#this is the ugliest promo ever but.
eiiskonigin · 1 year
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❝ They wanted • us weak • but forced • us to • be strong. ❞
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 months
For the doll ask 13 and 9
13. What doll in your collection is worth the most?
If you're casing my apartment, they were all $20 at Goodwill. Yep. Totally.
(Probably Leonore, my late 1860s French fashion doll by a prestige maker with a rare body type. But the thing is, finding a buyer for antique dolls can be such a long and taxing process that they're not really worth stealing- most thieves can't access the proper market to make a quick sale at market value. Hell, even a lot of legit sellers struggle with that. So like...worth the most if I could find a buyer, which could take years. Not that I'd ever sell her!)
9l. Ugliest doll you own, but love anyway?
She's not ugly, but my porcelain BJD Elizaveta looks like she's about to cry all the time. I didn't know that effect would be a thing- the promo pics were very carefully lit -and it really cooled my enthusiasm for her. But I made her another doll's girlfriend, so at least she looks like she's being permanently comforted by her paramour.
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sourmonsterworms · 10 months
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The END (2009) - The Black Eyed Peas
This album has a Very Mixed reputation but there’s a goddamn reason I can still sing every single word of the first 5 tracks. The album is very frontloaded, all of the charting singles are shoved front and center in the album. I know this album’s singles get a lot of shit but I could make a case for all 5 of these singles, even I Gotta Feeling, which I don’t even like that much comparatively (despite the fact that I think this is the song most people feel the most positively toward).
Boom Boom Pow is tight, earwormy, futuristic (for the time) sounding, I haven’t listened to this song in years and I remembered Every. Fucking. Word. Not too overly repetitive, the verses are good, it doesn’t feel like any part of the song is carrying or lagging behind, the epitome of a cohesive song where something interesting is always happening. 
Rock That Body my beloved. I don’t give a fuck what you think about this song its fucking twerkable, this song used to make me go fucking apeshit when I was a kid, this song is a hill I will fucking die on. I genuinely enjoy the chipmunk Fergie vocals and respect them as an artistic choice, I’m Not Fucking Kidding.
Meet Me Halfway is a guilty pleasure, I know by all rights I should say it's bad, that its sampling of The Yeah Yeah Yeahs iconic song about longing Maps is baffling, but in the moment? You know what? This song DOES hit. This is probably the best vocal performance Fergie has or ever will give. 
Imma Be- Ok please stay with me here, I know this is probably most people’s least favorite of the singles. It's repetitive, it's probably the ugliest sounding production wise, its pioneering annoying “ay”s as an instrument, the ever present “Imma Be”s. But when the bridge hits I feel like it's all worth it. I fucking love the back half of this song so much. It's like the musical equivalent of eating your vegetables to get dessert.
I Gotta Feeling is my least favorite of the charting singles, I dunno, I just think it's like, ok. Most people would say this is the best song on the album I feel, its not even in my top 5, but I know every fucking word like its burned into my brain so, what’ll you do.
The album doesn't stop with its commercial singles though, the next two songs were non charting promotional singles (one of which was only released in France). Alive is, surprisingly, kind of reminiscent of a RAM era Daft Punk song but if The Black Eyed Peas were there (4 years predating RAM). I think this song honestly deserves to be remembered as well as the preceding 5 songs.
Missing You, the aforementioned France Only Promo Single, at first feels a bit heavy handed, opening with Fergie doing her most Fergie. However, I actually really like the production on this one. The transition from the first chorus to the first verse immediately changed my expectations for the song, and the second verse, with Fergie’s interjections of “Missing you” is the high point of the song, immaculate. I could easily imagine this song having been a successful radio single 2009-2010 (Yes, I am saying this album should have had 7 charting singles Actually, it’s my review I get to say whatever words I want)
Unfortunately this is actually the point where the album falls off. Ring-A-Ling, a song about bootycalls, is the most straight up offensive to my ears, which is a shame because Missing You leads into it so beautifully that it leaves you completely unprepared for what is about to happen to you. The chorus proudly proclaims that “the girls want ding-a-ling” how brave of will.i.am to say that like it doesn’t sound goofy as fuck. The vocal effects on Fergie do not sound like a Respectable Artistic Choice on this one. The production is very “annoying song from the late 2000s-2010s”, unfortunately I could also imagine a world where this charted in 2010, so it's good that we mercifully dodged that timeline. Also this song ends on a sample that used the R slur, reminding you that the Peas love that word so much that one of their most famous songs is unlistenable without the censored edit (ugh).
The songs after this aren’t too terribly notable, Party All The Time feels like a less good retread of I Gotta Feeling, Out Of My Head is actually pretty decent but feels like a rejected leftover from The Duchess rather than a Black Eyed Peas song (it basically is just a Fergie song), and Electric City just, isn’t very good. Showdown feels like it could have had something with the counting in the pre chorus, but the rest of the song is just, eh.
Now Generation opens with a narrator talking about how The Youth can destroy the Economy by Not Buying things, before tiptoeing into an absolutely baffling song about how cool technology and the internet is and Money and Stuff. I feel like this is supposed to sound rebellious or something but it’s just? What the fuck is this? One Tribe feels like an attempt to return to their roots, or at the very least Where Is The Love? But it's just an empty song about Love and Peace and Unity. Also it sucks.
