#this is the first time i promo myself wow
Opening scene and Earth's got vibe-checked by God and I've been gaslit about the dinosaurs
GARDEN OF EDEEEEEN wow his first appearance and Aziraphale's already so prissy and flustered might fuck around and fall in love with him idk
I finally understand who these mf's are hi Hastur and Ligur you're not zombies after all
idk sister mary loquacious is kinda doing it for me rn with that satanic nun's habit and losergirl energy
third crowley scene and he's misplaced THE LITERALLY GODDAMNED ANTICHRIST because he made small talk with a bloke outside without checking for details
mmmmhm yes sister mary wink again your bitchless decisions are sexy y'know what i mean
Gabriel feels like his brain was eviscerated and replaced with one of those youtuber's paid course promos at the end of their how to change your life in 45 days: three simple mindset shifts video
mmmhm yes sure crepes French revolu--Crowley stop eye-fucking Aziraphale you're making everyone at the Ritz horny
Aziraphale don't moan into your food man you can't take these two anywhere
Crowley thanking the driver for slowing down is everything to me
And they're drunk hu-fucking-zzah good thing we'll have 11 year olds saving the world coz these fuckers sure ain't doing shit
What Aziraphale was doing back was definitely kissy faces though that mfer wasn't even trying to say bouillabaisse when Crowley said what sounded suspiciously like baby
kissy kissy from lil miss prissy [i would have made such a great high school bully shame i had no inclinations that way]
oop nun down nun down
i want ya see a wile ya thwart amirite on a t-shirt
"actually i encourage humans to-" just say you're a lazy bitch azi we love you
love crowley fake-manipulating azi into helping like azi wants to be manipulated y'know so it's not technically his fault he was wiled over or whatever and they're both just such ENABLERS
not azi going SOFT at being godfathers with crowley
why is nanny ashtoreth so seductive with that of course dear is it just crowley's inherent disastergirl sex appeal
erIC THE DISPOSABLE DEMON I DIDN'T KNOW THEY COME IN S1 well not come i hope unless being eaten by a hellho--nope
gonna give my roxie a kissy brb she's my angel and all this dog talk makes me miss her (she's a few feet away under the bed)
i asked her for a kissy and she crawled out and gave me a kiss i love her
...roxie's crying to be taken downstairs it's nearly 2 am this is on me for waking her up i crowley'd myself fml
EYYYYY WELCOME TO THE END TIMES don't mind me I'll have to take roxie down yes I know maggots I'm crowley-coded I KNOW THAT I'M A BLOODY DISASTER BYEEEEEEEE
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folkwhore1998 · 9 days
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All I do is try try try
I will literally never forget the first time I listened to folklore. I went for a walk around the pond outside in my neighborhood and it was cold as hell. It was such a vibe you guys. I would do anything to be able to listen to this album again. Take me to the ponds where all the poets went to die.
It is so different than anything else Taylor Swift has ever done honestly. I feel it is the lyricism of Last Kiss and All Too Well but they were introduced to depression and anxiety. Am I wrong? It is hard for me to say it is an album that divided our fandom because it brought in so many fans, but i also feel there are a lot of fans who prefer other albums over folklore.
I can totally see why and how folklore brought in so many new fans. #1 It is a completely new sound from Taylor (which is how I can maybe see why some people were divided) #2 We were all depressed during COVID and this album was a really good friend to so many people during this time. #3 It took people by surprise because there was no promo for the album. She just said "Here!" I think that there was a lot of curiosity that came with the release which brought in new listeners.
There are two songs on this album I will ride at dawn for: hoax and peace
YOU KNEW THE PASSWORD SO I LET YOU IN THE DOOR. YOU KNEW YOU WON SO WHATS THE POINT OF KEEPING SCORE? I'll admit, I was not always a hoax truther. It just didn't click. But one day I had the album on shuffle and there was a switch that was flipped in my brain and wow it is just so good. Like hello? DID YOU HEAR WHAT SHE SAID?
Peace is such a vulnerable song and we don't talk about that enough. It is like asking am I going to be good enough? but so much more than that. Taylor is a well loved celebrity and it isn't something she cannot change about herself. It is a major part who she is. "Will you accept the intrusive parts of myself and my life that I will never ever be able to change? I would literally die for you and I love your family as my own and I would do anything for you, but is my love enough? I'd also like to talk about epiphany. I personally don't relate to it a lot and I don't listen to it a lot, but I recently saw a video of someone saying "it's the worst song she's ever written" which absolutely infuriated me. Did I rank it last? Yes. I rank everything on how I personally connect with the song, not in terms of "I think this is a bad song." Just because I don't connect, does not mean it is a bad song. It is actually an incredibly deep song that I think resonates with a lot of medical professionals as well as people who lost loved ones during COVID. It talks about a loss so unfathomable or event so traumatic that you literally can't speak about it. And for someone to say it's the worst song she's ever written is honestly senseless and offensive and infuriating. (Respectfully)
☆ Fun fact: Whenever I am showing folklore to someone for the first time, I always play the LPSS version. The vocals are so raw and I feel like you can really feel the lyrics differently, and you can really hear what she just- which I find to be extremely important with this album.
Here are my rankings of
illicit affairs
the 1
my tears ricochet
this is me trying
the lakes
mad woman
exile (the live version is a different story...one of her best performances)
invisible string
the last great american dynasty
Folklore era favs:
actually sobbing. everything about this. they're all so appreciative and proud. sidenote: one of her best looks ever. dare I say it's my favorite?
no notes.
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if you know, you know.
Yes.. I know we need to get through Fall, but it's never too soon to start planning. Taylor said so!
☆ Here is the direct link to the folklore cardigan Christmas ornaments pictured above:
☆ Here is the direct link to the folklore stocking pictured above:
@taylornation @taylorswift
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mysticpenguincreation · 3 months
i can’t, i have to say it.
i’ve always loved pov by ariana.
even before the part 1 was out and i first learned of the mirror scene i couldn’t help myself and i considered reading the book. but i held strong.
then i watched interview with luke and nic where they were given words and they had to say what first comes to mind. it was “carriage”, “mirror”, “eclair”. and they were so confused by “eclair” that it broke my resolve and i read the book, but i digress.
so i read the book and with spoilers and promo i realized that while they are talking ABOUT mirror in the book, there actually WILL be a mirror scene in the show.
and i thought to myself “wow. it would have gone great with pov by ariana”.
hold on, i’m going to go on a rant and unpack a whole can of worms here.
i thought that this song would be a great choice because it is the scene where colin shows pen how beautiful she is, body and mind and soul, how he sees her. and maybe it’s the first time that she truly sees herself through his eyes.
but it’s not only pen. it’s also colin seeing himself from her point of view as well. as an audience, i think we do not appreciate how valid colin’s worries and concerns are. we’ve literally seen and been told for 2-3 seasons that pen loves him. but he does not know that like we do. technically, we saw inside pen’s head and heart probably even more than into colin’s. often these instances where we see pen being in love with him are not the scenes in which he actively participates or he is not even present. so yeah, if we weren’t shown these moments we would have been just as unsure and insecure as he is. it is his pov.
additionally, they are literally in front of a mirror! what is it if not seeing yourself from a different pov?
all this to say, when i saw the list of songs for part 2, it felt like a win because i knew this song would be PERFECT for them. and it totally was.
all this to say, now pov lives rent free in my mind and i can’t get my brain to shut up 🥲
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starlingflight · 4 months
Fan Fic Humble Brag Tag
Sometimes we love something we wrote so much we want to knock on every door spreading the good word of our little story. But sometimes we fear being seen as rude or too self promoting. Here is your chance to do a bit of self promo and bragging without fear because some asked you too.
Answer the questions and then tag five writers who you think deserve to brag about their work.
Thank you to @thelighthousestale @ginnyw-potter and @sophie-hatter-jenkins for the tag, I'm sorry this took me so long to do but I am chronically bad at being nice to myself so this was the hardest thing ever.
Answers below the cut (if you read, you might get a sneak peek of a new WIP! 👀)
Tagging @merlinsbudgiesmugglers @lanaturnergetup @artemisia-black
1. The funniest bit of dialogue you've written:
From A Two Step Process (Chapter 2):
Ginny nodded slowly and Harry could practically see the cogs turning in her brain as she tried to work out what had caused this sudden burst of romanticism from him. “Are you pregnant?”
Harry choked on the air he’d been inhaling, causing Ginny to laugh hysterically at his reaction. “What?” Harry spluttered, fighting to regain control of his lungs. “What kind of question is that?”
