#this look carried the whole episode I'm not gonna lie
littldoctor · 1 year
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Doctor who - S2E5 - Rise of the Cybermen
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futuregws · 1 month
The post:
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Notice how it says in 10 years (not that it matters in my opinion) and how it only speaks of Emma D'arcy....yeah well this are the comments
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Uhm.......first of all, this is not about Tom or Matt or your imaginary friend this is about Emma and it's not even about HOTD so why tf are this comments so pressed and bitter mentioning everyone else and also let's not even bring up the misgendering bc what's new I've been saying half of the problem/hate is transphobia but people don't listen.
And look I know it's all opinions and different tastes but it's still mind blowing to me how you can call an actor who has delivered so many incredible scenes including a whole ass episode with just 1 line "awful" and that this other actor and that other actor are better when first of all it doesn't matter they can both be fucking phenomenal and also it's like I've said a million fucking times the other actors can do the bare minimum and get praise and Emma will never even get that for doing the amazing work they do.
And I'm not gonna lie I'm starting to get seriously tired of this Tom vs Emma bullshit, even seeing people say that "he carried the season" like at this point everyone needs to stfu. Last season it was Emma vs Olivia and Milly and now it's gonna be Emma vs Olivia and Tom and you already know Emma somehow will never win
And I'm gonna be completely honest here there's some actors in the show that I'm not gonna mention and I do love them but they were nothing special but the praise they have been getting is out of this world
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shebeafancyflapjack · 3 months
I need to know if any other long term New Who fans (people who have been watching since the 2005 revival or near enough) also have this fatigue to whenever it's teased that the Doctor has a family member or friend, only for it then revealed to be either a lie or an enemy.
We had it in Utopia, which was an excellent reveal, and you can argue the Master is family of sorts to the Doctor even if they're enemies - but dude still hates him and went on to do horrendous things to him, his companion and her family, and the world.
Then you had the Doctor's Wife where the Doctor gets one of those glowing cubes and follows it thinking he's going to meet another Time Lord, only for it to be a trap.
We have all these teases about mystery characters that have people wondering "Are they Romana? Are they Susan? Are they Susan's parents?" but it's never the case.
We have everything involving the Timeless Child and the reveal that the Doctor was adopted, but even their adoptive mother was a selfish b**** who experimented on a child, killing them over and over and brainwashing them.
We had the Doctor's Daughter which before the episode aired most of the fandom assumed was going to be about Susan's mother or aunt, but it just turned out to be a clone who the Doctor knew for a few hours.
There are more but basically when it got to this whole "there's a mysterious woman called Susan so that must mean she's probably the Doctor's granddaughter" I was just rolling my eyes and groaning because I know this shtick so well by now. The Sue Tech thing was a nice play on words but even the reveal just had me thinking about Utopia and Yana/the Master. But that at least carried more emotional weight because the Master is a reoccurring villain and has a history with the Doctor that goes back to them being friends as well as enemies. Sutekh is....cool? Or was for that one good story? But much like the Midnight monster or even the Beast, it was never felt as necessary for him to return.
I just really hope we don't get more of this teasing in RTD's run, especially as Carol Ann Ford is nearly 83 and I think most fans agree that if you're gonna bring Susan back properly do it while the og actress is with us. But even that's risking it the more you put it off, just look at how Lis Sladen was taken from us far too soon. Look at how we never got to see the Doctor reunite with Ian and Barbara. Or even the Brigadier on screen in the revival.
Basically if you want to do it just do it but stop with the baiting because I'm so done with it now.
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masterqwertster · 1 year
So I love your writing, especially the prompt thing you've been doing recently. I'm super curious on what you think it would look like after the last little fic with Ashton and Orym, since they have no healers.
Maybe #6, #19 or #27, if you haven't done those or are okay with repeats? With Orym having to accept Ashton and Laudna's help until they can find a way to heal him, since it doesn't seem like he can even lift his arms? Or even accepting help from the other three traveling with them right now.
Or maybe for another focus, Laudna being panicked and scared about him being hurt and almost losing them both, but also worried about Imogen, so she's projecting onto Ashton and Orym to feel in control and maybe a little too pushy about helping him heal and making sure Ashton is alright too.
Thanks! 🤗
Alright, last one for this prompt list (for now) Sorry this one took a while. The prompt decided to fight me, but I got that sucker in the end! 6 "Don't move, you're still hurt." 19 "You need to eat something." Gonna pass on 27 "I'm going to carry you, okay?" since I've done Ashton and Orym both separately and together on that one. And since episode 63 was a whole thing, this references that, just the tiniest bit. Also, my brain decided this is a canon adjacent where Orym, Laudna, and Ashton are off on their own having split from their guests. So it's just the three of them in this little fic. A follow up to this one.
Laudna clutches her boys close.
For a bleak while there, she thought she'd lost them. How could she have gone back to Fearne, to Fresh Cut Grass, and told them their best friends didn't make it? That her reflexes hadn't been fast enough to catch them in a life-saving Feather Fall? And what about her, left alone without her family?
Lucky her, they managed to save themselves.
There's even the pleasant surprise of Ashton returning the hug, pinning her and Orym to their chest. Laudna really does enjoy hugs from the genasi when they're willing. Just the reassuring weight to their arms, the seemingly unshakable solidity to their body and presence, juxtaposed with the absolute care and gentleness they handle her with. Sometimes she'd swear there's nothing more grounding than an Ashton hug.
A hiss escapes the group hug, sending Laudna scrambling backwards as Ashton's arms spring open.
With that space, she fully takes her boys in, almost immediately spotting the problem: Orym's arms look a dreadful mess. Bright red and swollen at the joints, and dislocated too, if she's any judge (and she is, with as often as her own joints will pop out of place).
"Oh. Oh, that doesn't look good at all. Hold still, give me a moment," Laudna worries, hands going into the motions for a Wither and Bloom. Healing is hardly her specialty, but this spell can heal. It doesn't have to kill hurt.
And it's not as much healing as what Fresh Cut Grass or Fearne could provide if they were here, but it is some measure of healing. The worst of the swelling reduces, the redness recedes some, and some nasty cracks and snaps indicate that all the bones have popped back into their sockets.
"Wait," Orym pants out as Laudna's hands begin the motions for a second casting. "S-save the magic. We might n-need it later."
Laudna bites her lip. She really thinks Orym should take a second round of healing, even if it does bring her magic reserves down to uncomfortably-low-should-another-fight-occur. Because it's either her magic or one of their few potions to get the halfling into something better approximating working order.
"Heal him," Ashton commands, cutting through the indecision.
Orym splutters as Laudna quickly completes the spell, trying to be indignant about the used resources even as the tension in his body relaxes a bit more from the second dose of healing.
"Can you hold your shit, or does Laudna need to hit you again?" Ashton demands, no room to lie or evade in their gaze.
With a stubborn jut to his chin, Orym picks up his sword and shield. He only slightly fumbles stowing them away on his back, earning a grunt of approval.
"Alright, let's keep moving," the genasi says, groaning a bit as they lever themself back onto their feet.
"Are you okay?" Laudna has to ask. It can be a little tricky to tell when Ashton is vocalizing his chronic pain or a current injury.
"I'm good," Ashton says, rolling his shoulders and flexing his hands a bit, producing a barely audible popping that Laudna’s fairly certain wouldn’t be audible at all if his body wasn't made of stone. "After all, I'm not the one who caught, like, ten times their body weight and still some-fucking-how held on."
"Are you complaining?" Orym raises an eyebrow at them.
