#this is so cute!!! i love the colors! the outfit!
felassan · 1 day
Just poring over some of the new images. ◕‿◕
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Docktown, Minrathous (in the daytime, in contrast with the gameplay reveal video), reminding us that Minrathous is built on an island. maybe the magic-monorail-looking bridge here is actually the single bridge that goes to Minrathous, like in the lore?
Docktown is the home of Neve. the distinctive floating building is in the distance again. compared to Ferelden, the buildings in Minrathous are like another planet entirely! Tevene architecture/design is so hostile - spikes on chairs, spikes on the sides of buildings.. I wonder if the doorway here is the entrance to the tavern/bar here [second image]. if you look in the window to the left of the door, the figure on the right could be the 'bouncer' at the top of the steps in the bar image. also, outside of here are tables and barrels, like you might expect outside a tavern establishment.
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I'm curious about the heraldry of the boat in the harbor with the blue unfurled flags. it reminds me a bit of this Fereldan heraldry, but the animals are the wrong way round and it isn't quite right. either way, the heraldic animal is also present as the prow of that boat and one other.
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Elf Rook (either City or Dalish but without vallaslin applied in CC), Emmrich and Harding. Rook is a sword-and-shield warrior here, Veilguard symbol on their chest plate, Warden symbol on their shield. Maybe this Rook has the Grey Warden background? anyways, looking closely at Rook's chest plate here, with the gray metal armor, the purple Veilguard symbol on the left, the 'bandolier' of three brown leather pouches across their chest, and the diagonal lines on the plate going the other way, it looks like maybe this Rook is wearing the same 'iconic[?] Rook outfit' as in the key art, or at least the torso piece. They both also have the metal shoulder plates, purple fabric over the elbow area, brown leather gauntlet etc. It's just that in this screenshot Rook isn't wearing a helmet/hood (or has them toggled off in the Options menu? ^^). anyways, I love that purple seems to be the 'iconic[?]' color for Rook, and also look at how this long-haired Rook's hair flows and sits around their neck and shoulders! and again the detailing is cool, like scratches on the shield and stuff.
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Harding's arrow is glowing. Is her bow or arrow enchanted or have some kind of stat buff, or could this be an example of her magical powers in action, like her tarot card art might suggest? also, we can see from the tall skeleton/undead statues in the background and the skull-lid vases in the foreground that this shot is from the Necropolis.
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The groupshot at HQ is so [cat crying screaming].. 🥺🥺 I love it so much, with the round table it has like Knights of the Round Table vibes or something and it's so nice to see everyone together and in their casual outfits too. I hope there are lots of moments like this in the game. ^^ Davrin is whittling wood, something that reminds me of Halsin and my Inquisitor (who is Dalish, and also had that hobby). Did some people.. bring their chair of choice to the meeting room hh? Davrin's looks like it was carved from a tree stump. Harding and Neve have a comfy sofa. Emmrich's looks kind of gothic and Nevarran. Taash's stool [?] is gold and practical-looking.
Taash looks so bored hhh. here we can see Bellara without her magical gauntlet. Do you think Manfred and Assan come to the team meetings..? :D Lucanis has impeccable tailoring, with lil bird-skull looking buttons at his collar. he's buttoned right up and professional looking even in his casual downtime, even when some of the others are the opposite. unsurprisingly his casual clothes have that blue-black corvid feather sheen. surely he has coffee in his mug. ^^ I wonder what Neve's drink of choice is though? from the way Lucanis leans here, do you think Lucanis and Emmrich is one of the companion-companion relationships that might develop like Taash and Harding?
Harding looks so cute and cozy on the couch with the cushion and her slippers, I can't take it. and I really love Neve's casual look with her scarf and hair like that!!
