#this is when prince jellal (mystogan) left
fairytailaustories · 3 months
Pride Month Fairy Tail AU Day 3:
Day 3: Date Night.
Ship: Laxus X Mystogan
Warning: Au for a reason, swearing
Spoilers for Edolas arc?
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Months after being friends, Laxus had finally had the confidence to ask Mystogan to hang out for a night.
"Mystogan, are you bust tonight?" Laxus asked the newly promoted S Class Mage. The two were sitting on the S Class floor, away from the ruckess on the normal floor.
Mystogan looked up from his book, surprised by Laxus' question. "Uh, no. Why?"
Laxus could feel his cheeks starting to warm up but he kept a blank expression. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight, you know, as friends. We've known each other for nearly two years now but we rarely hang out." He said, trying not to make it awkward.
Mystogan was surprised by Laxus' words, Laxus wasn't the type of person to hang out with anyone, not even his team. "Where would we be going?" Mystogan asked.
Laxus blinked before shrugging. "The woods? The park? The casino? I dunno, somewhere."
Mystogan hummed in thought before closing his book. "What time are we meeting up?"
"Huh?" Laxus said, not expecting Mystogan to agree. Mystogan repeated his question. "How about six o'clock? We can get dinner while we're out."
Mystogan nodded before slipping his mask back on before he got up and disappeared, heading to whereever. Laxus sank down his chair once Mystogan left. He was blushing like mad.
"Confessed yet, Laxus?" Laxus frozed upon hearing a gruffy voice, a familiar gruffy teasing voice.
"I don't know what you're on about, Gildarts." Laxus denied, crossing his arms.
Gildarts laughed sat on the opposite seat of Laxus. "Don't be so stingy, Laxus. I can see how you look at Mystogan." He teased. "Looks like our Lightning Dragon Slayer found his little Princess."
Laxus blush deepens. "Shut the fuck up, Gildarts! It's not like that!"
Mystogan waited outside of Laxus' home. He had changed into something that was comfy instead of his hoodie. A purple short sleeved polo shirt, black shorts and sandles. He wore a black medic mask and an eye patch. It was to cover his birthmark-like tattoo on his face. He knew he looked like Jellal as he is Jellal from another world but he didn't want to cause a ruckus and kept himself hidden. His blue hair won't cause a problem as there are other people with blue hair but a mark like his, it's too noticeable.
Mystogan was snapped out of his thought when he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned to see who it was.
"Laxus?" He hummed.
"You ready to go, Mystogan?" Laxus asked. Mystogan nodded and the two headed to wherever their feet take them. As they walked, Mystogan took a look at Laxus' outfit.
A dark orange short sleeved button up shirt, black long sleeve top under his shirt, black pants and black boots. Simple and comfy, like him.
"Hey Mystogan, can I ask why you cover your face in public?" Laxus asked, snapping Mystogan out of his trance.
"Well... It's a personal reason. Nothing illegal, I can assure you." Mystogan said. Laxus frowned at the explaination but let it go. Who was he to pry someone else's secrets when he holds secrets himself.
"What the fuck?! How are you so good at this, Mystogan?!" Laxus asked, completely dumbfounded.
They were at a casino which allowed teenage mages to come and play games with adults. The two teenagers were playing a game of poker with experienced adults, those that never back down. Laxus was terrible at the game, Mystogan however...
"This kid is good."
"I know. Oi bluey, are you sure this is your first time playing?"
"He's got lady luck on his side."
"How does a sixteen year old win 3 games in a row?"
Mystogan seemed to be talented in the game and has won a shit load of money at ease.
Mystogan nodded to the first question. It was his first time playing but he's watched his father and uncle play poker games a lot in when he was the Prince back in Edolas, back when he was just Prince Jellal...
"Well, I say lets head back, Mystogan. It's getting late." Laxus said, noticing it had gone 9 PM. Mystogan nodded in agreement. "Agreed."
After collecting Mystogan's winnings, they headed back to Magnolia, as they were a little out of town.
"How the hell did you not see that branch?" Laxus asked, deadpanning.
