#this outfit i don't know why but it has me on a chokehold
roranart · 2 months
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Luffy Week Day 2 - fav outfit/movie luffy
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mmhcs · 10 months
Miles Morales x Reader w/ Body Image Issues
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Miles, ever the oblivious, doesn't immediately catch on. Every time he sees you, he's just absolutely taken aback at the fact that you agreed to be with him. Like, damn. He really bagged you. He's dating you. Wow. Just wow.
When he finally does catch on, though, Miles is a little stumped. Because why? What's making you feel like this? Whenever he looks at you, he malfunctions. Do you not see the chokehold you have him in?
Following his discovery, Miles begins to slowly help you feel more comfortable in your body. He starts with simple, subtle things (i.e. hugging you from behind, unconsciously placing his head or massaging areas that you feel insecure about, more compliments here and there).
This boy is your #1 Hype Man. Like, literally. That's his title. Whenever y'all go out, he' acts like that one friend in the group that's taking all the pictures while hyping you up in the process.
"You got it!" "Okay, okay, I see you, baby!" "You got it, baby!" "That's my baby!" "Stunt on 'em!" "Pose! Pose!"
Every time you get dressed up, Miles will let you know how amazing you look. You don't even have to be dressed up all fancy either; y'all are going to the park? Baby boy has his hand wrapped glued around your waist. Going shopping? Every time he sees a relatively scenic spot, he pulls you over for a photoshoot. You're going to try thngs on? Best believe he's right there, in the dressing room with you, telling you do a spin, a twirl, giving you colors suggestions (he sneaks pictures of you in there, too)
If you like working out, Miles would join you some days. (I totally see him on the floor, doing pilates with you and/or screaming when it's time for resistance band workouts).
"Why is it so tight!" "That's the light one, Miles. And keep your back straight!"
Other days, though, Miles would just watch you, secretly snapping photos of you from behind (he likes to see you in workout gear). He doesn't post them, but he has a lil' album in his phone labeled "Bae" that he adds to every weekend.
He doesn't stand any negative self-talk! Don't do it! Baby boy will put you in your place real quick!
"I mean, yeah, I'm cute but...I could be better." "Excuse me? What'd you just say about my baby? You wanna say that again? Don't let hear you disrepect 'em like that ever again."
Miles most definitely does that trend where he makes a Playboy sweater of you for him to wear. He surprises you one day by wearing it and you're sitting there, looking at him, he's just smiling.
"Oh? My sweater? You like? It's custom made." "I look fresh as hell right now!" "You like the drip?"
Miles wears it around the house so much to the point where it's just his automatic go-to outfit whenever he's home. He's not afraid to wear it out in public, but he asks your permission before doing so.
All-in-all, Miles is your cheerleader and #1 Hype Man. He faints at the sight of you, but he'll get back up real quick if he hears you criticizing yourself.
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neverchecking · 1 year
Could I please ask for Sub!Four with hypno kink? Poor guy has too many thoughts in his head with the Colors... But Reader wouldn't mind taking them away for a bit of fun ;)
You absolutely can! Subby boys are my jam!
What are the personalities of the colors? Like I can't find it anywhere and I'm trying to be very strategic when writing four that I don't have to include them right away-
(I'm currently out of town so I'm posting my stocked drafts. I'm not ignoring my asks or the reblogs I wanna add to, I'm just not near a computer where I can answer them properly.)
Smut so 18+, MDNI
Smut CW: Hypnosis, Sub! Four, Dom! Reader, AFAB Reader
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He was going to need to re-evaluate the amount of trust he put in you.
This might've been pushing his limit just a bit. He probably wouldn't have even considered this should he have not been so enamored by you. He wasn't even sure the absolute chokehold you had on him was enough to keep him on his place on the bed.
"My jewel, you know I would never doubt you-" Never. Never in a million years. He would follow you to the ends of the Earth. "But, are you sure about this?"
This was insane.
You nodded happily nonetheless, weaving a delicate gold chain around your fingers. The clock hooked to the chain swung hypnotically beneath your hand, picking up a steady tempo as it rocked back and forth. It entranced him, making his eyes follow it's every move--despite all the voices screaming at him to do otherwise. To pry his attention away from the pendulum and instead focus on you. But this was what you wanted. You wanted to see if you could hold his ever moving focal point on one thing. You wanted all of his attention on you and you alone.
And while he never wanted it to be on anything other than perfect, divine you, it was a struggle to get everyone's attention on one place. One would be off, worried about enemies lurking in the trees. Another would go off on tangents about how beautiful your eyes were and how he could get so lost in them within moments. Another was reminding him of all the ways you had been whimpering beneath him, crying for his every move. Another was cataloguing your outfit and every bit of it that he could mend or better or-
It was a lot getting everyone's attention on one point.
You figured this may help in the very least. And whatever you wanted, he would give. Anything at all. If you wanted someone slain in your name, it would be done. If you wanted the kingdom of Hyrule to fall before you, it would just be a moment. If you wanted to strip him of his will, to make him nothing but a mindless servant for you to use?
Your wish is his command.
The clock kept his attention as he felt his raging psyche gently melt away. One by one, each of the colors settled into nothing, their voices shutting down and falling away. For the first time in a long time, there was silence around him. He didn't even notice you pulling the watch away, settling it down before you were gently cupping his chin with a hand.
"-ear me, my love?"
You were asking him something. Could he hear you maybe? Either way he nodded. It was all so blissfully quiet. All he could see was you. Everlasting, exquisite, paradisical you. Treating him like fine glass, you touch was never anything more than positively featherlight, gently tracing the lines of his jaw and neck.
He nodded slowly. It felt like someone had laid a blanket over his busy mind, clouding it in a layer of pure mindlessly feeling. He could feel the cotton of the blanket beneath him (Why were you sleeping with something so rough? He would need to replace it right away.), the give of the pillows stationed behind him (Those were too flat, you deserved only the best.), even the feeling of the mattress beneath him (It was so firm. How would you be expected to sleep soundly when it felt like a freaking rock beneath him?! How had he never noticed this before?!). Things he never would've thought of before were now jumping out at him only to flit away in the blink of an eye.
Anything he previously found issues with simply fell away at the feeling of your touch on his leg. It started at his knee, igniting a fire in it's wake, before trailing up his thigh and towards his pelvis. His entire being lit up, nerves firing to life, sending impulse after impulse to his brain, overloading it with just the knowledge of you. The way you smelled, the way you felt, the way you were so close he could feel your breath against his shoulder as your fingers brushed along his shaft.
His nerves clenched, as if to jump at the action, but the action never came. No, instead, he laid there limply. Morphing himself to your every whim.
It was different, to have someone else take the forefront. Even when one of the colors was in charge, he was still there. With this, he was completely giving himself to you.
And what better way was there to show his absolute devotion to you?
He couldn't think of any other way. Actually, he couldn't think of any thing as your fingers wrapped around his shaft, thumbing the head of his cock to spread the bulbing precum down the skin.
"-hats it, Link. Just let me do the thinking for you."
He'd let you do anything to him. Absolutely anything. You could say jump and he'd say how high.
His entire body was yours to use and manipulate, anything you so wished.
Your hand moved, making his thighs tense in anticipation. Some sort of whine left his lips as his every sense was overloaded with just you. His muscles coiled like a viper, tight and poised to snap at any moment. His eyes burned as tears collected in the corners of his eyes, feeling too overstimulated to do anything but without any of the relief of release.
It was nothing but pure pressure building in his gut as you sped up your ministrations. The coil was tightening further, and further just begging to snap and give him any form of release. He would take anything at this point but he would never dare disobey you.
"Cum for me, Link."
The coil snapped as his hips bucked up to meet your hang, thick, viscous strands burning like magma against his skin before cooling enough he gave himself goosebumps. Flashes of white blinded him from behind his eyelids as he jolted and cried, fat pearls of tears trailing down his cheeks as drool shined against his lips.
Everything was abuzz, his skin feeling too hot to the touch, as you retracted your hand. A part of him wanted to beg and plead for your touch once more, but another part knew that it would do nothing but burn his nerves wit overstimulation (He'd leave that for another day).
The first thing that came back to him from any of the colors was one simple thought.
'Holy Shit, dude.'
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kurogane2512 · 7 months
Hello Kuro~ im glad you liked my thirsty ask of Chammy...And im back at it,again
In her interrogation sprite and arrested sprite her chest looks MASSIVE and Heavy as heck,it makes me want to hold them up for her.I think she has the biggest chest than any other female sinner i saw......That said,she definitely has some serious back pains from her chest,poor Chammy, having to deal with that!:((
One side of me wants to be nice to her and massage her back and the other wants to absolutely fondle and squish her breasts and play with her nipples....
And also her new attire from the surveillance order...Ngh.... It's literally stuck into my brain,i just want to ride her thigh and be absolutely destroyed by her while she wears that attire and smiles at me faintly.....Dammit Aisno why do you have to make us global players wait for it to be released in 2024 😔😔?!?Im so impatient for it pls...
I don't have a lot of thirsty ideas for Chameleon(which is ironic with how seriously im simping for her..) since i can't totally understand her personality.....I would maybe send more Chameleon thirsts if i had some grasp about her personality and how she acts 😔😔😔
Oh my, you are so right about her boobs. I do genuinely agree she seemed the biggest when I first started playing and had a brief look at all the characters and I don't think any new character has surpassed her either. I think Anne, Garofano and Suspect R come pretty close but they don't appear as big due to their clothing. So yes, I'll go with mommy Chammy being biggest for now 😩 And even then, I wouldn't say she's unrealistic for anime standards like it's rare but possible irl (without surgery).
Man, I genuinely want to just lay my head on her chest and use it as a soft comfy pillow while she hypnotizes me to sleep!! 🥺 And ugh her nipples are probably such a pretty color and so sweet; I'll lick, suck and pinch them all day to pleasure her. You know those massage scenarios where you sneak up from behind and cup their breasts? That. I want to do that to her. Start off giving her a simple back + shoulder massage then fondle her moulds while she's all lazy and relaxed.... Oh, how sly of you she thinks.
