#sunday six meme
sparklepocalypse · 2 months
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Thanks to @oxfordslutphase, @piratefalls, @captainjunglegym, @bigassbowlingballhead, @cha-melodius, @duchessdepolignaca03, @kiwiana-writes, @magicandarchery, @suseagull04, @violetbaudelaire-quagmire, @priincebutt, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, and @getmehighonmagic for the tags today! (Phew, that's a list!) My tag is open, because most of the people I'd normally cold-call tagged me themselves today. 🤣
Today, you get some sibling banter from Facing Tempests:
Henry strides after her. “Beatrice Anne Sophia Caroline—” he mutters as his sister rushes around the kitchen table to put a barrier between himself and her. “Not the middle names!” she cries, her tone mirthful. “You know I’m only teasing because I love you, Henry George Edward James. I’m happy for you. Truly.”
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cannibal-nightmares · 1 month
Six Seven Sentence Sunday
Tagged by @takeyourcyanide, natürlich,, Time for six seven sentences from a WIP B)
"Death, it's hot." The stoic didn't reply. Spirit knew Stein hated humoring complaining, but the former loved to make noise, anyways. He hummed with refocus once he actually took note of the room, his roommate’s unclothed back starting to glimmer with sweat. "Although, maybe they can take a bit longer on fixing the A/C if it means it keeps you out of your clothes." Stein barely turned to the redhead in the swiveling chair, revealing a sort of DIY contraption of a holed bucket and a fan in his lap. “I’m working on it.”
I love being a tease. This snippet says nothing about the actual fic. It's also from a piece I've only barely and vaguely mentioned to one person.
UMM @midnightcaptions TAG YOU'RE IT. Also anyone who reads this. I am tagging you with my laser eyes.
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passthroughtime · 16 days
sunday six (but i don't write anything beside kuwagami)
@jichanxo @four-white-trees @overdevelopedglasses @mike----wazowski
i'm getting my groove back with chapter 5 and don't really want to distract myself with something else, so this week's kuwagami is the ever-changing edition
He got to know. He had to figure out what to do to help Kuwana. Even though the best help he could possibly provide now would be to step away, Yagami wasn’t about to do that. He wasn’t good at that. And if he didn’t do something, then… It was proven time and time again that he couldn’t ever leave anything in Kuwana’s hands.
Out of the two of them, Kuwana was the most prone to fucking up. He was reckless. He was used to taking risks. He wasn’t concerned about his safety— about his life.
Yagami had to do everything for him. How irritating it was, that he cared about Kuwana more than Kuwana cared about himself. He had no right, no capacity to deal with it on his own. How couldn’t he understand? How could Yagami possibly step down and let everything run its course, trusting Kuwana to follow sound judgment? He had none. Yagami knew that better than anyone, and because of that, he had to make sure Kuwana hadn’t done anything stupid and was staying away from further trouble.
If it came to it, Yagami would even risk his life and safety; wouldn’t be the first time, right? He never promised Kuwana that he wouldn’t, and Kuwana had to know him better than to hope his plea was listened to. He should’ve already come to realize just how stubborn and unruly Yagami was… unless he didn’t know him at all.
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overdevelopedglasses · 7 months
Sunday Six time!
My Sunday is very hectic today, hence the early post, and I was worried I wouldn't have much to share bc of finals week, but a 4 hour road trip pulled through!
A lot of fics got released this week by the conglomerate (including mine!), and I need to read them (only got to 2, iirc) but I'm sure they're all great!
Speaking of, the usual peeps are getting tags: @carbonatedcalcium @fire-tempers-steel @passthroughtime @woundedheartwithin @mike----wazowski @four-white-trees and @skysquid22
If you see this, you write RGG stuff (or even if you don't!) + you want to be included, tag me in your post and I'll throw you in the tags next week!
Got some more Survive!Mine food for all of you guys (hey @lordichamo come see your son), with a fun annoucement: it's a multi-chaptered fic now! (My first one too oh good god) Either all chapters will (essentially) release at once this week, or they'll come out day by day. One of the two.
With that, here's a bit from Chapter 1!
Using the differing pieces of furniture strewn at various points of the room, Mine makes his way to the large yet still pretty empty closet. He puts on a faded maroon shirt, buttoning the buttons one by one, and grabs a sky blue tie. It would be a bit too bright of a shade for him to enjoy normally, but he's grown to like it. He slips on a pair of jeans that aren't too tight, a black vest, and slides his black sneakers on. He shuffles to the door, grabbing his support canes and descends down the stairs.