"Nah. Just saying you absolutely fucking needed the healing after doing something that crazy," Ashton easily explains, flicking the halfling's ear.
Orym grumbles, but lets it go.
Laudna, for her part, is very glad Orym managed such an impossible feat, even at great cost to himself. Certainly, having Ashton handle their own weight is always the better option, but needs must. And they obviously got around to it quick enough, since Orym's arms are still attached and the boys did haul themselves back up the cliff.
And maybe, maybe, Laudna spends the rest of the day hovering and worrying. Even though her boys are perfectly fine besides Orym's sore arms, Ashton's sore everything and there's really no need to worry. They're quite capable and can handle themselves. She's seen them in action, so of course she knows that. There's really no need-
"Here. Eat," Ashton grunts, shoving a bowl of stew into her anxiously wringing hands.
"Oh. Oh. I'm alright," Laudna demurs, even as her fingers curl around the warm bowl.
"Eat," Ashton demands again. "I know you don't need much, but you still need some. 'Sides, food is energy and you need to regain yours for-" and he wiggles and flicks his fingers at Orym in what is actually a half-decent impression of her casting Wither and Bloom.
And well. When they put it like that.
Laudna eats her stew.
As they settle down for sleep and watch, Laudna hits Orym with another Wither and Bloom, getting a little sigh of relief from the halfling. Then she spins one last one on Ashton as well for good measure.
"Good night," Ashton intones as almost a threat, flipping her off good-naturedly. And they resettle in their seat, obviously feeling some relief from her spell as well.
"Good night~" she sing-songs back, curling into her bedroll. Her boys live (she can hear them breathing), and soon, all of Bells Hells will be together again.
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S1 E45
Rose's Scabbard
Okay so I've learned a lot today.
Also this episode much like the fireworks one made me..
Very uncomfortable. But even more so than that one did.
This episode was just......really fucking sad man.
First off:
None of the gems seemed to like Greg so far (Except Amethyst) but Pearl especially seemed particularly not very fond of him. I kinda didn't think much about that. I just assumed it was because "Greg is a slob & Pearl doesn't like that he's a slob." And honestly given his current state in the show rn, I ain't exactly too fond of the man either. Though the winter episode definitely made me like him more.
But uh....now I'm starting to think Pearl's distaste for him isn't as simple as that. Because Pearl....
This whole episode Pearl was being like....
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Okay look we can't word this in any other way: PEARL WAS BEING A MASSIVE HOMO™ THE ENTIRE TIME LIKE GOD DAMN SHE WAS GAY™ AS FUCK ABOUT ROSE THIS EPISODE LIKE WOAH OKAY NOW I GET WHATS GOING ON HERE. PEARL IS A MASSIVE FUCKING LESBIAN™ FOR ROSE & NOW THAT THIS REVEAL HAS HIT. Well to be honest that actually explains a lot. Like, huh, yeah actually this makes sense & explains a lot about why she's like this.
Guys when I called her a Gay™ Disaster™ all the way back in the start I wasn't expecting to actually be correct. I was like half joking when I said that????
So idk what happened that led to Rose vetting with Greg but yeah, suddenly I'm realizing Pearl disliking Greg is definitely a case of her being....
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Well. And excuse me for the vulgar metaphor here but I can't resist.
Pearl is bitter because Greg was the one who got to put the sword in Rose's Scabbard when she wanted to put her sword in there in the first place.
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And honestly if I lost out to someone like Greg who....let's face it is kind of a pretty shit dad so far. Yeah I'd be bitter too. It actually makes the fact she's the one trying the hardest to be Steven's mother make more sense & honeslty it makes her even more sympathetic. He's the closest thing she has left of Rose & the fact she's so caring & all just....if Rose had to sacrifice herself for Steven to exist, the fact Pearl isn't resentful towards Steven at all for that is so nice. Because it'd be so easy for the writers to just have her be like that for cheap drama but no, they don't. Thank you for that writers. That's so wise to avoid that bullshit bc I'd hate this episode if they went that direction....look idk how to word this rn but damn Pearl has some serious emotional issues. And Amethyst had some trauma reveal a few episodes ago too....
So if this pattern continues....
Guys I don't even know if I want to find out what fucked up shit Garnet is going through because I feel like hers is probably gonna be the most fucked up of the lot. Like I don't even think I WANT to find out what shit she's carrying in her head. I mean....like, fuck all of these people need therapy & a hug.
Anyways Pearl was definitely being shitty by the halfway mark (I mean what she said to Steven was legit fucked up I ain't gonna lie, like, damn, you said that to a CHILD, Pearl. Holy shit. I get that you're upset about the wife thing but he's literally a child I think he's probably upset about his mom being gone just as much as you are.) but y'know-
Okay quick side note: Amethyst I get that Pearl was being shitty but you have no right to be talking shit about her like you didn't just do some pretty fucked up shit just a couple episodes ago. Neither of y'all are in ANY position to be acting all high & mighty. Pearl just SAID something but you straight up fucking used your transformation magic to torment a man about his dead wife. You don't have any fucking high ground here girl. Garnet is the only one of you that has any room to be acting above it. She hasn't done anything like that so far so she's the only one that gets to talk shit. Sit tf down ma'am.
ahem, anyways Amethyst was being shitty too just a bit ago. And like I said then: when you're that mentally fucked it leads to that kinda behavior. It's not an excuse but it does mean you know there's a legit reason for why they'd act out like this. And it's not entirely their fault that they have a tendency to be that irrational. But Pearl, like Amethyst, you can tell she felt remorse.
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Again, the way they resolve it without a drawn out argument...but instead it's just Pearl openly showing her vulnerability & Steven just showing her a sign of affection. No argument. No yelling. Just a genuine moment of sincere emotion. Steven understood. While what she said was horrible, he gets why she said it. They both miss her. But they have eahcother. I am going to fucking sob typing this oh my god.
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Yeah this episode made me cry a lot. Absolutely stellar episode. And the ending was just beautiful.
Further cementing the fact that Pearl is my favorite. I can't wait to see how much the show uses her emotional baggage to rip my heart in half & stomp on it mercilessly.
Second best episode of the entire show so far. Only just slightly behind 'On The Run'. (That one just hit me on a more personal level so it still has my heart by the throat.)
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mahuhumaling · 1 year
why the entire bus stop sequence is one of my top 5 fav bbs scenes
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preface: back when bad buddy was still airing up until episode 8, i had two favorite scenes so far and this from episode 3 was one of them. the reason for why this scene is so good is quite simple, unlike my other favorite scene.
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here, it is easily digestible, and the back and forth between the actors is entertaining. it's important to understand the foundation of pat and pran's relationship.
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pran is so right. as a fellow creative, it's so hard to be one. and people who work on technical fields won't understand firsthand how the minds of creatives function, especially an aspiring architect like pran because the design has to be practical, clean, right, feasible, and appealing. all aspects of aesthetics and functionality are considered.
clearly, pran is in a bit of a creative slump, and someone with a fresh mindset can help.
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they do, however, sneak in a bit more depth at how these two feel about each other, rather than act around each other, but it's still a glimpse. a taste test, if you will. the moment passes by and finishes immediately. pran tries to protect himself and his feelings, while pat breaks down a layer of wall.
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ohm does a such a good job with his facial expression: wincing at the cold answer. pat's smart, he probably has an idea that it's the usual snarky pran comment, but pat's still clearly hurt.
this small exchange ends, and we go back to banter. it's very representative of the show as a whole. it refuses to dwell on the heaviness of drama, and immediately gives it audience levity without undermining that it can get serious sometimes.
