#this is set in the same verse as “a wife by any other name”
stiltonbasket · 7 months
I know Nyoomerr wrote a mini fic where Shen Yuan dotes on Bingge’s kids, before I sent you the prompt also, but listen… I want many cakes!
There are so many possible cute OC Bingge kiddos Shen Yuan could dote on, and so many ways the Binggeyuan drama outside said doting could go! I’d happily read a million different versions! ♥️
In spite of having three older siblings to play with, and three nominal mothers and four nursemaids to raise him, Luo Shunlei was a very lonely child.
Unlike his brother and his two elder sisters, Shunlei was rarely allowed to see his own mother. Muqin spent most of her time away from his father's palace in the human realm, for she was Emperor-Father's most trusted lieutenant as well as his wife, and could not be spared from the various battlefields Father left in his wake for more than a single season out of each year.
That life suited his mother, Shunlei knew: and he was being looked after well enough, since Mother Ning doted upon him just as tenderly she cared for his sister Suoxin. But he hated to go to her when he fell while playing cuju in the garden, or felt lonesome for his absent Muqin, for Mother Ning cried so often when she thought her children were out of earshot that Shunlei could not bear to add to her troubles.
Nor could he go to Mother Liu, for Mother Liu was Luo Nianzu's mother, and Nianzu clung to her like a baby fire-horned monkey because his birth mother had died before Nianzu ever knew her.
(The less said of Mother Hua, the better, Shunlei thought. She was not unkind to him, but she made no secret of the fact that she was jealous of the favor Muqin received from Emperor-Father; and since Shunlei was Muqin's son, Mother Hua had never liked him very much, either.)
But then, late in the spring of Luo Shunlei's fourth year, Mother Liu brought a man into the hougong's central garden and announced that he was to be Suo-jie and Ying-jiejie's new Shizun.
"He will be your Shizun too, in time," she said to Nianzu, "as soon as you learn how to read more than a few characters."
"What about me?" Shunlei asked anxiously, plucking at the hems of her sleeve. "Shunshun wants to study, too."
At this, Mother Ning looked up from her account-book and kissed the top of his head.
"You can join this year if the taifu says you may," she assured him. "You're very bright for your age, Shun'er, but there's no need to rush. Mingyan gave Zhu-laoshi a twelve-year contract, so he won't leave the palace until the year you turn sixteen."
Sixteen sounded dreadfully grown-up to Luo Shunlei, who had yet to celebrate his fourth birthday. And if the new taifu really would be staying for the next twelve years, it hardly mattered that Shunlei wouldn't begin his studies until after he turned five.
But the taifu was more than happy to teach him, though Shunlei had only managed to learn the three characters that made up his name—and by the first week after lessons began, Shunlei had affixed himself to his new Shizun like a barnacle clinging to the hull of a boat.
Zhu Qinglan was, strangely enough, only the second man that Shunlei had ever met. Imperial Father was the first, and Shunlei had seen some of his demon lackeys from afar; but they were forbidden to enter any part of the inner court save for Father's private palace, so he had never actually spoken to them.
"Are all men from the human realm like you?" Shunlei asked his Shizun once, not long after Imperial Father returned from his latest campaign in the North. "If they are, why doesn't Father make friends with them instead of fighting?"
Shizun laughed and put out his hand to steady Luo Shunlei's grip on his writing brush.
"No," he replied, after the brush picked up its pace again. "Your Shizun is very old by now, that's all. I had to spend eighty years wandering the wilds alone before I learned how to hold my temper properly, and my Shizun was long gone by then—poor shifu! If your Imperial Father had met me when I was a young man, he wouldn't have wanted me as a servant, let alone a friend...or as his children's taifu, I suppose."
Luo Shunlei pouted. "Shizun can be my friend."
"Mm, then this teacher is very lucky. Oh, Shun'er, not again—you mustn't touch the scroll at all, remember? See how well da-gongzhu is writing."
It was true that Shizun was scolding him, Luo Shunlei reflected—smudging his copy-work as he thought, to Shizun's great distress—but he did it so gently that Shunlei wriggled with glee, feeling very much like a wilted flower that had suddenly been thrust into the full light of day.
Shizun treasured Luo Shunlei, just as he treasured Da-jie and Er-jie and Gege; and since he belonged to all four of them, he loved them equally. Mother Ning loved Da-jiejie the most, and Mother Liu loved Gege the most; and though Mother Hua loved nothing in the world other than Er-jiejie, Shunlei was certain that his Muqin loved Imperial Father far more than she loved him.
Zhu Qinglan loved no one at the palace better than he loved Shunlei, and that feeling was so dreadfully new to him that he burst into tears the next time Shizun entered the schoolroom with a bowl of his favorite sweet sesame cakes.
"Why are you crying?" Shizun demanded, bewildered, as Luo Shunlei let out a wail and scurried over to bury his head in the long skirt of Shizun's white robe. "Are you ill?"
He passed the cakes to one of the maids and lifted Shunlei onto his hip, feeling his cheeks and brow with the back of his rough hands.
"His little highness doesn't have a fever," Shizun muttered, "but we can't take chances, so run for a taiyi as quickly as you can. This one will stay with the little prince until the doctor comes."
"No," Shunlei bawled, rubbing his face against Shizun's shoulder. "I'm happy, Shizun."
"Happy?" Shizun asked, more puzzled than ever. "Why?"
Luo Shunlei laid his cheek on Shizun's soft neck and wept, too overwhelmed to explain that no one had ever made anything specially for him to eat before.
His siblings were only passingly fond of sesame cakes, though they refrained from saying so to save face for their Shizun. But Shunlei likes Shizun's cakes even more than the ones Father sometimes makes for their weekly luncheons, and yesterday, Shunlei had finally worked up the courage to ask if Shizun could bake them again.
Shunlei's lessons were canceled that morning, since Shizun and Mother Ning's taiyi said that he needed rest; and so, he spent the rest of the day being carried about the palace on his teacher's back, and fed another handful of sesame cakes whenever Shizun remembered he was there.
By the third month, Luo Shunlei decided that he loved his Shizun more than anyone else he had ever known, except for Muqin and his Suo-jiejie—which was why he bit off the left half of his Imperial Father's nose when Father told him that he meant to take Shizun into the hougong as a bride.
"You can't have Shizun for your wife!" Shunlei screeched, incensed. "He's ours!"
Imperial Father only raised his eyebrows at him.
"If you ever do that again," he drawled, conjuring a mirror to make sure his nose was healing properly, "I'll send you to the North to fight ice demons with Hualing, and I won't bring you back until you're too old to need a taifu anymore."
Luo Shunlei growled and kicked his little feet until he heard the satisfying crack of one of his Imperial Father's ribs snapping in half.
"You can't," he insisted, as Father let out a gasping wheeze and put a hand to his chest. "You have thirty wives already! That's too many. You can't have my Shizun, too."
Father's right eyebrow climbed a little higher up his forehead. "Everyone under the sun belongs to me," he said. "If I want your Shizun, he'll be mine eventually. There's no more to be said about it."
"But Shizun doesn't want you," Luo Shunlei scowled. "Everyone knows that."
For some reason, Father's face fell so quickly that Shunlei almost regretted his unkindness.
Only almost, though.
"It doesn't matter what he wants," Father said at last, after a long silence—and after his broken rib had healed, much to Luo Shunlei's frustration. "But he—he will want me some day, even if his heart lies elsewhere now. You'll see."
Luo Shunlei squinted at him. "I'll go tell Shizun what you're planning," he threatened. "Then Shizun can run away, and I'll go with him."
"Do you really want to visit the North so badly?" his father said idly. "Everything that lives there could eat you up in one bite."
(Shunlei's mother had taught him what to do in case anything ever ate him, so he could survive perfectly well in the Northern Desert if he had to.
Naturally, he said nothing of this to his father.)
Shunlei reached up and tugged sharply on his father's hair.
"Shizun won't like you if you send me away," he sniffed. "You can't be stupid if you're an Emperor, Imperial Father. Shizun said so."
Father sighed and tucked Luo Shunlei under his arm. "Would it really be so bad if Qinglan joined the harem?" he asked. "He'd still be your Shizun, and you'll still get to see him whenever you like. Nothing will change for you and the other little ones."
Luo Shunlei said nothing.
"And," Father said softly, "you can call him muhou after he and I are married. I plan to make him my empress, so he'll be your Imperial Mother as well as your Shizun."
"Imperial Mother...?"
Shunlei had never had an Imperial Mother before. Officially, every woman in the harem was Father's legitimate wife; the sole difference in status between them was that only the five inner wives—or four now, after the untimely death of Luo Nianzu's birth mother—were allowed full courtyards of their own and the right to raise children.
None of them were allowed to call themselves empresses, only consorts and wives: not even Mother Ning, who had reputedly been Father's favorite wife since his childhood on Cang Qiong Mountain.
But if Father meant to take Shizun as his Empress, and if that meant Shizun would be Shunlei's Imperial Mother, then...
"Then if you do marry Shizun," Shunlei ventured, plucking at the yaopei dangling from Imperial Father's belt, "can Shun'er have a little sister? Or a brother?"
Suddenly, Luo Shunlei felt his father's body go cold.
"No," Father said brusquely. "You may not."
"But why not?" he persisted. "If Shizun becomes my Imperial Mother, won't he be allowed to have his own Shun'er? Like Muqin and Mother Ning and—"
"No," his father repeated, more harshly than before. "After your Nianzu-ge was born, I vowed that I would never father another child. Don't ever mention such things again."
Luo Shunlei stared at him. "But I'm smaller than Gege," he said uncertainly. "Didn't Father break that vow already?"
"Enough," Father hissed. "Listen to me, Luo Shunlei. I nearly killed your Mother Ning by letting her give birth to Suoxin, and I as good as murdered your late Mother Qin by fathering Nianzu upon her. If Hualing had tried to give birth to you the usual way instead of molding you from our mingled blood, she wouldn't even have lived long enough to bring you into the world. Would you have me risk killing your Shizun, too?"
Shunlei's eyes burned.
"No," he said in a strangled voice. "Put me down."
So Imperial Father set him down on the ground, looking very much as though he could not bear to stand in Shunlei's presence for another moment.
"Don't you dare mention any of this to anyone," Father said wearily, as Shunlei rubbed his fists across his smarting eyes. "Otherwise, I really will send you up North to your mother."
Luo Shunlei nodded, somehow contriving to hide his tears until he made his way out of his father's courtyard; and then he staggered off to the Bamboo Palace where Shizun lived, hoping against hope that Shizun was at home and not out on another beast-trapping trip with Mother Liu.
"Shizun," he sobbed, beating on the gate with his tiny fists. "Shizun, Shun'er is here!"
And then Shizun was there, bundling Shunlei into his arms and draping a warm cloak over his shoulders before bringing him into the Zhugong's little kitchen for cakes and hot tea.
He fed Luo Shunlei and washed the tears from his little nose; and then, after his sobs began to slow, Shizun wrapped him up in a soft blanket and took him to Mother Ning.
"No," Shunlei wailed, as Mother Ning came running out of her own palace with worry all over her face. "Mother Ning, Shun'er wants to stay with Shizun."
Mother Ning blinked. "He didn't make you cry?"
"Then who did?"
Shunlei frowned and burrowed into his Shizun's coat. "Nobody. But Shun'er is staying right here."
"All right, all right," Shizun said soothingly. "You can stay with Shizun for as long as you want. Lady Ning, if you would..."
Mother Ning nodded and promised that she would send a maid to the Zhugong with a bag of clothes for Shunlei.
"You can send him back for his bath, if he needs one before bed," she fretted. "But if he'd rather stay with you, then that's all right, too."
Satisfied, Shizun bowed to Mother Ning and whisked Shunlei back to the Zhugong, where he was made to drink two more cups of medicinal tea—though he did not mind this, since Shizun had already fed him all the fresh-baked sesame cakes he could hold—and put to bed on the pretty lounging chair in the front room.
"Go to sleep," Shizun told him, stroking his hair. "And don't look at this teacher with such big eyes. I'll still be here when you get up."
Luo Shunlei's lip trembled. "Do you promise?" he whispered. "You won't go away while I'm sleeping?"
"Of course not. Has your Shizun ever broken his word? Look—I won't even let go of your hand. You can hold this one, and I'll use the other to write while you nap."
So Shunlei finally let himself drift off; and when he opened his eyes again, some two hours later, he found that Shizun had fallen asleep at his desk, with his head on the erhu score he was copying and his left hand still clasped about Luo Shunlei's.
Suddenly, Luo Shunlei's heart felt very full. But then he remembered that Shizun would leave one day, whenever Father deemed that Shunlei and Nianzu and their jiejies had no further need of him, and then...
And then Shizun wouldn't belong to Shunlei anymore.
His spirits sank. He squeezed Shizun's palm, not knowing whether he wanted his teacher to sleep on or wake up and comfort him.
But at that moment, two words shaped themselves upon Luo Shunlei's lips; and before he could bite them back, he found himself saying them aloud.
"Imperial Mother?" he whispered, hugging his Shizun's arm. "Muhou, Shun'er is...is...."
And then—like a ray of white sunlight spearing through a blanket of clouds—his Shizun smiled, though he had not woken, and kissed Luo Shunlei's pudgy hand in his sleep.
"Hush, my baobao," he breathed, already sinking back into his dreams. "Don't cry. Mother is here."
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gaysindistress · 7 months
Things that I feel like would happen when you’re in a relationship with Simon Riley.
Simon Riley masterlist
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1. First off he hates the word ‘boyfriend’.
Maybe it’s because he’s in his mid thirties or something but he can’t stand being called your boyfriend. He’s more than that but also not at the same time. You live together, have access to each other’s bank accounts (which is only because he hates it when you try to fight him about him giving you money), and you’re each others emergency contact. He thinks of himself as your husband. The man wears a silicone ring when he’s home and a necklace with the ring that’s totally not a wedding band when he’s working. Price has seen the chain once or twice and smirks, shooting him a knowing look but never says a word.
