#this is our muses first interaction and that's amazing honestly
flashofyellowlights · 2 years
@audaciious​ liked for a starter!
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“ What set of items could you buy that would make the cashier the most uncomfortable? ”
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laznivec · 3 months
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No one asked for it but here is a list of people I really love and I love talking to because they're so sweet you guys should check them out!!
@theredhcrn & ichigos other blog ( that tumblr won't let me tag!!) : hoe my God where to begin I remember when I first was writing Sera and you would through Thenillad at her and I remember the relationship they were building up because She didn't trust demons except him! And now we got our beautiful demons interacting and Even having their own verse where they're Vivians// Vexious's body guards: your such a talented writer. Artist and a amazing friend and I'm so glad we met!! ♡♡♡
@helluvahazbinss / @micsmasmuses :, I LOVE YOU BITCH , AINT EVER GONNA STOP LOVING YOU-- BITCCCHHH! Miasma you put up with my crack head energy all the time and have to see the men I simp for I love you so much and I love writing with you too your ocs and canon muses are phenomenal
@r-adio you didn't ask for it but here we are oh my God your writing is amazing and I love the fact that outta the blue from a stupid idea we made a whole new verse for vex with your al still being her bestie! You are such a great person and a great writer and I cherish you so much! You don't know how much musing you genuinly give me!
@zestials hey I just met you and this is crazy but you're super talented I love your Zee babii ( I was trying to rhyme ) but honestly your super cool and really sweet and I love our conversations! Your super talented and I can't wait to get to know you more
@compelledcurator you're super cool like I know where finally fully talking because I'm genuinly a anxious mess but your so cool and I love your muses so much!! I can't wait to write with you more!! Keep up the good work
@amischiefofmuses your a absolute sweet heart and I love your writing your super talented in everything you do!!
@ofgain / @hamactiia : Nihils I love you!! I love your muses and ocs and I love seeing your art your so talented I love writing with you so much! Your Such a great friend too and I just wanna let you know your the best
@hellshoard : slut. Just kidding I love you kenzi and your such a great friend and a great writer and I love you so much
@damnedrainbows BAGGED MOLK , I LOVE YOU my fellow Canadian bacon strip! You are a amazing artist and talented writer and I cherish our new friendship
There are so many other wonderful writers and creators I interact with and talk to and you guys all rule too this post would just go on forever though if I didn't stop
You're all amazing and I love you
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ferinehuntressmoved · 8 months
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*  ―  𝑺𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑻-𝑶𝑼𝑻𝑺 𝑶𝑭 𝑨𝑾𝑬𝑺𝑶𝑴𝑬𝑵𝑬𝑺𝑺. -> ⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character
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oh god, can I just cheat? Because, honestly, I feel like everyone I follow has great portrayal's to their muses. Like, one thing I try to say is that canon characters, everyone is going to write them different. The way I write Caitlyn won't be the way someone else does but that doesn't make anyone's potrayal less convincing then the other.
So yes, I'm going to cheat and literally tag everyone. This might get long; but I can, by no means, ignore anyone.
@shimmerbeasts - Amazing in depth unique potrayals of Silco, Sevika, Jinx, Vi, Warwick/Vander, and Naafiri @decidentia - A beautiful portrayal of Vi @gauntlets-shot - Wild interactions with her Vi @ofspvrta - A wonderful portrayal of Kassandra of Sparta @ambrosius-goldenlion - A great voice to Ambrosius Goldenloin @goldenfists - A wild punch card of Sett @knifvd - A beautiful portrayal of Soraka and Lux (my first soraka <3) @heredis-sanguinis - A dark twist voice ot Vladimir (which we still need to write &lt;3) @piltover-sharpshooter - A different portrayal of Caitlyn (I love how different our girls are). @blackrosesmatron - A villainous love for LeBlanc. @couturiere - A sweet portrayal of Gwen (love the mythmaker voice choice!) @jynxd - A unique canon divergent portrayal of Jinx @pitgritted - A great portrayal of Sett (I also say your Taric is amazing too!) @realmyths - A grand portrayal of Vi (and all the many other muses you have) @knightinsourarmor - A wonderful potrayal of Silco, Mel, and Vi. @torntruth - Lovely portrayals of Seyka and Vi.
Also tagging other blogs, which I have not actively talked with or do not write with, but they deserve mentions too! @raytm, @hellfirecascade, @tacetferrum, @darkbound, @moonlightviigil, @nightmarefuele, @fearsgod, @kinkouu
This is literally everyone I follow XD So yeah, I'm cheating and saying everyone has their own unique but amazing potrayal to muses that, it would not be fair to say one is better then the other XD.
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leadxxr · 2 months
I lied, I’m on mobile and feeling emotional and I want to shoutout some amazing blogs / people that have been super welcoming and have been like super engaging with my content 🥺
@coolrpblog you’re such a love and I absolutely adore writing with you. We pretty much talk every day! You’re super creative and it’s very inspiring. I enjoy every thread we have and you feed my Dwight / Frank obsession on a daily basis.
