#this one doesn't have fukamachi on it though
doedipus · 9 months
the problem with daily posting gimmicks is that there are actually only so many unique albums and artists that I like
I listened to this one this morning though
credits under break
Bass – Ken Watanabe (tracks: 2, 4 to 8, 10 to 16)
Drums – Toru Suzuki (tracks: 2, 4 to 8, 10, 11, 13 to 16)
Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar – Akira Wada (tracks: 2, 4 to 8, 10 to 14, 16)
Electric Piano, Piano – Daisaku Kume (tracks: 2, 4 to 8, 10 to 15)
Organ, Synthesizer – Koki Ito* (tracks: 2, 4-8, 10-15)
Percussion, Vocals – Yasukazu Sato (tracks: 1 to 14)
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ballingb-a-g-s · 9 months
My 7 favorite things I read/played/watched in 2023
Honorable mention: Destiny 2
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This would have been a list of 7 but I can't in good faith say that D2 was excellent this year between the subpar lightfall campaign and all the shit bungies pulled this year this is the best I can give it in good conscience
7: somethings killing the children
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An excellent non superhero comic it's world building is fascinating. It's first book is basically perfect it sets up and fully explores the characters that are exclusive to that part as well as setting up and beginning to show us the wider world. All while telling a mildly horrific action story that I could not predict. Book 2 set itself up well and continued to surprise me but hasn't finished yet so il hold off on any more but somethings killing the children 30 issue (at time of writing) run is absolutely worth checking out if your tired of or just don't care for superheroes
6: invincible
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Shows good too but I'm impatient so I read the comic and they were for the most part phenomenal a perfect superhero story I actually think there was to much gore at some points were it affected the quality of the art and the story loses steam towards the end you can tell Kirkman is done with it by the time you reach the time skip but it's characters are fantastic special mention to omni-man and Oliver good emotional story
5: the walking dead comic
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Twd is what happens when a talented writer takes what would become an overplayed genre and just gets it. Kirkman excellently uses the end of the world to help us understand his characters while taking us on a wild adventure and unlike the tv show it stays good all the way to the ending I would never have predicted. Even though it's longer than invincible by 30 issue it holds on to its momentum all the way through and is worth a read even if you don't like the show
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The review is on my letterbox go read it. But for those of you who can't be bothered to do that il summaries for you. Best live action thing I saw last year funny when it wants to be bone chilling when is has to be that final scene into the montage has to be my favorite possibly of all time phenomenal stuff now go read my actual review
3: slay the princess
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Games fascinating but I can't say to much just trust me it's worth it the best new game this year if you don't need constant action to be stimulated go in blind and have fun
2:immortal hulk
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When I was first getting into comics at the start of the year I was worried about iconic old characters and their extensive history but I'd heard nothing but praise for immortal hulk so I caved and tried it and it's the best thing Marvel's put out this decade. Al Ewing is a god Damned genius. I don't know why he decided to make hulk scary but I'm thankful he did because this is as close to perfect as a comic run can get. It understands the medium and how to get the most out of its basically a perfect story and Al is very cool and made a trans woman one of the major secondary characters whos identity informs character decision but is written competently and doesn't feel like corporate pandering she's the best Ewing is my number one I will read anything he writes.
1.Summit of the God's
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In my review I called this a weak 5 I'd like to retract that statement I love this movie it speaks to me in a way few others have it's stunning it may very well be my favorite looking movie ever. I stand by most everything I said in that review about it's athstetic but it's story needed time to cook. I lack motivation it most things I don't have that obsession I'm not jôji I don't know what I want I more understand Fukamachi and his desire to understand how someone cane be so obsessed how they understand what they want. Once I understood the story it moved up my list to the best thing I read/played/watched this year(I didn't want to be a hipster but the French poster is so much better also I will be petty and correct anyone who calls it an anime movie it's french)
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wutlaikalikes · 6 months
Holostars Survival
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image source: https://twitter.com/holostarstv/status/1769288255588253940
gawd, how i wish i have money to experience this in person. in time i hope i do. but for now a blog.
