#this is the first drawing ive finished in like. um. at least a month probably
wintrecat · 1 year
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[ID: digital art of hatsune miku, drawn midstep as she skips towards the viewer. she is wearing her standard V4 outfit. she is holding up her hands to make a heart on her chest, which is filled in pink. she is smiling with her eyes closed and has her mouth open to sing. around her are pink, white, and blue music notes, and the background is a purple to blue gradient with splatters of pink, white, and blue picked from her outfit. end ID]
happy birthday miku!!!!
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emerxshiu · 6 months
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I started this drawing yesterday around afternoon and finished it just a few minutes earlier.
I went with a messier type of drawing instead of more clean like the elfilin one from yesterday, i find it fun doing it like this, mostly cause i dont have to worry about making it perfectly so i dont get as frustrated as normal. Id place this one as my second best digital drawing. im pretty sure i havent posted what i consider my best digital drawing here, tho i do have it in instagram, i might post it here one day, tho these two are way too tied up, i love how this came out, its not exactly like how i imagined it but its really close to it, and also itd say that since i dont tend to play around lighting that much, this was such a joy to draw and i cant help but stare at it a lot, at least until i start hating it because i made quite a lot of errors. i also changed my elfilis gijinka just a tad bit from last time, but its not that big of a difference, mostly.
ofc i had to draw elfilis for forgotten land's anniversary, i tend to deny it in my head but yeah they're my fave of the kirby characters even tho i hate them a bit. I wanted to draw some more doodles, like, elfilis eating cake, kirby car, a bunch of other stuff (not elfilin cuz i already drew him yesterday) but when i tried i couldnt draw anything more, guess this drawing burned me out a lot, huh?
you can definitly tell i spent all the efforts on him cuz if you look a bit closer to the bottom part you'll see its almost barely detailed, but i mean, they're the focus so make sense i guess for me not add that much detail there. um also, maybe because i dunno i had OVER 130 LAYERS jeez no wonder firealpaca was slowing down so much, i need to manage my layers better next time, tho i did do something i keep forgetting, wich is naming them (most of them at least) that was a real life saver
Also, antares (fecto elfilis' spear/cadaceus), as always, was a pain to draw, but this time its probably been draw the most accurate out of every other drawing ive made with it in it, i didnt notice it was like, a little curved when it reached the blade
some close ups since his face is a bit hard to see
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silly :3
fun fact! actually, this is technically a redraw, somewhere around between february and march i started a fecto elfilis drawing for the first anniversary, but i couldnt finish it in time, and i never finished it
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thats...quite the improvement! (i remember being so proud of it)
also his wings are like that cuz i did not want to draw the pattern, its way too hard, i literally copy pasted it, wait, i was talking about the 2024 version but i looked at the 2023 one and i just noticed it also has the pattern copy pasted, i guess some stuff never changes since i still abuse the ctrl+c ctrl+v to this day
Also i ended up making a huge error there, i was planing to add the phantom spears from orbital pulsar (the attack he does first when you battle them at lab discovera) but theres an innacuracy, when they do the attack, they always close their eyes, i had actually sketched him (well i mean both these drawings are basically the first sketch (2023) or second sketch(2024) with some color, shadows and lighting. i didnt do lineart in the 2024 one cuz i wanted to be a bit like the og i made (too bad i sketched that one with black since the og was sketched with white due to me drawing the bg first)) with his eyes closed but them decided to make them open for a reason i cant remember, maybe i thought itd look nicer? idk
ive had the idea of redrawing this for quite some month now so it was kinda already planned
background cuz i think it came out really pretty
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doesnt have the little stars since without elfilis and the structures it looks fucked up. the actual sky in game is more blue, but the clouds have some orange, in the 2023 ver. i made the sky orange, and in the 2024 ver i wanted it more accurate, but i didnt wanna loose the orange sky, so i did a gradient. pretty...
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also here's a screenshot i took when i was like halfway trough it, its barely noticeable but i changed his mouth in the final drawing
I really love katfl, like a buncha whole lot, its basically almost my first mainline kirby game. 100% the demo, finished the game in almost one day, i literally play it monthly, like, every month i put the card in my switch, start it up, get morpho sword, and go shred elfilis in lab discovera. i would probably not even be here on tumblr and the kirby fandom if it werent for it. and i love it so much i genuinly cannot express how much i like it and treasure it with words or anything
Thank you for reading my unnecesarily long rambles lol
I hope i'll post tomorrow and dont forget like usual
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athina-blaine · 4 years
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hey kids wanna see a fic preview??
(howdy! for readers of my tma fics wondering what the heck ive been up to the last month, here’s a little something for you-- yes, you! the full chapter will be posted next week)
(preview under the cut!)
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Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a man who wanted to save the world, and instead, nearly destroyed it. 
Before he was forced to commit this great evil, the man fled-- but the failed ritual inflicted him with a terrible curse, and he concealed himself inside a dark, lonesome manor. As the years passed and the solitude ate him, he never ventured to the outside world, ever again.
But that was alright. The man preferred it this way. For there remained not one person, living or dead, who was better off for having known Jonathan Sims.
"Aren't you lonely, Mister Blackwood?"
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Martin lurched upright, unfinished letter sticking to his sweaty face. Mister Griffiths was standing in the doorway, his scowl deepening by the second as Martin scrambled out of the desk chair and onto his feet.
“If you’re finished with your nap,” Griffiths snapped, “make your way down to the kitchens at once. Lord Barclay’s guests will be arriving soon.”
“Of course, sir. Sorry, sir.”
With one last, withering look, Griffiths turned on his heel out of the servants’ quarters, and Martin’s shoulders lost some of their tension. He wasn’t sure if he should be relieved, or find a good rock to curl under.
At least he’d only been glared at this time.
Martin sunk back into his chair, eyelids threatening to slip shut again. Hard wicker had no right being as comfortable as it was. In all fairness, though, the cold stone floor of the refrigerator would be just as soft right now.
Peeling the letter off his cheek, he flipped it over and groaned. Oh, perfect. He’d gone and completely smudged the thing. Half his face was probably covered in a splotch of ink.
No wonder Griffiths had looked at him like he was dog shite underneath his shoe. At least the dog shite wasn’t going to be late to its shift, now.
He huffed.
At least he’d snuck in a few winks before he needed to get ready. Something was always better than nothing– even if the thick, pulsing needle driving itself through his temples disagreed. Hopefully, it would be enough to get him through today’s shift.
Especially today’s shift.
He tucked the letter underneath his pillow; he’d have to rewrite it later if he wanted it ready to send out tomorrow morning. 
A new uniform was waiting for him in the communal wardrobe, one that Lord Barclay had ordered just for the occasion. His dormmates must have already grabbed theirs– aside from his, the wardrobe was empty.
Bit annoying that they hadn’t even taken the time to give him a quick tap on the shoulder. ‘Hey, Martin, rise and shine, big day today, don’t want to be late!’
Perhaps they’d figured it was best for him to sleep as much as possible. This wasn’t  the day to get sloppy, after all.
Or maybe they hadn’t considered him at all.
He hoped it was the first one.
Uniform slung over his arm, Martin hurried toward the servants’ washroom. He was making good time; with any luck, Griffiths’ scowl would never graduate higher than mildly disappointed. On the scale of the head butler’s ranking displeasure, it wasn’t the worst place to be.
In his haste, however, he bumped into the shoulder of another server. Martin turned, an apology already on his lips, then paused.
Charles spun around, and his eyes brightened.
“Look who decided to make their way out of bed,” he said, giving Martin’s shoulder a playful pat. “You know Jefferies is going to have your hide if he sees you like that, yeah?”
“Please don’t tell him. He’ll kill me this time, he really will.” His eyes flitted down Charles' figure, brows shooting up. “You … you’re wearing the new uniform.”
“I am, indeed. How do I look?” Charles asked, smoothing down the front of his chest. “Fetching, right?”
“I-I, uh, you …”
It was hard to get the words out. Anyone would look good in a uniform like that; that was why Lord Barclay had bought the bloody things. But the dark red jacket, white gloves, and navy tie complemented Charles’ ginger hair and smile in a way that tangled his tongue something fierce.
Martin’s face warmed, and he hoped it wasn’t obvious.
“You look wonderful,” he said. Then, face growing even hotter, “I mean, um,” he coughed, “it looks really good.”
Charles’ grin widened, and Martin had to stop himself from slapping his own face. Get it together. There was something more pressing here.
“But you’re going to start serving? Today? You’ve barely even finished your apprenticeship.”
“Griffiths needs all hands on deck. I’ll be fine. You’re such a worrywart, you know that?”
Of course Martin was worried. Charles had only been working in the castle for a few months, and Griffiths was going to have him start now? On the night of Lord Barclay’s autumn soirée?
Martin was about to remind him of that when a wave of dizziness crested over him, weakness shivering up his legs. He would have tipped over if Charles hadn’t grabbed his shoulder.
“Whoa, hey, are you okay? You’re looking a little …”
If Martin’s face was hot before, it was nothing compared to now.  “Didn’t get much sleep last night.”
“I’ll be fine once I’ve had a wash up.”
Charles’ eyes lingered on him so long that Martin was sure he’d well and truly pass out. After a moment, Charles gave his shoulder a quick squeeze and withdrew.
“You’d best. Well, I need to be off. Ol’ Griffiths is on the warpath. Good luck tonight, yeah?” He winked. “Drinks on me at the pub later.”
“Y-yeah. See you.”
Martin tracked him until Charles left the room, eyes drifting on the corner where he’d disappeared until another dizzy spell swept over him.
Focus. Charles hadn’t been kidding about what Jefferies would do if he knew Martin still hadn’t changed yet.
The reminder had Martin rushing through his wash. Throwing the new uniform on was a struggle; all those foreign buttons and straps kept tangling together, and he got stuck twice before securing the last tie. 
Martin paused in front of the mirror to check himself over. It was... nice enough, he supposed. The most expensive thing he’d ever worn, that was certain. Despite the custom fit, though, the torso still hugged too tight around his chest, and the material scratched at the sensitive skin on his neck.
Luckily, he’d only have to wear it tonight.
With one last glance, he smoothed down his hair and hurried out into the main hallway.
Chaos. The corridors were packed wall to wall with other servants, confused about where they should go, what they should be doing. The crowd smothered him; how had he managed to sleep through this? Now, in the thick of things, his ears were beginning to ring.
Pausing, Martin scanned the sea of twisting faces. Angelica was elbowing her way through the swarm, drawing sharp cries of pain from her victims, but her expression of dogged determination didn’t change.
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” she said, as soon as she was within earshot. “I just wanted to say thanks for setting up the guest bedrooms last night. I would’ve been up ‘til dawn if I’d had to do it myself.”
Martin, who had finished outfitting the last of the guest quarters just as the sun was rising, smiled. “I’m glad I could help. Wasn't really fair to you, getting assigned something you aren't used to.”
She nodded in agreement, sage-like. “I swear, Griffiths is out to get me. I’d rather stay in the laundry room where I belong.” Then she reached into the pocket of her apron, pulling out a bundle of cloth. “We had apple slices for breakfast this morning,” she explained, holding the bundle out. “I saved you mine. You know, as a thank you.”
Woken by the mention of food, his stomach spasmed. He hadn’t even spared a thought for breakfast– based on the sun’s height, the servants’ meal hour had long been over. 
Eyes burning, he accepted the gift. “Thanks, Angie. I really needed this.”
She beamed up at him.
From somewhere within the clamour, an authoritative voice rose up. “Come on then, to your stations!”
The tide of the crowd was pushing them apart before the last word faded. “Good luck, tonight!” Angie called as she turned to follow some of the others into the laundry room. Martin waved back to her, and once she had disappeared from view, unwrapped the cloth and bit into one of the apple slices.
Sweet and refreshing. Martin let his eyes slide shut, savouring the crispness. Thank God for Angie. There was no telling when his next meal would be; Griffiths had informed everyone last night that they wouldn't have time for their regular lunch. 
He finished the last slice just as he reached the kitchens. If the hallways had been chaotic, this was a scene straight out of a nightmare. Servers were shouting orders to the kitchen staff, the kitchen staff were dancing around the servers, and everyone inched a hair's breadth away from colliding into one another. It was only through sheer level of experience on the part of the servants that they managed to avoid absolute disaster.
And in the centre of it all was Jefferies, shouting directions and helpful threats in equal measure.
“If a single one of you even so much as serves a smudged glass,” he roared, “the Lord’ll have all our heads!”
The ringing in Martin’s ears had gone from loud to stringent. Bracing against a countertop, he dragged a hand across his face.