@dayfright okay obviously I fucking love flowers. It’s so fun to play DBD with you and get to VC just about every day or so. Your writing is incredibly vivid & you put up with my unhinged ass self LOL. You’re fun to talk to and I literally never get bored of you! You’re incredibly kind and I look forward to the evolution of our friendship even though we haven’t known each other too long 🖤
@nghtshroud honestly? You are hands down one of my favorite writing partners. You bring so much to your characterization of Ghostie & I never ever lose muse for our threads and interactions. I don’t think I’ve ever had a writing partner that hammers out replies the way you do, and it’s honestly so lovely. I’m your biggest fucking fan and I will support you and your characterization til the end of the god damn line, you better believe.
@bamsidsuperbitch AHHHHH! You were one of the first people who followed me I think? You’ve been such an excellent pal and I love the relationship dynamic between our characters. Sidney makes Dwight actually forget about the hellscape they’re in and I absolutely adore you and our threads (Esp the spicy ones cuz duhhh) and it’s always a blast to have you in vc / DBD!
@welcomeleon WHAT CAN I EVEN SAY ABOUT TEDDY??? We talk every single day. You are so adorable and so kind and I love your portrayal of Leon. I can’t wait to play RE6 with you and revive my Piers muse! You’re so encouraging and you genuinely care about how others are feeling. You’ve already been there for me at a pretty low moment and you’re the best listener I’ve met in a while. Having you in VC / DBD is always a pleasure and I enjoy all the unhinged conversations we have hehe
@exiitiosus Even though we don’t write a bunch together, I super admire everything about your page and your portrayals. I look forward to staying up late just to yell at each other about ghostfield and toss back and forth some pretty amazing plot ideas. I can’t wait to write with you more soon bc you enable my ghostfield obsession and that’s the way to my heart LOL
These are just some of the amazing blogs I have the pleasure of following / interacting with, but specifically narrowed down to those that are super engaged in my portrayal / I write a lot with / I talk to just about every day 🥰
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qapsiel · 3 months
Positivity anon here! Could I ask you to shout out to your five fave blogs? Just to make someone smile today and let them know you love their blog! Maybe even say a little about why!
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I'm more than happy to spread positivity and love, and I'll totally ignore the audacity to only give me 5 blogs and just do more hehe
I'm gonna start with @ruinedmyself because Kas was one of the first people to talk to me when I ventured into the spn fandom, and they've done nothing but make me feel incredibly welcomed <3 I love our silly little chats and also the pain we inflict on each other regularly. We really do share one (1) braincell, and I wouldn't want it any other way. You've got such a fantastic grip on Sam, on his badass-ery but also his softer and goofier side, and I scream excitedly whenever I see I got a reply from you!
No Sam without Dean, obviously, so I gotta yell about @bloodsalted a bit. Dixon is an extremely friendly person, and I'm still glad I managed to sweet-talk force you into joining me in hell. Or heaven, I suppose, is the better word, because our interactions are truly GREAT. Whether it's sexy times or angsty shit, every reply is magnificent and makes me giggle. You write Dean in all facets that make his character so lovable: his fears and passions and his silly times and also his anger. I love him to pieces!
Who doesn't love the king of hell? Cas, probably, but I adore every interaction with @murderdeals because it enables me to use all the pissed-off Cas icons. When you write Crowley, I can hear Mark yell into my ear. And honestly, I would have never guessed that Cas and Cain could become such good buddies, and yet they somehow ended up being the bestest bee bros, and that's largely due to your fantastic writing and your excellent grip on a character that can easily be branded the villain without second-guessing.
@singersalvaged should always be included in my rant about lovable people because she's just so chill to talk to! A truly great person who has an amazing view of Bobby Singer and writes him in a way that makes me believe the guy is standing behind me muttering idjit whenever I read a reply. And Allie! Let me gush about Allie, who's Cas' weed friend and brothel companion, and every single interaction just makes me howl with laughter. They're absolutely unhinged and dumb, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
While Crowley makes Cas want to eat glass, @eyeless-smiles makes him want to tear his own ears off because Corinth is such a fucking asshole (affectionate), a True Nightmare, and I love seeing him annoy Cas in every single paragraph. It's just hilarious, and they never hold their muse back, which is refreshing these days!
Cas loves to steal kids (just look at Jack), so it didn't take long for him to steal @innerwar 's Homelander when he was still a child with Vought. And honestly, I just adore this verse and you, friend? It's so funny and yet also sad, and I'm just so unbelievably happy that Homie gets a better life with this and that Cas gets to be a Dad again, and your writing is just SO FANTASTIC and catches Homelander's young voice brilliantly. 
I gotta yell about @nightmdic really loudly for a second because she is a FREAKING MAGNIFICENT OC and both Cas and I love her to pieces. She's kind and nice and helps Cas through his forced humanity without finding him (too) weird, and Paige just casually managed to write one of my favorite OCs here on Tumblr with her eye for detail and well-chosen words 
And last but not least, a big shoutout to @bleakfated who writes a lot of different spn muses (among others) and yet manages to hit that nail (= the voice of every single muse) square on the head every time! I hear Balthazar's funny-ironic voice when I write with him, I see Jody being Mom when I interact with her, I get the British Mick Vibes when it's his time to shine. I'm in awe of how someone manages to juggle so many muses and give everyone their own little voice. Kudos!
