#this one got me through a 1h+ trip by foot and bus to go vack home after La fete de la musique and getting on the wrong bus
gateaugoutpile · 1 year
It's fic rec time again!
Title: You're stuck with me (so I guess I'll be sticking with you)
Author: @dunbarogers
Length: 3 chapters, 30k words
If I were to tag it, I'd put: 6b fix fic, Liam-centric, action fic but with feelings, bedtime confessions, opening up to each other, Theo knows how to cook gourmet meals (or not), fantastic rendition of Peter Yale's sass and drama, fantastic rendition of everyone's flair and personality, enemies to friends to lovers, Thiam, Liam Dunbar/Theo Reaken, background morey/Scalia, Mason for the win
This is a rewriting of 6b, from the point of view of Liam. It's very sweet and cleverly written, I really liked how his emotions were being discussed by himself and with Theo. They spend the majority of the scenes (and of 6b) together and there's a great transition from ex enemies to confessors, to trusted friends, and it was very lovely to read (and to listen to. I'm that weird person that listens to fanfictions, yes.).
I loved the discussion about Theo not being able to take Mason's pain because, Mason dear, ily, but that was a shitty thing to say, and we actually don't really know how it works, do we? And I liked the explanation given here, how it's about being open to your emotions. Which, you know, makes sense, because it's about taking in someone else's emotions and if you can't deal with yours, you can't deal with someone else's.
I also learnt something about me. The author talks about anger and what makes people angry. For Liam, it's fear, it's canon. For Theo, it's being overwhelmed by feelings, and I think caring for people and being cared for. And I think that for me, it's about being hurt.
So thank you @dunbarogers! I'm looking forwards to reading other works from you :)
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