#this is so incoherent whatever who fucking cares man i promise im trying to do it all right please just want this shit to be ok
toastsnaffler · 2 years
I do literally everything my phone is off for hours before bed + I'm active and eating well during the day I'm reading + meditating to wind down + going to bed at a sensible time + my room is comfortable and dark and the right temperature and literally everything else I know every fucking trick in the book im doing them all I promise and i still cant fucking sleep. what does it want.
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prettyinpunk85 · 5 years
Amor Prohibido (part 4)
Amor Prohibido (4/?)
Pairing: Angel Reyes X Reader
Word Count: I don’t know. Who gives a shit.
Warnings: Language. Violence. Talk of sex.
Tags: @dearsamcrobae, @celestemaquilladora​
Not my gif.
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Sitting on top of a picnic table outside of Teller-Morrow, she takes a long drag of her smoke starring ahead. Thinking about him.
Opie sits next to her and puts an arm around her shoulders, “Hey sister girl, what’s up? You look pensive.” She half laughs shrugging, “Just thinking about how shitty and unfair life can be.” He lights his cigarette taking a drag and nods exhaling, “Very true. Life’s a bitch. Care to elaborate?” She looks down thinking and half smiles shaking her head, “Nah... No thanks. I don’t feel like I can talk to anyone about what’s been going on with me. Everyone is against it. So I have to keep it all to myself. It’s been fucking hard and lonely, Op.” He turns his head and looks at her, “Dude, you’re like my sister. I’ve known you since we were kids. We grew up together. Why couldn’t you talk to me, baby girl?” She takes a drag of her cigarette, “Because your loyalty is with the club.” He nods, “I know, I get it. But it’s also not healthy for you to keep things in. And it’s not very fair for you to go through whatever it is that’s going on alone.” She shrugs, “Life is a bitch, remember? Nothing much we can do about it.” He puts the smoke out, “Talk to me.”
She stares down at the ground, “I’m sure you know about me and the Mayan... Angel..” He nods, “I do..” She brushes her hair back, “Opie, I like him. I really fucking do. I think about him non-stop and I can’t help it. He makes me feel like no one has ever made me feel. I can admit it now.” She wipes her eyes and looks at Opie sad, “And he played me. I’m such an idiot. I fell for it. And now I feel so fucking heartbroken. It hurts. A lot.” He watches her face, “Y/N, what do you mean that he played you?” She sniffs, “So one night we had like this drunken one night stand or whatever. I woke up, freaked out and left the next morning while he was sleeping. Then a couple of nights ago he gave me a ride home. We hung out, we had what I thought was a great time. We had a couple of beers and then had sex again. I wake up the next day and he’s gone. Just like that. Just like what I did. He ghosted me. He won’t even talk to me at all. Won’t text me back or call me back. He got what he wanted. He wanted to be the one in control. The one that left.”
Opie swallows hard looking down feeling guilty, “That’s harsh. That’s some hardcore bullshit, sister.” She gets up wiping her eyes and half smiles feeling stupid, “It’s whatever. I’ll get over it. Can you please do me a favor?” He nods, “Anything, hun.” She wipes her face, “I don’t feel well, I’m going to go home. Can you please tell Gemma and Jax?” He stands up and hugs her, “I will, no worries. You don’t deserve any of this. None of it is your fault. It’ll get better though, I promise. Give it some time, time heals. The heart can’t help what it wants.” She nods and gives him a sad smile with teary eyes, “Bye, Op.” she turns around walking to her car and leaves.
Opie walks into the shop looking at Jax, “Come here, J. We gotta talk.” Jax wipes his greasy hands on a rag and walks away with Opie. They walk towards the side of the building where there is no one else there. Jax looks at Op worried, “What is it, man? Everything okay?” Opie sighs, “I feel fucking horrible. I just talked to Y/N and I couldn’t tell her the truth, Jax. She’ll hate us.” Jax shakes his head, “It’s fine. It’ll pass, give her time and she’ll move on and forget about him.” Opie looks at Jax confused, “And what makes you think that, man? You act like she’s done this a lot. Never has something like this happened to her. Never has she ever given any of us trouble. Quite the opposite actually. She’s always been there for us.” Jax scoffs, “Op, since when are you so gung-ho about this?! You like this dude?!” Opie looks at him serious, “You really actually think that’s how it is with me? Open your eyes, man. Do I like that dude? Not really. Could she do way better? Yeah. You haven’t seen her though. She’s so broken up about this. I’ve never seen her like this before. It’s real, man. It’s true. And I feel like such an asshole failure for not being there for her. She’s pretty much alone in this and it doesn’t seem like you or many others care.”
Jax shrugs starring ahead, “Im doing this to protect her. Look, it doesn’t matter anyway. It’s been done. We had the meeting with Alvarez and Bishop already. They agreed that they would make him stay away. It’s done.” Opie looks at him clenching his jaw, “Then fucking undo it, Jax.” Opie walks away leaving, feeling guilty and pissed off.
A week later.
Gemma looks around confused and keeps knocking on the front door of Y/N’s house. Nothing. She searches in her purse and finally finds a spare key. She unlocks the front door and slowly walks in. She goes to the kitchen setting a bag full of groceries down on the table, along with her purse. Gemma looks around wondering if she should maybe grab her gun out of her purse because she’s feeling uneasy. “Y/N?” She hears a mumbling coming from Y/N’s room. She opens the door and she’s laying in bed. Gemma sits on her bed looking at her. “I haven’t heard from you in days. You’ve been avoiding all of our calls. We’ve tried to give you some space. You haven’t been to work. This ain’t like you.” She shrugs looking at Gemma and laughs a bit. Gemma raises and eyebrow, “Oh my God. You’re hammered. Get up and undress. Now.” Gemma gets up and goes and starts the shower. She scoffs, “Gemma. I’m not getting up. I’m a grown person. If I want to be hammered and wallow in my own sadness at home, I can.” Gemma rolls her eyes, “Get in the shower.” Y/N gets up mad mumbling incoherently. She walks over to the bathroom sliding her panties off and takes her tshirt off over her head getting into the shower.
Gemma leans back on the wall crossing her arms, “Sweetie, what’s going on?” Y/N stands under the water letting it run down her body and starts crying. Gemma sighs, “C’mon, girl. I’m here.” She keeps crying, “I’m just heartbroken and it’s so ridiculous.” Gemma half laughs, “No. It’s just life. You’re stronger than this though. I raised you to be strong.” Y/N brushes her wet hair back, “Jax doesn’t let me have a love life. He needs to get over it. He can do whatever he wants, but I can’t. I mean, Gemma look. You just made a grown ass woman get in the shower.” Gemma starts to clean around the bathroom and bedroom. “I’m gonna go make you some coffee, sweetie.”