Plate the food, take it to the dining hall, serve. He’d done it a thousand times. This was the exact same thing.
He just needed to stay focused.
“Here, Blackwood.” One of the servers pressed a tray of champagne flutes into his hands. Taking one more bracing breath, Martin shouldered his way back into the corridors.
Time to get this over with. The frantic noises from the kitchen fell away in increments until, at last, he reached the ballroom.
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spn-ficfanatic · 5 years
F*ck Cancer- Ch 1: The Discovery
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Summary: You’ve been hiding a crushing secret from your best friends (Well, one best friend and one sometimes-lover if you want to get technical about it). How will they react when they find out that the woman they grew up and hunted with for most of their lives, may only have a few months left to live?
Genre: Angst
Characters: Sam x Reader, Dean x Platonic!Reader* *For my Dean ladies: it may not be romantic between him and the reader, but it’s a very close brotherly/sisterly relationship and I still think y’all will really enjoy it :)
Words: 3277
Warnings: Cancer/chemo talk, swearing
A/N: I’ve only written one series prior to this. It was also a Sam x Reader, was 8 parts long just like this, and just like this it marked a huge milestone on my blog. The first chapter of “The One Moment” marked the 100th post I’d made... this marks the 300th :)
Your phone rang as you stared lazily out of the window. You knew you were lucky, not many of the other patients had this view; it certainly made the whole process seem a little less intimidating. Your heart nearly skipped a beat when you saw it was Sam who was calling, for good or bad you weren't sure. You and he had been together in the past, it was never anything serious because the life of a hunter would never allow that, but to say you didn’t have some semblance of feelings for him would be a big fat lie. You took a deep breath and accepted the call, holding your hand over the microphone in an attempt to shield the hospital sounds surrounding you.
“Hey Sam, been a while,” you told him, trying to sound casual. Thankfully you had only just started treatment 10 minutes prior so the vomiting hadn’t started yet, and your voice would definitely have betrayed you in that instance.
“Hey yourself Y/N, been good?” he replied; you could hear the smile in his voice which in turn had you grinning. You really had missed him.
“Can’t complain,” you lied. “How are you and bonehead going?”
“Hey, I resent that,” Dean’s voice protested in the background and you and Sam shared a laugh.
“He’s good, we both are.”
“So, what are you boys up to at the moment? Gimme all the goss,” you begged, reclining in your chair.
“Actually we’ve just finished a case and will be driving through Austin pretty soon to the next one, thought maybe we could stop by and say hi.”
You nearly dropped the phone as you bolted upright. Holding onto it tightly you quickly debated on the best way to handle this. No way were he and Dean going to find out about this, especially not in the middle of treatment.
“Y/N? You there?” he asked, concern filling his voice.
“Shit yer, sorry, I sat back and nearly dropped my phone. Um, now’s not really a good time,” you told him, scrambling to come up with a good excuse.
“Is everything ok? Are you in trouble?” he asked, jumping straight into protective mode. You forced out a laugh.
“It’s all good, I’m just not at home. Hitting a salt and burn a few states over unfortunately.”
“I thought you were having a break from hunting?” Dean asked you skeptically. Curse his big brother senses.
“Yer but this came up and, I dunno, I felt like scratching that itch or something,” you scrambled, picking at a loose thread on your jumper sleeve nervously. “Anyway I think I’ll be here another couple of days so we might have to try for next time. Sorry.”
“No no, it’s fine. Sorry to miss you, was looking forward to it,” Sam replied, sounding pretty beat up. God damn it Winchester!
A nurse started to approach and you realised you had to get off the call before they overheard her talking about your IV line.
“Anyway guys I better get going, it was really great talking to you. I’ll call you tomorrow perhaps?” you rushed.
“Oh, uh, yer sure. That’d be great. Talk soo-”
You had to cut him off, the nurse got too close and was about to open her mouth and blow your cover. You berated yourself for it, he probably thought you didn’t want to see them anymore, and you face palmed yourself and groaned in annoyance.
“Oh hun, is the nausea starting already?” the nurse asked you kindly.
“Yer, only it’s not the chemo this time.”
“Did she just hang up on you?” Dean asked incredulously. Sam was looking at his phone, the call disconnected before he’d even managed to get his sentence out.
“Uh, yer, it would appear so.”
“What the hell did you do to her man?”
Sam held his hands up defensively. “I didn’t do anything! At least I don’t think I did. Things were good last time, we email and message while we’re on the road. I don’t understand what’s going on.”
An awkward silence filled the cabin while the boys each contemplated the exchange.
“Did she sound a little flat to you?” Dean asked, starting to grow concerned.
“I dunno, a little I guess. Maybe this hunt’s taken a lot out of her, it’s been a while.”
“Do you… Nah.”
“Well, do you think she was on a hunt? Really? Maybe she’s just avoiding us.”
Sam gave Dean a look, before leaning over and grabbing his laptop from the back seat. Dean kept his eyes on the road while Sam brought up the GPS tracker and put your number in.
“Dude, really? We’re stalking her now? She’s gonna kill you if she finds out you did this, you know that right?”
Sam didn’t answer as he watched the program track your phone, his heart dropping when it landed on the one place he never expected it would.
“Dean, how far away are we from Austin?” he asked as he stared at the screen, his voice sounding a little dangerous.
“Uhhh, a couple of hours. Give or take. Why, is she there?”
“Yer she’s, uh, she’s at Cornerstone Hospital.”
3 hours later and you were finally done with your chemotherapy treatment for the day. You’d had a bout of nausea a little while ago but generally were starting to come good again. Knowing what happened last time though, you had about 45 minutes to get home before you could barely stand through the pain.
Waiting for the nurse to see you, you drummed your hands on the armrest while you looked around the room. A few people had come and gone in the time you’d been there, some having just a half-hour treatment. You were the youngest there you noticed, and you always got the pity-stare from the older patients when they walked in and saw you. So you kept to yourself… making friends with people at this stage in your life seemed relatively moot.
You were too busy reading a new poster on the wall to hear the heavy footsteps coming down the hall. You may have recognised them if you have been paying attention, you’d heard them on enough hunts in the past. A deep voice broke through your thoughts and turned your blood cold; if you hadn't still been connected to all the wires you might have tried to make a run for it. Instead you took a deep breath and turned to face the brothers. Neither had noticed you yet, their backs to you as they spoke to the nurse at the desk opposite. They were in their FBI gear which surprised you.
“Hello, we're looking for Y/N Y/L/N?” Dean asked in his professional voice.
Sam started looking around the room and before the nurse could point them in your direction, his eyes landed on yours. His jaw dropped as he took your frail form in, and before Dean could even turn around he was headed to you.
“Y/N, what the hell?” he cried, trying not to be too loud but he was obviously upset. Dean too came toward you, you don’t think you’d ever seen him look so worried before.
“Is everything ok here?” the nurse asked as she approached your chair, eyeing the men cautiously.
“Yer it’s all fine Tess, thanks for checking. Could we have a sec before you unhook me?” you asked her quietly. “I need to talk with my friends.”
She nodded with a warm smile and patted your knee gently before walking off to help another patient. You watched her leave, and sighed as you turned back to face the guys. Both were staring at you with mouths agape, and you rolled your eyes and gave a little huff of amusement.
“You guys wanna close your mouths? There’s a few flies buzzing around in here.”
“Don't joke Y/N, this isn't funny,” Dean scolded.
You hung your head. “You're right, I’m sorry. I don’t really know how to talk about this stuff.”
“How long has is been going on?” Sam asked, nearly in a whisper. The guy looked heartbroken, and you felt like dirt.
You rubbed your neck awkwardly, you knew they weren’t going to like the answer you had for them. “Umm, this is my second cycle of chemo.”
Sam tried to stay composed but your admission took him by surprise. “Wha- SECOND? You didn’t think to call me after the first? Why the hell haven't you said anything?” he whispered angrily, trying not to draw attention from the other patients. It was a futile effort though, there wasn’t much entertainment in the treatment room so all eyes were locked on the display.
“Sam please, not here,” you begged, tears starting to form in your eyes as you looked around.
“She's right Sammy,” Dean replied calmly, noticing the attention as well. “Let’s just get her home and we'll figure it all out then.” You let out a breath, thankful to Dean for taking control.
“Thank you. I have my car so I’ll just m-”
“Wait, you drove here?” Dean scolded loudly. Well, so much for having calm big brother on your side.
“Is there a problem with that?” you asked defensively.
“You barely look like you can walk Y/N, let alone drive. What are you thinking?” Dean chided, and your ears grew hot with anger.
“Excuse me?” you asked, your voice low and dangerous. He’d only heard you speak to one other person like that before and it was Crowley when he dared to called you “sweetcheeks”.
He sighed, realising he was out of line, and tried to back-pedal. “I just mean…”
“No, I know what you meant Dean. You know, just because I’m going through this doesn’t make me a damn invalid. And sure I’ve lost a little weight and my hair’s a bit thinner but hey, that’s what’s gonna happen when my body is being pumped with poisoned to kill the asshole tumour growing in my noggin. But none of that really matters because I’ll probably be dead in a few months time anyway.”
As the conversation had become more and more heated the nurse was quietly and graciously removing your IV, she could clearly see this conversation was uncomfortable for you and wanted you to have the option to remove yourself from it if need be. It was all you needed to get up off your chair and start walking out the door, leaving the brothers behind you.
“Go after her and I’ll call security,” you heard Tess warn, and if you hadn’t been pissed as fuck you would have smiled. You’d developed a good repore with her in the time you’d been in the hospital, and considered her your closest friend at this point in your life. No-one else knew about what you were going through, you had quit your job ages ago and were supporting yourself with your safely stored away inheritance. You were thankful to not hear heavy footsteps following after you, and headed quickly to your car to head home. You didn’t know if you’d have enough of a head start to beat them.
You were panting by the time you reached your front door. The headache had started on the way home and the stress of what had just transpired with the brothers was becoming too much in your state. You grabbed your keys out of your bag but your eyes became blurry, and you leaned your forehead against the door frame as you rubbed the bridge of your nose. Staying where you were you looked down as you found the key you needed, and gently leaned over to put it into the door. The roar of the Impala came around the corner and you groaned… why couldn’t they just give you a little time to process? Bloody men!
To your annoyance the key wasn’t fitting in the lock and you threw your hands up in the air in frustration, your head still resting on the door frame. You heard them pull up to your sidewalk and quickly tried to find the key you needed, only to drop them on the ground.
“What the fuckity fuck!” you cried out loud, stomping your foot in frustration like a 5 year old. You gave up and slumped on the sun chair by your front door, holding your head in your hands with your elbows on your knees. The car doors slammed and you could hear them walking up the path to your front porch.
“Y/N?” Sam called out when he saw you, and when you made no move to greet them he and Dean quickly raced to your side. “Hey, Y/N, you OK?” he asked, brushing the hair behind your ear.
“Stupid fucking key wouldn’t go in the stupid fucking lock,” you told him bitterly, and you heard Dean pick them up.
“I see the brain tumour hasn’t dampened your potty mouth,” Dean told you wryly, and you lifted your head gently to look at him.
“Did you just joke about my cancer?” you asked him with a smirk. He cleared his throat, obviously uncomfortable with the mention of the C word, but he pushed through it and gave a tight smile.
“Do you need Sam’s help to get inside?”
“Um, I don’t think so. I think I’ll be ok, thanks,” you responded, giving Sam a smile as you stood. You screamed at yourself internally when your left knee buckled, and quick as a flash Sam’s arms were around you.
“Y/N?” he asked, sounding more scared than you liked to hear from him. You closed your eyes and nodded, swallowing thickly.
“I’m ok, just tired. Maybe I could use the help after all,” you admitted, not daring to meet his gaze. You were grateful when he didn’t swoop you into his arms, instead wrapping your arm over his shoulder and supporting you as you walked into your living room together. Dean grabbed your bag and put it on the floor by the door as he closed it, following you both.
Once Sam had you seated on the couch he took the spot next to you, Dean opting to lean against the wall instead.
“Do you need anything?” Sam asked, watching you carefully.
You shook your head. “I’m ok. You guys help yourself though, there’s some beer in the fridge I think.” When Dean’s jaw clenched you gave a small smile. “I keep it there for you guys, I’m not drinking I swear.”
He relaxed and nodded, crossing his arms over his chest letting the room fall into an uncomfortable silence. You found yourself picking at your sweater sleeve as you considered your next move.
“Thank you,” you told them quietly. “For not making me feel completely useless right now. I’m sorry I blew up at the hospital, that wasn’t fair.”
“No, you’re under a lot of stress, we get it,” Sam told you kindly, and you shook your head.