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notyetfixed-a · 6 months
as the year has ended, i just wanted to make a post and thank all of you here for helping me find my love of writing again ♥️ i haven’t written for fun in over three years, so i was nervous about jumping back into it.
below, i wanted to thank a handful of people because of how much they’ve helped me in the year that i’ve made my return ♥️
@thegreatstrongbow: HEATHER!!!! YOU’RE ALSO ANOTHER ONE OF MY BELOVED RIDE OR DIES HERE!!! thank you so much for writing with Fin. especially when i was so repetitive back in the old days 😂 i have gone back and reread so much of my old blog and i cringe at my old writing. but you? you have always been so amazing and i absolutely adore you and thank you for loving my canon divergent princess as you have ♥️ you’ll never understand how much i treasure you ♥️ in a community full of people who refuse to interact with female muses, there you and beleg were ♥️ it makes my heart very happy to have you in my life almost 9 years later ♥️
@reining-disaster : you were the first person to interact with ANY of my tavs. you just went right into it with my fresh muse and my fresh writing. without your help, i dont know if i wouldve broken into the community as i did ♥️ you are a lovely human being and i owe you a lot! i hope the new year is kind and generous to you and yours ♥️
@never-surrender: ilysm holy cow ive never made such a fast friend in any community and i have got to say, you have pulled me out of my shell when it comes to just dropping new characters and pulling ideas out of me and i adore you so ♥️ you’re one of my best friends, even though we haven’t been friends for long, and i can’t wait to make my trip to see you this year ♥️♥️
@seeliecourt : omg hamlet i adore you so ♥️ thank you so much for taking all this crack and fluff and shipping our adorable muses together ♥️ molly has become so well rounded and more thought out from what i originally had them penned to be. with all the universes and all the different ways we have talked about them, i feel like i know this muse more than i ever have ♥️ it has been such a pleasure becoming your friend and writing partner ♥️ im so excited to see what shenanigans we come up with this year!
@lordgortrash/@sunderdust: you have ABSOLUTELY challenged me! with all the plots and all of the prompts, i have tried to match your creativity. it has honestly improved my writing since i first started, and even though we haven’t had a TON of interactions, what asks/threads we do have has definitely taught me how to think like my characters more than i ever have in my life. thanks to you, i turned colette into this amazing, well thought out dark urge instead of the boring, no name NPC she was in the beginning. i honestly hated her character when i fleshed her out, but us talking about her dark urge verse just snapped something in me and i kept running with it and now i have one of my most favorite oc ive ever created. it may seem small, but it is a tremendous delight being able to write with you ♥️ i still get so excited like a fangirl when you like any of my posts or send me asks because that’s how much i look up to you ♥️
@eritvita: omg celeste you are one of the most adorable, kind, and loving person i have met in this last year ♥️ i absolutely adore that you always make sure that what we write is safe and that you’re not pushing any boundaries ♥️ you have definitely become one of the people i look up to when it comes to inclusivity and just being all around a genuine human being who cares about your friends ♥️ our threads make me cry on a daily basis because of how sweet our ships are and I cannot wait to reply any time i see a notification pop up ♥️ thank you for loving my muses and being such an all around wonderful person ♥️
@arsonshub: just wanted to give you a shout out on here as well ♥️ what was once me being a shy potato on your live stream about muses and lolth’s religion has now turned into a friendship I can’t wait to develop! it’s been so fun nerding out with you about YouTube series and our adorable little ship ♥️♥️♥️
@apalestar: thank you so very much for taking my chaotic bhaalspawn and being just as chaotic with me ♥️ i am absolutely adoring all our interactions, crack or canon ♥️ i am adoring each and every little thing we do and I can’t wait to see where the future takes these two murder hobos ♥️ seriously, though, thank you for always being kind, even when i send you ridiculous shit at two in the morning lol!
If I didn’t mention your name, I just want you to know that I’m thankful for you, too!!! You all have helped me find my love of writing again and I can’t imagine where I’d be without your support! I know I’m chaotic and all over the place and don’t respond at good times or maybe I post too much, but I’m loving being here again and I couldn’t have done it without ANY of you on my blog♥️ so thank you!
And with that! Happy New Years and Happy Munday!!!
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foundationbuilt · 3 months
Positivity anon here! Could I ask you to shout out to your five fave blogs? Just to make someone smile today and let them know you love their blog! Maybe even say a little about why!
omg of course , i'll always here for giving positivity !! ( disclaimer: these are not in order or my sole favourites, just the first blogs that popped into my head when thinking of who i love to stalk and interact with, or want to heheh )
@northsalpha man , hope is amazing and every muse she creates is amazing and i love reading her writing and hc's and plotting with her so much. such a talented writer and so easy to plot with !! coming back to rp, one of my first thoughts was to find her and follow her again because i live for our klaus/ansel interactions <3
@witchfirst louise of course i love with all my heart and emilija has klaus' heart !! the background that we've plotted out for these two is so beautiful, and the love and effect that louise has put into em is stunning, like, i admire her so much for the love she has for these babies. and the writing is, of course, just as gorgeous <3
@ohlympns i have plotted SO MUCH with AJ that i feel like we've been writing forever and we honestly don't even have a thread yet jsjsjsjsjs. i'll make sure to get a starter written up cause, honestly, i've had so much fun plotting with you and talking about these muses we both love and aaaaa, i'm so excited. you're writing is amazing and so are you <3
@hcpemikaelscn gwen is always going to be a top bro on here , i love her so much for how friendly she's always been to me and the threads/verses that we've plotted out over the years. she is an amazing writer and an amazing hope that puts so much into having her muse as her own, as a hope i recognize as gwen's hope !!! and i love having her on my dash <3
@sarcasticsnackpack listen lizard is always there to make me laugh, popping into my inbox for some quick fire ? yess! giving stiles sass on the dash ? yess !! a wonderful writer and a wonderful person to talk to ooc, whether about our muses or otherwises. so glad to have you <3
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acourtcfmuses · 8 months
😍 ― admiring from afar 📌 ― a staple on the dash 🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend
🐝  *  ―  𝑺𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑻-𝑶𝑼𝑻𝑺 𝑶𝑭 𝑨𝑾𝑬𝑺𝑶𝑴𝑬𝑵𝑬𝑺𝑺.  (  send in one or more of these symbols for me to pick one blog or multiple i wanna shout out that i think fit well into the category. explanations optional.  )
😍 ― admiring from afar
@legeandary - While we don't have anything ongoing, Belle is 100% someone I get excited for on my dash. I'm just an awkward racoon that struggled to get things going. But MAN, is she talented, both in writing so many varied muses and insane talents with themes and templates.
