#this novel though hahah bless you!
croissantbae · 2 years
October 3, 2022
1.  Today is the last day of my staycation.  Man I had sooooo many thoughts throughout.  I went to LACMA today and even had my Notes app up just so that I could walk around taking notes of all my thoughts.  Very young Christine of me.  Some of my thoughts 
-- I’m seeing a lot of the same art I saw when I was a kid but it iddn’t mean anything to me.  For instance, there was a piece by Matisse of two ladies drinking tea.  That kind of thing wouldn’t have been interesting to me before.  Now it is.  I saw one of the ladies had her shoe half off. I could imagine her putting it on and off, on and off, with the flick of her foot.  The ladies were staring at the artist like “what do you want.”  I’m an older lady now.  I can relate. 
- There were a ton of students learning about art today from a field trip.  It was so precious.  I wrote about this on my insta but I can’t help but think how wonderful life is, in its various ages and stages.  How little regard children have for “important” or “valuable” things and how wonderful that is. 
- There was an exhibit you could walk through that was essentially like a reimaged garage from the 1950s or something.  It inspired thoughts like “so much of life is dusty and dirty but we’ve sanitized everything.  Painted everything white.  Swiffered meaning away”.  I was kind of laughing even as I wrote that.  Hilarious “art student” wannabe musings. 
-It just feels like such a privilege to be alive.  To be a part of this existence.  of highs and lows. 
-At one point I was in a room with only old women with white and hair.  And then I was in an elevator filled with the kids on the field trip.  “What was your favorite one” the teacher asked the students.  A student said “The one by Matisse.”  I couldn’t help but wonder “can you see me?” 
-There was a wonderful Korean exhibit.  Lots of thoughts from there.  There was a bust of an old woman’s head. It instantly made me think of my grandma (even though she didn’t look like my grandma).  I looked at the piece and it was entitled “Grandmother.”  It made me think do all white people see their relatives when they look at busts of old white people?  
I won’t write down all the other thoughts but there were many.
2.  I wrote 17,351 of my novel. If I’m aiming to write 100k words, that means I’m 17% of the way there!  And if the book is only 90k words, then I’m basically at 20%!  Woohoo!  Just have to do this 5-6 more times! 
3.  I feel so lightweight and happy with life right now.  Let’s see how many days of work it takes for me to turn nihilistic and wonder what the point of life is hahah. 
4.  One thought I’ve had, given my musings around age/time, is that I’m really happy I’ve spent my time with good people.  Everyone in my life that I’m close to is a good person.  Someone solid.  Someone that I truly feel like I can trust.  Someone with good intentions.  Genuine.  It also made me feel like LA is truly home again. It’s sad that Hera and Jess aren’t closer but it still works (our friendship that is).  
This birthday I seriously felt so blessed. For dinner everyone arranged to get childcare just so they could satisfy my request of a night out. Jess sent me a ourplace pot thst is quickly becoming a go-to. Hera sent me a gift card so I could get my ghost nails done. Eileen got me a gift card for a Burke Williams massage (best massage of my life). Trudy got me a gift card to get prose shampoo and conditioner. Olivia got me cute writing stuff. Hatty got me earrings. I really felt the love; i felt the over abundance . And it just makes me want to pour it back to everyone on their birthdays or just generally on a day to day basis. And it reminds me. So this is what matters in life: people (ok I’m seriously going to stop being so cheesy and gushy and sentimental now).