Simon cannot stand it when people get nosy and want to know what your relationship status is. You’re together and that’s all that matters. No one needs to know that you’re the beneficiary of his will and life insurance policy or that he’s put you on all of his accounts. No one needs to know that he buys you anything you want but has only ever bought you two rings; a thin gold band with a flower engraved on it and its twin a matching emerald ring. No one needs to know that when he gifted them to you, there were tears and promises of safety, love, and happiness whispered against feverish skin. No one needs to know that he has your name woven into his chest tattoo.
No one needs to know any of that because your relationship is between him and you only.
2. You are not some submissive little house wife. You are a strong independent woman and he prefers it that way.
I know this one goes against what most people say but hear me out on this. Simon has been independent since birth practically. He’s only had himself to count on for years. Even in the military, he’s only been able to rely himself. Sure the others watch out for him but if it came down to it, he’s the only one who’s going to get himself out alive.
The thought of someone else relying on him in that way is terrifying. He can’t even fathom what it would be like to look at another person and fully trust them in that way. Half the time he feels like he can’t even be trusted to take care of himself let alone another human. In theory a sweet docile housewife is great with the meals and clean house but not for him. He needs to know that you can hold your own. He needs to know that you can be independent and carry on without him if something happened while he was working. He needs to know that you will be okay if he doesn’t come back.
You have to be okay without him no matter how much it pains him to think about it.
Like I said before, he’s made you the beneficiary of everything so he knows you’ll be set financially but that’s not enough. He’s made Price promise to keep an eye out for you. He’s made you promise to let Price do that and you agreed because it’s Simon who’s asking but you’d tell anyone else to fuck off.
In addition to all of that, he’s installed the best security system the government has to offer in your house. You have a very expensive and large safe in your shared closet that he’s instructed you to only open if you feel unsafe. While you might not like it, you agree to go shooting with him so he can sleep at night knowing that you could protect yourself if he’s not home. He’s gone as far as to make sure you have all of the licenses and certificates that are needed to legally own firearms in the UK.
He’s not leaving any opportunity for you to be vulnerable or have your ‘safety checks’, as he calls them, taken away.
3. Simon Riley is a godless man…until he meets you.
Now this is entirely my own headcannon with no evidence to support it so bear with me.
Simon had a shitty childhood where his mom would pray to a god who never listened and his dad would shout verses at him when he was drunk. God was a mythical figure that he was told stories off with nothing to show for it. He did believe at one point but then his dad never got better, his mom wore bruises of every shade, and his brother found comfort in drugs.
He found himself praying when he was being tortured by the Mexican cartel. Between the flashbacks of his abusive past, he prayed to a god who had failed him so many times before to help him. He prayed again as he dug himself out of that Texas grave with the major’s jaw bone. He wailed his prayers when he found his family executed after Sparks tried to kill him.
After that he deemed himself a Godless man. Years of praying had passed with nothing. This god had decided that Simon was not worthy of a miracle so why would he continue to worship him?
That was until he met you. He finds himself praying before every mission, every time he has to leave you, every time he’s on his way home, and just about any other time he thinks of you. He doesn’t know what exactly he’s praying for other than for you to be there when he gets back.
He whispers his prayers to an absent god against your skin as he worships your body, soul, and heart. He promises to be devoted to you until his last breath and vows to find you again in whatever afterlife awaits you. He pledges to find solace in you and only you when his haunting nightmares return. He makes an oath to your heart that it will never weather another storm alone again for his will take whatever beating that comes your way. He shows you that he will love you in the same manner as a Hozier song; putting you above all else because you have become his religion, his faith, his beliefs, his life.
You have become all that he is and he thanks the god he once believed in for you. He prays again but to you, his heart, his love, and his beacon through the enteral storm of life.
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blccdiedcruel · 14 hours
VERSES. -> a series of canon adjacent, silly, and otherwise plotted out AUs that I'll place Daemon in. Any verse listed here will be available for others to engage with and request. If you're looking to write with Daemon in said verse, especially in memes, feel free to include the verse title, otherwise the default will be Canon.
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CANON. | canon.
Canon storyline following HBO Max' portrayal, as well as heavily book canon based, heavily headcanoned. Variety of things taken from either.
TWO TIMES THE TROUBLE. | alternative universe.
Daemon and Deamon Targaryen, twins by birth and spirited all the same. They are identical, down to mannerisms, tactics, and more, with only a variety of differences between them. One brother, Daemon, claims Caraxes. The other, only a year after his twin's claim, Deamon claims Vermithor. It is said to be a sign from the gods to speak to the brothers' rebellious and dangerous heart to claim the fiercest beasts. Canon events may or may not occur, verse heavily dependent on plotting and muse interactions.
A SQUIRE FOR A SON. | alternative universe.
With times growing restless, and the nature of men honing into war, Viserys sends his son to become the squire of the fiercest fighter he knows - hoping that his brother will aide him well and make the boy come to heel. Aegon is raised at Daemon's side, more son than soldier. The two's bond is irreplaceable, forged in trust and never being more than second best to the firstborn. OR; ( Daemon raises Aegon and gives him the love he deserved from a father who loved him. ) Canon events may or may not occur, verse heavily dependent on plotting and muse interactions.
HAND OF THE KING. | alternative universe.
In which Daemon is named Hand after Otto's demotion. Canon events may or may not occur, verse heavily dependent on plotting and muse interactions. WIP.
DRAGONGUARD. | alternative universe.
Daemon swears his oath as a Kingsguard, working his way through the ranks and becoming Knight Commander early in Viserys' reign, earning a name for himself as a faithful and fierce dragon. Canon events may or may not occur, verse heavily dependent on plotting and muse interactions.
BEGUILING THE DEVIL. | game of thrones verse, part A.
He remembers falling, and then Daemon is waking up before the events that butterfly into the fight for the Iron Thone. He is friendless, dragonless, and without any clues of what has befallen his wife, children, or anyone of his past. He's weak, wounded and unsure, but with Dark Sister in hand and a vision of a silver haired girl with three dragons in mind, he sets out to make his mark in the world and - perhaps, understand what magic has brought him here to begin with. ( In most cases, Daemon will ally himself with Daenerys, however, he can be persuaded otherwise. ) Canon events may or may not occur, verse heavily dependent on plotting and muse interactions.
LONG LOST DRAGON. | game of thrones verse, part B.
In which Daemon is a lost son of the Targaryen line. HEAVILY WIP.
name tba . . . | dragon age verse.
name tba . . . | skyrim verse.
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boasamishipper · 1 month
writing patterns
rules: share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
tagged by the lovely @apartmentsmoke 😘
“I’ll be honest,” Leon informs the rival mariachi bands in front of his bench, “the fact you all got out of that fight without any serious injuries to yourselves or the others in the subway car is pretty…maraca-less.” (from Contributory Negligence, the fourth fic in my Judge Leon 'verse)
Degas woke to the sound of Jasper Briggs shouting at the top of his lungs, which wasn’t unusual. (from won't shake me loose, a pre-canon Degas&Briggs story)
The first time Harry thinks about sleeping with Dan, there’s a blizzard pounding at the windows of his apartment—a blizzard that would have, if not for the fire department, trapped Harry and the others in the courthouse all night with nothing but rough blankets, Twinkies, and Billie’s camp counselor songs. (from Code of Conduct, Harry's POV of the beginning of Judicial Impropriety)
Right about now, Peter really wishes he’d listened to his wife and spent the weekend cozied up at home. (from No Grave Can Hold My Body Down, a 9-1-1 AU where Bobby wakes up with no memory except Athena's name and struggles to find his way home)
Looking at the dishes covering every inch of the dining table, it’s hard to believe that they were all made by the same woman who once couldn’t even scramble eggs. (from Sweetheart Deal, the third fic in my Judge Leon 'verse)
“Look here, darlin’—” (from you should've heard those knocked-out jailbirds sing, my Carole/Goose first meeting fic)
The Hard Deck was packed to the back teeth the first night of the new TOPGUN session, and Hangman felt good. (from Bullseye, my Coyote/Hangman first meeting fic)
In ‘96, Dan left the district attorney’s office for one of the most prestigious law firms in New York. (from Alternative Dispute Resolution, the second fic in my Judge Leon 'verse)
The first time Dan sleeps with Harry, it’s an accident—which Dan knows would get him laughed right out of the courtroom in the case of The People v. Fielding, but it’s the truth, hand on the Bible, so help him God. (from Judicial Impropriety, my Night Court S4 AU fic where Dan and Harry make a bet to see how long they can keep their relationship under wraps)
“For the last time, Ms. Moore, I don’t know a thing about the new judge—” (from Trial de Novo, in which Harry's former foster son Leon becomes the new night court judge and goes looking for Harry, only to find Dan Fielding - Harry's widower - instead. First fic in the Judge Leon 'verse)
well for one i start fics with dialogue a lot less often than i thought i did 😂 i tend towards longer sentences and aim to establish setting and pov right away (if not in the first sentence then over the first paragraph).
tagging @bornforastorm @lookforanewangle @maverickcalf @academicgangster and anyone else who wants to do this
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fibula-rasa · 5 months
Favorite New-to-me Films—April ‘24
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(listed in order pictured above, L to R)
They Came to a City (1944)
[letterboxd | imdb | tubi (US)]
In a thought experiment about post-war Britain brought to life, nine strangers from different backgrounds are spirited away to get a glimpse at a socialist utopian civilization. Their reactions are, as expected, varied.
A film adaptation of the J.B. Priestley play of the same name, They Came to a City isn’t thoroughly translated into something cinematic. The sets are visually interesting, but the film never escapes stagey-ness. Regardless, it’s an interesting film worth watching for its candor on social/political attitudes in Britain in the 1940s and the great character writing and acting. (BTW, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Googie Withers give a performance that’s any less than stellar.)
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Love in the City / L’amore in città (1954)
[letterboxd | imdb | kanopy (US)]
This Italian documentary anthology dives into love, in many forms, in the city of Rome. Six directors each give an angle on life in the city. Carlo Lizzani provides a portrait of the lives of sex workers. Michelangelo Antonioni profiles women who attempted suicide over love gone wrong. Dino Risi captures a fleeting glimpse of dance hall life. Federico Fellini goes farcical, recounting a story of a “werewolf” applying to a marriage agency. Francesco Maselli and Cesare Zavattini share a sympathetic narrative of a mother who abandoned her baby. Alberto Lattuada provides a satirical look at men ogling (and harassing) women on the street. 
As with all anthologies, the quality varies. Fellini’s segment was unsurprisingly my favorite (the same happened with Spirits of the Dead (1968)). I also deeply appreciated Antonioni’s tackling of such a sensitive topic and Maselli and Zavattini’s attempt to give a more humane spin on Caterina Rigoglioso’s story.
(If you live in the US, the film might be free to watch on kanopy with your library card!)
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Two Monks / Dos monjes (1934)
[letterboxd | imdb]
When a new monk arrives at a monastery, he is unexpectedly attacked by another monk with a large crucifix. The other monks try to get to the bottom of this insane and seemingly random act of violence and uncover a tragic story of romantic rivals.
Stylistically, Dos monjes doesn’t completely live up to the outstanding gothic-expressionist monastery scenes—the bulk of the film recounting the monks’ past is shot and constructed less adventurously. However, I do think that the execution of a single story told from two different perspectives was strong.
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Scenes of the Occupation from Gaza (1973)
[letterboxd | imdb | youtube]
Edited together from footage shot by a French news crew, Scenes is a short documentary on the conditions in Gaza following the devastating events of 1967. While an important film historically, it is short and very specific in its subject, so I can only properly recommend it in its historical and political context. That is to say, this film might be lost on you if you aren’t already well-versed or currently educating yourself in the history of Gaza and Palestine. More information about the film can be found on the Tokyo Reels website (info in English is on pages 19-20, the rest is in Japanese and Arabic).
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Poplar Tree / Тополя (1996)
Gorgeously stop-motion animated under the direction of Valentyna Kostylieva, Poplar Tree interprets the Taras Schevchenko poem of the same name. It’s a short story about a woman coping with lost love when those around her wish her to move on.
There is a lovely digitized copy on the Ukrainian animation channel, with no subtitles. However, an English translation of the poem is available here. If you read the poem first, you’ll be good to go!
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Night of the Seagulls / La noche de las gaviotas (1975)
[letterboxd | imdb | tubi (US)]
A doctor is assigned to a small, seaside village, but when he and his wife arrive, the welcome they receive is ice cold. The doctor and his wife, with the help of their assistant and an abused disabled local, uncover a tradition of sacrificing young women to an undead, demon-worshiping cult of Templar knights.
Night of the Seagulls is technically part of a series, but the films don’t have an overarching narrative, so it doesn’t matter if you’ve seen any of the other films. I have a penchant for supernatural stories that have to do with the sea, so years ago, with no context, I watched Ghost Galleon (1974). My feelings on that film were mixed, but I saw others online recommend Seagulls as the best of the series. I did like this film more, but my feelings are still mixed. A lot of the scenes with the disabled villager are rough to watch and his character on the whole could have been handled much better. The special effects makeup for the skeleton knights was fantastic. I appreciated that the doctor does not dismiss his wife’s concerns off-hand, which is atypical in this kind of story. I also liked how imminent the threat was—the demon knights are already here, so what are the outsiders supposed to do?!
Unique use of crabs.
As an aside, I was struck by how many similarities Seagulls had with the Thriller episode “A Place to Die” especially as they came out within a few months of each other!
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Hercules in the Haunted World / Ercole al centro della terra (1961)
[letterboxd | imdb | kanopy (US)]
Hercules’ betrothed, Dianara, has been overtaken by dark forces. Her only hope is for Hercules, his best buddy Theseus, and their new friend Telemachus to travel to the underworld and capture the stone of forgetfulness. However, it’s Dianara’s own guardian, Lico, who is behind the plot.
Maybe my favorite new-to-me film I watched this month, Bava’s Hercules is a colorful nightmare and Christopher Lee is pitch perfect as the villain.
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The Sisters / Le Sorelle (1969)
[letterboxd | imdb]
Diana, on the verge of a nervous breakdown, decides to visit her sister, Martha, at her home in the country. They haven’t seen each other in years, and we learn quickly that their relationship is extremely sordid and neither has dealt with the psychological or emotional consequences of that. It does not end well for either of them.
