#this is post-dinner scene if that wasnt clear
homeofwyrm · 25 days
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Obligatory tableau-ish TLT art post. Temptation of Eve perhaps?
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ablazeinhim · 11 months
I went out with my childhood bestie's friend group the other night and it really made me realize that I'm very picky about my friends. 😂
As I've been reflecting on it the past couple days I've put a few things together about like who somebody was and stories my friend has told me. And girl, some some of these situations and some of these people's actions and attitudes, like... I find it a little hard to believe that these are my friend's type of people.
And maybe they were all just having really bad days/times in life when those things happened and they acted that way, but some of them I'm like yeah I would be pulling away hard. I would always rather have fewer friends and know they're supportive and dependable and honest and loving, than many friends who aren't a perfect fit. And often that means I do shit alone, because my friends are busy people, or they live far. And I'm ok with that.
I don't wanna mask in front of my friends, or watch what I say, or be scared to talk about what I believe. I need open communication and mutual respect.
***I rambled about the night and decided it was distracting from what I actually wanted to say so I cut that part out of the middle and put it here in case you want to read the post in it's og form:
I can fall in love in an instant and vibe with people so hard, so it's not that. Like the other week I was in Ohio for a friend's wedding and I got to meet his twin brother and childhood friends and fucking loved them all. The vibes were excellent, the energy exquisite. Me and one of them laughed constantly when next to each other. No awkwardness at all. We took stupid group pictures in the yard. I left longing to be their friend.
That was not the vibe of the other evening. I didn't have a bad time, but I didn't gel with any of them. My friend and I carpooled, so on the way home she did tell me that it was kind of a weird night.
But I don't think it would have made a difference.
It was clear a couple of them were "partiers." I love a party, and I *am* a good time. But I don't drink and it was clear that was typically a big aspect/the main activity. My idea of a fun night out is a light dinner(so I don't have to worry about leftovers. Definitely snacking later at home) followed by something entertaining (my top choices would probably be a drag show or an arcade) and then dancing. I NEED dancing. Please God get me in the room with the queers and the neurodivergent DJ. I could skip all the other things as long as I can vibe on the dance floor with my loved ones.
We went out to dinner and to the gay bar. Both things I like!
And there was no dancing! One of them was adamant, "I don't dance." WHY. Why would you deny yourself the joy of movement. The embodiment of sound. Why would you declare it like it's something you can't wait to spit out of your mouth.
Why was there so much talk of past times getting fucked up (and presumably that was a positive experience for them). [This also probably wasnt discussed a TON, but it was multiple times and since I'm not into that personally it really stood out to me--like if you wanna tell me about the party that's great, but like can you tell me a funny story from it or something, instead of just how much your bar tab was?]
One of the people was abrasive and aggressive (in energy) in a way that did not make me feel safe or at ease.
Maybe it's because they're an established group and it was my first time with them. Maybe it's because I'm neurodivergent and introverted. Whatever it was, it just wasn't my scene. And that's ok. None of them were mean.
Someone we ran into that night is not really someone that my friend likes, but despite that, my friend still buys this person's art and still is considering doing a group activity with them before this person moves like an hour away. And internally I was like...why? Why would you spend time with people who send you mixed signals and act in an emotionally abusive manner???
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enchanted--realm · 3 years
When Calls the Heart Live Rambles
Season finale, s8 ep12 The Kiss
So this was such an awful finale. Everything leading to this moment made absolutely no sense. Before we get into the whole thing, let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start *sing like Julie Andrews*
Noooo, Henry is leaving!!! I kinda suspected this already, but I didn't want it to actually happen. Man, when Abigail left she really dragged everyone else with her: Cody and now Henry *le sigh*
Clara running to Jesse when he arrived was so sweet.
I wish Faith were leaving instead of Carson.
I absolutely love Rosemary and her newspaper business. And finally Elizabeth apologized. Goodness.
Now the triangle. I need to do this very calmly or else I will explode.
When Elizabeth spoke to Nathan saying she was just trying to replace Jack with him, that she loves him but isnt IN LOVE with him. Yo I just about fell out of my seat. I was so scared. That was the first time I ever doubted she wouldnt be with Nathan. But then the whole scene at the saloon between Nathan and Lucas made me think Lucas is still hesitant about Elizabeth's feelings, so maybe this love triangle isnt over yet.
Then when she opened that package where her book was and it read A Single Mother...that's when I was like. Oh my gosh she chooses no one. She chooses Baby Jack Jack and the 'the kiss' actually DOES refer to a kiss on the cheek. I thought my awful joke that I posted earlier was coming true. But then I suspected, okay, there's no way she's picking Lucas. If she doesn't feel in love with Nathan yet, then she will later in s9.
Then, the minutes kept passing by. Its 9:50pm and I'm thinking to myself 'wait a minute. Is this enough time to resolve things with Nathan?' And then I got really scared. More minutes passed and she hadn't broken things off for good with Lucas. I could only start to think that there is only time left in the episode for a conversation with Lucas and that's it.
When Elizabeth was at the school house and Robert brought little Jack with him. I was like, 'omg my theory is coming true. It is a kiss on the cheek to Jack Jack because she chooses him and to be a single mom,' then later she can choose Nathan without a love triangle plot.'
The last few minutes of the episode. She's looking for Lucas and looking very much in distress and I'm super confused at this point and also scared and slightly in denial. 'She can't be choosing Lucas?' And then I realize what the writers are doing. 'Ohmygosh she's choosing Lucas' and then I watch the rest of the episode in horror and I'm covering my eyes because I can't watch that kiss and then ew ew ew so MANY kisses yuck.
Elizabeth choosing Lucas doesn't make any sense storytelling wise, regardless of any bias I have towards Nathan. There was so much build up for Elizabeth and Nathan's relationship. A solid foundation had been built between them, something that a real relationship could grow from and become love. Whenever Lucas and Elizabeth had scenes it was so surface level. They had some connection through her writing career but even that wasnt very deep. Everything else in their relationship, the fancy dinners and romantic dates, that's really all they were. It was all just romance and the feelings of love without having any true depth of feeling. And not once did Lucas or Elizabeth ever mention the word love with each other.
And what about ep2 of this season when Nathan confessed his love to Elizabeth and she ran away because she was scared? It showed how she was running from her feelings and living in fear and when she ran away to pursue Lucas afterwards, it showed how Lucas was only a crutch for her and a comfortable relationship rather than something true and real. Because news flash, loving someone is actually being vulnerable and taking a leap of faith which she would have been doing if she were with Nathan, not with Lucas. She isn't taking any risk by opening her heart to Lucas. There isnt any vulnerability in their relationship on Elizabeth's part there.
And what about the Emerson quote, about doing what you're afraid to do. And what about Nathan's cringey parallel with Carson 'I'm not giving up', and what about Allie's feelings in all this and her wanting Elizabeth as a mother, and what about the ep with Ned and Florence's wedding when Elizabeth starts to take her own advice about not living in fear and that we can't let fear stop us from missing out on life's greatest joys? I'm sure there's lots more too that I'm missing here but that's what I could think of just at the top of my head.
Also, Nathan was saved that day he didnt go on the mission at Fort Clay. He was saved for a reason and now for what? For a Lucas ending? They totally filmed two versions of the ending and then decided last minute who she should end up. It actually makes sense too because when she first talks to Lucas, what? She's gonna confess her love to Lucas in the middle of a crowded cafe? As if! She was gonna break up with him there. She really was there just to see Minnie. They had the scene interrupted so that it could sort of make sense with whichever ending they wanted to decide upon later.
I'm so annoyed with the writers. They obviously did this for shock value. There are so many tv shows that do this but an audience doesnt watch a show for shock, they watch it for the story. Just bc something is shocking doesnt make it good storytelling. Shock value is only good when it makes sense upon looking back. This does not. A good story can usually be predicted by the audience actually. From what I've seen on social media, it seems that the majority of viewers wanted and predicted that Elizabeth would be with Nathan. This is for a reason. A good story sets up the relationship and gives clues and leads the viewer along to grand reveal later. It all makes sense to the audience. It's suppose to be a good story and an enjoyable ride for the audience. A show shouldnt be written as the season is happening, everything should be concluded or at least have a very clear ending to work towards. I hate how writers just decide to change things in an instant because then all the moments prior to the present episode make no sense and it was all for nothing.
This finale literally made me sick to my stomach. They did this story so dirty and I'm also upset that now, the actress who plays Allie, she probably won't be in the show much anymore which is a real shame because she was pretty good for a child actress and I just like to support the youth coming into their own.
I am not going to watch s9. Catch me fulfilling my heartie needs on fanficiton.net and also, I pray that we get leaked footage of this Elizabeth chooses Nathan ending that I am sure was filmed. Also the episode was called 'The Kiss' which is very vague and not specific to either relationship. Which is another hint to the writers leaving things open so they could make last minute decisions on who they wanted her to choose.
So disappointed. From what I see on twitter and everywhere else on the internet, this show will tank next season because no one will watch it. Lori Loughlin really said if I go down then the show goes down with me.
Jack died for this????
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dead-inside-cx · 4 years
How Present Mic found out
Classes had ended for the day. Most students were back at the dorms at this time. A few were still lingering which was fine, Present Mic wasn’t going to tell them to go back to the dorms. They knew when they had to be back. So why not just leave them be?
Present Mic was heading back to the living quarters on campus himself. He and Aizawa had their own little apartment on campus. As did the rest of the teachers. Mic was on cooking duty, so he needed to make sure they actually had food to cook. Otherwise he would need to go and get some food.
He walked down a seemingly empty hallway near the entrance, before his eyes went wide. He stopped walking, he was speechless which was surprising for someone who was generally loud and always had something to say.
The scene before him was horrifying, and not for the reason people would think. He was gay himself and married so that was the horrifying thing. It was more horrifying watching two students he taught up against a wall tongue deep in one others mouth. He didn’t even realize you could shove your tongue that far down someone’s throat.
He cleared his throat and the couple in question quickly pulled away eyes wide. They quickly readjusted their uniforms blushing before looking over. “Oh it’s just Mic-sensei.” Midoriya said. Mic saw Bakugo look at the boy like he was crazy. “Seriously?” He said. “What...? OH SHIT ITS MIC-SENSEI. KAACHAN ITS MIC-SENSEI!!!!!” If Mic could laugh he would have, instead he was well still speechless. He watched Bakugo face palm. “This is why we should have waited until we got back to the dorms. Fucking needy little shit.” “But Kaachaaaaaan....” Bakugo just shook his head. “Are you two dating?” Mic asked finally finding his voice. The two looked at each other before nodding then looking at him. “Yes we are. It’s a secret though. We just aren’t ready to come out yet.” Bakugo said to him.
Mic nodded. “Do any of your teachers know besides me?” He really needed someone to talk to about this. The image was burned into his mind. “Aizawa-sensei knows.” Midoriya said. Mic nodded. Well at least his husband knew....Wait his husband knew!? Tonight’s conversation was going to be interesting.
“I won’t tell anyone, but uh in future try not to do...well that in the open like this. Next time it might be a student.” He saw the two boys blush. “Noted. Thank you sense.” Bakugo said. He was a little shocked to see the usually angry boy acting so soft. It was kinda scary. “It won’t happen again!” Midoriya said smiling brightly. He wouldn’t have believed that innocent green haired boy was so...feral but since he saw it with his own eyes...Well he wasn’t sure how to feel.
“Right...Well I’ll leave you two alone now.” Mic just wanted to leave, and so he did. “Fucking told you we would get caught out. This is why we shouldn’t be fucking making out in every empty hallway Izuku.” “I can’t help it Kaachan!” Was the last thing he heard before leaving the school.
Once Mic got back to the apartment he sat on the couch. He had no words. He thought the relationship between the two boys was complicated and estranged. Instead it was complicated in public and romantic behind the scenes.
 ~A couple hours later~
 “Hizashi? You here?” He heard his husbands voice. He looked over at the time. He had ended up sitting in that position for a couple hours without realizing it. “Uh yeah Shota.” Hizashi called out. Shota walked over to him. “You look like shit, did something happen?” Shota frowned at him.