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1dhq · 6 years
It fuels me when people go “h&l hated each other in 2015 and were barely band mates and nothing more, they didn’t hang out outside of work, you could see they avoided each other” because it’s just so ignorant and stupid? Like they are completely missing the point? There was a REASON why they were avoiding each other, which is the main issue with everything Larry, which is the fact that they can’t interact in front of cameras as intimately as they want to -a shame they haven’t figured it out +
after all these years-, just that iTunes Music Fesival moment should be enough of a proof, the one where they share a laugh with at each other and then remember they can’t do it because of the cameras? Isn’t that enough of a proof how PRESSED they were? The stress of it all, and the fact that they’re NOT ALLOWED TO INTERACT, is still there. It’s been there since 2013. +
So I want to say two beautiful things I’ve noticed. I don’t know if people were talking about it before. Well, here it goes. First, I want to talk about the Larry hug. For me, it’s not even the fact that they decided to hug. Like really, it was shorter than the other hugs, and after everything they’ve went through, I am sure they were full of anxiety and just.. it might have been a confusing situation overall. I still do hope they felt good as they heard the crowd roaring. What makes it so +
significant for me is probably the fact that they hugged each other last. You know the feeling when you’re saying goodbye to a group of friends or family, and you leave the most important ones for the last? Whether you have something important to say to that, or just want to be in the moment while hugging them. Because I always do that. There is a sense of urgency in the other hugs, because there are more people to go through, but the last one, you get to cherish and remember. +
The other thing I’ve noticed is the fact that there is no Larry moments in any other 1D music videos released in 2015. They definitely did try to go through the “h&l are just two dudes who happened to be in the same band but they’re fatally different and were never close” root there. Especially in the History music video, that was evident as they were trying to erase Larry history? What a fucking shame. Well, now comes the good part at least. H&N and L&L seem to get along well in these vids. +
I’m 100% sure they’re good friends, that they love each other so much, Narry and Lilo. But they’re not the BFFs these music videos or the narrative in general make them out to be. If I was a complete stranger to the fandom and decided to watch the 2015 videos, I’d never have a clue about H&L. Except. If I was careful enough, I’d see that during most of those NASA scenes, H&L are generally apart. H seems even further apart from ot3 while walking. H&L get on the fuse in the same order they +
were walking in, that is, apart. But wait. Now they are in the fuse. And they’re somehow sitting together? So apparently these two people who either 1) hate each other or 2) haven’t had any kind of connection to even hate or dislike each other, they’re neutral as fuck, you have the nerve to tell me they still decided to share one of the most important experiences of their lives together? Wait, weren’t Harry and Niall so close? Why the fuck are they not sitting together then? +   
Perhaps because there is an actual couple in there, who just really don’t give a fuck about the cutting of the video, they just really want to stay together and share the experience? Why are Liam and Niall all like “yes let’s go man” with a simple handshake? Do you not see the non existent intimacy there? Do you not see that H&L somehow are able to communicate without uttering a word? Like what the fuck? People assume anything, and I should let them, whether it be that they broke up or that they
they’re together, but I won’t ever tolerate for one second when people say they are “not friends” or “neutral”. They’re one of, if not THE, most important people in each others lives. The others are band mates. Harry and Louis are more than that. They’re integrated in each others lives and hearts in ways we can’t even comprehend. They shared years of experience, for their eyes only. “Hate is too strong an emotion to have for someone you don’t even like.” So I even support your “hate”, dear Larry
wow, you really Went Through It ajsjkdasjkads
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creepweirdo · 4 years
hey emily! Ahh you should check it out, it might not be my guys but it might be a good cover! (ngl it’s probably them tho haha) I’ve checked and we don’t follow each other at the min so I doubt you’d find me. The fandom is too big I think. My sideblog is mostly thirst for my bias tho so you don’t need follow. NIELAN always. I’m here for both of them escaping jgy and living long and happy lives. As for more wlw fics, its weird bc I love the idea but I think I’d prefer modern au’s or something
because of how badly the women ended up in canon. or maybe a really good fixit… i played wuji all the time. idk why but it makes me feel such a range of emotions im also still stuck in cql so i was hoping you could recommend something to help me escape as i got nothing! i haven’t started heaven official’s blessing bc i intend to read the book first. maybe. i’ll try anyway. i am playing cyberpunk 2077 now that just came out though. have a good one! your cc 💜
hi classified cultivator!!
okay so i checked out the cover ❤️ it was good! lmao how funny would it be if they weren’t your faves. i wish they sung the lyrics ‘love sick girls’ instead of changing them love sick boys 😔💔 i’ll get over it tho lol. LMAO so true, the fandom is so big! and everyone is really nice!!!!
