#this one is for us SweetBee’s
kagszzy · 2 years
Let's all take a vote:
A) Sweet, kind, playful, protective, jealous Sweet Pea
B) Cocky, flirty, confident, dominant, bad-boy Sweet Pea
EDIT: Sorry this was a little misleading at first! Ugh, my fault!! I need opinions on whether I should continue using option A for Sweet Pea in this WIP sweetbee oneshot that I've written about 3k words for already (as options A) - or - should I make him turn into option B? The setting is gonna be in his trailer. Plot is more or less about Betty being angry at Jughead (they're broken up) and Sweet Pea will be like, "Hey, wanna get drunk at my place?" and from there......I'm sure y'all can imagine what happens next lol
The kinks/tags included so far are; alternate universe - canon divergent, underage drinking, making out and fingering. Since I'm planning to post this in Bubblegum Venom, there may not be a full-blown sex scene between them, but like always, I can't say for sure. I might end up changing my mind and decide to include some fucking for these two. (If no one votes I'm tossing a coin)
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coolcoolkerberos · 4 years
Theories for Who These New Characters in the Season 5 Trailer Are
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We’ve seen this part of the trailer, and I thought to do some research and speculation. Now these are just loose guesses open for speculation based on the original 1985 series, so take this with a grain of salt. They could be new characters.
1. The girl on the right is Sweetbee
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Sweetbee has been mentioned once on the show while Adora was preparing for the princess prom, but I won’t rule her out since we still are on Etheria in season 5. Sweetbee’s origin story is basically her people needed a place to live, they were attacked by the Horde, Mermista saved her, and now she fights with the rebellion. I could not find any information as to what her powers are (besides flying).
2. The girl on the left (or maybe middle) is Peekablue
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Peekablue was mentioned to be dating Sweetbee so it would make sense they show up together. I couldn’t find much about Peekablue’s origin story, but according to the wiki she can use her powers to see to see to the edge of the universe (it’s described as an “all seeing” power, where she can see what something is doing at a time and where it is.) In one old episode she was kidnapped by Hordak to use her powers, so what if Horde Prime was using princesses from Etheria to get info?
3. These three are the Star Sisters
Now this one is debatable because (according to the wiki) we’ve SEEN them, but they’ve never said anything.
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In the 1985 series, they were sent away to Etheria and imprisoned because an evil sorceress was jealous of their beauty. Jewelstar could use gems to make armor, Tallstar could stretch her body, and Starla can detect danger (with the help of Glory Bird) and use light spells.
Adora has mentioned them while she was preparing for princess prom, as they were friends of Mermista, but not friends of Sweetbee.
According to the wiki, they appear at both the princess prom for a moment and appear in the war room mural. I believe these are different people due to the haircuts, but perhaps their design changed witht time. If they come back, I think their powers would be useful to the rebellion.
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These are just theories so don’t hate, but either way this season will be as amazing as the trailer suggests. (But what happened to double trouble-)
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jerepars · 4 years
I put it off for so long. But now I’m all caught up. And I hate this show more than ever.
A summary of my live reactions for 4x13:
Donuts for breakfast? No wonder you have nothing of substance in your head.
The morning tryst is fine, but realistically, who shows up at school that early before the bell rings?
“These stonies” ARE YOU KIDDING? Jughead is supposed to be a writer and this is the dialogue the show writers are giving him?
Wait, so is Betty just going to sit there and watch him write?
Ah, yes, Toni Topaz, still losing personality with every passing episode.
Jarhead and Bison. Oh, OKAY.
I told you not to accept that laptop from Bret without question!
The random shot of equipment in the chem lab, like why even bother, as if Archie could pass a science class.
This show has gone so far off the rails I don’t even really know why Veronica is spiraling.
Is it really worth dealing with Stonewall Prep for this shit? Was I ever supposed to believe that any of these people would truly be able to get into an Ivy? Just gtfo of Riverdale. Go to a SUNY campus.
The Betty/Donna diner scene is shot really beautifully, at least.
Ah, yes, Bret, the ultimate creep.
Jughead’s hair looks so much better sticking out of the beanie than completely tucked in.
Aw, a scene with the Bughead background music. Haven’t heard that in a while.
As if the core four could have fun at a Stonewall party. Should have listened to Archie, should have stayed home.
So does Jughead stage his disappearance and death now?
