#this is some malarkey and I need answers
luminouslywriting · 3 months
hello, how are you feeling? Your Band of Brothers headcanons are amazing so I was wondering if you could do a headcanon of "how the guys would react if they were in a company-wide meeting and as soon as the reader walks in, they fall over", I feel like it would be a good idea Hahaha. Thank you very much for your attention on this request, I understand if you can't do it but I hope so.💕
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Hey Nonny!! I'm doing much better today :) thank you for asking! How are you sweetheart? Sorry this has taken so long to get to! Hopefully you enjoy!
Cut for length, more under the cut, short paragraph form:
Dick Winters:
-This man is so embarrassed but he's doing his best to move on with the meeting and pretends like nothing happened. He really will just straight up have this moment haunt him though because he did NOT need to oust his crush on you that publicly to his men. An oomph moment for sure.
Lewis Nixon:
-Can easily play it off for kicks and giggles? He blames it on being tipsy and then just attempts to move on because he doesn't like people staring at him for too long, especially in his embarrassing moments. He also adds some light flirting into the conversation later.
Ronald Speirs:
-Literally doesn't fall over?? I'm sorry, but there's just no way that this man would do that unless he was intentionally tripped (and then someone is surely getting murdered haha).
Buck Compton:
-Slightly embarrassed but has his friends dust him off and plays it off with a joke about something more embarrassing from his college days. It unfortunately lives rent-free in his head though and now he's realizing that you saw that and you'll likely remember it forever. Oof for sure.
Carwood Lipton:
-Quickly gets back up and doesn't make a big deal about it. But on the inside? Oh this man is suppressing a major blush and is just trying to focus on the meeting at hand. If anyone ever brings it up to him in the future, he has a face of exasperation and has likely heard all of the jokes about it already.
Joe Liebgott:
-No one is surprised??? Like that man fell over so quickly when you walked in and they were all just *smh fr*. But he just tries to catch your attention and catch your eye during the meeting so he can figure out what you thought of the entire thing/if you'll ever give him a chance lol. The answer is yes, but he should just ask you himself.
Donald Malarkey:
-Gets teased relentlessly by his friends but he's lowkey too lovesick to care?? He's also just silently hoping that you didn't see him completely fall over because that was an accident and he was just leaning a little too far as he tried to watch you walk in. That's his bad, but hopefully you missed that.
Eugene Roe:
-Not a single person says anything. Not a single person even acts like they saw it. This man's embarrassing moment lives in only his own brain because not a single person thought it was because of you. And that's their medic who they respect the hell out of. He's slightly mortified and grumbling, but he'll get over it.
Bill Guarnere:
-Gets teased lightly by some close friends but he's out here with a death glare for anyone that tries to bring it up in general. He was also embarrassed and quickly got up. He shut up and paid attention during the meeting....but he also snuck looks over at you to make sure that you didn't see it haha.
Joe Toye:
-Not a single person dares to tease this man about it. He's ready to throw hands and bring up their embarrassing moments if they try. But there are a few people that might mention your name and your reaction to get a light level of blush on this man's face. Oops?
George Luz:
-Immediately shaded by everyone he's ever joked about. Immediately makes a joke to make everyone laugh and keep the situation light-hearted. And if you laugh at the joke? His fall was well worth it to see your smile or laugh haha.
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akane171 · 9 months
­­­Things about Ron Speirs that live rent free in my head
I don’t know what I like most about this scene. The fact Dick just furiously passed Sink and ignored his commander, because his boys were getting screwed? Speirs running to him and then without a single word sprinting to do the job? Or Nixon with his binoculars liveblogging the whole  battle? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-The change in his voice and intonation between “I’m taking over” and “First Sergeant Lipton!”.
-The church scene, when Lipton says Easy men didn’t care about the gossips… It was HILARIOUS. Like, Lip? Sweetheart? Ron scared the shit out of Christenson and some poor innocent kids in the same damned ep. I could hear Pat’s sobbing in the background during that scene, mixed with the nuns’ chorus.
-A man needs a hobby and his was trolling people. Aside of the whole “did he or did he not shot the prisoners”, he enjoyed the gossips, appearing suddenly out of nowhere, while giving creepy speeches and traumatizing people. And he did it fabulously. Legend.
-His little, millisecond pause, when we watch his back while Lipton says “Well, maybe they keep talking about it because they never heard Tercius deny it”.
-And two things about this scene. Lipton knows Speirs was trolling people and it was amusing him. And Ron’s answer “Well, maybe that’s because Tercius knew there was some value to the men thinking he was the meanest, toughest sonofabitch in the whole Roman legion” - he knows Lip knows he was trolling people and (not directly) admits it. He never did that to anyone else, what also means he really respected Lipton (gross sobbing).
-Anyway, this whole church scene is a pure love and I adore every second of it.
-He was a history nerd ;_; I’m kind of sad, we didn’t see him and Buck taking about some ancient battles in Gaul.
-He kept tabs on Easy xD how much he’s learnt from creeping in the shadows and eavesdropping – no one knows xD
-The fact real Speirs was shot in the ass on some of his solo patrols proves he was just meant to be Easy’s CO. Fucking destiny.
-His favourite sergeant was Grant (ok, ok, put the pitchforks DOWN, I said sergeant NOT lieutenant, geez).
-The fact no one called him “Sparky” in the show is a crime against humanity. But at least we got one “Ron” from Winters. Still…
-I think I read somewhere here, that he wore his helmet so low, because it was too big and… yes? Absolutely? Whoever noticed it – I bow to you.
And it reminds me all the promo pics where we have most of the characters standing together and he stands on the side, a little farer and looking awkwardly like “mom said I have to socialize more, so here I am, ugh…”.
-Also, he looks tiny compared to the other guys on many shots/pics, what is hilarious on many levels.
-I realized it after the second watch, that he not only stole cigarettes from Buck, but he offered them to the German POWs. Not his cigarettes, but the shit he stole. I don’t know why, but it’s just so super HIM xD
-I wonder when exactly Easy Company did realize that their new CO is not exactly the meanest, toughest sonofabitch in the army, but a big ass weirdo, with poor social skills, suspicious hobbies and sticky hands.
-Ep 8 look >>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else.
-The moment when Webster throws himself to the ground and Ron just stands in the background, watching the missile like it was meh (he had a personal ranking of “Things that almost killed me” and that missile was not even on the Top 10).
-“No. You don’t have any experience.” How the fuck Jones didn’t drop dead right after is beyond me. Also, A+++ acting.
-The fact is that Lipton was his social-skills-only-working-brain-cell and it’s beautiful.
-The moment Perconte asked him to give him back his lighter, I guess it was the moment Speirs knew his reputation crumbled to dust xD
-Unpopular opinion, but I don’t think Malarkey scared him on a purpose. I think it was accidentally, what for me, makes it even funnier. But the fact Don started as someone who was scared of Speirs like no one else and ended scarring him – it just warms my heart.
-And that pure annoyance on Ron’s face when Malarkey’s approaches him a second after he scared him, will never stop making me laugh. It the look could kill the bottle in Don’s hands would explode.
-On some point Lipton was sitting with his head in his hands and moaning that he was not paid enough to keep his crazy CO with suicidal tendencies alive and Luz was there-thereing him.
-All the things he's done to keep Grant alive.
-Basically, Speirs gives me a stray cat vibes and the fact he kind of, adopted Lipton and whole Easy proves it.
-And finally, the way he went from “we are all dead, just accept it” to “ok, I guess I’m going to stay in the army to keep the idiots alive (sighs)” is one of the best character developments and is so… sooo … you know? ;_;
Anyway, the thing I like the most about his character is how unexpected he is. I didn’t expect to like him so much. I didn’t expect him to change so much in such splendid way. But here I am.
We meet him in the show as  “a cold blooded soldier” stereotype and we learn in the end he was just deeply compassionate man (and a weirdo), who applied being a sociopath to be a better man of war. It just makes him very human - thanks to the fact his character was based on a real man, I guess. And that applies to all BOB’s characters.
And BIG kudos to Matthew Settle for doing such a great job and creating an iconic character. I read and watched some interviews, where he admitted he had a big problems with grasping the role, but damn, in the end he absolutely NAILED IT.
EDIT: Part II (x)
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wordsaresimple-imnot · 5 months
so you’re taking requests. . . 😳 how do we feel about a fic with Luz just being a biiig softie? he’s such a wiseass all the time, I’d love to see your take on him maybe being more vulnerable and relaxed and emotional in an x reader if you’re up for it (I love the way you were able to characterize Liebgott in your most recent fic) <3 fluff, angst, smut or any other angle you’d wanna go with, totally up to you!
In her arms - George Luz x F!Reader
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Okay, so I had already had an idea like this in my drafts and squealed when I read your request! I really, really hope I did him justice and this is what you want/like! If you want a redo please let me know! <3 Please enjoy @littleyankspitfire :)
Summary: George accompanies Malarkey into town after the bombing in Bastogne, needing to see Reader before he entirely falls apart.
Warnings: angst, mentions of war/death/violence, cursing, George is a frazzled mess and just needs to be held, fluffy ending.
A/N: I have the biggest respect for the real life heroes of WWII (and all other wars, past & current), this work & all other works is based on the actor(s) and character(s) portrayed in the Band of Brothers series.
A/N pt 2: I was going to make this have smut but the more I wrote the more I just wanted him to be cuddled and loved. George deserves so much. Might think of a way to do a part 2 with some lovin' for our boy. I hope y'all enjoy this! Please comment, like, reblog <3 <3 <3
George and Malarkey entered the medic tent like zombies. Neither speaking, just going off of some internal compass pointing them towards their desired destination. Malarkey veers off to the right where Buck is laying on a cot, his eyes as vacant as theirs. George wanders up and down the rows, looking for a familiar face but starts to lose hope when he comes up short. Eventually he gently grabs the arm of a nurse walking by.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for someone." He gives her name and waits.
"Who's asking?" She gives him a skeptical stare and straightens her back.
"I'm George Luz with Easy Company. We're friends." He watches as she relaxes.
"Oh, I've heard of you. She's suppose to be resting for a few hours. Down the road on the left, third building, second floor, first door on the right." She gives him a quick smile and then hurries off in the direction she was originally going.
George follows her direction and soon enough, he's in front of the door. Two deep breathes later and he gives a sharp knock. He waits a beat and then knocks again, calling out to her. There's sounds of movement inside the room and then the door is pulled open. For a moment George feels guilty, having obviously disturbed her much needed nap, but the way he feels like he can finally breathe after seeing her chases the guilt away.
"Hey doll." He tries for his usual upbeat greeting but it comes out almost painful. Her eyes scan his face, a deep frown forming.
"What's wrong? Are you hurt?"
He opens his mouth to answer, but doesn't know what to say. Everything is wrong. Physically I'm fine but everything else is hurt. Before he can finish his thought, his vision is blurred with tears and a quiet sob escapes. As the next one slips out, he's partially falling/being pulled into her arms and maneuvered to the bed.
She situates them so that her back is against the headboard with him draped half on her and half on the bed, head on her torso as more sobs rack his body. The scene is enough to make her own eyes mist over. This isn't the George she knows; he's always the optimistic one with a quick joke or wisecrack to push the darkness away and bring a smile to everyone's faces. Having him cling to her like she's a lifetime and he's drowning makes her worry that this war has finally taken the last bit of light from someone she never thought would lose it. And that terrifies her.
Instead of pressing him to speak, she lets him purge his emotions out while running her fingers through his hair and offering soothing sounds. Eventually his tears start to slow and he focuses on evening out his breathing. She keeps running her fingers through his hair, letting him decide if he wants to talk or not. When he does start to speak, his voice still holds a quiver but the longer he talks, the stronger it becomes. He talks about everything that happened; how what happened with Buck, Guarnere and Toye was still fresh and effecting the company, that the bombings that just happened killed Much and Penkala right in front of him, how if he'd made it to their foxhole he would have been killed, how him and Lipton nearly did die and were only saved by a faulty wire in the bomb that landed right in front of them.
As he spoke, her heart broke again and again over his loses (hers too as she was also friends with this men) and her anxiety grew as he told her about his not once, but twice back to back near death experience. Being in the middle of a war you come to terms with the high probability that you will die, but holding someone and listening to their recount of it nearly happening is not something you can prepare for. Once he's done relaying everything, a heavy silence follows, both of them lost in their thoughts and feelings of the events.
Slowly, George lifts himself from laying on her, moving up on the bed so he's leaning back on the headboard next to her. He grabs one of her hands that is now in her lap and laces their fingers together.
"I thought of you." He keeps his eyes on their interlocked hands, running his thumb back and forth over her soft skin. He see's her turn her head to look at him out of the corner of his eye.
"What do you mean?" She asks when he doesn't look like he's going to continue.
"When I was looking at that bomb at my feet, waiting for it to go off and finish me. You hear of other people that go through near death experiences and they see their life flash before their eyes. That's what I thought was going to happen, that I'd see my family and hometown and family dog. I'd remember all the big and small things I did, things I'd forgotten about. But that didn't happen. Instead, all I could think about was you. How you always make me work for a real laugh from you but I usually get a playful smile and eyeroll, how your tongue peaks out of the corner of your mouth when you're focused on finishing a wrapping or stitch just right, how you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen especially covered in dirt, how I wanted to kiss you that night by the lake when I told you the moonlight in your hair made you look like a goddess but I was too scared." George turns his head to meet her eyes.
"Why are you telling me this?" She whispers.
"Because I'm scared in a different way now. I was scared of starting something when this war could take either of us away at any moment. But after that bomb, all I'm scared of is dying without ever knowing what we could have. Never being able to kiss or hold you like I want. Never telling you that...I love you." George turns enough to face her, maintaining eye contact as he slowly leans his head towards her. "Tell me you don't feel the same. Tell me I'm just losing my mind and I'll leave."
"I love you too, George. However long we have left on this Earth, I want us to be together." She squeezes his hand that was still holding hers and puts her free one on his cheek. The smile that breaks out across his face isn't his usual smirk or something goofy to get a laugh, but a true pure smile that warms her heart. Sending him a matching smile, she tilts her head up and closes the gap between their lips.
The kisses are slow and sweet, almost tentative. Neither of them wanting to break the small bubble of peach they'd crafted around themselves. As they keep up their light exploration of each others mouths, they shift lower onto the bed so they're laying on their sides, wrapped up in each others arms. She pulls back slightly, taking in his soft smile and sleepy eyes, and gives him a quick peck.
"Rest with me a little bit?"
"Long as I get to hold you." He kisses her lips again, then the top of her head before resting his his head on top of hers, holding her as close as possible against himself.
Just as he's drifting off to sleep, he thinks: this is how I want to die, wrapped up in her arms.
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malarkgirlypop · 9 days
MEDIC! Part 40 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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It just goes from one thing to the next!
TW- talks of R*pe, SA, Violence, talks of assault, (please let me know if I missed any).