"Shut up, Laxus." Mystogan mumbled, blushing in embarrassment as he was given a piggy back ride from Laxus.
During their walk through the woods, Mystogan had tripped over a tree branch, it was a big branch, hence why Laxus asked how Mystogan didn't see it. However, Mystogan was watching the sky, not where he was going. And now he sprained his ankle.
Laxus is not going to shut up about this for a while, neither will Gildarts when he finds out.
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a-quiet-journal · 3 years
“Since you’re leaving Fairy Tail, you’ve got to swear to follow these three rules. Number one, never, ever share sensitive information about Fairy Tail with anyone, as long as you live. Number two, you must never contact any clients you have worked with for the guild for your own personal gain. Number three, although our paths must stray, you’ve got to promise to live the rest of your life to the fullest. That means to treat every day like it was going to be your last day in this world. Don’t forget the friends you loved. You must treasure them for as long as you live.”
- Natsu Dragneel
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pencilofawesomeness · 3 years
Hey hope you don't mind...but mystogan headcanons? Please?
Wh-what's this? Somebody is asking me to ramble about Mystogan? *is absolutely giddy* Heck yeah let's goooo
—His mother died during childbirth. Faust was devastated, and because he survived when his mother didn't, Faust never quite gave him a chance. Especially since Mystogan was born with the red mark on his face, something that had no precedence in Edolas—not that any of the palace staff knew of, at least. It was considered a bad omen. Little Prince Jellal was rarely shown in public, especially not when the mark was visible.
—The public assumed that he was sickly. Some thought that the prince didn't exist at all, and that Faust was just faking it until he could figure out a situation for an heir.
—Truth was, Mystogan was a sickly child. At least, he wasn't the most physically fit, being that he had a weak constitution. He spent a lot of time reading, but despite his 'poor health' he was an active child, and hated sitting still.
—Mystogan and Jellal were born at the exact same instance—something rare even between counterparts. Because of this, Mystogan gained Jellal's arcane mark. Since he was effectively synced with Earthland's magic flow, and not the weak one of Edolas, it affected him as a child, leading to the so-called weak constitution.
—Mystogan is actually really tough, when in Earthland. He can take hits almost as well as the average mage, despite not being able to use magic to soften blows. Granted, his pain tolerance is also stupidly high.
—Being that Faust was never close to Mystogan, and Mystogan wasn't able to be a public figure, he saw him as a waste of space, but one that had to be begrudgingly tolerated just because he was his only heir. Faust mostly avoided him, but sometimes he became the convenient target for his ire. Most of it was verbal, but sometimes, it wasn't. Anything else was simply (according to Faust, of course) a well-meaning attempt to "toughen him up."
—Mystogan is highly observant. His number one past time to amuse himself was just watching people. Seeing how they interacted (because he was mostly left alone). He's especially sensitive to mood swings, even at the slightest hint.
—His ninja habits started as a child. He loves climbing things and he loves heights.
—He managed to convince his father/the staff to let him learn to ride a legion. He picked a white one—the runt of the group—because he liked her quiet disposition. He named her Claudia. Unfortunately, he wasn't allowed to fly alone, or very far, and the stables of legion were well guarded.
—After a particular rough exchange with his father, Mystogan ran away. He made it three days on his own (he studied nature and survival techniques more often than customs and history) before he was caught on unstable ground and injured in a landslide. Pantherlily noticed him and saved his life, nursing him back to health and returning him to the capital. Much to the disappoint of the palace, of course.
—Not long after, he ran away again, except this time, it was through the Anima. Not only did Mystogan figure that his father was going to use that gathered magic for less than altruistic means, but he hated the idea of another world dying.
—He would have taken Claudia with him if he could, but he didn't know how to manage it, and he convinced himself she would be better cared for there. Though he always worried they would do something to her, just to spite him. (Luckily, they didn't. Nothing besides keeping her confined to the stable grounds.)
—Mystogan really likes the outdoors. He even likes being outside in the rain and snow.
—He loves bird-watching. The most still he gets is when he's watching something, especially if he thinks its interesting.