How can Bret be talking like that that when he’s wearing THAT
A summary of my live reactions for 4x14:
Jughead is not allowed to call his own beanie iconic
So three teenagers just walk into their houses at 3 AM in their underwear? This is like a setup for a comedy routine.
“Jughead couldn’t just lend you one of his grungy flannels” LOL see now this is the content we came for
Charles? You would trust Charles with this ploy?
So your boyfriend/friend is “dead” and all signs lead back to you so you’re having an open discussion in the diner?
Man, Penny Peabody and Evelyn Evernever as the ultimate supervillain duo would be so good.
DON’T KILL YOURSELF, ELMO. Who writes this shit?
If Betty is going to be saying incriminating things on the phone, shouldn’t they all be using burner phones?
How can this supposedly squeaky clean FBI agent be so casual about a murder weapon out in the open? This whole subplot is so dumb.
To be fair, Veronica, you ARE running an illegal underground liquor operation.
The stonies have definitely drugged several people.
Donna’s shirt is really nice though.
Jughead’s “body”. Hmm okay.
An oversized Sherpa jacket suits Betty. But the owner ain’t dead.
A summary of my live reactions for 4x15:
Lol Cheryl getting involved in this non-murder coverup would complicate things.
And, what, FP just believes Donna? Pshhh. More scheming.
Here we go with Alice, continuing to be the worst parent on television.
Meanwhile Jughead is chomping down on snacks in the bunker in the woods while writing ten more manuscripts.
Oh, COME ON. Toni and Jughead were BARELY friends. Just common gang members.
Who even cares what else happens when Sweet Pea is here! I just wish there was explanation for where he’s been this whole time!
omg Sweet Pea is the best. Please just write an alternate storyline where he is the star of the show.
We all know super detectives Jones and Cooper planned this out properly, they wouldn’t skimp on the details!
Wait, did Cheryl have the students make a mock beanie for that locker memorial?
Okay…Betty and Archie would probably sell this better if the actors didn’t look grossed out by each other while kissing.
Veronica, on the other hand, is overselling it.
Betty made Juggie a new beanie THIS IS SO KAWAII
Wait, is this really how the writers are setting up Barchie? They’re supposed to catch feelings this way?
Lol solving a murder by milkshake evidence.
A summary of my live reactions for 4x16:
I hope someone got Jughead some Flintstones multivitamins to account for the loss of Vitamin D due to lack of sun!
So basically what you’re telling me is that everyone who matters in Riverdale is in on Jughead’s “death”
This reveal scene in the parlor must be the longest scene in Riverdale history. It’s refreshing to get an episode that isn’t the usual 45 second clips spliced together over 40 minutes.
Three Forsythes in one room!
Interesting that they have to keep saying Tracy True and not refer to Nancy Drew when Nancy Drew is also a show that airs on the CW
As we live and breathe, Jughead Jones walking the halls of Riverdale High.
Lol wait so Jughead went from provisionally accepted to Yale to probably not graduating? I hate this show.
A summary of my live reactions for 4x17:
Cole/Jughead gets the first singing line in the musical? What is this bullshit?
Sweet Pea makes another appearance!! With cutoff sleeves!!
I get that the Salem Witch Trials is on brand for Jughead, but I would have chosen the Trail of Tears essay given the Serpents connection to the Uktena, but no one even remembers that, I’m sure.
SWEET PEA IS PLAYING BASS (I always thought he would be a drummer though)
Wait…they’re just running from room to room in different people’s houses? Just because it’s a musical doesn’t mean you can keep violating the time-space continuum!
Okay, Cole/Jughead singing is the funniest thing to ever happen on this show.
And all this on the musical episode just to set up Barchie?
So after four seasons Betty and Archie are finally supposed to remember why they were so “close” to begin with?
Who thought it would be a good idea to build Betty and Archie up into these thoughtful, concerned, characters and then completely ruin them this way? That’s predictable and so unfair to them.
Cutting back to the pilot and season 1 Betty and Archie and comparing it to now really just underlines why Barchie didn’t become a thing. That should be pretty obvious.
Also, Sweet Pea is not only in the front row, but enamored by this?
A summary of my live reactions for 4x18:
When did Reggie get an accent?
LOL WHAT so are Barchie laying shoulder to shoulder contemplating if they’re going to get it on?
Ugh. Let me guess. Ethel is only appearing in this episode to be villainized. And there go all my SweetE/Swethel dreams.
Oh, NOW, you can’t stop thinking about Betty? Two years too late, Arch.
