#this isn't fantastic but a vast improvement
heartsoji · 1 year
CONGRATS JI ON 700 FOLLOWERS WOOHOO!1!!11! this calls for a huge celebration. 💯 i read the rules for your match-up event, and i'm warning you in advance. this is my first time participating in an event, so please dm me if i messed up. ( -̥̥̥◞ω◟-̥̥̥ )
name is phia. i like playing the piano, catching up with old friends, cute & pastel things, etc. my personality type is enfj1w9 (we also dm from time to time, so i think you have an idea of how i can be off of tumblr 💯). i'm female. straight. ^^
my love language is gift-giving. i like making gifts for my friends, buying my younger cousins toys with any money i have on me, and i pour my heart out in writing my loved ones' letters. i prefer cheek kisses over any other kind of kisses. i like pda. i can be a bit of a crybaby and sometimes impatient (bottom line is: i'm sensitive 😞).
also, i'd like the match-up to be someone from hq. ^^
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SUGAWARA KOSHI! "crap... i might just cry."
(pls that quote is so irrelevant but i thought of it bc u said u can be a bit of a crybaby)
moving on
hes a very comforting (mommy) guy, and when you start crying, he knows just what to say and do to make you feel better! soothing words, a hand up and down your back, says and does just the right things to make wtv ur crying abt seem like the most important thing in the world
"you are so important to me, and (insert wtv u were crying abt here) is just as important. you are not a burden. (some comforting words specific to the scenario here) i love you so much, okay? please, come to me with your problems. i promise ill welcome them with open arms." or smth like that
additionally, as much as we love rintaro or tsukki and simp over them and write fics abt them they are NASTY BITCHES. its all in good fun when you write abt it, but smth like that irl might make me u cry LMFAOO. (we're the same person in that sense, phia.) he always makes sure that you're comfortable and feel safe!
hes also super dorky and playful, and has absolutely no problems with pda!
you're just casually taking a stroll, and suddenly you feel someone grab your hand, and when you go to look to see who it is, you get a peck to the cheek!
LOVES YOUR CHEEKS. loves pinching them. loves poking them. especially loves kissing them!
ur cooking smth? he comes up with a backhug and a kiss to the cheek! ur on ur phone? ahhh u look so cute! kiss to the cheek! doing literally anything anywhere? kiss to the cheek!
also love loves holding your hand. everywhere. anywhere.
going shopping? his left hand is in yours, his right holding your bags. sees you walking the halls at school? jogs to catch up with you and grabs your hand. just chilling at home on the sofa watching a movie? he's gripping your hand during all the scary parts.
he likes teasing u. just a little! he just thinks that you're so cute and pretty and he gets all teasey and flirty sometimes!
one time he saw u in a cosplay and his jaw DROPPED and he started immediately complimenting u and showering u in love and kisses!
hes a very sentimental guy and cherishs everything you give him. he refuses letting u buy things (that wouldnt be very gentlemanly of me, he says) but cries over the love letters you write. has them pinned up on a board and whenever he feels sad, he goes over and looks at them to brighten him up.
ok so idk if you've seen that thing on yt where sugas va is a rly good singer, BUT HE IS. AND YOURE A GOOD SINGER. AND YOU PLAY THE PIANO.
do u see what im getting at here?
you'd play the piano and add harmony and sing and he would sing his heart out and it would just be so fun
after spending a bit of time talking w u on dms, i can safely say that you're the sweetest person in the entire world. honda tohru reincarnated, essentially.
he finds that SO ENDEARING. just being with you makes his heart full and words aren't enough to express the crazy kind of love he feels for you.
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event is closed!
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morethanaloveinterest · 5 months
A Far Out Look at Gaby Teller's Costumes in the Man from U.N.C.L.E.
The fashion in this movie is amazing, let's talk about specifically what Gaby is wearing and what it tells us about her character.
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We meet Gaby working as a mechanic in East Berlin. So obviously the this the least put-together we ever see her. I couldn't get a good picture of her jumpsuit but it seems pretty standard. The scarf in her hair is rather fashionable, hinting at what is to come.
Female representation: 10/10 It looks mostly like what a real mechanic would wear, with nothing to emphasize that she is a female mechanic (other than her nice scarf).
Practicality: 10/10 Presumably the most practical thing we see anyone wear in this movie
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This is one of the dresses she tries on while getting under cover. I wish we had gotten more of a montage of her different outfits but this one is pretty fun. It is a vast improvement over the one Solo had her wear first. The orange coordinates with what she wears in the climax, which is fun. And perhaps a nod to the fact that she is playing a part here as much as she will be then.
The dresses she wears going forward are all of the same style, chosen to be both 60s and modern. Watch this video by Cinema Cities for more on the choices made for the costuming. As is discussed there, the choices for Gaby are young and fresh, with bright colors. Geometric patterns, mod shape, an emphasis on legs instead of the hourglass. She stands out from the other leading lady, whose costuming is very complex - doing the most with her hair, make-up, accessories. Gaby, on the other hand, tends to wear earrings and a ring or a bracelet.
Female representation: 10/10 She looks fantastic, even for this short scene in the boutique, and is a spy being outfitted to go undercover. This scene establishes what her style is without deciding to ogle her at any point.
Practicality: 9/10 Compared to the jumpsuit, it's obviously less practical but it's pretty great in general.
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Now undercover in Rome, Gaby wears a white dress with an overcoat that we also see worn with the other dresses. Both are very stylish and fit the silhouette that was popular in the 60s. As far as being fully white goes, that makes sense for a scene in which she is out for a walk with her assigned fiancé, making sure that their cover is convincing (even when they are mugged). White emphasizes her status as a pawn in the game right now (as does the shape of the outfit), as well as implying a woman in need of rescue. It is effective way to trick both their marks and her fellow spies into considering her to be helpless.
Female representation: 10/10 Still fantastic, gonna break my rating system. She looks good but is not eye-candy despite her role in the film.
Practicality: 9/10 The coat doesn't seem especially warm but the ensemble is certainly practical for what she is doing.
