#this is old sjdjfj
yeosin-n · 5 months
more naut yw ☆⌒(≧▽​° )
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dandyleyen · 3 months
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In honor of the Stardew Valley 1.6 update, here’s some really old (2021) Shane art that I never uploaded !!
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dilfian · 2 years
ok well. i think its done. join my gc tuals :-)
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vanikolya · 1 year
Idea: armed detective agency sigma x reader who works the night shift
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cw: none
reader info: any pronouns, no gendered terms used
notes: fun fact! in my friends group chat, i have to say "sigma bsd" instead of just "sigma" or my friend mari will post gifs of sigma overwatch. also thanks for your request! i adore ada!sigma fr
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honestly the two of you only properly met by chance, he'd seen you around every now and then of course but nothing really to warrant anything more than conversations about work
however, sigma happened to be staying late to finish up some work on a day you were working
an unexpected shock for you ngl, expecting everyone to be gone by the time you showed up and then just seeing a whole guy still sitting there
if he scared you he feels really bad and will apologise a few times 😭
i'm imagining a night shift at the agency as like; finishing up any odd jobs that weren't finished during the day, doing any outstanding paperwork and organising, honestly mostly just a role created so there would be people in the office at night to call people in in case of a mafia attack
so generally pretty slow. and kind of boring ngl, especially when having to do it alone
ever diligent with his work, sigma sits in a comfortable silence with you as you each do your own tasks, but when he's done and about to go home, he stops to ask if it's just you on this shift, and offers to stay and keep you company since he's not working tomorrow, so staying up wouldn't be so bad
bro insists fr
he helps you with your work where he's able to, and by the time it's done and you're technically just there in the case of an emergency, you start talking and getting to know each other
kunikida (yes he is always the first in in a morning don't tell me otherwise) sees sigma leaving with you when your shift is over and bros baffled god help this man
sigma probably booked himself a lecture of "ok doing extra for your job is good and shows enthusiasm but that doesn't mean taking an extra shift unannounced and unpaid straight after your actual shift thats not good for you" from kunikida with that stunt but oh well
becomes a weekly thing that he'll just join you for that shift since he isn't working the next day
likes walking you home to the silly little agency provided apartments at the end of the shift- eventually, after you've gotten to know each other enough for that to not be strange
at some point he ends up telling you about his old casino, opening up about how he still sometimes struggles with trust despite the ada having been a safe space for him, and how he's thankful that he's been able to make friends with you and that you both enjoy spending time together
anyway so not long after that little heart to heart about being good friends you start dating- SJDJFJ
i don't think he's the type of person to make a big deal out of the fact you're dating- like no big announcement, not really any announcement. it's not really something he wants to keep secret he just doesn't want to seem like he's showing off
the only people on his shift who know are probably atsushi (sigma and atsushi are besties don't tell me otherwise), ranpo (because of course he would) and dazai- i feel like sigma would mention it to dazai after some time but he already would have known bc idk he seems really good at picking up on things he'd probably clock how happy sigma is about things to do with you etc
he gets super worried and goes to like stay with you if he hears that like someone tried to infiltrate the agency while you were on shift
like even if he knows you're not hurt. he wants to stay with you to make sure you feel safe and not alone
if you are hurt though? he's so gentle and caring. if it's not something so bad that you'd need yosano's treatment, he'll do everything he can to look after you until you're better
he's never really done this before but he's trying his best. and it's also really sweet and wholesome ;u;
someone needs to give him back the several guns he used to own (i still think it's hilarious that he's randomly pulled out 3 guns in the manga so far) though so he can protect you if someone breaks in when you're on shift together
i feel like stay at home dates would be common, they're easier to do with little to no planning and are generally more spontaneous which fits your conflicting work schedules
sigma also doesn't want you to be too tired out by going on a day out and be tired for your shift 😭
baking probably cookies, cuddling while watching a film, etc
he'd probably also stay over with you a lot, not too much to be overbearing, but still often. as due to work schedules he wants to make the most out of free time- when you're willing- to spend time with each other
just, like.. you're there. and you're probably the first person he's been with, and there's just something comforting about being able to be with you (he's touch starve-)
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everyone saying they love the song as if we wouldn't listen to him sing the grocery list 😔
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dirt-grub · 3 years
The spongebob ripped pants episode is even funnier when I’ve done something exactly like that before
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prettygoodnames · 3 years
Hi hi! Im a trans man looking for names related to stuff like fire/power/noble/battle/warrior? I don’t know it’s sorta vague but that sort of vibe, preferably more masc names! Feel free to ignore this tho sjdjfj
Meaning: fire
Origin: Sanskrit
Meaning: fire
Origin: Irish
Meaning: little fire
Origin: Irish
Meaning: fire
Origin: Persian
Meaning: fire town
Origin: Old English
Meaning: born of fire
Origin: Irish
Meaning: chaste fire
Origin: Irish
Meaning: white fire
Origin: Irish
Meaning: fire of Yahweh
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: the fire
Origin: Hawaiian
Meaning: flame, fire
Origin: South Slavic
Meaning: flame-coloured, red
Origin: Greek
Meaning: fire dog
Origin: Breton
Meaning: fire + glory
Origin: Croatian
good fighter/warrior/hunter names
royal names
Good luck with your name journey my man d^-^b
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quillsink · 3 years
Okay, infodumping ✨more✨
So basically in 1999 Archie comics was adapted into a cartoon series called Archie's weird mysteries, which is basically Scooby Doo but with the characters from the comics. So this series got turned into a movie, which is about... A lot-
So basically there's this caveman who looks like Jughead who's frozen in ice but the ice accidentally melts and it turns out he's actually a very ancient relative of Jughead? And then like- for some reason Betty and Veronica fall in love with him? And Reggie is like the villain, like, not just mean, but straight up evil? Yea I don't know about that but my grandparent's bought it for me, and here's the thing: if you know the characters it kinda works but out of context there's not enough time and too many characters and there's just no was a 5-9 year old me could get anything out of it (I don't remember how old I was when I watched it) so it was pretty forgettable for me UNTIL I accidentally found out that Andrew fucking Rannells voiced Archie?? So I HAD TO watch it and now I'm also binge watching Archie's weird mysteries both because Andrew Rannells <33 but also because it's becoming a guilty pleasure, also I'm desperately hunting for the comics online.