I think this scene is probably from the Lighthouse. Game Informer mentioned that it had a library, which is the central area of the The Lighthouse, and that it's there the party will often regroup and prepare for what’s next. Could this be one of those moments in there? ^^ in the background are stacks of books, and books on shelves, like a library would have. on the table is an assortment of scrolls, maps, papers. you can see a feather quill pen and red wax seals. having the maps in front of Davrin, a Warden and monster-hunter who has probably travelled far and quite a lot, is a nice touch. some of the books look quite ornate and arcane-ish, and are there a few of the 'Bellara'-style triangles on the table as well? and what do you suppose is the blue diamond-looking thing with white veins on the table?
(I'm also curious what the golden thing in the top right is.)
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we can tell from the way it looks but we also know from a file name that this is the Rivain Coast. it's beautiful, it looks so bright and hot, the water is so blue. we first saw this locale in the Thedas Calls trailer from Dragon Age Day 2023. again, in the distance, we can see that statue.
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From a file name, this is Arlathan Forest. everything is suffused in soft golden light, almost whimsical and Fable-like the Game Informer piece said. this shot is framed with those familiar trees with orange foliage e.g one, two, three. this place reminds me of some of the elvhen ruins we got to see in Trespasser. in the top right is green Veil/Fade shenanigans. a place where the Veil is weak, or the edge of this particular Veil bubble? past the wall of green it looks like some of the buildings are broken thanks to the warping, and there are floating rocks.
and look closely at some of the assets -
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there's an owl, which are associated with Falon'Din and Andruil. lots of those howling Fen'Harel wolf statues. they look just like they do in DA:I (I don't mean that they look bad graphically or old or anything, just that the details are the same!!) which is awesome for consistency (also cool to see these return, so many of the art assets in DA:I were rly cool), and might even be the same assets being re-used (which is sensible and sensical for game design, something Mark Darrah talked about before).
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1-victoria-1 · 6 hours
Alastor x Child!Doe!Reader part 3
A/n: this is part 3 of the mini series of alastor x child!doe!reader, I hope you dear readers will enjoy it like the other two parts!
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It was a very special day for you today!
It was your birthday! But while being alive you never got to celebrate it because either you papa (not Al of course) or your mama would be yelling at you or at each other and just basically not caring for you.
You didn't really tell anyone when your birthday was, you thought it wasn't important because of how your parents always reacted to it, but because of how much you loved your new papa and only wanted to celebrate it with him you told him about your birthday and its experience.
It would be a lie if Alastor said that he wasn't furious at your parents, he really thought at first your mother might be better than your father but it looks like he was wrong, he felt quite bad for his little doe daughter, so he thought why not make a small birthday party for you, just with the staff and Rosie, and he might consider adding Lucifer to the list because Charlie for sure tell her father.
Anyways, today was your special little day! And alastor was more then happy to pick out yet another cute outfit for you.
Today he picked out a soft red dress with ruffles of cores and black details on it, and he placed a black bet around you to make the dress look classy and of course black flats and gave you your miniature version of his staff.
He picked you up like always as you babbled to him with excitement to celebrate your birthday with him, not knowing the little birthday party he has planned for you.
When you both went down to the lobby, the staff and the ones who were invited (only Rosie and Lucifer) they yelled cheerfully "Happy Birthday!"
You were at first confused as well you only told Alastor about your birthday but you didn't pay much mind when you started to beam happily and giggling happily, of course you got kisses on your cheek as well as happy birthday wishes, and everyone got you a present and you were curious about them as you have never gotten so many presents on your birthday.
Alastor sat you down on one of the couches in the lobby and went to get the birthday cake and when he came back everyone, including him, sang you the happy birthday song to which you were happily wiggling in your seat which was just adorable!
You blew out the candles on the cake and were allowed to open your presents! Charlie got you a new coloring book with more pages to color and new color pencils, crayons and felt-tip pens! Vaggie didn't really know what to get you so she got you a plushie about which you were supper dupper exited! Angel got you some cute necklaces (and cute earrings if you have holes in your ears for earrings!) and also some bracelets, Husk honestly also didn't know what to get you so he also got you some new drawing supplies and paper to draw on, as well as some juice boxes which he only told you about as he had played them in the bar for you to take. Sir pentious gifted you an invention of his own which wasn't really smart as he only knew how to make war weapons and armory and he gifted you a gun..yeah alastor placed that away from you till you're old enough. Your favorite auntie, Rosie, gifted you a whole new wardrobe of mini versions of the outfits each staff member and the princesses and king and even she wore daily so you were just almost exploding from happiness! And last Luci! He gifted you a duck onesie and some rubber ducks as well!