“Did something happen? Something happened alright.” Hizashi folded his arms. “Do tell.” “Why didn’t you tell me that Bakugo and Midoriya are dating? You could have hinted!” He watched as Shotas eyes widened a little.
“How did you find out?” He asked. “Well I was minding my own business making plans for dinner tonight and then I turn down this empty hallway, there they were up against a wall tongues down each other’s throats! I am traumatized! I’m not against it but in the middle of the hallway!?” He watched Shota nod before he started to laugh.
“What’s so funny?” “Y-you mean to tell me that you found them in the middle of the hallway? Making out like their lives depended on it?” “YES! The image is burned into my brain Shota!” Hizashi was a little hurt that his husband found this to be funny but if he was in his position he would be laughing as well.
Shota fell to the ground laughing. He felt a little bad but to be honest he just found it funny. “This isn’t funny Shota! I am traumatized. I didn’t even know you could shove a tongue that far down someone’s throat, but guess what? You apparently can and it was Midoriya! The most innocent one of them all!!” That made Shota laugh even more. Ever since finding out about the couple he had come to realize just how corrupt Midoriya actually was. The two had been talking quite a bit about their relationship. Which Shota was glad for.
“Stop laughing! Why can’t you comfort me like a normal husband?” Hizashi pouted.
Eventually Shota calmed down. He was pretty sure he had almost died from laughing so much, but it was worth it. It was a funny situation. Shota sat next to his husband. “How long have you know?” Hizashi asked. “A couple months now. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, it might have slipped my mind but I also wanted the boys to trust me. They don’t want this out.” “I understand. I’ll make sure I keep quiet as well.” Hizashi was more than happy to keep this a secret.
“I never knew Midoriya was so...” “Corrupt?” Hizashi nodded. “I was surprised as well, when I first realized it. He’s come to talk to me quite a bit about their relationship. I think it helps him a lot since he can’t really talk to his mother. And he has no father in the picture.” Shota frowned at that. “Something wrong?” “I worry for them both naturally, but I do worry about Midoriya. From what little pieces I’ve gotten his father is absent but a pretty fucked up guy.” Shota sighed. “Dadzawa is true then?” Shota glared at him. “I am not their dad.” “Could have fooled me. You care for your students a lot, but you also act like their dad. Especially with Midoriya and hell even Bakugo. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how soft you are for the two.” The little hit was worth it. “Not their dad.” Shota grumbled.
“So is All Might the father figure then?” “He is not! I know more about these kids then he does! Especially Midoriya and Bakugo. The two come to me more than him now!” Hizashi had to laugh. It was adorable seeing his husband be protective like a father. “You are so dadzawa. I think it’s a good thing sweetie.” Shota just sighed. “Let’s just cook dinner. We can talk more about how I’m not dadzawa later on, and work on a plan to make sure the boys don’t get caught.” Shota got up and walked to the kitchen. “Dadzawa.” Hizashi whispered, but happily followed his husband.
Hizashi might never be able to walk down that hallway ever again, or be able to look the boys in the eyes but at least he could do his best to help them. To help them feel safe and to even talk to him about anything. Even if it would ultimately traumatize him. He might need to take some pointers from dadzawa.
This wasnt asked for, but I really wanted to write this. (If you saw my tumblr post, you will understand). I hope you enjoyed this installment. Dadzawa is gonna be showing up a lot more now!
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rpgwrites · 4 years
5 Questions for Writers
I was tagged by @mrscullensrutherford, @obvidalous, @ljandersen, @mordinette, @natsora, @alyssalenko, and @ooachilliaoo a while ago. Thank you all for tagging me and sorry for taking so long with this. 
I’m not sure who did this before but I’ll tag @wickedwitchofthewilds, @gremlinquisitor, @that-wasnt-so-bad, @starsandskies, @naromoreau, and @kenshi-vakarian7, with no obligations. Only if you want to do this. 
1. Do you have a favorite character to write? Who and why?
I do love all my OCs very much and I love writing them. But my favourite canon character to write? There’s a couple. There are some characters I love to write out of a platonic perspective. I do realize I do that a lot with Cora from Mass Effect Andromeda. Reyes is one of my favourite characters in MEA. But he was a very very tricky character to get a hold of. Even now after two years when I write to him I’m not always sure if I get his characterization right. But I do love writing him. 
2. Do you have a favorite trope to write? Or one you want to write?
I don’t really have favourite tropes. I really like to write in Angst, Whump, and mystery categories. I haven’t explored mystery really far. But there’s a reason for that. Mystery is like my all favourite category so it’s something I want to be perfect. But lol, of course, that’s impossible. It’s definitely not one of the most popular genres in the fandom so I’d love to contribute to that. But the next mystery I’ll post I probably finish it before posting. Just to make sure it’s mysterious enough for my taste. And I love mysterious things. 
3. Share your favorite description you’ve written?
Descriptive writing isn’t something I’ve done a lot. But it’s something I want to practise. So I’m going to share this bit that comes from Chapter 14 of The Path We Take, there’s some dialogue in between as well though. 
Sometime later Jaal made his way to the Pathfinder quarters. The Tempest halls were getting quieter. Everyone was getting ready for bed. He decided it would be best to check on Ryder now.
At dinner she wasn’t her usual self. She was trying her best not to snap at anyone. He saw the signs. The way she took a deep breath before answering. The looks she shot at others when they said things she disagreed with. Her eyes said more than her words could.
Her blue bright eyes were usually full of energy, but tonight they were bleary and unfocussed. She rolled her neck too many times. Her hand was either touching her temple or neck at every possibility. As if it needed support.
Ryder had left abruptly, saying she had too much work to do. Her movements were slow, as if it took everything out of her to move her legs.
"What's up with her?" Peebee asked when the Pathfinder left.
After swallowing her food Cora shrugged, "Probably just a long day. We all have those off days."
But it was more than that and it was impossible for Jaal to ignore it.
"Ryder?" he asked softly. He didn't want to disturb her if she was sleeping.
After a few moments silence was his only answer. "SAM, is Ryder sleeping?"
"No Mr. Ama Darav."
"Will you ask her if I can come in?"
"One moment please."
The door swooped open. But darkness met him. It confused him. "SAM please switch on the lights."
Not a second after Ryder spoke the room was filled with light. The first thing he saw was datapads scattered on the floor. Three empty water bottles were there as well. Her terminal was still on, but Ryder wasn't at her desk.
Her back was against the wall, she was sitting on the floor. Her blonde hair was loose from something Cora called a pony tail. The thing that usually holds her hair together was on her wrist. Fingers were digging into her hair.  And when she looked up her eyes slowly blinked, he could tell the light was stabbing her eyes with its sharpness. It was hurting her.
One thing was clear to him, she didn't care who saw her like this. Scenarios ran through his head. Was her sugar high? Was it low? If she wasn't feeling well, why wasn't she in bed?
4. Share your favorite dialogue you’ve written?
I’ve shared this before and I’m sure there are other dialogues that are my favourite, but each time I have to think of the favourite dialogue I’ve written this scene pops into my head. 
Chapter 1 of The Path We Take
Ryder, Jaal, and Peebee were suiting up. And then something really weird happened. Ryder sneezed.
Jaal and Peebee stopped with what they were doing and looked at her as if she did the craziest thing in the Galaxy.
Peebee gave her a weird look and it was clear that Jaal had no idea what happened.
“What just happened?” Jaal asked.
Not taking her eyes off Ryder Peebee answered with a smirk, “Ryder just sneezed.”
“Ah,” Jaal said as understanding kicked in. “Cora mentioned sneezing before. So this is what it sounds like.” He seemed to consider this. “Interesting.”
Ryder shrugged and picked up an Assault Rifle, “So I sneezed, it’s not a big deal.”
That’s what Ryder thought at the time. Later it would turn out she was very wrong.
“When was the last time you’ve sneezed?” Peebee asked.
“Hmm…” Ryder wasn’t sure. When was the last time she sneezed? She equipped the Assault rifle and answered with a shrug.
“Peebee,” Jaal started, “Why does that matter?”
It was the first time Peebee turned her gaze to Jaal, “Because that could mean our dear Pathfinder is having a cold.”
“I’m not having a cold. I feel fine,” Ryder said defensively before Jaal could even ask what a cold is. “It could also mean I’m allergic to something.”
“Like what?” Peebee challenged her.
“I don’t know,” Ryder answered too fast. ”Point being I’m not having a cold. It’s just one sneeze. There could be numerous reasons why I’ve sneezed.”
5. Scene you haven’t written, but want to?
There’s so so many. I’m so excited to begin the sequel of The Path We Take. Which I can’t talk about at all, because then I’ll just spoil the ending for The Path We Take lol. But there are so many other things I want to write and I hope I get to it all. Exploring stuff for my new Shepard, my two Dragon Age OCs. Maybe even going into Avery’s story. I also finally began rewriting my Benefactor fic and there are so many scenes there I can’t wait to write. 
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I Do. (Post 1/2) (part 1 of ?)
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"I just want a nice, normal guy to sweep me off my feet, and support my carmel vanilla coffee addiction. Is that so much to ask?!"
My best friend gave me an amused glance before dropping her gaze back towards her phone. I swear, that girl could hold two conversations face to face, surf facebook, and hold a buisness Skype call, all at the same time. A.D.D., they name is Rae.
"I've set you up on five dates so far, and you havent lasted longer then ten minutes with any of them," she countered. "So how about this...you tell me your dream guy, and I'll work off of that."
I sighed, tapping my foot nervously against the metal rung of the coffee shop table. I was always fidgeting. Whether it was shaking my foot, drumming my nails along the table, or pacing aimlessly around, I was always moving.
"I don't know," I sighed out on a breath. Picking up my iced vanilla, butterscotch, and chai latte, I took a sip before responding. "Dont you know anyone that actually has a life?"
Rae glanced up at me, cocking an eyebrow. "A life? Like, the other 5 were dead?"
I groaned. "The first guy had the ambition of a goldfish. Second guy wanted me to move into his mother's basement with him. Third guy was perfectly content to be a cashier th erest of his life and didnt want to even think about making more than minimum wage or he would loose government assistance.....shall I go on?"
Rae gave a throaty chuckle, causing three random guys to stop their conversations and look her way. She just had that way about her.
"Tell you what," she mused out loud. "Since the last five was a complete disaster, and I thought they would have been perfect for you, the next guy I pick will be the one who I think you'll hate the most. So.... Here's what I want from you. You pick what you want him to wear. You pick if you want flowers or not. And you pick the place to meet for drinks, dinner, movie...whatever. deal?"
I thought about it for a moment, the shrugged. "Fine. I want to come here. This coffee shop. No flowers. No expectations. I'll even pay for the both of our drinks. But he has to have a job. A good job. Or at least have a goal in mind," I amended.
Rae nodded. "Tell me more. Actually, tell me your dream. What's your fantasy date for this coffee. Close your eyes and describe the guy to me. What is he wearing. What does he look like. What is he drinking?"
I laughed, but saw the amusement in her eyes. Deciding to play along, I closed my eyes and tilted my head slightly back.
"White button down shirt with the sleeves rolled back a bit. Nice jeans, probably faded with a hole in the leg," I laughed out. "Gorgeous smile because he laughs a whole lot and has an amazing sense of humor. Eyes that are kind and sparkle. Shaggy hair that probably falls into his eyes...." I trailed off.
"Sounds like quite the catch," Rae laughed out on a breath. She sounded amused, which kind of worried me a bit.
I opened my eyes and glanced at her. "Why do you sound like you just ate a canary?"
Rae's eyes sparkled as she tried to suppress a smile. "I know who would be perfect for you, and...he should be here in about two minutes."
My jaw dropped to the floor. "What?! Theres no way you could have called someone and set it up so fast. You had this planned!" I shrieked. Not because she set me up, but because she didnt warn me.
I was dressed in my -I dont give a shit, today is my day off- clothes. A pair of faded dark grey sweatpants with a hole in the left knee, dark green jumper with a faded brand logo running down the arm, and hair unbrushed and tossed into a messy bun. Plus I was still wearing yesterdays makeup which had faded to a lovely raccoon inspired look.
"This wasnt a setup," she argued lovingly, tossing her hands up to her side quickly. "Swear it. You know i was meeting a few friends here today. One of them would be perfect for you."