After 7 tracks of mid, here we are at the closing track. So you know how I said Alive sounded like Daft Punk? Lightning striketh twice because Rockin To The Beat sounds even more like Will.i.am really wanted to make a Daft Punk song. I don’t know if this would clear on an actual Daft Punk album, but on this album? It's a pleasant surprise. Genuinely nice way to close out the album.
Despite this album cycle’s insane success at the time and the album’s commercial success, this album feels bloated. With 15 tracks, the shortest of which clocking in at 3:45, most being over 4 minutes, this album could have been 5 tracks shorter and it would have benefitted the listening experience greatly. Personally I think Ring-A-Ling, Electric City, Showdown, Now Generation and One Tribe could have seen the chopping block and little of value would have been lost. That being said, the good songs here? Pretty good. Would absolutely suggest listening to Alive, Missing You and Rockin To The Beat at least once if you’ve never heard them.
1 Rock That Body
2 Alive
3 Missing You
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mari-animates · 1 year
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This got to be the ugliest promo poster I ever did see but I'mma let it slide cause it's transformers
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zumpietoo · 1 year
Yep, Fake Pool Confirmed
At their store.....
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Don't need to/couldn't afford a venue.....so it's like those VS parties they used to have at your local mall....
To pimp this hideousness:
Which, don't hate the bus wrap, buuuut.....
Again, this particular promo? Is cute....not remotely couture, but cute ideas.....the bag is the ugliest fucking shit ever....
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tartagaliicious · 2 years
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sideblog to @chongyuniisms​
brand new childe blog drop! ugly promo, no dash icon yet, and bio is a pile of crack. but follow me anyway!
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thehorsefrom · 2 years
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[ ... ] stand up comedian, actor, crippling alcoholic, a talented charmer... and a stupid piece of SHIT.  --IT’S BOJACK HORSEMAN !  // written by... me. personals do not interact !
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stoixism-a · 4 years
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                                               𝕃𝕖𝕤𝕝𝕚𝕖 𝕂𝕪𝕝𝕖
                                     Independent.     Semi-Selective     
                                                    Strength comes from struggle.                          When you learn to see your struggles as opportunities to become                                                           stronger, better, wiser,                             then your thinking shifts from 'I can't do this' to 'I must do this.' 
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nctevil · 5 years
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       ❝ The Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the                     Bottomless Pit, Great Beast that is called Dragon,     Prince of This World, Father of Lies,               Spawn of Satan and Lord of Darkness ❞
                                                                                                   .-ADAM YOUNG
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gavelpassed · 5 years
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                   TRUE    FREEDOM    REQUIRES    SACRIFICE   &   PAIN   .     ©
                                         independent  &  canon  divergent  JOHN  ‘ JT ’  TELLER  .
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skzbffie · 5 years
literally why
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fcrensis · 6 years
i have no idea how everyone makes such pretty promos but u know what  ??  keep doin it i support u and they’re the best
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Recast vs Legit - Is It Worth It?
Okay - so before anyone tries to crucify me in the notes, this is meant to spark debate and discussion. I am well aware of the facts that make recasts fundamentally 'bad' or 'wrong' - the way it effects the artists livelihood, the fact that it's intellectual property violation, etc, etc.
My counterpoint, so to speak, is some dolls are not worth their price point. Yes, I did just say that. No, I'm not jealous of anyone for owning any specific doll (I own all my grails [legit] and have them all fleshed out with clothes/shoes/eyes/wigs), no I'm not mad that people can drop 100s to 1000s of Dollars on dolls because I can and have myself. I just genuinely find some doll brands to not be worth their price point. I'm not even talking about things like T3eny Tinkers weird little clay creatures, I'm talking about well established companies - namely Fairyland.
I think Minifees are cute and great dolls for beginners because there's just so much made for them but would I ever consider paying the legit price for them? Not a chance.  Minifees are infamous for their quality issues. Warped legs, weird discoloration in tan skin, super obvious seamlines even on pale dolls, super thin resin on high pressure joint areas, company faceups not being the same quality as the promo images... All this for hundreds of dollars? Some might have the want to waste their hard earned money on an inferior product but I sure don't. 
I have owned a legit Minifee as well as recasts - the difference in quality is insane and not in the direction most people will have you believe. I don't even need to tell you, you can see for yourself. Watch Christine C's video on legit vs recast - if you go for a good recaster brand the difference is hardly noticeable and in some instances the legits look a lot worse than the recasts. The price point pushes it even further in favor for recasts. A blank, tan Minifee A-Line costs $457.00 (excluding shipping) - this is no hands, no heel feet, no faceup. Completely blank.
A custom painted (very nice quality as well) tan Minifee with three extra hand options and heel feet costs $230.00 (including shipping). Now when I say tan, I actually mean an array of colors from Fairyland tan to baby blue to onyx black. Fairyland can't even offer POC skin, never mind fantasy skin tones.  What does this mean for the buyer/collector? It means that if you save up to buy the legit, but instead buy the recast you have another $227.00 to buy the doll some real wigs/shoes/eyes/whatever else.