This was a genuinely strange movie. All things considered, I do think The Sisters would have perhaps worked a bit better/been more meaningful if they were not biological sisters but rather just grew up together (which at points I thought might actually be the case). Great execution of the awkwardness and tension around the men in the film, Martha’s husband and Diana’s suitor, and their slow realization of how profoundly messed up Diana and Martha’s past was. The film touches on so many heavy topics, I don’t freely recommend this. I didn’t even enjoy it, but it was such a unique film, I’m glad I checked it out. It’s definitely going to stick with me!
That said, The Others / Le Altre (1969), which Alessandro Fallay also worked on, I do recommend freely. That one is a sweet dramedy about a lesbian couple in Rome trying to have/raise a baby—essentially the polar opposite queer film to The Sisters.
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Slayers: The Book of Spells / スレイヤーズすぺしゃる (1996)
[letterboxd | imdb]
Also: Slayers Excellent (1998) & Slayers: The Motion Picture (1995)
The Book of Spells is an anthology/OVA set of three adventures of Lina Inverse and Naga the Serpent, her companion and/or rival, depending on the day. In “The Scary Chimera Plan,” Lina tries to avoid getting chimerized by a crazed wizard, but gets ten extra Nagas for the trouble. In “Jeffry’s Knighthood,” Lina and Naga accept a job as bodyguards for an anemic prince with notions of becoming a knight. In “Mirror, Mirror,” Lina and Naga uncover a rogue magician’s plot to find a long-hidden magic mirror that creates mirror-image dopples of whoever gazes into it.
We watched a whole mess of Lina and Naga movies/OVAs this month. I’ve only seen some of the Slayers TV show and so only really knew about Naga via osmosis. Now, the sound of eleven Nagas laughing in unison will live forever in my nightmares.
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As always, if any of these films catch your eye, but you need specific trigger/content warnings, don’t hesitate to ask for them!
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This past month the blog quickly took on a Natacha Rambova theme.
The research I did for my closet cosplay of Rambova, raised so many questions for me about the production and release of her independently produced film, What Price Beauty? (1925), that it became the subject of my next installment of Lost, but not Forgotten.
Cosplay the Classics: Natacha Rambova
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Lost, but not Forgotten: What Price Beauty? (1925)
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This unplanned theming also informed what gif and still sets I made:
Salomé (1922) 
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[This one I actually gif-ed for reference for my upcoming cosplay of Nazimova, which my generous supporters on ko-fi and amazon have made possible! Nazimova cosplay is coming up as the next installment of Cosplay the Classics!]
Camille (1921)
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Why Change Your Wife? (1920)  
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Forbidden Fruit (1921)
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Twilight Q: Time Knot: Reflection (1987) 
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[This one had nothing to do with Rambova BTW]
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As for this month, I hope to highlight some silent stunt spectaculars as I finish putting together the pieces for my Salomé cosplay.
Happy viewing!
☕Appreciate my work? Buy me a coffee! ☕
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andydrysdalerogers · 10 months
Presley ~ A Curtis Everett AU ~ Part One
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Curtis Everett x OFC Presley Adams
Curtis Everett is a hard working man. As the head of the mob of Concord, he does everything he can to provide for his wife and children. His life is perfect. Until it's not.
After a devastating accident, Curtis is alone with his children and needs some serious help.
Presley Adams needs to find work and fast. Running from her past she just wants to lay low and earn enough to get her out of town. Until she starts working for Curtis as his live in nanny.
As she falls in love with this family, can she stop her past from finding her? Or will her past be the end of the Everett reign in Concord?
Book two of the Five Kings of Boston series
A/N: It's here!
Banners by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Part One – The Boss 
Welcome to Concord.  An up-and-coming town outside of Boston.  Where kids can play with their friends and shop owners advertise with signs on the street.  It’s a quiet town.  An unassuming town.  A town where one-man rules and no one forgets it.  This town, Concord, is Curtis Everett’s town. 
“Anna, come back to me.”  A man slept in his bed, tossing and turning, reliving an old nightmare.  
Four Years Prior... 
Curtis’s POV 
“Are you sure you’re gonna be ok?” 
I could see that my wife is exasperated with me. “Honey, it's just to see my parents and back. One weekend. You can last one weekend with the kids.” She took in my grumpy face and smiled. “Curtis, I would take them with me but...” 
“I know, it's for their safety,” I grumble.  Anna giggles at me.  I love that she giggles at me. Her big scary mob husband. 
My name is Curtis Everett, head of the Everett family of Concord, mob boss and King of this town just outside of Boston. Most people would consider me a scary sight.  Tall, brooding with a buzz cut, beard and piecing blue eyes that, more than a few people have said, seemed to be able to suck out your soul. I took over for my dad a couple of years ago. My business in the city is protection, that everyone paid, gambling, which Sherrif Bodecker turned a blind eye to for a fee, and clubs, strip or otherwise.  I ruled with a ruthlessness that could make a man piss himself.  
But I know my place. I have four other equals that answer to a higher power.  
But in my town, Concord, I am the head of our town, the law, the savior and the devil.  
I only have three weaknesses in the entire world: my wife and children. I just don’t like being away from you, sweetheart. 
“I know, my love, but daddy is sick, and momma just needs a break for a few days.” Standing on the curb at the airport, Anna Everett knows me very well. Her big, surly, bossy of a mob boss is truly a teddy bear underneath, she would tell her mother.  Her father had been the same until he had stepped down to her brother.  She married into the Everett family to tighten the alliance between families from Chicago and Boston, so she was well versed in protection and sacrifice. It was just chance that Anna and I had met in college before and were already in love when the alliance was made. I still think that Dad and my father-in-law set us up, hoping that Anna and I falling in love, would be the outcome. 
I pulled her back into my arms and kissed her forehead. “I know. Just hurry back to me, Mrs. Everett. I love you.”  
“I love you, Mr. Everett.” She kissed him slowly and passionately. “Take care of my babies.”  
I’ve been in love with that woman since freshman year in college.  I saw her for the first time at the coffee cart, her long blonde hair pushed away from her face with a blue head band and green eyes enhanced with glasses. She had been laughing with her girlfriends, looking so naturally happy; it was love at first sight. It took two weeks for me to work the courage to ask her out. I had never drunk so much coffee in those two weeks. Cup after cup, waiting for the moment, hoping it would be the day until I saw her again. When I approached her, she blushed from the attention.�� Her hair was up that day, her glasses on top of her head. “Hi,” I said. She smiled and I was a goner.  
I asked her to lunch and from that day, we were inseparable. We had never been away from each other for more than a day in 10 years. I watched as Anna walked through the terminal and security. She turned around and waved, blowing me a kiss.  I caught it and kissed my hand, waving goodbye.  
It would be the last time I would ever see her.  
I jolted awake from the dream. Every once in a while, I would still dream of that last day with Anna. How much I wished I had insisted she fly private instead of commercial, forced her to stay home and fly her parents to us, so she didn’t have to leave.  
You’re supposed to grow old with the love of your life. 
Raise your children and then watch them raise their own children.  Hold hands in the cold. Kiss in the rain. Dance in the sunshine. Make love in the moonlight. Live the life you had planned out.  
The love of your life is not supposed to die in a plane crash.  
Now I was left with two small children. The lights of my life. Joshua, my eight-year-old son, and Everly, my five-year-old girl, had grown up without their mother.  I wasn’t even sure if Everly remembered her at all. She had been just one when the accident occurred.  
I tried so much to keep her memory alive. Anna had been the best mother, the best wife, the best partner any man could have asked for, especially for the life I led. Being one of the five kings had its perks, of course, but it left my family in constant danger.  
I had the crash investigated for sabotage, but none was found. We took precautions when we traveled, made sure my wife flew under an assumed name because of her status.  Not just as my wife but also because she was the daughter of a former head of a family as well. The Monteleones were strong out in the Midwest and when Anna married me, I made a promise to her father that I would do anything to protect her. I would go in guns blazing if anyone dared tried to hurt my family.  My Anna. 
A plane crash was something I couldn’t predict. I couldn't control it. I couldn’t protect her from that.  
I failed. 
I sighed as I stretched and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom and then checked on my children.  Everly and Joshua still shared a nursery, but I knew it was time to let Joshua have his own room away from his little sister. I chuckled quietly when I saw Joshua half off the bed, tangled in his blankets, mouth slightly open. I shook my head and gently adjusted his son back into his bed, laying the blankets back over him. My daughter stirred slightly. “Daddy?” 
“Morning princess,” I whisper. “Shh, let's stay quiet to let brother sleep, ok?”  I picked up my little girl, a perfect duplicate of my Anna. She yawned and curled into my neck as I walked us downstairs. I sat in my chair by the fire, early November bringing a chill in the air, enjoying her cuddles into me as she woke up. “You want some breakfast, Evie?” She nodded and I carried her to the kitchen.  “Morning Ma.” 
Sylvia Everett smiled at her son and granddaughter. “Morning Curtis. Morning my Evie doll. I made cinnamon rolls. Just need to fry up some bacon.”  
“Thanks Ma.” I kissed her cheek and went to set up Everly in her booster and her colors. I returned to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee. “How’d you sleep Ma?” 
“Ok, I guess.  Still weird not to have your father next to me.” My dad had been diagnosis with cirrhosis of the liver.  They caught it pretty late, so there wasn’t much more we could do but make him comfortable until he passed.  It was hell for my mother. Her entire life had been devoted to my dad and now here she was, a widow, just like me.  
“I know Ma but its only been six months. It doesn’t get easier, you just get used to it.”  
Sylvia’s heart broke for her son again. While his father had died from illness, Anna was taken from then suddenly and that was crueler and harder. “I know, my boy.” She patted my hand. “What’s the plan for today?” 
I made a face. “I’ve got meetings today.”  
“With who?” She took as sip. Ma had been like a consigliere or counselor for my father as he grow the family business.  She would lend her advise from time to time but mostly she. supported my dad in any way she could. It had been unheard of in the old days, but my dad embraced it. Just like Anna, Ma was raised in this world and understood it better than my father sometimes. When I took over and Anna was gone, she did the same for me. I’m forever grateful that she stepped in to help me with my family.  
“Some guy from Jersey, Giovanni, I think. He’s looking for some help with something. Who knows, Anthony’s got all the details. I have a call with Barber and with Rogers. I’m hoping to get it all done before lunch so I can throw the ball around with Joshua. And Miss Everly has requested cupcakes.” I sighed. “Not sure how I’m going to pull that one off.”  
“You’re a good father Curtis.” Sylvia put her cup down. “I’ll make the batter for you and leave instructions.”  She played with her hand. “I did want to talk to you about something.”  
Concern flooded my body. “What is it Ma? You ok?” 
“I’m fine. It’s just,” she sighed, “I’ve been thinking about moving back to the Paris property.” 
I stopped mid sip. “You want to leave?” My head was spinning. Yes, I had been the head of our family for several years, having taken the reigns three years after we had got married from my father.  My father had developed a distaste for the family business and could no longer hold up the demands of being the Don. He had spent years training his only child to take over. And had great joy when I fell in love with the heiress of the Monteleone family. I took the reins, stepped in and the transition was smooth. Nothing kept the family down. Until the loss of my queen. “Ma...” 
"Son, you have done a terrific job raising your children and running the family business.”  
“Yes, because you have been here to help me.”  
“I know, but I would like to retire and enjoy my time now. I think you should hire a cook and a nanny for the children.”  
“Curtis, it’s not like I am asking you to fall in love again. I am asking you to find help while you work. It’s the best thing for all of us. I want to retire, enjoy the last years of my life.  I don’t have to stay at the Paris property forever, but I need time to grieve and resettle into my new life.” 
I couldn’t ignore her argument. She had been with me through my grief, taking care of my father when he was sick and helping raise my children.  She had earned the right to be a bit selfish and live in her favorite estate. I pulled her in for a hug. “You won’t leave until I find someone right?” 
“Of course, my son. I need to make sure they are the best fit for my grandchildren.”  
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My mother is a smart woman. I didn’t delay. I took her advice seriously and found a chef for the house right away. Adam Jones had been highly recommended from Andrew Barber’s wife, who was a baker herself. He came in to interview and I found him direct and agreeable. “I have two small children and they usually will eat whatever I put in front of them, but you understand that there will be some aversion to things.”  
Adam nodded. “Of course, sir. I had a lot of time, working with children to know how to make the food great. What ages?” 
“Eight and five. My five-year-old is the one that can be the pickiest.”  
As I finished the sentence, Everly ran into the room. “Daddy, Joshie is trying to put a bug in my hair!” She climbed into my lap.  
“Evie, sweetheart, I’m in a meeting.”I saw Clint chase after her and stop but I waved him off to stand by the door.  Clint was my right hand and was protective of the children. We had been best friends since grade school and was the children’s godfather. He would wait until Everly came out to take her back to the yard.  
“But Daddy...” 
“It’s alright Mr. Everett,” Adam interrupted.  “Hi Evie, I’m Adam.”  
Everly, like every little girl who found a handsome man, became shy and curled into me. “Hi.”  
Adam chuckled. “Do you like cupcakes?” 
Evie perked up a little.  “Yes. My nana makes me pink ones with a strawberry on top.”  
“That sounds so good.  I make some with little flowers and sprinkles that make it sparkle. I used to cook for a princess. Maybe I can make them for you?” 
She nodded with enthusiasm and turned to me with her big green eyes that she knows I can’t say no to. “Daddy, can we?” 
“Of course, princess.” I kissed the top of her head. “But I need to speak to Adam a little more so go play for a little bit and then I’ll come have a tea party with you. Sound good?”  
“You’re the best daddy ever!” She hopped down and made her way out of the room.  She turned back. “Bye Adam!” I saw Clint take her hand and walk away. 
“Bye Princess Evie.” Adam smiled and turned back to me. “Sorry, my girlfriend, she has a daughter a little older than Evie but every girl loves a little sparkle.”  
I laughed. “Yes, they do. She is like her mother.  Joshua, my son, takes after me. Very athletic and opinionated. I’ll introduce you on the way out. Otherwise, any questions?” 
Joshua ran into the room at that moment. “Dad, Evie was lying about the bug.” He took note of the man sitting in front of his father. “Oh sorry.” He made to move to back out of the room.  
