#this is so lq but might as well tag
elgog · 9 months
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I found them in my pocket.
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lashysdomain · 5 months
@mageofspacemultiverse and @memurfevur 's Oc Name ARG Data
for those who AREN'T me who've spent the last 4 days and almost every waking and sleeping hour thinking about this, here's what we have so far + puzzles i've not yet been able to solve
characters: [name] - (blog they're at)
arceel - (memurfevur)
how we found out about ynygme (from here on referred to as E). ex moirail, used to be known as Balerion. this is the name that E knows him by.
Ynygme - (mageofspacemultiverse)
We have found E's name. it's recommended not to say it, just in case. they're currently in hiding while we find a tether and figure out how to decode the spell we need to bring them home.
the subjugate video
one of E's captors. we've been told to hide from them, so DNI. please. i know, villian, but dni. summoned by us guessing S
the warden video (loud)
another of e's captors, 110% fucked up on this one. i didn't notice, both of these are my fault.
current puzzle objective is solving the spell to get back to E and helping find any parts of their body to create their tether
extra characters and unsolved puzzles/extra info under the cut
watch'r - (memurfevur)
bound to arceel, knows what's going on to some degree, will take gossip as a bribe for clues, unsure what he'll give. that's my bestie
For now we're good on clues, but we might need more soon?
matild kirada - (memurfevur)
gilf. who said that mentioned in the poem posts image, likely whos help we need to find e's body
unsolved puzzles
i'm currently still trying to solve these, but i'm at my wits end in a way
possible code could be from the polls, setting the positions of letters in another key the letters and their resulting poll result numbers are: e2 r4 p5 i6 c6 h3 (the letters spell cipher. kilant you bitch.)
p is interesting, and has the options of 20 5 20 8 5 18 which when put into an alphanumeric substitution cipher gives us "tether" could be nothing but that seems purposeful? every other poll has just 123...
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the pastebin clues, found from the description of the subjugate video.
these are settings for the enigma machine. what we put into it probably hasn't been sent out yet, it's also a clue about E's first name more than likely.
as dr el fj ky mt ob qx uz wh I 10 1 III 17 2 VII 6 4
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A grandpre grid from the watch'r drabble and following judgements roman numerals gives us a likely second set of plugboard settings for the enigma machine.
the rest of the settings were found on a past post leading to a soundcloud link
ap cm dv gq iy ne rj sw uf zk V 4 6 IV 6 2 VIII 16 6
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from the tags of the last ask + settings for another machine from the post where E told us about their past with balerion. it's unclear if the setting for the third rotor is 22 1 or 2 21
RC EY BF SG JM ID LQ KZ TU HO V 18 3 VI 1 5 III 2 2 1
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from a poll with some sort of poem? poem might not actually be important, but the poll post is here
vuypo xu klt syet ya g rukobq crmgp fpkose kkmexf wkzoec knm bwbx qgzkem
Jcif xgs aphwvx rxdgdk jc boyf Irmm g inbfjh b qrqqevn onmzf Mcuvh omeccn diegypgp
from E's latest ask and pulled from the captions of the Warden video. if this is the spell, we're missing the last third piece still
i believe it might be a beaufort vigenere cipher, but we don't have it's key. could also need to be spit through specific enigma machine settings. there are far too many for me to brute force, so we'll just have to wait.
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the words that bring them together are likely just the spell, not anything super complex (well more so than finding it all)
current state of the reset conspiracy board
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ashtcnirwin · 2 years
you have an ashton url, an ashton icon and your sidebar is ashton but you take time to defend fans at the shows who don't take photos or videos of ashton. even if the footage they get of him is lq, they can still post it, can't they?