“You didn’t deserve that. What you did deserve to know was that I’m sick, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just didn’t know how, I tried so many times but it just wouldn’t come out.”
“It’s a, uh, brain tumour?” Dean asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Yer, found out about a couple of months ago I think. I dunno, the days are starting to run together a little bit.”
“What do the doctors say?” Sam asked, and you could hear the reluctance as he did. He didn’t want to know this anymore than you didn’t want to tell him. You sighed, and looked up to meet their gaze.
“It’s aggressive, growing fast and they can’t operate right now. They’re trying to slow it down and hopefully shrink it with chemo before looking at surgery as an option, but because of where it’s located and the speed that it’s growing they think there’s only a 5% chance they’ll be able to remove it before it… before it, ah…” you stumbled, clearing your throat as your eyes started to fill with tears. Shaking your head slightly, you swallowed down the massive lump in your throat before continuing. “I probably won’t make it, is basically what I’m trying to say.”
Silence filled the room, and you let it this time. You were beyond exhausted, the treatment and this conversation were draining the very last of your energy. Despite your best efforts your eyelids began to droop, you barely noticed when you started to slide toward the cushions. Gentle murmurs barely broke through your haze, and you couldn’t find the energy even to acknowledge the one of them who lifted you up bridal style and carried you up the stairs to your bedroom. The fluffy pillows and quilt enveloped you, and without ever opening your eyes you drifted off to sleep.
Sam stood at your bedside, watching you sleep. He'd never seen you looking so vulnerable, and it was scaring the crap out of him. This wasn't a monster he could fight for you, not a battle he could try and win on your behalf. This was the one thing no hunter ever expected to die from, knowing it would simply be too cruel an irony to befall them. And yet here you were: half the size you used to be, pale as a ghost and so frail you could barely stand. He stayed watching you for a while, making an easy decision in the process. Regardless of what Dean thought, he wouldn't be leaving this house without you again.
“Hey, did she stay asleep?” Dean asked as Sam came down the stairs and through to the kitchen. He had cracked a couple of beers and was currently whipping up some pancakes, their first home cooked meal since the last time they were in your house 3 months ago.
“Yer. Um, Dean, we need to talk-”
“So I was thinking that Y/N might be better off in the downstairs bedroom,” Dean started, cutting Sam off. “If she wants to that is. Just makes sense with the chemo kicking her in the ass so bad. You could take the study next to her so one of us is nearby, and I could take her room. Or vice versa, I don’t mind. Oh, and I had a quick look and there's a job going at a garage a few blocks from here, figured I could go out after we ate something and see if they'll take me on. Thought you’d rather be home for Y/N to take her to appointments and such, so no need to find you a job. We can figure out the rest when she wakes up. Now, do you want strawberries or blueberries with your pancakes?”
As Dean turned around holding two plates of stacks he found Sam staring at him like he was possessed. Dean rolled his eyes and took the plates to the dining table, heading back to the fridge for the toppings leaving Sam to catch up.
“So… you want to stay?” Sam asked incredulously.
“Why is that so hard to believe?” Dean asked defensively as he sat down, quickly shoving a large bite of pancake into his mouth.
“I dunno,” Sam shrugged. “I guess I just wasn’t expecting you to go all apple pie life on me.”
“This is for Y/N. She's saved our lives more times than I can count, now it's our turn to save hers. She's family,” he said with finality, gently pushing Sam’s plate toward him and gesturing for him to sit down. Sam smiled broadly and did as requested, mentally planning out the new life they were making for themselves.
Tag Lists (Open)
Series Taglist: @deghostyboi , @dreaminemz
“Dean/Jensen” taglist:  @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk, @perpetualabsurdity, @mlovesstories
“Everything” taglist: @angelsandwinchesters, @grace-for-sale, @growningupgeek, @iamnotsaneatall, @nanie5, @waywardasfudge, @im-dead-inside05, @julzdec, @adoptdontshoppets, @meghanbeinghappy, @sleepylunarwolf , @sammysgirl1997, @imaginationisgrowth, @screechingartisancashbailiff
People who requested tags, that I cannot tag (but will still mention because I feel bad :( ): @ronja-uebrick, @lilydarcy
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shakingsphere · 5 years
um i need a distraction so heres a question thing that yall are supposed to send to me but i just answered all of them if ur interested
Alisons: Sexuality?
straight i think
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
she/her cis
Amaryllis: Birthday?
january 30th!
Anemone: Favorite flower?
idk what they’re called but these vine type flowers on the side of my porch!
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger?
depends on the context, definitely nothing where they could take advantage of me
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
i hate quotes i can never remember any lmao
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
.... diet coke
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?
maybe? he didnt love me back
Baneberries: Favorite song?
vienna by billy joel
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
my parents are nice and supportive but overbearing and judgmental. my dad has a tendency to talk when its not his place and my mom is very jewish. my sister doesnt like me very much and is kind of rude. one of my brothers is really nice and the other is awful
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it?
I dont
Begonia: Favorite color?
Bellflower: Favorite animal?
red panda
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
a cat
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
an animator 
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?
i love kids theyre so cute
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
heights bc theyre scary, and unachieving because i dont want to waste my life
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.
i used to play with ants a lot
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?  
like if i was conscious it was my last day? i dont even know
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
single :/
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
central asia and iran
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
when im with my friends and we’re just hanging out
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?  
no ma’am i am a child of god
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?  
my ear lobes and i want to get my doubles done
California Poppy: Height?  
5′3. it be like that
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
yes!!!!!!!!!!!! omg
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?  
a college sweatshirt and pj pants with penguins on them
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
when i was little....
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?  
my friend hannah
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?
i haven’t...
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
um lobster?
Columbine: Are you tired?
yeah lol
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
college and moving out of state!!
Coneflower: Dream job?
something where i can use my degree lmao
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert?
i think im an introvert but i also might just have anxiety
Crocus: Have you ever been in love?
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
i would take a bullet for most of my loved ones
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it?
yes. a tie-dyed teddy bear named tie-dye. he is my husband.
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
nothing that people who arent me should remember, but i think our experiences shape us so
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
im not dead idk
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)?  
um id probably be upset i care about my parents approval way to much
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
my friend hannah again lol
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?
public speaking!!
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
um i met my future roommate, i lost a bit of weight, and i got some cute shorts
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?
join my college’s honors program and study in russia
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
im not doing this one too tired
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed? 
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
i try to tell ppl they are important to me
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
im funny i think
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day.
i wake up at 9:30 its 70 degrees Fahrenheit and i get lunch with some friends and then we hang out for the day
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?  
im so bad about this all i do is watch youtube and study, but i love to draw and im going to start reading more
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself?  
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?  
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
pretty sure its french for clear or bright (depending on the context). my mom just liked it
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.
im from a suburb of kck. its a nice and safe place to grow up but i wouldnt choose to live here
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
nice, but its in the basement so the view is really bad i hate that
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?  
no nope no
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
she is very smart and hardworking but very judgmental and a bit inconsiderate. she loves me very much tho
Onions: Tell about your dad.  
he is short and angry. he tends to interrupt me a lot. he is supportive of everything i do. he is stingy about money tho
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.
my mother’s mom died before i was born, and my i was never close with her father. he died when i was 8. my other grandma has bad dementia and isn’t sure who i am anymore. shes presbyterian but she would send my sister and i dreidels and such for hanukkah. im told i look a lot like her. my grandfather has been very grumpy for as long as ive known him.   
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
my 13th. i had an anxiety attack and had to go home early.
Peony: What was your first job?
i was a hostess at a seafood restaurant.
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?
i give myself time to process it and then just move forward i guess
Pink: Where is home?
where your sense of belonging is ig idk
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change?
i would have made better grades and quit band in middle school haha 
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.
i want to be happy with 2 kids and a husband and live below my means but still be comfortable 
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
nihil was a philosopher. 
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life?
fuck idk my dog
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
background noise when your sitting outside
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?
for everything to work out!!!  
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
very very hard
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
the internet
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
8 hours but i overslept
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
i have to
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?
i dont have a job rn and thats bad
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
my jeans from uo
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.  
cool librarian or 90s mom
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
160,000 dollars :)
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
the cost of college!!!!
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?
oof like 2. i read Dune, and Slaughterhouse Five
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
college! finishing up my first semester
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
yeah :( 
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
ive been late to ap french almost every day this semester #c’estlavie
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sunfish999 · 6 years
if y’all ever wanted to know anything about me... i tried
Tumblr media
hm I’m bored (i say this as i should be doing geometry homework
1. read: probably the paladin prophecy, or the finisher (just books i’ve read like 500 times, idk about understanding but--) watch: the vampire diaries? (idk i watched the entire series in 7th grade wygonnad) or aquamarine movie? listen to: XYLO, LUME, more specifically Need Nothing by Verite 
2. bro i have no idea who they are actually but I’ve seen like 2 fanfic writers who write exactly like me and seem to think exactly like me i love that. also a reg writer? uh probably mark frost? i aspire to write like f scott fitzgerald but it never gonna happen hun (cos i wanna major in physics not literature lmao)
3. holy fuck lets pick like 3 fandoms, aight? uh first lets go w my hero academia? tokoyami ofc? next... percy jackson bich-- nico LMAO no maybe bianca? hm HARRY POTTER -- ginny prolly although i dont want to date harry (oops) The maze runner? tommy actually ;; naruto? fucKINH ROCK LEE BABE uhhhsdfhh star wars is anakin and voltron is lance (or pidge actually) i should stop buuuut yeao ok
4. i think my name is fine but i aint gonna share it here (also kinda wish my nickname was charly though thats all im gonna say ALSO yes laurel is a faux name yes 
5. human being because i do nothing. lol but yes i think that who i am as a person should be based off my actions, for it is how i act that shows other people who i am, not ‘who i am inside’ dont make fucking excuses for your actions people 
6. yea i believe in 1 god and i was raised as a catholic christian but i am accepting of all religions and views
7. i mean kinda??? idk im very polish and so i eat lotta polish food (gr8 stuff right there) but im just american so yea 
8. muscial artists, well bitch i only started actively listening to lots of music (aka spotify) like last year but i listened to ari grande when i was young ofc but i dont rlly feel connected to her. maybe like, adele? probably her yea 
9. yes i am a visual artist (preferred medium is watercolor) i looooove singing although i suck so i just do it for fun, i played the french horn for 2 years (also suck so not really lol) um i also write for fun and im good at writing informative essays (my school is big in the english program lol) i was also in 3 plays but i dislike theatre so no. also i like clothes i am a fashion artist wow
10. tf? idk? i have like 3 mottos: “if you want something done right, do it yourself” “the answer to existence is not why we are here, but how we affected others during our time here” “jack at all trades, master at none, better than a master at one “ “you don’t have to speak to be present” “consider how hard it is to change yourself and realize what little chance you have in trying to change others” “do the scary thing first, and get scared afterwards” “the very fact that you're actively looking for ways to become kinder, and attempting to understand your flaws and change them for the better is fair proof that you as a person, are kind.” OK YEA MAYBE I HAVE A CREED SO WHAT 
11. ideal day lol art, reading, and binge watching tv in bed while eating. otherwise spending the day meditating in a forest in spring where its warm but not too warm and just not speaking the entire day 
12. both. i have 3 cats and 2 dogs. love all of them dearly though i’d consider myself a human puppy vs a human kitty (im not a furry calm tf down)
13. outdoors, if you mean nature. if you just mean social activity, then indoors 
14. as i said before, i like singing even though i suck, in grade school i learned the ukelele, piano, and french horn. i remember none of that now 
15. influential books my ass. LETS GO: 1. into the wild (krakauer) 2. Fahrenheit 451 (cant remember author name but its fucking iconic and a classic and it made me think) 3. just gonna go an put harry potter because that shit changed my life 4. the hobbit? idk, iconic 5. i wanna read more literature-y books soon but whatever, i feel like i should say the great gatsby but honestly with writing my essay and everything i just dont give a shit anymore
16. ok i feel like if my parents werent as strict when i was younger id have less depression and be less stressed but then i would also care less about my grades and being kind and i like that about myself sooooo 
17. lol this is EXACTLY me guys because its fucking anonymous as hell because i know none of you (except for like 2 mutuals but ive never met them irl but they’re cool) i dont trust my friends. or family, for that matter
18. my patronus is a wolf thanks for asking; and my power animal: symbolizes instinct, intelligence, and an appetite for freedom. embody personal power and balance between self-control and animal instincts. a guide to inspire you to live more freely
19. im a gryffindor, i took the pottermore test twice and got it both times, also, i took it doing the opposite and got slytherin, so i aint them (but i love slytherin sooo)
20. fuck are you serious? honestly hogwarts would be awesome as hell but probably middle earth because it still got the magic but it gorgeous as hell 
21. yea i’d probably say i love easily since i like barely talk to my crushes and yet i think i really really like them because GODDAMN 
22. school. daydreaming. eating. phone. drawing. 