Ginny shrugged, her laughter easing to a light chuckle. “I couldn’t think what else was causing this behaviour and y’know, you’ve performed impossible feats before.”
“I’m not pregnant,” Harry said, briefly wondering how he'd reached the point of needing to say that out loud. “Are you satisfied?”
2. A story you wrote that made you cry?
Because I Knew You, when Ginny tells Andromeda she held Tonks' hand when she died and promises to make sure Teddy knows what she was like.
3. A story that makes you laugh every time you reread or think about it?
Probably Countdown! Little Teddy is always a source of entertainment.
4. Best moment of canon compliant characterisation?
The whole of ‘Forgetting’? I think this is the closest fic I have to a character study and I loved writing it because I really got to explore a lot of what I think makes Ginny Ginny. 
5. Something you wrote in a fic you secretly (or not so secretly) think is canon?
Ginny trying to fight the Felix Felicis in HBP because she no longer trusts anything that interferes with her perception. (Everything I Wanted, Chapter 10)
6. The most romantic bit you've written?
I actually don't think it's a hinny moment (which has shocked me). I think it's in Homecoming Draco asking Astoria to run away to Paris with him and then revealing that he's already found a stables/yard for Artemisia, closely followed by a decade later when he turns Malfoy Manor into a Hippogriff sanctuary for her (Wayfinding).  
7. A fic you wrote that everyone else sleeps on, that you know is excellent?
Because I Knew You - I love this fic but it's easily my least engaged with, probably because it’s gen. 
8. Wow us with an excellent excerpt?
First look at the Historical friends to enemies to lovers AU: 
“What on Earth do you think you’re doing?” Ginny demanded, wrenching the window open with one hand and dragging Harry through it with the other. “Do you not think one funeral to be sufficient within the space of a week?” 
Harry spared a glance over his shoulder, peering at the ground two stories below as his feet met the soft rug that covered most of her bedroom floor. “A fall from that height would hardly be fatal,” he said unconcernedly. “I may have suffered some injuries, but I’m confident I would make a full recovery.” 
The window rattled in the pane from the force with which Ginny slammed it shut. She closed her eyes and released a deep breath against the vision of him laying broken and bruised in the flowerbed below her window, she had seen quite enough death and injury of late without imagining yet more dire scenarios.  
 “And what do you expect people would say, upon discovering you'd grievously injured yourself falling from my bedroom window?” 
The question did not require an answer, they both knew what would be said in response to such a thing. They were both perfectly aware of what the consequences would be; special licences had been procured for rather a lot less. 
“I've never fallen before,” Harry said, sidestepping the topic of such consequences with aggravating deftness. “I've made the climb many times.” 
“Not in a very long time,” Ginny reminded him. 
It must have been at least five years since he had last attempted to climb the trellis that stretched from the the garden below all the way up to Ginny's window ledge, the trellis which had become rather more hazardous now that it played host to Fleur's beloved roses and their many thorns. Not to mention that Harry was no longer a scrawny young boy, and carried considerably more weight in the form of lean muscle he’d developed in the intervening years. 
Back then, he had utilised the trellis not as a means of seeing Ginny, but as a convenient means of accessing Ron's room, which was two floors above and impossible to reach by scaling the walls of the house. 
Ron, however, was not home at present, a circumstance which begged Ginny to repeat her earlier question. “What are you doing?” 
9. Five words to describe your writing? 
Descriptive, fluff, longing, tension, romance
10. The fic you are most proud of?
Someone Else's Life, it has a plot which I’m notoriously bad at so I’ll always be especially proud of that and I just really loved watching everyone trying to figure out wtf was going on as I was posting.
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sophie-hatter-jenkins · 4 months
Fan Fic Humble Brag Tag
Sometimes we love something we wrote so much we want to knock on every door spreading the good word of our little story. But sometimes we fear being seen as rude or too self promoting. Here is your chance to do a bit of self promo and bragging without fear because some asked you too.
Answer the questions and then tag five writers who you think deserve to brag about their work. Tagged by the lovely @ginnyw-potter
1.) the funniest bit of dialogue you wrote
This is from Chapter 37 of Evolution. Ron is not here for Hermione's wedding planning To-Do list!
“I don’t think it’s that bad,” cajoled Harry, as he read the list again. “If we head straight to Diagon Alley now, we can get measured for the suits, pick up the invitations from the engravers, collect the confetti samples, get the travel brochures for the honeymoon, enquire about the prices for trained doves…” Harry paused and looked confused. “Trained to do what, exactly?” Ron shook his head. “God knows. Coo the wedding march? Crap out our initials in formation? As long as I get the price list for Hermione, I really couldn’t care less.”
2.) A story you wrote that made you cry
Chapter 10 of Into The Hinnyverse, my Ginniversary Bingo collection. It's called That Next Great Flighty Temptress, and I absolutely sobbed while I was writing it.
3.) A story that still makes you laugh every time you reread it or think about it
Miss, one of my Hinny Microfics, always makes me snigger. I loved writing it so much!
4.) Best moment of canon compliant characterization
From But A Shadow, chapter 8 of Into The Hinnyverse:
During the day, what haunts him the most are Ron’s words to him, just before he left. “We thought you knew what you were doing!”   Harry remembers defending himself against the accusation, but Ron, he knows, was right. He wonders, for the thousandth time, when that thought will also occur to Hermione, because when it does, she is sure to leave him too. In his darkest moments, he imagines doing this alone. It nearly breaks him.  “We thought you had a real plan!” Ron had him bang to rights with that one too. ‘Find the horcruxes and destroy them’ really wasn’t ever any sort of credible plan, was it? It torments Harry. If he had the first clue what he was doing, then he and Hermione wouldn’t be aimlessly wandering the country, bouncing from one godforsaken spot to the next. Constantly cold. Always hungry. Perpetually damp. It is pointless, it is hopeless, and it is soul destroying. 
5.) Something you wrote in a fic you secretly (or not so secretly) think as canon
Oh, it's such a tiny thing, and this is a tiny microfic, but I really do think Ginny spent most of her 6th year wearing Harry's scarf right under the Carrow's noses.
6.) The most romantic bit you’ve written
There are a couple of chapters of Evolution that (I think) are super romantic - Chapter 29 (The Things We Do For Love) and Chapter 47 (Always) in particular, but I can't say why because: spoilers.
So, special shout out to my Hinny Microfic Rose, which is a Muggle third party perspective, and is bittersweet romantic throughout.
7.) A fic you wrote that everyone sleeps on, but you know, is excellent
I am super proud of Enigma, my entry for the Ladies of HP Fest Monthly Mini in honour of Hermione. If you've read it, you are (unfortunately!) part of a very select bunch haha.
8.) Wow us with an excellent excerpt
OK, this is from Hunted, no part of which has yet been posted - and it won't be, until it's finished, at least up until final edit stage. So there is a good change that this will be the only bit of this fic ever published, depending on how writing the rest of it goes!
“I brought you coffee, Harry, and one for you too, Dr Granger.” “Oh! Thank you Jenny. That’s very kind.” “It’s no trouble,” smiled Jenny. “I was making one for myself anyway.” Jenny put the tray on the table and gave Potter a beaming smile before heading back to her desk. Potter watched her go, admiring her shiny, brunette hair, the way her pencil skirt curved over her backside, and the lilting sway of her hips as she walked. It wasn’t until he wrenched his eyes back to Hermione that he realised that she was watching him, watching Jenny, and smirking at him knowingly. Sometimes it really irritated him how well Hermione knew him. “Oh, shut up,” he muttered. He reached for his coffee to cover his embarrassment and succeeded only in burning his tongue. “Fuck! That’s hot.” “You’re referring to the coffee?” asked Hermione, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
9.) Five words to describe your writing
Romantic, self-indulgent, angsty, fluffy, affectionate
10.) The fic you are most proud of
Evolution. It isn't perfect, but I bloody well wrote a novel. So yeah, I'm proud of it.
