does not know. Though he is curious as to how you would.]] Getaway 10:12 pm ... Yeah. Yeah, I know. I'm—far from home. On purpose. Chaoit 10:13 pm On purpose, hmn? recuerdaxme 10:13 pm Getaway too. NoodlesAtNight 10:13 pm //Maybe they like the taste of dirt or somethin'.// _Whirl 10:13 pm You'll get used to it, mech. You'll probably come to prefer it this way. I did. recuerdaxme 10:13 pm But, so long as you stay on track, you'll outrun them. If it's Rodimus after you, then I can easily kill him. _Whirl 10:13 pm PFFT. recuerdaxme 10:13 pm Oh, shut up. I could. _Whirl 10:14 pm That was for Rumble, not you. recuerdaxme 10:14 pm Oh, good. _Whirl 10:14 pm I've seen you in action--I believe it. recuerdaxme 10:14 pm Then I retract. _Whirl 10:15 pm *nods gravely* Thank you, Teach. NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm //...Hold up, he's usin' live bait!// recuerdaxme 10:16 pm Huh. I've done that before... _Whirl 10:16 pm Yeah, he... must be some kind of nutcase. Chaoit 10:16 pm Well frack recuerdaxme 10:16 pm Of course, I dropped the bait in the smelting pit. NoodlesAtNight 10:16 pm //I didn't know humans did that.// _Whirl 10:16 pm No wonder that girl back at camp was so nervous all the time. One wrong move and he tosses her in the cage. Getaway 10:16 pm *glances at Froid.* Oh, just—you know. Considering the odds. I ran far and fast on purpose. The odds my Froid had the same thought, and went the same way... Chaoit 10:17 pm Practical...but...messed up Oh. Oh no. DID the kid get bit? _Whirl 10:17 pm I got no respect for that. You should fight 'em head on. recuerdaxme 10:18 pm I mean, either commit or don't hunt them. Honestly. NoodlesAtNight 10:18 pm *He taps a finger to his chin, thinking. That is very good reasoning.* [[He supposes that does make sense. It is a vast multiverse.]] Getaway 10:18 pm *to Blurr* I appreciate that. The—protecting me. From Rodimus. Really. recuerdaxme 10:19 pm Honestly, any chance to slaughter that mech would make me so... /pauses. Thinks/ What's the word? _Whirl 10:19 pm Out of your goddamned mind with glee? NoodlesAtNight 10:19 pm //Hope they didn't. Poor bitlet. 'N this fragger - I mean, he got the blood. How come he don't just leave a bucket in the cage?// recuerdaxme 10:19 pm / glances left and right/ What? That's not the word... which one? Ah, right. / to Getaway/ Content. recuerdaxme 10:19 pm And, what Whirl said. _Whirl 10:20 pm Because he's sadistic. There's always folks like that. You get someone on the other side of some bars and a set of keys and it's just a matter of time. Chaoit 10:20 pm Yeeeeep NoodlesAtNight 10:21 pm //He can't leave her with a fragger like that. He's gonna use the kid for bait too.// _Whirl 10:21 pm Yeah I--yeah. recuerdaxme 10:21 pm ... Huh. I like this one. This... woman. Chaoit 10:21 pm Better than himself, he's gonna be one of them soon. _Whirl 10:22 pm I mean obviously he SHOULD off himself, but not while she's with these people. So here's what you do: Kill that guy in his sleep. Chaoit 10:22 pm ...........or not recuerdaxme 10:22 pm ... Hnh. I knew something was odd. Chaoit 10:22 pm Yikes The man is nuts NoodlesAtNight 10:22 pm [[Indeed. She did not seem to be affectionate in return.]] [[Now we see why.]] _Whirl 10:23 pm Go get the folks in the cage, bring em in. Hopefully some of them won't hold it against you, and then you've got a little squad at the base. THEN you off yourself. Chaoit 10:23 pm Scratch that, he's an afthat NoodlesAtNight 10:23 pm //Aw, Pit. This ain't good.// _Whirl 10:23 pm Especially not for that kid. Chaoit 10:23 pm Nope NoodlesAtNight 10:24 pm [[The clever man?]] [[Does this refer to the older one in the cage?]] _Whirl 10:25 pm The old guy, with the beard. One who talked about the land getting sick. Yep. I'm guessing it's capitalized. Clever Man. A title. NoodlesAtNight 10:26 pm //Primus.// *Flops back on his portion of the hammock.* _Whirl 10:26 pm *looks down, amused* Suspenseful enough for you? Oh, come on, he's asleep, he's a sitting duck. Just SHOOT him. Getaway 10:27 pm *he's got a nice little pile of coins now.* Chaoit 10:27 pm They don't want to attract the things Loud noises do that _Whirl 10:27 pm Then cut his throat. Chaoit 10:27 pm Gunshots are loud noises NoodlesAtNight 10:28 pm //Listen, I did my share of suspensi-- aw, COME ON.// Chaoit 10:28 pm ............ recuerdaxme 10:28 pm /smirk/ do you want more coins? Chaoit 10:28 pm Well slag recuerdaxme 10:28 pm ... huh. that's ironic NoodlesAtNight 10:28 pm //RUN!// _Whirl 10:28 pm Damn. Getaway 10:28 pm If you've got them, yeah. Thanks. Chaoit 10:28 pm You shot her instead Serves you right, afthat _Whirl 10:29 pm Guess he really WAS a clever man. NoodlesAtNight 10:29 pm [[What else will you need? Besides money.]] [[And a ship, and transport.]] _Whirl 10:29 pm *looks over to Getaway* I can hook you up with a loving, beautiful pet. Okay, movie. All his yelling has GOT to have attracted them. Movie, please. You gotta have this guy get eaten. Getaway 10:31 pm *he shrugs.* A—a safe crew to join on the other side, I guess. Chaoit 10:31 pm Smart girl NoodlesAtNight 10:31 pm [[What kind?]] Chaoit 10:32 pm Whooops Getaway 10:33 pm ... The kind that can protect me if Rodimus comes after me. _Whirl 10:33 pm *points to Blurr* Getaway 10:34 pm Yeah—I know, but—boss here is on the wrong side. I've gotta make it to the other half of the multiverse. _Whirl 10:34 pm Well, that's why you kill him, instead of running from him. recuerdaxme 10:34 pm ... Wrong side? Chaoit 10:35 pm That's... recuerdaxme 10:35 pm Mech, you know my ship can travel space at the fastest speeds right? Chaoit 10:35 pm ...depressing. Getaway 10:36 pm Yeah, but you LIVE on this side. You're—FROM this side. recuerdaxme 10:36 pm ... Uhhh. I mean, more or less. I'm not allowed back on my Cybertron Ever. _Whirl 10:37 pm *can't hold back another shudder* NoodlesAtNight 10:37 pm //....WHERE'S THE--oh.// recuerdaxme 10:37 pm Rodimus claimed he pulled off the bounty for my helm, but I don't trust him at all. Huh... now she's gonna take him? Chaoit 10:38 pm -settles- Getaway 10:39 pm Heh. Yeah. I wouldn't trust him either. He's shifty. Chaoit 10:39 pm Roddy? Getaway 10:39 pm And dishonest and power-hungry. _Whirl 10:39 pm And terribly unfashionable. recuerdaxme 10:39 pm Yes, I would know. _Whirl 10:40 pm *holds his claw upside-down and holds it under his eye like it's a goatee* recuerdaxme 10:40 pm He used to be close to me. Ah, but... who needs him. /shrugs pauldrons and relaxes / Getaway 10:40 pm Yeah. I guess you would. recuerdaxme 10:40 pm Not sure how /your/ Blurr handled that mess, but I didn't let him take that ship. My Master trusted me. Not Rodimus. Chaoit 10:40 pm Things don't exactly always work like that Getaway 10:41 pm Your master? recuerdaxme 10:41 pm My Prime. Chaoit 10:41 pm ...someone got munched recuerdaxme 10:41 pm Trusted me with literally everything, down to keeping his armor clean. /flexes claws/ _Whirl 10:41 pm ((I'm liking freeman in this. I've only ever seen him do one type of role, but he's very convincing. Good jearb)) recuerdaxme 10:41 pm ( yeah same!! ) _Whirl 10:41 pm *nudges Rumble* You were saying something, earlier. About having your fair share of something? recuerdaxme 10:42 pm ... That's not foreboding. NoodlesAtNight 10:42 pm [[Oh, no.]] Chaoit 10:43 pm That's... Frag. _Whirl 10:43 pm If he actually cared about his OWN ones he'd end it. recuerdaxme 10:44 pm Nn... _Whirl 10:44 pm ...not what I meant. NoodlesAtNight 10:44 pm //Oh. Uh. Had my fair share of suspensin' from scrap like this. Ain't a good time. Aaaaaan' now they gotta move. Them diggin things is gonna come for 'em.// Chaoit 10:44 pm Hah...haha...holy frag _Whirl 10:45 pm Oh. Pfft. You and me both. recuerdaxme 10:45 pm Look mech, when the rust finally gets to me and I turn into some rusted Empty, I either want Whirl or Drift to off my aft. Or... just chain me up and use me as a quick Empty attack, I guess. That'd be cool. "Release the monster" Bam, there I go _Whirl 10:45 pm Well MAYBE the rust wouldn't GET to you if you'd go to the DOCTOR more often. recuerdaxme 10:46 pm / B( / Well, I DO. Kind of. _Whirl 10:46 pm I'd let you go out in style, Teach. Strap some high-end explosives to you, send you out in the face of someone we'd both enjoy killing. recuerdaxme 10:46 pm ... Good. And then tell Buster he's free from my clutches. _Whirl 10:46 pm ...@B: I'd break it to him gently. Chaoit 10:46 pm Uh... recuerdaxme 10:47 pm @W: ... Well, that's the best I could ask for. Chaoit 10:47 pm Huh.... Getaway 10:47 pm Oh. Yeah, the Prime didn't trust our Rodimus, either. Which makes sense, since he was trying to overthrow him and all. _Whirl 10:47 pm Luckily, I don't think I've got to worry about THIS anymore. Once you've gotten a virus once, you're immune, right? Chaoit 10:47 pm Ooooh That's why they do that recuerdaxme 10:48 pm Well, yes. I've never met a Rodimus that was loyal to anything but himself, really. _Whirl 10:48 pm Oh, this asshole, again. NoodlesAtNight 10:48 pm *Is learning all KINDS of things about the other side of the multiverse tonight* recuerdaxme 10:48 pm Mine is surprisingly still alive, though I've discovered that he's afraid of my denta. _Whirl 10:48 pm As most living things SHOULD be. recuerdaxme 10:48 pm ... Which virus do you mean, Whirl ? Getaway 10:48 pm *... peers at Blurr's mouth.