But she enjoys the service so she lets you continue, she'll rest back on you and let you squish and massage her breasts all the while letting out low and soft sighs of pleasure. Her voice man it's so angelic and soothing I can literally be hypnotized just by her voice she don't even need her powers!!😩 And you are so right her upcoming outfit has me by a chokehold ever since it was revealed I CANT GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD I NEED IT RIFHSE0IFHWE0F
As for her personality, at least I hc her as a typical well-behaved, elegant woman on surface- you know the kind that would suit her psychologist profession. But she's so mischievous and evil underneath and she especially loves playing with Chief. I imagine her dynamic with us to be really spicy, you'll understand what I mean if you read my latest fic on her outfit. It has a pinch of enemies to lovers because she's insufferable to us but also so irresistible that we can't keep our hands off, and she thoroughly enjoys playing this game of temptation with us~
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leopardom · 2 months
because it’s gonna be 12 months from the start of this fandom (kinda mostly here anyway), would you like to give me a fav moment from every month so far (can be fandom related, can be only jo related)? if that’s something you’re in the mood rn 🩷
absolutely 🤩
welcome to the ✨Joker Out Chronicles (May 2023 - March 2024)✨ as viewed by user leopardom
this is gonna be a list of fav moments from every month so far and since i couldn't choose, it's gonna be both band related and fandom related
this is gonna be long so more under the cut
May 2023
band: the whole eurovision journey from befriending all the contestants to Bojan's date and eventual engagement with Käärijä to the band giving condoms to everyone and their mom to the rehearsals to the iconic turqoise carpet to the Käärijä sauna to the voting promo to the qualification to the finals to Bojan licking the camera and to Joker Out becoming pretty much esc legends despite finishing 21st in the final. the beginning of everything, absolutely chaotic but i wouldn't imagine it any other way
fandom: the formation this sounds cliche yes but i was here since April 2023 and it was... very silent. the non-esc related jo stuff were limited and people were still discovering them so yeah i was sitting here hoping that after esc people would stick around so we can scream together about the band as a band and not only as esc contestants. and thankfully people did that and here we are now 🥹
June 2023
band: first international gigs the gigs in Dublin are one thing but then came the announcements of the Nordic tour, the Warsaw gigs, the headline gigs in Novi Sad and Zagreb... honourable mention to Stožice going sold out
fandom: Tavastia 1.0 there's absolutely no way i will even forget how the jo, ka and esc fandoms had a collective meltdown when Bojan casually showed up in Helsinki and then joined Käärijä on stage on both his Tavastia gigs (mind you both as a singer and as a dancer lmao). no wonder why this moment still has a chokehold on all of us. 9th of June 2023, you will always be famous
July 2023
band: the appearance of Demoni scream i know that festivals and the first UK run were important and gave us some iconic moments too (like some slay outfits and Jan's sparklative confusion), but the damn Demoni scream is so dear to me it kinda tops it all. it's so good to see how Bojan embraced it after that first time (2/7/23 in Škofja Loka) and now there can't be Demoni without the scream/growl/whatever you wanna call it
fandom: the Jance wedding on stage iirc the Jance brainrot had started spawning before 29/7 but that Saturday night was the cherry on top. so glad we got to experience this live as well since there was a livestream going on that night and we saw Jan putting the veil on Nace himself <3
August 2023
band: the Koper gig i wasn't even there okay but judging from the content and people's comments on it, it was probably one of the most iconic jo gigs. also my favourite jo video in existence is coming from that night (here) side note: i've been to Slovenia once in my life, 11 years ago, and funnily enough we were staying in Koper and i recognised the place they had the concert. anyway, visit Slovenia and Koper, it's a very nice small seaside town and it's worth the visit <3
fandom: the collective screaming about things to be completely honest i don't remember much from that month in terms of fandom, but i kinda remember how most of us had started diving into the band's past more and more and “new” old content was posted almost every day. videos, photos, gifs, interviews, the amazing @jokeroutsubs translating more old content...
September 2023
band: Nordic tour i won't even start talking about this because you'll never hear the end of it. we all know what the Nordic tour was. even the release of SSOL, the first single after esc, can't top this whole thing, sorry
fandom: google drive content and *shocked gasp* Nordic tour another collective meltdown for the fandom. first being bombarder with backstage videos on a damn google drive folder (that ended up being a frequent occurence in the following months) to the whole run of the Nordic tour. do i need to say more? i feel like i can't. only this: Nordic tour, you will always be famous
October 2023
band: Stožice not much to say here either. they sold out a whole arena months prior to the actual concert date. it was their moment. a milestone (probably their biggest to date). and it was amazing to witness this in any possible way, whether it was by attending the concert or watching an ig livestream or keeping track of the photos and videos of that night
fandom: Stožice and Halloween outfits the chokehold both the Stožice and the Halloween (aka pilots and flight attendands) outfits had on the whole fandom... also love how we collectively agreed that Kris' Stožice outfit was his version of Princess Diana's revenge dress and how the Halloween outfits sent the fandom into a spiral in means of creations (fanart, fanfics etc)
November 2023
band: the whole touring well they did have a number of gigs during November and they seemed to be having so much fun 🥰 so much that at the end of November they announced their first proper european tour
fandom: collective screaming about things once again i mean all the gigs were feeding us well. the outfits alternating or not, Jance/Bokris moments, Bonace getting more spotlight (Bojan was and still is going through something during Demoni and Ona like wtf was he doing to Nace was it the serbian lyrics waking up something wild in him 😭😭😭). there was a lot going on back in November… honourable mentions: this Bokris moment, cvjetits (x x) and Kris riding Jure
December 2023
band: the whole Munich experience there's a good chance jo don't remember their whole stay in Munich for the first time as one of the best ones ever, especially if they think about the 1,5k euro taxi they paid as part of making it to The Hague in time for the next gig. but if anything, i feel like this captures their whole vibe as a band; ✨purely chaotic✨
fandom: european tour vlog and Bojan with the bi flag we waited for a long time for a Nordic tour vlog. maybe we didn't get it as an individual video but even as part of the whole tour vlog it was great and definitely worth the wait. also it was a great xmas gift let's be real 😌 now Bojan with the bi flag was probably not a very huge fandom moment and my bi ass may be biased here (this rhymed lol), but seeing him wrap himself with the bi flag followed by that speech before Barve Oceana in Barcelona will always be such a precious moment to me and i'll cherish it forever 💖 note: when i saw them last month in Munich i immediately started crying when i heard the first notes of Barve Oceana live; not only because i love the song and i finally heard it live, but also because i instantly thought of that moment of Bojan with the bi flag and the speech)
January 2024
band: Joker Out cooking livestreams London era my beloved (i never thought i'd say this about a city in the UK out of all places). their whole stay in London was an Experience both for the band and the fandom but well they got their chance to show the world they can cook besides playing music and they did. now let's not get into the kind of cooking they did, but the livestreams were very entertaining and bless them for doing them 😅
fandom: death by Damon Baker's photos yeah no i don't think i need to say more here, i'm still not over those photoshoots and i still can't quite believe they actually happened. like?????????? jo???? photographed individually or not by Damon fucking Baker???? ugh 😫 on that note i want to add that i loved and still love how those photos sparked the creativity in this fandom. from analyses of each photo to fanfics to fanart to creating anything in general. one of my favourite moments of the fandom <3
February 2024
band: release of Everybody's Waiting the whole road to the release of this single was Something with the band continuing the usual shenanigans and with Damon still releasing unseen photos of them. the release of it may have gotten us divided because of its language or the path they chose to take music-wise (it's not everyone's cup of tea and that's more than fine), but personally i like this for them. it's different, it showed a different side of them which they wanted to explored; they got a chances to do it and they did it. and you know what? it's so good live
fandom: death by Damon Baker's photos, Jure edition this could be merged with my fave fandom moment of January 2024 but this one is special because we just saw another Jure like WTF WAS THAT 😭 anyway i loved how we all kind of lost it when his photos dropped note: the moment Damon posted Jure's photos i was on my way to meet my friends in Dresden of all places and i was so shocked by what i saw i almost ran into a lighting column on the street 💀💀💀
March 2024
band: Jan and Bojan playing the piano at every gig of the tour i could've said the whole tour is my favourite thing from this March and it's not like it's not, this is a big moment for the band. it's just that once again i'm a bit biased here. many people, my pianist ass included, wished there would be a piano or some keyboard on stage during the tour because come on if Jan plays the keys for Everybody's Waiting studio version then why not do it live too? and you know what's better? not only there was a piano on stage for the whole tour, but not only Jan but also Bojan played it. however, Bojan playing it for Everybody's Waiting and Jan playing it for Padam, Metulji and the cases where they had special guests (like in Estonia with Alika, Lithuania with Monika and Belgium with Gustaph)... those were not on my bingo card and they were the most pleasant surprise ever 😌
fandom: meeting each other at the gigs when the tour started and even though i knew i would go to at least two gigs, i was extremely nervous because this meant i'd probably come across other fans from here and social media in general. as a person with anxiety, one of my worries was how i'd be perceived and how i'd manage to not come across as a snob person because i'm shy and scared to talk to people i don't know. as the tour went on and i saw people meeting each other irl after only knowing each other via tumblr/twitter/instagram, i got more nervous but also had a warm feeling in my chest because seeing people meet, bond over things they like and have fun at gigs together is actually very wholesome 🫶 i hoped i would get to experience this too at the italian gigs but i was still nervous. and then, around the middle of March, i made the spontaneous decision to do the Munich gig too, but instead of getting even more nervous i just got myself on autopilot. and i'm glad i did because if i hadn't i wouldn't have met some of you neither in Munich nor in Milan or Padua. i wouldn't get to trade stuff and joke about things and talk about fandom stuff or even about fanfics lmao 😂 anyway, point is that i most probably was worried about nothing. i got to meet so many people at the gigs and i had so much fun despite the inconveniences that may had showed up in the way (i don't wanna talk about it tbh) and everyone was so welcome and lovely i'll never shut up about it 😭 also i’m taking this opportunity to say that if we attended the same gigs but didn't get to meet, i'm so sorry about it really but we will do it at some point i'm telling you! and i also wish i get to meet more of you from in here so we can yap about things outside of tumblr too. btw i still have stickers to give away and i will make more whenever the time comes again <3
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fanged-cotl · 7 months
A Moral Role Swap
Includes: gore, detailed violence, war scene, cultist torture/suffering, narilamb, moral reflection
Timeline: Lambi Arc: Kingdom Phase
Setting: A territorial battle in Anura between an Old Faith army/settlement and Lambi's soldiers.