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【#hololivefesEXPO24_DAY1】漢だらけの!? アニソンカラオケ世界大会2024 stream link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYftsj80IXM
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image source: https://twitter.com/holostarstv/status/1768854835301163343
If there is one event i'm definitely gonna watch, its the karaoke. Originally Rikka and Astel is part of this however both talents are in recovery. So they chose other talents to replace them. Rikka chose Temma and Astel chose Uyu.
Its amazingly nice how they set up the ones who doesn't have 3D yet, the same way Neo Porte's Minase was presented in Gamma's birthday stream, moving cardboard!! lol
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Its pretty cute how Izuru initiated going up in front of Hakka and Octavio, kneeling in front of them and cheering for them as they sing. Of course the rest of the Stars quickly follow, kneeling in front of their kouhai to cheer for them. Seriously, Izuru's excited tippy taps is so cute!
A personal funny thing that happened when Octavio sang Hohoemi no Bakudan (Yu Yu Hakusho), I commented 'the song of my people'. My fellow "South Elysium" countrymen is well acquinted with this anime song, you can't call yourself an anime fan here if you don't know this song. Later on the chat I saw "THE SONG OF OUR PEOPLE". I just laughed, my phone is not new and opening the keyboard while in full screen mode is quite annoying. I really want them, all 23 of them, to be one one stream!
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SETLIST: 🕯️ 紅蓮華 (Gurenge) / LiSa 🦔💨 ガツガツ!! (GUTS!!) / 串田アキラ (Akira Kushida) 🔅 The Rumbling / SiM ထ 微笑みの爆弾 (Hohoemi no Bakudan) / 馬渡松子 (Matsuko Mawatari) 🎸 ようこそジャパリパークへ (Youkoso Jyapariparkhe ) / どうぶつビスケッツ (Doubutsu Biscuits) x PPP 🃏 魂のルフラン (Soul's Refrain) / 高橋洋子 (Takahashi Yoko) 🎸🦔💨🃏🕯️ シュガーソングとビターステップ (Sugar Song and Bitter Step) / Union Square Garden 🔅ထ DAN DAN心魅かれてく (Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku) / FIELD OF VIEW 🎸🦔💨🃏🕯️🔅ထ Just Follow Stars / Holostars
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【#hololivefesEXPO24_DAY2】ホロスターズ EXPOさんぽ2024 stream link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvKPVVxeGBU
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image source: https://twitter.com/holostarstv/status/1769216461330153551
I was expecting them to be all loud but I guess Roberu have to be senpai to his 2 kouhai. Roberu was quiet and wore a worried expression while in between bouncing Gamma and Jurard.
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I'll be honest, I wasn't paying all my attention to this stream. But everytime Jurard freaks out, my attention goes back to the stream. It's pretty funny cause they commented on Jurard's reactions/tension. Initially they think he was nervous but they concluded that he was just very happy.
A lot of Roberu and Gamma's fans were interviewed and luckily for Jurard, there was a cosplayer who dressed up. I was wishing they interviewed more cosplayers like last year but I guess because their on site reporter, Toshinari Fukamachi, is a famous voice actor his safety is taken into consideration.
Its also pretty nice to see their mama's (illustrator's) drawings around the expo.
Also its pretty cool that Roberu is translating what Jurard was saying. I was worried that Jurard was mixed in when he is not fluent in Japanese. I bet they have a translator behind the scene and I was wondering it wasn't Izuru, Temma or Axel. I forgot that Roberu had that one episode of WachaStars with Izuru where they translated English to Japanese.
Not gonna lie though, because the walk through is curated they managed highlight the Holostars Expo quite well.
[WachaSTARS #35] When You See It... TRANSLATE! [Speed Translating] video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jV6KzhkJkRA
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