Cheryl saying something of value for once?? Who are you and what have you done with Cheryl Blossom?
I just want to live in a world where SweetE is canon. Lol what am I saying, canon writing would ruin SweetE.
Someone tell the set designers that it’s poor science practice to leave empty glassware just out on bench tops.
Principal Honey isn’t going to expel them?
Fangs got into a university with a scholarship? Riiiiight.
Okay, so all that Barchie setup for will they or won’t they to settle on they won’t. So basically just a waste of time? Can the writers just stop trying to resurrect that once every season? It’s a minor annoyance that adds nothing.
Yeah, nope, Daddy will never change, Veronica.
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southsidearchive · 5 years
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Our new Southside Author of the Week is…
@crashhale is an incredible Southside writer with several fic featuring, bughead, sweetbee, and more! Check out their work on A03 HERE!
Some of their fics include…
The Bet: Betty doesn’t fit in. She’s never fit in.  Both the north and south sides of Riverdale hate her. But not for anything she’s done. They hate her for being born, and for having the Cooper name.  A bet between Jughead and Sweet Pea might change all that.  Or maybe, it’ll just break her heart.
The Mixing of Sides: In this universe there is no Southside High – everyone in Riverdale goes to Riverdale High – including Serpent members.
The north and south sides of town collide at Riverdale High. OR Betty realizes there’s more to life than she expected. OR Toni deals with a secret lover that’s ashamed to come out. OR New girl Veronica can’t stand Sweet Pea.
Sweet and Psycho:  What were the chances of dating a psychopath?  
With 1-4% of the population being on the psychopathic scale, and Jughead’s luck, he’d say his chances were decent.
He can’t really bring himself to care right now though, not when he’s tied to one of the old chairs in his tiny kitchen, and she’s wearing nothing but an innocent pink bra and pantie set.
Be sure to join us in supporting @crashhale‘s work and showering them with love and support this week!
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rez99gabriel-blog · 5 years
She-ra Season 2 therory
This is my @GabrielMcCarty's She-ra Season 2 theory Based on Noelle Stevenson's Emoji post. Potential spoilers warning! The whispering woods have been frozen which calls for a new princess of tech so Perfuma and Mermista go out to find one when they encounter Entrapta who is studying the strange rainbow effect of the powered runestones and their effects on powering the princesses. Glimmer,Bow,and Netossa go out on a mission to find out what Catra is up to. Catra follows SwiftWind and Adora to to where shes training with the runstone of her sword with LightHope. LH gets corrupted by the virus developed by the hoard delivered by imp and Adora and friends must find a way to heal her before Atheria is plunged into destruction. The hoard sends a message to Scorpia, kyle,Lonnie and their lizard friend who come bow hosting a tabletop rpg where everything is mixed up and they must defeat many monsters or it is game over. new alliances are formed strengthened by the full support of Mermista and frostas kingdom. However Shera's sword is infected once again by the dormant virus they ridded from LightHope And shera goes on a rampage which allows her to be trapped. And causes the SweetBee to come out of hiding with the help of Seahawk who set off to hold out against Scorpias forces. Shadow Weaver concocts a plan to use Shera and be freed but MadamRaz frees She-ra form the virus and reverses the chaos by controlling time and bringing light to Etheria before it is destroyed. This causes Adora to run away again for fear of losing her friends and meets a new mentor ?) where she gains new clothes(armor), knowledge, and the ability to transform the sword into things like a pot. Adora learns many secrets about Mara, Etheria, and her own home From another galaxy at castle Greyskull where she finds out she was kidnapped from her real mother by the hoard. Imp and other members of the hoard try to attack bright moon again but are stopped by Spinnerella and others awakened powers. Catra and her super pal trio learn about the true leader of the hoard that has been in slumber all this time and is now awake and watching. Hoard Prime.
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May I request 1. 13. And 17. For Sweetbee I'm just in the mood to request them and feeling it tonight 😋🤓
Whoops, this turned into the longest drabble I’ve written yet. (Also, it was the final SweetBee pairing request in my roster. Maybe I was trying to hang onto them.) Hope you find it worth the wait!
1. “Do you want me to leave?”
13. “I couldkiss you right now!”
17. “This is all your fault!”