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(not gonna lie, i cried a little seeing pran so in his element and pat being secretly happy for giving him motivation. the sneaking glances.)
so after pat helping pran for the nth time by allowing him to organically come up with the bus stop's design and not force him just like how he folded the poster of the project pitch grant into a paper airplane + one oishi ad later,
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we get this. (also i see you nanon, you really moved a little bit so your blocking is v-shaped. you're not slick.)
this is what cemented the scene for me and made it one of my favorites: just six lines of dialogue.
"Do you like it? // The new bus stop." "I do. // I'm just not sure they will do too." "They will. // Because I do."
this original commentary was literally from december 2021 so some time has passed and a lot more facts sprung from this dialogue, namely the translation of it being "do you like [dot dot dot]? the new bus stop?" being a double meaning to pat asking if pran likes him, why there's a pause, and that's great of course, and we understand why pran always feels so apprehensive around pat when he says flirty shit like that lmao.
but the moment right after, the look pran gives pat when pat says "because i do" is so emphasized and knowing and that's why i zeroed in on it. this is my interpretation:
at first, i was slightly reserved with "they will because i do" particularly; i felt like it could've been better if pat said that it didn't matter if others didn't like it as long as pran likes his own work (and that it works obviously),
but i realized that that is not what pran needed to hear at that moment.
aside from the romantic context that pat believes in pran when no one else will (ahem his shit ungrateful friends making him carry most of the work when they broke the bus stop ahem) and it's genuinely a really sweet thing to say, it also eases pran's doubts. we know pran is a neurotic person, so i'm sure validation from someone (bonus if it's from your crush) is something he values a lot.
also: pat's absolute, genuine sincerity.
no games. no funny business. no pretenses.
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pran finally looks at pat without the stern facade and coldness, and for once he lets go. he accepts that warm feeling rushing back.
(In no actual order)
3 - Broken Bus Stop Redesigning
5 - Fight in the Dorm Parking Lot
10 - Pran Sings "Our Song" Draft
10 - InkPa in the Darkroom
12 - Dissaya Watches Ming
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
thungo thursday pt2
ep 6 (put it under a cut because this one is LONG)
fukuchi be like 'the agency couldn't possibly be smart enough to- oh wait nvm i forgot ranpo existed lol' like more than once and i think that is testament to the fact that RANPO BEST BOY
'have you forgotten? we're terrorists' ICONIC BEHAVIOUR
man and i complain about doing one 37 hour work week. after this one week the agency needs to take a NAP. AND THE MAFIA TOO. imagine there's like just no criminal activity or anything for like three days and everyone's like ?? but on day 4 atsushi and akutagawa are fighting to the death at the port and everyone is like 'ah. business as usual' lmaoooo
omg every time the hunting dogs song comes on i get so hyped lmao im like yESSS ACTION
'that man, that demon, the evillest most scawy man ever in the world....etc etc' and its just some guy doing the most coy babygirl pose a guy can possibly do
taneda btw deserved none of this he was just some nice old dude and then sigma fucking stabbed him lmao
dazai is like the personification of the perjury mechanic in drv3. 'go on lie. you gotta. lie now. cmon pussy you wont'
my god fyozai is so fucking babygirl. also wdym dazai?? if the two of you were the last ones on earth you should just have gay sex. its not that hard smh
oh no dazai falled down through the flore
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dm me if you want to receive a free 2min audio file of me laughing about this (i have a headache from laughing. my throat fucking hurts so bad. i'm pretty sure it's actually bleeding. my eyes are moist with tears. BESTIE???????)
do you even needa ask why i'm here?? ⭐️❤️☺️ *voice drops 6 octaves* i'm here to murder you 👹👹👹
and then after that fyodor was just like 'teehee he's so romantic x' like bro
dazai: *turns to the camera like he's on the office* waow
i love mykola's little laugh it's so silley
omg they're actually animating him so well. bones must've seen the reception from s4 and decided to step it up 💀
dazai and fyodor are simultaneously evil grown men and bimbo highschool girls and it's such a look. 'omg ur friends are so cute <3' 'omg right???' also mykola my beloved i want to be yours forever pls
i love how bram's acting all tough like aya can't just open the casket and leave and render him thoroughly powerless lmao
omg the official anime aya and bram sillies begin. we've been waiting for this for months folks so far so good
it was already pretty funny that aya is carrying bram like a backpack but actually seeing her running with him on her back is like a billion times funnier especially since this shit is life or death. but she just got a whole entire vampire on her back no problem sjhsksjssjhj
sigma: watashi wa shiguma me: fucking superb you funky little toddler
imagine if it was a fucking prank this whole time and mykola just injected them with a slow-working sedative or something that would be so funny. like all of this for nothing sksjksjsjks and then he just stabs fyodor or something the end. boom world save
oh ok nvm the vampires can talk just fine i guess lmao. also i genuinely cant tell if im supposed to be taking this episode seriously or not. one second people are being brutally slaughtered next moment silley little guys??? such is the way of bsd i guess
'you're a failure of a woman' my dude she is literally 10 years old she is nowhere close to being a woman shut your misogynistic ass up lmao
OKAY BECAUSE ok ok listen i was wondering what music they were gonna use for bram and when i heard the ending music i was like 'ok a little anticlimactic but i understand' and then it TRANSITIONED into the ACTUAL ENDING??? 10/10
hehe. bestie
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mlobsters · 6 months
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supernatural s15e9 the trap (w. robert berens)
was surprised to see a road so far recap, thinking that's early for midway, but right if it's 20 episodes then... and we're really just about almost to the end. i've been watching just about daily since beginning of march 2023, but i am actually approaching the finish. little freaked out, not gonna lie. but i didn't do the recap stuff regularly until like s4 so in theory i can just loop back to watching from the beginning and give myself an extension on my evening project :p because i am going to be adrift when i don't have this little nightly task.
couldn't focus on the recap because the music got me thinking it was like. knockoff ac/dc 😬 hard times in the land of plenty by omar & the howlers. internet doesn't seem to agree with me though. also i think part of the problem is that they mix the music too low, so everything sounds kind of generic when it's not boosted up enough to feature
CHUCK Same thing I've been doing for weeks— helping, helping you to the bunker, to Sam... to romance. It was easy, really, just a nudge here, a conveniently placed spell there.
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. i've been fucking whinging over this goddamned ludicrous plotline and this is why. SIGH. maybe i'm the doofus for not seeing the potential forces behind it but ugh. it actively made me irritated with the show and eileen, who i otherwise really liked, and for what. you got your GOTCHA! was it worth it?? deep breaths
i do like rob benedict a lot in this character though, i think he does a really good job. not as flashy like, crowley/sheppard or lucifer/pellegrino but good! whole mess of old regulars in the credits, i see.
