#this is probably the softest fic i can write of these babes lol
sachigram · 4 years
“Shizuo didn't ask for any of this, but maybe there is such a thing as being in the right place at the right time.”
((click here to read on ao3!))
Shizuo hates places like this.
Sure, he used to bar tend. It was actually one of his most favorite gigs before that bastard flea got him arrested and fired, but that was a swanky place, rarely any incidences to invoke the wrath of the muscled bouncer usually lurking in the corner. This place is another story entirely, and Shizuo is considering asking if Shinra has any ibuprofen on him to combat the reverberance of the bass in his ears.
It's not anyone's fault but his own. Shizuo could have said no to coming out. He wanted to, but Celty asked him, said it wouldn't be fun without all her friends there, and Shizuo reluctantly agreed on the grounds that Shinra treat him to drinks and bar food, preferably wings. Shinra has delivered on his end of the bargain, but no one else deemed to show up but the three of them, Kadota and the gang citing they had something else to do, which is likely staking out in front of the comic store to await the release of some closet manga. Shizuo is tipsy, has a headache, and is a third-wheel.
He grinds his teeth, looks around to distract himself while the two lovebirds across from him snuggle it up in the dingy-ass booth like it's the finest linen in the country. There's no one worth paying attention to. Pretty women are all over, lining up the walls and dressed in—what could be considered clothing, if one was feeling generous. Shizuo can recognize their appeal, but he doesn't want to strike up a conversation with any of them because...what would he even say? Besides, he doesn't think he'll meet the love of his life in a place like this. People always say it happens when you aren't looking.
There isn't a band playing tonight. Sometimes local bands get gigs here, and Shizuo wishes there was one on stage to distract himself with, but instead electronic music is blaring, the lights are dim, and the bar is so packed that Shizuo doubts he could get another drink without standing there like an asshole for a few minutes. He sighs heavily, tongues his teeth, considers throwing the table into the dancing crowd, decides against it. He looks up when he hears his name being called.
“What?” he asks, raising his voice to be heard over the music.
“I said you don't look like you're having fun!” Shinra says, leaning over the table to holler into Shizuo's face. Shizuo throws a balled up bar napkin at him.
“I wonder why the fuck that is,” Shizuo huffs, crossing his arms and leaning back into the booth.
“I'm sorry. You can go if you want to. I know this evening didn't turn out how I described.” Despite just being text on a screen, Shizuo can feel the emotion in Celty's words, and he knows her tone would be apologetic if he could hear it.
“It's fine, I just— It's loud.”
“It's a bar!” Shinra shouts. If Shizuo is tipsy, Shinra must be wasted, and he's certainly getting more handsy with Celty than Shizuo would like to be witness to.
“No shit.”
“Really, Shizuo, you can go! We probably will soon too. Shinra is an awful drunk, he's likely to cause a scene soon.” Celty's screen is almost too bright in this low light. Shizuo considers his options. What the fuck else is he going to do, sit here for another hour? Watch the scantily dressed women turn down advances from desperate men? He could even go into the graffiti-laden bathroom, if he was feeling adventurous.
Going home really is the most appealing option. It's not his fault no one else came. Shizuo should have been smart and ditched as well, seeing as Shinra only ever wants alone time with Celty anyway. Besides, the wings were too greasy, and Shizuo is pretty sure he has leftover yakitori in his fridge from overestimating his appetite two days earlier. Worst case, he'll just eat some ice cream and call it a night. It sounds above and beyond what he's currently doing.
He's getting ready to say he's on his way out when a scent catches his attention. A familiar scent. His fingers grip the table, cracking the wood underneath as his eyes scan the crowd. Surely Shinra didn't invite Izaya, right? This was supposed to be a friendly gathering, and there's nothing friendly about that parasitic fucker. But—no. Shinra wouldn't have done that. Shinra knows better. But as Shizuo watches Shinra drunkenly slosh whatever the fuck is in that glass down the front of his shirt, he wonders is Shinra actually knows anything at all.
It takes longer than it normally would for Shizuo to locate Izaya. There's a lot of people in here for one, and for another, Izaya isn't dressed in his usual attire. He ditched the coat, has opted for a short sleeved black T-shirt that appears to be artfully tucked in to some light gray plaid slacks that are rolled up around the ankles. Shizuo has never understood that “rolling up” bullshit. Why buy pants if you have to do that to make them fit? Just wear shorts if you want them shorter! And of course Izaya would be one of the idiots indulging in the trend. Of fucking course. Shizuo grinds his teeth, prepares for a fight, but Izaya...isn't alone?
A tall, well-dressed man is guiding Izaya through the crowd, a hand settled between Izaya's bony shoulder-blades. They settle at an empty table by the bar, and Shizuo watches with the impossible realization that Izaya didn't come here for him.
For some reason, Shizuo feels sick to his stomach. He blames the shitty wings.
Izaya already has a drink in his hand, and so does the well-dressed asshole. They're talking, and Shizuo can see Izaya smiling, laughing at whatever the hell is being said. Well-Dressed reaches across the table, touches his fingers to Izaya's, and Izaya pulls his hand back, makes a playful admonishing gesture before resting his chin in his hand and giving a sultry gaze back to the man.
“What are you looking at?” Shinra asks suddenly, and Shizuo tears his eyes away from Izaya's pouty lips. So Shinra has no idea Izaya is here? That means Izaya really is here with someone for...a date?
It doesn't sit well with Shizuo. At all.
“I need a drink,” Shizuo says, downing the rest of his and standing so quickly it rattles the table. He hurries to the bar, settles at the corner, not really caring how long it takes for the bartender to get to him because that's not why he came over here. It's very loud with everyone talking over the thrumming music, but Shizuo focuses on as much as he can on what Izaya is talking about.
He has to make sure Izaya isn't scheming something, right? The guy he's with could be bad news. They could be planning trouble.
“—glad you could come out with me, Izaya-san.” Well-Dressed's voice is deep, and apparently he's on a first name basis with Izaya. Shizuo turns his head a bit to see the guy's fingers have once again settled over Izaya's.
“Your choice of venue is...surprising,” Izaya says, taking a sip from his drink. “It's not usually where I conduct my business, but I'm always up for a change of scenery.”
“Come now, surely you know this isn't just a meeting,” Well-Dressed says. “You came here looking absolutely gorgeous, after all. Did you dress up for me?”
Shizuo grinds his teeth, forces himself to stop so he can keep listening.
“Ahaha! Well, I never reveal my secrets, you know? You said to wear whatever I wanted.” Izaya takes another sip. “I'm glad to know you find it appealing.”
“I do. I do. You always look amazing, Izaya-san, but you look especially so when you're here just for me.”
“Now, now, Touma-san. You're being very touchy. If you start too forward too fast, you'll burn out soon.”
“Oh? Do we have plans later?” Well-Dressed, Touma-san, asks.
“Who's to say? The night is young, after all. I'm only suggesting you pace yourself. If you pass out, I'm certainly not going to feel pity for you,” Izaya says.
“How cruel!” Touma laughs, downing his drink in one go. “I like that about you, Izaya-san. I promise I'll be coherent for whatever you want me for later.”
“A bold promise,” Izaya says, following Touma's lead and drinking the remainder of his glass. “Who knows what I could want? It's a risk you're taking.”
“I'm a gambling man,” Touma all but purrs. Shizuo tastes bile in the back of his throat.
“Can I help you?”
Shizuo looks up to see the bartender is in front of him at last.
“Uh, yeah, I'll just...have a beer,” Shizuo says absently, still trying to focus on Izaya.
“What kind?” The bartender asks, sounding impatient. Shizuo hears Izaya laugh again, feels insane with the need to know why.
“I don't care! Anything!” Shizuo snaps, and then quieter he adds, “I'm sorry, no, just— Your choice, your favorite. It's my last of the night, so surprise me.”
The bartender goes off to do just that, leaving Shizuo back to his eavesdropping. A new voice has joined the two, and Shizuo turns a bit to see a woman hovering around the table, chatting it up with Izaya.