Jeeze Louise, when the Serpents celebrated, they celebrated. Betty dodged more than one swaying indulger on her wayto the storeroom to top up Toni’s supplies. The girl hadn’t asked for anythingor sent Betty to run this errand for her, but that was only because she hadn’thad a chance. Drink orders, both slurred and enunciated, had been flying sinceBetty had walked into the Wyrm an hour earlier. She couldn’t understand whyToni had decided to bartend on the night of her girlfriend’s acceptance intothe gang. Maybe Cheryl had requested to be thrown in the deep end, forced tointeract with her universally leather jacketed new extended family. Predictingher cousin’s eccentricities was a battle just waiting for Betty to lose it.
Another toast to the newest Serpent went up as Betty snuck down the backhallway, grinning. It was possible that Cheryl hadn’t quite known what she wasgetting into with this gang, but it was highly probable that the Serpents wereeven less prepared for Cheryl.
Now, she knew the storeroom was back here… Aha! A propped open door. Bettybounded to it, eager to return to the party and surprise Toni with herhelpfulness. She hauled the door open (it was heavier than she’d thought) andbegan to step inside. Abruptly, she stopped, her sneaker scuffing the oldlinoleum. She wasn’t alone: Sweet Pea sat on the floor across from where shestood, back against a shelf. Feeling awkward to be alone with someone she’dnever really had a conversation with, Betty faltered, twisting the doorknobbehind her back to channel her discomfort. He glanced sharply up at her.
“Do you want me to leave?” she asked, trying to be polite and not nosy,though she did wonder what one of Toni’s best friends was doing in, essentially,a closet on such a momentous occasion.
Sweet Pea shrugged, though he looked at her carefully. He’d gone off on heronce in the past, but Betty liked to think they could see a little more eye toeye now that the whole community had begun to be knit back together―Cheryl, asNorthsider as a Northsider could be, being admitted into the Serpents wassurely proof of that.
“Go or stay, just don’t―”
Betty stepped forward to hear him and lifted her hand from the doorknob.
“―close the door.”
There was a solid slam from directly behind her. Betty spun as Sweet Peahopped to his feet.
“Oh my god!” she exclaimed, rotating and tugging at the doorknob. “Is itlocked? Why is it locked?”
Sweet Pea shouldered her aside, trying the doorknob for himself. Even in themidst of her panic, Betty found strength to roll her eyes.
“It’s always locked, Girl Genius,” he replied sarcastically. “Room full ofbooze―” Sweet Pea gestured around them, “―bar full of alkies―” he thumped hisfist against the door, “―you don’t think they keep it locked?”
Not a particular fan of being condescended to, Betty turned to face SweetPea, ready to reply until she realized they were practically chest to chest,standing there between the racks of bottles and cans stacked to the ceiling.
“So, um,” she started, taking a cautious step backwards and swallowing hardunder the tall boy’s rather intense gaze, “how did you get in?”
“It was already open. Sometimes they keep the bolt fired and let the doorrest open so they don’t have to unlock it every time.”
“Then how did it shut?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Sweet Pea joked meanly, letting his head fall to theside as he accused her in not so many words, “why don’t we ask the person whowas fiddling with the fucking doorknob right before we got locked in here!”
Betty scoffed, folding her arms around her sweater-ed middle.
“Fine,” he sighed dramatically. “I’m sorry. Somebody’ll be here any secondto rescue you.”
“Actually…” Betty shifted guiltily, “…I didn’t tell anyone I was headedback here and the bar’s a little too crowded to assume someone would’venoticed.”
“Basking in the attention.”
“The one with the stupid hat.”
“We’re not really on each other’s radar so much anymore,” Betty admittedweakly.
“Great,” Sweet Pea groaned, totally insensitive.
“Excuse me,” she demanded, taking a step back towards him, “but youshouldn’t have even been in here!”
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have been in the Wyrm!”
“Maybe you should’ve had a key!”
“Are you kidding me? This is all your fault!”
His volume startled her and Betty hastily retreated. Sweet Pea caught up inone stride, grabbing her arm.
“Don’t…” he began to admonish her, until his eyes went to her lips, “…knockanything over,” he finished more softly.
“Ok,” she promised. “Maybe we should just… knock on the door.”
Sweet Pea nodded once and turned, pounding it firmly with his fist. Theywaited, listening, for a good 30 seconds.
“Nobody’s gonna hear us,” he pointed out.
“Oh, they will,” Betty insisted, pushing around him this time. She noticed,passingly, that he smelled pretty good. She shook her head. For a Serpent who’dbeen sitting on the ground in a room full of alcohol, she clarified to herself.Before she could get half a dozen knocks in, Sweet Pea caught her wrist.
