#this is such sappy garbage
issylra · 1 year
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Square: B4 - Saliva Rating: Explicit Word Count: ~2,300 Ship(s): Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: Retired Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Post-Canon, Developing Relationship, First Time Blow Jobs, Fluff and Smut, Humor, Teasing, Dorks In Love
"Would you allow me?" Hob has to swallow down the "yes, anything" that immediately threatens to fall from his mouth. "Allow you?" Dream looks up at him, even while his hands continue touching. There's a promise there, a determined spark in his eye that makes Hob feel just a little like cornered prey. "To practice," Dream says. "On you."
fill for @dreamlingbingo.
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heirbane · 4 months
I'm sorry about the delay 💕💕💕
great love,  like a great country or a great leader even ... is a flawed one.
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He remembered, suddenly, of the bust that had been commissioned, the feast and celebration that had been held upon his promotion. So few held the Legatus position in Garlemald, and those who held the honor oft took the title to their grave. He was the youngest to have earned such a promotion.
It was wrong. He recalled how odd it was to see himself cast in white, a phantom staring back at him, youthful and perfected and wrong all at once. It was as if they had taken the idea of him and not the truth and cut away at the marble based on that.
He wasn't a person to them. He was an ideal, he knew, shrouded behind his helm and the technology that augmented his capabilities. The bust was not flawed. It was perfected in a way that didn't - that couldn't - exist.
Maybe it was. Maybe perfection was a deficiency. He had reached for it for decades and decades and thought he had claimed it, once upon a time.
There was no such thing. The bust the Empire had made to honor him was wrong. Maybe there was no way to make it right.
He wondered what had become of them all. They had lined the main ballroom, one of many that Varis had decreed excessive once Solus passed; likely they had been moved into storage, busts of a dozen and more men simply staring into the dark. Had the imperfect recreations of Garlemald's best survived the end of the world? Had they crumbled, broken into pieces just as the Emperor had been, marble dusting the tile like dried blood?
Or were they still standing - still, still - staring into the ruin and waiting for perfection?
He heard the sound of lips smacking, swiftly followed by the warbling of new life. He pulled himself from the snow, from the man that still lived in Garlemald, forcing himself back into the present. It was dark, the midnight breeze carrying salt and warmth through the cracked window, and she was calling his name as if she knew he was abroad and not beside her.
"Take him," she said. It was not a suggestion or a request. The babe was already half-asleep, as if it had been lulled simply by being against her skin. She had pulled him ashore, certainly, but it was the weight of the infant that truly had him back in Werlyt, sweet-smelling and warm and impossibly his.
She re-buttoned her sleeping shirt and pulled the blankets back around her ribs. He felt her curl into his side, a palm stroking his spine as he stared down at the recreation of himself.
He was just as the bust had once been - almost perfect. The boy had scarcely seen a sunrise and was already hale and whole in ways he could never imagine, youthful and flawless in ways he couldn't remember being. But there were wrongs there, too, already memorized in the hours he had existed, in the lilt of his tiny ears and the darkened marks upon his cheeks.
The cracks in the marble weren't shortcomings. The hand on his back had fallen; her cheek pressed into his upper arm, exhaustion heavy in her wheezy sleep.
He was flawed. He lacked a third eye. He lacked any semblance of Auri blood, a muddled, incoherent combination of them both, warm and true where he tucked into Gaius' arms and snored.
There was no better thing, he thought.
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On Teazer’s side of the equation, very much a fancier of pretty things, while working under Macavity (having all the pretty things a cat like her could want with about a quarter of the actual joy and good mental health), there was one particular thing she couldn’t stand to hear, sincere or otherwise (and “otherwise” had come more often from the other henchcats than was good for her, and even Macavity once or twice in that sneering, mocking tone of his), and that was any sort of variation of telling her that she looked lovely - but specifically using that word. 
Because one of the first things her father always said after he’d tied a ribbon in her fur when she was little, or cleaned her face after a particularly rough match with a mud puddle, or when he’d buckled her first collar for the first time, was: “There now. Don’t you look lovely?”
Something that, as she’d gotten older, she’d rolled her eyes at, or faux gagged, or quickly ducked away from him, but now would give practically anything to hear again in that gentle, assured way. 
And if that isn’t a sucker punch to the feelings each time that she’d rather not continue to take on the chin, not much else was. 
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finexbright · 2 years
Oh I totally wasn’t trying to say anything about his smoking good or bad. I pretty much agree with you that it’s his decision and it’s none of my business. I only mentioned it because smoking DOES age your face (which is the main reason I am not a smoker because I actually really like it). So many people even when they’re young like him show age on their face faster than non smokers. That and not wearing sunscreen. But he doesn’t show any of that.
oh yeah i get what you're saying. but i 100% believe that he's lying straight through his teeth when he says he doesn't have a skin care routine because like he is literally so golden all the time and even if he doesn't know shit about the products he's using, i just know that every night when they're together, harry makes louis do the skincare routine with him, and when they're apart and if timezones work in their favour, they do it while on facetime and so by now louis is simply used to the routine and just goes through the motions of it based on muscle memory alone and i love that for him ✨
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navree · 1 year
a friend asked me why all the accents on bridgerton sound so badly fake when the actors are all actually british and i realized that it’s because the writing is so incredibly bad trying to make the dialogue work in a human mouth is literally distorting the acting and the talking. and i’m right.
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bumbleblurr · 1 year
(opens google doc file named "stupid gushy garbage") haha I'll make a joke abt how I can't ever post this blur/bee oneshot ever bc its too cheesy and sappy- (dies from cringe)
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thedevotionaltour · 6 months
this is literally the year of the matt toy.