“Thank you for your patience!” she's saying, a tray in her hand. “It's so crazy tonight! But we expected it, right? What can I get for you?”
“I'll take another Macallan, rocks. And you, Izaya-san? I'm treating you, of course.”
“Here you go,” the bartender says as he returns, setting a glass of beer in front of Shizuo. “Do you want to try it first?”
“No thanks, that's great,” Shizuo says, fishing some money out of his pocket. He can always force Shinra to pay him back later. Speaking of Shinra, Shizuo should probably go check back in with Celty. But then how will he know what's going on with Izaya?
Shizuo sighs, tastes the beer. It's good.
What's he even doing here? He didn't want to come out at all, and now he's spying on Izaya, who is obviously not plotting anything, and just wants to fuck this douchey Touma guy later. Shizuo doesn't know why that bothers him so much, but it does, it does, and the fact that it does pisses Shizuo off to no end because he can't figure out why it would.
He should just go home. Finish this beer, say his goodbyes, go home, sleep off these weird, drunken feelings. He decides to do that, but first, he looks over at the couple one more time when he hears the waitress return.
She's very pretty, and she seems to think Izaya is either also pretty or nice or maybe both, because she strikes a conversation with him, a small flush on her face, and Izaya is nothing but pleasant in his responses. Shizuo growls at the thought, because she doesn't even know Izaya, and maybe this Touma guy doesn't either, maybe Izaya is the problem, so Shizuo looks at Touma just in time to see the glimpse of Touma's hand over Izaya's glass before quickly retreating and—
“Fuck,” Shizuo says, realizing what it is he just saw. He considers his options, puts a hand in his hair and yanks. What the hell is he supposed to do in this situation?! Since when should he be the one to save Orihara Izaya?! “That fucker can handle himself. And if not, he'd deserve it. This whole thing is fucking—stupid, ugh, I'm pissed off,” Shizuo mutters to himself, drawing a few looks from those around him. Angrily, he chews the inside of his cheek. “It's not my problem. It's not like I wanted to be here or see that. Nope. It's his own damn fault for going out with shady trash.”
“Are you...okay?” A man to his right asks.
“Fuck off,” Shizuo snaps, and the guy runs away. Shizuo turns again to Izaya, sees Izaya take a drink from the glass, and Shizuo doesn't think, can't think as he marches towards Izaya's table, clearing a path through the crowd by shoving and not caring who gets mad about it.
“Shizu-chan!” Izaya almost shouts, and Shizuo takes one second to wonder how drunk Izaya is already before he yanks Touma out of his chair by his collar. “What a surprise.”
“You know this clown?!” Touma sputters, and Shizuo snarls at him, lifts his feet right off the ground.
“He's an old friend,” Izaya says with a grin, and Shizuo is too late to stop Izaya from taking another long sip of the drink, but Shizuo does manage to reach back and slap it out of his hand before anymore damage is done. “Well,” Izaya huffs. “That was just unnecessary.”
“This fucker put something in your drink!” Shizuo snarls first to Izaya, and then he shakes Touma back and forth, makes the bastard's head bobble like a toy. “You think no one here would notice something like that, huh?! You think everyone is stupid? That I'm stupid?! Are you CALLING me STUPID?!”
Izaya observes the shattered glass on the floor, frowns, and looks up at Shizuo with an entirely bizarre expression. Izaya should be concerned, he should be pissed, he should be asking Shizuo to kill this worthless guy, but as it is, Izaya is only watching Shizuo with a dopey grin on his face, and then he stifles giggles behind his hands.
“Oh no!” Izaya says, seemingly unconcerned. “I'm in real danger now! I've really done it this time.”
“What the fuck—“ Shizuo starts, but he's distracted by Touma's fist connecting with his face.
“Actually,” Izaya lilts, “Touma-san has really done it this time.”
To Shizuo's credit, he only punches Touma once or twice before flinging him across the entire room. Touma collides with a wall, lands in a crumpled heap of limbs, and doesn't stand back up. Shizuo stands with his fists clenched, ignoring the shock of the crowd in favor of turning back to Izaya, who is—trying to flag down a waitress for more drinks.
“Izaya!” Shizuo snaps, slapping the table and making Izaya almost jump out of his own skin. Izaya grins and looks up at him, makes a real show of giving Shizuo his undivided attention.
“Did you fucking hear me?! That guy drugged you! He put something in your glass and you drank it!” Shizuo shakes the table a bit more, but Izaya only laughs again.
“Yes, I heard, and that's very unfortunate. Nothing I can do about it now. Boo, Shizu-chan, I think you scared everyone away,” Izaya says with a pout.
Shizuo sees red.
“How are you not getting this?! Who the fuck knows what he gave you? Shouldn't you be—I don't know, scared? You need to go to the hospital before it kicks in!”
“Relax, would you? It was probably just a roofie. It wouldn't be the first time.” Izaya stands, stumbles a bit, and turns to face Shizuo with such a dramatic flair that Shizuo honestly wonders if Izaya will hit the ground. “Besides, why would you care? Shouldn't you be trying to kill me now?”
“I—“ Shizuo begins. He thinks of a lie, but that's bullshit anyway, and what does he care what Izaya thinks? “I won't fight you when you're like this. It wouldn't be fair, and I'm not sleazy and underhanded like you.”
“How noble of you,” Izaya says. “I'm very impressed. Remind me to send you a fruit basket later. Or...a tub of Milk Bones.” Izaya suddenly bursts into laughter, and Shizuo is so baffled he forgets to be angry. “Get it?! Because—it's a dog treat—and you love milk...!”
“How much have you had?” Shizuo asks. He never thought he'd see Izaya like this. Getting drunk together is something friends do, or strangers who have no reason to dislike each other yet. Seeing an enemy in this state is...otherworldly.
“Oh, I don't know. Touma-san was boring. Did you hear him? Hey, were you watching us?” Izaya's gaze sharpens, and Shizuo feels himself jolt to attention, but then Izaya is giggling again. “He was so uninteresting that I wanted to drink myself stupid!”
Shizuo hates to admit it, but he knows Izaya well enough to know this isn't like Izaya at all. Izaya is careful, quick, untouchable. Izaya allowing any of this to happen seems like an impossibility, and Shizuo is waiting for Izaya to pull a knife out and say, “just kidding!”
“That's really fucking stupid,” Shizuo says, and Izaya stops laughing as abruptly as he started.
“Well, you are an expert in stupidity.” Izaya sighs and then he turns on his heel, sways, rights himself before he tumbles over. “See ya, Shizu-chan. Remind me to thank you later!”
Shizuo reacts before he can think better of it. He reaches out and grabs Izaya's collar, yanks him backwards until he's falling, and then Shizuo picks him up under the armpits like Izaya is a diseased stray that might bite him.
“Shizu—! Put me down!” Izaya snaps, kicking his feet out in what very much resembles a tantrum.
“Shinra is here. You should go home with him so you don't die.”
“I don't want to go home with Shinra! I want to get another drink!”
“And you don't fucking NEED another drink, I-za-ya!”
“Like you care what I need! Why are you—ugh, put me down! If you aren't going to snap my neck, I don't want you anywhere near me!”
“As if I want to be— Wait. Why would you want me to snap your neck?!”
Shizuo's violence didn't do much in thinning the crowd. The place is still packed, and it takes a while to carry Izaya back to where Shizuo was sitting earlier with his friends, especially because Izaya is fighting against being carried. Of course, Shinra and Celty aren't there anymore. Why would anything be easy?
Izaya seems to have worn himself out. His limbs are hanging by his sides, and from what Shizuo can see, Izaya is pouting very openly.
“Fuck. They left already,” Shizuo hisses. He doesn't know how long he's been gone from the table, but he can't be mad at them for assuming Shizuo was already gone.
“Can you let me go now?” Izaya asks. Shizuo shakes him around violently, and the next thing Izaya says sounds like “Guh.”