I eyed her warily. "The so-called friends that are mysteriously out of the country doing something tha you refuse to tell me, along with their names? The ones who you are best friends with...yet I know nothing about, and we have been best friends since middle school?!" I mused, scrunching my nose up at the thought.
Granted, my and Rae are best friends for over 15 years now, but there was a random 2 year period where were were heavily into the party and drug scene. We kinda split ways and didnt talk for 2 years, then both of us, separately, decided to get our lives in order and somehow reconnected as if nothing had happened.
Strange how life works out.
"They aren't...." I trailed off.
"They were, " she nodded. "Not anymore tho. I used to hang out and binge with them tho. They cleaned their lives up as well. Just took them longer."
I nodded, glancing down at my almost empty iced coffee as I dragged my nails along the styrofoam, making patterns on the cup. "I'm willing to give it a go I guess. Coffee never hurt anyone, right?"
"Right," she agreed, glancing down once again to her phone to resume whatever multi-conversation she was having.
I didnt realize until a few minutes later that I was humming and singing along the the songs playing over the cafe speakers.
"Do you like this band?" She asked randomly, not taking her focus from her phone.
"Love them," I remarked, not really paying attention. "I just got their new album yesterday actually."
She made a small chuckle. "Let me guess then...you were always a guitar or lead singer chick. So.... Luke?"
I grinned, breaking my gaze away from all the pretty little designs my nails etched into my now empty coffee cup. " Usually , yes you would have been correct. And while he is hot, as is the othe guitarist...my heart lies elsewhere in the band."
"Bassist?" She chanced, finally placing her phone down and looking up. Her eyes darted over my shoulder, then came back to focus on my face. A grin broke out, smile so wide it reminded me of the Cheshire cat.
"Um, nooo," I drawled. "I actually seemed to be drawn to.....why the hell are you staring a time like that?!" I asked, breaking the conversation. "You look fucking creepy."
Her eyes seemed to dart over my shoulder again to where the cashier counter was, then back to me again. "So the drummer then?" She mused, not bothering to hide the grin. "You have a thing for the drummer?"
I continued to stare at her, trying to puzzle out what the hell was making her act so weird. "Yeah...?" I dragged out.
"Hmmm, and why would that be? I'm honestly curious. Usually you always go for the guitar rock-God type for looks."
I cocked my head to the side. "You really want an answer?"
Rae grinned again. Nodding her head emphatically. "Oh yes. Please, by all means."
I shrugged, taking the last small sip from my coffee. "He always seemed the most put together. Knows how to laugh, but always seems polite. Has an amazing voice, but would rather be in the background playing his heart out. And he gives out total Daddy vibes," I joked. "Plus, he is seriously hot. They all are in that band actually."
Rae burst out laughing, covering her mouth with both hands. I swear, tears started to form in her eyes.
I just stared at her. "Seriously Rae, what has gotten into you today?! What's so funny?"
Her eyes darted behind me once again, but this time she nodded. I didnt even have a chance to turn around to see what she was looking at before an arm snaking over my shoulder, placing a styrofoam cup in front of me.
"You can call me Daddy if you feel the need to, but I prefer Ashton on a first date," a voice said.
I closed my eyes tightly, slowly opening them as panic filled me. My eyes traveled from the coffee, up to a bare forearm dusted in dark golden hair, to a shoulder and chest that had a white button shirt...sleeves rolled back.
Damn, but did Rae tell him how to dress?
He smirked at my dazed expression, while Rae finally got herself under control. "I didnt tell him," she rasped out, still trying to hide the amusement as she spoke. " He really was randomly dressed like that to come here."
Ashton raised a brow as he pulled up a chair, leaning over to give Rae a quick one-armed hug before sitting on the chair backwards between us.
He reached over, palm up while smiling at me. "She did however, demand that I randomly walk in and order you a vanilla butterscotch coffee without even telling me your name, or why I was buying you one. I'm being set up on a date, I take it?" He questioned again, glancing to Rae for affirmation before looking back at me, then down to his still extended hand. "Do I get a name? Or should I introduce myself again?"
I shook my head, trying to snap out of the surreal experience going on. Placing my hand in his, I cleared my throat. "You're Daddy, right?" I smirked, trying to fight the blush rising on my face. God, but do I hope he can take the joke.
His face split into a grin, laugh bursting out of his lips. "I like her," he chuckled, looking over to Rae. " This one actually knows what a joke is."
I grinned at that as he looked back at me. "I take it that Rae has tried setting you up before as well?" I questioned.
He nodded, a faint smile still gracing his lips. "One girl who decided living in her car way her dream goal. One who only ate foods that were yellow. And one who wanted to be a psychologist because she didnt understand how people laughed or why we smile at things."
My eyes went wide. "Wow. And here I thought I had it bad with the guy who only showered on days it rained cause that's how the bathtub got refilled."
Ashton let out another bark of laughter, breaking eye contact to speak to Rae once again. " You suck at setting people up. You know that?"
She raised a brow at that, stopping her cup of coffee in mid air before she could take a sip. "Oh, so should I not have introduced the two of you?" She asked, feigning a look of hurt. "And here I thought you were getting along fairly well."
Ashton shook his head. "Are you kidding me? this girl is horrible! Wont tell me her name, wont call me by mine, and she laughs at everything I say!" He rambled out. A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, but he didnt stop looking at her.
"And he isnt the greatest catch either, " I added. "Eavesdropped a private conversation, assumed I wanted him to pay for something. I didn't ask for without asking me. And he wont let me go," I added, flicking my gaze down to our still entwined hands.
Rae nodded, a huge, fake sight escaping past her parted lips. " okay, I give up. Sorry to waste your time, Ash. I'll take her home and be back in a few minutes to catch up with you all. I assume the others are on the way?" She asked, standing up and motioning for me to follow.
Ashton shook his head. " They are on the way. But you cant take her."
Without warning, he turned and licked a wet line up my jaw. "I licked her. Shes mine now."
My jaw dropped open, but rae looked amused. "Are you gunna pee on her too?"
He turned to look at me finally, slightly swaying our hands back and forth. "Is that your kink?"
"What?! No! Why would you ask that?!"
He shrugged. "Well, I know you have a Daddy kink, just had to be sure."
"I do NOT have a Daddy kink!" I hissed out, trying to pull my hand out from his grasp. "And why the hell did you lick me?"
He was having none of it. Keeping hold of my hand, he slowly brought it up to his lips and kissed the back of my hand before finally releasing his hold. "Cause I wanted to see what you tasted like. Vanilla, I like it." He winked.
"You do have a daddy kink," Rae interjected, laughing through her words. "I'm going to go get another coffee and grab 2 other tables for the guys. You two enjoy yourselves."
Ashton glanced at me before looking at Rae. "If I did that, we would be arrested and barred from this shop."
I think my heart stopped. Was I breathing?
"Mind if I go grab myself a drink?"
I blinked, trying to focus on his face once again. "Didn't you just order one while you were up there?"
He shook his head. "Only ordered yours. I wasnt sure if I wanted to stay once she told me she had a girl with her for me to meet."
"And now you are sure you want to stay?" I questioned.
He smiled. A sweet smile that lit up his eyes. "I think you are fucking perfect."
I blushed at that. "Yeah, right. Cause messy girl with raccoon eyes in your kink, right?"
He gave me an amusing look. "Like a guy in jeans and a white shirt is yours?" He retorted. A small sigh left his lips as he pulled out his phone and scrolled through a few messages. Once he found what he was looking for, he stopped and put the phone down on the table in front of me.
Raelyn- her fantasy sounds like you, in a white button down and a pair of worn out skinny Jean's. Just get your asses here!
Ash-and you are so sure I would like her? I sisnt agree to another date with your wacky high maintenance friends. They just want a sugar daddy.
Raelyn- shes sitting here in pajamas, messy hair, and yesterdays makeup. And she insists on buying our coffees every week. Still wanna pass her up?
Ash- ....be there in 5.
Raelyn- get her a butterscotch vanilla iced coffee.
Ash- thought she didnt want people to buy her shit?
Raelyn- then get it for me.
Ash- do I have to buy flowers or anything?
Raelyn- only if you want her to hit you with them.
Ash- I like her already.
I glanced up at Ashton, a small smile gracing my face. "So I guess it's my turn to buy you a coffee?"
He shrugged, swinging his leg back over the chair to sit down backwards on it once again. "If you insist. Pick whatever you think I would like."
I grinned this time. " whipped cream, cherries, and handcuffs?" I joked.
He beamed at me. "Nah, that's the second date. And woulsnt you know it....you already know what to call me then," he teased.
I laughed, walking away to get him a drink. I slid up alongside Rae, elbowing her in the side gently. "Are the other three coming?"
She smiled at me. "Yeah, be here any minute."
The barista asked up for our orders, while I pushed Rae's card back towards her. "I got them."
"That's 7 drinks you are paying for today," she reminded me.
"Glad your good at math," I remarked. "You can get the next round. And if they like me as a friend and we hang out in the future we can all take turns. If not, then I get to say that they are forever indebted to me. Win-win I say."
She shrugged, but didnt argue. "Fair play, that. I'll go shove the tables together and be back to help you carry them all."
But it wasnt her who came back over when the order was ready. It was Michael.
"HI," he practically yelled, squeezing me in a tight bear hug. "I'm Michael. Or Mike. Whatever."
"You seem overly happy to meet a stranger, " I laughed out, hugging him back just as tight before letting go.
"You made ashton happy," he shrugged, a huge smile on his face. "Anyone who can make his smile in the first few minutes of meeting him...especially lately, deserves to be treated like the fucking queen they are."
My brows shot up at that. "I'm a queen now. High praise. Does that make you the court jester?" I asked, handing him a cardboard tray with 4 drinks in it.
He grinned. "Sure. Anything else you wish me to carry, m'lady?"
I laughed and gave a curtsey. "Not at this time, good sir. Go forth and conquer the bistro que!"
Michael laughed, draping an arm across my shoulder while walking back to the now full tables. He set his 4 drinks down, then took one out of my hand and gave it to Rae before distributing the 4 he had.
"They're marked, and we all drink the same shit every time we go out," he explained. "The one you have is the only one I dont recognize so I assumed it is yours."
I shook my head and resumed my seat next to Ashton, with Luke next to me on the other side now. Michael and Calum were sat across from me. "Its for Ashton actually. He bought me my coffee and forgot to get his own."
"Trying to ditch her," Calum asked.
"Nope." Ashton stated. Simple. Direct. One word.
"Finally found a girl that will put up with your crazy-ass for longer than 10 minutes?" Like remarked.
"Gunna marry this one, mate," Ashton laughed out.
"Shit, you move fast," Michael snorted. "And here I was being engaged for over a year already. What am I doing wrong?"
"You actually asked your fiancee," Luke answered. "Ashton will just be standing in front of the magistrate with a blowup doll."
Everyone laughed, including me Ashton fake pouted, poking me in the side before lacing his fingers through mine. My heart gave a little flitter, but I didnt pull away.
"Come on, Love, you're supposed to defend our relationship!"
I chuckled. "Yes sir. Would you like to get married now, sir? I think I still have my old bicycle pump in my garage if you need it. And some duct tape in case your fiancee gets a hole."
He threw his head back and laughed, tightening his grip on my hand. Not hard, but in acknowledgment that it was a good laugh. "Fuck the lot of you."
"Damn, already cheating on me. And with three other men no less," I crooned, pouting my lips.
That caused another round of laughter.
"I think I'm in love with your girlfriend, " Calum huffed out. "She knows how to give back shit we dish out."
"Dont be hitting on my wife," Ashton fake growled. "I worked hard on this relationship!"
"Oh yeah? What's her name?" Rae jumped in, bemused laughter lacing each word.
A slow silence fell across the table, followed by abrupt laughter for everyone.
"Oh. My. God. You didnt even ask her what her name is yet?!" Michael bellowed, tears forming in his eyes. "I can see it now. The priest standing there like do you take this girl for your wife? And you being like, who's that?"
"Fuck all of you," Ashton gasped out through laughter again. "I'm gunna marry her one day and then shes gunna kick your asses for making fun of me."