OMG so true about modern AUs for more wlw fics! yeah ,,, canon AU is not very kind unless it’s female wangxian lol 💔
HAHAHAH playing wuji all the time, that’s how i feel about the yuri on ice soundtrack - especially the song yuri on ice. i used to listen to it religiously during my second last year at high school and i listened to it for the first time in ages the other day and it brought back all these memories of me being at school, and memories about the show HAHAHA.
hahah maybe do what i did. i watched the available episodes of the heaven official’s blessing donghua, was confused, and then read the novel (i am STILL a little confused but don’t want to accidentally spoil it for myself if i start googling things hahaha). but it’s really cool to see things happen as like offical episodes after imagining them in my head! i’m like 🤔🤔 interesting choice hahaha.
oooo cyberpunk 2077! hahaha you must have been waiting AGES for it to finally release. do you play a lot of video games? if so, what are you favourites? i’m really really terrible at like “gamer” video games 💀 my skills are only for wii/switch games. i tried played red dead redemption 2 but had to get my brother to finish the tutorial for me because i got stuck 😭 ON THE TUTORIAL! so embarrassing 😳 and LMAO i tried playing skyrim but the tutorial part scared me 💀💀💀 the dragons are so aggressive and i just couldn’t figure out the controls and which person to follow,,, ahhh yeah, nintendo games are nice to me ❤️
(the first game i’ve ever actually completed was the legend of zelda: breath of the wild and i watched SO MANY shrine walkthroughs on youtube bc my mind does not do problems solving/strategy. i like to mash buttons and kill enemies that are way way weaker than me 😃)
anyway, i hope you’re enjoying it! and i hope you’re having a good day/night!
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cannedapricot · 7 years
Phantom Thief! Park Jihoon
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This is legit the whole reason I’m starting this blog sovdbiosb. Inspired by Detective Conan, Saint Tail and the Cat’s Eye because they’re nostalgic asf and I love them. Also, Jihoon in a white suit would be a pleasant sight.
rightrightight ok
phantom thief! jihoon works with phantom thief! park woojin
they go by the name “PS”
which everyone thinks means something deep af
PS actually stands for “Pink Sausage”
but no one needs to know
everyone also thinks that it’s just one person
but in this au everyone’s clueless so please let it slide
what do they steal?
they steal hearts
lol jk
the two steal “priceless” paintings, sculptures and all sorts of art resulting in the town calling them art thieves
but the only art the duo steals are the ones that don’t belong where they are
they also drop not so subtle hints at the police about the illegal item
for example, there was this one time when an owner of a museum put up a painting of the famous “Cafe Terrace at Night” by Vincent van Gogh, claiming that it was the original
he wanted more publicity for the museum
surprise, surprise
it was a fake
the citizens were clueless lmao
so off went the pink sausages
the museum and the fake painting was the headline on next morning’s newspaper
how the two know of the frauds you ask?
associate! jisung runs a coffee shop down the block and overhears everything
you would think that the police would let them be because they’re doing the right thing, bUT NO
speaking of the police
you are the daughter of a famous detective who has solved many crimes
you’ve grown up seeing your dad work and reading detective novels
you were like, “i wanna be a detective lmao how hard can it be”
its hard
especially when you use your dad’s high position and become a junior detective of some sorts
and get assigned to the PS case
ok that’s fine but,
“technically you could just let it slide and half ass your work,, i mean,,, they’re not stealing anything just for the sake of it-”
PS has been sending you calling cards on what, where and when they’ll be stealing something next
per your request of course
you kinda just screamed at one of the two one night while chasing them,
“heY, PS, YEAH YOU.”