—Being that he could never sit still, he learned to make things, and other crafts that could keep his hands busy. He made Wendy's backpack for her when he found the lost girl in the woods.
—Wendy had startled his birth name out of him, but even before he learned of the exact (current) disposition of his counterpart, Mystogan stopped using 'Jellal' as a name. It reminded him too much of his childhood, and even though he only came to Earthland to stop the Anima, the allure of a fresh start was too good to pass up. (I talk about his name a lot in this little oneshot I did a while back, after I finished the Edolas arc.)
—His favorite color is black. Just because he thinks it's both cool and practical.
—He doesn't just avoid people because he doesn't want them to know his face. Mystogan is just garbage at human interactions. He's too blunt and straightforward, and he doesn't know how to navigate niceties, so he doesn't. His go-to has always been being quiet or avoiding it.
—He really doesn't mind listening, though. He's always been a watcher, after all. Companionable silence is his favorite form of interaction, because it comes with no expectations or complications.
—Mystogan places a lot of expectations on himself, telling himself that it's his job to rectify the Anima situation, but in reality, expectations make him nervous. He has failed a lot of those, after all.
—People worry that he's nosy because he's pretty much a spy of a mage, but he's really not. Unless he thinks something is dangerous, he doesn't pry and he doesn't think much of it. People are entitled to their business.
—He has a really fatalistic and dry sense of humor. He likes puns, too, but he's not good at coming up with them.
—Mystogan has a cat. It's mostly a feral stray, who hangs out in the woods when Mystogan is off on jobs, but he'll feed him, and the cat reacts well to Mystogan. It's a black cat, and he named him Shadow.
—He prefers tea over coffee.
—He's a light eater and a light sleeper.
~ Some HTRYDS specific ones ~
—All of the dragons are concerned with his lack of appetite. Eventually, Acno had to begrudgingly admit that his metabolism really is just naturally slow.
—He constantly deals with imposter syndrome—especially when Jellal first joined the guild. However, Laxus once remarked that since Mystogan was there first, Jellal was actually the second one. It helped a little, especially once it became clear that he was still being treated like he always had been.
—Because of this, people joke that Mystogan is the 'older twin.'
—The majority of Fairy Tail just thinks that Jellal and Mystogan are twins that were separated at birth. This was just a contingency, but Erza used it to make a concerted effort to drag Mystogan into more activities.
—This effort was only a tiny bit successful. He remains the best at avoiding events, superior even to Acnologia.
—Shadow is even more spoiled. Wendy feeds him when Mystogan is gone, and Jellal fills in other times. Erik has a few times as well. Erza is still trying to win him over.
—Mystogan is scary good at being elusive, especially since he even can dodge dragon slayers from time to time. Though he has yet to avoid Acnologia when it counts.
—Since Acno got him a new invisibility ring and gave him some pointers for it, it's become one of his favorites. He uses it to leave towns more often than not, because he doesn't like the after-job attention.
—Even though he doesn't hide his face around the guild anymore, he still likes caps and scarves to tuck his face into. He still is careful outside of Magnolia, just because he doesn't want to deal with people.
—The guild, for the most part getting a better picture of Mystogan's awkwardness, is very supportive of him not wanting to deal with the press. Some of them will go as far as responding with "who's Mystogan?" if ever questioned by a reporter. These various responses have somehow made Mystogan even more enigmatic than he was before he loosened up about his identity.
Whelp that's all I got for now, but I can ramble about this boy for a while. That was fun. I have a lot of feelings about Mystogan. If anybody asks, yes, I am salty about how little we saw him and about losing him to Edolas.
I have no idea if those were the kind of headcanons you were looking for, but it all kinda spilled out in a mess of random stuff and character backstory, so sorry about that.
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cobaltcrested · 5 years
-  -  -  -  -  ⋆ . *「 HC. 」.★  MYSTOGAN. 