I grinned, reaching over to poke my finger into his dimple. "Yeah? I'll kick their asses for you if you ask, darling." I agreed. "Just as soon as you get my attention and ask me. Oooh, right. You can't. Dont know my name," I beamed.
He threw back his head and chuckled. "Fuck you too, sweetheart," he remarked, leaning over to place a quick kiss to my cheek.
"Only if you scream my name out while you do," I joked.
"Fuck, but do I love a smart mouth," he agreed.
The conversation flowed easily. Two more rounds of drinks were bought over the course of a few hours, until the cafe was getting ready to close.
We all agreed to meet up next weekend, have enjoyed each others company and realizing the six of us were going to be amazing friends.
"Can we bring our girls next week?" Luke asked.
"Hell yeah " I agreed readily. "Me and Rae need all the help we can get against you four."
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blookmallow · 4 years
playing rusty lake Roots... theres so much going on 
i wrote this post at like 2 AM last night so its kind of incoherent lmao
ok so now im following the family history of... maybe the founders of the rusty lake hotel? someone who is Involved Somehow. some weird shit is going on and im really into it but not quite following yet 
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oH god theres a dead guy in the clock. ok 
i spent like 10 minutes solving puzzles in this room with that dude in there the whole time and i had no idea OK SURE 
then i had to burrow into his chest to steal his heart, as you do. sorry sir apparently i need it for some reason but it doesnt look like you’re using it anymore anyway 
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very romantic
the absolutely batshit solutions to some of these are so good like. “she likes him! he likes her! help them communicate” “ok i will... give her a rose” “she likes the rose! oh she pricked herself and is bleeding everywhere now” “i... use her blood. for ink. with the feather i got from a raven earlier. so he can write her a love note. with her blood” “great job! they’re engaged now” “i see” 
and you’ll NEVER GUESS where i found a ring for her 
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god damn it its you again
why is this disembodied hand following me everywhere i go... i didnt kill it this time it was already dead but like, Why 
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oh fuck its the dudes!!!! from the hotel!!!! its the guys!!!! 
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i can also see them in the hotel across the lake despite everyone else being humans this time and it feels like this should be Before the events of the, uh. dinner party. but it might be shadows of the future to come or something, there’s a lot of ominous Fate and something to do with memories happening here 
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oh. that’s why i needed the heart. i see 
im collecting sacrifices for some kind of revival i think, im betting this is gonna end up being how mr. owl happened somehow 
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oH god that’s. ok. fuckign christ 
thats not. how any of this works but sure ok that happened 
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really not a fan of the fact that the solution to “how do i get the key from the dog” ended up being “feed it the woman’s fucking placenta after she gives birth” lmao ok
i do like when the solutions are like. unexpectedly horrifying, though. that moment of “wait. no. no. oh god. thats it isnt it” 
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also the woman would only give me one bottle of milk (there’s three babies) so i had to fill another one with wine and another with water. i feel like this is a bad method of caring for your triplets but what do i kno 
i know this all isnt really meant to be taken literally tho i think... everything happening here is highly symbolic but im not sure exactly how
the milk goes to samuel, who seems the most normal/put together child, maybe the one who was treated the best/the most privileged one/the one closest to the mother 
the wine goes to albert who ends up being the most fucked up one so maybe thats a sign he was abused/maybe one or both parents had an alcohol problem they took out on him the most 
im not sure what the water would mean though, that one goes to emma and shes a botanist so, water for the flowers, i guess, she later commits suicide but i dont know why yet (or maybe it might not be explained at all) maybe it’s a. wasting away/neglected thing? 
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im missing a shot i thought i had here but you’re in an alchemy lab trying to make this elixir and the alchemist won’t take it, and the only other thing in the room is.... the dog 
so i was just like :( im gonna kill the dog arent i 
but then 
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the dog drank the elixir and was fine so the alchemist tried it and immediately died, so apparently it’s a 50/50 chance of either reaction and not “it works or it doesn’t” all around and now we have an immortal dog :’  ) 
either that or it just doesn’t affect dogs. time will tell i suppose
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anyway this is how albert turned out and i would do anything for him LOOK at this baby boy 
he wanted a butterfly so i solved a bunch of very strange puzzles to obtain one for him 
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fuCKing hell 
albert you’re not gonna believe this look what i found
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FUCK yeah you look great 
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i brought him the butterfly and he immediately stabbed it to death but really im more concerned with the fact that it’s BLEEDING RED 
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look at him go
i carved a pumpkin mask for him and he loves it 
i hope albert knows i would die for him 
ok anyway uhh its 2 AM as of when im writing this so i should stop but im trying to work out thoughts on what the fuck is going on here so far 
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ok so
james married mary and they had three kids
james might have murdered his uncle or something im still not sure why there was a dead guy in the clock at the beginning 
somethin sure happened there
james became fascinated with alchemy and eventually died trying to create an elixir of life. something or someone is trying to do some kind of weird revival ritual with body parts. i highly suspect that might be where mr. owl comes from
its not totally clear what’s going on with albert, he had a mark on his head when he was a baby but im not sure if his face is like that just bc birth mark or if the wasp incident made it worse or something, i feel like it wasnt as visible in the childhood scene but i dont remember now 
he wanted the butterfly when he was a kid too but it wasnt clear if he liked it or wanted to kill it then too. not sure if the wasp incident Changed Him/was the start of lifelong rivalry with samuel, or if albert’s just mentally ill and that was just One More Incident with his siblings bullying him, or maybe a combination of both
emma grows up to be a botanist but commits suicide for reasons unknown
there was a really weird disjointed flashback on emma’s side of the tree where albert kind of inadvertently dumped a kid into a well (he was... spinning the crank thing mayb stimming or something, the player makes the swing go too far to make the kid land there in the first place so idk if thats just The Hand Of Fate or what, but albert didnt technically do it he just was the reason he lost grip on the. thing where the rope goes/he didnt help the kid) (but again he’s. not mentally well, i think it was ‘he didnt understand what was going on’ more than ‘he committed a possible murder’) so idk if maybe that was emma’s kid?? she also may have been impregnated by plants. dont know what the fuck that was about either 
samuel marries a fortune teller named ida (and has more kids i think. i wasnt paying close enough attention to the photo on the wall) who albert also loves but she seems to think of him as the devil and has visions about him i think
it looks like albert loses it and puts some kind of curse on samuel possibly black magic/voodoo/something which MAY have turned him into mr. crow, which, fucked up if true 
but im hesitant to accept “albert’s just Fucked Up And Evil” bc... the wine bottle seems to imply he was not treated well as a baby/possibly abused, samuel knocked a wasp nest onto his head which isn’t massively outside the realm of like. sibling rivalry stuff (my brother once smacked me in the head with a snowglobe so hard i had to be rushed to the doctor when he was rly little/i was younger and we’re Completely Fine now lmao) but maybe fucked him up worse than they realized 
and the whole thing with ida, too. theres no detail given but it definitely seems like samuel is the favorite child and albert is the “we don’t talk about that one” child so its like. years of abuse/unequal treatment/etc and we dont necessarily know how samuel’s treated him all these years or if there could’ve been more/worse things going on 
i dont know!! i like him and i want him to get help and not just be condemned as the family demon just bc he spooky 
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prorevenge · 5 years
Bam, you're homeless!
This happened around 2002, roughly, and requires a big hunk of backstory. I warn you, this is long...really really stupid long. I posted the entire story years ago on a now dead social media site and it was 5 parts long, with pictures. I wont go into nearly as much detail here, but I'll still include enough that you get how horrible the situation was for me and why I did what I did.
I was seeing this woman that was about 10 years older than me for about a year. My brother introduced us, as his wife was High School friends with the woman. She had a son from a previous marriage that was about 9 years old when we started dating. We hit it off pretty well, and started dating. She lived with her parents when we met, and since I had a 2BR apartment I invited her and her son to move in with me about 3 months into our relationship. She didn't have a job, but that was OK with me. I had a job where I could move up if I wanted to fairly easily, so we wouldn't need her to have an income. It would be tight, but doable without too much effort. She was mostly nice, even though she had her moments (like all women) where she could be pretty petty. I didn't mind those moments since they were fairly rare, but a few led up to and then fed what happened... so I'll briefly run through them here in a prologue of sorts.
Shortly after we first got together, she brought me over to her parents house (we'd previously met, since she lived there at the start) in order to introduce me to her only sister who was visiting. Everything was fine, but her sister kept making eyes at me. I didn't think much of it until my GF went to the bathroom, and I went to the kitchen to get a drink refill. The sister followed me in and immediately gets right up behind me. I'm a little uncomfortable, but she's just akward close, not touching me... she quietly says "hey, why don't you give me a call sometime, I'll make it worth your time sexy". I was horrified. I had just met her, and I was dating her sister. I told her no thanks, got my drink and hurried back to the livingroom. When my GF came out, I made eye contact and made it clear I was ready to go. She ignored me for almost an hour and we finally leave. The GF gets pissed as soon as we hit the car (pickup truck actually), thinking I was just being a dick. I shut that shit down by explaining what happened. She gets mad and tells me a story about how her sister slept with her ex-husband, and how she was a snake and had stolen boyfriends before too. I tell her I don't ever want to be left alone with her again. I then explain that I am NOT a cheater, I wont ever be that guy, and I don't want to be put in a sketchy situation to be misinterpreted either. She agrees, and acts like everything's cool and I had said the right things.
There were a couple more incidents that, at the time, just seemed like standard jealous girlfriend stuff. One stands out, she had acquired a handful of time-sheets from my work and accused me of taking days off and calling in sick without her knowing it, and accused me of using the days to see other women. I was confused, since I have a good work ethic and very rarely take vacations and virtually never call in sick. Turned out she had gotten my brothers time-sheets (he worked at the same place) and my brother had zero work ethic. He called in all the time to do drugs with his wife. I didn't even ask how she got hold of the time-sheets, I just laughed it off and thought she did too.
About 9 or 10 months into the relationship, I popped 'the question', she said yes. We went ring shopping. Like I said, she didn't work and though I had a job, it wasn't the greatest paying job out there. I made about 30K a year, so things were tight-ish, but getting a nice ring was workable as long as neither of us got too crazy. I figured on a combined budget of about $1000USD to $1500 combined.
She decided she just HAD to have this ring that was right at $5000. I told her there was no way I could afford that, and my credit was so crappy at the time they couldn't finance it. I joked that if I was going to spend $5K that it would be on a wedding car, not a ring since she was borrowing her dads car to get around. I told her to pick out something more in line with our budget, and we'd get better rings in the future for an anniversary. She said OK, but I could tell she was pissed. I found a ring I really liked (about $150) but she couldn't find anything and kept looking at the expensive ring giving me puppy dog eyes. The clerk wasnt helping, he kept handing her the ring and saying how nice it looked on her. I was mad, and just decided it was better we leave and come back another day. Give her time to think about it.
A few days later, we're at her parents house and her dad pulls me off to the side. Now, her dads a great guy. I really liked him a lot, so I liked being at his house and he seemed to really like me too. He says to me "My daugher says she found a ring she likes, but you cant afford it..." I get a little irritated that she would tell her father that, and he sees it "Don't get upset, I'm not going to try to convince you to buy it. I want to buy it....but you cant tell her I did." I tell him thanks, but no, I cant do that...he's already paying for the wedding that we haven't even planned yet. I remind him that he has no idea how much he'll end up forking over for that yet. He insists. He wants his baby to be happy, and he wants her to be happy with me. After some more argument, I agree....but only if he allows me to pay him back, which he does. About a week later, me and him go get the ring she wanted. I made sure a different clerk from the first time got the sale, fuck that guy. I gave it to her that night, and cue the fireworks and the bedside lamp cut-scene. We were back on track.
The day of the wedding arrives, we'd been together almost a year at this point, and it's great. We have a noon wedding at this old wooden church from the early 1800's, and the reception in a nearby field with an old tobacco barn. It was very picturesque but brief, since we'd arranged to go to Orlando for our honeymoon, her choice. Since I could get a good deal by going through a vacation planner from work, provided I went to this timeshare thing, it worked out. We got 1 night in a nice hotel, had to go to a hard-sell timeshare thing the next day for about 2hrs, and got free tickets to Epcot for the following day for about $200. Normally the Epcot tickets alone would have been nearly that. We would then have to switch hotels and had planned to stay for an additional week to see the rest of the city.
