#this is so late omgg I'm so sorry!!
yuriyuruandyuraart · 7 months
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𝐬 𝐦 𝐨 𝐤 𝐞 𝐛 𝐫 𝐞 𝐚 𝐤
two versions because i'm indecisive hhh >:')
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sneezydarliing · 3 months
Close Quarters (Gen/Shin, CynoNari)
Hi um. Me after posting late to my own event. nyways this is for @hachiibun !!!!! thank you So much for your patience i hope you like this. I tried to go insp from some art you've posted so i hope its to ur liking!!!!
Cyno was familiar with Tighnari’s nose. Sensitive and easily set off, it wasn’t uncommon to witness one of his fits if you spent a day with him. His ears would twitch and flick, tail swishing with agitation, nose scrunched up against a wrist until he finally succumbed. His awareness is what led to the sinking feeling in his stomach as he watched the other. 
The two were cramped together in a small inlet, waiting for the moment to strike against a large group of enemies. They crouched side-by-side, shoulders pressed together. Cyno quietly observed, watching the furrow in Tighnari's brows, the flick of his tail, watching him scrub a gloved hand against his nose. The two locked eyes, Tighnari’s eyes red-rimmed and watery with unshed allergic tears. He worried his bottom lip against his teeth, sending a message they both knew. Tighnari needed to sneeze, and there was very little he could do to stop it.  
The specks of pollen coating every surface was the clear culprit. While neither of them were allergic, it was nearly impossible to not feel itchy with the sheer amount of it. Even Cyno, prideful of his own control, had to resist the urge to rub his irritated eyes. Tighnari, however, was fighting a losing battle. He aggressively pawed at his nose, leaving it red and angry looking. They both knew his sneezes could never go unnoticed- Tighnari’s fits were pitchy and desperate, demanding attention whether he wanted it or not. 
Cyno adjusts, freeing a hand, prepared to help if needed. Sure enough, Tighnari’s slow, controlled breath snagged, entering a desperate cresendo as he fought against the itch, battle quickly lost. Cyno watches as he crushes the release against his glove, knowing the control will not last. Tighnari’s nose is never satisfied with just one, and a wet sniffle and the crinkle in his nose confirms his theory. He gives cyno a watery look, warning him of what he already knows.
He slowly manevours around so that he's facing tighnari, ignoring his quiet hiss of “what are you doing?!” then, he brings up his hands, gently presses tighnari against his body, and locks eyes with him. Tighnari  nods, breath already stuttering. Cyno can almost feel the tickle, watching his nose wrinkle as he brings up another glove to scrub at it. His breath takes on an almost desperate whine, and he buries himself into Cyno’s shoulder
As it came to a peak, Cynos hands wrapped around hjs head, pressing him further into him. The fabric against his nose set him over the edge, as he tries desperately to silence the much-needed release. 
“h’NGT! h-N’’gXT-h’NdT’iew-! hhI- hN’GT-hH’NDGT-ieww!” Tighnari panted against the rapid releases, and Cyno felt a dampness in his shoulder. “Done?” he whispered, knowing Tighnari’s sensitive ears would pick it up. Tighnari lets out another whine-like breath, hitching and stuttering. “I don’Hht-! Don’t know how many more I.. nGHT-! snF! Can hold back..” he mutters, congestion clear in his voice. 
Cyno presses his hands against the back of Tighnari’s head and presses him further against him. “Let them out. It’ll be okay.” 
Tighnari opens his mouth to object, but with his loss of focus, the need for release overcomes him. He buries himself in the crook of Cyno’s neck, each sneeze more desperate and itchy sounding than the last. 
“hIH-iSHhiew-iShh-i’tSCh’iew-! hAh.. hiDT’sCHh’u! a’TSCHh-sCHh’ieww-! n’GTCh-! iSCHh’u!” Tighnari gasps for breath against Cyno as he watches their targets warily pack up their camp and leave, made nervous by the sudden activity. He releases a deep breath, but there’s no use in being angry. It was an unavoidable outcome. He releases his grip on his companion, trying to plan a next move as he listens to Tighnari’s wet sniffles as he attempts to clean himself up. 
“I’m sorry, Cyno.” He says after a few moments, voice thick and raspy from strain. Cyno shakes his head in response. “It was bound to happen. I’m sure they’ll return.” He stands, dusting the dirt from his clothes, and offers a hand to Tighnari, who takes it after another itchy sneeze aimed into his shoulder. “You need to go home and wash the pollen off.” 
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polyphonial-old · 1 year
alrighty! i finished s1!
i really liked it! cannot tell you how hard i CACKLED when reigen just walked in NOT EVEN TRYING TO BE SNEAKY and everyone was like omg he's nice he's wearing a suit he Has to be the boss and that was just SO FUNNY I WAS WHEEZING
and also the way that reigen was SO against mob fighting bECAUSE HE'S A KID I JUST🥺 and let me tell you. i LOST IT when reigen kept telling him that it's okay to run away and that mob's version of running away was giving his power to reigen for a bit
this man is so stupid. but SO smart??? he could talk his way out of anything wow and the way he just punched them which like. no one was expecting??? amazing <3
also idk there was one part where either teru and ritsu called the other's name or something like that and i was a bit👀 but idk yet iuygfcghuiouhgv
anyways! still not sure who my favorite character is yet haha but i know that the reason grace thought i would like ritsu for awhile was because he has an inferiority complex (... sokka, reki, cole ninjago, etc... i have a type lol)
also thought the whole thing with onigawara was so funny solely because he's voiced by ray chase (sukuna but ALSO howzer sds) and the body improvement club guy is voiced by patrick seitz (grimaore, sds) which is so funny because their characters in sds are besties iuyfcghiougyfghui
aNYWAYS i also saw your response to my prior ask about mob being autistic and SO TRUE but that also made me think that i need to give a character ts!!! any ideas? i'm still not entirely sure yet iuhgfcgvhjiokijuhgv
anyways, those are the s1 thoughts!!! hope to start s2 tomorrow, maybe?
hi! sorry this took a while but YEAHH JKHFHFKJ that's one of my fav moments of his ever he's soo. !!! and ogghg when he told mob it's ok to run away... it's like. god. HE'S A KID !!! AND IT'S OBVIOUS BUT YOU'RE SO USED TO THE GENRE U DON'T EXPECT IT AND. i am so unwell over mob & reigen. that's his dad your honour !!
ohh yes teru and ritsu are such a fun pair ! i like terumob a lot but teru and ritsu also have potential for a very interesting dynamic.
having a type in favs is soo real i feel u !! i 💗 himbos and babygirls and morally ambiguous fucked up guys (all gn)
also omg love that !! i don't know a lot abt vas but i'm so glad you're having fun w them :)
yess i'm glad u agree ! for ts (or. or fnd. eyes emoji..) my top contender is teru but that's probably bc i like to project on him dsjhdsjhfdk other than him i can definitely see reigen or ritsu w tics!
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weeknd-ogoc · 6 months
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SUMMARY: in which lando knows it’s not fair to try to change your mind about pursuing your dream! (inspired by jack & jack's song, lotta love)
FACE CLAIM: cindy kimberly
CONTAINS: artist!reader, fluff, breakup & angst!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: don't know how euros work that great lol so bare with me and maybe i could turn this into a part 2??? alright so i’m back in my jack and jack era and i thought this song would make a good imagine :)
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liked by landonorris, alexandrasaintmleux, and 764,432 others
ynusername today's art exhibit was a success, thank you to everyone who was able to come and super thankful for those who bought my paintings! 🪴
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landonorris FIRST!!
username when aren't you maxfewtrell ^^
landonorris you're so beautiful 💚
ynusername thank you my love 🥹
username 💘💘
username i showed up a bit late but she was literally so nice and lando was there swooning over her talking about her paintings!
username omgg i love how he's so supportive of her! username at the beginning i saw lando arguing with max over a painting but y/n told him she'd make him another one and he was pouting for a good fifteen minutes 😭
alexandrasaintmleux i had so much fun so proud of you babe!!
liked by ynusername
username ugh i wished i lived in monaco!
before entering this two year long relationship with you, lando knew your dream was to open up your own painting studio to be able to teach children how to open up their creative side — the first time you guys had met was when lando accidentally bumped into you in front of your old art class that you were temporarily teaching at.
"oh i'm so sorry, my friend here is a bit clumsy sometimes." max apologized as lando helped you pick up your art supplies while giving him a glare.
they had both seen you every morning for the past week and max noticed lando's eyes lingering on you for awhile so he had this grand idea to finally make lando talk to you and this was that grand idea.
"yes i'm very clumsy." lando nodded and went along with it. "your board thing broke too, i can pay for your stuf-"
the three of you looked down at your broken palette and you shook your head picking it up. "you know what lando and..."
max gave you a cheesy smile and a little nod. "oh i'm max."
"well lando and max, you guys could come to my art exhibit tonight to make up for breaking my very expensive palette." you knew that it was just a cheap one that your sweet old boss had given you to work with but they didn't have to know that.
max quickly nodded and agreed for the both of them which earned another glare from his best friend. "we'll be there!"
later that night after going through half of his wardrobe and a few of max's shirts, lando finally chose his black button up shirt and his khaki colored jeans.