To say the least you were literally vibrating in your seat from excitement and happiness which was adorable but you needed to calm down to eat the cake which resulted in Alastor picking you up and giving you your usual juice box, it somehow magically always calmed you down.
Then you all ate the cake and celebrated your birthday, after the celebration it was already late and everyone went to sleep but not forgetting to wish you happy birthday again and going to sleep, and you of course as well had your bedtime now, and oh how you babbled alastor's ears off by how happy you were and that it was the best birthday ever!
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A/n: i hope you dear readers enjoyed this part as well as the other two! Sadly it is a bit shorter then the other two but i didn't know what to add to this part, but anyways i hope you enjoyed it anyways!
And credits go to this wonderful person who gave me the idea of the duck onesie from Lucifer! : @whatthefucman
Have a wonderful day and night!
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mystarsohee · 2 days
Hi! What are your thoughts on XDH as caregivers?
xdiz as caregivers !
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genre: fluff
!!! non sexual agere, no cg names used
cg!xdinary, gn!reader
goo gunil 🐹
hes doing his best ok!!
very cautious and careful with you,
because the last thing he wants is for you to get hurt!!!
when you do get hurt, he feels like the worst person alive
immediately panics, and rushes to help you 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
hes the sweetest though,
it takes him a bit to figure out the caregiver thing but he'll get there
he'll do literally anything if its for you
after you sleep he watches videos on things like how to braid hair, how to make cookies, etc
he literally goes down rabbit holes for you
you love it so much so the lack of sleep is worth it for him
kim jungsu 🐱
you think hes the coolest person in the world
only because he can play the piano
whenever he finds out you have a new favorite song, his mission is to learn it on the piano
will definitely give you personal concerts
WITH choreo too ♪( ´θ`)
you'll play along too, trying to get him to complete your hand heart, making signs, etc
and your plushies will also join the fun!!
tried to teach you piano but you just like pressing whatever keys you want
loves holding your hand
loves it even more when you swing your arms back and forth while holding hands
kwak jiseok 🐥
i see him more like an older brother rather than a parental figure (idk how to word this pls understand)
like he'd get so competitive playing video games with you but he'll let you win anyways
he also gets super excited when you open a new toy he forgets its yours LMAO
but yeah he gives total older brother, like hes just playful all the time
(lovingly) teases you (^o^)
sometimes he goes too far by accident but he'll make it up to you with some ice cream and cuddles
he definitely loves to play pretend with you
again hes just super silly, and loves it when you follow along and be silly with him
your ipad is filled to the brim with selfies of the both of you making funny faces
kim seungmin 🦊
idk how you did it but he is absolutely whipped for you
has cuteness aggression because of you
like its bad
he just wants to cuddle you all the time
hugs hugs hugs
he just loves you so bad
you'll catch him staring at you and you just look at him like (-.-) wut
whenever the members are hanging out with you guys,
he gets all serious and makes sure they behave!!
he doesn't want them to be too loud or anything around you thats why
you could get him to buy whatever toy you want
only if you give him plenty of hugs of course
doesn't like letting you do anything for yourself
in a good way, you're just a little baby anyways
han hyeongjun 🐰
he loves to color with you
one time you got sad because his coloring was very neat, unlike yours
after that he made sure to never color inside the lines again
loves to read you bedtime stories
sometimes he'll make up stories too,
he'll get too invested and won't realize that you're asleep already
so patient with you
if you can't decide what you want to eat
he'll stay in the kitchen with you going through the fridge and pantry and coming up with ideas for you to choose from
paints your nails!!! (i wrote abt this btw hehe)
you two try to have movie nights, but your attention span isnt very high..