PS stopped to look at you in amusement
he left without answering you
you were dejected
but then a note came for you!!
not like it help a whole lot but,,,
back to the present,
so, you’re in your last year of high school
park jihoon and park woojin happen to go to the same school as you but you, for some reason, have never ran into either of them in your whole high school career
 you have but you’re oblivious af
 the two know you of course
they fucking notify you every fortnight about their heists how could they not know you
heck, everyone knows you
you’re that one detective who’s never solved a case
but because fate loves a good show, jihoon transfers to your chemistry class in the middle of year
you’re like
in the dab smack middle of the year??? what- how-
apparently, he somehow screwed up a experiment in physics and the teacher had enough lmao
wow what a great thief amirite
your class bursts into whispers as soon as he steps in the lab
you just,,,, sent an uninterested glace his way then buried your head in your arms and went back to sleep
“ok guys, this is park jihoon, he’s a new addition to the class.”
“ohmygod he’s adorable”
“bless the heavens for some eye candy at last”
“look y/n it’s a cute dude why aren’t you reacting”
“fuck off, daehwi”
“alrighty jihoon you can sit next to bae jinyoung at the back over there. raise your hand jinyoung”
jihoon heads over to jinyoung and brushes past you on his way
you glance up as he does and you thought you saw him smirk? ?? ? ?
“how tired am i tf”
it’s not your imagination, jihoon recognizes you
after the class, jihoon rushes up to you and asks for your chemistry notes
“hi! y/n is it? could i borrow your notes?”
“?? you couldn’t borrow baejin’s?? why me?”
“uh,,,, i couldn’t read his handwriting,,,,, yeah! that’s why!!”
sounds fake but ok
you end up surrendering your chemistry notes to him
“thanks y/n!! you’re a life saver!!”
runs off like the cutie he is
daehwi slides up to you with jinyoung in tow while wiggling his eyebrows
“jinyoung has really neat handwriting if you ask me”
“yeah well, you’re practically in love with him so you think everything about him is neat”
“i- you’re not wrong”
jihoon returns your book to you the next lesson and everything goes as per usual for the next two weeks
until the next calling card arrives with a bang
you opened your book, expecting nothing to happen
but a fucking balloon went off above you or something the moment you opened it
and the calling card falls down with colored confetti onto your head
“i’ll be taking the sculpture from Jung’s house tonight -PS”
normally, calling cards would arrive without much,,, pow
like in the mailbox
all the students around you were shook
as were you
jihoon was just,,,,,, hiding his grin
daehwi and jinyoung walk into the class, takes one look at you and goes,
“what happened to you”
“it looks like a unicorn pooped on you”
jihoon’s new hobby unlocked!
teasing y/n!
so from then on out, all the calling cards would arrive with a huge noise
you hated the attention you were getting along with it
people actually thought you worked with PS!!
ok but jihoon would have the time of his life planning
“should i just write jeojang on the school notice board and the details underneath?”
“.... jihoon, your dumb aegyo has nothing to do with our heist”
“fine,,, i’ll bake y/n a cake instead”
woojin just sighs
jihoon has actually gotten quite close with you recently
daehwi and jinyoung readily accepted him and woojin in your little squad and you guys would frequent jisung’s cafe after school iaubfisbfvis thATS ACTUALLY SO CUTE IM CRYING
jihoon’s favorite pastime was still teasing you though
you did worse that jihoon on that chemistry quiz?
you’re never gonna hear the end of it
you fell face first into mud?