"if i was that girl i'd totally slip right out of my clothes for you." max joked. "oh by the way i can't make it, have a date with pietra in an hour."
so on the ride to the exhibit lando found himself going through most of his pickup lines and jokes in his head and when he found a parking spot right in the front his eyes landed on you.
he kept his eyes on you as he walked over to where you were, you had been wearing an orange dress with your hair curled and for a moment he felt speechless and all the things he was going to say just slipped out of his head.
"lando! i'm so glad you made it!" you gave him a quick hug and handed him a last minute portrait that you decided to add. "this thing is about to start so please be a dear and hang my last painting up in that corner there."
while you ran off to talk to an older man he stood up on a little stool and put your portrait up, lando wasn't interested in art but something about your painting was kinda calling to him.
€ 453.52
yeah he was definitely buying it.
when you made your return back to the table you saw him fixing the labels on the bottom of your paintings.
you couldn't lie he looked really good.
as the night went on he was really intrigued by all the art that others made, your boss had pushed you to go hang out with lando while he stayed behind to watch your stand.
"you need a life outside the art world so now go talk to him!"
lando listened as you talked about what you've been doing for the past few years and when it was time to talk about his work, you found yourself amazed by it.
your dad had tried getting you into formula one for years but you just couldn't find yourself interested in it. "over 200 miles per hour? pretty dangerous."
"i actually have a race in two weeks here in monaco, maybe you can come? i could give you passes of coarse." he said with a cheesy smile.
you nodded and let out a laugh. "sure, i would like that."
before you could continue talking your boss called you over and as you walked over there max had called him about a forgotten reservation they had planned a few days before.
"i'll be right back."
he looked over to you and saw there was people interested in buying your work so he wrote a little note to you and left it with your boss.
dearest y/n,
sorry i had to go in such a rush but i had a lot fun tonight.
i can pick up the beautiful painting tomorrow and maybe we can get dinner?
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liked by ynusername, maxfewtrell, and 867,434 others
lando.jpg the true masterpiece
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ynusername ugh i love you!!
lando.jpg i love you more maxfewtrell love you guys the most 🥹
username my favorite couple
username please adopt me!
maxfewtrell it should've been me
ynusername but it's not :)) maxfewtrell 🥱🥱
lillymhe my love (her) with her love (him)
ynusername miss you sm 😭 alex_albon 🤨 im getting real tired of you guys lando.jpg ^ me too
lando recalled being excited to finally make it to the third date because everyone knew what happens after it — it had already been five months of you guys talking but because the both of you always had busy schedules it was very hard to set up this third date.
my boss is leaving to new york on tuesday so i'm available!
if you can make it you can totally stay over my apartment for a few days 🙂
as soon as he read your messages he booked a flight over to monaco since he had a free week off. "you should bring her to another race, i really liked her!" daniel told him as they left the cooling room.
he arrived in monaco just an hour before your shift ended so he made sure to get you some roses and when it was time he made his way over to your job where he saw children saying goodbye to you.
look outside!!
when you were finally able to look at your phone, you looked up and saw lando standing outside giving you an excited wave.
as you waved back at him your boss called you into his office.
i'll be out in a bit
your boss had called you in telling you he was going to sell the studio in a few months and move over to new york. "trust me y/n, i will call you as soon as the place is up and running..." he said as he fixed a few papers up on his desk. "you are my favorite worker and i would love to have you as a temporary teacher again."
"i know i have told you about becoming a full ti-"
"i just don't see you ready for that right now..."
you had told your boss time and time again that you wanted to become a full time teacher but he always had excuses for it and as he used another excuse you looked over to lando who was swatting something in the air with the roses he had in his hand.
"thank you for the opportunity but i think i'm going to take a break from the art world for a good while."
so after getting your stuff together you made your way to lando.
"finally, there was this huge bee attac-" he was so caught up in looking for the bee that was just attacking him a few minutes ago that he almost didn’t feel your lips place a light kiss against his cheek. "oh um..."
you pulled away with a smile on your face and let out a little chuckle at how red lando's face was turning. “c'mon my house isn't that far from here...”
he handed you the roses he had bought you, some of the petals had gone missing due to all the swatting he was doing with them but you still appreciated it.
"they're beautiful lan."
he smiled and nodded, face still red. "not as beautiful as you." he noticed his voice crack due to all his nervousness. "wow that hasn't happened in awhile..."
you intertwined his fingers with yours and began walking in the direction of your house with a smile on your face.
when the both of you arrived you gave him a tour of your apartment and he loved everything about it due to it giving cozy vibes as he said and when you guys finally made it over to your room he saw the vision board that you had hung up on your wall.
"i want to open up a studio in new york one day..." you told him as you took down your board just to show it to him. "i kinda quit since he wanted me to become a temporary teacher over in new york and that's not what i want so maybe later on i'll be able to do it but for now i think i'm just going to take a break."
he slowly nodded — he knew that you guys had been talking for only a few months but he really wanted to help you out with this, maybe even help you open up your own studio one day.
ynusername & landonorris recently added to their stories
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you remembered the first time your parents were going to meet lando and you were freaking out because you had never introduced a guy to your parents.
when your mom found out you were finally seeing someone she got excited because she was starting to think you were never going to give her grandchildren.
when your dad found out you were finally seeing someone he was suspicious of the guy but when you told him it was lando norris his mind completely changed — he had watched formula one for years now and even tried getting you into it when you were younger but you found it boring.
"he's here! please be nice and do not bring out the baby pictures!" you told your parents before opening the door.
"we'll be on our best behavior, promise."
and even though they had promised you, you knew they were still going to embarrass you by the end of the night.
just last week you had met lando's family and they adored you.
lando knew your parents meant the whole world to you so he made sure not to goof around too much and by the end of the night your parents loved him.
"this is the greatest day of my life!" your father had said since lando had promised your dad some vip passes for next week's race you figured that was what won him over.
when your parents decided it was time to pull out the baby albums you decided to go into your old bedroom to change out of your dress and quickly update lily on how the night was going.
as lando looked at the pictures of you he saw one of you around the age of eight maybe, painting a wooden dollhouse.
"she's always loved doing art projects when she was younger..." your mother had told him. "has she told you anything about maybe looking back into teaching again or maybe opening her studio?"
he shrugged. "i think she's been looking for a spot here in monaco since i just moved here but she hasn't said much."
your mother had worried that being in love was stopping you from doing what you love the most so she could only hope that it wasn't that. "my y/n has always been independent so this whole relationship you have going on, i hope you're truly taking it seriously because she has never introduced us to anyone so i think that says she likes you a lot." your mother told him which he nodded and just before he can talk your father spoke. "you hurt i promise i will hunt you down, that's all."
lando saw you returning back to the table with a fuzzy orange blanket and he smiled at the sight of you before looking back to your parents. "trust me, i'm not going anywhere for a very long time."
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liked by landonorris, lilymhe, and 932,984 others
ynusername frosted ❄️
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landonorris the future mother of my kids everyone
lilymhe y/n asked when landonorris tell her very soon 🤫 landonorris and bring her back to me rn lilymhe gtg
username please get married already
maxfewtrell sorry about pushing you into the snow 🤭
ynusername next time i'm going to push you off the cliff
username i miss when she used to post about her art!
username me too she needs to bring it back!!!
username if you look closely you can see me throwing myself off a cliff :)))
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liked by ynusername, maxfewtrell, and 889,563 others
landonorris snow days ⛄️
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maxfewtrell now hold on why didn't i get a good picture
ynusername because you pushed me into the snow and didnt even help me up landonorris ^^ maxfewtrell i apologized, let it go!!
username tell y/n to post her artwork again!!
ynusername ☃️❤️
liked by landonorris
carlosainz55 im assuming it was y/n's idea to make cookies
landonorris yup
finally two - almost three years into your relationship, the both of you were already moved in with each other and lando was thinking about popping the question to you since everything was just going great with the two of you.
he already knew he was going to propose on christmas day.
"almost all gone again!" you smiled at him, seeing that one painting was left on your stand.
"well your work is amazing." he said as his chin rested on the top of your head as you looked towards your stand.
you had been close to purchasing a studio here in a monaco but you still had doubts and lando wasn't sure why that was so when he saw your old boss entering the exhibit and you running to hug him it all came back to him, your dream.
"i'm so glad you're still here! i have something to tell you!" your old boss said as he gave you a big hug and lead you towards the buffet table.
lando stayed behind by your stand as some people were asking him questions about your art work and while he was answering them, he kept his eyes on you who jumped up with excitement but then looked back to him.
yes you had been painting and doing side jobs in art classes, constantly talked about opening your studio even sometimes doing modeling gigs but lando had thought you'd be doing it here in a monaco so you could stay with him.
"you're not going to believe it!" you said with the biggest smile on your face, he stared at you in silence fearing what you might say "lan?"
"y-yeah sorry, what did he say to you baby?"
you explained to him that he was now selling his studio to move to paris and before he could sell it to someone else, he recalled you wanting a place in new york.
"that's amazing! what did you tell him?" he asked trying to sound super excited about it but deep down he was a nervous wreck.
you smiled at his excitement. "that i would think about it..."