“It's fine. Joshua, this is Adam Jones. I think he might be our new chef.”  
Adam took note of the boy who looked just like his father. “Hi Joshua.”  
“Hello Mr. Jones.  You can call me Josh. Dad is the only one who calls me Joshua.” The little boy stuck out his hand. Adam took it a shook it, noting the force the boy had put into it.  
“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He gave him the once over. “You look like a boy who thrives on burgers and fries.”  
Josh nodded. “That’s my favorite. Well, that and pizza. I hate Brussel sprouts.”  
Adam chuckled “Good to know. I’m sure I’ll learn all the things you like to eat.” Adam winked at him, and Joshu nodded.  
“I’m sorry for interrupting Dad. I’ll go check on Nana and Everly. It was nice to meet you.”  
“Same.” Adam watched the boy leave. “He looks just like you.”  
“Poor bugger,” I replied with another laugh. “Now where were we?”  
We discussed the finer details of the job, salary, hours and whatnot. I walked the man out the door and was shaking his hand when I noticed a young woman wandering outside the gate of my home. She looked about 24 or 25, with dark brown hair and glasses. She wore a black peacoat with long black boots. Something about her reminded me of my Anna.  As Adam walked past her with a nod, she approached the steps to the house. “I apologize, is this the Everett residence?” 
I couldn’t help but stare at her. Dark curls hung down her back with blue green eyes framed by black framed glasses. Her full lips were a sweet pink, and I had the sudden urge to feel them against mine.   
What the fuck? 
I mentally shook myself and cleared my throat. “Yes, and you are?” 
She gave me an earth-shattering smile and I was blown back. It was a smile that was just like my Anna’s. 
“My name is Presley. I am here for the nanny position.” 
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thethickerside · 2 years
a secret or illicit love affair or lover.
A story based off of the song “What do you want me to do?” By Prince
Chapter one
The emotional involvement.
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“I said you'd get beheaded in other lands
If I were in your arms tonight
Quit tryin' to get me under that icy plunder
Boy, oh boy, what a scare, oh
… What do you want me to do, girl?”
What do you want 2 do?
“We can’t keep doing this.” I look back at her laying in the bed. Her hair was a bit messy, and her mascara was smudged around her eyes. “Who says?” She asked. She had that same smirk on her face. The smirk that says “yeah right.” I frown lightly and lay back down next to her. “I will keep on repeating this until you get it. I do not have anyone on the side...everything is fine. No one will know.” She says. “Scotty. It’s bound to come out someday if we keep on...you know.” She looks at me and kisses my lips gently. “...I-I mean...think about it, you said yo—“ she spoke , “Baby, if news got out that the pastors wife was having sex with one of witnesses at the church, hell would erupt...” I said to her.
I knew that my husband’s and I’s relationship was done. I felt neglected and like a slave under his control. “You’re married by a legal contract, not by heart...” My relationship, and her past relationship were alike when it came to that. “You don’t love him—“ No. “I do, I love him.” She chuckled lightly at my interruption. “Let me rephrase that...You’re not in love with him. You can have love for someone...but being in love with that person is a whole different feeling...”
I didn’t say anything. The truth was...I was starting to hate my husband.
𝘚𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨, 2013
Walking into the sanctuary and sitting in the front row, the sound of the congregation and babies crying rung through my ears. I looked around and saw my husband having a conversation with a woman dressed in a black knee length dress. ‘He does this every day...who is she..?’ My mind was interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw a women with her newborn baby in her arms. I smiled up at her and started to say hello. As we were talking, I heard my husbands voice on the microphone. The ladies I chatted with rushed back to their seats, as the sermon was about to start.
Hours later, everyone was leaving. I got up, and walked to my car, not saying a word to my husband. I drove home to start on dinner, panicking because of how much time I had. Once I got in the house, I quickly took the pot roast out of the oven. I woke up at 5 am and prepared it, setting it in the oven, so it could slow cook. I checked to see if the meat was tender for the final product, and it was. I quickly set the table, and made some lemonade.
Checking the time and seeing that he should be home at any minute, I ran upstairs and changed into a flowing sundress. The door knob turned by the time I was done. He walked into the house, seeing me finishing the last little imperfections of the set table. “Dinner smells good.” He said, his voice boomed through the house, making me flinch a bit. “Thank you...well, sit down! Let me make your plate.” I said warmly. “You did really good at church...the sermon was really powerful.” I lied straight through my teeth. It wasn’t like it wasn’t good...I just didn’t listen.
I sat down next to him and waited for him to take the first bite. “Darrell...” I said his name. “Tina have you been learning your verses?” He said to me. His left his plate. He looked me dead in the eye and searched for any lies before I spoke. “W-well, I have been...I’ve just been really busy w-with the women’s group at church and gardening—“ He interrupted me. “Enough. Tina you 𝘢𝘳𝘦 going to learn your verses. Go upstairs, stay in the bedroom and GLUE your eyes to that bible.” He said to me, he was very stern with his tone, and it brought tears to my eyes a bit. “B-bu—“ My voice was trembling, and my body jumped as he slammed his hand down on the table. I hated it when he got like this.
He gets so angry when I speak about anything other than Jehovah...and breeding. “That was an order Tina. Now go.” He said. I got up and rushed upstairs, closing the door behind me. I let out a little sob and sat on my bed.
“Wh-what d-did I do..?” I asked myself. I heard him open the front door and close it, meaning he had left. I looked out of the window and saw his car speed down the road. I quickly changed into a more comfortable outfit, and grabbed my gardening tools, heading out to the front lawn. I took a deep breath and began to plant my tulip seeds. Gardening was like therapy to me. “I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while...but I love your garden miss...” I heard a warm voice say behind me. I turned my head around and saw a woman with a bag of snacks in her hand. The sunset was making her light skin glow, and her white button up exposed some of her chest. She had on black fitted pants, topped off with a pair of converse’s. “Well thank you. I’ve never seen you before, are you new to town?” I asked. This town was very small, and everyone knew about my husband and I being leaders of the church.
“Yeah, I am. I moved here about 2 weeks ago...I finally got settled in.” She said with a slight chuckle. She had an accent. I looked around briefly with a smile on my face. “We’ll come on in! This town isn’t big, and I haven’t seen you around much,” I said. I began to recite the script my husband would force me to memorize. “Do you have a strong faith background?” She frowned lightly out of confusion and nodded. “How about I invite you in, and give you a brochure of our church.” I said. I gathered my tools and seeds, then opened the door to my house. “Come on in!” I said to her.
The moment I closed the door after she stepped in, I told her to sit on the couch. I closed the door and grabbed one of the booklets.
Walking over to her I sat down, but not to close. “So...what’s your name..?” She asked. “Tina.” I answered shortly. “What about you?” I asked him. “Vivienne.” She said. My eyes lit up. I loved her name! “I love your name...” I didn’t realize how flirtatious that sounded until I said it. My cheeks flushed and I gulped. “W-well I-I” she chuckled at my stuttering. I took in her features and slowly became very shy as she gazed upon me. “It’s okay...thank you though.” She said. “So, Tina...tell me about yourself.” She said. “I love to garden, as you can tell.” I said. “Yea, your garden is beautiful! It was the first thing I saw in the neighborhood.” She said to me.
We chatted for a bit before the house phone rung. I got up and went to it, picking the phone up and sighing lightly once I heard the voice on the other end. “Tina. There’s an emergency at the church, I won’t be home tonight. Once I return tomorrow, I want you to recite what you’ve been st-“ I interrupted him. “Should I be at the church as well? What’s going on?” I asked Darrel. “It’s none of your concern. Don’t expect me home tonight.” He said plainly. He hung up on before I could say a word.
My eyes welled up with tears. I could feel my mind become overwhelmed and cloudy with all of the thoughts running through my head. I sniffled and put my face in my hands. I hated when this would happen. He never really cared for me at all. It was always the church. “You okay..?” I hear Vivienne’s voice behind me. I didn’t respond, making her turn my chair around. I was facing her with tears falling down my cheeks. “Tina...what happened..?” She asked.
She had a warm, caring look in his eyes. It was something I hadn’t seen from someone in so long. I told her a lot about my relationship, occasionally having fits of sobs, where she would hold me. She even helped me out of my chair, and sat with me on the couch. “Oh my...I’m so sorry...have you ever thought about leaving him?” She asks. “No! I could never! We’re supposed to stay together for eternity...any thing else would be sinful.” I said. I gulped and felt her eyes on me.
Scotty 𝑷𝑶𝑽
I looked over at her, and I could see her visible pain. I remember a time when I felt like her. Just so conflicted. “Tina...I hate to tell you this...but sometimes you have to do things for your own well being...” she didn’t respond. I signed lightly. “Well the least I could do is take your mind off of it.” I said to her. My statement made Tina turn her head to look at me. She had a curious look on her face. “Do you wanna go for a drive?” I asked her. She visibly contemplated. Her bottom lip puffed out slightly and her head tilted a bit. It was a cute sight to see. “Well...sure...” she said. Her tone was very light and delicate. I grabbed her hand helped her get up. She grabbed a pair of sandals sitting by the front door and slipped them on. I opened the door for her and watched her walk to the car. By this time it was night...but I could see her body shape. The light from the moon peered down onto her body. I could see the curves of her physique through the flowy dress. As I walked to my car, I tried to clear my mind of the lustful thoughts running through it. I cleared my throat and started the car, driving away from the house.
After awhile we were sitting in pure silence. “Vivienne..?” She asked. “Yes?” I said. “Can you pull over...? Maybe we can stargaze...”By this time we’re on a dirt road. So I pulled over and stopped the car. “Stargaze...hmm...okay.” I said. She smiled lightly and kept her eyes on me.
𝑻𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝑷𝑶𝑽
She was just...so intriguing. “So...do you mind telling me about yourself..?” I asked. “Well, I moved here from London. I wanted a change from what I was used to, and someone actually encouraged me to branch out and find myself, hence why I am here. .” She looked back at me. I nodded and kept the eye contact. The radio was playing softly. A song came on with a really slow and sultry beat. She looked over at the radio with a slight smirk. Vivienne looked back at me in silence. “Vivienne...can I tell you something?” I asked. “Yeah...” she said simply. Her tone was deeper, almost like her mind was trailing off into another realm. “All of my life...I’ve been told what to do. I want to be able to live my life, but I’m so afraid.” After I let that off of my chest, it was like I could breathe better.
She rested her eyes on my ring finger, taking a glance at it. “Do you feel better now?” She asked. I looked at her in surprise. “I could visibly see your body rest once you got that energy out of your system...” She said. She was right, I was extremely tense. Vivienne re-adjusted herself and took a look at the clock on the car. “I have to get you home now...” She said. “Oh okay...” I was slightly disappointed. Her presence was very nice to be in.
She started to drive, and some minutes later, we were at my front door step. “I had a good time...” I said. She smiled, seeming a bit shy. “I did too...” We stayed silent for a couple of seconds before I spoke. “...can I give you my number..?” I asked. She seemed slightly excited. “Yeah sure...” she pulled out her phone, and I put my number in it. “Alright...well you have a good night...” I said. She nodded and bid me goodbye as well. Once I stepped into my house, I leaned my back against the door and took a deep breath. “Oh gosh...” My heart was racing and a felt daring. “What in the world is she doing to me..?”
@inmyheadimobsessed @verachii @bubshri @my-love-unconditional-for-you
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Hoedown Throwdown
Tommy Oliver x Reader
A/N: In memory of Jason David Frank. RIP man, you will be missed. Prayers to your wife and kids in this time. We will never forget you and your legacy as Tommy Oliver.
Summary: You take Tommy and the rangers to a country club and force them, well Tommy to dance. (I cried while writing this.)
Key: Y/N=Your name, Y/B/N=Your Brothers Name and Y/N/N=Your Nick Name.
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You and Tommy have been dating for seven months. You decided it would be a good Idea to go Texas to visit your brother and take your boyfriend and your friends to a country club.
"Y/N, you know I love you right? But why are we all the way in Texas?" Tommy asked as you, him and the gang were standing outside the club. Trini and Kimberly hit him in the arm.
"Because she wants to see her brother." The pink ranger stated.
Tommy put his hands up in defence. He gave you a smile. You returned it and grabbed his hand. Kimberly and Trini did the same thing with Jason and Zack. Leaving Billy behind.
"Uhh Guys?!" He called out.
You want back and grabbed the blue ranger by his arm and brought him in the restaurant. The waiter took the seven of you to your table. You sat next to Tommy and held his hand. He knew what you were doing because of the way your were holding his hand.
"What is it, doll?" He questioned you.
"Before we eat here we always do some barn dances." You reply hoping he would say yes.
"No. No. No. Babe, I love dancing with you. But-"
Before the boy could say anything else you interrupted him and had the puppy dog eyes on your face,
"I know but please?"
He shook his head. You knew what you had to do. So you went to the stage.
"Hey everyone! Guess who's back?" You yell to the crowd.
They all turn the heads to the stage.
"Y/N?" Everyone questions.
"Yeah it's me. Josh would you mind." You smiled. Your old friend gave you a smile and said,
"Oh, let's do this Y/N/N."
Jason, Tommy, Kimberly, Billy, Trini and Zack looked at each other confused as people started to get out of their sets and onto the dance floor.
Boom clap, boom d'clap, d'clap
Boom, boom clap, boom ' clap, d'clap
Boom, boom clap, boom d' clap, d'clap
Boom, boom clap, boom d' clap, d'clap
Try it with me, here we go
Boom, boom clap, boom d' clap, d'clap
(Whoa-oh-oh; that's right!)
Boom, boom clap, boom d' clap, d'clap
Boom, boom clap, boom d' clap, d'clap
1, 2, 3! Everybody, c'mon, off your seats
I'm gonna tell you about a beat
That's gonna make you move your feet
[Verse 1]
I'll give the barbeque
Show and tell you how to move
If you're five or 82
This is something you can do
Pop it, lock it, polka dot it
Countrify, then hip-hop it
Put your hawk in the sky, move side to side
Jump to the left, stick it, glide x2
Zig zag cross the flo', shuffle in diagonal
When the drum hits, hands on your hips
One-footed 180 twist, and then a
Zig zag, step, slide
Lean it left, clap three times
Shake it out, head to toe
Throw it all together that's how we roll
Do the hoedown, throwdown
Do the hoedown, throwdown
Do the hoedown, throwdown
Throw it all together that's how we roll
"Come on boys dance." Trini said pulling Zack to the dance floor as Kimberly did the same with Jason and Billy.