DEAN Tracking Sam's phone. Okay, here we go. Uh... Milford, Nebraska, at a casino. What the hell is Chuck doing at a casino? Whatever. We need to go. CAS To Purgatory. DEAN Chuck has Sam. I'm not leaving him. CAS Chuck's not gonna kill him. That's not the ending. DEAN Wh— Then he'll torture him. CAS Dean, will you stop? Just stop being so stupid. DEAN What? CAS If we attack Chuck now, we don't have anything that can hurt him. We get that Leviathan blossom, complete Michael's spell, build the Cage. That's our chance. That's the way we'll save Sam, and that's the way we'll save the world.
can't blame dean for going slightly off the rails when sam's in peril
CHUCK How are you still like this? SAM Like what? CHUCK This...defiant. SAM It's not my first time on the rack. CHUCK No, no, no, no. No, this is more. This is...hope. Ah. That's what's stopping me – you. You still think that Dean and Cas are gonna fly through those doors just in the nick of time. You still think that you're the hero of this story. You still think you can win.
a) ouch. b) i mean, based on prior experience he's got a lot of reasons to think so
CAS Sorry about Benny. DEAN I owed him my life. And he sacrificed himself to get Sam out of this place. CAS Well, this place will bring that out in you. Guilt. It was my fault the Leviathan got out. It was my fault we were here the first time. I carry that guilt every day. DEAN I know you're sorry, Cas. About Bel, about Mom. CAS I was talking about Jack. I already apologized to you. You just refused to hear it. DEAN Sorry I brought it up. Maybe if you didn't just up and leave us. CAS You didn't give me a choice. You couldn't forgive me. And you couldn't move on. You were too angry. I left, but you didn't stop me.
so is that really benny being dead? okay. and bel? completely drawing a blank, have to look it up. ....oh. belphegor??? ok?? for killing him prematurely or whatever, that caused the rowena sacrifice?? i don't fucking remember. also, i mean. cas needed some space. sometimes other people need that. maybe i'm being delusional but it didn't seem like a forever falling out?? but i guess it was to them
i don't even know what to say about these chuck flash foward things. i guess an excuse to have mini grief over someone new dying each time. surely sam is not actually believing this is what will happen, being that chuck is driving this whole ass bus?
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snorted. like knockoff alien xenomorph eggs
the real flash forward is sam and dean suffering from crippling CTE from the constant traumatic brain injuries. castiel must be an expert brain-unscrambler
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SAM You're just showing me this so I give up, so I lose hope. CHUCK I'm just the messenger, Sam. I'm sharing my omniscience with you. SAM No, the Dean I know... the Dean who raised me – he'd never give up, no matter how bad things got. CHUCK Well, he does. He will. This is the truth, Sam. This is what comes next.
*eyeroll* there's zero reason to believe chuck about anything ever at this point so it's like ok dude, whatever. also, like, fully reasonable that dean would want to give up if literally everyone was dead or has a death wish, i think i'd argue more with this whole monster-apocalypse premise that these visions are hinged on :p
oh i feel like a massive asshole but this emotional speech to cas is..... a lot. what is that face he's making in the part when he says he was wrong??? and the breakdown, going down to the one knee? woof. ok! this is DRAMATIC. see here's where i get pulled out of the story. i'm going along with the premise nowadays that cas is their/his best friend, even if i never really picked up what they were putting down about it before. i've talked about it at length. but he's been around a lot more, i'm willing to accept it without getting disgruntled. i don't feel it, but it's not chafing me when it comes up anymore. HOWEVER. what's taking me out of the moment is how they've had a lot of blowups with cas in the past, and they get smoothed over so easily. then this, and i feel like okay. so we're having this big Emotional Moment as a set piece for jackles, as a nod to their relationship for the fans because it's the last season, etc. it feels like there's outside forces determining that this is the conflict that's gonna have the big breakdown/resolution.
interesting that the production draft of the script, it's a shorter scene.
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i mean, knowing when dean actually dies for good in the show... sigh. (though of course we don't even know because the show doesn't say for sure) jared's generous 5 years later (hc afaik) gets us past 2022 at least, i guess.
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LOL oh my god the teeth, so awkward and bad. sorry for the screenshot, fellas. i can't even watch this whole fight scene, it's so terrible. good GRIEF.
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excellent stinkface at creeper chuck
ok so did they explain that this involved taking the mark of cain before this? was i really not paying attention? christ. maybe we were supposed to infer it from the fact that they're making a cage? reading the mark of cain wiki entry to try to wrap my head around it. doesn't seem like a straight line to needing someone to have the mark???
God created the Mark to act as the lock and key to the Darkness' cage and if it was to destroyed, the Darkness would be released. God gave the Mark to his most trusted lieutenant, Lucifer, but the Mark corrupted Lucifer and made him jealous of humanity which led to his imprisonment in the Cage. Prior to being locked away, Lucifer passed the Mark to Cain as part of his deal to save Abel from Lucifer's influence.
but maybe i'm just missing something
SAM It'll be better. It'll be better. It'll be better. [Exhales sharply] If we win – When we win – When we beat you, I will make it better! CHUCK You can't, Sam. You, Sam Winchester, have been playing fast and loose with the laws of nature and magic for a very long time – you and your brother. Always breaking the rules. And that's what I love about you, Sam. It's so heroic. It's so...Promethean. But there's still so much about the fabric of the universe that you don't know... that you can't know. 'Cause you're only humans. But I'm God. Think about what I showed you. Look beyond the Mark, beyond you and Dean fanging out – heartbreaking, but not the headline news. SAM The monsters. CHUCK The monsters. Without me, it's a law of nature – dark forces prevail, monsters rule, and you, your brother, and everyone you love will die. Can you really live with that?
patting myself on the back again :p i'm giving sam all the grace because having the full blown most powerful god in existence trying to manipulate you with his whole chest, surely that's going to be near impossible to withstand no matter who you are. i just am finding the plotline insufferable
and they roll the magic bath bomb of doom to sam and he can't break it. other than completely idiotic plot contrivances, there's no reason he didn't just roll it dean. they were both available. this is so fucking stupid i cannot. i had my problems with a lot of seasons but i have never been so disappointed in the quality of what made it to the screen as i have this season.
SAM I wish you'd stay. EILEEN I wish I could. After what happened, I don't know what's real anymore.
so clearly the answer is TO KISS HER? she just said--god i fucking CANNOT. my reaction, literally. "OH, COME ON!"
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if they're gonna be mad at sam about this dumb fucking thing... so help me......
SAM That was our, uh, chance... to stop Chuck. But what Chuck showed me, what would happen if we trapped him – I believed him. I still do. DEAN Well, that's good enough for me.
well, thank goodness for that at least. good fucking god.
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BILLIE It's time.
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voidnoidoid · 2 years
TOH For The Future Thoughts
This new episode was nothing short of incredible!! I have so many thoughts about it so this post isn't gonna be very organised at all.
I love how Camila reacts to the things in the Demon Realm, and her freaking out at all the weird stuff is really fun to watch. But also, I enjoy how she looks out for all the other kids and is a reliable adult for them. She saw that Willow wasn't doing okay and reached out to her, letting her know that she had people to fall back on, even if she wasn't ready yet. And then, she reassures Luz that everyone makes mistakes and apologised for not supporting her in her time of need. Oh and the scene where she hugs all the talisman is soooo adorable!
Hunter's been pretty great this episode too, he's consistently been shown as antsy and worried about the dangers that lie ahead, especially considering everything that happened the previous episode. The development between him, Willow and Gus was fantastic and I'm so glad the three of them got their time to shine this episode. Hunter and Gus have a strong bro bond, and it's heartwarming to see how Gus cares for Hunter so much. When Hunter got emotional from seeing his flyer derby picture, Gus and Willow thought they did something wrong and ran away. Willow out of fear of hurting Hunter and Gus to follow Willow, while telling Hunter to stay put. Both of them care for Hunter but don't want to show their vulnerability and let Hunter care for them like they do for him.
Willow's stress and tension manifesting in the form of her vines is a great touch. Like in the Owl House where she left a trail of vines in her wake, and when the vines grew up around her feet and finally when she smothered a whole room with her vegetation. The vines snaking around her legs and victims gives a suffocating feeling, like Willow is restraining herself from showing any weakness, and also showing how her feelings are overwhelming her.
