#this made me mad gay and just makes me want to draw dumb comics of them even more aaaa
mooleche · 5 years
Hi hello can I have the latest OTP list for Piotr and Nina? The whole thing? Pretty please?
RIP to anyone on mobile I’ll tag it for y’all I’M SORRY BUT ALSO THANK
1. Acts like they’re dying when they have a cold. Colossus fjkdsks. For all the caretaking he does for others you'd think he'd be okay when catching a cold himself, but he's the biggest dramatic baby when he gets ill. Nina will come in dressed to the nines in protective gear (oven mitts, face mask, looking goofy as hell) to take care of him and inevitably get roped into staying in bed with him so he's not lonely, but he doesn't want her to get sick herself, so it's a constant argument of 'What do you WANT from me?!'.
2. Gets mad at the TV and throws the remote. Neither of them really have a throw the remote reaction. They both moreso get angry and walk off to avoid doing anything drastic, though if Nina is angry enough she'll definitely punch through the tv.3. Gets the worst road rage.Nina. Colossus is usually too big to be behind the wheel so he's shoved in the passenger seat having to calm her down when they're stuck in traffic or behind a slow driver. Have a horn honked at her one too many times though and she WILL get out of the car and tell them where she'll be shoving her foot if they keep it up.4. Spends too much time in the bathroom on their phone. Nina. Colossus isn't one to waste time in places like the restroom and very rarely uses a cellphone in general because he's old fashioned as hell. Nina however will stay in there for as long as she can whether it be to avoid her classmates or to look at memes with Venom for long periods.5. Packs the whole closet for an overnight trip. Colossus. Ya boi like preparing for any and every situation that could possibly happen along with any essentials that Nina might (and does) forget on their trip. You need sunscreen? He's got it. Bandaids? Step aside Momma Bear Colossus came packed and ready with a whole med kit for this exact situation.6. Hates the in-laws. Nina. Colossus loves Ninas parents like they were his own, as the majority of his own family isn't alive anymore. But Nina? She has serious beef with Illyana after being abandoned in Limbo by her for essentially 4 years after getting into a tiff with her. They eventually make up but their relationship is strained because of the incident.7. Hits the snooze button…11 times. Nina. She's a BIG nightowl and often spends nights fighting crime and the only reason she goes to bed at even a remotely decent hour is because of Colossus and how much of an early bird he is. After around the 8th snooze he usually comes in with coffee and forces her out of bed sgksfdjkg8. Makes the other late for work. They both have their own ways of making each other late. Nina because she wants just a little more morning cuddle time or some good morning sex. Colossus because he wants Nina to have a good breakfast for the day ahead or to remind her that she needs to do xyz before leaving ("Did you take your medicine?" "Did you get your chocolate?" "Did you-" 'YES DAD')9. Uses the television as a babysitter. Colossus kjfafkaHe usually only does this method when he needs to distract the teens in the mansion while he needs to talk to someone, but if it works it works!10. Takes in the stray dog. Both of them, hands down. Colossus would probably be more open about it, get the dog groomed and taken to the vet before presenting it to Nina, but Nina being the more clumsy of the two would definitely try (and fail) to hide the dog before Colossus walked in on her trying to give it a pep talk on how it needs to be more sneaky LOL11. Suggests a 3am trip to McDonald’s. Venom kdjkfkaHe wants those fresh 3am hashbrowns!!12. Leaves their shoes out for the other to trip over. Nina. Not on purpose, but just is kind of absentminded with this type of thing and when she gets home she's just concerned about getting her outerwear off and laying on the floor. Colossus is the unfortnate victim of tripping over both her shoes, bag, or even her if it's one of those types of days.13. Can’t make up their mind when it comes to dinner. Nina, mostly because of Venom who's first response is always usually 'TATER TOTS, CHOCOLATE, LIVER!' despite Nina always saying that they can't live off just those three things (ESPECIALLY not the last one).14. Needs to be reminded of all their appointments. Nina. If her head wasn't attached she'd forget where she put it, so Colossus leaves lots of sticky notes and texts for her to remember upcoming appointments (and little cute notes along with them) and on the rare occasion Wade or Fury if it involves 'business' business.15. Bribes the other into doing chores, getting out of the house…and taking a shower. Colossus gjskgjsg Nina can be a bit of a shut-in due to her depression and working on her school work for long periods, so Colossus often tries to bribe her with little things like sweets or even some snoosnoo if it means she'll get up and take a walk outside with him.16. Picks the movies. Colossus usually. Nina was banned after telling him that 'Us' was a romantic comedy.17. Takes the safety steps when building a pillow fort. Colossus, he's a momma hen at heart and wants to make sure the fort is extra fortified for any rough and tumbling they might do inside wink wonk18. Kisses the other’s injuries better. Both. Seeing that they always come back at least a little battered and bruised after their missions they always take a little time to pay extra attention to the injured spots with lots of kisses and shares stories between one another about how they got them before drifting off to sleep.19. Is addicted to angry birds, game of war, candy crush, temple run, or flappy bird. Colossus. He doesn't like to admit it but those games often take his attention and would probably be the only reason he would be stuck in the bathroom on his phone (from the earlier question). The house eventually has an intervention for him when he can't focus on anything else but getting an extra life in Candy Crush djgksgs20. Kills the spiders. Venom eats them before Nina can freak out too bad over them LOL21. Hogs the blankets. Colossus. Since he's so big its not hard for him to tug some of the blanket and end up with the entire thing. This results in Nina forcing him to be the big spoon so even if that happens she still gets to be warm ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ22. Takes pranks too far. Nina for sure. She usually teams up with Bobby (Iceman) or Kurt (Nightcrawler) to pull some silly prank on Cyclops because he's always so uptight about everything that end up going too far which results in her getting scolded quite a bit by both Colossus and Xavier. This doesn’t stop her from continuing to do stupid stuff like making sticky hands to harass her peers from afar.23. Makes the dirty jokes. Nina, though Colossus is known to fire back some dirty jokes of his own at rare moments which often catches her off guard. They even go as far as teaching each other their native languages so that they can do this easier in public places (it really doesn't work though because they both still get super embarrassed when it happens)24. Keeps a piggy bank. Colossus. He usually keeps one as a curse jar and likes putting money in whenever anyone else curses too. Needless to say when Wade was living in the mansion that piggy got very full. He later uses the money to help mutants in need and eventually when he starts dating Nina, to use for what he hopes will later be a nice date or a trip to Paris for them to visit her family.25. Has no problem having ice cream for breakfast. Nina. Especially after a long night of fighting crime, she has no qualms with plopping down in bed with a big bowl of chocolate ice cream for her and Venom to feast on while Colossus looks at them in horror.26. Gets a tattoo when they’re drunk. Colossus. He's lucky they can't aren't permanent because of his metal skin because when he really lets loose he ends up waking up with some really silly tattoos, usually big and gaudy and of a 'mom' heart or his current beau. With Nina being able to control ink though some of the tattoos can only leave if she permits it, which leaves her to be very devious sometimes.27. Trips over their own feet. Nina. She's a mega clutz and often ends up tripping over herself as a result. Luckily she's goofy and can laugh at herself when these things happen, despite wanting to die inside skgjsgs28. Makes the other go for a walk. Both. Be it because of a tiff they had or just to unwind from a long day they usually end up taking long walks at night to decompress and talk about what's on their mind. Despite not being big on PDA Colossus always ends up either holding Ninas hand and/or pulling her in close when they walk because he enjoys being close to her.29. Whines until they get what they want.Nina. She doesn't do it often but when a chocolate hankering kicks in or there's something new she wants to try with Colossus she will pull out all the stops, including latching onto him with her powers until he's too tired to argue gsjgskgs30. Tries to act tough but really isn’t. Colossus. He's got a lot of bark but hates using his bite and will only use it when push comes to shove. Overall he just uses his size to lecture his students when they've done something wrong.
31. Talks the most, says the least. Nina. She can let her words wander quite a bit when she's not focusing on the conversation at hand, but she gets her point across when needed.32. Talks the least, says the most.Colossus. He doesn't talk as much as Nina, but when he does speak his words are short and to the point.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 22
oooh man, its time to feel some EMOTIONS!