Tagging: @deadwoodpecker @gryffindorhealer @starlingflight (because of the Hunted snippet!), @nena-96 @wearingaberetinparis
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isakvaltersnake · 1 year
first watch was for me, now second watch for THOUGHTS
Act 1:
obsessed with the way they turn into each other when the cake is coming down slash how Henry slips into Alex when getting up
zahra is so hot my goD I want her to top me
Henry showing off in his fuck boy raybans and fancy vintage car YOU WANT HIM TO WANT YOU SO BAD ITS EMBARRASSING
Henry’s soul leaving his body at “Vicky 👊”
Henry being turnt by the way alex smells
Henry’s “I need to get out of here” upon first meeting alex and deeply understanding that this beautiful boy could ruin the charred remains of his heart if he let him
straight up FUCK miguel
Henry using bitmojis is how you really textually understand he has like 1 friend
Henry is so bad at dancing oh baby you would’ve been laughed out of a middle school gym with those moves
why am I mad that everyone got low at the wrong part of the song
Act 2:
the fucking polo scene. Alex so horned up, Henry so sweaty. chefs kiss
henry infinitely smoother than alex wow
Henry playing with that fucking ring like it’s a noose around his neck
this sex scene actually just being a clean demonstration of two people who fill each other with so much comfort and peace engaging in a physical act of love wowwww they invented romance wtf
I do love this alex in texas side quest seeing as there wasn’t time for the book storyline
giggling during sex is peak romance these nerds are IN LOVE
“look at us now” and the way I yelled DIVORCED OSCAR?!
“it won’t even matter if anyone sees us” the way you could see henrys heart shatter in real time jesus
i felt myself getting too close and i didn't want to break his heart. henry, my love, baby girl, boo boo the fool.
Act 3:
BECAUSE IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. No Henry in fact this is costing me everything. Kwjakasnsnkanskamskkaksjmsbwkkss
I will not trade one prison for another SORRY THE ANGST GIRLIES ARE EATINGGGG
sorry but if the love of my life ever danced with me in a low lit museum and told me he would try to be brave for us I would simply cease to exist
low key lmao and well done @ Alex’s grip on Henry in bed cause the last time they slept together Henry snuck out in the middle of the night and ghosted him for a week straight
ngl I hate that they didn’t even get a phone call before the speech
ok so i didn't get america he is my choice but i did get i fell in love with a person who happens to be a man and that man happens to be a prince
baby he says like I haven’t been waiting like an hour and a half to hear it
Alex watching Henry play piano oh honey he is never beating the competency kink allegations
stephen fry Alex already admitted it what’s your endgame my dude
Henry leaning back to talk back to his gramps like he was going into sport mode was v sexy actually
straight up Rachel Maddow with more lines that pez, she should’ve had her own promo
Henry with the hand hold/hand in the crook of alex’s arm combo was so baby girl of him I couldn’t be prouder
they traded the key and the ring back cause it was only til they could have all of each other again and now they can pls kill me this is the end
do you think anyone noticed? I hate him so much omfg
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hermioneismyrealname · 3 months
Ep 5. Bingo bingo bingo!
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my set up for this.
ON TO THE SHOW! (just came off a horror movie with a weird ass ending)
So. Time has passed. Not by much everyone seems to have a watch and be looking at it. Rak working in the cleanest setting. As a writer myself, cant relate. Also not me pausing for a whole ass 10 minutes just to see what was on his shelf.
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Then we have the confusing menus. Why? "Lady in a blanket?" They are riddiculous Mahasamut, dont you dare feel sorry. But the development seems to be back. Rak completely ready to defend Mahasamut with the waiter. OH MY DAYS THE SMALLEST BLOODY PORTION!
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EMPTY BOXES! THOSE ARE EMPTY FOOD BOXES! AT LEAST ADD ROCKS TO GIVE IT SOME WEIGHT! Vie gives me vibes of another Mame character I will not speak of.
Now I;m judging their groceries. He got carrots - three packets. If it were me, i'd get them by the kilo. Organic my ass. Go to the flee market Mahasamut and get a proper price. BINGO! Mahasamut read Tongrak's novel! 18:30. Oh good cabbage. it's small. got some onions. OI get him the snacs! He needs his chocolate. If that were me, that trolley would barely last a week and a half. BINGO! Joking about age difference!
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Oh the irony. Nothing like breaking the fourth wall... oh wow. having the secretary completely go at the main character of the story. Wow. Mame you went there. Mildly impressed.
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And having Mook rest. That was needed. NIOOOOOO DONT DONT FUKCING DONT KISS HER WHILE SHE IS ASLEEP OH THANK HEAVENS! Bingo. Miscommunication 27:58 when mook has no clue that Vie is actaully into her. I'm counting that. Aya's acting on that part. That split second show of conflict in her eyes. That was good.
who the fuck are you... oh. ok.
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Rak is angry awww. I love Mahasamut reacting in the background.
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But im betting that is his step sister. she dares bring up his mother. oh burn her Rak. Burn her. Oh yeah. Def the step-bish.
I like how they trust Peat's acting in this. The shaky camera when they first enter. Then the steady still shot of him entering his room. I love how they made Mahasamut still stubborn but more willing to relent to Rak's breakdowns. He can sense that he secretly needs someone around but he still obeys because consent still matters (this is the bare minimum Mame). Also BINGO! heartbreak aka Peat cries so beautifully.
crying while eating. Been there bro. (did not expect that to sting)
BINGO!!! Sugar daddy shopping! HAHAHA! 44:00 Poor guy. He's just trying to serve a customer. Have I encountered this at the shop I work at? Yes. OHHHHH Mahasamut actually said sugar daddy. Do i get a bonus point? i hope there are no cameras. AhAHAHA noooooooo! NOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO have some decorum?! Yay interuption.
Same Mahasamut.
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think this series is half promo for Mame's other works.
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This was better than last week's ep, i think. Nothing spectacuar happens in next week's apart from a set up for Love Sand. Which i'm pretty sure they recasted from THAT show. That show is my Scottish play.
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emilybennettstan · 3 months
For Emily, 2,3, 9 & 23!
Thank you so much for asking!
2. My favorite canon thing about Emily…whew. As stated in the creation of my blog, I have now been stanning her for almost eighteen years. There’s a lot of love in there. As a child, it started with her simple adorableness. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve developed a deep love for her character arc, for how when she first arrives in the United States she is deeply traumatized and doesn’t really trust anyone, but by the end she has found family and a true feeling of safety with this group of strangers.
3. Oh, wow. Least favorite canon thing. I know I just said I love Emily’s integration into the McIntire family, but for personal reasons I wrestle a lot with her friendship with Molly. But to what extent that counts as canon given that it is so deeply colored by my own personal experience is hard to say.
9. You know, there aren’t a lot of people I think I could be roommates with, but I think I actually could with Emily. I see her as someone who, like me, likes a simple aesthetic and lots of down time. The two of us could lie on our beds and read together for hours.
23. I played myself with this one, didn’t I? Am I talking favorite picture from the books or of the actress in the movie—or from the catalog of the doll? I do really love both the photos I used for this blog, and just all the movie promo photos. From the books…does the Light in the Cellar cover count? I know Emily’s face is turned away in it, but I’ve always liked how it did her profile. If not, one of the pictures of her and Molly dressing in matching outfits to look like the princesses of England (both of whom in real life are dead now, which is insane since they very much were not when I first read the Molly books. I’m not a monarchist, which I’m sure would disappoint Emily greatly, but still). And from the catalog…maybe the photo of her in her main dress, the blue cherry-patterned one, since I saw that picture at age eight and fell in love at first sight.
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jessicas-pi · 2 years
It's crazy—I can barely believe it, but today is the one-year anniversary of posting my first fic online.
So much has happened since then. I've posted over 140,000 words, and written even more. I participated in a ship week, published 19 fics, made a Tumblr account, and somehow became mutuals with not one but TWO of my favorite fanfic writers out there. And that's just online! IRL, I've graduated college and got a full-time job, re-befriended a friend I thought I'd probably never talk to again, re-discovered my love for grilled cheese sandwiches, caught covid for the first time... it's been a wild ride.
And so, in honor of this momentous occasion, I'm rewarding myself with a little bit of self-promo for my first fic ever posted (okay, that's not true, years ago I had a wattpad account but we don't talk about that) my FIRST FIC EVER POSTED, a SWR Modern AU with found family, dumpsters, and tie-dye pajamas.
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noonaishere · 2 years
Ateez - Newark, Nov 27
So we stood out in the rain for like an hour, but someone had a Goncharov poster:
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So it was basically okay.
Actually, we were soaked by the time we got inside, and, it seemed like they let us in late.