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, not hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @imusicaddict, @b00ks1ut , @mstiemountainhop, @awaterfalls, @lovememadly92 @lucyfromtheoldhouse @blueberry-ovaries, @next-autopsy, @saintmalosunsets, @anaso12 anyone else please let me know.
I made my way back into the building, the men raised their heads watching me walk back in. I could see the concern and melancholy on their faces. If there was one thing the men could agree on, it was how much we loved the medic. We would do anything to protect her and keep her safe from harm. 
But were we failing? Again she had gotten hurt, and no one was there to help when she needed us most. 
“How is she?” Babe asked, standing from his seat. The other men looked at me waiting for an answer. 
“She’s not good, boys. I don’t know if she’s going to be ok.” I felt myself getting choked up again at the thought of her broken stance. I rubbed my hand over my face. The men hung their heads. Bull stepped forward hugging me. I didn't push him away, I needed it. I stepped back from Bull, his eyes were red. 
“What am I going to do?” I said out loud, the men looked at me, at each other, unsure of the answer to that question. 
“We just have to take it day by day.” Frank said softly. I nodded. 
“I’m taking her to Doc.” God they looked just about as broken as she did. I left them in the room. Walking back out to find Emily staring at the night sky. 
“You ready?” I asked, coming to stand beside her. 
“That’s where I went.” She muttered, head still tilted back. “I floated up from my body. I drifted up into the sky, I could see everything from that high up. I left my body behind. I saved myself.” 
“You didn’t fight?” I asked, unsure how she would react to my question. She shook her head. 
“I did what I had to do.” My heart broke at that moment. Knowing she didn’t fight, she just let it happen. It hurt so much more. She took it. She endured it. So she could live. 
“Does that make me a coward?” She asked, her voice shaking slightly. “I know some people scream and fight. But I don’t know. I just didn’t. I had made the decision before I knew what I was doing. I complied.” Em’s eyes were still focussed on the sky above her, she didn’t want to look at me.
“I know you probably don’t want to hear this right now, Em. But you’re so brave. You are not a coward. You survived. Like you said you did what you had to do, so that you could come back to us.” I said gently. She finally looked at me. Her lip quivered as I spoke. Tears fell from her eyes, leaving wet streaks behind on her skin. 
“I wanted to come back to you.” She whispered. Tears brimmed in my eyes. I felt them fall. She walked forward and pressed herself into my chest, wrapping her arms around my torso. I hugged her back. 
We walked in silence, our hands joined together as we made our way to the makeshift aid station. I had been set up in the gym of the establishment where we were currently deployed. I pushed open the door letting Em slide past me, our hands finally disconnected as we walked into the room. 
My chest tightened at the view in front of us, Grant lay still on a stretcher, a pint of blood hanging from his bed. The line from the transfusion hung down from the side of the cot connecting to the cannula that was inserted into Grant’s wrist. 
The oxygen mask covered his face, but his slow breathing left fog on the plastic. It would come and go each time he inhaled then exhaled again. 
Other than Grant’s steady breathing, the room was silent. Speirs sat at his bedside gnawing at his thumb absentmindedly as he watched over his soldier. Gene was in the corner of the room packing away instruments and other medical supplies. 
Neither of the men had heard us enter. Em stood in front of me bouncing from one foot to the other, unsure whether or not to make our presence known. 
I cleared my throat alerting the men of our arrival. Speirs and Gene lifted their heads from their respective tasks. Neither of the men smiled or greeted us, only pained looks shone in their eyes. 
Emily was stuck in her position, not moving. I could see from the angle she stood her eyes were trained on Grant and Speirs, but she was frozen. I walked up behind her, my hand finding the small of her back as I gave her a gentle nudge to free her from her daze. 
Her eyes found mine, seemingly asking me if it was ok to go and see Grant. I gave a slight nod, signalling that it was fine. I held back, giving her the space she needed.  
Emily POV:
My feet moved forward slowly, as I shuffled toward where Grant lay still. Speirs dropped the man’s hand leaving from his position at the bedside. Ron passed me, his fingers grazing mine as he walked to where Don stood behind me. 
I glanced over my shoulder to see Ron take Don by the shoulder and lead him out of the room. I waited till the door clicked shut before I turned back around to stare at Grant. 
Letting out a shaky breath I took the position where Ron had just been. Grant’s head was wrapped in bandages, he wasn’t wearing the same clothes I had last seen him in, someone must have changed him before or after he went into surgery. The smell of antiseptic permeated the air, as the sound of his soft breathing filled the silence. 
“Doctor said he was going to live.” My head shot up, I had completely forgotten that Gene was still in the room with me. 
I hastily wiped the tears from my eyes and sniffed, nodding my head. “That’s great.” 
“How about we get you treated?” Gene asked, coming closer to the hospital bed that Grant occupied.   
“Ok.” I said, before bending down and pressing a soft kiss to Grant’s cheek.
Roe led me behind a partition, there was a bed and a small cabinet filled with supplies. I sat on the edge of the bed, my hands clasped together in my lap as Gene rustled around gathering what he needed before turning back to me. 
“Speirs told me you have a bullet wound. We should take care of that first.” Gene placed a metal kidney dish filled with gauze, forceps, and a dressing, down on the bed beside me.  
I slowly undid my jacket, wincing as I pulled it from my shoulders. My fingers undid my buttons, before removing my shirt, I too slid it off until I sat in my white singlet that was not so white anymore. 
Gene’s fingers were surprisingly gentle as he pulled down the strap of my singlet and bra. His face twisted as he inspected the wound that still slowly oozed blood. 
“Looks like the bullet is still in there.” Roe’s Cajun accent washed over me. “I’ll remove it and stitch you up.” 
Doc got right to work. I gritted my teeth together as he plunged the forceps into the bullet hole. I gripped the bed as he worked, wincing the more he wiggled around trying to find the bullet. 
“You’re doing good Em.” He mumbled as he continued in his search. 
The tiniest clink sound could be heard as the instrument met metal. I took a deep breath as Gene grasped the bullet and removed it from the wound. I sighed in relief, thankful that the worst of it was over. We sat in comfortable silence as Gene stitched me up and dressed the wound. 
“Tilt your head up for me.” Roe asked after he had finished with my shoulder. 
I did as he asked, tipping my head back to expose my throat. Gene’s hands landed on my neck, his fingers adding slight pressure as he assessed the area. I gasped pulling out of his hold when he landed on the more tender part of my skin. 
“Sorry Em.” His face held a guilty expression. 
“It’s ok, it’s just sore there.” I again tilted my head back letting him finish the job. 
“You’ve got some nasty bruising lining your oesophagus.” Gene said as his fingers trailed down the cartilage under my skin. 
“It’s definitely in the early stages of bruising, so I suspect it will get worse and there will be some swelling. But you’re able to talk and move your head and neck normally, so he hasn’t done permanent damage.” I nodded my head as Gene gave me the verdict. 
“Now your cheek, we can just disinfect. Doesn’t look like it needs any stitches and he hasn’t gotten your eye, so that’s good.” He paused, as if there was something else he was hesitating to say. I watched him take a deep breath before he carried on with his thoughts. 
“I know you didn’t explicitly tell Captain Speirs about the assault.” My stomach dropped. 
“But from what I’ve heard, the replacement-” He swallowed, “He um, he.” 
“Raped me.” I finished the sentence, not wanting to see him struggle any longer trying to form the words about my assault. 
“Yes.” Tension lined Gene’s shoulders. “I think we need to do an exam. To ensure that he hasn’t done any damage that could potentially be harmful to you.” 
My hearing went, all that filled my ears was a high pitched tone. It droned on as Gene spoke. 
“Are you ok with that?” I barely heard him, but I could read his lips. I nodded slowly as if on autopilot.  
Gene left the partition. He was giving me privacy. I slipped down from the bed, undoing the button from my pants. I pulled everything down before hopping back up and lying down to stare at the ceiling.  
Soon he arrived back at the head of the bed hovering over me. He explained the procedure before he walked down to where the bottom half of my body lay. I bent my knees and focussed on the ceiling above me. 
Tears slowly trickled down my cheeks as Gene assessed me. My teeth dug into the bottom of my lip keeping the sobs rising in my throat at bay. The examination wasn’t comfortable as Roe poked and prodded, he needed to be sure that the man hadn’t done any detrimental damage to me. 
Still, it didn’t ease the panic in my chest. 
“Almost done, Em.” His voice was barely audible over the blood that rushed into my head. 
My fingers dug into the linoleum mattress to stop them from violently shaking. I counted to ten over and over in my head, waiting for the gruelling minutes to tick by. 
“Em.” I heard Gene’s voice closer to me now. 
I opened my eyes to find a sorrowful Roe looking down at me. He helped me sit up before leaving the room as I got my clothes back in place again. 
“I’m done.” My shaky voice called out. 
Gene returned teary eyed, he took a deep breath. “I couldn’t see any permanent injury, but there was some slight tearing. It should take a few days to heal up and will most likely be uncomfortable. I can also get you a morning after pill, if you would like.” 
I swallowed, “I think that would be good.” My voice lurched as I spoke, my tears making it harder to form a coherent sentence. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Em.” Gene’s voice matched mine, filled with emotion. It broke me. 
Sobs wracked my body as Gene stood between my legs holding me to his chest. 
“Can you get Don for me?” I asked Gene, we had been huddled here for 10 minutes but my cries never ceased. 
“Of course I can.” Gene hurried from the room.
I heard the click of the doors opening and rushed footsteps against the wooden floor. Don appeared from behind the partition, all I could do was reach out for him as I wept.  
He crushed me into his chest as I howled, I gripped onto him so tightly I thought I was going to draw blood. 
Don pulled back to sweep the tears from my cheeks as I hiccupped in his arms. 
“Let it all out my love. You were wronged, you were hurt, your feelings are valid. You have every right to feel. So feel. I am here to support you through this, we will do whatever it takes. You have me, I am not going anywhere.” Don’s words made me cry harder as I buried my face into his neck. 
“Let’s get you out of these clothes and somewhere warm.” Don’s hands slipped under my thighs as he picked me up. I kept my arms tightly wrapped around his neck. My anchor, my rock. 
Don brought us back to my room, placing my gently on the bed and picking out some clothes for me to wear to bed. He helped me peel the dirty clothes from my body, but still I didn’t feel clean. 
“Can we shower?” I asked, wanting to wash the feeling of the man’s hands from my body.   
I stripped back down to my underwear, not wanting to be fully vulnerable just yet. Don kept on his singlet and shorts as we sat in the bottom of the shower letting the hot water wash away the events of the night. I let Don scrub me clean with soap as I cried, my tears mixing with the hot water that sprayed down on us. 
The hot water washed away all that had happened. Not just from tonight, not from Noville, not from Bastogne, not even from when I fell through the shimmer. I wanted to wash myself of everything, the pain of losing my mother, my family, my friends. 
So many times I had broken, to be picked up again and pieced back together. But how many times can you break something and put it back whole. 
After a while the pieces get too small, crushed underfoot, or lost. 
How much of myself was left to be pieced together again? When would be the last time I fall apart never to be fixed. How much can the mind and body take? I didn’t want to have to endure life, what good is life if it is just tolerated? 
I wanted to thrive, live. 
Could I thrive in this state? 
I screamed and cried, noises I don’t think have ever left my body before. Proper sobs, where I let it all go. I didn’t care if people heard me, I wailed and sobbed until my throat was raw, until I was physically exhausted. Don carried me from the bathroom, drying and then redressing the broken girl that shivered before him. 
“Do you want me to stay?” Don asked as he tucked the covers under my chin. 
“Yes.” I meekly replied from under the blankets. 
Malarkey snuggled in behind me, his arms wrapping around my middle and pulling me close. I listened to his breathing change as he slowly fell asleep, unfortunately slumber didn’t greet me that night. The room was pitch black as I stared into the nothingness.  
My head was empty, no thoughts invaded my mind. I liked it. The silence, the quiet. I have always had a busy brain, being a people pleaser and an over thinker there never was a dull moment in my head. I always had the most vivid dreams as well, it was always going, never stopped or rested. But now all the noise fell away. Like a busy street had been deserted. I didn’t cry. I couldn’t cry. Everything had been numbed, muted. I was drained. 
I didn’t want to face the men again. I knew they loved me, but people look at you differently when something like this happens. Like you’re a fragile china doll.
I didn’t want them to see me any differently than before, I didn’t need them to be careful with me. I didn’t want their pitiful looks, their sorrowful faces. I didn’t need to be whispered about when walking into a room. 
I wished the replacement hadn’t told them. It’s personal, it’s about my body and he told all the people I cared about exactly how he defiled me. Now I’m not the same, not to myself, or them. I’m tainted, dirty. I’m a victim. It’s hard to scrub that from anyone’s mind. 
Sighing I rolled over, burying my face into Don’s chest as he slept soundly. I let his smell fill my senses, I was safe here, in his arms. 
I must’ve fallen asleep at some point as Don jostled me awake as he tried to sneak out of the bed. 
My eyes fluttered open to find a frozen Don staring down at me. 
“Sorry Em, I need to go to training. I didn’t want to wake you.” He sat at the edge of the bed, pushing rogue curls out of my eyes. 
“It’s ok, I need to see Doc anyway.” I sat up from under the covers, the thought of falling back to sleep alone didn’t appeal to me. 
We got ready together, Don walked me back to where Doc was set up. 
“I’ll see you later, yeah?” Don asked as he placed a gentle kiss on my uninjured cheek. 
“Of course.” My fingers still intertwined with his until the last moment he walked away. 
I walked back through the door where I had been last night. Grant wasn’t in the room anymore, but I could hear Gene rummaging around in the back. 
Rounding the partition I found Gene stockpiling goods. 
“Where did Grant go?” I asked, Gene looked up from his task and smiled gently at me before he answered. 
“Speirs organised that Grant was to be shipped back as soon as possible. They took him early this morning.” 
My eyes were trained on the spot he was in last night, the bed now empty. 
“That’s good then.” I nodded, finally looking back to the medic who stood in front of me. 
Gene glanced at me, he looked at me like he wondered what I was doing here. I realised I hadn’t told him the reason for my visit. 
“I came for the uh- morning after pill. You said you were going to get it for me.” I clarified when his brows furrowed. 
“Ah, yes.” I watched the thought click in his brain. He turned back around going through the box I just watched him pack the last of his supplies into. 
Gene pulled out a blister pack holding one pill. “I’ll get you some water.” He said as he passed me the tray. 
Roe scurried away as I filled the unmarked packing over in my hands as I wondered where he had gotten it from on such short notice. Not as if the men ever needed them. 
He appeared again, a glass of water in hand this time. I popped the pill from the blister and dropped it on my tongue before washing it down with the water he had handed me. 
“You know the side effects?” Gene clarified before he left. 
“Yeah I do.” 
“Thanks again Gene.” I waved him off as he left to do his respective job. I stood in the doorway, not wanting to go back inside by myself and with nothing else to do, I decided to go on a walk.