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liked by landonorris, alexandrasaintmleux, and 1,222,221 others
ynusername finished 🎨
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username ah the art content is back!!
username beautiful as always 🥹
alexandrasaintmleux a true artist 🤌🏼
liked by ynusername
username surprised lando didn't comment this time
oscarpiastri picasso
liked by ynusername
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liked by francisca.cgomes, alexandrasaintmleux, and 1,932,984 others
ynusername oops
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username she is GIVING
landonorris like a renaissance painting 😚
ynusername ❤️❤️ ynusername im surprised you could spell that landonorris oh i struggled a bit
username 🤤🤤
francisca.cgomes i have something inappropriate to say...
pierregasly well don't say it
username MOTHER
alexandrasaintmleux 😍
lilymhe so hot r u kidding me rnnn
username we must stay focused 🧎🏻‍♀️
username in another universe i go home to this girl & give her my undying love & affection
landonorris im with her in every universe, sorry mate :)
oscarpiastri i'm so scared right now
maxfewtrell me too landonorris both of you leave and never come back
lando had stayed over max's house the next night and max could tell something was wrong with his best friend — he was way too quiet which he never was and looked like he had a lot on his mind so when he asked lando about it, he told him the whole story including the part of wanting to propose to you tomorrow.
"she's going to chose to move over there mate..." he told max making his voice crack. "it wouldn't be fair of me to beg her to stay but i can't make her stay if she doesn't want to, i mean this has always been her dream!"
he knew this would be simple, just move over there with you but that was not what he wanted.
the both of you had been good twenty-four hours ago but you felt something different between the two of you, he felt distant like he had something in his mind but he couldn't tell you what it was.
"i don't know lils, i know he won't want to come with me and it wouldn't be fair to ask him to come with me, he hates new york."
you knew this would be simple, just stay over here with him but that was not what you wanted.
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liked by ynusername, maxfewtrell, and 1,385,361 others
landonorris after some time and consideration, y/n and myself have mutually decided to end our relationship but we will always remain good friends. i wish her the world over in new york and have so much respect for her and all she does as an amazing and strong woman. ❤️
please respect our decision and respect our – but more importantly and especially her privacy moving forward.
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, and 1,443,343 others
ynusername after some time and consideration, lando and i have mutually decided to end our relationship but we will remain very good friends. i wish him the world have so much respect for him. ❤️
please respect our decision and respect our privacy moving forward.
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you were having a small art exhibit for the the first time in your brand new studio and had a few friends travel over just to visit, you had been hoping lando would show up but as time went on you figured he wouldn’t.
“i’m sure he’ll show up.” alexandra told you as she gave charles one of your paintings to hang up on the wall.
the both of you still texted a few times throughout the week and even facetimed whenever you guys were available.
“hey y/n, someone called in wanting to buy whatever portraits are left by the end of the night!” alexandra said as she held up an unknown address somewhere in monaco.
you smiled as you nodded, the extra money would help out so much with new supplies and just before you could help charles hang up some other extra things you saw max walking in.
“he wanted to but something came up…” max said as he took a look at your new portraits, noticing that one looked a little like lando. “but he did give me this to give to you.”
a note.
my dearest y/n,
i’m sorry i couldn’t make it out today on your grand opening but i just wanted to congratulated you on opening your shop! there was never a doubt in my mind these past three years with you that you ARE the most talented artist in our generation.
i promise to make a trip over to new york sometime soon!
with all my love,
by the end of the night only a few portraits were left and as max watched you pack them up into a box to ship to the unknown address in monaco, he got on the phone with lando who was currently curled up in bed thinking about what to say when he decided to call you later that night. “so what are you going to do with all those paintings now?”
he looked around at his now empty walls that once had your paintings hanged up. “place them around the house.”
his eyes landed on the little red box that held the ring that was supposed to be yours on his nightstand and thought about maybe going to travel to your place tomorrow morning as a surprise. “actually max, i think i’ll be seeing you tomorrow morning.”
ynusername & landonorris recently added to their stories 24 hours ago
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my f1 & f2 masterlist!
© weeknd-ogoc, 2023
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pupyuj · 10 months
[cw: smut, masturbation, g!p, voyeurism, breeding, stalking??]
this pic of yujin got me acting up i'm sorry she's my dumb loser boyfriend i need her so bad 😩😩
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imagine g!p yujin as your super hot, super cute but perverted next-door neighbor 👀
she has a very busy daily life, so you only see her at least three times a day and it's either when when she leaves her house early in the morning from work, get home from work some time in the late afternoon, and when she leaves her house again for her usual post-work routines (like going to the gym, hanging out with friends, walking her dog, etc.) . but yujin? yujin sees you a lot.
the windows in your bedrooms are right across each other, and yujin has developed this habit of subtly watching you every night after she comes home from her activities... she watches you while you're getting changed, or wiping off your makeup... and sometimes, she even catches your hookups,,, a lot of times yujin has stared intently through the barely opaque curtains you had in your room and watched as you bounce on someone's strap, or while you're getting your pussy eaten out.. but she likes it the best when you were bent over your own bed being pounded from behind,,
the sight drives yujin insane, and she ends up whipping her dick out and jerking herself off as she watched you, wishing that she was the one filling up your tight holes instead of just some random person,,,
OMGG when you invite her over to your house bcs you're throwing a party and she somehow manages to get you alone in your room 😵‍💫 you going on and on about finding extra pillows and blankets for your friends who are planning on spending the night while yujin stands by the door, realizing that everything she wanted, she could have right now...
yujin coming up behind you, pressing her hard cock against your ass and her hands immediately fondling your tits. her degrading you,, calling you a 'fucking whore' for having sex where someone can see you,,,, when you call her a 'creep' for continuously watching you through her window, she doesn't get mad.. in fact, she gets turned on even more bcs you obviously liked what she has done and what she was currently doing!!
yujin throwing you down on your bed, pulling off your panties and shorts in one swift motion,,, you're spreading your legs open while she pulls her cock out, already dripping with precum and has been the moment you pulled her inside your house and she saw you in a tank top and a thin flannel jacket and no bra,,
😳 her being so rough bcs your cunt feels so much better than she expected,,,, pounding into your walls mercilessly,, both of you moaning loudly, not at all caring if the party goers downstairs can hear you (they were all too drunk to care anyway)... the sight of your breasts bouncing while she thrusted her cock into you drove her insane, and when you started moving yourself so you could push her cock deeper inside you, yujin fucking came,, rope after rope of cum filling you up and making your head spin,, 🤤
also like the idea of continuing to have sex w other people while yujin keeps on watching,,, then you're inviting her over after every hookup bcs nobody can fill you up as good as your stalker neighbor yujin and her cock did :((
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elllisaaa · 1 month
Hihi , im not really sure if it would be ur style of writing but i had a dream abt it and i thought u could write smth along those lines(i think for this fluff would be good🥹 but if u wanna add smut is fine too hehe)
Heres the prompt:
Basically most of the days you would be hanging out w ur bff beomgyu after sch, just hanging out in each other’s presence is enough. You guys wont force a conversation if its not needed n sitting in silence gives you both a peace of mind.(thise type of fs)
But one day u told him that u were going to an event with ur girl bff , where she could see her fav artist , and you being a supportive bestie decided to go with her!
Somehow thru the night things changed and you ended up with beomgyu saying these words: “ It’s always been you y/n, my eyes are only for you”
(Not rlly sure if this is how a prompt should be(if im giving too much cos this is my first prompt) but i hope it sparks interest >_<)
hiii anonie !! this definitely so damn cute, i got a little overboard with this one but i love it so much, it's so soft omgg ! this definitely such a good idea i love it, and don't worry - the longer your thoughts are, the more i'm happy !
BFF!BEOMGYU who never stops annoying you every day, be it by sending you tons of texts or by dropping by your place when he's done with his schedule. well, you always claim that he's annoying but he knows that it isn't the truth and that you're always happy to see him.
"by the way, i will not be there for our movie night tomorrow, i'm sorry." beomgyu turned to you with a judgemental look on his face. "you're letting me down !?" you rolled your eyes as you threw one of the cushions of your sofa at him. "don't be so dramatic. i'm just going to a fanmeeting with one of my friend because she didn't want to be alone."
and even if your reasons were very valid, beomgyu couldn't help but be bothered. you always spend your free time with him, and it didn't even matter if the two of you just laid in your bed in silence, watching a serie while playing stupid games on your phones. it didn't matter because what he seeked was your presence, feeling you by his side. he loved to know that he could lay his head on your lap anytime and that you would drop your phone to thread your fingers through his hair until he fell asleep.
but sometimes, just sometimes, he wished he could be even closer to you. the type of closeness that would allow him to feel jealous about you going to a fanmeeting of another idol. the type of closeness that would allow him to kiss you, and love you like you deserved to be loved.
a pout was visible on his face, but what was even more striking was the slighlty hurt look in his eyes. and even if your best friend was always a little drama queen whenever you cancelled plans with him or hung out with somebody else, you never took him too seriously, knowing that he just liked to yap. but today, it seemed different.
beomgyu didn't want to separate from your warm body, but he still sat up, already missing the feeling of your hands in his hair, but his heart was hurting too much to keep pretending this time. it was nothing, he was aware, and he didn't have any right being jealous or feeling like he was. but he did, and he wished you would feel the same even if it was impossible because he was him and you were yourself, and there was simply no way that you would love him like that.