A general on Lambi's side has been killed, and their soldiers are trying to rush them back to camp so a resurrection can be performed. The opposing forces are trying to dismember the general so the body cannot be reanimated. People are screaming, fighting, running, shouting, crickets are chirping, crows are calling. 
Suddenly the crickets stop. The voices trickle down. People lift their noses and widen their eyes. A ringing sound can be heard in the distance, echoing through the crowd.
An enemy soldier starts to panic. 
"N-no..nonono.. no I don't want to die-" the opposing general cuts them off- "Stand your ground!! Stand your ground!!" They scream at their soldiers. Who are mostly rattled with fear. A large shadow moves across the battlefield. Lambi. 
"No no no NO-" with a blur, the soldier's jaw is caved in with a giant, void claw, with a red eye in the center. Lambi scans the area as their crown returns to their head- then lets out a combination of a roar that sounds like a distorted bleat.
The battle resumes. Lambi is like a shark in a minnow tank, crushing and slicing soldiers one by one, allowing time for their followers to carry the corpse of the general across the battlefield. 
Hidden in the shadows, Narinder is leaning against a tree with his arms crossed. Watching Lambi's every move with a faint smirk on his face. His tail is twitching with amusement. A twig snaps behind him- he swivels his ear back and, before he can look at his attacker, he's falling backwards in a chokehold. He lets out an enraged hiss and thrashes his body, reaching for his eye so he can summon his scythe- the attacker pins his free arm. He yowls and snarls, kicking and shuffling. His attacker pulls out a dagger aimed at his throat. Lambi is hunched over in the battlefield. There is a body in their hands with a torn throat. Blood is dripping from Lambi's jaws. They're panting, teeth bared as blood mixed saliva drips from their sharp canines. They perk up their ears. Hearing the sound of Narinder's distress calls, they look up- like a predator looks up from a corpse it was feasting upon. Eyes gleaming red as the night settles in.
They rush over to him, expecting the attacker to flee. Instead, Lambi is standing over them, as the struggle ensues. 
Nari... why are you here right now?? They think to themselves. 
"HELP ME ALREADY." Narinder hisses, holding the dagger away from slicing his throat. Lambi, seeing as his outfit is not fit for battle, puts two and two together. 
"Well if you wanted to gaze so longingly at me I could've arranged some guards for you." They tease with their expression changed into that of amusement mixed with endearment. 
"Lamb." Narinder growls through gritted teeth, annoyed, but not angry- he knows he's safe if they're here with him. 
"That's not how you ask your savior for help." They step closer. Narinder grunts and growls, his arm starting to shake, the attacker tries to bite him, and he snaps his head back and gives them a nosebleed.
"Grrh- please aid me oh savior of mine?~" 
Lambi giggles, grabs the attacker's wrist, and snaps it out of place. The attacker screams at the top of their lungs. Narinder flinches and pins his ears back from the noise. Lambi lifts up the attacker by the neck. Looks at them with a somewhat aloof, annoyed expression. 
"You know you could just accept your god is dead or leave instead of fucking killing yourselves." 
"Long- live..Heket" they choke. Lambi tightens their grip. 
"HEKET IS LONG GONE. LONG GONE AND DEAD. THEY AREN'T COMING BACK.-" they lean in close to the suffering cultist. Lowering their voice to a raspy, murmur.
"-and neither is my family, and neither are you, im going to pop your fucking eyes out if you don't just SUBMIT." Narinder can feel the anger on every shaky breath. 
Heket isn't coming back. The words sting him. After all these years, the past, although no longer claiming him, still stings him. The attacker is turning blue, their life is fading and Narinder can feel it. Lambi growls, the blood on their mouth drying while the blood from their eyes still drips. Tears from eyes still clouded in grief, unable to escape it. 
"You think I'm just going to treat you like some misfortunate idiot- while you praise the name of one of those genocidal maniacs-" Cracking sounds emanate from the cultist's neck. Lambi is shaking. 
"Lambi that is enough." 
Lambi snaps out of it, perks up their ears, drops the cultist with an open hand. 
"H..hm?" They look at him with a wide-eyed expression. 
"I did- oh- oh, sorry. I didn't let you finish your fight did I?" They give him an apologetic and oblivious smile. 
"Is something wrong?" 
"No, nothing- I should get back to the temple." Lambi doesn't buy it. Not wanting to peep into his mind, they bend down and touch his shoulders and ask- with sincerity: 
"What's wrong Narinder?" 
He looks over their shoulders. 
"Our general is being dismembered." 
"Shit-" they rush over to the scene, stabbing a soldier carrying the general's decapitated head. 
Narinder sighs and looks on. I'm starting to feel more... aware.. of how Lambi once felt at the time I first met them. Maybe it is the remnants of my mortal form yet to be shed- or... His ears fall down slightly. But now… they are becoming just like me... perhaps I've made more mistakes than I could have realized.
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Ateez reaction when they have a tall S/O.
Hongjoong: He doesn’t mind your height at all, but when you start to tease him is when he starts to bite back, even more so when you hold him back at arms length, giggling to yourself. There are days he wishes he could do this to you, but he still finds it funny n9ne the less.
"Y/n let go of me I swear to god!" Hongjoong yells as he tries to grab at you.
"Aww, you're so cute. So small." You giggle really trying to dig your heels in... and it worked, the small, frustrated growl that came out of him was too cute for you to handle.
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Seonghwa: He loves it, his clothes fit you perfectly instead of looking a little baggy on you, and he loves to find you lounging around in his clothes like you own them.
"Are... are those my clothes?" Seonghwa questions, tilting his head to get a better look at your outfit.
"Ah, ah, correction, they're OUR clothes."
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Yunho: He’s not bothered by your height, in a way it might be less back ache for him to bend over and kiss you, but don’t be fooled he could still throw you over his shoulder like you were nothing. He especially loves it when you try to be a lot taller than him, going on your tiptoes and stretching your neck to gain extra height.
“Y/n, just give up, I know you’re tall but I’m still just that little bit taller...still cute though.” He beams patting your hair.
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Yeosang: Yeosang has always admired your long legs. Your height didn’t phase him in the slightest, but your legs...now those had a chokehold on him. His eyes always wandered along your legs and his hands couldn’t help but follow. You could be laying on the couch with him and his hands are automatically running themselves along the length of your legs and he will always glance in amazement.
“Yeo, you okay over there?”
“They just seem to never end.” He whispers as his hands trail higher. “They go on forever.” 
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San: San was now very untrusting of your height. At first, it wasn't anything he'd think about. You were you, and he loved you no matter what, but one day, you took a bit too much advantage of your height and hid his favourite snack away in a high place as a prank.
"San, what are you doing?" You ask, watching as he looks around the kitchen with a strong look of concentration on his face and his arms full of snacks.
"Nothing... I'm definitely not looking for a snack hiding spot if that's what you're thinking... don't be crazy y/n."
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Mingi: He loves your height. He's forever giving you forehead kisses just because he can reach without effort, and because he can, he'd also love to nuzzle his nose randomly with yours when you're next to each other just to watch you blush.
"So small." Mingi beams giving you a quick peck on the forehead.
"Small!?! I'm almost the same height as you, I'm not small."
"You're still smaller than me, so I get to say you're small."
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Wooyoung: This boy is a menace, he’s always calling you to grab stuff off the higher shelves when he’s cooking or just looking for a snack, he knows full well he only needs to go on his toes a little and he’d reach it but why would he have to struggle to do that when you’re there and can do it effortlessly? 
“Woo, you’re able to get that surely, just grab it with your finger tips.”
He looks over his shoulder at you, pout present on his face as he looks at you with puppy eyes. “But you can reach it better...please?”
After getting the big baby what he wants he’s back to his usual self.
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Jongho: He’s the silent admirer. Anything you do he's in awe over, evey outfit you wear he can't help bit stop and stare at how perfectly your clothes accentuate your height. The height difference between you turns some head from time to time, but he loves it. On the inside, his pride is growing every second as he thinks, "Yeah, they're with me, and they're perfect."
"Jongho, what's got you smiling like an idiot?" You giggle, noticing how the apples of his cheeks start to turn a little pink.
"Oh, nothing, I just think you look amazing in that outfit... or any outfit really."
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Prompt List               MasterList         Buy me a Coffee
Tag list: @stardragongalaxy @kpopjust4u   @littleparkseonghwa       @whatudowhennooneseesyou   @8tinytings   @jenotation @grim-adventures58   @owjohny   @ker1  @azeret98   @queenwiinks   @tinkerbell460  @haylstoney  @scuzmunkie  @halesandy​   @multihunbun  @kodzukein  @maskedmochii  @woosannie
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noses-in-winter · 1 year
Innoportune for Solara?
Thanks so much for my first prompt ask, yay! Okay so this is about my angry fairy princess OC Solara who has the SUPER rockin hot body of the fairy goddess. She wears an outfit made of ceremonial daisy petals, buuuuut she is very allergic to it. She's also a very petite individual but has a loud, violent sneeze that is very un-princesslike, so there really is no opportune time for her to sneeze.
It's in the POV of Callum, her sweet servant who's mute but loves her very much and would do anything for her! I wouldn't label this nsfw but it DOES have descriptions of her, um, overactive chest with her overactive sneezing.
2.4k words, f sneezes, tiddy descriptions, PLEASE DON'T REBLOG TO NON-KINK BLOGS PLEEEASE
There was always a very limited window of time for Princess Solara to sport the ceremonial daisy bralette. Even when overloading herself with antihistamines, the chokehold that daisy pollen had on her was ultimately unstoppable. That’s why Kien the royal painter had been told to work fast to paint Solara in the bralette before she could wind up sneezing every last petal off. If yet another portrait had to be restarted due to the interruption of Solara’s allergic sneezing fits…Well. Callum knew that the Queen would be having a very different kind of fit in response. 
He sat patiently on the window seat, silently observing the portrait at hand. Callum would occasionally peek at Kien’s canvas as he painted the visage of Solara, but the majority of his attention was on the princess herself. She was…not faring well. Root-based allergy potions always got her sleepy and a touch disoriented, a stark difference from her typical fiery personality. Solara’s nose had evidently missed the memorandum that said potion was meant to last several hours. It had only been two since Kien began painting, and Solara was already beginning to scrunch her nose with persistent sniffles. That’s how it always started, with harmless, delicate sniffling that steadily grew damper and heavier as time went on. He supposed that was rather how Solara was as an individual; Seemingly the proper, fragile princess that grew increasingly difficult to deal with as one got to know her. 