Grumbling to himself, Shizuo carries Izaya out of the bar and into the chilly night air where it's quieter. Seeing Izaya silhouetted in the neon lights of the city is a much more familiar sight to Shizuo, but he can't pretend any of this is normal behavior for them. Izaya has resumed trying to kick him, and based on Izaya's increasing giggles, Shizuo can tell Izaya is still drunk as shit.
“You know, Shizu-chan,” Izaya says in a whimsical voice, “if you hadn't thrown Touma-san across the bar and let him crawl away to safety, we could have asked what he gave me.”
“I didn't think about asking him anything. He deserved to bleed.”
“You rarely think, so I suppose I can't blame you. Just let me call a cab home! I'd much rather pass out in my own bed.”
“Shut the fuck up a minute, flea,” Shizuo growls, pulling his phone out of his pocket and selecting Shinra from his contacts. He holds Izaya by his collar now. “If he says you can go home and die, you can go home and die.” As much as Shizuo would love for Izaya to suffer, Izaya being drugged and left to die isn't something Shizuo can let himself live with.
If anyone is going to kill Izaya, it's going to be Shizuo. Shizuo is the only one who's earned it, and if Izaya doesn't stop kicking him, Izaya is going to die tonight for another reason than drugs.
“Shizuo-kun!” Shinra's voice fills his ear suddenly. “We couldn't find you! You went home, right?”
“No. Listen, Izaya is here—“
“Izaya-kun? Oh... Um, Shizuo-kun, I'm really not someone who hides bodies...”
“Shut up, it's not that! I saw Izaya get drugged, and I need to know if he can go home!”
“Drugged?” Shinra sounds...very unconcerned. Why the hell is Shizuo the only one taking something like this seriously? “Well. Is he conscious?”
“Vomiting? Is he cognizant? Does his heart seem fine?”
“He's—the same as always. He's drunk, but he's not acting anything other than drunk. Hang on...” Shizuo shakes Izaya a bit. “Is your heart fine?”
“How would I know that?” Izaya asks as he dangles.
“You should be the first to know if it wasn't!” Shizuo hisses. Izaya's collar twists in his hand, and Izaya turns enough to face him, a deadpan expression on his face.
“Clearly it's beating,” Izaya says slowly, like he's talking to an infant. “I can't say whether that's good or bad, since it means I'm alive to suffer in your company.”
“He's as fine as he ever is,” Shizuo says into the phone, trying very hard to restrain the urge to throw Izaya as far as he can and see if Izaya skips like a stone.
“It was probably something to make him lose consciousness. The biggest concern will be making sure he doesn't choke to death on his own vomit, but he should be fine,” Shinra says.
“Okay, then I'll bring him to your place so you can monitor him,” Shizuo says, and he balks as Shinra laughs outright into his ear.
“Oh, no, I don't want him here. Celty and I have plans.” Shinra's tone suggests all kinds of things Shizuo doesn't want to think about.
“Plans can be put on hold!” Shizuo snaps, and he hears Izaya sigh heavily.
“My Celty can never be put on hold! Besides, I'm incredibly drunk myself. I can't monitor anyone properly. You could take him to the hospital, but otherwise, there's nothing else I can do or suggest.”
“You—what?!” Shizuo is left speechless as Shinra hangs up on him, leaving him alone in dealing with Izaya, who Shizuo doesn't even like.
“Well,” Izaya says, “that was certainly a helpful conversation. You have the best ideas, Shizu-chan.”
“What the fuck, he just— Has everyone gone crazy but me?” Shizuo asks, and Izaya laughs.
“Aw, is this the first time Shinra has chosen Celty over you? It's okay, you get used to it,” Izaya says. “Now then, you heard him. I'll be fine! I'm sure you can sleep much easier at night knowing I'm alive and well and plotting your demise.”
“Fuck you, he said you needed monitoring. I'm dropping you off at the hospital.”
“They won't accept me as a patient if I don't want to go,” Izaya says. “Besides, I'm beginning to doubt you saw anything at all. Maybe you just wanted to ruin my date! Pettiness is unflattering.”
Shizuo sees red, shoves Izaya against a wall and sees a flash. He finds himself wrenching a knife out of Izaya's hand before he tosses it to the side and glares into Izaya's stupid smug face.
“Yeah? And look where your date got you! Here, with me, because no one gives a shit about you or whether you die! How's that feel, I-za-ya? How's it feel to know if you didn't wake up tomorrow that no one but me would even notice?”
Izaya's eyes are wide, and if Shizuo didn't know what to look for, he'd honestly think Izaya didn't care. But Izaya looks baffled, and it takes just a few seconds too long for him to reply.
“It doesn't matter,” Izaya says, and Shizuo flattens him further into the wall.
“It matters. You think you can hide behind your stupid words and try to convince yourself you're above being scared, but I'm not buying it. I've never bought anything you've said, and I'm not starting to now. You wanna go home and die alone? Well guess what, even that's more than you deserve.” Shizuo lifts Izaya up again, starts walking towards his own apartment.
“Stop it— Shizu-chan, just put me down, I hate this! I hate you! If you take me inside your monster hovel, I'll destroy everything you own!”
“I don't own much,” Shizuo says. “And I know you hate me. I hate you, too. The best payback I can think of would be making you die in my company.”
Izaya pauses in his thrashing, chokes in a way that makes Shizuo worry he's about to be barfed on, but then Izaya is laughing loudly in a way Shizuo has never heard before. It's not forced or sarcastic or...asshole-ish like Izaya is. It's genuine.
“How cruel!” Izaya cackles. “I didn't think Shizu-chan could be so vindictive! You're right; that's about the worst fate there is!”
Shizuo could argue an even worse fate would be Izaya left in the hands of that Touma creep, unconscious and...
“Hey,” Shizuo says suddenly, unable to contain his curiosity. “That guy, do you think he was gonna kidnap you and kill you?”
Izaya scoffs. “No. He wasn't thinking with anything but his dick. He's been trying to fuck me for a while now, and ordinarily I wouldn't have even entertained him, but his boss is a good client of mine, and I thought Touma-san might be full of useful information. Unsurprisingly, he wasn't. He was boring and touchy.”
Shizuo grits his teeth at the idea. For once, Izaya's using of people isn't what Shizuo is angry about.
“That fucker,” Shizuo hisses. “Taking advantage of anyone like—that. It's lower than low, lower than dirt. I should've killed him.”
“Even if it was me?” Izaya asks. “He'd deserve death even if it was just me he was taking advantage of?”
“Shut up. No one deserves that, not even you.”
Izaya laughs again, but it's so bitter it makes Shizuo wince. “You really are cruel, Shizu-chan.”
Shizuo doesn't ask for an elaboration. He doesn't think Izaya would be honest with him anyway, but then again, aren't people always saying drunken words are sober thoughts? What about roofied words? How the hell is Izaya still conscious anyway?
When he opens his door, he's happy to be out of the cold, and even happier to be home. Like this, it's easy to forget about Izaya, who is now draped across his back and...possibly unconscious? Izaya has been silent for an eerie length of time, and somehow Shizuo hasn't been stabbed yet.
He dumps Izaya onto the couch, and Izaya lands in a heap of limbs before immediately sitting upright and looking around, his face absolutely gleeful.
“Shizu-chan! Your place is a lot cleaner than I thought it would be! But then again, I assumed you slept hanging from the ceiling. Maybe you do? Your bedroom is this way, right?” Izaya asks as he rolls to his feet and starts towards Shizuo's room.
“Oi! Sit back down!” Shizuo hisses, yanking Izaya backwards and tossing him onto the couch. “This couch and my bathroom are all you have access to! If I see you anywhere near my room, I'm beating the fuck out of you.”
“Scary!” Izaya crosses his legs and grins up at Shizuo. “So then. Are we having a slumber party?”