Y/N gets out of the shower putting on some clean jogger pants and a v-neck tshirt. She goes over to the table and sits down with her forehead on her palm starring down at the mug of coffee. She listens to Gemma starting the washer after stripping Y/N’s sheets and comforter off of her bed. Gemma comes back and sits down across from Y/N watching her, “You need to stand up to Jax more. Show him where the line is and that he can’t cross it. You’re letting him. You know he’s stubborn.” She takes a drink of the coffee and sets the mug down looking at Gemma, “No one is ever going to want to be with me because of all this crazy shit. No one is going to want to be a part of it. Angel got beat up because of Jax. He opened his eyes, saw all this crazy and ran away. Ghosted me. And I don’t blame him. If I saw all of this from the other side, I’d run too.” Gemma exhales thinking, “Honey, it’s all crazy. This guy, his life is probably crazy too. It’s the biker life. It’s the MC life. You should know that. He should know that. Crazy comes with all of this. You have to decide if this is really what you want. And if this guy never talks to you again, his loss. You’re amazing.”
She gets up, kisses Y/N’s head and puts the groceries that she brought over away. “Thanks, Gemma. You’re just saying that though because you’re biased. Because you know me and raised me.” Gemma laughs, “Sweetie, no. I’m serious. You deserve the best. If this guy or any other guy can’t see it, fuck them. And like I said, you need to show, not just talk. You need to show Jackson where the lines are and when not to cross. He’s my son, I love him. He’s great, but I know how he can get.”
Y/N finishes her coffee and nods, “You’re right, Gemma. Thank you.” Gemma smiles at her gently holding Y/N’s chin, “Anytime, baby girl. You’re going to be okay.” She nods, “I feel better now, thank you. For everything, always.” She gets up and hugs Gemma tight and they say goodbye. She stands by the living room window watching Gemma leave and she sighs rubbing her aching head.
Coco talks to EZ as they both stare at Angel who’s sitting up at the bar, “He’s barely said a word lately.” EZ nods taking a drink of his beer, “Marcus has an understanding with Jax Teller.” Coco looks over at EZ confused, “About that chick?” EZ looks at Coco and slowly nods, “Yeah, Bish told Angel to stay away from her. Or really... Ordered him. What could he do? Angel is in the club, you can’t fight shit like that.” Coco takes a drink of beer and nods, “It’s a part of the life. It’s for the best anyway... Probably..” EZ shrugs, “Why though? What if they do really like each other and make each other happy? I mean, it’s Angel. What woman is going to willingly tolerate him for long? It’s slim pickings for his ass.” EZ jokes half smiling at the thought and looks over at his brother.
Angel stares down at his drink thinking about that almost perfect morning. They had spent the night at her house laughing and having some drinks. Talking about life, she was so easy to talk to. Even having the best sex he’s ever had, but more than that. Connecting. He woke up that morning smiling, watching her sleep when his phone vibrated. It was a text from Bishop.
“Meeting. Now.”
He gently got up, got dressed quietly and left. He wasn’t trying to ditch her. He wasn’t trying to sneak out like she had that first morning that they were together. All he wanted was to stay with her. The club called though. Little did he know that he was leaving her there for good. The meeting was for him. The meeting was him being told that there was a deal with SAMCRO where he stayed away from Y/N and never talked to her again.
He quickly wipes his eyes and finishes his drink. He just left her there. She probably thought that he had used her and abandoned her. To get back at her. It’s exactly what it looked liked and he couldn’t do anything about it. He couldn’t explain things to her or beg her for forgiveness. He couldn’t talk to her or see her at all, ever again. If she for some reason came around, he was not even to look at her.
A guy walks by drunk and laughing with his friends, accidentally pushing Angel into the bar. The guy laughs and looks at Angel, “I’m so sorry about that, man.” Angel gets up looking at him pissed, “Why don’t you watch where you’re going?!”
Coco points, “Hey boy-scout, you best go get your carnal.” EZ gets up knowing what’s about to happen, “C’mon, Coco. This is about to get fucked up. Angel ain’t right.” The guy looks at Angel confused, “Look, dude. I said that I was sorry. I don’t want any problems.” Angel shakes his head and yells, “You wanna come for me?! C’mon! I’m right here!” Angel punches him hard and the guy falls down to the ground. Angel then gets on top of the guy punching him over and over. EZ and Coco pull him off and EZ looks at Angel serious, “Enough! We gotta go. Now.”
A month later.
Opie smiles at Y/N sitting on the couch next to her, “C’mon. Let’s go to my friend’s BBQ. It’ll do you good. You’ll get out of the house, get some fresh air, eat some grub and have a beer or two. Maybe even talk to other humans?” She smiles and chuckles a bit getting up, “Okay, then. I’ll go get dressed. I’m only doing this because you’re asking me to.” He nods smiling satisfied, “Great! Lyla will meet us there.” She smiles nodding, “Perfect” She goes to her room not really wanting to go to this bbq, but she doesn’t want to say no to Opie. She takes a quick shower and gets dressed. She goes back out to the living room grabbing her purse, “I’m ready. Thanks for waiting.” He gets up, “Let’s hit the road, Jack!”
Lyla smiles at Y/N while making the kids plates, “I’m really glad you got out of the house and came.” Y/N smiles nodding, “I’m also glad that I came. I haven’t been out of my house in a while. The sun feels great.” Y/N finishes the little bit of food that she put on her plate, “Hey, Lyla I’m going to go inside and find a bathroom.”
She walks inside the house and uses the bathroom. She washes her hands thinking, wishing that she was at home in bed. Alone from the world. The little that she ate churning a bit in her stomach. She dries her hands and looks at herself in the mirror and sighs. She walks out of the bathroom walking down the hall looking at all the pictures that are hanging on the walls. She stops and stares at a picture, thinking to herself. This family looks happy. The man and the woman in the picture look like they are in love... They have kids... The kids look happy. She half smiles not feeling at all like she could have a life like that.
Opie watches her from the other end of the hallway, “Hey girl... You okay?” She looks over at him a little startled, “Hey, I’m okay Opes.” She goes to walk passed him and he steps in the way, “We can leave if you want. Um, I could take you home. You don’t look too thrilled about being here.” She looks up at him confused, “Uh... I’m fine... I didn’t say anything. At least I got out of the house. That’s a big step for me.” He smiles nervously and nods, “This is a nice house, right?” She furrows her eyebrows, “Opie, what’s going on?” He shakes his head trying to block her path, “Nah. I’m just making sure you’re cool. Like you said, this is a pretty big step.” She pushes her way passed him feeling really confused, “Dude, you’re being kinda weird.” She looks out of the living room window seeing Angel out in the front lawn of the house talking to some guys, including EZ.
She looks at Opie confused, “What the fuck is he doing here?!” Opie sighs rubbing his head, “Look, I’m sorry. I saw him get here while you were in the bathroom. I didn’t want you to see him. This is all my fault, I shouldn’t have made you come.” She exhales thinking and before Opie can grab her she heads out of the front door and to the front yard. “No wait, come back! Don’t go out there!” Opie follows her.