* recuerdaxme 10:48 pm Well, most living things don't live to see them very long /cackle/ _Whirl 10:49 pm The sparkeater one. I went once, so... I mean. That's how viruses USUALLY work. NoodlesAtNight 10:49 pm //...Pit, I wasn't even thinkin' about - mech, I got stuff to tell ya some time. But yeah. Definitely that too.// _Whirl 10:49 pm Hell yeah, SHOOT HIM. recuerdaxme 10:49 pm / he has them nice sharp denta with them energon stains. The flexi-stitches holding his jaw together get nice and wide/ Wanna see? Chaoit 10:49 pm Well then Getaway 10:50 pm ... I can see them from here. recuerdaxme 10:50 pm I dunno. I don't even know if Empties carry a virus. I know drinking their energon is not good for your tanks. Had to cut mine out. Aww, you don't want a close up? I won't bite... much. _Whirl 10:50 pm *tilts his head* Hm? Whatcha mean? *he senses a story... but he can be patient and hear it later. If he has to. But he's nosy* Getaway 10:50 pm I'm good, thanks. Chaoit 10:50 pm Kinda hoping to see that guy eaten now recuerdaxme 10:50 pm / snickers / recuerdaxme 10:51 pm Wait til you see what they can do. You'll see if you work with us _Whirl 10:51 pm Dad goes full zombie and eats the guy to save his bitlet. Chaoit 10:51 pm He'd deserve it recuerdaxme 10:51 pm I'm down to see that. recuerdaxme 10:53 pm (( god i really love him in this )) (( it's a whole different side of him )) Chaoit 10:53 pm ((it's interesting to say the least NoodlesAtNight 10:54 pm //Ah, it's, uh... probably I shouldn't talk about it here. Ain't no prettier'n this scrap.// *Jerks his head at the screen.* _Whirl 10:54 pm *nods* Yeah, I get ya. Some other time. recuerdaxme 10:54 pm You know. If I ever got that sick... I don't think I'd want to get all the way sick. Chaoit 10:54 pm That's...that's not gooooooodon'teatthat recuerdaxme 10:54 pm I don't know. Depends. I mean, the crew would survive without me. _Whirl 10:55 pm Hell yeah, look at em go! Chaoit 10:56 pm Oh no recuerdaxme 10:56 pm (( me: already sobbing )) _Whirl 10:57 pm *just not gonna. Watch this part. Suddenly very interested in Getaway's coin pile* Getaway 10:57 pm *it's grown steadily* _Whirl 10:58 pm *how incredibly impressive* recuerdaxme 10:58 pm Hey, Getaway. Tell you what. You help us get the next few treasures we look for, and I'll give you a ship and some of the fleet members. Chaoit 10:59 pm Is she using him as transportation? recuerdaxme 10:59 pm I mean, I don't need the /entire/ fleet. _Whirl 10:59 pm *returns his attention to the screen* Chaoit 11:00 pm Huh. She is. Getaway 11:00 pm Oh, no—you don't need to give me that much. But—I could use a ship. Thank you. I won't let you down, boss. recuerdaxme 11:00 pm Sure thing. They're all stolen anyway. So, I'd give you one/ *. Chaoit 11:02 pm ((WEH recuerdaxme 11:02 pm (( mOOD )) (( Don't mind me cryin' alone in my home )) NoodlesAtNight 11:02 pm *...Soundwave has an odd urge to check on the protoforms.* Chaoit 11:03 pm ...... recuerdaxme 11:03 pm / internally worries about Oberyn. His best child. / Chaoit 11:03 pm -Sides is going to be squishing his brother later- ((ohmygod ((this ending hurts recuerdaxme 11:04 pm (( yEAH )) Chaoit 11:04 pm ...... _Whirl 11:05 pm Not bad. Chaoit 11:05 pm -raises servo again- recuerdaxme 11:05 pm Not bad at all. Hnh? What is it? Chaoit 11:05 pm Who else here kinda hated the ending because surprise feels recuerdaxme 11:05 pm I mean, if you're into that kind of scrap. / oh he knows what he'll do. / recuerdaxme 11:06 pm / he's gonna have a sleepover with his frames tonight / NoodlesAtNight 11:06 pm //Least the kid survived.// NoodlesAtNight 11:06 pm //'S better 'n most.// _Whirl 11:06 pm Yeah. That's the important bit. recuerdaxme 11:06 pm Yes, I suppose. She wasn't as problematic as I assumed. Very quiet. Chaoit 11:06 pm Family is family And yeah...at least the kids survived _Whirl 11:07 pm Well, you know how little ones are. Unruly. It's part of their charm. recuerdaxme 11:07 pm I suppose. We don't have kids where I'm from, so. Chaoit 11:08 pm ((they have a movie ((called anon _Whirl 11:08 pm I'm not exactly... what you'd call experienced, either. *A LIE* Getaway 11:08 pm ((it's about smokey's life)) ((truly a neverending horror story)) Chaoit 11:08 pm ((YEP recuerdaxme 11:09 pm (( LOL )) Getaway 11:09 pm *just sort of glances between speakers, listening to the conversation about the movie* _Whirl 11:09 pm ((omg)) Chaoit 11:09 pm -huffs, and settles down again- recuerdaxme 11:09 pm /shrugs pauldrons/ I honestly think if kids existed in my universe, they'd keep them away from me. _Whirl 11:10 pm Same. I'm pretty sure if we ever get the hang of propagating, I'm going to be barred from it. Which, honestly, is just as well. NoodlesAtNight 11:10 pm [[Hm. A strange thought, but he has seen plenty of others who have.]] Chaoit 11:11 pm Annnyway I gotta go _Whirl 11:11 pm Huh? recuerdaxme 11:11 pm Heading out? Chaoit 11:11 pm Yup _Whirl 11:11 pm ...to Soundwave, not you, Sideswipe. Seeya. Chaoit 11:11 pm Thanks for the stream, though recuerdaxme 11:11 pm Sure thing. /wiggles claws / NoodlesAtNight 11:11 pm *DAMN IT, WHIRL.* _Whirl 11:11 pm *LOOK HE'S NOT A SPY HE CAN'T BE COUNTED ON FOR THIS STUFF* recuerdaxme 11:12 pm / DID NOT RUIN THE DEAL / _Whirl 11:12 pm *ALSO IF YOU WANT SOMEONE TO PLAY ALONG MAYBE LET THEM IN ON YOUR GAME* recuerdaxme 11:12 pm K-Kyeheheh. Are you *sure* you're completely cleared of that virus there, Whirl? Sounds like you're a little confused. NoodlesAtNight 11:12 pm *Note to himself: never, ever ask Whirl to be a field agent.* Getaway 11:12 pm *... very slowly looks from Whirl to "Froid."* NoodlesAtNight 11:12 pm *Very slowly looks over to Getaway. Yes?* _Whirl 11:13 pm ...huh? Well. I mean, you don't see me waving around tentacles and trying to EAT people, do you? Chaoit 11:13 pm ....annnyway, 'night guys, thanks for the stream, but I'm out now. NoodlesAtNight 11:13 pm //Night, Blaster.// recuerdaxme 11:13 pm See you. No, but that sounds like fun. Can I do that? _Whirl 11:13 pm *i stand by my "tell him the plan if you want him to be a part of it" statement* Getaway 11:13 pm *and then from "Froid" to the small guy who's been cuddled up with Whirl all night.* NoodlesAtNight 11:13 pm *HE THOUGHT WHIRL HAD THE IDEA* _Whirl 11:13 pm *suddenly very serious* It's not, Blurr. Trust me. *no nicknames, so you know he means it* recuerdaxme 11:14 pm / shrugs pauldrons / I wouldn't know. My universe doesn't have oddities like that. recuerdaxme 11:14 pm We have Empties, Zombies and that's it. ... And Rodimus. All are absolute filth., _Whirl 11:14 pm Basically the same principle. ((Getaway right now:))
recuerdaxme 11:15 pm (( lmaooo )) Getaway 11:15 pm ((HAHAHA)) NoodlesAtNight 11:15 pm ((LOL)) _Whirl 11:16 pm ((I'm honestly not sorry this is hilarious)) NoodlesAtNight 11:17 pm *Well, he'll just fold his hands and continue to sit waiting on the couch for whatever hellstorm is about to come his way.* recuerdaxme 11:18 pm /is going to watch, but pretend he's not. This is surprisingly easier with one optic / Getaway 11:19 pm *after a moment glancing between the two of them, focuses on the small guy* Hey. Sorry, I came in kinda late, I never got your name. Let me guess, it's... it's gotta be either Rumble or Frenzy, right? You're both completely different colors where I'm from, I don't wanna guess and be wrong. recuerdaxme 11:19 pm They're both *alive* where you're from? NoodlesAtNight 11:20 pm *Rumble sits up* //Hold on. Y'mean we're dead?// Getaway 11:20 pm ... I... honestly don't know. I'm not a frontliner. I've only seen them in pictures. _Whirl 11:20 pm *still hasn't grasped the full implications of what's going on, but is staring at Getaway while he addresses Rumble. No expression whatsoeve* recuerdaxme 11:21 pm Not "we" Just one of you. At least where I'm from. NoodlesAtNight 11:22 pm *Rumble glances from Blurr to Whirl to the Boss to Getaway. Is he - is he in danger? Should he pop his piledrivers out? He's gonna fidget slightly, already feeling the urge to fight crawl up his spinal strut.* //I'm Rumble. What's it to ya?// NoodlesAtNight 11:23 pm *Don't mind Soundwave, just... watching like a hawk.* Getaway 11:24 pm Rumble! Nice to meet you properly. I'm Getaway. Not—not the one that was plotting to kill you, obviously. _Whirl 11:24 pm Obviously. NoodlesAtNight 11:24 pm *Rumble frowns.* //Heard that, huh?// Getaway 11:25 pm ... Yeah. Kinda. recuerdaxme 11:25 pm Master of surprises. Getaway 11:26 pm *drops his gaze down to his coins.