End Epilogue (told you it was going to be long) and begin the REAL story:
The reception ends, and we head straight to the courthouse to file the wedding certificate since it was 4:30pm and they closed at 5pm. I park and run inside, she stays in the truck since she's still in her wedding dress. They had closed early. Fuck. I knew we had 10 days after the wedding to file the certificate, and we were only planning to be gone about 5 to 7 days max. I also knew that if she found out that she'd insist we wait until the next day to leave. That would ruin the first night in the good hotel, and I had no idea if it would stop us from doing the timeshare thing potentially ruining Epcot too. I made an executive decision on the way back to the car to just...not tell her. I could file when we got back, no problem. She would never need to know.
We went back to my apartment, and changed into travel clothes and put the suitcases into the back of the truck and left. When she wasn't paying attention, I slipped the wedding certificate into her purse inside a little zipper section I knew she rarely used. I figured it would be safer there than anywhere else. In hindsight I should have left it in the apartment.
I should note that at the time I drove a Barney purple Ford Ranger splash. It stood out. My brother had written the standard "just Married" stuff ALL OVER IT in bright red paint. It really stood out. We took off, and after many people honking and we waved at everyone that did, we arrived in Orlando about 3hrs later. We check in to the Embassy Suites, take a very fun joint shower and after several 'fun-time' hours go to sleep. The next day we do the timeshare seminar thing, get the Epcot tickets and check out. I find a cheaper, but still nice, motel close to Epcot and check in. It's a Masters Inn with exterior room doors, not interior with a hallway (image search 'Masters Inn' and you'll get what I mean). We put our stuff in the room, and immediately leave.
I grew up on the Eastside of Orlando, so I take her on the grand tour of all my childhood memories. My elementary school, the old neighborhood, the local hangouts telling her my early life story at every turn. I also take her to meet my paternal Grandfather who lived in Winter Park, just outside Orlando at the time. We go to dinner and head back to the motel around 8pm with plans to go to Epcot early so we can spent the entire day. We were going to take the shuttle, but since we both smoked we decided it would be better to take my truck instead.
The day goes great with two exceptions. I wore some pants that were a bit loose on me, and couldn't find a belt for sale at the park. I spent the whole day hitching up my britches, which made me mildly irritable. Second, she was being overly affectionate for a family theme park, and I knew Disney didn't tolerate that level of PDA and would throw you out if it got out of hand. I had to keep telling her no when she wanted to do more than a quick kiss. She was sticking her tongue down my throat, and getting handsy...then she got mad when I told her to knock it off.
By the time we left Epcot, we were both a little irritable but still in a generally OK mood. We stopped at a 7-11 on the way home. They're selling these pre-made whiskey/coke things, and I feel that they'll help the mood so I buy 4 of them. We pull into the Masters Inn, go up to our room, and...the key doesn't work. I go to the lobby and tell the clerk, he pulls up the room and says no ones checked into that room. After a brief discussion, we realize I'm an idiot and went to the wrong Masters Inn...there's a couple of them in town, and since every street in Orlando looks basically the same, I went the wrong way and ended up at the wrong one.
She thinks this is evidence that I'm stupid and keeps harping on me about it the whole drive to our actual motel. We go inside, take a shower and decide to drink. The drinks are warm, so I say I'm going to go get ice and leave the room wearing pink sweatpants (hers) and a tanktop. I did it to make her laugh, which she did, and figured the ice machine would be close so no worries. I was wrong. I walked around the entire motel looking for a machine. The only one they had was in the lobby, so I fill two buckets (not wanting to go back) and head back to the room.
Shes. Not. There. The clothes she wore at the park, which were on the floor when I left, are gone. I figure she ran down to the truck to get something, so I pour drinks. She isn't back, so I look outside and don't see her by the truck. Neither of us had cellphones at the time, so I just lay down and started flipping channels waiting.
She comes back maybe 5 minutes later and her first words are a loud "FUCK YOU". I just stare at her, and she starts yelling about how I didn't go get ice, I was calling all my bitches back home and that she knew I was cheating on her. I point at the ice buckets and simply say "Ice"...she goes ballistic saying "You were gone for fucking 20 minutes, I knew you were cheating, my sister told me not to trust you!". I get mad because her sister is the one who slept with her last husband, I remind her of that, and how she also hit on me and that I had nothing to do with her because of it. She launches into a tirade about how her sister followed me around and saw me with several convenience store clerks near my job, and that I was busted. She then states "Thats ok, I own you now...you wont be driving yourself to work ever again! I will! If you go anywhere from now on it will be with me or my son, and you can forget about sex for at least a month!"
I'm beside myself...I might have actually had an out of body experience. I very calmly say "are you done?" She goes on for another couple minutes in the same vein, and finally says "Well? What do you have to say for yourself?"
I work in Corrections, so I'm no stranger to tense verbal situations that could lead to violence, so I don't yell at all. I say, very calmly, "I will drive myself wherever the fuck I please, with or without whoever the fuck I want. I don't cheat, I have never cheated, I WILL never cheat. If you trust your lying sack of shit sister more than the man you married, then maybe you should have married her instead." She screams "MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE!" so I reply with "so are you saying we're done? I refuse to live like you just described. If that's the only option, then you're saying we're done. Are we done?"
I reply with "so we're done. Get some sleep, we're going back home in the morning". Neither of us get much sleep, but we dont talk to each other at all. The next morning, around 9am, I ask her "Have you calmed down, or are we still through" she answers with a very angry "Fuck you asshole"...so I get up, and start loading our stuff. I tell her "get in the truck or get left" and she wisely gets in.
The Revenge Begins
At this point I'm not 100% sure we're officially over yet, I just know we aren't staying in Orlando just to fight. On the drive out of Orlando, people are honking at us because of the 'just married' stuff, and she's yelling at them, giving them the finger. My windows are very darkly tinted, so I doubt anyone really saw her, but I still tell her to knock that shit off. She rolls the window down, and before I can say anything she's taken off her wedding ring and thrown it out the window.
I start laughing. She gets says "what're you laughing at, I hope you enjoy paying for that!". I drop the bombshell: "your dad bought that ring, he did it so you'd be happy and made me swear not to tell you...enjoy telling him you threw his 5K away bitch" at this point I know we're over for good. She starts yelling for me to pull over on the East-West Expressway...yeah, right! It's a 4-lane toll road, very busy, everyone going 70mph+, with a very narrow shoulder. I tell her she's fucked, that ring is gone. She's furiously yelling, but I cant stop smiling because I feel like I've just avoided a lifetime of misery and somehow everything happened like it did just to save me...but it gets better/worse.
We get back to town and when I slow down to turn down the road to my apartment, she screams "Take me home you fucker, take me home now!", so I head to her parents house about 4 miles away. As soon as I stop she says "bye motherfucker", jumps out, slams the shit out of the door, and runs inside. I guess she thought I'd just go home. I did not. I got out and walked up to the door. Her dad opened it before I could knock and steps out. He says "Rodnaxela, what happened, whats going on???" So I explain it to him, and include that she threw the ring out the window. He is instantly mad. I think he's mad at both of us, but he's not. He tells me to come in and I do. Mom is sitting there (she's wheelchair bound, has a British accent and is completely awesome), and she looks like she wants to cry....which makes me want to cry. My GF comes out of the kitchen, sees me, and starts swearing a blue streak as she grabs her purse and her dads car keys. She bolts out the door and takes off to god knows where. I stay there for about an hour explaining everything that went down.
They drop a bombshell. They tell me that she has been married 3 previous times, and ruined all of them with her anger and jealousy. They are sorry for not telling me, but they really liked me and wanted me in their family. They hoped that I would be the one to settle her down since it seemed like we never fought and I was really good at de-escalating. I tell them I understand, and apologize for the whole situation and leave.
It's on the way home that I remember the wedding certificate and have an "oh fuck" moment. I initially have no idea what to do, or how to get it from her without her knowing since we now hate each other. I go home and start putting all her shit into garbage bags. I haven't mentioned her son much because even though his mother and I lived together, he spend 99% of the time at her parents house. He had the spare room set up for when he stayed there, but he rarely did. I packed what little he had more carefully than I had hers, using an actual box.
While I was packing, she showed up with my brother. Turns out she was over there talking shit. She was high school friends with his wife, so it didn't strike me as odd when I thought about it. It also didn't strike me odd that my brother was acting like a dick because he likely believed her version of the story and his wife being friends with her drove it home. They loaded up her stuff, stole a moderate amount of my stuff (including some of the wedding gifts/checks I was going to return, didn't notice that for a week) and left. My dear bother forged my signature on the checks and cashed them the next day, which I didn't find out for awhile. She didn't have her purse with her, so there was no opportunity to retrieve the certificate.
After she left, I called her dad and asked if the purse in question was there. She had several. He looked and couldn't find it, he asked why but I didn't tell him. I asked him to call me when she got home, no matter how late it was. I had formulated a plan that I wasn't sure would work, but had to try.
He called around 11pm and said she had just come in, he was whispering so she didn't know he was calling me. Perfect. I drove over and knocked on the door. She answered. "what the fuck do you want?" she says. I earned the academy award by putting on a sad face and saying "baby, please, this has gone far enough. I love you. I'll do whatever you want, just don't leave me...please...lets go get something to eat and talk...I'll do anything you want" she looks at me for a minute, gets this cruel look and says give me a minute. I stand there trying to keep looking sad in case she peeks out the window, and after a couple minutes she steps back outside..With. The. Purse!!!
Without warning, as she steps down the stairs, I snatch the purse from her and run into the yard. I get the certificate out and start waving it around. She has no clue whats going on and just stands there. I yell "I got the wedding certificate bitch, they were closed, I never filed it you cunt!!!" as she starts to move towards me, I throw her purse at her and start ripping up the certificate. I throw half of the pieces in her face and jump in my truck and haul ass away. Best moment of my life.
So far it's just petty revenge bordering on pro. I was gotten as good as I gave, and maybe I got the worse end of it since she got the wedding money. This is where it goes into pro level, maybe even nuclear...possibly even supernova levels, even though I was only partially the reason her life ended up being ruined.
I get back home feeling very happy with myself, and start watching TV. I even still have about a week and a half left on my vacation. Fuck Yeah! Then my phone rings, it's my brother. He starts yelling at me that I'm an asshole and that I'll pay for doing what I did and he'll make sure of it. I hang up on him, and turn off my ringer. I start thinking about what he said and realize that he may have planted something while he was here. I know he's into pills and smokes dope, so I wouldn't put it past him. I immediately start searching my house. I empty every closet, every cupboard, strip the beds, vacuum and basically spend the next 2 days cleaning that place better than it's ever been cleaned. I keep running across these tiny ziploc baggies in weird places. Under the bathroom sink, under the couch, behind books on a shelf....and I have no idea why. The bags are big enough to put a bottlecap in at most and look dusty inside. Then it hits me when I find some 2 inch (5cm) straws under the bed. Cocaine. Shit.
I go BACK through the whole place and find a couple more baggies and a few more straws. At this point I have no idea my brother is into coke, and the amount of baggies with the apparent age of some of them makes me think they're all my exes. I'm pissed, so I call her dad. I tell him what I've been finding and he gets quiet. He says "Rodnaxela, I'm so sorry, I thought she was done with that, I should have warned you...I'm so sorry" I'm floored as he explains that she's had coke issues off and on for years. She had said she quit when her parents threatened to fight for custody of her kid and throw her out if she didn't. This was a few months before we started dating. I inform him that I can get some drug tests from work fairly easily if he wants, he says he may want them and that he'll call me back.
The next day I get a call from her dad. He had just confronted her and told her that if she refused to pee in a cup, with her mother watching, whenever they wanted her to she would be thrown out on the street. She refused and they told her she had 5 days to either get out or reconsider. I told him to let me know if she reconsidered, and I'd get him the tests. He never called me back, and we never spoke again. Due to some things my brother stirred up at work, I wasnt speaking to him anymore either, so I didnt find out what all happened for a while.