there's this really neat concept that exists where you apply a little bit of logic and rational thinking to your thought process to avoid letting your feelings get the best of you and make you act irrationally. i believe they call it being a mature and level headed person. there are papers about it out there that you can find if you google around a little, i'm sure
do i wish there was more ashton content from the shows and does the lack of it occasionally make me sad? hell yeah it does, i'm only human and i want all the ashton content 24/7. but, as i said in the tags of the ask reblog, i understand very well why there isn't as much ashton content as there is maluke content. it makes complete sense
as for why people don't post the LQ ashton content they might have, i understand very well why they don't. i probably wouldn't either, cos posting LQ content just isn't fun unless the content shows something big or important
also, “defend fans at the shows”? defend them from what crime or wrongdoing, exactly? fans don’t attend shows to provide the rest of us with content, they didn’t pay good money for concert tickets to focus their time and energy on filming and taking photos. some of them are kind enough to film/photograph and then share their footage with the rest of us but they certainly don’t have an obligation to do so
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thepotentialof2007 · 3 years
The tumblr gif situation rn is verrrry frustrating for me. For the last couple of months, more and more won’t load, and I think I’m looking at stills until someone’s tags don’t make sense and then I go and exfiltrate the actual gif from the .gifv, and hey, whole new moving world. Same thing when I use a an entirely new browser with a vpn from a different continent. Latest versions of browsers, FF, Safari, and chrome-based. So, it’s either tumblr or my OS (Mac, not the latest but within living memory, and up to date.)
Curiously, some won’t load on my dash *or* on my blog but will load on the originating blog and some subset of other reblogs. Also, it doesn’t seem to be filesize dependent: there are ones well over 5M that load quickly and ones half that size that won’t at all. I do think it’s less likely to afflict those smaller in dimension, though that might be sample size bias.
I’ve tried uploading a few gifs of my own since this started happening but could only get the lowest of LQ versions to run so that’s not very rewarding. Although, for all I know, the HQ ones might not be broken for other people. My older ones still work, at least.
Is this a known issue?
Obvs, I’ve consulted the GIF Troubleshooting Help page wherein it says, “if we’re unable to successfully serve a GIF that exceeds 5 MB, Tumblr will serve only the first frame”, but then it seems everyone would be seeing broken gifs. And again, it seems very arbitrary, as far as filesize, and location, however it is consistent (for me) as to which gifs never load correctly. Have tried searching tags in vain for solutions but realize that is a fickle resource.
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Random example, from when this sort of thing first became noticeable:
Lewis on DTS on my blog: 1st gif loads properly, 2nd doesn’t load at all, 3rd only loads first frame. (On my dash, the 2nd was first frame only and the 1st and 3rd worked.)
Lewis on DTS on originating blog: all three load correctly
Been the case for me since the day op made them
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kipskat · 3 years
Men, I'm sure there's a good part in you that desires to not end up 'not seeing her as your future'. (Jayzam-zoned)
And I mean, for the greater majority of men out there, I have always believed that the sane and average man would date a woman without the intention of playing with her feelings or hurting her.
But - even if the intentions are harmless, a lot of relationships still end up either spiraling to their destruction or continuing lifelessly on a plateau for years.
I'm offering you some new perspective that might just help your relationship move forward.
And I'm sharing this from my experience, observations, and failures I've had in the past. And sharing this as a married man to another man - because except for those who are obviously being whiteknights and simps, we don't really see a lot of men to men advices here on social media.
These are things your woman might not be able to fully express to you but would like to...
... videogames or hanging out with your friends all week, and it seems like you're taking it easy in life, your woman is gradually getting anxious about your future together.
They said a man matures later than a woman because their prefrontal cortex develops late. The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that helps people set and achieve goals. That's why at the age of 25, the average woman sees herself settling down within 5 years, while the average man finds it hard to see even see himself at all within 5 years.
If this is true for you, it's about time to realize that you don't have to wait for that function to kick in. If you are in a relationship with a woman, you are responsible for her. Her dreams and aspirations in life can not wait just because you still haven't figured out yours.
... you need to understand that a woman has a biological timetable that she needs to beat. If she wants to have a handful of children in the very near future, understand that she needs to start making a family now. If you are serious about your future together as a family, think hard about this one.
... become fully independent. A help from your family, especially if you come from a well-off household, is truly a blessing. But your woman will always prefer seeing you striving, struggling, and working hard independently rather than getting everything you need from your family.
Remember, you are making your own, new family. Your family's wealth might have impressed her before, but things are different now. What she wants to see is how you are able to establish family with her, and not how much money your family can shell out to you every month.
... about marriage. Do you know how hard and embarrassing it is for women to open up the idea of marriage? While they or you both desire it, she doesn't want to come off as needy or insecure by initiating the conversation about getting married. Do not take this for granted. Just because she isn't talking about it, doesn't mean she doesn't want it.