* Everything I hear about my alternate is bad news. I'm kinda used to it, at this point. recuerdaxme 11:26 pm Pits, everything I hear is good news. It's annoying. Why don't you just kill your alternate? Getaway 11:26 pm ... Nah, that's a lie. I'll /get/ used to it. recuerdaxme 11:27 pm I have connections. ... / pauses / Wait a second... This got me in trouble last time. _Whirl 11:27 pm Don't have much experience with that myself, but, yeah. That's another multiverse thing. Getaway 11:27 pm *shocked look at Blurr* I can't do that! recuerdaxme 11:27 pm Well , why not? _Whirl 11:27 pm Shocking dearth of Whirls running around, but apparently not Starscreams, which is a damned crime. Getaway 11:28 pm Because he's— I don't even KNOW him! And he's ME! recuerdaxme 11:28 pm ...No. YOU are you. _Whirl 11:28 pm *dryly, to Getaway* You probably won't have to. recuerdaxme 11:28 pm HE is someone else. NoodlesAtNight 11:28 pm //Well, good. Ya don't hurt us 'n I ain't gotta hurt you.// *Probably. Rumble's breaking out in a smile, but it's not one he's sure he feels yet.* //Y'think that's weird, try bein' me. I got alternates turnin' into -cassettes.-// recuerdaxme 11:28 pm / points at Whirl/ A good point. Getaway 11:28 pm *slowly turns toward Whirl* ... Is he...? _Whirl 11:29 pm I have no clue what he's up to. Vanished. But I mean, obviously things are going to go bad if he shows his face around here, so... recuerdaxme 11:29 pm (( guys the fire in northern CA is now bigger than the city of LA )) (( I'm terrified ahaha )) NoodlesAtNight 11:29 pm ((JESUS)) _Whirl 11:29 pm SPEDDY.....(( recuerdaxme 11:29 pm (( It's out of control )) NoodlesAtNight 11:29 pm ((get packed in case and stay safe)) recuerdaxme 11:29 pm (( Well it's pretty far north but the smoke )) (( It's bad )) recuerdaxme 11:30 pm / leans forward/ Eh, yeah. And if he tries to come here? I'll send him to Whirl's. Getaway 11:32 pm Hm. From what I heard about him, maybe he deserves it. *... starts rummaging through one of the crates again.* _Whirl 11:32 pm *finally relaxes again* recuerdaxme 11:33 pm That's the spirit. Getaway 11:33 pm *doesn't sound very spirited.* NoodlesAtNight 11:33 pm //That's him, though.// *Kicks back again.* //You ain't that mech any more'n our Ravage's some blue 'n white nerd.// Getaway 11:33 pm *at the moment, he is a hollow shell of his previously chipper self.* ... What color nerd IS he? NoodlesAtNight 11:34 pm //PFFF.// recuerdaxme 11:34 pm Kyehehe. NoodlesAtNight 11:35 pm //Black 'n silver, mostly. Li'l bit of yellow 'n purple. 'N if he hears ya called him a nerd I ain't gettin' Frenzy to patch you up.// Getaway 11:35 pm I'll keep that in mind. _Whirl 11:35 pm Mixes a damn good drink, too. Highly recommended. recuerdaxme 11:36 pm /snort / recuerdaxme 11:37 pm I know you're new to the idea of various verses, but you should keep in mind that the only mech with your coding is you. Your experiences are yours. Your fights were and are yours. /shrugs pauldrons/ Same name, same face- doesn't make you them. Didn't do what he did. He doesn't do what you do. It's a complex situation, but you'll get the hang of it. Getaway 11:37 pm Thanks. I'll remember that. recuerdaxme 11:37 pm / this is the wisest thing he has said all year / recuerdaxme 11:37 pm / will give himself a sticker later / NoodlesAtNight 11:37 pm *Soundwave: still quietly observing. Getaway's been rather... off, tonight, compared to before. All the talk about slaughtering his alternate, and now this revelation. Perhaps it can be salvaged somehow? They really don't know who he is, aside from what he's been saying. Soundwave would /like/ to believe he's the protector he says he is. They could use more of them, albeit less focused on the humans.* _Whirl 11:37 pm *decides, again, to show that a little bit of that whole I Know Decent People has rubbed off, maybe* And, mech. As far as places for second chances go... you can't really do better than the multiverse. Take it from someone who knows. recuerdaxme 11:38 pm Look. Let's make this simple. You could be a tool like Rodimus, but you're not. You get to explore the multiverse and make a new... life? Existence ? Job? Getaway 11:39 pm Heh. I try to keep that as my guiding star. Not being like Rodimus. _Whirl 11:39 pm A good policy, honestly. recuerdaxme 11:39 pm That should be everyone's motivation Getaway 11:40 pm ... It's—tricky, though. Isn't it? *he's found a helmet! He pulls it out of the crate.* The first time you—you meet someone who looks like someone who hurt you, and find out they've got nothing in common. *he's using the helmet as a bucket to scoop his coins into. he's focusing very intently on it.* ... Or the first time you're hurt by someone who looks like a person you called a friend. _Whirl 11:41 pm Don't got to be in the multiverse to experience THAT, mech. NoodlesAtNight 11:41 pm [[....He apologizes for the deceit. You seemed so happy to see your companion, and he - well. He doesn't know as much about the ember timelines as he would like, and he enjoys a good story.]]
[[He thought you might manage to go on your way after a while, better than before. It seemed relatively harmless at the time.]] Getaway 11:41 pm No, I guess not. *glances up at Soundwave. then back down.* You really do look exactly like him. NoodlesAtNight 11:43 pm [[That is new to him. He's never seen /anyone/ who looks like him. Perhaps you'd still consider enlightening him some time.]] recuerdaxme 11:43 pm You'll learn to separate the mechs who look the same. I've run into mechs I know are gone, but I know it's not them. You just have to... get used to it, I guess. /flicks finials/ I suppose I'm numb to it because we recycle so much. I don't know if you recycle in your verse, like ours. NoodlesAtNight 11:43 pm [[He would make it something of an even exchange, of course.]] _Whirl 11:44 pm *tilts his head and looks to Soundwave, then to Getaway. ....ohhh.* NoodlesAtNight 11:44 pm *YEAH, WHIRL.* _Whirl 11:44 pm *honestly doesn't seem too bothered* I've never seen it anywhere but your home turf, Teach. recuerdaxme 11:45 pm Huh... wow. Look at us. The only recycling verse. Getaway 11:46 pm ... No offense, but—you've already messed with me once. You know what they say, once bitten... recuerdaxme 11:46 pm (( this fire won't be contained til September lmAO )) recuerdaxme 11:49 pm Mm... just learn to keep your guard up. /suddenly perks up/ I can teach you how to survive! Getaway 11:50 pm *starts when Blurr perks. his helmet-bucket jangles.* Oh—yeah? NoodlesAtNight 11:52 pm [[...Yes, of course.]] *And there goes a fountain of free data. Blast.* [[A pity he'll have to learn about that Rodimus some other way, but an understandable one.]] recuerdaxme 11:52 pm But of course! I'm an experienced lecturer and educator. Getaway 11:53 pm Just assume the worst, and you're probably right. *another optic smile for Soundwave; but it's not as bright as his earlier ones.* NoodlesAtNight 11:53 pm *As such, he doesn't believe it for a second.* *Yeah, he lost this one. Not his best work.* _Whirl 11:54 pm *streeetches* Well, I'm headin out, folks. Seeya, losers. *Rumble gets a separate nudge* And you, too. Getaway 11:54 pm See you, Other Whirl. ... Probably Other Whirl. NoodlesAtNight 11:54 pm *Rumble nudges back and grins.* //Seeya soon.// _Whirl 11:55 pm I'm Some Kinda Whirl. That's the best any of us can do. recuerdaxme 11:55 pm The best Whirl, honestly. Getaway 11:55 pm Ha! Yeah. Guess so. _Whirl 11:55 pm Yeah! Soon. *and he will carefully extricate himself--see? He's good at this. No tipping* Aww, Teach. You sap. recuerdaxme 11:55 pm / waves claw / recuerdaxme 11:55 pm Just like I'm the best Blurr, I know. NoodlesAtNight 11:56 pm [[Well. We should be going, Rumble. Our own timeline will not wait forever, and you still have a game table to repair.]] _Whirl 11:56 pm Damn straight! I'll come back later to rummage through the stuff. recuerdaxme 11:56 pm / wiggles claws/ You mechs have fun. Yes, of course, Whirl. K-Kyeheheh. recuerdaxme 11:56 pm We might have more when you do. NoodlesAtNight 11:56 pm //Aw, c'mon. Can't I do it tomorrow? I been cleanin' up games for so long I can't even remember playin' none of 'em no more.// _Whirl 11:57 pm Oh, yeah, uh... if you want my help, with that. Y'know. Repair stuff... just ring me up. NoodlesAtNight 11:57 pm [[Tonight. He'll extend your free shift tomorrow.]] NoodlesAtNight 11:58 pm //Nah. Nah, you focus on doin' you some good. We got this. Probably got, what... a day 'n a half left? Small stuff.// *He grins.* //But ya wanna help me turn Elita One's lunch sour, lemme know.// NoodlesAtNight 11:59 pm [[He didn't hear that. Come.]] _Whirl 11:59 pm Hmm. Sounds intriguing. I'll keep my comm line open. *with that, he salutes one last time, and trots off* Yesterday recuerdaxme 11:59 pm / waves claw / NoodlesAtNight 12:00 am *Rumble waves to Blurr, sort of half-asses a wave to Getaway - he can tell when the Boss messed up just as well as the Boss can - and hops out the hammock to head toward Soundwave. Up on the arm he gets.* *Soundwave flexes the hand to get one of the fiddly joints on his ring finger aligned, nods, and bows.* [[Goodnight, and thank you for hosting us.]] *Off they'll go as well.* Getaway 12:01 am *he waves back at Rumble. It's about 3/4ths-assed.* recuerdaxme 12:02 am / shifts and moves to stand, stretching his limbs out/ ... Hanging in there, mech? Getaway 12:03 am Yeah. I'll be— I'm fine. recuerdaxme 12:03 am / smirks/ Yeah, that's what I always say. Getaway 12:03 am Anyway, I should— *hefts his helmet.* Better get this to my storage room. recuerdaxme 12:04 am / shifts./ Yes, I suppose. /taps chinplate/ Hey, listen. I'm your Captain, but... I don't get to meet many mechs from a verse like mine. recuerdaxme 12:04 am Contrary to what people think, I'm not too damaged in the processor to comprehend things. /shrugs/ If you ever want to just... I don't know. /grumbles/ I AM saying it- talk. We- I... can talk. Getaway 12:05 am ... Are we that rare out here? Thanks, boss. I might just take you up on that sometime. recuerdaxme 12:05 am / smirk/ Yeah, we're rare. recuerdaxme 12:05 am Mechs usually kill us off. But, I've got strong allies and I don't intend on letting my crew go. Anyway, you know where I am. So... you know. / how do make friends ???? Awkward offer of help /