“You’ll break your fingers before they ever hear you.”
“Do you know from experience?” she huffed.
“Could be.”
There he was again, standing a little too close for normal, non-intimateconversation. Betty felt slightly dizzy and told herself it was just becauseshe was having to look up at him.
“It’s not so bad in here,” he offered with a shrug, then smirked at her.“You won’t go thirsty.”
Betty laughed.
“That’s why I came, actually. Some of your fellow Serpents are getting alittle rowdy out there. I was thinking I’d get some soda so Toni could make therum and Cokes a little less rum, a little more Coke.”
“No way,” Sweet Pea joked, more kindly than before. “You came in here to getdrinks?”
“Knock it off.” Without thinking, she whacked him in the chest with the backof her hand. He smiled like he didn’t mind… or he a little more than didn’t mind. Betty’s heart sped up like it had been theone slammed into.
He stepped away, leaning his back against the door and keeping dark, unreadable eyesfixed on her, smile still in place.
“What were you doing in here that I interrupted?” Betty asked quickly.
“Feeling sorry for myself,” Sweet Pea said, chin rising a little like he wasexpecting to get punched there for his vulnerability.
“Over what exactly?”
Sweet Pea gave her a searching look.
“I’m pissed about Cheryl,” he finally answered.
“You don’t like her?” Understandable, Betty thought. Even after discoveringtheir blood connection, it had taken time for her to really warm to her cousin.
“I don’t like her breaking up me, Toni, and Fangs,” he grumbled. Bettyfrowned sympathetically.
“Well,” she ventured, “this must have happened to you three before. Someother girl or guy―”
“There’s never been anybody this important. Toni wanted her in the gang.”
Betty nodded, getting that this was a big deal. From experience, she knew itwas a big enough deal that Jughead hadn’t wanted her in the gang when she’dtried to get closer to him.
“It’d be different, I guess, if each of you had someone.”
“Yeah,” he agreed. “For a little while, I really thought Fangs and yourfriend Kevin, but, uh, no dice.” He scratched the back of his neck.
“And… you?” she asked tentatively, wondering at the feeling in her chestwhile she awaited his answer.
Sweet Pea only shrugged with a slight smirk, giving her nothing.
“So really… I’ve helped you out,” she concluded. Sweet Pea stared at her,confused. “It’s hard to think of an excuse for missing the celebration more legitimate than being locked inthe storeroom with no one to hear, um…” He was walking towards her. Bettylicked her lower lip. “…no one to hear you knocking.”
Breath a little shaky, she backed into a shelf that rattled onimpact.
“You sure you don’t have a key?”
Sweet Pea grinned down at her and made a show of patting his jacket pockets.His hands lowered to hover in front of the pockets of his jeans and her eyesfollowed. He caught her looking.
“You wanna help?”
Betty flushed and Sweet Pea’s eyes moved over her, probably picking up onthe ferocious thumping of her heart.
“Oh!” she said suddenly, planting a palm on his chest as she pushed pasthim.
“What the fuck?” he said, sounding mildly annoyed but willing to put up withher.
“I know how we can get out of here!” Betty probed her fingers into her hair,just below her ponytail, and plucked out a bobby pin. “I’ll pick the lock!”
“Yes!” Sweet Pea shouted, hurrying to the door to stand next to her. “Icould kiss you right now!”
Hand halfway to the lock, Betty paused. She looked at the bobby pin in herhand, then up at Sweet Pea, his muscular arm pressing into her shoulder.
“Well,” she offered slyly, “we could stay and do that instead.”
He met her gaze. Raised his eyebrows. Reached for her face. Bettypractically jumped into his arms as they came around her. In all the strokingof his neck and the running of her fingers through his hair while he kissed herdeeply, Betty forgot to hang onto the bobby pin. It took her a while to notice.
Prompts come from the narrowed down list here!