My sister went with me and noticed there were a lot of dads there with their kids: “I feel very at one with these dads right now.” *pretending to holler to one that’s a bit away* “Hello there! Do you like to fish? I-- don’t like to fish, it makes me sad.” Me: *laughing*
This was the jacket I spent SO much time on and even learned to screen print for:
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(The big on is the one I screen printed, points if you can figure out what it’s a mashup of. I bought the chain one, and I painted the others with a paint marker and it died while I was working on them -_- Truly, Kim Hongjoong should have blessed my Poscas before I started lol)
(PS: I’m planning on opening an Etsy store and making that the first print to sell)
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(I made the HALA HALA tag under the lacing on the left, and the “1117″ in roman numerals under the star patch, I bought everything else. That “01″ tag actually lights up, idk why I didn’t turn it on for the picture)
Anyway, I wore that and a red plaid shirt underneath as my outerwear, which was good because I wasn’t too cold outside or too warm once we got inside, and both dried off relatively quickly (and having two layers meant it too a while for me to actually start feeling how soaked I was getting. It didn’t rain rain, but we were outside so long that we were soaked by the end of the hour standing there)
I saw the elusive LED people:
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So rare to see one, free in the wild, much less three! Extremely exciting.
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Then we saw the babies perform. Very proud of them. Their songs were good and they were very polished for still being trainees (but I think I read they’re supposed to debut next year, so that makes sense). I think Hunter might end up being my bias.
Then they played like three Ateez songs in a row and everyone sang along, until the music fizzled and cut and the lights went out, and even the Lightinys went out (the 2.0 are so cool) and we got a lore dump in Korean and English presumably (from everything other lore bit I’ve seen) from the viewpoint of the Oppressive Government, or the Android Guardians.
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(Can someone PLEASE hire me to do the localization of their English text? Please? Because, yes, “crack leads to pain”... but that means something a little different in English.)
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(It is, as the kids say, “whack”)
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The the VCR from the World: Movement promos
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(I just really like the lights in this one)
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Then a bunch of very mysterious hooded figures came out. Oooooh, such mystery, very secret.
(Don’t go near the dog park)
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(Trying to creatively crop out this guy’s arm that was SO FAR into my field of vision the whole night that it was not only “not even funny” but also “driving me to violence”)
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(Then they went into a vortex, but I missed it by like a second)
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(Listen... I love red, and I love San.)
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Park Seonghwa is the prettiest man on the planet and I am going to throw myself into the ocean because I can’t deal with it. And Yunho is so handsome that every time his face was on the screen I thought “Wow, he’s so handsome” as if it was the first time I thought it.
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“MAKE SOME NOISEEEEE!!!!” (I love you, San. I’ll make all the noise you want), polar opposite of Yeosang, who just stood there placidly as we screamed.
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Hongjoong, waiting patiently like a stern teacher or something as we all screamed. Wooyoung laughing at us.
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I do not remember what Jongho was saying here. Mingi, like... I love him because his face and height make him look so big and mean but he’s just a big mush of a princess. (Also, this boy’s lips... I better be careful before I start writing smut fic again 👀👀👀)
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(Another shot where I just really loved the lights)
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You can see on the screen that for HALA HALA (my favorite song in the whole catalog, I’m so happy they performed it) they had it go back and forth between being the current footage, and them as Halateez. I’m assuming they filmed it a few days ago or something, but some of coreo was SO spot on I was wondering if they had deepfaked the costumes or something lol.
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Break that spine, Sannie, who needs it!
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I need the VCRs from the concert. For lore purposes.
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Mist. Everyone giving 110%
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More San because I adore him
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It’s my favorite thing when one of them is talking and the others all start holding their own mic up for him. My favorite idiots lolol
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Jongho tried to grill Hongjoong if he knew the name of his first OST (and the Lightinys would have turned blue if he was right), so Wooyoung grilled him back about why he didn’t text him on his birthday. Seonghwa and Yunho enjoying the mess (Yeosang tried to leave because he ALSO didn’t text him but was captured and acted like he didn’t know what was happening lol)
At some point my sister leaned over and was like “Who’s the dramatic one?” “The dramatic one? They’re all on stage performing, they’re all dramatic.” “No, the dramatic one.” Me: thinks. “Do you mean the one doing all the high notes?” “Yeah. He’s dramatic. I like him.”
My sister went from non-fan to Jongho stan lol.
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Me: “See? They’re pirates.” My sister: “Huh”
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Lil starry Cromer action
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I got the very end of the Cyberpunk San Slutty Dance Move, so I’m happy. (I thought I missed it since I was trying to watch it with my eyes and not my phone. It’s a little hard to hold a Lightiny and a phone at the same time.)
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One again: Park Seonghwa is the prettiest man on the planet; once again: I am in the fucking ocean about it. Hongjoong: “Don’t like sexy too much”, also Hongjoong: *flirting*
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Okay, but San is LEVITATING in the background? I was too busy looking at Mingi’s body rolls that I didn’t even notice until I uploaded the picture lol, wtf.
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This is my favorite picture I took all night. I sent it to my friend @cant-fight-kyrumption​ and she sent me this:
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And now I can’t unsee it.
(I also, don’t know how I forgot about it, I LOVED those vines lol)
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We were side Cool, and we screamed a bunch and they changed the Lightinys colors lol
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I love him your honor
Had to make a part 2 because tumblr kept shitting itself.
Tagging some peeps: @sayaramarz, @hecalledhimhyung, @moonbinnie0983​, @ositoblancito​, @goldenchunkycat​, @leagreenly​
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cmdonovann · 1 year
quantum break appreciation month: a quick retrospective
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so, first of all, wow, it was WAY more effort than i thought to just POST SOMETHING EVERY DAY. i put a lot of pressure on myself to only post The Good Stuff to this blog, and boy golly is my standard of "good stuff" higher than it ought to be! so this has been great practice for me in "finished is better than perfect."
second of all, i wanna put together a quick rundown of everything i did this month!
Announcement post
April 1st: My Bleeding Clock (My Immortal AU) fanfic for April Fool's Day
April 2nd: Playlist to go with My Bleeding Clock
April 3rd: Sketch of 2010!Beth
April 4th: Sketch of Jack and Beth
April 5th: Reblogged my old post about last year's anniversary zine, as well as a new little sketch to celebrate the 7th anniversary of the game's release
April 6th: Doodle of Beth in a skirt (with pockets!)
April 7th: I literally just posted a passage I like from the QB:ZS novel
April 8th: Started posting old art... completed set of the halo series here!
April 9th: More old art (Jack/Paul this time)
April 10th: More old art, LNEHH edition
April 11th: More old art, Will Joyce edition
April 12th: Some Jack/Paul art to celebrate me and my husband's anniversary :3c
April 14th: Surprise! it's even more old Jack/Paul art!
April 15th: Wow! I can't believe it's more Jack/Paul art!
April 16th: Apparently I was busy this day because I just reblogged LNEHH, lol
April 17th: Quantum Break characters, but as Skyrim characters
April 18th: Some blinkie gifs I made using blinkies.cafe
April 19th: A sweater I made using the linocut stamps from last year's anniversary zine
April 20th: Another blinkie gif, hehe
April 21st: Meta post about color palettes and color usage in Quantum Break
April 22nd: A little QB divider I made for my fansite (WIP)
April 23rd: Some terrible glitter gifs, also for the WIP fansite
April 24th: Minecraft skins of a bunch of QB characters!
April 25th: I was also apparently busy this day, cuz all I did was make a stupid phone background for myself XD
April 26th: Took a swing at pixel art
April 27th: A promo for the Quantum Break Discord Server I run!
April 28th: Wrote another chapter of My Bleeding Clock...
April 29th: Art of Jack and Paul :3
April 30th: Started a new longfic: The Symmetry of Fear!
holy shit. that's a lot. i am retroactively impressed with my past self for doing all this, lmao. nice.
third of all! i wanna note that i started several projects this month that i have yet to finish. of course i'm not confining my quantum break posting to one month of the year (impossible) but i will take my time finishing the... uh... three fics and two meta essays i have unfinished, as well as the fansite i am working on. i want these to be GOOD, so i'm not going to rush them. i'm glad this month gave me to juice to finally get these projects started, though!
and lastly... why did i even do this project/event in the first place?
well... good question. i imagine i'm not the only one who has been Going Through It for a while now, and i just... really needed a big project to focus on for a while. and quantum break is like, one of the only things that i never get tired of thinking about, so... are you seeing my logic here?
all that said, i do genuinely want to work on putting more love out into the world. and i love quantum break! i want other people to love it too! (or at least, i want other people to look at my passion for it and be like "i dont go here but you keep doing your funky little thing my man," you know what i mean?)
so, big thanks to everyone who has encouraged me this month, whether it be in reblog tags, in the quantum break discord server, or elsewhere. also, big thanks to my husband, who i would not have married if not for our mutual obsession with quantum break, and who is always down to listen to me talk about my various theories and fic ideas. and finally, a big thanks to remedy, for making this dumb game that i love so so so much.
