#this isnt really a liveblog? idk what it is tho
iron-sides · 9 months
actually lemme Break Down issue 23 and why max's behavior is. soooo frustrating esp if u read from the 'speedsters lean adhd' angle that seems pretty common
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he asks for bart's plan, bart evades, and max accepts this-- he wants to see what bart does. he gives no instruction and never actually bothers to interrogate barts half-baked plan or even to tell him that "hitting" doesnt count as a plan. its pretty clear to me esp since max KNOWS bart that bart doesnt actually have a plan.
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bart's right. lol. objectively. also at no point was he told to do the thing max is scolding him for not doing. lol.
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hey max remember how at no point have you bothered to explain how your way is better? because you haven't. at any point. also bart's still right. lol.
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a) max you literally have a speedster metabolism leave him fucking be. jesus
b) surprise camping trip is not a good solution to helen being justifiably irritated with you but whatever
c) hey so on a related note (and remember for a sec that bart is simultaneously 2 and 14) the most important thing you can do with toddlers and teenagers is give them as much autonomy as possible. so uh. well. surprise camping trip. that bart really doesnt seem excited about-- and like, i cant blame him! i wouldnt be either, and i love camping!
d) hey do you see max poking fun at barts past mistakes bc as someone who has had their parents do that it Fucking Sucks
e) look at the first panel its so pretty. anyway
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he's framing this as a criticism, which is fucking rude considering bart has literally no way of knowing you dont bring video games camping, also-- he is knowingly setting bart up to be bored out of his mind. on purpose. he doesnt even propose another way for bart to entertain himself. remember this.
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a) hate that he uses normal like that. like i get it but still, to have something inherant to your existence constantly used to abnormal-ify you fuckin sucks.
b) wow max its almost like you didn't fucking plan this. the WHOLE THING YOU'VE BEEN MAD AT BART ABOUT THE WHOLE DAMN TIME
b.1) like again i cannot emphasize enough that what hes been mad about the whole time is bart's lack of planning. and now here is is not planning this whole trip
c) hey remember how i said max was knowingly setting bart up to be bored. lol.
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max is genuinely trying to level with bart and i get how its frustrating when people completely miss that but like. girl. you forget that hes both fourteen and two and spent most of that time in VR. he doesnt exactly have a lot to look back on king. you cant hold that against him
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ok the blah blah paragraphs are kind of babbling but again-- bart makes a good point about how max isnt exactly very active in the superhero scene, and, again, HAS NEVER EXPLAINED WHY HIS WAY WOULD BE BETTER TO BART. anyway. lol notice how he's choosing to give bart his "final exam" (not a good way to view parenting OR mentorship btw. just for reference) out of frustration? ive worked with kids. ive worked with some WILDLY frustrating kids. any choice you make out of frustration will be a mistake 100% of the time you have to make your plan of action BEFORE you get frustrated. this is rookie stuff this doesnt even just apply to kids it applies to everything
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its fucking mean to fake a life-threatening experience for yourself and then make the young teen you're in charge of save you. btw. even if hes a superhero and shit like this is still mean.
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"id like to think ive taught you something" at no point have you done that though. at no point have you actually sat him down and taught or explained anything except maybe secret identities which youll notice he cares very much about upkeeping because he loves and respects you and wants you to be proud of him. lol.
also yelling never helps anyone. btw. i get why people do it but like.. you didnt TELL him to pull you out of the way you never even explained why he handled the hostage situation wrong! you just told him he did! thats not how teaching works!
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this wouldnt surprise you if you had like ever sat down and talked world-view with him btw. hes pretty open about it.
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hey fun fact if theres a teacher and a student and the student doesnt learn anything it's the teacher's failure. because bart's trying- bart's trying REALLY HARD. and sure, so is max, but more is expected of teachers than students because a) theyre the adults and b) they know more. theyre coming from a place of knowledge. so anyway hes literally soooo mad at bart for something thats his own damn fault
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and here we're seeing bart who clearly can feel that max is mad at him and wants to fix it so so bad. but max isnt mad at bart hes mad at himself (for his failure with helen) and he's taking it out on bart. lol. which means nothing bart does can fix it. which is a horrible feeling.
anyway. this whole thing just makes issue 24 physically painful becasue max and bart separate (presumably forever) without ever making amends, max never apologizes for this and since im now at issue 28 and theyre not mentioning it im going to assume itll be a good long time from now if he ever does, which fucking sucks. anyway. the whole point here is that i love max very much and this was seriously painful to read. and that i saw a post in the bonnie tag about how max shouldve adopted cissie and girl max shouldn't have adopted BART. like dont get me wrong they love each other very much but max is NOT fit to be ANYONE'S mentor.
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olivieraa · 2 years
not that I’m ~liveblogging~ or anything but I forgot to voice my thoughts on the recent house of dragon ep
I’m gonna say that I’m honestly really peeved at people right now
game of thrones got away with a lot
every taboo you could think of, they did. fans of this show scare me bc I could never fathom there not being a limit for people. 
but here’s the fucking weird thing...
house of the dragon hasn’t been that bad (yeah I still wish it didnt exist but compared to GOT its an incredible show)
but in GOT, you get a feel for what the show is gonna be about from episode one. rape, gore, abuse, death................ and incest.
in ep 1 of GOT, it throws that at you in the first, idk, 15 mins? two MAIN CHARACTERS, one being the MAIN VILLAIN of the show, are fucking. they’re brother and sister. they die together in the last ep. yadda yadda people were kinda fine with it? like “ah, that’s just game of thrones being game of thrones!”
but they’re drawing the line at the incest in house of the dragon between the uncle and his niece?? lmao what
why does that SPECIFICALLY cross the line?
house of the dragon hasn’t shown any rape, and very little nudity. the men talk down to women as they did in game of thrones (so misogyny obviously carries on for hundreds of years and never changes since this show is a prequel to game of thrones), but its not every 10 seconds. I dont see a womans tits and ass every 10 seconds. I dont see a man talk about how a woman is only good for 2 things, sex and babies every 10 seconds.
tho misogyny is present, its more spread out and the men are talked back to more. and TO REPEAT, no rape (so far) and minor nudity.
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theboykingofhell · 5 years
okay tho, there’s like... bad writing and there’s ‘my emotional investment in a story is preventing me from enjoying the direction the story is taking’ and the idea that an author is required to end a story in a happy way just because that’s what their fans want for the story that they’ve invested a lot of emotions and time into is actually kind of ridiculous
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foxstens · 3 years
downloaded sharin no kuni on a whim and i am astonished
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
Hi Karen anon here, long time no see (cause 8 just check tumblr like once a week and that just to read your liveblog. Usually i come to check it on Wed cause uhh I keep remembering the 30 hours anon lol chile anyway).
See, thanks to the newly added tags it did make my reading easier. But, I was scrolling for fun when I encountered the (excuse me if this sound rude) that mf 'interesting' anon. So pls excuse me while I put my Karen wig on
I know this is just Tumblr but people should really be professional. Your blog isnt a ship blog or whatever (though I noticed you just merely implying it sometime) so I found it really annoying that the anon attack you for something taht didnt have anything to do at all. Cause well, I will be honest. Im just interested in your blog bc of the fun af liveblog and the amazing analysis (i read the Ikki analysis so much its my bed time story/hj). And Im quite sure almost everyone who came to your blog is also come for the same reason. So what our personal ship is irrelevant to this blog (well at least thats how far I observed it)
*Taking my wig off* now that was done.
As always, I enjoy reading the live blog. Though I find it weird that in the ep 22 preview, it felt like everything go back to normal? Like Hiromi didn't just unalived down the cliff 😂. But well I will be anxiously waiting for that ep 🙏🙏
Also funny story, so I am someone who likes spoiler. So I will search spoiler on twitter first. Apparently, they all said that Daiji was useless in ep 21 and Im like "Naurr dont be mean to Daiji guysss" (bc they say that /every episode/ it basically a joke). Unfortunately, after watching ep 21 myself Daiji did feel even more....useless (this is strictly my opinion I swear lmao). Like, nah Daiji I cant defend you anymore like this 😂
Well sorry for the long af ask. Thank you for your hardwork and I will wait for the Oltecca(?) analysis. See you next week 🥰🥰 (take care of your health. The covid cases in country really spike up so hard this week 😔)
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Ayyyyy howdy buddy.