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navybrat817 · 6 months
The Dad Diaries: Welcome Home
Pairing: Dad!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky reflects on the first night with his son home and puts his thoughts to paper.
Word Count: Over 1.2k
Warnings: Fluff, reflecting, first time dad, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning and a dad, okay?).
A/N: Welcome to The Dad Diaries! This AU will focus on Bucky and his relationship with his son (and you!) ❤️ Thanks to the beautiful @whisperlullaby for giving this intro a look and assuring me it wasn't garbage, but any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics . Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Bucky stared intently at the open blank journal that sat in the middle of his office desk. He had picked up the pen a few minutes ago, but hadn’t written a single word. Why did he feel stuck? Better yet, what was he thinking by doing this? Reading often came easy to him, but writing? That was something else entirely.
It was also something he wanted to do.
He ran a hand over his face with a sigh and wondered if he should call it a night, crawl into bed with you, and try tomorrow. No, he didn’t want to push it off before he even began. Glancing at the monitor, he heard your voice in his head, a memory of something you told him in the early stages of dating:
The best writing comes from the heart. Write what you and your heart love because no one knows that story better than you.
Bucky had plenty of stories to tell. How he became a hero and a good man after years of pain and darkness. Or how he fell in love with you and became your husband.
And his newest adventure of becoming a father.
He wasn’t sure how to be a dad yet, but he knew he loved his son. That was more than enough to start. And with a smile tugging at his lips, he put the pen to paper.
Hey, Nugget,
My name is James Buchanan Barnes. Most people call me Bucky. Your mom calls me her husband and I’m the luckiest man in the world for that, especially since she gave me the greatest gift I could ever ask for: you.
Your name is James, too. Your mom doesn't know if we’ll call you Jamie or JJ, but I have a feeling you'll hear a bit of both. And one day, I’ll get to hear you call me Dad. Or Dada or Daddy or Papa.
Whatever makes you happy.
He paused in his writing when he thought he heard something on the monitor. His eyes flickered to the screen again and he breathed a little easier when he saw that his baby was still sleeping soundly in the middle of the crib. It wouldn’t stop him from checking on him later, just to be on the safe side.
I’m so glad you’re home. In fact, tonight is your first night in the nursery. I hope you like it here. To quote Ralph Waldo Emerson: “A house is made with walls and beams: a home is built with love and dreams.”
Yeah, your old man likes to read. Maybe you will, too. I even have an original copy of The Hobbit and would love to give it to you when you're older.
Books lined the far wall of Bucky’s office, many of them worn from the amount of times he read them. He made sure Jamie’s room had a reading nook, too. It was one of the only things he asked for when the two of you designed the nursery.
I hope you get enough sleep tonight. Your mom, too. You both did great at the hospital and deserve all the rest you can get.
Would you believe me if I said I was a nervous wreck when I brought your mom in, but tried not to let it show? People call me strong, but I don’t think I ever witnessed true strength until I saw how steady of a rock she was. She blew me away, which didn't surprise me. She amazes me every day.
Hearing your first cry stopped my heart and brought tears of joy to my eyes. After nine months of waiting and talking to your mom’s stomach, you were finally here. And seeing her hold you made me fall in love all over again.
Sorry if that sounds sappy, but it’s true. She looked right at me with happy tears in her eyes and said, “Bucky, look! Look at what we made! It's our little Nugget!” and my heart swelled. She insisted on calling you that and it rubbed off on me. Believe me when I say that you are the luckiest baby in the world to have the mother that you do.
He stopped writing again to glance at his wedding band, smiling all over again. He thought your love filled his heart before, but it overflowed now. It warmed him like nothing else ever could.
You’re probably wondering why I’m writing this since a lot of time will pass by the time you read this. Sometimes I may write to remember things I’m afraid I’ll forget. Other days I’ll write to reflect and get the words out when my mind is too loud. But my hope is that this will be a gift to you.
A bond for the two of us.
As you grow, I’ll fill the pages with the memories of you and our family. I’ll tell you about my past and how it shaped me into the man I am today. How your mom and I met and how I somehow convinced her to fall in love with me. And I’ll be sure to tell you about the day she told me we were going to have you and how that news changed my life for the better.
He swallowed the lump in his throat before he continued.
I also plan to fill this with your milestones. Like your first smile. Is it selfish if I hope to see it first? If not me, your mom. She’d love that. Your first step. Being selfish again, but I hope it’s me you walk toward so I can pick you up and tell you how proud I am. And your first word. I hope it’s Mama.
Though I won’t object if you say Dada.
Bucky chuckled as he imagined the look of betrayal on your beautiful face if your son said “Dada” first instead of “Mama”.
I’m sure some days I’ll have more to say than others. If I’m lucky, I can pass on life lessons and words of wisdom. Some days though I may not say the right thing and I know I’ll stumble along the way as I figure out how to be the best dad to you. I say “best” and not “perfect” because perfection doesn’t exist. Except for you and your mom.
The beauty of it is that I don’t have to go it alone. I’ll have your mom by my side to help guide and protect you and to watch you flourish. And my hope is that you know as you look through the pages how much we love you.
Even on days I may not get it right, I’m your dad, you’re my son, and you’ll always have a home with me and a place in my heart.
I’ll write more when I can, Nugget. Until then, I love you.
Bucky set the pen down as he exhaled. It wasn't perfect, but it didn't have to be. It was a start. As long as he put his heart into his words, it would shine from the pages.
And he couldn't wait for all the adventures he’d have with his little Nugget.