I shuffled down the gravel road, kicking the stones as I walked. I filled my lungs with the fresh pine air while the birds quietly chirped in the trees. The warm sun beat down on my back as I strolled. The road was quiet, no cars drove past while I meandered down the path. 
The hairs on the back of my neck suddenly stood on end as goosebumps pricked my skin. I raised my head to glance in front of me. 
My heart dropped, just a way in front of me glinting in the sunlight like a cruel joke was the shimmer.
Chapter 41
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evidenceof · 3 months
[rough] and/or [sleepy] for winnix
thank you for the prompt, cari!! <3 a little bit of both for this moment in a pup tent sponsored by sink and his reader's digest subscription. i hope u like it! more below the cut.
[ rough ] for a kiss fuelled by more than affection | [ sleepy ] for a half-awake kiss
pup tent A sharp knee collides with Nix’s shin and jostles him awake, his throat too raw to bother with a grunt of displeasure. Not that it was much of a sleep when the only thing between Nix and the piss rank mud was a pup tent. Dick is back, all tense lines and twitchy muscle. He’d want to talk about it. Nix had been watching his quiet displeasure build up ever since they watched the 3rd leave for their trains and 2nd strap on their boots to show up the Japs for Sink. Dick hadn’t even spared Nix a grimace when Sobel barked at Gordon for nearly smashing his face head first on his machine-gun on slippery mud.
“I’d ask if you’re all right but I already know the answer to that.” It comes out softer than intended, words barely clawing out of Nix’s frozen throat. A thin line of smoke trails out of Dick’s mouth as he undoes the top buttons of his ODs. The temperature is below freezing but Nix has long stopped asking about his friend’s grudge against shirts. Dick doesn’t reply until he’s horizontal beside Nix, something short of a feat in a pup tent. Their knees brush and knock when Dick’s shoulder hits the ground, landing with an odd squelch, just inches away from Nix. He wills his body to move away but his back was already flush against the drab canvas. Any farther and the entire tent would collapse and he thinks Dick might actually kill him for that.
“This is a waste of time.” Dick grumbles, and they're close enough for his breath to warm the skin between Nix’s eyebrows. A trail of gooseflesh erupts along his back and Nix tells himself it’s the cold. “Malarkey practically crawling on all fours to get to chow. Humiliating.”
“Oh, cut the man some slack, Dick. He’ll be walking on two legs, all stick straight like you soon enough.” Nix huffs out a laugh. They were both shivering, hands tucked into their armpits. Every word out felt like a goddamn chore. The crinkle of irritation on Dick’s brow made it worth it. “That not what I—“  Dick begins to say before he catches the grin on Nix’s face. For the second time that night, his knee hits Nix’s shin violently. “Ow fuck. C’mon, Dick. Let’s just sleep for chrissakes.” The fatigue weighing down on Nix’s eyelids as he watched a blurred image of Dick’s face continue to frown. “If you’re gonna keep talking, pass me a smoke, will you?” “Fine.” Dick’s hand paws for the musette bag behind him where he fishes out an unopened case of cigarettes and a lighter. He takes one between his fingers and before Nix can free his hand out of his armpit, Dick jams the stick between Nix’s lips, his palm cupping his chin, his fingers splayed across Nix’s stubble. “Sink is ridiculous.” Dick mumbles while he thumbs down on the lighter with his other hand that’s pinned to the ground, letting his left continue holding the cigarette and Nix’s face. He tries not to lean into the touch, but his eyes were so heavy and Dick’s palm was so warm. He could fall asleep just like this, let Dick’s grousing and hot hands deliver him into temporary oblivion. “They need to stop sending him copies of Reader’s Digest if it leads to marches to Atlanta.” Dick lets Nix inhale a puff, watching his lips pucker down on the stick before he shifts his fingers away from the cigarette. “Nix when was the last time you shaved?” The pad of Dick’s thumb pressed long, deliberate strokes against the beard on Nix’s cheek, then his jaw. A confused sound of irritation and pleasure spills out of the corner of Nix’s mouth still sucking on the cigarette. Dick doesn’t flinch back when Nix blows out a puff of smoke all over his face. “Sobel doesn’t need more reasons to gig us after this. Heck he already took away Gordon’s pass, as if planting your face two inches deep in mud wasn’t enough.” Nix felt Dick’s middle finger absently brush against the skin just below his earlobe and his entire body react to the odd mixture of building arousal and lethargy. Everything he feels waist down is a disaster. “Then Strayer picks this scorched earth of a hill, tents are flying everywhere,“ Dick’s eyes snap to the cigarette that’s been reduced to a glowing filter on Nix’s lips and decides to pluck it out. “I’m dog tired and none of the CO—“ His thumb and pointer finger press against Nix’s lips when he swipes away the filter, and suddenly there’s nothing for it. Later, Nix will tell himself sleep deprivation is a little like being drunk. He snaps his body up, frozen muscles complaining, and reaches his hand behind Dick’s nape. Their teeth clack together when Nix brings his open mouth to Dick’s own. It’s dry and chapped, if a little bit painful. But when Dick’s thigh presses against Nix’s, it’s hot and hard and Nix can’t find it in him to complain. There was nothing tired about the way they were kissing, cold hands finding warmth on patches of each other's skin. Nix’s leg slides between Dick’s thighs drawing out a groan from the latter. Dick's almost pushed back too far against the pup tent. Only when it sways slightly above them do they separate, still panting, clouds of white puff up in the cold air that hangs between them. “Lew.” “I’ll shave at Benning.” The arousal between Nix’s legs aches but so does everything else. "I'll listen to you complain in the morning. We need to sleep, Dick." Dick reaches up again, his body visibly uncoiling, for Nix’s cheek, tracing the stubble just below the lower lip. “Okay, Lew.” Dick says it when Nix’s eyes finally give and his breathing evens out. Dick's own lips taste like nicotine when he drifts off.
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Should've Been Born Later, Nix - Chapter 7: The Boys Back Home
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Easy Company x Fem!OCs
Chap. Synopsis: What will happen when some of Easy Company's most valuable soldiers disappear?
Words: 2,135
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Author's note: Hey everyone! Apologies for the delay with the chapter lol 🫠 This chapter is the point of view of the men in Bastogne!! Also, because this is my fanfiction and I can do whatever I want, there will be some soldiers who somehow survived their demise in previous episodes (Miller? Dukeman? PERHAPS) Anywho, thank you as always for reading and be on the lookout for Chapter 8! 🥰
"Luz!" Carwood cried over the last shell to drop. He watched the radioman dive into the foxhole - George met the same fate as the nine others who dropped into that hole, none of them came out. Lipton was astonished. At most, a foxhole could fit three of the men comfortably, perhaps four if needed. But ten men in one? Lipton should have seen a dog pile of olive drab stretching above the opening. Instead, he saw an empty hole in the ground. The First Sergeant blinked and rubbed his eyes, making sure what he saw was indeed reality. The foxhole stayed empty when he opened his eyes.
Lipton sprinted from where he was taking cover, desperately searching for Lieutenant Dike. He knew that Dike was the least preferable choice, especially in a situation like this, but the officers Lipton would have preferred to ask for help had disappeared. After an agonizing search mission, Lipton finally found the Lieutenant - Dike was absentmindedly strolling along, looking at the trees around him with a glassy, thousand-yard stare. “Lieutenant Dike!” Lipton called out, scrambling over tree roots and broken branches. Dike snapped back to reality, his posture automatically improving when he saw First Sergeant Lipton.
“What is it, First Sergeant?” Dike asked, trying to be authoritative. The yawn that followed his words worked against him. Carwood began to speak, but his words were caught in his throat… how in the world was he going to tell the lieutenant what just happened?
“Sir… we um…” Lipton tried to force the words out of his mouth.
“Spit it out, First Sergeant Lipton!” Dike ordered, irritation evident in his voice. Lipton paused, taking a breath before responding to the officer.
“Sir… several men are gone…”
“First Sergeant, this is war, we're going to have casualties every day.”
“Not like that sir, I mean… they've disappeared…”
Dike stared blankly at the NCO, wondering if he heard him right.
“Where did they go, Carwood?” Hearing Dike use his first name gave Lipton a feeling he could only describe as ick, but nevertheless, he continued.
“Sir, I saw ten men go into a foxhole, but when I reached them, the foxhole was empty.”
“And you’re sure you went to the right foxhole?” Lipton had to pause and take a breath before answering.
“Yes, sir.” In a flurry of urgency that Lipton had never seen from Dike before, the lieutenant had rounded up Compton, Peacock, Shames, Foley, and Welsh, as well as radioed to Colonel Sink. Lipton hastily repeated his experience to the officers, who were just as hesitant to believe Lipton as Dike was. 
“So they’re just… gone?” Harry asked, still skeptical.
“I wish I had more information for you sir, but all I saw was the men go into the foxhole and not come out,” Carwood replied, defeat evident in his voice.
“Shit…” Welsh muttered under his breath. The Irishman stared at the ground in front of him, wondering how he let two of his closest friends just disappear.
“So who all are we missing?” Buck interjected. He stood with his arms crossed, instinctively taking command of the conversation.
“Captains Winters and Nixon, Lieutenant Speirs, and then Roe, Luz, Liebgott, Guarnere, Toye, Malarkey, and Randleman,” the NCO listed off the men he saw disappear, and prayed he would see again.
What Lipton did not see was Skip Muck quickly scrambling back to his foxhole. He had originally made his way to CP to ask Captain Winters a question, but when he overheard the discussion between Lipton and the officers, panic consumed the soldier’s thoughts. Muck all but fell into Penkala’s foxhole, unaware that he inadvertently elbowed his best friend in the face.
“HEY! What the fuck!?” Penkala yelped in surprise, his hands shooting to his cheek.
“Keep it down, Penk! I gotta tell you something,” Muck hushed the soldier, looking to make sure no one else was around. “I just heard Lipton telling Buck that we lost a bunch of men.”
“Like, to a sniper?”
“No, like they fucking disappeared.” Alex rolled his eyes, figuring Skip was just up to his usual mischief.
“Yeah, and I’m marrying Rita Hayworth.”
“Penk, I’m serious. Winters, Nixon, and a few others are gone and they have no fucking idea where they went.”
“Wait, what’d you say?” Muck and Penkala looked up to see that Shifty Powers had joined them in their foxhole. The rifleman looked at his two friends with shock and concern - how could the soldiers just disappear, especially vital officers like Winters and Nixon?
“He said we’re missing half the fucking company!” Penkala’s voice raised again, becoming more distressed by the minute.
“I said keep it down, you ass-hat!” Skip punctuated his interjection with a sharp whack to the back of Penkala’s head. “Look, we all know Dike isn’t gonna do shit. When Colonel Sink gets here, we need to back Lipton up and make sure Sink knows what’s happening.”
“I can go round up some of the other NCOs and tell them,” Shifty offered, gathering up his rifle to go find the rest of Easy Company’s leaders.
“Alright, we’ll come find you once Sink gets here,” Penkala replied before Shifty set off on his solo mission. Before long, the Virginian had gathered up Alley, Christianson, Grant, Martin, McClung, Perconte, Sisk, Talbert, Popeye, and Smokey Gordon. Of course, the trio of Hashey, Garcia, and Miller wanted to tag along as well - even if they did not have a leadership role, they wanted to help their company however they could.
“I really hope Bull’s okay…” Hashey muttered to no one in particular, crossing his arms to conserve the little warmth he had. “First he went missing in Holland, now we lose him in Bastogne…”
“Yeah, we need to keep a leash on him or something!” Miller snickered to his friends before Babe Heffron bumbled up to the group. The redhead resembled a baby horse learning to gallop as he jumped and weaved past tree roots and foxholes making his way to the group of soldiers.
“The fuck is this I hear about Gaurnere missing!?” Babe’s respirations were loud and labored as he attempted to catch his breath. Before anyone could respond, Lipton came across the group of soldiers all congregated near CP.
“Hey fellas, everyone doing all right?” Carwood asked nervously - he loved his men, but he knew they were up to no good if too many were in one place without a good reason.
“We heard about the men going missing,” Smokey replied, Mississippi accent thick in his words.
“We want to help, Lip, however we can,” Floyd Talbert added. He nervously shifted his weight from one foot to the other, Smokey glancing a look of concern at his best friend. 
Lipton was about to express his gratitude to his company before Colonel Sink’s Jeep was seen pulling up beside the rest of the group. Lipton quickly went to grab the company’s officers as Sink nodded in thanks to his driver and stepped out of the car. With a loud, abrupt command to “Ten-Hut!” from Buck Compton, the gathered men snapped to attention and saluted the colonel, who offered a gentle salute in return.
“At ease men,” Sink instructed before turning to the officers, “I knew it was bad when I was getting a call from Dike.”
Lipton and Welsh needed to bite their cheeks to hide their amused smiles. “We’re not sure what to do, sir, or if anything can be done…” Buck replied to the colonel before taking a step back - the blonde gestured for Lipton to step up, an instruction to inform Sink of their predicament.
“Carwood, tell me exactly what you saw.” The rest of the gathered men leaned in as Sink spoke, anxious to understand what was happening.
“Ten men went into a foxhole while we were getting shelled, sir, but the foxhole was completely empty when I went to check on them afterward. There was absolutely no trace of anyone being in that foxhole, sir, and now we can’t find any of the men I saw go in.”
The older man nodded in understanding, silently processing Lipton’s words. “Who all went in?” The NCO repeated the names from earlier, ending with Captains Winters and Nixon. Sink simply looked down at the snow. “And you have no idea where the hell any of them went…”
“No sir,” Lipton replied quietly.
The colonel simply let out a sigh and shook his head, “I’m sorry boys, but since it was during a shelling and they were last seen going into a foxhole, the higher-ups probably aren’t going to authorize a search party,” he sent a determined look to the men, “I’m going to do everything I can to push the request through, but I better not hear of anyone taking matters into their own hands.” Before getting back into his Jeep, Sink turned to Lieutenant Dike, or rather, where Dike should have been. “And where the hell is Dike?”
“We don’t know, sir, we looked for him before you arrived but didn’t find him,” Welsh chimed in. Sink rubbed his forehead in irritation before turning to Buck and Welsh.
“All right, I’m making this an official order. Lieutenant Compton, if Dike isn’t to be found and a decision needs to be made, your company comes to you. Harry, you’re second in command. You kids do what you think is right. You’re good soldiers with smart heads on your shoulders.” Sink nodded to the officers and saluted the men before getting back in his Jeep and driving back to Regimental HQ - the poor man put his head in his hands, his most trusted officers were gone without a trace, and there was virtually nothing he could do to help them.
As if on cue, Dike returned to the company, “What are we all standing around for? We have a line to protect!” Dike crescendoed his voice to try and be more authoritative, but his efforts fell flat. Eyes rolled and voices groaned as the gathered men all dispersed and returned to their assigned duties - well, all except for Babe, Talbert, Smokey, McClung, Shifty, Alley, Grant, and Popeye. As everyone was trying to leave, Smokey grabbed the sleeve of whoever he could.
