#this meme brought to you by i'm in finland
my-deer-friend · 2 months
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(translation: all the signs are in Finnish, or Swedish)
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nanoa1foryou · 4 months
Helsingin Sanomat did an interview with Windows95Man. Here are some of the main points, translated and summarized for you who don't have access to it since it's paywalled.
Note, There is a section talking about his stance on Israel's paryicipation in esc as well as his own.
He is currently waiting for a chance to get to therapy, after everything that has happened recently
He has not really had the chance to eat or sleep properly since the victory
The win was very much a surprise to him. he didn't think they had a chance until he had the trophy in hand
He is a big fan of Sara's song (it has been stuck in his head)
The topic of Israel was brought up and I'll translate that part fully here, because I think it is important to get in his words:
"Even though Keisteri said on Saturday, before the UMK win that he would be ready to represent Finland at Eurovision regardless of Israel partisipating, he also siad he wishes that Israel wasn't allowed to. The matter is not so simple now that he has actually won UMK.
'I'm not in this alone but with Henri. We got on this project to spread joy. That's what we want to do at Eurovision too,' keisteri says seriously.
'Everyone who's in this has to be comfortable.'"
And later in the text:
"At the moment Keisteri doesn't want to take a stance on wether his and Piispanen's trip to Malmö is certain. There is no date on teh calendar when they must have an answer.
'Were stalling it now. We want to have a few rest days, so that we can think in peace.'
You can see from Keisteri that he has ended up as the target of a rough social media beatdown as the result of the Israel situation.
Keisteri has already formed one clear opinion. He wishes that every artist chosen for Eurovision could sign a petition, that demands Israel's removal.
'I'm gladly furthering something like this.'"
Back to the other things in the article:
He has always intentionally gone against the current and against the rules. He has for years carried the "No Rules!" attitude towards life. He got it from his parents.
He was actually already a big name in underground art following circles due to his illustrations.
Particularly his 2008 designed character, Ukkeli, has gotten decent notoriety.
The denim look started from a joke video he made for a friend.
The windows95 outfit was inspired by said video and became his Flow-outfit (I'm guessing referencing Flow festival, but it is not specified.)
Windows95Man developed from there for his first ever gig, and the artist name was chosen because Dj Windows95 already existed
The artist picture taken for his first show (the one of him lying on the bed in the get up with super bright flash) has made some wild rounds on the internet as a meme completely unrelated to him
He eventually got hired for a mini gig at a bar at Flow festival. The pay seemed unreasonably bad so he intentionally played bad music like Crazy Frog. The place became totally packed. This then resulted in a huge amount of small gig offers .
He recently watched the final performance with his wife and son. His son laughed and him and his wife cried. He apparently hadn't realized the affect that their performance had had on the crowd.'
He had wanted to perform naked, in a Kalevala creation story type of performance.
Once he gets a break from all this madness, he wants to sit down with Käärijä. Apparently Jere reached out to him after the victory.
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captainbobbin · 22 days
tagged by @goth-automaton yeehaww
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
I am gonna skim over a couple of fics though that I think were a bit rushed haha - my last batch of fics that came out were all done as part of my one-fic-per-day challenge so some of them are a bit scrappy haha; sue me for only using the fics from that challenge that I felt came out a little more solid lmao
Bearbaiting (nsfw)
“Prove it,” Astarion had spat, and none too kindly.
Earth, Comet, Eclipse
“Your dad's sleeping tonight,” Terra explained once Xion found him outside. He’d asked her earlier in the day to find him, and now he leaned against the wall and gave her an easy smile, which she returned. She liked Terra. She liked how comfy he was, how easy he was to be around. He gave a nod towards the wooded area nearby, the expanse of forest that hugged the edge of one of the rivers that ran around the Land of Departure. “Berserk, however, is up and hunting. Thought we'd go make it a game. You in?”
“Sanji,” Zeff whispers, hunched by the kitchen door and peering out, tone hushed and severe. Usually it's eggplant or brat or boy. Must be important. When Sanji totters over he's barely hip-height, far too young to be in a galley and far too young to be anywhere else. A hand plants on his head carefully to corral him, aim his gaze outward, and above and below they share the two-inch gap of the door and look out at the dining room. “Look.”
Afterimage (nsfw)
Saïx was pretty familiar with Xemnas’ abilities. Not all of them, which would infuriate him if only he was lucky enough to be allowed such a feeling for Saïx always wanted to know more, but for the most part Xemnas’ strange quirks and magical talents had stopped being unexpected. He’d grown numb to Xemnas floating off of the floor, to lights responding and things moving with barely even a glance, to thorns of nothing winding around things Xemnas’ wanted brought closer - himself included.
Trained Talent (nsfw)
There was a bit of a stereotype about jesters; that they were all secretly miserable, hard done by, only putting on a brave face and faking their cheer because at all times they were at risk of being admonished by whichever member of royalty they tried to entertain. That performers wore masks and actually suffered behind their smiles. There was a nugget of truth to it - a smile is a good way to cover up a frown, after all - but the truth that was more potent was that being a clown was a position of power.
Elliott, truthfully, didn’t spend that much time at the cabin these days.
The Front
Sanji wasn't an idiot. He knew from the first moment he applied for the job that Raindinners was sketchy as fuck. He'd been around, knew kitchens, could tell when corners were being cut - and believe him, they're cut often in a lotta places - but this was something else altogether.
“What do you want, Booga?” Jasper snarled as the other Spectral Sentinel all but waltzed into his private quarters after the sound of grating rumbling shook the entire floor. The dull creature had no concept of boundaries and Jasper knew that that was not about to change, but by the goddess he ought to at least learn to knock adequately.
Xemnas thought often about the concept of trust.