I'm glad the new tags help LOL
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'm glad for your wig'ed defense 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and yessssssssss
I'm glad you like my analysis posts LOL!! And awh <333 it's always nice to hear y'all are having fun with the nonsense I've thrown into the abyss aasjdfjsdfjdf
AND YEAH G, I felt the SAME seeing the next episode preview. Really lol'ed cause it felt like we went back to the 'monster of the week' episodes aksdjflkjsdfj.
Tho I know the writers like to troll with us so idk I wouldn't be surprised if every other moment in that episode is just 'sibs mourning' hours. Sooooo funny too cause if it isn't,,,, and everyone's actin like nothing happened lmaooo that's STILL in character
#repress repress repress LOL
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soooo funny that's Daiji's pet peeve about himself too lasjdfksdf ;;;that he can't ever seem to do anything (esp when it really matters LOL!)
See, Daiji hates being the "damsel in distress" but that's all he was ever taught to be (cause Ikki and Sakura literally did everything else) and that was another big reason why he went out into the world and got some crazy asf job -- because he wanted to prove to himself too that he's able to do things on his own
but likeeeeeee, idk old habits die hard hahahaha
(Also doesn't help that in times of great stress Daiji clams up instead of being able to properly react to the situation. Aka he just shuts down.)
My homie is still learning just *how* to do things on his own, and then the Kagerou fratricide-stint really had him back-sliding in any positive development he had previously LOL!!!
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My homie is the picture boy for Learned Helplessness
"People that experience repeated abuse and other aversive situations eventually learn to become helpless if nothing they do changes it. It’s as if they internalize that since nothing worked in that situation, nothing will work in similar situations, either. The trauma begins to erode two other critical aspects of mental well-being — self-efficacy and internal locus of control."
haha yoinks. Man I wish we got more flashbacks of the Igarashi sibs past cause DAMN. Pls man give me some bread in this desert.
"Self-efficacy is your level of confidence that you can tackle challenges and learn new skills. Internal locus of control is the degree to which you believe your circumstances are under your control. When these two traits are high, you feel confident and empowered, even when things get tough. Stressors seem controllable, and you know that you can trust yourself to do your best.
When learned helplessness takes over, though, you don’t feel so sure of your ability to handle challenges. You don’t believe that what you do makes a difference, and that makes it hard to see a way out — let alone a silver lining."
(These quotes are taken from: 'What is Learned Helplessness and how do you 'unlearn' It?' blog post/article)
Anyways It's obvious that Ikki's over-parenting has lead to this situation. And I think what makes it worse is that Sakura is more useful/helpful than he is.
(She wants to be seen as capable so she steps up to do as much as she can / to manage what Ikki isn't able to)
So now he's placed in the position of being especially useless LOL.
Anyways, Daiji has a lotttt of problems :')). He's literally the perfect target for cult recruitment.
(Which might be one of the reasons why he's still so quick to defend shady ass Fenix. Fenix is one of the few things he positively attributes to himself, so if Fenix is bad then that just means Daiji's failed *again* at doing the right, correct, moral, 'good', thing.
It's the *only* thing he has giving him any lick of worth. The only thing making him useful. Everything he's accomplished will go to ZILCH the moment Fenix isn't part of the 'good guys.' So,,,for him its just easier to ignore all the red flags. Cause he doesn't want to hate himself more than he already does, rip.)
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aquariusshadow · 3 years
Live!Blogging HSMTMTS s2x6
okay fiiiiiiiiinally ive been waiting all day to watch this.
so from what i've seen...i'm tentatively predicting that my new main ships will be portwell and ricky/therapy
lesssss goooooo
not if you liked them back kourt *wink wink* then its hard for you to see if they like you
oh north high again
i keep forgetting about this storyline
'village idiot'
idk why that made me laugh im sorry
omg imagine a legit group chat with seb and ej tho
someone write a chatfic about this please
portwell sitting next to eachother hehehe
'friendship' *gina looks at ricky* oh boy
"im waiting for a sign" *camera pans to the exit sign*
so everyone that predicted the rose getting a song yall deserve your money's worth
ricky you fought for her to get in the show yet you cant let nini focus on her song for the show
i need to back this up
ive never done this before actually backing up an episode during a liveblog
"i can't believe you're finally back in the show yet you're spending saturday without me"
she needs to focus
you need to focus
so miss jenn and ricky's dad are finally going on a date
big red and nini convooooooo yesss
i do like kourt and howie's banter
ricky: hey G
gina: *ignores*
ej: *smooth* may i have this exercise
see ricky you cant expect gina to always be there when you treat her the way you have been
poor carlos
hah remember what i said at the beginning of this? thats all i gotta say hehe with kourt and howie
did ricky
spam her literal paragraphs of text
when she has told him she needs to focus
and ricky's freaking out over nini not liking hawaiian pizza
this is the type of clinginess that really does turn me off
especially back in highschool
ricky honey you really need some help
man poor ashlynn
ashlynn is going to kill it as belle because she's gonna be sooooooo genuine whereas im sure lily's gonna come off as very superficial in the part
look at ej's concerned expression when gina's struggling in the exercise
the one thing i do like about miss jenn's date so far is i think this is a nice way of getting to know both of the characters more
awwwww the date went well
i mean that was kinda funny ngl
oooooooooooo thats a great answer ej
"i'd ask him if he'd ever love anyone after belle"
but...did gaston ever truly love belle tho
ricky :(
he really doesnt like change does he
im glad the show is trying to address this
awwwww the gina and ashlynn heart to heart
i do love their friendship
omg she confessed her feelings for ricky
she actually did it
this entire time
he knew
and he still
this entireeeeeee tiiiiiiiime
the only excuse he has is that somehow he got it in his mind that he either thought gina moved on from him or ricky interpreted gina's confession as a friendship thing
but still
good lord ricky you need to calm it with the clingy
even nini isnt feelin it
meanwhile lily is still spying
interesting i thought kourt was a gryffindor--although i can see her being a gryffindor/hufflepuff combo hehe
but ravenclaw works too!!!
yessssss ashlynn sing your heart out
and this is why she's going to be an amazing belle
i hate seeing gina in this much pain
yea kourt you be honest!!!
i love herrrrrr
howie drumrolled before her confession
thats really cute
i love straightforward stuff like this
the harry potter geekiness <3
i really hope ricky's dad realizes somethings off now since he and miss jenn ended things because of ricky
aight nini lets hear the rose song
so........basically everything i said and thought about rini as a relationship
nini's song confirms it
confirm what a lot of people have been saying about rini
also this song is amazing <3
olivia's soprano range <3
yea rip rini next episode
Alright, so. I ship Ricky with Therapy (Rickerapy) and Gina with Happiness (Hapina). That’s my final stance for a while. I’m very curious on where they take Portwell. If Rina’s gonna happen then...I’m honestly not sure how I feel about it? Like I still enjoy the idea of Rina, and it’ll be a lot better than Rini (I think) but...no guy is worth that much pain and heartache Gina’s dealing with. 
I guess if Ricky ends up working through his fear of change, learns better communication skills, and accepts/confronts his own feelings a lot better and treats Gina like the amazing person she is and makes it up to her then maaaaaaaaaaybe I’ll be on board with Rina in the end.
But yea, I’m definitely vibing more with Portwell rn.
Also, Nini deciding to live for herself. It’s such a good peak for her arc this semester I’m pretty happy.
Finally, while I’m giving Ricky a lot of shit, as I said in my previous live!blog--I still like his character and everything is very consistent with what we’ve seen from season 1. If anything, I’m really excited to see his arc come to a head and what comes after!