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skyfullofpods · 9 months
Hey, happy holidays!! Hope you’re doing alright- just wanted to stop in after seeing your post and talk a bit since I’ve been so deep in the AD scene as of recently.
I caught up with Midnight Burger recently and… wow. New favorite show?? If anyone happens to read this who is a big fan of Doctor Who, found family, and/or is a supporter of women’s wrongs, I absolutely recommend it. An easy 10/10.
As of now, I’m listening to TSCOSI for the first time and I’d like to announce myself as the number 1 Krejjh lover. They’re everything to me. Also I really truly do believe with all my heart that Arkady and Violet should smooch already.
Finally, I am SO sorry, but I’m doing the promo thing. I’m always doing the promo thing. The 15th episode of either, a sci-fi/romance show that I write, voice, and produce for, just came out- which means the show is almost halfway done!! Crazy stuff- it’s insane that we’ve even gotten this far with it. If you like sapphic romance, little robots, angsty monologues, and the world slowly falling apart, give it a try!
That’s all I’ve got for now. It’s always a pleasure seeing your posts on my dash- you’ve indirectly added an UNHOLY amount of pods to my to-listen, and I thank you for that. The day I run out of shows is the day I run out of purpose. Have a good day!!!
Thanks, friend! I've listened to a couple of episodes of either so far, it's a very intriguing concept! TSCOSI is such a great shout, it was one of the first podcasts I ever listened to, and it will always have a special place in my heart. Happy holidays to you, too!
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cxldblxxded · 10 months
salty sunday // anonymous
ok i'll say it: i really don't get blogs who are super duper super exclusive. like ok sure if u make a blog to write with only ur friends u already know that's whatever, i don't get why u don't make a discord server or something as opposed to a whole public blog but sure !! maybe u want the aesthetic of a blog, and u get to play with themes and stuff, sure, i can see it.
when i say super duper super exclusive i mean like..... the blogs that are like "i'm highly selective with who i follow and you must use icons/gifs and format the way i do and i will not follow you if you post too much ooc even if it's tagged and i will NEVER follow first !!!!!!!" like idk that just rubs me the wrong way especially the last point. like i have to earn ur respect by prostrating myself at ur feet and begging u to give me an inkling of ur time and attention for maybe a follow back ?? how am i supposed to be comfortable trying to be friends with u if i know u wouldn't even look at me if i didn't follow first ???
i like following people first bc it's a clear indicator to them that i'm interested in their writing and their character(s). i also like it when people follow me first bc it's like wow they think the same about me !!! like that's the whole point of sharing promos !! so it feels very one-sided idk. it also doesn't impact me at all so this is simply a hot take/unpopular opinion 👍
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infamousmonkey-cat · 1 year
I guess the mental illness wants me to do ofmd reaction posts now so here we go
called it on the rabbit :( all the world will be your enemy, prince with a thousand enemies... rip
last week i was like "wow i was way off" but now i'm kind of feeling like my fic actually did a pretty good job of capturing the general vibe of these last two episodes
speaking of which i have two separate wips in my draft folder from weeks/months ago (before any s2 promo). one has ed bonding with a rabbit and one has ed being scared of spiders (which i'm PRETTY sure is new information, right?). spooky
dang that crew's getting whittled down! ivan (what did guz do??), the swede and now buttons. i have mixed feelings about this. it kind of feels like it's leading towards everyone going their own ways--not necessarily one by one, but certainly not staying together as a crew. which is probably necessary growth and shit but also feels quite bittersweet
idk what the general fandom reaction has been to buttons turning into a bird yet but i'm on board with any and all magical realism this show wants to give me
1x05 and 2x04 both end with ed and stede leaving a party that is on fire, having hit a major turning point in their relationship. i like symmetry
maybe it's just because i've been catching up on wwdits but izzy's arc this season feels "baby colin robinson" to me. i'm genuinely enjoying the stupid disaster that he is this season
i've been SAYING (to myself inside my own mind) that stede is the service top in this relationship and i feel like that is basically textually confirmed at this point
"pop WHAT magnitude? pop WHAT?"
stede risking a curse for that gay little outfit might be my favourite thing he has ever done
i wonder if that suit could possibly be a metaphor for anything
so weird that ofmd and iasip both independently did nut-allergy-being-mistaken-for-a-curse episodes
for ep 5 part of me was like "oh wow they're really gonna keep them apart for basically the whole episode??" but i actually love them having their own little adventures and then reporting back to each other at the end of the night so w/e
waxing moon <3 <3 <3
eta actually i want to say a bit more about this scene: FIRST of all the role reversal is very Something, second of all the fact that ed got to kiss stede like he wanted to the first time around. kind of rewriting history, but in a good way. very Shark
i miss zheng. girl where ARE you
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icharchivist · 2 years
i made it to the end of chapter 13!! thought this would be a good place to send in an ask, since masumi had his whole deal and the play script was finally revealed! going chronologically as always ^^
wasn't sure as to why ch 6 would be called mr.cellophane and then the moment tsuzuru got frustrated with how he couldn't get a handle on chikage it clicked for me immediately like ohhhh!! like that song chikage purposefully sort of tries to make himself have a bit of mild indistinct atmosphere... that sort of wanting to fade into the background is definitely something new for tsuzuru, since I don't think anyone else in mankai company is like that. i was cheering tsuzuru on for his writer's block but also thinking to myself "man... i haven't written in while" ahah... i felt guilty which is why i'm pausing at chapter 13 instead of going further... i'll be using that time to write a bit. thinking back on the previous chapters, chikage says he's a big fan of spicy stuff but he doesn't even talk to izumi seriously about curry!! she asks him about his favorite spices and he lies about eating the ultimate curry. i mean i figured he'd be shifty because no way would they do the chika-usa reveal so early (side note: i figured the bunny thing was like! i just saw chikage with bunny ears for the year of the rabbit promo a3 is doing rn haha) but like even with just that he really doesn't say much about his interests or anything.
speaking of chikage and izumi, when masumi left them alone and everyone commented how weird that was, i scribbled down in my notes: "did chikage come up to him and be like. I don’t like women. I’m gay." mostly as a joke so to THEN get confronted with the line "don’t touch me. I don’t like women, and I don’t want one touching me. got it?” i. i. well i was pretty on the nose there huh. that scene did NOT go how i thought it would go, though, i was 100% expecting izumi to get pinned to the wall like how it went with hisoka, not for chikage to be startled! i love how chikage's voice did its classic like octave drop (i know it's probably not an actual octave, i can't hear pitches personally but it's my way of decribing a dramatic voice shift) when he was like. dont touch me. that was so good. however masumi being like "i don't think you have to worry about that" interests me SO MUCH because it's like. masumi. masumi did chikage come up to you and tell you this? did u try to intimidate him first and then he said that to you? did u just vibe check him immediately? who knows.
the moment ch 7's title read "thicker than water" i IMMEDIATELY was like "oh! oh! it's masumi's parents" i was... mostly right, in that i'd imagined they were calling him because they decided to stop being neglectful for .2 seconds and wanted their son OUT of that theatre troupe, but... that wasn't the exact case, since first of all, the calls masumi had been declining were not his parents but rather his father's secretary, which is like, even sadder, because its like. oh. that guy can't even be bothered to call himself for something so important? I'm glad that masumi let izumi stay for that conversation--I think as like, a teenager talking to, yknow, his dad's secretary... that's not really a situation where it's easy to stand up for yourself. it's good to have someone in your corner, which izumi fiercely and fully is! i thought it was a nice detail how nonchalant masumi was about his parent's divorce. like. yeah. he probably saw it coming. when suga went "you are still a minor. mr.usui is concerned about you living alone without a parental figure for so long." i was ready to stab him though. like oH YOU JUST REALIZED? WOW. and the way he just absolutely steamrolls over everything izumi says it's really like. wow fuck you. i loved how all of spring troupe (sans chikage) leapt out to defend him though. i thought that was so sweet. sakuya especially!!! being able to say out loud like. even if that is masumis dad that’s a horrible way to treat your son! yes! acknowledge it!! now turn that to yourself! like sakuya has had such... uncaring guardians over the years that i imagine this in particular would be pretty tough for him to see happen.