23. i feel like once i move out for college i’d like em a heck of a lot more, so probably like at least once a month? when i’m older? like at least once every 2 months? i love my extended fam though
24. oh fuck my friend from school and i fucking liked chinchillas when we were little, we always text each other the same thing at the same time, i always know what shes thinking and what the basis for her actions is. shes the bff that doesnt always act like it all the time 
25. fuck yes 
26. pansexual and PROUD but still in the closet except for the whole internet and 3 friends 
27. ok honestly i feel like i dress kinda like a basic girl just more minimalistic and modest but i kinda totally want the gays to recognize me and also i fucking want those patterned polos because hell to the yes. and also i want bangs but i do sports and i feel like id look ugly because everyone says they would (waiting til college, naturally) otherwise love my freckles and real dark eyes
28. honestly, probably like a 2-3. i don’t care SO much about what people think, but i’m fucking annoyed by really dumb things super easily. i’m just really good at hiding it so no one ever knows 
29. why music wtf OK: 1. need nothing - verite, 2. lover like me - off bloom 3. strapped - FOOL 
30. why the FUCK all my quotes are in my creed bitch lemme search :
“growing up is giving up” 
thanks for listening to my TED ED talk aaaaand i hope you know me a bit better and i hope i didn’t accidentally give away too much info and someone will come kill me ok BYE 
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ilosttrackofthings · 6 years
october 11 2015, "but you just won't leave" and or january 26 2016, "s"
send me a sunday six name+date and I’ll respond with more
So I can’t actually find “but you just won’t leave” in my fic folders so I can’t give you another snippet buuut I can tell you that it was supposed to be chapter 2 of I’m hoping you can save me. In it, Mike would spend pretty much the whole night knowingly hallucinating Jess, he assumes, as his own mental punishment for failing to save her. I have always hoped I’d manage to finish it up and I did rewatch Until Dawn recently so I’ll likely keep hunting for it in hopes it’ll actually get an ending.
Luckily, such is not the case with S (weird, considering that the one has a ~title that was its for real title but this one was just a random fic that by all rights I should never have been able to track down again because my organizational system was nonexistent back then). It was written in response to a Jemma/Steve prompt and I just couldn’t finish it but I’m too fond of what I did write to scrap it entirely so I hope you all enjoy:
Throughthe creepy fake wall, into the even creepier secret lair. One guard.Back of the room. Shield to the chest knocks him out before he candraw his sidearm.
Stevecatches the shield after it rebounds off the ceiling and only thennotices the other person in the room. She’s wrapped up in so manyrestraints he almost missed her. The contraption they’ve got her inis familiar, reminds him of what he and Sam dug up on the WinterSoldier in the early days. Poor girl’s just a kid, shaking andfighting while her eyes are fixed on that - what’s the word? -psychedelic screen up ahead. He smashes the star into the damn thingand she whimpers.
“Hey,hey, it’s okay. I’m Captain America; I’m gonna get you out ofhere, all right?”
Gently,he starts with the clasps holding her eyes open. She shuts them andher whole body relaxes so that when he gets her out of the cuffs, shesinks into his arms.
“Miss?”he prods, trying to hold her on her feet. “Miss, can you stand?”
Sherests one small hand on his shoulder - the other is held protectivelyclose to her body and he vows to punch at least one more HYDRA agentin the teeth before leaving this hell hole - but wavers so badly hecatches her around the waist with one arm.
“Okay,that’s not gonna work.” He taps his earpiece. “Sam? You stillairborne? I need a medical evac.”
Thereare a lot of calls questioning whether Steve’s the one who needshelp and he ignores them just like he ignores the backgroundexplosions and gunfire, focusing on Sam’s “What floor?”
“Thirty-eight.Whitehall’s office. I’ll make a hole.”
“Gotcha.Comin’ around now.”
Stevetaps off the device and looks down. The woman is resting against hischest, so still and peaceful. “Miss? You still with me?”
Shehums lowly and tips her head back. Her eyes are glassy but at leastshe’s awake. “Oh! You’re-”
“CaptainAmerica,” he says gently, filing it away to let Banner know she’shaving some memory issues. “You okay to walk or do I have to carryyou?”
“Um…”She catches her lower lip between her teeth and glances down likeshe’s checking to make sure she’s even got legs.
“Carryit is.” He hefts her into his arms before she can protest.
Shesways in his grip and falls heavily against his shoulder. “Whoa.”
“Youokay there?”
“Yes.Just …” He’s made it back into the office and is setting herdown on one of the couches when she finally gets to the en of that sentence. “Woozy.”He’s more and more glad he called Sam by the minute.
“Stayhere,” he says, using his captain voice and hoping it’ll keep herfrom rolling off the cushions. He makes sure her bad arm is restingsafely on her stomach and her good hand lands against the side of hisneck. “I’ve gotta blow a hold in the wall,” he saysapologetically. She nods like that makes complete sense.
Beforeleaving to set a few charges on Whitehall’s big, landscape window,he kicks the coffee table away so if she doesroll off she won’t be in danger of cracking her head open.
Theexplosion doesn’t wake her up. Neither does Sam lifting her in hisarms. Steve watches him disappear through the giant hole beforeheading back downstairs to beat up a few more HYDRA grunts.
She’snot their only rescue of the day - not by a long shot - but she’sthe only one on the quinjet that Clint brings around to pick him andNat up.
“Hi,”she says when he walks past. She’s on a gurney on the floor andsmiling in a very obviously drugged way. She doesn’t seem to noticeBruce splinting her swollen hand at all.
“Hey.”He squats down to look her over. “You remember me?”
Herface scrunches up so dramatically he has to bite back a laugh. “You-”she pokes him in the chest with her right hand and gets momentarilydistracted by the IV line- “smell good.”
Brucesnorts and on the other side of the cabin Sam doesn’t even tryto hold his laugh in.
“Mm-hm,”she says, patting Steve’s chest. “Very nice.”
“Don’ttake it too personal,” Bruce says, “Jemma here called me Tripwhen she first woke up and then tried to get me to confess I wasn’treally Bruce Banner.”
“You’renot,”Jemma says, swinging her hand over to give Bruce a weak smack - ormaybe she was trying to rub his hair, that’s more what it ends upbeing.
“Didyou?” Steve asks, giving up on keeping the smile off his face.
“Toshut her up,” Bruce says. “She was trying to quiz me on my work -did a damn good job considering she was already high as a kite - soI’m guessing HYDRA wanted her for her brain.”
“Yeah,”Steve says, remembering the machine she was hooked up to. “Theremight actually be some memory loss - how is she physically?”
Brucelooks up from his work on her arm. “Decent for someone in HYDRAcustody. The wrist is broken but it doesn’t feel too bad. She’sgot some bruising and some swelling. Not enough to do real damage,but enough to scare her.” His voice goes cold and distant, the wayit does when he’s thinking of things he shouldn’t be.
Stevekeeps alert for signs his emotions are getting away from him butotherwise leaves Bruce be. 
Jemma’sdrifted off to sleep again and Steve brushes her hair from herforehead, revealing another bruise. Bastards.
Beneathhis feet the quinjet takes a wide turn. He and Bruce exchange a look;he’s not the only one confused.
“Uh,what’s happening?” he calls up to the cockpit. The cargo ramp isopening and he rests a hand on Jemma’s stomach just to be certainshe stays put.
“Starksays to head west!” Nat yells, her words almost lost on the wind.
Theramp closes and Tony’s heavy footfalls echo in the tight space.“Stark,” he says snarkily, “has been on the phone with MariaHill. Who very casually asked if we’d recovered any prisoners andthen even morecasually asked if any of them were former SHIELD agents.”
Stevetips his head back. “Was she?”
“Idon’t know!” Tony snaps. “The only records on this girl areHYDRA’s. You google her name and there’s nothing.She’s a ghost.”
Stevelooks back to Jemma’s peaceful face. He can feel Sam watching himand he’s willing to bet Nat’s paying just as much attention,though she’s too good to show it.
“Howdo you know Hill wants her?”
Thebreath hisses out of Tony as he steps away from his suit. “Ifinally got her to admit Agent Jemma Simmons is who she was fishingfor - probablywhy she gave us this base’s coordinates in the first place. Shetried to say the girl’s dadwas worried about her, but unless her dad’s the Invisible Man, I’mbetting that’s a load of crap.”
“Soyou’re having us fly awayfromHill,” Sam says slowly, “because … what?”
Tonyfalls into the two seats next to Bruce. “Because I want answers andI’m pretty sure she’smore likely to give them to us than Hill is.”
Bruceand Tony get into a fight over what, exactly, constitutes akidnapping, while Steve makes himself comfortable on the floor nextto Jemma’s head. He’s pretty sure Tony’s wrong - about thedefinition of kidnapping andJemma giving them answers. She just got out of HYDRA’s worstinterrogation cell and she still had the wherewithal to make Bruce Banneragree he was lying about his own name; she’s not gonna be easy.
Steve’sright. The next day - after her system’s clear of HYDRA’s drugs,the cast on her wrist is dry, and they’re all settled in at thewest coast base (aka the underground bunker Tony built out of theremains of his mansion after he got it blown up) - Jemma wakes up,realizes her doctor really is Bruce Banner, and promptly shuts hermouth. Tony cajoles, he threatens, he begs, but there doesn’t seemto be a damn thing he can say to get her to talk. It’s hilarious.
Steve’stempted to let it keep going - they’ve got popcorn and the securityfeed up on the big screen - but once people start placing bets, it’sgone a little too far.
“Okay,okay. I’m going in.”
There’sa lot of yelling - a surprising amount of it from Natasha - and evenmore popcorn thrown at him, but he’s not backing down. They’rethe Avengers, they don’t kidnap people, and despite Tony’sattempts this is looking more and more like a kidnapping - or atleast an unlawful detainment - every second. He snags an unopenedwater bottle on his way out of the lounge and jogs down the long hallto Jemma’s room.
“-allthe alien technology you can study! Seriously! I know Thor.”Tony’s latest line of attack is a good one - assuming Jemma reallyis a scientist like her HYDRA file says.
Steve’sbeen looking over it the last few hours. Far as he can tell, shedidn’t exist prior to six months ago when she started working intheir bioweapons division. Since then, she’s been an exemplaryemployee, even saving a superior’s life while on a field missionlast month. (What a lab rat was doing in the field, the file failedto say.) There’s some sketchy evidence linking her to a data leak,but it could just as easily lead to another branch of HYDRA as to areal enemy. They really have no idea who this woman is.
“Hey,”Steve says, stopping just inside the doorway. “You wanna give us aminute?”
“No,”Tony gripes. He steps up close so they can speak without beingoverheard. Steve keeps his eyes on Jemma, who looks worryingly smallin the oversized bed. “You think you can get her to talk?”
“Shehasn’t said a word in hours. Ten bucks says I can get her sayingwhole sentences in ten minutes.”
“Fiftyand five minutes.”
Tonyslaps Steve’s shoulder on his way out.
Stevegives Jemma a pained smile as the door swings shut and then grabs astool from the wall to bring it over to her. “So. I get that thisis … weird. You get captured by HYDRA, then you get saved by theAvengers, and now you’re in our secret base. Weird.”
Jemma’slooking him up and down warily, so he takes his time about pullinghis phone from his back pocket.
Heholds it out to her. “Here. You wanna call someone, go ahead.”
Shewants to. She’s temptedto, but slowly she shakes her head. Her eyes stay on the phone untilhe sets it on her bedside table.
“It’sright there if you change your mind. Water?”
Thistime she accepts, taking slow sips from the bottle. Steve’s beenthere. Even with the fluids Bruce has got her on to replenish whatshe’s lost, she wants that visceral feeling of drinking. She needsit or she’s never gonna feel normal in her own skin again, so helets the time tick by until she lowers the bottle to her lap andrecaps it.
“Let’sstart over,” he says. He holds out his hand. “Steve Rogers.”
Shestares - at him, at his hand, and then at the wall on her left.
“Canyou talk?” he asks, pitching his voice to sound worried. “Youneed me to call Bruce back-”
“Ican speak,” she says and Steve does a mental victory lap. He wisheshe could hear Tony cursing.
“Butyou’re not?”
Sheshakes her head, back to the nonverbal.
“Youwanna tell me why?”