He rounds the corner and enters the main space of Survive proper. Kashiwagi waves at him from behind the bar. 
“You really should try the hair-down look one day. I think it'd suit you, and it'd help to change things up once in a while.”
Mine blows a strand of said hair out of his face in lieu of a vocal response. He had been meaning to get his hair cut, but he wasn't in the state to get to the hair salon, nor did either of them own a vehicle.
“Maybe one day. I'm going to get cleaned up in the meantime.”
Kashiwagi chuckles at his response.
“Suit yourself. Don't trip on your way there.”
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thetimemoves · 5 months
Six(ish) Sentence Sunday
I have enough WIPs to be going on with, but last night I had a sudden vision of Sherlock and John on New Year's Eve, immediately after their first time together. Zero plot, but (hopefully) plenty of feels and maybe a few laughs. I initially meant for this to be a 221b ficlet, but it has grown a tiny bit longer. Here are six(ish) unedited sentences that may or may not make the final cut:
“Ugh, John.” Sherlock took stock of his naked body, which glistened in the reflection of the fairy lights strung about the room. He was sweaty and his chest was splattered with semen. He was too hot, too sticky, and his body ached in places he’d all but forgotten about. “Gross.” It was disgusting. It was perfect. Transcendent, even. Scrunched in next to him on the sofa, the source of said transcendence (and much of the stickiness) snorted.
I plan to post this by NYE (of this year, natch). What are you all working on? I'd love to see any snippets you're willing to share. @discordantwords @the-sign-of-tea @fuckyeahfightlock @raina-at @lololollywrites @viridiandecisions @helloliriels and anyone else who'd like to share!
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lilolilyr · 28 days
Six Sentence Sunday Monday Tuesday!
Tagged by @lesbianlotties - neither of us is very good at doing these at the assigned day huh? xD thanks for the tag! Also absolutely feel tagged in the other tagging memes I did recently, I'm bad at remembering who I've tagged and haven't tagged in stuff and I worry about tagging ppl twice and forgetting other ppls urls adsfg
Ava wants to turn over and bury her head under the pillow, but instead she almost rolls off the bed, and then there's the not unfamiliar vertigo of realizing that you haven't been awake after all, because apparently she only just woke up now, she's way closer to the edge of the bed than she had thought, it's already light out, and oh shit is that someone quite insistently knocking on her door? Well, at least she doesn't actually have a hangover.
"Coming, coming!" Ava shouts, stumbling out of bed and hitting her leg on the bedpost. Cursing, she pulls on a robe because she tends to sleep naked and while she wouldn't care about a postmates or amazon delivery guy getting a peek, she didn't order anything, has no idea who might be at the door, and if it's work then she should be at least somewhat covered up.
And if she has never owned robes like this before living in Vegas, well, it's just that she's come to appreciate the practical aspects of how comfortable they are and easy they are to throw on, it has absolutely nothing to do with it making her think of Deborah.
That two out of three robes are QVC merch is also totally a coincidence.
@emeraldorchids I'm still trying to write that drunk calling Jimmy fic I promised, the set-up just always keeps getting out of hand xD but maybe this will be it! I'm trying to finish this part today tho bc I saw the may trope mayhem prompt for today is 'tending to injuries' or sth and I got inspired to add that into it, so maybe I'll split the fic into parts again o.o
This is also gonna be a follow-up to the ficlet @wilfriede made a podfic of btw!
Tagging everyone mentioned above and @imagitory @smittyjaws @purlturtle @batnbreakfast @xvnot15 @squishmittenficfan @amysnotdeadyet @dkc2017
Finished Avorah fic by me
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starrysnowdrop · 1 year
Six Sentence Sunday
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I was tagged once again by @ainyan, so thank you so very much!!! 💖
This time, I have a tease. It’s still unnamed and it’s only a bit of dialogue, but maybe this snippet speaks for itself. 😏
Oh and open tag! If you have a WIP snippet you want to share, feel free to tag me so I can read it in turn! Just say I tagged you, it’s okay.
Now, I hope you enjoy!
“Hali? I thought you had left for Sharlayan already. You alright?”