_Whirl 11:57 pm Oh, yeah, uh... if you want my help, with that. Y'know. Repair stuff... just ring me up. NoodlesAtNight 11:57 pm [[Tonight. He'll extend your free shift tomorrow.]] NoodlesAtNight 11:58 pm //Nah. Nah, you focus on doin' you some good. We got this. Probably got, what... a day 'n a half left? Small stuff.// *He grins.* //But ya wanna help me turn Elita One's lunch sour, lemme know.// NoodlesAtNight 11:59 pm [[He didn't hear that. Come.]] _Whirl 11:59 pm Hmm. Sounds intriguing. I'll keep my comm line open. *with that, he salutes one last time, and trots off* Yesterday recuerdaxme 11:59 pm / waves claw / NoodlesAtNight 12:00 am *Rumble waves to Blurr, sort of half-asses a wave to Getaway - he can tell when the Boss messed up just as well as the Boss can - and hops out the hammock to head toward Soundwave. Up on the arm he gets.* *Soundwave flexes the hand to get one of the fiddly joints on his ring finger aligned, nods, and bows.* [[Goodnight, and thank you for hosting us.]] *Off they'll go as well.* Getaway 12:01 am *he waves back at Rumble. It's about 3/4ths-assed.* recuerdaxme 12:02 am / shifts and moves to stand, stretching his limbs out/ ... Hanging in there, mech? Getaway 12:03 am Yeah. I'll be— I'm fine. recuerdaxme 12:03 am / smirks/ Yeah, that's what I always say. Getaway 12:03 am Anyway, I should— *hefts his helmet.* Better get this to my storage room. recuerdaxme 12:04 am / shifts./ Yes, I suppose. /taps chinplate/ Hey, listen. I'm your Captain, but... I don't get to meet many mechs from a verse like mine. recuerdaxme 12:04 am Contrary to what people think, I'm not too damaged in the processor to comprehend things. /shrugs/ If you ever want to just... I don't know. /grumbles/ I AM saying it- talk. We- I... can talk. Getaway 12:05 am ... Are we that rare out here? Thanks, boss. I might just take you up on that sometime. recuerdaxme 12:05 am / smirk/ Yeah, we're rare. recuerdaxme 12:05 am Mechs usually kill us off. But, I've got strong allies and I don't intend on letting my crew go. Anyway, you know where I am. So... you know. / how do make friends ???? Awkward offer of help / Getaway 12:06 am Yeah. And you know where I am—heh, obviously. You put me there. recuerdaxme 12:06 am Kyeheheheh. Now you're getting it. Ah, Dodge is starting to like you. /snort / Well, go on. Before NOS tries to punch you for the coins. He doesn't need them. He's just a bully. Getaway 12:07 am I don't think I've met Dodge yet. Introduce me sometime soon. *waves as he heads out the door* See you later, boss. recuerdaxme 12:08 am /sweats loudly/ Yeah, sure. See you.
1 note · View note
drashleighreid · 7 years
this is something weird ill probably delete but that has kind of sat with me for a while but a few weeks ago i was talking to my friend who identifies as genderqueer/non-binary and i really respect that and i know the gender binary is nonsense and elements of it seriously need to change but ive never felt a desire to identify as anything other than what i do and what i was given at birth even tho im a strong advocate for non-binary ppl and for things to change blahblh ablh balha tangent whatever 
(also pronouns dont bother her and she goes by literally any pronoun so pls dont feel like im being insensitive by referring to her as she) but i was speaking to this friend a few weeks ago and she said that lesbians make her really uncomfortable because quote ‘what do you think of me then’ 
and idk ?????? i didnt really say anything at the time but ive been thinking about it a bit since then and idk how to feel about the concept. i flip flop between referring to myself as a lesbian and as queer. my understanding of my own sexuality is honestly still extremely vague but lesbian has sat moderately comfortably with me and it still kind of does and idk i see communities where theres a lot of positivity for those who identify as lesbians and i dont have any shade for any one who identifies in any way but idk if its true that its outdated and offends some people ?? 
but at the same time it occurs to me that truly, someones individual attraction and how it may or may not exclude you really doesnt have anything to do with you tho?? idk im stuck as to what i think about it
being honest, my experiences of attraction are very few and far between. when im attracted to someone im attracted pretty fuckin hard but its rarely ever and ill be the first to admit that most of the people i do experience crushes on tend to be feminine in many ways and i dont know what this means abt me subconsciously or whatever but ive never experienced anything else and i dont feel like i have control over it but i still wholeheartedly support and love and cherish all of my NB pals and i think theyre amazing and wonderful but ive never experienced that attraction to them, i never know if thatll change in the future ofc and i know gender is super fluid and sexuality is fluid and its all just a mess of fuckin shit but like ?? is identifying as a lesbian really that bad or should i be on board w being proud of it. referring to myself as queer makes me comfortable too and i guess its less exclusive but is being a lesbian something that makes people uncomfortable in that way? i know there are some closed minded lesbians or gay men out there for sure who wouldnt be understanding of NB people etc. but just identifying as that doesnt automatically mean you hold these ideals so is there truly an issue with it? 
this is a LOT OF NONSENSE. and im really sorry if i offend anyone with any of this im truly not trying to and if ive said anything its 100% out of lack of education on the subject because im a dumbass cis bitch but im trying to learn more and its just something ive been thinkin about and i just want everyone to b comfortable and happy and i dont wanna be a dumbass but ANYWAY thank u for listening 
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thesanguinecrow · 6 years
just gonna vent about my day under here
ive already vague posted about it but i kinda just wanna get it all clear n out
lowkey thinkin of making a personal journal blog thang cuz i like posting into the void as an outlet
and of course you dont have to read this if you dont want to (its hella long too though i put a tldr). i wish you well regardless <3 
again its entirely up to you if you wanna read this. im not in any grand detriment and will be able to handle my situations just wanna express some stuff in words, release some pressure to not have it all be inside
tldr: romantic dullness/exhaustion, cant use the parking pass i bought today bc step dads truck broke down so he using my moms car shes using mine i have to walk to school n being able to go to work/interviews is looking impossible, money is tight, changing coins into cash was difficult (heavy, took a long time, spilled some coins, lost like 36 in service fee), stomach bein sensitive
ok so this kinda starts off from my train of thought from yesterday n i felt that feel where its like am i rly gonna find anyone i can genuinely vibe with and feel like !!<3 all that love stuff and when i opened myself to see how i felt towards people in that sense it all kinda felt dull and cardboard-y.
i feel like ive put out too much romantic interest and im cycling back into a low period and having more disinterest
in my french class ive moved my seat to sit next to a guy i think is cute. 
ever since the first time we spoke when we had to pair up with someone we never talked to yet in the class the vibe was v chill n like we were already buds and my aries mars is becoming bolder and i was like okay why not lez go. its been cool sitting next to him and we have our meme moments and our laughs.