"why are you taking it like that gyu ? i know it's a little late to let you know, i should've told you before but it's no big deal, yeah ? i'm free this weekend if you wanna come by after practice, i'll even cook for you if you want."
beomgyu could feel a knot forming in his throat the more you talked, realizing how wrong he was for making you feel guilty about something you weren't responsible for. but the question he was dying to ask still got out of his mouth, the words coming out almost against his will : "do you like him more than me ? do you think that he sings better ? is that why you're letting me down ?"
his shaking voice made your heart clench, and you paused the movie that was now serving as a background noise, focusing entirely on your best friend and the way he was fidgeting, not daring to look you in the eyes but he seemed more than anxious, more than sad.
"where is that coming from gyu ? i've never said that. or did i make you feel this way ?" but beomgyu shook his head no. "you didn't. it's just…" he stopped for a moment, seemingly thinking about something before he curled up on himself on your couch, gaze fixed on the frozen tv screen. "forget it, i'm just being selfish."
the entire mood had changed, but you couldn't care less - you were only very worried about your best friend. "you know you can be selfish sometimes, i don't mind. tell me what's going on, please ?" and beomgyu finally looked at you in the eyes, biting his lips as if he was still unsure about what he was going to say : "i'm making a big deal out of this because i want to be the only one you're fangirling over, okay ? i want to be the only one you find handsome, and the only one you gush to your friends about. i wanna be the only one for you because for me it has always been you y/n, my eyes are only on you."
you looked at him dumbfounded, as you clearly didn't expect a confession, especially from your best friend. but quickly, a little smile spread on your lips as you reached for beomgyu's hand. he let you do that, and he let you pull him closer to you too, your face only inches away from the other.
"you've always been the only one for me too gyu, i simply didn't think that you would feel the same because you're always surrounded by the most beautiful girls of the country, so why would you choose me ?" - "because i'm in love with you, so in love with you it hurts sometimes." your smile was matching his, and you could see his brown eyes sparkling with joy again. "i'm in love with you too, have been for so long." - "does that mean i can kiss you now ?" you chuckled but still nodded : "yes, you can."
so beomgyu kissed you, and the way his heart exploded in his ribcage was only another proof of how down bad for you he was. and he didn't want this feeling to ever stop if that meant he could wake up by your side every morning.
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jellipuff · 2 months
Goddd big sub mingyu in a pretty pink gown. Imagine him calling you daddy and probably agreeing on a day when you can free use him whenever you want and just fuck him full of your cum until he's all dumb and begging to get filled and be pregnant 😭
ANON?! Omgg shut upppp because why are you in my head??
Oversharing moment here but i like to be called many things but something about ME being called daddy makes me feel like i'm glitching. Add that to this scenario you gave me and i will DIE.
I love that you love big sub!mingyu in a pretty pink gown because he’s such a lovely prince that he loves it even more! :(( cutie mingyu has the prettiest gowns and daintiest lingerie because he’s your baby whose only job around you is to be happy and fucked full until the mess leaking beneath you both is too much. He’s such an angel knowing just how much Daddy needs him, knows how much you love using him. 
He knows you miss him so much and he misses you even more! it’s not fair that your job keeps you from him when he craves you this intensely. Even if his hole is still puffy from where he begged and pleaded last night for more. More strength, more kisses, more cum, more of Daddy! :< 
Mingyu thinks the people at your job need a reason to let you come home earlier, a reason to give you more days off, and mingyu knows one he can give them. 
so when you step in the door late one night a bit tired yet overjoyed at finally being home, you are surprised that your night is full of mingyu in your favorite pink nightgown of his as he begs for you to knock him. Pushing his hips back as your hands grip them harder; telling you how good it feels. He can't help but keep whining about how messy Daddy’s cum is but not once does he stop asking for it. Even as you pull out, leaving him empty he think it’s the fullest he’s ever been. Panting heavily as drool escapes his mouth; he gazes at you through lidded eyes before smiling. “Hole is s’messy Daddy, thank you.” 
Mingyu knows he won’t get pregnant but with the way you still look so hungry for him despite filling him up multiple times, he also knows you’re going to call in sick tomorrow. So he’ll take his win and maybe if he wakes you up in the morning with his hole and lashes fluttering, you’ll give him another round of whatever he wants, whenever you want. 
( btw i’m sorry for answering this so late!! I saw your ask a bit ago but wasn’t feeling motivated to write and was having a bit of anxiety around writing. I do want to say thank you so so much for sending an ask because I love gushing about things and talking to you all. I also wrote a whole fic around this ask soooo that’ll be out soon hehe! I just need to figure out how to post on here without getting got by the labels (╥_╥). )
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michelle4eve · 3 months
Moots <33 
              (No specific order, I love all you guys!)
-Newer moot! Hihi :) Who's your bias btw? 
-I literally love you, I appreciate you comforting me when I was about to cry and you're so kind it hurts 🤭 I hope we continue to talk and be bsfs :]
- I dunno yet D: But here, have hearts because I haven’t got anything to say ❣️💕💓
-I dunno you much yet I'm so sorry 😞 I just watch your interactions with others (sometimes I interact with you too :O) and I want to get closer with u :)
-I'm sorry, I forgot all interactions I have had with you (if i had any), you’re very sweet tho😭 But uhm here's some hearts 💕 💖 💓 ♥ 💗 ❤ 
-Hii, I didn’t know we were moots?? I hope we can talk? <33
-So sweet?? Adorable even?? Like you srsly have stolen my heart.. I smiled like a dumb fool, your lil photo bombs make my day/few days <33 Hehe :] 
-Literally a celebrity so I'm intimidated, and I love your writing 😚 I will binge your series as promised soon 🙏
- How are you doin? Thanks for checking up on me and all, I really appreciate it :] Hope you're doing alright! 
-You better get me some sushi so I can try it 😤And you(r)e (dog is) cute <33 Also, please stop murdering and/or committing arson 🙏
- … Babes.. One moment you're there and the next you deactivated 😭
-MWAH 😚💕💕❣❣ (I can't figure out what to say, so here's hearts ♡♡♡)
- Hihihi how are you doing, i remember smth abt this guy from a party? How's that lol, and I love your fake texts :]
-Literally so fuking sweet Ily <33  your long paragraphs kinda intimidate me..but it's a-ok! Some people write long texts, some short. Alsooo WHERE IS THE PLAYLIST 😭😭 
-No but I actually luv u, might be stalking me though 🧐 and ur headcanons/lil oneshots  stole my heart.. Ngl I didn't know you wrote them, I should pay more attention to the authors.. We're officially besties now whether you like it or not. 😇 And we be matching 🤭
-Hihihi I'm so sorry I forgot you 😔 I honestly have no idea if we've interacted before.. ilyt 😅💕💕 Mwah mwah 💋❣
-Hiii! Newest mootie here :] I hope we get to know each other more. How's your day been so far?
-Hi mon cheri, I think I've won the boop war earlier hehe. You're cute and I loved your fic, I like you, take care
-So sweet and very cool 😎 I have no clue what to say so bare with me D:
- I feel like you’re stalking me pt.2 🧐 But uhm, I srsly don't know what to say but you seem cool :DD
-Are you ok bro, don't die. Ilyy 🤭💕 I'm a big fan
-Why are you still here lol, sending ❣❣❣💕💕💓💓
-Hehe, hi. I love your writing :DD I like you too :DD
-First to adopt me, my momma. If it isn’t obvious enough, I rly like u! And your writing is amazing too, you’re very admirable and I’m 100% sure you’re very pretty
-My first ever moot here! I don’t think I’ve actually talked with you lol 😓 Wayyyy back when I was in my onceler phase (a year ago?), we became moots :)  I don’t even know if you use tumblr anymore tbh…
-Omg when I first talked to you, I thought I was dreaming or smth.. Like, I love everything about you and you know me now?? 🤯 And now, we talk more 😌 I'm improving with my sleep schedule btw! I don't rly take baths that late anymore 🥳 
- I just watch your interactions from afar so I dunno what to say for you 😭 here’s a heart?? <33
-I do not remember if we interacted before.. But you seem cool, let's be friends 💜 
-I dunno you that much yet I'm so sorry 🙏💕 You seem cool and I'm kinda intimidated 
-I don't know you that much yet I'm so sorry 😞 I hope we get to talk more and become closer hehe
-I don't know you much yet I'm so sorry 😞💞 But I see you pop up a lot in my feed and activity hehe 💓 
-I dunno you much yet 😞 But uhm I like your writing and 💞❣💕
-🧍‍♀️I'm kinda intimidated by you, 😚💕
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pop-roxs · 1 year
omgg late valentines grelle x reader fic!! :3
this is like my second ever attempt at fic writing and my first time posting my work so please be easy on me 🙏
(this fic is now on ao3!)
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category: hurt/comfort
ship: grelle x reader
word count: 1,206(i wrote more than i thought oh my god)
reader is gn!!!
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Valentine's day is a day for couples to express their love for each other through chocolates and cards. It's a day for crushes to be confessed, and for friends to be cared for. This seems like the perfect holiday for Grelle. But she would say the opposite. Especially now.