“Y’all, this isn’t right, we need to do something,” the machine gunner pleaded in a hushed tone.
“You heard Sink, though, there’s no way they’re gonna authorize a search party,” Moe replied, his brows furrowed in confusion.
Popeye took a beat before he chimed in, “...why do we need to wait for authorization?”
“Because only a general can authorize a search party,” Talbert answered the Virginian - while he did not agree with the policy at all, he knew that there was no getting around it.
“But didn’t Sink say that he left Buck and Welsh in charge if Dike isn’t around? They’re not the type to snitch,” Grant offered to the conversation, scrunching his shoulders up for warmth like a turtle retreating into its shell.
“Hell, they might be happy to help out,” Gordon affirmed the NCO. The men looked around at each other with uncertainty - what if Dike found out? Or Peacock? To be honest, it was probably worse for the latter officer to discover the plot. Thomas Peacock tries his best to be a good captain, but these efforts cause him to be rather heavy-handed with the rules. If Peacock were to hear of the plot to find the missing soldiers, he would surely either tell his superior officers or try to stop the soldiers himself.
“What if we get caught?” Shifty asked nervously - while he wanted to help his friends, the poor boy was nervous to hatch a plot like this.
“We can’t just do nothin’! We all know they’d do the same if it were any of us out there!” The man from Philly interjected, earning Babe a smack on the head from Grant.
“Where would we even start?” McClung asked the group.
“Well, best thing to do would be to investigate the foxhole and see if there are any clues,” everyone turned in shock to see Lipton returning to them. “I needed something from CP, and then I noticed all of you still over here, I figured you were up to no good,” the first sergeant said with a smile, earning him a loving slap on the back from Grant and Johnny Martin. The rest of the afternoon was about to be spent brainstorming, at least until one of the men needed to take their turn watching the line.
All of the men felt nervous, but especially Babe. Guarnere is his best friend, it would be one thing if Babe knew that he was wounded, even killed, but not knowing what happened to Bill was eating away at Babe worse than anything he had ever felt before.
Chapter 6 | Chapter 8 (coming soon!)
Taglist: @b00ks1ut , @blueberry-ovaries , @bucky32557038ww2 , @claudycod , @dontirrigateme , @easycompany123 , @emilee1421 , @executethyself35 , @hanniewinnix , @ithinkabouttzu , @jump-wings , @panzershrike-pretz , @stolen94 , @themysciraprincess , @xxluckystrike
Thank you so much as always for reading and stay tuned for Chapter 8! 😁
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youcalledmebabe · 1 month
69 for winnix 👉👈?
send me a pairing and a number and I’ll write a drabble for you
a little prequel babe’s anatomy winnix for you!
69. “Why the hell are you bleeding!?”
Dick stares at the white curtain, trying not to get irritated about the plastics intern taking his sweet time coming downstairs. It’s five thirty a.m. What could possibly be more pressing than an ER page? Didn’t Lew give them the answer pages at a run lecture? Eugene had it down but then, Dick was lucky. He’d gotten the best intern.
He keeps looking at the curtain. It’s actually not white, it’s very pale blue, with little flowers and—seriously where is Peacock. He allows himself a sigh. A little blood drips onto his UMich t-shirt.
Someone yanks the curtain aside, almost pulling the rod down with it. Lew stands, in rumpled blue scrubs, chest heaving. See? He takes pages at a run.
“What happened to you? Why did I have to hear from Malarkey that you were in the ER after being slashed?” Lew demands.
Dick smiles, a little wry. “It’s nothing. A small laceration. Your intern was supposed to take care of it.”
“How did you get slashed? Why are you saying that like it’s normal? You’re from Pennsylvania,” Lew says, snapping on a pair of gloves.
“A man approached me on my run this morning and wanted some money. I didn’t have any. He got angry.”
The frown on Lew’s face deepens. He starts to clean the cut, one hand on Dick’s jaw, the other carefully dabbing under his eye. Zygomatic bone, Dick thinks, flashing back to anatomy. He’s just grateful it wasn’t his eye.
“The one time I don’t go with you,” Lew says.
Dick snorts. “The one time?”
Lew shakes his head and takes out a suture kit before replacing his gloves.
“You’re going to do my stitches?” Dick says, incredulous. “Shouldn’t you be reconstructing an ear or repairing a cleft palate?”
“It was stitch you up or prep Strayer’s wife for her yearly facelift.”
Lew dabs numbing cream on Dick’s face. His touch is soft, delicate, somehow gentler than any of the other surgeons. Their eyes meet and Dick wonders, for the millionth time, if he remembers their kiss. If he ever thinks about it. It’s on the tip of Dick’s tongue; it always is, but he thinks of his father’s advice. Some things should stay buried.
Lew pierces him with the needle and Dick winces. “Sorry,” Lew murmurs, running his thumb over his forehead. Almost a caress. Almost is all they get these days, with Lew and Cathy ‘working on their marriage’ and ‘prioritizing couple time.’
“I just can’t believe you were going to let Peacock at you with a needle,” Lew says.
Dick watches him, enjoys his full attention. He can’t believe it either now; he should’ve called Nix right away. What a nice twist of fate that he should get injured while Lew is working. “He’s an intern,” he says. “How else will he learn? He needs practice. Nobody is hopeless after practice.”
Lew bites his lip in concentration. “Some faces are too pretty to be practice.”
Dick hopes there isn’t a pleased scarlet flush on his face. Pretty. He knows, but he only really hears it from Deetta these days. “Is that the official position of the plastics department?”
“Now that Peacock is the future? Yes,” Lew says. He finishes the stitch and pulls back, taking a second to admire his work. “There. Shouldn’t even scar.”
“Thanks, Nix.”
“Anytime,” he says, slipping off his gloves. “But you’re not allowed to run without me again.”
“Sure,” Dick humors him. Lew’s been working nights to avoid Cathy and when he’s not working nights, he’s drinking himself to sleep. He’ll believe it when he sees it.
The next morning, Lew sits on the edge of the park fountain in his blue Yale shirt. He’s blinking, bleary, but here. Maybe Dick gets more than almost after all.
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footprintsinthesxnd · 8 months
Young Love and Old Money
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Summary: this series follows the story of Lewis Nixon and Josephine Wills and their trials, tribulation and love throughout WW2, including stories of their friends in between. Warnings: graphic mentions of wounds, swearing, near death experience, grief.
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Lonely this winter - Bastogne December 1944
“I don’t know, George. I don’t think I’ll ever feel warm again,” Skip moaned as he shuffled further to the radioman’s side. Julian on the other side of George moaned in agreement. George just sniffled, whipping his nose in the sleeve of his jacket, “I don’t think I can feel my toes anymore.”
“Will you lot quit whining? We’re all cold,” Malarkey moaned, sliding into the foxhole followed by Penkala. The foxhole wasn’t big enough for five men but they made it work, huddling together in a desperate attempt to retain any heat they may have.
“You know what I could do with right now?” Julian looked up at George, his eyes watery and the end of his nose pink, George just wanted to wrap him tighter in his blanket and hold him closer. That was the one good thing about Bastogne, no one ever questioned Julian and George snuggling up together.
“What is it, Jules?”
“I’d really like some of my Ma’s soup. She always had the best vegetable soup, it’s all warm and thick and tasty.”
“No stop. I can hear my stomach rumbling,” Malarkey grumbled. The group soon fell into a comfortable silence, each thinking about Julian’s mother's soup and what they wouldn’t do for a bowl of it right now.
A loud eruption of a tree nearby caused them to jump.
“Fucking Krauts. Why can’t they just give us a break?” Skip cried as the ground shook and the trees continued to erupt around them.
Screams for a medic filled the woods and Julian watched in horror as Eugene sprinted back and forth between the foxholes of the injured men. “He needs help!” Julian cried, desperately trying to climb out of the foxhole to help Eugene but George’s grip was firm.
“JULIAN! NO! STOP!” Julian fought against George’s grip, freeing himself and charging over the tree bursts. George screamed helplessly, trying to follow him but Malarkey and Skip grabbed ahold of him. “Let him go, George.”
“He’ll be okay George.”
It felt like hours until the barrage finally stopped, the echoing from the eruptions gradually ceased and the ground no longer shook so violently. Four heads popped out of the foxhole, surveying the devastation that lay before them. The splinters of trees that remained looked far less regal than the trees that once stood there.
“I have to go find Julian,” George hurried away, not waiting for his friend's answer. Everything looked the same as George scurried in the direction Julian had gone. Everything looked the same, the same snow, the same trees, same foxholes, same blood… blood everywhere, seeping deep into the once crispy, clear snow. That’s when George saw them, Eugene and Lieutenant Nixon crouched down beside a wounded soldier, Gene worked on his leg, bloody bandages wrapped around the wound, while Nixon spoke to him.
“You’re going to be just fine, Julian. Doc Roe has got you.” Nixon’s voice was low but he turned when he heard the helmet hit the snow. “George, Julian’s going to be fine but I don’t think you should see him right now.”
George didn’t listen, his heart pounding out his chest as he fell beside him.
“Julian?” He whispered, his voice shaking uncontrollably as he tried to reach forward to the man he loved.
“Hey George,” Julian whispered back, his voice weak and shaking, whether from the cold or the shock George wasn’t sure but he’d never seen Julian look so pale.
“He’s gonna be fine, George. We just gotta get him to the air station. Call for a jeep,” Eugene commanded, working quickly to stem the heavy bleeding from Julian’s leg. “George, call for a jeep.” He repeated but George was frozen where he fell. “George, call a goddamn jeep!” Eugene snapped which caused George to jump into action, grabbing his radio and calling for a jeep which arrived in a matter of minutes. George felt helpless as he watched Julian being driven away to the aid station, his knees felt weak as he slumped down next to the blood-smeared ground. Julian’s blood.
“It will be okay, George. He’ll be just fine. He’s in good hands with Eugene and Josie,” Nixon tried to reassure him but George couldn’t hear a thing, only the rumble of the jeep disappearing in the distance could accompany his broken heart.
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“Eugene, what the hell happened?” Josie asked, throwing a blanket over Julian’s body as she examined his leg.
“Kraut artillery got him that’s what. This idiot climbed out of his foxhole to help me. Can you believe that?” Eugene huffed, helping to remove the bandages and revealing the large eight-centimetre deep gash that began to pump profusely.
“Shit, we’ve disturbed the clot. RENÉE!” Josie called out, as she began applying pressure to the wound. Renée appeared beside her in an instant, helping to apply pressure while Eugene used his artery forceps to try and clamp the bleeding vessels.
“Julian! Julian, stay with me okay,” Josie called out, running her bloody fingers through his hair. “Just stay with me, Julian.”
“How could you?” Julian whispered, his tear-filled eyes looking up at her as Josie looked down at him in confusion. “How could you tell Lieutenant Nixon about George and I? I trusted you, Josie… I trusted you and you betrayed me.” Tears began to slip down his cheeks as his eyes slid shut, consciousness evading him.
“No, Julian, please. Just stay with me. Please. I’m so sorry,” Josie cried, but Julian had already slipped out of consciousness and her words of regret fell on deaf ears.
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“A penny for your thoughts?” Dick asked, his teeth chattering uncontrollably as he looked over at his friend.
“Huh?” Lewis looked up and Dick laughed in amusement.
“You haven’t said a word all evening. The last time you were this quiet was the night before you asked Josie to marry you so I know it must be something serious.” Dick took another slurp from his soup and waited for Lewis to gather his thoughts.
“I’m just worried about Julian. I promised to keep Josie’s friends safe and I feel like I’m failing them. Julian got hit, George is crying in his foxhole with Lipton and Malarkey, Jess is at a field hospital somewhere so I don’t even know if she’s safe and Eugene is running around during artillery barrages so he’s always in harm's way. In fact, I think I’m just here keeping myself safe while they all suffer.” Lewis let out a long sigh as he fell into silence once more, his dark eyes watching Dick as he waited for him to share some of his wisdom.
Dick looked at him thoughtfully before letting out a sigh of his own. “I was afraid this would happen. War is hell, Lew. We all knew that this wouldn’t be easy but maybe I can arrange for Julian to be evacuated to the field hospital Jess is at. That way Josie will know that they are both out of harm's way.”
“You could do that?” Lewis asked hopefully.
“I can certainly try,” Dick assured him, excusing himself to make the phone call. Lewis sighed, leaning his back against the tree. Who knows maybe they would all make it through after all.
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“Eugene, what do you mean the aid stations gone? Gone where?” Lewis' voice was husky, having just been awoken by a very nervous Eugene, from his dreamless sleep.
“It’s all gone, Sir. Just gone. The Luftwaffe took it out,” Eugene spoke quickly, his hands seeming to shake as he animated what happened.
“And Josie?” Lewis asked the question he didn’t want to know the answer to. He couldn’t know the answer to it because if what he feared was true then how could he ever go on?
“I don’t know. I’m real sorry, Sir,” Eugene had tears in his own eyes, something Lewis had never seen from the Cajun medic. Despite everything they had been through, everything they had suffered, he’d never seen Eugene cry.
“It’s alright Gene, it's not your fault. I’m just glad we could get Julian out there before this happened. Have you heard from Jess?” Lewis wanted to change the subject, having to fight the urge to break into a sprint and run through enemy lines to Bastogne.
“Not since the last time, Sir but I’m sure she is fine,” Eugene remained the optimist and for a moment Lewis was glad that at least one of them could be.
Eugene trailed off eventually after Lewis sat staring into the abyss for what probably seemed like hours.
“Lew? What’s going on? Lew?” Dick shook his shoulder harshly, causing Lewis to look up, his brown eyes filled with unshed tears because if they fell it would all be real.
“The aid station’s gone,” he muttered, looking back to focus on the tree he’d been glaring at.
“What do you mean gone?” Dick asked slumping down on the log beside his friend.
“I mean it’s done, Dick. The Luftwaffe blew it to hell.”
“And Josie?” Dick's voice was etched with the concern he shared for Josie but also his best friend.
“I don’t know, Dick. I don’t know.”
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Tags: @georgieluz @iceman-kazansky @yeahcurrahhe-e @msmercury84 @blvestxr @dustyjumpwjngs @theflyingfin @jump-wings @kafka-ohdear @kmc1989 @mads-weasley @docroesmorphine @liptonsbabe @sweetxvanixlla @hesbuckcompton-baby @ronsparky @allthingsimagines @whollyjoly @bucky32557038ww2 @panzershrike-pretz @malarkgirlypop @hanniewinnix @inglourious-imagines @l13bg0tt @samwinchesterslostshoe
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luminouslywriting · 3 months
Bob headcannon, taking care of them when theyr injured or sick
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Hi Nonny!! This is a super fun idea and so I hope you enjoy :) reminder that my requests are open and I don’t mind spam, so feel free to keep sending stuff in! Cut for length, more under the cut:
Dick Winters:
-he’s very inconvenienced by the shrapnel that ends up in his foot….so don’t coddle him haha. -But with gentle care and a warning to stay off of his foot will have his respect and gratitude. -If he’s sick, he tends to try to do things still. He doesn’t like to rest if no one else gets to either. That being said, you may need to put your foot down. -He really does appreciate your care and help…he just likes to do things on his own. -Take a nap with him, it will work wonders, I promise.