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I hope you lovelies are excited to take this journey with Bucky. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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wannaeatramyeon · 3 months
Seong Taehoon x Reader: Letters
Final chapter spoiler! G/N. Taehoon in the military and you ask for-
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"Yep!" you grin, popping the 'p' as Taehoon looks on incredulously.
"Why the fuck would I send letters when I can just text you?" 
"Because," you tip onto your toes and reach up to kiss him, "It'll be romantic."
Profanities are mumbled under his breath.
Taehoon feels like an idiot. He feels so cringe he's going to crawl out of his skin.
He texted you today, video called you last night. Yet your request for letters runs round and round his head.
Rattling like an incessant, annoying bug. Reminding him of your request accompanied by hopeful eyes and a sweet kiss.
The paper looks so very blank. Large and looming and intimidating. Like an exam sheet 5 minutes before the end and nothing has been scribbled down.
How is he even supposed to start this?
'Dear Y/N,' 
-is immediately scratched out, scrunched up then tossed towards the garbage can.
You receive a letter a few days later. 
Your name and address written in scratchy chicken script. The fact that it was delivered successfully is a miracle in and of itself.
With uncharacteristic patience and utmost care, you peel open the envelope. 
A few paragraphs fill half the page. You read over his words, feel the hesitation between the lines, and soak up the love that you know has been poured into this act. Just the fact that he has done this says more than enough.
Taehoon is snippy, snippier than usual on video call tonight. His short dark hair and uniform seemingly amplifying his hard edges.
You know his leg is bouncing out of shot.
"Haven't you received it yet?" He cuts you off mid-sentence.
"Received what?"
"What do you think?"
“Your letter?”
Taehoon confirms it with a scowl.
You give him a grin, brushing past his question and leaving his mood sour.
There's mail waiting for him. Correspondence.
In a plain white envelope, with simple stamps.
But the writing- 
His name, with your particular slant of characters and loops as unique to him as your laugh.
The way he opens the envelope is the opposite to you. Teared open, fingers urgent.
(When was the last time, anyway, that he received a handwritten letter?)
His eyes scan the words. What could be cringe, he finds endearing. What could be sappy, warms him. 
Feels your absence more than ever after reading, counts down the days until he can see you again. 
He regrets his letter. That he has none of your poetic ramblings, or interesting turn of phrases. That he isn't able to express his emotions, taking pen to paper like a duck to water, as well as you do.
He’ll have to do better with his next one.
Taehoon is left love drunk, mood light and floating on air when sleep takes him that night.
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short but chaotic Nimona headcanons
One time the boys were going through their baby pictures and laughing
And Nimona let it slip that she doesn’t have any baby pictures cause she was never a baby 
The boys being dramatic sappy dorks plan a whole day where they take stupid family photos 
And Bal being the most dramatic sentimental dork of all even goes as far as photoshopping Nimona into some of their old photos 
These photos were just supposed to be a cute little inside joke that they framed in their living room they never expected anyone to see them
But as time goes on and they make more friends people see those photos and draw their own conclusions 
And maybe Bal is incredible with Photoshop or maybe no one in the kingdom has critical thinking skills because people start to believe Bal and Ambrosius raised Nimona
There is a tw*tter thread of them commending Bal and Ambrosius for training to be knights and saving the day all while raising a child
Someone was talking to Nimona and congratulated her on being so brave
And Nimona was like “Oh you mean the battle with the director?” the person goes "Well yeah that too but I was also talking about your parent's split divorce can be so messy"
Most people know this is just a long drawn out joke that the trio doesn’t have the willpower to debunk
And some people are out here defending this story posting shit like “No a friend of a friend was at the institute at the same time and saw them with Nimona” 
The trio thinks it's fucking hilarious so they never bother to comment on it
In fact they didn't correct anyone until Nimona told the real story of Gloreth’s “Monster”
And they were really dragging their feet on telling people not because they were afraid of the backlash but because they knew the teen parent stories would stop 
Everyone is fully convinced that Ambrosius is the best secret keeper of all time 
He’s fucking not 
He’s a gossipy little bitch but the people who he gossips with are the real vaults 
Whenever he wants to gossip he'll talk to Nimona
And Nimona always drops his gossip onto Bal because he knows Bal will tell Ambrosius  
Bal usually doesn’t gossip but if Ambrosius asks him “What’s on your mind love?” more than once he’s an open book 
But the gossip never leaves their little trio no matter what 
Whenever the trio gets bored like on errand days or long car rides they’ll play a little game 
Basically they compare people they know to random objects or animals 
And they win depending on how accurate the object is or if it makes the other two laugh
Some of the accurate wins were Ambrosius pointing at a wet cat and commenting that it reminded him of Bal, Bal pointing at dog shit and saying “Look it’s Todd”, and Nimona asking “When did the director come back to life?” while pointing at flaming garbage 
And then there are the other answers like when Bal pointed at the air and said “Mom” Ambrosius just turns to him and goes “Bal you didn’t know your mom” and he just goes “Yeah that’s what she looks like in my mind” 
Or Ambrosius pointed at a cemetery and exclaimed “Mom!” And Bal goes “Love your Moms alive” and all he says is “Shh Bal let me manifest” 
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stevebabey · 1 year
hiii ruby !!! congrats on ur milestone i think ur so cool and funny and ofc so so deserving :D for ❤️‍🔥 can i request forehead against forehead from prompt list 5 bc i am a sucker for it <33 thank u ily !
ahhh!!! anna you are so lovely <3 thank u sm for picking this one it opened pandoras BOX in my brain and i think this is by far my absolute favourite i've written this whole damn celebration & its bcos its, of course, friends to lovers <3 - 1.7k+
The wish is far-fetched.