EZ looks up and his smile fades, “Oh shit.” Angel looks at him confused and then looks over to see what EZ is looking at, “Fuck.” EZ and the other guys back away as Y/N rushes over to Angel. “So you thought that shit was funny?! Just using me and then ghosting me?! Like you do all this other girls!” Angel looks down and over to the side. “Ha! Okay. Big tough man can’t even face me. So what then, you can’t even look at me. You fuck em, leave em and then you can’t deal with them! No consequences for Angel Reyes.” She stands there starring up at him breathing heavy. Angel shrugs still looking away. Still not looking at her. “Thank you, Angel. Sorry that I was an idiot that thought that you liked me.” She gets choked up and starts to cry. “I fell for it. Hook, line and sinker. Jokes on me, asshole.” Opie gently grabs her arm, “Come on, hun. I’ll take you home.” He walks to his truck with Y/N trying to console her. Angel turns around to start to head towards her and EZ steps in front of him, blocking his way. EZ looks at Angel with a serious look and shakes his head. Angel quickly wipes his eyes furious and gets on his bike leaving.
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kinkymagnus · 4 years
I love you (no Romo though) also do you have omega Magnus ideas
flkgjdgkdjfg mood anon
hm... ok this will probably be messy but let’s get on some highlights
set up and worldbuilding my guys
ok so first of all i feel like i gotta talk about how this interacts with trans magnus. i promise i’ll get to the fun stuff afterwards!!
i know some people like to go more into like, the realistic dynamics of a/b/o (trans a/b/o people, as in, a trans alpha who was born an omega, or like, sexism that has to do with a/b/o and those different new stereotypes, as well as like “non traditional a/b/o dynamics” like alpha/alpha or omega/omega relationships, how this interacts with new different sexualities (being attracted to only alpha females? alphas and betas and all primary genders? etc.) and how it intersects with REAL transphobia and sexism and sexuality) and like.... i have two takes on this i guess:
one: while this is not inherently wrong i guess, it’s just. not what i get from a/b/o. for me a/b/o isn’t a complex worldbuilding set to play with necessarily, although i def am one to ask questions and overthink worldbuilding even in the stupidest of shit. but like, i come to a/b/o for fluff (nesting, fluffy heat sex, maybe scenting and/or “mates” if i’m feeling it), smut (knotting, heats/ruts, etc.), and MAYBE angst but that gets into dodgy territory sometimes. (i’m a slut for arranged marriage aus tho ngl dfgkldjfdg.) like. that specific set of tropes is combined perfectly in a/b/o, and it’d be hard to do that in a coherent au as this is already established and saying “au where alec has knots and magnus has heats” is weird. the only other au that gets close is very specifically like a werewolf au which has its own trappings, you know? it’s a specific coherent and established au and it’s hard to separate the tropes i like from the other stuff.
two: again, i don’t think it’s inherently bad. but i do think that a lot of people who do this are basically just reinventing real issues like transphobia, homophobia/queerphobia, and sexism... without actually dealing with those things or the characters they would involve. and i think that it often strays into yikes territory. so like. i don’t love it. (also it does have some yikes stuff people do like going really, really hard on the oppressed omega angle, or worse, reinforcing the gender roles of omega = submissive soft weak baby, alpha = strong dominant and scary man. or sometimes they establish other roles but either way like, all their characters fall into that. and i think sometimes it kind of works for this feeling like a guilty pleasure trash romance novel where it’s just uncomplicated fantasy of being taken care of, but like.... even then it just gets dodgy, you know? also it does tend to get INCREDIBLY rapey.)
i often used a/b/o for the things i mentioned, and before i started writing trans magnus smut, also ironically as a way to sort of write trans magnus in smut without actually doing it out of fear of backlash/lack of popularity. and while backlash hasn’t been much of a problem, my popularity has definitely gone down fics-wise. (i get much less in the stats area on ao3 now)
and cis omega magnus is in a way basically trans magnus but he has a penis and there’s knotting. like i said, in many ways, a/b/o is sort of a way to write porn with trans characters while keeping to cisnormativity. i, as a trans person, took advantage of that to get more comfortable with writing it, but a lot of cis people use it basically to just. do that. you know.
so how do i reconcile this with trans magnus?
basically i say “fuck you, he’s trans AND an omega, i want heats/ruts and knotting and nesting and shit” and then ignore it lmao
like ok he isn’t cis. he’s afab and gnc and all the shit i normally write, it’s just like. he also gets heats and his ass doesn’t get wet dlfkjgdfg (god it sounds So Unappealing when you say it like that. now that i allow myself to write smut with real trans characters i could never go back to a/b/o--although, like. some a/b/o aus actually do have male omegas have a pussy but that feels even more slimy in the sense of just. make them trans.) and like alec’s an alpha and so on you know.
i basically just ignore all the complex worldbuilding shit and trying to figure out how sexuality and gender and the various -phobias and -isms would be effected by the addition of secondary genders and their trappings, and just go “fuck you” under the guise of an a/b/o au
tl;dr, so i have a lot of complicated feelings on a/b/o and how it generally is something i do not trust people to write properly. but i also am a total slut of a lot of tropes that are sort of entrenched in a/b/o specifically. namely, heats/ruts, knotting, nesting/scenting, etc.
let’s get into the fun stuff.
magnus and heats :)
ok so heats are super like. vulnerable, you know? i’d think magnus would take heat suppressants (ah another plot convenience in this au) because he doesn’t want to spend his heat with someone he doesn’t trust. that’s not to say he’s never had a heat with someone, or even that it’s been all bad experiences, but it never clicked super well i think and like, it’s something that’s very hard for him. because there’s a lot of vulnerability and trust involved, and he loses control and could so easily get hurt
also possibility: while he can take suppressants to lessen how many times he gets a heat, taking them consistently for literally centuries sounds like it could fuck someone up. so. perhaps. magnus occasionally spends his heat with a trusted friend like meliorn (not someone who feels like Family and therefore would it feel incesty, but def someone who is a close friend) and while he still doesn’t love the feeling of being that vulnerable, and it can be uncomfortable--it’s not like he’s looking forward to it--but like... he definitely does trust meliorn (and possibly other non canon characters?) and it’s not like it’s disgusting and miserable. it’s not like, The Same, but it satisfies the biological side of it and sometimes it’s even like. fun, you know? it’s nice.
ngl i actually kind of like the idea of meliorn helping him with these heats and being like a trusted alpha he knows would never hurt him like that. that does mess with any angst you want to go with him not trusting alphas or not like, having good experiences with heats/ruts (like in “stuck in a rut”), but like, different aus different stories, and anyway you could probably work something in there about meliorn specifically being different and someone he trusts
this is on and off, he sometimes does have heats with whatever romantic partner he’s with, although it... doesn’t always end well. so he has a lot of bad experiences, but at least with meliorn he has a good experience to look to, as well.
also camille was a TERRIBLE alpha. i can 100 percent see her using his heat against him to hurt him (and being like oh baby dont you trust me? you cant go to this seelie for your heats, you cant cheat on me, and why are you taking suppressants, dont you trust me--?) as well as potentially her ruts (actually a) im not sure i want to go into the logistics of a female alpha--would she... have a penis? because i’m not making camille a trans woman nor am i touching those transmisgyonistic vibes with a ten foot pole. b) actually, maybe she’s a beta. she could use that against him, as well--being like she doesn’t understand why it’s such a big deal, you know? also i refuse to believe only an alpha can satiate a heat even tho it would work the best because like--fuck i’m overthinking the worldbuilding again this is EXACTLY what i wanted to avoid. fuck, never mind.)