It had been a long day at the dispatch, and frankly she was tired of seeing all the healthy and happy couples prance about the halls hand-in-hand. Upon arriving home, she threw off her coat and opened a bottle of wine, finishing about half of it in one go. She could cry if she cared. She just wanted the day to end.
William had been insistant on giving her as much overtime as possible. She would've enjoyed it, if it weren't sitting at her desk in her office, filing paperwork for what seemed to be an endless amount of hours.
It was almost midnight now, as she glumly walked over to her couch to sit down. She was exhausted, staring into nothing as her mind drew blanks. She hadn't even gotten chocolate. Not a single card. Not from friends, and she definitely didn't have any secret admirers. Why would she? Nobody at dispatch actually liked her anyways.
And so she sat there. For about a few minutes, until she heard very incessant knocking at her front door. She grumbled and ignored it. But then by the third round they were practically banging at her door, to which she finally decided to answer whoever wanted to visit her.
"...Y/N?" She stared at you, baffled, wondering why the hell you would be here. "Why are you here? Especially at this hour?..."
You tried to give her an answer, but you were panting so hard, your hands at your knees, trying desperately to catch your breath. "I'm sorry, Grelle, just... Give me a moment..."
She nervously stared at you as your breathing slowly calmed down, and this gave her a good minute or two to inspect your appearance. You were still in your uniform, but you were very much not dressed in a way you could present yourself. Your hair wasn't combed, and your laces were almost completely untied. It's almost as if you ran all the way to her apartment.
Once you finally managed to (mostly) calm down, you looked up at her, speaking in an urgent tone. "Grelle, I'm so sorry, I know I haven't seen you all day. I kinda skipped out on work today. Again, I'm sorry."
"Darling, just tell me why you're here. It's almost midnight. You should be asleep."
"And so should you." Grelle stopped talking after you said that. She let you continue. "I was gone all day because I..." You were afraid to say what you were going to say next.
"I was... Shopping. Looking for the right gift. For you." You looked away and held out a box of chocolates shaped in a heart, with a spider lily and letter taped to it. Grelle gasped quietly upon seeing it, staring at you for a minute. She gently took the box from your hands.
"Y/N, dear... Why did you get me this?" She looked up at you, biting her lip. She was afraid you were teasing her. Why in the ever living hell would you get her chocolates, anyways? And go out of your way to give them to her?
"...That's it? Just 'because'?"
"Ok, well, I guess it's deeper than that." You stood up straight, fidgeting with your nails. A blush crept onto your cheeks.
"Well then? I'm waiting." Grelle stood leaning on one leg, her hand on her hip, the other holding the chocolates you gave her. She looked at you expectantly, one eyebrow raised.
Your eyes darted around nervously. Her apartment, the floor, the door, the hallway, anywhere but her face. "I... Well, it's not that important, really. I can tell you some other time. It is rather la-"
"Tell me."
When Grelle spoke to you with that stern tone, you shut up and finally looked into her eyes. You stalled for an incredible amount of time. The longer you waited, the more impatient Grelle became.
"Well, if you're not gonna say, I'll just go to bed." She started to close the door, and you panicked.
"W-Wait! I'll tell you." She stopped closing it, giving you one last chance to explain yourself. She kept her hand on the doorknob.
You closed your eyes as you braced yourself for what you were about to confess to her. "I like you."
Grelle's stern expression softened slowly after you said that. She looked at you in disbelief. No, this wasn't true. You were messing with her.
"Is this some kind of joke?"
When she said that, you immediately opened your eyes to return her gaze. You could tell that her eyes were beginning to water, but she was trying to hold it back. That look hurt.
"What? No! No, I'm not. I wouldn't joke about something like that, Grelle." You looked at her sympathetically.
She stared at you in thought. Her cheeks began to burn with a red color. She kept staring at you for what almost felt like forever. "Are you sure?"
"Yes. I'm sure."
Grelle couldn't hold it in anymore, as a few tears streamed down her cheeks. She looked at you silently, biting her lip, her eyebrows upturned. You immediately began to worry when she started crying, fiddling with your hands, not know what to do.
"Oh my god, Grelle, I'm so sorry! Are you ok? Did I say something wrong?"
She then quickly started to wipe her tears away. "Goodness, dear, I didn't mean to cry in front of you... This just isn't really believable right now."
"What do you mean by that?" Your heart ached further with her statement.
It was now Grelle's turn to worry, because when she saw your painful expression, she began to feel guilty. "Well... Nobody likes me. Nobody's ever liked me. You know how people treat me at dispatch. I just thought... I wouldn't guess that someone as pretty as you would bother with a woman like me."
"Grelle..." You took a few steps forwards, before wrapping your arms around her, resting your forehead on hers. "Please, believe me when i say this. I love you. I don't just have a small crush on you, or just think you're cute --although that is still true-- I genuinely love you. I don't think i could ever get over that without telling you."
Grelle continued to cry, as she returned your hug, still holding the chocolates. "Darling.. You will never understand how much this means to me. I've been pining on you for so long, I never expressed it since I never knew someone was capable of loving me."
"Please, never believe that lie again." You moved to press a sweet kiss to her cheek, silencing her worries. She looked at you, and her eyes were so full of emotion, sincere and unadulterated affection.
"Come inside, I have some wine we can drink. I would love to share these chocolates with you.♡" Grelle loosened her embrace as she led you into her apartment, to which she spent her best Valentine's night with you.
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bro i wrote this at like 2/4am tf
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kodzukenmaaa · 2 years
Omgg if you started writing for pure love yet, can you write a head canons about eunhyuk with a really cute fem gf whos so sweet to him and like affectionate but not where is like annoying 😭
Much love xoxo😘
↷ ⋯ ♡ᵎ pairing: Go Eunhyuk X Fem Reader
↷ ⋯ ♡ᵎ contents: you being a sweet annoying gf
↷ ⋯ ♡ᵎ warnings: Fluff.
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Eunhyuk loves it when you would greet him with kisses all over his face he would go all pouty when you missed his lips. "Baby!" You beamed and bring his face to your hands and start giving kisses to his face showing how much you missed him. You wanted to tease him a little by not kissing his lips you keep cupping his face, "Baby you forgot one spot," he insisted, you bit your lips and shake your head "No I don't I already kiss every spot of your-" he cuts you off by pulling your face and kiss your lips.
Eunhyuk who loves it when you would sit down next to him and lay your head on his shoulder.
Eunhyuk who prepared himself and braced for impact whenever you see him and come running to him with a hug.
Eunhyuk who let's you play pin his hair with your hairclips.
Eunhyuk who knows how much you love to eat that he buys you a lot of treats, "Do you want my leftover cake?" You instantly beam and nod vigorously. You waited when he went to get the cake himself as soon the cake was placed in front of you you quickly devour the cake. He will buy you lots of food even if it made him broke.
He won't admit it but he actually loves it when you play with his hair especially when you're sitting on his lap.
He find it cute when you tug his shirt and notified him that you want to go back, he just "Oh its late I should go back home, come on baby" and left with you.
He would wrap his arm around your waist whenever you wrap yours around his torso.
He loves it when you feed him.
He craves compliment, when he did something and tell you about you would say "Good boy" he craves it, he want more.
He would pull you closer to him when you join him in bed to cuddle, he's going to pull your leg across his body and put one hand behind your back and you would place your head on his neck and breathe in his cologne.
You would kiss him first before you fell asleep in his arm.
When you're in the amusement park he picked the cutest headband for you and would debate with himself which one would suit you better and make you more cuter.
In the end you two are matching.
"Baby you look so cute, look over here so I can take a picture of you."
He would silently take a picture of you but whenever you hear a camera sound he would pretend he's playing with his phone, he doesn't want to get caught.
He would unconsciously smile a little when you two walking around with you holding his hand, intertwined you fingers with him.
Sometimes he likes when you're a little bold with him by pulling his collar to your height and kiss him on the lips.
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This is my first time writing a headcanon I'm so sorry if its bad and if go eunhyuk is ooc. I'm surprised to see there's no pure love operation fiction here so I decided to make one.
Request are close at the moment!
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rockstvrdotcom · 1 year
okay, hear me out, a D/S dynamic with Ticci Toby. One day you leave the mansion and go into town to buy a couple of things with Toby, and while he's gone to go get something some random guy approaches you. You don't realize it but he's flirting with you and again without realizing it you're somewhat flirting back, but Toby definitely noticed and when you get back to the mansion he's decided that you need to be taught who you belong to.