You knew that from the beginning and yet, like wishes were stackable, like wishing for something over and over would improve its odds of happening, you couldn’t help yourself. Every eyelash, every time the hands of the clock line up at 11.11, you wish desperately.
Eyes scrunched closed, you wish for Steve.
You have him, of course, just not quite as you want him.
It feels selfish, the hungry feeling that rises in your chest when you look at him too long, eyes drinking in every detail you adore. Long lashes, hazel eyes, lips so pink it wasn’t fair. You want him all to yourself. These are not the usual thoughts of a best friend.
Sometimes, the yearning seems to carve out every part of you til you feel hollow inside; because you’d offer it all out to him, every piece of yourself between your cupped hands, his if he only wanted it.
You want him to want it. To want you. Badly.
So, you wish. At this point, it feels more like a habit than anything — the clock hits eleven minutes past 11 and you send a little prayer out to the universe to give you this one thing. You don’t notice how Steve notices.
He can’t quite connect the dots in the beginning, can’t see the pattern that strings together all the things he’s noticed. How from time to time, you’ll close your eyes and squint just a bit— but then, quick as it happens, it’s gone. You’ll open your eyes, look over back at him, and continue on as if nothing has occurred.
Steve doesn’t pry, even though he really wants to — the first time you notice him watching you, he raises his brows, a silent what was that? with a hope you’ll clue him in. He wants in on all your secrets. But in an instant, he can see the embarrassment creep across your features, so he drops it, waving his hand, and resumes talking, eyes back on the road ahead of him.
After a month of subtlety catching the habit of yours that he's come to cherish, the sweet scrunch of your eyes and gentle clench of your fists at your side, Steve notices the clock.
You check the clock, most of the time, before your eyes flutter closed. It happens late in the morning and close to midnight. But then again also at random intervals, at times he’s not expecting. The frustrating pattern evades him even though he’s noticing. Noticing is, infuriatingly, not enough.
It takes another month for Steve to realise you’re wishing.
He’s enamored with the habit now — especially, now he knows you’re sending little hopes, blowing on eyelashes with the fervor of a little kid. The craving to know your secrets, to be trusted with your wishes, has grown ten-fold since he first noticed. Steve notices just about everything about you now.
It’s hard not to. What started as trying to comprehend your peculiar pattern, has become... something entirely different. Steve feels helpless to do anything but admire you now. His feelings for you have become startlingly fond, borderline sappy.
The sound of your laughter and how it threads gold into his days marvels him. The colour of your eyes in the morning light. How you curl up in his passenger seat like it’s the comfiest place you’ve ever known, like you could sit there all day with him. If he asked. 
He’s pretty sure his heart strayed from best friend territory the moment he figured out the wishes. Maybe, he’s fooling himself and it’s always been this way.
It’s on his mind, even as the two of you sit at the back of the Hawk theatre, some garbage Sci-Fi film flickering on the screen. Normally, the back of the cinema was unofficially reserved for couples that wanted to make-out — Steve had pulled that move on a dozen dates. Picked a cheesy romance and the cozy darkness of the back of the theatre.
This is not the same, he knows. It’s not a cheesy romance film, you’re not quite at the back, and most importantly, this is not a date.
Steve really wishes it was.
“Hey,” Your whisper shakes him from his thoughts. Steve’s gaze moves from boring into the back of the chair in front of him to your concerned face. “Y’okay?” 
You’ve turned towards him, shoulders hunched over like you might disturb other people in the cinema if you’re too big. It’s silly, there’s barely anyone else in here but you and Steve. A couple people a few rows forward.
Steve nods, throat dry. You don’t look convinced, eyes narrowing for a moment as if you’ll say something when your expression shifts. You focus on something below his eye.
“What?” Steve whispers, too aware of your fixed stare. His nerves creep up, feeling a bit flushed beneath your attention. Your hand comes up, reaching out to graze across his cheek and Steve forces himself to stay still. To not melt into the touch.
“S’just an eyelash.” You whisper, still focused. Thumb moving gently as you can, you sweep the eyelash beneath his eye off his cheek. It moves an inch but remains stubbornly on his skin. You huff silently, turn his way a little more, and lean in closer to try pinch it. It takes a moment as you try your best not to pinch Steve at the same time.
When you finally snag it between your fingertips, victory comes in the form of your pleased smile. It takes another moment to realise just how close you’ve gotten to Steve. Leaned over, his breath fans over your face and you can see the film reflected in his eyes, action sequences playing far, far away.
Faintly, you think that if you had your wish already, you could lean in a few inches further and steal a kiss. You think of the eyelash in your fingertips.
The thought knocks sense back into you, blinking hard, but just as you go to pull back Steve’s eyes flash down to your lips. He licks his own, then swallows, looks back up at you. A wretched thread of hopes keeps you from pulling back just yet — desperately praying you’re not reading into nothing.
Steve doesn’t pull back. His heart has hiked so far up his throat he’s surprised he’s able to get any words out at all.
“What are you wishing for?” He croaks, too quiet. You hear it anyways.
Surprise shows on your face, lips parting and eyes widening just a moment. Steve wants you to give back the eyelash just so he can make his very own wish right now.
“How did you... know?” The last word is meek, only audible because Steve is so close. He wants to be closer. He moves an inch, recalling every single time he’s gotten the signals right in the past to keep him from losing his nerve. Tries not to think about what he might lose should he be wrong this time.