today my fiend sat next to me and i could just bee insecure and jealous but the guy, who sat on my other side, complimented on her eyelashes and yeah (ik ik its like \__!__/ and i have no control over other ppl free will but yknow i gotta fancy on this guy
though today the luster has faded from him pretty hard
we were talking about french terms for family members and like widow and stuff was one of the terms (i dont remember exactly as it came up but) and he was putting out that lmao im single and lookin for some nice nice ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and the whole vibe was just off putting
when class ends we usually talk a little bit till a couple steps out of the door and we go our separate ways but today i had to go to the cashiers to buy a parking pass so i walked with him more
when we left the building he like projectile spits into the dirt and for me the whole like idk what to call it but the sound of gathering the spit n stuff y’know like that absolutely makes me cringe so i was just there like
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so any way i go to the cashiers to (finally) buy my parking pass
thankfully since we moved im now within walking distance of my school but its like ide rather not. i sweat easily, a lot, and its so cal sunny weather is almost constant. for the past like 2 weeks ive been parking as close as i can to the school in the residential area and walked the rest. (you still need permit like 4 blocks from the school) so i was glad to finally get my pass to park across the street.
until my mom told me this night that my step dads truck broke down (its an old used car with a lot of miles on it the engine wasnt actin right) so now he has to take my moms car and shes gonna take my car. thus i gotta walk all the way from home to school. im mad that like the day i buy my pass is the day i loose the ability to take my car to school. tomorrow imma see if i can still refund my pass.
this is throwing a wrench into my activities bc ive been riding on three job interviews and now idek if i can make it to work especially on a basically on demand basis (bc part time seasonal work be like that) i already interviewed for two and canceled the third
over all losing the functionality of one of our vehicles, work not being ideal, and me losing my mobility has thrown me back into financial anxiety and put a damper on my mood.
other unfortunate events today have been my stomach being sensitive to most anything and having to go exchange my step dads coins into cash
at some stores (like vons, ralphs, cvs) they got this machine called a coin star. you feed in your coins, they take a processing fee, you get a cash voucher, and cash it at the register to get your bills. 
my step dad had $300+ worth in coins and it was heavy.
part one of this poor experience: there was some random stuff up in the coins like safety pins so the machine jams i needa call the manager he clears it up we good
then i spill some of the fucking coins and i loose some under the machine. two other employees helped me pick up the coins thankfully
then i just was standing there for hella long and my hands got dirty from handing all the coins. i was probably there for almost an hour. my feet were starting to swell up n turn red from standing in place for that long. the wait then continued as i waited in the register line to cash the vouchers (one from the jam, one from the machine auto stopping bc we had to pick up the coins, and the final voucher after feeding everything in) and i waited for another while in the line at starbucks for my reward drink. 
also like coinstar takes like 11.5% fee and like oof with what i had it took like 36 dollars in fee
so like yeah that was my day
0 notes
I also forgot to mention I bought my car Salvaged""
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can I get unemployment benefits after workerscomp?
I have been on workerscomp for over a year. My benefits may be ending soon. I do not think I can continue working with the company because of my injuries. If my benefits end and I decide to quit. Can I file for unemployment benefits? Doesn't your unemployment benefits based on your last salary? If so, I did not have a salary because I was receiving benefits from my workers comp insurance company.""
Car insurance question?
My dad has full coverage on his car, my brother's ex wife has her car insured with his address. She doesn't live there, but is using his address for her car insurance purposes. His premium keeps going up, although its two different premiums, does it affect him because she is also using the same address? My dad is 70, and this girl is 27. Thanks""
""Car rental insurance, please help!?""
Hello everyone, I am really confused and need your help, please. I rented a car from Avis in Calgary, Alberta and drove to Vancouver, BC. I got involved in an accident that although my car was not damaged, but I think I am considered cause of the accident (two cars were badly damaged). I did not ask for any insurance of the rental car. My understanding was that the third party liability is covered by my own car insurance. However, someone called me earlier from my car insurance company(state farm) saying that they are not responsible. Today the rental car company has called and left me a message asking me to call them. I do not know what should I prepare myself for? Am I going to be charged to pay for all the damage? That'd be terrible. Please provide me with any information you have. I don't know what to do.""
Why did my car insurance get higher?
My car insurance is going up over $100 per 6 months *shocked face* I am curious. Is car insurance in general getting much higher? Or would this increase be due to a wreck I had in January? (It was totally not my fault, but the guy who hit me wasn't insured.) p.s. If it makes a difference, I use progressive insurance. I spent over a month calling around - they had the best offer for me last year. But now I guess it's time to see what else is out there.""
Insurance and emergency room?
Why does it matter what type of insurance you have in an ER? I have overheard nurses signify to physicians what type of insurance an individual has. Why would that information be pertinent for a physician?
What is the cheapest Sr22 insurance in california?
I am 20 years old Dwv suspended my liscense for a year,i payed all my ticket fees,they were all mostly speeding,i had a total of 6 points on my record.where can i find cheap liabilty insurance?""
Does pass plus help new older drivers with cheap insurance?
Does pass plus help new older drivers with cheap insurance?
Pls anybody can tell me which is the best insurance company in new york new jersey and connecticut?
Pls anybody can tell me which is the best insurance company in new york new jersey and connecticut to sell commerical insurance, business policy, workers compensation etc which company do best underwriting. which is the best company in this state. Pls let me know..""
How much would it cost to insure a used Aston Martin Vantage?
I have decided to get the Aston Martin Vantage (Used). it is around 34000. My salary is around 30,000 a year. I was wondering if insurance is expensive?""
""Car insurance help, Private broker or big name company?""
I'm currently in the process of renewing my car insurance, and i'm wondering if small privately owned insurance brokers are cheaper than the bigger named companies? I'm 27yrs have a clean license and 2yrs no claims. Shocked at the current prices. Any ideas welcome. Thanks""
How do I cancel Primerica life insurance policy?
I was briefly a Primerica rep about 2 years ago. While I was a rep, I purchased a Primerica Life Insurance policy at their suggestion. About 6 months later I quit. I still have the policy. Now it seems like a complete waste of money. It is $37 per month, and I really have no need for life insurance. I am a bachelor, and nobody depends on my income. I called the Primerica number, and the recording said to cancel a policy, send them a letter in the mail requesting cancellation with the policy number. That seems awfully vague. Is there anything else I need to put on the letter? Do I need to send the letter certified mail so they can't say, We never received it, and keep charging me every month? Dumb questions. Sorry.""
How much does is a ticket if you are pulled over without registration and insurance in CA?
A girl I just started dating, who has lived in California for a few years, has not registered her vehicle in CA. She drives around with out of state plates, expired stickers, and does not have insurance. How much will it cost her if she get's pulled over. and what other non monetary consequences will she will face. I have stressed the importance getting it registered, siting scenarios such as, what if you are in an accident and are seriously injured or seriously injure someone else, without insurance, who pays for the hospital bills? . For some reason that does not create enough sense of urgency.""
Graduating from college and need affordable health insurance?
Graduating from college and need affordable health insurance?
What is the best occupation to have to get cheap car insurance?
I'm paying the same amount as my car is worth to insure it. I''m old enough to not be a boy racer in a baceball cap and young enough to not be an old duffer in a flat cap .
How much would insurance and stuff be for a 1st time driver?
i dont plan on puttin a car on the road till i get my g2.. whts in 11 more months lol ill be 19 then. but i have to do it all on my Own and i dont make alot of money wht is why im savin up!, and nobody else in my family has a car so i can NOT go unnder any1 elses insurance. and i live in Belleville ontario. and so far the only car insurance place i seen around here is Statefarm so ill proly b goin with tht. and i plan on havin either a z24 cavalier, honda civic, neon, sunfire, or an acura, no older then 93.... sp anyone knw wht its gonna cost?, im thinkin proly around $500 a month but im not sure..""
How much is your insurance (4 cyl cars only)?
I am thinking about getting a saturn sc1 and just wondering how much my insurance will go down. right now I pay $100 a month for a v8 88' mustang convertable. Thats pretty cheap for a mustang I hear and I just want some people are paying for newer 4cyl insurance.
After a DUI how much does it cost for new car insurance if you are dropped by your old insurance company?
After a DUI how much does it cost for new car insurance if you are dropped by your old insurance company?
Affordable Health Insurance?
I am a 19 year old college student. I have always been on soonercare but I stopped being covered when I turned 18. I take over 20 hours in college and live with my fiance so I am unemployed. I need health inaurance so I can go to the dentist and eye doctor but everything is way expensive. My fiance is covered by his work but they dont offer family coverage so even when we get married a year from now I will still need my own health insurance. Ive tried getting some quotes but I cant pay $200-$300 a month. Is there somewhere to get afordable coverage that I am over looking?
How much will a mg zr 1.4 be to insure?
im 17 and i know it want come over 4000 a year
What to do with car insurance? questions on buying a car?
I've been driving close to a decade. I am under my father's insurance. My sister recently is not anymore. Because we have all been under my father insurance, my sister who has more driving experience is consider a new driver. Because of this her rates are very high. But since both of us have a decade more of driving experience surly this can do something about the rates? What happens if you do not have car insurance or it expired recently? Isn't it required? If you get into accident with other driver and you do not have insurance what happens? Is any cheap car insurance better than none? for 27yr old what is the best insurance for you, if you drive the family's car? If you want to buy your own, used car. How do you go about it?""
Failed driving test...will insurance go up?
I took my driving test today and I was just wondering if my dad's insurance rates will go up(I am 16).
Health & dental insurance?
I'm 20 years old and I am in bad need of insurance. I really need dental insurance because I need a root canal and when I turned 18 and could no longer be on my mother's insurance I had no choice but to not get the root canal. And I desperately need it done. Where can I go to find quality but affordable health & dental insurance for my age? I live in Alabama.