- 𝙔𝙊𝙐'𝙍𝙀 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙀 !! ⪼☆
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oh my gosh i literally love this OMGG
CW: hair pulling, being tied up, dom/sub, jealousy fuck, breeding kink, orgasm denial (like once) , light choking, degradation, name calling (slut, whore, cunt), fwb, dub con (if u squint..)
you can skip to the part where it becomes NSFW cuz its kinda long
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"you ready to go?" toby asked, keys to the mansions shared car in hand. he wore a black hoodie and some grey cargos with a belt, a mask covering the lower half of his face. you were just gonna get groceries for the mansion, you and toby were the more "normal looking" people.
you nodded, heading towards the exit. he opens the door for you and you thank him in response. you heard the old van's engine begin to run, you were suprised how that old thing still works. you head to the van, opening the door to the drivers seat. toby grabs your wrist. "we both know you suck at driving, let me drive." he said so passive aggresively. you roll your eyes, "i also suck something else." you winked. he looked away, shoving you into the car.
you mostly sat in silence for most of the ride, the occasional sex joke here and there. the ride to get into town was almost half an hour with this old ass van, leaving you both plenty of alone time.
but, you and toby arent a couple. actually, you aren't even that close as friends. it's more of a friends with benefits situation, whenever you both are horny or whatever, you fuck. that's pretty much it. you don't really talk when you're not doing that.
you think hes cute and hot, and he thinks the same for you. thats for sure. but relationships in the mansion never really.. work. you asked toby out before, but he rejected you since it "distracts from work" or whatever he says, you guys never became more than just friends with benefits. you breathe in as you both arrive to the grocery store. just a few snacks and frozen meals, you both didn't want to be out for long. your faces have been on wanted papers lately, you didnt wanna risk it.
you looked at the checklist..
kitchen knife
it wasn't much, so you took your time look through the aisles for something you wanted. as you walked, you accidentally bumped into some random guy who had tons of stuff in his hand.
"i'm so sorry-" you let out a little gasp, apologizing for the inconvenice. you don't usually apologize, let alone do you even say anything thats somewhat nice, but damn this guy was smoking hot.
"it's no problem," the guy laughed. you smiled back sheepishly. "would you mind helping me pick this stuff up? if you have time of course." he asked.
you nodded yes frantically. picking up this fallen cans of food and whatever else there was, as you were, he asks "what's your name?" while scratching his neck, trying not to make it obvious he was trying to get your number.
"it's y/n. what's yours?" you ask back. you finished helping him pick everything up.
"it's emir." he smiled. he was almost as tall as toby, he was about 6'1 (ik thats not tobys canon height) with (h/c) hair and (s/t) skin.. and he was mighty fine.
"sooo.. i think you're pretty cute. and i may or may not have bumped into you on purpose just to get your number.." he laughed nervously and you giggled in response.
"aw thanks! i think you're pretty cute too," you took out your phone, "my number is-" you felt an arm snake around you, and another snatch your phone out of your hand.
you looked behind you, a figure slightly towering over you. "what the f-" he shushed you.
"she has a boyfriend." it was toby, you realized that when he grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you to the exit, grocery bags in his other hand. you looked behind you to emir and mouthed sorry. he laughed awkwardly, disappointed.
toby let go of you so you could get in the van. you both went in and literal steam was about to come out of your ears. "toby, what the actual fuck was that." you said with furrowed eyebrows.
he stayed silent and turned on the radio. he began to drive and you scoffed. "the guy was actually hot too.." you mumbled under your breath. you faintly heard a grunt escape tobys mouth and you rolled your eyes. "while you were flirting with some guy, i got the groceries." he said, eyes focusing ahead of him while he started the engine.
"we weren't even flirting, he just wanted my number!" you told him, anger obvious in your voice.
"like hell you weren't flirting. you literally were about to give him your number dumbass." you kept silent after he said that, and looked out the window for the rest of the ride.
by the time you both were out of the car and at the mansion, he had a death grip on your arm as he dragged you up the staircase and into his room. he slams the door behind you, locking it.
nsfw below the cut! ★
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he pinned you against the wall. "you're fucking mine." he whispered into your ear. he moved strands of your hair away and bit and sucked at your neck and shoulders, showing everybody who you belong to. you moaned out his name, feeling his dick growing through his pants against your leg. he shoved you onto the bed, getting ontop of you with his knee inbetween your legs. he took off his belt and took ahold of your wrists, tying you to the headboard of his bed.
his look softened for a second, admiring your body beneath him. "you're such a fucking slut. what makes you think you can talk to other men like that? you're mine, you belong to me." he said into the nook of your neck, lightly choking you as he was taking in the smell of your perfume. he took off your clothes that were already half off. he fondled with your breasts, smashing his lips against yours, your lipstick lightly smudged on his lips. his lips found their way across your body, he left occasional hickeys on the way down to your pussy.
he aggresively kissed your inner thighs, "all mine." he grunted inbetween kisses. hands gripping your thighs, his nails digging into your skin.
"i'm all yours, toby." you said under your breath, your back slightly arched.
"bullshit." he scoffed as he looked up at you, pushing your panties aside and putting his fingers inside of you, thrusting them in and out of your dripping wet cunt. a loud moan escaped through your lips as he began to eat you out while he fingered you, tongue circling around your clit.
"you love my tongue, don't you? slutty bitch." he said, words laced with venom and jealousy. his harsh words brought heat straight down to your pussy, you clenched around his fingers. you became increasingly hot, and knew your orgasm was coming.
"toby- fuck- i'm coming." you moaned, biting your lip. the knot in your stomach began to untie. you felt his pace begin to slow, then stop. you whined, bucking your hips up hoping to get some pleasure and bring you to your high. he retracted from your pussy and took back his fingers. leaving you a panting and sweaty mess, still tied up. he shoved his fingers into your mouth, making you taste yourself on his hands. "suck, whore." he told you, pushing his fingers further down your throat.
"please toby, let me cum, please. i'm sorry. " you cried out through his fingers, begging for your release. he chuckled at your pleas.
"you wanna cum so bad, don't you? fucking slut." he laughed at you, the humiliation brung red to your cheeks as you tugged at his belt that kept you stuck to the bed, begging to be untied and atleast finish yourself if he wasn't gonna do it for you.
you sighed in relief as he took off his shirt and pants, throwing them to the side and pulling down his boxers just enough so his dick would pop out. "i'm gonna put all of my babies inside of your pathetic cunt." he growled, eyeing down your naked body like a hungry wolf.
he pushed his dick into your pussy, already thrusting in and out at a brutal pace. you cried out, back arched. he admired how your eyes rolled back and how your beautiful voice was chanting his name. he messily played with your clit as he pounded in and out of you, the bed banging against the wall.
you felt the knot in your stomach being brung back once again, tears of pleasure flowed out of your eyes. he straddled your hips, nails plunged into your sides, enough to break skin. you tried to grip onto something even with your hands tied, clenching on his dick.
"fuck fuck fuck fuck- i'm coming, please let me cum." you begged. he looked at you for a second, as if he was making a decision. then he picked up his pace, going faster than before. you cried out in pleasure, a wave of ecstasy washing over you as you came around his cock.
you felt his hips stutter, his pace became slower and sloppy. he wrapped his hand around your throat, leaning over you while playing with your tits. you bit your lip, still riding out your high. his thrusting sped up, then came to a stop. you felt him release inside of you. "fuck, your gonna look so pretty with my babies growing inside of you." he told you behind clenched teeth, roughly caressing your cheek.
"i don't wanna see you acting like that with another guy again." he said, about to unbuckle your wrists. you scoffed in annoyance.
"i asked you out and you said no, that's your fucking problem." the sexual tension was still there, but you could see rage on his face.
"your cunt belongs to me, you belong to me." he growled, before he roughly took ahold of your face and connected his lips with yours. his hands creeped down back to your pussy, playing with your clit. you tried to speak, to tell him that you were still sensitive. but it was muffled as he aggresively made out with you. he untied your hands, leaving them free to roam all across his body. you traced his muscles with your fingers, caressing every scar.
eventually you guys stopped eating at eachothers faces, and he laid down on the bed. you held him close to you, the room still smelled like sex. he pulled his boxers back up and pulled the sheets over both of you, kissing your forehead.
you laid there, your body sore. slowly, you began to drift away and fall asleep, head on his chest.
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its not proofread so sorry if i made any mistakes. another post is coming otw! ♡
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serendippertyy · 2 months
I love your sona and Bernard ship it's adorable! ❤🦌.....i know it's like March but would you draw them again...maybe easter themed🐰🌸?
And if i may ask....can you please draw a couple Jack Frosts❄in your style.....(I'm shamelessly obsessed with him even if it is mid March lol)
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soo sorry this is so late my asks get buried a lot!! but I am here now and OMGG SHOW YOURSELF ANON I NEED YEAR LONG SANTA CLAUSE MUTUALS !! 🗣️💥
like I said this is late buut here they are spring themed!! so happy you guys like seeing them, it makes me more comfortable with posting them outside of christmas 😅
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and I'm still working on drawing jack in a way that I like, rn he's looking a bit like the joker tbh buut i hope you stick around anon because I would love to practice some more LOL ❄️
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mattsturniololoverr · 2 months
~The after party~
A/n: guys this is my first fic please correct me on anything wrong and request ideas!Summary: y/n finally meets the triplets a week before her best friends birthday party , let's say alot happens.....
Warnings:  a series - definitely smut in the next-chapter -drinking - smoking - m/f receiving - Dom!Matt - p in V - unprotected sex - degradation - praising - use of y/n - getting caught
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pt2 pt3
I was getting ready for my best friend Laney's 21st birthday. I didn't really know anyone except Laney and a couple other people , but it was mainly an influencer get together cos nearly everyone going had at least 1 mill on YouTube or tiktok or something at this point.