i really liked masumi and izumi's conversation about the whole thing later like. it kind of puts the whole "wow masumi's such a cool and popular high schooler!" thing in context like oh his family is... wealthy but also masumi wants to be like a good kid. so he'll do his best to get good grades and do well at sports... which i imagine inevitably puts him in the unwanted limelight. it was also pretty chillign to see masumi, who i thnk of as... kind of brat? refusing to even fully vocalize what he wants because he's so used to being like. i need to listen to my parents. wow. he and sakuya should really sit down and talk about what being a "good kid" even means. bc all he needs to do is listen to his parents… and the way the voice progresses from calm and level to breaking a little to getting fully emotional? so well done. tried to inject a little levity in the situation by reminding myself the same VA voices ramuda but it didn't work lol. i really liked how here it was clear that this whole situation for him was about EVERYONE like his line of “if I fight back, it might come around to hurt the mankai company” is very telling like. ah. it's about theatre. it's about every single person in here.
i cheered when tsumugi showed up!! i was just thinking to myself like “no WONDER masumi was telling tsumugi his grandma was the only person he liked” and the bam! tsumugi here to try and track down hatsue. so good of him and once again… if people hadn’t gone through that event how would’ve that been? speaking of hatsue, she was so sweet… she was just like. So happy to hear about masumi, and then gave the entire found family argument i was just WAITING for someone to make, which was very nice. not to crib from the nocturnality quote again, but I really felt like I was seeing the development of “the spring troupe is like a family” (nocturnality) to “the spring troupe IS a family” (here). that was so good. and then literally how the whole of mankai company chases masumi to the airport! even chikage, though he declines at first…
i realize why they never bring it up but i think it’s so fun that they’ve got Famous Actor tenma sumeragi just like, frantically running around the airport with just 2 15 and 20 year olds??? it was nice to see masumi get so emotional after izumi declares that they’re all family, though! I was so happy! and again the voice acting in this scene is so good… it really sells everything more than any of the sprite expressions. I think it’s absolutely crazy we didn’t get a single cg for ANYTHING in this whole week of masumi almost leaving. and hatsue showing up to save the day was nice. the music there too! so dramatic and so fun. i’m glad masumi and his dad got to talk, but personally i’m still pissed off at him for… everything. but i hope those two work things out nonetheless. it does make me wonder how masumi’s mother factors into everything, though…? like even pre-divorce she just seems like a total Non-Existence in masumi’s life. hatsue is related to masumi by his dad, too… i think it would’ve been nice to see something on that other side.
um, and then… and then… *longsuffering sigh* i liked this entire arc so much when i was reading through the chapters, for sure. i think it was very good at showing that masumi cared for like, more than just izumi, even though izumi definitely centered a lot in it. I think it was a very good depiction of like, a kid putting on a brave face and trying to protect the people he loves, with masumi leaving early but still like, promising that he’ll come back and everything. but like, the moment everything’s solved, he immediately is like “i can’t believe you proposed!” to izumi which not only is blatantly misunderstanding izumi’s feelings but also very like… it felt almost mean-spirited to me? like… we just made this huge deal of like. oh masumi this is your family. and izumi even says like. that she wants to take care of him as his guardian? and it felt almost like he was deliberately stepping over like her actual. sincere and important feelings. and then the way like. he immediately made her uncomfortable and then sakyo had to like run into the scene and put a stop to it? that made me so mad. like yeah. sakyo is right. get a hold of yourself. i understand that masumi likes izumi, but whenever he’s forceful about it’s so… it really left a sour taste in my mouth! like i loved seeing him be like yeah i fed tsuzuru protein bars bc he wasn’t eating properly since its like oh good. he’s really acknowledging tsuzuru as family, too, but then i kept thinking back to that scene and getting mad, because it wasn’t a scene that was funny OR sweet it was just weird! and bad! I’m still broken up about it because i really wanted to like, yknow… like masumi more. and i did for so much of this! and then it was really just like… yeah.
sigh. onwards to chikage earning his villain lines. i do like how his voice sounds here—it’s lower but more pleasant, striking a nice mix between the two extremes we’ve seen so far. I was just but wow, the “I was just thinking about how to tear up your precious little family” that’s really… a line. I’d tell chikage to reexamine what he was saying only it’s like. “The Organization thinks you’re dead, you know. Now what would happen to this theatre troupe of yours if I told them that you survived by betraying us?” considering he’s part of this shady as hell evil Organization… i do not think he minds if he sounds a little evil. and the DISTRESS conveyed in the … lines that make up hisoka’s response! but hisoka… literally why have u not spoken to anyone about this. what the fuck. I love seeing the little flashbacks, but i wonder if hisoka is seeing them too? like, is he regaining his memory in pieces? speaking of, that newest flashback… i’m pretty sure the guy who’s being all nitpicky is april, and i love that even back then, marshmallows and hisoka sleeping and going off alone was a theme even pre-amnesia. august mentioning testing a serum he created, though… creepy. what a shady place these three work for. the flash forward to the moon and then the feeling of what i assume was august’s dying body in hisoka’s arms… that got me. I can’t wait to know the full story of that, especially since the idea of “betrayal” is something that can be interpreted very differently for different people.
despite hisoka Saying Nothing, it was good to see that winter checked up on him! homare knowing the rate at which hisoka eats marshmallows… it’s so funny to be that he thinks sooo hard about cost efficiency for this One Thing but as far as i can tell, he does not apply this financial prowess to any other aspect of his life. still it’s lovely that winter all felt comfortable enough to check in with hisoka! it’s easy to see they’ve gotten closer. i wonder if they’d have gotten anywhere if tsuzuru hadn’t came in yelling his frustrations with writer’s block, but honestly… what a mood. time for chikage interview, part 2!
the idea of having a relaxed cafe atmosphere made me really hesitant going into this scene, because in my head i was like. ah. this is giving chikage details on tsuzuru, not the other way around… which really shows my personality haha. if someone like chikage tried to talk to me i’d be like. is this an interrogation? and then pick every answer wayyy too carefully. i had my arms crossed this whole scene like. he better not use ANY of this information for evil. don’t u dare touch the minagi family. but it’s like… wow. he knows tsuzuru’s family situation and he knows masumi’s whole deal and he’s learning how itaru is outside of work… though that one’s a little weird. when they grab chikage during the masumi debacle, he says he had to work through the night, but every time the situation of him rooming with itaru is brought up, things feel… weird. i have to wonder if chikage is… actually living in the dorms? because like, an itaru who uses casual gamer slang is one thing, but the itaru in his gamer pad is a whole other deal. I imagine it’s very nerve-wracking to have someone from work see that (and again. information chikage could use for evil). still, i do hope they work things out, since it seems like itaru’s being a little distant? chikage’s sibling answer was really interesting, though. he asks why tsuzuru needs to look after other troupe members like family, and then mentions that tsuzuru reminds him of someone he knows who got betrayed. and like, even though he spins this whole totally fake tale about this police officer uncle, when he said he had two siblings, he probably meant december and august, right? and august was probably who tsuzuru actually reminded him of. and he says, “the only thing to be found in truth is weakness” when tsuzuru asks him why he likes lying so much, which is not a line that you just… make up, out of nowhere. it was so lovely to see tsuzuru catch chikage’s expression faltering though… like, he started describing it as like “dark” and “like a bottomless pit” and that was the moment I knew he’d be alright… if he starts being able to describe chikage with fancy prose there’s really no way he won’t be able to write a play centered on him. and that’s what he does!
on to everyone’s reactions to the play, firstly i was glad omi made tsuzuru post-fainting food, but secondly i think it’s so funny that chikage has committed to this milquetoast, pleasant person bit so hard that he like. Fundamentally cannot complain about the role he’s been given. i’m just saying, “heroic” or “ordinary person” this is not, which were his two wishy washy suggestions. i do also think it’s cute that sakuya approached chikage so they can do a coin toss every day to like, improve their communication and stuff! but back to the play. Since ch 13 ended here i took a break to 1) listen to the spring troupe (sans chikage) theme songs i hadn’t heard. they were all nice but i very much appreciated gamer’s high simply for all the videogame noises and stuff they added to the instrumental. I thought it was a really effective way to make you feel like. ah. this is itaru. and the harugumi song was so charming!