“No… I’m not alright. And I know you aren’t either. But I need to drop all pretense, because…”
“Pretense? Hali, what do you mean?”
“I can’t go on like this! I am tired, so godsdamned tired of pretending like I have it all together, and nothing bothers me, and that I’m not dying inside! I can’t do this anymore! I can’t keep pretending that I’m okay with going on just being your friend, because the fact is… I’m not.”
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storyknitter · 7 months
Six Sentence Sunday/Heads Up Seven-Up
Tagged by @starknstarwars and @commander-krios (and a handful of others that are so far back in my notes, they're near-impossible to find - I'm sorry!) for these fic-sharing memes. Please consider yourself tagged if you see this!
Since "Shan-anigans" came in second place in this poll, I'll share the last bit that I wrote of it! It's more than 6-7 sentences, but we'll consider it interest earned ;) This is set in approximately 40ATC in some nebulous SWTOR future where Sanna & Theron are still happily married but mostly RETIRED FFS, Amareesa is about 13 years old, and their youngest Lucca, is training to be a Jedi. The basic plot? Sanna's diplomatic meeting goes sideways and Theron rushes off to rescue her -- while Reesie tags along to help, unbeknownst to Theron at first. Then they team up, hence... Shan-anigans :D
“Are you ready?” 
The question, asked in a crisp Imperial accent, startled Reesie and she whipped around to find a man in uniform, hands clasped behind his back and posture impeccable. She reached for the dirk attached to her belt and froze as the man began to chuckle. Her mouth dropped open in recognition.
“Dad?” she hissed and he grinned, spreading his arms wide.
“What do you think: do I pass muster?” His regular speech pattern was back, thank the stars.
She took a moment, inspecting his cover: The brimmed, military-style hat hid most of his implants and hair, though a small amount of salt-and-pepper peeked out at his temples. The jacket fit snugly across his shoulders, belted at the waist, and the starched collar of the shirt underneath seemed determined to strangle him. The boots were shiny and looked like they’d pinch his toes.
“It looks uncomfortable.”
It also looked nothing like what he usually wore and it was weird.
“Unfortunately,” he said, tugging at the collar with a grimace, “it is uncomfortable, but I’ll blend in.” He gestured to the pins on the front left panel of the jacket. “High enough rank to not be questioned at every corner, but not high enough to draw too much attention.”
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coolpointsetta · 9 months
~ six sentence sunday ~
“Come on, granddad. We have to discuss the terms and conditions of our friendship.” Jamie cackles as Roy flashes him an indignant look.
“Friendships aren’t supposed to come with conditions. The fuck happened to unconditional love and shit?”
Jamie pretends to squeal, batting his eyelashes and fanning his face like some obsessed fangirl. “Roy, did you just admit you love me?! Gosh, that fast?”
Roy flips him off with both hands, though he sighs and exits the kitchen anyway, making his way back towards the living room once again.
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cinderstorm · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday (er . . . Wednesday?)
Tagged by @tarydarrington this week~ 
Rules: Every Sunday, share six sentences of your current WIP and tag six friends. Sunday is only a suggestion--please post your own any time of the week!
Here’s a snippet of an upcoming chapter for A Tapestry of Stars (yes, I am still working on it; no, it’s not finished yet). Enjoy~
“And you’re certain this is all right?” Caleb asked more than once, worried Essek was compartmentalizing too well. “You are not ignoring your own well-being out of some sense of obligation or, or—”
“My heart isn’t made of glass,” Essek sniped, ears flicking dismissively. “Adeen’s callous handling might have bruised it, but hearts are resilient things. Given sufficient time and care, they heal as well as any wound.” Then, softer, he added, “You should know; you’re the one who showed me they could be mended at all.”
I don’t know a ton of people well enough to tag them, so I’ll just throw a no-obligation tag to @glitter-garbage @imalsoscarlet and @professor-rye
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sparklepocalypse · 4 months
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Thanks to @wordsofhoneydew, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @kiwiana-writes, @orchidscript, @nocoastposts, and @magicandarchery for the tags today! My tag is open as always, but I'm cold calling @duchessdepolignaca03, @whimsymanaged, @ninzied, @cha-melodius, @affectionatelyrs, @firenati0n, and @anincompletelist as I haven't seen anything on my dash from you fine folks yet today (and I even checked your blogs like a creeper before I tagged you).