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She wears this dress to the races, including a large hat, to meet with Uncle Rudi as well as Alexander Vinciguerra. It is her first job as a spy and this dress reflects that. Instead of pure white, most of it is green, a color generally associated with duplicity (like a snake). The scene includes Gaby doing quite a bit of angling to move the mission forward, which involves playing up what Solo and Kuryakin believe she is there to do as well as her own agenda, so while she isn't exactly a double agent, she is certainly deep in the plot.
Female representation: 10/10 These are all great, what can I say?
Practicality: 9/10 As above, perhaps not as useful as her jumpsuit, especially considering she does work on a car in this scene. But it certainly serves her purposes.
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I couldn't find a photo, but I couldn't leave out her charming pajamas. She wears these in two scenes with Illya Kuryakin, when they are hanging out in their hotel room. The first night, she insists he dance with her and the second night she appears to betray him. So the outfit itself is mostly grey, since we can't be sure what her motivation is (until later in the movie). Plus they look like great pajamas, especially for being undercover and having to share a room with a stranger.
Female representation: 10/10 Some of the best pajamas I've seen a lady wear on film, especially for a spy movie.
Practicality: 10/10 They seem to be very practical, especially for wrestling.
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And here is the showstopper. Gaby wears this for the climax of the film, through a lot of twists and turns. It is the same silhouette as the others, though the neckline is a bit more formal. Following the theme of the last dress, she started in white and now appears to have added a lot of cover on top of the white. The pattern is also reminiscent of camouflage. This makes sense because now is when her status as an agent all along is revealed, as she appears to betray first Kuryakin and Solo and then deceives the Vinciguerras along with her father. Again, she has minimal accessories in contrast to Victoria and she sets herself apart from everyone else in this outfit as she does so in the movie as well.
Female representation: 10/10 For a double-agent and/or damsel in distress, she is very well dressed indeed
Practicality: 9/10 It works well enough but I'm sure she wishes she had something else to wear when they are going off road through the rain.
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The final shot, where the team is now put all together. The show features just the gentlemen and it's great to have her be at the center (the lack of a sequel is devastating). She is back to wearing a white dress, now that her true role in the story has been revealed and she made a significant contribution to the cause in the process.
Female representation: 10/10 Again, it is fantastic, especially for the female member of the spy team
Practicality: 9/10 Same as the others, I daresay
Want to hear more of my thoughts about female characters and fashion? Check out my other costume reviews or my YouTube channel (episode on Gaby out now!)
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ceilidhtransing · 4 months
It's astonishing the number of conversations about urbanism that get derailed by one person going “but what about my very specific situation!”
Look. No one is talking about forcing you specifically to never ever use a car if the life you lead needs one. There will always be edge cases like someone who lives on the very outer limits of a city but has to commute every day to their job thirty miles away in Middle Of Nowhere Village Farm (Population Two Hundred) which is too far to cycle and it's unlikely that there will ever be fast frequent public transport on that particular route so of course it makes sense for that person to drive. Even in well planned places there are still some situations that warrant a car. And, of course (though this is not really the group this post is about), there will be a very small population of disabled people - smaller than a lot of people probably imagine, but it definitely exists - for whom, no matter how accessible a mixed-use walkable neighbourhood you build, with tactile paving and level boarding and free seating everywhere and continuous pavements and safe segregated pedestrian paths and all that fantastic stuff, it will still be necessary to use a car a lot of the time.
But the existence of edge cases does not invalidate the project as a whole, and in fact it's a pretty conservative instinct to respond to an attempt to massively improve the general conditions of society with “but what about the way it will affect me?!”
I am very sympathetic to a lot of these people's fears and apprehensions, particularly those of disabled people who are all too used to urban planning projects completely forgetting they exist and severely limiting their ability to get around the world. I really do understand the feeling of “I can only barely get around as it is and I'm afraid that all this urbanism stuff will only make it yet more impossible for me to live my life”. But I suspect that a lot of this feeling comes from a fear of extremely poorly implemented “urbanism”, where things are - especially in North America - basically the exact same as there are now except you're forced to walk or cycle everywhere so you have an 80-minute round-trip cycle just to get groceries and the Urbanism Cops will hunt you down if you so much as think about driving. And while there's always some risk that good ideas will be absolutely butchered in execution by incompetent, careless and/or malicious officials, I do want to emphasise that no one is actually advocating for that kind of situation. An “urbanism” that leaves everything basically as-is except now cars are banned or something is no urbanism at all. And an urbanism that makes it infinitely harder for people to get around, rather than easier, is also no urbanism at all. Whatever your nightmare vision is of “everyone being forced to cycle everywhere” or “my commute now being 4 hours long because I'm not allowed to drive” or “now I'm trapped inside my house because I can't walk very far and my neighbourhood isn't accessible to me” is not actually being advocated by anyone.
Urbanism is about greatly improving the quality of life for society as a whole (as well as, you know, staving off the climate catastrophe), and within that framework there will be space for all the edge cases. Because that's what they are: edge cases. Even if 15% of people will need to drive to work no matter what, that's still 85% of people who won't. Even if 10% of people will need a car to go shopping, that's still 90% of people who won't. And the expectation - especially from people whose opposition is rooted not in genuine concern for accessibility but rather in pure myopic selfishness, like the business owners who go apeshit every time a bike lane is proposed on their street - that we should hold off on massive improvements for the vast bulk of society because “what about their specific edge case situation” is how nothing ever gets improved at all. “My personal need to drive means that everything should remain car-dependent forever.” “I can't ride a bike therefore we shouldn't invest in cycle infrastructure.” “My nearest transit stop is a half-hour walk away so instead of advocating for better public transit that works for my neighbourhood I'm going to insist that everything stays the way it is now.” Prioritising edge cases - often those of loud and wealthy conservative minorities - at the direct expense of the broad solutions that will result in massive quality-of-life improvements for almost everyone is deeply unfair, and doesn't result in anything ever getting better, but rather is a big contributing factor to everything staying shit forever.
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amerricanartwork · 7 months
9. and 20. please.
Also love the new lil scugsona. Very fitting for you.
@scavworld's Rain World Questionnaire
Thanks for the ask! Just a quick note, that little character was actually meant to be a scug-ified version of my regular avatar, which I should probably make a ref for soon. I've always just liked the idea that it can "transform" into a different creature to match whatever fandom I'm dealing with, so I thought I'd portray it as a slugcat in this case!