Can anyone tell me how much insurance companys pays out for vauxhall vectras 2 litre v reg with 55.00 miles?
ive just had my car written off i had a vauxhall vecrta 2 litre sri 1999 v reg with alloys in emmaculate condition.my insurance company is direct line insurance.has any body out there help me in estimating the value of the car that the insurance company will pay me for my car as being a total loss thanks the milage on the car was 55.000 on the clock
How Much Homeower Insurance Do I need?
How Much Homeower Insurance Do I need?
""Affordable Health Insurance, Cheap Online Health Insurance ...?""
represent all major medical insurance carriers, From individual health insurance, self employed health insurance, family health insurance, small business ... http://businessandfinance.cn/health-insurance.html""
I also forgot to mention I bought my car Salvaged""
Cheap cars to insure at 21?
ok so i am looking for a cheap car that will not cost me  for insurance the cheaper the better the car does not need to be a top of the range brand spanking new thing for all i care it can be from 1970 as long as the insurance for them are cheap
Do you purchase the new car or car insurance first?
I want to buy myself a new car. I have never done this before. My parents have always taken care of things and now I want to do this on my own. I want to put down a $15,000 down payment/cash and I have no credit. Will this be possible? Do I look for insurance first? Or do I buy the car first?""
Really high auto insurance rate question?
My son, who just turned 18, has a pretty extensive traffic record. Firstly he got a ticket for passing in a no passing, but he went on diversion and was clean for more than a year so is that off his record now? Secondly he has also been in 2 wrecks before, gotten arrested for possession of marijuana, and just today got a speeding ticket for going 63 in a 45(163 dollar ticket). currently the insurance for him is 190 a month which is five times higher than anybody in the family. So what should i expect the insurance to be now, and what are my options because this is a lot of money.""
What is the absolute cheapest car insurance for 17 year old males?
I need the cheapest one in general I live In houston Texas with a 92 prelude and I need the absolute state minimum cheapest out there
Renter's insurance. are these really needed?
never used them, but is considering of using them one day. how much do they cost on average per month?""
HELP whats the Cheapest place to ge car insurance in ontario?
im a 18 male just got my g1 not to long ago, i have had/drove cars be4 But i am not doin the driving school thing as i dnt have $500 to Blow! so im just gonna wait the 12months to get my g2 (so ill be 19 goin on 20 when i have my g2), i just started saving for a car tht i plan on puttin on the road after i have my g2 (i can get cars for a fair price so im not worried about tht), but where can i get cheaap Car insurance in Belleviille Ontario?, as i dnt make alot of money right no and nobody else n my family has a license lmao so i cant go under their insurance. and i did a online thing sayin i had a 99 z24 nd it said ill have to pay $1013 a month wht is wayy to much money!! and i have already had a 96 cavailer, 93 mx6 (but i drove em with no license or anything) but now i either wana get a honda civic, sunfire, neon, mx3 or acura, 95 and up""
Need help for car insurance. lied about points?
i recently took a car insurance policy but i didn't tell my insurance company that i have 6 points and have told them my wrong address. but today i have called them, that i will be changing my address this weekend. so this will be sorted as my i have to pay 300pounds more. I want to tell them about my points too, but i am scared, will they cancel my policy I took the policy 12 days ago. i want to tell them about my points. please can anyone tell me who actually worked for or still working in a car insurance company, that if i tell them now before my cooling off period over will they cancel my policy or just amend the details which will be little increase in my premium? I am a second driver on this car.""
""How much would car insurance be for a f, pa, 16?""
how much would pa car insurance be for a 16 year old, female driver car suggestions: -mustang -X3 or any car on the hyprid/luxury end?""
Car Insurance for a 2004 Mustang?
Im about to be 15 and im starting drivers ed next week and I was looking at cars and I really want a 2004 mustang. I live in a small town, im a girl, and my parents have Allstate. About how much would it cost me?""
""Can I be added to my moms auto insurance, and drive my own car?""
Is that possible be added to my moms auto insurance, and drive my own car?""
Best health insurance for a young married couple?
My fiancee and I are doing some research on health insurance. What is the best kind to by? What should we be looking for? I take lexapro and birth control everyday. We are nonsmokers, full-time college students and fairly young. I'm about to turn 19 and he will be 20. How much should we expect to pay for health insurance? Can we still be on our parents health insurance after we get married? Anything would be great! We would love to have a plan that has good coverage. We aren't looking for the cheapest, just something to cover us. Thanks!""
If you studied car insurance quotes previously you will know that a Q.B.P. accurate quote takes this many minutes?
Does insuring a family member/friend on your car make insurance cheaper?
Does insuring a family member/friend on your car make insurance cheaper?
Adding my dad as a second driver on my insurance - is it legal if he won't actually be driving my car?
I don't mean fronting! I know that is illegal. I've been researching tips on getting good insurance rate (as a 21 year old new female driver I know it will be expensive no matter what though) and they always recommend adding a second or third driver. But only my dad drives, but he would not be driving my car. Is it illegal to add him as a second driver?""
Question about car insurance.?
So I have a question, If I use my fathers car would he have to register his insurance on my name also? Or will it not matter since the cars registered in his name? Just in case anything happened. Just wondering.""
I crashed a friends subaru and his parents are hunting me for money. How much am should I be expected to pay?
Turning a corner I overturned and have dented the front fender in front of the left wheel. Knocked the front left wheel out of alignment, all but removed the passenger mirror and scratched the left side of the car, only paint deep to my recollection. Also the left front indicator cover has been smashed, bulbs unharmed though. The car is a subaru legacy 1985 station wagon 4wd. They either want $700 for the cost of the car itself or repair money. Please help soon, friends parents are hunting me down.""
How much has your health insurance gone up in the last year?
Mine just went up 35%. How much has the affordable health care act screwed you so far? And don't tell me it doesn't start until 2014 the insurance companies are raising rates already due to this stinking pile!
I am trying to get a 2006 Dodge Charger R/T. I am worried that insurance will be to high?
I am worried that insurance will be too high. I am 16 years old and my Dad is paying for it. What is the average insurance that someone pays. Do you tihnk insurance on this charger will be a lot?
Whats a good car with low insureance and good gas mileage!?
im looking for a car that had good gas mileage and low insureance. i was really looking into a jeep and trucks and some cars.. that looked sporty.. but i know sporty cars have high insureance.. im looking for somthing that will be a good first car..but im not sure...
Is ehealth insurance good?
i just bought insurance there. then checked out scams im freaking out a little but my mom says in no big deal. its just other broker trying to compete. I called ehealth and asked if i was to buy from the medical place myself would it cost me less? They said no, they charge no brokers fee. so Im a little confused. Help anyone? thank you!""
How long are car insurance companys supposed to provide a rental car for?
i have a 2004 chevy caviler that is completely paid for and some guy ran into the back of my car yesterday. It's completely crushed in. i have liability and he has full coverage ...show more
Insurance on a S2000 for a 45 year old man?
How much would it cost for a 45 year old man with a good clean record to own a S2000? I'm only 22 and planning on buying a IS300 (with manual transmission). If I do find one the car will be under my dads name and the cost will be around $150 a month!!! But how much for the S2000 (and under my dads name)? I want the IS300 but there so hard to find in MN with manual transmission and with very low miles on!!! So if the S2000 doesn't cost too much or maybe as much as the IS300's insurance, I probably would consider getting the S2000 since it's a bit easier to find one! (plus they look better!) (and also both cars are around $15,000) Thanks in advance!""
Can you personally propose a govt. health insurance program that would satisfy the majority?
Can you personally propose a govt. health insurance program that would satisfy the majority?
Renters insurance in CA?
Where is a good place to shop for renters insurance?.. and how much shoul I look at paying each month?... Is it a per-person basis, like each roommate pays, or is it per houshold?""
How long does it take for car insurance to lower rates?
I have been with GEICO auto insurance for roughly 1year and then another approximately 4-5years. I had a break due to joining the military. At this time i receive coverages every 6 months. The problem i have with GEICO is that i been paying just about the same since I started and just recently my rate went down only 20 dollars. I have been in one accident with an elderly who passed a stop sign, a speeding ticket of driving 35 on a 25 and i believe two seat belt tickets. Nothing in the last two years or more. What do i do to get my rates lowered without effecting the quality of coverage. When do insurance companies lower their rates??""
I also forgot to mention I bought my car Salvaged""
Will my Car Rental include insurance?
I'm hiring a car in Texas from Avis, it says it Includes Unlimited mileage, CUSTOMER FAC FEE, TRANSPORTATION FEE, VEH LICENSE FEE, Additional Liability Insurance (ALI), Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) - does this mean I won't have to arrange my own car insurance (I live in the UK) to cover driving the hire car abroad?""
When should i buy car insurance?
I am going to buy a car on Tuesday. Is there a grace period during which i can drive the car without insurance until i get it, like 5 business days or something like that, or do i need insurance before i buy the car?? This is my first vehicle so i dont have an existing policy i can add this too.""
Can i lease a car with my own credit but insure it with my parents insurance?
can i lease a car with my own credit but insure it with my parents insurance? i am under my parents insurance policy.what i would like to do is lease a car with my credit, and insure the car with my parents insurance (which i'm under).is this possible?""
Individual Health Insurance in Indiana at 18?
How can I apply for individual health insurance at 18? I'll graduate from high school next year. I want to be responsible for me at that age and not be dependent by my guardians ...show more
How much will insurance be for a 17year old?
I understand its going to be through the roof but i wanting to find an estimate of course it also depends on the car but if i was to have a small car like a smart car with 3 doors and 2 seat how much would it be approx or any ideas how much it may cost
How does car insurance work? my mom recently wrecked our car-it cost 2000. we have 25000/500 deductible.?
what do we pay?
Malpractice Insurance?