“Hold still, Princess,” Kien urged, using a small brush to paint the hundreds of tiny petals of the bralette. 
Even as the antihistamines took away most of her typical awareness, Solara scowled with pink eyes flashing in irritation. “And just whaddoyou think I’m--sdff, trying to do here, Kien?” she asked, words beginning to run together slightly. 
“I just--”
“No, I’d like knowing wha’ you’ve thought m’goal has been this--snf--entire--snff! Damned time. Enlighten me.”
Callen looked over to Callum, silently asking for help. Callum pursed his lips into a flat line and simply offered the painter a shrug. Kien sighed and nodded, leaning back behind his canvas to avoid Solara’s glower. “Nothing, Princess.” 
Solara’s frown softened, though she was still evidently unhappy. She simply focused back on her posing with a sniffle. Callum had to admit that it was…difficult not to stare. Princess Solara was considered to be the end all, be all of Aurorian beauty, and for good reason. The bralette didn’t cover much, allowing her full chest to rest mostly exposed in the sunshine filtering through the grand windows. One strap hung loose on one shoulder, simply allowing the daisy petal garment to slip lower down her chest. Her nipples weren’t quite exposed yet, but Callum kept an eye out in case more of her areolas became visible. He knew she would very much not want the bra to get that low. Solara didn’t seem to notice amidst her concentrated sniffling, and Kien evidently wasn’t interested in adjusting it. Callum supposed it made sense for the Aurorian princess to show off as much of her body as possible for a portrait, but he wondered if Kien knew or cared how sick of the public sexualization Solara got. 
Kien leaned back on his stool, examining his work with a slight tilt to his head. He nodded over to Callum. “Would you go tuck the hair on her right side over her shoulder? I’d like an unobscured look at the cups of the bralette.” 
Callum obeyed without question, rising from his seat to go to Solara’s side. He offered her a soft smile as he took her curls in hand. He tucked the hair behind her shoulder, fingers inadvertently brushing along her bare skin as he did so. A warm blush spread over Callum’s face as he flashed her an apologetic wince, but Solara was oblivious. She was currently sniffling at a much faster pace than before, freckled nose scrunching to the left and right. She let out a shaky, whining little breath as her running nose escaped the confines of her nostrils to slide down onto her upper lip.
“Fuck…” she swore, shoulders shuddering as she crossed her eyes to look at her nose. She made a valiant effort to sniffle the beads of mess back into her nostrils, but Solara’s attempts proved useless. While she didn’t move her head, her eyes flickered up to the painter. “Kien, I need---”
“Not yet,” he said, motions speeding up as he captured the visage of the royal before him. “Don’t move.”
“Just a few more minutes.”
Princess Solara looked to Callum next with an expression of pleading that only he ever saw. Solara was an…angry individual, to put it kindly, but she knew that she could turn to her lad-in-waiting in times of crisis. “C-Callum…?”
He knelt to her side immediately, collecting the handkerchief from his breast pocket. A Solara in her right mind would have sooner screamed than allow Callum, or anyone, near her nose. This Solara, however, was only a fraction of her regular self at the moment. She hardly seemed to react at all initially, eyes crossing once again to look at the center of her face. Callum gingerly folded the handkerchief over her freckled nose, using all the care in the world as he wiped the underside. Solara’s cheeks began to visibly darken. Instead of shoving his hand away or barking at him, she simply looked away from Callum’s eyes with a sniffle. “Th-....Thank you, Callum,” she murmured. 
Despite Solara being unable to see him, Callum gave her a nod and a reassuring smile. After all he did for Solara on a daily basis, cleaning up her nose was hardly notable for him. Solara, of course, would be apoplectic once her antihistamines (and allergy attack) wore off, but Callum could handle it. He could handle anything about her.
“Stay close,” Kien requested of Callum, nothing but focus on his face as he painted. “In case she needs you again.” 
Warmth bloomed in Callum’s chest. In case she needed him again. Callum was quite vocally disliked throughout the entirety capitol, and yet he was somehow good enough for Princess Solara to need. He nodded, remaining seated at her side. 
Solara continued to sniffle, though her nose didn’t run as it had a moment ago. She inhaled and exhaled through parted lips in some attempt to keep her nose as unbothered as possible, but Callum was very aware that this wouldn’t last long. He wasn’t sure if Solara was capable of that realization at the moment, though.
As he expected, it didn’t take long for Solara’s nostrils to flare into perfect little circles with a hitch of her breath. Her lashes fluttered shut as she drew one hand up to fan beneath her nose. 
“Nonono!” Kien pleaded, gesticulating to Solara. “Stay as you were! Just a minute longer!” 
A low whine rumbled in Solara’s throat as she set her hand back in its previous position on the fainting couch. She sniffled sharply, nose starting to scrunch irritably to the side. “I need to s-sneeze,” she said pointedly to Kien, words beginning to snag. 
Kien nodded, dipping his brush into a brilliant daisy cream shade of paint. “I understand. We’re nearly there. I’ve just got to finish getting all the petals, so you won’t have to wear the bralette for our next session. Okay, Princess?”
Solara was evidently debating how much she wanted to avoid wearing the daisy bralette in the future. Without waiting for her to ask him, Callum cautiously extended the hand still holding his handkerchief. She stared at his hand for a beat before her eyes flickered up to Callum’s. Solara opened her mouth to speak before she instead trembled with a heady hitch of her breath. Her chest shuddered with the itchy little gasp. Callum pretended not to notice. “Hh--! I-I can’t help it. O-Okay--hehh--!”
He didn’t hesitate. Callum reached behind Solara, placing one steadying hand between her shoulder blades. With the other, he folded his handkerchief back over her nose. There wasn’t a moment to spare before Solara convulsed with a sneeze, doing her best to stay as still as possible. A massive feat, Callum thought, given how very…indelicate her sneeze was. 
“HiYYshiyUHH!” she sneezed, just as voluminous and violent as usual. She very nearly forced the handkerchief from his hand with the strength of it. Warmth immediately flooded into the handkerchief with the productive release. Callum found himself glad that he’d made it in time. Daisy-induced sneezes were always terribly messy for Solara, and he knew she would have been horrified to sneeze openly at the moment. She wobbled in the aftermath, momentarily disoriented from that big sneeze. 
Callum couldn’t blame his Princess for avoiding sneezing whenever possible. He supposed he would avoid it, too, if his sneeze was as aggressive as hers. It suited her loud personality, though, in a way he found painfully endearing. 
Kien jumped in response, just as everyone did when hearing Princess Solara sneeze for the first time. “Fuck--ahem. Goodness. Bless, Prince--”
“Shut up,” Solara snarled at him, flashing Kien a pointed glare over the handkerchief. Just after, her eyes snapped shut all over again. Callum tightened his hold on the handkerchief over her nose to ensure it wasn’t at risk of being sneezed away. He wasn’t the strongest individual, so there wasn’t much he could do about the way she rocked back into the hand he held between her shoulder blades. Once again, Callum tried to avoid staring at the way her chest heaved with every sneeze. “Hh’shYYUH! Woah--!” she gasped when she rocked back. 
Callum gave her a quiet look in the eye that he hoped communicated: I’ve got you.
Kien gasped. Callum was about to shoot the painter an unhappy look of his own before seeing exactly what Kien did: Half a dozen daisy petals shuddering off of the bralette’s wire frame with that last sneeze. “No--keep the petals intact!”
Callum didn’t need explanation for the importance of this. Solara’s breath was already seesawing in preparation for another sneeze. Callum rapidly looked between her face and the shuddering bralette. Her hitches were so strong that it began to shake a few petals off of it without even needing to sneeze yet. 
He had seen this happen on many an occasion. One or two heavy, hard sneezes, and the bralette would begin falling apart. And Princess Solara was only full of heavy, hard sneezes. 
He had two options, neither of them ideal. As Solara’s chest rose with a final hitch, Callum decided on the lesser of two evils to keep his Princess’ pride as intact as possible. He dropped the damp handkerchief in his lap and used both hands to hold her chest.
Attempting to keep Solara’s chest from wobbling with a sneeze was as effective as trying to keep a shattered vase from crumbling. Callum tried, certainly, and he did succeed in cutting down on the amount of petals that could have been shaken free, but it did require holding both cups of the bralette with splayed fingers. Solara’s chest was so…much, that he couldn’t have held them otherwise. 
This also involved Solara needing to sneeze without a handkerchief. She seemed to realize at the very last moment that her protective cover was now gone and managed to sneeze downward rather than straight ahead. Even with this precaution, a fine mist still settled on her chest as well as Callum’s forearms and hands. 
He wasn’t perturbed. Callum simply hoped this wouldn’t be getting him slapped later. Even if it did, he would have rathered Solara be temporarily enraged with him than permanently humiliated by sneezing her bra to pieces in front of Kien. Callum didn’t distrust the painter, necessarily, but he didn’t think there were many people in the capitol who wouldn’t go bragging about getting to see the Princess completely topless. After an out of control sneezing fit, no less. 
After her first love’s abandonment last year, Callum didn’t think Princess Solara could handle much more whispering about her. 
Solara sniffled, blinking at Callum through teary lashes. She looked exhausted and embarrassed and--
“Good save! Just a few more---”
No. No few more minutes. Callum was a patient individual (he had to be to work for Solara) that anger didn’t come naturally to, but the sight of Solara’s discomfort mixed with Kien’s calloused response was enough to push him over that edge. Callum shot Kien a pointed frown and shook his head, beginning to discard his jacket. A few petals fell loose from the bralette once his hands were away, but not enough to send it falling apart yet. Solara was already getting a new sneezy expression on her face, so Callum worked quickly.
He wrapped his jacket around her shoulders, doing his best to close it over her ample chest. It didn’t cover them completely, but enough for the moment. He wrapped an arm around Solara and helped her to stand. She looked confused for a moment before that look crumbled with a wobbling chin. “Hh! HyYYshuHH!” she sneezed openly in front of her, another burst of mist dampening her chest. Callum gave her a squeeze in lieu of a blessing and had to resist the urge to use his handkerchief to dab at her chest to dry it. 