Hunter's flapjack magic activating when his friends were in danger was so cool, he was zipping around everywhere! Flapjack still lives on in him and that's amazing to see. Also... Huntlow Real. (like omg... the protective hug, hunter carrying willow, the blushing and hand touch aaaaaa. like cos willow's been saving his ass all the time and now it's his turn!)
Ok now to talk about Hexside. Unfortunately after all the adults got puppetified, the school turned to chaos lord of the flies style where Boscha somehow becomes reigning President with the help of "Micky". Mattholomule is a surprisingly effective leader to Gus and everyone else's surprise. Also im still not over how Mattholomule is actually Matt Tholomule. So... Steve and Matt Tholomule huh. OKAY. Gus's smoothly animated slow head turn was HILARIOUS tho. It provided a lot of lighthearted comic relief. "MANtholomule" kandfjknsdk. But I digress. Hexside becoming a chaotic mess under Boscha and Mickey's leadership is honestly pretty realistic. Also I'm slightly disappointed but not surprised that Boscha is still as mean and egotistical as ever. Like COME ON after everything that happened she's still gonna be a major b and run the school like a knockoff regina George?
The real culprit behind this though, is "Mickey" or should I say... Kikimora. When I saw her being Boscha's mouthpiece and pompously dictating what people should do... it felt weirdly familiar but I couldn't really put a finger on who it was until right before the reveal. The way Kikimora manipulated Boscha into taking leadership while she was the real one pulling the strings from the side reeked of insecure, power hungry crony. So glad she got her ass beat. Willow's confrontation with Boscha was such a treat to watch, but it was also painful. Seeing Willow stand up for herself but also let her anger and vulnerability show was so compelling. Boscha was honestly selfish and cold for brushing off Willow. I don't understand why people ship them especially considering Boscha BULLIED Willow and still hasn't apologised. (again I digress but as someone who was bullied I absolutely despise bully x victim dynamics. not cool.) Then in the detention pit, where boscha met amity again, what she did and said made me dislike her more, but also sympathise with her a bit.
When Boscha and Amity met again, Boscha lashed out saying Amity abandoned her friend group, hung out with Luz and basically left her behind. Like yeah duh she dropped you for a reason!? Boscha is a toxic and spiteful person. But I can also see from her point of view. Until Luz showed up, Amity was the top dog, one of the mean girls and part of the clique. To have someone like that just leave the group for good would hurt. And Boscha even got on her knees and begged Amity to come back to her. She wanted things to go back to normal and wanted her friend back, but what Boscha didn't realise was that she was the one who needed to change. I'm glad she changed for the better in the end, she just wants her friends back. (She's still a meanie though)
Alright, now it's time to get into the important stuff. The Collector. (and belos) It was jarring to feel on edge when seeing a happy colourful pastel world, knowing the sinister intentions behind it all. Watching the Collector play with people like dolls creeped me out, especially since they were once... living people. And it just reinforces the fact that despite it all, The Collector is just a kid. A superpowered, immortal kid who doesn't really understand that what he's doing is really truly hurting people. They just want to play. And I can't blame them, being isolated and alone for so long. He calls King his best friend, which I think is really sweet. But unfortunately King is too afraid to reciprocate. What I find really nice about the Collector is that he's willing to compromise for King, the one he cares about. Even when King isn't willing to give them Francois, he doesn't throw a fit, just asks for King to let Francois watch over him because he doesn't want to be alone.
The book that they ask King to read to them is very intriguing, because it's essentially a history book about the collector race. And apparently, they're known as powerful, godlike immortal beings who preserve planets and life forms. But the moment they encounter any resistance, they destroy the planet. Wipe everything clean. The Collector has scribbled this part out, saying that "the others are mean". This means the Collector has encountered others of his race, and actually is one of the nicer ones??? Since he disapproves of the killing and destruction. However, despite this, he is completely okay with hurting the inhabitants of the boiling isles. Yikes.
I'm glad Eda and Lilith are okay though! I'm loving their new looks. Eda seems to have accepted Luz staying in the human realm, which is sad... it's clear she wants Luz to stay but she can't. King, Eda and Lilith are hatching a plan to take down the Collector for good, and you know what this means... MISUNDERSTANDING TIME.
As we all know Belos is back in action, trying to take back control or whatever. I especially enjoy that he's literally falling apart into a goopy mess and is being haunted by the ghosts of Caleb and the other golden guards. He seems to have backup bodies... sealed in a tomb of maroon goop stuff. Buttt that body in the box was incomplete so yeah. I feel like this reinforces the theory that Belos was possessing the bodies of some of the old golden guards, because he said that he "needed a new body". How else has he been living for this long? It also explains the blonde hair. Him making his way to the Archives and meeting Odalia was so funny. She wanted to be more useful outside of being a nanny for the Collector, and now that she kinda got her chance, she got tossed aside once again. But now that means instead of possessing Odalia, Belos possessed Raine. Oh No!!!
Then the usual happens, using the new body he sneaks to the Collector's room and manipulates them into distrusting King! The Collector is way too gullible for their own good like this is the second time he's being bamboozled by Belos COME ON. The way they can just spy on King whenever is so chilling because they just pulled on their hood and boom, they found King. This meant that they could have spied on King whenever, but didn't because they trusted him. Aww... But now Belos has successfully manipulated Collector AGAIN, who believes that King is trying to kill him. But actually King just wants to talk things through. King seeing himself in the Collector, his loneliness and being of a special race, is sad but also comforting to know that he can relate to someone like the collector. I guess we'll see what happens in the final episode of TOH.
And last but not least... LUZ'S PALISMAN!!! Ohhhh man this one has kept the entire fandom on edge forever. Her palisman seems really powerful, given that even when it wasn't fully formed, it blasted the ground with a super laser! When it formed into a ball I was like "is that it?" but of course not lol. I love how before the palisman fullly formed the gang was guessing, "is it a bat? snake? dragon? otter?" The writers and animators know the fandom so well haha... And turns out... IT'S ALL OF THEM!!! According to Luz, her palisman is a snake shifter! I thought it was a chimera but this is cool too, given how Luz has been associated with snakes a lot, it would make sense that a snake would be the main animal. I love how her palisman, Stringbean (cutest name ever!) can shapeshifter because it represents how Luz can't be put into a box. She's creative, adaptable and fun, and Stringbean represents all those qualities.
All in all, fantastic episode, but im worried how the last special will go down. Hold on tight TOH fandom...
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goldengalaxy99 · 2 years
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It's been a week and I'm still thinking about the Nandini-throne scene. So I'm gonna gush about it some more.
As someone who didn't read the books, my knowledge of the characters and their motivations were wholly reliant on the movie. And up until that scene, I was trying to figure out where Nandini's loyalties lie and what her motivation is.
At first I thought she's loyal to her husband then we see her help Vanthiyathevan only for her to immediately sell him out to her husband and then in a surprise twist we see her conspiring with the Pandya spy. Even after Karikalan tells his story, her motivations remain a mystery because the story was so one-sided and its obvious there's more to it.
And so when we see her look longingly at the throne as she envisions her younger self sitting on it, everything about her character becomes crystal clear. We still don't know alot of her character history but we know what's most important. That Nadini is loyal to no man or kingdom. She is loyal only to herself and the throne is what has motivated her all this time.
The scene doesn't just introduce us to the true Nandini but it also recontextualizes the whole movie. Nandini was always a major player in the movie but after that scene the audience realizes that she IS the mastermind behind it all and the only one truly challenging her at this point is Kundavai
I also think it's such a clever way of translating what I'm sure is a lot of rich source material about her character into a simple and elegant scene.
