#this is sloppily written
ganondoodle · 10 months
I'm curious, in your totk rewrite, would the final fight with Ganondorf be the same, or would you do something entirely different?
somewhat, this is a bit of a different take on ganondorf though, it makes more sense in context of his changed ... or added rather, backstory;
you fight him once before, not a phantom like in canon but him physically, were hes still trying to cope with the horros he had lived through being half awake for such a long time so he isnt much for talking, at the end of it he has like a breakdown that essentially causes cataclysm 2.0 (that might even open up new caves that were previously just cracks in walls too) and which spawns the miasma/memory trees that contain his memories, all of which you need to collect to unlock the ending-
structurally the final fight is similar:
theres a horde of enemies you fight all together and the sages get taken away once you reach ganondorf; when you find him hes all calm and collected but does not allow zelda to talk to him despite her understanding how it had come to all of this and her wishing for a different solution; the fight begins but over time as he loses HP he start to act differently, less calculating and like he is in control and more and more aggresively, and more jumpy like he is afraid of something
phase two he gets too cornered and activates his enigma stone + the sages rejoin you, he is visibly just trying to put an end to you using everything he has to offer, phase two of phase two, he loses it and changes into a beast form (a miasma version of the best forms we know basically, i made a sketch of it once but it was only a rly early concept; i need to put more boar features on that
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(unsure whether i want this to be his engima stone active version or the actual beast one) after he changes into beast form he charges at link and zelda and essentially burrows through the earth with them, breaking through the surface in the hyrule plains where the dark beast ganon fight happened in botw, here you fight him in the open, any weathher and time of day can happen here so its a much more diverese vibe each time; he is very fast in this form, if you are familiar with bloodborne im thinking of something akin to the first phase of ludwigs fight but a little more coordinated
this fight ends with zelda telling you to shoot at her so she uses her shielding powers (sth she can also do in the game itself) to reflect your arrow in a certain angle (reference to how ww zelda shoots an arrow you need to deflect in order to defeat gan but in reverse), it hits the ornament keeping the enigma stone in place from the side and it flings off
the battle seemingly ends with beast ganon falling to the ground, zelda tries to run and take it away but gan is still awake and sees in her how sonia sealed him way back, so in a last ditch effort to avoid the fate he had just escaped (despite zelda not wanting to do any of that) lunges for the stone and swallows it
he transforms into a dragon snatching up the both of you and flying high into the sky, zelda can wriggle free but falls and while she could land safely with her paraglider gan is flying off with link so she makes a last moment decision to take in her enigma stone as well, she transforms, rams into gan to free link and a somwhat similar fight as in canon happens, though i would like zelda to be more openly agressive towards dragon-gan
sicne in this version gan doesnt have his stone on the forehead somehow but inside like you would expect you need to fly into his mouth to end the fight, assuming you have found the lab that held the moonbloom (perhaps kogas so tie him nicely into it all) needed for the reverse dragon medicine (bc i wanted to involve links passion for cooking somewhat i thought it would be cool if he takes the chrage on that to make that special dish), you now use it, causing gan to spit out his stone and reversing (still unsure whether he survives this or not, but i thought of the scene from spirited away when chihiro gives haku the lil herb thingy to make him spit out whats killing him when i was coming up with this) zelda catches you again and you use the second charge on her to reverse her as well, boom you got your epic falling scene, the sages also now have made their way up through the tunnel, perhaps they catch gan too
this is a super rough current concept for it, it might all change still so dont take this as the final version, still working on it all after all
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merakiui · 2 months
EEEE EBB AND FLOW WAS SO GOOD!! Mera I'd been hoping you'd write a Floyd-centered fic soon and now you have AAAA!! 🥹🥹 I'm so very grateful I've been fed so well muah muah muah🫡🙇the tropes in the fic are so good too, I'd definitely been craving a step-sibling fic with the twins because of the number of times it's been mentioned on your blog...I am feeling so metaphorically quenched rn.
bit random but one of the things I do when I'm high is read your blog(that one Trey fic you wrote was... an experience to read through high), so the part where they took edibles was really amusing to me. I should definitely re-read the fic when I'm high myself💥💥
WAAA THANK YOU!!!! (つ≧▽≦)つ♡ I'm happy it's an enjoyable fic! I realized I have more Azul and Jade fics than I do Floyd fics, so I wanted to change that!!! Also,,, I've been wanting to write a stepcest fic for Floyb recently (Jade is part of the twin package, so his existence as another love interest is inevitable hehe). May you be forever quenched with this fic!!!! ✨✨✨✨✨
Omg reading "everything is going to be okay" while high........ what an experience that must be. I should find something surreal to read the next time I'm high. :D aaaaa but I had fun writing the part where they take edibles. Jade being so giggly when he's high,,,, Floyd being even more hyperaware than usual (although his massive crush on you probably also helps in how he looks at you)....... sandwiched between the both of them while they cuddle and kiss you!!!! Wasting the hours away chatting and listening to slow music. What a wonderful vibe. <3
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dadriusbiggestfan · 5 months
Drabble idea - Darius hears some random bystander complain about Hunter being adopted by him, and Darius snaps.