“‘M sorry…” Solara murmured with a nose-crinkling snuffle. 
Kien, of course, was less than thrilled. “No!” he exclaimed, jumping to his feet and nearly knocking the easel over in the process. “Where are you--? No, no, we were nearly--”
“Kien.” Solara’s voice was unsteady as she let her head fall against Cananver’s shoulder. He smiled softly and squeezed her again. “Fucking deal w--hih! With it.”
He was still protesting as the princess and her lad-in-waiting left the room, Callum holding Solara protectively. 
She was out of it. Her head lolled sleepily against him. She blinked up at Callum with a sniffle, raising one hand to rub under her nose. “I…I wanna take a nap,” she said just before she hitched with flared little nostrils again. This time, she was able to smother a sneeze into the arm of his jacket. “Ughh. I’b sorry…”
Callum shook his head, reaching up to smooth unruly locks from her forehead. He couldn’t tell her with words, so he could only hope that Solara felt how he would do anything for his Princess. 
Always anything for his Princess.
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ashes-writing · 2 years
wild one pt eight | stranger things ; g.emerson
tag list babes || req rules / fandoms + characters || send me asks/reqs? || masterlist
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one - two - three - four - five - six - seven can all be found by clicking. stranger things masterlist is here but warning it is a clusterfuck and badly outta date rn.
This story still has a chokehold on me. And it may seem like it, but this one is not over yet. They still have to get through senior year. I have uh.. plansss. So this came to me earlier. And this story is still kind of going to be a slow burn (in that they still aren't 'official' yet) but.. this chapter might make it seem like they're not. Anyway, I thought it was cute as hell when the idea came so I humored it.
You guys are so sweet and so amazing, oh my god, I love you all so much. You don't know how much your interactions / the fact that you even read and indulge me in my bullshit makes me so so so happy. And your comments, likes, reblogs + reblogs with tags ugh, they always leave me so happy and my mind is blown. Thank you guys so so so much, i can't ever express this well enough. Emotions. Fuck.
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-- cheerleaders and drummers don't mix... or maybe they do?
Gareth Emerson x Fem!Reader ( beyond female parts, personality and outfits descriptions/wearing glasses, fem reader is left blank.)
Awkward and cute fluff. Swearing. Mentions of vomit and two lil babies being cute and awkward together... For now, hehe.
@untitledarea - these are the only names on my stranger things taglist. If you want to be on it, let me know or add yourself to the link at the top.
Set in S4. Everyone is of age here, 18. There is no Upside Down or Vecna or deaths. Just teenagers going through the ups and downs that are a senior year and doing cute shit together. So if you like slice of life / fluff / some occasional angst, this is the one.
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He’s watching the doors of the bar every few seconds and it gets to a point where Grant feels the need to speak up, laughing. “Relax. She’ll be here, Gareth.”
“And if she doesn’t show, no big deal.” Eddie’s trying to look at it diplomatically despite knowing his best friend will be crushed. Jeff nods, agreeing, but he grins at Gareth. “She’ll be here though. You’ll see.”
And then the doors to the bar burst open and Jeff chuckles, nudging Gareth in the side. “She’s here. Told you, Emerson.”
Nothing on earth prepares him for what he turns around to find. You’re sitting at the bar in his flannel, a red cropped shirt and cutoffs and the red pull on boots you’ve worn since tenth grade. You’re fidgeting with the sleeve of his shirt as you talk to the woman working the bar and sip a drink. All he can do is stare. Gape, honestly. Jeff cackles at the look on his face and Gareth is biting down on his lip so hard he’s wondering why it isn’t bleeding yet. Eddie’s the one who gives him a shove and nods in your direction. “You gonna do something or stand around and stare all night, Emerson?”
And he’s walking towards you before he can stop himself. Lingering nearby, shuffling his feet. You lock eyes mid-laugh at something the bartender Angel is telling you and give him that little grin, waving him over. He makes his way over just in time to see you pop one of the cherries floating in your glass into your mouth and his eyes fix on the way your lips form a little O, dazed. 
“Sorry. I wanted to get here earlier but I wound up taking Max over to El’s.” you want to kick yourself when your words tumble out right on top of each other. Your glasses are slipping again and you grumble, blowing out an exasperated breath. You were just about to push them up on your nose properly but Gareth does it before he can stop himself, a hand lingering against your cheek. You know your skin has to be on fire and you’re mortified because you usually don’t blush at all until lately, when he’s involved and it seems as if that’s all you ever do now. You tilt your head a little, grinning up at him. Reaching down to your drink to pluck out another cherry and pop it into your mouth.
Because if you keep eating the cherries, it keeps your mouth busy. There’s less of a chance that you’ll try to kiss him on a whim and have a repeat of 7th grade.
Angel’s watching the two of you and she’s laughing to herself about it because it’s just too cute and she can’t resist.
“It’s okay.” his brain and mouth finally decide to work. “You didn’t have to come tonight. But I’m glad you’re here.” his voice drops a little towards the end and it goes a little huskier and you can’t help but squirm a little on the stool. You smile at him and you’re hit with a case of the giggles. “Me too.” and that silence settles over but it’s not awkward tonight it’s different somehow. And thicker, you can’t help but notice that. And upon noticing it, you wind up leaning forward on the stool just so that you’re closer to him. 
,, okay, shit.. Uh… work brain, c’mon.” he’s trying to come up with what he needs to do next in the situation and it results in him stepping in front of you so that he’s standing between your legs, a hand planted on either side of the stool so that you’re encased. 
He half expects you to pull away, so he’s surprised when you don’t. You lean in a little closer to him. Playing with the front of his shirt when you do it just so  you keep your hands all nice and distracted. Eddie clears his throat from nearby and nods to the little makeshift stage at the front of the bar. You giggle, pulling away just a little and with a pout. “You’re up.” you mumble quietly. “I’m gonna find a closer seat.”
He steps away and you slip off the stool, slinking over to a booth to sit. Gareth takes himself several deep breaths and Eddie catches him before he goes to sit behind his drums. “You’ve gotta do something, Emerson. You have to.”
“And I am. I just.. Need to figure it out, Munson.”
They take the stage for their first song and you're clapping and laughing. As soon as you realize they're about to play one of your favorite older Metallica songs, you're grinning from ear to ear and you whistle before you can stop yourself.
Gareth can't stop staring at you and it's a wonder he doesn't mess up constantly, at one point, he watches you thrashing your head around because you're really into the song they're playing, grinning, singing along.
It's probably one of the most beautiful things he's ever seen if he had to be honest with himself. You're definitely not the girl he thought you were.
– ( after the show )
The show’s literally just ended and you make your way up to him when he steps out from behind the drums. You’ve been sitting there, squirming the entire time because watching him play was so damn hot and the whole time you’ve been watching him play, you’re telling yourself that you need to just go for it already, you don’t have a lot of time left, this school year will be over in the blink of an eye and you really don’t want to go off on your own without at least trying.
Of course the other half of you, the half that remembers every unholy mess that came of the multiple times your mother and father tried and failed, she’s speaking up and telling you why that’s not a good idea so you’re more than a little conflicted. 
“Holy shit, that was amazing.” you’re hugging against him before you can stop yourself once you’ve made your way over. You pull away to grin up at him and he’s blushing a little, but he’s smirking and it makes you laugh. You make yourself pull away even though you don’t really want to and then Eddie says something about going out into the alley to smoke before they come back in and start loading up their instruments for the night.
This is how you find yourself sitting in the open back of Eddie’s van, swinging your legs a little as you take a drag from your own cigarette. Gareth’s sitting next to you and you’ll reach over and twist his ring now and then, doing it without thinking about it.
It feels nice. It’s definitely something you can get used to. It's something you fully intend to get used to. If only you can get up the nerve to go for it, to do something..
Gareth is trying to ignore Eddie’s pointed looks now and then but finally, his own curiosity gets the best of him and he has to say something. At least let on that he knows you have his shirt and you’re wearing it right now. The guys have all gone back in to unplug everything and start carrying it out. And it’s quiet and there’s that thickness to it.
Maybe that’s why you blurt out what you wind up blurting out. “Remember that stupid game of seven in heaven?” you laugh when you ask him. Swinging your feet a little, taking a deep breath as you gaze up at the sky.
“Yeah.” Gareth chuckles. Tensing slightly because he’s not sure he’s going to like what you’re about to say.
You turn to face him and take a deep breath. “I gotta say this or I’m gonna lose my fuckin mind.” you mumble it mostly to yourself and Gareth clears his throat, speaking up with that firm tone. Gently gripping your jaw to make you look at him because right now, you’re staring at the way the flannel shirt covers your cutoffs and you’re lost in thought. “Say what?”
“You know the reason I threw up had nothing to do with you.. Right? I mean.. It did but it.. Fuck.” you laugh at yourself and shake your head, going quiet. Thumping your cigarette across the alley. Taking a deep breath so you can try again. “I threw up because I really really wanted to kiss you but I hadn’t ever kissed anybody before and I was nervous. It had nothing to do with wanting to get out of kissing you… Just like… so you know, I mean… Gotta say it sometime, right?” you give an awkward little laugh as you play with the end of the sleeves.
Gareth chuckles quietly. “ I always kinda thought it was to get out of kissing me. Especially when you ran out after it happened.”
You give him these big eyes and lightly swat at his chest, shaking your head. “No! No. No, that was not it at all. I uh..” you raise a hand and it catches in your hair, you’re tugging at it as you take a long and deep breath. “I actually elbowed Sara Miller until she gave me her turn so I could pick you.”
You laugh again quietly. “Holy shit, it feels good to get that out.” you’re looking up at the sky again. “You don’t have to uh do or say anything I uh.... I just wanted to say it? Because this year is it, we’re all probably gonna go off, do things and stuff and I just wanted to tell you that.” you start to stand because you’re trying so hard not to make this awkward at all but you’re only doing exactly that every time your mouth opens. It takes him the time it takes you to get to the front of the building like you’re heading to the parking lot but then he’s on his feet. Catching up to you when you’re just about to step out of the alley and into the parking lot. A hand on your shoulder to turn you around.
He’s laughing a little when you turn around. And then he’s towering over you, the laughter dies away. He’s got you caged in, back against the wall and he’s staring down at you. “You seriously tell a guy something like that and you run?”