Shesighs heavily and, when she speaks, sounds like she’s quoting amanual - or a lecture. “I am not legally allowed to be in the sameroom as any member of the group codenamed ‘the Avengers,’ nor amI allowed to communicate with any of them.”
That’sa new one. “Well now I gotta know why.”
Asmile tugs at her lips but they’re shut tight - tighter,if he had to guess.
“Allright. Plenty of time for that later. You were a SHIELD agent, right?Loyal?” He tries to sound uninterested in the answer but whatlittle residual anger he still feels over that day doesn’t seem toaffect her. She goes far away, her eyes haunted.
“Yes,”she says. And then she does the damnedest thing: she smiles.Steve doesn’t know what to make of it.
Henods, trying to get the conversation back on track. “Yeah, Mariasaid you were.”
Jemma’seyes snap to him, all at once back in the moment. “M-Maria…?”
“Hill,yeah. She was very interested to know whether we’d gotten you outof there safely.”
“Oh.”She doesn’t seem too happy about that. “You were sent … forme?”
“That’swhat we’re trying to figure out. Maria wants us to bring you backto New York yesterday.We’re a little more interested in the why.”
Aaaaaand then there would’ve been some fun with the Avengers figuring out that SHIELD is still going but Fury’s not in charge and Jemma trying her darndest to not let them in on the Coulson secret and of course some Jemma/Steve happening. But it was not meant to be, sadly.
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warmau · 7 years
Highschool!AU Jeno
find college!nct (here) & hs!haechan (here)
favorite subject: art 
least favorite subject: pre-calculus 
voted most likely to: win a noble prize 
jeno is,,,,quite far removed from the detached art student trope that like everyone in his highschool thinks he 100% totally is
secretly, he loves laughter and corny jokes. he likes playing video games with haechan and jisung, betting on basketball games in the gym, and doing what any other highschooler likes to do
unfortunately, probably due to his almost always stoic expression and the sketch book under his arm - people get the wrong idea
and don’t get me wrong, he isn’t bullied for it or anything - people just think he’s unapproachable ,,,,,,,
handsome looks at such a young age, so much artistic talent, it’s hard to approach someone who just seems more mature
“mature my butt, jeno can’t even make fried rice.” haechan snorts once when another classman asks him about jeno
aside from spending countless hours sketching, wrappers from snacks and half empty cans of coffee littering around him, jeno likes sitting in the art room after school is over
the lightening pours in through the big windows and it’s quiet, jeno sometimes listens to music or just enjoys the silence
apparently people made up a rumor that countless people have come to him and tried to confess - but he cooly shrugged off their letters and presents with a cold glare
this rumor of course,,,,isn’t true,,the only person who even knows that he’s in there is the art teacher and jisung who puts his nose in just about anyone’s business
plus if someone did confess to jeno, he’d become a stuttering shy mess - seriously he wished more people knew he was a down to earth guy
he’d even confided this to jaemin, when he and the others visited him in a different town
“why don’t more people want to be my friend?”
jaemin had weakly smiled “are those idiots not enough?” he was referring to haechan who had gotten pen marks all over chenle’s arm and was lying that renjun had done it instead. in the corner, jisung was chatting to mark - puppy eyes to the eldest in the room (probably asking him embarrassing questions about college)
jeno had shook his head, “they’re more than enough - but apparently i come of,,,,”
jaemin smiled and it made jeno’s heart feel a little warmer when he said “you’re not cold jeno. you’re just reserved, you protect yourself. nothing wrong with that.”
but yes, jeno is a real angel!! like he’s always helping the art teacher carry supplies and clean up spilt paint
he isn’t very good at math, but goes to tutoring when he can - the senior who helps him is absolutely in awe of how cutesy jeno can be
with a half-moon smile, little chuckles, and moments of cluelessness which makes them go “you must be popular with the ladies?”
jeno just sinks down in his seat,,,,,,,mumbling that he’s far from it
he likes history too, especially korean history even though most of the class is him kicking jisung under the desk to wake up
his uniform is always neat and he looks well-put together 
someone had made a nickname for him,,,,cold hearted prince from a manhwa ,,,,,,,
haechan had thought that name was a RIOT and did not let jeno live it down - not until it all changed,,,,,,because of you
you had just transferred to the school, you weren’t aware of jeno until you realized your elective class was art
and the, obviously best artist there, was jeno
who on the first day, you couldn’t help but walk by his canvas - you were all supposed to be doing portraits of animals
and the face of an almost perfectly realistic kitten stared back at you on his half-done canvas
you had stared at it for god knows how long till jeno looked over his shoulder
you snapped out of it, almost dropping the paint in your hand
“oh, um i ,,,,,,, i came over to ask if i can use your brush?”
shakily you pointed to the large brush that rested on his easel
jeno blinked, but handed it too you before he could think to ask why
you bowed your head, and rushed away with a thank you trying to save face and not look like a fool
as the bell rang for the next period, you scurried up to the person who had been working beside you
“hey, who is he?”
you asked, one hand on your backpack strap, the person looked over to see you were talking about jeno
they gave you a sad smile
“lee jeno, cold hearted shoujo? no wait, manhwa prince.”
your eyebrows knitted at the sound of the weird nickname
the person just shrugged “he sticks only to his friends and apparently doesn’t even react when people confess so - don’t get your hopes up.”
you nodded, but still from the corner of your eye watched him
he had hung back and was talking to the teacher,,,,,
he didn’t look cold at all
your first month passed rather boringly, you’d made friends and all of them were keen on jeno being next to unapproachable
but you didn’t get it,,,,maybe because you hadn’t grown up around these parts like everyone else
but were you the only one seeing his cute little smiles while talking with the art teachers, the way his laugh sounded light when he hung out with his own group of friends, how he seemed really passionate about drawing
one afternoon you had walked past the art room on your way to make it to the book club you signed up for
when you saw jeno,,,,
he was hunched over a large drawing pad, his bangs falling over his forehead and the light making his figure look like it was outlined by a soft glow
he seemed to be humming to himself, very low and sweet
again you found yourself staring - it was hard not 
you heard someone call out his name somewhere else in the room, and quickly you hurried to hide behind a set of lockers close by
a minute or two passed and jeno walked down the hall, probably to get supplies for the teacher
cautiously, you made your way into the room. the teacher was in the connected office and wouldn’t be able to see you
so while jeno was gone, you were practically alone
you didn’t dare touch the drawing pad, but you did look at what he had been working on
to your surprise, it was a sketch of a vintage car - a mustang maybe? something that looked like it came straight out of the 70s
to your surprise, the details of the drawing were neat and spot-on
it looked like it had been traced from a magazine
“do you need to borrow brushes again?”
you jerked at the sound of the voice, reddening cheeks when you saw jeno standing at the door
you thought for a moment he was mocking you, that you’d look into his eyes and they’d be iced over with something mean
but they weren’t
they were a warm chocolate brown, his mouth was up in a small smile. he was,,,,,joking around with you
“o-oh i just,,,,i just,,,,,”
you didn’t have a quick excuse so you pointed to the sketch of the car “is this yours?”
he laughed “the drawing is, not the car. i wish it was the other way around.”
he came over and pulled out the chair where he had been sitting, he got comfy and picked up his pencil again
you watched in amazement as he easily filled in more details almost effortlessly,,,,,,, “are you a robot?” you mumbled thinking he wouldn’t hear it but he did and he laughed again
you couldn’t believe that the boy in front of you was supposedly ‘cold’ ,,,, he was nothing but cheerful 
“it took a lot of practice, i still have more to go.”
you wanted to say something like i think you’re perfect right now,,,but decided against it,,,,afterall this was your first real conversation with him
you realized only ten minutes after watching him work some more that book club was basically over - jeno was also finishing, packing up his pencils and getting up
“do you take the train?” 
he suddenly asked and you shyly nodded
he called out a goodbye to the teacher and motioned for you to follow him 
“i take it too, want to go together?”
you couldn’t believe it,,,you were walking out of the schools gates with lee jeno
and he was making easy conversation, with jokes, the handsome features on his face less serious and more relaxed
you were sure no one in school would believe you if you told them - the students who were still there and spotted you two looked shocked beyond belief
“i actually just remembered, i have to stop by the store before i get on the train!” jeno grimaced, smacking his hand against his head as if he’d forgotten something extremely important
“ive gotta get some stuff for my halloween costume, jisung wants us to do the scooby doo gang,,,,,”
your eyes widen “,,,,who are you supposed to be?” 
jeno gives you a slightly sad look “haechan is going to be fred, jisung wanted velma, chenle daphine, renjun said shaggy before i could so -”
you put your hand over your mouth,,,,,,,, “you’re going as scooby???”
jeno made a pouting face, so cute it almost made your stomach turn, but you were too busy trying not to burst out into laughter
the cold prince of your high school,,,,,,,,,,dressed up as sooby-doo,,,,,,,,
jeno tried to tell you it wasn’t THAT funny,,,,but you couldn’t lie - it was
before you even knew it, you had silently agreed you were coming along and once you walked through the doors of one of those pop-up costume shops you pointed to the set of brown dog ears that hung on display
“i think you’ve met your match,,,,,”
jeno cringed, but took the ears off the shelf and put them on
“woof!” he exclaimed, then hid his face in his hands as you stifled a giggle
“it’s ok,,,it’s very cute!!” you tried to cheer up jeno but it was beyond hard to keep from laughing
you two spent a good hour in there, picking out silly costumes, trying on fake vampire teeth and wigs, just having a good time in each others company
and at some point, with you shifting through funny looking outfits on one of the racks, jeno noticed for the first time that he was getting along with someone so easily
someone that was outside of his immediate friend group
and you looked,,,,,adorable,,,,,your uniform slightly messy from all the costumes you’d tried on, your backpack had a swinging charm from of it that jeno hadn’t noticed before, and your small smile - the one you had just for yourself
jeno was sure his heart had made an extra loud thud in his chest,,,
“maybe you should convince jisung that you guys can go like,,,,pac men,,,,,or,,,,,,vampires?”
you said suddenly and jeno snapped into reality with a faint smile “ah,,,maybe”
you noticed the change of tone and check your time “it’s getting late, we should get to the train.”
jeno agreed and you two left the store, the guy at the entrance shot you a glare - probably angry about you two spending a good hour in there with nothing to show for it
but you and jeno just giggled to one and other
the train was even more crowded with people coming home from work, so you and jeno found yourselves closer than before 
practically smushed against the pole you were holding onto,,,,,you each gave each other nervous glances and then chuckled
“do you want to go into art?”
you asked curiously, to try and ease the embarrassment of standing so close
“maybe,,,,,what about you?”
you told jeno of some of you dreams, noting how diligently he listened
again - you didn’t know how people thought he was detached, unapproachable ,,,, it just didn’t make sense
so you asked,,,, “why is your nickname cold manhwa prince?”
jeno blushed at the nickname, but also rolled his eyes “did jisung tell you that? ,,,, i don’t even know myself. i think im just,,,,”
he thought back to jaemin’s words “reserved?”
you made an oh sound and nodded, thinking about it till you heard that your stop would be the next
“well,,,i had fun with you today. i don’t think you’re cold at all,,,,” you said, the last part a little bit quietly
jeno felt that loud thump in his chest again
you were so close so he could hear you, but he could also smell the scent of your hair, feel your elbow against his
“i had fun too,,” he added and the door signaled that they were opening
you pushed past the crowd and heard faintly that jeno said goodbye
when you were out on the platform, you couldn’t see him through the sea of people but you waved anyway
the warm feeling of his arm pressed against yours followed you the whole way home
the next day in school you had art again, and unlike usual you set up your spot near jeno
he seemed both shocked and happy that you did,,, the rest of the class just exchanged whispers and wide eyes
but you didn’t care, you and jeno talked easily
he made a comment about how he’s never had someone in art class to chat with and you just gave him a silly thumbs up “im that person then!”
over the course of the week, you and jeno grew closer and you’d even had lunch with him and his friends
jisung had looped an arm around you and went “jeno has never made a friend on his own - you are a REAL gem”
haechan had chewed his food slowly and leaned over to jeno “a friend? or is it something more?”
jeno bit back his tongue and the table turned to face him,,,,you almost dropped your chopsticks
sensing the tension, renjun coughed “pass me your leftover rice chenle you ate too much already.”
but even with the distraction,,,the thought crossed your mind,,,,what did you think of jeno? and what did he think of you?
the night of halloween,,,,you found out
because instead of going to a party being thrown at some students house with his friends, jeno had asked to meet you in the city
you were waiting outside of the train when someone tapped your shoulder and you turned to see jeno,,,,
but instead of his uniform he was wearing a cheap gold crown and a cape of red velvet
“im the cold hearted manhwa prince” he said with a straight face and then burst into laughter
you joined him only to stop and point to the fake horns on your head “a demon,,,,,,,,,the pre-calculs demon if you would” you joked, knowing jeno hated that subject
he made a fake gagging noise and you asked finally why you were here
“i want to go to the party, i want you to come to.”