Darius had been having a relatively good day, He had managed to negotiate with Hettie Cutburn over building plans, successfully give Hunter a gift without the boy trying to repay him with in the first twenty minutes, got Eberwolf to take his weekly bath early, and even managed to get rid of that one annoying black head on his nose.
However he needed to get him quickly before he missed the start of ‘Real House partners of the left foot.’ It was a new season, and he had managed to talk Hunter into watching it with him!
He was walking through a deserted street, trying to get home, when he noticed two men working at the end of the road.
One of the men was entirely foreign to him, with rich dark skin and a thick mop of dark orange hair, but the other was annoyingly familiar, the ex-scout had been assigned to him for one to many missions.
“And it’s just not fair- that little brat used to walk around the place like he owned it, and he gets away with no consequences, and I honestly don’t believe that abused crap for a second- we’d have known if the Emperor was beating him, for titans sake! Just because everyone is fooled by his sweet little Angel act, doesn’t mean I am, he’s lying to everyone about his true self, and I’ll prove it!” The former scout, a muscly man with olive green hair, a pale complexion, and a thin scar over his eyebrow, said bitterly.
Darius was only half listening, the words not properly processing in his head, until…
“And then the spoilt brat gets adopted by some rich, stuck up coven head! As if he wasn’t being spoiled enough by his uncle. He’ll be the next big issue we have to face, mark my words.”
Darius only knew one child who’d ever been supposedly beaten by the emperor, and was conveniently adopted by a rich coven head. His child.
Hunter meant so much to Darius, and him making the decision to confess the abuse he’d suffered at the hands of his Uncle to the court trying to track Belos’s extensive crimes had been a decision he’d cried and sobbed over in the days following, despite the surprising amount of support he had received from scouts and guards in the castle who had seen blood stains and bruises which had matched his claims.
And to hear someone dare deny it, to say his poor baby had been spoiled and had never suffered filled him with boiling hot rage, pricking and tearing at his skin.
As much as he knows he could easily win a fight against this man, he has Hunter to think about now. He can’t go and start fights with people because they say one irritating thing.
“Honestly- I’d have paid to watch that little brat get the shit knocked out of him-“
Nevermind, yes he can.
The man is on the ground before Darius even realised what he’s doing, Darius is screaming profanities at the man who is struggling to get away, clearly taking him and his orange haired accomplice by complete surprise.
Darius does let the man go, eventually, before encasing him in a wall of abomination.
Darius stalked closer to him, the man was made of muscle, but for however buff and toned he was, Darius was always that little bit stronger, and it was obvious the man had received a nasty fright.
“Don’t you ever talk about my poor boy like that ever again, you have no idea what he’s been through, and if I ever even suspect that you’re talking shit about him like some gossiping teenager, you’ll be sorry.” Darius promises, looking at the trembling man. His orange haired friend had left the scene.
Darius let the man go, and let him run off.
Anyway- where was he?
Right, his show starts in around fifteen minutes, he has to hurry, especially if he wants to hug Hunter beforehand.
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fanstuffrantings · 6 months
One of my issues with Team CRDL in canon is how clearly they're meant to be Hate Sinks.
For anyone who doesn't know: a hate sink is a character meant to be unsympathetic, unlikable. They're meant to be hated by the audience and creators will often pile the worst qualities they can think of onto them for the sake of getting an audience to enjoy when said character is punished.
It is very hard to create a character like this in a way that's fun to watch without the character feeling ridiculous or annoying. And it's not even annoying in the way the writer would want.
In team CRDL's case their existence just screams that the writers wanted an easy antagonist the viewers could hate without doing the work to actually build interesting characters that could exist beyond the "Jaune is bullied" arc.
What makes it more frustrating is that they are one of the only Beacon teams we got in the series, Beacon was very barren of actual notable characters so when 20% of the cast has no purpose outside of "Please hate us" it's very stark and noticeable.
In general, Jaune's episodes are the ones I dread, rewatching the most in volume 1 because they do a disservice to both his story and the existence of a decent portion of the cast. Jaune being the subject of ridicule and insult from peers who view him as weak is a good idea but the execution of it doesn't work.