You cringe a little, swallowing hard. “I.. I thought it was awkward?”
“I mean, yeah… But I actually wanted to say something too.” Gareth is leaning into you a little closer, a hand palm down against the dingy brick wall of the building as he stares down into your eyes. Dazed and whatever it was he planned on saying when he stopped you from bolting just now has vanished from his brain entirely. 
“What about now?” he asks after a few seconds. “Huh?” you mutter, tearing your gaze off of plush pink lips and trying to focus. Gareth swallows hard. “I,uh…” he swears under his breath and rubs the bridge of his nose, annoyed with himself. It’s not like he has any doubts left. “Let me try again.” he’s got a hand on your hip now. You nod, laughing softly. “ ‘Kay.” a fit of giggles because he’s used that firm tone only this time, it’s more or less him being annoyed with himself than it has anything to do with you. Or trying to reign you in -because he cares and he wants to take care of you, of course, which is something he feels he'll definitely have use for it in the future.. If he can get past this little hiccup in front of him right now, that is.
He takes a few deep breaths. “Do you want to kiss me now? Or did that uh.. Change?” he stumbles through the question.
You’re biting your lip, staring up at his mouth intently. Lost in thought. Distracted. “What if I do?” the question slips out quietly. Your breath hanging in your throat and your heart about to beat right out of your chest. One of you has to do something and it just so happens that both of you decide to try and go for it at the exact same time, your noses crashing against each other as you both pull away wincing. “Ouch. Are you alright?” he’s gazing down at you in concern. You’re giggling again, grumbling about yet again, effectively being your own worst enemy and he chuckles, gripping your jaw. “Let me try again.” he mumbles, using his grip on your jaw to pull your mouth against his. His teeth catch against your bottom lip, tugging, sucking at it until you can feel it starting to ache. 
From the door leading out into the alley, Eddie chuckles and he stops Jeff and Grant shy of bursting out with their equipment to put in the van with a shake of his head, gesturing them over to take a peek at what’s happening outside instead. 
Gareth’s hand is on your hip, fingers dragging lazily on your skin. You raise your arms, wrapping them around his neck. Your fingers catching in thick curls at the back of his head and tugging just a little. He’s surprised when he feels your teeth latch against his bottom lip but he groans, especially since you’ve melted into him. His tongue runs along your tongue after your mouth falls open willingly, met with no resistance on your end. You whimper and the sound is swallowed by the sloppy meeting of your mouths again and again, neither one of you willing to pull away for too long. When the series of kisses finally breaks so you can both catch a breath, a strand of saliva connects your mouths and you laugh softly, leaning your forehead against the front of his shirt. “Hey.. I didn’t hurl this time.” you joke and he snorts, laughing about it. Leaning down to wipe a thumb across your bottom lip because the tinted lip stain you were wearing smeared below your lip a little. “Your lipstick..” he chuckles and you gaze up at him, leaning against him heavily. “Yeah, I knew the packaging was bullshit when I brought it.” you shrug it off.
“We should probably go get your drums?” you ask, tilting your head to look up at him.
He nods but honestly, the last thing on his mind at the moment is going back inside the smoky bar. And every part of him wants to ask if the kiss was good, if it meant anything, but he stops himself shy of it.
It’s probably a miracle any of this even happened.
But then, you lean into his side when you’re both walking back down towards the door and like a reflex, he slips an arm around your waist.
“Shit! They’re comin in, act normal, dudes.” Eddie’s laughing, he’s trying not to give Gareth a shit eating grin and it’s really hard to refrain from saying something when he notices a very distinct cherry red tint to Gareth’s lips.
“You were watching, weren’t you?” Gareth asks Grant who gives a sheepish shrug. Jeff drags a hand over his head and Eddie shakes his head. “Us? Watch? Nooo. But you ah..” Eddie nods to Gareth’s lips and the way your lip stain smeared on them, smirking when he points out calmly, “It’s a lovely shade on you, Emerson.”
“Fucker.” Gareth flips him off, laughing. Flushed in the face.
“Go get your drums, dude. We’re about ready to roll outta here.”
“Yeah, okay, alright.” Gareth laughs. You wander over to the stage with him, sitting on it and swinging your legs while he breaks everything he needs to down to transport. 
“Hey..” you look up over your shoulder at him.
“Do you wanna.. Nevermind.”
“No, what?”
“Well.. I usually go sit up near the water tower.”
“Didn’t you and Emma get in trouble for climbing it last year during Homecoming?”
You giggle and shrug.
“You stay on the ground.. When you go up there, right?” Gareth asks, stepping closer. Gazing down at you in concern. "Some guy fell off in 79."
“Sometimes?” you bite your lip as you say it. “I will if you come with me tonight. You don’t have to.” you’re quick to add. You just don’t want the night to be over yet.
Gareth smiles at you and nods. “Yeah, I’ll come out there with you.”
You’re grinning at him and he chuckles quietly. “Let me get this in Munson’s van and we can go.”
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aberooski · 1 month
thoughts on paris night 1? IM SO SAD ABOUT THE SET CUTS 😭😭😭😭
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I was getting the twitter notifs as it was happening and I was SHOOK! When I heard she cut The Archer I knew none of us were safe ✋😭 DEVASTATED by the tis the damn season and tolerate it cuts especially, I'm so happy I got to go last year Chicago n3 and got to experience them! And don't get me started in the Long Live cut that is FOUL of her 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
BUT ALL THE NEW OUTFITS????????? THEY'RE SO BEAUTIFUL! THE BIBLICALLY ACCURATE FEARLESS DRESS!?!??! BE STILL MY FEARLESS GIRL HEART! The way every era had a new outfit but Rep is the most hilarious thing I've ever seen especially as not the biggest Rep girl out there aksksksk BUT I'M NOT OVER THE MULTICOLORED 1989 LOOK EITHER IT WAS STUNNING AND THE TORTURED POETS OUTFITS!?!??!?!?!?!?? I'M DEAD
Also I didn't think she would add a whole ttpd set before but as soon as I saw she was cutting songs and rearranging things I was like oh yeah, there's a new segment and so I was expecting it at that point but I was N O T EXPECTING SO HIGH SCHOOL IN THE LINEUP AND THE WAY TRAVIS WAS AT THE SHOW TONIGHT AND SHE WAVED TO HIM DURING THE SONG I'M SICK 😭😭😭😭 AND THE VISUALS AND THE STAGE AND EVERYTHING FOR WHO'S AFRAID OF LITTLE OLD ME AND HER V O C A L S WERE INCREDIBLE I SAW A FEW CLIPS AND I'M SICK I'M SO UPSET I DON'T GET TO SEE HER AGAIN 😭😭😭😭😭
also her playing loml as the piano surprise song I am truly unwell that is a major loss and none of this even affects me this leg of the tour I already had mine ✋😭 DREADING the day she plays Peter that is my favorite song off the album and honestly one of my favorite songs in the last few years and I don’t just mean of hers either. I don't know why but that song has me in a CHOKEHOLD
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spook-e-snail · 5 months
Yo dude
Opinion onnnnnnnnnn Ram3nN00dles Cass? The one who's really popular
*rubs my horrible little bug hands together* I have. So many thoughts.
There's obviously tons of hate for this mod and I'm just gonna start this off by saying that I'm not crazy about it, but admittedly I think a lot of the reasons most people hate it kinda suck lmao.
Breaking this down and also putting it under a read more because like I said. Many thoughts. A few positive. A lot negative
Now I hear a lot of folks rag on her design in this mod but tbh? It's like my favorite part.
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Like c'mon. This specific image was my PFP on fucking everything for like 2 years. It adds a bit to the original design without changing too much. I will admit however I'm not crazy about the crop top. Some folks claim that the mod over sexualizes her design because God forbid she has hips, an ass and a crop top but again I don't really see it?? It's not my favorite thing but c'mon, it's a crop top it's not a fucking gimp suit lmao.
I will admit in this outfit she feels less goth and more?? Alt?? I guess you could say?? Like again it sticks to the og design but it doesn't really have the vibes if that makes sense??
Another thing I surprisingly enjoy is RN's take on the penilians. Like most folks interpret them as humanoid and tbh? I like the more buggy look better.
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The whole abdomen, thorax and legs part is kinda iffy?? Like the phase one design kept her design recognizable with minimal changes but this just feels a bit too far off.
I'll start this part off by admitting I don't know jack fuck about music theory or much like that but like. I do not enjoy 90% of the main mod songs. Possession is one of the better ones of the mix but even then the entire time I felt like I was waiting for some kind of drop that just?? Never came??
I really hate being negative here but oh my god. Oh my god. Takeover is so fucking bad. It isn't pleasant. At all. Especially in the UTAU update, like bestie that echo is not helping.
I feel like all of the songs in that mod had that same problem where something just felt missing?? Like the voice thingy she has is pretty good and I like that they changed up BF's voice in it but tbh that can only carry a mod so far. Like again I don't know much about music theory but it doesn't really feel like there's much of a rhythm? Like yeah some parts of songs repeat but not really in a fun way.
I will admit though the Ugh cover had me in a chokehold for like a year so. Points there I guess. But again all the original music is boring at best and absolute diarrhea at worst.
Hooooooo boy.
Look I could have forgiven the lore if the music was halfway tolerable but damn. This shit is not helping itself.
This mod was made before the April fools update and hot damn is it abundantly clear.
Ramen tried really hard to make Cassandra the good guy, and back in 2021 this was pretty unheard of. Like back then everyone blasted Cass enjoyers on fuckin sight lmao (some were fair, like yeah shooting up a school isn't good obviously. Some were pretty far off though. There was a time when pretty much half of the damn FNF fandom called her a nazi?? Like say what you want but she was pretty clearly anti-facist within the first few seconds of PS). But when he tried making Cass a good guy he kinda butchered the character.
Like the whole possession story arc isn't really easy to follow imo. Like okay the penilians are aliens in this mod. But they possess her like they're demons?? And when they possess her they make her shoot up a school.
In this mod her parents are Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest, it just doesn't really make sense that they'd make her shoot up a school and not literally anything else?? Like if they were wanting to just kill as many people as possible why did they possess some random teenager? Like why not possess some dude in the military or with some form of political power? The whole alien possesed thing just doesn't make sense. Plus after the events of Pico's school she just lives with the alien possessing her?? Like apparently PS takes places when she's like 17 and in the mod she's 23. Like holy fuck how has she not done anything else??