(someone plz write a seb and ej friendship chat!fic)
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foryouthegays · 3 years
spreading propaganda [Dream SMP] liveblog yall lets go. this is so long i am sorry but the end is an actual summary of what happens asldkfa
sellout timer pog: 00:30:20, 01:00:40, 01:31:35, 02:02:03 (for like a second), 02:03:00, 02:34:35
time spent reading donations: 10 minutes, 20ish seconds. 
fanart credit he puts up (all from twitter i think): snumkt, reinneart, lihnsu, sestqr, jester_u, Brigade_Lost, natonyy
also taggin @antarctic-empire-technoblade​ :) theres an actual summary at the end that isnt just me ramblin so,,,,,,ye. i am so sorry its so long a;dkfja i dont know how to condense things 
00:00:35 “i stole a lot of sand recently,” ah yes, a casual conversation starter, the admission of theft 
tubbo: -..--...--- 
ranboo: that means beans right
no, ranboo, not it does not (i put it into a translator and it just. it doesnt mean anything. i didnt see any spaces so im just. what was mr tubbo trying to say
00:04:35: relationship advice with technoblade! [reading donation] “‘techno, my boyfriend said he’ll never sub to you, how do i handle this travesty?’ uh, clearly you need to break up with him, and send me more money, is the most- that’s the most unbiased opinion I can give you, it’s just a good life decision, alright? It’s just a good life decision.”
00:16:00 ranboo hi!!!! him garden :D 
00:20:15 ‘i have not made a tier list [for dinosaurs] yet’ Y E T? ? ? ?? ? 
“‘Hey, are you uncomfortable with being part of the SBI family dynamic?’ Uh, I don’t really- it’s not a matter of being uncomfortable, it’s just a matter of people making massive revisions to my character and the lore three months into the story without telling me, and it’s like, ‘no, that doesn’t- the story doesn’t- so many things don’t make sense now! What?? What???’ but if you want to make like, fanart of it, it’s fine”
00:21:25 imagine believing in airplanes, couldnt be me
00:21:35 SKLDJFAK a dono is like, hey can u call my new cousin a nerd, and technos like [claps] yOUVE COME TO THE RIGHT MAN im all about bullying infant children 
lakjshdfl 00:26:15 ‘philza this does not sound lore at all please’ poor techno
00:27:30 HKJSFDL :crab: TUBBO IS GONE :crab: also i cant tell if techno says ‘KILL HIM DEAD’ or ‘KILL HIM, DAD’ 
00:30:20 ‘we should have a grinch episode, where i go around stealing presents from l’manburg’ DO IT
also i was in chat at 00:31:25ish and i said ‘subscribe to technoblade’ and RIGHT AFTER techno said ‘did i hear subscribe to technoblade?’ and i felt so heard 
00:33:25 why is his only response to being seen in enemy lines to just stay realllyyyyy still a;lkdfjasf 
00:39:45 ‘this is crucial information coming to you live from anarchy news’ A;LSDKFJA;LSDF
alkdfja; 00:47:55 techno talks (sarcastically) abt how great it is when chat tells him where his stuff is
00:48:50 awww techno showin his not-dad his hound army!!! so cute 
00:55:30 techno specifies that theyre all characters/roleplayin!!!
techno talkin to phil is literally like a kid talkin to his dad after not seein him for a while. like yeah yeah family isnt canon in this but KSJDFLA hes like ‘phillll tommys being annoying also look at this new poster!!!!’ its so cute
techno nd phil reference smp earth at 01:19:50!!!!
(ik some people dont like enbyctechno so heres ur warnin, its just for this line tho) techno says ‘no one man should have this power’ but he HAS that power. therefore. mr c!blade is not a guy 01:35:00ish idk im not goin back to check
01:38:35 alright gang lets split up and look for clues 
01:45:20 ‘my chat’s sayin theres a 0% chance this is gonna work,,,,thATS A CHANCE I’M WILLING TO TAKE, CHAT’ skjdflasl;dfjaf (also, bit after, after readin the wiki say its 0% chance: ‘i like those odds’) 
01:48:15 [abt the zombie villager baby] 
Techno: on the bright side, we may have inflicted the optimal amount of trauma onto this child for it to become funny? 
Ranboo: ooooh yeah! it can become a minecraft youtuber!
techno: yeeeeeeah!!
pls get some therapy
a;ldkfassa the mental image of techno ownin an orphanage,,,,paldkfajslfasf 01:51:35
a;ldsifjasdklf ranboo is canonically a villager now, pog 01:56:50
01:57:50 ranboo: ‘they say that im built different, i am built different, in the fact that i have no moral backbone.’
01:58:30 BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD also why is techno so good at the bow like WHAT he looks in third person and turns nd shoots in like a second and hits most of the time its scary literally look at ranboo a;ldsjkfadsf hes like a porcupine 
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02:06:35 “i feel there has been an attempt on my life,” "no thats just how we greet each other in our country” nether lore pog?
02:08:45 why does techno casually type at 120 wpm?????  god i hate him so much why is he like thisssss ugh (also it took ~3 seconds to type 7 words (34 characters) which is 140 wpm and 680 cpm if i know how to do math i hate it here) /lh
nd then he types ‘punz we’re all outside your house get over here’ which is 47 characters nd 9 words nd it took him 5 seconds to type which is 564 cpm and 108 wpm so his average (from these two samples which. isnt a lot. should i do a post abt this in the future?) is 124 wpm and 622 cpm. hes so fast. 
technos complainin bout the fights bein boring,,,,,,,fight them all, techno. do it. 1v8. do it, coward. 
02:24:02 ‘maybe the real combat was the friends we made along the way’ 
02:25:16 i love that technos first instinct when someone dies is to check what sword/axe killed them nd what enchants r on it aldskfjads
i love how techno calls the manhunt music ‘dream music’ its so funny to me
right before he ends the stream he says ‘p e r h a p s’ to techno plushies and i just,,,, wa n t 
if ya just want an actual summary and not that MESS:
Technoblade starts the stream in his house. the first thing he does is put another piece of fanart in his house, this one by snumkt on twitter. he goes to l’manburg, where he sneaks around very sneakily (/s) and replaces anti-techno propaganda with pro-techno fanart, stating that “If they take it down, it’s ‘cause they hate fanartists.” (00:09:18). 
While placing posters, Techno checks in on his hound army, and reveals that he thinks someone had been in the area, because a wolf teleported to him while he was home. He thinks someone placed water, the dog stood up, and then teleported. (00:18:25)
After breeding the dogs, Techno reads donations and one of the questions is about the SBI family dynamics. Here’s what he says at 00:20:55 
“‘Hey, are you uncomfortable with being part of the SBI family dynamic?’ Uh, I don’t really- it’s not a matter of being uncomfortable, it’s just a matter of people making massive revisions to my character and the lore three months into the story without telling me, and it’s like, ‘no, that doesn’t- the story doesn’t- so many things don’t make sense now! What?? What???’ but if you want to make like, fanart of it, it’s fine”
He then meets up with Philza, who is being escorted by Tubbo. Techno goes to Philzas house, and hides in his new basement. He joins their VC and finds Phil, Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo. talking about birthdays. Tubbo goes to the basement and sees Technos invis particles, hits him, and he is revealed. Techno kills tubbo, and declares it canon as a joke. 
He goes back outside, deafened on Discord, and puts down more propaganda. Philza joins his call, and they meet up to try and find Technos stolen items. They don’t find the barrel, but they do find a hidden room under the podium. Techno puts a piece of propaganda in the room. (00:43:30)
While Phil is killing an enderman, Ranboo finds them, and is killed by Techno. (00:46:25) 
Techno takes Phil to see his Hound Army, but they’re stopped by Tubbo. Techno tries to pretend to be Ranboo, but Ranboo goes up to them, so his cover is blown. Techno’s chased to the portal. Phil and Techno meet again in the Nether, and they go back to the house. 
At the house, Phil and Techno talk about the SBI characters, the sellout timer goes off, and then they go downstairs to cure a zombie villager. While it’s curing, Techno gathers books to make a new bow, with Power V, Punch II, Unbreaking III, Flame, and Mending. 