Like I said before, i have CHILLS
71 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
Spoilers for wakanda forever
Really loved the scene at the end of shuri and namor's battle when we see scenes of the people of wakanda and talokan cut together. It reminds us of how similar these societies are. The scene flashes through pivotal moments of joy and grief and love in both shuri and namor's life. And that helps us remember the humanity of our fellow human. We have all lost and suffered and we all have precious things we must protect.
And it is better to choose peace than vengeance because every person carries a whole universe within them.
76 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
Listen the moment in Ponniyin Selvan when Nandini sees her younger self on the throne???? I HAD CHILLS
170 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
Okay but the rage Jen felt was so palpable. Seeing her watch it unfold. Having her private life displayed before her coworkers and her family. That eye contact with her dad!! And having Mallory tell her not to do it but she's just so angry and rightfully so!!!!
Then to have the episode end with her barely contained rage, the tears on her face, and a close up of her as she looks at us. It all sinks in, she's truly a hulk now, feared by the public and surrounded by weapons pointed at her
358 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Wakanda forever spoilers!!
So I know alot of people have been focusing on the potential black panther recasting implications of T'Challa Jr.'s introduction in the post credits scene. But when I first watched it I was just so happy for shuri, who up to that point, had believed she was left all alone in this world. Only to be given this gift from her brother in the form of this adorable nephew that she can love and nurture and see grow into a great man. And all this coming after that amazing scene where she is finally able to properly mourn her brother
It was just so beautiful
360 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
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futuregws · 2 years
House of the dragon spoilers (rant/review idk)
I just finished watching and I'm mad, wtf was that ending, like I understand that the war is supposed to be a whole event and that was the main focus for the show, but seriously they couldn't have at least started it in this episode like obviously it wouldn't make sense for the whole thing to be on one episode and there wouldn't be enough time but the way it ended made it feel like there's gonna be more this season, it didn't feel like a season finale, and the fact that we are gonna have to wait years to see the rest ugh I hate it.
But now I wanna talk about the actual episode, first of all, I cannot believe ONE EPISODE was able to make me go back to hating Daemon all over again, like seriously wtf was that.
And now onto the most important part Rhaenyra, wow Emma D'Arcy the person you are, they have carried this show and given such an amazing performance every time, idk what it is with them and scenes where Rhaenyra is giving birth but they always give their all on those at least that's what it feels like there's just something about the way that they act during those scenes that is just amazing, during episode 6 with the birth of Joffrey they were able to show such a painful obviously but also happy (?) I'm not sure if that's the right word but I'm going with it I think you get it, maybe tender?? Idk, but this one just completely broke my heart it was great to see how one actor portrayed the same type of scene but completely different as in they were able to actually, get across their feelings so well and obviously I can only speak for myself but I thought they were amazing in that scene (and many more) and it genuinely gave me goosebumps not gonna lie. Now that the first season is over I can finally say something that I already have been saying a lot but now there's even more reasons, Emma was the perfect casting for Rhaenyra, maybe I'm biased on this next bit bc of how much I love Rhaenyra but for me Emma stole the spotlight every time they were on screen. And omg that little parallel with episode 2 I think with the scene on the bridge and Rhaenyra with her dragon I loved it so much.
And now onto the other sad part Lucerys, I knew he was gonna die and how, but I did not think that was gonna be Aemond's reaction, and idk if that's how it was in the books or if they changed it, but I really thought Aemond would kill Lucerys on purpose but in my opinion I think you can clearly see that it was an accident somehow they both lost control of their dragons and Aemond couldn't do anything and he looked genuinely shocked, if that reaction was bc he killed Lucerys and that's not what he wanted so he was upset or if it was bc he was scared of what could happen to him, idk but you could see some regret I feel like, and I still don't hate him, I'm sorry I know people do hate him now but I just dont personally.
Anyway Emma's amazing and they deserve more love and recognition from everyone but unfortunately they still are not getting it and we all know why, I had to add that there bc it still bothers me to no end, that's it, goodbye
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fujoshigirl7 · 2 years
Ah i fall in love with the execution of ryman's club every episode especially when they have to deliver an important scene. If y'all remember this post, I mentioned how they tilted the frames and it seems it wasn't without meaning after all
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We start with tatsuru back turned and mikoto chasing after him. Again the beauty of this scene! Tatsuru is standing just beside the edge of the sandbox again which metaphors for the court (i had doubts with the station one in my previous post but it happening again has to mean something or maybe I'm just looking for it but anyways carrying on!). And mikoto who's still in the game chases after him and makes tatsuru, who had turned his back to the court, turn again. And it's funny how even though tatsuru wanted to be the one saving mikoto, it was mikoto who ends up saving him; be it the past
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Or the present
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And now onto the thing i actually wanted to talk about! Yeah I know I'm all over the place XD So their first meet after tatsuru's withdrawal starts right where they left off, with the tilt. Now the tilted framing makes much more sense. Tatsuru had been hiding crucial information from his partner and while he did not outright lie, he didn't tell the whole truth either. We all know a half truth is a whole lie. And relationships stand on the pillar of honesty. When there's misunderstanding in a relationship, it starts to fall apart. Because there was misunderstanding, their relationship was falling! (Also what a mean way to show that tatsuru's knee injury was not only crippling him but his doubles partnership too. Actually I think it's only the knee injury that they wanted to indicate by tilting the frames and how it's crippling tasuru and and their pair but I'm gonna stretch it either ways XD)
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The moment mikoto tells him what he truly feels, the frames are upright again; indicating there's no more misunderstanding and their world is back on it's axis.
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Also love how the distance between them reduced. We got another foot shot! With them finally fully facing each other. Yeah I'm not gonna delve into the meaning of it again don't worry XD
The pink hippo being a witness to their relationship evolving over the time
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tedturneriscrazy · 2 years
Uh, I'm running out of ideas for how to introduce these things...
Anyways, Any Sport in a Storm!
May my Huntlow dreams come true
From denial to acceptance in record time, impressive!
Also, tape? My dude, I know nothing about sewing, and even I can tell that's some clown shit
"Consider this a test" consider my foot in your ass, Phil
The way Raine looked back at Hunter...now I'm curious about their previous relationship
Also, not liking the way Terra is leading Raine around...
Good to see Darius again, if only because of Keston John's voice😍
Ooh, Golden Guard lore! Seems like it's a legacy position, which makes sense
Hunter desperately seeking approval and validation while Darius is clearly sick of his shit
"You're very good at doing exactly what you're told" That's gonna come back later
Shortened title again? Not sure if they're making more time for longer episodes or putting off having to change the title sequence again...
Hell yeah, more Willow working out!
You got this, Willow!
Oh, shit! That's her dads! I bet that's how they met!
Where did her new glasses come from, though?
Also, lol at "Eye of the Liger"
Ah, so it was an errant locker
I also love how they both knew that Willow could save them
Important information, Gus
Oh, the way Luz fluffs Willow's hair❤❤❤ (Yes, I multiship, what of it?)
Azura Book Club real?!...Wait, I knew that already, I saw the promos lol
"I am so excited to hear the next words coming out of your mouth" Bruh, stop giving me Willuz fuel /hj
Hyping up badass Willow so far, so I'm definitely loving it
I wonder if Gus carries around confetti now, as well, thanks to Luz
I think I saw a comment about it elsewhere, but the whole club fair premise is so anime, and it's great
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This show really likes to say "Ages 6-11," doesn't it?
Uh oh, here comes Boscha
Luz is nerding out so much here, I love her
Hermosa ❤❤❤
Hey, I'm allowed some Lumity marking
The author of Azura? Luz seems confused
Human or demon? Interesting...