That and I'm not a fan of the whole family drama B plot. Like its a neat concept to make her GF's estranged sister but the whole reunion with Cass and DD just feels?? Clunky?? Awkward?? Like it's just not very elegant.
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Simply not vibing with it
Look I'm not gonna go crazy deep into the drama here but what I will say is it was very clear Ramen was 17 when he made this mod, for better or for worse. He did a lot of dumb shit because he was a kid.
Some folks shit on him because he's trans and obviously that's just not fucking cool, but obviously that's not why I don't fully vibe with him. Like fucks sake I'm like vaguely nonbinary, I get that sometimes people are gonna be nasty to folks like us for literally zero reason.
The whole mod has huge PicoxCass connections and again I don't really vibe with it. It's definitely not my favorite ship ever. Like obviously people can ship whatever they want but hot damn I don't wanna see it.
Cass does end up a little woob-ified in an attempt to make her redeemable. Like by all means theres a way to redeem her without making her personality unrecognizable. I feel like this story might have worked with an OC or something but the whole penilian thing just. Did not work in my opinion.
I used to fucking LOVE this mod back in the day but as I've gotten older and understood Cassandra's character a bit more I've sorta fallen out of love with it. Don't get me wrong the designs go hard to this day but some decent art won't save a mod with shitty songs, confusing story and a controversial creator.
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lesbianslovebts · 1 year
Serious question: Do you think it’s possible to « fall for » a member of BTS (as in the only guy — no men IRL) and still be a lesbian? Comphet really has me in a chokehold 😩😩
Oh, absolutely. Let me tell you about my journey of self discovery, and hopefully that will give you some peace. The earliest gay thoughts I can pinpoint was in third grade, when I was eight, but it wasn't until I was twelve that I knew for sure that I liked girls. At that point, I just kind of assumed that I liked boys as a base line, so girls were an "addition" that made me bi. From then until the end of college, I got crushes on girls and boys, but there was a big difference that took me a long time to notice.
Basically, it was that I fell for all my female friends and enjoyed spending time together, but when I had a "crush" on a boy, it was because they said something nice to me once or twice. I thought that meant I liked them even though I strongly disliked that feeling. I would get mad, for example, when I had a crush on a boy (because it wasn't real).
I learned about comphet towards the end of college and realized that's probably what all of my so-called crushes on boys were up until that point. It was becoming clear that I was a lesbian. But the one thing that had me hemming and hawing for so damn long were these pretty boys in my phone. 😩 And surprisingly, it was my cishet mom who helped me work through a lot of it lmao. Here are some thing we've discussed that might help you:
"I know for sure that I'm gay, but BTS are hot."
You can recognize and acknowledge that certain men are attractive without being attracted to them.
"But why do I keep thinking they're so pretty?"
The hair, the makeup, the jewelry, the outfits...hello? Sometimes, they just look like lesbians, what can I say shfjsjdjgkfk. Makes the lesbian brain go brrr.
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"It doesn't feel right to be smitten with a boyband as a lesbian."
What about the straight girls who obsess over Taylor Swift? That doesn't make them gay.
"But what if I fall in love with a Real Life Man?"
Then you're bi, yay!
Basically, I just want you to know that if the only men you think twice about are men that are 100% unattainable, then you don't need to worry. I tell myself I don't have to worry about sexy Calvin Klein Jungkook unless he shows up on my doorstep. And you should, too! (/j, joking)
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panda-writes-kpop · 2 years
Best era for each dreamcatcher member?
This was such a fun ask to answer! It was a bit hard for some of the girls, as I felt they had fit in multiple eras, but I went with my gut and picked what I thought fit best with each girl. I did provide a bit of reasoning and fun, no harm intended commentary on each of my choices, so I hope you got your questions answered!
Obligatory @ for the Paladins because if I had to spend 45 minutes doing this, then they have to as well. :) @neon-city-dreams @kingmaker-a @foolish-sparrow @sanccharine I love you all a lot, so I hope you have fun doing this! 💖😉
Also, I went from oldest era to newest era instead of member order because I felt like it would be a fun change of pace! :) ( I put a readmore because, as expected from me, I wrote way more than I need to.)
Yoohyeon - Fly High (Prequel)
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Gonna be honest, it was between Fly High and You and I, but I had to go with Fly High because I like Fly High more
Her stage presence is immaculate this era - as it is every era, but I think she shines most in brighter concepts than darker ones.
I think the styling fits her the best this era
I just really like her voice on Fly High. I couldn't exactly tell you why, but I do tend to really enjoy her vocal performances on brighter songs.
I'll never forget the first time I watched this MV and saw Yoohyeon kill the spider with the magnifying glass - it was both traumatizing and iconic.
Siyeon - What (Alone In The City)
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The way she sings the chorus is so addicting, and the chorus itself is super catchy too.
Like, her voice starts to sing the chorus and then I'm fully immersed in the atmosphere of the song.
I really like how she was styled this era!
I think this was the era that I started to notice how fantastic Siyeon's stage presence is
Ms. Lee Siyeon is one of the main reasons why I enjoy Wonderland so much - her voice and energy perfectly match the song. It's so hard to take your eyes off of her whenever they perform this song!
JiU - Piri (The End Of Nightmare)
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Red-haired idols have a chokehold on me, and yes, I know it is extremely unhealthy (part 1)
Iconic pre-chorus + post-chorus
"Pil-lil-lil-lil-lil-lily" *Katie tries and fails to do the hand choreography*
The dress they gave her was so pretty, like I don't even care that the styling was mostly that outfit in different colors, please give me more-
The B-sides 'And There Was No One Left' and 'Diamond' really show off her beautiful vocals so much. <3
Dami - Scream (Dystopia: Tree of Language)
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Ah, yes, the one everyone was waiting for LOL.
Her "Devil eyes come" part still has me in a firm chokehold, and I have to repeat that part multiple times before I can listen to the song like a normal person.
I also am being held in a chokehold by her Red Sun and Black or White raps, but I am not complain because those really are some of her best verses to date.
I really am in love with her hairstyle and hair color this era.
The styling for this era - for all of the promoted songs - really is some of the best styling for Dami in my opinion. I'm already a sucker for women in suits, but Dami's Red Sun dresses? Whew, that really helped place her in the ultimate bias spot. I'm not joking you - I have a picture of her in one of those Red Sun dresses as my home screen on my phone.
SuA - Boca (Dystopia: Lose Myself)
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Okay, listen, I know I might get dragged for not putting Dami here but hear me out-
I love SuA's voice in the pre-chorus, it's so beautifully haunting - I love it!
Whoever decided that she should dance in the rain with wet hair and a soaked dress needs a raise ASAP-
The concept photos and outfits this era really play to SuA's visual strengths - her strong jawline really compliments the make-up and outfits they put her in.
'Too many angels dying now, I'm gonna change your mind~" Pure iconic-ness right there. Like the queen she is, SuA is lifted above all of us to show how good of a vocalist she really is. No further explanation needed, your honor, I rest my case-
Handong - Odd Eye (Dystopia: Road To Utopia)
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My girl came back with a BANG, like my god-
Handong's chorus part plus her part in the bridge are some of the best parts in the song.
I liked the styling for Odd Eye, but whoever decided her outfits for Wind Blows also needs a big ol' raise
Iconic Handong Wind Blows Chorus + she sings part of the chorus and then leads part of the post-chorus dance break!
Hair color was immaculate on her - I hope she goes back to that color again, it so complimented her
Gahyeon - BEcause (Summer Holiday)
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Red-haired idols have a chokehold on me, and yes, I know it is extremely unhealthy (part two)
Facial expressions, stage presence, and acting was on POINT by Gahyeon
Styling complimented her visuals a lot - the space buns and the dresses are my favorite styling this era for her
Gahyeon chorus part is so good and catchy - I always sing along to it!
Is a major part of the iconic intro choreo, and the outro choreo has her as the center AS SHE SHOULD BE-
*BONUS!* OT7 - Maison (Apocalypse: Save Us)
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Is it here because they got their first and second win because of this song? Yes, absolutely, but I still have more reasons as to why this is my favorite OT7 era.
Handong has now joined the league of "red-haired idols have a chokehold on me, and yes, I know it is extremely unhealthy"
Jokes aside, this is my favorite OT7 era in terms of styling and hair colors/styling - Yoohyeon's cookies 'n cream hair (I don't know how else to describe it, but it's cool as hell), Gahyeon's short hair, and the white goddess-styled dresses were some of my favorite parts.
Despite what a lot of people say, I think Maison is a complete bop - it's such an earworm, the chorus is so catchy, and that song has one of the best outros I've ever heard.
Group B-sides are fantastic - Locked Inside A Door is like a classic DC b-side to a T which makes it so good, Starlight is the song I've been waiting for them to make since I got into them and oh my goodness did they exceed my expectations tenfold, Together is so fun and bouncy - I definitely get why people say it's club music, and Always is a beautiful ballad that shows off their fantastic voices.
The solo songs were excellently crafted and perfectly showed off their personalities! I don't think I could pick a favorite even if you forced me to - there's too many interesting, catchy, and excellent parts of each song that makes them incomparable to each other (at least to me)
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beebubb · 3 years
Ticci Toby fkuff fic with his chaotic but loving femboi bf
Its legit just me lmao plz I need the seratonin
Omg ok but, i think you guys would be so cute together!!!! My heart feels so ✨✨✨
Ticci toby x femboy reader
My man toby couldn't be any happier with you
He absolutely LOVES your chaotic energy and that you can always keep up with him.
If you wear makeup, he would love it if you could do his.
Same goes for clothes, he would love to try to wear what you wear.
Though your skirts would probably be a bit small on him sense he's kinda tall
There is no toxic masculinity in this relationship
His heart is just 💓💓💓
He just can't believe he got an amazing bf like you
He's the type to go out to the store to buy whatever he was asked for, but if he sees a piece of clothing that he think you'll like or reminds him of you, he's definetly gonna buy it for you
He loves helping you pick outfits too
Though he doesn't have much skill with makeup or fashion, matching colors, etc. If he thinks something is pretty, he's gonna choose it
"Babe can i do your makeup?! Please!!"