“You,” He huffs a little laugh, searching your eyes, trying to see if it’s the same hope he feels inside that he’s seeing in your eyes. “You close your eyes and wish on every 11.11. And— and eyelashes and dandelions too. You do this little squint, like you’re thinking real hard about what you want.”
Unable to help himself, Steve steals another glance at your lips as your tongue darts out to lick them nervously. His chest rises and falls a bit fast, nerves urging his pulse to run faster, faster. God, he’s nervous. Steve can’t remember ever being so nervous at the mere chance of just a kiss.
“So, what're you wishing for?” He asks again, in a whisper just for you two.
The film illuminates the side of your face, shadows dancing across the lines of your cheek. You’re beautiful, Steve thinks, achingly so. The silence twists his heart painfully. He doesn’t know you’re merely gathering your hopes to spit out the honest answer.
You whisper the word quickly, knowing if you have a moment to think about it you’ll tuck it and all your selfish desires back away into your heart. But you ache for this moment — hunger devouring your insides with how much you want to kiss the boy before you. Enough that you’ll risk it.
It’s worth the risk.
The single word sets Steve off and he closes the distance between you in an instant, lips against yours. It’s gentle as he can manage while his heart works overtime pumping molten-hot affection into every part of his body. He feels giddy. He nearly forgets to memorise the curve of your lips, the warmth of this against his own, it feels so deliriously good to be kissing you. He thinks he’s been missing this his whole life.
You look a little dazed when Steve pulls back, lips with a sheen that catches the flashes of the cinema screen. You don’t speak, just blink and sink your teeth into your bottom lip, mind miles away. Your lack of a smile worries Steve; he feels like he could burst with how he wants to beam if this is what you want too.
He gathers his courage and presses forward again, til his forehead against yours. Tells you what he knows to be true, what you’ve been dying to hear. “You have me.”
Your eyes snap up to meet his and you give Steve a flood of relief, lips pulling into a smile. A small laugh of disbelief titters out of you, your smile transforming into a grin that betrays your utter happiness. This close, you let the want take over you and lean in to steal another kiss off his lips. He gives it to you sweetly and oh-so-willingly.
You stay this close, nose nuzzling against his, both your heads bowed to meet each other in the middle.
“I’ve been wishing on you for months,” You admit bashfully, your whisper wobbling in your embarrassment. You’re worried the enormity of your want for him will scare him off. Steve’s grin somehow gets wider, eyes somehow fonder. His voice comes out a bit scratchy, all sticky with affection.
“I think you’ve had me the whole time.”
It’s the honest truth. You’re not even mad about lost time because when he kisses you again like that, there’s no doubt that now? He’s all yours.
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dragon-ascent · 1 year
The novel
You happen upon a cheesy novel about Rex Lapis...so of course you show it to Zhongli.
★彡flustered zhongli, mentions of sex and spiciness but just trust me it's fluff
The first thing you do when you return home is kiss Zhongli and say, "Guess what I found!"
Zhongli, smiling at your enthusiasm, cocks his head slightly. "What did you find, darling?"
Grinning deviously, you set a book down on the table. "Gold, my love, literal gold!" Your husband glances over at the cover of the book.
"What is-" His smile falters and his cheeks heat up as he takes in the...rather suggestive illustration. It depicts Rex Lapis in partial human form, with long golden horns and a brown tail, holding in what seems to be a death grip a petite young woman wearing a sheer nightgown. Also, Rex Lapis is shirtless.
"Morax is my Mate," you read the title aloud for him, "it's a sappy, crappy romance fanfiction about you and some random female OC!"
Your husband blinks. "Romance? I - he looks like he wants to kill her."
You shake your head with a snort. "That sultry look is meant to be hot and threatening towards rivals!"
"Rivals," Zhongli repeats. "What, pray tell, is this story about?"
"It's about this village woman becoming Morax's mate, as the title suggests. Celestia appointed her as such, and thus her ordinary life gets thrown out of whack! And Morax is like, obsessed with her for no reason other than she's his mate. She has no personality outside of biting her lip and tucking her hair behind her ear every other page!"
Zhongli's brow furrows. "I...see..."
"And guess what," you say, flipping the pages until you get to the part you want, "the smut scenes go on for pages and pages! This one in particular spans thirty-four pages."
"Thirty-four!" Zhongli repeats, paling. "And it is one scene! What could these characters possibly be doing?"
You stare him down long and hard, smirking. "Do you really want to know, darling~?"
Zhongli's cheeks go from pale to deep red. "On second thought, I do not wish to-"
"Fingering, overstimulation, tail-play-"
"Oh Celestia, please spare me from-"
"-Edging, double penetration, oral-"
"I have had quite enough of-"
"Bondage, bathtub sex, usage of titles like Sex Lapis-"
"S-Sex Lapis..?" If Zhongli could drop dead right now, it would be because he cringed himself to death. In fact, he sits down to process this.
Trying not to laugh, you sit beside him. "You look a little under the weather, hehe."
Zhongli, rubbing his temples, is the very picture of 'under the weather,' if not more so. If he were human, he would possibly have thrown up at least twice by now. "Give me that," he says, taking the book from you and skimming through the prose for a semblance of sanity.
Except, he only feels more and more nauseous with each paragraph he reads. Forced marking? A competing god? Toxic possessiveness? An uprising that somehow only this heroine with the personality of a broken vase can handle? His closes his eyes and wonders when he can return to the earth as dust.
Watching him intently, you ask as he closes the book with a long sigh, "So what do you think of this book that should totally be illegal?"