Anyway though, onto the actual questions...
9. What are your opinions on Five Pebbles (character)?
Ohhh, now that's a very interesting matter! I really like characters like him because they're so fascinating to me! For now I will disregard the fantastical element of him being a massive supercomputer, because even though in-and-of-itself I think that's such a unique concept even in fiction, especially after I realized that Five Pebbles and Looks to the Moon really are the core of not just the "story" of Rain World but even the in-game environment itself, I imagine I'll have another chance to touch up on this so I'll save my longer thoughts on that for later.
That being said, I'll start by saying I love thinking about characters from a psychological perspective, trying to figure out why they are the way they are, why they do what they do, what they really want vs. what they think they want, how they really perceive themselves vs. how they present themselves publicly, etc. Characters like Five Pebbles are always an especially interesting choice for this kind of pondering, because, as flawed as they may be, so much of the situation around them also contributed to their downfall that I refuse to let everyone else off the hook too. And since I also don't believe anyone is inherently a "bad" person, it's really fun to ponder just how these characters go from being alright people to doing such terrible things and meeting such tragic ends.
To put it shortly, Five Pebbles (and other characters like him) is in my interpretation a great example of karma in the more real-life meaning, and the "you attract more of what you think about the most" idea. Five Pebbles always seemed to feel trapped by and at arms with his surroundings, from the great opposition to his very existence from the True Anointed Citadel, to him literally being physically stuck to Looks to the Moon, to the fear of opposition he must have had as a Sliverist, to him being stuck dealing with the rot, and finally with his collapse, left as a tiny fraction of himself buried in the cold, lifeless remains of his superstructure, with truly no way out on his own. Because he was so focused on escaping the perceived confines around him, all he did, albeit unknowingly, was end up finding more nets to get trapped in.
And again, while I think everyone around him did contribute to his awful end in some way, stories like these are still pretty sad to me because, in the end, I think these characters themselves need to learn to change their thinking, yet all the harshness they face can so easily lead them to create a vicious cycle. Five Pebbles isn't the first character I've enjoyed strongly whose story seemed to play out this way, and as sad as it is, it's also very intriguing.
And besides, it opens up plenty of potential for redemption arc AU stories—!
20. What is something you think the game could improve on?
The short answer: incentive.
The long answer: Let me start off by saying Rain World, to me, is fascinating largely as more of an art project than a normal video game. It's amazing how a relatively simple concept of a small animal in an urban environment they can't understand morphed into something so vast and extensive, combining nature with technology, science with religion, sci-fi with fantasy, and dunking it all in a super unique aesthetic that fuses urban street style with fancy ancient artwork, it's amazing!
BUT so much of this is lost to players because the game does, in my opinion, a pretty bad job of conveying it all. It's very confusing , especially to new players, and the only means of discovering the greater context of the story, besides just hearing it from other players/fans, is if not downright frustrating at least very tedious. And that's just getting the story itself. I think most people who have played this game haven't even made it that far, because the gameplay alone is so difficult the first time playing that if you aren't captivated by the mystery factor of the environment (or like me and also stubbornly dedicated to getting the bragging rights of having beat such a difficult game), you're too busy just trying to not die every other cycle to bother really exploring and ferrying the pearls to Moon, much less making sense of what you uncover.
I think the blank stare of the slugcats looking up at Five Pebbles perfectly encapsulates what I'm getting at here. You've got this absolutely fascinating story about a mechanical god who flew too close to the sun in a desperate attempt to escape the confines of his life, meanwhile the little slugcat is just all "...'kay", because what does this little animal care about the crazy religious hubris of some long-gone existence-hating people and their sad crumbling calculator robots when all it wants its is to just find more food and not get eaten again?
For a bit of devil's advocate, I will say that I think the difficulty of just playing the game and then figuring out its story, first of all is pretty "realistic" from the perspective of simulating a real-life ecosystem and having an animal discover complex lore in a way that they'd be physically capable of, but secondly has led the Rain World fandom to be really tight-knit compared to other fandoms I've seen. It seems like everyone I've come across is at least in the process of playing through all the campaigns, if not having already completed them and established some level of their own interpretation of the story, because they are all genuinely interested in the game, its characters, world, story, and themes enough to persevere through all the struggles of gameplay and lore confusion to enjoy it. However, it's also the same thing that makes this fandom rather small, which is also fine by me; I think there's lots of value in quality niche content!
With all that said though, I can't deny that I think this game isn't very good at getting players geuninely interested in all it has to offer. For evidence, consider how few players have even met Five Pebbles, who is perhaps the most important character in the entire game story-wise (Steam achievements has the "The Journey" Achievement at 12.0% of players as of posting this). Even from my experiences, I didn't even know what "Sliverist" actually meant until a couple weeks ago, and I've been playing this game and involved in the fandom for months at this point!
So yeah. To sumarize, in my opinion, Rain World is a fascinating and very inspiring art project, but most of what it has to offer is lost to most players because it's terrible at giving you a reason to care about it all. Thus, the main thing I think it could improve upon is giving players a reason to care about its worldbuilding and story enough to continue playing.
Well, that was long, but pretty fun! I hope these answers suffice! Keep the questions coming!