I'm BACK after a hiatus, which was due in part to me getting my 1st dose of the covid vaccine! woohoo!
anyways, starting here w/issue 22....we have a great cover w/thunderclash, the legend himself
oof. the covers made me forget how much I don't like the art this issue...I hate to be mean to the artists but this art style just isn't doin it for me chief
god I love this issue though. the framing device of rewind’s movie is so so fantastic
tailgate listing off all his fake awards/accomplishments....ily 
rodimus my boy, you're a prime in my heart
the ‘not a decepticon’ label for cyclonus is so much hvbhkjfbskjf
I literally wanna comment on every single panel bc I love all the characters so much but then id be here forever...that being said whirl ily sm 
hvbjdfbhsfjhdfshja BRAINSTORM ‘according to perceptor - ships genius’ hvhdkjhbfhjs ily dumb gay idiot
and then the cut to perceptor after brainstorm like, blew up his lab vjbkdsfnbksjf dude
GODDDDDD drift ‘your name...defines you. it’s your soul expressed in syllables. hm? oh, yes, sorry. it’s drift.’ GOD he’s so fucking funny. I love early story hippy drift
god I cant stop thinking about how good this whole issue would be as an animated show...like, specifically rewinds film, it would be SO FUCKING GOOOOOOD mtmte show WHEN
rewiiiiind ;_; I fuckgin love rewind god. fellow video editing enthusiast....
ohhhh rodimus being embarrassed about his big speech at the beginning of mtmte....my boy I love u so much
gjhnbgehjsrkfbjksf magnus being suspicious of rewind oh my god. magnus ily but please, look at the lil guy, he’s a good boy, most of the time
the fuckgin footage that magnus removed hbvhakjbfhskf god. wasn't that intended to be footage of magnus dancing? I love him
minibot squad.....
and here it begins, the mystery stick rung question...
poor rung oh my god he’s just trying to polish his lil spaceship and people r throwing shit at him. taking Ls as per usual it seems
hand grenade tag hvbfjksdnfbkjdf love that callback
noooo rungs ship :( 
magnus’s censorship vhbhadkjfhdbhjsakjhfn
oh man I forgot about how they met that race of Transformers But More 
the one-upsmanship hbvkajsbehfjks
whirrrrrl lmao I love whirl sm
goddddd whirl just killing that other alien and ending the 16 million yr long civil war bvkjsdbfhjjkafs so fucking much
oh god oh god the ‘are you happy’ page, I'm not emotionally equipped to handle this like, ever
but I will say I feel like it would be EVEN MORE oof if it were milne or someone drawing it bc I feel like this art style takes away from some of the impact bc the expressions aren't really that...expressive? idk how to put it
anyways. every single answer destroys me!!! like even the happy ones, like chromedome and rewind and tailgate - well, in present time, none of those three are doing so hot, so that makes this just hurt 
and rung....that is so fucking depressing. jesus. this guy is so fuckng sad, somebody get him a friend stat
and swerve...ouch. this readthru I've really noticed how much early-mtmte swerve is not-so-subtly like, crying out for help bc he’s so alone and shit. jesus 
also brainstorms response is just plain ole sad w/context, but at this point in the story without context, it just seems very foreboding lmao. I'm realizing this readthru that brainstorm is very sketchy and ominous in a particular ‘is he evil?’ mad scientist sorta way in early mtmte
and then everyone else is also just so OOF in their own unique sad ways, but I think the worst out of everyone is drift....GODDDDDD. especially considering that at this point in the story, drift is this kinda goofy hippy guy, so seeing him just sit there with his face in his hand, not even answering the question...AND knowing that shortly after this he’ll end up banished...IT FUCKING HURTS M8!
meanwhile, the more upbeat ‘quest to see rungs alt mode’ continues...with an ‘alt mode party’ vhbadkjsdfnabskjf it looks so silly with a bunch of cars just sitting around a table lmao
I cant even tell who everyone is bc they so rarely turn into cars n shit lmaoooooo 
rodimus with the bucket on his head hbvhakjbfskjf I CANT
everyone’s reactions to thunderclash...i fucking love it
the fact that TAILGATE doesn't hate him, even though we’ve seen that tailgate tends to dislike people who are universally liked/who have achieved a lot of impressive things
rodimus you petty thot vbdkjbfdjhsakjdf ily
RODIMUS IS SO FUNNYYYYYY ‘I'm not making all these sacrifices and leading these guys into battle and being inspirational - I'm not doing that because it makes me look good’ RODIMUS VBHSKJDFNBKSJF
thunderclash talking about magnus’s article on typefaces....hdbksjfsdbkjgfb bro
POOR DRIFT bvhajkdfbhjkjsfd rodimus saying he ‘rehabilitated him’ oh my god
the whole spectralism thing...im sorry I cant get over how funny all this is vbakdjfbksjf thunderclash rlly b out here charming rodimus’s entire crew
and then ratchet comes in, calling tc ‘thunders,’ and tc immediately notices ratchets new hands (somehow) hvbkjfhbskjf truly amazing
it cracks me up that rodimus is all 😒😒 at thunderclash, even though as we come to find out, tc really IS That Perfect, and him complimenting rodimus isn't sarcasm at all lmao
the vis vitalis being a life support machine spaceship is a really cool concept tho
‘rescuing some orphans from an exploding sun’ I fucking cant
evil guy: [holds a gun to thunderclash’s head] 
rodimus: :D finally something doesn't go his way!
he’s so petty I’m..........dkdjhfdabhduifadijgl
and its the aliens from earlier! oooh
GODDD I forgot that swerve used rung in mystery stick mode to SCHWACK the guy
rung casually dropping the fact that the functionists like, experimented on him...there's a lot of implications there, and that'll certainly be explored more later...
the fact that his ID card says ‘rong’ hvbhjakhdsbfakhsjfn 
oughufadkfujbsfk the circle of light throwing wrenches n shit at skids...guys cmon vbhsdjkfnslfd
the circle of light is like ‘wtf you all have trauma and a bunch of weird unhealthy coping mechanisms this is wack byeeeee’ lmao
skids calling the lost light his home is rlly sweet tho
cant believe the religious space hippy cult is being so rude about a film made by a guy who died like a week ago. unreal 
cd finally figured out how to make the pffft sound, good for him
AUGHHHHH the fact that rewind used ‘little victories’ as the title of the film and that's something that chromedome said in the video ;_; I'm fucking inconsolable 
rodimus, despite his obvious posturing for the camera during the whole issue, comes off as surprisingly genuine when he says that he hasn't thought about his own future much, but wants the crew to have a happy ending....im gonna cry
‘who knows what's around the corner?’ tailgate, PLEASE don't say that, oh my god, 
OHHH mannnnNNNNN i love this issue SO MUCH. what a good fun emotional rollercoaster wrap-up to mtmte s1. god. 
like, this issue has it all - humor, drama, crippling sadness, intrigue, worldbuilding...it’s so excellent 
and getting to see rewind again hurts so bad but also I love him
ok quick mtmte s1 retrospective...god s1 is so fucking good. I'm gonna have to read more to say which chunk of mtmte I liked best but s1 is so fucking excellent that it might be my favorite. though its hard to pick bc there's so much good stuff later on too...whatever, the point is s1 is so so good
the plotlines and characters are fucking stellar. like I cant even believe how well Everything works, its very impressive. I cant really think of anything major that made me go ‘yeah could've done without that plotline/character’
I love how dedicated jro is to connecting everything. I've mentioned it before but basically every single moment in the series has payoff - what you initially think is just a funny moment, or a fluffy character establishment bit, ends up ALSO being an important plot point later, in some way
an example would be here w/rung and his alt mode - it just seems like a fun little B-plot for this issue, and seems to pretty neatly conclude with the reveal that rung was eventually classified as an ‘ornament’ (lmao)...but we later on get to see a lot more about this, both here and in the functionist universe 
and like, stuff like tailgate’s autobot lessons w/magnus - at first that can be seen as purely character establishment stuff, showing that magnus is a strict rule-lover and tg is a loveable try-hard good boy - but that becomes plot relevant in remain in light, with tailgate saving the day due to his knowledge of the autobot code (and its also character relevant, with magnus’s arc in remain in light). 
and I know this is like. a normal regular thing in writing, but I'm just very impressed about how cleanly jro pulls it off, and how many things he’s juggling at once, especially in early mtmte - it’s very ambitious!
and we gotta remember, this is a comic book. I've read a lot of comic books, and the quality is all over the place. a lot of writers bite off more than they can chew, and the story ends up kinda scattered as a result. 
another thing I see a lot in franchise writing like this is a lack of strong early character establishing due to the author assuming the readers are at least somewhat familiar with the characters already - which can be totally fair depending on where it is in the continuity, but other times it can come off as lazy
in mtmte, the cast is extremely well fleshed out, and not only that, the cast itself is unique in that there are a lot of relative unknowns (franchise-wise) - which I think was an absolutely brilliant move, because then jro was able to essentially create The Definitive Version of these characters - characters like swerve, brainstorm, chromedome, rewind, tailgate...mtmte is their baseline characterization, because they haven't really appeared in much else
this also allows for deviation from the franchise norms - again, a comic book classic is good writing being stifled by a need to stick to a certain status quo regard the characters, the world, the powers, relationships, etc
(I've mostly read DC comics, and some marvel, so I'm thinking superheroes w/all these comic comparisons)
so mtmte had a good recipe for genuine creativity in that the characters were relative unknowns, the plot was basically ‘space road trip,’ the status quo of ‘autobot vs decepticon war’ had been demolished throughout the entire franchise...so jro was able to take all that and run, and it turned out so fantastic
and luckily it isn't over yet! so many comics suffer from premature cancellation...and sadly mtmte/ll isn't exempt from this, as we’ll see later, but I've seen some awful ones, where comics are forced to wrap up in like 2 issues while in the middle of an arc. yikes. 
but another comic staple...one of my least favorite things about comics books in general...something that was basically responsible for driving me away from comics after reading a bunch...the dreaded crossover event
yep, even mtmte isn't immune to this unfortunate plague on the comic industry. crossover events are the absolute worst, and I'm saying this as somebody who adores crossovers (in concept more than execution usually). they SHOULD be my favorite, but unfortunately they p much always completely suck
they're essentially a ploy to get you to read the other ongoing titles, but they usually only serve to bog down whatever story you're reading to the point where you don't even wanna read that one anymore, let alone read all the other ongoings. at least, that’s been my experience 
it doesn't help that reading orders tend to be hard to find/keep track of, and that you need to go read the other series to know what's going on. I just hate it, like, I came here to read THIS series, I don't want a bunch of other series showing up too - even if I was reading two series, I wouldn't want them crossed over, because they're separate stories! augh!