"Well..." Zhongli gulps and clears his throat, tapping into his rational side. "Freedom of creation and expression is a fundamental right which the citizens of Liyue are entitled to exercise. This...this novel has been appropriately tagged as a fictional work meant for recreational purposes, and therefore...it does not break any rules. It has every right to exist."
You flash him another devious grin. "Uh-huh. And what do you really think of it, Zhongli?"
He draws in a sharp breath. "It is pure and utter garbage and I sincerely wish to delete this from my memory forever."
"Aww, Sex Lapis doesn't like it?" you tease, poking his cheek.
"No, and I am not Sex Lapis..."
"Sex Lapis! Sex Laaaaapis!" Poke. Poke. Poke.
"Hmph. Are you aiming to be punished like in the novel?"
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hello! could i request for hcs where bakugo has a clingy babbly girl who always bugs him by following him around (bonus points: THEY'RE NEIGHBORS) and says she loves him all the time but he always just scoffs and ignores her then one time she ends up giving up or getting hurt and ends up distancing herself in the process and he starts to seek her out oMg you can take it from there IM JUST SO HAPPY YOUR ASK BOX IS OPEN YOURE MY FAVE BNHA IMAGINE BLOG AHH
I made this into a scenario instead of headcanons. Hope that's ok!
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From the moment you moved into the house across from his, you'd already decided that you would stick to Katsuki like glue.
You just couldn't help it. After all, he stood out from the rest (even if it was in a bad way at times), which made it almost impossible for you to keep your eyes off him. He was headstrong and brave, not to mention incredibly attractive. Before you'd realized it, you were crushing on him hard.
But being the kind of person that you were, it didn't occur to you to try and hide your feelings. Instead, you clung to his side and made sure to seek him out at every available opportunity. You were incredibly thankful to have made it into U.A, because it allowed you to see him during class as well.
At the beginning, Katsuki thought you would give up and get bored of pestering him after a while. He clearly didn't seem to realize just how strongly you felt about him.
No matter how often he scoffed at you or told you to get lost, you were still right there, grinning at him ear-to-ear.
"I love you, Katsuki!"
Words that the average person struggled to say fell from your lips without so much as a second thought. The first time Katsuki had heard you say you loved him, his eyes had gone wider than ever. He even wondered if you were just playing a prank on him or something.
She's such an idiot, he thought. She doesn't even mean that. It's so dumb.
He'd long since convinced himself that you were just some ditzy girl without a serious bone in your body. That was why, even when you kept on insisting that you loved him - more than anything, as you so often stressed - Katsuki didn't take it to heart. He never stopped to actually consider that you were telling him the honest and unfiltered truth.
Until the day you got upset with him.
"Quit it with that sappy shit," he snapped. "I'm tired of hearing you spew the same garbage all the time."
It was just like any another day. You were clinging onto his arm and gushing about how much you loved him. As much as Katsuki wanted to say that he'd gotten to used to this by now, the truth was that he hadn't. Every time you hugged him or got extra close and said those kinds of things, he could feel his chest getting tight and his cheeks burning. Even if you were just running your mouth without meaning what you said, it was still embarrassing as all hell. And despite what most people probably thought, he did get flustered.
That was why he lashed out at you. He was fed up with being the only one to get worked up while you said all that stuff without even batting an eye. It wasn't like he actually disliked you or anything. Far from it, in fact. Even if he wouldn't admit it, you were the person he considered closest to him.
Perhaps that's why he felt comfortable speaking brashly. He'd always done it until now; why should today be any different?
Needless to say, dejection was quick to sweep across your face. You looked weary all of a sudden. You weren't smiling the way you usually did.
"Okay," you said softly. "I'm sorry. I just thought... I don't know. But I'm sorry. I should've taken the hint by now."
From that day onward, you didn't say a single word to him. You breezed past him in the hallways without so much as glancing his way. You didn't bother asking to walk home with him the way you usually did. Even when your parents came over to hang out at Katsuki's place - since your families were on good terms - you didn't come along with them. You purposefully stayed home, as if you no longer wanted anything to do with him. You were avoiding him. Did you not like him all of a sudden, or what the fuck?
Katsuki had always been stubborn, even as a child, so it took him a while to come to terms with the fact that he missed having you around. He missed having you cling to him and smile like you didn't have a single worry in the world. He missed seeing your cute face and feeling your arms wrap him in a hug.
Katsuki had liked you back for a while, but he was just too hardheaded to see it.
After finally coming to the realization that having you around was something he wanted, Katsuki did what he'd never done before and sought you out himself.
He managed to corner you during lunch, in the cafeteria, so that you couldn't try and pull a fast one on him. As expected, you refused to so much as meet eyes with him, but when Katsuki put his mind to something, he couldn't be deterred.
"You're done ignoring me," he frowned, grabbing you by the hand. Even though you tried to protest, he held on tight. "I need to talk to you. Aren't you going to hear me out?"
Katsuki didn't even realize it, but his gaze was nowhere near as confident and assured as it usually was. In fact, it was almost as if his eyes were pleading for you to stay. He really, really wanted you to stay with him.
Luckily, you'd always been the better person. Certainly a better person he was.
You nodded slowly. "Alright. Let's talk."
Relief couldn't even begin to express what Katsuki felt. For a moment, he thought he might faint from the stress. He was worried that you were seriously done with him for good. But you were giving him another chance, and this time, he wasn't going to screw it up.
Katsuki gripped your hand as tightly as he could while the two of you walked out of the cafeteria together. His eyes scanned the surrounding area, searching for someplace quiet and secluded. Confessing his feelings was actually a much more frightening thought than he would've liked to admit, but you were special to him. For you, he could set aside his petty pride.
