#this is so fucking cool!!!!
roman-roy-apologist 1 year
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deepspacedukat 1 year
Imagine Letant with a secret Tumblr account
Also, let's see if Tumblr will let me upload this picture of a Romulan sword from that "Way of D'era" book...
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And since it won't let me upload the image with the description I will type it out instead: "The Vrelnec is the traditional Romulan sword. Although throughout Romulan history there have been dozens, if not hundreds, of sword designs, this one is the most popular and influential. It consists of a straight, single-edged blade about 110-120 cm long; the blade curves outward slightly at the tip. The hilt is similar to a basket hilt on an Earth sword; it protects the hand and is often elaborately decorated. Overall the Vrelnec is similar to an Earth sabre or cutlass, but its blade tends to be even heavier, increasing the damage it does but also prevent long duels (the wielder's arm tends to tire quickly). The traditional art of "fencing" with one of these swords is known as "vrelnecrek""
There's also a dagger variant called a "Neca" that doesn't always have the basket hilt.
Some Beta sources state that Romulans have "honor-blades" called "dathe'anofv-sen". The ENT Romulan War novels make mention of them. I don't think they'd be the same as these, but I still wanted to share some Beta canon about Romulan melee weapons as I thought you'd also find these interesting!
Now here's hoping Tumblr sends this one. I tried telling you about them few days ago but I guess the images were too big for an ask...
OH MY GOD. ROMULAN S W O R D!! I mean, I knew Romulans had daggers/knives, but I had no idea they had SWORDS. As someone who has doodled many swords and enjoyed many tales of knights and kings as a kid, thank you so much for this Beta Canon info (with educational image)!!
Guess who's gonna be givin' Hiren a fuckin' sword in his fic! 馃槆 Mans is gonna be good with more than one kind of sword, if you know what I mean... 馃憖 *ahem* That is not what you intended to provoke in my brain, but that's where my brain went.
Anyway, thank you so much for taking the time to send me all of this detailed information!! I really, really appreciate it!! 馃挌
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chicago-geniza 2 years
guess who now owns a copy of stefania zahorska's 1925 monograph on matejko from, uh, it turns out [checks notes] the personal library of fernand l茅ger's wife wanda grabowska when she was still his student in paris (no not the one who became 偶eli艅ska, she died in 1904; this is the "n茅e" of nadia l茅ger) (i assume she & stefania met through stefania's lectures at the szko艂a sztuk pi臋knych &/or her public talks at the arts appreciation society in warsaw around '22-'23 when wanda/nadia moved to warsaw for school, and stefania must have given her a copy when she went to paris in '26 to cover Exhibition Season for wiadomo艣ci, including l茅ger's atelier & pupils at the Galerie d鈥橝rt Contemporain; this copy has a different, Special Edition hard cover with fancy binding and gold filigree text, not the flimsy paperbacks that were advertised everywhere or that you usually see on sale, and not like the 偶ak monograph i have from the same series, which is in mint condition, so i imagine it was either a first tirazh or a an exclusive batch for Art World Colleagues. it's also made smaller and more portable than the 偶ak monograph, about the dimensions of a pocketbook, something you could slip into your coat for convenience like a playbill or a non-souvenir exhibit catalogue, one that does not aspire to be a paperweight or a coffee table centerpiece. & the pages are glossy!)
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emilnikos 5 months
I need non autistic people to realise meltdowns are a real debilitating thing that has a serious effect on your mental and physical health NOWWWWW!!! The way its been trivialized and lessened pisses me the fuck off. It's not a tantrum and it doesn't come from "being too weak-willed" it's painful and it's embarrassing AND MOST OF ALL IT'S INVOLUNTARY!! Don't claim to be an ally to autistic or disabled people and then make fun of people who have meltdowns. Literally get the hell out of my sight
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cozylittleartblog 1 month
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"content creator" is a corporate word.
we are artists.
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keymintt 10 months
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a comic/zine about coyotes
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natewithacake 2 months
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tibli 4 months
I love when arthropods have a pseudopupil. It's so whimsical and cute, and they come in so many varieties!!
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little kitty cat eyes!!!
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bombastic side eyes!!!!
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cartoon character eyes!!!!
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bigass anime eyes!!!!!
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BE NOT AFRAID eyes!!!!!
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kabru and mithrun's fun succubus adventure
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abucketofweird 9 months
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I can鈥檛 get over this one shot:
It鈥檚 the version of Ahsoka in TCW that we knew. She was badass and deadly.
But now we see that she鈥檚 also a kid. She was trained to be a child soldier. This is her after years of fighting and learning how to handle herself in a battlefield.
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cringethursday 2 years
My physics professor just told the class the wildest story from when he was in grad school about building a high voltage unauthorized Tesla coil with the ability to kill a man
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mmm-asbestos 2 years
thinking about hospital and university underground tunnels....
there is something about them....
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kennythetrampvamp 10 months
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atthebell-moved 1 year
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f1nn5ter is putting together a $50k fund for trans people in the uk <3
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diabloii 11 months
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help me
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littlegoldfinchh 2 years
Hey are you the person who photoshopped the picture of Dolly Parton holding the sword from bloodborne? Because I did this
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