This is by far the number one reason why women get stuck in 6-8 year long dating relationships. They can't afford to ask but their man won't ask either. Remember that the purpose of dating is to get to know each other. No sane woman believes it takes 8 years to get to know the other person, so you best bet that she is waiting for you to start talking.
Discuss it. Set timelines and deadlines. Think of it as your new project, or a new mission. Think of it as a quest that you need to finish before you can level up. Don't be stuck as a noob, take the first step.
... for every screw up that you made. It sounds illogical, yeah, but most women do this. If you ever cheat on her and have an affair with another woman, she'll get hurt, of course. But on the aftermaths of it all, she'll try to figure out what she did wrong, where she lacked, or what the other woman got it better than her. She'll start to compare herself to other women and get more insecure about herself. She will feel guilty about something she never did.
So just don't do it.
Even in minor, more tolerable issues, she would still try to see if she has already done her best or if she could have done better.
... on everything. You might already know that your woman is very emotional. It might not appear on the surface, but a whole lot of them use their emotions as their deciding factor.
Sadly, that is also the reason why so many women are stuck in toxic relationships again and again and can't seem to move forward. They are vulnerable to emotional deception, and some really despicable men out there know this and use this to manipulate the relationship.
That being said, I'm sure that's not you. But be aware of this the next time you screw up: she's torn between getting angry at you and loving you. And most of the time, women choose to love. That's why they get hurt because they keep on choosing to love, over choosing to move on. They keep on hoping for that slightest possibility of feeling loved back.
I've always joked about this to my wife. "What if you found out that I cheated, and I asked for your forgiveness, will you forgive me?"
She doesn't want to answer it every time, but as followers of Christ, we both know for a fact that she WILL forgive me.
That said, this idea never made me happy or never pushed me to entertain the thought of having an affair. Why? Because of how much damage it will put through her heart, her mind, and her soul, to deal with unfaithfulness and shame, and ridicule, while she has to put up with me and accept me back.
It's not something a proper man would ever do to her woman.
So if ever you're even thinking about messing around with another girl while you're in a relationship with your woman, think about this.
... in all aspects of the relationship. It doesn't matter if you're a shy one, if you keep to yourself, or if she has a more dominant personality. It might not seem like it, but she would want to see you be the best man you can become by leading her.
Knowing where to eat or where to go is different than being able to guide her through life's most difficult challenges. She wants to see that you can be relied on in almost every aspect of your lives together.
Lead her emotions. If she's angry, learn to model how to communicate despite negative emotions. If she's happy and ecstatic, be joyful yet stable.
Lead her through decision making. In my experience, what a woman wants is not a man who makes all the right decisions in life, but a man who can pull himself up through all the bad decisions he's made. If there is need to admit a wrong decision and give an apology, then do so. Wise decisions are great, but so is accountability.
Lead her through proper perspectives and worldviews. If you see her scrolling her Instagram feed, or sharing 'sana all' posts on Facebook, appreciate her and encourage her to find the beauty in what you already have.
Lead her spiritually. Most often than not, your woman sees her relationship with God as something personal. But if you're building a family together, someone needs to be the spiritual head of the household. Invite her to study scripture. If you're not there yet, talk to her about finding a church you can both try and attend. And in the simplest forms, pray for her and your future together.
There are many things and areas in life that she wants to see you lead. But maybe it's the idea of knowing you can take good care of her and your family in the future is what matters.
... but it has to be special. Understand that she's scrolled past countless of wedding photos on Facebook that almost looks like it costs over a million to set up. While it might entertain her mind for a while, she will always be happy with the thought of being married to you. It doesn't have to be as grand as your friend's wedding. Just start the damn wedding is what she cares about.
If this is what's keeping you from proposing or making plans, make sure you understand why weddings happen in the first place. It's a covenant between the both of you and God. Those TikTok dance numbers is not something God cares about. Not even that 4-6 tier cake or those fancy lights and decoration.
Start with the essentials and then add the non-essential elements of the wedding only if you can. Your woman will love you for it. What matters to her is that you finally and officially belong to each other.
I tried to keep this as close to the Jayzam-zone issue as possible, but it's 3 AM and my words are leaking out of my mind.
So if you want to "see her as your future", start seeing her differently today.