About 6 months later I found out through a mutual friend that they had thrown her out, and when she didn't contact them or her son for about 2 months they filed for custody based on abandonment (not sure all of the specifics). Last I heard, they had raised him to be a good man and his mother was last seen living under a highway overpass, but that was several years ago. She's either dead now or maybe under another overpass in another city...at least that's how I prefer to picture her.
There is a whole 'rest of the story' that involves my brother trying to ruin my life because of this situation. Turns out he and my ex were doing coke together, but all the connections were hers...when I ended things, she cut him out. He went to work the week before I came back and spread some pretty fucked up lies about me and how the breakup happened. I was new to the institution at the time and was scheduled to start a new shift on my return, so it was perfect timing on his part....but that's a whole different story that I might write at some point, since I got revenge on several people over the course of things.
If enough people say this rises to the level of nuclear or supernova, I'll crosspost.
TL;DR I marry some bitch, she thinks that means she can turn me into her slave, turns out we weren't really married and she ends up losing her kid and living under a bridge like a cunty troll.
(source) story by (/u/Rodnaxela)
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mendesnecessary · 5 years
Buy you some med for jealousy
A/n: Someone requested Jealous!Shawn but I got the inspiration yesterday, after million years. Sorry anon, but here’s your request, hope y’all like it! <3 
Word count: 1.118
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Headphone connected, music playing and body slight moving, after all, she was in public. 
At a supermarket more specifically. 
And not alone, by the way.
Y/n was shopping with her boyfriend, both excited with the idea of making dinner together and enjoying each other company after months of him away touring. 
She was in the cleaning products corridor, left Shawn choosing his juice flavor. Y/n moves her hips once again while searching for her shampoo in the shelf, the perfect one for her long and thick hair, but a groan let her mouth when she saw the purple bottle in the top of the shelf too far for her small body reach.
Yet, y/n tried to jump twice before realizing she needs to call Shawn so he could help her. They were just like that, completing and helping each other at the non-expected moments.
The music beat catches her body again and she tries to relax moving her head.
“Still playing Just a lil bit like you used to?” a deep man’s voice says approaching. 
Y/n take her headphones hanging int around her neck, a big smile reaches her lips once she saw the one standing by her side, hands inside of his pockets and eyebrows furrowed.
It was her high school friend, they used to be so close in her school time but somehow they lost touch when it came to an end.
“God, Tyler!!!! I missed you so much your dumbass!” she jumps over his open arms earning a hug as big as him. Her feet can’t even touch the ground.
“Not a lot baby girl just a lil bit” he quotes the song before the two of them burst into a laugher. “You need that bottle?” He points and she is fast to nod smiling. “Here” it was not hard for him to take it considering his height. 
Y/n takes the shampoo bottle and thanks him with another smile.
“How you doing?? It’s been a  while since we talked” she starts before leaning in the supermarket trolley and putting the purple bottle there.
“I’m fine what about my favorite girl?” he smirks.
When y/n’s about to answer someone clears the throat behind. She turns around seeing Shawn with two juice boxes and an eyebrow furrowed, probably from Tyler’s words.
“I’m doing great.” she answers to Tyler before looking again to Shawn. “Wich flavor?” 
“Grape and orange without sugar, your favorite” he puts the two boxes in the trolley and glances at Tyler. 
“Thank you. This is Tyler by the way.” she introduces the two handsome men in her front. “Tyler this is Shawn” 
“Nice to meet you, man” Tyler stretches his hand and Shawn shakes it. Her friend couldn’t tell but she knew the smile that her boyfriend gave him was a fake one. Besides, he shook hands too tight. 
“Same” Mendes let go of Tyler's hands and turn to the shelf. “You took your shampoo already, babe?” the big and deep brown eyes looking at you.
“Yeah, she was jumping like crazy when I saw her, so I took it for her.” Tyler answers holding a laugh at you.
“C’mon, you’re a liar! I jumped like two times and that’s all.” Y/n shows him her tongue jokingly and rolls her eyes.
They look so close, so intimate, the kind of intimacy you only have when you alread...
Could it be? Shawn thinks. 
“I’m gonna take a second bottle, the one you let in my place is already over. You know you use it too much.” Shawn winks before take another purple shampoo bottle and puts it into the trolley glancing one more time at Tyler. 
Not done yet Shawn wraps his arms around Y/n’s waist putting her closer than ever. 
Can you see it now, Tyler?
“So from where do you know my girl?” the Canadian asks.
“Your girl?” Tyler asks making a confused face. 
C’mon, was he pretending?
 “Yeah, she’s my girlfriend” 
“In this case, I’m sorry for calling her baby girl, it used to be our inside joke in high school, don’t take it personal” Tyler apologizes smirking at Y/n. “We were close friends in school time.”
“Funny though, she never told me about a high school friend named Tyler” Shawn teases.
“I...” Y/n starts but Tyler is faster.
“Ya know man the best things are kept between the ones involved.” he was tough. “I gotta go now, but it was greeting seeing you again, y/n” Tyler leans to give y/n a kiss on the cheeks. “And, of course, it was nice to meet you, Shawn” He smiles and walks to the end of the corridor.
Shawn rolls his eyes and takes his own shampoo bottle putting it in the trolley.
“So, are we done with shopping or there’s something missing?” just like that. Just like nothing happened. 
It was y/n’s turn to roll her eyes, but she also let go a laugh.
“What the hell was that, Mendes?” 
“What?” he shrugs. 
“You just gave a show in front of Tyler. Was it really necessary?” she puts her hands in her hips and stare at her boyfriend.
“What show? I don’t know what you talking about.” he keeps acting like nothing happened. “And your friend seemed like a douchebag, by the way.”
“He’s not! You were the one that acted like it”
“Are you defending him and calling me a douchebag?” 
“Yes, you made a scene out of nowhere. What was this about me not telling about a Tyler from high school or ‘you go too much to my place so the shampoo you keep there is already over’“ she mocks his voice in the last sentence and Shawn can’t help but laugh.
“Look, and you even find it funny!” she wheezes.
“Me?! Hell no” He takes another product from the shelf, she wasn’t able to see but she ignores it anyway. “So are we done or it’s missing something?” he points to the trolley repeating his early sentence.
Y/n rolls her eyes and starts walking out of the corridor. Shawn pushes the trolley following her with a smirk.
“Babe, where are you going?” he lets their purchase aside and holds her hand bringing her body closer.
She tries to go away but he smiles before pressing their lips together in a hungry kiss. Y/n is fast to answer his action grabbing his curly hair into her fingers and pushing it. He breathes in her mouth and leaves a second kiss, this time in her cheekbones.
“We’re done here in the supermarket, but we need to go to the drugstore.” 
“What do we need to buy there?” he asks, his eyebrows rose.
“Some meds for jealousy.” she jokes before grabbing his hand.
reblog and like the post if you liked it ❤️
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insomnihan · 5 years
han’s Entire Thoughts and Feelings on GFriend’s “Fever”
literally no one asked but WHEN DO I EVER HAVE NOTHING TO SAY-
like red velvet im not a HUGE buddy but im invested enough so as i said no one requested but im still here!!! plus i heard the teaser and i was excited lmao this all my personal thoughts and want them out
no read mores i know thats annoying but like ��\_(ツ)_/¯ look at my other posts theyre all long its my brand
THE SONG aiight so i had to watch their other music videos to see some consistency and from what i could point out is it starts relatively slow in the beginning and then HITS YOU with a build up a beat drop and dancing which I LIKED it gets the curiosity going yknow!!!!!!! i REALLY liked the pre-chorus part LIKE YUJUS PART?????? AND IT BUILDS UP?????? bich...........
the chorus got me swaying from side to side and thank the lord the music doesnt hit you in the face and dig deep into your eardrums and it just feels positive???? like the energy???? it was soothing to me and it has that summer and tropical feeling BUT its more of the relaxing side of summer
so this middle part was interesting to me for some reason let me explain if it were ANY OTHER GROUP you know they wouldve forced a whole ass rap right there dont liE TO ME- so i type this out bc it was a lowkey break from sinb herself and looking like a snacc™ (but ill get to that later) and i didnt mind it! (it was literally five seconds but i liked it let me live)
LETS TALK ABOUT THIS BRIDGE FOR A SECOND im noticing that im magnetically DRAWN to the bridge part and i like that part the most out the whole song like they really did That™ also eunhas HIGH NOTE L I S T E N people usually expect yuju to hit a high note in their songs but eunha really killed that and i appreciate it!!!!!! ive always liked all of their voices they just have tones that sound sweet yknow what i mean??? like if a bakery came to life and became six people-
THE DANCE we love a good center sinb so when the dance started right at the beginning and she was there that broke my neck then they had to give me center sinb AGAIN and that broke my spine AND THEN they gave me center yerin and that broke my knees- what im saying is this killed me-
its pretty obvious that this songs choreo doesnt go AWF™ as much as their other songs do which i think was done like that bc its a relaxing summery song so the dancing shouldnt go hard and be super complicated like let me tell you the dance they do during THE CHORUS BICTH the entire thing got me trying to kick my leg and spin around with my arm up just like they were the split second they dropped it low i almost dropped dead and i liked that part at the end with umji when they were in a line while she was singing??? it was satisfying to watch
THE VISUALS i know i keep saying its summery and all but theyre in the desert??? theyre legitimately in the desert both wandering in it and under a car parking lot thing with two (2) cars (not sponsored what you mean) and a gas station I MEAN there was outside that building and inside the building and that place where theyre sitting on that wall which like this is very Aesthetically Pleasing™ to my eyes
anyway some sets and stuff i DID LIKE:
that scene with sinb umji and yerin on that couch surrounded by all those plants and looking stunning in the light and through those plants yes-
sowon and yerin lying on the floor in front of a sunset backdrop in the middle of the room and you can see through the windows outside i found that pretty interesting to look that
that one set theyre dancing on in the middle of the street or whatever in front of that building the colors were hella nice to me
when all of them were sitting on that wall with those trees behind them and those bright lights
and yknow what i actually liked the camerawork i dunno why it made the mv nice to watch
then that ending part where they were all standing with all those plants that was like SUPER COOL to look at (dont ask why i dunno how to explain it pls)
id like to make it clear that they werE ALL SERVING FACE (giving the Smize™ if you will) and looking SO BEAUTIFUL AND STUNNING I DUNNO IF WORDS COULD EVEN PERFECTLY CAPTURE HOW BEAUTIFUL THEY ARE imma try tho
i would like to start with mentioning that i loved the makeup and hair here like i have no complaints or anything like that for any of them they all look freaking amazing and i cant believe theyre existing like this-
so we dont see sowon all that much which is a shame because that red dress and that black outfit and That White Crop Top™ outfit with the kinda baggy pants and THAT BLUE DRESS was popping like she was looking really Good™
so yerin was pretty much the Face™ of this video which is all fine and dandy yknow shes real pretty like i knew the moment i saw those teaser pictures of her i was gonna get wrecked by her (like thats it she nearly made me swerve) lets talk about that outfit with the baggy jeans bc OOF-
eunha had long hair in one of her teasers which i was nervous about (still big mad about seulgi in zimzalabim) HOWEVER it didnt happen like that THANK GOD i thought it was weird that she was wearing beige when everyone was wearing black??? and that black outfit with the gloves........ it was a choice that was made NONETHELESS SHES B E A U T I F U L
yuju.................................... LISTEN- this is my bias okay she really waltzed through this video like the Snacc™ (more like five star dinner but okay) she is and feeding me well with her visuals like every time she stared into the camera my brain did dial up like that first outfit she wore when she started singing i knew i wasnt gonna survive and the purple dress AND that one blue fit she was wearing when she was literally just STANDING like i cant take it seriously im at my limit i-
SO ANOTHER MEMBER THAT JUST ALWAYS WRECKS ME IS SINB AND SHE IS RUDE™ like this hair color those braids when she was wearing THAT™ black outfit that oversized white button up whatever that was anD THAT GREEN ONE!!!!!!!
lets get one thing straight umji is always hella stunning okay like A L W A Y S like the white pants with the black crop top and like that black fit GIVE👏ME👏MORE👏PONYTAIL👏UMJI👏and that blue one and that PINK ONE WAS EVERYTHING AND THAT ONE WITH THE PURPLE FLOWERS AND THE LEAVES BICTH-
its a FUN SONG like ive been listening to it on a loop so i could make this review and im STILL not sick of it or anything ive been in a bouncy mood bc of it!!!! its clearly a different style when you compare it to their past title tracks but i personally welcome it!!! tho ill keep it real with you chief i could see some elements in the songs that might cause someone to get a little bored after a bit or maybe already bored but i am NOT that someone
i finish this with a scene i cant get over:
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missjackil · 5 years
My 14x13 Opinion
Lebanon The 300th Episode
I am so proud of this episode and so blown away by how awesome these last 4 episodes have been! Might be an unpopular opinion guys but I really like this season! Sure its had some duds like Optimism and The Scar (Though The Scar had a great broment) but I thought we’d be getting Leader!Sam this season but we have emotionally wrecked!Sam instead, and Im here for that! Needless to say I LOVED this episode, I was so pleased with pretty much everything and I have no big complaints, so lets have at it! I enjoyed the lightness of the beginning, and getting a look at the town. Im so pleased they FINALLY noted that Lebanon KS is the geographical center of the country! So the boys can get anywhere in the country within a day and a half. Its kinda weird though that Lebanon seems to have 3 different post offices. The one from Something About Mary, the one from The Spear, and now this one. LOL thats no big deal so lets move along. 