@mcdeofash - Kel has so many amazing muses on her roster and I adore seeing her on my dash so damn much. I'm just always never to interact with people. BUT I am slowly working up the courage to reply to an open or two to get the ball rolling. JUst and absolutely pleasure to follow!
@havvkinsqueen - If anyone isn't aware Victoria is one of the sweetest people in the universe. Even without knowing me, she had sent me some wonderful pieces of positivity to brighten my day and I'm so grateful to have her on my dash. We haven't done writing yet, but I look forward too!
📌 ― a staple on the dash
@theolderhenderson - If you're not following Tin, you're missing out. Elie is one of the most amazing OC's I've ever written with. Tin has put so much thought and time into Elie and her backstory that it's easy to forget that Elie isn't a canon muse (she is to me though okay??). Just top marks, Trash Panda Gang unite!
@managedxmischief - Having Ash in my life as both a friend (at least in my mind) and a writing partner is a joy to have. Ash is a fantastic writer and writes so many amazing mused over multiple blogs and does an amazing job with each and everyone and I always look forwards to our threads, and the tiktoks I'm sent on discord!
@childrenofslumber - Nicky is one of my favourite people, a super talented writer who put so much thought into her muses and their histories and is such a passionate supporter of both her muses and yours. I love listening to Nicky gush about her muses, or our ships and she is just always happy when you're speaking to her and is such a delight on the dash and OOC.
🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend
@chaosxburned - JAY MY BELOVED!!! Firstly, I’m so glad Jay is back. I love her to death and I love every single one of her muses and the ships we have. Jay is such a talented writer you have no idea and I would recommend her blog(s) to EVERYONE. She is one of my favourite people honestly! I'm very blessed to have Jay in my life!
@advcnturewithin - AJ and I keep finding our way back to each other's blogs ever since we first started writing and have moved from writing partners over the years to in real life friends and have met up multiple times to hang out. AJ is scarily talented and you'd definitely see that in every single post, there is just so much thought and love behind each reply!
@talesfromthevoiid - Jay is someone I am always excited to write with and is such a lovely guy in all honesty. I'm slow as a snail, but Jay is always warm and excited about any threads or possible ships and is just such a pleasure to write with. He is just all around fantastic both IC and OOC!
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navxry · 10 months
Rate your friends
well damn alright fine LMAO
My mutuals from discord and/or Tumblr (utc cause the post is LONG)
Carmine: def a 100/10 if I have to be honest. They dealt with me SO much and my absolute nonsense as well since 2020, no words can describe how much I appreciate them for being there with me in my highest and lowest of my era. I also love terrorizing them with my muses (Lyney simp in denial), and I dont regret at all meeting and befriending them. Love you bestie <3 /p
Ryan: also a 100/10, I genuinely owe him a lot for helping me realize just. how certain things in life isn't 'normal' and fueling my brainrot/s so much. We both had so much to talk abt during the 3 years I've known him (and we're still friends to this day!), and Goddamn do I enjoy playing games w/ him and esp abt our current hyperfixations (Persona and Raincode. I still want to rattle your Yuma bot you little shit /t)
Esther (@mixed-kester) : I just met you like months ago when I first joined astronetwrk, and tbh I genuinely am v happy to have met you and enabled you BAHAHAHAHA I've been friends with her for a while but its so fun just going through the plot + AUs, and also going through pain (and making me go through a crisis with enabling and "NO YOU DID SO MUCH FOR ME" "NO, I DIDNT" LMAOOOO). Yeah, there were times when we both have our disagreements, but I genuinely could never ask for a better friend to yell at Tinuvion/Kunimitsu and the rarepare between Wanderer and Kaeya than her.