And don't be pressured if she tags you in this post for you to read. That's how mature relationship works. Lots of things need to be discussed.
I'll write more if I have to and edit this post to add more . Follow the page to stay tuned.
P.S. bawal mag LQ sa comments section. Discuss it in person or sa messenger.
CTTO: The Imperial Patriarch of FB
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yngseung · 4 years
tag 8 people you want to get to know better!
— tagged by @kangminyoo (thanks talie!!) and @leehajoon (thank you <33) — tagging @yeonhos @dongheonz @gyehoney @lq-verivery 
favourite colour: cyan/teal/turquoise basically colors in bw blue and green are my favorite <3
last song i listened to: driving by park jihoon / text me now by youngk 
favourite musicians: MUSICIANS huh well then its gotta be day6 and jeong sewoon as of rn
last film i watched: oh hmmm fantastic question but honestly it might have been the same as talie haha so weathering with you 
last show i watched: rewatched gekkan shoujo nozaki kun KSjflkj 
favourite characters: hmmmm i dont know if i necessarily have one but since i recently rewatched chihayafuru lately i’ll say chihaya
sweet, spicy or savoury: savory and spicy definitely 
sparkling water, tea or coffee: sparkling water!! dont really like caffeine and tbqh most teas taste the exact same to me LMAO ive been trying to get different teas when i go get boba but nothings excited me lmaooo (tried taro last time bc yongseung it just tasted like leftover cereal milk to me rip) 
pets: i have a german shepherd at home shes so cute <3333 i miss her always ahhh currently consuming: nothing! currently craving: chocolate mousse bubble tea ;; if i take a detour i pass the shop on my commute back but ive been resisting bc im going to need to buy actual necessity things bc theyre running out and they cost a bit of money so;;  currently reading: scientific papers </3 
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btshada · 8 years
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dorks6 · 6 years
Windflower, September Flower, and Lilac! 💕
Thank you so much for asking, sweets!
windflower: list 5 of your favorite blogs and explain why i like themOh boyyy. I don’t like picking just 5 of anything if the pool is 30-50 or even more. But I have a follow-forever coming this month so I hope I will do justice eventually and this might get extended as well, so!
In no particular order:
@lq-sungjin Lovely blog with content of my favorite dork - but not only!! Lot of content of whole Day6 loving Sungjin and that’s always content I’m here for. 👌Posts caps of precious moments that we might have missed, the captions and tags are always gold. And as a newer My Day I really appreciate these highlights and translations that make my heart keysmash.
@park-sungshine Perfectly embodies her url, being actual ray of sunshine, beaming her love into our hearts and dashes. Also aesthetics and giffing skills on point!! Truly lovely blog, will definitely make you smile.
@calgoshi Probably the first My Day I started talking with and what a lovely person she is!! Queen of Day6 Moodboards, always inspiring me and making me feel so deeply. And truly so sweet and supportive as the person behind blog, too.
@youngksnose I will be 4:30am honest - one of my creator crushes in the fandom. The gifs, the ideas and the way they’re executed are always so hecking beautiful. And the way she loves every member?? Wow, an actual Example for all of us to follow.
@younghyuns-nose-scrunch Waterfall of fun and support. Truly naturally funny, even when we playfully disagree, and one of most encouraging, supporting people I’ve met. Bouncing silly headcanons around with her or @dandydowoon? Perfect way to spend evening. Just
@sungjintosleep @sungjinist @hnngjin Combo’d up because it’s 4:40am and they all have Sungjin urls to die for!! Sungjintosleep is also one of earliest people I interacted with as a new MyDay and I got so anxious, she’s just So Cool. But she’s really just also cool in the chill, lovely way!! What a lovely blog. Sungjinist & hnngjin are truly bright stars that I’ve met fairly recently but they’ve brought me much joy and their tags are always pleasure to read. Wonderful!!
@mydaystan Wonderful, lovely, spectacular!! Funny, kind and loving!! What more can you really wish for in a blog!! Like, the day6 content quality is a given, really.
That went well over 5... Ooops.
September flower: are you more of a sunshine or sunset person?
It kind of depends, because I really notice how much I need sunlight, or I’ve come to realize it this year, but too much of it is a killer. And I really, really do love sunsets, in every shade and way, but in some ways they’re an embodiment of sunshine as well so... What’s the truth, I don’t know.