After all, you were worth it.
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alvojake · 26 days
I'm about to get reeeaaalllll sappy here for a few moments
when I first got onto tumblr, my intent was to just read the amazing fics that everyone had written because I love reading and enjoy others' writing as a fellow writer. I was at a point in my life where I felt like all of my favorite hobbies weren't making me happy anymore, so I backed off of writing for a very long time. I felt as if everything I wrote was just garbage and it just didn't feel right sharing it with the world, so I just stopped, it was truly heartbreaking because I love write with a passion, it had always been an outlet for me during my rough childhood. however, reading so many good fics here on tumblr from writers that I now consider my friends/moots (@yeonzzzn @enha-stars @simpjaes @minhosimthings @pprodsuga @ja3yun) helped me open my heart up to writing again, and for that, I am truly thankful <3
I had started writing not even a month after I had lost my cousin unexpectedly; it was such a hard and dark time for both me and my family that I just needed an escape before I spiraled into the deep end. never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would be where I am now, three months into writing and talking to such amazing people with almost 2k followers. if you had told that broken girl in the hospital that she would find some light in the dark again, this is where she is now; she would just look at you like you had grown three heads. there are truly no words to express how grateful I am to everyone here who has helped me see that light again.
even during a rough patch in the beginning when I had another person copy one of my works, I was truly at a loss for words because not only did they copy my work, but theirs had far more notes and comments on it than mine and it was truly disheartening and I second guessed if I would be able to sort it all out, but during all of this I had aeri to back me up (@heeslut4life). now, I'm not gonna lie. I'm not entirely sure I would have made it past that if it wasn't for her, so thank you, aeri, truly.
but before I go on too much longer and gross everyone out, I just wanted to say that I am thankful for everyone here, moots and followers alike. you guys are truly amazing, and I love you all so dearly <33
tagging all of my moots/friends (that weren't tagged above) because you all are truly dear and near to my heart, and I love you all so so so so much: @karinasbaby @jaylaxies @jaeyunluvr @ikeuverse @wondipity @fakeuwus @j4yluvr @moon7jay (we miss you xyn </3) @wonryllis @wonlvkay @pockettwinzz @antonitty @jjunie-0 @hoondrop @hxxsxxng @seunghancore @dollyyun
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91dawsonmercer · 2 months
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We've been adjusting to the move pretty well for the most part. The Devils are playing the Canucks tonight so mom and dad are visiting and Odessa is absolutely loving all of the attention she has been getting.
Poor Quinn has been getting her ipad shoved in his face every five seconds, Luke was forced to play dolls and Jack is honestly the only one that hasn't been tortured with something yet.
"What team are you rooting for tonight, Dee!?" Dad asks, and Quinn smirks at Jack and Luke as she runs into the room with her baby Canucks jersey on.
"Odessa!? Get that garbage off right now." Jack says, shaking his head. "What happened to the Devils being the best team?"
"Not when Quinner is playin'." She tells him, and Quinn holds up his hand for a high-five. "That's right, Dessa. Let them know where they rank."
"I'm telling your buddy that you're a traitor." Jack says.
She shrugs, holding her arms up for Quinn to pick her up. "Owen will forgive me."
During warm ups Owen immediately pointed out that Odessa's jersey was for the other team and after a little bit of explaining he understood why.
The whole game the kids were talking about stuff that was going on with the bench.
"Dawsy has an ipad?" Odessa says, pointing.
"Do you think he's watching coc'melon?" Owen asks.
Reanne and I both laugh.
"That's definitely what he's watching, guys." Reanne answers.
The Canucks end up winning six to four and Odessa is letting Jack and Luke have it.
"You lost." She points at them.
"Yeah, Dessa. We know." Luke says, picking her up.
"Where's Dawsy?" She asks, looking around for him.
"He already left. You'll see him at home." Jack tells her and I look at him confused.
"What?" I ask.
"Mom, Dad and Luke are babysitting. We're going out." He says.
"Don't I have a say so in this?" I question.
Back at the apartment, Odessa is giving Luke attitude about getting ready for bed.
"Your clothes are on your bed. Go get changed." He tells her and she shakes her head no. "I waiting for Daws."
"We won't leave without you getting to ask him about the ipad, Dess. Let's go get changed into your pjs." I say, picking her up and carrying her into her room.
I get her changed and she grabs her blanket from her bed before running back out of the room.
"Dawsy!" She yells, her voice echoing through the apartment.
"Hi, Dess. I heard you got something to ask me." He says, picking her up.
"You lost."
"I did. Was that all you had to tell me?" Dawson laughs.
She shakes her head no. "Were you watching coc'melon?"
They all look over at me confused.
"She seen you on the ipad and Owen and her were taking bets if you were watching cocomelon or not." I tell him.
"Oh. No, I was watching a replay of the previous play." Dawson tells her and she nods.
"Okay, you asked Dawson your question. Now it's bedtime." Mom says, causing Odessa to reach for her.
"Be good for Mimi, Pap and Luke, Okay. Don't give them any trouble about going to bed." I kiss her cheek and she wipes it off. "I won't, Mommy."
"Alright, let's go before she somehow manages to get out of going out." Jack says, practically dragging me out of the apartment.
In the Uber ride to the bar, Jack turns around in the front seat so he's facing us.
"We aren't being sappy emotional drunks tonight, got it y/n." He tells me, and I nod.
I've always been the type to get drunk and let my emotions get the best of me, but I'm determined not to let that happen tonight.
I bought first round because I technically owed them it since they all helped me move in, but after that, the guys wouldn't let me pay.