Meirin (@meimeimeirin) : I'LL SAY THIS ONCE AND I'LL SAY IT AGAIN: You are so cool and amazing and I'm so amazed with how you deal with my nonsense. I never saw an opportunity to talk to you outside of being on anon back then, and I genuinely thought that it won't be possible, but when EBG happened? I saw it and took it. You were so so so enjoyable to talk to, to rant about the entire event, and even after that, I enjoyed talking to you about even your simping with Zhongli and Alhaitham! I also enjoy bouncing off ideas with our threads (even if I have them on hold, I swear I'll reply to them orz). You're the sweetest person I've known and I am so, so glad to have met you and got to know you as a friend ;v; you also inspired me in writing for Genshin and for my faves, and for also sharing my thoughts on my sona and my selfships. I know you're busy but I hope you can see this because I genuinely appreciate you /pos
Yami (@pastel-rights) : YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD ARTIST WHAT THE HELL— honestly, how the fuck do you deal with me, Sam and Tae? (/lh) like I genuinely am so surprised I'm actually friends w/ you, but in a good way because you are?? So cool?? I swear I sometimes admire your art and when I say I wanna eat it, I would. You're such a good friend and I wish we can talk more fr
Tae (@nice-chiaki) : My first victim (/j), but really, I am in awe that I've met you in the mun's corner. I saw your blog with Itha and I genuinely loved interacting with him— your muse of him helped a lot in bringing me out of my idv writer's block slump because I had no ideas and ooooh, genuinely having you on vc and hearing/seeing you go through your cycles and bs with Sam and Yami (and Fifi as well) is the funniest thing. I also hate you (/exag) for the fandubs, and you making me go through a huge moment with Andrew and Cro. 0/10 wont recommend voicing villains (/j /j)
Sam (@paperbcy) : You are the biggest menace I know, and tbh I wonder if you're like a mirror to my menace self /j, but I'm kidding BAHAHAHAHA. I dont regret enabling you so much for your immorphy AU and our own shared AUs, and I sometimes wonder what would happen if I hadn't met you, Tae and Yami. Also, do not pull Father on my inbox ty
Fifi (@fffiii) : You dealt with my ass for years and I honestly question how you're still sane BAHAHAHAHA, but fr, even till now we're still together from 2016 - 2017(?) and I cannot stop but wonder how long it's been. It was v fun just looking back on our days at Q and even now, and I still appreciate you for everything even if you're a bigger menace than me.
Shiro (@leftdestiny-posts) : We may not talk as much or as often, but you are so kind and ouuuu you make me ;-; honestly. I am v thankful for you in dealing with my brainrot over TCO (which! I plan on revisiting and reviving as a long drawn series haha), and I hope that we talk more often when you have the time (ofc, no pressure!)
Ying (@yinyinggie) : OOOOH YOU'RE SO SWEET AND LUCIEN/YUZU TOO LIKE AUGHHH, I genuinely love you both as mods in astronetwrk AND outside of it. I genuinely appreciate you as a mod and a friend in keeping the server together and hosting games for us, and even when those went awry (read: the mafia game), you and the others made sure we had fun anyway and prioritized our comfort, which is so?? sweet??? I genuinely wish I can hug you and I wish we can speak more orz ily /p
There are more but I can't remember them all so o7 o/ hope this is enough anon
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
happy new year from renata (pt. 2)
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It's the end of the year 2022 and honestly? Fuck this year from the bottom of my heart in terms of jobs, real life, and all of that bullshit. But you know what made this year bearable and actually survivable? My friends. It's been a tough year for everyone who I've known and I want to extend my hugs, my love and my adoration for every single one of you. You're amazing, you're powerful, and I hope that your 2023 will be a fantastic year.
There are many people who I want to give a shout-out for being the amazing beans that you are. I love you all and you are absolutely gorgeous. There are some people who I want to give some heart-to-heart special messages because all of these people helped me survive this year of 2022 and I cannot thank all of you enough for this.
FUN FACT, THIS POST BROKE TUMBLR FOUR TIMES FOR ME. So this is Part 2 wit the same beginning but tumblr just denied me posting the whole post lmao.
❤ @heincus / Max — Duuuuuude, oh my god, we really just cried about Flamechasers for so long, huh? I love it. You are a creative whirlpool, Max, I admire your creativity and your passion for all of your muses. You are fucking amazing for sticking with them and developing them. And your art? Your art is so fucking good, never stop pursuing that passion of yours because it's gorgeous. Listen, you know I'm biased for Kalpas and Hokori, but in the year 2023 we better throw more characters at each other! Well, I'll throw Zarina at more of ur ocs haha.
❤ @merotm / @cryosewn / Guin — I know that I've been so all over the place when it comes to talk, but I want to tell you that you're amazing for your creativity and for your in-depth research. Be it Caiying or Yuuna, I love how you write your female characters: they are strong, vibrant, and they are unapologetic. They are also so different and I love, love, love them. I remember how we've met in the FE fandom and I'm just so glad we met again!!
❤ @eraba-reta-unmei / @maledictus-maleficus / Everi — MY MUSIC BRAIN CELL SOULMATE OH MY GOD, Everi you and I just really be sharing one galaxy brain when it comes to music, huh? I love it, I love it so much. I appreciate you so much. Be it Miya or Ayden, Zarina also adores them a whole lot even if she makes Miya sigh so many times. You are one of the people who helped me become more comfortable writing my own original oc and thank u for that. Love you!
❤ @sheyearns / Felicia — Feli~ I know we don't talk much anymore because I'm just all over the place and I just zone out a lot, but I always think of you and I'm so excited to see your twitter feed when you play games and see all of your comments. You're a sweetheart and have always been a sweetheart. Love you tons and miss you a lot!
❤ @straye / Yin — Yin, I told you how detailed you are about the social studies and your in-depth study of your characters. I love, love, love how you dive deep into your characters and how you choose your words. It's such a treat to speak with you, scream with you, and just be chill. I'm so glad that I decided to follow you because I was so nervous at first, but look at us now! We're screaming about our characters, discussing different things, and it's just sick. I hope that in 2023 we'll have even more interactions and just have a ton of fun!