but like...........when he gets it (namely with alec, because yes, i am a slut) with like someone he honestly is a viable “mate” or someone he trusts and like, has actual romantic feelings for, too...............it’s literally mindblowing. magnus had no fucking idea heats could feel this good. obviously he had fun with meliorn and felt safe even if he felt kind of awkward/uncomfortable (not bc of anything meliorn did but his own issues with being vulnerable) but like............... alec just fucking makes him melt???
like he felt safe before, he did know meliorn would never ever hurt him or take advantage of his heat, but now he feels so like... free and safe and open? it’s not just the normal vulnerability that comes with but the complete lack of discomfort, just feeling absolutely safe and like. not worried at all? again i want to emphasize it’s not that he felt unsafe before or that meliorn necessarily did something wrong, but bc of his own like. readiness to be vulnerable + while he does trust meliorn, it’s like. it hits different with a romantic partner (in this specific context!! this is not a romantic > platonic thing), if that makes sense.
an y wa  y THE POINT IS. magnus is like. Mind Blown. having sex with alec during his heat is like. amazing. alec is so intent on taking care of him and just worshiping his body (alec!! ravishing him!! pressing warm kisses all over his tits!!! big hands all over his body!! caressing him everywhere and giving him physical affection all over and just making him squirm and moan!!!!!!) and like. not only is he absolutely intent on taking care of magnus and making him feel good and making sure he’s comfortable, but like also it’s just??? really fun?? and alec gives him so much affection and so many kisses???
magnus is not the best conversation partner during heat because he is a little. busy. but it doesn’t stop alec from talking to him and helping him stay grounded and just like... treating him like a person? he hadn’t realized one of the reasons he was so comfortable with meliorn and now alec wasn’t just bc he knew them well and trusted them with this kind of thing, but because like. they treated him like he was present despite him being mostly non-verbal and incoherent beyond vague pleading. like, they always made sure he was comfortable and talked to him and didn’t just do what they wanted with him. it didn’t feel like he was a doll--getting satisfied and fucked hard, yes, but like. also sort of just being used. and not in the fun sexy pre-planned way, but like, in a way that just made him feel more distant and disconnected.
but alec very much doesn’t do that. he keeps talking (and there is a lot of praise! so much praise and gentle affection and teliing him how beautiful he is and how good he’s doing--and of course dirty talk wink wink) and even narrating what he’s doing/his intentions, you know, and not only his voice generally soothing but it’s just nice you know
and like again i would just like to go back to alec ravishing magnus’s tiddies with kisses and holding them in his Big Hands and massaging them and like kissing his nipples and just making him feel so good??? iconic. we stan.
and alec like. is the perfect mix of gentle and rough, you know? he knows when to pin magnus down and fuck him nice and hard and rough and get him squealing and begging, but he also knows when to be gentle--particularly at the beginning and when he’s coming down. not to mention even when he is fucking magnus hard there’s a lot of gentle touch accompanying it
also not to just be a slut but
Also It Feels Good Because Alec Has a Huge Cock
that’s not to say meliorn doesn’t or even that you need a big dick to pleasure someone well but like.
alec has a big cock.
and it feels. hhhhh. good
magnus when alec first slides into him in heat: [straight up just immediately goes incoherent and whining with pleasure and kinda just mewling and clawing weakly at his back or the sheets on either side of him]
and alec fucks him so well :) like they’re honestly both feeling so fucking good like just AAAAAAAAA im such a slut for alec taking care of magnus in heat
also. uhh. K N O T T I N G
alec sliding into him nice and slow to make sure hes ok and like hes loving it, alec fucks him, and when he’s about to knot him magnus is somewhere in the back of his mind expecting that usual queasy sort of anticipation like he does Want It but usually he does kind of feel a little discomfort and again just... apprehension. this is The Moment, and he’s really giving up control you know
but it. doesnt come (but magnus is about to AHAHA)
and he just wants.
like he honestly just really really wants this and it’s kind of a revelation how much he genuinely wants this
alec knots him and magnus is Losing His Mind it feels so fucking good he comes almost right away and he’s just right there again
hes so Full and everything about it feels amazing
and like after alec has like. made him come a dozen times squirting and came inside magnus’s cunt and kept him knotted full there’s just this moment where magnus is exhausted in the best way, lying on his back, legs spread, alec still knotted inside him, his cunt is full of cum and he’s panting and moaning a little and alec is just on top of him and it’s warm and amazing and he’s coming down from the high and he just feels.... incredibly relaxed actually
like he’s like wow have i ever been this melty and relaxed and floaty, like, ever?
the answer is no, not really.
alec is just gently stroking his hair, pressing soft close-mouthed kisses to his skin, and they just sort of cuddle for a bit while waiting for magnus to come down completely from his heat and for alec’s knot to go down and honestly just lying there entwined is really, really nice.
magnus is full and relaxed and he genuinely loves this feeling in a way he’s never experienced before
even when alec pulls out and magnus is pretty much back to himself completely again magnus is so exhausted he just sort of lies back and lets himself breathe and alec is like Pamper Mode Activate(TM) and magnus tries to be like its ok to relax i do like cuddling with you and i can clean up myself its ok and alecs like But I Want To Take Care Of You and like helps clean him up (just... magnus lets himself relax as alec gently uses a damp cloth to wipe away cum and slick you know? idk there’s just something intimate and sweet about the dom helping clean their sub up in the aftercare) and gets him water and a snack and then once they’re both tidied up pulls him into his arms and he strokes his hair and they just cuddle and it’s great :)
i wonder if magnus talks to meliorn about this either. hm
and from then on, alec is the one he goes to for heats. and alec, of course, becomes immortal, which means he can take care of magnus for the rest of their lives :’))
whether magnus would stay on suppressants is another matter because on one hand heats can be inconvenient and like he might still want to minimize them, but on the other hand Hnnnnnnggg Alec Feel Good. so i could see them going either way here.
also i mean................that’s not to say that meliorn would Never help magnus either..... two possibilities here: 1. for whatever reason magnus’s heat is coming and alec can’t be there. meliorn is happy to help. it’s good to have back up i guess lkjfgh fuck idk. but the real fun one....
