#this is when i come out as a garmau fan
ithinkdogshouldvote · 4 months
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2015 minecraft roleplay save me…
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irenes-journal · 1 year
Hi everyone, welcome to my brain being overly active at 2am because of medicine and an awful sleep pattern thanks to being super sick for like two and a half weeks.
So under that post I reblogged from aphtwt confessions saying they hated Laurance, I mentioned in the tags (before I changed them) about how Laurance sees Aphmau during the pregnancy “arc” (it was literally in the 97th episode so I’m not sure how much of an arc is really is) and I wanted to explain it further since I feel like I did a bad job doing it originally.
Disclaimer before I start: I don’t like the pregnancy subplot lol. I don’t think that’s necessarily unpopular either. But that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen so I’m going to to analyze it anyway, especially because what spawned this post specifically mentions it.
So obviously in canon, Laurance eavesdropped on Aph when she admitted to being pregnant to Katelyn, Zoey, and Cadenza. I always thought when I was younger that Laurance responding like he did (going full shadow knight and answering the calling of the Nether) ONLY because of a pregnancy was weird. Like that’s really dramatic of a response, and I really hated it. So I decided to ease the many questions that have plagued my mind for years by coming up with this explanation onto why he reacted so strongly.
Simply, Laurance put way too many of his feelings into Aphmau. She was a physical manifestation of his humanity in a way, the feelings he felt for her is what kept him in tact. He was holding out a hope that she will reciprocate those feelings to him, and practically “bring him back from the dead.” But she didn’t reciprocate those feelings, which in turn “killed” Laurance.
While I personally hate the narrative of “because I was here earlier, I deserve her more than you do,” it was obvious that was being written in MCD. Garroth did it to Laurance, and Laurance did it to Aaron. This mindset is what evidently “killed” Laurance off, he was holding out for something that was not going to happen. He unknowingly put his feelings of humanity on an unwilling subject, and that was Aphmau.
Laurance didn’t seem like he wanted to even admit that he had died sometimes. He wanted to continue being a guard, serving a lord and protecting people. He wanted to be that morally upstanding individual. He wanted love, pain, joy, sadness…he just wanted feelings. But the call of the Nether made it harder for him to feel that range of emotion. He became more short tempered, bitter, and pained. But a sliver of him had hope, that’s what kept him in tact. But his hope was attached to a person. There was a risk that would backfire on him, that he would be hurt and then lose control. That’s exactly what happened to him.
He could have been like Vylad, and try to detach/squash many of the feelings he has as he tries to gain better control over himself. Vylad was very controlled, and that’s why he tried to help Laurance like he did. But possibly there wasn’t enough time for Laurance to truly learn how to do that before his fragile state evidently cracked with something as deep and consuming as heartbreak. Since he could no longer find the means or the will to control it, he decided to leave. He probably thought that he was going to hurt those he cared about regardless of staying or leaving, and leaving at least ensured that they would at least be safe from him. That or he didn’t want to deal with it.
Aphmau is not at fault for falling in love with someone else. She did not choose to be Laurance’s emotional link to humanity, it was just unknowingly placed upon her. Despite how many people dislike aarmau or Aaron, being romantically involved with him isn’t an immoral act of her character. It’s just a disappointment to viewers who were long term garmau or laurmau fans.
Should Laurance have put his feelings humanity into something else? Probably. Putting all of your faith into a person (and their feelings about you) who could very well disappoint you, even if you don’t want to admit it, is not the smartest move. But that sliver of hope and feelings of love made him see the world, specifically her, through rose colored glasses. He didn’t logically make a decision to put that much level of importance onto Aphmau, it was his heart talking over his head. But he did, and that’s how he ended up digging his own grave.
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chloeillustrates16 · 5 years
Hey guys, so I ship garmau. And I honestly hope that it happens in this new MCD rebirth. Yes, I know that Aaron will come back and swoon her off her feet. Hell, Jess if you’re seeing this (which I doubt ) I’m not tell you what to do or anything like that I’m just giving my opinion. Now, down to business, in this new Diaries my nine-year-old self just jumped out and screamed Garmau. My childhood “show” is being remastered into something amazing! And I love it and I hope she continues it (it’s been about two maybe three months since she’s uploaded episode 9 and I’m dying to watch episode 10.) Jess is a beautiful woman and she deserves all the respect and please don’t make it like last time. She didn’t deserve all that toxic, I love all the moments that Garroth and Aphmau have. In retro speak, Garroth known Aphmau longer than her an Aaron. In Mystreet it’s different because Garroth and her haven’t talked since they were kids and she’s closed to Aaron then him. My second is (SPOLIER WHO HAS NOT SEEN THE OG!) when Aaron died in season two she’ll get Garroth and her together I honestly don’t know I’m just making my guesses. AGAIN, this is not hate to Aarmau or Jess it’s only little hopes from an OG fan I hope you all have a nice day, goodbye~
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pan-kawaii-chan · 5 years
if it's not too blasphemous to ask,,, Laurance insults
traffic cone!!! ik he did it bc he loves his sister and all but he also had grown it out and i just have to ask why
actual problems i have w his character mostly come from being a garmau fan when i first got into mcd (im older now tho n i do appreciate laur a lot more!! n also im not into garmau anymore) n in general thinking his va is sucky. oh also in ms the kissing aphmau in a photo booth w/o her consent and then asking her not to tell garroth abt it wasnt cool at all
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vyladromeave · 5 years
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blank copy (in case you want to make your own! please give credit if you do.) and zoomed in version to see the text easier also included. text below cut, in case you have trouble reading it.