I'm totally losing my focus here but my point is...crossover events suck, and mtmte unfortunately is involved in one. I have not read dark cybertron, and I'm not about to. I've heard nothing but bad things so I have no desire to inflict that upon myself 
soooo ill be reading through the tfwiki articles for those issues to give myself a better understanding of what went on - which is more than I've ever done in the past - and maybe ill even make a single post summarizing my thoughts on what I read in the wiki, lmao
but yea ill be skipping to the mtmte s2 stuff next 
phew ok I'm super tired, my vision keeps blurring out and stuff lmao. its time for bed, I probably have more thoughts but ill save them for later. for now...peace out!
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kittykat-creations · 6 years
Captain Underpants and the Harrowing Hostile Horror of Homophobia
Well, here it is! My first ever Captain Underpants fic! I think I sort of mix the three different versions, but this is supposed to be in the Netflix series universe. They’re in 6th grade. My friend knew she was bi at like 11, so I figure it’s not too far off for George to know.
This is George Beard and Harold Hutchins. George is the one in the beanbag chair with the bi tie and flattop. Harold is the one on the floor with the rainbow t-shirt and bad haircut. Remember that now.
Harold doodled at his spot on the floor, pausing to nibble at the end of his pencil and frown slightly. George was similarly stuck, tapping his pencil against the clipboard and staring at the paper filled with deadend comic ideas.
“Have any ideas yet?” Harold asked. “Maybe it would be easier to design a monster if I knew what it should be.”
“No.” George groaned and leaned his head back, staring up at the ceiling. “None of these work.”
Harold blew a raspberry and rolled onto his back, looking around the tree house. His eyes landed on George’s tie, and then on his own rainbow shirt. He sat up, grinning. “What if we do a coming-out issue for Captain Underpants!”
“A coming-out issue?” George repeated as Harold plopped down beside him in the beanbag chair.
“Yeah! Like, maybe he comes out as pansexual or something. And he gets a cool flag cape!”
“Ooh, I like that.” George nodded and started writing. “But what would the monster be? Some weird old dude trying to stop him?”
“...what about like, some kind of laser zaps the Captain and makes a monster based on what makes him happy? And instead it tries to upset him. And like, he starts to feel guilty and stuff, but then he gets help from all his friends from previous comics! Like a big superhero meetup!”
“So the monster like, represents homophobia?” George asked.
“...yeah.” Harold shrugged and scratched his arm, glancing the other way. “Yeah, kind of. But then at the end they defeat it by like, punching it away.”
“That's good, I like that,” George laughed. He quickly started writing, queuing Harold to settle back into his spot on the floor. He tried to think: what would a monster based on homophobia look like? Really super ugly. He laughed to himself and started to draw.
Captain Underpants and the Harrowing Hostile Horror of Homophobia
So this one time, Captain Underpants was flying around around the city looking for lunch, like hotdogs or something because yum, hotdogs, and he was so hungry. But then he found this parade thing, and everyone was wearing a bunch of colors and they had capes too! And Captain Underpants thought “There's a superhero parade! I'm a superhero I should join!”
And so he flew down to the parade, and he was like “Hey superheros, sorry I'm late, no one told me there was a superhero parade!” But it turns out it WASN'T a superhero parade, it was a gay parade, where like a bunch of people get together and celebrate being gay because, pfft, hello, it's awesome.
So Captain Underpants was like “Oh that sounds like fun! But what's gay?” ‘Cause he like, didn't know. And they were like “It's when you're a boy and you like boys, like like-like.” And Captain Underpants liked that, because he like-liked boys sometimes! But he also like-liked girls, and people who were like not either of those ‘cause he just liked everyone. And someone said “That's pansexual dude!” and Captain Underpants was like “Woah cool!”
And someone gave him like, a pansexual cape and Captain Underpants was like “I'm gonna tell all my friends!” But suddenly when he was flying off, a big laser shocked him like “Bzz bz-shck!” It was these mean alien dudes who wanted to test their new laser on poor Captain Underpants! And when they flew off a big ugly storm starting forming, and it had a really ugly face like this!
And the storm was like “I'm gonna make sure you're never happy, liking boys is gross!”  And Captain Underpants didn't see why because everyone at the parade was so nice, so he started fighting the storm! But it kept repeating all the mean stuff, and Captain Underpants started thinking that it was right!
But then a bunch of superheros appeared to help- it was all Captain Underpants’ friends! “What are you guys doing here!” He asked. “Well we’re here to help you beat up this storm!” And they did! It was like “Wham!” and “Pow!” and the storm was all “Noooooo listen to meeeeee!” But no one was listening ‘cause they were too busy beating him up!
When the storm was all gone, all the superheros high-fived and celebrated. Captain Underpants even told them about the parade and being pansexual! And they all gave him a big hug and joined the parade with him because it was awesome, the end.
“New comic! Brand new Captain Underpants comic, hot off the press!”
Kids flocked around George and Harold as they passed out copies of the new comic before classes started. The two boys even went up to Melvin, who was sitting by himself at his desk like always.
“New issue of Captain Underpants, Melvin. Sure you don’t want one?” George grinned and held out a copy. Melvin raised an eyebrow and took it, skimming the pages.
“...You made a comic about internalized homophobia?”
“Inta-what?” Harold blinked.
“Internalized homophobia.” Melvin rolled his eyes and handed the comic back. “It's when you're mad at yourself for being gay?”
“Oh,” George said. “Nah, they're just fighting a cranky monster.”
Melvin shook his head and went back to his book. “Whatever. I don't want a copy, just like every other dumb comic.”
“Whatever man.” George took Harold's hand and lead him off to continue handing out comics.
“George and Harold to my office. Now!”
The boys sighed and left their classroom, walking down the hall to the office.
“What do you think we did this time?” Harold asked.
“I dunno man. We haven't done any pranks yet today.” George held his chin in thought.
“Maybe he found out about the plan for tomorrow?”
“Eh, it's probably just because we made another Captain Underpants.” George shrugged. “Mr. Krupp hates them.”
They entered the office. Harold bit his lip, almost nervous. What if they were in trouble for the contents of the new issue this time?
“George and Harold.” Mr. Krupp sat at his desk, looking at the two of them over his fingers. “I wanted to talk to you about this comic.” He slid the newest Captain Underpants forward on his desk. Yup, they knew it.
“Ok, we get it, no more comics blah blah blah,” George said. “Is that it, can we go?”
“No, you-!” Mr. Krupp sighed and rubbed his face, his expression softening just a bit. “Boys, is- is anyone giving you any trouble? About this comic?”
“What?” They blurted together.
“I mean is anyone… being mean, because of what it’s about?” Mr. Krupp looked really weird about actually showing concern. George and Harold looked at each other, confused. Was this a trap or something?
“Nnnnoo…? Everyone’s cool,” George answered.
“Yeah, everyone likes it,” Harold agreed. “You’re not… mad?”
“Of course I’m mad! You’re not allowed to make these!” Mr. Krupp snapped, waving the comic. “But-” He pinched his nose. “No, I’m not mad because it’s gay. Are either of you boys- are you dealing with anything like the monster in this?”
“You mean people being mean? Isn’t that what you just asked?” George looked confused.
“No, I mean- what the monster itself is based on. That’s not just- it’s not just based on other people being mean, is it?” It was very clear that Mr. Krupp was uncomfortable with the conversation, which confused the boys even more.
“Oh, you mean that intalized stuff Melvin was talking about?” George asked. “Nah, I don’t think so.” Harold bit his lip, rubbing his arm and looking away at the floor. George leaned forward on his chair and looked over at him. “...Harold?”
“I don’t know, I-I guess what Melvin said kinda… made sense.” Harold shrugged.
“Ah jeez.” Mr. Krupp sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Listen kid, uh- I don’t know why you feel… like this, like if someone was mean to you or you’re just… yeah. But, uh- there’s nothing wrong with it. Ok? People are gay, it happens.”
“Thanks… Mr. Krupp,” Harold responded, blinking in shock. Mr. Krupp was never nice to them.
“Yeah yeah. Just get back to class.” George and Harold hurried out of his office before he could change his mind. “And don’t let me catch you making any more of these comics!” He glared out the door before looking back at the comic and lightly touching a finger to the pansexual cape Captain Underpants was wearing.