jihoon still has video he recorded to this day
the five of you were really close and y’all thought you knew everything about each other
you still had no idea that woojin and jihoon were PS
ffs y/n
the people you’re basically obsessed with are right in front of you
actually, jihoon’s just as obsessed with you tbh
daehwi, jinyoung and woojin has caught him staring at you on multiple occasions
he likes you
all the teasing basically lead to this
it’s not that jihoon hasn’t realized
he knows
but he ain’t about to admit that
a thief liking a detective??? psssh how absurd
but in jihoon’s eyes, all you ever cared about was PS
was he jealous of himself? yes
you,,, kinda,,, sorta felt things towards jihoon as well
but you ain’t about to admit that either
so you two just stay in a relationship full of teasing
the whole school lowkey thinks you’re together tho
one night, you were standing in front of another “priceless” art
courtesy of jihoon’s card earlier in the day
“i’ll be taking the min’s painting tonight hehe~~<3 -PS”
oh how the cards have changed over time
remember when i said that everyone thinks that PS is one person
well, everyone included you up til tonight
you were just strolling around the painting by yourself
the cops were situated around the building
complete with two standing in front of the door to the room with the painting
the plan was for you to stay in front of the painting all night and if PS came, you would tackle that bitch and call for backup
then PS actually came and all hell broke loose
the cops were running around trying to catch him, forgetting what the initial plan was
but for some dumb reason, they forgot to notify you
resulting in you having no idea what was happening outside the room lol
until finally, some cop remembered notified you via handheld radio
swearing under your breath, you decide to just sit and wait for PS to come into the room you were currently in
why run around if he was after the painting that you were right in front of
he’d have to come sooner or later
you then saw a shadow outside the window
white suite, white gloves and that familiar badge on his chest
no mistake, it had to be PS
and you rush to hide behind a corner
PS makes his way in and stands in front of the painting, seemingly admiring it
“it’s quite beautiful, such a shame that it was stolen”
nonetheless, you act according to plan and lunge for him
but in a swift motion, he clutches the painting and avoids you
“whoops, watch your step” he says, chuckling
you let out a noise that resembled a growl at him and lunge yet again
but he was already out the door
you ran after him
picking up your handheld radio, you were about to call for backup when suddenly you meet with another person dressed in a white suit
but he didn’t have a painting in his hands
you stopped running, trying to figure out a sensible reason
the figure brushed past you and jumped out a window
then you receive exasperated message from cop! daniel stating that PS has gotten his hands on the painting and is now running away
not forgetting to question your whereabouts
you were now confused
you were 100% sure you saw PS run out with the painting
but then you ran into him without the painting the same time as daniel saw him with the painting
the thief got away that night but you called up your dad and told him that the painting was a fake
your dad whooshed over in record time
after doing his research your dad had found out that the painting had originally belonged to a woman in her 60s
the person you had met tonight before the case was a man in his 40s
your dad arrested him on the spot
you hardly slept that night
wondering about if PS was just one person, how could he be at two places in the same time
you concluded that PS was two people
spoiler, woojin was the distraction and jihoon was the person you saw take the painting
you tried to convince your coworkers the next day but they wouldn’t believe you
in fact, they had gotten more suspicious of you
you were the only person who wasn’t there during the chase
frustrated, you complained to jinyoung (who i forgot to mention, was a cop in training oops)
jinyoung believed you
he knew how hard you worked just to find out who this guy was
but he couldn’t do much to help
so he just comforted you
you were thankful for him (I’M SO SOFT IDBFUVIS)
with no one able to help you out, you decided to take matters inyour own hands
you were drained the next school day
jihoon felt bad for making you chase after him to no avail
so he did aegyo for you
it worked
woojin and jinyoung ended up dragging him out of class because of the second hand embarrassment though
daehwi just,,,,
really hard
you received another card three weeks later
“i’ll be after the “gem of the sea” necklace tonight. sorry for making you run all the time :c -PS”
???? is this thief apologizing???
anyways, this time, you were ready to find out who he was
it was a fool-proof plan
you see, you were familiar with this museum and knew it like the back of your hand
you were already starting to feel sad about ending the three year chase
that night, you were situated in front of the necklace
with a dozen cops because they didn’t trust you lmao
the necklace was a beautiful royal blue and you could understand why people loved it
it shone even in the moonlight
when the clock hit ten, all lights were cut off in the room and turned back on in a matter of seconds
but the necklace was gone in the mere seconds the light turned off
cops started to stream out the door of the display room, running everywhere trying to catch the thief
you were about to do the same
but daniel stopped you
“nuh uh kiddo, let me check your pockets first”
so you were held back for a minute
you didn’t even give daniel time to apologize for suspecting you before you were out the door
cop! seongwoo announced that he saw PS in the left wing
but you head towards the right wing, knowing that there were two of them and the one seongwoo saw was likely a distraction
your suspicions were confirmed when you catch a glimpse of white
it was jihoon with the necklace
he was casually strolling towards the storage room where he would make his escape
jihoon had no idea you were after his ass
but as soon as he neared the window of the storage room, you appeared in the doorway
huffing because wow that was the quickest you had ever been
jihoon turned to you, the full moon shining through the full-length window behind him
it was a breathtaking sight
“oh, it seems as though i’m cornered”
“PS, obviously”
he chuckled, pulling the necklace out of his pocket
“after this? it’s quite pretty isn’t it? almost as pretty as you are”
holy shit
is this thief
f l i r t i n g with you????