How much do Cardiothoracic surgeons have to pay in malpractice insurance. Are there certain rates for different specialties?
How much would i expect to pay for insurance on a 2000ish camaro?
I'm 16, clean driving record, 15% for drivers ed, and about 15% for the good student discount. I know there are calculators i just want an estimate of how much i would have to pay.""
Can a 17 year old hold insurance to more than 1 car?
can they have fully comp insurance on more than 1 car
How much does car insurance cost per month?
I'm turning 16 and getting my license and need to tart saving up. IDK if it matters but this is my car: 2000 Mazda 626
About how much will my insurance go up after my wreck?
The wreck was my fault, not much damage to my car, still runs perfectly, but the person that I ran into the rear bumper is hanging off like 6 inches but its just the bumper, it still runs and everything. How much do you think my insurance should go up, I have been insured under my dads name through Gieco for 3 years and this is my first accident. Its just the basic liability also I believe. I have absolutely no idea so any estimates would be greatly appreciated. Thanks""
Does anyone besides myself think that hair transplant surgery should be covered by health insurance?
I am a 24 year old male suffering from rapid male-pattern hair loss. My hair started falling out somewhere between ages 18-20, and despite always having a lot of heart, will-power, ...show more""
Where is the cheapest place to get Auto Insurance? In Canada?
New truck - need help.. :D ty
How to get car insurance?
So I'm 16 and i just got my permit back in early March, and i need car insurance by March of next year in order to move up to a level 2 license ...... only thing is, my parents don't have licenses (they never did) what should i do?""
Looking for affordable health care plans meeting obamacare?
I've been looking for a couple of days now, and the prices I've found are so much more expensive than before, even Blue Cross Blue Shield.""
Insurance rates for speeding ticket?
I accept all responsibility. I am an idiot for doing this and I should have been paying more attention. I was caught going 50 km/h+ on a highway in Alberta. How much will my insurance rates go up? Will they double? I'm 18 y/o but the car is insured under my father. Also, how will I know when they have gone up? Do they go up after the court date, or does it start the day my ticket was issued?""
How much workers compensation insurance costs in california?
workers compensation insurance cost
Young drivers car insurance?
Okay i know this has probably been asked alot but here here it is, im 19 and passed my test last month, ive been searching round on some sites but cant find anything for under 5000. Does anybody know what car is cheapest and through which insurer?""
Cheap Car Insurance for International Drivers License holder in the UK?
please i was told i could use my IDL here for a year. but to be able to drive my auntie's car i would have to get car insurance. i just need it for a couple of weeks. so please if anyone knows how i can obtain one please let me know thank you
Affordable care act being implemented question?
How would you explain when/how the ACA is being implemented? I'm writing an article and here's what I've included in the first paragraph: As the new Affordable ...show more
Were can i get Insurance for the Aprilia rs125 at age 17?
Im 17 looking for insurance for the Aprilia rs125 but ever were i look no company's will insure me i don't know what i doing wrong but they must not like me :P can i getadvicee please thanks :)
I am 17 and pregnant and don't have health insurance?
i just found out i am pregnant and i am 17 ill be 18 in june. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN ABORTION!!!! i don't live with my mother or father i live with my aunt and grandma.... i have no health insurance and that is a big problem because how am i going to pay for the doctors and delivery.... can some one please help me finding some place that can help with insurance for the baby and me. P.S i live in california . and please don't even bothers answering me if u have nothing good to say because i do not need your immaturity. Thank you so much for you help :)
Insurance agents in Chennai?
if you know any insurance agents in Chennai help me?
Will my insurance go up if my vehicle would be out of town?
Ok so i'm 18 and will be going to college 186 miles from my home in pittsburgh. I'm currently listed as a primary driver on my parents insurance. Will my insurance rates go up just because the vehicle would no longer be located at home? I don't believe it should because if i'm listed as a primary driver what difference does it make where the vehicle is located? Does anybody know if it would go up?
Accident and auto insurance question?
If I get into a wreck that wasn't my fault without insurance and I come home and say go to safeauto.com and get insurance will I be able to claim that on the accident report? Will I be safe from losing my licence?
I also forgot to mention I bought my car Salvaged""
How much does the insurance company raise your rates if you use your car for work?
I'm talking about reading meters where I had to use it everyday, often driving from house to house or business to business all day. And I still have a lien on my car. I currently pay about $60 a month.""
Insurance low balling me?
The top of a dead tree fell from neighbor's yard, onto my car. Speared the back window and ruined my back seat. Large dent on the roof. Random dents and scratches all over the car. My full coverage insurance company, USAA, declared the accident covered under comprehensive insurance. Deemed unrepairable. I purchased my car for $5k, near $6k after 2years of financing is paid off. This accident just happened after 4 months of payment on the car. I have $3k left to pay. 1999 Honda Civic EX Coupe. KBB valued at: retail, $5.1k. private party, $3.3k. My insurance claim payout will be $2.6k. Which leaves me roughly $500 in the hole. I do not have gap insurance, and I wasn't even aware of gap insurance until this accident (at which point I came across that service while researching insurance info). It would cost me upwards of $5k easy to replace my Honda with a same or similar model from a car dealer. Is there any way to get more from my insurance claim? Is there any way to get more from my insurance claim?""
Affordable full coverage auto insurance?
Where can I get affordable full coverage auto insurance in Delaware with a scetchy driving record?
What effect does not being at fault in an automobile collision have on your insurance premium?
Doesn't the cost go up any way?
Who has affordable health insurance for my family of 5 in virginia?
My husbands job provides insurance for $650 a month. We can't afford that at all. So looking for affordable health and dental please help we are in virginia. Thanks in advance
""How much would my car insurance be, under 25?""
Im looking to get a car soon and im curious on how much car insurance would be. 2012 toyota corolla s im 18, female, Live in Florida Not married or anything, no kids Iv been driving for 2 yrs No accidents or tickets Also i have no credit (Ps whats a safe way to gain credit?) and i work at dunkin donuts. Thats all the details i believe i would need to know the answer.""
Why cant I get an insurance quote because i'm under 18?
I went onto farmers insurance because that is what my parents have. I'm 15 but I'm turning 16 next year and have heard some real horror stories about car insurance for teenagers. I just wanted to check how much it costs but farmers says i cant get a quote because thats only available for people 18-108. WHY!? Are there any other insurance companies out there that I CAN get a quote for or are there at least any other ways that I can find out how much it will cost?
How Much Would Insurance Cost For a 2004 Cadillac CTS for a 20 Year Old?
Im currently looking into getting rid of my 'old 1994 Mustang GT' and replacing it with a '2004 Cadillac CTS'. How much would insurance be for me a month? Here are the reasons why I would like to get a new car: 1.Reliability 2.Comfort My 94 Mustang GT is just giving me too much mechanicle problems, which is eating at my budget. I fix one thing, another goes wrong, which is getting quite expensive. So i think its about time to get a new car. Will it be cheaper and less of a headache for me to get a new car? And how much would insurance cost for a 20 year old with no bad driving history? Just give me rough estimate. Also the CTS is a V6 which should be cheaper than my current V8. I currently spend $120 a month on gas alone. So inconclusion would it be cheaper for me to just get the CTS? And what is a rough estimate for monthly insurance?""
I live i Delaware and have had my car impounded due to having no insurance.?
I will be getting insurance this friday. After I do that what do I need to do to get my car back this weekend about how much will it cost? Is this a fee I pay at the troop or do I pay towing and storing charges?
AAA insurance question.?
I signed up for insurance for a home when I bought it 7 years ago. I told them I wanted full replacement which is what you have to have in order to get a mortgage. 7 years ago when I went down there to sign papers I specifically told him that I wanted to make sure everything was at full replacement value and my husband wanted to make sure the roof had full replacement value. I told the insurance guy that he is a roofer so that was a main thing he wanted me to make sure we had. The insurance guy laughed and made a little joke about it. So now, 7 years later we had hail damage and guess what.. my house does have full replacement value and all our property inside has full replacement value everything but the roof. Hmmm..imagine that. So I am sure I signed papers without reading the contract, I just took his word for it. Is there anything I can do? I am going to report this to the local new station. The insurance guy out right lied to me. This is in oklahoma. Is there a district office in oklahoma? I googled it and couldn't find anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.""
Does your insurance cost increase if you get a ticket but no points on your license?
Does your insurance cost increase if you get a ticket but no points on your license?
Legal questions regarding my car insurance and getting my car painted?
My girlfriend recently put her car in the shop to get painted. Damage was done to the car and she had to put a $500 deductable to get the car painted and the insurance company paid $1500. she chose a shop to use and the check was made out to her and the shop was under her name on the check. The paint shop said she has to sign the check over for them to do the work. It has now been a month and they still have not completed any of the work. She keeps getting the run around with them. They are saying the have to bring the adjuster backout cause they found a dent they want to get fixed and then they found another dent. Basically we want the car out of there but how can we accomplish this and can we take legal action if needed, and what action can be done? Also on a side note we live in florida. As well she supposedly only has the check stub and no paperwork cause they never gave her any.""
How much will two speeding tickets increase my insurance?
I got a speeding ticket last year around the same time for 15 mph over and just received another (in a different state) for going 18 mph over. Also, I have another ticket from 3 years ago (will be 3 years in a couple weeks), so that shouldn't effect my insurance after that. I called my insurance company and asked them how much my insurance would increase with this new ticket. They said $11 over six months, so that equates to less than $2 a month, which is fine, but I'm just not sure how honest they are being with me. Another person from the insurance company told me my premiums would go up by atleast $10/month without calculating anything, which seems excessive. Do you think it will be closer to $2/mo or $10/mo increase?""
""What is the average cost of business insurance in Portland, Oregon?""