Lewis Nixon:
-It’s when his helmet gets hit with a bullet….and whenever he’s blackout drunk. -Just wants to move on from the bullet thing and will sassily answer your concussion questions. -He’s a clingy sick person and a clingy drunk, so you have your work cut out for you no matter what. -Honestly wants to be coddled when he’s drunk or sick. -Treat him as you would a small child and you should be all set lol.
Ronald Speirs:
-This man thinks that he doesn’t need anyone and that he doesn’t need help. Right up until he gets shot in the ass going across a river and needs medical attention. -He’s very nonchalant about the entire thing and is not about to let you know how much it actually hurts. -Secretly really appreciates being doted on when he’s sick though and will let you know through his actions. -Is also willing to be verbally grateful and express gratitude for everything that you do for him
-Expect him to be on the lookout for if you're ever sick bc he wants to return the favor.
Buck Compton:
-Yet another man who got shot in the ass and is NOT having a great time....that being said, he's a blushing mess and doesn't want you to work on him at all
-He'll have to swallow his pride and be humble about you taking care of the wound and helping him
-Distract him with all sorts of conversational topics and he should be fine
-Is better behaved when he's sick and also just wants to cuddle with you
-A little emotional when he's sick as well, so be on the lookout for that
Carwood Lipton:
-Resists the fact that he needs medical attention after getting hit with shrapnel and nearly losing a certain appendage
-Is a stubborn mule about not needing help up until he trips and nearly falls on his face
-Will be extremely quiet and take medical orders though
-And when he's sick with pneumonia? Same thing, except now he's really cold and wants to cuddle with you
-Treat him like an adult when he's sick, but also be a little more caring than normal—brushing through his hair and rubbing his back will go a long ways
Joe Liebgott:
-Literally doesn't think he needs any help??? But he's got several injuries and gets annoyed fairly often
-Will feel bad if he snaps at you while you're trying to help him
-At that point, he'll shut up and begrudgingly let you take care of him. Expect a kiss at the end for your efforts
-Also a clingy sick person, but way more flirtatious than normal—he wants you in his bed asap with as many innuendos as possible
-Pray for patience babe, you're gonna need it
Donald Malarkey:
-Honestly, the easiest patient in the world? He shuts right up (unless he has questions about what you're doing/medical practices), takes orders, and obeys them.
-He's a gem of a patient if he gets injured and super calm throughout the entire thing
-Malarkey is very kind and sweet afterwards and expresses how much he appreciates you and your kindness
-Also a great patient if he's sick. He'd prefer it if you kept your distance from him though since he doesn't want you to get sick
-I promise he'll appreciate the extra blanket and some soothing tea though.
Eugene Roe:
-Literally the epitome of a hypocrite?? Because he thinks he doesn't need to slow down and get help for himself?? (Smh honestly)
-Please just force this man to stay off of his feet and rest so he can recover from his wounds
-If you express your worry about him in near tears, I guarantee he'll listen to you immediately
-Also a really great patient if he's sick—that is, if you can get him to sit down and stop working.
-Bribe him with some old family recipes for soup or cold remedies and he'll be the best patient ever. He also wants you to teach him how to make those things haha.
Bill Guarnere:
-Also gets really annoyed anytime he's injured?? But never acts annoyed when he's with you. He knows that you're just trying to do your job.
-And considering the fact that he ditches the aid stations and hospitals frequently, he pays close attention to your instructions when it comes to injuries
-Respects the hell out of you for your work—and this only grows after Bastogne and saving his life
-He's a grumpy sick person who acts like a cat who doesn't want to be petted
-Good luck babe, you're gonna need it for when he's sick
Joe Toye:
-Thinks he can power through the injury or sickness for a while....and almost succeeds.
-He's not afraid to ask questions about what he can do to make the situation better and he does his best to listen to your advice
-His mood will improve if you kiss it better, I promise
-And if he's ever sick? The man literally just wants a cuddle and some words of reassurance and he'll be good as new
-He's a great patient unless he lets the injury get bad and doesn't come talk to you about it sooner
George Luz:
-Literally makes jokes through whatever injury or sickness he's dealing with
-SMH, sir please take this seriously—that being said, you may need to kindly tell him to shut up so that you can do your job
-Also respects the hell out of you for the work that you do and listens really well when it comes to injury care.
-Is honestly a little kid when he gets sick??? He just wants to lay in bed, be told stories, and have a great time
-Tell him the story of your love story (your version of course), and he'll be content as a kitten to lay there and rest and just listen to you
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Beers, Tomato, and Suspenders (Lewis Nixon X GN!Reader)
Prompts: 106 – Neither one of us is drunk enough for this conversation. & 109 – I saw that. You just checked me out.
Summary: Before D-Day. Two conversations take place, one with your best friend George Luz, the second with your (perhaps, perhaps not) friend Lewis Nixon. What can come out of this?
Warnings: some f words
Author’s Note: Long time no see, my friends! I’m sorry for being MIA for so long. Anyway, consider this some sort of a comeback 😊. There have ended up some BoB smut requests in my inbox so to inform you, I’m not writing smut, at least not yet, for I do not feel comfortable doing so. I apologise to the people who came to me through my inbox to ask me some questions, sorry I wasn’t able to answer them.
-> Also does anyone know how to edit masterlist (or any other old post actually) after some time? I'm not able to update my masterlist or just simply edit a list of fandoms. Help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Taglist: @alienoresimagines @teenmagazines @meteora-fc @eugenesmorphine @band-of-brothers-cz @real-fans @not-john-watsons-blog @tealaquinn @ok-roemanov @mrseasycompany @punkgeekchic @wexhappyxfew @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @rayofshanshine @mavysnavy @easynix @georgeluzwarmhugs @easy-company-tradition @immrsronaldspeirs @snafus-peckuh @curraheewestandalone @warrior-healer @justamadgirlinabox @happyveday @order-of-river-phoenix @whoahersheybars
“Okay, we have a few more days before we’re moving out and you still haven’t done anything about your big fat crush on-“
“Shut the fuck up, Luz!” you exclaim, covering his mouth with yours. He laughs at your somewhat childish behaviour, but then he licks your hand so you would pull it away and also to annoy you even more so the fight over who’s more immature is clearly won by him again.
“You are disgusting,” you say, but your lips slowly form a soft smile – the situation is quite ridiculous; two paratroopers discussing one’s crush in the middle of a bar somewhere in Britain, while other paratroopers around them are getting blind drunk. “And I do not intend to do anything about it.”
George pouts, clearly he is more than excited to see you hit on someone, the need for some entertainment overwhelms him and you are sure that once you would have gotten up from your chair, Liebgott and Tab would be immediately by Luz’s side, cheering you on and closely watching the situation unfold. But you remain sitting, and George has to turn to his beer instead.
“But why?” he presses on, once he finishes his glass of that golden liquid and sets it down on the wooden bar. “Tab has some classified information that Lewis Nixon is over the heels for you.” That makes you laugh out loud, and soon enough George joins you but for another reason completely – he laughs because someone else is laughing and he’s drunk, you laugh because that sentence alone sounded so ridiculous that you simply could not react in any other way.
George doesn’t bring up the topic anymore, but he remains at your side as if he knows something you don’t. You sing with Floyd, you play cards with Malarkey and Muck, you have a contest about who downs a beer faster with Toye (you win but Joe swears he’ll challenge you soon enough and this time for money for he is sure that he’ll be the winner). You try to stay away from drinking too much alcohol; those two beers, one with George and one with Joe, plus the one shot with Eugene (which you practically coerced him into drinking – who could have said no when the toast was to victory?) is pretty much the only liquor flowing in your veins.
For a moment, George excuses himself (“When I drink, I always have to piss all the fucking time. I hate it.”) and you find yourself on your own behind the bar, wondering whether another beer is a good idea until someone interrupts your thoughts. “Hey Joe, get me a pint, would ya?”
You’ve spent so much time daydreaming about that voice, that by now you can recognize it anytime, anywhere, in your sleep, in your dreams, from meters away. You turn your head to your favourite intelligence officer and you’re suddenly glad you have not ordered that beer because you would have probably choked on it for Lewis Nixon just looks so good in just the green trousers, green shirt, and those damn suspenders. While he waits for his drink (apparently, he’s all out of Vat69 when he’s opted for beer), he slips his one arm under one part of the suspenders, then his other arm, and the suspenders fall down from his shoulders, hanging now from his hips from their clips on his trousers. This simple action, that takes not more than few seconds, leaves you breathless, you could watch him just be his self for hours on end and never get tired from the sight.
“I saw that,” he suddenly turns to you, “you just checked me out.”
Now you would have definitely choked on that beer. Your cheeks redden immediately, you know exactly how you look (like a fucking tomato, that’s for sure) and you struggle really hard to find an excuse because it’d be obvious even to a blind person that you were downright staring at him.
“I did not.” you state as sternly as you could, but Nixon smiles and for some reason unknown to you, he does not go away but rather orders another beer that lands before you in a moment.
Lexis is apparently pleased at how flustered he can make you, he is enjoying it to his bones, so he does not stop teasing you. “Yes, yes, you did.” A bigger smile now adorns his face, and you have to fight really hard to not smiling again because his joy is so contagious.
“No, I did not. If anything, you were checking me out.” you try to spin the conversation in another way and to your surprise (and later pleasure) it works for Lewis steps a little closer to you and responds. “Well, I did not really try to hide it, did I.”
It’s more of a statement than a question and for the second time in about three minutes you are blushing again like a teenager.
Nixon goes on. “And at least I can admit it.”
Your head is spinning, you quite can’t comprehend that this is what you are talking about with Nix, and he just stands so close to you, you could touch his army shirt if you desired to, the urge to run your fingers through his messy hair is storming you and you find yourself in need of a fresh air. But you don’t step away, you wouldn’t dare to because this type of breathlessness just feels good.
So, you opt to play his little game. “Neither one of us is drunk enough for this conversation.”
Lewis’s eyes sparkle. He takes his beer in one hand, yours in other and nods his head in the direction where the doors out of the bar are. “Maybe we should fix that.”
Finally you smile at him, you know he knows you won’t decline the offer, but it doesn’t bother you one bit. “The conversation or our not-drunken state?”
Lewis grins at you in his own special mischievous way and he knows you know what the answer will be, but it doesn’t bother him one bit. “How about both?”
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andreal831 · 2 months
Wow, I never knew Zach Roerig was getting hate from fans. I know Matt wasn't a lot of people's favorite character, but I never knew the actor was getting hate for it. That's just crazy. But sadly, that doesn't really shock me, since it seems almost every cast member on TVD and TO has gotten hate at some point or another. As far as the TVD/TO cast in general goes, I haven't really followed them much and don't really keep up with them. Aside from the fact that some of them have gotten married and started families, or have podcasts, or have explored other endeavors, I don't really follow or know. I'm just glad that most of them are happy, living their lives, doing their own thing, and have been able to maintain their close friendship all these years, after all the craziness and chaos with TVD and TO. Ian, Nate, and Matt (Alaric) are the only ones that I stopped supporting and don't really care for much, as a result of problematic behavior. Overall, I don't really keep track of celebrities' dating history or go looking through their friends/followers list, because I don't really care for the most part. And I have better things to do than go looking and digging through who follows who or who dates who. 
There is plenty of hate to go around in the TVDU fandom. You are probably correct in saying everyone has gotten hate at some point. I mean it even extends to their significant others. Daniel Gillies had to threaten to go offline if people didn't stop hating on his new girlfriend. Not to mention the amount of hate Joseph and Candice's (ex)spouses constantly get. I think people look past the Zach hate because it is typically veiled in lies and people don't bother to fact check it.
I honestly think a lot of the cast needs to move on from the fandom. I know this is a super unpopular opinion given I haven't moved on from it either. But it would do them some good to put some distance between themselves and the show. I know a lot of them are tired of the conventions but just keep going because it's an easy paycheck. You can just tell by the fact that they get the same handful of questions every single time and just keep making up answers to keep it entertaining for themselves.
I personally have never supported Matt (Alaric) and Nate (Kol) and they continue to make me thankful of this. However, over the past year the rest of the cast has made me question my involvement in the fandom. I'm with you, I don't care who is following who or who is dating who. I like the show, not the actors. But I do hate when people spread lies and hate.
If we want to hate on the actors, there's plenty to point out. Recently, most of them have been super racist and problematic in regards to their stance on Palestine and posting racist podcasts about Muslim people (I'm looking at you, Daniel Gillies).
All of this to say, I don't follow any of them except Leah and Michael Malarkey. I also don't stream the show anymore and won't spend any money in the fandom. I think it is fine to try and separate the art from the artist, but I personally don't like to spend my money on people I don't respect.
Sorry, I know I kind of used your ask to go on a tangent, but thank you for the ask!
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jmoloney1 · 6 months
The Lies Jess-Malarkey Tells
Here @jess-moloney-malarkey claims that the “rumors” that Jess controls Jamie’s social media stemmed from “other blog”. When that blog actually proved that wasn’t true. [Link]
Here’s where the actual rumor started and it was way before Jess-Moloney started her blog: [Link] So maybe she wants to explain why she lied about that, since she claims she reads everything on the blog she should have seen this post.
Here @jess-moloney-malarkey says (and I quote) [Link]
My problem is with how certain people behave and interact with others in their dislike of Jess. My problem is with how certain people treat others, citing only your highly speculative thoughts as reasoning. There's no respect for a difference of opinion.
But then she posts something like this in response to an ask [Link] not toxic when she does it though only when someone else does.
Here @jess-moloney-malarkey proves she can’t read where she says:
What I do care about is the speculation and accusations that are spoken about as if they're fact, the refusal to listen to any other point of view
Here is Jess-Moloney’s actual thoughts on this which @jess-moloney-malarkey entirely misconstrues in just about every post she makes:
[Link one]
[Link two]
Doesn’t sound like she’s trying to say anything is fact. It sounds like she’s saying she doesn’t actually know the answer and she’s just going by what she can see. @jess-moloney-malarkey has not actually posted any proof that this other blog has stated it as fact. Just that they have a theory. So either she can’t read or she’s gaslighting people. Take your pick. Considering how she fingered herself with joy over the hiatus notice you’d think she could have read what was said here but instead she continues to push the narrative that this other blog is “confirming” a breakup when no such thing has ever actually been said on that blog.
Here’s where @jess-moloney-malarkey says that the other blog has become a “Jamie hate blog” when they also can’t back up any proof with this when that blog said anything about hating Jamie or that Jamie should be hated. There was a discussion about the shirt he was wearing where the other blog said numerous times that she didn’t think Jamie should be cancelled over wearing a shirt. But that doesn’t fit the narrative Malarkey wants so she’s just gonna lie about it.