you blushed
but blamed it on the exercise lmao
“it’s a shame that i can’t just steal you away”
but jihoon then notices that he’s taking way too long and woojin would beat his ass if he took longer
looking down, he finds a couple of cops below, waiting to see of anyone tries make an escape
jihoon sighs, opting to escape another way
aka jumping across trees until he reaches jisungs mini van lmao
so as you jump for nth time at time
he brushes past you whispering in that deep ass voice,
“i’ll save you in my heart instead”
leaving you shook af
“why did that remind me of that stupid jeojang thing jihoon does?”
you think you have a little crush on PS (with his low pitch voice lmao)
but your heart also goes crazy around park jihoon (and his high pitched voice obvfisbv)
you’re just like,
“do i really like two guys at once”
it’s one dude
but you didn’t need to know that
this was long and kinda crappy but here’s my first au!! sorry there wasn’t much jihoon here aaaa
please give me some feedback on how it was,,,, 2.7k words is a lo t, should i try make my next one shorter?
please ignore any mistakes haha,,,, i’m really tired and don’t wanna proof read fsovbuiqoebvo
thank you all for reading my shit though <3333
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archeir-a-blog · 7 years
For every ‘@’ sent (anon or not) I will mention and post some positivity about a fellow tumblr user.
Note: These are in no specific order.
@ofgoldenblood I’ve been following Min’s Jace for awhile now. And though we haven’t roleplayed or talked much ooc (we play tag by literally tagging each other in character development things) I still have mad respect for Min’s Jace. Not only is this Jace fully fleshed out but the drabbles my god they’re amazing and there’s a lot of detail, and thought and love and dedication that go into everything Min posts. It shows. I appreciate when someone’s writing is easy to read because it flows so well and beautifully and I get that from this blog. I know you’ve been getting hate recently for your ships (one in particular) and I commend you for speaking out against it and standing your ground. Listen, do you. Love what you love and fuck everybody else. It’s so easy to tear someone down for whatever reason and yet it’s so hard to lift them up and compliment them on all the things they do right. You have talent and heart and genuine, real devotion and understanding to your character/s. No one can ever take that away from you. It makes you a great, all around real human being. Those are hard to come by. Bless you for putting out incredible, quality content regardless of what others say, think, or throw your way. Please, don’t ever stop. 
@sacredwar It’s no secret how much I love Sarah. And I can admit I’m totally bias writing this one but even those closest to me could use the positive reinforcements and I couldn’t deny that to someone who I cherish and hold so dearly to my heart. There isn’t a character Sarah can’t write or make come to life. I’ve seen her try her hand at multiple muses and each one is articulate and carefully devoted to. Its definitely not easy juggling multiple muses but Sarah does this and does it so well. She’s such an amazing and understanding person ooc. And I have the honor of calling her a close friend. She knows how much I love her (because I tell her this frequently) but she deserves all the love and adoration I have. I respect her, I appreciate her, I cherish her. More than words could ever describe. Sarah, you are precious to me. And for as long as I’m here, I’ll continue to make sure you know it. Please stay safe out there in Florida. I need you, parabatai. Your heart, and spirit are both so radiant. Thanks for reaching out to me when you did. It’s been a fantastic ride with you so far and there’s no way I’ll let it come to an end if I can help it.