“I'm waiting for you to pass out. Oh, also...” Shizuo goes to his fridge, pulls out his leftover food, and doesn't bother heating it up before devouring it. Izaya watches him with obvious fascination, and Shizuo hates the pinpricks he feels at knowing Izaya's keen gaze is on him.
“Do you want some water?” Shizuo asks, feeling like an alien in his own home.
“Well, it would probably help,” Izaya says. “Have you got any alcohol?”
“You don't need alcohol, you shitty fucking louse. You're fucked up enough.”
“I feel sober!” Izaya says, but his flushed face and swaying demeanor beg to differ. “Just the water then. The sooner I sober up, the sooner I can get away from you.”
Shizuo grits his teeth as he pours Izaya a glass of water, and when he stomps over to the couch, he shoves it at Izaya so forcefully that the water sloshes out of the glass and onto Izaya's chest.
“How are you gonna act high and mighty even when I'm doing you a favor? You should be fucking thankful that you aren't in a ditch somewhere!” Shizuo growls as Izaya frowns down at the water on his shirt.
“I never asked for your help,” Izaya says before he looks up and meets Shizuo's gaze. Ordinarily, Shizuo would be creeped out by Izaya's unnaturally red gaze, but as it is, Izaya just looks exhausted and maybe even scared. He's just too proud to let it show.
“Yeah? Well, you better be glad I gave it to you anyway. You could be out there getting—“ Shizuo pauses, huffs, and turns to go back to his food.
“Raped,” Izaya says, because he can never leave well enough alone. “I could be getting raped, is that what you wanted to say?”
“For fuck's sake, Izaya, shut the hell up and pass out already.”
Unsurprisingly, Izaya doesn't. He sips at his water and looks around before he tries to stand. Before Shizuo can even yell at him, Izaya stumbles backwards, misses the couch, and lands sprawled in the floor with the water glass completely emptied on him.
Sighing, Shizuo tosses the empty food box into the trash before he makes his way over to Izaya, who bristles visibly and narrow his eyes up at Shizuo as if daring him to say anything.
“You're a goddamn mess,” Shizuo says because Izaya needs to hear it, or maybe just because Shizuo likes needling him. Either way, Shizuo leans down and picks Izaya up again.
“I thought I wasn't allowed in your room...” Izaya says, his voice slurred and heavy with impending sleep. He's clearly fighting it with all he has, and Shizuo wonders just how many times Izaya has been drugged before.
“I'm chaperoning.” Shizuo shrugs and tosses Izaya on his bed before he tries to find dry clothes for Izaya's small, flea-like body. He has sweatpants with a string, so that'll work. As for shirts, he has plenty of T-shirts he wears on his off days, nothing fancy like Izaya is accustomed to, but if Izaya complains, Shizuo might just punch him.
When he turns to Izaya, he's surprised to see Izaya sitting up, though he looks far from cognizant. He's swaying, catching himself, and trying and failing to focus on Shizuo.
“Can you get undressed?” Shizuo asks him.
“Oooh... Shizu, how naughty...” Izaya says with a giggle, and then he's trying to tug his wet shirt over his head. It gets caught at his elbows, and Izaya rolls off the bed and into the floor with a resounding 'thunk'.
“Fucking flea... Stupid fucking drugged annoying ass flea,” Shizuo mutters to himself as he goes to Izaya and helps him up again. “Alright, lift your arms, you can do that much.” Izaya does, and Shizuo does his best to avert his eyes as he removes Izaya's shirt and helps him into the dry T-shirt.
“Smells good,” Izaya murmurs, and when Shizuo looks at him, Izaya is holding the collar of Shizuo's shirt to his nose and inhaling happily.
“What the fuck?” Shizuo asks, wondering what planet they're on.
“I said...you smell good,” Izaya says a little louder, glaring at Shizuo as if Shizuo has yanked this confession from him without permission.
“Okay? Take your pants off.”
Izaya pouts at him and shakes his head.
“Izaya! Take your—!” Shizuo yanks Izaya's hands away from the shirt collar and tries to make Izaya undo his pants, but Izaya merely stands there looking like he might cry. “What's wrong with you? I'm trying to undress you so you can sleep comfortably!”
“I hate you,” Izaya says with his usual ire, and then, inexplicably, his voice is breaking and he's hiding his face in Shizuo's giant T-shirt. “I hate Shizu-chan so much!”
“Yeah? Well I hate you right back!” Shizuo hisses, and he undoes Izaya's pants before yanking them down. His renewed anger makes it easier to ignore the fact he's undressing Izaya Orihara in his bedroom. “But even if you're fucking horrible and I don't want you here, I'd rather you be here than with some creepy douchebag, so help me out!”
“You should've left me! I'd be fine, I'm always fine!” Izaya is practically sobbing by this point, and Shizuo is helpless to do anything but watch Izaya cry with his pants halfway down his thighs. “You were right to say no one would care, so why should you? I don't want your pity!”
“Too bad,” Shizuo finds himself saying. “If you wanted it, I wouldn't give it to you. I hate people who want pity for the sake of being pitied. But right now...”
“You never do what I want,” Izaya says with a sniffle. This time, when Shizuo pushes Izaya gently towards the bed, Izaya allows it, and Shizuo is able to get the wet pants off and replace them with the sweatpants. Izaya is skinny, so Shizuo has to tie the strings as tightly as they'll go.
“There. Isn't that better?” Shizuo asks. He's always been pretty good with kids, which is exactly what a wasted Izaya is reminding him of. “You'll feel better when you sleep.”
“I'm not tired,” Izaya says, emerging from the shirt at last to show Shizuo his red-rimmed eyes and wet cheeks.
“Right,” Shizuo says. “Well, when you are, it'll be better.” He almost laughs when Izaya nods very seriously, as of Shizuo is saying anything other than common sense. Shizuo tries to back away, but he finds one of his hands being held hostage by both of Izaya's. “Flea,” he says warningly, not trusting Izaya to not have a hidden knife on him somewhere.
“Your hand is one big—callus,” Izaya announces. He turns Shizuo's hand over and examines it. “You should moisturize.”
“I'll keep that in mind,” Shizuo mumbles, trying again to pull away, but Izaya seems like he might cry again if Shizuo does.
“Isn't it weird...” Izaya says, and then he's just holding Shizuo's hand, looking up at Shizuo with his watery gaze. “You're like a regular person like this. A human.”
“I am a human,” Shizuo snaps, not ready to hear Izaya's usual spiel about Shizuo being an unlovable monster.
Izaya just nods and looks down again at their joined hands. “I love humans,” he says, and then he sniffles again. “But humans don't love me.”
“Izaya,” Shizuo sighs. “You need to sleep. You'll hate that you said all this in the morning.”
“I'll be unhappy either way!” Izaya snaps, and Shizuo wonders where the hell this is going, or if he's ever actually...had a conversation with Izaya before? He doesn't think so, at least not one where they weren't actively trying to antagonize or kill each other. It's weird to be in Izaya's space, to smell his scent, to be able to see his eyelashes. Shizuo wishes he was drunker than he is, and then he remembers to mourn the full beer he left at the bar.
“You can't pretend like you don't know why people hate you. You've given them every reason to.” Shizuo's gaze is hard as Izaya meets his eyes. “You know that.”
“Why is it so wrong to want to see the worst parts of people? Isn't that what love is—to see those parts, the parts they want to keep hidden, and love them anyway? Can you say you love someone if you aren't willing to accept the worst of them?” Izaya asks, his grip tightening on Shizuo. “I love all those things! I love them, and everyone looks at me like I'm a monster! And then, you! You have so much love and you don't even deserve it!” Izaya finally lets Shizuo go, throws his hand away like it's poisoned.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Shizuo asks, genuinely feeling more confused than angry. “Tricking people into revealing what they hate about themselves just to use it against them won't ever get you anywhere. Aren't you supposed to be some kind of genius? How could you think that would work?”
“Nothing works anyway,” Izaya says. “You hated me before I even did anything to you, after all. Wasn't it nice of me to give you actual reasons?”