Quote: I do like Jamie and I don’t believe him wearing the shirt makes him a bad person. However, that doesn’t mean I can’t question why he’s wearing it or point out why it’s problematic, which it is [Link one]
Quote: I don’t think Jamie wearing the shirt means he’s a bad person (as I said before) but people need to stop acting like it’s not a problem either. [Link two]
Quote:  I personally haven’t seen or heard him say or do something that I think is close to being “cancel” worthy but unlike some of the larger fanatics, I use logic. I don’t jump to conclusions and I don’t presume to know why he was wearing that shirt.  [Link Three]
Does this come close to sounding like a “Jamie hate blog” apparently it does to Malarkey even though all it was, really, was opinions, discussion, and saying how and why the shirt was problematic. At no point was there a single word said about hating Jamie or telling people to hate him.
Here’s a post where Malarkey says that Jamie and Jess have been together for “Several Years” [link]
They’ve only actually been confirmed together for about 2 years. Yet let’s exaggerate that number because it makes her feel better or something? [Source] June 2022 so that would mean June 2024 would only be 2 years right? I guess almost three. It’s not a long term relationship by any means and has lasted just about the same amount as any other GF he has but Jess is special so guess we should lie about that to keep the stans happy.
Malarkey confuses answering asks with making actual posts. If people didn’t send in asks they wouldn’t be posted. So she grately exaggerates how many posts are actually being made. [Link]
Another post accusing the “other blog” of “confirming” a breakup when they can’t find any post that backs this with proof. the Jess-Moloney blog has only ever theorized that a split is happening or may have happened or things are on the decline. Yet Malarkey somehow doesn’t understand these words or only reads what she wants to read and then misinterprets it on her blog. The original Jess blog was never “proven worng” because she also never confirmed anything she just pointed out a decline in the relationship. Malarkey seems to be *obsessed* with saying that this happened (for some reason) when it’s never happened. [Link]
Malarkey repeatedly claims: Social media isn’t real life and doesn’t matter but she’ll also use social media as an example of Jamie and Jess being in a healthy relationship when it suits her:
Malarkey Says it doesn’t matter here: [Link]
But suddenly here it does matter: [Link]
Which one is it Malarkey? Or do you only know the answer when it backs up whatever the fuck story you’re going with that minute?
So what have we learned today? Malarkey lies, manupulates, gaslights, bullies, harasses, and twists things entirely out of context all the time to suit her narrative. She 100% does not read this blog she complains about she just makes shit up when it suits her. She uses points she claims she’s against when they help her but is against them when someone else uses them to prove her wrong. She claims she’s not obsessed with Jamie and Jess’s relationship but she runs an entire blog about it then writes fan fiction about Jess and Jamie being in bed together every night complementing each other on their lives so they don’t need to post on social media but when they do it means their relationship is healthy.
Oh and then she lied about Jess “still engaging with the posts” because she actually stopped engaging two days before the video premiered. Yeah but she’s right about everything, never lies, and should be a trusted source of information shouldn’t she? More accurately she’s a pathological lying bully obsessed with Jess and pretending not to be. Odd how Jess has all these stans that can’t admit they stan her and instead hide behind some narrative that they have to bully other people to protect the real Jess stans from “harmful information” like she’s the authority. Well going by all these contradictory posts I’d say she’s as nutty as a sack of cats.
Let’s see what kind of response she has for this it’ll most surely be stupid.
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kmze · 5 months
I have been reading & watching some old cast interviews and comic con panels lately.I never really paid attention to offscreen stuff before but is it me or there was always some underlying tension among them?Either they were trolling or they could barely stand each other to be in the same room or maybe I am reading too much into it.I think the one thing that remained constant was PW relentlessly trolling the show and its below-average writing and outlandish plots.So anyway in the process I got to the part where Malarkey slipped that Enzo will be Bonnie's love interest and Dries spewing BS about Bonlaric in the interviews.This is something Plec said she came up with after their scene in 6×21(hard to believe but whatever).Caroline was the only one the writers didn't say absolutely anything about until they probably decided to incorporate candice's pregnancy.One thing that I remember about both Bonnie and Caroline's so-called future relationships is that neither were compelling enough and little to no effort were made for them before the time jump while both SC & DB were left on cliffhanger.In fact both Carenzo and Bonenzo had the same story.Enzo betrayed both.;vervained Caroline & tied her up,hit Bonnie in the head and injected her with something that disabled her magic.And then in the end got his ass handed over to him by both the girls.😎
Anyway,in one interview,julie had even said that Bonnie and Caroline were going to take centre stage but Candice called and said she was pregnant.I'm not exactly sure how Candice's pregnancy could affect Bonnie's narrative unless it was just one of her lame ass excuses which it absolutely was.So what do you think Baroline's story was originally going to be before the time jump?Baroline being lesbians,dating each other and having the time of their lives in some European city?To be honest I would rather watch THAT.I hope someone does a Tell-All Book someday unless they all signed a NDA because too much shit happened that didn't make any lick of sense.
Hey so I actually think the cast are way more fond of each other than they let on, mostly because I don't see how a group of people would do so many of these cons together if they couldn't stand each other. I think Pauls just did a lot of trolling because he knew people thought it was funny. I do however think Kat hates Caroline Dries as she should and I don't think she likes Julie much either which is also completely warranted. The thing about Dries and Kat in what would be Bonnie's LI in S7 is that Dries said she didn't tell Kat but told Malarkey because Kat wasn't ready to hear it yet and like WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN??? Why does she think she had the right to treat her like a child? I'm so glad that bitch basically got fired in S7 and hasn't had success since, it's what she deserves. Bonnie and Enzo had some build-up in S5 too but it was similar to the stuff they had in 6x21 so it just felt like something the writers were putting a pin in for the future if they needed it. I just think the writers had no idea what to do with Enzo in S6 once they decided they didn't need him as the Klaus-lite foil to Stefan and rather wanted to isolate Stefan and Caroline while they built their love story.
I can probably answer the S7 questions better after I rewatch that season (I'm mid-way through S6 now) but I like 7x04 gives a good idea of what the season would have looked like with Candice's pregnancy. I think the SV baby would have been introduced and that would have been the obstacle for Steroline, maybe Stefan would have been stabbed protecting his kid? I also think Valerie might not have had such a big role that season if Candice wasn't pregnant because her screen time really dwindled after she was about 7 months pregnant. Bonnie on the other hand might have been more involved in the heretics plot and maybe that could have been used to develop Bonenzo but I'm sure Dries decided to make Enzo obsessed with Lily because she hates Kat. Like she would rather take a character we just fucking met and give her more stuff than Bonnie because to be blunt Valerie is white and Dries is racist.
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townofcadence · 1 month
💔 : What kinds of characters do you have the most trouble writing for? ➳ : When creating OCs, what do you typically start with first? (i.e. appearance, name, a theme, etc.)
Munday Malarkey Asks
💔 : What kinds of characters do you have the most trouble writing for?
Hmmmm. This one is hard! I would say I struggle the most with characters who are kind of-- mean. It makes me feel really bad to bully other characters. I can do it! But the muse for villains or complicated jerks is kinda hard to harness sometimes ^^
➳ : When creating OCs, what do you typically start with first? (i.e. appearance, name, a theme, etc.)
Since I already answered this, I'm just gonna mention some concepts that initially jumpstarted a few muses!
Saffron for example was the idea of having a character that i wanted to be-- not brave! so many of my characters are brave in the face of danger, even if it's because they have to be. i wanted someone who genuinely could not overcome that fear, to explore that and have the chance to subvert my own tendencies, to push myself as a writer. I also wanted someone who might have some level of ability sure, but for the most part was pretty mundane, and very human. And specifically, I wanted to make an OC who had their troubles in life as everyone does, but who had made it through the worst of it, and was honestly doing okay now. To focus instead on healing and recovery and coping with your past rather than continued harm. He can still be a bit funny because he's a scaredy cat and sometimes scary guys show up, and he still has sad or bad times, but he's got some of his shit figured out enough to be content and just live a normalish life and get help when he needs it.
Greyson meanwhile is like--the concept of losing the thing that you define yourself with and how to cope with it. He's a chef, he's spent his whole life getting ready to be one, and he finally started his own restaurant, and then he loses his sense of taste in an accident--- the frustration of that loss and contending with it, deciding if you give up everything you worked for because circumstances changed, or if you continue onward-- -there's no true right or wrong answer, but contending with the question is a struggle that's interesting to me and i want to explore !
Manos was the concept of a spirit kind of--- possessing/achored by it's own zombified corpse because of a resurrection gone horribly awry lol. And then the idea of also realizing when you don't have to worry about things like pain or biological sensibility, fuck, you can do whatever body mods you want because the original human plan doesn't limit you anymore.
Turtle was because--- i think the idea of a dramatic theatrical librarian who loves his books would be a fun, but he mostly came to be because I wanted to make someone who was bald, since that was outside my usual design choices lol. And then the idea of him having an academic rivalry with the bookshop owner was silly enough i solidified him more lol
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malarkgirlypop · 10 months
MEDIC! Part 21 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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I know I wrote this but I'm so mad at Don, but I did it so! Some fighting, some fluff, some ass hitting as per request of @next-autopsy, ahahah jk! Let me know what you think!
I also just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who reads my fic! I have now posted 21 chapters which is so much! Thank you for sticking with me, I know it's been long! I am so excited to keep going with this story. Probably the only thing I have stuck too and not given up half way, which my brain likes to do! I love you all, thank you for all your support and amazing comments, truly makes me so happy and I just want to keep sharing my work with you all! I really can't thank you all enough, how do I buy you all presents? ahahahah.
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to anyone involved.Keep reading
Tag list: @next-autopsy, @panzershrike-pretz, @xxluckystrike, @bucky32557038ww2 (let me know if you want to be tagged.)
The men wandered back into the room, I stopped Don as he walked in, grabbing him by his arm. 
“Can we talk?” I asked, he nodded, moving out of the room again. I walked down stairs finding somewhere more private to speak to him. I walked into one of the empty rooms, Don followed behind closing the door. 
“So are you going to explain what happened?” He asked, sitting on the edge of one of the bunks I sat opposite him on the other bed. 
“Why were you in a towel?” He asked before I could tell him anything. 
“Cobb stole my clothes while I was showering. So I marched through town in my towel to confront him.” I told him, his eyes widened as I told the story. 
“Emily! You can’t do that!” He scolded me. I rolled my eyes. I felt angry, he wasn’t there. That was selfish of me, but I was still mad. I handled the situation myself, and he wants to tell me what I can and can’t do. He hasn’t spoken to me in days, he walks away when I approach him, he dismisses me at every turn. Now he wants to pretend like he cares.   
“It’s already happened, so…” I say my tone clipped. There was a pause, I couldn’t help myself. “Have I done something to make you angry with me?” I asked. He furrowed his brows. 
“No.” He stated. I huffed. Not satisfied with the answer he had given. So he was avoiding me just because. 
“Well is something wrong, are you upset?” I tried to make sense of the distance he had placed between us. 
“No.” I bit my lip, I was an angry crier, hell I was an everything crier, but still I didn’t want him to see me upset like that. I didn’t want to break down and cry. I needed to hash this out, without him trying to comfort me, or leaving cause I was sad. 
“No, is that all you have to say? Don you haven’t spoken to me in days.” My voice wobbles, I take a breath trying to calm myself.    
“I’ve been busy.” I scoffed. “I have! I’m a leader now, these men depend on me.” His voice was harsh. 
“Yeah and you seem to make time for them. I’m in your team too.” I felt so selfish, but I was hurting, he was my person and he was just leaving me like I wasn’t his. Maybe I’m not his. 
“Why are you stepping back from me? I thought we were friends! I thought you said we were in this together! You promised me you would always be by my side! Has that changed?” I felt the tears brimming in my eyes. I thought back to after the incident in Noville, after I had washed up. Don said, no he promised me that we would look after each other. 
“I have a lot on my plate at the moment, I can’t be your babysitter! I can’t…” He trailed off looking at my face. Tears fell down my cheeks. That hurt, fuck that hurt. 
“That’s all it was? You felt obliged to look after me?” I couldn’t hide the pain, like a stab in the heart. So he didn’t care, really. He felt obligated to make sure I was ok, there were no feelings involved. It was an order, a duty he felt he needed to take. He opened his mouth, but the door to the room opened, a soldier asking for him. I wiped the tears from my face, turning away from the door. He stood and left. He left, he didn’t say anything, just left. I took a breath, sniffing, wiping away my tears. I felt sick. I scrubbed a hand over my face. 
I made my way back upstairs, the men lounging about. 
“Here she is the streaker.” Grant clapped me on the back. I gave a weak smile, but they didn’t seem to notice, too busy laughing at their joke. I grabbed my bag. 
“I have to go check on Lip!” I said, rushing out of the room. It was true, I should check on the very sick man, but it was a way to escape. I didn’t need them asking questions. I just needed to think by myself for a bit. I made my way to CP, it was quiet. I walked into the back room, sighing, pleased to see Lipton finally sleeping in his bed. I shut the door after ensuring he was breathing. I moved back into the main room, plopping down on the couch. I tried to get my emotions in check, but it was a lot, all I wanted was my mum. I just wanted a hug from someone. I sniffed, wiping the tears from my chin. Just a babysitter, I laughed in pain. I hastily dried my tears when footsteps approached the room. I glanced over to see Ron walk in. 
“Emily? What are you doing here?” He asked, walking further into the room. 
“I just came to check on Lip, he’s sleeping.” My voice betrayed me, wobbling slightly as I spoke.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” Ron moved quickly over to me, kneeling in front of where I sat. 
“Nothing.” I shook my head. More tears falling down my face. His brows pinched as he looked at me.     
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, moving to sit next to me. I shook my head. “Do you want anything?” 
“Can I have a hug?” I whispered. Without hesitation he wrapped his arms around me. Pulling me into his chest, I clung onto his arm that held my front, he gently stroked my hair. My mum used to hug me the same way. The thought made me cry harder. 
“Shh.” He cooed, rocking us slightly, his chin resting on the top of my head. I felt like a child again, after falling over, being comforted by your parent. I felt so small in his arms, I felt so vulnerable, I didn’t have to say anything but he could see it all. He didn’t comment but he knew. 
We stayed like that for a moment, but I knew he was busy. I pulled away, his arms falling from around me. I wiped my tears, giving him a small smile. 
“Thanks.” I said weakly. He nodded, smoothing down my hair with his hand. 
“I have to go. Emily, remember you can come to me.” He said standing, I nodded, watching him leave the room again.  
I made my way back to the house, dragging my feet. I didn’t want to see Don. Before I left I looked in one of the broken mirrors, my face was pink and blotchy, my eyes all red and bloodshot. If anyone looked at me longer than a second they would be able to tell I had been crying. I mean when am I not crying, it’s been my permanent state since I arrived here. 