Not to mention (as I've said before) the decision to name one of them "Winchester" which is a real world gun company and yet choose not to weave his family into the lore is so incredibly baffling.
Honestly, the idea characters existing as nothing but bullies to be hated isn't even a rwby original thing. It's very common in shounen and every time it's as tiring as the last because typically the characters only exist to make our main character likable in comparison. It's a lazy writing tactic.
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dreamsandscenes · 7 months
My Thoughts On
* Spoilers ahead for S1 - S6 of Peaky Blinders *
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The way that Finn as a character was pushed aside and rendered useless 99% of the time is a shame. I wish Steven Knight had had different plans for him (or just any good plans at all would’ve been nice).
I do find the age gap between Finn and all the other siblings a bit too much. If we’re going by the wiki ages, which make sense within the show, Finn was born in 1908. This also must be his birth year, since in season 1 of the show, he says he’s about to be 11, and S1 starts in 1919. His oldest sibling, Arthur, was already 21, Tommy was 18, John was 13, and Ada was 11 when he was born. I can only imagine that the Shelby parents started having kids in their teens, because the age gap is massive. It would’ve made more sense for Finn to be Arthur or Tommy’s son, rather than their brother with that age gap.
It also drives a bit of a wedge between the older siblings and Finn, because Arthur, Tommy, John and Ada all grew up together. They experienced their difficult childhood together. Finn didn’t. Maybe this is part of the reason why I don’t see the same bond between Finn and his siblings as they all have with each other. Don’t get me wrong, they all loved him. I never doubted that. But as Finn grew into a man, I did wonder if all of them actually liked him.
We also know that Mrs Shelby died when Finn was a baby, and Mr Shelby left the family shortly after. Finn never had parents, but he had substitutes for those roles.
Polly was the only mother he ever knew. She raised him. That being said though, it did seem like when Michael came back into her life, Polly put Finn on the back burner. We didn’t really see much of them together at all, apart from in season 1. I don’t even know who Finn lived with in S3/S4, because he was still so young, he had to live with someone. I think Polly cared for him very well when he was a little boy, but once he got into his teens, and Michael was back in the picture, she didn’t seem to care as much. Maybe because he didn’t rely on her to take care of him so much because he was getting older, she took a step back, but I honestly don’t know why she didn’t seem to have more of an active role in his life from S2 onwards. Maybe we should just say it was a poor writing decision.
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Both Arthur and Tommy seemed to fill the fatherly role in Finn’s life. They both looked out for him when they could. They, along with John when he got old enough, made sure to financially support Finn, and give him more than they had growing up. That being said, they weren’t the best role models. I mean, Finn was already doing cocaine at 13/14, something at least Tommy was apparently aware of. Granted, they didn’t necessarily understand the issues with cocaine at the time, but people knew it was a drug, and kids obviously shouldn’t be doing drugs, so I don’t know if Tommy should get a pass for that less than fantastic big brother behaviour.
After John’s death, Finn is clearly brought more into the Peaky Blinders fold, to fill the hole that John left behind. Unfortunately though, Finn lacked the ruthlessness that John had. He could never quite measure up. Perhaps because he never had to fight to get by, like his big brothers did, he didn’t have that drive to succeed. He just kind of skated by the whole time. He didn’t have the aptitude for violence that John had, so he disappointed Tommy/Arthur when it came to Peaky business because he couldn’t handle it, but that’s not really something I would blame Finn for. That’s more on his brothers for expecting & hoping that he’d be like John. Tbh, I don’t know why they didn’t just make him handle legitimate business, rather than the criminal stuff, because he clearly wasn’t suited to it.
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I can’t really say a lot about his relationship with Ada, because I don’t remember any significant scenes between them, apart from the scene in 5x01 where Finn gets shot and talks to Ada for minute after the bullet is removed. It’s pretty brief though. You’d think he’d have more scenes with his only sister, and I think it could’ve been interesting to see the difference between his relationship with her versus his relationship with his older brothers, who he always felt like he had something to prove to.
In S6, we see that he gets married to a woman named Mary. We know nothing about Mary. She’s in maybe 2 scenes. We know nothing about their relationship. There’s no development or love story for them. I truly don’t know why this was included in the show because it added absolutely nothing. I can only assume that the marriage might have some sort of relevance in the movie. If it doesn’t, I just don’t see the point in including it all. It was a meaningless moment.
His friendship with Billy Grade is ultimately the thing that ruins him. He quickly becomes close friends with Billy when they work together. He trusted Billy, because he was always more trusting than his brothers, so he told him things he shouldn’t have.