It was funny that the dude in the pawn shop committed suicide by Winchester, which of course is trying to, or successfully killing one gets you killed by the other, and Dean acknowledges that they all talk too much LOL.
The kids talking about the rumors about the boys was fun but I really wasnt impressed by “cool chick” Max. I liked the boy in the hat though, he was great. Stealing Baby is also suicide by Winchester but Sam and Dean dont go around killing teenagers so, they got lucky. 
I was amuzed by the ghost of John Wayne Gacey clown, and Dean being all “You love serial killers but hate clowns!” and Sam being like “I get it Dean” but Im really glad they didnt make Sam act like he was scared like the other times before. It just wouldnt have fit well into this episode I dont think. Saving Dean is more urgent than a clown fear right? 
Moving on to the meat, and this was as meaty as an episode can get! Dad comes because Dean makes a wish. It seems Dean’s desire to have his family together is more of a desire than getting ole Mike out of his head, and thats really pretty sweet. Dad recognizes the boys right away, which is cool especially since Sam looks NOTHING like he did back in 05, let alone 03 but John says “What happened to you?” I reckon they aged 15+ yrs Pops!
The boys give Dad the nutshell version of their lives over shots of whiskey, because, how else could you do it? But man, John’s face when he hears Mary’s voice was amazing! And I dont even like Mary but, good lord if she didnt nail these scenes!  My hear crumbled, their reunion kiss was completely believable even though we never saw them kiss on the show before. I saw some of you whine that John didnt ask permission first... really? I could see if they were gonna have sex, but when does anyone on TV ever ask to kiss someone?? Not very often. It was by far the most romantic thing Ive ever seen on this show, 
Like typical Winchesters, Dean is sucked into whats right before him and Sam is worried about the big picture. But Sam doesnt lean too hard on Dean about it, lets all have the nice family dinner we’ve never had. 
While compiling a shopping list with Mom, Dean leaves Sam alone with Dad. This scene was .... WOW... so well written and brilliantly acted. I had been wondering how Sam and John would hash things out and this was so much better than I invisioned. Its so in character for the Sam we have watched grow over the last 14 years to get over the bad and focus on the good, because those you love can be taken away in a heartbeat and being left with hard feelings is the worst. All he can think of is seeing Dad dead on the floor and he never got to say goodbye. and he never got to smooth things over. Sams emotions were raw and real! Jared really let Sam feel it, all the regret and anger and loneliness, melts away and turns into “but you loved us.... and thats enough” It was so refreshing to get so much emotional POV from Sam. Something we;ve gotten more of this season than we ever have. It hurts like a mother... but its worth it. 
After the heart shattering talk, Sam composes himself and tells Dean hes right. This was a good thing even if its jut temporary. He asks Dean if he wants company for shopping, and this is like Sam wanting to hold on to his rock (Dean). This is precious.
The boys leave Mom and Dad alone, and go shopping. Now we discover that the timeline has shifted and they have alternate selves. Dean is a wanted criminal and Sam, omg lol Sam is flaming TED talking douchebag that wears turtlenecks, loves Kale, doesnt drink coffee, and doesnt see the need for hobbies or family. But, I gotta say hes lovely in glasses 😎
This inevitably means that not only will Mom disappear, but the boys wont have the relationship they do, and we know, thats a fate worse than the universe exploding. Meanwhile we get a guest appearance by Zachariah and Cas, and Cas is back to S4-ish Cas and possibly even more of a dick. Sam and Dean find them as theyre about to kill the teenagers from earlier and save them. Cas of course doesnt know them from Adam but Zach does. A fight ensues and I just have to state very clearly that Dean went after cas with the angel blade with no second thoughts. Zach attacks Sam and tries to kill him, but Sam kills him instead. Now thats poetic to have been killed by both Winchesters at different times! 
Now Cas is trying to kil Sam, which as we know, never goes over well with Dean, but Cas really nails Sam HARD in the face and Sam spews blood all over! That was pretty graphic and dramatic! Well full strength douchebag angel or not, Dean doesnt let you beat on Sam. so heattacks Cas, and Cas is about to kill Dean. There is no “Cas its me!! Fight this!! I love you!!” like all the hellers wanted and predicted LMAO instead Sam writes a sigil with his blood and zaps Cas away.
Back at home, yet another highly emotional scene as Sam tells Mom why they have to let Dad go... she would just fade away and they would become their “other” selves. Mary cries real tears. and Sam overflows again. God my heart!! Dean talks to Dad and Dad is more than willing to lay his life down for Mom. They all sit solomly at the dinner table. Oddly enough Sam is the only one eating, and Im sure theres meta in there somewhere.... all I can think of at the moment is that hes distracting himself from the painful slence, and hes the only one who never really had Winchester Surprise. John decides to lighten the mood and be grateful for this time, and they all follow suit. And it was glorious!! My boys laughing and eating and enjoying themselves with mom and dad, I just dont know what words to give this scene! 
Afterwards, Sam and Dean are washing dishes together #husbros and they briefly discuss keeping it the way it is. I mean really.... Mom may disappear and they wont be insanely co-dependent, but Michael wont be in Dean’s head anymore, because nothing leading up to it would have ever happened. Dean says hes good with who he is, and hes good with who Sam is, and hes just too old to want to change it. 
The farewell scene was nothing less than earth shattering painful. Dean was surprisingly calm and stoic, though he had many tears. It was as if on purpose, he let Sam and Mom have all the emotions. John hugs his sons one last time. and tells them he’s so proud of them, Poor Sam is gutted. He cant even pretend he isnt crying. Dad tells them he loves them. Dean says he loves him too. Sam cant get words out so he wipes his face and nods. In a beautiful paralell from the old days when John told Dean “Take care of Sammy” and Dean answers “I always do” John says “Take care of each other” and Sam answers “We always do”😭😭😭😭😭😭John takes Mary’s hand and Sam in obvious pain crushes the pearl and Dad fades away. He wakes up in Baby back in 2003 believing he had a good dream. 
Now we have to wait a freakin month for the next episode. But Ill be ok. I think I need a break from all the emotions of the last several episodes because the next couple will probably be less dramatic. This is ok, if every episode was this emotional, even that would get old fast. We only have 7 episodes left and I dont want to rush to the end of the season for a freakin 6 month hiatus!! AGGGHHHHH!! 
Overall I am in love with this episode. It may have moved itself into first place but it has at least tied. This episode definitely met and exceeded my expectations, and last week I thought it wouldnt be able to beat that one. Im so proud of SPN, the writers, and the cast of this episode Ill give them all a standing ovation 👏👏👏👏👍💖 I think its abundantly clear now that Dabb DOES care about the brother bond and doesnt give a rats ass about dean/cas in fact it looks as if the next few episodes might be Dean lite... but we never really know till we watch the episodes.
In conclusion. on a scale from Bloodlines to Who We Are, Lebanon is a 10. Well done show.... well done! Now onward to the 400th episode!!
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michaelreaderreblog · 6 years
My truemate pt12
AN: Sorry it has taken me so long to post the next part to this series. So here it is finally. If you need to catch up on the series or would like to start from the beginning I will post the links below.
I think I was suppose to tag others to these parts but sorry I forgot who I was suppose to tag. Oh well the part is finally up. Thanks for being so patient with me 
Word Count: 1,960
He had always wanted to make sure that you would like his mate and thats what made him even more accepting to the other person.
“Thanks, we are going into the city though for dinner. I wanted to make this extra special and she doesnt know that so dont tell her. You kids are going to be home by yourselves over the weekend. I ask both of you no partying, no staying out all night just because I wont be home doesnt mean either of you are allowed to wolf out” he says with a stern expression as he looks between you and Dean.
You simply roll your eyes at him while Dean does the same.
“Hey Im an angel, tell your rules to y/n” he says as he whips his towards you.
“Scouts honor” you reply sarcastically to Sam and Dean who chuckle
The rest of the evening is spent with conversations about the work day and how its like working at the city hall for Sam which doesnt sound so bad.
“Speaking of which, is it possible to get a hold of y/n's medical records without tipping off the good ol' people from the Government and Academy extremists?” Dean asks Sam as you clear the table to get the empty dishes into the sink for the wash tomorrow.
“Dean, y/n doesnt have medical records. You never took her to the hospital for anything” Sam replies while looking to Dean and knowing very well you dont have any.
“Not even about her shots or anything?” Dean asks looking to his younger brother
“No, those are sealed tight. After she presents is when she would be able to get one but since you never took her to the hospital. She has absolutely no medical history” Sam explains more as he looks to Dean
“Why do you want her medical information?” he asks while taking a gulp from his beer
“I thought I would ask since we moved here wasnt I suppose to notify her doctors back in Sioux Falls and transfer them here” he says while finishing off his beer as well.
“Oh no. No need. But if she were to be sick or seek out for suppressants then she would have a medical record” Sam tells him while making his way to the garage with the empty beer bottles.
You decided that you would do the dishes the next day and you placed the remaining food in containers for tomorrows lunch.
You also decided that you would get Sam's lunch ready for tomorrow since he didnt like to eat out so much. You looked into the fridge to make sure that there was spinach for his sandwich and to your surprise there is still some left.
You take out the pesto sauce to go along with the spread, you shredded the chicken to carefully place them on one side of the bread that were spread evenly with pesto sauce. You topped the chicken with cut tomatoes and mozzarella cheese, when you finally did that and placed the other slice of bread on top to finish it off. You placed his sandwich in a container.
“You dont need to clean up, I can do it” Sam says from the table as he watches you doing something with the containers and the remaining food.
“No thats fine, I got it. You keep talking to Dean about whatever you were talking about.” You said not turning to face your brothers.
“Y/n what are you doing?” Deans turn to ask as he watches you get one thing from one cupboard to another.
“Im just getting Sams lunch ready for tomorrow so that he doesnt need to rush to make it” You answer your brother still not turning around to meet his gaze.
“Really I can take care of that later” Sam says from the table.
“What about my lunch?” Dean asks as if he sounds so hurt like you forgot about him.
“Dont worry I got you, Im adding beef on yours along with the swiss cheese and honey mustard” you reassure Dean that you didnt forget about him and his deliveries.
“No grey poupon?” he asks randomly as you turn your head to his direction to give him a weird look.
“Really? Grey poupon?” Sam asks giving him the same reaction as you did.
“Popped into my head” Dean says as he shrugs his shoulders.
You shake your head as you keep making the sandwiches for your brothers.
When done you place each of them in containers and put them into the fridge.
While you also place the remaining food in there also.
“Alright you guys, I am done with your lunches and you’re all set for tomorrow” you tell them while turning away from the fridge.
“Thank you” they both say in unison
“You’re the greatest” Dean says while standing from the table and pushing in his chair.
“You really are” Sam says and does the same.
You and Dean decided to stay up a little late than usual as Sam went to bed. The both of you settled into the living room to watch a little tv.
Dean decided to watch the sports highlights from the evening games that he missed and you didnt have a problem with it.
Finally when you couldnt keep your eyes open anymore is when you decided to head to bed.