❤ @lunaetis / Hina — Hina, we've known and followed each other for so long. I want to thank you for your support and your inspiration. Thank you for always interacting with Zarina and thank you for leaving such sweet comments, always. Your consistent and creative writing style is something I've always admired and the words you choose re so beautiful. I wanted to ask you how do you reach this style and what do you read, but that'll be a question for 2023, haha. Not only that, but I'm so excited about your Lumine and Zarina plots. I'll send them over and I'm just so excited to write more with you!
❤ @itorisen / Yasu — My precious Yasu, the creator of the absolute unit that is Koto Unkaku. I always wanted to tell you how colorful your muses are (just like ur amazing icons and theme). I remember how we were interacting on Cardia and you were writing Zeno, I still cry about that to this day. I also love, love, love how unapologetic Koto is about being herself: the fire, the power, the strength. I love her and I love you so much. It always makes me laugh when Koto and Zarina interact, too, it's always such a treat. ;)
❤ @al-hazen / Calis — Calis!! We've only met this year but thank you so much for being open and honest with all your opinions on the dash. I love how you write Itto, Shinobu, and Al-Haytham. You bring such a unique and different portrayal that dives so deep into each of their respective themes and you make them so different. I love it, I love it so fucking much it's so fun to read your metas and thank you for always reading my metas too. I appreciate it so much, I'm always so nervous about writing too much but thank you for always being here. Here is to more interactions in 2023!!
❤ @scarlxtleaves / Jay — Oh my god, Jay, you're an absolute unit, you know that? The amount of creativity and writing stored in you is akin to a whole universe within you. I know we haven't talked in a while, but I always think about our talks and I love seeing you on my dash. Sinrina and Ganyuha will forever by my OTPs and I really should send Zarina your other muses ways! I hope that your end of the year wasn't too chaotic and I hope that your 2023 will be a delightful time!
But that's not all!! There are so many more amazing people I've met, and I've been loving on my dash throughout 2022 and even more before that! Thank you so much for being such a bright presence in my life and thank you for being so passionate about what you are all doing. Some of you I've met at the end of 2022 and some of you I've met in the beginning of 2022, but all of you are stars and I love and I hope your 2023 will be absolutely sparkling and wonderful!
@yeonban / @kazuiji / @shadowshub / @deathleads / @dawnswine / @suiyuun / @saviata (@suender) / @lykaiia / @xamassed / @prsonatm / @aceparagon / @abyssmalice / @closedcoffins / @constellaris / @fxmiliarity / @azurescaled / @lovedloyalty / @starfallenwishes / @yagyuchan / @sekayuki / @achroanimus / @wiildcardd / @engodly / @veinblooded / @electric-ecclectic / @solaetis / @nulltune / @scarletooyoroi / @exrhlab / @pyreign / @bloodyd / @amalanexus / @cxnvicts / @gosutm / @efloresce / @aiiouros / @yoakenouta / @unmeinoniwa / @pcrdiseseekers / @femtaile / @veqva / @opalscales / @c4rdsharp and so many more of you on this amazing and fantastic dash of mine! I'm surrounded by so many talented people and just one post will not fit all of the people I'm following and who inspire me. If you're not here, please, know that I love you and you're fucking amazing. I'm just a funny scatterbrained ADHD writer who is actually crying at this point because there are so many fantastic people here and that I've known for years and who I've just met in 2022. Thank you all so much for being here and for loving Zarina.
Happy New Year! Bye 2022 and hello to 2023!
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sanguine-salvation · 5 months
☮ + ♡
[ Get to know the rper - RP related - ACCEPTING ]
- Send me a ☮ for me to describe an amazing rp experience. - Send me a ♡ for me to describe a character that I haven’t had a chance to rp but would like to.
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Okay, so they very excellent and good @zigg--muses has a Jack Ryder that we sort of accidentally kind of faceplanted into a ship with between him and Viktor.
And it has been a ship that makes me INSANE because the drama. A lot of the good threads have been in discord groups (omgs the midnight confrontation one), but on here I will always delight in the interview thread we had as our first major tumblr interaction. The subtle tension of two once best friends having to stare each other down from very different places after so much distance was already a great premise, but Ziggy knocked it out of the park with just how conflicted Jack felt about not only his friend, but having to do a story about them, and the heartache of wanting to see the good in them still.
And getting to write Viktor experiencing that conflict, that wanting for someone they trusted, a remnant of their past self, to still understand who they are and see them as something worthwhile? YES. Them having to experience all that wanting over again right in their face? YES. Also I just... REALLY love when people challenge Viktor, it's so much fun to write them genuinely having to work things out in their head. I actually love writing arguments kajfdgha
I have quite a few muses I haven't gotten to play yet, some who even have (unused) blogs! But also I like weird stuff that's not common RP fodder so I am VERY understanding of that akjdfhgjkafd
I have a blog for the Acheron Twins from Jak and Daxter with both canon villain verse and pre-canon non-villain verse, because I invested way too much time into that franchise as a young'n, lmao.
I also have a Spyro the Dragon muse! Haven't gotten to play him, but honestly I'd love to, can you imagine that little scamp, that'd be such a fun lighthearted account to run.