Jack and Nico went to get us more drinks, leaving Dawson and I at our table. The drinks start to hit, and I start to think about everything and feel like I'm failing Odessa. I start to cry, and Dawson looks over at me.
"What's wrong?" Dawson asks, pulling me into a hug.
"I just… I feel like I'm not doing enough for Odessa. She's been through so much with the move and everything, and I just want her to be happy. But sometimes I feel that I'm not doing a good job as a mom."
Dawson pulls back slightly to look at me. "Y/N, you're an amazing mom. Odessa is so lucky to have you. Moving to a new place is tough, but she's adjusting. You're doing everything you can for her, and that's what matters. Don't be so hard on yourself."
I smile weakly. "Thanks, Dawson. I really needed to hear that."
Jack raises an eyebrow at me as he puts my drink down in front of me. "Everything okay?"
Jack and Nico return to the table, carrying a fresh round of drinks.
"Yeah, just had a moment." I reply.
We drink our drinks and uber back. Deciding to go to Dawson's apartment so we didn't risk waking Odessa up.
"Nico and I will take the couch. Y/n, you're with Dawson." Jack tells me.
"Is that okay with you?" I ask Dawson, and he nods.
I follow Dawson back to his room, and he grabs a pair of sweats and throws them at me.
"The bathroom's right there," he says.
"Thank you," I reply, heading into the bathroom. I change into the sweats and return to the room.
We get into bed, and can hear Jack and Nico yelling at each other in the living room.
"Get your nasty feet out of my face!" Jack's voice rings out.
"Get your face out of my feet, Hughesy," Nico retorts.
Dawson laughs, shaking his head. "Those two are like an old married couple."
I laugh, nodding in agreement. "They really are."
As we drift off to sleep, I feel a sense of contentment wash over me. Tonight may have had its emotional moments, but being surrounded by people who care makes it all worth it.
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bogunicorn · 11 months
i'm bored so it's time to throw rocks*, here are the types of reality tv/game shows i think the inquisition companions would watch
cassandra would watch one of those romance ones, like too hot to handle or love is blind, and get really, really invested. she's active on the reddits for her favorite shows. all of the cheesy, painfully heterosexual-but-strangely-sanitized reality TV horniness works well on her, she's the intended audience 100%. she's genuinely sad about it when couples break up after the show ends.
varric likes interpersonal dramas and gossip and backstabbing, he watches the vh1 dating shows. he knows most of it is fake, but that's what he likes about it, and he appreciates the classics. anything with "of love" in it, he loves it, he's there. he thinks newer shows work too hard to convince people they're actually real because he thinks embracing the fakeness makes it more fun.
solas has been watching reality tv since the OG: survivor. he's seen every season. he has very strong opinions about play strategies and a personal ranking of the best players of all time just ready to go if you just ask. he's convinced he would win if he was on it, but deep deep down he knows he would never get the votes to win at the end because he'd be seen as a villain and won't apply.
vivienne thinks she's above this kind of garbage tv, but she actually really likes the masked singer. she's pretty good at guessing the celebrities, but she doesn't put much effort into guessing after a point. she's in it entirely to relax and quietly fantasize about being on it herself, because so much of her life is about playing games of intrigue and survival and perception. she records the episodes and skips most of the judging because she doesn't think the judges are funny and gets annoyed when they make stupid guesses.
sera likes the obstacle course-type shows like wipeout and the floor is lava. anything where people have to come up with creative solutions and also might get hit with a giant thing made of foam and get smacked around like a rag doll. sera has been trying to convince people to team up with her and apply for this type of show for ages and it never works out. she also likes the really weird off-brand ones that only ever get one season, like who wants to be a superhero or opposite worlds.
blackwall likes the circle. he always quietly roots for the catfish. no reason.
iron bull is a drag race superfan. come on, one of them had to be. he's been watching since the season 1 vaseline filter days. he approaches each new season with the masculine seriousness of a suburban dad planning a fantasy sports lineup and correctly predicts every winner three episodes in. he would absolutely volunteer for a makeover episode if he could. his favorite queens are usually the pageant queens; he likes the sparkly ones, and the pageant queens always end up covered in rhinestones.
dorian loves innovation and being judgy, so he loves shark tank and anything similar. he enjoys episodes with absolutely terrible inventions just as much as the good ones, and is the kind of viewer who actually will go ahead and buy something he saw on the show -- including the really stupid ones, because he gives them to his friends as joke gifts.
cole watches those shows that are equal parts talent competition and sappy backstories, like american idol, x-factor, the voice, stuff like that. he always cries a little when someone does a ballad. he never votes because he can never decide who deserves to win the most, and he doesn't watch the results shows because they make him too sad.
cullen watches HGTV and gets belligerent if you point out that house hunters is fake. unclear if that's because he thinks you're being a wet blanket or because it was news to him and he doesn't want to admit it.
josephine likes strategy and competition, but the grime, physical danger, and "eat this gross thing" challenges of survivor aren't fun to her. instead, she's really into big brother. josephine is convinced that she would win big brother if she was ever on it, and she's correct, but she can't take the time off work.
leliana is an OG ANTM fan. she'll dabble in other shows that center on makeup and fashion, but she always ends up going back to the classics and the older seasons, as she feels like the current era of ANTM is too gimmicky and self-aware. the human rights violations are allowed if they make good TV.
*this is for fun don't actually throw things at me please
**also if you like this and think "i'm gonna give this fine person a follow because they're so funny about dragon age", i made a new DA sideblog at @skyholdstarbucks where i'd post anything similar to this in the future
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