Zig zag cross the flo', shuffle in diagonal
When the drum hits, hands on your hips
One-footed 180 twist, and then a
Zig zag, step, slide
Lean it left, clap three times
Shake it out, head to toe
Throw it all together that's how we roll
Do the hoedown, throwdown
Do the hoedown, throwdown
Do the hoedown, throwdown
Throw it all together that's how we roll
There was a surprise instrumental break. Your brother gave you a smile. You had a little bit of time to get Tommy to dance.
"Babe come dance." You say as you grabbed his arm.
"No." Tommy stated. You sighed and point at Zack.
"Look at Zack."
He sighed and gave you a smile.
"Okay fine. Any time I get to spend with you is the time of my life."
You smiled and grabbed is hand in yours and lead him to the dance floor. You all did your little solos before you started singing again.
Boom 'clap, d'clap, boom boom clap
C'mon, here we go!
Pop it, lock it, polka dot it
Countrify, then hip-hop it
Put your hawk in the sky, move side to side
Jump to the left, stick it, glide
Zig zag cross the flo', shuffle in diagonal
When the drum hits, hands on your hips
One-footed 180 twist, and then a
Zig zag, step, slide
Lean it left, clap three times
Shake it out, head to toe
Throw it all together that's how we roll
You and Tommy locked eyes and where smiling at each other for the rest of the dance.
Do the hoedown, throwdown
Do the hoedown, throwdown
Do the hoedown, throwdown
Throw it all together that's how we roll
Everyone cheered loudly. The people in the room want back to their sets as the waiters came to get their order. You told the green ranger what to order for you. You sat on a chair on the stage and spoke into the microphone.
"Long time no see huh?"
The crowd cheered once again. You smiled.
"It feels weird to be back here, on this stage. The very stage my brother and I-"
Everyone started clapping at the mention of your brother.
"The stage we first sung together. So even though Y/B/N isn't gonna be up here tonight. This is detected to my boyfriend at the booth over there with our friends, Tommy Oliver."
We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January
And this is our place, we make the rules
And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear
Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home
You're my, my, my, my
We could let our friends crash in the living room
This is our place, we make the call
And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my
Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
You make eye contact with Tommy all through the rest of the song. He smiled brightly as he looked at you but felt Jason nudged him in the shoulder and Zack, Billy, Kimberly and Trini just listening to their best friend sing.
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my
Oh, you're my, my, my, my
Darling, you're my, my, my, my
Everyone clapped. You looked at Tommy and said in the mic,
"I love you Tommy Oliver."
Zack smirked at the green ranger. Tommy yelled as loud as he could so everyone could hear.
"I Love you more Y/N Y/L/N!"
A chorus of 'awes' was heard. You got of the stage and went back to your table. Your food came and you all ate. After eating and giving your friends an explanation, your brother got up on stage and sung a slow love song. Tommy got up and held his hand out to you.
"Wanna dance?" He asked sweetly.
All you did was smile at him. This time he lead you to the dance floor. As you were dancing he broke the silence by saying,
"Your beautiful. You know that right?"
"Hearing it coming from you a billion times tonight, I kinda believe you." You said.
He chuckled. As the song was at an end he slowly and tenderly kissed you. The weekend away in Taxes was the best time of your lives.
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palestickyprinces · 2 months
on my hands and knees begging for a family tree (or multiple ones!!) for your original hotd/asoiaf characters...
anon your hand in marriage immediately. how did you know about my one true passion. reveal yourself in my dms within three days else you'll start to cough
some of these are way more in depth because i. well. i only just made some (cough the tullys and martells cough) while others i worked for a day or two on. the targaryen ones look weird bc this site doesnt like incest (or even when two siblings marry another set of siblings). i will put it under a read more lest it take 5 days to scroll past
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me looking at anon
we're just gonna go in order of how i have them saved el oh el. also i was gonna link the trees but then realized anyone can edit them and i dont trust people not to fuck up my hard work so now you have to suffer my shitty screenshots. sorry
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Maryce Redwyne
(ignore the fact it links to aemond, its just how the site works) now this one is a little weird bc i never fully committed to when it takes place in her canon so some people are dead who shouldnt be some people arent dead who should be etc... also daeron doesn't exist here cuz uhhh. well. i just never put him in.
this verse is also the ones my ocs vaerra targaryen and alyssa targaryen (of pentos), but i ended up removing them since its really maryce's story and i didnt want to include them for like two appearances worth of time
you may notice she has a child who's formerly gone entirely unmentioned...
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Lorea Baratheon
this one is straightforward its just the canon family tree plus lorea. i have various other ocs and possible cousins in mind for her story but i dont think any are included in this. however i did go insane adding practically the entire lannister and baratheon/targaryen family trees theres like 60+ people in this one
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House Errol
never mentioned these guys (because i forgot they existed) but theyre fairly important players in lorea's story, she runs into the kingswood after (spoiler!) her mom tries to 🗡 her and ends up at haystack hall. sebastion ends up agreeing to let her stay, then as the war continues is the one to push her to claim the throne. totally not because he wants to be her hand and marry his son to her. who would ever do that.
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House Mallister
theres a couple more piper cousins/siblings in law on the other side lyman but thats fine. lyman has a wife named lynette swann and i never decided if his name would remain lyman. also i forgot to ever name one of elinor's brothers in law oops
after the hashtag scandal of elinor having a bastard baby her mom gets her brother lucas to marry his son to elinor and elinor is shipped off to pinkmaiden forever. sad!
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Ellyn Hightower + Daemion & Alyssa
considering daemion didnt even have his own tag until like yesterday i dont think i ever shared that he's criston's son so. spoiler! theres nothing like giving your affair baby nearly the same name as your husband ❤️ also daeron is again not here. sorry. would be funny to include him just for the sake of the recent headcanons about criston being his daddy tho. when ur cousin is also ur brother and its not even from the incest side of the family
(im not actually doing that. daeron will probably just not be included. unless i really like him when s3 comes out in a decade)
all the stuff to the side is just canon targ bullshit i added
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House Tully
these crop weird on tumblr oops. click on em to see it better. i made alys larys's sister bc i just thought being tortured by ur sister in law is funnier than aunt etc. i considered naming zoe and elmo's dad ernie
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House Martell
alia and aelyx are twins <3 i did not add all of daeron's various descendants or ancestors because frankly theres kind of a lot of them and again this site hates incest and it starts looking funny real quick. given more time i mightve added them and the great bastards and all but this is what you get for now
maron said their first kid could have a targy name since they'd be a martell either way so daenerys insisted he give the second one a dornish name and then with the twins they just followed their previous pattern of girl gets dornish boy gets targy. these guys are arguably the happiest family of ocs i got
maron had a paramour before wedding daenerys and he sent her away before the marriage because he knew daenerys would take offense to it, and he didn't want to risk the still fairly new targ-martell alliance, or risk angering daeron, which could theoretically pose a risk to maron's own sister. the family's one real conflict is that the paramour has a son who later shows up claiming he's maron's REAL oldest child and that aeron is actually a blackfyre. thankfully the dornish are not stupid and basically just go ????? before kicking the kid out. well actually a lot more happens than just that but yk how it is. that plotline is also only barely existant. i havent even read a knight of the seven kingdoms yet
if you actually read all this then YAYYYYY come be my friend pls. or just send me more asks about my ocs. i love answering questions and talking for way too long i NEED more asks
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lost pieces pt. i
a/n: in the business of full transparency, i decided two months ago i couldn’t keep writing for same mistakes. i became extraordinarily resentful of this universe and ultimately decided to take a (permanent?) break. over the last two months, i decided i wanted to share these lost pieces to fics i will probably never publish because i am so proud of them. maybe this will help me get my mojo back, maybe it won’t. i don’t know how many pieces i’ll end up sharing. regardless, here’s this. 
piece synopsis: from a fic titled “and i don’t mind, if it’s me you need to turn to” (5 times Rebel does something for one of the Daggers and one time they do something for her)
lost pieces masterlist | same mistakes-verse masterlist 
warnings: unedited, swearing, angst, slice of life, mentions of kids, birthdays, insecurities
iiii. Payback
“We could ask your instructor’s daughter.”
“Amelia? She’s like 15-”
“No, the other one.”
He sighs, shifting. “I mean... I guess we could. I don’t know, I don’t think she likes kids.” His wife sighs.
“Reuben, honey, it’s worth a shot.” He bites his lip, looking at his wife.
“I’ll call her, but I’m not making any promises.”
“I owe you.” Is the first thing he says, as soon as the door opens.
You shake your head. “Not at all, Payback.” He sighs, opening the door wider to let you in. You follow him in to the house, weaving through a long hallway.
“Seriously, I know this is so last minute. Our babysitter’s got the stomach flu, or food poisoning, or something. We’ve been planning this date night for months now and I just-”
“Payback, I think I can handle a few kids for a few hours.” He sighs as the two of you stop at the living room. The room is lit up only by the flickering of the TV, the cartoons echoing through the room. “Elijah, Adrian, this is your babysitter for the night.” The two boys turn and you wave.
“What happened to Sarah?” The younger one moans, slinking down on the couch.
“Adrian, I told you baby, she’s sick.” A woman’s voice answers, and you turn to see Payback’s wife Celia walking down the stairs. She turns to you, offering you a smile. “Thank you for doing this, Reuben and I owe you.” She says softly as the boys turn back to their cartoons. You shake your head, setting your bag down against the wall.
“Seriously, it’s no big deal. I would’ve just spent the night watching reality TV and getting wine tipsy, so not like I had big plans or anything.”
“No one else answered, and we were getting kind of desperate. You don’t know how much we owe you.” Payback says, leaning up against the wall.
“Seriously, please, I’m happy to do this. Where’s everyone else?”
“The Padres game.”
“Oh right.”
“Which, why aren’t you there?” You shrug.
“I’m not a sports person. The only sports I partake in are the Wii kind.” A ghost of a smile appears on his face. “I’m not allowed to go to pro sports games with them anymore, because I don’t pay attention.”
“Your Dad make that rule?”
“I fell asleep through one too many Chargers games, you know back when they were still here, while at UCSD and that was the end of that.” He shrugs.
“Makes sense, season passes to the games here are expensive.”
“Yeah, they’ve only gotten worse over time.”
“Speaking of expenses, how much do I owe you?” Your eyes widen and you shake your head again.
“No, absolutely not. I’m happy to do this.”
“Mama?” The three of you turn to see Payback’s youngest, Cece. At only three years old, she had the whole family wrapped around her finger, but was absolutely inseparable from her mother.
“Hi Cece.” Her Mom coos, reaching out her hand for Cece to take. Cece takes it and stands behind her Mom as she peers out. You smile at her, crouching down to be on her eye level.
“Hi Cece. I’m (Y/N), I’m gonna watch you tonight.”
“You remember her, right?” Celia asks as Cece eyes you.
“Hey, do you have a cool name too?” Adrian shouts and Payback narrows his eyes.
“Adrian, inside voice.”
“Sorry. Do you have a cool name? Like Fanboy?” You chuckle.
“Yeah, it’s Rebel, but you don’t have to call me that.”
“Oh, I will, it’s way cooler.” You glance up at Payback, laughter escaping you.
“Cece, you remember her, right? She’s the one who brought you your teddy at your last birthday.” The girl glances down at the stuffie in her arms and her eyes widen and she toddles towards you. Wrapping her arms around your neck, you grin, picking her up.
“Alright, I think I can hold the fort down. Why don’t you guys head on out?”
Celia hesitates. “At least let us give you money for pizza.”
“WE’RE GETTING PIZZA?” Adrian shouts, scrambling up from the couch to bounce excitedly on top of it.
“Adrian James, sit down. And stop yelling.”
You chuckle at Payback’s reprimands. There’s a muttered “Sorry.” from Adrian as he flops back down, which earns a glare from Payback.
“They’re going to be on their best behavior, right?” Celia asks sternly.
The two boys nod. “Hey Rebel, can we watch movies?” Elijah asks and you nod.
“Sure, or we could play Mario Kart. I brought my Switch.” The boys began to shout excitedly at the news as Cece covers her ears. “Hey, you two, don’t get too excited now.” Payback sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Seriously, please we owe you. We’ve been planning this for months, and we didn’t get to have a date for our anniversary last year because of the move and I know this is so last minute-”
“Don’t worry about it. Go have fun. Go for a romantic walk on the beach. Run away to Vegas. Please, just go enjoy yourselves.” You say, ushering them towards the door. The boys follow you to the door as Payback and Celia hesitate.
“You sure?” Payback asks once more, despite his hand already being on the doorknob.
“Say bye to Mom and Dad.” You all wave and Celia laughs lightly as Payback opens the door. Celia takes his hand, gently leading him out of the house and you shut the door behind them.
“Do we know you?” Adrian asks, looking up at you and Elijah nudges his brother.
“You think your parents would let a stranger babysit you?” You laugh, looking at the two boys. They both remarkably resemble their Dad, height included. At just 7 and 11, they look like mini versions of Payback. “I work with your Dad. And I came to Cece’s birthday party a few months ago, remember?” They both shake their heads.
“Nope!” Adrian shouts again and Cece winces, tucking her head into your shoulder.
“Okay, Adrian, the yelling has gotta-”
“WAIT, you work with my Dad, does that mean you fly the cool planes like he does?” You nod, smiling.
“Yeah, I do. Are you boys hungry?”
“Depends, are we getting pizza?” Elijah asks, rocking back on forth on his feet. Kid knew how to play his cards.
“You want pizza? We can get something else.”
“Like what?”
You shrug. “Could order McDonalds, Chinese food-” Adrian makes a face”-anything really. What do you want to eat?”
The boys look at each other, thinking it over. “If we get pizza, can we get breadsticks?”
“I want wings!” Adrian shouts once again.
“We can do that, but only if you stop yelling.” The boy’s hands fly to his mouth, his eyes wide. Elijah lets out a giggle at his brother and you nod your head to the living room.