You told your brother goodnight and to sleep well himself he said the same thing back you.
You get into your bedroom and change into sleeping clothes and crawled into bed closed your eyes as the exhaustion took over and slept all through the night.
You were the one to rise early as your brothers were still a sleep in their bedrooms, you went down the stairs and into the kitchen.
You take out the grinded coffee to make a fresh pot of the morning and decided to make for breakfast.
You heard someone coming down the stairs but paid no attention as you were making pancakes.
“Good morning” Dean says with a groggy tone.
“Have a glass of water first before you take a cup of coffee” you tell him while you flip over the pancakes.
“Ok mom. Have any orders today?” he says as he fills his glass cup with water and takes a few gulps from it before making a cup of coffee.
“Yeah I have a few and I have one delivery but have no idea on how I am going to make that delivery though” you tell Dean as you take the pancakes from the pan and into Deans plate that had eggs and bacon on the side.
“What do you mean you have no idea how to deliver them? You have my baby to do that” he says looking to you as he takes a bite out of his bacon.
“You mean the very same baby Sam is going to take to work, like I said genius I dont know how I am going to make the delivery” you tell him as you take another set of pancakes from the pan and place them on Sam's plate that has a side of eggs and fruit.
You thought pretty soon you would just give him grape fruit for breakfast instead rather cooking him a full breakfast.
“Oh crap, I forgot. Well looks like we are gonna have to get you a car. I can go half and you can go half, how does that sound? And what kind of car do you want?” he gives you his proposition about the car he would generously go half with.
“I remember uncle Bobby used to talk about this Mustang um damn forgot what year he said it was. I remember seeing the car and getting inside of it and thinking one day I would love to own that car. Then Bobby ruined my day dream by telling me the customer is picking up his car and if I didnt get out he would sell me along with it inside.” you tell him as you smile and giggle at the memory.
Sam finally comes into the kitchen as he see his siblings talking over the counter.
“What are you giggling about Y/n? Morning guys” he says with a smile on his face as he makes his way for the cupboard to get himself a cup of coffee.
“Drink a glass of water first” Dean says as he follows his brothers movements around the kitchen.
“Ok dad. What were you two talking about anyways? Y/n is this plate mine or is it yours?” Sam asks as he looks at the plate on the counter before he takes it to the table.
“Yeah thats yours, Im just going to have a bowl of fruit along with the Greek yogurt” you tell Sam as you get the yogurt from the fridge and he sees you pour the contents into your bowl and he is pleased with the food choice.
“Look there is more bacon and eggs you can have that. I dont think that is going to keep you energized till lunch” Dean says as if he got offended you didnt want to have a perfectly good breakfast with the bacon and eggs.
You laugh at his generous thought but you simply decline and stick with your fruit and yogurt.
You heard someone parking outside in the drive way and you thought that one of your customers were way early than expected. Sam is on the move to get to work, as he steps out the door.
“Castiel, good morning c'mon in” Sam says as he opens the door for him to walk out.
“Morning Sam, thank you” he says as he enters into the house and removes his jacket along with his shoes
“Im in the kitchen Castiel, want some breakfast? Coffee? Tea?” you raise your voice from the kitchen and finally remembered that Dean was still in there with you.
You turn around to see how Dean was doing and he appeared to have it together.
“Yeah I could get you a plate of breakfast if you want, please sit relax.” Dean says while rushing around the kitchen as he tries to make Castiel comfortable
He enters into the kitchen with a smile on his face as he follows Deans movements around the kitchen and struggling to keep his cool.
“Good morning Y/n, Dean. I would love breakfast, I didnt have time to eat before I left the house. I rushed to wake early and came driving over as soon as I could” Castiel says while he pulls up the chair from the table and seats himself there.
Sam watches what Dean is doing and he smiles at the scene in front of him.
“Well Im off to work. Y/n have a good day, Dean try not to get into an accident today and good luck Castiel” he says and out the door he goes and enters inside the impala to drive to work.
You smile at Sam and couldnt wipe off the smile from your face as you watch Dean stumble around the kitchen.
“Dean, relax. You can go off to work now. I can handle everything from here” you tell him as he looks to you.
“Right work, I should be off now” he says while he gives you Castiel' plate of food and a cup of coffee.
He exits the kitchen only to come back and get his jacket along with the truck keys, gives a smile to the both of you.
“Later Y/n and Castiel” he smiles nervously.
“See you later Dean and thank you” Castiel says as he looks at Dean.
You see the interaction between the two and you couldnt be more proud of Dean for behaving.
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caredogstips · 7 years
10 Real Crime Sites You Can Inspect For An Extremely F* cked-Up Vacation
Thanks to Serial, The Jinx, and Constituting a Murderer, true violation narratives areback in a big road. A couple of years ago, everyone in your social curve was begging you to watch Mad Men. Now, were much more very interested in actual mad men.
For most of us, binge-watching these line is enough to satisfy our morbid stomaches. Others find a deeper curiosity, though. Just as some record fans detect the suggest to visit the site of major battles, “theres” beings out there who plan vacations around famous violation scenes.
Hey, some of us like Walt Disney World. Some opt Charles Mansons hangouts. No judgment.
If the idea of a tour through the darker surface of history pleads to you, check out these recognises below, which allows you indulge your inner violation buff.
1. The Sixth Floor Museum( Dallas, Texas)
While the endless bombardment of conspiracy-minded movies and works will forever cloud the tragic events of November 22, 1963 in our collective reminiscence, as far as government officials tale is concerned, President John F. Kennedy was killed when lone gunman Lee Harvey Oswald killed him from his perch on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas.
These days, the building is dwelling to a museum. While you cant actually access the notorious window where Oswald took purpose, you can read a lot about Kennedy, his assassin and Jack Ruby, “the mens” who shot Oswald before he could go to trial.
For those of you swayed more by Oliver Stones controversies than the Warren Commission, the grassy knoll is a short walk away.
2. Devil in the White City Tours( Chicago, Illinois)
H. Holmes was the type of character that shouldnt prevail outside of cheap fright movies.( In fact, he’s about to be the subject of a maybe critically-acclaimed Scorsese-Dicaprio joint .)
After opening a inn close to the locate of Chicagos Worlds Fair, he enticed victims to his Murder Castle, taking their lives in various, frightful directions .( Hanging them. Locking their chambers and gassing them. Locking them in a vault to suffocate. Fastening them in their chambers to starve to death)
Holmes would eventually confessed to 27 assassinations, though some approximates placed the numeral closer to, uh, 200. Nope, thats not a typo.
His reign of terror was famously recounted in Erik Larsons The Devil in the White City, which took the true felony genre to new stages by serving as an informative historical narrative as well as a scandalizing thriller.
This tour imitatives that approach, making guests a bus ride through Chicago that provisions lessons on both the Worlds Fair and the notorious Mr. Holmes.
3. Lizzie Borden House( Fall River, Massachusetts)
Lizzie Borden took an axe
The gruesome assassinating of Andrew and Abby Borden has inspired everything from popular songs to Lifetime movies. Though Andrews daughter Lizzie is generally believed to be responsible for the assassination, she was acquitted at contest. No other suspect was ever charged.
Nowadays, the house where international crimes took place has been converted into a bed-and-breakfast, because nothing adds hospitality like This was the locate of an axe murder.
For those who arent crazy about the idea of standing overnight at a notorious misdemeanour scene, but are still curious to take a look at a legendary part of true-crime lore, tours of the members of this house are also available.
4. Jeffrey Dahmer Tour( Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
Jeffrey Dahmer, the notorious serial murderer responsible for the assassination of 17 men and boys, took our nightmares to a new stage by engaging in cannibalism and necrophilia with the bodies of his victims.
But serial killers often become quasi-celebrities in our culture, inspiring in some the kind of preoccupation typically set aside for rock-and-roll hotshots and royalty.
Perhaps that explains why genuine felony fans can take a walking tour of the Milwaukee streets where Dahmer picked up seven of his victims, all while understanding of the cooling details behind his crimes.
Maybe not the kind of situate to go on a family vacation.
5. Mob Tour( Las Vegas, Nevada)
If the small-time evils offered by casinos simply leave you craving more of the penal lifestyle, a tour of Vegas focusing on the mafias capacity in the city ought to do the trick.
Taking a detour away from the familiar tourist traps, this tour into Sin City sees the websites of burglaries, assassinates and the favourite hangouts of famed underworld digits like Bugsy Siegel. The tour ends with a pizza dinner at a restaurant that once served as a thug meeting place.
It’s not clear from thewebsite whether or not youll take a bullet to the kneecaps if you dont pay up for your ticket.
6. Helter Skelter Tour( Los Angeles, California)
In American record, few calls are more synonymous with evil than Charles Manson. Through his charismatic temperament, he reassured members of his family to perpetrate nine assassinates during the summer of 1969.
For those with a certain kind of morbid curiosity, an epic, three-and-a-half hour tour will shuttle you to the website where Mansons partisans took living conditions of Sharon Tate. Married to filmmaker Roman Polanski( a person with his own criminal predispositions ), Tate had a successful playing job and was weeks away from giving birth when she was murdered.
The tour includes details on the living conditions of the murderer and casualties, and, according to its internet site, is not recommended for children.
Really? Huh.
7. Clinton Road( West Milford, New Jersey)
This 10-mile stretch of sidewalk through the groves of northern New Jersey has given birth to countless city mythologies. Ghost brats haunting a bridge. Demon hounds ranging the forest. Specter trucks seeking motorists.
As a exceedingly, very bored teenage, I saw frequent late-night excursions here with your best friend. I never viewed any ghosts. I did watch beings having sexuality in their gondolas, though.
Which isnt to say theres nothing absolutely startling about the road. Though the supernatural storeys probably arent based in reality, the place does have a dark past.
In 1983, cyclists on the road discerned a torso that had been dumped in the groves. Researchers determined that the main victims had participated in mafia act, and had been killed by Richard The Iceman Kuklinski, a feared syndicate hitman who are able afterwards take recognition for the thousands of murders.
Real life is scarier than haunt floors sometimes.
8. Crimes of the Gold Coast Tour( New York)
If recent record is any indication, slaying and scandal are surely common among the wealthy elite.
This tour, led by an NYU instructor, looks into the financial subterfuge and violence that lay beneath the layer of New Yorks Fifth Avenue during the late 19 th century.
After all, sometimes the scariest felons of all are the ones rich enough to get away with their crimes.
9. Serial Locations( Baltimore, Maryland)
While the case of Adnan Syed, imprisoned of slaughtering his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee, hasnt resulted in any official tour( yet ), Serial addicts had now been reached pilgrimages to the major locatings featured in the podcast, eager to employ real-life epitomes to the story.
With the help of a custom-made Google Maps, you can visit the Best Buy where a major telephone call was constructed, or take a trip to Leakin Park, where Haes body was discovered. Plenty of Serial followers seemed the advise to solve the example after listening, and likely usedmaps like this one to help them in their goal.
Thats one of the side effects of the true-crime detonation: Everyones a detective now.
10. The Dakota( New York, New York)
It was the fame death that shocked “the worlds”. While returning to his apartment on the evening of December 8, 1980, John Lennon was shot in the back by Mark David Chapman.
The building where the assassination has just taken place, The Dakota, still stands. Though you probably cant yield to live there, you can walk by on the northwest angle of 72 nd Street and Central Park West, appreciating the recognise where the life of one of our greatest popular musicians pointed forever.
The Dakota likewise depicted up in Rosemarys Baby, in case that movie wasnt creepy enough for you already.
Now, if you recoil at the idea of a tourism industry devoted to lamentable violations , no worries: thats merelyproof that youre still a respectable human being. Clicking selfies at the site of a mass murder isnt exactlyclassy.
That replied, battle is just as disturbing as murder, if not more so. But we dont magistrate people who visitGettysburg, because we know theyre driven by a sincere curiosity.
The same can be said for these smudges. If youre simply trying to get some sort of vicarious excite fromstopping by the locate of a misfortune, perhaps you need to rethink your vacation contrives. But if youre drawn tosuch locatings out of a desire to gain an even deeper to better understand the darker slope of American history, then youre frankly no worse than the audiences that have driven the true misdemeanour renaissance.
Youre merely interested in leading that additional mile.
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