Lilac: would you rather sleep and be cozy or hang out with your friends? 
Lilac, my favorite!!
Why not both? Maybe not with the sleeping part, but being cozied up in a couch or even bed and talking/hanging out with friends sounds about perfect. Highkey craving that now. Anyway, real talk... With my online vs sleep ratio, it’s pretty obvious my friends win out.
Send me a botanical ask?
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diva-booseungkwan · 6 years
☀️ get to know me tag ☀️
tagged by: @markleeh thanks my dude c:
rules: answer to 30 questions and then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better
nickname: eh.. miek, mike or milkje lmao
gender: female
zodiac: taurus
height: i’m 178cm tol
age: i turned 22 like two weeks back aye
time: 2:20pm
favorite bands/solo artists: seventeen, nct, pentagon, astro, day6, golcha, got7, wanne one, red velvet, monsta x, p!atd, fob, andddd manymany more
song stuck in my head: yestoday - nct u cause im listening to it rn lmao
last movie i saw: omg i dont remember the name??? but a horror film on netflix where a group of friends plan a hiking trip to sweden, one of them gets murdered in a shop beforehand???? after that the friends go to sweden a year after it happened in his memory, but shit goes down to funkytown, there was a cult or whatever and it was a mess
last thing i googled: mark lq pics otl
other blogs: @diva-booseungkwan; my main blog which used to be a svt blog (at first a p!atd blog, then ukiss, then exo, then tmr, then svt otl) and now its full of random shit
do i get asks: a few here and there c: (hmu tho thanks)
why i chose my username: haechan is my main dude and i added the ‘w’ to make it somewhat say wae haechan, its lame but im really proud of it thanks
following: 680, it used to be tripple that my god, my dash was a hot mess (it still is but i cant get it over my heart to unfollow ppl lmao)
average amount of sleep: like.. 6 hours???
lucky number: i don’t necessarily have one, but whenever i have to choose a number for something, i first pick 4 and then 7. always. so u know, might as well consider those my lucky numbers
what i am wearing: tanktop and shorts cause its hella hot over here and im melting
dream job: i actually dont really have a dream job??? it was always my dream to study english butttt no can do, so now im a dental nurse lmao
dream trip: japan and korea are at the top of my list
favorite food: ehhh... i like risotto? korean food? mangos are nice. yes
play any instruments: i used to play the guitar which i really liked buttt i have no perseverance so i quit
favorite song: it always changes but at this moment its definitely touch by nct127
play(ed) any sports: not seriously, i play badminton once a wk now tho
hair color: dark blonde/light brown
eye color: blue
most iconic song: the 7th sense - nct u, sirius black - tony goldmark (this is golden, if youre a hp fan, go and listen to it otl), september - earth, wind and fire, funky town - donna summer
languages you speak/are learning: dutch and english, not actively learning anything unfortunately
random fact: eh???? i recently found out i have hypermobility in my joints???
describe yourself as aesthetics/things: dont ask me this kind of stuff man idk anything about this ;;;;;
tagging: @renjunchokingnct, @starhyuck @xalichan @ablueboombox @infernoyehet @fthyuck, @dreamyjaems @wonwoozi-i, @sohftfelix, @jxnoswife @bookwan, @hae-chaniee, @hyuckhoneyy, @draco-mafloy (i dont know 20 ppl otl. also i thought id tag some mutuals i havent talked to, sooo this is really random sorry. By the way, no need to do it if you don’t want to!)
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anotherler · 7 years
Ask Meme Part 2: LQ-ler
My faviest fave who I ever faved!! Low Quality Once-ler! Lets do this.