Philza reveals that Ranboo is coming over to give Phil a present. Techno seems excited at this, mostly at the fact that Ranboo can be his new bows test subject. 
Before Ranboo arrives, the villager is cured, and they find out it is a nitwit, meaning it can’t trade or get a job. Techno and Phil start working on a tunnel to bring the villager to a lava pool, so the other villagers won’t gossip and raise their prices. 
Ranboo joins the call at 01:15:35, right before they’re going to bring the villager to the lava pool. He gifts Techno and Phil four Netherite ingots.
After struggling to get the villager to the right height, Techno forces Ranboo to boat the villager into the lava. Ranboo escapes by throwing a pearl, and the villager dies.
Ranboo, Techno, and Phil talk about duping Netherite, and the current plot, and then Techno finds a zombie baby villager. It’s caught in a boat, and Techno nametags it ‘Orphan.’ They talk about the cobblestone tower, Philzas’ death to a baby zombie, and how if you don’t see a child's parents, you should assume that they are an orphan and attack them. 
Techno talks to Jack Manifold through chat about his axe. Techno, Philza, and Ranboo go around and look for zombie villagers. Techno finds an igloo, with two villagers. Techno was going to try and turn them into zombie villagers, but decides to not when he finds out that theres a 0% chance of that happening on Easy mode. 
They all go back to Orphan, and bully it when they find out it still hasn’t grown up. Techno and Ranboo make a joke about how it’s traumatized, so it’ll be funny and can be come a minecraft youtuber. please get some help. (01:48:15)
After Orphan grows up, Techno trades and gets the Bottle of Enchanting trade for one emerald. They all joke about Techno owning an orphanage at 01:51:35.
Phil, Techno, and Ranboo decide go to the Hound Army, but Techno remembers that Ranboo is part of L’manburg, and tries to kill him (with his new bow) when they enter the nether. He doesn’t succeed, and he continues fighting until he drinks and invis pot on the Prime Path. Techno and Phil meet up in the Bee Dome, where Ranboo finds them. Techno tries to kill him, but runs out of arrows. 
After reading donations, Techno, Ranboo, and Phil are back together at the Bee Dome, and they decide to team up in case someone finds them. They go outside of the Dome, and chase Jack Manifold out of his own country.
Manifold joins the VC, and they try to blame Punz on his attempted murder. After Manifold says “i feel there has been an attempt on my life,” Techno says that that’s how he greets people in his country.
Manifold asks if they want to help him get revenge on Punz, and Techno agrees. They gather more people, and by the time they get to Punz’s tower, their party is Manifold, Techno, Phil, Ranboo, Fundy, and Antfrost. Punz is in the Nether, so they wait until he gets back. 
Ranboo and Techno have a whisper conversation:
Ranboo: are you just going to jump fundy
Techno: no im gonna make jack 1v1 LMAO
Ranboo: good plan
While Fundy is taking a screenshot of Techno for his thumbnail, Philza attacks Fundy with a crossbow and his sword. He claims it was because he was getting bored. 
In the same spirit, Techno asks if they could kill Manifold to pass the time. The mob, which now includes Fundy, chases Manifold. He runs to the Holy Land, and the mob boos him.  Techno tells Antfrost to kill Manifold, and that the mob won’t tell that he was killed in the Holy Land. Manifold hands Antfrost his sword. 
While Antfrost debates killing Manifold or not, the mob chants ‘peer pressure!’ at him. Techno quickly realizes that Antfrost isn’t in the VC, and is extremely confused. The sword gets handed to Fundy, who gets into a battle with Manifold. Philza tells Fundy that he’s forgiven, if he can kill Manifold. The battle calms, and neither of the contestants die.
Techno convinces the mob to go to the pit trap, and tries to lure someone onto the trapped blocks using rotten flesh. Fundy takes the bait, but moves out of the way before the button is pressed. Antfrost sneaks up behind him and punches him into the pit. Fundy survives the fall, but is shot by Manifold to death. 
During the commotion, Punz makes his way back to his house, and the mob moves towards him to end his life. Manifold says that he’s going to kill Punz, and Techno says that the mob’ll have his back. He tells the mob to not have Manifold’s back. 
at 02:17:00, Punz joins the call, and is confused as to why Manifold wants to kill him. Manifold explains that Punz tried to kill him, siting his source as Technoblade. 
also, 2:17:15 technoswear!
Techno encourages Punz, saying “Punz, he actually dropped his sword by accident and now I have it, so it’d be really easy to beat him up,” and “he also just killed in the holy land, so you have a sort of...religious motivation to take him out.”
Punz tries to fight Manifold without armor (Manifold is wearing a full enchanted set of armor, with a Netherite chestplate and everything else Diamond), which fails miserably, and Manifold is killed. 
Techno decides to fight Manifold with his goons (the mob) for the audience retention, and Manifold’s quickly killed. The final hit was from CaptainPuffy. Ponk rushes in and grabs some of Manifold’s items. Puffy takes the rest.
Manifold complains about getting bullied, so Techno gives him his sword back and tells him to avenge himself. While looking for Ponk (or Punz? this is kinda unclear), Punz swoops in and kills Manifold in two hits. 
Manifold finds Ponk and chases after him, trying to kill him. The mob follows, and Ranboo kills Ponk with thorns. Manifold takes Ponks stuff. 
Right after respawning, Ponk was blown up by a creeper, and Techno claimed both as canon. 
The mini fights continue, and Manifold is killed by Punz. 
Ranboo changes the ‘Days since last war crime’ sign to 0.
Phil tells Techno that he’s going back to the base, and the L’manburgians question him as to what base he’s talking about. Phil tells Fundy that he ripped off his ankle shackles and left. While they talk, Techno starts running back to the base, and Ranboo whispers “lets run back” to him. Ranboo follows Techno, but quickly looses him.
Phil and Techno join a separate VC together and they go back to the base. 
At 02:29:15, Phil says “I trust you” to Techno and I am going to cry. 
Right before getting to the base, Phil drinks some honey, and Techno says “that’s the only thing we have honey for, now that we’ve uh...uh I guess you don’t know about that.” He’s referring to the Vault, I think, because the redstone required honey to work properly. 
Philza responds, “the honey- wait, what did you use the honey for?” 
“uhhh....food.” Techno, for some reason, doesn’t want to show Phil the vault. 
Ranboo whispers to Techno: “My alliance isnt with lmanburg, its with the people who help me. phil helped me.”
out loud, Techno laughs about it with phil, saying, “well, I’ve stabbed him like twelve times this week, so, I [laughs] I don’t know if that entirely qualifies here.”
Techno messages Ranboo back with “new phone who this” 
Ranboo replies, “no one,” and then, “:)”
Going back to the honey talk, Philza asked if Techno had been hiding anything diabolical from him, and Techno asks if he would do such a thing. Philza guesses several things he could use honey for, such as a flying machine, TNT dupers, and a door.
Techno takes him to the vault. 02:32:00. i LOVE peoples reactions to the vault, it’s always so good. Philza responds with a surprised ‘HOLY SHIT’ and some laughing. Techno also confirms my math of 55 withers. 
02:34:10 “i’ve seen this government, on the server, and everything to do with government is just bad. I’ve watched it completely destroy and tear down people’s wills and change people, I’ve seen it change the nicest people into complete and utter tyrants, so...I think it’s about time--”
“We need revenge. [sellout timer goes off] and more importantly, we neED SUBSCRIBERS ON YOUTUBE DOT COM” phil joinin anarchy pog? 
anyway that was it ;alskdfjas;f
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bipedalseal · 3 years
re: playing orlok's route; hahaha where do i even start? unexpectedly, it was a very long run. it didn't end at chapter 5 as i expected, probably bc i didnt pick the obey yang option. expectedly, it was a bad end. exoectedly, it was like a dante bad end. unexpectedly, i didn't get bored. can you believe i got like 5 bad ends in this run? my route progress is 40% now! in one run
it was also a while before i got to play this again. my sisters busy with some drawing project os i havent been allowed near her laptop lately and she discovered a new pc game (the ace attornsy prequel). she's been in a good mood bc of that game tho
1. i didnt predict that rosberg would be orlok's actual dad..? yknow considering that he seemed to neglect orlok emotionally. tho im not surprised that he had a son. most ppl have a hard time staying celibate anyway, like u tout sex as the ultimate form of love between a man and a woman and expect ppl not to want that lol (obviously the solution would be to take away the stigma regarding sex but idk, not a theologist). honestly i thought that "rosberg being a shite parental figure" would trump the "hes actually my dad card", but still. the writers are okay with anti-church sentiments but not anti-filial piety... interesting.