“C’mon, let’s go sit and we can discuss what to get.”
“Okay!″ The boys shout, giggling as they run back to the living room, launching themselves on the couch. You sigh as they smile goofily at you.
“Alright, you two, where do you want to get pizza from?”
“I’m not letting you say no.”
The envelope that has landed in front of you has your name on it and your eyes take a moment to register what it is. You pick it up, turning it over and open it. Your eyes go wide and you turn to Payback, envelope already halfway out to him.
“No, absolutely not, I will not take this-” He pushes the envelope back to you.
“Seriously, we were in a real bind. We owe you that, and more. The kids loved hanging out with you, you did a great job. Please let me do this for you-”
“No, no, I was raised better than that. I was doing a favor for a friend-”
“And now I’m replaying her-”
“What’re you guys arguing about?” Fanboy asks as Coyote takes the envelope from your hands. He opens it and his eyes go wide.
“Shit dude.”
“Give me this.” You muttered, taking the envelope back, offering it to Payback. “I’m not taking this. I refuse. I was doing a favor for my friends. You have cute kids and I was more then happy to babysit them so you and Celia could have a night off. Please, don’t worry about it.”
“I will not be out-stubborned.”
“Do you know who you’re talking to?”
He sighs, crossing his arms. “I got all day.”
“K, that’s nice, but class starts in a minute.”
“We all know Maverick is gonna be late. Just shut the fuck up and take it.”
“Payback, no.” He leans up against your table.
“Just shut up and take it. Would it kill you to do that?”
“Yes! I was raised by the philosophy of it takes a village. And the village does not accept compensation for doing something they would’ve done anyways, so... no, not taking it.”
“You really won’t accept it?”
“No, I’d just feel bad.”
“And I feel bad if you don’t take it. You went above and beyond for my kids and they haven't stopped asking when you’ll come babysit again.”
“I thought you didn’t like kids.” Hangman remarked, settling at his usual seat in front of you.
“I like them when I can return them to their parents. And I’ll babysit your kids anytime, so long as you stop trying to pay me.”
“I won’t win here, will I?” You shake your head and he sighs, picking up the envelope. “Fine, but if Celia asks, I tried.”
+ the one time they did something for her
You sighed, looking at the numbers on your phone click over. Rooster’s soft snores sound from next to you, and you look down at him, heart clenching at the sight. You reach out to run a hand through his hair and even in his sleep, he nuzzles closer to the touch. You swallow, leaning over to slide the phone on to the nightstand.
“Happy birthday to me.” You whisper, snuggling closer to Rooster.
“Hey, thanks for asking me out to do this with you.”
Phoenix nudges you. “Course, it’s your birthday. We didn’t celebrate last year.” You shrug.
“Well, I didn’t exactly tell anyone it was my birthday last year.” Bob’s eyes widen. “Okay, don’t look at me like that, it makes me feel bad. I don’t know, Coyote got me a card and I went out to dinner with my Dad and Rooster, but I’ve got bad luck with my birthdays and I don’t know, just don’t like celebrating them.”
“Well, you’re celebrating this year right?” Phoenix asks.
You pick up your coffee, taking a drink as you stall. “Um, kind of? I think I’m getting dinner with my Dad but Rooster and Coyote have been pretty quiet about it this year.”
“You think they forgot?” Bob asks softly. You shake your head.
“No, think they’re just letting me take the lead on it. Haven’t really mentioned it at all.”
“I’d be milking my birthday for everything it’s worth. Getting all the drinks out of Hangman.” Phoenix jokes and you chuckle, rolling your eyes.
“Dunno, don’t think he even knows when my birthday is.”
“Why do you do that?” You hum, meeting Bob’s eyes. “You know, act like nobody notices you.” You chuckle nervously, rubbing your hands together.
“I- I don’t know, I think I get enough negative attention from you all, the last thing I need is more.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Phoenix asks sharply and you look her.
“Are you... you’re serious? I mean c’mon, it’s been about me since the day I got here. Being Mav’s daughter, Ice’s goddaughter, that stupid argument with my Dad after the uranium mission, the investigation, getting Ace and Atlantis fired... I know I have a problem with making it about myself and for all the worst things.”
“Someone tell you that?”
“No, God no. Just one of those things you kinda just... know.” You watch as Phoenix looks at Bob, an unspoken conversation passing between the two of them.
“Hey, that’s my thing.” You joke, trying to lighten the solemn mood that has settled over the table. “Seriously, I’m fine with not making a big deal out of my birthday. Coffee with you guys and dinner with my Dad is enough.” You say, forcing a smile.
And it was. It still stung, the feeling of rejection from years long gone. Birthdays spent alone as your Dad dejectedly tried to make it better, Carole offering you anything you wanted, when all you wanted was a friend. And Bradley had been there, but Bradley was always there. Bradley was popular and everyone saw you as an extension of him. No one was really your friend, just his. And you knew it too, when every invitation to a birthday dinner or party went ignored. And you didn’t need, or want, to feel that anymore. So, if no one knew when your birthday was, no one could forget it. No one could make up an excuse to not see you or ignore it entirely. And you were fine with it. The people who cared did little things, and you didn’t need your birthday for them to prove that they did. It was easier this way, to just blend in, to not be seen-
Your phone beeped, breaking you out of your thoughts as Phoenix and Bob watched you carefully. You swallow as your eyes focus back in, realizing it’s April. A text wishing you a happy birthday, wondering when she can stop by to bring you your gift. You sigh, fiddling with one of the rings on your fingers as you looked at your two friends.
“This was fun, but I should probably get back to my house. I think April wants to bring me a gift and um-” Pheonix’s still staring as Bob nods. You’re already halfway up from the table, slipping your phone into your back pocket and grabbing your keys off of the table.
“Have a good rest of your birthday.” Bob says softly. Phoenix is on her phone, typing away furiously, and you try not let the action sting.
Didn’t care enough to even let you get out the door before she was already ignoring you. So much for progress in your friendship with her. You knew this had been Bob’s idea anyways.
You nod, waving goodbye as you walk to the exit of the local coffee shop, a place you’d frequented in high school. You tried not to let the thought of glimpses of friendship, study groups and outings, from high school sting as the door shut behind you.
“She thinks you forgot!”
He startles, rolling off his couch. He groans pushing himself up slowly and turning to sit on the hardwood, trying to figure out why Phoenix was in his house, pissed as all hell. Hangman peeks out from the kitchen, coffee cups in hand.
“Who thinks who forgot what?” His boyfriend asks, handing a cup to him. He sits down on the couch, observing the situation in front of him.
Bob shifts nervously. “Phe, really, you heard her. I don’t think-”
“Rebel thinks you forgot her birthday.” He thinks for a moment he might drop the cup and has a half a mind to set it down on the floor before he does. “Now explain to me Machado, how Bob and I remember her birthday but your pea-sized brain does not have enough space to remember your best friend’s birthday.” He holds up a hand.
“Whoa, whoa, Phoenix, I didn’t-”
“And trust me when I tell you I’m going to rip Bradshaw a new asshole for forgetting. The hell is wrong with the two of you-”
“Trace, I swear to God I didn’t-”
“-I mean, you should’ve seen her face, the way she said she didn’t want anyone to give her attention. Said we give her enough negative attention as is. She doesn’t think we even know when her birthday-”
“Trace, would you just-”
“Are you going to fix this? Tell me you’re going to fix this. Because if you don’t fix this, I will personally attach you to my jet and take off, so help me God. I mean she looked ready to cry-”
“Are you gonna-”
“I mean what the fuck is wrong with you? Did someone drop you on your head? I know you were raised better-”
“Phoenix!” He shouts and she finally pauses, chest heaving. “I didn’t forget, I literally just tried to call her. She didn’t answer, I thought she was still asleep.”
“Probably crying because you basically gave her a big fuck you by forgetting-”
“Would just let me talk for five fucking seconds?” He seethes. She does stop, albeit looking angry at his choice of words, and he takes a deep breathe. “Bradshaw didn’t forget either. We’ve been planning a small dinner for weeks now, because she hates her birthday, but we had to do something.”
“The worst part of this is how at peace she was with knowing you forgot.”
“Would you stop making me feel shittier than I already do?”
“Girl’s got self-esteem issues.” Hangman says shrugging and he looks to his boyfriend, mentally wishing he’d shut up for once.
“Yeah, we all know she needs to be in therapy. Not news. You’re just willing let her think you forgot?”
“I didn’t want to make a big deal of it, she hates that.” He defends, feeling silly even now as he said it. Should’ve been doing more. “We were gonna text everyone today, because you know our crew can’t keep their mouths shut about surprises. We were just gonna let it be a little surprise for her with everyone who could come. Just dinner and her friends, that’s all she wants, but she’ll never ask. So we were doing it ourselves.” Phoenix rolls her shoulders and he can see some of the anger dissipate. A silence falls over the room as he stands up, sweatpants shifting as he does. “Fuck, did she really cry?”
“On the verge of tears when she left.”
He groans, running a palm over his face as he leans over, picking up his mug and setting it on the coffee table in exchange for his phone. He swipes it open, going to his best friend’s name. He gets sent to voicemail, almost immediately, and he curses quietly.
Hangman’s watching him carefully. “She not answer?” He asks as he pulls the phone away from his ear. He shakes his head but almost immediately a text pops up.
Sorry, April’s at my house. Call you when she leaves?
He swallows. “Okay, so April’s at her house. Why she didn’t answer.”
“So dinner?” Phoenix asks, crossing her arms.
“Let dinner be something small, we can do cake at her house afterwards. We’ve already have them here.” He says, jerking his head to the kitchen. “But if you’d be willing-”
“What do you have in mind?”
“You know you didn’t have to come to dinner tonight.” You whisper, nudging Hangman’s shoulder. The two of you follow Penny, Mav, Amelia, Rooster, and Coyote to the restaurant. Hangman looks nice, a park blue button-down polo matching a nice pair of jeans and your jacket is hanging over your crossed arms, the dress fluttering with the light breeze.
He shrugs. “Wanted to.”
You laugh softly. “Definitely not because you’re part of the family now and can’t escape?”
He chuckles. “Maybe a little of that.” He says, holding the door open for you as you follow the group into the restaurant. “Did you think we’d forget?” His questions catches you off guard and you hum as you watch your Dad sweet talk the hostess.
“What do you mean?”
“Your birthday, did you think we’d forget?”
“Didn’t think you knew when it was Bagman.” The teasing tone and nickname creates a frown line in his forehead. “What?”
He squares his shoulder, guard going back up. “Thought we were closer than that.”
Your shoulders droop. “Hey, I was kidding. I’m just not used to people caring s’all.”
He sucks a breath in through his teeth as you begin to follow the hostess to your table. “Yeah, trust me, I get that. But they do. I do. And so do a lot of others.”
“Did we...” You shift in your seat. “I don’t remember leaving the kitchen light on.” Rooster adjusts his grip on the steering wheel, not saying anything. He pulls into the driveway next to Hangman’s car, your Dad’s farther up the driveway.
“Looks like they beat us to the house.”
“Well, you were the one who spent an extra fifteen minutes in the restaurant bathroom.”
“I had to pee!”
“For fifteen minutes?”
“Listen-” You giggle as your boyfriend turns to you.
“Listen, it’s my birthday. You can’t be mean to me.”
He sighs. “I could never be mean to you.”
“Yeah, I know, why do you think Fanboy always tells you you’re whipped? C’mon, let’s go inside. I want cake.”
“Whatever m’lady wants.”
You laugh as you climb out of the car.
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lavendershazy · 5 months
So please let me know if something like this already exists, but recently I've had the plot bunny hopping in my brain for a crossover sort of story, a fic that features asoiaf/got characters in the bridgerton verse, starting with the starks as the bridgertons. As in, Ned is deceased and catelyn is raising their children, robb acts as head of household in many matters, and such.
Not the same stories on suitors exactly, (gayer if possible lmao), but sansa's season does have Harry and Joffrey going after her, though she makes an agreement with Loras, brother of margaery - who is her real flirtation - to seem to be courting, because he has his secret lover already in renly and a wife who is not understanding is not a good option. (Or the het or bi option, more similar to the bridgerton story, with her and theon plotting and then falling for each other, despite his friendship with robb and usual behavior with women. Hmm, choices. Or both? Canonish with Marg moving on to the Baratheon boys? Idk.)
Robb and Jon raising Catelyn's blood pressure by seeking out young women who are not ladies, like nurse Talisa, and Ygritte from far up north, who knows how to shoot and rides like a man does. (Jon also stumbling into discovering his own bi tendencies with help of some other ~less suitable~ friends like Tormund.) (Jon raised as their brother but them knowing about Lyanna, Ned having been spurred by Whistledown's speculation about his identity to share that Lyanna died in his birth. No father named, though, all suspicions aside.)
Arya who spends as much time as possible with her friend shireen, because she wants nothing to do with marriage, only to find herself interested in shireen's cousin, gendry - a bastard of the dying king - who has served shireen's father and is her primary escort, especially given shireen's mother is convinced she won't find anyone, because of her facial scarring. Arya being sure originally that no man will want the real version of her, who can keep up with her brothers, is argumentative, able, and not ladylike, but finding that perhaps that distaste is not universal. Them at odds with the crown because cersei will not permit gendry to take any inheritance from his father, lest he get in the way of her children in the bloodline- but they don't want to be ruling figures, Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella can keep all that.
Bran not expecting any interest as an injured man and third son, spending energy trying to set up his friends Jojen and Meera with their own matches, at least until he realizes he's quite jealous of the ladies Jojen gently entertains. Jon helps him figure out exactly why.
Rickon wanting nothing to do with marriage whatsoever, but eventually finding himself falling for arya's friend shireen, who is possibly en route to spinsterdom due to her appearance, but she's incredibly smart and rickon finds himself enchanted when he runs away from home to spend time with the sister who happily 'married down'.
Featuring the Lannisters, Baratheons, the Tyrells, etc.
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mistrdctr · 7 months
Verse Description: Wild West / Cowboy AU.