He almost smiled.
“That sure was weird, huh?” Harold asked as they walked back to class. “Mr. Krupp is never nice to us!”
“Yeah, weird,” George agreed. “Are you sure you’re ok, buddy?”
“Yeah, I’m- I’m fine.” Harold smiled a bit. “It’s good, man. I guess I’ve just felt kinda weird since we went to the future.”
George smiled back. “It must be weird, huh? I had to figure it out myself, you knew before you even knew! It’s kinda crazy.”
“Our lives are crazy.” Harold laughed.
Meanwhile, all the way up in space…
Three aliens were fighting over a remote in their U.F.O. The language was foreign, but anyone could tell that they sounded like teenagers. One of the aliens held the remote away from the other two, and a laser below the ship moved around wildly with the remote.
Suddenly, the remote was smacked to the ground and the button was pressed. The laser shot down towards Earth, making the aliens pause. One of them quickly jumped into the driver's seat and flew them off.
Back on Earth, George and Harold were walking around the playground at recess. Everyone was sitting around, reading the newest Captain Underpants issue.
“You know, I think this might be one of my favorite issues yet,” George said, and smiled as he held out the original copy of the issue.
“Yeah! I'm gonna be honest, I didn't think everyone would like it this much-”
Suddenly, the laser from the alien spaceship zapped Harold and knocked him backward.
“Oh my gosh!” George panicked and kneeled down next to his best friend, shaking his shoulder. “Harold, are you ok?” The boy groaned, and suddenly a storm began forming from his head. George gasped and watched as the storm grew bigger and bigger, and a big ugly face appeared on it as it towered over the school. The kids all screamed (as you do) and ran around in a panic as the storm monster started attacking the school.
“Uh-oh!” George cried. “Harold, we have to get Captain Underpants-!”
George was cut off when he pulled on Harold’s arm, but the boy didn't move. Instead, he was sitting on the ground and staring up at the monster with a mix of fear and despair on his face.
“Harold?” George waved his hand in front of Harold's face, but no response. “Come on, man! What gives?!”
“Leave me alone,” Harold sobbed- sobbed- Harold never cried- and pushed George's arm away, burying his face in his arms. George’s frown deepened; something was definitely wrong.
George ran off, bursting into the school to find Mr. Krupp. Chunks of the building broke off into the storm (how the school could afford repairs once a week George never knew), and all the kids were screaming and hiding under desks. As George ran, he crashed into exactly what- or rather, who- he was looking for.
“You!” Mr. Krupp yelled. “I know you have something to do with this! What did you-?!”
“No time!” George cried, snapping his fingers. Instantly, the man stripped to his underwear and grabbed a piece of red fabric from the school display, tying it around his neck.
“Tra-la-laaaa!” Captain Underpants announced.
“Captain Underpants, there's a storm attacking the school, you gotta hurry!” George dragged the superhero outside.
“Oh my! That doesn't look very nice!” Captain Underpants said, looking up at the face of the storm. It growled with sharp teeth, breaking away more of the school. A few kids were pulled into it and spun around the outside before being spat back out.
“You gotta stop it!”
“Oh yeah!” Captain Underpants laughed and flew towards the storm. As he tried to fight it, George looked around desperately for Harold. He was exactly where he had left him, only now laying on his side and crying heavily.
“Harold! Harold, buddy!” George ran over, kneeling down next to him. “What's happening to you, Harold?!”
“It's right, George!” Harold sobbed, covering his face with his hands. “It's right, I know it's right!”
“What are you-?” George jumped as Captain Underpants was slammed upside-down against the wall beside them.
“That storm keeps whispering mean things!” Captain Underpants frowned, righting himself and standing up.
“Whispering-?” George turned towards the storm, and, listening closely, he could hear what the superhero was talking about.
“You're just disgusting.”
“You know it's wrong. You know it. Freak.”
“Everyone hates you. They hate it. They hate you, because it's bad.”
“You dragged him down with you. It's your fault. It wouldn't have happened if you weren't-!”
George's eyes widened as he looked back at Harold. Was all that what he had been worried about?
“This storm is such a downer, man!” Captain Underpants flew back up to the storm, trying harder to beat it up. Harold screamed, doubling down around himself and wrapping his arms around his sides. The more Captain Underpants attacked the monster, the greater Harold's pain seemed to get.
And then George got it.
“Captain Underpants!” He yelled, trying to get the hero's attention. “CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS!”
“Huh?” He was knocked back out of the sky, landing a few feet in front of the boys.
“We can't attack it! It's hurting Harold!” George told him, trying to ignore the whispers in his ears. If he listened to them, he was sure he'd start to believe them.
“Hurting Harold?” Captain Underpants frowned. “But then how do we defeat it?”
George started pacing, trying to think. The whispers started to seep further into his mind, almost personalized- “At least they have the decency to pick a side-” George shook his head, growling. It wasn't bad, he told himself determinedly. It was normal! People all over the world were like them! It was fun!
A loud screech came from the storm, as if it were hurt. George gasped. His eyes widened.
“I think I know what to do!” George told Captain Underpants. “But we need help! Stay here!”
George hurried into the school, quickly looking around. Several other students were hiding, and some were throwing things at the storm in a futile attempt to hurt it.
“Erica!” George ran over to the girl, tugging at her arm. “Erica, we need help!”
“What are we supposed to do?” Erica asked.
“I think I figured it out, but the more people, the better,” George told her.
“Is this you imbeciles’ fault?!” Melvin snapped, popping up from under a table. “It always is!”
“We didn't do anything! This time! Look, I just need some help-” George ducked and covered his head as Captain Underpants broke through the ceiling with Harold in his arms.
“I think the storm is hurting Harold!” Captain Underpants frowned, setting him on the floor.
“What's going on with him?” Melvin asked.
“I dunno! Some weird laser thing zapped Harold and then this thing formed and it's saying mean stuff-!”
“It's saying homophobic stuff!” Melvin slapped his forehead. “You dolt, it's internalized homophobia!”
“Um, I don't hear anything!” A student spoke up.
“You can't hear it?” George and Melvin asked, confused. The girl shook her head.
“Ok, well, that's not the point!” George flinched and looked back at Harold. He went and kneeled next to him, lightly holding his shoulder. “Harold? Buddy?”
“I'm sorry, George. It's my fault you're-” Harold gulped and sobbed. “Y-you had a chance to- to be n-normal, bu-but I-”
“Harold, it's not your fault I like boys too,” George assured, helping him to sit up. “Y'know, thinking about it- do you remember that new kid in like, 3 grade that I kept wanting to prank?”
“Him?” Harold laughed a bit, sniffing and rubbing at his cheeks. George blushed and shrugged.
“Maybe! But it's not your fault. You just helped me like, figure out that boys are even an option. It's awesome!” The storm outside screeched loudly and growled.
Harold smiled softly, but then frowned and looked down. “But it's weird, isn't it?”
“Actually, homosexuality has been found and documented in about 500 species,” Melvin spoke up. “Humans are no weirder than the rest of the animal kingdom, save for we're the only ones with homophobia.”
“...can dolphins be gay?” Harold asked quietly.
“Mm-hm.” Melvin nodded. Harold grinned. The monster began to shrink and screamed, pulsing slightly.
“... Doesn't… doesn't everyone hate it? Me?” Harold asked quietly. George set a determined face and sat down next to his friend, hugging him tightly.
“We don't hate you, Harold,” Erica said, stepping forward.
“Yeah, we don't mind it,” another student agreed.
“I don't like you, but just because you're annoying.” Melvin folded his arms and looked away. “Not because you're gay. That's just mean.”
“You're super cool, yo!” Captain Underpants smiled. The other students nodded and spoke in agreement. Once more, the storm cried out and shrank even more.
“It’s shrinking!” Erica pointed out. At this point, the storm was trying desperately to get at Harold again- everyone could hear it shouting now.
“Harold, you can’t listen to it!” George held onto Harold’s shoulders. “You have to ignore it! It’s lying to you!”
Harold squeezed his eyes shut and covered his ears. “You’re wrong,” he said to himself- to the storm. “You’re wrong! You’re lying!” The storm kept shrinking and shrinking. “There’s nothing wrong with it! THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING GAY!”
The storm let out one final scream as it shrank and finally disappeared completely. Everyone froze for a moment before George and Harold laughed and tightly hugged each other.
“Woah! That was cool, it’s gone now!” Captain Underpants smiled.
“I can’t believe you were scared about… all that,” George said. Harold shrugged, resting his head on his best friend’s shoulder. He sniffed and rubbed at his face.
“I wasn’t, really. I didn’t believe any of it. But then it just got a lot… stronger.”
“I wonder where the laser came from,” George said. Suddenly, a pipe burst in the half-destroyed school and directly hit Captain Underpants. The boys burst into laughter as Mr. Krupp sputtered and came to.
“What- George, what did you do?! What happened to the school?!” Mr. Krupp yelled. “AND WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES?!”