Also, lol at Boscha wanting attention
Love the way they just excitedly run off
"You guys aren't cute! I still have more friends than you!" Quality, not quantity, Boscha. You're just jealous you don't have an awesome girlfriend
Oh, this is gonna go swimmingly for golden boy /s
Great job selling your cult, buddy
Oh, hey, it's Barcus!
"Banish card" lmfao the disrespect
Oh no, critical thought that runs counter to his indoctrination! His one weakness!
(Also, good on you, Jerbo)
Bruh just get off her tail wtf
So we finally have a name for abomination professor: Professor Hermonculous!
This guy's kind of a dick, huh
Well, Willow, you're about to find one, at least
Scary, then sweet. Classic Willow
Very enthusiastic handshake
Caleb Jasper Bloodwilliams...First rule of lies: keep it simple
"Fly doobie" not in a TV-Y7 show
That all sounds...intense
"I don't feel sick" has the same energy as "I'm not putting anything down," change my mind
Aw, Gus is looking out for Willow❤
I'm also glad to see that, yes, Amity is just as dorky as Luz
Canceled? Oh, no!
The fruits of the recruitment drive
...not the best first impression
Oh, no, are we in for a crisis of confidence for Willow?
"Half a witch" Hmmmmmmmm
Oh, never mind, Willow is persistent
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Loving that face
Ooh, Skara's smart, too! That one post of mine still holds up!
"Now I'm only scarred emotionally!"
I actually really like how Gus and Hunter bounce off of each other, surprisingly
And Willow is an effective leader and good at recognizing where everyone's strengths lie
Now we have context for that one screenshot
The chase is on!
The bird phone just flying into the window lmfao
Looks like Darius' Me Time is being interrupted once again
Game on!
Okay, yeah, Gus and Hunter camaraderie is good, actually
Even got the Gatorade dunk
I'd knock "Emerald Entrails," but it seems rather fitting for the Boiling Isles
Luz and Amity are gonna see that group selfie and have...a reaction
Damn, Viney, that's cold
Oh, here's actual betrayal
Dammit, blondie, you had a good thing going and you fucked it up
Also, way to show your hand so abruptly
So Darius sent the scouts, huh?
Prime usage of Steve
Man, Hunter is really just describing all kinds of awful shit with zero self awareness or introspection. Apparently critical thought is just not a thing in the Emperor's Coven
Ah, there's the crisis of confidence
"Can you?"
(Let me just take another opportunity to praise Keston John's voice acting. So good)
Oh I don't like that about the palismen
"Steve is beginning to regret his choices" Why is this such a mood?
The way they're still bringing up theories while chasing that author, holy shit they're such nerds ❤
Tiny Nose?! Tinella Nosa?!?!
And Mattholomule? Who else is in on this?!
Bro Amity is the only person on the Isles buying the Azura books I fucking
Yeah, punch 'im! And may this be his last appearance
Mmm, yes, casually rest your head on Amity's shoulder. I mean, sorry about that whole thing, but at least y'all can be cute together
Those Penstagram posts are 💯💯💯
Well, valiant attempts, but Darius is a coven head, after all
I was gonna say something else, but we're still on that previous point
Starting to get Horde Prime flashbacks
Better late than never on doing the right thing, I guess
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A small blush, I'm sure this won't be totally overanalyzed and possibly blown out of proportion /j
(That said, my Huntlow brainrot will take what it can get)
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Huh, well then, Darius, I guess you get this:
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I did not have "Darius as a good mentor figure" on my nonexistent Bingo card, I am pleasantly surprised
They gon write fanfiction together this just keeps getting better
"I am really digging those outfits" Damn, Luz, be more bisexual, why don't you
Their reactions to Hunter remind me of the end of Hooty's Moving Hassle (God, that seems like a different show entirely at this point)
Well, that was a nice, light episode! Drama! Flair! Facepaint! But nothing too plot heavy or angsty.
I think the Flyer Derby plotline stood on its own quite solidly, and it was definitely apparent that it was the main attraction here. Some more development and confidence building for Willow, and Hunter got a brief taste of actually being a kid for once.
Also, I feel the Lumity part managed to avoid overshadowing the episode, unlike in Through the Looking Glass Ruins. Their interactions were cute and sweet, yet casual and understated. Clearly girlfriends, but not too in-your-face about it, and the storyline was cute enough, even if it did have Tibbles.
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rinadragomir · 2 years
I’ve never felt the urge to harm myself, but I know what it’s like to feel so sad, alone, and like there’s no solution to anything. Believe it or not, I also have my fair share of mother trauma, so, you’re not alone in that. I promise, whatever you’re going through, there are people who really want to sustain you. I know it doesn’t feel like that, I know some days feel so hopeless all you wanna do is lie there and cry (if not worse), I know. But it’s really not the end. When you don’t have the strength to go on, hold on to the little things, rely on your friends, have them carry you through. There’s no shame in that. And if you need another someone to talk to, I’ll be there too. Just know that, no matter what your brain is telling you, there are so many people that wish to be there for you.
Also, Rina, I don’t know if you were talking about Fate, but if you were, just know that (when you manage to watch it) we can talk about it. I’ll say, I may post a reaction soonish, and I guess you can recognize me this way since we’re indeed mutuals. So, you see, as stupid as it, you already have something to look forward too 💖
(Plus, fyi, I’m the old controversial anon, so yk it’s gonna be fun 😌💖)
Thank you so much. I also wanna believe it's not the end but it's hard, cause I see no way out. But it makes me feel better knowing I'm not alone who feels this way. I mean I'm pretty sure there're lots of people who're going through the same shit but it feels nice actually talking to one of them.
Hey! I binge watched the whole season yesterday, It was my sacred duty🫡and yes I enjoyed every second of it, it was 45532x better than the 1 season. Tho I'm sad there were only 7 episodes, I was expecting at least 8. RIVUSA CANON and now I actually have proofs! I just love how screenwriters were: "hmmm everyone's asking for Rivusa but what are we gonna do with Sam?... Heh let's just kick him out of this show!✨" I mean I'm glad he left, cause it gave my parents a chance to start their sloweburn🤌🏻but I thought they would get rid of Sam... In a different way. He just said: Musa we can't be together cause we can't be together so I'm leaving 🚶🏻
But I was actually talking about the Vampire Academy show. You can read my reactions btw, they're a bit below! I was trying 👉🏻👈🏻 tv show is... cringe but fine?... I don't wanna compare it to the books cause it's offensive but if we imagine it's a new independent piece of media... It's fine!
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randomfandomimagine · 3 years
I finished The Witcher Season 2 and I wanted to share my thoughts. I enjoyed it in general, but I had high expectations and there were some things that I didn't like, so I'm a bit conflicted and I was a bit bored at times. Still, I thought it was a good season!
Spoilers under the cut!!
I really liked Nivellen’s episode, it was fun and interesting. It was refreshing to see Geralt with a friend and see Ciri feel safe. I also love how they carried out the theme of what makes a monster in this one.
Yennefer losing her magic? That scene where she’s trying to conjure a portal but she can’t and she screams in utter heartbreak? Literal chills!
When Tissaia hears Yen’s voice and you can feel how relieved and happy she is that Yennefer is not dead! Ugh, so good!
I just love the relationship between Tissaia and Yen
“Stregobor is a dick” Yennefer speaking all of our minds 🤣
I’m so glad Istredd is back! I really like him and always enjoy whenever he appears in a scene.
“And you say you’re not her father...” Geralt being protective of Ciri and being himself but still looking after her has me soft 😍
Plus, Ciri training in Kaer Morhen is so cool! Badass!!