All I knew was that the triplets would be there and what can I say , they're hot and they know it. I've only collabed with a few people once or twice and with the triplets once and let's say it went quite well. Well I would say so....
*- Last week -*-
I was sat at my desk putting on the last finishing touches of my make-up. Then suddenly my phone bussed and bussed and bussed until I answered.
"Hey! It's me nick I got your number of Laney! Hope you don't mind , I should have texted you first but just wanted to ask if you wanted to come round sometime you seem fun!!!!!"
"Omg nick you scared me I thought this was some random freak! but yeah of course I would love to come round some time!"
"Okay girly sorry for scaring you *he laughs* , is tomorrow okay I could get Matt to come get you?"
"Yeah! Okay that sounds good , should we say 2pm???"
"Yeah! That's perfe- CHRIS SHUT UP. I am so sorry Chris ran out of Pepsi I'll see you tomorrow bye girl!"
Once he hung up , I texted Laney straight away.
My wife🤍: maybe you'll actually get recognised on YouTube now 🙄🙄🙄 BUT YAY
I was so excited to meet them , especially Matt. Ever since I started watching their videos when they started all the way back in 2020 which is crazy , It feels like I've known them for years but realistically I know them they just don't know me.
It feels weird to say that but it's true and I feel so excited that I'm actually going to be meeting them! And of course I'm excited I'm meeting them all but I just have a thing for Matt , well I mean who wouldn't look at the man he's stunning.
-*- tomorrow -*-
I slowly opened my eyes to the blaring sound of my alarm , I had to set off extremely early because otherwise I would be waking up at 7pm. And of course I can't be late with meeting them that would be so embarrassing , so instead I woke up 7 hours earlier than I needed to so I have extra time to be prepared , who knows what's gonna happen. ( Little does she know a lot is gonna happen )
-*- 2 hours later -*-
Ive just finished in the shower I used my favourite shampoo to make my hair look shiny and blonde and my strawberry body wash. After I felt fresh and clean , I realised that I had taken 2 hours in the shower which was longer than I thought but that's okay because I have another 5 hours left. I sat down and tied my hair in a towel and started doing my skin care , I was just about to put on my toner until my phone bused.
Nick💜: is it okay if Matt picks you up in like an hour?? Chris decided we all need to go mini golfing. It was his idea not mine don't blame me 😭.
Me: that's okay haha and yeah that's fine I'll be ready in an hour!
I had an hour to get ready and I didn't know if I was gonna make it. I had to skip half of my skin care and get straight to my makeup with my primer and then foundation and then the rest. I had just about finished my makeup now just drying my hair but I looked at the clock behind me on my wall above my mirror to find that I only had 15 minutes left until Matt was here , and I didn't have time to dry and curl my hair , I haven't even picked out my outfit!?
I rushed with drying my hair so much that I forgot to buy anti frizz spray so I quickly sprayed it on hoping it would work.
.5 minutes left okay that's not too bad , I nearly tour my whole wardrobe apart trying to find the perfect outfit , I had found out a blue Bandana type tube top and some baggy black jeans and my converse and I had my silver Vivienne Westwood earrings in and my silver horse necklace what my dad gave me before he moved states.
Once I put on my outfit and the finishing touches my phone rang , it was Matt , well I presumed it was since it was bang on 11 o'clock and an unknown number.
"Hey it's Matt , nick gave me your number and I think I'm outside"
"If it has a white door then yes that's my house lol its in-between to house with black doors"
"Oh shi- wrong house hold on"
I could hear Matt drop the phone and the car reversing.
"Ok now I'm here"
"Okay I'm on my way"
Once I hung up I opened my door to Matt outside greeting me with a hug.
"Hi sorry about being really early It was Chris's fault".
He said with a small hue of pink in his cheeks.
"Haha don't worry about it , I love mini golf anyway" i smiled at him.
He started heading to the passenger door and opened with the kind words of
"lady's first".
I gave him a smile and couldn't help but blush that the boy I have been crushing over for 4 years is opening the door for me.
During the car ride Matt seemed stressed , I could see him fiddling with his rings every time we stopped at a red light. I didn't realise but I was also really nervous , so nervous I started playing with the horse on my necklace.
He seemed to pick up on it maybe 5-10 minutes into the drive to get nick and Chris.
"If you're nervous , me too I hate when nick just asks people to Collab without asking me and Chris , I think he knows I'll love it once I get to know the person but it would be nice to ask you know" he said with slight anger in his voice."I didn't mean that I don't want you here cos I do- but not in that wa- unless you want it to be- I'm gonna stop now" he said cutting himself off after a couple words.
"Matt it's okay I'm nervous too , I've been watching your guys videos since you started , it feels like I'm meeting someone like Justin Bieber right now like a full on celebrity" he chuckles at the end of my sentence.
"Hey we have the same necklace" I said trying to change the awkwardness as I turned my head towards him.He looked to the right to see what we did.
"Ha I didn't realise , I got this from my mom".
"Mines from my dad before he moved states".
The only difference with our necklaces was that the horses were facing opposite ways to each other.
-*-time skip-*-
It's been a couple hours since we all got home from mini golfing , let me just say Chris is a very sore loser , I think Matt won then nick , then me and lastly chris.
We were all sat together on the couch , watching ru Paul as me and nick loved it.
Only Chris and Matt were on the phone.I was starting to move around cos I was sitting in an uncomfortable position but Matt's phone flew out his hand when I accidentally knocked his arm.
"I'm so sorry!"
I whispered in embarrassment as I picked his phone up only to see him on my Instagram and all my pictures were liked. I turned my head towards him only to find him looking right back at me with the most red cheeks I've ever seen. Once we made contact he looked at the floor immediately.I slid his phone back to him on the couch , and sat back in my seat trying to forget what just happened.
-*- 1 hour later -*-
My mind was racing , what if Matt liked me or was he just being a nice friend? No? Yes? I don't even know anymore.
I tried everything I could to stop thinking about it but now could I until I got a message
Matt: come to my room after? We need to speak.
I just looked at him and turned back to my phone and nodded trying not to make it to obvious to his brother what was going on.I was just thinking about what's gonna happen before nick interrupted
"Chris I'm hungry let's go get food , Matt show y/n around the house properly shes only seen the living room for Christ sake"
Once nick and Chris left Matt stood up almost immediately. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to his room and slammed the door behind me.
"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to happen like this".
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italianlobster · 2 months
hey baby!!! Can you write a smut with jealous matias please? He might be insecure with his body maybe? I miss your stories so mutchhhh. Ah oh the bondage one? You had me SCREAMINGGG
(Sorry english is not my first language)
Omgg, you made me blush!! Thanks a lot!! I hope you enjoy it! Your English is good! Also, I'm sorry that I made you wait this long. You have every right to be mad at me. If I'm ever this late to write anyone's request again, you all have permission to kick my ass. T_T - Santana xoxo
Please Don't Cry
Matías Recalt x Gender Neutral Reader (with mentions of Blas Polidori)
Summary: You're an actor who is filming a new movie, and Matías is jealous of the male lead, Blas Polidori.
Warning: smut, handjob, eye contact, jealousy, body image issues.
You sighed heavily as you slammed the door behind you shut. Your entire day was filled with rehearsaling, day and night. You just couldn't wait to get to your bed. You kicked off your shoes, which had been killing your feet all day, and then headed to the kitchen. You were too tired to eat, so you just wanted to drink a tall glass of cold water before heading off to bed. You limped and rubbed your tired eyes. When you open them, you are met with Matías. He didn't seem too happy as his arms were crossed and the expression on his face seemed sad. "Oh, hey baby.." You broke the awkward silence between the two of you. Matías didn't respond. "What's wrong?" You said, and he sighed as he finally said, "Tell me what's really going on between you and Blas." Matías crossed his legs, and his arms were still folded. "What do you mean?" You were confused.
Blas Polidori was the male lead of a new movie you were staring in. You were the male lead's girlfriend/boyfriend/other. The new movie had a plot of romance; it included kissing and an erotic scene. There was no real penetration involved, and both of you used fake genitalia. You told Matías hundreds of times that you felt nothing toward Blas and that you and the tall man were only just working together for the movie. Matías would always say that he understood, but you knew deep down that he actually didn't. His pale face would turn red of anger, and he would pout. His arms would fold, and he'd just walk away. It broke your heart to see him this way.
"You're cheating on me with Blas, aren't you?" Matías stood up. He looked like he was about to cry. "What makes you think that?" You went up to Matías to hug him, and he refused to be touched. "I don't know. I.. I'm just paranoid. I'm sorry. When I see you and him together, I think of negative things. He's better than me. I can't bear to watch that movie. I'm sorry again.." Matías was full on crying at this point. Your heart broke into pieces. You grabbed his soft hand. "Matías.. look at me." He looked at you. Your other hand caressed his cheek. "I love you. Please don't cry. You're the only man I need in my life. You're perfect, from top to bottom. I wouldn't want you to change. I want to help you look at yourself the way I do. Come with me." You gave him a soft smile. He returned the same smile. "Okay." He followed you into the bedroom, hand in hand.
Now, there you both were, in front of the mirror. You were behind Matías, who was nude and covering himself while looking away.