and 2) i watched the play! like i said i think it’s fun that chikage cannot really complain that tsuzuru was like “I’ll write a play based off of you” and chikage was like “okay!” so tsuzuru went and then was like “this is a play about a HUGE LIAR.” and then the point of the play (at least, as i read it) is “the issue is not that this guy is a HUGE LIAR. the issue is that he is a COWARD who refuses to MAKE FRIENDS” like wow tsuzuru. i think you’re so correct to do it but it’s also so funny that you do. I thought it was interesting that the wicked wizard of the west wasn’t weak to water, here! since the rain oz brought down didn’t melt them immediately. I was really expecting oz to accidentally defeat him that way… but what we got is more interesting, i think. I think the story itself is pretty straightforward so i don’t have too much analysis to make, but knowing that the plays often parallel the real-life a3 events, i’m rather intrigued by the final parts of the play. like i said before, i think the main issue here is not that oz is a liar, but that he specifically wants to abandon the people around him! like the way he almost makes his escape and leaves rick magicless against the wizard of the west. using his blessings, he’s able to trick the wizard into believing he’s more powerful than he is… which is good! it’s good for the city. that kind of trickery is useful, as was that initial trickery to bring piece. reminds me of mp100 reigen haha… anyways. even when oz shows rick his head contraption, rick still believes it’s magic. and i think that is kind of a magic! it takes quite a bit of effort and ingenuity to run a scam like that… it’s a talent. and considering rick keeps doing it even with oz gone, i assume he believes in that. like, i also think that oz should also be more honest, especially emotionally… but being up to some trickery is still fine! and i feel like that’s actually not the biggest issue at first. what with the establishment of this coin toss trick, and sakuya being the first one to fall in a battle, and tsuzuru thinking of rick as sakuya specifically, i have to believe that as chikage and sakuya do that coin toss game, there’s going to be a point where sakuya gets it correct after all—just like that one time rick realizes that oz is lying. and then they’ll force chikage/oz into emotional honesty, hopefully? chikage seems to me like someone who’s not really going to stick around with this troupe, or stick around anywhere considering his work for this Organization… in the same vein, oz has to leave because he has unfinished business back home, which i imagine you could neatly say “in the real world, that unfinished business is this Organization thing” since i doubt it’s the kind of place where they just let you leave it. i do think that if anyone could get through chikage, it’d be sakuya, so I’m rather excited to see how their dynamic develops, and if I get anything right about how they might mirror the play!
omg here you are!! hi!!!! eheheh
omg i didn't even know that song, that's pretty cool. And yeah that sure is new for Tsuzuru there, everyone at Mankai is sort of colorful in their own way. Itaru perhaps used to want to disappear in the background, even before Tsuzuru wrote his script, but at least he was already a secondary character here and well. it didn't last very long. Everyone else is still so distinct. Tsuzuru is just "wtf this company is full of weirdos, where is YOUR weirdo status.". AND HELPP it adds to my theory that when we relate to a chara in a3 we get forced to do self improvement out of relating too hard. good luck wiht your own writer block champion o7 (DLKFJDLF yeah Chikage is associated to bunny everytime so it's his year. Beautiful really). but yeah, he's def dodging things. I think he's too much here to destroy Hisoka's life that he's just, keeping distance with everyone even those he could get along with.
But yeah then there's The Scene. But yeah, man. Chikage sure has. Stuff in his mind huh. But also, i feel you on his voice, i fucking love the voice acting so much (and that's how Wataru Hatano became one of my fav VA so quickly). He's just sooo fucking good at the way he plays with his voice. (rip moment to have to remind you he also voices Shaiapouf in hxh. Unfortunate. But the guy sure has the Range:tm:) But yeah Masumi not being once threatened by Chikage is pretty funny. Caught the vibes:tm:.
Hoping Massu's parents to stop being neglectful and for what. for more batlant emotional neglect. It's so fucked up sobs. But yes, Izumi is so good during that scene and she really helps with Masumi's situation a lot zt least. "you are still a minor. mr.usui is concerned about you living alone without a parental figure for so long." LITERALLY LIKE. OH YOU'RE REALIZING IT NOW. Masumi has been with us for ONE FULL YEAR, what do you tHINK was happening for ONE FULL YEAR for you to worry now!! wow!!!. But yes it's so good all of Spring leaped in his defense it's adorable, esp Sakuya. They really see each other as family at this point and they see one of their own getting neglected this horribly and they're just. wow! not on our watch! And yeah god Sakuya. Seeing how it's unfair when others are treated that way but not applying it to himself. But yeah esp with how Sakuya sees himself as an older brother to Masumi this must have sting so much. The realization they're even more alike, and that their family really gave up on them. it sucks so bad :(.
but yeah the whole stuff this whole bit implies about Masumi is really oof, heavy. Kind of justify Masumi being such a brat since he isolated himself this much due to how well. His father was just sueing kids who would be a little "rough" with him. How do you develop healthy relationship with people when just the unavoidable fact of being accidentally hurt by someone is something you can't afford? Tenma is also an isolated neglected kid who's parents are always afar and has to be half raised by a guy linked to professional work. And himself was a brat and a bit emotionally stunned and could only grow when his troupe, especially Yuki, was in position to call him out and bruise his ego. Masumi meanwhile can't even let people this close. If they "hurt" him, even if it's for a good cause, his parents can attack back. It brings him in a position of self isolation right at the time he needs to interreact with others people in order to grow, and it's stunning him into this sort of bratiness. and i suppose it goes double for people he might end up caring about that ends up in danger for any accident that could happen, which would justify why despite clearly caring more about Spring after the first storyarc, he still keeps his distances re: esp Sakuya. Meanwhile i think it also justify his crush on Izumi. Because she's a responsible adult in a way, she'd be less prone to accidentally cause a situation that would push Masumi away, and meanwhile as an adult she can protect herself from his parents's action more than anyone else. Add to that how he was charmed by her acting and the fact he never had a proper emotional support to tell him the right or wrong way to approach someone (and like, i'm not saying all music is to blame but a lot of songs can have for text more passionate display of love that could really skew with his perception of things). Not that i justify it bc i still hate this crush but at least it makes me think it comes from an understandable place. But yeah i agree with you, it'd be nice him and Sakuya discusses the pressure of being a good kid for people who are just neglecting them. and yeah Masumi's voice acting is just, so so good. Shirai Yusuke really does a fantastic job with it. And meanwhile yeah Masumi cares for the whole theater!!! he doesn't show it as much but he cares so much!!!!!
AND YEAH TSUMUGI OUR HERO!!! No wonder in the recent webcomics about Tsumugi's bday you see Masumi wanting to do good by him now, you can see how much Tsumugi was a good influence on that kid. And talk about having an adult that listens to you and remembers about you enough to help you out. Tsumugi full blown MVP. AND YEAH for people who hadn't read this event it's just. it would be so random!! like, we kinda knew before the event that they had their love for their grandma in common because it's the name of their relationship in the Coin Talk (Grandma's boys) and i think they have a link skill for it, so some players who haven't played the events may be vaguely aware of it. One of my friend was in this situation, she read all the events except the one Masumi and Tsumugi discuss their grandma bc it was the only event she wasn't there to grind, and when she reached this chap she was a bit confused that it was acknowledged in the story while it was only mentioned in passing so far, and i had to mention it was in the event she didn't read that it was told. Anyway Hatsue was really so good!!! we stan a grandma that's willing to call out her son when things hit the fan. She really cares a lot about Masumi and understands a found family is just as valid and it's SO sweet. And YEAH WHOLE OF MANKAI CHASING AFTER HIM IS SO SWEET.
AND YEAH LMAOO. Tenma, famous guy, probably reliving a drama he played in before chasing someone in the airport. Beautiful. It's so nice to see Masumi truly get properly emotional about all of it. It could have been a good time for a CG yeah sobs. I feel like a3 kinda has this trope of, a father being neglectful and controlling to a really insulting level but then they discuss with their sons and communication save the day, but we're still left with the bitter taste in our mouth of just how fucked up the whole thing was LMAO. Like with Tenma for example. It sucks because on a narrative level i would really love the fathers to get a much harder treatment, but on a realistic level i understand that they want to show that things can work out eventually. Cool conclusion still mad at those guys! yeah i don't really recall hearing about Masumi's mom so it's a good question.
and yeaaaah here's we're back to Masumi being annoying sobs. This arc was genuinely so good and it did such a good work on making me care for Masumi, and it gave me a lot of insight into his personality that i can still use more to think of him in a more depth way, but then they go back to the obsession and he is just so. Out of touch. Like on one hand i see it, like i said, the guy has no proper way to judge how a normal relationship is like and all, but god just because it makes sense doesn't mean it's tiring as fuck, especially in the way it undercut the very emotional scene of the whole of Mankai being here for him only to bring back the attention on his crush. I totally feel you on the reading of how mean spirited it is. Esp with saying all that while all of Mankai is watching like, bro. Bro they're all. there for you. It's really frustrating and i fault the writing still on wanting just to keep Masumi in the archetype they first established for him (the sort of yandere boyfriend type) without taking into account the organical development they got for him. Like, they know they can do more with him. They did it the whole chapter so far. But then suddenly even if he evolves on his issues he has to return to the statusquo of his "appeal" toward fan and it clashes with the narrative build up. It's really tragic. At least Sakyo is here to calm things down, in Sakyo we trust. Masumi caring more for his troupe is really sweet to see yeah, and personally i want to focus on those bits, but i'm with you on how when Masumi goes out of line with Izumi it makes it so sour it's hard to get back to the rest of his characterization. Masumi is often such a wasted opportunity and it really stings even more when you see just how good it could be if they focused on the others aspects they put on his character.