And I love all the witchers! Even if Eskel’s presence was cut short...
Everyone in this cast is good-looking, but Yennefer / Anya is so gorgeous that it's actually distracting!
I think Cahir is a very interesting character, and I loved his scenes with Yen!
Burn Butcher Burn is now stuck in my head, it's so good!
Yennefer hugging Jaskier was priceless!
Just all of Jaskier’s scenes, dialogue, gestures, everything!
Honestly, I forgot how much politics there are, it bores me a little 🤷‍♀️
I’ve read the books, but it was so long ago that I forgot that Ciri has elven blood and it kind of blew my mind again
Not gonna lie, I’m kind of intrigued about the monsters and monoliths
I love how much Ciri and Geralt trust in each other, so good!
Nenneke! I was very excited to see her and she pretty much looked like I imagined when reading the books. Hope we get to see Iola too!
I kind of wish they had dedicated more time to Jaskier being tortured, I was ready for some serious whump!
In general, I think they kind of reduced Jaskier to the comic relief and I wished we got more scenes of him being a person, like the ones where he talks to Yen about fearing losing his muses and how he helps elves
But yes, I do love that he helps the elves because he’s so kind!
That said, his dynamic with Yennefer was probably my favorite thing of this season! Can’t get enough of it!
Jaskier singing in the cell and talking to the mice is perfection
THAT SCENE OF SHIRTLESS JASKIER?! brb dying! Joey Batey is handsome, talented, sweet, he sings, acts and on top of all has a 10/10 body? He's the perfect man and I want to marry him 😭
Omg, I really liked Francesca and Fringilla this season, but they’re so brutal! Fringilla killing those men when they can't move and Francesca killing all those babies? Oof... Chills...
Ciri finally starting to get ahold of her powers thanks to Yen!
Yennefer growing fond and protective of Ciri even if she was being selfish at first? Love it
I think the whole Ciri is possessed thing was meh... bit cliché...
Okay, Yen, Geralt and Ciri being like a family makes me emotional :’)
And the Wild Hunt... I don’t remember it exactly, but I’m intrigued
I did remember the twist of Duny being alive and actually being Ehmyr and Ciri’s father all at the same time!
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leothil · 3 years
11 questions
Tagged by @stagefoureddiediaz thank you so much!
Rules: Answer the following 11 questions and then ask 11 of your own and tag people
1. If you could play one musical instrument and be really good at it, what would it be and why and what would you use this talent for??
So I'm gonna give a twofold answer for this. I already play the piano, and it would be really nice to be super good at that in both the classically trained way (the road I was on when I took lessons) and the jazz-musician-that-can-improvise-anything way.
Another instrument it would be nice to be good on would be something like a piccolo, ukulele, tin whistle etc, something you could easily carry with you and just whip out at (in)opportune moments. A guy in the orchestra/marching band I was in during my studies whipped out an ukulele and played a little serenade to the girls manning a beer stand at one of the festivals we attended, and got himself a free beer for it (yes, he was also very conventionally attractive).
2. If you could do one thing over, without affecting the space time continuum, what would you do and why?
Oh, I'd break up with my last ex years before our relationship actually ended. It wasn't going anywhere and I should've confronted that instead of clinging to the familiarity of it.
3. If you got to appear in an episode of 911, which one would you be in and what would be your storyline?
I'd happily go over a cliff or something, so that Eddie Diaz could rappel down and carry me back up. So if it has to be an existing one, I guess that would make me the hiker looking for the treasure?
4. What is the stupidest thing you’ve done I want to know all the gory details
I can't think of any truly stupid things?? Maybe I've just blocked them all from my memory. But a couple of friends and I made our way down into the tunnel network under our uni campus while very drunk, and decided that exploring them were a good idea. Among other things we found a small altar with a statue of the Virgin Mary and some spookily fresh flowers on it. This is weird enough considering a) catholicism is very small in Finland, something like 15k practicioners in the whole country and b) the tunnels aren't supposed to be in active use for anything other than the state's technical research centre sometimes testing new drilling methods and stuff, I think. Students were absolutely not supposed to be there (my friend had, ahem, acquired a key to the tunnels through some means).
Anyway, we made it out alive and went back to the party, but those few memories I have from down there are very weird.
5. What is your earliest memory?
When I was 2-3 years old I managed to climb a waterslide (aka a normal playground slide that just went out into the sea) at my parents' friends' summer place and accidentally went down it. I can remember the water rushing up towards me and instinctively drawing breath. Apparently the water was shallow enough that I could stand up on my own, but it was apparently a couple of seconds of heart attack that I gave my parents.
6. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received? (Give us the context for it as well!)
...I don't know what it says about me that I can't remember many compliments at all. A recent one I do remember was after a Christmas concert last week; I had a solo, and one of the older choir members came to me afterwards and said "fantastic solo, wow!" and did the chef's kiss thing.
Actually, one amazing compliment is the fact that the student association I was part of during my studies awarded me the highest badge of honour you can get without being named honorary member (of which there can be, like, 5 alive at the same time). That was them saying "we see how much work you've put into this organization and for its members, and we appreciate it so much" and it's probably the best recognition I could've gotten. God I love that place, it's what I miss most about studying.
7. What was the last lie you told and why did you feel the need to lie?
Someone tried to get me to go for an eye exam/get a pamphlet about it or something, so I just said I'd recently had one and also frequented one of their competitors (the last part is true). I... guess just saying "no thank you" didn't feel nice. Goddamnit. "Fuck politeness" is still a skill I'm working on.
8. If money was no object, what will you be buying and why?
My brain short-circuited at this, like it always does whenever someone asks me what I'd like for Christmas/birthday etc. More shelves and such furniture for my home maybe? I need to fit more plants into my house but I've run out of flat areas for them. If I had the room, I'd buy a grand piano (can I say I'd buy a whole-ass house just to fit a grand piano in?).
(I could say a new desktop, but my current is actually comparatively good, and I don't want to put my money into the ridiculous prices currently demanded on the hardware market, because then manufacturers and retailers will just be encouraged.)
9. What is your favourite possession?
The sheep plushie I've had since I was 2 months old.
10. What does your name mean and why was it given to you (if you don’t want to reveal you real name, then tell me about your username 😎)
Frida means (apparently) the beautiful, the beloved. If I remember correctly, my parents gave it to me because I was quite a calm baby my first days, and the word "frid" in Swedish means peace, quiet. :D
My username is the first name of my LotR OC I made when I was 10 lmao. But nowadays it's my online handle pretty much everywhere, I even react if someone calls me Leothil.
11. What’s the most unusual thing on your bucket list?
I don't really have a bucket list per se. But I think I'd like to go back and get a second Master's degree in something at some point. I just don't know what yet.
My questions!
1. What social media are you most active on and why?
2. What's your most detested fanfiction trope?
3. If you have to bring something homemade to work/a party/a potluck, what are you bringing?
4. If you'd make the choice now and easily could afford whatever school you wanted, would you start studying something, and if yes, what?
5. What was your favourite childhood movie?
6. What's something that's clearly trash but you enjoy nonetheless? Can be a book, a movie, a game...
7. If you had the means (and the energy), would you go full interior designer!Eddie and change out your decor every season?
8. Do you have a favourite band/artist?
9. What kind of vacation is your dream vacation?
10. What's your favourite chocolate?
11. Who's the most interesting person you've met?
Tags go out to: @nogamediaz, @hattalove, @oatflatwhite, @elvensorceress, @adamsparirsh, @capseycartwright. Sorry? :'D
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