FORGING A KING; PART 1:     From Rags to Royalty
...or;   how a nameless little boy, with hair as blue as cobalt, became Edolas’ heir to the THRONE.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
      As a very young child, not older than five years of age, Jellal was found in the middle of some desertic valleys of Edolas by Pantherlily, who was of passage. The young boy was injured severly, especially when it came to his head --- and didn't remember anything, not even his name. Pantherlily's eyes softened when they fell upon his small form, and the Exceed decided to rescue him out of the kindness of his heart. 
     But if his benevolence was a quality for many, it was also the cat’s downfall; Pantherlily was banned from Extalia after bringing the child to the city, assisting humans ( and letting them walk upon their territory ) being forbidden.      What should have been seen an act of generosity and selflessness was instead viewed by the Exceed race as an utmost betrayal. Suddenly without a place to call his, Pantherlily was left to survive --- with, in his hold, the small, blue-haired child whose security and safety, whose life, had cost him his home.
                       ( ...but somehow, Pantherlily couldn't bring himself to regret his actions ) 
     They wandered for days --- days which turned into weeks, until they were found trespassing by the Royal Guard. The Exceed, feared by humans because of the legends fabricated by his people, was arrested and brought to the castle, to the King and the Queen --- the little boy never letting go of him, silent but attached. Pantherlily explained his situation to the monarchs; showed them the child clinging to him like a lifeline. And for the Queen, infertile but with motherly instincts stronger than the norm, it was love at first sight.
     Pantherlily and the child were both given bedrooms next to each other; linked by a door, so that they could always reach out and meet when in need. Healers took it upon them to bring the boy back to health, fully, until he was in top condition.       Yet his memories never came back. Nor did his name; the alias 'Blue' was given to him as a way to properly address him until a solution presented itself.
      And the solution, it was brought by the Queen --- the Queen who visited the boy everyday to check up on him; Pantherlily would watch from the doorway as the lady, in her long expensive gowns, would sit on the floor to talk to the nameless, family-less little boy who'd been brought to her castle's doors. Through conversations and light activities, walks ; through time spent together, they forged a bond with each other --- a friendship, but also a familial connection. 
     --- And the solution, it was brought by the Queen when she one day knocked on Patherlily's door, offering an opportunity of gold: she would officially adopt the kid, the little boy she'd come to view as the song she never could have ( --- for her body couldn't bear her husband's heir ). The child would become the next King when his turn would come --- and the Kingdom of Edolas would thus avoid seeing its regal lineage die.
           ( granted, the other option was for the King to have a child with another woman ---                              and it had been on the table, yes, but it no longer would be necessary. )
     Pantherlily would have been a FOOL not to accept. 
     He was named Royal Army Captain of the 2nd Magic War Division, as well as Godfather of the child. The blue-haired boy was dubbed Jellal --- meaning "greatness, superiority, renown". The royal couple, as well as the kingdom in its entirety, welcomed the newly adopted Prince with warmth. 
     King Faust, a calm and serene, wise man who carried Edolas' weight upon his shoulders --- a gentle ruler --- might not have latched emotionnally onto the kid as his wife had --- regarding him with a fondness upon his childish innocent, his shy and quiet, but curious nature; but never had the time to properly build a relationship with him due to his royal duties: viewing him as his son, per se, but not loving him as much as a father should.
( for he felt love, yes, but most because of how happy and glowing his arrival made his wife --- who truly did own every single centimeter square of the heart that beat inside his ribcage. )
     Jellal had a lovely childhood from then on, growing inch after inch, expanding under the royal roof, in the gardens where he seeked peace when crowded events became too overwhelming, where he played and befriended a little tornado with fiery red hair and bruised knees ( the daughter of Knightwalker, 1rst Magic War Division Captain )          ...in the embrace of his mother the Queen, with whom he shared a bond that grew stronger and stronger throughout the months --- and the years.... 
      But happiness was not everlasting.
PART 2. --- White Petals
PART 3. --- ???
PART 4. --- ???
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tigerlover16-uk · 7 years
Anime I need to watch (June 2017 update)
Well, another month gone, another update. I’m sure anyone who’s noticed that I do these things knows the drill by now. Sorry I’m a day, almost two late again, I’ve been a bit distracted the last two days.
Okay, so I’m going to be honest with you guys... I pretty much spent most of this month just watching Fairy Tail and a couple of movies on the side.