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mcalhenwrites · 19 days
I think one of the biggest troubles with writing criticism is not that I get any, but that it isn't even helpful, it is often not intended to be anything but demeaning, and it comes from people I thought were friends at the time. I mean, yeah, not everyone is going to like my work. Happens! Like, my roommate's mom read it and loved it, so she lent it to a friend in her age group. She told me her friend didn't like it. I was like, "Ah, okay! Some people won't!" (I kind of anticipated this when she said her friend was reading it.) An online friend bought a copy for another friend because they can't stomach the darker themes but still wanted to support me. I've had to tell a handful of friends not to read my stories due to various triggers that I knew would be too much for them. If someone points out a typo or mentions that something was lacking, I thank them for pointing these issues out. Most of the time, if they feel something has not been addressed very well, it's worth considering what I can do to improve that. But it eats away at me when I get told my group of teenage characters are manbabies. (More than one now ex-friend has said this.) I've been attacked for adding sex scenes, then the same people told I don't even write them well anyway. ...I'll be kind of an egotistical ass here and say that most of my adult sexual spanking scenes are fucking good, actually. I've been proud of those for a while now. I also really, really hate when people say I am doing badly at writing because I'm not trying hard enough to improve. I think the vast consumption of books, articles, research, etc. says otherwise. Then add all my practice time. It's a rather known thing that 50k in a month wasn't a challenge for me since I tend to achieve that most of the months in a year. (Good riddance to that certain event that I haven't participated in years tbh) It's really shitty and comes from a bad place, and I end up hurt. Then there's the lack of support. A good example is that I was in a relationship where my partner couldn't even congratulate me for my accomplishments. I had to ask her, "Can you please at least congratulate me when I tell you I finished a draft for a story?" And even then, fucking crickets. I deserved better. I just wish my hurt didn't turn into anger, then into shame, and from there... beating myself up and looking to find fault. I look at how little I sell my books, how few people ever kudos most of my stories (exception being Seasons) and feel like everyone must be right to say that I'm a bad writer and it's my fault for not doing well. But my feelings are valid. I have every right to say that some people have been complete fuckheads to me. But. BUT! Some people have been fucking fantastic. Again, one of my friends bought another friend a copy of Geckos. That person couldn't afford it, and the other friend could support me while still not reading triggering content! People bought my book. People comment on my AO3 stories sometimes! I have patrons. I get tips sometimes. I get some really lovely asks here. Thank you, and I'm sorry that I stress myself out so much. Financial things are very hard for me, and I'm disabled, and I swear... I am trying.
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tedwardremus · 1 month
You know, I’ve noticed something interesting about those who love to give redemption arcs or make Draco and Regulus look superior compared to the female leads, they all seem to give redemption arcs to white fictional character. Now if Draco and Regulus were poc’s do you think they would as many people writing redemption arcs for them? Nope.
Then these same people turn the character gay to make them more inclusive… and then bash their female canon partners.
As someone who’s gen z and worked with different generations, I have to say my generation is the most racist, misogynistic, narcissistic, delusional, unprofessional, and the stupidest generation of all time. Their skull are so thick and you can’t get anything through to them unless you agree with them. High school and university was a nightmare with these condescending idiots.
Wow! This was quiet the ask to wake up to this morning!
The great thing about a fandom as vast as Harry Potter is that you can always find people who share your interpretations and create content that resonates with what you want to see. Focus on those spaces. Curate your fandom experience by engaging with content and people who make this journey enjoyable for you.
Redemption arcs are a compelling trope, popular for a reason, but they require effort to be done well. Exploring how characters like Draco and Regulus seek redemption isn’t a bad idea. My issue lies with the tendency to overlook the fact that these characters willingly and enthusiastically chose to be bigots in the first place, which is why they need redemption. I’m more interested in stories that acknowledge the horrible actions they took rather than those that paint them as innocent victims who were simply misled by abusive families.
That said, my taste in fanfiction isn’t everyone’s taste. If I come across something I’m not into, I just scroll past it. I prefer to focus on content that interests me or supports my friends because I find tremendous joy in uplifting their work.
Would fandom’s relationship with Draco and Regulus change if they were characters of color rather than what we typically imagine as attractive, wealthy white boys? I don’t doubt it.
Exploring characters' sexuality, gender, and ethnic backgrounds is part of the fun of fandom. If a creator wants to see themselves represented in the story and do so by reimagining characters and storylines, that’s fantastic! Can unconscious biases seep in and lead to the erasure of women or other groups? Yes, it can happen. But it doesn’t happen all the time. We must encourage each other to be aware of our biases and improve upon the world-building and character development of the series and not fall into the same racist/sexist traps that the author, who shall not be named, did. It takes a lot of effort and self-awareness to do so, but that's why being a part of a supportive community in fandom is great. We can benefit from listening to each other and helping each other on our journey to be more sensitive and inclusive writes.
Finally, here’s a little secret about Gen Z—you aren’t that special.
You’re not more racist than the generations who enacted Jim Crow laws, supported an Islamophobic-driven war on terror, or cut welfare benefits out of fear that Black women were gaming the system.
What you’re experiencing is the reality that people, regardless of age or political alignment, can be selfish, rude, and self-serving. But here’s the good news: people of all ages are also capable of being smart, selfless, caring, supportive, and wonderful. Hold on to those people and focus your energy on those who bring you joy.
If you want to see a more positive community with less selfless people, then be part of the change. Treat others with kindness and patience. Don't disparage an entire generation of being stupid and thick-skulled because that just isn't true because right now, with this message that you chose to send me, you sound like someone who could use a lesson in treating others with respect.
I am sorry to hear your educational experience wasn't enjoyable. Hopefully you will find that our teen years and twenties do not define us and that a lot of people grow out of being assholes and your workplace experience is filled with new and wonderful people.
Studies show that Gen Z is far more inclusive than previous generations so you should feel hopeful, not hateful, toward your peers. You’re the most diverse generation in American history. Only 52% of Gen Z is white, only 26% identify as exclusively straight, and only 20% identify as politically conservative.
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sophia-hayes · 8 months
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foibles-fables · 2 years
What is your concern with a Zero Dawn remaster? I know it’s only five years old but the graphic difference between Zero Dawn and Forbidden West is so striking that I’d welcome an upgrade. Also more accessibility features would be fantastic for disabled gamers. What worries you about it? (Not being sassy, I just don’t understand why the hesitation, other than paying full price for the game a second time)
Hey anon! Definitely a good question--I'm realizing my language surrounding the topic from yesterday was approaching levels of unduly negative and I'm glad you called me on it.
First of all, absolutely ZERO issues with the accessibility upgrades. Love it so much. The vast expansion of accessibility features was probably THEE most beautiful thing about HFW, and would absolutely be a fantastic add to any potential HZD remaster! So that definitely has all of my enthusiastic backing, and I should've specified that sooner. Genuine thanks for the reminder.
The graphics, yeah, sure. They could stand to be improved and it would prettify HZD a lot to see animation improvements, even akin to what we saw between HZD and The Frozen Wilds. I also wouldn't hate to see it!