2. yang dying and the laoshu disbanding seems like an inevitability in nearly every ending. which i suppose doesn't go against his character? i wondee what happened to make him not value his own life like that. its very interesting.
3. the voice acting. iT SLAPPED HARD. admittedly i am talking abt yang during his final moments, bc why not. something weird occured during that, actually--i was playing on earphones that only worked on one side. But during yang's Evil Monologue, like the first fucking word he said, it suddenly started working in both ears. i got chills man. it was also chilly at the time. nobuhiko okamoto's stuff never ceases to disappoint me. kaito ishikawa was ngl his delivery... stop making me wanna learn voice acting my girls. i lowkey wish the mc had a voice too. esp during the pg13 scenes. thatd sound sexy.
4. speaking of pg13 scenes, um.
5. this run was a bad end for orlok as much as it was for dante, yeah? only difference is that orlok is the protag and dante is the antagonist. interestingly, orlok showed signs of turning his back on his old ways (and god in turn) when the thing with luca and yang and rosberg happened and he said nope. i think on the other hand started throwing his morals away the moment nicola got buried. that moment when he could finally make his move, that was when he was like, "fuck it, im gonna avenge everyone and do what i want in the process". then dante got a leg over orlok and victor (figuratively and literally, respectively) by using the visconti. i wonder what got gilbert to do that though. surely he must have known that orlok was gonna kill him? whyd he sacrifice himself for dante??
6. i feel like luca dying had something to do with the laoshu. poisoning, maybe?
7. ill be honest the romance here didn't really capture my attention. i was looking for something more, uh, fucked up maybe? but the writer's attitude towards religion and the church did. it felt really self-aware. im also not surprised that orlok killed victor in one of his bad ends. i didnt really have faith in his ability to question his faith. im surprised that the writer managed ti capture the feeling of questioning the church."if i dont obey him now, then my whole life would be a lie" and "give me a reason to kill him, say its an order by god, anything" had me thinking back to my pre-apostasy days. idk, i expected less from a visual novel with a largely catholic backdrop. my expectations have been nicely surpassed.
8. back to the pg13 scenes. its AMAZINGLY amazing. maybe im just horny? idk. i rlly think inserting a scene like that then wouldhave been perfect. like there was a scene of someone's ear getting cut off for fucks sake (which ngl could have gone on for longer than it canonically did, to my squeamish self's disgust). or at least some soft description of the scene could have been used like "he held me down and forced his way in, smiling as i struggled. i finally stopped resisting after the moon began descending from her crest. that smile turned into full laughter. still orlok's cries were the loudest in my ears." pr something. like UGH. sex isnt inherently bad my friends!! unless u use it as a way to violate other ppl like in this situation.... ..... ..... i still think sex scenes can provide amazing symbolism tho. honestly its amazing i can stand reading and writing um adult relationship scenes when i cant stand to read a description of a man's thigh getting stabbed. or seeing a dead body. jfc.
not sure what ill do after this. still havent finished dante and nicola's route 100% and orlok's route, i missed a bad end i think. think ill go for the bad end that i missed, then ill take a short break by digesting something fluffy (aka the ace attorney game where payne is japanese! jfc!). lets see when i can liveblog again.
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elvencantation · 4 years
gyadl ep 3 liveblog:
- ok so luo fusheng looks rly cute all relaxed and swinging his arm around his friend! (full homo, yet again, buddy the way you look at him? not subtle)
-wanted to gif lfs in that shirt but i don’t wanna stop watching so probs won’t happen 😂
- props to the girl for committing to revamping her outfit enough to pass for evening clothes. excited to see what it’ll look like!
- random american blonde girl? what is she, bartender/magician?
- they really are acting like kids. or frat boys 😂
- wow sometimes the dubs are so awkward... i mean i dont think theyre dubbed over with different actors, at least not for zyl, i recognize his voice- but that one moment where the guy with glasses cheers on his friend drinking alcohol? 
- and now we’re jumping fully clothed into the pool. may have to gif some of that 😏
- wait its just the three boys? that looks a bit stupid...
- of course she falls into the pool
- zyl looks too good with those wet bangs and it’s unfair
- i love how the dad’s like- why can’t a woman be worth as much as a man? why cant a man dress as a woman and a woman dress as a man? HE GOT THE SPIRIT
- ‘remember, nobody will ever treat you better than I do.’ uhhhh.... hold up da-ge wtf? i know u dont like xxc’s interest in ur little sister but this is a bit much
- YES FUCK HIM UP GLASSES BOY!! i like him. i dont remember his name but i like him
- lin qikai apparently! hes a good boy. and i like his hair
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-WAIT WHAT THE FUCK?? is tianying not his kid like tianci is? im confused. but they were def raised as siblings werent they? i dont like this
- yup he’s def being creepy. tianci i mean
- lfs in a pretty chair.... i like this
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-when u get caught staring at a girls photo in the newspaper
- but srsly this scene with the messenger boy was cute. ‘you’re looking at dirty pictures!’ ‘are you stupid this is a newspaper?’ ‘idk i cant read’ XD
-is it bad that im glad she was just dancing and not singing during this perfomance? im just not used to this version of opera i guess. my palate isnt sophisticated enough i guess 😂
-wow ok fusheng that was kinda a dick move, putting her on the spot to sing like that
- ohh ok cant blame u tho she looks so hot in that outfit. the top hat!! and the wings?!!
- of course both of you are thinking about another girl when shes singing so prettily for u
- wait are the wings attached to the hat?? i only realized this literaly as she finished singing XD
- ‘regardless of how capable tianying is, please show her more guidance’ ???? buddy wtf? srsly her ‘brother’ needs to chill!
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macklives · 5 years
homestuck recap
i hated this so fucking much bc my 2 am bitch-ass didnt want to read a recap thats probably longer than any slowburn out there
anyways here it is
also, uhhH sorry im using this as a end of session discussion bc that shit gets explained in her as well. and im not writing up more recaps of a recap so this is where im done for the day. (by done for the day i mean last nights session, im still doing a liveblog soon. i just wrote this yesterday)
also that this is long
you dont have to read it, theres nothing of importance
ive been coping with humor to get me through it
have fun with what i suffered through:
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why was “beta” the only thing unhighlighted?
like did i miss a page???
OH its the beta version of HS thats why
damn its like 5 pages and thats it
well youll all be happy to know im clicking every single one of these links again bc i like looking back like ahh i remember that. good times. also in case i forgot some shit existed.
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do you think andrew had fun writing this? or was he like “fuck”
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thats a lot of fucking package talk. good thing im not confused as of now and remember it pretty clearly. of else, this early on in the recap, id be screwed.
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god remember when i did an analysis on each item and what it did
i feel as if i have the technology engrained inside my head right now
cruxite, alchemeter, all that jazz
flashbacks are starting up already
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yeah, that was the good part in homestuck where i knew 100% that i probably would continue on this liveblog in its entirety, ngl
that one explosion scene. bc it kept me going.
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i just realized how the intermission spades probably fucking foreshadowed the whole jack revolts thing and gains the ring, which was also technically JOHNS fault considering he slashed up the doll in the first place
my god, i guess thats the only good aspect of the recap. looking back at things and realizing the missing pieces.
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oh that makes sense for the whole “this prototyping had no effect on the enemies, since he was already in the medium” i didnt actually think about that
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little did rose know where that would get her right now
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oh yeah
there’s still the whole entire lab terminal thing and how mom basically knows the place exists. i guess we’re still venturing onto that and itll come up later when we find out how mom knows SO MUCH about the game.
still think shes some weird spy or secret agent
i kinda love her ngl
anyways, theres literally no reason for skaia to produce a cloning machine. so technically, they only sent the meteors in, right? so who put the cloning machine in if not mom?