I don’t know what happened. I was just going to watch one more arc of the show and then go back to either Yu Yu Hakusho or Soul Eater, but I ended up just binging over 150 episodes of this show in a month. I don’t think I’ve ever binged that many episodes of a single series in a month. Compared to Yu Yu Hakusho, which i actually enjoyed even more and yet it took me considerably longer to sit through the Dark Tournament arc, that just amazes me i got to this point.
I dunno. When i get really into a series and it strikes a good chord with me, I tend to get a little obsessive, so that’s probably what it was. Considering next up is a filler arc and I have less than a hundred episodes left to go, since the anime is on an indefinite hiatus, I think I’m just going to catch up on some other shows for July. And since giving my detailed thoughts on a hundred and fifty something episodes would take all day, I’m just going to summarize what I thought of each arc really quick and give some consensus at the end. Ask me for any more specific thoughts if you’re curious.
The Oracion Seis arc was pretty great. The titular antagonists were all pretty fun and interesting in their own right, though Zero was an underwhelming final boss. It was nice to see Fairy Tail teaming up with other guilds, I liked Wendy’s character, it was great that Jellal was brought back and overall it was a pretty exciting arc. I do have my nitpicks, like some weak writing choices here or there, and the members of Blue Pegasus fawning over Wendy and commenting on how attractive she’ll be when she grows up was... more than a little creepy, to say the least. but nothing big enough to spoil the fun. It was a pretty good arc.
The Daphne arc was just okay. Really, there’s not a lot to comment on other than it s kind of fun, but it’s very obvious that it’s just a filler arc.
The Edolas arc though, now that was a letdown. Which is a shame because it starts out really well, but somewhere around the second half of the arc (I think it was just after the episode with Happy’s parents) It just started to drag and feel boring for me. I didn’t end up caring that much about Edolas or the Exceeds, the whole “teaming up with Alternate versions of our heroes” idea is always neat, but not enough was really done with it. And Mystogan turned out to be a big disappointment. After his character was built up so well in previous stories, the reveal of him just being an alternate Jellal who’s a prince of another world, while that had plenty of potential admittedly, was underwhelming due to just how little we actually see of the character until near the very end of the story. And yet i still don’t feel like i knew that much about his character, despite how much importance seemed to be placed on his send off. It all just felt like a waste. And the weak villains didn’t make up for it at all.
The arc had a lot of good moments, both funny and awesome, and a lot of good ideas, but overall i just felt kind of glad it was over so we could move on. Ah well, at least Gajeel finally got his own talking partner, and Panther Lily’s pretty cool, so it was hardly a waste. Wish i could say the same for Lisanna, I actually really like her character, but from what else I’ve seen I have to ask, why would the author go out of his way to bring her back from the apparent dead like this if he wasn’t actually going to do anything with her afterwards? sigh.
Thankfully, the arc right after it with Grimoire Heart was pretty great. It was disappointing that the S-class exam was cut short in favour of Fairy Tail’s conflict with the villains of the arc, but honestly what we got was pretty great anyway, so it wasn’t a big deal for me. This arc had the most tension out of any arc in the series so far, and barring Kain who was kind of annoying, pretty much every member of Grimoire Heart was a fun villain in their own right. The stuff with Ultear was especially fantastic. The set up with Zeref was also pretty enticing, and I’m interested in seeing where everything with that leads. The arc was paced fairly well and it had an exciting climax.
It wasn’t a perfect arc though. While I’d been noticing them in the last two arcs, this for me was where I really started to see where the complaints with Fairy Tail having a lot of contrivances and obnoxious fanservice come from. Some of the ways the main characters beat their opponents were headscratching, and I honestly considered taking a break from the show when i got to the episode where Cana basically decided her battle strategy was going to be to summon swarms of bikini girls to befuddle Freed so he couldn’t fight her and Lucy. And while she made up for it later and I liked her backstory and development, Cana knocking Lucy out and leaving her to fend for herself was... kind of a jerk move.
Not to mention how weirdly executed that time skip was at the end, but that would take all day to cover.