you blinked,,,,you’d love to go by why hadn’t he just asked over text
jeno seemed to stutter a moment and then added “i want you to come,,,,,as my date,,,,if that’s ok?”
you felt the world freeze for a second,,,,date,,,jeno’s,,,date?
but before you could think of what to say your head was nodding - because of course,,,,,of course you liked jeno,,,
how could you not like him? not after seeing him in that art room, a glow like an angels halo around him
not after laughing with him in the halloween store
not after watching the boy everyone said you couldn’t even be friends with open himself up in front of you
your hand felt nothing but perfect when it held onto jeno’s
and at the party you were greeted with other students staring at you two in awe while haechan slid down the handle of the stairway, messy blood painted over his collar and fake fangs crooked in his mouth, “i called it! i knew they’d fall in love! congratulations to your first day~~ a halloween anniversary!!” he laughed and vanished into the crowd
the rest of jeno’s friends reacted more or less without surprise, renjun said he knew jeno was in love. he was smiling more.
dating jeno,,,,was like opening a new chapter in a book because there is so much more to him than what you see
the love of art, the cute laughter, the serious work ethic, the easily flushed red embarrassment,,,,all of that was just the icing on the cake
the actual jeno was even a little clumsy, a complete nerd who housed one piece figures over his desk, could play guitar and had the voice of an angel
better yet, you found out about his chocolate sweet tooth and highscore on literally every mobile game you ever knew off
“i didn’t know i was dating a gamer,,,” you joked seeing him beat yet another level of some game on his phone
he stuck his tongue out and asked if you were going to finish your chocolate shake
you laughed and held the straw out for him “here you go, cold manhwa prince”
he scrunched up his nose “not you too,,,,jisung never lets me live already,,,,,”
your first official date after the halloween party ,,,, which btw you would have kissed at if chenle hadn’t walked in on you two,, was sitting in the library bookshelves afterschool watching ‘howls moving castle’ on a borrowed laptop
you had been shocked that jeno never watched it seeing as he liked animated movies, but then you’d leaned against his shoulder and woke up to your head in his lap while jeno sketched some doodles on his notebook
you’d sat up, completely embarrassed but jeno just showed you the little doodle
it was of you snoozing, a big air bubble coming out of your nose
you playfully pouted and he’d ruffled your hair - it was nice,,,,it was warm
sometimes you watch jeno sketch,,,,you might do it between studying or listening to music,,,,,but seeing him at work is so relaxing
he looks serious - but not cold,,,,,,,just hardworking and admirable
jeno has sketched you,,,,but you don’t know because he’s too shy to show you
(of course haechan knows about this and pesters jeno about possibly gifting them to you one day,,,,,but jeno keeps saying he has no idea what haechan is talking about)
but also you know when to let jeno have space,,,you don’t hover and you let him be alone with just paint and paper,,,,jeno is so thankful for that
you guys both are kind of new to dating ,,, so when jisung asks to see your couple shirts or rings or phonecases you just stare at him
and he orders you to to go down to the shopping distract and pick something out that matches
you end up getting charms of jeno’s favorite anime character,,,,,it’s corny but,,,,,,,jisung accepts it
but texts jeno like ‘get them an actual present next time!’
sometimes you and him meet up to go to the museum and jeno tells you which artists he’s grown to like,,,,sometimes - like most highschoolers - you end up spending more time in the gift shop than the museum
you start saving up to buy jeno some fancy brushes which when you gift him makes him a stuttering mess and he apologizes for the price and you’re like no no it’s ok
you learn he likes cats,,,even with an allergy,,,,,so you guys just coo at them from petshop windows
jeno wants to kiss you one night,,,as you’re taking the subway home and it’s just you two in the corner seats
but you get up too fast and he misses, falling first into the seat were you were just sitting
“are you ok??” you asked, hurrying toward the door. he waves it off and then spends the rest of the ride telling himself he’s got to get it together
when he does kiss you ,,,,, for the first time,,,, it’s because you’re both are trying to take a cute couple photo for jeno’s instagram
it’s near the big christmas tree they have up at the mall
and as he has his hand out with the camera, you try to focus on it and smile but then right before you know it - he leans in
and with his free hand cupping your cheek he kisses you,,,,
the sound of the camera click breaks you out of your dream like state and when you pull back you touch your lips
“did,,,,,did you just?”
he grins sheepishly and looks at the camera preview,,,,,, “it’s blurry should we do it agai-”
you beat him to it, putting both hands on his face and kissing him agai
he tastes a little minty,,,,,it’s nice and you feel like you could kiss him forever
jeno feels the same way about you 
the amount of times you’ve had talk jeno out of wanting to get a pokemon tattooed on him later in life is: too many
when jeno throws away a sketch he did in frustration, you always get really sad - sometimes you pick them up and you have some hanging on your wall
which jeno tells you you don’t have to do,,,he’ll give you some of his better ones but you say that these are just as good
when jeno calls jaemin to tell him about you,,,,he can almost hear jaemin smiling on the other line
“see, you’re not cold. you’re just reserved, but it sounds like you let th right person in.”
jeno lets you wear his sweaters 100% and then he grins to himself when the sleeves are too long on you
people in school still can’t believe it’s true, not until you and jeno are walking hand in hand out the gate and even though he tried to hide it
his kiss on your forehead basically made everyone in your grade swoon
you guys don’t do a lot of pda,,,,,,but jisung still makes faces when you drop by jeno’s class to give him a snack or just tlak
and jisung is like “ugh,,,i can feel the love and it’s crawling all over my uniform!!” ,,,,, you and jeno ignore him and chenle just goes “its cuz you’re jealous bro”
jeno once tells you his favorite season is winter, when you ask why he lists off a couple of basic things: the pretty snow, the holiday cheer, the sweaters
but then he looks at you and smiles mysteriously, you ask what it is
“i think i might change my favorite season to fall though,,,,” 
“because that’s when i met you.” 
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katrinawritesthings · 7 years
various pairings; fic dump; pg-13
yes hello it is time for the year end lump of fics that i didnt finish or that didnt make it into fics ive already posted
two jongtaes a taekey and an onjongtae
this was gonna be that vampire au for the anon that wanted vamp taem saving human jong but then i wrote the other thing instead
Jonghyun thinks he’s fucked up.
“You’re awfully cute for a human,” the vampire purrs, one cold fingertip drawing invisible little lines where Jonghyun’s chest is exposed by his deep vneck. He watches their fangs glisten and glow in the flashing blacklight of the club. He looked down to their mouth to avoid being captured by their deep red eyes, but he thinks he’s mesmerized all the same. Shit. “It would be a shame to let a bite like you go to--”
“Back the fuck up.”
Taemin’s entrance is also the exit of the other vampire; he grabs them by the wrist and all but yanks them back and away from Jonghyun. Jonghyun blinks and shakes his head, focusing again on the new scene in front of him. Taemin is now standing between him and the other vampire, one hand reaching back for Jonghyun’s wrist and the other held out to discourage them from coming any closer again. Jonghyun knows that the little crosses on his bracelet are burning Taemin’s skin so he quickly takes his hand to hold, squeezing him once to show he’s okay. Taemin glances back at him for half a second before looking back to the other vampire. They’re smiling, lazy and smooth, maliciously innocent in the way they smooth their shirt. They’re also trying to lean around Taemin to see Jonghyun again.
“I was just playing,” they drawl. “Chill.” From what Jonghyun can see of the side of Taemin’s face, he doesn’t even twitch from his hard expression.
“Walk away,” he says quietly. The other vampire snorts, huffs, glances at Jonghyun over Taemin’s shoulder and gives him a little wink.
“Another time, babe,” they say, waving pleasantly before turning and disappearing into the dance floor. Taemin stays and watches them for a few long moments after Jonghyun has lost them, then turns to face him.
He moves his hand to Jonghyun’s waist, a heavy if cold weight that draws Jonghyun a step closer. With his other hand he pushes Jonghyun’s hair away from his face, trails his fingers down to Jonghyun’s neck. His head tilts to either side, like he’s trying to see if they bit him or not. Jonghyun lifts his hand to cover Taemin’s.
“I’m fine,” he says. “They just. Caught me off guard.” A few more seconds and he wouldn’t have been fine, but. That didn’t happen, so he doesn’t need to worry about it. Taemin stays silent, mouth a little frown as he searches Jonghyun’s face. After another moment, he steps back and tugs gently on Jonghyun’s wrist.
“Let’s get out of here,” he mumbles. Jonghyun bites his lip. They’ve only been here for a little under an hour.
uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh moving day au when jongtae were smoochin and taem had a panic attack nd i changed it in the final cut to have taem figure it out himself
With his fingers playing with the hem of Taemin’s shirt, Taemin’s breathing quickens, his hips press minutely closer, his arms wrap fully around Jonghyun’s waist–and then he wrenches himself away, pulling their lips apart and turning his head to the side. Jonghyun sways, accidentally leaning too far forward now that there’s nothing holding him back, and opens his eyes, disoriented. Blinking the room blearily back into focus, he pouts at the loss of their kissing.
Taemin is leaning heavily on one hand, head down, eyes squeezed shut tight. His breaths are heavy and when he swallows it’s a struggle; Jonghyun immediately recognizes it as another panic attack instead of just being flustered and breathless. He shifts his hips back but leans forward, resting his weight on one hand on the mattress and running the fingers of his other gently through Taemin’s hair.
“Shhh,” he whispers. “It’s okay, you’re okay. You’re safe.” He presses his lips gently to Taemin’s temple through his guilt, nuzzling him and holding him close. He shouldn’t have pushed it that far. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs. “I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to. You’re okay. We can–”
“No, that’s not–” Taemin tugs Jonghyun even closer with the arm around his waist. He turns, not to face Jonghyun, but to bury his face in his chest, nuzzled up against his left boob. Jonghyun bites his lip as Taemin shakes against him. If it wasn’t him then he has no idea what it was. He hates these rare times where he doesn’t know what’s triggering Taemin’s anxiety. He does what he can do, which is pet his hair gently and make quiet, soothing noises until he’s ready to talk. Taemin holds him close, hands twisted in the back of his shirt and breaths hot against the front, for several long minutes.
“Tell--tell me,” he stammers eventually. “Tell me that the others don’t. H-hate me.”
“Oooohhh,” Jonghyun breathes. The realization fills him up in a big breath that he lets out when he tightens his arms around Taemin’s shoulders. “Taemin, of course they don’t hate you,” he says, the words coming out clearly but gently, the soothing tone that he’s perfected just for this. “You’re good,” he whispers. “Good and sweet. You’re not wasting their time. They wouldn’t be here if they didn’t want to help you. You’re good, you’re good, you’re good.”
“Nnngh,” Taemin groans. “They’ve. At first, but--I’ve--like an asshole, and--”
“Taemin.” Jonghyun pushes Taemin back gently, just far enough that he’s able to tilt his chin up and press soft, quick kisses to his lips. “You have not been acting like an asshole,” he says clearly. Taemin’s lips are shaky, slow, barely responsive but he still holds Jonghyun close and accepts the kisses. “You’re stressed,” Jonghyun tells him quietly. “You’re scared. You’re anxious. You’re tired.” He punctuates each little reassurance with a little kiss, spacing out Taemin’s breaths for him. “No one expected you to be all smiles and sunshine,” he says.
“And you deserve this little break in here,” he adds. “Cleanup is done. Packing is done. The video is done. All that’s left is for Minho to finish editing it, which they need to do alone. You’re good. You’re good, you’re wonderful.”
“Gwi loves any time that she gets to be with you and that she’s finally helping you leave,” he continues. “Minjunggie thinks you’re adorable and brave.” Jonghyun knows. They told him earlier when they were editing the video together.
stuff from a couple of kids??? that didnt work lmao
“Hey, um,” Kibum says after a minute. Taemin blinks slowly away from the doodle someone from another class drew on his desk and looks at his friend instead. Kibum is sliding his thick blue ring and and down his thumb in the same way he does before a big test. He notices Taemin looking and stops, fixing it back on his knuckle and pulling his bag forward instead. Taemin hums in question as Kibum rummages through his stuff for nothing.
“Do you wanna,” he says slowly. “Go shopping with me? On Sunday?” He lowers his voice a little like they’re not already talking quietly in the back of the classroom. Taemin tilts his head, confused.
“I thought we were already going to the mall with everyone on Saturday?” he asks. Kibum shakes his head, fingers playing subconsciously with his ring again.