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noccalula-writes · 5 years
Can you give us your detailed thoughts on Avengers: Endgame?
The basis of most of my gripes are: if Age of Ultron hadn’t been so shittily written, a lot of this could have been avoided. Not all of it, but a lot of it. But I’ll go line item by line item outside of that thought.
First off, Steve. Y'all already know I’m a Stucky shipper, but even outside of the context of the ship - and I fully support people who feel their relationship is platonic but very intimate as long as they have been supportive of how emotional their story is, let’s do that more with male friendships please - you have to admit that there has been no greater, longer standing or fucking emotional relationship arc through the entire goddamn MCU than Steve and Bucky. Platonic, nonplatonic, whatever. We literally watch Steve tear down a branch of the goddamn government to get Bucky back, and since the first movie, Bucky has been his emotional touchstone. Steve’s singular dedication to rescuing and protecting Bucky has driven him to the heights of recklessness and has made him nearly sacrifice himself a dozen times.
But he ditches out on him, after he’s been dead for five years no less, to go back to the fucking fifties and derail Peggy’s entire well-lived life.
I don’t buy it. I think this was purposeful diversion to avoid appearing “too gay”, and it fucking infuriates me. There is an article on The Daily Dot that explores this better than I even thought to and you should definitely read it.
The idea of Steve getting to live a full life and be happy? Wonderful. But the way this was executed felt cold, clinical. We’ve spent more time developing emotional bonds with Steve than any other character in the MCU except maybe Tony, and yet we the audience were completely shut out of his feelings for the entire last half of the very last film. It felt like a door had been closed on us. There was none of the warmth of Steve, only the resolve of Captain America, and a very rash decision that felt so poorly planned after he said barely two things to the man who has been the axis of most of his decisions in this entire series.
Sam is absolutely the right choice for Captain America, though. That was what I was hoping for, and he deserves the mantel.
Tony Stark, love of my life, was set up to make the martyr play from the very first Avengers film. This is where it was always meant to go, and I have spent every movie since AoU waiting for it to happen. Honestly, I feel like Tony’s arc was the one arena where everything was done right (except, I’ll be honest, I don’t know how I feel about him having had a kid - I’m not mad at it, though). If you follow me you know I don’t think he and Pepper had real staying power no matter how much they love each other, but I also never anticipated that he’d be with anyone else, so this wasn’t a disappointment (I love Pepper, to be clear). I was proud of him. I was sorry he wouldn’t get to see Morgan grow up, but I was proud of my man saving the world.
I love him with all my heart. He’s made dumb decisions but when the metaphorical knife was against his throat, he came correct with absolute resolution.
Wanda might as well have been a cardboard cutout, which on one hand was fine because she had way more screen time in Infinity War than she’s had anywhere else since AoU (shudder), but she’s been reduced to this background character who got shipped off with Vision just so she’d have something to do (and yes, I know it’s comic canon, but it was so out of left field in the MCU that there was no way this wasn’t a factor in). Wanda is a wealth of possibility for a storyteller - think about the grief this character has endured (consider my consider, Wanda Maximoff diatribe from yesterday) and how she’s learned to use her power. Think about the evolution of going from a volunteer for a program to literally become a mutant to fight the Avengers and then becoming one and losing your fucking twin brother, the only constant in your life. Think about having to kill the only person you could try to put a life together with. Think about all of that and tell me she hasn’t been wasted in the background.
(Also - how in the fuck is Steve gonna tell his black best friend Sam that he preferred the fifties? Really? )
This brings me to what I think is easily the most egregious of all the fuck-ups in this movie - Clint and Natasha. This is where we can draw a direct line back to the problem in AoU, when Joss “Feminist Icon” Whedon decided that dropping a house, wife and 2.5 cardboard-ass kids we got zero development time on was a better answer than, oh, actually developing Clint as a character. Partially this was to promote Brucetasha, which as we all know went so fucking well through the rest of the movies, but subverting what he felt was the “obvious” ship for Nat (the irony of this being he said something along the lines of “well, Bruce and Nat made so much more sense to me” and pulled some lame ass Beauty and The Beast allegory out during an Entertainment Weekly interview about AoU and it’s ended up becoming one of the most hated creative decisions in the MCU as of yet.
Listen, if you want Clint and Natasha’s deep and intimate and formative relationship to be platonic-only, I’m cool with that. I ship ‘em but I also love male-female friendships that mean the entire world to the involved characters and are not romantic. But we were given a decision in AoU that was eliminated so many future possibilities and put us on the path we’re on now.
If you know Clint as a character, you know that he’s a loveable fuckup. THat’s kind of his schtick. I have no idea how they plan to make that work in the supposedly-happening Hawkeye series based on Matt Fraction’s run given that now we’ve got Clint married with kids and Natasha dead, but okay. Endgame takes Clint’s grief and weaponizes it, but naturally, we only ever see him killing people of color (they mention he killed a Mexican cartel, we see him going after Yakuza) ((if you couple this with the shaved haircut and the shitty Japanese-inspired sleeve, you start venturing dangerously close to white supremacist territory)).
Clint is dark and broken, and Natasha saves him - just like how Natasha was dark and broken, and Clint saved her. By not dying. So. I mean.
As I’ve said in another ask, here’s the thing: I would have been okay with Natasha making the sacrifice play if there had been no Bartons to bring back. I still would have been furious if they hadn’t loophole’d her ass back - What happens when Steve returns the soul stone? Do you get back what you paid for it? - but the idea that we had to trade the original female member of the team - the closest thing to diversity they had being a white woman is terrible but here we are - for one of the shittiest, most sloppily written things that Joss Whedon plunked down on a page? My blood boils.
It’s been like 4 days and I am still just beside myself angry about Natasha Romanoff. Furious. I love her and Clint and I don’t undersell the strength of their relationship but at the end of the day, she died so a man could go back to his family, because nuclear families are more important and Natasha has no one. I guess. I don’t know. I’m so fucking mad.
That pandering-ass “we’re doin’ us a feminism” scene of all the women fighting together, even though it made zero logistical battlefield sense and most of them didn’t even know each other, felt even more gross and cheesy and self-congratulatory considering what had just been done to one of the most important women in the series. But hey. We got a shot of a lot of women fighting. Hashtag feminism.
Thor’s ending was okay. Thor’s arc was pretty good. The fat jokes were shit but I loved the idea of Thor still being worthy even when he’s not who he used to be. I nearly came when Cap caught Mjolnir. Conceding New Asgard to Valkyrie was super smart, and I like that he’s going to go figure himself out with the Guardians.
Speaking of, Gamora’s whole story has made me feel gross. As the daughter of an abusive stepfather who also loved me a lot when he wasn’t being a monster, it def made me squirm. But the reality is I don’t give enough of a shit about any of the Guardians to care about what happens to them other than Thor, so. Chris Pratt can eat my entire ass.
The things it got right - pacing an insane amount of action in a way that never stalled, executing a beautifully woven and inlaid sacrifice arc for Tony, Paul Rudd in general - are so much smaller than the things that were just… gapingly terrible.
Did Bruce even get an ending? Did anyone remember what the hell he said he was gonna do? He got lost somewhere in the shuffle and I legit have no idea what his ending was.
Ugh. I need some ibuprofen and a nap. I’m gonna go back to writing my Natasha sex-shop au in which SHE WILL NEVER EVER EVER DIE FOR CLINT’S STORY DEVELOPMENT and wish I still drank.