"Look at you. So pretty." Your hands rubbed Matías' shoulders. He was shy. His cheeks were red, and he was biting his lip. "Don't you hide from me now." You giggled, and your one hand slowly slid down his torso to move his hands that were covering his penis. You felt his smooth skin and his bush that tickled your hand once you were made it to his pubic area. Your other hand pinched and rubbed his nipple. His chest was heaving. "Oh my god." He uttered. His eyes were closed. "Please look at me with those beautiful eyes." You said. He obeyed. You stared into his beautiful, dark eyes, and you admired his face. Every pimple, mole, scar, and mark. You paid attention to the parts where he was insecure of. His face, legs, stomach, everywhere. He was perfect to you. It was sad how Matías didn't believe that. "Tonight's going to be all about you, baby." You whispered in his ear. Now, you were going to show him how much you really love him.Your hand wrapped around Matías' length. You felt his smooth skin and the veins pulsating. He gasped and sighed once you started to move your hand up and down. You started off slowly, paying close attention to the tip of his cock. He hadn't felt this good in a while with him and you being busy. He was muttering nonsense as his brain turned to mush. His legs quivering as well as his lip. Your other hand sneaked away from his nipple to his balls. You carefully massaged and squeezed them. You could feel his small ass against your crotch area and his back pushing against your chest. His skin was so soft. You paid attention to his blushing face where a smile appeared. Your heart had melted seeing that you had made him happy. You also loved how his tired eyes went small whenever he smiled or laughed. That was your weakness.
The pace of your hand stroking his dick grew faster. Matías' head threw back and rested on your shoulder. You could see his Adam's apple bulging. You held him so he wouldn't fall down, and you were in control. Matías loved it when you were in control. The thought of him just standing there while you did what you wanted to his body made him weak in the knees.
"You're doing so well."
"I love your body."
"You're so handsome."
Your compliments filled the air. It was one of the few sounds that could be heard in the bedroom. You worshipped Matías and his body. You wanted him to know how much you love him and that he would finally recognize his beauty. You noticed how his moans grew louder and high-pitched. He was close.
"I.." Matías stammered. He was trying to tell you something, but he was high from all the pleasure. His mind was foggy. You knew what he was going to say.
"Say it." You giggled and gave kisses on his milk white neck.
"I love you!" Matías shouted. Again, you knew what he was going to say, but you still reacted with joy and glee like always. You blushed, and your eyes widened."I love you too!" You giggled once more.
"Ohhh.." Matías moaned, and he came all over your hand. Some of his fluids fell on the floor. He calmed down once he released.
"Thank you. I believe you now. I will also work harder on my self esstem. Will you help me?" He blushed at the mess he made along with the favor he asked you for."Yes, love." You smiled.
Each day, Matías began to believe that he was handsome. You were eager to help him with his self esstem. His confidence grew, and the two of you were happier than ever.
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gloomiebearwritings · 2 years
Is there anything you can't deliver?!!!!!!!! Holy shit! Okay, okay, so how would Kuai, Hanzo, Kabal and Erron react to their s/o telling them they want to have their baby?
Omgg Tumblr ate this ask for a hot minute I didn't see it!! 😭I'm so sorry! Erron's is super soft because apparently, I'm not immune to "Really soft cowboy" hours
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Kuai Liang
The talk happened every now and again when you two were restless at night, though it didn’t seem too serious at the time
Though deep down he had seriously thought about it on slower days, imagining what it’d be like to see you with a child of his
Sometimes his mind would wander to these ideas when you two would start getting into the heat of the moment
And there were times where he wondered just how seriously you’d want to have a family with him; though he never had the courage to ask
But when you finally told him you really wanted his child, he couldn’t help but smile with a joy you hadn’t seen in him before. It brought him a special joy to know you really wanted to have a family with him, and to be parents together. He’ll take your hands in his, placing them against his chest as he kisses your forehead, promising to be a better father than his was to him and his brother.
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While talks about wanting kids had come and gone, he was genuinely unsure if he wanted to try again
Though over time he began to warm up to the idea of having a family again, feeling secure in the fact that he could keep you and the child truly safe
There were times he thought about it too deeply and would become quietly emotional, imagining what it’d be like to be called a father again
Despite this though, he’d never really admit it to himself how much he craved having it all back again
So, when you told him you seriously wanted to start a family, he went quiet for a moment, eyes wide as he processed it all before giving you a soft, warm smile. He’ll ask at least twice about being sure, not wanting you to jump into it blind; but would smile more when you’d tell him you were absolutely sure. Bringing you close to him in an embrace he’ll tell you about how he’d been anxious about trying to have a family again, but that he’d grown to be sure of his ability to keep you safe, so he was no longer afraid.
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He hadn’t thought too deeply about being a father, though it did run through his head from time to time
It’s not that he didn’t want to be one, it’s just that it didn’t really cross his mind unless you dropped a hint or discussed it with him
A part of him wasn’t too sure how good of a father he’d be, though it was something he was slowly coming to feel secure in
There’d be times where he’d be up late thinking about it, making himself promise that if it came to it that he’d be the best father he could be
That night you made him look at you and made him aware that you really did want his kid, and all he could do was blink a couple of times before it really hit him. A smile grew on his face as he nearly sheepishly asked of you were serious, saying he didn’t want to fuck it all up on you. But when you reinforce that you were serious, he takes a moment to run through his thoughts before moving closer; giving a little nod he’ll say he wants to take up the responsibility.
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He wasn’t sure about being a father at all, finding the idea of it anxiety inducing; fearing he’d end up no better than his own father and not wanting to put you through that
But when you two would pass around the talk of having a kid he’d put on a brave smile, listening to everything you had to say before trying to suggest he wouldn’t be the best
Though after a few months of these talks he slowly began to come around to the idea, finding himself up at night or in the early morning looking himself in the mirror; scolding himself about being better than his father so the kid wouldn’t grow up traumatized like he did
He knew you’d be an amazing parent yourself, he just feared he wouldn’t be nearly as good as he should be for your sake
But when you tell him you’d seriously like to have his kid, he'll sit up straight in his seat, pressing his lips together before giving a sigh. He didn’t want to fail the kid or you, especially you since you’re putting your entire trust into him with a child. Clasping his hands together he’d admit he fears he won’t be as good as he should, or that he might end up scaring the kid the way his father scarred him. Only after you tell him you know he wouldn’t be like that did he admit he’d at least like to try for a kid, wanting to undo what his father did and give a kid what he didn’t have.
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skzcoffee · 1 year
skz as college boyfriends | hyung line
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Pairing: hyung line x fem¡reader
Word count: 0.4k
Genre: Fluff (very fluffy and delulu bc skz is just so)
Warnings: None!
A.N: Sorry if this is bad and very late I lost a bit of inspiration for the hyung line because I’ve been having really bad days lately :(
— Masterlist !!
• Staying up all night studying together
• Walks around the entire school to pick you up from your lectures
• Late night dates literally anywhere
• Walking around campus and town until the sun sets and everyone leaves
• Binge watching your favorite show until sunrise and you fall asleep on his lap
• Lazy mornings full of cuddling and kissing all morning in bed
• Literally the parents around your friends
• “Mom, dad, what are we doing today” The guy who said that was Felix 🤓. You play along “We’re doing out to eat son.”
• Chan pretends to hate roleplaying family but secretly loves it
• Cat cafe dates :’)
• Late night walks while holding hands!
• Same place for weekly dates as a “tradition”
• Cooking for you so you don't eat out too much
• Pretends he doesn't like public affection but he loves it secretly
• Sends you funny and cute videos of him playing with snow filters
• Comes over to your place without even asking
• Sends you photos of his cat as a form of love expression
• “Look, it's Soonie with a hat! Cute, isn't it?” “So cute, but not as cute as you ;)” “So I’m a cat now?" “Maybe”
• Turns you into a gym rat
• Gym dates?? (Seems weird but for you guys it's perfectly normal)
• Cuddling A LOT (cause you love sleeping on his chest)
• Trying to cook together but doesn't work out most of the time
• Texts you about every little detail of his day
• “Y/NNNNN!!! I’m in the most boring lecture everrrrr! Please pick me up after, we can go get coffee or something 😉” “Omgg deal, I’m on my way :))”
• Writes you letters but is too shy to give them to you (he eventually does)
• Embarrassing you with aegyo in public because it’s funny (it’s okay bc you secretly think it’s cute)
• He’s like the “lalala” to you “okokok”
• You guys are like a couple straight out of a classic romance movie, it’s so cute
• Takes you out on casual and fancy dates (he likes variety)
• Lots of paintings of you or for you
• Holds your hand 24/7, he does not let go.
• Loves it when you go to his dance practice just to keep him company
• Does the same for your extra curricular activities
• Hanging out at the local café everyday after school
• Literally loves gossip so much like it’s concerning
• “So, what’s today’s gossip?” “You're hungry aren't you?” “I had a boring day, I need gossipppp!!!” “Well, I found out that my professor…”
• Sends you selfies of him literally anywhere
• Pet names!! (ex. love, darling, sweetheart)
Author's Note: I'm sooo sorry for taking so long but I hope you like it :)) Please tell me what to write next I have no ideas.
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