But all of that didn’t stop it from being an exciting, fun arc, easily one of the best in the series.
Wish i could say the same for the Key of the Starry Sky arc, which just felt like a chore to sit through at first and only got better towards it’s final third. And even then while it had a lot of good moments it was a really underwhelming arc that felt awkwardly placed in between the start of the time skip and the Grand Magic Games arc. So, basically your standard filler arc. Ugh, it’s like the Garlic Jr saga all over again.
So i don’t think I’ll cover that in any more detail and just cut straight to the Grand Magic Games arc, which was thankfully a big improvement. Even though it had plenty of issues. Despite their reputation among some parts of the anime fandom, i actually tend to really like tournament arcs. I think they can be really fun when written well, and this arc was fun. The rival guilds had a lot of fun characters (and a few not so good ones), there were a lot of good fights and most of the main characters, as well as Jellal and Ultear, got plenty of good moments (although oh boy, did Lucy just keep getting the short end of the stick thanks to really bad luck). If nothing else, this arc was pretty entertaining and just enjoyable to watch, including having a lot of the funniest moments in the show. So it was a good pick me up after the last arc.
But it did have it’s problems, probably more glaring ones than most of the previous arcs. While a lot of the characters from the rival guilds were interesting and fun to watch, a lot of them got noticeably shafted when it came time for the Fairy Tail members to beat them. Laxus winning over Jura as easily as he did was especially eye rolling. Sting and Rogue felt like they could have been good characters, but they repetedly fell short and didn’t do much that was actually impressive, especially Sting. I actually didn’t mind Raven Tail and it’s members too much, mostly because it was really satisfying to see a bunch of creeps like them be pulverized in the end. But from what i understand neither them or Ivan, their leader, ever appear again after this story. Which... seems like a real waste, considering how Ivan and the guild were built up. They could have served as useful secondary antagonists in a future story with Ivan getting further development, and some closure between him, Makarov and Laxus,  buuut i guess not. Really kind of headscratching there.
And then the stuff with Future Lucy in the final act felt pretty underdeveloped and while tragic, also felt kind of anticlimactic. And while everybody fighting dragons was awesome, Future Rogue was such a lame villain with such poorly defined motivations that it was impossible to care about him by the time he was killed off. Though he did have some cool powers. Ah well, at least the backstory we got on the dragons was pretty cool.
There were several more moments of lazy writing too, but this is all going on a bit long, so I’ll just say that for whatever it’s faults, the Grand Magic Games arc was still a pretty fun story that was at least more interesting to watch than what came before it, and I’ll be interested to see where things go from here. Also, Frosch is now one of my favourite characters for just how adorable he (She?) is!
So, yeah, that was a lot of episodes. Overall, while I see some of the problems people would have with this series by now, I still really really enjoy Fairy Tail. It’s not always perfect when it comes to writing and there’s a number of missed opportunities, but it does have a real sense of fun and more charm than a lot of animes out there. And while i do think i need a break from it to catch up on some other shows next month, I look forward to getting back to it to see what’s next.
Okay, let’s talk about some of the movies i watched this month. Starting with another Pokémon movie, Kyurem vs the sword of justice. And thankfully, this was another good pokemon movie. It’s a pretty simple story, and much of the middle act is basically a big chase scene, but it works pretty well because Kaldeo is a pretty likeable character worth rooting for. The action was good, the legendaries featured were all fun to watch, the animation was nice. It wasn’t anything groundbreaking as far as pokemon movies go, but it was a biiiiiig step up from the movies that came before it, so for that I’m grateful.
And next up is... more Fairy Tail.
Yeah, this month I also watched the first Fairy Tail movie, Phoenix Princess. It was pretty great. The story was good, most of the characters got some time to shine, the animation was lovely, it was pretty funny and had a surprisingly tragic conclusion for a movie based on this series. I don’t want to go into too much detail because this update post is late enough as it is an, but I kinda loved this film.