I think my knee-jerk reaction yesterday evening comes down to my...heightened wariness about an impending Marvelfication of the Horizon universe. I feel like we're being flooded with new media and this push for more more more more which isn't necessarily bad, but can translate to a lack of depth if not handled properly. And after the way HFW fell flat for me, personally, I've been more inclined to react through that particular frame of observation.
But if it brings more folks into the universe, then hey, can't really complain.
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jaynosurname · 1 year
(82) One Piece Live Action
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This didn't need to exist, but it's good, so I can't complain too much. Going into it, I was cautiously optimistic. The trailers looked fine, but the CGI, especially for Luffy, didn't look great. I was worried that it would make the show unwatchable for me. And then I watched it and was pleasantly surprised. It was actually good. While it may not be as good as the manga/anime, it's still a good alternative, especially for people intimidated by the series length.
The biggest strength of One Piece Live Action is the cast. They all fit their characters perfectly. Sanji especially felt basically one-to-one with his manga counterpart. I wished he and Ussop were in the show longer, which relates one of the bigger problems of the show; the pacing.
This show needed more episodes because arcs like Arlong Park were not done justice. Thankfully, the "help me" scene was still there, handled masterfully, and probably the best scene in the show, but the rest of Arlong Park felt off. I wished there were two more episodes to tell all of Arlong Park's story. It sucks that the best arc in the East Blue Saga got butchered hard.
What surprised me the most was Syrup Villiage. It was the weakest arc of the saga in the manga. It went on for far too long. Kuro was a weak antagonist. But the live-action gave this arc a major glow-up, and in all honestly, I prefer this version over the original. It has its flaws, but it's a vast improvement. I love what they did with Kuro. They turned him into almost a slasher-like villain, with how he hunts down everyone in the mansion. He's genuinely intimidating. I also love the change that has most of the arc play out inside the mansion.
Most of the changes the show made were valid. Getting rid of Orange Town and having that arc take place in Buggy's tent was a great change. However, there is one major change that isn't great. The Introduction of Garp. He feels so shoehorned into the story and he doesn't even feel like him. I liked getting more of Coby, but not at the cost of character assassination for Garp. His inclusion in the story is the only major flaw of the show.
The music is shockingly fantastic. It really got me in the mood. I loved that they played Bink's sake during Luffy's flashback. The song that played during the "help me" scene made that already near-perfect moment better. Also, I freaked out when "We Are" started playing in the show.
Oh, I forgot to mention the CGI. Easily the part of the show that worried me the most. It's fine. The only part that grossed me out is when Luffy inflates himself to reflect a canon ball. Everything else looked great, especially the Chop Chop Fruit abilities.
This show was great. It's flawed, but it captured the heart of the source material, which most anime adaptions fail to do. I'd recommend checking it out, even if the ad campaign on Tumblr was god awful. (I seriously hope they never try that again)
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chimpandzinc · 29 days
Best SEO Techniques For Your Digital Marketing Strategy
Search engine optimization or SEO is critical to the success of any digital marketing plan, just as it is for businesses in general. Since digital marketing is all about bringing people to a specific brand via online platforms, it's difficult to understand how a digital marketing plan could take off, let alone thrive without SEO.
SEO is a vast collection of tactics that assists any particular website to generate visitors and rank high in search engine results, which may then be converted into sales. Here are some of the SEO tactics that SEO agencies in Mumbai successfully implement in their work:
Optimizing for Local
Local SEO is ideal for small companies and startups. Instead of competing with endless other businesses around the world, small businesses can increase their chances of being discovered and ranked in search engines by optimizing for local searches. When optimizing locally, it is typical to include city and state information in title tags, meta descriptions, URLs, and H1 headers.
Creating optimal landing pages.
Landing pages, particularly optimized ones, have long been shown to be a powerful tool for driving leads and conversions. Your optimized landing page will greatly assist you with your lead generation efforts if it contains a compelling headline, a fantastic image, a clear offer, and a call to action.
Keyword Research
Keyword research has been a cornerstone of SEO since the beginning. Keyword research is an important part of any kind of digital marketing since keywords should always be used as a guide for any successful digital marketing plan at any level. Fortunately for digital marketers, there are several keyword research tools accessible today, and an SEO Company in Gurgaon called Chimp&z Inc. provides the best keyword research services.
Speeding up your website
In a world where time is of the essence, a slow-loading website may be one of the most aggravating things imaginable. When a page takes a long time to load, people will not wait; they will just go to another site, boosting your page's bounce rate.
Compressing pictures, reducing redirects, eliminating the use of special fonts, and other techniques can help improve website speed. With a quicker website, you will reduce page bounce rates and meet your marketing objectives.
Developing high-quality content
Content is king, and that isn't going to change anytime soon, especially since Google has proclaimed that high-quality content is a key ranking element. Digital marketers must ensure that they are promoting material that gives actual value to users. Anything less would make that a target for Google penalties, that no digital marketer with SEO services will ever risk.
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lovecanvastents · 1 month
A Look At Canvas Tents for Sale
When planning a rainy day getaway, the bell tent is a fantastic option for staying safe and comfy. Bell tents are constructed with the idea of durability in mind. They offer shelter from the elements, while providing a cozy atmosphere. The advantages of bell tents are their robust construction and waterproof material, ensuring that you are able to enjoy your outdoor adventures regardless of the weather. The spacious interiors of bell tents permit an enjoyable living space, even when the rain is pouring down outside. Set up of the bell tent is straightforward, and once it's up you can take a break and enjoy the sound of raindrops and stay warm and dry inside. The fact that you can afford cheap bell tents does not mean you have to compromise on quality. A wide range of options for less than $100 offer top-quality protection from the rain which makes them a good option for those who enjoy outdoor adventures but want to remain on a tight budget. The use of a bell tent in rainy conditions is a safe place, shielding you from the elements and ensuring an inviting environment inside.