Shizuo frowns, thinking back to the day Shinra introduced them. Izaya was beside Shinra, clapping at the violence Shizuo exhibited, and Shizuo thought to himself that Izaya was making fun of him, or worse, that he liked violence when Shizuo himself hated it and couldn't escape it. Shizuo admits to himself, and has for a long time, that his hatred of Izaya wasn't justified at first. But in the end, he thinks it was instinctual, and he just knew Izaya was up to no good.
“As if you care what I think,” Shizuo says. He's ready to get out of this room. Izaya can have the bed, he doesn't even care. He's just ready to get Izaya sober and out of here.
“I do care,” Izaya says softly, and Shizuo feels his brow furrowing in disbelief.
“God, how drunk are you?” Shizuo asks, and Izaya grins.
“Very. I'm being honest with you, after all.” He reaches again for Shizuo's hand, and Shizuo debates only for a few moments before letting him have it. What's the harm? Izaya likely won't remember any of this, and keeping him complacent is in Shizuo's best interest if either of them are going to get sleep tonight.
“So you care what I think? And that means you get to try to ruin my life and get me killed all the time?” Shizuo asks as he watches Izaya drunkenly play with his fingers.
“Not all the time,” Izaya says with a pout. “I just like your attention.”
“My attention?”
Izaya laughs, traces one of Shizuo's calluses with smooth fingers. “Wasn't it effective?”
“...Go the fuck to sleep, Izaya.” Shizuo still has a headache, but now he thinks it has less to do with loud noises and the alcohol he consumed earlier and more to do with Izaya being a weirdo. He remembers now why talking to Izaya is impossible. It's all riddles and lies and bullshit. It's much easier to just try to kill him.
“Do you think I'm lying to you?” Izaya asks.
“I know you are.” Shizuo glares as Izaya kicks his legs out, narrowly missing Shizuo.
“I'm not! I just—“ He pauses before a wicked grin spreads across his face, and Shizuo's hackles rise. He keeps his eyes peeled for the glint of a knife. “I never thanked you for saving me, did I?”
“As if you'd be sincere,” Shizuo says.
“I'll give Shizu-chan something! Something he's never had.”
“I don't want—“ Shizuo is suddenly yanked forward by Izaya, who is exhibiting more strength than he should have, but Shizuo has no time to think or say anything before he feels the softness of Izaya's mouth against his own.
It's impossibly gentle. Shizuo has never kissed anyone before, but before his mind can catch up with who he's kissing, he feels Izaya's hands thread through his hair, feels Izaya shift and move closer, and when Shizuo curls his fingers in Izaya's collar to throw him against the wall, he feels himself instead pulling Izaya closer, chasing after the softness of Izaya's lips when Izaya begins to pull back.
“Mm,” Izaya hums, licking his own lips. “How's that for sincerity?”
“Izaya—you...” Shizuo's mind catches up rapidly with what happened, and he feels anger he's never felt before overtake him. “What the fuck!”
“I can't be blamed for it being subpar, Shizu-chan,” Izaya says absently. “Kiss me when I'm sober, I'll make it up to you.” He crawls under the covers, clearly not the least bit worried about Shizuo or his wrath. “I'm sleepy now.”
Shizuo roars with rage, worries about the neighbors, and then gets even angrier. He storms out of the room, slamming the door behind him as he flops face-first into the couch, screaming into the cushions.
Fucking Izaya. In the morning, Shizuo is going to be as loud as possible, is going to torture a severely hungover flea, and then he's going to make Izaya wish he'd never been born. After that, he's going to beat the fuck out of Shinra for leaving this situation up to him. As it is, he realizes he has to make sure Izaya isn't sleeping on his back, because he needs Izaya to be alive in the morning to torture.
Shizuo slips back inside the room to find Izaya is curled on his side, his face buried in Shizuo's pillow. Shizuo grimaces as he considers sleeping on the floor. After the night he's had, he convinces himself he deserves to sleep in his own bed, and if Izaya has a problem with that, Izaya can fuck right off to Hell where he belongs.
Shizuo maintains as much distance between them as he can as he settles into the bed, but Izaya doesn't move at all and is clearly dead to the world. Shizuo relaxes and comforts himself with thoughts of vengeance in the morning, and is finally able to fall asleep.
The first thing Shizuo notices when he jerks awake is that he doesn't think he's slept much at all. The room is still pitch black aside from the light flooding under the door from the bathroom. The second thing he notices is that Izaya is gone, and there's an awful retching noise coming from the next room. Sighing, Shizuo gets up, and he finds Izaya throwing up violently into the toilet, but thankfully, there isn't vomit anywhere else, so at least Izaya made it this far.
“I hoped...” Izaya rasps, “that it was a dream...and I wasn't really here...”
“Yeah,” Shizuo says. He winces as the vomiting continues. He heads to the kitchen, grabs Izaya another glass of water, and then he picks up his cigarettes and goes back to the bathroom, setting the glass beside Izaya before sitting down on the floor near him and leaning against the wall of the bathroom doorway.
“What are you doing?” Izaya asks weakly. “This is gross enough without you seeing it.”
“Barf doesn't bother me,” Shizuo says as he lights his cigarette. “Kasuka used to get sick a lot. He didn't like being by himself.”
“So you...sat with him while he vomited?” Izaya asks with a weak laugh.
“No, dipshit. I sat with him afterwards, but it's not like you'll be done anytime soon.”
Izaya looks like he wants to argue, but then he's retching once more, and Shizuo shakes his head as he takes a deep drag on his cigarette.
“I guess this is revenge enough for you ruining my night,” Shizuo says. “I might still punch you later, though.”
“That would be fair,” Izaya says softly. He folds his arms over the seat of the toilet, rests his head in them, and adds, “I'm so glad your bathroom is clean.”
“As if you could complain if it wasn't.”
“Oh, I don't know. I'm good at complaining.”
Shizuo snorts and reaches over to pet Izaya's back in what he hopes is a comforting gesture. Kasuka used to appreciate it. If Izaya minds, he doesn't say so.
“I don't suppose you have a spare toothbrush?” Izaya asks after a few silent minutes. Shizuo frowns.
“No. I don't usually have people over.”
“Mouthwash?” Izaya prompts, and Shizuo shifts to look through his cabinet under the sink, putting his cigarette in his mouth to free his hands.
“I have this kind,” Shizuo says before handing Izaya the bottle.
“This is the alcohol free version,” Izaya notes with a clear look of distaste.
“I don't like the burning.”
“The burning is how you know it's working.”
“Use it and shut the hell up!” Shizuo snaps, and Izaya sighs before doing just that. He spits into the tub and then settles back with a groan, using his foot to flush the toilet.
“I should probably get going soon,” Izaya mutters.
“Are you okay now?”
“Well, I'm as sober as I'm going to get tonight. I'm more concerned about the massive hangover I have coming my way. I doubt either of us wants me trapped here all day—“
“Hey,” Shizuo says, almost interrupting Izaya, who glares at him for it. “How often does this happen to you?”
“The drugging? Only once before.” Izaya sips at the water Shizuo got for him.
“Did...anything happen?” Shizuo asks warily.
“I don't know. It was a long time ago.”
Shizuo's expression must speak volumes, because Izaya sighs before continuing.
“I met with a client about locating someone. The story sounded far-fetched to begin with, but he was offering a lot of money, and he seemed so ordinary that I didn't think about anything happening. When he offered me tea, I drank it. And then I woke up in an alleyway outside my apartment building the next day.”
“I went to the hospital and they said it didn't look like...that had happened. But other things could have.” Izaya sips again at the water. “It doesn't matter. He's dead now, and I'm still alive.”
“So that means you won or something?” Shizuo asks warily.
Izaya shrugs. “Sure. But I wasn't the one who killed him. I didn't even have a hand in it, if you believe that. Turns out he killed someone's daughter, and her father was pretty high up in the Russian mafia. He got what he deserved, in the end. If anything it was my own fault for underestimating him and not looking into him further.”