Why I like them: More like, why I LOVE them okay? Uh…where do I begin. I think his initial and prevailing appeal was his aesthetic. I love old technology, low quality footage, foggy audio and static. I love the sound of a VCR’s mechanics turning. And the reason for all of this is suitingly, nostalgia. Which is what LQ is all about. He’s so carefully thought up and his themes fit together so nicely. His concept had me hooked from the start; a Once-ler who comes from lowquality footage of the movie. But then it just gets even deeper and examines the regrets of a Once-ler and a character that knew about his fate and destiny from the start and it’s just so fucking fascinating and well thought out. LQ himself has this charm to his personality and he’s positively endearing and adorable it’s not hard to understand why so many people flocked to him and showed him love. But if he was just that and that alone it would make for a flat character. LQ has other sides to himself that come out from time to time and it becomes obvious that in some cases he’s putting up a façade. He tends to brush the fact that he’s upset or angry under the rug to keep up his image and it’s something that anyone reading can really understand. It’s a great study of identity and how adults present themselves to each other in the business world and just generally to the public and how sometimes we aren’t really true to ourselves because we don’t like things about ourselves. I know this got super analytical so im going to go back to his characterization for a sec. He is such a lively person. Each gesture and reply and his eccentricity are wonderful to witness. I love his design a LOT. Those big grey-blue eyes with the long lashes and his glasses and his messy brown hair. He has a really unique look to him. He’s a good guy and I’d love to talk with him about old tech and stuff. He comes off as caring a lot about other people and Im sure he wants the best for others.
     Why I don’t: He has made some really dumb mistakes and been so self destructive that he has impacted those around him. He needs to practice true self love beyond any sort of merits he has and just believe that he can do good things even if he’s done bad things in the past. He’s really REALLY got to stop beating himself up. It’s okay for him to make mistakes in the past but he’s got to seek improvement and any time that he does you can feel really happy for him. He’s come a long way but he’s got some ways to go and can’t give up just yet.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Probably when HQ first showed up. That whole part had me screaming. Actually, I have a LOT of favorite scenes and chapters from his blog. Type louder and his drawing party are some old favorites. The buildup to the GRAND reveal and LQ’s valley times are also incredibly great and Swone’s visit was hilarious and sweet. I also love the more recent chapters where LQ continues to have conflict with HQ and we some other sides of him.
Favorite season/movie: Ahhh…it’s hard to pick one. I love his entire blog :” ) I already talked about a lot of stuff it’s hard sjkgslsddsh I’d just sit here and list everything LOL but if I had to pick one both the events leading up to the GRAND REVEAL and HQ showing up.
Favorite line(s): “Even though the tag might say “low-quality”, I think that those old gifs had their own charm to them. Nostalgia, if you will. “ “Honesty is the best policy, after all.” “I AM N-NOT A BUTT P-PERVERT!!!!!!!!!!!”
Favorite outfit: I’m honestly a sucker for his business suit and bandaged arms(though, poor LQ for being so badly injured). I also really love his thneed and that REDICULOUS cape he had from his business times.
OTP: LQxHQ. Gotta have that self love, amiright? It’s a really good exploration of LQ’s relationship with himself and HQ is frankly hilarious. I know it isn’t the healthiest for LQ but im hoping things can improve for him in the future. Also, Bawstin-luh or Brandon O’ Shea from the the Thneedville High AU because LQ and Brandon are just really happy together :” ) Brotp: LQ and Swone. And my guilty pleasure: LQ and Swone and Onag. I always did want to see those two meet. Also LQ and Thneednight, LQ and Corv and LQ and Winter when they finally work things out a bit heh. While we’re on the topic of folks I wish LQ could have met I just gotta say…Cheap. Thrift buddies. Just picture it. Cheap had a chance to meet LQ by punching him in the face for 10 whole dollars but he PASSED IT UP!! For SHAME, Cheap. (To be fair IDK if they’d get along well haha)
Head Canon: At one point in the blog it’s mentioned that LQ used to watch the 1972 TV special and he said his Mom caught him watching it and turned it off. I think that she turned it off during the Once-ler’s successful points and before he chopped the last tree. Since then, LQ has never watched past that point on the VHS tape and in his youth it gave him only positive ideas about being a Once-ler and impacted him a lot in the long run. It’s kind of ironic because his Mom tried to discourage him but only really made him more interested.
Unpopular opinion: Y’all probably don’t want to face this fact, but LQ can be really nasty and temperamental sometimes. He’s spoken outright insults at people when he’s speaking honestly so he’s not purely “an innocent and sweet uwu baby” . He’s also very introspective and intelligent though he’s made a number of stupid descisions. Some things he’s said and thought are downright philosophical. That being said, those aspects make me like him even more as a character.