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By the time we get to the end of S6, where he has to choose between shooting Billy, or saving him by shooting Duke or Isiah, he has been friends with Billy for years. It doesn’t really feel like that as a viewer because of the time jumps between seasons, but Billy was presumably his best friend by that point. With that in mind, was I supposed to be surprised that he tried to shoot Duke to save Billy? He didn’t know Duke. Duke meant nothing to him. Isiah used to be his friend, but they seem to have drifted apart as they got older. Obviously he wasn’t going to choose Duke, or Isiah, over his friend.
If Tommy and Arthur were in that room, instead of Duke and Isiah, I think things would’ve happened differently. When faced with a choice between his brothers and his friend, I think he would’ve chosen his brothers. I definitely don’t think he would’ve ever pointed a gun at either of them or tried to shoot them. But when faced with a guy he barely knew and a friend he wasn’t that close to anymore, he chose Billy. Yes, Billy was an informant, albeit a reluctant one, but he wasn’t only that to Finn.
Do I think he deserved to be disowned by the family at the end of S6 for this decision? No. I think he should’ve been punished in some way, and moved to the legitimate side of the business, because he simply wasn’t smart enough to handle the criminal side of things. I just find it hard to imagine the Shelby’s disowning one of their own, even one that does stupid stuff like Finn. That’s still their baby brother. I don’t like that as Finn’s ending in the show. It was bad enough when SK turned Michael into an antagonist; I don’t want to see Finn meet the same fate in the movie.
I’m really hoping Finn isn’t an antagonist in the PB movie. I really don’t want to see that. I don’t think that one situation with Billy would fully turn Finn against his family anyway. Against Duke maybe, but not his brothers. If he is one of the villains in the movie, I’m going to be disappointed. I’d rather see his final ending in the movie be him coming back into the family, and in some way finally earning the approval of his brothers. Perhaps he could do the whole double agent thing, where the audience thinks he’s a villain, but he’s actually helping his family. I don’t know, I just want more from him as a character than an antagonist storyline.
That’s kind of the way I felt about Finn the entire series; I just wanted more from him. He was always falling a bit short as a character for me. Never quite hitting the mark. I hope that he can finally reach his potential in the movie.
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tiktowafel · 2 years
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based on this
happy birthday, setsuna :)
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skiirtip · 3 months
thank you very much one person who likes my random post LMAOO
another drabble, sun-focused, introducing some new lore/plot
tw sun is violent, and he's accidentally in a cult, and hes very much manipulated
not beta read i. no no wanna
cut just in case
“What are you doing?”
The voice makes you jump in surprise. You slam the drawer closed and shoot up as you straighten your back, eyes widening. You’d been caught red-handed. Sun stands in the doorway, his blue eyes narrowed and his smile thin. His upper lip twitches and it’s silent for a long moment. The heavy robes colored like sunsets drape over his shoulders and down, and when his arm moves you see the fabric sway, nearly dragging along the ground. You don’t get a chance to explain yourself before Sun steps farther into the room, polished black shoes tapping on the stone floor, and the door clicks shut behind him.
“Snooping is very against the rules, friend.” He says, his chipper voice grating on your senses. One of his hands isn’t visible as it rests behind his back. You keep the desk between you as he steps closer. “May I ask what exactly you were looking for? It must be very important if you were willing to risk your future for it.” He hisses, the venom in his voice not trying to be concealed.
“A book,” You say, partially a lie, and a shitty one at that, and you think you momentarily see Sun’s eyebrow twitch up in annoyance. Shit. “I thought maybe you had it.” “A book?” He echoes, incredulous. His face lights up, disarming you momentarily, and as he attempts to round the desk to get closer to you again, you barely skirt past him. His robes brush you and he hums, a displeased glance in your direction as his hand shoots down to unlock a drawer with his moon-shaped necklace. Your heart sinks as he pulls out exactly what you were looking for. “This, I assume? How strange! What would someone Like you need with the receipts of the month?”
Sun opens the notebook with a soft twhip of the paper, deft fingers licked as he turns the page several times. Your eyes narrow into a glare as he shifts his weight to one foot, the glint of the silver dagger strapped to his side a reminder that you are not expendable. Moon needs you for this mission- and he doesn’t know it yet, but Sun needs you too.
“We ordered from overseas, bought and sold a few horses, visited the masonry… ah, here it is,” He says, tapping the page and dragging one of his pale yellow fingers down the page. You can hear the paper rip along the perforated edge. A cheap book they used to hide records from the transcript.
A cheap book to use as a bible.