“Not… at the mall,” he mumbles. Taemin thinks for just a second before it clicks.
“Oh,” he says. Not the mall. “Yeah. Sure.”
“I don’t wanna go alone,” Kibum says quickly, quietly, his cheeks going a little pink under his makeup. “But I can’t… you don’t mind?”
“No, yeah, it’s okay,” Taemin says. He gets it; he gets that he’s the only one that knows. He’ll go with Kibum to the store. He can get some of the cookies his dad always pretends like they don’t have for himself while Kibum gets whatever he needs.
“Alright, cool.” Kibum nods with a chill smile like they’d just agreed to go out for coffee. Taemin watches him scribble their plan down in his book. He probably could convince Kibum to get lunch at the little café across from the store. He’ll buy.
“We’re gonna have to do all of this again in like, a month,” Taemin mumbles after a minute. Kibum’s chest rises and falls in a slow sigh.
“Yeah,” he breathes. “But at least I’ll be at Jinki’s for the whole summer before his parents get back.” His voice is wistful, longing, tired, and relieved to have a steady home for such a long time. Taemin nuzzles his shirt in agreement. He knows that Kibum is still super anxious and guilty and fucked up about everything, but he’s letting his friends help. He’s accepting that his friends care about him and want to know about what he’s going through so they can make it easier on him, and he’s accepting that he deserves that slack.
“Is Jonghyun still trying to tell you that his mom will be your mom now?” Taemin asks, grinning when Kibum snorts and breathes little laughs into his hand.
“Yeah,” Kibum grins. “And I believe him, like, his mom is the best person I’ve ever met, but…. I don’t know, like. I’ll be eighteen like, two weeks into the school year. That’s close enough. And I might not even have to be eighteen to enroll myself, actually, I’ve been doing more research….” He trails off with a mumble, a troubled sigh. “Anyway,” he continues, “I’m kind of swearing off parents in general for now.” He shrugs the shoulder that isn’t under Taemin’s head. Taemin hums back in agreement. He knows.
Despite all of their better judgements, they’re not exactly telling any real adults about this. Sure, Jonghyun and Jinki are technically legal adults, but they’re not gonna suddenly know how to take care of everything once they graduate next month. They’re figuring this out on their own, for Kibum’s safety and comfort mostly. If Taemin has learned anything over the passed few months, it’s that one person can be extremely capable of living by themself. If Kibum can do it on his own, then the five of them can definitely do this together.
this was at the end of that onjongtae au where jongyu both wanted the other to be daddy so then they made taem daddy instead but then i didnt feel like putting it in
“On a scale of one to ten,” Taemin mumbles, pausing to press a quick kiss to both of their temples. “How sexy are we feeling?”
“Mmm, six, I guess,” Jinki hums. He’s not really looking for it, but he won’t say no if the pampering Taemin wants to give him comes in the form of a blowjob.
“Like, twenty,” Jonghyun says confidently. Jinki muffles a snort into Taemin’s shoulder. Holy shit. He lifts his head enough to catch the fond little kiss Taemin presses to Jonghyun’s mouth.
“Alright, well,” Taemin says. He pulls himself away from them and pats both of their butts. “You two honeys let me get ready and then we’ll eat breakfast.” He tugs his towel off of his shoulders and lumps it on top of his head to rub the last of the wetness out of his hair. “Crepes,” he says, giving Jinki a little hip bump on his way to the mirror. Jinki smiles wide and bubbly and bounces on his toes. Nice. His favorite. “And then I’ll eat you,” Taemin adds, throwing Jonghyun a little grin over his shoulder. Jonghyun flutters happily and reaches to stop Taemin from buttoning up his shirt.
“Both holes?” he asks, pressing up against Taemin’s back with a definite dip in his voice. Jinki snorts. Thirsty. Taemin rolls his eyes.
“You know I’m not good at dirty talk when I’m hungry,” he chides. Jonghyun pouts.
“Sorry, daddy,” he says quietly. Taemin ruffles his hair fondly and pushes him gently towards Jinki.
“Go start breakfast,” he tells them. “I’ll be out in a few.” He shoos them away with a little flap of his hand and a playful smile. Jinki nods easily and takes Jonghyun’s wrist, pulling him out of the room.
“Does he ever just pick one hole?” he asks conversationally as they bounce through the hallway. Taemin could spend hours down there with his head between their legs. Jinki can’t imagine that he wouldn’t switch back and forth every now and again. Jonghyun snorts, shakes his head.
“I just like to hear him say it,” he grins. Jinki rolls his eyes, but has to admit that he’s the same. He is going to spend the whole day fishing for compliments and praise and love every second of Taemin indulging him in it.
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shannaraisles · 7 years
Set In Darkness
Chapter: 53 Author name: ShannaraIsles Rating: M Warnings: None Summary: She’s a Modern Girl in Thedas, but it isn’t what she wanted. There’s a scary dose of reality as soon as she arrives. It isn’t her story. People get hurt here; people die here, and there’s no option to reload if you make a bad decision. So what’s stopping her from plunging head first into the Void at the drop of a hat?
"So ... I have a question."
Rory glanced up from her paperwork at the sound of Kaaras' curious voice. She was huddled next to the big hearth in the main hall, using the other end of Varric's table to get up to date on everything she needed to read and sign off on.
A heavy snow-storm had descended on Skyhold, burying the courtyard in drifts three feet deep, and that was nothing compared with what the storm had done outside the fortress. Skysend was virtually indistinguishable from the rest of the plateau from up here, the drifts so deep that people had taken to carving tunnels through them rather than trying to shovel the excess out of their way. Thankfully, they'd only had one patient in the tents that were still serving as the infirmary for the time being, and he had been relatively easy to move to the armory. There were plans to restore the roof of one of the outbuildings next to the tavern and turn it into a real infirmary, but for now, they were having to make do. No one was doing any manual work until the storm had passed over them.
With nothing else to do, and a firm insistence from everyone around her to stay indoors and not do anything silly, she'd given in and set to catching up on her paperwork, though there would invariably be more to do once contact was reestablished with the city and the world beyond it. She wasn't the only one who had sought refuge in the hall - Cullen was working at a table near the dais at the far end, since their bedroom was now inches deep in snow and the tower itself too cold to work in. Blackwall had fled the stables when it became clear that Master Dennet and his people were going to barricade the doors and wait out the storm, and was even now polishing his sword with his pouch of silks for that purpose. Cassandra, deprived of her usual spot in the upper courtyard, was absorbed in her book, re-reading Swords and Shields, Vol IV, for the umpteenth time. At the other end of the table Rory was sitting at, Varric was going over his correspondence, swearing quietly to himself every time he had to add a note or sign his name to something.
They were all stuck in here together for the foreseeable future, at least the next few hours, and until the roads cleared, there would be no venturing forth from Skyhold, either. Unfortunately, that also meant that the expected guests would not be arriving anytime soon. Despite the fact that no mention had been made of it, Rory knew Hawke was on his way, and Evelyn's family were due to arrive any day, too. With luck, both parties had found somewhere to hole up until the passes cleared. She didn't want to think about Evy's noble parents stuck in a tent in weather like this.
"A question about what?" she asked, setting her quill aside as Kaaras parked himself on a stool next to the fire.
He glanced cautiously at Varric, and lowered his voice further. "How do you woo someone?" he asked in a hoarse whisper.
Rory stared at him for a moment, her mind caught up in manifests and supply lists. Then the penny dropped. "You mean courting?" she ventured, needing a little clarification.
He nodded, his snapped horn catching the firelight. The truncated curl had healed nicely in the month or so since Haven had fallen, the horn itself slowly beginning to seal over the delicate tissues left open to the air. He wore that break with pride, too, a sign of what he had survived against the odds.
"She likes me," he murmured to her, inching closer until he was leaning on the table, his head bowed toward her own. "At least I think she does. She almost said so. But she doesn't think I can give her what she really wants. She says she wants the ideal, whatever that is, and something about flowers and poetry and candles ... What is that about?"
Wow, that conversation happened sooner than I was expecting it. But then, in the games, that conversation depended on the Inquisitor completing a silly amount of FedEx quests, in Rory's opinion, just to trigger the cutscene. It made sense that Cassandra might bite the bullet sooner in real life. Faced with this question, however, Rory found herself drawing a blank. She just didn't remember all the ins and outs of Cassandra's romance. More than half a year without a refresher in all things Dragon Age, and she was starting to forget the important things that were going to happen.
"Look," she said thoughtfully, taking Kaaras' marked hand in hers, absently testing the tender flesh of his palm with her fingertips. "You've read Swords and Shields, haven't you?"
He frowned, shaking his head. "Dorian said it was garbage," the Qunari Inquisitor admitted awkwardly.
Rory rolled her eyes. "Garbage or not, it's got all the ingredients of the romance Cassandra yearns for," she told her friend pointedly. "It's got the larger than life hero - that's you. It's got the damsel in distress - that's her, despite all evidence to the contrary. Cassandra wants to be swept off her feet, she wants to be romanced. So what she wants is for you to prove that she's worth all the embarrassment of recreating a fantasy for. She knows it isn't like that really, but it's still what she wants."
"But why want something that she knows is embarrassing?" Kaaras pressed, deeply confused by the female brain in his experience. "What's wrong with just admitting she likes me back?"
"I ... have no idea how to explain it to you," Rory admitted, frustrated with her own lack of creativity here. "Ask Josephine? She has a better handle on where you can get all the things you'll need, too. And besides, you're already on the right lines. When Varric finishes that chapter, you can give it to her, and she'll know you consider her someone worth making an effort for. Believe me, Kaaras, you're going to have to put work into proving to her that you're in this for the long haul. If you're not, back off now, while you still have your testicles intact."
He winced just at the thought of that, but the message seemed to have gotten through. "All right, so I should ask Josephine where to get all the ... romance stuff," he muttered, apparently filing this away in the back of his mind. "And you'll tell me what to do with it, right?"
"If you can't work it out for yourself, of course I will," she promised, turning her eyes down to the glowing green scar on his palm.
Her brows knitted together worriedly - it was noticeably longer than it had been when he'd first fallen from the Fade, though not by more than half an inch. But still ... the Anchor was growing. That was more than enough to worry her, even without knowing where that growth would eventually take him. She seriously hoped that Solas was slightly less of a dick in real life than he was in the games. Maybe Fen'Harel would let his friend keep the arm, if it was possible. She hoped it was possible. Her fingertips stroked gently along the raised mark.
"Is it still hurting you?" she asked softly.
Kaaras' frown changed from confusion to annoyance as he shook his head. "Not so much anymore," he assured her quietly, his eyes on the tracing touch of her fingertips. "It flares up near rifts, and near those Veil artifact things Solas wanted us to activate, but I wouldn't say it hurts anymore. Maybe I'm just used to it."
"Maybe," Rory mused thoughtfully. "Still using the ointment?"
He fidgeted awkwardly. "I, um ... I ran out, in the Fallow Mire," he confessed with a guilty cast to his expression. "And then Haven was attacked, and you've been very busy, Ror."
"Kaaras ..." She sighed, rolling her eyes at him. "This is my job. You're not taking up my time needlessly when you have a need for what I can do. I'll get you some more of the ointment. The least I can do to help is keep that scar from splitting with all the rough handling it gets."
"Thanks, Ror."
It was strange, to see that boyish smile in a face that was already carrying more burdens than it had when they'd first met. But Kaaras was a good man - better than many - and he deserved some relief from those burdens. She hoped he would follow through on his courtship of Cassandra. They both needed a way to relieve their tensions, and doing it together would be a load off everyone's mind. With both warriors currently trapped inside with little room to spar, their ability to get annoyed was ramped up to incalculable levels.
"So, Varric ..." Kaaras raised his head, leaning along the length of the table to prod the dwarf in the shoulder. "Is your bird coming, or what?"
Varric winced, rubbing his shoulder. "Say it a little louder, I don't think Cassandra heard you," he complained, glancing toward the Seeker. Rory couldn't blame him - that relationship was a little more antagonistic than she had really expected it to be. "He's coming, all right? With friends, in case someone around here decides to arrest him."
Rory felt her interest suddenly peak. Hawke is bringing friends with him? Which friends? She let her ability to eavesdrop fade as she considered this question, ostensibly studying the page in front of her. Probably not Aveline, she's busy keeping Kirkwall under control. Sebastian's the Prince of Starkhaven, so he doesn't have the leisure to come along. Isabela's got a ship; I don't even know if Carver's alive; Anders is definitely dead. So ... oh, good grief. She had to hastily turn a laugh into an extended coughing fit. Merrill and Fenris. Oh, joy. It would be a miracle if Skyhold was still standing after that visit.