2. as magnus has more heats, they may or may not have a little Fun with it. perhaps roleplay (whether this be like “oh..... oh no..... im a poor little maid and i’ve gone into heat.....Looks Like My Boss Will Have To Fuck Me” or like even pretending the heat isn’t part of it and he’s Just That Slutty and we love to see it, etc. obviously they alec is sure not to push it too far, he teases magnus but probably a lot less than he normally would bc he’s so sensitive and needy and eager-to-please, but like.... they sure do have some fucking fun with this.
and also. i mean.
threesomes. y’all knew i was going here.
look idk how i got so far on the magnus/meliorn (as close friends and fuckbuddies not romantically) train but HERE WE ARE.
magnus getting absolutely wrecked by two alphas and LOVING it is not something he ever thought would happen, particularly while he was in heat, but it’s happening and he absolutely loves it.
also there are other fun possible scenarios like in “goldenrod” where alec doesn’t know that magnus is an omega and Shenanigans Ensue or whatever like just....both fluffy and angsty possibilities.
i’m a total slut for friends to lovers “oh no magnus is in heat :( but alec can help him through it, gently and lovingly, just completely as a friend :)” which can get into dubcon territory but if you fuck with it it’s doable. and i’m just a slut for pining pre-relationship heat sex.
even like in an au, alec playing the role meliorn did in the previous bullet points but blended with how i discussed their first heat together so like... helping his best friend through his heats, showing him a really good time, making sure he’s comfortable and magnus is just like wow i’ve never felt this good and safe during a heat before :) guess it’s because we’re friends and definitely no other reasons :)
i’m not sure how to word this right but i feel like there’s a potential angst here of like a mundane au of some sort wherein magnus has only had a few relationships with alphas and none of them great so when alec is helping him through his heat he assumes it’s different (as in, alec is so gentle and caring and treating him like this, and he feels safe) because they’re friends and it’s a different dynamic, and that being treated Badly is just like, the normal way alphas treat their mates. or something. look. let me have my whump ok
but the point is alec sets him straight obviously
but like anyway i just like.........i adore friends to lovers malec and heat sex it’s got so much fluffy potential with magnus just feeling Utterly Safe (and pining angst) and alec is both a) incredibly turned on/helplessly in love with him so he’s loving every second (even tho Pining Angst) and b) just in awe that magnus trusts him that much??? (also sad he’s SURPRISED at being treated gently flgkhfjghgh)
malec and ruts
ok as i explored in “stuck in a rut” i think it makes sense that magnus would not feel incredibly secure during ruts. it’s not something he would have sought out with say, meliorn, although he would have been willing to do that meliorn has other partners more than willing to help him with that and actually love it while magnus is. very wary of it.
like a heat, it leaves him feeling very out of control and it seems kind of scary--but it’s almost worst, because rather than feeling needy and helpless (which is a good thing when with a trusted partner but not so much when he’s less sure, or when they take advantage of that) it’s like. he’s cornered totally sober with a similarly out of control alpha, except with more Dominance(TM) and potential aggression you know?
so maybe he’s had some very bad experiences before. and i doubt it’s been literally all terrible, but i think he would likely avoid relationships with alphas, so he wouldn’t have a lot of experiences to draw from overall anyway
but like okay let’s get to the fun stuff
i’ve been over the angst of magnus not being sure how this is gonna go but wanting to Tough It Out with “stuck in a rut” although it’s probably a bit exaggerated for fun angst purposes but idk aaaaa
but anyway the point is here. alec gets his first rut with magnus and like, he probably hasn’t been with anyone during a rut (suppressants?) so this is wild for both of them
but even Feral(TM) alec’s entire goal is just taking care of magnus
i mean obviously there’s an element of like wanting to get his own satisfaction and all but it’s just like..... mutual pleasure you know??? like he wants to fuck magnus nice and hard and make him feel good and magnus is just a mewling mess in his arms letting alec take control and ravish him and they are both having a great time actually
but like ok let’s just. move away for a moment from angst
just................... alec fucking magnus nice and hard and rough, pinning him down and “”making“” him take it, and there isn’t really much teasing because he’s too busy wanting to fuck magnus and fill him up :) 
but like it’s also fluffy bc even all needy and desperate alec still takes the time to make sure he’s ready and prepared and wet and into this before fucking him, makes sure he’s comfortable and checks in on him and if magnus safeworded or told him to stop you know he absolutely would, without hesitation, even if it literally hurt to do. which is basic decency obviously but the like.... the just trust and care there? the fact that even in a literal fucking rut when he’s supposed to be out of control he’d force himself to stop if magnus needed or wanted him to is just.... comforting and good and i love it 
and magnus is like hm i have never felt this safe when with an alpha in rut before! time to examine this trauma later.
nesting (ft. scenting)
i love the concept of nesting so much it’s so fluffy and sweet and dkgjfklgjg 
you build a pillow/blanket/clothing nest that smells like the people u love and u feel safe in 
and then you get ravished in it sometimes
like magnus just piling a fuck ton of soft things (ranging from blankets/pillows to just like spare sheets and shit like that) and stealing alec’s clothes to put in there and curling up in the middle of it feeling safe and in heaven tbh 
especially once they key component of the nest arrives: alec
*magnus yoinking alec into the nest and immediately curling up against him like a particularly insistent cat* 
alec is just like This Is Precious and wraps his arms around him and strokes his hair and magnus is purring (purring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we Will discuss this later) 
and it’s just nice and somft??
fluffy cuddles?
i feel like nesting would be a particular urge either during or near heats so im just imagining pre heat magnus being like *suddenly stands up* I Must Gather Soft Things (Meaning Pillows, Blankets, And Alec) 
and he just makes a nest, all aesthetically pleasing and arranged nicely, maybe a candle nearby with a nice scent that kind of helps, and just..... curling up in alecs arms all content
and alec ADORES this like the first several times magnus was scared of coming off as clingy so he suppressed nesting instincts let alone cuddly needy clingy instincts but alec was sort of like hey baby it’s ok if you just don’t want to but do u need to nest? 
and also he just made a point of being more touchy/affectionate when his heat was coming up/dying down and he watched carefully to make sure it didn’t magnus uncomfortable but he melted into it even more than usual
so like just....alec cuddling the fuck out of magnus in his nest and it’s warm and safe and smells like home????
scenting i feel is kind of weird and i feel weird being like “mm he smells good” or whatever but like also it can be so cute when done right you know lkgjdgfg like omg just...... Alec Smells Like Home
their scents kinda mix and both of them have the others’ lingering on them and people can tell they’re super close 
and just.....................again..........alec like scenting him, marking him as his in a sort of gentle soft way? and like, burying his nose in his neck and nuzzling him and he smells so nice and good??? 
especially if you’re going with true mates think their mates’ scent is just the best thing ever flgjlkjlfkgjfgh
but anyway ok
back to nesting
and specifically, because i am a whore, to S E X
magnus feeling absolutely safe there and it smells like home and alec’s holding him and it’s so--
hey so i know i said i was going to do sex,
but hold on a sec
magnus has nested before. but generally not with romantic partners. 
not sure if familal nesting is a thing--i feel like it’s possible, but given a general association with heat (i mean one could either feel the urge to or simply enjoy nesting outside of Heat Time(TM) but like) it feels a little weird
so let’s go with it’s more romantic except for maybe like really young kids or something idk 
but anyway moving on from that
magnus has nested before
but almost always alone
and an empty nest is just not the same?? it’s still warm/safe but like... it feels empty and sad too. especially if he DOES have a romantic partner they just don’t want to nest with him--saying he’s clingy, or it’s time consuming/boring to just sit there, or whatever else. 