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When you buy bell tents made to withstand rain it is possible to set off in your travels knowing that you'll have a reliable shelter. The combination of low-cost and long-lasting provides low-cost bell tents popular for outdoor enthusiast. The process of setting up a bell tent in the rain is much simpler than you think. It's easy and quick, which allows you to concentrate on relaxing instead of tackling complicated equipment. One of the major advantages to bell tents is their ease of setup, even under difficult conditions. Their design permits proper ventilation, reducing condensation inside the tent that is vital in rainy weather. With bell tents are able to create a cosy and dry space that is perfect to relax after a long day of exploring with the elements. By using a bell tent allows you to enjoy the natural beauty without having to worry about weather. When you're deciding to purchase bell tents take into consideration their capabilities in rainy conditions. Many cheap bell tents are made of high-quality materials which offer superior waterproofing, ensuring that you remain dry on your journeys.
The advantages of bell tents during wet weather include their ability to stand up to intense rain while keeping a comfortable interior. These tents are not only functional but can also give a fashionable touch to your outdoor setup. The use of a bell tent when it's rainy lets you experience the outdoors without having to sacrifice your convenience. With the appropriate tent you can turn an unseasonably rainy day into a pleasant and cozy retreat. Additionally, using the bell tent for wet weather activities adds an element of luxury to your outdoor experience. The vast interior and strong construction makes bell tents ideal for those who wish to enjoy the great outdoors comfortably, even when the weather isn't great. Making a bell tent is a simple process, allowing you to quickly make a welcoming and comfortable space. It doesn't matter if you're looking for a bargain on bell tents or preparing to purchase a higher-end model, the benefits from bell tents are obvious They are a reliable and stylish option for outdoor retreats on rainy days. If you choose bell tents designed to withstand wet weather, you're choosing a versatile and sturdy shelter that can improve your outdoor activities.
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aijustborn · 2 months
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nancykhemchandani · 2 months
Crafting a Texas-Sized Web Presence: Your Guide to Business Web Design in Texas
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Howdy, partner! In the vast landscape of the Lone Star State, your business needs a website that stands out more than a bluebonnet field in spring. That's where Texas business web design comes in. A strong website is your online storefront, your lasso to capture potential customers, and your trusty steed to carry you to success. This guide will equip you with the knowledge to navigate the exciting world of Texas web design for your business.
Why a Stellar Website Matters in Texas
Think of your website as your 24/7 digital billboard, visible to anyone across the globe. In Texas, with its booming industries and diverse population, a well-designed website can:
Attract new customers: Texans are known for being tech-savvy, so a user-friendly website is crucial to get noticed in online searches.
Showcase your Texan spirit: From the bustling energy of Houston to the laid-back charm of Austin, your website can capture the unique essence of your Texas brand.
Boost local SEO: Optimize your website for local searches so potential customers in your Texas town can find you easily.
Compete with the big dogs: Even small businesses can compete with larger companies with a professional and engaging website.
Texas-Sized Considerations for Your Web Design
Now, let's get down to brass tacks. Here are some key factors to consider when building your Texas web design:
Understanding your target audience: Who are you trying to reach? Young Austin entrepreneurs? Seasoned professionals in Dallas? Tailor your website design and content to resonate with them.
Mobile-friendliness is a must: Texans are on the go, so ensure your website looks fantastic and functions flawlessly on all devices, especially smartphones.
Embrace the Texas spirit: Infuse your website with elements that reflect Texas culture, whether it's using bold colors, high-quality images of iconic landmarks, or even incorporating Texan slang in a friendly way (think "y'all" instead of "you all").
Content is king (or queen): Texans appreciate straightforward and informative content. Write clear, concise website copy that highlights your products or services and showcases your expertise.
Calls to action (CTAs): Don't leave Texans guessing! Include clear CTAs throughout your website, whether it's encouraging visitors to "Contact Us Today" or "Shop Now."
Finding the Perfect Texas Web Design Partner
The good news? You've got a plethora of talented Texas web design agencies and freelancers at your fingertips. Here's how to find the perfect fit:
Shop around: Get quotes from several different web design companies. Don't be afraid to ask questions and ensure they understand your specific needs and budget.
Look for Texas-based expertise: While location isn't everything, a Texas web design company might have a deeper understanding of the local market and customer preferences.
Check out their portfolio: See if their past projects align with your desired website style and functionality.
Read online reviews: See what other Texas businesses have to say about their experiences with different web design companies.
Maintaining Your Texas-Sized Online Presence
Your website isn't a "set it and forget it" deal. Here are some tips for keeping your online presence fresh and thriving:
Regular updates: Update your website content regularly with fresh news, blog posts, and special offers.
Embrace social media: Link your website to your social media profiles and use social media to drive traffic to your website.
SEO optimization: Use relevant keywords and meta descriptions to help potential customers find your website in search engines.
Analytics are your friend: Track website traffic and user behavior using analytics tools to understand how visitors interact with your website and make data-driven improvements.
In Conclusion: Your Texas Web Design Journey Begins Now
By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to crafting a Business web design Texas that's as big and bold as the Texas spirit itself. Remember, your website is an investment in your business's future. So saddle up, partner, and get ready to ride the wave of online success!
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amanchandracoach · 3 months
Take Charge: Mastering Your Anger and Emotions
We've all been there. Stuck in traffic, a frustrating conversation, a seemingly never-ending to-do list – emotions can flare up, and anger can take the wheel. But what if you could manage those emotions, respond rather than react, and stay calm even in the face of frustration? Here's the good news: you can. Learning how to control anger and emotions is a skill anyone can develop, and the benefits are vast. You'll experience less stress, build stronger relationships, and improve your overall well-being.
Understanding the Why Behind the What
Before diving into calming techniques, let's explore why we get angry. Anger is a natural human emotion, often triggered by a perceived threat or injustice. It can be a signal that something is wrong, a way to protect ourselves, or a response to feeling hurt or frustrated. However, when anger boils over, it can lead to destructive behavior, strained relationships, and even physical health problems.
The Art of Calming the Storm: How to Control Anger and Emotions
The key to managing anger lies in recognizing its warning signs before it escalates. Do your fists clench? Does your jaw tighten? Maybe your voice gets louder. Once you identify your personal triggers, you can develop a toolbox of coping mechanisms to interrupt the anger cycle. Here are a few effective strategies:
Take a Time Out: Feeling the heat rise? Step away from the situation. Take a few deep breaths, count to ten, or excuse yourself for a quick walk. This short break allows your body and mind to cool down, giving you a chance to approach the situation with a clearer head.