“An order for war equipment. Canons, bows, firearms… And of course, a special set of armor, just for you. The king really likes you, doesn’t he? You’re his new favorite,” Sun says it with an almost disgusted tone. To be honest, you’re disgusted at the thought of the king attempting to spoil you as well. You feel ice in your belly as his cold blue eyes meet yours. Usually, the freckles that dot across his cheeks and temples but spare his nose are cute- today, they remind you of eyes. He feigns a saddened sigh, looking back at the paper, and easily rips it and folds it in a smooth motion, handing it to you as if he were a teacher disappointed with your grade. You know better than to reach out and take it when you see his fingers twitch with their iron grip.
“He’d be very disappointed to find out you were helping the rebellion,” Sun says, tutting and shaking his head. He draws the paper back and crumples it. You know there was more on that paper than what he oh-so-graciously told you, and you hate that you’ll never know as he tosses it into the fireplace. “But he’d be very much pleased with me if I turned you in-“
“He’s lying to you,” You spit, and you watch Sun’s rays twitch for just a moment in surprise. He grits his teeth. “He’s tricking you. He’s poisoning the kingdom. Haven’t you noticed? New rules, increased guard, separated families- this is getting out of hand.”
Sun frowns deeply, and this time you don’t get a chance to move before he is dragging you closer to the table by the wrist. You feel your wrist pop and hiss as it’s twisted, forcing you against the desk. It is forced backward by the rough movement and Sun lifts his knee to the surface to avoid losing any balance. You are reminded of the glow in his eyes as he stares at you, his lips pulled taut into a saccharine smile.
“Eclipse wants what is best for us,” He says, roughly. His hand shakes with the restraint to not snap your wrist right off. “He is keeping us safe. Under control.”
“You’re blind,” You spit, and Sun’s rays shrink at the venom in your voice, eyes narrowing. You don’t usually stand up to him. “You’re either to far gone, or you’re trying to keep your ignorance for the sake of his approval. But I know you’ve seen it. When’s the last time you’ve seen Cassie? Did you even notice she was gone? Or did you just blame it on ‘the rebellion’ and move on.”
You can’t move that wrist out of his grip, but you can move your other arm. Your moves and he attempts to stop you from grabbing for his dagger- but you don’t even reach for it, clasping your hand around the moon pendant that dangles from his neck and seizing it, ripping it off. Round beads, gray and blue, clatter to the ground and shatter. Sun’s eyes widen and for just a moment, he looks genuinely distressed. You wrench your hand out of his loosened grip and snap the crescent in half between your palms. Sun lets out a strangled sound, still half across the table, eyes flashing completely white.
For only a moment, things are silent and peaceful. And then Sun is launching himself over the desk to snatch the broken halves from you, shoving you away without a second thought and anxiously smoothing his thumb over the broken pieces, glancing around for glue or tape or something- anything- that will hold the memories of his brother back.
“Sun,” Your voice lowers as he holds the pieces broken edged together, spinning around the room, searching and searching. It’s sad to watch. You raise your voice when you say his name again, watching as he knocks a lamp off of the desk and the room is devoid of light except for the orange glow of the fireplace. The yellow edges of his faceplate are visible as his head snaps to you, eyes pale in the darkness. You can only barely see where his body peeks out of the robe- head, neck, wrists, and hands. The rest of him is blacked out.
“What’s going on?” He whispers, conspiratorially. His voice is shaking. You can hear the tick, tick, tick of his rays as they shrink in and out of his head. “Eclipse said that when the necklace broke-“ “That all the memories of Moon hurting you would come back?” You ask. You almost feel sorry for him. You take a step back towards the door. The sound of his rays stop. “I just told you, he’s lying to you. Those bad memories of him aren’t real. He used Cassie to put the dreams of him in your head, and then banished her so she couldn’t tell you. Sun, you have to calm down-“
“No,” He hisses, roughly. He separates the blue pieces of the crescent in his hand and taps them back together several insistent times, his movements frantic. “No, no, no, no, no. He wouldn’t lie. Not to me. Moon is dead. He tried to kill me, and Eclipse-“ He looks back up at you. His eyes are black with small white rings in them. “Eclipse is protecting me. Protecting me from people like you.”
He shouts as he lunges. The door flies open and knocks you forward, into his chest, and there’s the sound of a dagger clattering away and a sword being drawn. You feel the soft fur on your ankles before you can push yourself up and away.
The silver edge of a sword captures Sun’s head and tilts it up. Sun’s face is deadpan. You can hear his internal systems shutting down. Moon’s cloak falls and he kneels, pushing you off of Sun, gently scooping the unconscious advisor into his arms. He stares at the crumpled heap in his arms for a moment before looking back up at you. “Go. Go make a distraction. I’ll take him back to base through the left garden.”