camille was particularly guilty of this, he had to basically hide his nest and cram it in a closet or something (the enclosed space was actually kind of nice but it was too cramped for his liking and it felt even more empty and sad than usual)
and then he would just be there alone in his small empty nest and it was still reassuring but it was just......not the same 
also he didn’t have anything to ground him so he got all fidgety (adhd magnus? adhd magnus.) and like it was a lot less comforting than normal you know 
but with alec OH BOY
not only does he feel all warm and grounded in alec’s arms like he can relax and doze off and feel good and alec is stroking his hair and it’s just. nice
but like also 
alec making sweet love to magnus in their nest and it’s just like wow this is the most safe place possible
it’s not even heat sex they’re just having fun and magnus is like this is my dream come true
and then obviously there is also heat sex
it is the most mindblowing thing either of them have ever experienced
also i feel like while it’s not an instinct thing to build nests for ruts, they still do it because they’re soft and it helps them relax anyway
ok i absolutely love the a/b/o headcanon i’ve seen before where like, omegas purr only when feeling completely safe? particularly around alphas?
so like. 
magnus doesn’t purr that often.
or he didn’t but then he fell in love with alec “his arms feel like home and safety and love” lightwood
it is not uncommon to see him cuddled in alec’s arms purring contently
or like in his nest leaning into alec’s side or head resting on his chest, PURRING
also i have this fic somewhere but au wherein alec doesn’t know magnus is an omega yet and then finds out because magnus dozed off on his chest and BEGAN. PURRING. BECAUSE HE FEELS SO FUCKING SAFE AND TRUSTS ALEC SO MUCH. 
even if he hadn’t told alec about being an omega yet for whatever reason
anyway just alec stroking magnus’s hair while he purrs away and its adorable and also soothing for both of them so they fall asleep like that 
magnus’s purring is like a soothing thing for alec big time its good sensory time and also just generally nice so its easy for him to conk out with magnus warm in his arms and purring loudly 
it’s very nice 
and also he loves that magnus feels that safe with him
this one will be short but like 
basically the whole mates for life thing is cute
and it can just kinda be like soulmate aus
which are all vaguely problematic but just really cute/fun to have and not think about too hard 
so them being mates is just cute idk man i like it 
ok that’s it for now (i’m gonna add more in a separate reblog for reasons but that’s only on one topic, you’ll see--i think i’ll do that tomorrow bc im very tired rn) that’s the omega magnus manifesto (some parts not included) 
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crankybangtan · 6 years
Break In
This imagine links with Protect the Light chapter 10 social media AU found here: ♥♥♥ 
Summary:   Y/N is home alone when she hears an intruder, her only hope is Yoongis friend Hoseok who may or may not be the leader of the gang the Red Knuckles.
Genre: Gang! Hoseok
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader (Yoongi is mentioned) Trigger Warnings: Mentions of violence.
FYI: i wanted to expand this chapter a bit so ya know what really happened (im bad at writing but enjoy) 1,406 Words Masterlist: ♥♥♥
The panic only really set in when Yoongi text you, telling you he wasn’t at home. But there’s someone in his room, you thought. There is someone in your house and you don’t know who it is. Your heart rate jumped, and you started to breathe heavy, like someone was stood on your chest. You moved across the bed, sliding off the side of the covers and onto the floor. Your bedroom door was slightly open, and you took the opportunity to look through the crack. Your heart was beating through your mouth as you looked towards Yoongis bedroom.  A shadow moved its way around his room, pulling his belongings from each cupboard before smashing them to the ground with an almighty crash. You gasped, quickly moving your hand to your mouth to stop yourself from shrieking and scuttling across the floor so your back was up against a wall.  “Don’t call the police.” Yoongis text rang through your head over and over. Why, why shouldn’t you, what had Yoongi got himself into that you couldn’t call the police on an intruder in your own house and why were you listening to him. Why did you care. Your phone buzzed in your pocket. You scrambled to silence it before the intruder could hear you were home. You hoped he didn’t hear your slight squeal.  “Hoseoks on his way.” The text read. Great. Yoongi was sending his friend, who you knew nothing about, to protect you from a burglar. How pathetic. You wished you could be tough like them, like the girls you see them with. Leather jackets and no makeup. Not caring what the next person thinks about you, wanting an adventure whatever the risk. But that wasn’t you. You were someone who hid underneath the duvet covers and waited for someone to come save you. Who crumbled with fear at the sound of an intruder. You heard the front door slightly open as you had your ear to the wall, you let out a sigh of relief. The sound of heavy boots and the smell of smoke seeped into your bedroom. There was no time for you to be angry about Hoseok smoking inside your house. Hoseok creeped towards Yoongis room, you imagined him gripping a gun, no a knife. In between his veiny fingers that were dug deep into his blackest jeans. His face wearing a slight scowl of annoyance that you had got yourself into this mess and that he had to come save you. “What the fuck do you think you are doing?” Hoseoks voice echoed through the apartment and down your spine. It caught itself in your breath. The man in the room replied, but his voice was deep, muffled and incoherent. After a small heated conversation, you heard a CRASH and it pushed you to the back of your bed. You held onto your blanket with a tight clasp and stared straight at your door. Hoping Hoseok would come and make everything ok. That any minute now Jin or Jungkook would walk in telling you it was just them and none of this was really happening. The sound of fighting carried on for, well it felt like hours. Hoseoks fists being thrown in every direction. You closed your eyes tighter thinking that would make the sound go away. The sound of skin bruising and blood gushing. You then heard a manly shriek, your whole body tensed. It ended with a body being thrown to the floor “Don’t come back here” another crash and a yelp. The sound of a boy getting punched to the gut for the last time and regretting everything. “Did you hear ME?” Hoseok shouted with a deep intake of air. You tried to buck up the courage to see what was happening through the crack in the door but all you saw was Hoseoks hold on a man in all black, throwing him out the door with one last kick to the back.  You stood in shock for a while. Just staring at your wall. Thinking about going out to see if he was okay but being too scared to ask.  “You can come out now, Princess” Hoseok called, you presumed to you. You stepped out of your room. Obviously shaken. “Sorry you had to hear that” He said without emotion, stood at the sink, the water running cold as he splattered it on his face. He turned to look at you and it was the first time you had seen him properly. He was covered in blood. You couldn’t tell if it was his or the burglars.  “W-what happened?” you stuttered, walking towards him cautiously. The sound of your bare feet was the only noise between you and Hoseok. It was an awkward couple of seconds as he looked you up and down. Working out whether you were worth his time. He had a slight smile in his eyes when you looked back up to yours. I guess you answered his question. “He was just looking for something, I sorted it” He grimaced as he put a wet cloth to his bloody face. A bruise around his eyes already forming.  “Let me help you” you jumped towards him without a thought. Why this intrigued you, you had no idea. Why this mysterious boy in your living room, covered in blood interested you so much. He chuckled. “I’m fine” he let out. “You don’t look it.” You took the cloth from his hand. Becoming suddenly confident. You were trying to impress him in some strange way. He let you take it from him, he was amused. You dabbed the cuts and rinsed the cloth. Over and over. Probably more than needed, but you wanted to stay there and clean him up till he was perfect.  “I’ve got some cream in my room let me-“ “of course you have” He laughed, you knew he was mocking you but your infatuation with this boy kept you from being offended. You pulled your eyebrows together as if to say you didn’t understand.  “You’re just the type to have a medical box” He said. Turning away from you to pick up his jacket that must have been flung off in the fight. “by the looks of it, you should invest in one” You said with a slight smug look. He laughed, he liked it and he took a liking to you. That made you feel full. Like in a strange way you achieved something. This dark mysterious boy you had no reason to be involved with was looking deep into your eyes and searching for something. and you were doing the same thing. Both a little lost and bored and needing something new.