Breathe Deeply: Deep breathing is a simple yet powerful tool for calming your nervous system. Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of four, hold for a count of two, and exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of six. Repeat this cycle until you feel yourself relax.
Reframe Your Thoughts: Our perception shapes our emotions. When faced with a frustrating situation, challenge those negative thoughts. Maybe the slow driver isn't intentionally holding you up, perhaps they're just lost. Reframing the situation can help reduce your anger and frustration.
Express Yourself Assertively: Sometimes, bottling up your emotions can make things worse. However, there's a healthy way to express your feelings. Speak calmly and clearly, focusing on "I" statements ("I feel frustrated when...") rather than accusatory language.
Channel Your Energy: Exercise is a fantastic way to burn off built-up tension and frustration. Go for a run, hit the gym, or do some yoga – physical activity releases endorphins, natural mood-lifters that can help you feel calmer and more positive.
Building Long-Term Resilience
While these techniques can help manage anger in the moment, building long-term emotional resilience is crucial. Consider these practices:
Identify Your Triggers: What situations or people typically make you angry? Once you know your triggers, you can develop strategies to avoid them or manage your response when you can't.
Practice Relaxation Techniques: Make relaxation techniques like meditation or progressive muscle relaxation a regular part of your routine. The more you practice, the easier it will be to access these calming methods when you need them most.
Get Enough Sleep: When we're well-rested, we're better equipped to handle stress and frustration. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
Seek Professional Help: If anger is a significant problem in your life, impacting your relationships or work, don't hesitate to seek professional help. A therapist can teach you valuable strategies for managing anger and developing healthier coping mechanisms.
Remember, mastering your emotions is a journey, not a destination. There will be setbacks, but with practice and self-compassion, you can develop the skills to manage your anger and navigate life's challenges with greater calmness and control. You've got this!
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soutienshivam · 3 months
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Discovering Servant Air: Alaska's Boutique Airline
Hey Tumblrs! ✈️ If you're dreaming of an Alaskan adventure or need to navigate the vast expanses of the Last Frontier, let me introduce you to a hidden gem in aviation: Servant Air. This boutique airline might not be as famous as some of the big players, but it's a vital part of Alaska's unique aviation landscape. Here's everything you need to know about Servant Air and why it might be your ticket to an unforgettable Alaskan experience.
A Small Airline with a Big Heart
Servant Air is a regional airline based in Fairbanks, Alaska. Founded with the mission to provide reliable and personalized air service, Servant Air has been connecting remote communities and ensuring that even the most isolated corners of Alaska are accessible. The airline's name reflects its commitment to serving the needs of its passengers, making it a beloved choice for many Alaskans.
Connecting Remote Communities
Alaska is known for its breathtaking landscapes, but its sheer size and rugged terrain can make travel challenging. That's where Servant Air shines. The airline operates flights to some of Alaska's most remote and hard-to-reach areas, ensuring that residents and visitors alike can travel safely and efficiently. Whether you're heading to a small village or an off-the-beaten-path destination, Servant Air is there to get you where you need to go.
Also Read: Discovering Volaris Airlines: Affordable Travel Across Mexico and Beyond
Fleet and Services
Servant Air operates a fleet of smaller aircraft, perfectly suited for the unique demands of Alaskan travel. These planes are designed to handle the short runways and challenging weather conditions that are common in the region. Despite their size, the aircraft are well-maintained and offer a comfortable ride, ensuring that passengers can enjoy the journey as much as the destination.
Personalized Travel Experience
One of the standout features of Servant Air is its commitment to providing a personalized travel experience. Unlike larger airlines where passengers can feel like just another number, Servant Air offers a more intimate and friendly atmosphere. The staff go out of their way to make sure every passenger feels welcome and taken care of, from the moment you book your ticket to the time you land.
Scenic Flights and Tours
In addition to regular passenger services, Servant Air offers scenic flights and tours, giving you the chance to see Alaska from a whole new perspective. These flights are a fantastic way to experience the state's stunning landscapes, including its glaciers, mountains, and wildlife. Whether you're a tourist looking to explore or a local wanting to see your home from the sky, these scenic flights are not to be missed.
Commitment to Community
Servant Air isn't just an airline; it's a vital part of the communities it serves. The airline plays an important role in ensuring that residents of remote areas have access to essential services and supplies. By providing reliable air service, Servant Air helps support the local economy and improves the quality of life for many Alaskans.
Final Thoughts
Servant Air may be a small airline, but its impact on Alaska is enormous. With its focus on serving remote communities, providing personalized service, and offering unique travel experiences, it's a standout choice for anyone looking to explore the beauty and wonder of Alaska.
So, if you're planning a trip to the Last Frontier, consider flying with Servant Air. You'll not only get to your destination safely and comfortably, but you'll also be supporting an airline that truly cares about the people and places it serves.
Happy flying, and may your Alaskan adventures be as wild and wonderful as the state itself! 🛩️🌲❄️
Feel free to share your Servant Air experiences or ask any questions in the comments below!
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dollar2host · 4 months
Checklist to Buy domain
Even if you plan for something other than your firm to be web-based, launch it with the Internet in mind. With the ability to reach more people than any other media, the World Wide Web might be the ideal advertising platform for your goods or services. If your company operates solely online, having a presence and, consequently, a name on the Internet is crucial. Regardless, you must buy a domain name for your company as soon as possible once it is founded.
You may feel that as a small business owner, you have a thousand things to remember all at once. A domain name strategy isn't your priority. Don't worry; we've got you covered with a quick yet useful checklist to make sure you have the best and affordable best domain name. 
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What is a domain name strategy – and why do you need one?
A domain name strategy is a method for acquiring domain names that complements your branding and commercial plans. To put it simply, obtaining appropriate domain names and variations is essential to guarding your brand by preventing misuse and consumer confusion. Developing a domain plan has several advantages, such as:
Helping you decide which domain names to purchase and which ones not to.
Protecting your business from future trademark infringement.