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toongrowner · 6 years
Personal Update and accepting new commissions
Oh boy... what a week... after finishing the last commission, I made plans on not accepting new ones until the next week (basicly tomorow), so I have time to work on some own material. So I made sure to finish everything IRl stuff as quick and good as possible so I'm ready and guess what happens... one small shopping trip on wednesday and suddenly my back and my neck decided to go full pain mode on me.... -_- Of course I immediately took care of it, but as you can see, it cause this week to be quiet art-less... -_- Well today it seems my back and neck are slowly, but finally going to recover, but I'm still planning to may see my doctor tomorow, just to be sure. So what about commissions now for this week? Well do to unexspected costs (including stuff like new shoes), I decided to keep this part of the original plan, and I will except new commissions from tomorow on. Just write me a note, skype me (toongrowner there as well), or send me a chat message on tumblr and I will try my best to reply as soon as possible. If you allready asked for a commission this week, well same goes for you, but I probably allready told you that. So yeah, I willa ccept new commissions, but as allways be aware that it took take a while for me to finish them, specially with my back and neck still needing to recover a little, and me still wanting to work on some own ideas. This honestly is something that scares me a little when I have commissions to do, that someone might get mad if I post an own idea, while a certain commission isn't done yet... probably a dumb fear, I have to get over with, so please show some patient and understanding. Now to the commission rules: Keep in mind that I handle my commissions the following way: You tell me what you want, and I will draw you a ruff sketch (for free) of what the finaly product will/could look like. If you are happy with the sketch, you can send me the money to the paypal adress I will name you and as soon I got the money, I will work on the commission as soon as possible (but again, please be patient, cause it could take a little while from time to time. Keep in mind I have a real life as well and some own projects to work on). Prizes: One character = 8€/ $10 + one more character = 8€/ $10 + speciffic Background = 10€/ $12 Comics: 10€/ $12 for each panel. A few rul and suggestions regarding commissions: 1) Teen Titans related stuff. A lot of people seem to ask me for teen titans recently, but the thing is, I never actually watched the original show (or any of the movies) and also I don't really like to draw this semi-realistic/anime like, kind of style, cause I'm not actually that good in drawing this style. So my suggestion, if you ask for teen titans (same for ben 10 actually) related stuff, please allowe to draw it at least in a slightly more cartoonisch or stylized style. Or if you are one of the very few people who actually likes Teen Titans Go, feel free to ask for this one. Would love to make some commissions based on this show (I'm not saying that TTG is better than the others, only that I enjoy the show and like it's style) 2) Same goes with anime style. I'm okay giving certain anime characters a try, but then in a more cartoonish style. 2) boring pin-up basicly a picture with character doing nothing but standing in a sexy pose. I don't mind looking at these kind of pictures but drawing them is kinda boring for me. If you want some kind of pin-up picture, please try to think of something that makes it a bit more unique and creative. Also keep in mind: Nothing against big boobs, but small boobs can also be nice. And one last thing: Please nothing with a beach or a shower. I recently drawn some of these realtive often (I don't post every commission I do for someone) and beaches and showers are quiet boring to draw as well. 3) Powerpuff girls as teen If possible, nothing like this. Theyre anatomy (big head, no fingers and stuff) makes it often quiet difficult to work with, when trying to portray them as adults. 4) comics Comics are a lot of work, so please keep them kinda short, also.... I kinda would like to do some more transformation comics, but a bit more than just gender bender (I love gender bender, but drawing this over and over can get quiet exhausting. Like how many different times can you draw someone growing boobs). Feel free to ask for other kinds of transformations as well, like turning into an animal, a robot, a different species, an object, a "speciffic" body part (absorbtion, assymilation) or anything the like. Just saying this cause maybe some of you where allready thinking about this but where not sure if I actuall draw this kinda stuff. I'm okay with vore too, but maybe keep this to single pictures. If you wanna ask for some other kind of comic, please keep in mind that characters stay in character. 5) Erotic art I'm okay with drawing erotic art (or really really weird stuff), but this may could take the longest. Also keep in mind that it is much more fun working on a erotic art, if you can play a littel with style and perspective. So please don't be bothered too much, if certain body parts are not visible because of a certain style or pose. Also please don't ask for multiple versions of the same picture, this would take extra long. 6) A little hold back on crossdress Nothing against crossdressing, but I got these kind of commissions quiet a lot. It just bothers me a little cause I prefer gender bender over crossdressing. 7) OC's and shipping totally okay with drawing oc's. Only thing that bothers me, if you pair up your OC (or yourself) with a popular cartoon character. I don't know what kind of person you and/or your OC are exactly, so it makes shipping pictures with them really difficult. Like when I do shipping pictures, I do need to feel the chemistry between the cahracters, and with OC's/real people, I can't really do that. 8) Guy x Guy Someone on tumblr asked my how I feel about gay art (guy x guy). Nothing against it, but it's usually not my cup of tea, at least there is quiet rarely a gay picture I find interesting... nonetheless, I would be willing to give it a try. So if you want me to draw a guy couple, feel free to ask. Of course I will not accept any idea. The characters should kinda find together in my mind. Same goes with every other kind of shipping. Thats all for now, if I got something more to tell ya, I will update this (or make a new journal). Hope to hear from you soon and looking forward to doing business with you. ^^ One last random note: I finally got into Milo Murphy. It didn't got me much at first, but when Milo finally teamed up with these time travelers, the show got more interesting to me, not to mention the surprise at the end of season 1. Not sure yet if I will do fan-art of the show (need some ideas first, but feel free to commission if you like. ), but I'm glad I finally got into it. ^^ It's quiet a fun show... thought the songs are not as amazing as in PnF (with the exception of "we are going to the zoo XD)
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wehavenoheroes · 7 years
Some paladin headcanons yo
*HUNK* -He has anxiety which is kind of shitty when you have the pressure of /the whole universe's fate/ upon your shoulders -But he has been living with it for quite the time so he knows more or less what he has to do to calm himself down during a panick attack or a breakdown! -Still, there are moments when everything is simply overwhelming and he just need a shoulder to cry onto and someone to listen and rub his back (you've heard of Hunk helping Lance when he's homesick, now get ready for Lance helping Hunk when the situation is /just too much/) -He loves music with a passion (in part because it helps him with his anxiety), so he is the kind of friend who is ALWAYS singing. Humming some tunes while cooking or working on a new invent with Pidge, singing 80's pop songs in the shower; soft, relaxing ballades when someone in the team just can't sleep -Just imagine the paladins in an alien planet gathered around the fire and waiting for Allura and Coran to come pick them up, Hunk randomly starts singing a campfire song and everyone just goes with it -Coran teaching him some popular altean songs and being so excited when Hunk is!!! Genuinely!!! Interested!!!!! And now he sings them from time to time and it brings Coran, oh, so many memories -Okay so Hunk is a nice guy we all know that BUT let me tell you he ain't someone to mess around. Nu-huh. This one time Lance had one of his brilliant ideas for a late night plan and Hunk HAD warned him it would go wrong but Lance just wouldn't listen. In the end they both got grounded and Hunk was pretty mad at Lance so he decided to play a prank on him. Long story short, ended up without eyebrows. -Hunk then felt bad about it so he helped Lance every morning to paint them on his face until they grew back -Spoiler: as we all know Lance didn't learn his lesson -He has too moms! One of them (his biological mother) is samoan, the other one is british. He also has loooots of cousins. -He had some plants in his room back at home, sometimes he just wonders if they are doing well -Can't draw to save his own life -Has one one of this loud laughs that make you laugh too - *Keith*: -makes a super good comeback to some bitchy comment from Lance - *Hunk*: -Bursts out laughing super hard because that was just too good- *Lance* : -Betrayed Look™- *Hunk*: -Wiping off a tear- I'm sorry man, I just wasn't expecting that -When he is laughing a lot he will go into that Silent Mode™ where you can see he is laughing but he isn't really making any sound??? Also his belly will start bouncing -Once Lance made him laugh so hard he had to lay down afterwards -Have you seen the vine with the guy that says "So I'm sitting there, barbacue sauce on my titties..." and the girl loses her shit? That's them. *PIDGE* -Ticklish as hell. Literally _everywhere_ -Behind her knees and her armpits are her worse spots -This may seem adorable but *no*. She writhes and kicks when she's being tickled -She once hit Matt on accident while he was tickling her and made his nose bleed -Poor guy wasn't expecting that -She's a bit of a picky eater but mama & papa Holt raised her well so she always tries to eat everything when someone cooks for her -Back at home, Matt would be the first one to see her new invents, now Hunk and Shiro are! -She has never really had a crush, she isn't really interested in that for the time being, but she's starting to suspect that she prefers girls over boys -She suffers from migraines, and her head hurts a lot when she is tired -At that times she just needs to lay down in complete darkness and maybe a friendly hand massaging her temples -LOVES HORROR FILMS/BOOKS/VIDEOGAMES -Tbh she just loves anything related to horror and creepy stuff -She follows a bunch of youtube channels related to that -Has never shaved and doesn't plan on starting anytime soon -She is usually talks with memes and references to the pop culture. -She enjoys how practical and comfortable her short hair is but sometimes she looks at Allura or Keith and wishes she still had her long hair -She has an inside joke with Keith and they just start randomly singing the x-files theme and laugh their asses off - Lance: I can't find my jacket, I was sure I left it here yesterday Keith: -whistles the x-files song- Pidge: -snorts- *LANCE* -When he was a kid he watched HSM. It changed his life. -He became Sharpay, he knew all of her songs and dialogue by heart. He forced his older brother to play Ryan -On his 9th birthday his parents got him a pink boa and a toy mic because he had been asking for those LITERALLY NONSTOP for six months -When the mic ran out of batteries the whole neighbourhood was relieved -If you tell him you prefer camp rock over hsm he will lose faith in you -Says "holy moly" and "see you later, alligator" completely unironically -He has an ongoing battle about this, because he firmly belives it makes him sound cool but no one agrees -Only Shiro supports him -He can really sing. Like. The boy has some pipes. -Once they were at the common room hanging and Hunk and him started singing disney songs but when they got to Poor unfortunate souls he got over excited and really went for it -Allura droped the mug she was holding when he hit the high notes -Now sometimes he and Hunk will go around singing and everyone just listen to them feeling Blessed™ -he tried to give himself an earring -it did not end well -at all -His low self esteem comes in part from his early teen years, when puberty hit him. He got really really tall really soon. He was enven thinner and lankier than he his now and a couple assholes made a lot of fun of him because of it. -Now he is comfortable with his body though he wishes it was easier for him to gain muscle -Hunk and him met when they were 14 and really bonded over their insecurities and comforted each other, happy to have found someone who UNDERSTOOD -loves makeup and used to wear a lot of fun eyeshadows looks back on earth (only on weekends though, it was forbidden to wear makeup at the garrison). He really misses it -His favourite band is The cat empire! *KEITH* -He eats A LOT. And when I say a lot I mean he could devour a pot of spaghetti all by himself and still be hungry for dessert. -He likes everything but has a sweet tooth -Always wears socks. Dumb socks. -He has ones that he found at a dollar store that have an orange sonic and under it THE NINJA TURTLES written in comic sans -they are his favourites -found out he was gay thanks to watching gerard way dance in mcr lives on youtube -he was his first crush -aaah, adolescence, what a beautiful thing -Despises Jack Black for some reason. He refuses to watch his films -Has long hair because he is way too lazy to cut it -Kinda uncomfortable with romantic relationships? Like maybe he has a crush but still he wouldn't know how to maintain a relationship with him. Really wants to try tho -Sings The death of a Bachelor shouting in the shower -how do I LIIIIIIIIVEEEE - Shiro: wow Keith, it's 6am and you are already up, you really woke up early today Keith: -with bloodshot eyes twitching after 6 coffes and 8 hours watching conspiracy documentaries- what.