“Something like that isn't your fault!” Shizuo snaps, and when Izaya grins at him, he feels his anger rising. “It's not, okay, that's victim blaming bullshit, and if he did something to you, it's because he was fucked up and it's not to do with you!”
“But Shizu-chan,” Izaya says playfully, “I thought everything wrong was to do with me.”
“Fuck you,” Shizuo says. “This is different.”
“Unfortunately, things like that happen and will always happen. I'm usually more careful about meeting people, but foolishly I believed Touma-san wouldn't try anything in public. I suppose it could have ended up a lot worse.”
“No shit,” Shizuo says.
“And this time, I didn't wake up all alone, after all.”
Shizuo looks to Izaya, expecting him to have a playful grin or a teasing leer, but as it is, Izaya is gazing down into his water glass thoughtfully.
“I suppose I said...things. I hope you can pretend I never said them,” Izaya says.
“How much do you remember?” Shizuo asks.
“Enough to be embarrassed. I'm sure that's pleasing for you.”
“You kissed me.”
Izaya makes a choking noise that would be comical if he didn't look so mortified. Shizuo knows he isn't imagining the blush spreading across Izaya's cheeks.
“Ah, okay, we can ignore that, if you want. I was drunk.”
“Fuck that,” Shizuo says. “That was my first kiss, asshole. Take responsibility. It wasn't even good.”
Izaya chokes again, with laughter this time, and Shizuo grins back at him stupidly. What a night it's been.
“I'm afraid I can't remedy that right now unless you want to kiss me when I just threw up,” Izaya says, and his smile is so genuine that Shizuo can't look away from it.
“Wouldn't taste much worse than the first time,” Shizuo says, and Izaya laughs again.
“How cruel! Okay, I deserve that. You really are getting in all your jokes now. I thought for sure you'd draw them out a while to torture me more.”
“I will. Pretty sure that was all I had.” Shizuo flicks his cigarette into the sink and runs water over it before standing and offering a hand to Izaya. “C'mon. You can sleep here and leave tomorrow.”
“You want me to be gross here all day?” Izaya asks, looking at Shizuo's hand much like he did the night before, with wonder.
“I'll take my chances.”
Izaya takes Shizuo's hand, and Shizuo leads him back to the bed. Neither of them comments on Shizuo flopping back beside him. Someone has to make sure Izaya doesn't choke to death on vomit still, even now. Shizuo doesn't trust that it's over, and clearly Izaya isn't taking it seriously.
He falls asleep much easier than he did the first time, and he wakes once to find he's tossed an arm over Izaya and nestled behind him. Blearily, he thinks to himself that Izaya's scent isn't bad, especially when it's mixed together with his own. He doesn't move, and he falls back into unconsciousness with the bite of Izaya's scent sharp on his tongue.
When he wakes again, Izaya is gone.
“Really, I was impressed, Shizuo-kun! I thought for sure when you called and said you were with Izaya-kun that you would kill him!”
Shizuo is at Shinra's and Celty's place, politely drinking tea while Celty goes off on Shinra for not telling her about what was happening that night. Shizuo knows she'll forgive Shinra. She always does.
“Have you checked on him? Izaya?” Shizuo asks, interrupting them. They both turn to him.
“Not since it happened. Izaya-kun will be fine. He's always fine.”
Something about that statement infuriates him, and when he stands, his teacup hits the floor, shattering as he advances on Shinra.
“What the fuck kind of friend are you?! He was drugged, could have been raped and killed, and you were so focused on having Celty that you didn't give a shit?! That's wrong. It's so fucking wrong! No one is fine after that!”
“Shizuo, please calm down!” Celty's PDA pleads with him, but he barely glances at it.
“I'd punch your face in, but you wouldn't understand why I was doing it,” Shizuo spits at Shinra, shoving him once, but even that's enough to make Shinra topple backwards. “I'm sorry,” he says to Celty. “But he shouldn't think what he did was okay.”
He leaves before they can say anything else to him, also before he can do more damage, and he doesn't even know why he cares so much. Izaya is awful, has ruined so many lives, including Shizuo's. But when he thinks back to all the shitty things, he sees Izaya's crying face as clear as day, feels the depth of that loneliness, because he's felt that way before too, like an outsider looking in no matter what he tries. And sure, it doesn't excuse or forgive anything, but after seeing an actual human side of Izaya, it's impossible to pretend he doesn't care at all.
His feet carry him home, and he's surprised to look up and see Izaya standing outside his door, a paper bag in hand.
“Ah, I hoped you'd still be out,” Izaya says, and he holds the bag up. “Your clothes. I washed them. I thought it was the least I could do.”
“Thanks,” Shizuo says, feeling dumb as he takes the bag. He can't stop staring at Izaya, who looks as he always does, infuriatingly smug and not a hair out of place.
“Right. Well, we can put this behind us now! Next time I see you, I'll fully expect you to be trying to bash my head in.” Izaya smirks at him before trying to walk around him, and Shizuo finds himself grabbing Izaya's coat sleeve.
“Wait. You still haven't accepted responsibility,” Shizuo blurts, and Izaya gazes up at him confusedly.
“About— oh. What would you like me to do? Let you punch me?”
“No, I already almost punched Shinra just now. I think punching is starting to lose its luster.” Shizuo keeps hold of Izaya, tries and fails to think of how to articulate what he wants. He isn't good with words, never has been, but for once in his life, Izaya being so damn perceptive comes in handy.
“I see. So then, would you accept dinner? On me, of course, to make up for my many transgressions.” Izaya's wearing that smile again, the real one, and Shizuo finds himself laughing.
“There isn't enough money in the world to buy enough food that you'd need for that,” Shizuo says, and his grip on Izaya morphs into something less harsh until it's more of a gentle touch on Izaya's arm than anything else.
“It might take a few dinners,” Izaya says, nodding in agreement.
“More than a few.”
“Well then,” Izaya says, turning and reaching behind himself to tug on Shizuo. “Shall we?”
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for-fucks-sake-h · 4 years
Ficmas 2020 Fic Recs
Hello babes! Here is a list of my favorite fics from this year for @stylishmuser​ 31 Days of Christmas! Hopefully it brings something new to you! I highly suggest checking out all of these authors masterlists as well... they’re incredible xx  
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s e r i e s 
Collide by @oh-honey-styles -  Incredible, magical, kismet. Harry and Franki wormed their ways into my heart and I loved every single moment of their story. This is one of those stories that you know will just stay with you, randomly popping into your head long after its over.  
Trick of the Light by @andwhenshesays - Another to add to the list of stories that stay with you forever. I’ve never read anything like this... every single word pulls you in more until you’re completely lost in their universe.  The yearn, it’s unbelievable and overwhelmingly beautiful.  
Hold my Hand by @harrytheehottie - Godddd I love Sophia so much, maybe even more than Harry in this one. Their dynamic is so good, and you’re rooting for them so much just hoping they can get it together. We love the pain bitch! 
Rumor Has It by @stylishmuser - These two... these two.  Ishika and Harry are practically forced together but the relationship that forms... IM CRY.  It’s amazing. This is probably once of the softest versions of Harry that I’ve read and I adore it. Absolutely beautiful! 
Sail The Widest Stretch by @beautifulletdownfics - Oh my god. So good. The progression of Harry and Amelia’s relationship, the plot, the angst... CHEFS KISS. 
Cloudbusting by @starsstruck - A bitch loves a coffee shop au! They are so timid with each other and smitten, so good!    
Noir by @harrystylesgotmefuckedup - Duuuuude. This story is incredible, the writing is impeccable. It’s so real. I’m still obsessed with it and think of it often.  
Unplanned by @idkthisisjustforfanfic - The angstttt, I love and hate the pain.  Just rip my heart out already I don’t need it! I felt like I yearned with Harry throughout the story I wanted them to be together so badly lol. This is one of those stories where I’d discuss every chapter with my girls, like a little book club. Amazing!
o n e  s h o t s 
Stretch by @andwhenshesays - salkjdflfhadlskfsah DISGUSTING. So fucking good it’s DISGUSTING. So hot.  