Improving the discoverability of your website.
Maintaining regular contact with your clients.
Making sure your plan for business growth is future-proof.
Guarding your website from possible cyber-infringement.
Preserving the internet reputation of your brand.
Domain name strategy checklist-
In creating the following checklist, we used the assumption that you already have a fantastic company name and a website in the domain zone of your choosing with a corresponding and affordable domain name. A domain strategy checklist is intended to assist you in planning for product and market expansion as well as online brand protection. 
If you still need to get one, start by using our advice to choose and purchase an affordable domain name for your website. If you'd like a short and memorable domain name that ends in .in or .com, but the domain name of your choice is now too expensive, check out some fantastic subdomain possibilities ending in .net, .org, and .com. Additionally, this is a fantastic way to establish a brand relationship with the software development or IT sectors.
After obtaining your primary domain, review the following checklist and devise a plan to help your target audience locate your brand on the Internet.
Explore the frequently used top-level domains (TLDs)
First, see if any other companies have already registered your company name in any of the well-known domain zones, like .com, .biz, .org, and .net. It may need to be clarified if your domain name is already registered in all or most of them. 
On the other hand, register your domain name in those pertinent to your business if it is available for purchase, and you have the means to obtain it.
Consider using country-code top-level domains (ccTLDs) for your local expansion
Do you intend to target a certain nation with your website? Verify whether your company name is available as a domain name in a ccTLD, such as Italy's .it or the United Kingdom's.uk.  
Investigate new domain zones (nTLDs)
Does your organization create AI-powered services, or does your main line of business depend on applications? Then, investigating a vast array of novel top-level domains (nTLDs) is worthwhile. 
You can register extra domain names in zones like .app, .shop, .ai, or .online, depending on your business niche. Consider your competition: an AI provider may buy a domain name similar to your business name, .ai, in an attempt to attract visitors who are looking for your website.
Take errors and variants into consideration
As your company expands, rivals, cybersquatters, and possible infringers may become more interested in it. One strategy they employ to trick people trying to access your website is to register a name that is obviously different, misspelt, or sounds similar. 
A continuous defensive registration policy is a preventative safeguard against fraud. For instance, registering taxycab.com together with the primary domain protects you against people spoofing your brand, assuming you are the owner of taxicab.com.
Register a trademark
Lastly, the safest course of action is to register your brand name as a trademark if you wish to prevent others from using it in conjunction with your business name, both online and offline. This step can be helpful if there are any further domain conflicts in the future.
By strategically registering domain names using the processes above, you may avoid consumer misunderstanding and expand your internet presence as your small business expands. However, use caution when developing your domain name. Ultimately, you don't want to waste a lot of money as a small business purchasing domain names that are unattractive to rivals or possible infringers. 
After completing a checklist, take a step back and consider which items must be safeguarded to prevent consumer confusion. Make a short list of the most important ones and assess them using growth objectives and available resources. As a last step, secure the domains that will most affect your business in the near future.
Finding a desired, available domain name is the most difficult aspect of purchasing one.
Where and how to buy a new domain name?
Verify the domain once more before purchasing it
Look up trade names: To prevent future issues, it's advisable to ensure your domain is free of trademarks. Trademarks can readily be found online.
Examine the names of other companies: Exercise caution when registering a domain name that is identical to the name of another business, especially one of your rivals.
Look up additional domain extensions: If you purchase a .com domain, is anyone else utilizing the .co UK version. If so, could your clients become puzzled? If not, consider purchasing that as well.
Say it aloud: Saying your domain name out loud can highlight issues you were previously unaware of. Does it sound reasonable? Will you have to spell your domain name out for someone to understand it if you tell them correctly?
Check for accidental word usage: If your domain consists of two or more words strung together, it can occasionally result in awkward terms.
Examine its prior reputation: Has another website recently used the domain? Use The Internet Archive to see any outdated websites at that URL. Their illegal or explicit content may impact your rankings.
Look up the word on Google: Type the words of your domain name into Google. This can be a useful method to find additional businesses that you need to be aware of using the phrase.
2. Verify the domain purchase address
Verify that your name will be used for domain registration: Verify if your provider will register the domain name under your name. They can seize control of the domain and demand ransom if it is registered in their name. When it comes to registering your domain, you have many alternatives.
Inquire about adaptability: It's difficult to forecast how your business will evolve, so look for a flexible provider. This allows you to utilize the name with services (such as web hosting or email) from other providers. Make sure you can modify all DNS settings.
Verify that you have automatic renewal: Choose a provider who will automatically renew your domain name because even big businesses occasionally fail to do so.
Examine the support that is offered: Seek assistance commensurate with your level of technical expertise. If you're new to utilizing domain names, pay a little bit extra for a provider that offers superior service.
Look up reviews on the Internet: Before making a purchase, check reviews of the domain name providers you are considering.
3. Get the right deal
Consider a first-year special offer: The domain name industry is competitive, so suppliers frequently offer big discounts on your first year's registration.
Check the renewal terms: Always check how much the domain will cost in the second year - and subsequent years - especially if you're taking advantage of a discount for the first year.
Decide how long you want to register for: You can save by registering the domain for a longer period, like five or ten years. However, only do this if you're virtually certain you'll want the domain for that period.
Go ahead and register it: If you're happy with the supplier and price you've chosen, go and register that domain name. If you wait any longer, someone else will get it first!
Additional Considerations for High-Value Domains-
Professional Appraisal: To ascertain fair market worth and prevent overpaying, get an expert appraisal.
Escrow Services: To safeguard money and guarantee a safe transaction, use a reputable escrow provider.
Legal Assistance: Contact us to ensure your interests are protected, and a lawyer with domain transaction experience reviews contracts.
Payment Methods: Give secure choices, such as escrow services or reliable payment processors, priority when choosing a payment method. Be wary of odd ones.
Cybersecurity: Take precautions against the theft or hacking of your domain investment. Use two-factor authentication, create strong passwords, and consider domain name security services.
By giving these things serious thought, you can increase your chances of making a smart purchase when buying a high-value and affordable domain name. Your domain is an essential component of your online identity, so pick carefully and create the conditions for a prosperous online presence.
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