I see so many #legitonlycollectorsuwu with the ugliest doll under the sun, because they put a woolen mop wig on it, hand paint it with what may as well be paper markers, cut holes in a sock and then post it expecting the same traction as people like 4arll!n. With all this said - let's debate. What reason is there to go legit with this specific company? What counter-points can you make against mine that would really prove that recasts are not as good as legits? 
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eeveedel · 2 years
I just woke up, why is harry at the dwd premiere? He is he only one that somewhat cares about this movie i think. Since his best friend has invested so much money in it. Imagine thinking people should go watch this movie tho after everything. Hshq pushing it so desparately 🥴
I think he's there bc he's in the middle of a big gap in his residency and the premiere was in nyc, so honestly, it would be weird for him to not pop by.
if it makes you feel better, rumor has it he was supposed to be at that film festival with O on Saturday but obviously didn't show up (and neither did anyone else). they're having to pad their carpet with very minor actors bc both Florence and Chris didn't show up.
also harry showed up in the ugliest, bare minimum outfit I have ever seen and couldn't even tell an interviewer if the movie has a soundtrack.
also, he had a week of break right as DWD was coming out and this has been the only promo he's done. no late night appearances. no radio interviews. no extra pap walks or photo calls. nothing.
trust me, I think he's done
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jenovacomplete · 2 years
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this is the ugliest shit i've ever seen so of course it was a couple posts below a sponsored promo for the homestuck discord
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randombubblegum · 3 years
what do you think he did wrong with gh?
i think there were a lot of things that went wrong this era, some his fault, some just unavoidable pandemic stuff...... (long)
firstly it was a stupid, boneheaded move to leave hopeless for 300. i said so the day it happened, im saying so now. honestly the choice to forcibly distance himself from the “pop punk” label AT ALL was a bad move!! i understand he doesnt like it and i agree with him that parx music isnt pop punk. however their literal ENTIRE BASE is pop punk/emo/alt fans!!!! how many fans do you think parx has that didnt get into them from another emo band or doesnt also like other emo bands??? very few. and have you noticed a huge lack or press/magazine coverage this era??? huh its almost like their biggest friends in the journalism world were ALT MUSIC MAGS like ap, kerrang, rocksound, etc.... hopeless being an alt label it was rly easy to score those features!!! now its harder!!!!! 300 isnt promoing them at all and hopeless put them in times square!!!
also 300 is just a nightmare of a label, a fact that is easily googleable (and that we googled on like. day 1) just look at the merch rollouts this era hoooly jesus.... and their idea of “promo” is to buy instagram ads and? stories on random ppls pages?? like “dm for promo” type stuff??? that being said the way awsten is publicly beefing w them WHILE SIGNED and encouraging fans to harass them is like sooo childish and unprofessional its insane...... how did u not learn ur lesson when equal vision took dd and ent from u..... grow up dude.....
also for him hyping up the aesthetics of this era as better than all other eras theyre really.... not all that..... awstens always been rly good with cultivating aesthetics so to see him drop the ball like this is a bummer :( the music videos are cookie cutter no budget lip syncing vids, merch is the UGLIEST ive ever seen, even his personal aesthetic isnt up to par outside the flashy hair color (but that might just be a personal opinion)......
i cant imagine how hard it must be to be a band during the pandemic but also. my god. the way he conducts himself on social media this era. suffice to say its gone from “cute and cheeky” to like “there is something deeply wrong w the way u are interfacing w the world” and i dont think retweeting fans trying to get your attention by gushing how artistic everything u do is is like... the cool band promo u think.... it is.............
as for the music itself i dunno.... he signed to 300 specifically so nobody could give him any artistic guidance or feedback and i understand that desire but i think the music suffered for it. i think listening to the 5 people you “trust” who also happen to be your friends, labelmates, and/or managers is not incredible for pushing yourself creatively... also just because YOU assign all this meaning to the art u make doesnt mean the art actually conveys that meaning especially if it is abstract..... and getting mad at your fans for not “getting it” is not a good look i think? maybe make music that resonates with more people and more people. will like. connect to ur music.
also i miss interviews where it was the band talking and showing off their personalities and friendship because THAT his how you build a fan base. that is how you make people care about and root for you. waterworks with waterparks? waterparks plays guess that band? waterparks at the rocksound carnival?? that stuff!!! thats how you make people love you!!! other boy bands like bts and 5sos have it figured out, why havent you!!!!! you need to know thats how u got these fans right.....!!
sometimes an album just doesnt do well and thats life. it doesnt mean the album is bad!!! look at folie à deux for instance!!!! but i think this album “flopped” compared to past releases largely in part to the choices awsten made personally and professionally and hes not handling it well at all. not every album is gonna be a breakout hit even for VERY successful bands and thats ok and to be expected but it sucks that awsten put all his eggs in one basket here
i like parx a lot and i care about these dudes deeply (albeit parasocially) and it sucks to see them doing meh, i want them to do well, be happy, have fun, be successful..... its hard to root for people who act like they deserve to be on top and get mad when they arent tho :(
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