Anyway let's talk about characters who are evil on purpose at least: CHIKAGEEEE. It's such a line, the guy really is dedicated in being the villain it's truly chilling. I def think he's sounding evil on purpose because he WANTs to distress Hisoka, he WANTS Hisoka to face the hurt he has done, and he wants to hurt him as much as Chikage was hurt. It's unfair, especially considering WE know what Chikage believes from Hisoka is unlikely to be true (we know Hisoka doesn't remember, Chikage still refuses to accept it. And we believe Hisoka has survivor guilt, not that he definitely had a hand in the killing. And we know that Hisoka losing his memories is the main reason he "ran away", even if we don't know if he lost his memories before or after he had reasons to run off). But i would definitely think Chikage isn't thinking fairly or anything. He had one year to let his feelings fester and he probably just is only thinking through the scope of his own hurt at this point. But Hisoka getting distressed really broke my heart. Like i'm seeing more to Chikage's behavior now (without even having to take spoilers into accounts), but when i first read it i was yelling the whole time insulting Chikage because how fucking dare he make my angel this distressed. He did nothing wrong! even if he killed people! he's my meow meow! i think Hisoka, despite telling his whole troupe that they can rely on each other, doesn't know still how to reach out to them now that real distress came his way. And i would assume that the guilt of his possible crime makes him unable to think clearly, as in, perhaps he deserves this punishment? He doesn't know, he doesn't remember. In my opinion the flashbacks we're getting are stuff Hisoka does remember so pieces are starting to form in his mind that he knew April, he knew the August he talked about, and he knows he stood over August's dead body. I think it makes it harder for Hisoka to not believe Chikage when Chikage accuses him of crime, and to believe he must have hurt Chikage despite the two of them being seemingly close (even if Chikage was a twat in the flashbacks lmao). And therefore it makes it harder for him to face the logical situation when his emotions tells him "you hurt the man in front of you with the crimes you went in denial about and comfortably are trying to forget as if those crimes would disappear just because of it". And it would lead him to believe he deserves a punishment and makes it harder to come clean about all of this. Not to mention it would mean explaining his involvement and he has all the reasons to not want to disclose all of this just yet.
BUT YES WINTER IS LOVE WINTER IS CARE WE LOVE WINTER IN THIS HOUSE. The fact Homare could figure out something was wrong with just this metric means the world to me. It's only the Taking Care of Hisoka's concern measure, nothing else. They've really got really close. All of Winter is really doing a lot more work in trying to connect with one another in a way they wouldn't have back in the first chapter. (insert: how do people who haven't read MMMBM&Nocturnaltiy know!!). They're really doing so so good i love them so much.
back to Chikage and oooooo boy. AND YEAH MAN Chikage really manages to fish more on Tsuzuru with all of this it's so creepy. Tsuzuru is so trusting and all. I'm not going to say anything but yeah the whole situation sure is weird. It's sure nerveswracking though yea Love how so far it's all just "Chikage could be evil there" while it's true. little evil little man. Chikage's answer tho IS really interesting. I do feel like it's the typical "Liar lies so much that he can slip a bit of the truth under layers of untruth". If Tsuzuru is like August, then Chikage must have a soft spot to him even if he's still keeping his distances. Many thoughts but yeah, eventually it'll protect Tsuzuru a bit. His justifications about his lying is just so. muah. Chief kiss. We can still find your weaknesses in your lies tho <3 but i LOVE how Tsuzuru finally clicked on something like. Chikage tried to turn the whole thing into a psychological warfare against Tsuzuru and finding out his weaknesses and Tsuzuru really just turned it around like "weak point noticed, writer powers ON.". It's so funny to me. Can't escape your therapy Chikage, Tsuzuru is already on it!!!
I love how by now people learn to take care of Tsuzuru post script writing. It becomes so usual at this point all they can do is lessen the backlash. There's something so homie about it. homie, omi, it fits. AND HELPPP. Chikage really is in a weird situation isn't he. He tried so hard to play on a role of nice and pleasant and Tsuzuru really just destroyed him with "anyway mister Liar, here's how i see your therapy go." Sakuya is adorable though yes. He's really trying so hard despite chikage having built so many walls.
and then there's the rest okay
The songs are all very nice yess!!! I'm growing more and more found of Tsuzuru's song these days, and Masumi's song is really nice but i hate the lyrics so rip. But Gamer High is truly another level ti's really fun, this is so Itaru. The Harugumi song is soo charming yes! (you'll be able to listen to Chikage's first solo by the end of Awakening Moon at least ;D)
and the play!! it was such a nice play!!! I love Tsuzuru's subtle roasts. Chikage really tried to be normal and Tsuzuru is just anyway here's how i'm going to fix him 4k 2hours, let's G- It's really so funny i respect Tsuzuru so much. I think the play we get is really so interesting in the end yeah. The play is straightforward and fun, and for the analysis, i can't really comment on it since yaknow, more to come, but i really like your thoughts there. "reminds me of Reigen" NOW THAT'S A COMMENT. But yeah the play is really interesting and it's fun to see how it might reflect with the Spring Troupe for real :3c can't wait until you reach it all
Once again, thank you SOOO much for the long comment!! i love reading through your thoughts!! good luck with your writer block and i'm looking forward to see you again eheh :3c
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walriding · 2 years
What are the trends when it comes to writing that you adore? Have you ever developed an OC for a certain fandom?
mun q's || accepting
What are the trends when it comes to writing that you adore?
what even are The Trends(tm) these days........ honestly I think the relative lack of trends is what I like the most, and the fact that it doesn't feel like there's an accepted checklist of fancy graphics or specific writing styles anymore? I've been rping on tumblr for like ten years at this point, and when I started people didn't really give a shit about using a set format for icons or promos, trimming threads wasn't a thing, no one even used small text. and I don't miss all of that (untrimmed threads my beloathed) but for a while after that it felt like you definitely got less attention if you weren't curating a certain aesthetic. and there's obviously nothing wrong with going for a cohesive look with your graphics or spending a lot of time on icons, because I love seeing what people come up with! but as someone who's never entirely enjoyed working on that kind of stuff myself, I appreciate that the rpc seems to have shifted back towards not caring about all of that as much. I'm doing a bunch of iconless threads right now and tbh it's nice and feels lower pressure than having to pick an icon and then spending twenty minutes lamenting the fact that my icons are old and shitty and I just don't have time to make new ones. but at the same time I write with some people with awesome icons and headers, and who take the time to add colored text and everything -- and that's great too! and I love that we can all write together and no one seems to have a stick up their ass about that kind of thing anymore.
Have you ever developed an OC for a certain fandom?
the aforementioned warrior cat oc is to date the only oc I have ever written / developed lol. I joke around that Miles has basically become an oc at this point, which I don't think is necessarily untrue. it's not like he was a super well developed character to begin with, and I've thrown him into enough aus that I feel like he should qualify as like. 60% oc at the very least.
I don't really have a good reason for not having any ocs either, other than the fact that specific characters are usually what draw me into a fandom in the first place. I tend to be less interested in the larger universes and more interested in individual characters, so I'm more compelled to keep developing the canon characters that I see something intriguing about, if that makes any sense? I guess I've never really looked at a fandom and been like "wow I love that world / story so much I want to make a character that belongs there." it tends to be more of a "wow I love and understand that character so much, they're mine now." because I also can't think of a fandom I've participated in where latching on to a specific character wasn't my driving force behind getting into the fandom in the first place.
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