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sphereofcompassion · 5 years
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This is my @GabrielMcCarty's She-ra Season 2 theory Based on Noelle Stevenson's Emoji post. Potential Spoilers WARNING! The whispering woods have been frozen which calls for a new princess of tech so Perfuma and Mermista go out to find one when they encounter Entrapta who is studying the strange rainbow effect of the powered runestones and their effects on powering the princesses. Glimmer,Bow,and Netossa go out on a mission to find out what Catra is up to. Catra follows SwiftWind and Adora to to where shes training with the runstone of her sword with LightHope. LH gets corrupted by the virus developed by the hoard delivered by imp and Adora and friends must find a way to heal her before Atheria is plunged into destruction. The hoard sends a message to Scorpia, kyle,Lonnie and their lizard friend who come bow hosting a tabletop rpg where everything is mixed up and they must defeat many monsters or it is game over. new alliances are formed strengthened by the full support of Mermista and frostas kingdom. However Shera's sword is infected once again by the dormant virus they ridded from LightHope And shera goes on a rampage which allows her to be trapped. And causes the SweetBee to come out of hiding with the help of Seahawk who set off to hold out against Scorpias forces. Shadow Weaver concocts a plan to use Shera and be freed but MadamRaz frees She-ra form the virus and reverses the chaos by controlling time and bringing light to Etheria before it is destroyed. This causes Adora to run away again for fear of losing her friends and meets a new mentor ?) where she gains new clothes(armor), knowledge, and the ability to transform the sword into things like a pot. Adora learns many secrets about Mara, Etheria, and her own home From another galaxy at castle Greyskull where she finds out she was kidnapped from her real mother by the hoard. Imp and other members of the hoard try to attack bright moon again but are stopped by Spinnerella and others awakened powers. Catra and her super pal trio learn about the true leader of the hoard that has been in slumber all this time and is now awake and watching. Hoard Prime. #shera #sheraprincessofpower #fantheory https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwpw5Z9l67q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ft3r4cd6tyns
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pinkxperfectionisms · 5 years
Valentines Application (thought why not, could be fun, right?)
Name: Sweet Pea  Age: 17 Reason for filling out this application?: isn’t that kind of obvious?… you’re hot, and you make the best cupcakes, who doesn’t love hot girls and cupcakes? Do you like cuddling or other forms of physical affection?: so long as i get to be the big spoon. Would kissing during/after the date be acceptable?: totally acceptable, in fact encouraged even.  Do you prefer a nice meal at home or dinner out? : um.. my trailer doesn’t exactly have a kitchen, I’d take you somewhere nice. What is your choice of dessert?: do milkshakes count? double chocolate with extra whip. or cupcakes ;) Chocolates and flowers, if so anything special about your selection? Type of flowers?: do girls really like that crap? chocolates i guess, everyone likes chocolates right? unless your dairy intolerant or whatever. Crap, maybe flowers are safer, but red roses are so cliche.  What makes you a good Valentine?: say yes and you’ll find out, babe.  Would you cook for me?: I mean, i’d have to use your kitchen but sure… i can make pancakes and mac and cheese, out the box though, does that count as cooking? Would you let me cook for you?: if you cooking is as good as your cupcakes, count me in cooper.  Where would you take me on our date?: maybe somewhere outta town, there’s this cool little bookshop over in Greendale, has a dinner attached, the owner’s a little nuts but i think you’d like the place… Are you okay with exchanging gifts? If yes, what did you have in mind for me?: you don’t have to get me anything. isn’t that the guy’s job? I’d get you a book, or one of those boujee leather bound notebooks.  Do you enjoy surprises or surprising others?: i like surprises, guess i’m kind of a more spontaneous guy, like to think I could sweep you off your feet…   What would our Valentine’s Day Song be?: Say you won’t Let Go - James Arthur ( omg okay i love this song for SweetBee Byeeee ) // - @saccharinsweet
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Dear Sweet Pea,     First things first, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to show interest in being my Valentine. I must admit, I was quite surprised when I received your application; Pleasantly surprised. Considering our issues in the past, who would have guessed that my cupcakes would be my saving grace and the thing to win you over. Speaking of, Perhaps that’s something I can gift you, my knowledge and experience when it comes to baking. What do you say? Let’s make a mess while being little pastry artists?  Tell me your favorite flavor and we’ll make it a date. P.S Are you dead set on being the big spoon? Just curious. ;P Waiting to be swept off my feet, -Betty Cooper ♥
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kagszzy · 1 year
Tagged by @xbughead-jugpea-loverx thanks ! :)
Tag 9 people ( I literally only talk to like, 3 people D: lol ) you’d like to get to know better 💖
~3 Ships: (you guys are going to make fun of me but I really don't have that many ships I'm crazy for, besides coming outta Riverdale. I don't know why but RD was the show I became obsessed with enough to seek out fanfiction and start actively writing/shipping for??? Like, it'd be easier if y'all were to name another TV show/movie and then I could give an answer with like "oh yeah I ship blank and blank!" But I remember someone had asked if I would write for the Marvel and HP fandom, so I'll use those to give y'all some more insight on the type of characters I like, and to make my ship list seem less pathetic LOL Ideally though, I do multiship but these are my main ones.)