Today's six sentences from Facing Tempests give you a glimpse at the less-adorable tone of the plotty bits of this beast of a story, which has now caused me to open a second Google Doc because my browser kept threatening to defenestrate itself when I tried to edit the 100+ page document that contained the first chonk of this ficasaurus.
He’s pulled from his musings on protocol and obliterated pastry when the King abruptly strides across the room to him and tugs Henry into a crushing hug. Henry can count on one hand the number of times, outside of holidays, that his grandfather has offered more than a polite shoulder pat since he’s reached adulthood, and only belatedly realizes that he should be hugging the King back. His face is squashed against the fine material of the King’s double-breasted jacket, and as he returns the embrace, Henry turns his head slightly to allow himself to breathe. The King steps back from the hug eventually, taking hold of Henry’s shoulders, and looks him over with a critical, but not unkind, eye. The expected shoulder pat comes then, and King James turns to take a seat, gesturing for Henry to follow suit. “My boy,” the King says again, his voice more steady, “I am so dreadfully sorry.”
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cannibal-nightmares · 2 months
Meven Mentence Monday
uhhh I'm late Seven Sentence Sunday tag from @bcbdrums ^^ Except it's monday. I'd queue it, but it will take up RAM in my head. Is it supposed to be six sentences from a WIP? I saw "six" listed in the tags haha. and er [insert debate here as to whether dialogue and the sentence before/after it is one sentence] Well, here ya are, a snippet from "Constancy:"
Abarn couldn't help his kicked-puppy look catching the heavy bō pole tossed to him. He twirled it once in his fingers and held a sigh. "It's not quite the same as practicing with your partner..." Spirit remarked cautiously disappointed. Stein took off his gloves and extended a gentle honest hand mismatching his blank and observing face. "You don't think so?" A slight hesitation, and the older boy returned the gesture, soft fingers meeting a calloused palm, his image waving into a formless streak of light until he reformed into a staff. A snap into Stein's grip, Spirit's slight gasp was involuntarily from his newfound weightlessness within the practiced dexterity of his meister...
@takeyourcyanide @mellancholy-morose A tag if you want, no pressure ^^; I'm personally not one for abiding to internet tag meme rules, so post on Sunday or post otherwise, I'm not your dad. Anyone reading this, feel free to take a stab at it.
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
Sunday Six 9.25.22
Ya'll, I promise I have neither forgotten nor abandoned my series, so I thought an update was in order to prove it lol. I know I've done a lot of one shots, drabbles, asks and prompt challenges lately, so the main stories haven't been updated in a hot minute. I promise, they are coming! (So forgive me when I post something else new later today or tomorrow hahaha)
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As always, spoilers are under the cut:
Bad Parenting Chapter 2:
Leo woke to the smell of coffee and bacon and the sounds of dishes clattering, children laughing and people talking. He climbed out of bed, hurried through teeth brushing and the relieving of his bladder then wandered down the hallway and into the great room where the open floor plan meant that the living room, dining room and kitchen basically faded into each other.
Max was standing in the kitchen, pulling homemade muffins out of the oven. “Good morning, Leo! Want a muffin? I made blueberry, cranberry, chocolate chip and banana nut. You can have one of each if you want!”
The muffin tin in Max’s oven mitted hand clattered to one of the stone countertops as he lowered it onto a cooling rack.
The kitchen had exploded with activity. It was alive with noise and activity.
Eidolon Chapter 3:
“Maybe.” Liam said doubtfully, “Even you admitted it was creepy in here.”
“It was.” Drake replied glancing around, “But it seems better now.”
The windows had been cleaned, electric light had been run in, the floors were drier and the wall holding the body had been demolished, all things that could account for improving the overall vibe of the room. But Liam was convinced it was something else. The absence of something.
Where had she gone?
Savage Love Chapter 24:
I turned my head from one to the other noting that both men had scooted closer to me. Liam’s leg was pressed against my left, Drake’s against my right.
The back seat suddenly seemed smaller. I kept my hands clasped tightly in my lap in front of me, afraid to reach for either one of them. But I wondered what would happen if I did.
Star Crossed Chapter 10:
I know what happens in the next chapter, pretty much all of it. It’s in my head, just not down on paper yet.