What is the average cost of business insurance in Portland, Oregon?""
How much would a insurance be?
how much would insurance be on a 1993 or 1994 mazda rx7? im really wanting this car and im hoping that it wont be to expensive
What exactly is covered when you have full coverage auto insurance?
I have both collision and comprehensive insurance on my car..as i was backing into my driveway I got a little too close and hit the wall..my back fender is scratched pretty bad...is this covered by my insurance company
Renters Insurance Liability?
If my neighbor has a fire that does some damage to my apt./belongings, will the neighbor's renters insurance cover my damages or will my own renters insurance cover my damages?""
""How do I pick a car that's cheap to insure? I'm in NY and need a cute, reliable 4 door '03-'05 car.
I have been driving a little more than a year and can't afford to spend $500+ a month for insurance so I want a car that's insurance friendly. Thanks.
My parents wont put me in car insurance?
My dad keeps giving me excuses to why I'm not on his insurance yet. His excuse now is that he wants to switch car insurances first, but that he can't until he fixes his car. Like why can't he fix his car under the new insurance? it makes no sense. I've had my license for about 3 weeks now. All my friends have been put under insurance as soon as they got their license. I'm trying to get a job, but I cant because I'm not on the insurance. and no one can drive me to work since they work themselves. My parents think my older brother is my personal driver, its annoying. I don't know what to do. Any advice?""
Best place to get California car insurance?
Online, preferably. Thanks!""
Will a stolen recovered car affect the insurance and vehicle value?
I'm looking to purchase a car that is stated stolen/recovered NOT cat C or cat D What does this mean? Will it affect the insurance price? Can I get insurance if I'm 17?
Does car insurance cost more money for Asian people?
Does car insurance cost more money for Asian people?
Will a bike licence bring down car insurance?
Ok, so I'm 18 and am looking to learn to drive. I know that insuring a car is going to cost a bomb anyway, but will the fact I have passed a full motorcycle test (A2) help to bring my insurance down? Or will the fact I will have access to two vehicles (car and motorbike) increase my insurance? By the time I pass my car test I would have had my A2 licence for a year and have 3years no claims discount. Also I am looking at getting a 1.1 Citroen Saxo. Will a two door be more expensive than the four door to insure or doesn't it make much difference?? Thanks.""
International students and health insurances?
hey guys. i'm an international student in US. I want to get a health insurance and i was just wondering if i can get a basic health insurance from anywhere when i'm in F-1 ? if I cannot is there any good and reliable health insurance I can consider ? any suggestions ? thank you.
About how much does a car alarm save on auto insurance?
I know this depends but just give me a GUESS. or how about; use yourself as an example. How much do you save, or would you save, if you had a car alarm?""
I also forgot to mention I bought my car Salvaged""
0 notes
jadecringecomp · 5 years
this will be added to the more updated callout when im done with it, but i feel this should be put out there so people realize just how dangerous jade is.
everyone is aware that me and jade had originally had a fallout because i said some mean things. however looking back on it after showing a curious friend, i can see jade had practically gaslighted me into believing i was in the wrong when in actuality, it was them. i believed this for the whole 5 months jade abused me.
so of course, everyone knows that jade believed i had made a vague about them which resulted in our fallout. this being the vague...
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now, jade has tried to claim they did the right thing by waiting a day to come to me to let me calm down. which would have been fine... if they didnt vague me like so...
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now i dont really think vaguing is exactly that deep. but the fact that instead of coming to me directly like friends usually do, they choose to vague me and then wait an entire day to actually confront me. again i dont think vaguing is that deep, but the fact that jade instead chose to make a public vague about me (we were still friends at this point) instead of waiting a day to come ask me about the vague is incredibly childish and not something friends do to one another. not only that, they go to the only person they know for a fact im having problems with at the time. and jade has their boyfriend among other friends to talk about this to, so it wasnt as if this friend was the only one they could go to at the time.
and now for the conversation that went down... (please note i was going by rae at this time)
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“[jade] hey rae i know you probably dont remember and dont wanna hear this but
[jade] the other day you made a post saying ppl just use you for stuff including emotional support and it just made me feel bad? like i know ive needed a lot of support lately but ive also tried really hard to be there for you too and it just makes me kinda feel like it doesnt matter..
[me] i can get that
[me] at the same time tho the post. wasnt even abt you
[jade] i mean...i know it wasnt ALL but like... its pretty hard not to see how it wouldnt be at all”
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“[me] yeah i can see that
[me] still anthony thot that like
[me] i was vageing you or some shit
[me] when i. wasnt
[jade] idk i just dont really want to make it a big deal.. i didnt mean anything
[me] then why did you vague me
[me] sorry im just. confused
[jade] because i thought you did the same??”
as you can see, i had already confronted jade and jade gives a piss poor reason, even blaming me for their actions. not to mention they can say they didnt mean anything all they want but that still doesnt answer the question as to why they vagued me the moment they thought i was vaguing them and went to someone i was having problems with instead of coming to me like a normal human being. so naturally, i get annoyed. you can see more why i say theyre blaming me once i go on further in this convo.
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“[me] jade how can you tell me i handle things poorly when you do the same
[jade] what am i handling poorly...
[me] you didnt even talk to me abt it you just automatically thot i was talking abt you. again, which is understandable and i can see how but still
[jade] i mean it didnt seem super approachable so like forgive me for waiting until the next morning???
[me] wait what does that last part mean”
jade proceeding to guilt trip me by being passive aggressive despite them admitting to vaguing me right away and instead waiting to talk to me...
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“[jade] i didnt say anything immediately since i knew you were already upset and it wouldnt help anything so i didnt say anything until later
[me] you didnt say shit to me and went to anthony..
[jade] okay next time your freaking out and posting stuff on tumblr do you want me to come to you with more stuff? if thats how you want it then ok ig..
[me] well im just. more frustrated you can tell me im handling smth poorly when you. handled this poorly as well. anthony literally thot i was vagueing you and got mad abt that
[me] and they want me to apologize too but idk. what im even apologizing for still
[me] how am i handling it poorly tho? like rae what was i supposed to do”
the fact jade cant realize they had done something they were accusing me of and is surprised im annoyed about it is absolutely astounding to me. ESPECIALLY since they went to someone they KNEW i was having problems with at the time when they had multiple people to do this with.
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“[me] ask me abt it
[me] the same thing you told me to do with anthony
[jade] rae how would that have helped anything when u were clearly already upset abt shit
[me] like i can understand you didnt wanna at that moment but why not just. later on
[jade] i did????
[me] instead of going straight to someone assuming the worst”
whats even more astounding is jade acknowledges i was upset about something but chose to vague me right away. im starting to believe theres a reason why jade never showed the proof of these messages when they have access to them.
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“[jade] so like im not allowed to express my feelings to other ppl now??
[me] not what im saying
[jade] like i didnt tell anthony to talk to you or anything and i would have rather they didnt bring me up but like. nothing i can do about it now so like.
[jade] like im sorry but looking at all the stuff youve done recently i rlly dont think you have any standing to tell me im handling stuff poorly
[me] you mean the whole anthony stuff??
[jade] that and then the fact that you made a post saying you have no friends and people just use you..like you block your friends out of nowhere for no reason like you dont have a right to say that”
then jade proceeds to guilt trip me more by saying i wasnt letting them express their feelings to other people. again they have had multiple people to go to this to and the only person they choose is the one they knew themself i was having problems with. i dont think they realize how incredibly telling that is alone.
also please do note that jade had acknowleged i made the post while i was having a rough time and is trying to make it seem like i was in the wrong despite them being the one to vague about me and then go directly to anthony. mind you, this is all just because they thought i was vaguing them when in reality i didnt and i had told them on multiple occasions as can already be seen.
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“[me] yeah so uhh
[me] now Im not allowed to express how i feel at that moment
[jade] rae i literally had to like. practically beg you to tell me what was wrong when it was clearly bothering you and then you just turn around and say all that shit
[me] what do you mean
[jade] like you kept acting like you were upset over the anthony thing but you wouldnt tell anyone until i like kept asking abt it because i was concerned? but then i just see you turn around and say how you have no friends and everyone just uses you and its like. oh ok
[me] i told levi abt it and that was all who i wanted to know abt it. i literally only told you because you wanted to know so bad. but i do appreciate how you tried to help with it all like im not invalidating that but.”
jade only proceeds to try and turn the blame on me... completely regarding what they previously did...
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“[jade] but what?? i bent over backwards to help despite all my own stress and then you basically said it didnt matter
[me] if youre talking abt the post that was how i felt in the moment
[jade] well you shouldve thought about how it would come off.
[me] dude im sorry to say but that was your bad for seeing it that way
[jade] if youre going to put something on the internet its really kind of your responsibility to think about how it comes off actually
[me] in that kind of state im not. gonna be thinkin abt that
[me] but thats exactly why it got deleted after a bit”
jade basically telling me that they didnt care if i was breaking down (which they obviously acknowledge) and i should instead care if im gonna piss them off or not. yeah that makes a lot of sense. also note jade is still trying to put the blame on me and at this point, has clearly finally acknowledged the vague wasnt even about them in the first place!
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“[jade] its still on you though
[me] ok jade
[jade] i mean youre an adult rae. youre 20. its kind of time to start acting like it
[me] ok”
and the fact jade says this, again, DESPITE doing what they did previoiusly and trying to deflect only to guilt trip me, is VERY telling about what kind of person jade is. im sorry but if you took jades word when they told you i was shitty to them, you were manipulated. im even a victim to that because again, they made me believe that for 5 whole months until i showed a friend.
again, being friends with jade is dangerous because once you do something they dont like, something similar to this will happen. similar things to this has happened with multiple of their victims and once they see it will benefit them, they will twist it until they turn blue.
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