@faultyhalo Nessa is lovely and takes the cake on writing OCs that I’ve come to love and cherish as if they were my own. If it weren’t for you, I really doubt I’d still be here. I love that even when we don’t talk every day, you come back and it’s as if nothing has changed. You’re one of those people that can come and go (online) and I’ll still love you the same, if not more every time. My love and adoration for you never wanes. I love you and Gen like she was my daughter. You’ve always been 100% real, and upfront. You say what you mean and what you feel and you’re a great person ontop of that. It’s always so easy replying to you or talking to you and it’s because we click so well. You always keep my interest and there’s nothing you could do to ever lose it. Gen is canon to me. You’ve put so much work into her character and it shows. It’s not easy writing OCs but you make it look like it is. Bless Gen for being so multi dimensional and bless you for giving me a chance to write with her and enjoy her in all of her sassy, badassery glory.
@tattoosnecks I LOOK REALLY FUCKING THIRSTY FOR JACE RN BUT IDC. Especially your Jace, HAHAHAHHAHA. Okay but listen, you are one of my best friends. It’s so funny because I feel like you came out of nowhere?? HAHAH. And it’s always the best people who do, lbr. Trish, words cannot express how much I love and adore you. I can talk to you for hours (and I do on telegram) about Jalec, how stupid our bf’s are, or really anything and anything under the sun. You know me on a deeper level than I think most do? You are forreal my soul sister. Idk where you’ve been hiding all my life but I’m glad I finally found you. There’s nothing I can say that I feel like you’d be like ‘ew don’t talk to me anymore’ HAHAHAH. Legit just thinking of some of the convos we’ve had, other people would probably think we’re weirdos and yet for us it’s no big deal. (I’m actually laughing help!) As long as you’re around and in my life, I know I’m gonna be filled with laughs and great friendship. You’re a good fucking time and oh how I wish we could hang out bc seriously it’d be a BLAST. Mark my words. When it comes to roleplay, I’m pretty obsessed with you??? And your portrayal of Jace. I mean I think that’s pretty obvious. I have no difficulty replying to you and end up sending you novels back and apologizing profusely for being so obnoxious but look that’s just a testament to you and all the things you make me feel whenever we write. That’s not an easy feat but you manage to do it every single time. My god everything you write I’m so in love with and I could re-read your replies (I always do) several times and still be hit with the same feelings as the first time. Like ??? That talent. GOD BLESS. And I’m pretty sure I’d feel that way about any character you write. You do justice to everything you put your heart into and it shows and it resonates and I wish that would rub off on me seriously. Thank you for sneaking up on me and being the greatest friend I could ever ask for. I don’t wanna be hella corny rn but Idk what I would do without you some days. You make life fun. YOU ARE LIFE.
@magnusofbane​ Tbh when I reblogged the meme for this, I had you in mind as one of the ones I wanted to definitely write about. Cassidy, your Magnus was the first I ever wrote with. And I’ve told you this before but every time I get a reply from you I fangirl because you sound so much like Magnus that it blows my freaking mind. And it makes it so easy for me to reply or respond because I can hear Magnus’s voice in your writing and that awakens my inner Alec even more. You inspire my muse, you incite him. Idk if you realize this but to me that’s just so incredible?? Especially to be on this side of it and feel it happening. You really get him and I can see the dedication and love you have for Magnus in everything you put out. Ontop of being an amazing writer though, you’re an even more amazing person ooc. I love how every time you sign on, you spread love and positivity to everyone on the dash. Your cute adorable puns never cease to make me laugh or smile. You always tell people that they deserve love and to be happy and so do you honestly. And what’s the greatest part about it all is that you GENUINELY mean it. You don’t say these things for a response or praise, you do it out of the kindness and goodness of your heart and seriously? I WISH there were more people in this community like you. I wish I could clone you because there is just not enough love and positivity on this platform but you bring it and you never ask for anything in return. You’re an amazing person and can I just thank you on behalf of myself (and everyone) for that? Thank you for being here, for making me and everyone else smile and for being the best person, writer, friend you can be. Though, I doubt it takes any effort from you at all because you’re just wired that way. I really dont think you even try. I think it just comes naturally and its a blessing. YOU, are a blessing. I love you so much ok?
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