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cloppyreads · 7 years
After The Fact: Love Stands With Pride
It’s done. The final chapter was posted on Sunday. If you haven’t read it yet, go read it , because everything I’m about to say is related to it. 
Oh boy. What a ride this has been, more of a ride than I thought it was going to be, for more than one reason. Before I get into it, I want to thank everyone who has read, upvoted, commented, followed me and most importantly, those who have shared it with others. I also want to give thanks to Drummermax64 for all of his reviews on every chapter, and for being so easy to work with on helping to get it featured on ZNN. Additionally, I want to give another big thank you to WinterBunny for making the art that inspired the story, and kenalbus for giving me the rights to use the image you’ve been seeing for months as cover art. And finally, big thanks to @steelquill for proofreading every chapter, and helping me out when I occasionally wasn’t sure what to do with the little details of the story; I don’t say it enough, but Quill’s eyes help make my story just a little bit better than they usually would have been without him taking a fresh look at them. 
With that said, I feel like there are some things I need to address with what happened with releasing the story, and the strong response it got, and not in the good way (mostly because of the first chapter, not so much because of anything following it). That said, everything below the read more line is going to be a (mostly) unfiltered rant/ramble from yours truly concerning everything that had to do with me releasing the story and the flames it generated from so many people. I’ll try to keep it PG-13 since the story itself is SFW, but like I said, the filter is pretty much coming off here. 
Alright, so everyone knows how blown away I was by the Zootopia movie, I don’t need to go into that story, it’s been said numerous times, same thing about how taken I was with the whole WildeHopps shipping thing and how badly I want it to be canon. For a couple months I’d been enjoying fanart SFW and NSFW alike, when out of nowhere on tumblr, I came across this. 
Do you ever come across a picture that’s not only beautiful, but also makes you think “you know what? This feels right.”? That’s what happened with this picture. I don’t think there’s a single detail out of place or that I disagree with here. The proposal is happening in the same place that Judy poured her soul out to Nick when she’d hurt him unintentionally, and she’s pouring her soul to him once again here. Judy’s the one doing the proposing, because she’s the assertive type while Nick struggles to let his emotions out. Nick’s tearing up because once that chord has been struck with him, it’s hard for him to keep himself composed. I myself have always liked Nick for a number of reasons, but one of them was because I didn’t see him as much of a masculine male. He’s got a slim build, he’s not overly courageous, and he has that emotionally frail side of his even if he keeps it hidden. With all that in mind, seeing Judy take what’s usually associated with the male’s role and proposing to him just made my heart leap, and I knew I had to write something about it.  Thing is, I didn’t want to just write a one-shot chapter and be done with it. Those are fun to write, and they can sometimes do well, but more often than not they’re appreciated for maybe a week and then forgotten forever. I didn’t want that to happen; I felt like this scene deserved to be part of something bigger and that it deserved more spotlight. So, I started thinking of a bigger story to attach it to. Something with ups and downs and some drama and some heartache only for these two to help lift the other up when they’ve been beaten down. To me, it felt like interspecies discrimination was the way to go. Yes, I know that Bucky and Pronk are technically not the same species, and there’s comics that have depicted some mammals asking other species of mammal out, so some people are saying it’s not an issue in the city. Sure, that’s a possibility; the other possibility is that some mammals are okay with it, while others aren’t, and there might not be anything the city government can do to stop interspecies couples from dating but they haven’t updated their laws to allow them to marry. So many what-if’s and loopholes and technicalities that haven’t and might not ever be answered by Disney (unless they just stun us all and make that the message of the sequel) that I thought it was a fine subject to approach. 
So, movie hype is in full swing, everybody loved the message that Zootopia had to teach about prejudice and politicians using fear to keep those in their groups united against groups they don’t like, racism is bad, yaddah yaddah yaddah. What does America do? They elect the guy who wants to build a wall across Mexico, ban Muslims from entering the U.S, and also ban transsexuals from joining the military (oh, but he’s FINE with gay marriage! Isn’t that the ONLY thing that matters???) Good job, guys. I’m sure that’s what everyone who worked on the movie was aiming for you to do. Way to go.  So yeah, that obviously upset me, and surprisingly enough, it upset a lot of other people too. So I thought to myself “hey, I’ve got this fanfic in my queue that’s about Nick and Judy overcoming prejudice to not only get what they want, but what a lot of other mammals want too. If they’re engaging in a political scuffle, it only makes sense to have a political villain at the head of it all, right?” Also I wanted to be topical, and since I was still feeling betrayed by my country, I thought I could be both topical and let off some steam by making the villain of my story be an obvious caricature of The Annoying Orange. I figured that since there are a VAST amount of people who hate Drump, that might get a laugh out of people, even if it also ticked off a lot of others. So, I spent Jan-May pouring my blood, sweat and tears into this story, which even before it was done being edited and revised into the final version, I was damn proud of. It was the longest story I’d completed (sorry Scales fans, that story is pretty much dead), and I thought I’d spun a neat little tale about conflict, the struggle to overcome it, and a happy ending, but mostly shipping moments galore. I knew I was going to get some flack for throwing the Crybaby in Chief under the bus, but I figured it’d be pretty small and not amount to much. 
The response I got?
Ho-ly-Crap. You’d have thought I cut off his head and played basketball with it, people were so angry (I mean, NOT angry, just very very vocal about how “not angry” they were xD). 
For more detail on the heated responses I got, check out “Dumb Fanfic Author Reads Salty Comments” 
Look, I get what some people are saying, that my character Remus Trunk isn’t an “accurate portrayal” of Donald Trump. I understand that, and this is going to shock some of you, but I wasn’t going for that. I had no intention of making Remus so accurate of a portrayal to Donald that you could confuse the two of them for each other. All I wanted was to throw in a few likenesses that readers could figure out who I was parodying. And given the fact that so many people responded along the lines of “hurrrrr, that’s not what DONALD TRUMP would say!” then you obviously understood who I was referencing, so mission accomplished for me! 
People acted like I was somehow hurting... something... I don’t know what... by posting this fic with a caricature of Trump. I think they forgot that we live in a country where hundreds of comedy shows constantly make their own parodies of him because they have a right to do so, and they know people enjoy it. Yeah, people on the Red side sure like to complain about how PC-liberals are taking away their free speech to the point they can’t even talk, but you say one word about their president-senpai? “Hey man, shut up! You can’t say that! That’s not fair! Ugh, you’re so mad!” Dude, your candidate won, what more do you want? You want a medal for it and a pat on the back that you made the right choice? People are going to voice that they disagree with you: get over it.  Now before everyone starts thinking I’m just lashing out at people who disagree with me, I’d like to point out there were more than a few people who voiced their criticism in a composed and level headed way. They said to me something along the lines of “I think it’s unfair that you’re not representing that there are some level headed people on the opposing side” or “I’m not really interested in reading politics in fanfiction so this isn’t up to my tastes”. And that’s fine. I’m more than okay with people voicing their disagreements with me as long as they aren’t doing it with a tone that sounds like they’re verbally flipping me off. 
Regardless, publishing this story showed me that the Zootopia fandom, like every other fandom, indeed has its dark side. Right around my first chapter being published was when I noticed that the fandom was throwing a tantrum over Borba’s comic “I Will Survive”. I mean, the lengths that people went to to trash Borba and try to discredit everything about that comic was baffling. Yeah, I read the comic, and it was very depressing, and it doesn’t line up with MY headcanon of what Nick and Judy would do in that situation (Nick actually yes, but not Judy so much) but you know what? It’s not my story, and it’s not my headcanon. And apparently it’s not Borba’s headcanon either. He’s still a wildehopps shipper, even though that one story showed them breaking up. He wrote it because he wanted to try something different. He’s not trying to make a continuing timeline or anything; he’s just writing and drawing out ideas because he wants to express them. It’s called being creative. And that’s what I did too: I had an idea, wanted to express it, and that’s what I did. I don’t think we should be crucified for bringing our ideas to the public. We can be criticized sure, it’s healthy if presented in a constructive way. But if all you’re giving us is “I don’t like it!” or “This makes me (not) angry!” then it’s just proving to us that there’s a portion of the Zootopia fandom that really needs to grow up. 