Oooh that sounds cool 👀 
Sjdjfj what?? 😭 Thats A Plot for sure what ajsjajs RANNELLS VOICED ARCHIE?? BRB TF IS GOING ON BRO 😭 It sounds like one of those things that seem unhinged but are interesting even tho u didn’t expect them to be
Andrew Rannells, our beloved <33
New interest ayo let’s go!
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kittytual · 3 years
5, 8, 16, 32, 35
5- what’s the fic you’re most proud of?
i guess the most recent fic i’ve posted (which was like in december djjdjf) bc i reread it recently and i was surprised at how good it was despite not reading it much after it’s been posted (read it if u want, my ao3 is in my abt)
8- which character(s) do you find easy to write?
ness!! he’s a blank slate for the most part so i can basically make him a fully fleshed out entity. i usually just give him my personality traits since i tend to self project a lot djdjjd that’s basically my Brand when it comes to writing^^
i’m honestly rlly good at writing characters who don’t have many traits (or at all) so the mother cast is Perfect for getting better at characterization. it’s no wonder why it’s hard to write characters like kurapika or leorio, who are already fleshed out and are prone to mischaracterization,,
16- any guilty pleasure tropes?
not rlly, as far as i can tell!!
32- summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less
what’s better than this, guys bein dudes (that’s it, that’s all u get,, try to guess which fic this is sjdjfj)
35- ramble abt any fic related thing
hopefully this counts as fic related but i’ve actually been having a lot of trouble tryna write lately!! idk why but i’ve either been procrastinating or the words just won’t come out,,, i’ve had Some ideas but idk if they’re good enough plus i need to focus on rewriting my mother 3 au bc It Sucks and its current state is filled w/ old prose,,,
speaking of which, my writing style has been something i’ve wanted to develop for a while but idk if it’s even as good as ppl say it is. ppl say my writing is emotional but whenever i read other ppl’s work, it’s nowhere near that level fjdjdj guess i need to develop my style a little more :D
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aphnatasha · 2 years
3 and 10? 👀
aaa, henlo again! still doing this for andromeda cuz shes on my brain now sjjdj
3. Does your s/i have a full backstory yet? Or is it still in the works? If it's done, can we see it?
ok so, i dont have a full backstory yet, just like.... bits and pieces sjdjfj. so far, all ive got is that she is a librarian at monster high, shes high-key crushing on nora but was too stubborn and shy to admit it, and that the two have known each other for ages and kinda sorta annyed nora into becoming friends (did not annoy her into dating tho, it was nora who did that sjjdj)
10. How many s/i's do you have? Do you use the same s/i for multiple fo's ormake completely different ones?
as of right now i have two and a half. theres amethyst, who i use for most of my fo's, andromeda, who i use for nora, a demon named ruby and an unnamed octopus mermaid that i havent quite figured out where to put, they might just wind up being regular old oc's too??
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littlewolfdiaries · 7 years
hi love, your blog is amazing and you are so talented! are requests currently open? :)
awww thank you!! I always take requests, it's just a matter of how many I have that decides how long yours will take. I'm a little packed right now, still finishing the long ships, but you can go ahead and request whatever you'd like. I have about 10ish other written requests, but I can't lie if it's a really good request I might just write it really quick before the others sjdjfj oops If you're interested in reading my old imagines and some hcs, just use my blog search and search who you'd like, topics, etc. If you can't find something let me know as it's not super reliable, I'll reblog it for you.
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quillsink · 2 years
bestie how did you even find all those old posts
sjdjfj i wanted to find one of my first gender crises so I searched “pronouns” on my blog and scrolled really fast til I got really far back ajdjajajd
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