Hoseok made his way towards the door without a sound, as if he was just going to leave into the night and never see you again. 
“Its dark” You blurted out, “You should stay” You were speaking without thinking. You wanted him to stay but didn’t know how. Hoseok sniggered, you couldn’t see his smile but felt it. “I think I’ll be just fine baby, I can look after myself.”  It felt like slow motion as he walked toward the door. The weight of his footsteps, the sound of his jacket moving on his clothes, his touch on the door handle. It was like you only had a few seconds to convince him not to leave you.    “Who are you?” It was a desperate attempt to create conversation. His grip loosened on the door and he turned to face you. A pretty girl in her pyjamas asking a beaten and bruised gang member “who they were” was nothing Hoseok had come across. He enjoyed this. He enjoyed you clinging to his every word like it was the last piece of cake a party. Like he was your only way out of your mundane life.   “I’m-“  “I know you’re a Red Knuckle” You interrupted, as soon as you said it you cursed at yourself, you promised you wouldn’t get involved. You told Jin that you would stay out of their business. But here you were. Wanting to know the ins and outs of everything. “You wouldn’t want to know who I am” His pink lips up turned in the corner. “Or what I do” You took a deep breath before walking towards him. He knew you feared him, it was obvious, but you were pretending like this wasn't all an act. You were that bad-ass girl like the ones he hangs around the streets with.   “But what if I do” you said in a whisper. He stepped toward you. The tension in the air was indescribable. What were you doing. Flirting with a Red Knuckle like it was nothing new. Like you weren’t just hiding under your covers wanting everything to stop. Hoseok touched your face slightly, you shivered at the cold touch of the back of his fingers. “You’re too pretty to know.” He tucked your hair behind your ear, it was like he was playing with a doll. So delicate and pure, no one like you had even given him the time of day before now. He ran his long, blood stained fingers across your cheek. He smirked as you stared at him. Infatuated. “I’ll see you around princess” You didn’t even see him leave, he was gone in an instant. And you were left alone again. You longed for him to come back and protect you, to make you feel safe. You longed for Hoseoks touch.
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megaweeniesunday · 7 years
tonight im here tomorrow i might be gone
My first fic plz enjoy just a lil something to pass the time really.
Summary “Do you mind I’m trying to eat here?”
It startles a breathless elated laugh from her taking her attention off of how fucking close she is and how if Max just- just.
  Tonight I’m here, tomorrow I might be gone
There’s a weight on her stomach, warm breath puffing against her chilled skin. “Max?” A croak, she clears her throat and tries again.
Squinting into the dim light Chloe groans softly and closes her eyes again. “Hmm?” Fingertips trace random whorls and spirals on her stomach as Max hums softly in reply.
Finally, she squints her eyes open enough to look at Max only to see that Max is looking at her like she might disappear any moment. She wonders where she travelled, what world took her in her dreams, chewed her up and spat her back out when she woke.
“Are you ok?” She swallows her saliva thickly, throat parched and heart heavy as she reaches out and smooths the lines between Max’s brow with shaking fingers.
Max’s eyes track her like a feral predator watches its prey. Max grasps Chloe’s hands with her own and brings them to her lips where she kisses Chloe’s knuckles almost reverently. It sends a thrill of wet heat through her.
Max lifts herself from Chloe’s stomach and leans upwards brushing her lips against Chloe’s before kissing her. It’s teeth and tongue, breathing fire and time into her aching soul. Her body shudders beneath Max’s as she draws back, blue eyes taking in every inch of her face.
The kiss had left her breathless and disoriented so Max’s words catch her by surprise. “I’m fine.” Blinking slowly, it takes Chloe a few seconds before she remembers she had asked Max a question. “I’m just hungry.” She pushes herself up slightly looking around the floor from her position on Max’s bed for her pants and shirt. “What do you want to eat?”
Max leans close, brushes her lips against Chloe’s ear as if what she has to say is a secret only meant for her to hear. “You.” It’s a whisper of heat, of desire and oh, her mind grinds to a screeching halt as her gaze returns to Max. She reaches up, strokes Max’s still furrowed brow, slides shaking fingers into her hair and pulls her close until their lips brush as she speaks.
“Then have me.” She intended her words to be confident and sure, yet it’s more of a whispered prayer.
Max’s eyes meet her own and then she kisses her with the same desperate hunger as earlier. Chloe feels alive with the heat of Max’s mouth against her own, with Max’s hand sliding up her sides like worship and nails digging into her skin as if it will ground her to this mortal reality.
Like it will stop her world from tilting out beneath her and drop her smack dab into a world of familiar faces she doesn’t know anymore. Max’s hand dips beneath her underwear tracing a spiral into the crease of her thigh.
She sucks in a sharp breath, Max kisses her into silence, her fingers dip between her thighs and slide through her folds. The kiss takes the air in her lungs and turns it to stars and promises of more. “Max.” she moans into the kiss fingers sliding down Max’s body and clutching her tight. Her thumb brushes slow and languid against Chloe’s clit. Max kisses the corner of her mouth, presses a kiss to her jaw. Chloe tilts her head giving into Max’s silent request.
Max kisses her throat once, twice, and then sinks her teeth into the junction of her neck and shoulder, sucks on her heated skin. With an involuntary moan her hips buck seeking more contact with Max’s hand. She reaches up and presses Max against her neck eyes slipping closed.
“F-fuck.” Max spends a good amount of time leaving her mark as her fingers glide through Chloe’s wet folds teasing more than pleasing.
A frantic whisper. Max glances up at her and places a gentle kiss on what is sure to be one hell of a hickey before she starts making her way down Chloe’s body again. Chest heaving, she watches Max then whines when Max pulls her hand from between her legs.
Max glances up at her, smirks, hooks her fingers beneath Chloe’s panties and tugs meaningfully. Chloe lifts her hips, watches intently as Max pulls them down her legs tantalizingly slow and tosses them into a dark corner of her room.
She thinks they land on Lisa the plant. Poor innocent Lisa.
Max presses her lips against Chloe’s stomach, kisses a path down and hooks her arms around Chloe’s hips.  Max drags her to the edge and dives right in between her legs. Chloe grunts and then moans softly as Max’s tongue slides in zig zags through her slick folds.