A wish: I want to see LQ continue to improve and move on in his life. He might need to break the mold he’s in to make that happen but he’s already established that he’s been doing things his own way so it’s not hard to imagine. It’s hard to move on but I believe in him.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I don’t want LQ to die or give up :” )
5 words to best describe them: Nostalgic, Mysterious, Adorable, Charming, Bright
My nickname for them: I love the nickname ‘Lowqual’. It’s not a nickname I coined but…yeah. Uhm…Staticky Boi, My Favorite Onceler,
@residentcryptid And now onto Cheap!
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elluts · 7 years
can u rec some jongin blogs that post a lot of him + talk in their tags? (and also aren't multifandom)
Hi, of course♡ Some of these might post other exo members as well, but they’re all jongin biased and mostly post him.@jonginssoo @preciousjongin @jonginout @blondejongin @jonginence @kaiternity @kaibility @intokai @death-by-jongin @kaizzzi @kyungception (kyungsoo and jongin biased). I also follow @lq-jongin @kailq and @unbleachedkai (they don’t really talk in the tags).
I don’t follow many blogs and I might have missed some. If you want you can look at my blogroll here. If anyone see this and know any good jongin blogs maybe they can mention them in the replies to this post so we both can find new ones  as well♡
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Loneliness Quotient
Loneliness Quotient: 3%
Your Personalized Assessment Report:
Your LQ is incredibly low, indicative of quite a satisfying social life. Congratulations on scoring so low. Your relationships with friends are not a source of loneliness for you. You are doing well in this area. Your family is also not a source of loneliness for you. Sometimes family can put a strain on your life, but in your case things seem to be okay. Importantly, your current romantic situation seems not to be a source of unhappiness for you. You and your special guy don't seem to have any major difficulties. Finally, a bright spot for you is that you don't suffer any major insecurity issues. This fact helps keep your LQ lower than what it might have been.
Tagged by: @there-is-more-in-you
Tagging: Anyone who wants to.
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jobisitejobs · 6 years
Shift Supervisor Part-Time - Arlington Heights
Do you live by the “Work Hard, Play Hard” philosophy?   Imagine working with a company that’s worthy of new Instagram uploads and Snapchat story updates. Laser Quest might just be that opportunity you’ve been looking for! ABOUT LQ As the world’s leader in the laser tag industry, Laser Quest continues to take North America by storm. We’re a privately owned and operated company with nearly 25 years of industry experience and currently operate in 49 corporate locations across North America.  We’re an entertainment venue dedicated to providing outstanding and memorable experiences.  Laser Quest is obsessed with bringing fun to life - for both our Customers and Employees! We’re currently on the lookout for a great Shift Supervisor to add to our team. We offer growth and development opportunities at every stage of your career so this could the beginning of many great possibilities on your career with us.  ”If you want in on the excitement, keep reading! THE ROLE – Shift Supervisor (Part-Time) We don’t believe in providing our customers with “average experiences” and that requires us to have above average employees. As an hourly Shift Supervisor (Part-Time) you will create and deliver a fun, safe and entertaining experience that exceeds customer expectations by being very involved in the operations of your Centre and leading your team to achieve Centre goals.   From ensuring that entertaining briefings are being delivered, to ensuring the safety of our Employees and Customers, to answering phones and taking bookings, there’s never a dull moment!  You will learn to provide exceptional customer service through behavior that supports our mission and vision while developing your leadership and management skills at the same time.   If you want an amazing place to work that recognizes your efforts, seeks your input and helps you develop valuable life skills, look no further!    A full job description will be provided during the recruitment process.   ABOUT YOU You LOVE to have FUN with your amazing personality and are looking to further develop your supervisory skills!  If you would describe yourself as outgoing and energetic, and having high integrity then we want to hear from you.  If you work well within a team and have excellent communication skills that help you feel comfortable speaking in front of large groups, we’re even more interested.  A strong work ethic, computer/tech savviness, and the ability to learn quickly are interesting to us.  Bonus points if you thrive on change and challenge and love a fast-paced environment!   WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO SUCCEED?   Applicants must be 18 years of age or older to apply.    1-3 years of experience in the retail, hospitality or entertainment industry, with preferably at least 1 year of experience in a supervisory role.   This role requires continuous standing/walking, listening for and monitoring marshal calls, speaking in front of large groups, standing for long periods of time in a dim light, loud, fog-filled multi-level arena.   SOME PERKS YOU CAN EXPECT