“Got it.” You turn automatically to dash away, only glancing back once just in time to see Moon scoop a few of the unbroken necklace beads from the floor and put them in his pocket with the broken pendant. You look forward again and run straight for the throne room as Moon throws the end of the rug into the fireplace.
You throw the doors open and the court stops as the force of the giant mahogany doors caused an armor stand to fall over. You point back just in time to see the room go up in flames.
ends like that because i plan to have fire maybe be a chapter name thats misleading, like the others are all war themed and then suddenly its like "they're (rebellion) getting somewhere and aren't being crushed by Eclipse..."
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whatifwewerebothgirls · 5 months
do you think ashley would've eaten andrew if that guy hadn't fucked up and gotten eaten
I don't think so! It's easy to read Ashley as completely focused on self preservation to the detriment of all else, but I don't think that's accurate. Ashley has no interest in living on her own. She doesn't believe her life has any value except for her value to Andrew, and she's worked hard to maintain that value. She acts pretty nonchalant about how worthless she is, but that's a telltale sign of serious depression. It gets to her. I think it's a lot more likely she'd starve with him than kill him, given the two options. I do think she'd try to convince him to break out with her first though.
Also I know she does kill him in her dream, but that's after a long time of stressing out over the fact that he doesn't need her anymore, and her interpreting him going by "Andrew" as a whole different person instead of the same person she loves, and his betrayal in trying to kill her first. Even though she sounds gleeful kicking his corpse around, when she wakes up she's terrified by the dream bc ultimately her biggest fear is losing him.
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deviltriggerdante · 10 months
i'm in the middle of doing something else right now + i don't normally make posts like this so this is going to be pretty poorly put together, but..
re:dmc1 novel, is gilver actually supposed to be vergil? i personally always assumed he was (+ and was therefore responsible for the resulting massacres etc.) until i last reread a few days ago:
for those unaware: the DMC1 novel mainly features demons that inhibit the corpses of dead humans. there are some instances of demons that don't possess any corpses which are described as "scythe-swinging shadows", but the main focus are the possessed corpses.
“Humanity was born a race of our slaves.” Gilver pressed harder on his weapon, and a thin stream of red blood rolled down Grue's neck. “Inhabiting the corpses taxes our strength and limits our numbers. But soon we will be able to migrate to this plane in our own prepared bodies.” (pg. 120)
The bandaged man [Gilver] radiated an aura of decay. (pg. 149)
however, dante does mention that gilver "doesn't smell like" the other demons. i left in the rest of the lines in mainly because i found gilver's characterization and dialogue here interesting:
“What are you, man? You don't smell like those other things.” “You don't need to know. In any case, I'm going to crush you.” Dante shrugged. “That's a fitting line for a villain.” “Your absurd labels are meaningless.” Gilver cackled behind his bandages. “The victor will be called the hero by future generations. Arguing about good and evil is pointless.” (pg. 172)
addt. gilver repeatedly separates himself from not only humans, but also dante:
“Do you have any questions, Dante? You have treacherous blood in you.” (pg. 172)
[...] Gilver finally pronounced. “You have our blood coursing through your veins. You're the mongrel half-breed offspring of a human and a demon. And you betrayed our side.” (pg. 173)
“This is your world,” he finally said. “Yes. The demon world is replacing yours. It will spread out from this nexus until finally everything is consumed.” Gilver hefted his sword, seemingly recovered from Dante's last attack. “This place is a cancerous blight to incomplete souls like you. [...] (pg. 180-181)
..... which is interesting, because throughout all of the novel dante has had trouble existing for any amount of time in the demon realm. whatever amount of devil blood in him doesn't help him and he struggles to stay awake and fight, even at the barrier between the two worlds. that said, gilver very obviously has access to some amount of demon power, mainly as shown through their battle in which he dons his.. demon armour lol
there are multiple other things that i didn't feel like touching upon right now, and the biggest issue is that... this is goikeda and kamiya's vision, not itsuno's. so it's possible that this IS actually vergil as the two wanted to write him, but considering this takes place just before DMC1.. it really could be possible that vergil's just been something considered dead, right?
... or maybe it is vergil and he just has blood on his hands and wanted dante to suffer, like i initially assumed. if anyone has any opinions or disagrees with me, please feel free to say as much :P i'd really like to analyze this book more and try to relate it to other DMC lore but it really is pretty difficult with how much has been retconned throughout the franchise. thanks for reading!
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awakefor48hours · 1 year
Quick analysis that I thought at work today.
What I really love about the pineapple on pizza scene is that it really shows the difference between how Mike and El view being open to change and their identities.