And next up I watched the second Naruto movie, Legend of the Stone of Gelel... and dear GOD was it boring. Seriously, the Pokémon Black and White movies were more memorable than this thing. The plot was dull and uninspired, the villains and new characters were weak and bland, outside of a few funny moments i didn’t find much amusement in it and  the action was largely unimpressive. I can’t even comment much on the actual story because barely anything stuck after i finished watching the film apart from how much i didn’t care. Honestly i hope this is the worst of the Naruto movies and the next one i watch is an improvement.
And rounding it up, we have the movie Yu-Gi-Oh! Bonds Beyond Time. A three way crossover featuring the protagonists of the first three Yu-Gi-Oh series... and boy, is it a dumb movie. The story is the definition of an excuse plot and full of questionable decisions and poor logic. The villain, Paradox, was ridiculously underdeveloped, with his terribly ill defined backstory about how duel monsters as a card game apparently destroyed the world in the future and him coming back to stop that by murdering Pegasus opens up a lot of REALLY awkward questions that the movie never bothers to address, just expecting us to believe that everything will be alright in the end because... our heroes beat the guy that was trying to save the future?
Honestly the whole thing was just dumb and confusing. Oh, it was entertainingly dumb and it did have a bunch of cool moments, so i didn’t have a bad time watching it at all. I probably would have straight up enjoyed the moments with Yusei if i had ever watched 5Ds, but that’ll come in the near future. But oh boy, is it a bad film either way that seems dedicated to fanservice and little else. And i pity anyone who’s not a Yu-Gi-Oh fan who ends up watching this film and tries to make sense of this, even with that dragging exposition dump at the beginning.
So, yeah, bad movie... but it wasn’t the kind of bad movie that annoys me, i had some fun watching it and laughing at the silliness and few genuinely good moments.
So, yeah, that about covers my anime viewing for June. I could have gone into more detail on some things, but honestly I’m behind on this update again and there’s way too much to talk about anyway if i did. And these posts are just meant to be updates and brief thoughts, not reviews. If anyone is curious for further thoughts on anything, feel free to ask.
I don’t know what I’m going to focus on for July. Right now i just got my hands on the Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy, so i imagine that’s going to be taking up most of my free time not spent browsing the internet for a while (I’m having so much fun already! I’m so happy to have Crash back like this, you guys!), but i guess when i can I’ll start catching up on either Yu Yu Hakusho and Soul Eater and then just watch whatever movies I get the DVD’s for. June was a pretty decent month for me, all things considered
Either way, hopefully I’ll have fun whatever i watch. As always I’m open to any and all recommendations. Seriously, as long as the following list looks, I’m happy to add as many more as possible to make my way through for the foreseeable future. And I hope anyone reading this has a happy July.
One Punch Man (Seen four episodes a while back, looks good)
Mobile Suit Gundam
Outlaw Star
Cowboy Bebop
Digimon Frontier
Digimon Data Squad
Digimon Fusion
Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s
Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal
Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V
Sailor Moon (Watched the entire first season and was about halfway through season 2. Should really get back to watching the full series) Sailor Moon Crystal
Yu Yu Hakusho (Up to episode 70)
Ranma 1 ½
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (2012-onwards series)
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
Fullmetal Alchemist
One Piece
Astro Boy (Any series. I just want to be able to say I’ve watched something from this franchise).
Kill La Kill
Gurren Lagann
Fairy Tail (Up to episode 203)
Little Witch Academia
Tenchi Muyo!