Hazy by @oh-honey-styles - BUT DADDY I LOVE HIM. That shirt literally jumpstarted a three way love triangle between me, Anne and Kate lol. INSANE. SO GOOD. 
Open by @bfharry​​ - this conceptttttttt. and i loved how it turned so soft at the end! 
Blurred Lines: Met Gala Rewind by @permanentcross​ - literally everything in this universe is so good it makes me wanna fall off my roof. 
Stand and Deliver by @all-things-fic​ - this is SICK. It’s too good. So hot. 
Just Kidding... Unless? by @harrystylesgotmefuckedup​ - friends to lovers smutty goodness i’m in love. 
Blue Dream by @starsstruck​ - another friends to lovers... are we sensing a theme here lol.  getting high to lovers if you will??? are you kidding me? this is the first piece i read of charlotte’s and i’ve been hooked since! 
Stir Me Up by @luminescencefics​ - this literally punched me in the face. the buildup dude - so freaking good! 
Shut Up and Kiss Me by @real-work-of-art​ - first time writing smut WHERE? i loved it! 
All Roads Lead To Rome by @soysauceharry​ - um there are no words? italy harry running around in teeny tiny shorts coming back to your villa looking like that. amina’s writing is over the top incredible!  
happy reading!  
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taetaespeaches · 2 years
Hi Liv! Ok, drunk anon here and I’m sliding into your inbox sober for once lmao… I’m going to send you lists of my fave fics, but I’m taking this very seriously as I’ve re read your fics SO MANY TIMES. Like I’m in here re-reading everyday, to the point that I feel like your fics are sort of a part of me in a way. Like they’re a very big part of my life is what I’m trying to say (not like you didn’t already know this given you’re the person I literally swoon over when I’m drunk haha)
So, I’m gonna send you my favourite fics for each of the long term couples in parts. It is probably worth mentioning that I am a slut for a few things - angst, smut (especially their first time with their girls 😩) and any kind of fluff that involves a shower or a sleepy bangtan boy, especially when they’re in bed… there’s just something so intimate about those two scenarios that always gets me, but I feel like that shows in my selections anyways lol.
I can’t narrow it down any more than I have (pathetic effort, I know) but it’s not my fault you’re a beautiful writer! Imma put my FAVES at the top, and then come the honourable mentions of fics that I equally love and always find myself coming back to.
Kicking off with our crack heads, Seokjin and Poopsie!!
Absolute absolute absolute faves:
I want to be happy about this but I’m just so angry >> Love, we need to talk >> I still choose you every single day
I’m counting these as one fic cause I’m a rule breaker, but when I say I sobbed when I found these. I SOBBED. I read these in the middle of the roughest break up in the history of breakups, and hearing the way Jin intentionally chooses Poopsie? I was a mess. I re-read these daily, for weeks. I still hold these very close to my heart cause they actually gave me a lot of lightbulb moments for my real life shit. Immaculate work Liv.
I’m a simple man, love
I told you, I’m a slut for fluffy showers.
Don’t you think you’ve made me wait long enough to get my hands on you?
Bashful Jin being the softest sweetest man to ever exist? And smut too? Yep this will always be a fave
Honourable mentions that I also adore with all my heart:
- I broke your nose, and I’m sorry for that, but what you’re doing isn’t fair
- Easy, girl. Everyone is just a few feet away.
- You’re not an asshole, you’re just a pain in the ass
- Why are you looking at me like that?
- It’s midnight, we’re supposed to kiss
- Why is there mistletoe in every room of the apartment?
- You're gonna wash my hair?
- I’m terrible at getting engaged, I forgot all about this part
Ok sorry for the spam… but I will be back!
Love drunk anon, x
P.S. I feel like I’ve given myself a horrible rep on your page as some crazy off the rails tequila maniac who is drunk all the time… when in reality I’m equal parts tequila maniac (only on the weekends lol) and introverted book worm with an obsession for my jazz vinyl collection. Life is about balance, right? 🫠
Omg hi!!!! I love you!! Stop this is so fucking sweet of you to go :( I actually had no idea that you’ve revisited the fics so many times and I am beyond flattered to learn this like wtf?! The things you’re a slut for- same babe 😩
I’m so happy and like relieved? maybe? that you found those fics while you were going through a bad breakup bc like that’s literally what they’re there for. Like I love when you guys read the fics during relevant times in your life and relate them to your lives. A lot of them are written based off of real emotions/experiences I’ve had so if that stuff can help any of you out either with aha moments or just with comfort then I’m fucking thrilled.
Omg “you’re not an asshole, you’re just a pain in the ass” - I sometimes wonder if I should have ever even written that fic so I’m so glad to see it on this list lol. And ah, “it’s midnight, we’re supposed to kiss” (boning in the new year 🤪) - I have to egotistically admit that I was giggling writing this one. Something about jin not being able to wait until you’re home 😤 please give me that
This is such a fun list and I love being able to see what fics have stood out to you. Ah this is so cool! Also don’t worry, I think your reputation around here is that you’re equal parts adorable and chaotic and I mean that in the best way lol. But omg hearing about jazz vinyl collection 👹 you’re so cool! She’s an introverted jazz fan book worm who knows how to let go! Very interesting, I’m a stan
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kaleidoscopeminds · 3 years
okay well you know what i'm here for. give me all the details on in a world of black and white. if you feel like breaking down the jalex spinoff as well i will not say no. i love you sooooooo much my love!!!!! xoxo bella
ok i’m actually so glad you’ve asked me this so i can talk a bit about what went into in a world of black and white, you wanted all the details so this is LONG but here’s how it went down!!!
i got you to write for and i was like eeeek so nervous!!!! i even said to hazel when i got you that i was nervous lol but i was like i just have to write the best thing i can using all of my available skills and that is basically a good memory of Things My Friends Like. i knew i wasn’t going to be able to write a jalex fic (lmao look where that got me) so i looked at your reader preferences and was like ok. friends to lovers lashton college au, lets do that, i just needed a concept to work around! then i was walking home from work one day listening to getaway green and i was like... what if getaway fic? what if getaway fic using the colour thing for a soulmate au? not using the actual story of the song per se but bits and pieces? and i got home and made a planning doc for it. it started with a few notes about soulmate lore, a rough “key moments” list, and a list of things to include for you<3 which looked something a little like:
snapback/flannel/lip ring luke
curly hair glasses ashton
make-up scene
hurt/comfort sick scene w/ tea
side jalex
michael having a crush on jack
luke saying he’s going to commit crimes when he sees ashton playing guitar
ace luke
i sent the planning doc to sam @tirednotflirting who said several wonderful things like “she’s gonna love it” which comforted me that it wasn’t a terrible idea. i also decided i wanted to include some lyrics from the song throughout which i KNEW could be kind of cheesy and jarring but i wanted them in there so i tried to make it make as much sense as i could but it still to make you stop and go oh! yeah!  side note there’s a a more vague one in this bit which i’m not sure anyone actually managed to pick out? when Ashton is sick at the end of that scene: Luke tries not to think how much he likes at he idea of being what Ashton needs. as a loose reference to “keep on tellin' me I'm what you need”
most of it i found quite easy to write, i liked getting to have luke as the sweet boy who is desperate for a soulmate and ashton the slightly pretensious and cynical art student, michael was so fun to write as he always is with my muke friendships and calum who is mentioned very infrequently but has some of my favourite moments: michael hanging off him like a large and cumbersome scarf, and the bit where he says “not you babe” which still makes me laugh! the other thing i loved writing was the pretty colour words. i hadn’t done much of descriptive type stuff and i really did enjoy getting a chance to be a bit flowery and go off on one with some colour symbolism. i’ve always liked writing dialogue which i think is one of my strengths, and i think i’ve grown a lot as a writer since this fic but i do like that i did a bit of that kind of writing here which was out of my comfort zone!