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overdevelopedglasses · 7 months
Tojoctober Day 26 - Salt
(Comin' out here to chase off enemies)
Title is from “My Own Style”, a fight theme in Judgment
While out on a case for Yagami, Kaito gets himself in a bit of a jam. A mysterious figure helps him out.
(no spoilers, takes place post Judgment though)
“Hey, you! Don’t ignore us!” one of the punks said, banging an iron pipe against his hand, in an attempt at intimidation.
Kaito looks up from his phone, thumb hitting the send button on his text of ~May be a bit tied up. Back me up?~ to Yagami.
“Huh? Talkin’ to me?” Kaito says, hoping to dissuade the situation entirely. 
“We know all about you, Kaito. You better watch yourself. The Green Tide is going to be the hot new thing, and you’re gonna want in early.”
“If you already know me… then you should know my answer is.” Kaito snarls, fists tightening at his sides. Who the hell are these assholes? Kaito asked himself.
The punk laughs. “HA! You really think you can take all of us on? C’mon boys, let’s get him!”
Kaito runs up to the punk at the front of the pack and wrestles the weapon out of their hands, tossing it aside.
“HA! Now you can really fight me.” Kaito taunts, adrenaline beginning to spike through him.
The thug punches Kaito in the stomach, barely hurting him. He laughs again.
“You might want to stop laughing…” The thug says, pushing Kaito into the wall. As Kaito pushes himself off, he realizes he is surrounded by them, and his back is forced against the wall. The thug barely put a dent in him yes, but he’s vastly outnumbered now. Even he knows when a situation is doomed.
Well, shit. This doesn’t look good…
He hears a punk way near the entrance of the alley scream.
“Now, this doesn’t look very fair, does it?”
Kaito hears someone speak, and a second punk falls to the ground. 
“Woah… wait a minute, that’s aaaaaaa!”
A third thug is cut off mid sentence, as they fall to the ground with a whimper, and Kaito can now fully see his savior as he breaches the front lines and faces Kaito fully. A behemoth of a man, right at Kaito’s height, he looks like he belongs in the military with his buzz cut and clothes. But Kaito gets a weird feeling… he’s seen him somewhere before. 
“Are ya gonna help out?”
Kaito blinks, and realizes he’s being addressed now. He pushes himself off of the wall.
“Uh, yeah? Ha! You guys really messed up now!”
Kaito turns his back to the man, holding his fists up, now properly ready for a fight.
The punks begin to fly in, and Kaito, along with his new helper, clean up easily. Kaito does find himself a bit envious, however, at the ease this man takes out the thugs, swinging them around like they are toys. The battle quickly draws to an end, with Kaito and his helper standing back to back. Kaito, breathing heavily, turns to face the other man at the same time he turns around, the two of them making eye contact.
“Yer not a bad fighter at all. If there were less of em, ya wouldn’t have needed me. What’s yer name?” the man asks, cocking an eyebrow.
Kaito puts on his trademark grin. “Kaito. I’m an investigator at the Yagami Detective Agency.” He puts his hand in his pocket, and internally curses, realizing he didn’t have any of the business cards Yagami made for him. He sees the man cock his head slightly before responding.
“Kaito-san. I’m Saejima. Ya have any idea what those guys wanted?” Saejima gestures to the men that laid groaning all around them.
“Well, whoever they were, they seemed to know me, and then got salty when I refused to join up with them.” Kaito surmises.
“Right.” Saejima nods, stepping over the bodies, and waving a hand to beckon Kaito out of the alley. “It’s probably best if we don’t hang around here too long.”
“Yeah.” Kaito and Saejima come out onto Nakamichi Street, the bustle of the city seemingly unaware of their altercation. They begin to walk towards the Millennium Tower, as Saejima speaks up.
“From the looks of it… yer ex-yakuza?”
Kaito nods, aware that lying to someone who could have a decent chance at pummeling him was a bad idea. “Ex-Tojo, Matsugane Family.”
“Matsugane, huh? Interesting. One of the lower families. Haven’t met too many of their members, but heard the patriarch is a good fellow.”
“How would you know?” Kaito asks, holding back on any snide remarks or accuracy comments. He blames the second instinct of correction on Yagami, who’s lawyer instincts seemed to be rubbing off on him.
Saejima laughs, “Let’s just say I’m pretty knowledgeable on the workings of the Tojo.”
“I’d say… hey, there’s the agency!” Kaito points up at the window of the Yagami Detective Agency. He sees the light isn’t on, meaning his partner was wandering around the streets. Probably getting into trouble himself, since Kaito had no idea where he was.