Lieb passed me on the street, “Hey we were going to see George, see if we could steal some goods, you wanna come?” He asked, but before I could answer he was already dragging me down the road. 
Lieb and I walked into the ration room where George was working hard. Before we had entered we’d heard Martin and Cobb pestering poor Luz for candy. 
Lieb waltzed right in, “Woah, Hershey bars!” Reaching over the counter to grab at the candy. George looked pissed, swatting his hand away. 
“Jesus Chirst.” He muttered, Cobb swung around telling Lieb to wait his turn. 
“Who are they for?” Lieb asked, pointing at all of the boxes filled with goodies. I stood behind the men just watching. I smiled at George, he gave me a wink back. 
“Not you Lieb!” George growled at the men. 
“Oh, come on George, one bar!” Lieb whined like a child, holding out his hand. 
“George!” I said sweetly, making my way towards him. I stood beside him wrapping my arm around his shoulders, his arm snaked around my waist. “You look so handsome today.” I smiled, putting on my charm. “So strong.” I said, patting his chest. He grinned at me rolling his eyes. “I love what you have done with your hair.” I fluttered my lashes, running my fingers through his hair.  
“Here, have a chocolate bar, you flirt.” He said leaning forward to grab me one from the box. 
“Ah, for me?” I gasped, placing my hand on my chest acting coy. He handed it to me. I smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek. 
“HEY! Hey, why does she get one!” Lieb protested. 
“Yeah what the hell George!” Cobb agreed. 
“Cause she’s pretty, unlike you ugly son’s of bitches.” He insulted them. I laughed, poking my tongue out at the men, I held up the bar rubbing it in their faces. George shooed me away, slapping me on the ass as I retreated, I let out a squeal in surprise, turning to laugh with the man. 
“George one bar!” Lieb pleaded. 
“No, there’s not enough to go around!” George yelled at them. 
I left quickly, seeing that Lieb seemed to be eyeing up my prize. 
 “Let’s go!” Chuck shook me awake, I had almost completely dozed off on my bunk, but was rudely awoken by the man. 
“Where?” I asked, sitting up stretching.
“Briefing at CP, come on.” He hauled me out of bed by my arms. I followed along, still spaced from being asleep moments ago. 
“Why am I coming?” I asked trailing along behind the group, yawning into my hand. 
“You're on call, if anything goes wrong.” Lieb tells me, I nod. I don’t actually think I need to be there, but I’m dragged to it anyway. 
Babe slings me under his arm as we walk. I let him lead me, only having my eyes open a crack. 
The boys slump down into their seats in CP waiting for the others to arrive for the briefing. I lean against the back wall by the window behind Web. I don’t need to be right up at the front with the rest of the men, as I’m not going on the patrol. Lt. Jones leans against the wall by the entrance looking nervous, quiet chatter filling the room. 
“Come on, he can’t be leading.” I hear Grant whisper to Babe. There had been a rumour spread quickly, no surprises there, these boys gossiped like no one’s business, that Jones was leading the patrol. Which made them all very apprehensive of going, more so than before. We all saw what happens when we don't have a good leader running the show. Cough, cough Dike. 
“I’m not sure what they decided.” Babe said to him. They lounge with their legs propped up on the table same as the other men gathered around the table. 
“No way. Not on his first day.” Grant continued in his disbelief. 
“Well, do you see any other officers here?” Lieb asked.
More men gathered in the room, standing around the table. I could make out a few of them Cobb, Skinny, two other guys I couldn’t remember their names. 
They chatted briefly, with the new men wondering who was going to be in charge of the patrol. Sending worried glances to the young officer in the corner, hoping and praying it wasn’t him.
“10-hut!” Jones announced. I had no idea what that meant, but I straightened standing tall. Since when did we do this? 
“Jesus.” I heard Lieb mutter to himself as he stood. 
“At ease.” Winters told the men who relaxed back into their seats, Martin followed in behind him. 
I kind of listened, kind of didn’t. I got the basics, the patrol was happening at 0100, how fun! That 15 men were going over on the patrol, which was a prisoner snatch. They had four rubber boats to go across the river, so that they didn’t have to swim in the icy cold water. Most importantly Winters informed the men that Lt. Jones would in fact be the ranking officer, but he was going to be shadowed by Martin. Sergeant Martin was going to lead the patrol in place of Malarkey. My brain clicked on, he isn’t going. I sighed with relief, I was glad he didn’t have to go.
I also didn’t miss the look shared between Jones and Web, neither did Martin glaring at the pair of them. What had they been up to together for that kind of interaction? Had they been planning this. I know Jones wanted in on the patrol. What had Webster done to hook him up with the position he was in now? Webster didn’t have any pull around here, he literally just arrived back! 
“10-hut!” Jones’ voice pulled me from my thoughts, no one stood at attention which is what I assumed the call was. 
“As you were, carry on.” Winters said disappearing with Martin.     
“A little German, he speaks as much German as me.” Lieb said loudly enough for Webster who was standing right beside him to hear. Webster left the room quickly. 
“Come on you, let’s go.” I was again dragged from the building by Grant and Lieb. We gathered outside, the pair bitching loudly about Webster. 
“Hey.” I said smacking the pair of them. “You two are shit stirrers.”
“What are you siding with him?” Grant asked. 
“No, I’m not. But I feel bad.” I wasn’t here to bully the poor guy.
“Why do you feel bad Em? That guy has been on holiday for four months, during our hardest time and then just rocks back up when everything is almost over to take all the glory.” Lieb told me, clearly pissed off.  
“Em is just too sweet.” Grant said, pinning me under his arm and trying to tickle my neck. I hunched my shoulders up trying to hide the ticklish skin from his fingers. 
“Let’s get moving. I want to try and get some shut eye before we do this.” Lieb said, Grant let me go from his hold. I hid behind Lieb using his body as a shield as Grant continued to taunt me with his wiggling fingers. 
We walked back to base passing Webster who was talking to the officers. 
“Hey, Liebgott, you want to sit this one out?” Ron asked Lieb as we passed. Grant grinning beside him. 
“Yes, sir.” Lieb agreed, smiling brightly. “Thanks buddy!” Lieb sent Webster a wink. 
I caught Ron’s glance, his eyes scanning my features. I could tell he was trying to see if I was alright. I sent him a smile, mouthing ‘I’m ok.’ He nodded, turning back to the men he was talking to.  
We gathered in the basement having supper before we tried to get some sleep. I sat at the table sipping my water. My bad mood was back. Don was pretending like everything was fine. He smiled and laughed with the men, sitting and chatting with them. The more I watched him the more pissed off it made me. I was over here stewing, and he seemed like he didn’t have a care in the world. 
“You’re going to crush the cup if you squeeze it any harder, Em.” Lieb said, sitting next to me. I loosened the hold on my cup not realising how much power I had behind the grip.
”I thought you would be in a better mood, now that your husband isn’t going on the patrol?” Lieb with a full mouth of food. 
“Emily, you want some?” I looked up, Don stood in front of me holding out a pot of food, a lazy smile on his face. I took a breath, trying not to hurl my cup at his head. 
“I’m fine, thanks. Not hungry.” My tone clipped. He nodded, moving onto the next person. 
“Oh no, trouble in paradise?” Lieb nudged me. 
“Fuck off, Joe!” I sent him daggers, he held up his arms in surrender.  
“It must be bad, you never swear at me!” I chuckled, he smirked, “Aw there she is. Gosh that other one was scary! She looked like she was going to bite my head off.” I raised my eyebrows, cautioning him. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked more seriously now, coming closer to keep his voice down. 
“Nope. Not particularly.” He gave me an empathetic smile, rubbing my back. 
“Come on, you know you’re hungry.” Lieb offered me his food out on the spoon. I rolled my eyes, but opened my mouth. He placed the spoon in my mouth. We shared his meal, he secretly snuck up to get more for the two of us. 
We sat at the table talking when Webster approached us. “Hi.” He smiled, giving an awkward wave. Lieb nudged me under the table, I knew he was asking if I had seen the same thing that he did. I glanced over to Lieb, a small smile pulling to my lips as he hid his smirk behind his hand.  
“Hey Web!” I said politely, focussing back on the man standing before us. “You gonna go get ready for tonight?” I asked, the other men had slowly left the room preparing themselves for the patrol, Martin had told them nothing rattles, nothing shines so they don’t give themselves away. 
“Oh yeah, I was just going to head up and join them.” Webster smiled at me. Another kick under the table from Lieb but I ignored him. I waited for Webster to say something else, surely he had something else to say right, he didn’t just approach us to stand there awkwardly. I silently begged him to speak again. Come on Web don’t make this weird. 
“You look nice.” He blurted, I heard Lieb snort in laughter. He made it weird. “I mean, you look clean.” I made a strange looking face at him, “No, not clean! Um, you look, dressed.” I chuckled, baffled by his comments as he fumbled over his words. “I’m gonna- I’m gonna, go.” He nodded leaving up the stairs. Joe waited for him to leave the room before howling with laughter, he clutched his belly as he did so. I sat there so confused at what just happened.  
“That was a train wreck, that man cannot flirt.” Joe said after he had finished laughing.  
“Flirt?” I asked, that’s not what I got from the conversation. 
“Emily! Come on, he was clearly trying to flirt with you.” Lieb looked at me surprised. 
“I don’t think so.” I shook my head, surely he wasn’t. 
“God you’re hopeless.” He patted my back, getting up chuckling to himself. “Come on, we will do dishes.” Lieb instructed me. 
“We will do dishes? Or you will stand there and tell me what to do while you watch?” I raised my eyebrows at him. He grinned, knowing I had caught onto his little tactic he pulled last time. 
I washed the dishes while he dried. I dried my hands on the tea towel as Joe waited patiently for me to give it back. A devious grin formed on my lips. I twirled the tea towel round in my hand wrapping it around itself so it looked like a long snake. Joe wasn’t paying attention as I walked closer to him. I snapped the tea towel out, whipping him in the butt. 
“Hey!” He cried moving away, it wasn’t the best flick, it didn’t snap like I wanted it too. I tried again, wringing the tea towel around. I flicked it out but Joe snatched it off me before the hit landed. He grinned as he did the same thing, wrapping the towel up. 
“Joe! Joe! Think about it, you don’t want to hurt me.” I said backing up, he stalked me like prey with a grin plastered on his face. 
“Don’t start something you can’t finish then!” He moved faster, I screamed moving away from him as he chased me around the table. 
“Joe!” I cried as he backed me into a corner, I held out my arms trying to keep him at bay. He whipped out the towel it snapped just inches away from me. I yelped in surprise, making my move to run past him while he reloaded. I pushed past him but he was quick, the towel snapping onto my leg. I let out a cry, it had caught the back of my thigh. The snap echoed around the room. 
“Oh Em, that was so much harder than I intended!” He laughed as I grasped at my leg hopping around the room. 
“Ow!” I said, but still laughing, “Joe you asshole, that hurt!” I rubbed the spot where he had got me, it stung so much. “You little shit!”
“I’m sorry, aww Em!” He laughed watching me in pain. “That would’ve left a mark for sure.” He grinned. 
“Owww, I think it did. Wait, I want to see!” I said undoing my pants, it was fine I had my shorts underneath which I normally slept in. I pulled them down exposing the back of my thigh. On my white skin was a harsh red welt with flicks of purple in the middle. 
“Joe!” I said covering my mouth, it looked so bad. 
“Oh god.” He hissed looking at it. “Whoops.” He said, still grinning. I smacked him on the arm, pulling up my pants. We finished the dishes together. Heading upstairs to get some sleep before the patrol. 
Chapter 22
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Should've Been Born Later, Nix - Chapter 6: The Plan
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Easy Company x Fem!OCs
Chap. Synopsis: What will happen when the group forms a plan to get some answers?
Words: 3,677
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A playlist to go with the chapter!
Author's Note: WHAT IS UP MY DUDES IT'S TIME FOR CHAPTER SIX!!!! Be on the lookout for Chapter 7 dropping tomorrow night!! :D
“We’ll need a map, and equipment to pick locks and stuff,” Chrys answered Joe, hesitancy evident in her words. “I do have a lock-picking kit, but we might need other stuff to bypass the doors that have alarms on them.” The boys nodded along before Luz spoke up.
“Do you think the rest of the guys will go along with this?”
“I don’t know, but I don’t see any other option,” Malarkey barely finished his sentence before the group heard the apartment door unlocking. When the door opened, Zay stumbled through, pushed to the side by the disheveled frames of Roe and Guarnere. The men looked like they did after days in Bastogne - dirt caked into their skin, grass and leaves in their hair, clothes that were clean when they left now looking as if they're on their sixth week of wear. Speirs and Liebgott walked in after them. The soldiers had never seen the look of irritation on Speirs’ face - sure, they'd seen him aggravated or annoyed, but this expression seemed to be in a league of its own.
“What the fuck happened?” Luz asked the group, concern and bewilderment evident in his eyes.
“You don't want to know,” Liebgott muttered quietly as he sat down in the vacant armchair. Speirs immediately walked from the front door to the sliding glass that led to the apartment balcony, forcefully sliding the door closed behind him. Everyone stared out at the balcony frozen, until Zay spoke up.
“He’s just frustrated because these two almost got themselves hurt,” she explained, shooting a playful glare at the two unkempt paratroopers beside her.
“We got some good information though!” Guarnere replied proudly, placing a firm but friendly hand on Gene’s shoulder. The medic let out a quiet laugh and shook his head before Bull spoke up.
“So what’d y’all find out?” Zay reached into her backpack and pulled out what appeared to be a jacket with a camouflage pattern. It was sturdy - similar to the men’s army-issued jackets.
“We’re not quite sure if it’s useful, but it’s certainly interesting,” Zay explained as she showed the sleeves to the group. The men’s eyes widened when they saw the 101st airborne screaming eagles patch over the two chevrons that displayed the rank of corporal.
“Zay, you’re not gonna believe what we found out,” Chrys mused, eyes wide at the jacket. Chrys and her group regaled the newcomers with the rumors they read about, as well as the missing corporal.
“You don’t think that’s her jacket, do you?” Luz asked in disbelief.
“Well whose else would it be!?” Gonorrhea replied to the radioman… a bit more forcefully than he intended. There was a heavy pause before Dick broke the silence, looking at Zay with a pensive but nervous expression.
“We’re thinking about sneaking into Fort Liberty, see what we can find out,” Zay’s eyes widened behind her glasses.
“You can’t be serious…” the words fell from Zay’s lips with utter disbelief. “There’s no way… even if we wanted to… where would we even start?” The girl’s eyes darted around the group - every expression seemed to have glimpses of shock, fright, overwhelm, but also… focus and determination. If this was really the next step in their journey home, then they were going to do it right.
“We’d have to find some way to scope out the base beforehand, so we can understand how their security works,” Speirs’ voice delivered a jumpscare to the rest of the group, no one hearing him sneak back in from the balcony.