HD (high definition, non pixel-y) skins.
Character(s) get excluded.
We get to watch the Aphmau-summoning sequence. (Where “Irene” is summoned from her dimension and becomes Aphmau!)
Old music returns.
Someone says F*CK. (Or curses.)
Characters that should not be there yet appear. (Aaron, KC, Laurance, Zane, etc.)
The voices still sound like Mystreet. (Aphmau is too high-pitched, Garroth sounds like nails on a chalkboard, etc.)
New lore is mentioned, or old lore is confirmed.
The video is in both 1st and 3rd person POV. (Like Void Paradox!)
Someone is wildly out of character. (This aint Mystreet!)
Voice Actors (VAs) for the characters who don’t have voices yet! (Like Dale, Molly, and other older villagers.)
New skins that make less sense than they did before.
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS. (Free space.)
Hints of Garmau...
Foreshadowing for future Minecraft Diaries (MCD) episodes. (That will probably never come.)
Void or Void Burn makes an appearance. 
Aphmau becomes the lord by the end of the episode.
New skins that make more sense than they did before.
Shadowknights show up, act Mysterious™.
We get to see the old lord’s house again.
We see scenes that happen outside of Phoenix Drop.
The Rewrite Video is near or over 30 minutes.
The episode feels like the first few Minecraft Diaries episodes slammed into one.
References to stuff only older fans will get.
Magic bullsh*t happens.
(some text is censored so that you can still find it when searching for it. Tumblr will censor it otherwise fmnsdbfsdgj)
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uwunoodle-blog · 5 years
Dear Aphmau
I 😊 have 🙌🏻 been watching 👀 your 🤡🤡🤡 videos 🎞 for 4️⃣ quite some time ⌚🕕🕥🕙🕟🕘🕑 now, and I really loved your content.
But, 🛑😲🛑 after a few specific changes, I 😋just couldn't bring myself to enjoy it as much anymore 😢😭😩😫😔😔😔😭😭😢😢.
The progression of Aarmau 👩🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻 and it replacing Garmau 👩🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏼 and Laurmau 👩🏽‍🤝‍🧑🏽 in Diaries 📔📗📘📚📖📜 has really saddened 😭😭😢😢 a lot of OG fans, including me 😄. There's no problem with Aarmau 👩🏻👨🏻‍🦱 when ⏲⌚⏱⏰ it comes to Mystreet 🛣🏠🏡🏚🏘🚗.
But in Diaries, 📔📕📗📘📙📚🔖📖📜 it came out of nowhere 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️ when Garmau 👩🏻👱🏻‍♂️ and Laurmau 👩🏻🧑 had already been developed for a year 📆🗓📅.
There's also the whole catastrophe 🤬🤬🤬 with Ein 👦🏻 and Aphmau 👩🏻 being related 🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♂️even though Ein 👦🏻 was clearly romantically 💕💞💓💗💖💝❣💘💜💙💖💟💕💞💓💘💝 interested in Aphmau 👩🏻.
I'm 😁 just so disappointed 😔😔😭😭😢😢😩😩💔💔 with the direction 👈👉 that you 🤡🤡🤡 chose to go with that. It's a very triggering 😔☹😤😧 topic for some people. 🤼
And considering 🤔🤔 that your 🤡🤡🤡 content 🎞📽🎥 is "aimed 🏹 at a youthful 👶🏻🧓🏻🧒🏻🚸 audience" it's highly inappropriate 🛑🛑🛑 for a topic as serious as this to be in it.
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Source for "aimed at a youthful audience" :(link: http://blujaystudios.com/) blujaystudios.com 
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undercovermcdfan · 8 years
What were the eras before Aaron being the fave like oh ancient one?
In the mcd fandom? Because before mcd, I didn't really see much of a fandom. Before Aaron, it was the Garroth era & everybody adored him, zealous shippers of garmau and would roast you if you shipped anything but.Then mystreet happened quickly followed by Aaron becoming Aph's number 1, the Aaron era. It was trying times, constant fights between Garroth and garmau fans vs Aaron and aarmau folks; the more mature fans quieted down, and soon started to break into other ships, i.g. me & the other Travlyn fans making our presence and zanemau rise in mystreet.Soon, when aarmau became canon and people Mcfreaking flipped, everybody having opinions about it, nobody was prepared for the next new Era in fandom: Zane dynasty AKA the fall of Zanemau but the rise of Zane being everywhere, zan//vis and zanechan along with other crackships, Zane becoming the character that ppl completely made ooc and crucified anybody who didn't like the new fanon. This era is coming to an end, I hope but now I'm wondering-- who's next??? Will we return to Garroth as fandom fave??? Will it be as tensed as the transition from Aaron era to Zane era???Find out next time on Dragon Ball z!!! Abskdmdnd
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