As soon as Argyle gave them the pizza, El immediately went to grab a slice but Mike didn't.
El grew up in an environment where she wasn't introduced to any concept of sexuality, meaning that she has no clue what homophobia is, so she's more willing to take time to understand any of her romantic feelings.
Mike on the other hand, grew up in a very homophobic environment so he's not willing to let himself explore any new part of himself.
El is someone who let herself explore any part of herself but Mike will not. El will try but Mike will deny.
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elendsessor · 6 months
i’m terrified of most arachnids but goddamn i want the monhun dev team to bring back the akuras or try their hand again with scorpion wyverns.
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they’re are so fucking cool. i mean it’s entirely possible now that temnocerans exist (that wasn’t a classification when these two were introduced so they were carapaceons) and let’s be honest there’s only so many times you can make big spiders before it gets old.
these guys are definitely my favorite more “accurate” mons since they really are big scorpions but with deadly crystals (which btw crystallization is another cool thing that should be brought back) and thank you design team and a lot of fictional scorpions for having their eyes not be on top of their head since it’s actually ten times creepier and i can’t handle it lol. i really like how vashimu’s more based in physical/bulky prowess while jebia is speedier and uses its tail—real world scorpions with larger claws tend to be less venomous than those with smaller ones as they can rely on the pinchers more for protection. ones that are smaller/slimmer have to rely on tails and being tricker to harm. while physically they aren’t too different, having the akuras have these varying advantages both makes sense and creates an interesting duo. this might be just me but i also noticed the hair lengths on them are a bit different too? as in jebia’s are shorter. again probably just how i see it.
the kusubami are also just baby scorpions.
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yeah baby scorpions tend to be lighter skinned since they haven’t molted much and are generally more vulnerable. tend to be less territorial as a result so they chill with one another. though this also implies the akuras might be cannibals since scorpions do eat their young. uh oh.
something i would love to see done with a scorpion monster tho is for them to glow since they can, in fact, do that. (TRIGGER WARNING: SHOWING A REAL SCORPION PIC BELOW)
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yeah this is real. it’s unknown exactly the purpose of this, but it’s likely to attract prey who can only see uv light.
idk how a fight with another akura would go if they did glow but seeing how monsters like lucent nargacuga are only fought at night that could be how it’s done. regardless it’s a thing i don’t see enough of with fictional scorpions and i’d love for there to be more.
just gimme another scorpion mon please.
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citnamora · 23 days
I'm always like "oh these two should have had more onscreen chemistry to make the idea of them being a canonical couple now actually believable" knowing damn well that witnessing said onscreen chemistry would make me roll my eyes and go on forever that a romance wasn't necessary
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leggerefiore · 2 years
I am writing this letter because I am going to work at two in the morning. A depot agent reported an accident and called me and Ingo to come fix it. I do not want to go. Our bed was so warrrrrrm. You looked so very cute sleeping, too! This is unfair. I wanted to wake you up, but I know that you have not been sleeping well. So, I left you alone. I really do not want to go. Do you think he set the station on fire? Probably not. Who scheduled such a new worker tonight, anyway? It was not me. Do you think it was Ingo? Verrrrry annoying. Ingo said we're starting our shifts this early, too.
I love you! I love you so much, I want you to wear that verrrry cute costume we bought together when I get off. Stress relief is important! I'll make everything feel amazing! (As usual.) Oh, I saw you made me lunch before bed, too! Thank you. I am sure that your cooking is better than any fast food place. The cupcake you sneaked in makes me happy! :)
I'll call you on my lunch! Please make sure the Joltiks are fed! Love you.
— Emmet.
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heybobbygirl · 11 months
More goofy shit that kid from my class named Kenny did (the one that wore the hot moms shirt)
I'm not sure if all of this is 100% Kenny McCormick behavior but itd be fucking funny if it was him so who cares
This one happened around 2nd grade I think? So we were about 6/7. The class was lined up to head to lunch or something, and he was standing behind me. Back then my mom always put my hair up in braids, and I guess he decided he wanted to get a closer look at them or something? So he just grabs them. And I can feel it. Obviously. But apparently he thought I couldn't? So then I turned around and said something along the lines of "hey can you not do that" and he just looked absolutely stunned like "you can feel that 😨😨??" because I guess he just assumed because it isn't directly touching my head I can't feel it. Wouldn't be surprised if he thought girls had psychic powers for a few years after that lmao
2ND STORY!! This was just last year. I had the same bus as him, and I had the luxury of sitting right across from him the afternoon this happened. The seat in front of Kenny not McCormick had 2 girls sitting in it, and they were very loudly and very poorly explaining periods to him. And it was fucking hysterical. One girl had taken the other girl's phone and showed him a photo of a menstrual cup and he was like "THAT JUST FITS UP THERE???" which he seemed weirdly excited about and I didn't look at their phone screen to see what they were showing him this time but they asked him what it was (for some reason) and he said "THATS A PAD GOING ON THE VAJAYJAY" and this whole time the girl that the phone belonged to was like "guys please stop my mom is gonna be really upset when she sees my search history after this" and I felt bad but that also kinda made it funnier 💀
Last one because I realize those are the only funny ones but when we all had our yearbooks signed at the end of the year he decided he was so important that when he signed mine he deserved to get an entire page to himself and so the last page in my yearbook is completely blank except for "KENNY" written in the shittiest, biggest handwriting possible.