Sweetbee, (no question there lol) Wanda Maximoff x any (but my favs are probably Tony, Pietro, and Clint) and Dramione (I haven't actually read any fics but I've seen some fanart and read enough discussions where I like the idea of them, and anyways, I like taboo - y'all know that, so pair up the enemies! haha)
~ first ever ship: (again I'm gonna go with RD because honestly, that show really made me take shipping more 'seriously') so my answer is bughead
~ last song: I think it was some 30 Seconds to Mars song? I was only half paying attention when I closed my Pandora app lol
~ last movie: Does a movie being played in the background by your roommate count? If it does, then Blues Brothers. If not, then Avatar.
~Currently reading: taboo smut LOL I don't know if y'all would be able handle it.
~ currently watching: I'm cheap so I don't have any streaming services (my friends will usually come over and that's when I'll use their Disney, Netflix, etc) so it's hard to say but I like watching any of the Marvel movies, horror movies, Unexplained Mysteries, documentaries, and blockbusters hits!
~ currently consuming: well if we are talking about fanfiction, besides the taboo one mentioned earlier, I'm also reading a master/slave story.
~Currently Craving: More taboo! More forbidden love! Possibly some spooky smut ;) But also more Betty smut fics! More Sweetbee! ;)
tagging @cherryliqueurkinks, @undersweetpea and @riverdaledreaming but y'all don't have to ! :)
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kagszzy · 1 year
do you prefer bughead or barchie?
This is a tough one.
In the beginning I was a fan of bughead. BUT - I am a bigger fan of Betty. So while I could see that the show was hinting at/trying to play with barchie, I was ok with it, but my heart wanted bughead to strive in the show.
I think once the Black Hood forced Betty to break up with him, is when I really started to play with some other ships though. I really wanted Sweet Pea to become friends with her and make Jughead jealous, so that it could kill two birds with one stone - 1) give Betty a hot, bad-boy friend to spark some interest with. 2)bring bughead back together, but it never happened. Then, Riverdale being Riverdale - gave us some more "what? huh? what am I watching?" moments and after the Stonewall arc I was satisfied and decided to leave it at that.
Bughead was fun and cute but I always love the the more complicated, forbidden ships. So now I'm team Sweetbee (as my main ship) but if I were to ever start watching again, now knowing what direction the writers have decided to take the characters in, I'd follow barchie simply because they seem to be the determined endgame now. I don't dislike them, I just personally would have chosen someone else to have Betty end up with canonically - which would only satisfy my dirty, dirty mind ;D lol
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jerepars · 6 years
I Dare You Extended Chapter Notes
Hyperlinks appear in blue (underlined on mobile). The story is posted here.
Sometimes you set out to write a one-shot and as you go on and write new scenes, you realize you like the flow of the story better when they're broken up into their own individual chapters. But not long chapters in the same vein as your usual chapter length. You just want that distinct separation of the scenes. You fight yourself the whole way but succumb to what was probably the inevitable.
So here it is. SweetE: a mini fic with mini chapters.
This serves as a follow-up to the SweetBee friendship fic, Know Who You Are. It is not an absolute must-read to understand this story, but it does provide context.
Eyes wide and smiles bright – those were sure signs of being impressed. Those were the reactions that made sacrificing Sunday afternoons to tutor neighborhood kids at the local library worthwhile for Sweet Pea. It had taken a while to earn those reactions, too. For the first few weeks, it seemed to Sweet Pea the kids only listened to what he said because they knew of his reputation on the south side. After doing things Betty’s way and sticking to the script for a month, Sweet Pea finally got her to talk to Ms. Turner, the librarian in charge of the tutoring program, about a science demonstration relevant to the curriculum of his group. Betty had to be his go-between because it would be a cold day in hell before Ms. Turner would go for anything he suggested after she’d caught him with his hand up a girl’s skirt in the aisle with gardening books last summer.
The name Ms. Turner is an ode to the librarian in the PBS animated TV series Arthur (originally based on the books written by Marc Brown, of course). I've talked about my love for this particular kids' show and how I've come to appreciate it even more as an adult than I did when I was a kid. My favorite episode of Arthur ever is the musical episode, "Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival", which is centered around the library.