“Huh, now that ya mention it… wasn’t that Yagami guy in the news recently? Heard he was in the middle of bustin’ some sort of big scandal. Even had a few people in the upper reaches of the clan talkin’ ‘bout it.” Saejima scrunches his eyebrows at the office, then drifts his gaze back to Kaito.
“You could say something like that,” Kaito grinned, pride swelling within him at his partner’s accomplishments.
Saejima pulls out his phone and swears under his breath. “I forgot my brother wanted to meet me in the city. Seems like I better run. I’ll see ya around, Kaito-san.” Saejima gives a small salute, then turns to walk away.
“It won’t be hard to spot me. Don’t be afraid to say hi, Saejima-san!” Kaito waves at the disappearing form of the mysterious man.
Man, does Tak have it this easy when he makes friends? Maybe I should try to be more personable… Kaito thinks to himself for a little bit before a warm voice breaks him out of his thoughts.
Kaito turns, and sees the worn-out form of his partner, Yagami, sprinting towards him. Kaito saunters towards the detective, who slows and eventually stops, panting heavily. Kaito stops his advance as well, giving him a respectable distance.
“Woah, you ok?” Kaito asks, putting his hands in his pockets.
“I just saw your text. I got tied up in something. I thought… you…” Yagami pants, making Kaito smile. Nice to be worried about, he thinks.
“I’m alright, Tak. Some guy was able to help me out in the end. I can tell you about him… over drinks?”
“Let me catch my breath first, Kaito-san…” Yagami replies, standing up fully, throwing a lopsided smirk Kaito’s way. Kaito laughs, beginning to lead the way to Tender. He looks over his shoulder at his partner.
“And in return, I’ll tell you about the character I met today.” Yagami finishes, before following Kaito’s lead.
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johnwgrey · 2 years
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Thanks for the tags @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @bookish-bogwitch @ivelovedhimthroughworse and @facewithoutheart i'm loving all your wips, as always!!!
This week has been busy so it took me a while to read all your wip Wednesday posts but I've enjoyed them all so much as well!
No new words from the WIP I shared on Wednesday. It was a fic inspired by Annie's bartender Simon and stubble Baz but I haven't had a lot of time to write more of it and now I don't know if I'll ever finish it because I find it heartbreaking to pour so much of myself into a fic only to be met with indifference when I finally post it.
(this isn't a pity party and I understand that it's a bit taboo to talk of such things but I'm trying to work on not bottling up my feelings quite so much so I'm jumping on every opportunities + doing it online is slightly easier than irl) (it's still hard though)
Anyway, since it's all I have to share today, here are a few sentences from this is goodbye.
Snippet and tags under the cut
My throat is dry. My own heart is beating fast. My hand is bleeding. I can feel the blood trickling down my wrist and I want to lick it so badly, I could cry. Daphne’s carotid artery has never looked lovelier. Mordelia is still screaming. I can barely breathe. I’m hot and I’m cold and I feel like screaming, too. I wish Snow were here.
(Did you really think I wouldn't find a way to include some snowbaz feels into this fic??)
and another one because why not
There’s a dead doe on my lap and tears running down my cheeks. I have blood on my hands. Literally.  It crept under my nails. Ran down my arms while I gulped it, warm and thick, barely taking time to savour the metallic taste I’d been craving for the past two days. I drank and I drank and I drank until I couldn’t anymore. Until I drained it dry.
Hello hello 👋 @martsonmars @ileadacharmedlife @artsyunderstudy @palimpsessed @aristocratic-otter @captain-aralias @messofthejess @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @moodandmist @bazzybelle @basiltonbutliketheherb @urban-sith @angelsfalling16 @foolofabookwyrm-activated @confused-bi-queer @letraspal @tea-brigade @cutestkilla @takitalks
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anchanted-one · 1 year
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Thanks for the tag @swtorpadawan ! Sorry I’m late.
Since it’s not sunday, I don’t feel like it’s a good idea tagging anyone, but feel free to play if you want!
He [Vajra] then opened his third eye. “This eye of mine is blind. It happened when I was young. Since I can’t use it for natural sight, I trained myself to separate mundane sight and Force sight between my eyes. My lower two see the real world. My third sees the tapestry that is the Force.”
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