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ahollowgrave · 1 year
// In which Odette & None go fishing...
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You are a world away when you feel the line tug. Your hands respond more out of surprise than any real skill, a sharp tug upward. Out of the corner of your eye, you see None’s big ears twitch and they rise. Embarrassment burns in your cheeks. You want to impress None but fishing has never been one of your talents.
They are next to you soon enough, guiding you through the steps. Pull, reel, pull -- let him go a little, sweets but not too much. Is he heavy? Their voice is a rasp, a fall of gravel. It is low and quiet as though they fear the fish might hear and give up the pursuit. Their fingers close around the pole, carefully avoiding touching you. Gratitude filled you twice over.
With None’s aid, the fish is out of the water before long. They nimbly remove the hook from the fish’s lip - you wince in sympathy, feel a burning in your throat - and then None gestures to you. You lift your arm so they can measure the fish against it, expression thoughtful.
You think None is beautiful. 
(You would never tell them this, they would say thank you but they would hate it.)
Their hair is a dark, deep green that reminds you of moss and their eyes are large and brown like the worn leather of your pack. Their fingers are calloused and their face lined with age and grief. It never tells you much but you know None well enough to read the minute changes.
(You once told them they must have been born old and sad. You had meant it in a mean way. You had been twelve. None had laughed and the sound had filled you with such joy that you saved it, folded it up many times, and stored it in a corner of your heart.)
None pulled the fish back with a shake of their head, the end of their big, droopy ears swaying with the motion.
“Too small.”
They kissed each of the fish’s cheeks, the air just above its scales, and then wordlessly held it out to you.
You obediently leaned forward to mimic the gesture; a kiss for thanks and a kiss for luck. The fish stared blankly back at you, mouth gaping. None turned and squatted to gently release it into the water once more.
“S’good catch,” they murmured as they washed their hands.
“It was too small,” you detest how your voice whines when you say it and you sink a little more into your embarrassment. 
“Lotta things are,” None replied with a shrug. Their voice was dry as ever. Nothing ever phased None and it made you envious, crybaby that you are. “We just try again.” They turned back to you and patted their stomach and, unexpectedly, gifted you with one of their grins; fierce and out of place on their exhausted features.
(You do your best to memorize the expression. Forever stealing traits from those you adore; it is the only love language you know.)
None is saying, “I’ve got a big hunger so, get back to it.” They hand you the fishing line. They have already baited your hook for you and though it wasn’t your hands that pierced the worm with the hook you still feel… queasy. You watch it wiggle for a while, trying to puzzle through the emotions that sit heavy in your stomach. 
None hasn’t let go of the fishing pole. They are watching you.  You don’t mind, you never have. None watches you how they watch everyone; how you imagine a tree might watch a squirrel upon its branch. They are only observing, perhaps some mild concern for safety.
Their eyebrows lift in a silent question.
You want so badly to be something else, at this moment. But you are what you are and your heart beats from the edge of your sleeve.
“Does it hurt…?” your voice is so small.
None’s right ear twitched and they looked down at the worm on the hook.
“Oh.” Not the answer you wanted and your heart constricted painfully.
None makes a noise. Some might think it annoyance, maybe anger. You know it is helplessness. The silence stretches long.
“If I take it off the hook it will likely die anyway, sweets.” Their voice has changed. You hate and love that you have this power; to change the enduring monotone of None’s voice. It is softer now. Like someone has laid velvet over the gravel in a strange attempt at comfort. “Next town I’ll buy different bait.”
It is a victory of a sort but you do not feel pleased. You can only watch the worm on the hook.
Eventually, None casts the line and places the pole in your hands.
“Fish gotta eat, sweets. So do I.” It is gently said and you think None would kiss your brow if you were different. 
For the first time, you are thankful you do not. 
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patrocles · 9 months
watched bottoms and it was really quite bad and unfunny to the point of being boring
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