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oh yeah that impact was nerve wrecking asf
and still at this point in the comic i called dave fuckboy red
huh, how times change
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i hated reading that whole paragraph ngl, the frustration just kicked me in the boobs again
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yeah nobody else got tornadoes, huh?
OH that makes also much more sense
bc she did prototyped them before she entered the medium.
i gotcha
man one of my favorite edits i made, rose hitting that meteor with a bat
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are you
telling me
the exiles structures they arrived on were in the form of the items the kids used to enter the medium?
of course it was 413 years ago. that was never explained. simply vague “many years in the future....” but i expected no less from this
man serenity is the most wholesome character in hs no doubt
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damn thought andy here was really gonna spoil us jade’s planet
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okay cool, im glad i now have the layout to the whole “their stations went to the coordinates of the home button” shindig
man i honestly dont know what else to say besides “yeah cool recap” when i already pretty much know what went down? ofc im looking into each link and shit and adding in things when i see fit, but otherwise its just me going “ah good times” yknow
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the whole meteor thing kinda makes sense now?
we’re still missing a few pieces of info but we’re getting there, folks
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oh yeah that reveal
god jade and dave have it in the shits for parents huh
bro isnt the best and jade has a fucking dog
who lowkey
is doing better than bro
who knew a fucking dog is a better guardian than bro lmfao
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dreambot = terminator. im telling you.
sorry im still on that idea and it will never leave unless i have the actual proof in front of me that its not going to become a thing. meaning, ive finished hs and theres still no terminator dreambot or either andrew himself gives me a canon letter with “the robot is not arnold, mackenzie, pls just let it be”
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why is the entire game session highlighted
i swear to god if this is like to a second recap or smth of the whole game session i may fucking CRY
okay thank god its just a design of the skaia layout
which is honestly cool
idk why its blurry tho but i can at least see the layout now. which is honestly how i pictured it anyways.
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yeah, john did make a huge impact in his friends’ life and i find that so fucking touching
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yep. got that. everything loops around. cool.
especially when the trolls come in. god we havent even gotten to that recap portion yet, we havent even gotten to the INTERMISSION
pls can this be the halfway point to the recap
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so they were exiled after the whole jack: ascend thing, right? considering theyre way in the future. man no fucking wonder.
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speaking of jack
man that whole dad and jack interaction was gold, ngl
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and wow, andrew’s really giving us the best female content huh. andrew is the true god of equality and diversity.
also hey, i didnt realize that wow. so PM tricked the queen in showing the parking ticket to be able to take the present from jack. she’s a smart cookie, that one..
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she and PM basically snitched on jack and it was the best thing that has happened to me so far
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oh yeah okay
but why did AR panic over bec? bc thats something we havent learned yet, right?
exile town, the only town which should exist. facts. i dont make the rules.
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i love PM being queen. like.. thats canon now. shes an actual queen.
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yeah that was a fun game and the consorts were cute
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fuck yeah the dick head
hate them even more now that i know john was killed because of them
anyways, i wonder what dick move dave’s denizen did? maybe thats why its filled with lava bc the denizen was like “fuck it. make the land red. kill them all”
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so i still dont know what they mean but i can gather it has something to do with the game giving them abilities. considering dave is the “knight of time” and he can go back in time. whack.
which means john can either control someones breathing or simply wind. and rose is... like that one girl in the winx club who does the sun shit. bc whenever i think of light powers, i think of stella.
and jade is space. witch of space.
i have no idea what that means ngl
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okay finally
we’re at the trolls
maybe this recap will end soon
i remember when i thought they were internet bullies
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someone asked if i basically knew the trolls were on a different veil than the kids, so not presently with them, and i know lol. i was making a joke before btw. jsyk. dont think im incompetent to forget these things when sometimes i choose to forget it so i can add in a joke
it be like that, i annoy many
then again, pls dont assume im trying to say im not incompetent bc im also a fucking dumbass and DO forget shit and i have no excuse
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imagine being so bored on the meteor, your last resort is speaking to aliens
ngl me if i was ever trapped on a meteor and could potentially do that
nah ik its bc its their only hope at helping with their session or whatever tf CG said to john. but there was BOUND to be a conference meeting between them like “okay guys. humans. that needs to be sorted out” and you just hear CG screaming in the background
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i cant wait to meet them honestly bc im growing on all 4 of the ones we’ve seen already. and on top of that, i know what they look like and i know theyre not THAT bad, just a little on the crayy zee side sometimes
but theyre trying
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i didnt expect that. but maybe the signs were there and i was just willingly choosing to ignore it or smth bc “haha couldnt be, right”
flashbacks to how i thought the trolls were humans
anyways, i guess he got his revenge on the kids version of “snowman” ie the black queen. but really
he did not have to do that. he could have cut off the finger and fled. but he decided “nah, lets implode her” so the loml is dead and all i got was a catchy song
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i knew they were different types of “bullies” but now i just have to replace bullies with uhh
trolling strategies
anyways, this is cute. i love how they’ve come to be friends through mutual frustration. good part in the comic.
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i wonder why it explodes
more importantly
terminator time?
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this was my favourite sequences of dialogues in the whole entirety of homestuck. that is to say the back and forth thing that the kids went through to become a sort of wingman for the other.
absolutely gold.
all except AT’s rap.
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GC was the only smart one with the linear shit
anyways fuck he still has to kill the denizen now but apparently its hard to beat for a sleeping dick head so
that will be fun for the future
john will probably need to kill A LOT of imps to get there
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yeah rose is a badass bc she slayed that thing with needles of all things
OH and the white queen was the cursive
damn did AR ever do the whole guide process to a kid yet? maybe he will with dave, idk
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i fucking SEE
thats why he said DNA
to use it and replace all the life forms in the ocean
fucking neat wow
man that sounded sarcastic but im genuinely impressed bc all i got was bullshit as i read jaspersprites log
so thats the secret. it was “meow” bc that somehow translates to the genetic code she needs then. and that code apparently took fucking years to write as well. sick. whack. oh man.
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derse is very pretty, ngl
and wow shit
“dave had already been awake in his tower all along without realizing it” how tf does someone just
do that, awake in both places at once
i didnt even fucking realize that fact as i read that pesterlog wow
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ah yes, around the time things got confusing
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okay so the capsule makes sense bc at first i didnt know it was a fucking time capsule so i got confused as to how it just apparated the game lmfao
the more you know i guess *twinkle*
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i find that a neat concept tho
like the whole whatever you prototype affects the imps and shit
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yeah so that whole “he had no advice” basically impacted his future
no shit dave wanted to reset things bc he probably thought he caused some sort of bad butterfly effect and killed his best friend
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fuck calsprite thats all im gonna say
i read that first sentence and i think i got an aneurysm
and then everything else just made me sad again
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i mean good thing he fucking did amirite?
we got pain at first but now we got cool shit like idk
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damn idk how that works
will rose have like two minds now? or will this be some steven universe fusion shit?
“and understood their meaning” course well i fucking didnt so could you pls elaborate, rose?
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okay but then what the fuck did he use that was inside the fucking box
bc i thought he used his knife?
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im only every going to refer him as that now, thank you andrew
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alright okay..
god that was a lot
i dont know what will happen once i click on those links but i am going to see that for myself bc i refuse to add ANYTHING ELSE
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adam-is-suffering · 4 years
Homestuck Day 8 ------ part 2
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God if we’re explaining how the mechanics of these machine things work I may just read that on my own bc I can’t be bothered to comment on “okay that does this and has these rules ect ect” since 1. thats sorta boring 2. Ill just tell you all I understood it, give a short summary and off we go to the adventure part yknow rather than liveblog a whole 100 pages of tutorial similar to that of the sylladex.
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Rose is my favourite character right now, I’m sorry to all others but shes different. 