“And figure out how the base is laid out,” Nixon added.
“But the only way we can get on base is if we have a military ID,” Zay mentioned before Chrys spoke up.
“... not unless you’re a delivery driver.”
“Wait, so they’ll just let you on base if you’re a delivery driver?” Liebgott wondered aloud.
“Not exactly, you need to register your car and have a special ID card, but we can probably just look up how to do that on their website,” Zay replied before noticing the still-disheveled states of Roe and Guarnere. “Let me get y’all some fresh clothes and I’ll get my laptop and we can do some brainstorming.” Once Gene and Bill were taken care of, the twelve made a makeshift circle around the coffee table. Chrys kept her seat between Winters and Nixon, while Zay sat across from her sister on the floor, Eugene on her left and Guarnere on her right.
“Alright, so we need to figure out how to get on base, where we need to go, and what will stop us from getting there, right?” Malarkey listed out from his spot on the floor.
“We can get on base by registering as a delivery driver, and then once we’re on base we can figure out where everything is.” Chrys typed away on her laptop, making a checklist of what needed to be done.
“Right… what’s everything exactly?” Luz chimed in from his spot beside Toye.
“We could probably start with Colonel Gomez’s office, then from there we can see where he’s doing the experiments,” Speirs explained from his spot on the other side of Eugene. The group carried on like this until dark, forming their own version of the D-Day invasion, just with less planes and more… road trip playlists.
“Alright, let me see if I have everything here,” Chrys said. She made a few finishing keystrokes on her laptop before scrolling back up to the top of her list. Beside her, Lewis was in awe of the girl. Everything she did seemed to have an effortless air around it. It felt as though, at the snap of her fingers, Chrys could command the beer bottle beside her to bring itself to her lips of its own accord. Lewis would never admit to it, but her presence caused a level of butterflies to swell up in his stomach that he hadn't felt since he was in prep school. His eyes became fixated on her snakebite lip piercings - two black studs placed right below her lower lip. Lewis had never seen a piercing like this before, his mind started to wonder what it would be like to kiss her with those-
“Lew!” The man was shaken from his thoughts when Dick called his name. Nixon was broken from his trance and noticed the rest of the group staring at him expectedly, most notably Chrys. The dark-haired man took a beat before clearing his throat.
“I’m sorry, what’d you say?”
“Do you think you’d be able to help us decipher anything we find in Gomez’s office?” Zay asked from her spot on the floor.
“Well I’m not the intelligence officer because of my good looks!” Snickers could be heard around the room at Nixon’s comment before the conversation moved forward.
“So Zay and I will use the van from my garage and register it as a delivery car, then Nix, Speirs, and I will ‘deliver’ something to Colonel Gomez to find where his office is and scope out the place. Then from there, we can plan out how we want to do the second run,” Chrys explained to the group.
“Sounds good to me,” Winters piped up from his seat on the couch. His eyes kept finding their way to Zay, who could be seen whispering and laughing with Doc Roe beside her. Even when he felt a sting of envy seeing Eugene next to her, there was still a comforting warmth in his chest when he saw Zay scrunch her nose in laughter. Chrys noticed how Dick was looking at Zay and couldn’t help but smile. Chrys’ gaze abruptly moved to Guarnere when everyone heard his stomach growl, or rather, play the symphony of its people.
“Zay, why don’t you and I head to the kitchen and see if we have anything for dinner?” the dark-haired girl announced with a laugh before setting her laptop on the coffee table, stretching her arms over her head. Zay was quick to pop up and follow her twin into the kitchen, leaving Easy Company to their own devices, at least for a moment.
“I’m pretty sure we don’t have something that’ll feed everyone, do you wanna just order pizza tonight?” Zay asked nonchalantly as she looked in their fridge. Chrys simply leaned her back against the counter and let a snicker past her lips.
“You have no idea, do you?”
“... I mean I’m looking at our fridge right now and all we have is your veggie smoothies and my orange soda, ooh! And Peronis! When did we get these?” The nurse was in her own little world for a moment, pulling the cheap beer out of the fridge to share with everyone.
“I mean about Dick, don’t you see how he looks at you?” Zay turned around and met Chrys with furrowed brows, clearly confused.
“What do you mean?”
“He gives you the same heart eyes he does to Nixon in the first episode, when Nix is lighting his cigarette outside that tent.” Zay quickly shook her head before promptly setting the drinks on the counter and closing the fridge. She immediately pulled out her phone, desperate to focus on something else.
“You think they’d prefer Domino’s or Little Caesar’s?”
“Zay, I’m serious, I really think he likes you.” Chrys’ tone was quiet and serious, but gentle. Chrys was unsurprised at her twin’s avoidance of the subject - she knew Zay had a rough time in terms of relationships.
“Chrys he could have anyone he wants,” the girl said in a strikingly monotone voice - a stark contrast to her bubbly personality. She took a deep breath before continuing, “Besides, do you see how Nix looks at you?” Zay looked up from her phone, a smirk on her face. Before Chrys could finish her eye-roll, the two were shocked out of their skins as music came blaring unexpectedly from the living room. As Tainted Love filled every atom of air in the apartment, the twins scrambled into the living room to find Luz crouching in front of the entertainment stand, fumbling with the Bluetooth speaker as if it were a hot potato. Zay quickly knelt next to George and took his hands, turning the speaker so that she could reach the power button and turn the speaker off. The two sat like that for a second before Zay quickly pulled away, face bright red. She futilely prayed that Luz didn’t notice the rosy hue on her cheeks.
“I told you not to mess with that, dumbass!” Liebgott scolded Luz from his place on the floor.
“Great job, radioman,” Bull chimed in, chuckling as Luz bashfully rubbed the back of his neck. The poor man just wanted to see if he could figure out how to turn on the device to see what it was. While his mission was technically successful, George certainly did not intend to assault the eardrums of everyone in the tiny space.
“If y’all wanted a dance party, you could’ve just asked!” Zay said with a giggle. Most of the men shared in her laughter, while others felt their ears perk up at the idea of a dance party. “Why don’t we order some pizza and then I can show y’all how the speaker works?” Within the hour, the twins had educated the men from the 1940s on what toppings were available on their pizzas, as well as mediating the discussions for what was going on said pizzas. Now, all they could do was relax and wait for the delivery driver. Zay had started passing out the Peronis from the fridge (and a soda for Dick) when she heard her name.
“Zay, you said something about a dance party?” Nixon piped up from his seat, a mischievous smirk on his face. Her expression grew to match his as she pulled out her phone.
“Let me find a good playlist to show y’all the best music-”
“Zay I swear if it’s your Queen playlist…” Chrys interrupted, irritation in her eyes but a smile on her lips.
“Like, songs for the Queen of England?” Guarnere questioned the two - just when he thought 2023 could not get any more bizarre, now he knows the word “playlist” and is about to listen to music made for the queen of England. Zay simply laughed before returning to her phone.
“ONE song, then I’ll put on a playlist!” The blue-haired girl compromised with her sister before picking up the Bluetooth speaker. The boys were amazed when she seemed to only push a couple of buttons, and suddenly music was playing again from the speaker, and at a much more reasonable volume compared to earlier.
Toniiiiight, I’m gonna have mysellllf a real good time
I feel aliiiiiiiivvvvveeeee!
Zay was singing along to one of her favorite songs, she could not help but stand up and move along to the slow intro, waving her arms in big, dramatic motions to the lyrics. Everyone was laughing along with Zay’s hyperbolic display as she and her twin sang along with Freddie Mercury.
And the wooooorld, I’ll tuuuurn it inside ooouuut, yeah!
I’m floating arooooound in ecstacyyyy so
Don't- Stop me nooowww…
“Don’t! Stop me! Cuz I’m having a good time! Having a good time!” As the music crescendoed, so did Zay and her dancing. Even Chrys, moved by one of her favorite singers, got up and began dancing with Zay. The two moved like excited baby goats, hopping around the living room in time to Roger Taylor’s drumming. Some soldiers were getting into the vibes of the music with the twins, either dancing in their seats or trying to sing along, others were watching the girls with less than chivalrous eyes (Liebgott and Toye were the worst offenders), while Dick and Lewis simply watched in awe. Dick’s eyes were fixed on Zay, the way her hips were moving trapping the redhead in a trance that he would have been happy to stay in forever.
Lewis, on the other hand, could not decide where to focus his gaze on Chrys. From the smirk on her face, to her waist swirling side to side, to her legs moving in time with the music, to her arms wrapping themselves around Guarnere - wait… Nixon was brought back to reality when he saw the sergeant dancing with the black-haired girl, also noticing that the song had changed to something more… seductive.
Pour some sugar on me! In the name of love
Pour some sugar on me! C’mon fire me uuupp
Pour your sugar on me! I can’t get enouugh
I’m hot, sticky, sweeet, from my head to my feet
The intelligence officer felt a confounding mixture of emotions - absolutely enamored by Chrys and her movements to the music, uncomfortable with watching Guarnere’s movements to the music, jealous that Chrys was dancing with Guarnere… Nix just could not let this stand. “I’m going to Chrys, and I suggest you go to your little nurse before it’s too late,” Lewis muttered to Dick before he got up, gesturing to the girl in question as he made his way to the makeshift dance floor. Winters looked away and crossed his arms - yes, he wanted to spend time with Zay, but there were a few barriers at the moment Dick was wrestling with.
First, Dick does not dance. He will if he absolutely must, he can waltz… a bit, but for someone in peak physical condition, the officer has two left feet on the dance floor. Second, the tantalizing rhythms set forth by the music and Zay’s hypnotic movements caused Dick to feel a certain overwhelm that he has never felt before, and he was quite unsure how to handle it. He was sure, though, that if he tried to talk to Zay now, absolute gibberish would come out of his mouth. Third, Zay already had a dancing partner, and the Cajun man definitely knew how to dance. If the officer had not looked away, he would see that Eugene and Zay were dancing in perfect sync, as if they were the only two in the room.
Meanwhile, the rest of the boys were in their own little worlds, either dancing in the goofiest way possible, like Luz trying to mess with Toye, or simply sitting back and taking in the music, like Ron and Bull, sporting amused expressions from their seats. The twelve were abruptly all pulled back to the same reality when the doorbell rang - the pizza had arrived!
Zay took the pizzas from the delivery man while Chrys brought out plates and napkins. The night continued with more shenanigans brought about by both the music as well as the Peronis, both Zay and Chrys absolutely delighted in sharing the music of their time with the soldiers.
When I was, a young boy, my father, took me into the city, to see a marching band…
As the intro to Welcome to the Black Parade played, Zay dramatically serenaded the group, her off-tune voice endearing her to the tipsy men. Zay, being rather inebriated herself, noticed Dick casually sitting by himself, enjoying the party going on around him. While the leader considered himself to be more of an introvert, seeing his men, who had been working and struggling so hard throughout the war, finally getting to relax and have fun warmed his heart more than he thought possible. Suddenly filled with confidence, Zay slowly strutted over to the redhead, making eye contact with him as she made her way to the couch. While Winters offered her a smile, everyone could see the hue on his cheeks that matched his hair.
He said will you, defeat them, your demons, and all the non-believers, the plans that they have maaaddee…
The lyrics being sung were not exactly sultry, but the look in Zay’s eyes had Dick feeling things that he had not felt since before the war. In that moment, it was as if Dick and Zay were the only two in the room. The nurse stopped right in front of the captain, bending over to look into his emerald eyes. Past her glasses, Winters could see the mischievous sparkle in Zay’s eyes, his brain going a million miles a minute. Was this really happening? If it was a dream, Dick silently prayed he would never wake up.
Because one day, I’ll leave you, a phantom, to lead you in the summer, to join the Black Parade…
Zay softly sang to Winters, trailing a finger lightly down his cheek, taking in his handsome features. She began to wonder the same question as him - is this real? As she looked into his eyes and their faces grew closer, inch by inch, the girl could not help but steal a glance at his lips before a resounding crash broke the two from their mutual trance.
“Hey, watch where the fuck you’re going!” Guarnere shouted at Liebgott before the two started throwing punches at each other. It was later revealed that Joe stumbled back and accidentally put his elbow into Bill’s pizza, which he was thoroughly enjoying. The two tumbled to the ground before the rest of the group dove in to break them apart, Zay and Chrys included. After a horrendous struggle, the group had the angry boys separated, Guarnere holding his hand to his eye and Liebgott tasting blood from his split lip. After figuring out what happened, a couple of extremely heartfelt apologies, and some first aid provided by Zay and Roe, everyone agreed that it was time for bed. Well… almost everyone.
A while after everyone had gone to bed, Chrys heard the sliding door open from her place on the wicker chair that lived on the apartment’s balcony. She turned her head to see none other than Captain Nixon poking his head outside.
“Do you mind some company?”
“Be my guest,” she replied nonchalantly, gesturing for Lewis to sit in the chair on the other side of the small glass table, still needing to be dusted from the pollen drop of the day. Nixon gave Chrys a nod of thanks before sitting and pulling out his Lucky Strikes and lighter. He stretched his arm out to offer Chrys a cigarette before lighting his own. The girl politely shook her head, silently cursing how the dark-haired man made smoking look so attractive.
“Isn't it past your bedtime, doll?” Nixon said around his cigarette, the scratch of the flint in his zippo echoing off the brick wall.
“If I didn't know you were a night owl I could say the same to you,” Chrys retorted, not noticing Nixon’s flirtatious tone. The twins may be opposites in many ways, but one thing that ties them together is their obliviousness to a boy’s romantic advances.
The intelligence officer let out a snicker and shook his head. “You think you know everything about me because you’ve seen me on a TV show?”
“Well I know the number of times Dick had to pour your own piss on you to wake you up is one too many,” the words left Chrys’ mouth with a smirk that left Lewis weak in the knees. He threw his head back in laughter before taking another drag from his cigarette.
“First you clean the dance floor with my ass, then you bring that shit up,” he mused to himself, remembering earlier in the night. When Nixon went up to cut in on Chrys and Guarnere dancing together, the movement Chrys’ body created almost felt supernatural. Lewis tried to keep up with her, but he kept staring at the girl and tripping over two left feet.
“What’s the matter, Yale boy? You can dish it but you can’t take it?”
The two night owls continued their banter well into the night, only retiring when the first birds of the morning began to chirp. Chrys and Zay passed in the hallway - Zay was dressed in her scrubs and on the way to work. The blue-haired girl sent a smile over to her twin, “You awake yet?”
“Awake? It’s time to go to bed!”
Chapter 5 | Chapter 7
Taglist: @b00ks1ut , @blueberry-ovaries , @bucky32557038ww2 , @claudycod , @dontirrigateme , @easycompany123 , @emilee1421 , @executethyself35 , @hanniewinnix , @ithinkabouttzu , @jump-wings , @love--persevering , @panzershrike-pretz , @stolen94 , @xxluckystrike
Thank you again for reading!! Be on the lookout for Chapter 7 dropping Tomorrow!! 🥰✨
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