Death Note
Yuri On Ice
Fist of the North Star
Soul Eater (Up to episode 28)
Code Geass
Food Wars: Shokugeki No Soma (I watched about 9 episode, need to catch up)
Your Lie in April
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Mob Psycho 100
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Phoenix Wright anime
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid
Natsume’s Book of Friends
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Eureka 7
Black Cat
Black Shooter Rock
Afro Samurai
Space Dandy
Vision of Escaflowne
magical girl lyrical nanoha
Shin Sekai Yori
Cyborg 009
Yo-Kai Watch
Pretty Cure
Future Boy Conan
Yona of the Dawn
Space Patrol Luluco
Rurouni Kenshin
Your Name
Garden of Words
Tokyo Godfathers
The Boy and the Beast
5 Centimeters per second
Millenium Actress
Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro
The Digimon Adventure Tri Movies
Yu-Gi-Oh: The Dark Side of Dimensions
Pokémon: Genesect and the Legend awakened
Pokémon: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction
Pokémon: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel
Pokémon: I Choose You
Ghost In The Shell
Perfect Blue
Naruto: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom
Naruto Shuppuden: Bonds
Naruto Shippuden: The Will of Fire
Naruto Shippuden: The Lost Tower
Naruto Shippuden: Blood Prison
Naruto: Road to Ninja
Boruto Movie
Fairy Tail the movie: Dragon Cry
Godzilla: Monster Planet
Mary and the Witch’s Flower
Princess Arete
0 notes
cobaltcrested · 5 years
-  -  -  -  -  ⋆ . *「 HC. 」.★  MYSTOGAN. 
FORGING A KING; PART 2:     White Petals
...or;   how the clattering sound of the fallen Queen’s crown drowned the Prince in a silent and unescapable loneliness.
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    Jellal had a lovely childhood from then on, growing inch after inch, expanding under the royal roof, in the gardens where he seeked peace when crowded events became too overwhelming, [ --- ] …in the embrace of his mother the Queen, with whom he shared a bond that grew stronger and stronger throughout the months — and the years….
                          But happiness was not everlasting.
     The Queen fell ill, victim of a ruthless and cruel disease; her skin grew paler with every month, her strenght weaker with every day. 
     The King would spend the entirety of his free time, the time he didn't spend overwhelmed by his royal duties, at her sight --- his stress more and more visible. And that was not without talking about Jellal, around 10 and a half at the time, who clung to his sick mother as if he was back to 5 years old --- helpless as he watched his dearest mother deteriorate as the fight she was battling became tougher and tougher, until it became hopeless. 
     Until she breathed her last. 
     The funeral took place on a rainless day --- yet even without the falling drops of water, the cloudy grey skies seemed to cry, to WAIL at the loss suffered by the kingdom in its entirety. The Queen had been beloved, her smile known to be bright and comforting --- her kindness and love soothing, and her determination admirable. A amazing ruler, and a formidable woman, all in her qualities and her flaws, all in her perfect imperfection.
     She was buried in a beautiful white coffin, amongst her favourite flowers --- and while her body was taken to the underground, in the regal catacombs, her grave was placed in the royal garden, under her favourite tree. 
     Jellal visited her every day at first --- and then, every week. [ Without fail. ] He took care of the grave, maintained and looked after her spot; brought new flowers to drown the black of her tombstone with the pearly shade of---            lilies, white roses, heliotrope, petunias, cosmos, daffoldis;                         magnolias, jasmine, camellia, vinca, amarylis, primroses....        and WISTERIAS, her favourites of them all, always at least one bloom.
      The shattering loss plunged Faust in a drowning sorrow --- until grief ate away the heart which had belonged to his beloved, until it was left stone cold. 
     Jellal saw his father less and less as he grow colder and more distant, distracting himself with royal duties which accumulated in piles now that he was alone to care for his people --- and with a quest for magic power, a project he and his late wife had started to talk about as to find a solution to their decreasing amount, before she’d fallen ill. 
Meals were suddenly spend alone, or sometimes with Pantherlily’s company --- the Exceed trying his very best to spend more time with the Prince, to support him and care for him during these hard times. Nonetheless, the spark was gone.
      ( the spark --- his mother, always so bright and gentle and kind, always wearing a smile even in the most painful moments of her illness, even when she’d been nothing but skin of bones and greying hair--- it was gone. )
    And Jellal was left alone. 
     Alone, not just for the time of a walk or for a day --- truly, utterly alone. Pantherlily's presence still remained a constant, yes --- and so did the royal staff’s --- but even his soothing presence and their care couldn't pierce the veil of loneliness that enveloped the Prince. 
     And, for the first time since he'd been 5 ;
                   Jellal felt overwhelmingly HELPLESS.
PART 1. --- From Rags to Royalty
PART 3. --- ???
PART 4. --- ???
0 notes