“F-fuck.” Chloe fist the sheets tight in her hands watching Max. Max’s fingers splay across Chloe’s back as she sucks her clit, nips it gently, then sooths it with her tongue.
“Max.” She moans grasping at the sheets desperately, hooking her legs around Max she pulls her closer against her. One of Max’s hands pulls away from her back and trails a path down her body. Featherlight finger tips graze her hips, thighs, and then press against her entrance.
They slide in easily starting a steady pace that Max matches with her mouth. Chloe is writhing, chanting Max’s name like a prayer as she rolls her hips into Max’s mouth. Max rides her waves like a pro ebbing and flowing like water with every twitch and jerk of her hips.
If Chloe didn’t know any better she would have thought Max rewound to make this perfect because fuck Max is a master at cunnilingus. Must be because she’s a cunning linguist. She breathes out a laugh that turns into a throaty moan. She’s seeing stars burst, worlds bloom, she sees her future and it is Max. Max with her bright ancient blue eyes, Max with her uncontrollable sleep travelling. Max with her timeless sorrow born of a hundred thousand unlived lives.
Her fingers tangle in Max’s hair pressing her closer with every stuttering, heaving gasp of air she drags into her aching lungs. “M-Maax.” Her legs twitch, her back arches, her jaw clenches, and she begs through clenched teeth. She’s close, so fucking close and she’s not above begging at this point for it. So, she does. “M-Max. F-fuck, please just- “
Max doesn’t stop even as the door opens but it’s still not enough and Chloe is at the point she doesn’t fucking care if there is a witness or six she wants Max to stop fucking teasing her already. Max doesn’t stop at the sharp intake of breath. She doesn’t stop at the stunned silence. She does however stop when they hear a bewildered. “Jesus fucking Christ, what the fuck.”
The sound Chloe makes is a mix between a frustrated groan and a needy whine her fingers curl desperately in Max’s hair silently begging her to get back to what she was doing. That being her. Max’s fingers curl inside of her as she murmurs in wry amusement to whoever has slammed the door open.
“Do you mind? I’m trying to eat here.”
It startles a breathless, elated laugh from her taking her attention off of how fucking close she is and how if Max just- just.
Yet Chloe can’t believe sweet, mild mannered Max fucking Caulfield had the audacity to say that after getting caught knuckle deep in her and lapping like a man who finally found his oasis in the desert.
Except she can, because its Max. Max whose fingers are pumping at a glacial pace. Max whose thumb whorls around her clit. Someone whines softly, she only realizes the sound is coming from her when Max presses a kiss to her inner thigh and it stops.
“What the fuck.” She pries her eyes open and sees that It’s Victoria fucking Chase looking blindsided.  Her fury builds through the clouded haze of lust because why the fuck is she still fucking in here holy fuck, she moves to lunge or get up or something, but Max holds her in place with the arm wrapped around her leg, tracing spirals into her back with her fingertips.
She settles for seething and glaring spitefully. “Why in the FUCK are you still in here? GET OUT!!” Her voice rises as she grabs the object next to her and chucks it. It turns out to be a pillow. Victoria flinches as it smacks her in the face but she still doesn’t move. She appears to have completely shut down. Blue Screened to be precise.
“I think they want a show.” Max’s voice is soft and gentle, an amused lilt tinging every word. It is a direct contrast to her thumb pressing firmly against her clit as Max’s fingers curl as deep as they can picking up the pace with every passing second.
Victoria sputters eyes widening and face flushing scarlet. Her mouth opens and closes like a fish gasping for water. And hey maybe she is, Chloe smirks at the thought her gaze travels to the door where a mix of curious and shocked faces peer in. Chloe bares her teeth at them, lifts her hand from the bed and Max’s hair and then flips them off with both hands. Daring them with her eyes to say anything.
They don’t.
She rolls her hips pleadingly. “Max, fuck them and pay attention to me.” Max looks at her one brow raising upwards as her lip quirks into a downright salacious smirk. She practically purrs. “But I am already fucking you darling.” And fuck if it doesn’t make her forget about the people watching. The tone, the look, the fucking confident smirk, it sears burning wet heat through her core, curls her toes and has her moaning thoughtlessly.
“Max, fuck fuck fuck.”
Max doesn’t often get like this but when she does she is an unstoppable force in whatever her mind is set on, it’s set on Chloe and it’s hot as fuck. Max leans forward, hums softly against her hot, wet flesh and glides her tongue through Chloe’s folds tasting her as if Chloe is a gift from a higher power.
“F-fuck Maax.”
The door finally slams shut with an incoherent stream of words Chloe doesn’t bother trying to parse through because, fuck, Max’s tongue and mouth are teaching her what it’s like to be worshipped. It doesn’t take much longer before she’s back to chanting Max’s name. Legs pressing her closer, fingers clenched tight in her hair. Her back arches high off the bed as she desperately cries out. “M-AAAAX!”
Her body spasms hips rolling into Max with every wave of her orgasm. Max holds her in place drinking her in greedily. She hums softly as Chloe sags into the bed, a puppet with its strings cut. Languidly she curls her fingers one last time and then pulls them out.
Max licks them clean watching Chloe the entire time she does it and then presses one last kiss between her legs, to her inner thigh and then kisses a path up. Nails rasp against her sides as Max sets about leaving more marks. Max smiles down at her when she reaches her goal and kisses her sweetly on the lips. She can taste herself.
Chloe smiles into the kiss and Max murmurs against her lips almost sheepishly.
“I’m sorry.” Chloe only laughs, chest still heaving as she comes down from her euphoria. “D-“ She sucks in frantic trembling breaths. “D-don’t be. That was hella hot Mad Max.” Max brushes their noses together and sighs. “Oh dog I’m never going to live that down Chloe.” Chloe grins wide and limply wraps her arms around Max. “What a way to be remembered.” She laughs as Max buries her face into Chloe’s neck with a groan. “Please tell me Kate wasn’t there at least.” Her laughter turns into snickering as Chloe buries her face into Max’s hair just imagining little Kate Marsh watching that.
Max whines and bites at her neck. Chloe inhales sharply and then hums. “C’mon Max, I wasn’t really paying attention. I don’t think I saw her though. I know I saw Dana, Juliet and the Vortex trio.”
Max grumbles and then exhales a deep sigh against her neck. “Great.” Chloe smiles looking up at the ceiling before pressing a blind kiss to the top of Max’s head. “Where did you travel?” She whispers it softly not able to bring herself to ask much louder than the level she is at. Half afraid to hear the answer but needing to know.
Max is quiet for a few moments pulling away to look into Chloe’s eyes. “No place I want to go back to.” Chloe bites her lip reaches up and trails her thumbs down Max’s forehead. Max closes her eyes and her thumbs brush down them reverently.  “Tell me about it anyway?” Another spiral is traced onto Chloe’s body, this one on her jaw, unlike the others it ends with an X. Her body trembles in what almost like feels like fear before Max starts talking.
“It was a bad timeline.-”
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