Sidenote: I feel like this is more Jughead's style of musical and perhaps he would have been willing to participate if the production Kevin had put on had been more like this.
With Betty’s help, Ms. Turner reluctantly allowed the demonstration with a condition—it would have to be done outside. The weather had turned a corner in Riverdale and it was early spring, just chilly enough for light jackets and sweaters. Sweet Pea’s tutees stood around him in a circle on the front lawn of the library. All week long leading up to his demonstration, he’d troubleshooted the formula in the alley behind his grandmother’s corner store and apartment. Although the demonstration wasn’t very sophisticated and at a lower level than the seventh graders he tutored in terms of educational value, he still thought it was worth it to garner their reactions. The kids in his group were learning about plate tectonics and natural disasters caused by the movement of the earth’s crust. Sweet Pea believed he would be remiss if he didn’t present them with a demonstration of a volcano eruption using baking soda and vinegar. Violent explosions were his specialty, after all.
So sticking with the PBS theme...a month or so ago I noticed the entire Bill Nye the Science Guy series was made available on Netflix. Naturally I rewatched the first few episodes, which I don't think I've seen since early childhood. One of the first episodes was earth science related, with the overall topic being the earth's crust. Bill does his own volcano demo in the episode, and yeah, that's probably something typically encountered before the seventh grade, but it was so obvious to me that it would be what Sweet Pea would choose for his demo.
Thinking about earth science got me thinking about "Geography, Vonnegut, and Me" by Fireworks (I may have added the Oxford comma into the title of my own accord, ha) because of the mention of tectonic plates (there are three instances!) in the song. I almost named the chapter after that but I couldn't account for all the metaphors that are made in the song so I held off and stuck to just mentioning it here.
At minute three, the door opened from the inside and out scurried a figure who prompted Sweet Pea to lock his knees and stand up straight. Ethel Muggs glanced at the students sitting on the stairs with their notebooks in their laps, then took the steps two by two and spoke once she was halfway to Sweet Pea.
There's a line in Daphne Loves Derby's "Sundays" that goes: Oh, even when the sky is crashing down. You, you locked your knees and stood up straight.
Sweet Pea and Ethel had spoken to each other sparingly since they began tutoring together on Sundays – casual hellos and goodbyes, and nods of acknowledgement in the hallways at school, but nothing to write home about. On Sundays, Ethel had a calmness in her voice when she explained math or talked to Betty, and it put Sweet Pea’s stomach into knots. He thought Ethel was extremely intelligent as well as interesting—definitely more than met the eye. Definitely so much more than someone who could be pigeonholed as ‘the nice girl’ and nothing more. Sweet Pea feared she merely saw him in a pigeonhole, as the gang kid making reform too little and too late. It was daunting for him.
There's another line from "Sundays" that goes: You enjoy coffee and Debussy. I can't believe the calmness in your bones after everything. So another slight/partial reference. Truth be told, when I first heard the song years ago, I misheard the singer and based on his pronunciation thought he said "voice". When you've heard a song so many times and have already convinced yourself what the lyrics are, it's hard to break the habit of how you learned them.
If my memory serves me correctly, the song is actually about his (the singer's) mother. But I was already thinking about the song because of tutoring on Sundays and the lines I worked in are the ones that have always stood out to me.
So when Sweet Pea voiced his thoughts on what Ethel called him, his cheeks burned, and he addressed the seventh grade troublemakers in his tutoring group, but his eyes remained locked with Ethel’s.
“That’s okay,” Sweet Pea said gently. “She can call me ‘Martin’ if she wants to.”
Many thanks to @myrmidonofmelodrama who inspired me to write the first scene of the story this way after reminding me about the scene in Bambi where Bambi meets Flower. Before Thumper can explain that Flower is a skunk, Flower says, "That's all right...he can call me a flower if he wants to...I don't mind."
I can just imagine Sweet Pea (let's not forget: sweet peas are flowers) getting all bashful when Ethel calls him by his real name.
My only regret is that I didn't make Sweet Pea's last name Flores. If only I'd known when I was writing Know Who You Are where I'd be drawing inspiration from right now.
“No, Eli,” Sweet Pea said firmly and added a scowl for good measure. “You’ll call me ‘Sweet Pea’ or you won’t address me at all.”
If you read Know Who You Are and the story notes associated with it, you may know that Weevil from Veronica Mars was someone I associated with my headcanon of Sweet Pea. In the VM universe, his real name was Eli Navarro, so I thought it was fitting to name one of the kids after him.
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