Well.. I do like them all, kinda, well I dont know.... Idk them well enough to really care that much yet since its been like a few pieces of dialogue. But Rose is good.
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Wow f bomb once more.....
I should make a counter, this surely isnt kid friendly! 
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I bet you Jade would be able to, you absolute coward.
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Oh rip. Lol. God poor fucking Dad Egbert,. Also is this just.. one big large room that has no walls or is it an art style?? I cant tell anymore, I think Homestuck has warped my sense of understanding art. Like its good, but where does one wall end and one wall start.. Are the stairs a yolo sort of situation where if you fall, thats it for u? And is that a whole in the side of the wall? 
I couldnt tell you!
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What? Dont you have bathtubs to slide down the staircase too, John? 
We all do it.
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Rose: My connections not working bc of the weather.
The weather:
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Yeah, okay, checks out.
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Mommy issu- *gets shot*
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Ah shit mommas an alcoholic, right?
Bruh, doesnt Roxy and Rose drink too from what I’ve seen... shit do they get the habit from mom.. big rip moment
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John no offense and dont take this to heart, but personally, to me, dad is.. not bad actually. And this isnt in terms of thirst, but in general.. hes not a bad guy really. Its John here who is.
Anyways, that being said, could end up worse later on. I’m not yet far enough to tell you if it escalates to the point of John being seriously affected by these daddy issues though.
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Would she tho?
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lost-incident-kid · 4 years
Happy Birthday Miyu Sugisaki (for tommorow) might do some art for her idk
Edit: ah heck! Ive had this queued for months, but i forgot to actually do the art haha, i’ll get something done overnight so it might be rushed and look like trash, it might look reasonably ok. Who knows at this point. I dont trust the sleepy version of myself to create anything good but hey, theyv created some stuff that wasn’t horrifying before :/
Ok, starting here i legit just start live-blogging myself staying up alnight drawing. Ignore me. I didnt know where else to say it. I’ll delete it later.
Edit 2: this isnt gonna be done. Like frick, i just spent 6 hours on miyu’s fricking hairstyle, thats all done and even shaded and looking fabulous but ive only got a rough lineart for litterally everything else. This might not be done, but if it is then her hair is gonna be a fuckign masterpiece (i hope). Im writing this edit at 1:42am, and im gonna go to bed somewhere between 4 and 5, lets go! Hell yeah! I might do this! Perhaps! Im gonna try! 3-4 sprint time! Yeah!
Edit 3: frick, im failing to do this, miserably. Its 3:03am and i got distracted playing mobile games and didn’t get anything done. My existence is futile, existentially im a waste and I should not exist. The atoms within me deserve to be part of something better. Sorry. I’m a f*ck up and unless I get my sh*t together in the next like 5 mins (unlikely) then this aint gonna be finished.
Edit 4: ok, meltdown like 20% over. Its 3:52am, I think the issue then was the face. Faces r hard bruh, they suck do draw. They a festive lil ho ho ho. I was drawing everything too high up on the face cuz my dumb *ss forgot to draw the line thingys on the face or even look at a reference image for proportions. Ive done it now amd life is now a bit more on track. Might get this done if I continue work in the morning.
Edit 4.5: nothin much (hence the .5), its 4:14am, just downed 4 cups o tea for caffeine and sugar (all the coffee we got is decaf lol). I’m gonna get this sh*t done! Ive litterally only coloured down to the face, neck and the hair but still.... I’m gonna get it done anyway! I dont care about going to bed between 4-5 anymore! I’m getting this done!
Edit 5: its less than ten mins later (4:22am) and im taking a quick 20m break to watch youtube while I wait for the caffeine to kick in because im too braindead to continue right now. Like what art style am i even trying? Idk... its really fricking complex tho. Lowkey pretty tho, like if i finish this im gonna be so proud of it like it looks great. But its taking forever and im need break.
Edit 6: ok we back. Its 4:41am, caffeine has not really kicked in but i cant permit myself any more time anyway. Back to drawning.
Edit 7: holy frick, new episode of the vrains dub came out. Man... im leaving vrains fanart to watch the vrains dub. Am I obsessed? Is this hyperfixation? Probably? Either way, its 4:50am and im going to go watch the new episode. I’ll come back to this when im done.
Edit 8: HOLY FRICK GUYS! THE DRAWING APP IM USING KEEPS CRASHING AND SAYS ITS STILL THERE BUT WONT LET ME CONTINUE AND KICKING ME OFF THE APP?!?! ITS 5:06AM AND THE PANIC ATTAC IS BACC! The new episode of the dub isnt completely out yet, im watching that version on yt where its just smol clips of it. Not all the clips r up yet. I was just going on it while waiting for the next clips to go up and thats when the app did the thing and life got 280% sucky-er.
Edit: 8.5 wahoot it stopped kicking me off the app and it let me continue. Its 5:12am and we are FINALLY continuing.
Edit 9: its 5:36 Im tired sleep time I’ll finis thos in the morning goodbye yall have a greatt day
Edit 10: ok, so im a failure. We live in the timeline that god abandoned. I cannot sleep. I shall get more cups of tea, watch yt until the caffeine actually kicks in, and then continue. Its 6:03 right now, I shall be back. Perhaps half an hour?
Edit 10.5: its 6:11am. Not much has happened, just a slight change of plans. Ik its irrelevant but im liveblogging so i gotta say, my eye hurts so im gonna stop looking at screens. Perhaps gonna try to sleep again, if not then i’ll put read a book, redo my makeup (it smudgey) or straight up just listen to music and stare into the void. Litterally anything other than look at my laptop/phone. Peace out homies, i’ll be back at some point before 7 probably (unless i do go to sleep).
Edit 11: Its 6:41am, my eye hurts. Ive been staring into the darkness and listening to various fallout boy songs. Now i feel edgy. Its been half an hour, so im gonna continue drawing. Caffeine and sugar has worn off again so im tired and unmotivated but yno what, it is what it is. Aint life nifty, i gotta get this done.
Edit 12: 6:52 everything burns im in pain my eye is on frickign fire and it looks bloodshot but now also weird azz headache that i never got one like this before so im gonna turn off all lights cuz that seems to make it marginally better am i dying probably idk either way im not gonna continue for multiple hours it is stare into the void time and stare into the void time alone ok this should be the last update
Edit 13: It is 3:16pm, didn’t continue liveblogging cuz i got one heck of a migrane. Im back and well... Happy birthday Miyu for today! I’m still gonna try to get this god forsaken art done, but holy shit what is that art style i did. Its genuinely nothing like anything ive done before, I don’t remember doing any of the colouring but apparently I did and it looks better than anything ive done before and idk if non-fricked up me can replicate it. I’m starting to wonder if i got bored and just copied it or something, like idk how i did it. Look at it
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The grey is the lineart I remember doing but man tHE FRICKIGN HAIR like i couldnt have created that, could I? I can see why it was taking so long yesterday like holy shit man that stuff takes time yno
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astratic · 5 years
hey new follower here, casual tma fan who wanted a second blog for tma content. I’m so glad to see someone else who really likes Georgie and Georgie/Jon since Jonmartin is so prevalent (not that it’s a bad ship of course, just not my cup of tea!). Do you have any tma headcanons you want to share or ramble about, including gen stuff?
lmao i was afraid ppl would like gut me when i admitted i dont like j/onma/rtin..... that of course did not happen cuz everyone is very nice!!! its just like.... ubiquitous though. i fuckin, searched jon/georgie on ao3 and it has LITERALLY 15 works and most of them are like “mentions of a past relationship” its so funny
as for stuff i want to share,,,,,,, idk!! i feel like a big dumbass talking about anything cuz im still new to this scene and i dont like... remember everything. im gonna listen to the show again from the beginning actually i think... get a new perspective now that i have all the facts... maybe i will liveblog it again lol.