Set somewhere in the 18- to 19-hundreds. Verse Tag: V; Wild West
Stephen Strange is a known Doctor as well as a ranch-man (Cowboy), owning said small ranch and some horses at the outskirts of the small town he lives in. He's divorced from his ex-wife Christine Palmer, who moved to the 'big city' once the two separated; Rumors have it that he was either a bad husband to her, or that she might have been a bad wife to him, but opinions are divided in that regard.
The true reason for their separation, however, is that Christine found out about Stephen secretly being gay, which hurt her greatly; With her being a decent person, though, she kept the secret to herself and didn't tell anyone as she moved away so as to protect her ex-husband from possible harassment.
While homosexuality isn't officially illegal at that point, it is still very much frowned upon, with the Church having a great influence on everybody's life - to be homosexual is a sin, and whoever is, is considered to be forsaken by god (and will never go to heaven).
Stephen lives on his own on the ranch now, treating patients with utmost care and exceeding skill. People appreciate him for being so experienced; He's known to treat people more successfully than most other Doctors do, his careful and diligent methods of caring for injuries resulting in lot less people dying from infections and other diseases.
They don't really appreciate him for being a bit rude sometimes, however - he's quite snappy at times, likes to make (sometimes degrading) comments from time to time, having turned a bit sour and bitter over the years of him being alone and rather secluded.
NOTE: This verse does not include any magic, Stephen is a normal man without any superpowers.
About shipping: As told in the verse description, Stephen is homosexual and does not have any sexual as well as romantic interest in women at all. He is being a friend for them, though, and appreciates the companionship to the ones he gets along with. He also sees women as equal and thinks they should have the same rights as men - he also openly defends them in case they are being harassed in any shape or form. Icons used for this verse: The Power Of The Dog (Movie)
Name: Stephen Strange Title(s): Doctor Age: 46 Gender: Cis Male Sexuality: Straight (Homosexual, kept a secret) Height: 6'0'' Occupation: Doctor, Ranch-man (Cowboy) Marital Status: Divorced Kids: None Significant other: None Current home: A ranch at the outskirts of the small town he lives in, somewhere in the USA
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fcousland · 3 months
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overview: as the eldest son of house cousland ( the ruling family of the teyrnir of highever ), fergus was sent to ostagar on a scouting mission to assist king cailan's efforts against the coming blight. in his absence, arl howe laid siege on the cousland castle, killing fergus' parents as well as his wife and child. only his sister, alys, escaped the attack, but was conscripted into the grey warden order as a result and likewise sent to ostagar. fergus had been reported missing shortly before the battle, and for weeks he was presumed dead. however, his scouting unit had been ambushed and fergus was found by a chasind who tended to him in his lengthy recovery. it wasn't until the landsmeet that fergus was finally able to reunite with his sister and learn of his family's tragic fate. after she ended the blight, fergus took his place as teyrn of highever, and hopes to rebuild his fallen house.
main : for all plots centered around the games. i'm pretty open to playing around with different scenarios and aus ( i.e. fergus being picked up as a companion in origins, rescued by someone else in the wilds, etc. ) but unless plotted otherwise, the default is that he becomes teyrn, his sister is the arlessa of amaranthine, and he enters an arranged marriage with evelyn trevelyan ( verdraste ) who is also my default inquisitor, unless ofc i'm writing with other non-trevelyan inquisitors.
fantasy : very easy to drop fergus and house cousland in any fantasy setting !! so this may be the primary choice. the gist remains relatively the same. his land is on the stormy coast of whatever country applies, and default is that his family is recognized as being second in power to the crown, or close to it. they're known for their highly adept soldiers ( great for muses who need allies & reinforcements ! ), strong network of spies, and breeding and raising mabari warhounds. more than likely, fergus succeeded his father after a similar tragedy, but we can play it by ear.
regency / bridgerton : fergus is the eldest son of the duke of highever. given his family's legacy in the military, he voluntarily fought in the napoleonic wars, but sustained injuries that left him incapacitated and unable to return home for a few months. during his recovery, his estate was infiltrated by an unidentified murderer who killed his parents, but luckily did not find his sister. after returning home, fergus steps in as the new duke, and is being pressured into finding a wife soon. understandably, this is currently the last thing on his mind. he's besties with benedict and anthony ( <3 ).
name. fergus cousland titles. teyrn of highever ( addressed as "lord cousland" ) pronouns. he/him age. 27 (da:o), 37-40 (da:i), 47 (da: veilguard) origin/nationality. ferelden etymology. human noble / warrior of the champion class sexuality. bisexual alignment. lawful good, fealty to the ferelden crown or his sister
relations. alys cousland (sister, alive), bryce cousland (father, deceased), eleanor cousland (mother, deceased), oriana cousland (first wife, deceased), oren cousland (son, deceased)
height. 6'1" build. herculean, defined but not chiseled; strong like a bear, not a pretty statue; just enough softness to make for an excellent hugger (also he has great tits idc idc) hair. dark brown, curly eyes. hazel, variety of browns and honey tones scars. riddled with them. he's a tank who battles in the frontlines and take critical hits. his body is a testament to this. he wears them with pride, aside from the worst one : a large crescent shaped gash across his abdomen from the battle of ostagar. he had to cauterize the wound to avoid bleeding out. the chasind took care of the rest when they found him, but not even magic could heal it all the way. scents. petrichor, sea salt and cypress
known languages: ferelden, and most other languages from across thedas. it was required in his noble studies, but frankly he is sorely embarrassed to admit he has not retained most of them and will butcher the conversation on more than a few accounts. his avvar is pretty great though, thanks to aerick, an exiled avvar/highever guardsman, originally from kirkwall, who mentored him through his youth.
abilities / skillset
* weapons master. proficient with most weapons (i.e., shields, halberds, crossbrows, axes & mauls). he'll often carry 2-3 depending on the situation and his position in the battlefield, but his sword is the most consistent choice. dual wielding it with a shield or a maul crafted in the shape of two mabari jaws is his other consistent choice.
* great tactician. by the time we get to da: origins, fergus pretty much functions as a commander in his father's stead. he led the forces of the northern ferelden banns and strategized the battle alongside king cailan, loghain and duncan.
* superior survival skills. again thanks to aerick, but, as an outdoorsman who hated being cooped up in the castle, these lessons were mainly through fergus' insistence. he's always taken a great interest in hunting, as well as aerick's avvar roots, so aerick would sometimes oblige fergus and his friends by guiding them through long hunting treks in the mountains, to learn how to hunt, set traps, and survive more practically in tougher terrains. eventually, he made a habit of frequently hiking at his own leisure despite protests from his mother, so at this point you can throw him in the middle of anywhere and he'll be quite capable and adaptable.
* basic nautical skills. thanks to his oh-so-fun summer weeks spent with grandpa fearcher on a warship :))) old man put your boy through it, but he came out with callouses a plenty, knowing the basics of rigging, how to tie excellent knots, star navigation, etc.
* speed. he is meant to be a powerhouse, and is fast but only to a degree. when faced with someone of the rogue class, this could very well be to his detriment if he can't manage to get in a good hit that knocks them into next week.
* post battle of ostagar. his right leg was broken and poorly set when he was found by the chasind, and while healed, it does still fail on him if he exerts himself too hard. he also suffers from ptsd which may compromise his focus while in action. his combat days are much more limited because of this, but he's still a tactician and inspires high morale in the ranks where he can.
* politics. he hates everything about it. while a warm and generally charming person, he cannot abide to be disingenuous and lacks the patience to engage in shallow or false conversations. he's a man guided by his heart, who acts more quickly than he thinks, and will often be brutally honest if there's someone or something he doesn't like. regardless of political consequence. one of the reasons why alys was thought to be better suited for the role of teyrna.
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mjm5655 · 9 months
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name : majima goro aliases : mad dog of shimano & goromi ( hostess stage name ). position ( s ) : patriarch of majima family ( formerly ), lieutenant advisor of tojo clan ( formerly ), former captain of shimano family, president of majima construction, manager of cabaret grand ( formerly ), manager of club sunshine ( formerly ), hostess at club shine. race : human gender : male sexuality : bisexual relationship status : single, & divorced ( mirei park ) ; verse dependent. nationality : japanese age : 60 ( ages in real time ) birthday : 1964/05/14 birthplace : tokyo, japan. height : 6'1" ( 186cm ) weight : 80kg ( 176lbs ) scars : left eye gouged out beneath eyepatch, various scars across torso, back, legs, & arms.
family : majima haruu ( father ), majima asuka ( mother ) ; cut ties with both at a young age. shimano futoshi ( he sees him as a father ). mirei park ( ex-wife ).
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majima goro was a violent yakuza, he was part of one of the most notorious families in the tojo clan, a family known for its violence against others, & even once he parted, & made his own family after shimano was diseased, it kept the same reputation as being known to be the most ruthless of the tojo clan, as well as the largest family within the clan, at one point, he had several thousand men under him, all loyal to their father.
whilst majima was quite the ruthless yakuza, he did have a soft, & caring side to him, though this was most of the time overshadowed by his madness, he would look out for people he cared about, & that usually extended to the people those people cared about as well. despite his madness, he is extremely intelligent ; he would be one step ahead of anyone, & could see a setup coming from a mile away, being able to alert daigo of any unusual activities that he had witnessed or noticed. while he was in the tojo clan, he was a valued member, the sixth chairman looked up to him a lot with majima being one of the longest running members of the clan.
eventually, with how things were headed for yakuza, majima reluctantly agreed with daigo and watase of the omi alliance, along with saejima, that it was time to disband the clan, & work something out to give yakuza like himself a new purpose in life, intending to make a security company.
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a high school drop out, majima goro had grown up in a wealthy home as an only child that had been broken apart in a divorce, his mother had been reduced to alcoholism, & at the mercy of loan sharks, majima decided to run away, he joined a motorcycle gang that took him in after they saw how well he could hold himself in a fight despite his young age. eventually through this gang, he met shimano futoshi who had took a liking to the young man, & encouraged him on his behaviour. majima would eventually start spending more time with shimano, almost like an apprentice, he started to see shimano as a replacement to his biological father. once he was old enough, around the age of eighteen, he was inducted into shimano's family, officially becoming part of the yakuza.
it wasn't long after this when he met saejima who was actually part of the yakuza for a bit longer than him, but the two were within the same age group, they quickly became close friends to each other, & eventually became sworn brothers. he also looked at saejima's younger sister, yasuko as a sister of his own, as did yasuko start to look up to majima as a brother. he was content at life, completing his irezumi before the age of twenty, majima felt he fitted into the yakuza well.
eventually saejima would have been tasked a hit by his family, the sasai family, majima was asked to assist saejima as carrying out the hit was originally seen as something that would help the sasai family & shimano family climb up the hierarchy of the tojo clan. they had not realised it was a set-up at the time, the shibata family was in on this, & had issued warnings to majima to not go along with his oath brother ; refusing to do as he was told as it was seen as a betrayal to saejima, majima made to head to the location of the hit but was then was ambushed by shibata's men, not being able to fight all of them off, he was eventually captured, & subjected to a beating that resulted in his eye being gouged out. his other would have met the same fate if it had not been for shimano arriving at the right time, but things did not get any better for majima there, furious that majima did not follow orders, shimano subjected one of his former favourites to the hole, a place he sends yakuza to be tortured, & eventually beg for their deaths. this however did not happen with majima, majima managed to withstand it for an entire year. this had impressed shimano enough to give majima a second chance at life as a yakuza, but he wouldn't make it easy for majima.
left with shimano's oath brother of the enemy, the omi alliance, sagawa tsukasa, someone who is known for breaking the minds of younger yakuza, making them into mad men, this is fully what shimano had intended for majima. he had sent majima over to sagawa with the promise that he'll come back a mad dog, willing to do anything for him. eventually once majima has been through healing, & seems to be reasonable enough to not be a scare to society, sagawa tells him that he'll get him back into the tojo clan if he made one hundred million yen as manager of the cabaret grand. majima is desperate at this point to be back as a yakuza, & agrees to it.
nearly there, majima thinks he's finally done it while sagawa increases the profit margin, but offers him another way ; via a hit, having not ever killed anyone, just experience of roughing someone up, majima had been reluctant, but hearing of the kind of man this makoto was, he decided that it wouldn't be difficult. majima had gone into the hit thinking makoto was a man that exploited young teenage girls in a sexual manner, once he discovered makoto was in fact a young blind woman, he could not bring himself to carrying out the hit, it was not on his moral compass to do, he instead ended up becoming rather protective of makoto, & even grew to fall in love with her.
this causes a whole set of events to happen, including meeting the kijin family head, nishitani homare, who had pretended to complete the hit for majima. despite both being enemies, nishitani had took a liking to majima, he had originally planned to team up with nishitani to go & retrieve makoto who had been stolen away, although, she was in no real danger, & had been stolen away in order to protect her from the dojima family who were actively trying to secure a small piece of land that she unknowingly owned after the passing of her grandfather. it is later revealed to him that shimano had figured as much that he wouldn't kill the girl, but saw it as an advantage that she would willingly hand the lot of land over to him via majima. the dojima family had intended to kill makoto for the lot of land, & whilst she set up a meeting with the dojima family, she was shot down, majima at this point believing makoto to have died, went mad, fully intending to kill every single member of the dojima family, & their assassin off for what they had done. this was the birth of a mad dog.
as majima is about to kill the assassin, sera enters the scene, & reveals the news to him that makoto is still alive, that she's made a recovery, & urges him to not put blood on his hands over her sake, that she'll never be able to pay it off, & that it would be a guilt on her conscious that would remain with her for life. majima is reluctant to stop, but does it for her.
after the whole thing is over, majima is inducted back into the shimano family once more, he is made captain, he cuts off his hair, back to having his undercut shorter style, a style that he finds much more comforting, he decides to go wild with his choice of dress, opting for leather pants, and a snakeskin jacket with no top underneath, just showing off his muscled torso, & chest irezumi at all times, majima doesn't care that this would scare the majority of people away from him ... that's what he's aiming for, he wants to proudly show that he's yakuza, & will be remaining that way. he has a chance to meet with sagawa for a short moment before sagawa is taken out, & once again, meets makoto who has already met another man ... majima decides the other man would be better for her than he is, so he decides to leave it, but makes sure to threaten the other enough that he'll be as protective of her as he was.