And then I have a Spike Rosered muse from Megaman X5 that I haven't actually gotten to play yet because that is a weird franchise to roleplay for in the first place.
Look a lot of my childhood fandoms got hyper-developed in my brain meat. Also it's funny that all of these unplayed muses are so hilariously different from Viktor, I'm just a loose craft pompom under the serial killer mask.
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paragonrising · 1 year
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Goose's Promo Parade begins shortly, Exquisite Beans.
But I’m going to take a moment to appreciate a few people who have made my experience on this blog wonderful ❤︎
AAAAAAAAA I’m so glad you followed me back ;w; do you know I had a little mini panicfest when I was originally about to follow? I was petrified you wouldn’t want to interact. All your muses are fantastic, but I won’t lie, Quill has a special place in my heart with how he set off every alarm and claimed that was his plan all along.
You are a fantastic bean, and I know good things are coming your way~
When I saw your username, I couldn’t believe you were the same Loki I admired for years when I wrote Steve Rogers. XD I never had the nerve then to approach, and I am super thankful with Carol I was a tad braver. Your Loki is spot on, and you are the sweetest of beans.
Y’know I never knew how Carol would interact with Rocket, I never read the comics. So I had no idea what to expect other than big guns and sarcasm XD. Approaching you and your muse was incredibly easy and our thread is so much fun. I was and still am ecstatic that you’ve returned to the rpc.
You capture Rocket perfectly, and I can’t wait for our muses to have more adventures. C:
Carol will protect Peter 1 to the end of her days, fact. He is the sweetest, and gave her his Disney+ account to binge (which she 100% does, and probably shares it with the Guardians on movie night, let’s not lie).
Peter 3 is a fun companion to have on a spaceship, especially when he jumped up on the ceiling and Carol just sort of… stared.
You’re an amazing person to talk to, and I really enjoy reading your headcanons and thoughts that pop up on dash. Your writing is top notch and your characterisation on both muses is wonderful.
Loveliest bean, you’re sweet, kind, and patient. I adore your writing and your rendition, Kara is mwuah *chef’s kiss* Actually all your muses are perfecto, but Kara is this wonderful ray of sunshine that Carol can’t get enough of.
Also Carol has a crush, but can you blame her?  
MOON GOONS. They’re all precious. Does Carol have a favourite? Yes. Is it Jake? Also Yes. Will she ever tell him that? Maybe.
All your characters are fascinating and well written, even though I don’t interact with them, I do lurk and read <3 You’re an amazing human being, and a lot of fun to talk to and plot with.
You came out swinging my friend, with your kindness and excitement. :D I was honestly surprised when you sent me a message so quickly after we followed one another. You’re lovely and your enthusiasm is a blessing &lt;3
Your Quill is wonderful, fun, and well written. I look forward to the adventures that our muses will go on >:3 perhaps after he finds a way to get…you know… unarrested. XD
Also, you should know that Quill is never getting his jacket back, it belongs to Carol now. >w>
Lovely bean, did you know I have not once spelt your url correctly on the first try? xD Honestly, it took me three times just now. You are super sweet and kind, never change! You’re perfect, and I’m so thankful we get to write together and chat. :3 I hope soon when our schedules line up we can add gaming to the list.
You write a number of muses, but Nat is my favourite. I adore the sass she gives to Carol, and though Carol complains, she loves Nat and her attitude as well. Captain Adorable will always be there for her spy. 
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foxfirekit · 11 months
TOA Anniversary Munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Tagging: You. Right there. Yes, you.
Name: Sekhmet
Pronouns: she/her
Birthday (no year): 1st September
Where are you from? What is your time zone? Australia! Timezone is AEST (which means it is Tuesday for me not Monday kek)
Roleplay experience: I have been doing some form of roleplay, on an off, for nearly 13 years. I have good memories, and the Horrors(tm). I have spaces I will never return to, and now two RP homes ^^
Got any pets? TT^TT Not anymore
Favorite time of year: Spring! Not too hot, not too cold and it's heading away from Winter!
Some interests and things you like: Writing, art, reading, video games, Dungeons and Dragons, teaching!
Some funfacts & trivia about you: When I was in grade 8, during woodworking, I was probably the most accident prone student much to my teacher's horror. I managed to be attacked by the tools every single lesson. Including being attacked by the belt sander, I still have the scar from that. A more fun fact - I have an animation degree! I spent three years of my life learning and specialising in the art of animation! And then I became a teacher XD
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? There are a lot but from the ones I play the most - World of Warcraft, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy 7, 13, 14 and 15, Pokemon, Hades, Sims 4 if I'm feeling it, Splatoon, Tales of Series games
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: I don't really have a favourite type, cause I like Pokemon by design, but my favourite pokemon would be Dragonair, followed closely by Victini, Snivy evolution line, Popplio evolution line, Umbreon, and Joltik.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? Uhh... I found a ROM on the internet one day.... *coughs*
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Shadow Dragon (unfinished), Blazing Blade (unfinished), Sacred Stones (unfinished), Awakening (finished), Fates (finished), Shadows of Valentia (unfinished), Three Houses (finished), Three Hopes (unfinished), Warriors (finished), Heroes (uninstalled and disowned)
First Fire Emblem game: Blazing Blade
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Awakening!