like i wrote a fuckin fan fiction that accidentally turned into jon/georgie but i am sure i got some like GLARING detail completely wrong so i am scared 2 post it -_- also its just a weird nonsense fic too... Elias Is There, for example, with zero explanation
im really really into autistic jon headcanons...... i have this pet headcanon that when they were dating georgie would just lay on top of him sometimes (like how cats do) as like a sensory thing......... i feel like these days jon is so touch starved if she did this he would combust. u know that post thats like “i think at this point if someone touched my face tenderly i would just black out” that’s jon probably :/ someone give this man a hug
even tho i dont particularly like the ship i do have Big Feelings about Martin being tragically in love with jon...... i said this before idk if you saw the post but most of the reason i dont care for it is just like..... that has been me more than once. im martin! hi! having feelings for someone who doesnt feel the same way and kind of treats you like shit really fucking sucks and i also think that like... honestly, martin does not even know jon that well. its infatuation yknow?? and my boy deserves better than that. like 1 thing that sticks out in my mind is when he said “i dont think ive heard jon tell a joke” like well.......... he does. jon has a terrible deadpan sense of humor and it seems like. somehow martin doesnt even know?? or didnt at the time. which isnt necessarily surprising for a coworker relationship but martin has Romantic Feelings for him lmao. i mean dont get me wrong martin is valid and super relatable but its not the basis for a healthy relationship.
barely related but i love that one post i dont remember the author of that suggests that the reason jon and basira hit it off so well at first is because theyre both autistic and they Get each other..... i feel like currently basira is kinda doing a jon-season-2-esque paranoia streak and hes like TRYING to give her genuine advice but of course from him it sounds monumentally hypocritical. like “ive been down this path! ive so been down it, in fact, that im still on it! look at me!”
i also have said this before but i reeeeeaaally want jon and melanie to be friends........ i remember when i listened to her first episode i was like losing my mind at this wild youtuber who just comes into jons office and starts trash talking him, his work, his institute, and his expertise on the paranormal when she came there explicitly to give a statement. AND THEN she comes back and is like, “can i ask for a favor youre my only friend here” and jon is like...... “i hate you actually but ok” its so fucking good i hope at this point theyre moving back toward that snarky frenemies thing instead of just outright hating each other cuz thats no fun
uhh this got really long idk what else i was going to say but im love the magnus archives pls send more askz about it and about our lord and savior georgie barker specifically
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ladysophiebeckett · 5 years
i began the xmas season with this: 
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i even liveblogged it and honestly? it was a mistake to. 
netflix tried to this thing where they based a couple of these (i think all the new ones) on harlequin novels but somehow omitted all the heat in the adaptations bc i felt nothing. 
the problems with ‘christmas with a view’
no real conflict. 
they date early on. he has some kind of childhood past but it never works its way into the female lead’s plot. 
she’s a ‘workaholic’ with a failed restaurant in her past but that’s not enough to make her interesting. 
the best friend is the most memorable thing about this. she was quirky and i kind of thought she was gay? until they gave her a boyfriend at the end?
it’s roughly 90 min long but didn’t feel like it. 
i felt nothing. 
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i watched this on friday and i wanted to love it. 
the good things: 
vanessa hudgens is so charming. 
vanessa hudgens sports strong 90′s teri hatcher as lois lane vibes in this. i think it was the hair and wardrobe. idk. 
the chemistry b\w the duchess and the stacy’s baking partner dude was good. 
baking dude’s daughter--adorable. 
-end of list-
the not good things: 
no real conflict--sometimes it looks like there’s going to be some and then there isn’t. bc there really isnt a reason for there to be. but it’s failure on their part. 
the central plot focuses on stacy the baker pretending to be royal when really the central plot should have been focused on margret the duchess pretending to be common folk and watching her fall in love for the first time with the cute baker dude who’s confused bc he’s never had feelings for his female baking partner before. 
the entire switch timeline is 2 days. what they should have done is make it 5 days. or keep the 2 days in a montage and then have one of them be like ‘i dont wanna switch back, bye!’--now that’s conflict. 
stacy and the prince of aldonia--im sorry, belgarvia--get married at the end??? the wedding wasn’t necessary. 
i wanted more margret.  
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this is another one that was based on a harlequin novel but no heat!!!
good things: 
a real plot. there’s a conflict and everything. 
female lead is charming 
the aunt, tho stereotypical critical and dry, saves every scene she’s in and i kind of fell in love with her. 
joey fatone.
-end of list-
bad things: 
the pacing of this movie is goddamn awful. its 1 hr and 26 min long but it felt like 2 and half hrs. my god. some scenes felt like they ran too long. there are awkward pauses that are trying to be funny and they aren’t. 
case in point--joey fatone’s scenes should be fast paced with his dialogue and they were slow. and i know that’s not his fault. i know joey fatone can be quick on the funny. whoever cut and directed this made joey fatone look bad. joey fatone who used to be able to do the dirty pop choreography.  
i didn’t really care for the plot. like...the person that adapted this and the person that directed this has never really watched a mystery romcom or even scooby doo. 
i didnt believe the male lead was in love with the female lead, also i think he’s a bad detective and should consider other venues. 
they get married at the end of this too and it didnt feel right at all. probably bc it was someone else’s wedding. 
i insist that a lot of these movies have hot ppl in them but i will most likely forgive them so long as the plot and acting is good. 
that did not happen here. 
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things that this movie had:
good acting 
a magical element (it was magical advent calendar) 
charming female lead with dreams 
friends to lovers trope
an actual plot where things happen 
female lead has a whole arc and everything
male lead cares about female lead
it is over all, well made. didn’t make a big splash probably bc it came out in early november. 
i felt nothing. i was happy they got together. but like, no heat!!
but it was better made than the christmas wedding planner. 
nothing beats the classic--
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which i have now watched twice. 
yes, i watched the christmas prince sequel. its getting is own post bc that was a hot mess. 
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foxstens · 3 years
one day
one day ill say fuck it and ill play a neoromance game
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
Ah yes, a one week long episode~😂 ngl it was a bit of downer when I come back to visit on Wednesday but the liveblog isnt finish yet at some point I thought you had died or something but yeah its pretty much understandable when you have other things to do first. Well anyway, its nice that you finally got to finish ep 22 liveblogs congratsss.
Also, like, YEEEEE I LOVE JACK REVICE Like no offense to Karizaki but I love that design more!!! The chime also sound cool af, maybe bc its literally for Vice. AND I've seen the raw for ep 23 (bc im impatient like that lol Im blaming this to twitter for putting spoiler in my timeline 🙃) and I love LOVE that ep. I think you will love that ep too (lmao I think I said this every ep sksksk). Ah aside from that, its really nice to see Tamaki living with the Igarashi. Tho I wonder what Sakura said to convince Ikki (or maybe convincing Ikki isnt that hard to do)
Ah also extra question, I wonder about this sometimes. What exactly I can call you? In my head I just call you scoup. Do you have any names/pronouns that you prefer to be called? Its okay if you dont want to answer this though.
Im looking forward to the ep 23 liveblog 🥰🥰🥰🥰 (ep 23 my beloved 🥰🥰🥰) and also the mustery spin off. Thank you for your hardwork and take care ✨✨✨
KAREN ANON <3333 ( ◜◒◝ )♡
hah yeah I tried to finish it by wednesday I swear. But don't worry yo I've revitalized myself after all this clownery
it sh'aint be a problem again.....(don't quote me on this 🤡)
HAHAHAHA YEASSSSSS THE SUITTTTT it's so fking sLEEK looking. And Wow already a good review?? I'm getting excited for when the subs drop >:))) and gah Tamaki and the IGaarashiiiiisssss. I'm so glad he's actually connecting with the world again :''))
*Gently holds my picture of Tamaki*
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For convincing Ikki,,,,hmmm I feel like Ikki trust Sakura a lot? Like if this was Daiji, Ikki would be like "Uhhh Daiji,,, are you,...sure???" (lmao)
But idk I don't think Ikki's all that worried about Sakura getting a boyfriend. Whenever His parents bring up that possibility he's like
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like he never considered it lol
and awhhh <333 my name? I'm like Rumpelstiltskin,,,,,,, you got three guesses
For pronouns they/them work :33
(That and I 'm curious to see what names y'all think I would have.)
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