So, do I have any plans to make other fanfics with caricatures of politicians I don’t like? Nope, not that I can think of. I’ve got a TON of story outlines all piled up on one another, but none of them have anything to do with politics. But that’s just because I haven’t seen any reason to do such a thing yet. I have not been intimidated by any of the man-children who pitched a fit in my comments section trying to dissuade me from talking mean about their president-senpai, so if I happen to be stricken with an idea where some political content might help the story I’m trying to tell, I am sure gonna do that, and I’m going to feel ZERO regret for doing it. Keep in mind, I’m not some rebel trying to start a political uprising: I’m just trying to tell some stories and entertain readers, while also improving my own craft. Even though these are fanfics, I do take this craft very seriously, and I want to keep improving my storytelling abilities. I’ve been doing it for about five years now, and I have no intention of stopping anytime soon (I might have to stop writing fanfics some day in the next couple years, but I seriously want to keep writing SOMETHING for the rest of my life). 
WITH ALL THAT OUT OF THE WAY, you guys probably want to know about coming stories in the future. I was going to do a little blurb about it here, but I felt it better to give that topic its own post. To read up on what I’ve got planned for the coming months, read Plans For The Future (Ramble)
Other than that, just want to say thanks to everybody who follows me and reads my crap, hope you enjoy more of it in the future. Peace out. :) 
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tessatechaitea · 8 years
Batman #17
Is Finch afraid that if he looks too closely at a male mouth for reference purposes, he might become gay?
You know that feeling when you've just finished writing a novel and printing it up so you delete the file on the computer so it can't be stolen and then go to your printer and get the pages and accidentally throw them in the wastebasket nearby that's still on fire? I hate that feeling. I find myself checking in on Twitter far more than I ever have before since the election. Mostly because the few people I follow are liberal which means they know how to create funny jokes. It must suck to be a conservative if you like to laugh because mostly when you laugh at jokes conservatives like Huckabee tweet, you're only laughing because in that way that screams, "This isn't an actual physical reaction to something funny but an acknowledgment that I completely and utterly agree with the words you strung together in just the right kind of way that I could tell it was supposed to be a funny joke. Err, ha ha!" That's not to say all heathen liberal atheist monsters are funny! Here's a good example of the big fat colored-in part of the pie chart of Twitter (as opposed to the little splinter that represents people being creative and unique and hilarious):
"Hey! Look at this headline that makes a point! Now read my tweet where I restate the point, just in case you were too stupid to understand it. Although my restating of the point is almost exactly the same as the point in the headline so if you didn't understand that, I suppose you won't understand this tweet. So you're probably thinking, 'Why was this tweet needed?', right? Fuck you. I'm hilarious at hot takes that were already made!"
Anyway, that's most of Twitter. People tagging jokes by making the same joke yet less subtly. I'm not sure why people ever expand a tweet to read the replies because conversation on twitter is like going out to the dog park and comparing the taste of the various dog dirt you find lying in the grass. You might be wondering, "Is this a review of Batman or Twitter?" If you are, you shouldn't limit your life experiences. Sometimes when you plan to do something and the plan falls apart because the person lied about the plans (like, say, you wanted to read a Batman #17 review and instead got a review of Twitter), you should not think, "Well, this is crap!" You should instead embrace this life detour and think, "The person who lied to me and wasted my time is probably a super cool person who has had so much sex, how can I be mad?" Now that we've established my credentials of being super cool and having had so much sex I can hardly feel my crotch due to nerve damage, let's get to Batman! When we last left Batman, he and Alfred had just walked into the Batcave where Dick, Damian, and the Dumb One were hanging by their necks with a three word message painted on their chests, one word on each dead kid: Am I Bane? So they're probably dead. This issue will probably start with a funeral but then it will turn out not to be the funeral of these dead Robins but the other one. Nope. It doesn't begin that way at all. I guess I'm not as good at writing comic books as I am at playing Tracer on Overwatch. Lately when I play, I begin as McCree because come on! Gunfighter! Even if his ultimate almost always fails, the times it doesn't make me call my mother to tell her how much I probably love her (in theory). But if I'm doing poorly as McCree, I'll switch to Tracer and then the other team is all, "What the fuck just happened? What has changed? Why are we dying all the time?! Who let this lesbian punk rock maniac out of her cage?! And why won't she stop calling me a wanker when I die?!" Then they call their mother to tell her she's a fucking whore. Oh! Sorry! This was supposed to be about Batman! So, um, this issue begins in a hotel with Bronze Tiger ordering a shotgun blast to the stomach from Room Service. I wonder how much that set him back? That's just some kind of prologue to get everybody's genital juices flowing. Maybe that was inappropriate to the people reading this blog who don't find violence sexually alluring. The real beginning (Oh! I just watched the fourth episode of Season Two's Little House on the Prairie and it was called "In the Big Inning". Get it?! So clever!) begins in the Fortress of Solitude (located either in the Arctic or the Antarctic, depending on which dumb writer is currently writing). Apparently Dick, Damian, and the Dumb One didn't die (just as I predicted! Who else would have predicted that? Not you dum-dum comic book readers!). They just lost consciousness which allowed Batman to fly them all up to the Fortress of Solitude where Superman has some cryogenic chambers lying around. He threw them all in and has now asked Batman to babysit them while he goes after Bane. Why would he call Superman? Wasn't Supergirl given the Fortress? Preboot Superman has his own Fortress in the Himalayas. Having three kids stuck in freezers will seriously hamper Supergirl's social life. How creepy will it be fucking that Ben kid in the Fortress with their dead faces staring at Supergirl's naked bum going up and down and up and down and maybe sideways? Do butts go sideways when people do it? Alfred Pennyworth busies himself with Gotham Girl's therapy. Disguised as Jeremiah Arkham (who was recently shot in the face), he sneaks Gotham Girl into the most isolated wing of Arkham where Psycho Pirate is being kept. He has to keep her safe for the next four days while Batman hunts down Bane. Bane is Batman's most dangerous foe! At least for this story since Bane is the antagonist of this story. Next story arc, the most dangerous foe might be Penguin or Mad Hatter or Kite-man. If not for his terrible ability to draw the lips of men, I would have forgotten David Finch was doing the art for this issue. But I would have quickly been reminded when I turned the page and discovered a double splash page of Batman on a rooftop saying, "I have mine." Mr. King and Mr. Finch, I would like to not commend you on your use of comic book pages. What was so dynamic about that shot of Batman that it needed to waste two full pages of story? He's simply brooding on a roof with a clock tower in the background. We've seen this shot millions of times in Batman comic books over the years. Making it larger doesn't make it more compelling. Later, Room Service decides to head out of the hotel to shoot Catwoman.
What does Room Service have against characters with feline names? Jerko.
Room Service goes after Jim Gordon next. I don't get it. How is the name "Commissioner James Gordon" in any way catlike? Because he doesn't have a cat name, James Gordon doesn't wind up getting shot. He shoots Room Service and Room Service's friends, Housekeeping and Night Clerk. With the help of Duke, Batman's unnamed sidekick (although people keep telling me his name is Lark because of a dumb vision in Batman #35. I refuse to call him Lark until he's actually called Lark because it's a dumb name that evokes a sense of flippancy that Batman would never allow), Gordon survives the onslaught. But then Bane crashes through the wall like the Kool-Aid man on bath salts and the scene ends. The episode ends with Batman still hunched on the roof where he had his double splash appearance. Across the way, Bane is on another rooftop with all of his captives: gutshot Bronze Tiger, backshot Catwoman, severely beaten Commissioner Gordon, and was supposed to stay out of this Duke Thomas. I guess it's time for Batman to beat the shit out of Bane. Although, I suppose what this story has been hinting at, is that Bane is more dangerous suffering through the withdrawals of Venom (which, I guess, never end unless you have a Psycho Pirate to comfort you?) than he is on the drug. I don't know. I get that Bane broke Batman's back so he's supposed to be Batman's Doomsday. But to me, Bane is just as boring as Doomsday. He's a big, beefy beatdown machine and that's about it. I will admit, if you're going to argue because you're so in love with Bane that you probably pretend to suck his dick before falling asleep every night, that he has a little bit more character. He wears a luchador mask and is some kind of ethnic and, I suppose, he's also intelligent or something. Plus he has so many mental health issues because he was born inside a prison to somebody serving a life sentence which, apparently, means you have to live out the life sentence too. That's...well, I was going to say clever but that's the entirely wrong word, isn't it? It's not clever at all! It's the epitome of comic book nonsense! Like Dick Grayson driving a motorcycles straight up a wall! Doomsday's background of having been killed and reborn over and over again to make him immune to death is a more believable origin story! The Ranking! No change!
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