A fun and dynamic atmosphere
Pay rates at above minimum wage from the moment that you are hired
An extensive training program and ongoing development
Free Uniforms
Flexible schedules and work hours
Recognition programs to thank you for your hard work
Free annual Gift Certificates for games of LQ
  We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.  ShiftSupervisor(Part-Time)-ArlingtonHeights from Job Portal https://www.jobisite.com/extrJobView.htm?id=137661
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jobisite11 · 6 years
Shift Supervisor Part-Time - Arlington Heights
Do you live by the “Work Hard, Play Hard” philosophy?   Imagine working with a company that’s worthy of new Instagram uploads and Snapchat story updates. Laser Quest might just be that opportunity you’ve been looking for! ABOUT LQ As the world’s leader in the laser tag industry, Laser Quest continues to take North America by storm. We’re a privately owned and operated company with nearly 25 years of industry experience and currently operate in 49 corporate locations across North America.  We’re an entertainment venue dedicated to providing outstanding and memorable experiences.  Laser Quest is obsessed with bringing fun to life - for both our Customers and Employees! We’re currently on the lookout for a great Shift Supervisor to add to our team. We offer growth and development opportunities at every stage of your career so this could the beginning of many great possibilities on your career with us.  ”If you want in on the excitement, keep reading! THE ROLE – Shift Supervisor (Part-Time) We don’t believe in providing our customers with “average experiences” and that requires us to have above average employees. As an hourly Shift Supervisor (Part-Time) you will create and deliver a fun, safe and entertaining experience that exceeds customer expectations by being very involved in the operations of your Centre and leading your team to achieve Centre goals.   From ensuring that entertaining briefings are being delivered, to ensuring the safety of our Employees and Customers, to answering phones and taking bookings, there’s never a dull moment!  You will learn to provide exceptional customer service through behavior that supports our mission and vision while developing your leadership and management skills at the same time.   If you want an amazing place to work that recognizes your efforts, seeks your input and helps you develop valuable life skills, look no further!    A full job description will be provided during the recruitment process.   ABOUT YOU You LOVE to have FUN with your amazing personality and are looking to further develop your supervisory skills!  If you would describe yourself as outgoing and energetic, and having high integrity then we want to hear from you.  If you work well within a team and have excellent communication skills that help you feel comfortable speaking in front of large groups, we’re even more interested.  A strong work ethic, computer/tech savviness, and the ability to learn quickly are interesting to us.  Bonus points if you thrive on change and challenge and love a fast-paced environment!   WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO SUCCEED?   Applicants must be 18 years of age or older to apply.    1-3 years of experience in the retail, hospitality or entertainment industry, with preferably at least 1 year of experience in a supervisory role.   This role requires continuous standing/walking, listening for and monitoring marshal calls, speaking in front of large groups, standing for long periods of time in a dim light, loud, fog-filled multi-level arena.   SOME PERKS YOU CAN EXPECT
A fun and dynamic atmosphere
Pay rates at above minimum wage from the moment that you are hired
An extensive training program and ongoing development
Free Uniforms
Flexible schedules and work hours
Recognition programs to thank you for your hard work
Free annual Gift Certificates for games of LQ
  We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.  ShiftSupervisor(Part-Time)-ArlingtonHeights from Job Portal https://www.jobisite.com/extrJobView.htm?id=137661
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wiccanarchived · 6 years
Tumblr media
An LQ of 25 is on the lower end, and this is quite a good thing. You may experience occassional loneliness, but you are definitely on the healthier side of the spectrum. You've got some difficulties with having friends that need improvement. This is one area you should work on. Thankfully, your family is not a source of loneliness for you. Sometimes family can put a strain on your life, but in your case things seem to be okay. You are not completely fulfilled in your romantic life, and this is an area that can be improved upon.  However, it does not seem like anything drastic is in order. You have a degree of shyness, so you must try to overcome that in order to bring love and friendships into your life. Things are a little more difficult since you are not surrounded by people who match well with you, but good people are out there. Finally, a bright spot for you is that you don't suffer any major insecurity issues.  This fact helps keep your LQ lower than what it might have been.
tagged by: moi tagging: u tell me all about ur lonely bean <333
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