the infamous cheese-ball scene didn’t get written in until quite near the end, i was having a bit of a crisis over the end, i’d written the last scene but i was finding it really tricky to know how to progress between the bit with Ashton finishing his project and the actual resolution and i was like i want some classic drink fueled flirting to get a bit of tension and then i was like.... omg i have an idea.... i had a conversation with the lovely sam who was my biggest cheerleader i love that girl i also at this point had still not decided on luke’s major but i decided to go fuck it and go all in on the pandering<3
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we’ve discussed this before about not liking miscommunication and conflict so i didn’t want any of that, and i also hate outside interference in relationships as conflict so i didn’t want that either, but i thought the not-knowing thing was maybe just enough to be a reason that they don’t go for it without there being some terrible ~thing~ happen for either of them. it might make it a bit boring but i felt like it worked here! them pining but also kind of knowing they like each other but also not wanting to say it? it felt right to me!
the other thing i want to mention is me not putting everything in the tags because i knew you would read them and i wanted to surprise you, i did a couple of hints to ace luke before we got there in the fic, and i thought it would be soooo fun to have jack show up out of nowhere then alex too because i thought you probably wouldn’t expect that from me!
which brings me to getaway jalex. wow. i never saw myself including jalex as a side pairing simply because i did not know enough about them but i was like i need to at least TRY and i can always scrap it if its terrible. SO i watched a few interviews, a few yt compilations. i wanted to have jack being the professor just because i thought it would be fun to have him be a bit of a menace about it? that’s why i went for him over alex. and then the dialogue was funny, i just wanted to pull a couple of things that made them convincing as i was so like ??? about characterising them, which is where obviously professor boy came from, and also the bit where jack repeats himself the “ever thought about that?” as it was something i picked up on watching stuff! and him pretending to be outraged at alex swearing was just something i saw them doing! i wanted jalex to be the epitome of what i think (and luke thought) a soulmate SHOULD be which is not necessarily desire and pining and all consuming romance but its about annoying each other and being a constant presence and understanding each other better than anyone else and casual touches. and THATS basically where the whole premise for the spin off comes from because its just a slice of life of that extreme comfort of having a person, your person in every sense of the word. we had a little conversation about getaway jalex and i genuinely was not going to write it and then i had the idea for the papers that jack could be grading and the jokes about luke and alex being lead singers and i was like AHA i’ve got it i can do this!!! and it turned into possibly the softest most romantic thing i’ve ever written which is crazy
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
please please say more about the performances im living for this
That’s all you had to say!!!! We’re going ✈️✈️✈️✈️ to Quinn as Evan Hansen hours, part 2! (Here’s part 1.)
For those of you who are seeing this out of context, I’ve been in my feelings for approximately 48 hours straight about Quinn playing Evan Hansen his freshman year at Samwell. I will continue to be in my feelings about this.
Anyway. Performance ramblings under the cut!
- I’m establishing for the purposes of this entire concept that the Samwell drama club musical happens in the spring, auditioning right after winter break in January and then performing in the end of March/beginning of April.
- Yes, this conflicts pretty directly with a busy part of playoffs. But hear me out. Nando makes it work. The last weekend of playoffs would be the weekend after the show closes. I’ve done the math.
- Anyway, that’s not directly important right now. Quinn gets a little stressed during tech week. He’s not the type to get nervous before performances because of the performances themselves, but his nerves stem more from logistics and wanting to make sure everything falls into place and that things don’t go wrong on the path to get to the performances.
- This translates to Quinn being juuuuuust a little grouchy. Nando can tell. They have a good system going where Nando can detect Quinn’s grouchery, and he’ll snuggle the irritability out of him. Tech week means long nights at rehearsal plus regular class obligations, and not seeing much of each other.
- He helps stick posters up all over campus and makes Nando bring one to the Haus to put on the bulletin board. But it turns out that Ford already put one there.
- They open on a Friday night. I need you all to see Quinn’s outfit in your heads, because I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time. The first thing you should know is that he only owns one pair of jeans. They’re medium-wash and kind of skinny; they cuff up at the ankles. On show day, he wears those jeans with his show t-shirt, which is definitely just blue with some kind of logo and then information about the production. Also a scarf. Obviously. It’s cotton and its colors match the shirt.
- And then one of his co-actors, probably the girl who plays Zoe, gets him these socks in the stripe pattern of That One Blue Polo Shirt You Know The One, and he also wears those. With his Oxfords.
- Okay, apparently I’ve dedicated a lot of thought into just the outfit he wears around on show day. Anyway. Opening night.
- He's very much ready, but he’s also quite nervous. The Samwell theatre program attracts big audiences, and unlike back at home, nobody here has ever seen him perform before. He’s a freshman lead, and he’s damn proud of himself, but he also has to make sure that everything is perfect.
- Look, this needs to be perfect— these emails need to prove that we were actually friends— just— I’ll do it!
- I’m so sorry. Y’all asked for this. Okay, so he and Nando don’t even see each other all day on opening night, because of busy schedule reasons. But Quinn does tell him that he might want to be prepared because the show is sad.
- Nando is like, babe, don’t worry. I won’t cry. And then he cries. Like a child.
- The thing is: Quinn kills it. Knocks it out of the park. Start to finish. He is absolutely wonderful, and everybody loves it. Nando is one proud and emotional boyfriend.
- By the way, Nando wears a suit to the show? Like, his game day suit? I felt like you guys should know that.
- I really want there to be a standing ovation, because as someone who has acted before, there’s really no more exhilarating feeling onstage than when you’re done and the people who came to see you liked it so much that they want to give you a standing O. I mean, the surge of the seats when it all happens at once— wooooo, that’s the good shit. Can you just picture the curtain call???? Can you see it in your head????? Also, can you imagine the shout of pure joy Nando makes when Quinn runs out onto the stage to bow???????
- I can. I’m crying. I love him.
- Now, I really actually will probably write this, but I also want to give you the visual. If you’ve done a show before, you’ll know this feeling— if not, I’ll try to replicate it for you. You know when you walk out the stage door after the show? (At Samwell, this means walking into the lobby.) You know how there are usually a ton of people out there waiting? You know how it’s super wholesome and everybody is telling you how great the show was?
- Right. Okay. Now picture Quinn doing that.
- I’m so sorry, y’all; I just want people to tell him he did a good job because you know he did such a good job 😭🤍💙😭🤍💙
- He’s wearing the same outfit from before. He looks like a cutie and I love him.
- Nando is against the wall at the edge of the crowd. He’s doing the Troy Bolton Cool Guy Hallway Stance. Also he has flowers. Tulips, because they’re Quinn’s favorite. And he’s waiting and also recovering from the definite emotional breakdown he just had in the audience. LOL.
- Quinn makes his very slow way through the people in the lobby, because it’s packed and also he was the lead, so everyone knows who he is. It takes him a solid couple of minutes to even be able to see Nando. And then once they see each other, he’s making his way through more quickly, and then finally he actually reaches him and—
- Big hug. Also Nando picks him up. And spins him around. Because he usually does, in particularly soft moments.
- And then he goes, hey, baby; you were right!! I cried. And then a lot of other soft stuff about how proud he is of him and how fantastic the show is and et cetera, et cetera— it’s the softest shit you’ve ever seen.
- To think, this is only night one of the show!!!!!!! I’ll refrain for now. Let’s just say he absolutely slam dunks the entire run.
- On closing night, he has the whole cast and crew sign his “cast” costume piece. :’) Also there’s a cast party. Until like two in the morning. It’s maybe one of the only times Quinn actually gets tipsy. Off of champagne, of course. The cake has a tree on it.
This is definitely not the last you’ll hear of this, because if you haven’t noticed, I’m very on my Quinn & DEH bullshit right now, and will be for the foreseeable future. You know the drill.... the ask box is wide open.
And yes there is an actual fic coming.
Ask me anything about the crickets!
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