Deathroll (nsfw)
Surviving past lovers, had they the gall, might go so far as to call Crocodile lazy.
I'm surprised that I don't start with dialogue more often - I feel like I often open the fic with something spoken or something that comes back later, but it seems that I actually often start with an establishing paragraph that sets up the point of view characters current emotional state/line of thought. Which isnt a bad thing tbh! Though I think I'm going to have to try and change things up now and then haha
anyone who would like to do this meme, feel free to join in! I'd love to see @hroggins, @winxixia, @finlands-beret share their version and their thoughts but no pressure of course!
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desruc · 2 years
13, 19, and 49 for the OC ask meme!!!
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Haha, yeah. This guy ⬇
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I've named him Jared, and while he's older than 19, I'm pretty sure he never learned how to read
He's a part of a pirate crew in my original story, and he loves being petty, starting drama and trolling. This of course leads to all sorts of trouble with all sorts of people, but on the ship he usually targets his crewmate Fiz (who happens to have the shortest fuse in the crew :D). Even though Jared's favorite pastime is going around and heckling people, on the other side he's loyal and competent pirate and can hold his own in a fight. He dyes his hair red, and he has various piercings and tattoos.
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
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The main character in my original story, Therine :3 She started out as a bit of a Mary Sue over ten years ago when I first wrote her, but I feel like she's grown at least a little bit since :D She still has the coolest and the most amazing sword, though.
Therine is a bounty hunter who sets out to the sea to join her mother's bounty hunter crew, but since her mother moves around a lot, finding her is easier said than done. Basically, Therine's story is like a rpg where the player gets distracted by the countless side quests :DD She's very optimistic, fearless and outgoing person, but as a bounty hunter she is ruthless and thinks that, sometimes, the end justifies the means. She struggles with impostor syndrome every now and then, even though in reality she's a good and trusted captain who listens to her crew.
Therine is one of my oldest oc's, and even though I said I wrote her for the first time over ten years ago, I've written stories about characters like Therine even before that - fifteen, twenty years ago. Therine has been living inside of my brain for the longest time in different shapes, and I'm very fond of her <3
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
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This dude is Damien, a hitman from this John Wick-esque universe/setting I've been writing a bunch of short stories and outlines about. Damien is one of the many characters I've written into that "universe", and his story is, in short, him going "oh no he's hot" after three (or was it four?) unsuccesful tries to off this other hitman who is now his sworn enemy. Anyway Damien is half Finnish and he loves a good meme his grandma from Finland sends him every now and then (this is never brought up in the stories.)
Thank you so much for the ask @yee-boii 😭💕 This was so much fun!
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airasora · 3 years
Which of the Eurovision songs did you like the most? My favorites were from Italy (YAY) and Finland, Norway was also lovely. Would you like to edit with any of the contest songs?
When I watch Eurovision, I always write down which countries (and their numbers) I like, so it's easier for me to vote later. This year is the first year I have EVER liked as many songs as I did. It's almost half of them. There's been more years where I only liked one or two.
But here's the "full list", since I still have it in my notes.
It was refreshing to see a plus sized woman not just in Eurovision, but with this type of song as well. Not only that, this is a better version than any other song with the same theme, IMO anyway xD I wouldn't be opposed to editing with this song, but it wouldn't be the top of my list as I've already edited with "NO" by Meghan Trainor xD
Man, did Europe do this man dirty. Honestly, this is in my top 5 for 2021, I really don't understand how he got zero points both by the bookies AND the audience. His song was in no way the worst one, I'm floored. With that being said, I probably wouldn't edit with this song, mostly because I wouldn't know what to do with it.
Gooooood is this song beautiful. It reminded me why I love Spanish ballads, there's something so undeniably beautiful, tranquil and romantic about songs like this. Would definitely want to edit with this one.
How this only got 3 points HURTS ME. Can't you just imagine this being a TikTok meme? Like something to throw at people when they're hating on you? It's catchy, fun and highly addictive. Would definitely edit with this one as well.
Love this song SO much. I'm honestly so happy to see more diversity in Eurovision. I like the typical electro pop songs fine, but they do sometimes wind up sounding very alike, so having not just one, but TWO rock songs this year made me a happy rebel. Would probably edit with this song too, either as a villain tribute or a "heroes becoming villains" MEP.
This one is just so unique and weird and hella catchy. I had it on repeat for an hour at school. I wouldn't be opposed to editing with it, but I have no idea what I'd do with it xD
This would be SUCH a good "exotic femme fatale" tribute video. I would LOVE to do a video with this song, since I love me some sexy, dangerous women. Probably the easiest to edit a video with out of all these songs xD
Love me some star-crossed lovers, and the fallen angel aspect has always intrigued me. A villain + heroine type of vide would work so well with this song. I could see myself do either Traxette or Fresme etc. with this song.
The lyric "your rhythm is rebellion" caught my attention really fast. I've always loved Kawina, it has this sound that sounds so genuine and authentic. I would have NO idea how to edit with this song though.
Denmark (aka my country) decided to take this as a small victory for us as well, since their band name is Danish for "Moonshine" and the band has a Danish member. Hell, the band gave us permission even. Obviously, I love this song, being into rock etc. As a side note, I really love the outfits as well. And the dude with long, dark hair, omg his reaction when they won. He was just FROZEN. I almost thought they were gonna forget him since he didn't follow them immediately when the band went up to the stage, so adorably happy x'D
And I do love me some "we're weird, get used to it" type of vibe and Italy brought that to the table. I'm unsure whether I like Italy or Finland the best though, they are so similar and yet so different at the same time. I guess I just really love them both.
Editing-wise? May be a little difficult, but not unmanageble x)
All of this to say... if anyone hosts a Eurovision MEP I wanna join.
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