Any Fire Emblem crushes? *coughs* Matt Mercer's characters *coughs* (coincidentally too! Their personalities are just amazing <3) Chrom and Shigure! And also beloved street rat Yuri
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: First - Chrom, now - still Chrom - Fates: First - I honestly don't remember lol, now - Shigure or Nishiki/Kaden - Three Houses: First - incedentally enough, Edelgard, because of who I named Byleth after and I thought the match was funny. It would have been Seteth if Seteth had been available on Crimson Flower!!! Now though - Yuri. - Engage: n/a
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Witch
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? .... Witch!
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? ....... Ashen Wolves/Abyss honestly. The AU Sothis followers I made would be how I'd interact with the world and the faith in the goddess, and that would very likely get me called a heretic.
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? .... I don't know how Engage works XD
How did you find TOA? Rua told me! And then dragged me over cause I was trying to make an indie blog, and then I decided to apply instead of lurking like a cryptid.
Current TOA muses: Kinu (Selkie) and Seteth
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Cordelia. Would I pick her up again? Maybe, though she would also be the first I dropped again if I decided to entertain another muse
Have you had any other TOA muses? Not .... yet
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? Chaotic type muses or serious and eloquently spoken muses - the two halves of my personality!
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? Angst, writing emotionally deep stuff that makes people scream at me because of the feels I stabbed them with.
Favorite TOA-related memory: When Seteth immediately got bullied after I picked him up XD Please bully him more
How do you pronounce TOA? Tales of the Abyss *cough* Tee-Oh-Ay
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day that you’d like to share? A few....! Yuri, Shigure... Veronica or Thrasir... Shareena... The Twins from Warriors.... Mikoto... Takumi... The Rainbow Sage lives in my head rent free, silly old grandpa dragon that he is... Sitri through a lot of convoluted means.... Silque....
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prerodinu · 3 months
❤️ ( avaere )
LET ME GUSH @avaere
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Im, okay so I have loved Andy and your muses since I first met them. Honestly speaking Andy was BIG into why I was making the twins werewolves. And I just have always loved Aven's writing, it's just really made me who I am today at least lore wise.
Personally Aven is an amazing person and every time they post I always am DEVOURING IT like an energy drink (I slam those) because it's always so so good.
Aven has also been a staple in the RP community (at least in those that I follow) for a while and I always know that there will be positivity and Aven never care how long things take because we all have lives.
And it's sad I need to point that out. But regardless it's so nice to know that like we can do things on our own time and Aven is always excited REGARDLESS.
I do need to interact with more of their muses (some of the ones I used too was ones that are now retired) but regardless.
I always have fun with Aven and the shenanigans and it's never a dull moment.
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solarisgod · 4 months
hi wonderful detective paradox <3 don't feel pressured to answer this publicly, but i wanted to stop by and offer some words. you, all of you, are absolutely lovely. your creativity with the canon that you guys have created is simply... unmatched. unparalleled. simply stunning. everytime you appear on my dash, i feel inspired. not only is your universe complex, interesting, and unique, it's personal. i feel so fortunate to be apart of your audience that gets to consume such a wonderfully crafted piece of media. a masterpiece, if you will. additionally, in our interactions, i have felt nothing but love and kindness from you. you are so open about yourself and your struggles and i admire that about you. it's scary to talk about stuff like that on a public platform, and even scarier when people don't believe you and therefore become hostile to you when you're just talking about your own experiences. so i admire you immensely for your bravery, your kindness, and openness because it's so difficult to stay kind when others are not. you're a wonderful addition to our community and i hope you continue to work on your canon <333
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Edi. ;w; You are truly one of the most kindest, affable, and inspiring starlights to exist, as well as one of our few oldest friends since 2022 who we're most thankful to know. Our memories are always so fleeting because of our ongoing amnesia, but I will always remember when the moment we became mutuals, you came to our ims first and we instantly clicked as I felt so much joy and care from you even in our first interaction. You have always been as amazing and pleasant to have and talk to. Even seeing you on our dash and notifications alone bring so much light as your presence makes everything lively and brighter. The infinite love and care you have for your friends and your canon + especially original characters is so beautiful and endearing. Honestly, it's an honor to get to know you and get to be friends with you when you are so unbelievably sweet and lovely. We're most sure you're making great impacts to those around you with your honest and passionate self. Thank you so much for taking the time and energy for this ask and for being such an amazing friend and writer and person. It's also such a honor to get to see you grow as a creator and person, and see you always bring so much life and love to your canon and original muses and those around you. We are so infinitely proud of you for everything and please do know you with everything that you share will always be most loved and cared for by many, including us cluster. We love you most dearly and always, are we sending you so much warm light and love. ♡
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lcstinfantasy · 5 months
*sends my url* 😗😁
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Do I Follow Them?: oh absolutely!
Why Did I Follow Them?: i can't remember who followed who first but i was very interested in their portrayal of their characters and had been strucked with confidence to write with them lol
Do We Role Play?: yes
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: yes and we need all the things
An AU Idea For Our Muses: hnestly i see a few pairings that would be interest so anything is fine!
A Song For Our Muses: honestly not sure yet, but i am leaving towards girls like u - blackbear
Do I Ship Our Muses?: which ones? nevermind the answer is yes anyways lol
What I Think About The Mun: the mun seems very sweet. weve had very minimal interactions ooc but if i can get over my shyness maybe we can change that.
Overall Opinion: amazing human! must follow!
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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