deciding to remain in osaka for a while, as much as he hates the place, he met another woman, mirei park, korean & much younger than he was, & an idol, majima decides to date, & eventually have a secretive marriage with her, knowing that it would ruin her shot as an idol if word broke out about her marrying a yakuza, yet alone, a much older man. he wanted to have a family with her, but park decided that her career was more important, and aborted the child she was carrying without telling majima. majima finds out, & is furious, he lashes out, horrified at what he did, he ends their marriage in a divorce, & leaves osaka for good. he ends up becoming an even more violent yakuza at this, as a way to make him seem undesirable to any woman ever again.
majima continues to build a reputation for himself in the tojo clan, he becomes to be known as the mad dog of shimano, a rabid dog that will do anything its master tells it to. he even has a small family of his own starting of men that shimano saw fit to hand over to majima, so that majima would have some men under his direct command. shimano had decided that majima would take over his spot once he passed, although, not expecting to pass when he did, he left majima behind early who took over the majority of the shimano family, & made it into his own entirely. majima at this point had seen shimano as less of a father when he had came into himself more, & understood how toxic shimano would act towards him to keep him in line. something that shimano had not expected to backfire on him when he wanted a mad dog within his family. especially when his mad dog had taken a strong liking to the dragon of dojima ; wanting to pick fights with the dragon non-stop ; something majima was so passionate about, he would laugh shimano's threats of returning to the hole off.
remaining in the yakuza for a while, although, not agreeing with terada's way of things, as young as majima was at this point, he felt he was growing out of it. it was all coming down to what family could make the most money, majima knew when he put his mind to it, he could make an absolute ton of money which would put him at the top easily. he does so, but still, when one of his men step out of line, he decides to leave the tojo clan, intending to never come back ; he starts up majima construction as its president with the men who came with him, & more as he recruits those who called purgatory a home. despite being gone from the yakuza, he still finds himself being dragged into the mix by kiryu, asked to diffuse bombs by daigo, & even holds his ground against a good bulk of the go-ryu clan.
eventually, majima had grown bored of being a civilian. kiryu is leaving kamurocho, to go & live the rest of his days in okinawa, kiryu humours him in a fight so that he can request that majima returns to the tojo clan, & becomes daigo's righthand man. originally, majima doesn't want to be left babysitting a new chairman that could go downhill for all they know at that point, but he agrees since it was kiryu that requested it. he keeps his construction company intact, but ends up bringing most of its members back into the yakuza when he brings back his family into the tojo clan. daigo appreciates what kiryu has done for him, as much as majima may have scared him at first, he doesn't doubt majima's superior knowledge in this world ; majima ends up becoming the lieutenant advisor of the clan, a position higher than he had ever wanted, but again, since kiryu requested it of him, he would do it.
some years past, with some drama here, & there, majima's oath brother saejima breaks out of prison, and it's all over the news. majima knows that saejima is coming for him, a promise they made when they sworn their oaths to one another ... if one betrayed the other, they would fight to the death, & majima who keeps his promises, gives saejima just that ... saejima however does not end it when he manages to defeat majima, instead the two end up becoming closer than they ever had been in the past. majima tells saejima what happened, that it was all a set-up by shibata, & shows saejima the main scar he took from it all. still willing to allow saejima to kill him at the same time if he had wanted, but he knew his oath brother wasn't a killer, that even know he did not kill eighteen men back then, it still left the trauma on the other. majima & his oath brother are polar opposites as majima eventually through the years, had no issues killing, & did not feel remorse from any of the killings he did commit, saejima was traumatised by the men that he thought he had killed. majima had wanted to retrieve yasuko before it was too late, but his efforts were for nothing when she was shot down, & he was imprisoned by daigo selling him out, so he could not even attend her funeral. he does make yearly visits to her grave site alongside saejima. he is also there to welcome his oath brother back into the tojo clan, with the making of the saejima family, which majima borrowed some of his men to. mostly the men that were previously part of the sasai family.
not even a year has passed, & saejima is agreeing to go back to prison, majima is furious of course, but realises there isn't much he can do. he's very depressed over the whole ordeal, even missing in baseball which is an extremely rare occurrence for majima. he's also upset as he feels himself getting older. while saejima is in prison, majima fakes his death after an assassination attempt which only left him wounded. it allowed him to work behind the scenes, & go unnoticed for sometime. he even made contact with his ex-wife, with no interest of meeting with her however, he understood how crucial she was to the plot, majima had not intentionally wished to use her as bait ... as much as he hated her, he never wished to see her dead, but it lured out the traitor that he had expected. this did not go on for long as majima was found out by kurosawa who had wanted majima dead in the first place ; instead of killing majima off, kurosawa tortured him, and set him up to fight saejima to the death, fully intending for one of them to kill the other, & finish the job off himself on the worn out man ... but the plan didn't go his way as majima and saejima both refused, majima had only agreed to fight saejima, as he wanted a fight, but more so to protect haruka.
in the next years, japan starts to take a stand against the yakuza, the tojo clan officers were all arrested under the suspicion that they were involved in the little asia fire. he is arrested, & held in prison for a good deal longer here, only released once kiryu clears things up for them.
deciding that it is no good to go through with the yakuza any more, majima reluctantly agrees to dissolve the tojo clan with daigo, watase also decides to dissolve the omi alliance, making it so japan is now free from the two biggest yakuza organisations. the tojo clan officers are in hiding of course since their arrest is still called for after all the crimes they had committed over the years, they fully intend to make a security company to tide over any of their former members that need a new purpose in life, something that would better the lives of japan's citizens.
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scriptores · 1 year
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𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 : fergus cousland, dragon age: origins
overview: as the eldest son of house cousland ( the ruling family of the teyrnir of highever ), fergus was sent to ostagar on a scouting mission to assist king cailan's efforts against the coming blight. in his absence, arl howe laid siege on the cousland castle, killing fergus' parents, as well as his wife and child. only his sister, alys, escaped the attack, but was conscripted into the grey warden order as a result and likewise sent to ostagar. fergus had been reported missing shortly before the battle, and for weeks he was presumed dead. however, his scouting unit had been ambushed and fergus was found by a chasind who tended him in his lengthy recovery. it was not until the land's meet that fergus was finally able to reunite with his sister and learn of his family's fate. after she ended the blight, fergus took his place as teyrn of highever, and hopes to rebuild his fallen house.
main : for all plots centered around the games. i'm pretty open to playing around with different scenarios and aus (i.e. fergus being picked up as a companion in origins, rescued by someone else in the wilds, considered as an option for king / a marriage to anora during the landsmeet -- which he will loathe you for -- etc. ) but unless plotted otherwise, the default is that he becomes teyrn, his sister is the arlessa of amaranthine, and he enters an arranged marriage with evelyn trevelyan ( @verdraste who is also my default inquisitor, unless ofc i'm writing with other non-trevelyan inquisitors ).
fantasy : very easy to drop fergus and house cousland in any fantasy setting !! so this may be the primary choice. the gist remains relatively the same. his land is on the stormy coast of whatever country applies, and default is that his family is recognized as being second in power to the crown, or close to it. they're known for their highly adept soldiers (great for muses who need allies & reinforcements!), strong network of spies, and breeding and raising mabari warhounds. more than likely, fergus succeeded his father due to a similar tragedy, but we can play it by ear.
regency / bridgerton : fergus is the eldest son of the duke of highever. given his family's legacy in the military, he voluntarily fought in the battle of waterloo, but sustained an injury that left him incapacitated and unable to return home for a few months. during his recovery, his estate was infiltrated by an unknown murderer who killed his parents, but luckily did not find his sister. upon his return home, fergus steps in as the new duke, and is being pressured into finding a wife soon. understandably, this is currently the last thing on his mind. he's besties with benedict and anthony ( when he isn't being a buzzkill <3 ).
name. fergus cousland titles. teyrn of highever (addressed as "lord cousland") pronouns. he/him age. 27 (da:o), 37-40 (da:i) origin/nationality. ferelden etymology. human noble / warrior of the champion class sexuality. bisexual alignment. lawful good, fealty to the ferelden crown or his sister
relations. alys cousland (sister, @ladygriffon), bryce cousland (father, deceased), eleanor cousland (mother, deceased), oriana cousland (first wife, deceased), oren cousland (son, deceased)
height. 6'1" build. herculean, defined but not chiseled; strong like a bear, not a pretty statue; just enough softness to make for an excellent hugger (also he has great tits idc idc) hair. dark brown, curly eyes. hazel, variety of browns and honey tones scars. riddled with them. he's a tank; it's his duty to battle in the frontlines and take critical hits. his body is a testament to this. he wears them with pride, aside from the worst one: a large crescent shaped gash across his abdomen from the battle of ostagar. he had to cauterize the wound to avoid bleeding out. the chasind took care of the rest when they found him, but not even magic could heal it all the way. scents. petrichor, sea salt and cypress
known languages: ferelden, and most other languages from across thedas. it was required in his noble studies, but frankly he is sorely embarrassed to admit he has not retained most of them and will butcher the conversation on more than a few accounts. his avvar is pretty great though, thanks to aerick, an exiled avvar/highever guardsman, originally from kirkwall, who mentored him through his youth. (also asteria's father, but more on that in a different post)
abilities / skillset. * weapons master. proficient with most weapons (i.e., shields, halberds, crossbrows, axes & mauls). he'll often carry 2-3 depending on the situation and his position in the battlefield, but his sword is the most consistent choice. dual wielding it with a shield or a maul crafted in the shape of two mabari jaws is his other consistent choice.
* great tactician. by the time we get to da: origins, fergus pretty much functions as a commander in his father's stead. he led the forces of the northern ferelden banns and strategized the battle alongside king cailan, loghain and duncan.
* superior survival skills. again thanks to aerick, but, as an outdoorsman who hated being cooped up in the castle, these lessons were mainly through fergus' insistence. he's always taken a great interest in hunting, as well as aerick's avvar roots, so aerick would sometimes oblige fergus and his friends by guiding them through long hunting treks in the mountains, to learn how to hunt, set traps, and survive more practically in tougher terrains. eventually, he made a habit of frequently hiking at his own leisure despite protests from his mother, so at this point you can throw him in the middle of anywhere and he'll be quite capable and adaptable.
* basic nautical skills. thanks to his oh-so-fun summer weeks spent with grandpa fearcher on a warship :))) old man put your boy through it, but he came out with callouses a plenty, knowing the basics of rigging, how to tie excellent knots, star navigation, etc. restrictions. * speed. he is meant to be a powerhouse, and is fast but only to a degree. when faced with someone of the rogue class, this could very well be to his detriment if he can't manage to get in a good hit that knocks them into next week.
* post battle of ostagar. his right leg was broken and poorly set when he was found by the chasind, and while healed, it does still fail on him if he exerts himself too hard. he also suffers from ptsd which can be triggered during a confrontation and compromise his focus. his combat days are much more limited because of this, but he's still a tactician and inspires high morale in the ranks where he can.
* politics. he hates everything about it. while a warm and generally charming person, he cannot abide to be disingenuous and lacks the patience to engage in shallow or false conversations. he's a man, guided by his heart, who acts more quickly than he thinks and will often be brutally honest if there's someone or something he doesn't like. regardless of political consequence. one of the reasons why alys was thought to be better suited for the role of teyrna.
themes. through me (the flood), hozier
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brutalage · 1 year
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NPC PROFILE 01 : ʟʏᴅɪᴇ ꜱᴀᴜᴠᴀɢᴇ .
one of the many biological children born to one notorious french doctor , alexandre sauvage , otherwise known as vandal savage .
age : 25 , as of 1888 . / physical description : long , brown hair , usually tied back or done up . dark blue eyes . a deep , red mouth . stands at 5'7" tall ( 173 cm ) -- sometimes wears heels , which adds to her height . / social status : rich ; high class . / skills : the study of medicine , horseback riding , proficiency ( but not mastery ) of bladed weapons , can speak more than two languages , cooking . / occupation : none , as of current ( has received private tutoring most of her life & is looking for work ) . / spouse : none , as of current . / special abilities : none outright , but , lydie has inherited a small strain of her father's immortality . her body heals from wounds rather quickly , and she is extremely durable . however , lydie ages at a normal rate , and she isn't immune to diseases . / moral alignment : neutral good . / parents : doctor alexandre sauvage ( father ) & colette sauvage ( mother , nee gigot ) . / origin : france , only to move to england with her family as a child . / first appearance : within the thread "the showdown," written alongside @unboundtravels .
LYDIE SAUVAGE LOATHES HER FATHER . that is a fact she has lived with since she was only a child . she goes to bed knowing that he hurts her mother , and awakens with a slight shiver , a chill that refuses to leave her . something about him scares her deeply . she cannot name why . she is simply too young to name it .
raised in a controlling & suffocating environment , lydie is not fond of her home life . but , she often finds herself at the mercy of it . the same applies to her mother , the two of them both very hurt & traumatized from the actions of alexandre . both bearing witness to the vicious murders of misbehaving , ill-performing servants within alexandre's ancestral house . but they do not know he has been alive for centuries . neither know fully who he is .
at times , lydie cannot feel any further from her father . however , she did inherit his morbid fascinations . it is a small piece of him that she wishes she could hide , deep down inside of her , but the practice of medicine & knowledge of human anatomy always fascinated her . by no means an expert in the field , however , lydie wishes that her eventual prospects will take her far away from london .
she is rather refined & versed in etiquette . however , lydie crumbles quickly . she finds herself rather unequipped in certain situations . while she means well , and is seen as quite kind by others , lydie has awful issues coping , and lets them effect her greatly . she does not look to others for sympathy .
as of 1888 , lydie has been a proposed target by her own father . with alexandre's plot set in motion , he desires to kill every one of his descendants in london , so as he can steal their blood , innards & bones . with his descendants body parts in his possession , he can allow for new experiments to begin on his own immortality . also , working on creating a substanial food source for himself later on . lydie does not know her father's plans in depth , but she has been suspecting him of such an atrocity ; wondering why , of all people , he has kept "his incompetent daughter & his blithering wife" of his , as he'd once said , alive for so long .
" if you hate me so much , father , then why was i ever born ? "
" because you exist for me , little one . not yourself , nor your mother . it is by my will you're still here . my wish . "
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