Her coughing, however, drew the attention of her husband from the other end of the room. Abandoning his work, Cullen took the length of the hall in just a few strides, snatching up a cup of water as he passed the longer table where the nobles were passing the time. Dropping to his knee beside Rory, he laid his hand gently at her back.
"Easy, sweeting," he murmured to her, apparently unconcerned that Kaaras and Varric had a first-rate view of his caring for his wife. "Breathe."
Blushing in embarrassment at how badly her cover-up was backfiring on her, Rory did as she was told, letting him guide her into sipping the water slowly. "I'm fine, really," she promised. "Honestly, something got caught in my throat, that's all."
He searched her eyes, a vague hint in his expression that he had noticed her deception but didn't quite understand why she wasn't being truthful. She smiled, leaning forward to brush her lips against his cheek, murmuring to him as she did so.
"I had a thought about Hawke," she told him in a tone carefully calculated for his ears alone. "I'll tell you later."
As she drew back, she saw the comprehension in Cullen's eyes, the suspicion fading as he stroked the flyaway hairs from her brow. "The sooner we get that roof fixed, the better," he admitted reluctantly. "I am not looking forward to bedding down in here with everyone else tonight."
"Oh, Curly, you're going to break my heart," Varric drawled, unable to let that go by without comment. "We're as much a part of your marriage as you are. We should get to experience everything with you."
"Yeah, we're not going to give you anything like that to write about," Rory interjected with a low laugh. The thought of even attempting to discreetly fuck her husband when they were sharing the main hall with a good third of Skyhold's population was, oddly enough, non-conducive to the creation of arousal.
"Not even a few sounds, so I can get it just right?" the dwarven storyteller teased.
Cullen scowled at him. "My wife is not fodder for your books, Varric," he pointed out sternly.
"Oh, give it up, Curly," Varric chuckled. "I've been writing about you two since it began. Just haven't published it yet."
"And you won't," Cullen told him, somehow managing to forget the cardinal rule when talking to Varric Tethras - never tell him he can't do something.
"And I might not, if something better comes along," was the dwarf's only concession to the commander's flaring temper.
Rory laid her hands gently over Cullen's. "Something better will come along," she promised her husband, raising a brow at Varric pointedly. "If someone gets on with his part of the deal."
"I'm working on it," Varric protested easily, glancing up at Kaaras, who was reading his manuscript over his shoulder. "Thought you didn't like romances, Beanstalk?"
The Inquisitor shrugged. "I might learn to like them?"
"Uh-huh. And the Seeker might learn not to believe everything I say," Varric grinned back at him, nudging the big man away from his elbow.
"Maybe if you were a little nicer to her, she'd be a little nicer to you," Kaaras pointed out, making Rory smile with how easily he came to Cassandra's defense.
She wasn't going to intercede in this conversation, though, even if someone offered to pay her. She liked everyone involved; she didn't really want any of them to decide they didn't like her, just because she defended the wrong person at the wrong time. Instead, she looked to Cullen, still on his knee beside her.
"I promise, I'm fine, love," she assured him. "Coughing a little does not make me an invalid. All right?"
"Take a break soon," he told her, drawing his gloved thumb over her cheekbone tenderly. "You've been at this table too long."
She raised a brow in amused indignation. "Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black, somewhat?"
Cullen rolled his eyes at her, rubbing his neck as he rose to his feet. "I am supposed to be joining Dorian in the library in a short while," he informed her. "I believe you should come with me."
"Oh, all right," she conceded with teasing reluctance. With the storm blowing outside, there were very few places she could go, anyway. "Only if I get to curl up in his comfy chair and read while you're both discussing the finer points of Tevinter literature."
The secret beauty of his hidden smile warmed whiskey-lit eyes as he looked down at her, squeezing her hand affectionately. "I look forward to the image that will present," he told her, as much a promise to make certain Dorian gave up that armchair of his for a little while as anything else he might have said.
As Cullen strode away, returning to his temporary desk and Rylen swearing over whatever it was he was reading, Kaaras grinned at Rory. "And that isn't romance, huh?" he asked in amusement.
"Not the way you need to know it, no," she told him with a low laugh of her own. "Go and ask Dorian to find you some reference books, you big baby. Then you can go and read with her."
"I might just do that." The Qunari rose to his feet, bending almost double to pat her midriff affectionately. "See you later, baby."
Varric caught Rory's resigned glance. "Let me guess ... he talks more to the baby than to you," he smirked, laughing out loud at the mild scowl he got in return.
"Anyone would think it was his," she admitted, her mood brightening as the dwarf's laughter died. "Mind you, in this place, I need never worry if the kid wanders off. You're all more excited about this than I am."
"Oh, I'm not," Varric assured her. "I'll read to it, but that's about it. I don't do babies."
"You know, that's actually pretty encouraging." Rory laughed softly, nodding to him as she picked up her quill once again. At least there was someone here who didn't look at her and instantly imagine the baby. She had a feeling that tendency was only going to get worse as the months went on.
And if she'd worked it out correctly ... she was going to give birth around the same time as the Inquisition laid siege to Adamant. Oh, yeah. Great timing, Rory.
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hoetron · 7 years
okay christ i got tagged in htis massive tag game by @mothable but i love a good ol challenge lets do this buckfucks
a. NAME AND PRONOUNS: Rae, she/her
b. AGE (and birthday!): 13, Aug 28th :3c im a fucking fetus ny’all
c. SEXUALITY: am i bi? am i lesbian? am i just craving existential death 24/7? i dont fucking know a thing my guy
d. GENDER: cis female hooooh
f. FAVORITE AESTHETIC: pastel colours and really nice fashion i guess..??? (also smoking is kind of aesthetic eyes emoji eyes emoji)
TRIGGERS/MENTAL ILLNESSES: i’m not actually sure :x
1. DRINK: salt water hah normal water is for the WEAK (dont drink salt water please im begging y
2. PHONE CALL: my brother asking what kind of pizza i wanted
3. TEXT MESSAGE: “:3c” im such a fufcking furry...fuckck,,,,
4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: Daydream warriors by Aquors listen nyall im reconnecting with my hidden buried weebass side of me okay im crying
5. THE TIME YOU CRIED: i dont actually remember? probably like last year unless you count me having tears from laughing too hard as cryng then thats yesterday during the meme aka now called lightning mcqueen server
7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: dont think ive ever kissed someone thats not my family before im #Pure
8. BEEN CHEATED ON: nope lmao
9. LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: my grandfather i guess? but he died when i was really young so at that time i didnt really undersyand the feeling of loss and mourn so ksdjfk but we had some goodass memories together
10. BEEN DEPRESSED: they ask you how you are and you just have to say that you’re fine when you’re not really fine but you just cant get into it because they would never understa
11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: im severely underaged please
12. red
13. yellow
14. either black or lavendar,,
17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: okay im known as the most giggly person in class i laugh so easily that i easily have tears over everything
18. FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: nahh dont think i wanna know if its like in a bad way :x
20. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE: ya :,) (Thanks em, lily, mae and imogen for making this year truly greater than last year and for being the best friends i could ever ask for)
21. KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: facebook is dead to me
22. HOW MANY OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: serious facebook is dead to me i roasted above the flames of negligence (also because i have like two facebook accounts one using my pesonal email and the other using my more general email , the one using my more general email keeps recommending to me my OWN personal account and its personally so hilarious)
23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: a cat called lucky! (i love him even though im p sure he hates me)
24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: i guess my irl name uhhh im 50-50 with it? but granted on the internet i waaay prefer using the name Rae over my irl one because its short and simple and nice-
25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOU LAST BIRTHDAY: just want to a chinese resturant with my fam and my uncle because we’re simple that way and like. back then i didnt had that much friends so uh l m a o (but vidhi gave me a nerf gun so that was Really Cool and i love her)
26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP TODAY: 9 oclocK BECAUSE A HOUSING AGENT WAS COMING OVER (but then i fell back to sleep and woke up at 12 so lmao)
27. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: watching a video on why ‘anime art isnt technically allowed in art school’ because i was just curious and then drawing 
29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: an hour ago lmao shes like just outside my room 
30. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE: sighs my shyness and social anxiety and awkwardness (all three of those are counted in a pack right? the pack of “socially inept” people)
31. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: daydream warriors... by aquors..... (listen im RECONNECTING with my weeb side like said above im actually weeping)
33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: i havent brushed my teeth yet but im lazy to move my legs lmao
34. MOLE(S): um quite a lot like a few small ones on my arm and like one on my face below my right eye and theres one underneath my boob i think lmao tmi and the rest i cant be bothered to find
35. MARK(S): a kind of burnt scar mark on my left shoulder from like 6/7 years ago when i got too close to someone smoking and their cigarette burnt me oh and a scar on my knee from the time i fell off my bike while playing bike catching in the neighbourhood with a couple of other friends like 4 years ago?
36. CHILDHOOD DREAM: vet (now im eh about that tho im probably just going to pursue some art career)
37. HAIR COLOR: brown eyy
39. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: yeah. hopefully its dying down now especially since the person is straight (its hard when she sits next to you in class and you guys are sort of friends now and u somehow feel really satisfied when you make her laugh :,) shit )
40. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: im generally kind with people regardless of whether or not i dont like them or i dont know them well or i know them i guess? (at least in my group of friends im probably the most willing to socialise with others) and uhhhh i guess i can make people laugh? im a huge fucking loser meme nyall
41. PIERCINGS: none and personally dont really want to 
42. BLOODTYPE: shit  i think it was either a B or an O i cant remember (i think its B tho)
43. NICKNAME(S): maggie, migi, bela, bob, bobbo
44. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single pringle 
45. ZODIAC: virgo
46. PRONOUNS: she/her (lmao yay for repeated question)
47. FAVORITE TV SHOW: fuckngin,,, voltron,,, (probably going to stay my favourite for a long while tho)
48. TATTOOS: none atm (unless you count waterbase tattos then yes stick all the water based tattos on me) but like when im Much Older maybe? just a really small tattoo tho not anything big that covers an entire limb
50. SURGERY: had a surgery on my foot forgot which side when i was in kindergarten because the skin was *censored for tmi* and yah stitching up your skin fucking hurt babes
51. HAIR DYED A DIFFERENT COLOR: nahhh i dont think id dye my hair tho who knows
52. SPORT: im probably going to retake up basketball again eyes emoji eyes emoji
53. VACATION: ooMMF nothing planned so far
54. PAIR OF TRAINERS: like uhhh what kind of sneakers?? just normal canvas sneakers i guess????? im, what.
57. I’M ABOUT TO: complete this fucking 88  questions then chat on discord and scroll tumblr and tell myself “hey finish up your art!” but then 5 hours later im still scrolling tumblr. oh and im watching wonder woman later so :3c
58. WAITING FOR: nothing atm i guess?
59. WANT: my family’s financial situation to be solved and so that money isnt going to be a huge bother anymore...
60. GET MARRIED: sounds nice but probably only marriage idk the idea of kids doesnt really sound v appealing atm
61. CAREER: artist! (i wanna either work in a game development team or an animation studio eyes emoji ) 
63. LIPS OR EYES: lips erally nice to draw really nice to look at
64. SHORTER OR TALLER: buhhh im short so i guess taller would be nice (tall people have such nice legs too im frankly a little jealous)
65. OLDER OR YOUNGER: what is this in regards to
67. SENSITIVE OR LOUD: shrug emoji idk man
68. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: relationship
69. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: troublemaker pardnyars in crime amirite
72. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: yeah p sure i had to go through a whole day of school half blind once without my glasses
75. BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: dont think so?
76. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN: nah babes
78. CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED: somehow when someone dies i decide to laugh instead of breaking down in tears i guess laugh away the pain?
79. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: ...shit its a bad idea babes dont do it
80. YOURSELF: shrug emoji
81. MIRACLES: sometimes? sometimes no?
82. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: even bigger shrug emoji
83. SANTA CLAUS: nah lmao listen i caught my father and mother wheeling in bicycles for my sister and i when i was like what 8? usually i just played along because hey i was a child
84. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: ehh depends i guess
85. ANGELS: not really lmao
86. CURRENT BEST FRIENDS NAME(S): Emily, Mae Shuen and Lily
87. EYECOLOR: dark brown?
88. FAVORITE MOVIE: this changes all the time
only tagging uhhh @pluminkdot (KASJD I FORGOT IF YOU HAD A MAIN REBLOG ACC IM SORRY RACH), @jaspereffect , @blabrabs / @spaceboomerang (it isnt letting me tag ur main boomers skldfjksd) and uh im too lazy for the rest
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