just ends up with you falling asleep tbh
its okay he'll carry you to your room of course (^��^ )
lee jooyeon 🐺
takes playing pretend SO seriously
like the both of you will have foam swords in your hands,
and you guys are crawling around the house together so you don't get caught by the broccoli monster (≧∀≦)
you love it tho
he LOVES making you laugh
like he'll do whatever it takes
silly dances, dressing up in a funny outfit
accidentally turned you into a mega prankster
when he pranks his own members, you're usually around so you take from him
obviously since you learned from him he knows its coming
but he will 'fall for it' just for you
the two of you will team up against his members you will die of laughter everytime
he would definitely sing you to sleep
you end up not being able to sleep without him singing,
so he'll record a bunch of lullabies for you, even making songs for you whenever hes away!
authors note: HI ANON!! thank you for sending this in, i lowkey rushed it :< this is my first time doing bulletpoints or anything thats not a full fic so im kind of nervous!! pls send feedback!! i have another request waiting.. i feel bad because it was sent in a few days ago :(( but its also xdiz related so i guess this helped brainstorm!
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nouverx · 4 months
I always forget that autodesk sketchbook has a timelapse option 😔✌️
I am the type of artist who sketches everything on the same layer and would rather clean the sketch endlessly than do lineart. My friends always say I'm a madman for doing that but it's just so relaxing to me they don't get me
Here's the final sketch btw
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heartorbit · 10 months
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a new world together
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chiricat · 2 years
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birthday gift for a friend 🎉
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suntails · 6 months
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so like @memoryoflife gave me quite possibly the best comm ever
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larachelledrawsfe · 1 year
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Avenir | Successeur | Lindwurm
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flyttadigsart · 9 months
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she simply has the range.
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years
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a few doodles because swatchlings would love halloween i think. dressing up is fun :)
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hollypies · 8 months
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Heyyyyyy 💗
Fun fact!! This hair cosmetic was from my very first traveling spirit!! Its special to mee
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dongjunz · 1 year
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quirkle2 · 1 year
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colorful summer boy
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coincasual · 1 year
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a gift for @everafterwhat of her version of cupid!
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rayix · 5 months
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**bullies you**
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p1x1x · 29 days
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#momonina#kindof. embarrassed to post this one bc its just pure fluff lmao… theyre so LAME in this pic (/j)#i can hear mmk going ったく…#nn’s outfits are always soooo cute though#waaaaaah i love the fashion….#miiiight color it though..#edit incoming#future pix here#mmnn#<- decided the drawings of the two of em can have momonina in them but if it leans more romo than plato it has mmnn#bc i rotate them in my head so fast#but as the days pass i get really crazy over them being Not Romantic but still More than That#im losing my Mind tbh#the only thing im certain of is that mmk is definitely a lesbian all things considered like look at her LMAO#everytime i rewatch i do consider how gay her actions are...???#(i've been rotating mmnn around in my mind since ep 1 tbh... the codependency was tempting...!)#but i keep thinking abt mmk herself saying “i saw my past self in you” in like. ep 2 already... and it would linger in my mind#i had written in my notes a While back#like when ep 4 was airing#that it just felt like mmk was trying to be kind to her past self ykno#because she believed that the her now... had failed in her dream#so yknow... by giving the guitar she was trying to have nn continue that dream for her (leading into mmk “guiding nn”)#ofc nn gives back her guitar though and i thank that person on twitter everyday for putting it so well#LIKE AGHHH THEIR MEETING WAS FATE BUT THE ACTIONS THEY TOOK TO PULL EACH OTHER UP... KILL ME!!!!#the choices they make regarding themselves... of staying true to themselves... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgjhg#idk how many people will see this edit so im just treating it like the void (haha Void) here#(i've made that joke multiple times to myself now#i still think about. how mmnn were drawn to the honesty of each other#and yet. didnt exactly recognize each other as an actual person yet?#nn loved void and so loved mmk for creating it and saving her life. so mmk was a savior to her
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