But when you come out all dressed up, he's just like:
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He loves that you can be just as chaotic as him and just have fun with him sense the other pastas are either doing their own thing or are busy, so he's bored most the time
But with you, he has a complete blast
Though he can get too carried away sometimes by breaking something accidentally while literally doing anything
I don't know how this is even possible but, whenever he does something, something always ends up broken (including furniture)
"oH mY goD! OuR taBLe! IT's bRoKeN!"
He has VERY high energy, but with you being the only person that can settle him down and with your caring attitude, you can easily calm him down
Which is why slender or masky ask you to help him get to sleep a lot
You let him lay between your thighs while you play with his hair, he will literally just melt and be happy
He feels so loved by you
You guys remind me of those lyrics from cupid's chokehold but it would go like "i know i'm young, but if i had to choose him or the sun i'd be one nocturnal son of a gun"
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saksukei · 3 years
joshua hong florist au
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ah yes, joshua hong,, the cute boy that worked in the flower shop near your home,, his smile alone could send your heart rate to the moon,, he was so adorable!! and oh my god his little nose scrunch<3 he had such pretty outfits,, and u were like why does man not bag any1 he absolutely has the looks to bag some bitches. it's us. we’re the bitches.
you would pass by the shop every day to get to where u worked,, which was at the library,, you liked your job a lot,, you got to spend the entire day around books,, but most importantly,, you could see joshua from one of the windows,, and he’d normally be there,, watering his plants or like taking to this old auntie that ran the bakery next to his shop!!!
“what flower would you like today?” joshua asked,, you’d buy flowers every day,, actually,, it was only one flower,, and you would press them in between of your books,, eventually pasting it,,
“surprise me,” you reply,, and joshua smiles,, seriously this man does not know the chokehold he has on u.
he heads on to the back and comes with a white colored flower, “here you go,” he hands it to you. “its a white camellia.”
“s’ so pretty,” you comment. “how much for it? and don't say nothing, because I swear to god–”
“alright, alright,” joshua surrenders. “how about seventy-five cents?”
“hong, if you sell your flowers per seventy five cents, I doubt you'd make enough profit to keep this shop open,” you joke, and he laughs,,
“seventy five cents is actually the normal price range,” he explains. “plus, it's just one flower and you're a regular customer.”
“see now you’re just being too kind,,” you chuckle, as you hand him a dollar.
“learning it from you m’lady,” he tips his imaginary hat,, you can't deny the way your heart fluttered,,,
“i’ll see you tomorrow, joshua,” you smile,, as you head towards your library,, putting the flower in a jar,, and taking the one from yesterday and putting it in between a book,,
joshua on the other hand,, sits,, his cheeks coated red,, he hopes you don't search up the meanings of the flowers he's been giving you,, they're the only way he can confess without ruining anything,, white camellia represented adoration,,
the next day,, you were back at joshua’s shop,,
“i have a delivery of fresh gardenias,” joshua says. what do gardenias represent? you're lovely, secret love.
you smile at him,, as you pay,,, heading down to the library again,,
he gives you a blue salvia the next day,, but this time it's a bouquet,, blue salvias; I think of you
“a bouquet, hong? what's the special occasion?” you ask,,
“nothing, they look prettier in number rather than one,” joshua explains.
“how much for them?”
“it’s on the house,” joshua smiles.
“c’mon joshua–”
“no no, i’m the one asking you to buy a bouquet so please,” joshua obliges.
“alright but only for today,” you grin. was he always so adorable??
your thoughts go into the gutter when you hear the voice of someone saying,,,
“hello, handsome.”
you turn around,, it's another girl,, and the smile on joshua’s face says it all,, it's obvious that there’s something going on between the two,, so you just awkwardly clear your throat,, bid a goodbye and head out,,,
you curse yourself,, obviously,, joshua was not single and doting on him was not a good decision,, how could an amazing guy like him not be seeing anyone!!??
“trouble in paradise?” you hear a voice,, you look up to see your fellow librarian,, yoon jeonghan,,
“ha ha very funny,” you groan. “don’t you have some books to put in the correct section?”
“says the one that's been staring at the wall for last thirty minutes,” jeonghan grins. “what happened?”
“he’s dating someone else,” you sigh.
“joshua hong,, dating someone else?? over my dead body.”
“she came to the shop today, and she called him ‘mr handsome,’ and he was literally blushing.”
“that does not mean they are dating,” jeonghan explains. “they could just be good friends.”
“yeah good friends that are probably making out while we speak,” you deadpanned.
jeonghan groans. “why don’t you just ask him about it? what's the worst that could happen?”
and ur like jeonghan he could literally stop talking to me and that'll be worse and he's like woman joshua hong is a god sent angel he would NEVER cut off some1 especially u pls HAVE YOU NOT SEEN THE WAY HE LOOKS AT YOU
the next morning,, jeonghan’s words are echoing in your mind,, should you actually ask him??
“hey?” you look, only to see joshua right in front of you, “you alright there, sunshine?”
“are you asking me or telling me?” joshua joked,,, you gave him a weak smile,,, and he notices something is wrong,,
“what hap–?”
“joshua do you like her?” you interrupt, mustering up all your courage.
and joshua is like ?????? u can literally see the red question marks above his head,,
“the girl from yesterday,, are you two something of an item?”
“NO” you've never seen joshua be that loud,, joshua regains his composure,, “i don't– she just keeps in flirting with me because I gave her a free flower once.”
“oh my god hong??? I told you, you're too nice for your own good,” you chuckle,, you were an idiot,, maybe jeonghan was right,, u couldn't stop smiling
“wait– why are you asking?” he stops all of a sudden and ur like yeah see ya tomorrow,, but joshua bolts to run in front of you,,
“d-do you like me?” he asks,,
“yes,” you admit, defeated. “i’m so sorry,, I hope it doesn't affect our friendship,” you sigh, looking at the ground,,
“i’m kinda hoping it does affect our friendship, because I like you too,” joshua confesses.
and ur like WHAT (((;ꏿ_ꏿ;)))
he's like “i’ve literally been giving you flowers that represent love and adoration?”
and you're so RED
and joshua laughs and pinches your cheeks,, all in all joshua hong > men pls can I just get him I want to keep him in my pocket and I promise I will literally protect him from all the evil in the world >:(
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ashes-writing · 2 years
born to be my baby pt three | stranger things ; s.harrington
tag list babes || req rules / fandoms+characters || send ?s || masterlist
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one + two can be found by clicking. the stranger things masterlist is here, it is a wee bit out of date though.
Oh look, this story really does have me in a chokehold, I think. Along with Wild One, which I will *hopefully* be updating asap. So this is going to loosely follow the events of s3 with changes and additions as needed. No deaths though because fuck writing that shit out. I got inspired to write this out earlier bc I thought it'd be cute so the timeline for this is like... two weeks later? We'll assume that Steve and Reader have been bumping into each other now and then.
You guys really don't know how blown away I am by your interactions with my writing (the reblogs / likes / reblogs with tags / comments omg, y'all..) or the fact that people even read it, seriously, it means so much to me, I am mind blown.
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-- You were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man + we'll get there... sooner or later.
Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
( reader has personality / outfit descriptions / hairstyle descriptions and female parts. Beyond this, she is blank.)
a lurking freshly flayed!Billy Hargrove developing mutual crushes, mutual pining, swearing, eventual filth maybe?, eventual presence of Upside Down/Russians/Hawkins Lab and it's unholy terrors, more to come as needed.
@untitledarea are the only people presently on my stranger things taglist. if you want to be added please click the link up top.
So this is going to loosely follow s3 -with changes / no deaths. As I said, this will loosely follow. So don't expect an exact retelling I warn you now. Reader is living in her own apartment and independent from her family, so this is also going to be a found family type fic.
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The dark blue Camaro next to your Mustang is starting to creep you out just slightly. You can hear Metallica playing through the crack in the window and it almost seems as if the driver is revving the engine. You try to tune it out as you dig around for your keys to unlock your own door. But you went on a little spree earlier during your break and the fact that your hands are kind of full only has you dropping the keys.
Just around the time the car door opens on the dark blue Camaro, you lock eyes with Steve Harrington in the reflection of the window in front of you. He’s snickering at all your bags but you see him gawking at the lingerie store bag. You’re kind of smiling to yourself about that, but you’re doing it while he’s not paying attention to you so thankfully, he doesn’t see it.
He bends down to pick up your dropped keys, wordlessly holding them out to you and as he’s standing close enough, you nod to the car and admit quietly, “Thank God you walked out when you did? I dunno if I’m paranoid or something but that Camaro has been just sitting there running for five minutes now and I almost want to say I hear the driver rev the engine every few seconds.”
Steve glances in the direction you’ve nodded in and he rolls his eyes, waving off the car. “Billy Hargrove. He’s an asshole. He’s probably parked here screwing somebody.”
You nod. And it does make you feel just a little better, so you laugh at yourself about it. “Guess I’m just used to living in Jersey City.” you explain it away. Steve notices that Billy’s in the car by himself. And maybe this is why he steps just a little closer to you. And he tells himself it’s nothing, maybe the passenger just had their head down, maybe he’s waiting on somebody out here, shoving it out of his head entirely. You’ve walked back to your trunk to toss the store bags into it and Steve steps to the back of the car too. This is how you find yourself body to body with him when you’re in the process of getting into your car. You can feel your cheeks burning a little and Steve drags a hand through his hair, gazing down at you. “Busy day, huh?” he asks.
You laugh. “I guess. I mean there were more people who came to my counter today?” you phrase it like a question and Steve chuckles. “Scoops was packed from lunch until ten minutes ago.”
“Oh yeah, I noticed that. I came by earlier to see if Robin was working today and I could barely move around.” you’re laughing again as you say it. Steve chuckles. “She didn’t.” he’s biting his lip and this is making you stare at his mouth really, really hard.
“Yeah, I figured. I think she said she had three days a week for the next three weeks.” you’ve stepped a little closer to him before you realize what you’ve done, a quiet gasp just barely hung in your throat that came a little too close to slipping out. Thunder crackles overhead again and you glare up at the darkening sky. “Seriously? For fucks sake, all it’s done lately is rain.”
“You don’t like rain?” Steve’s snickering. And he tries not to, but he’s stepped closer to you too. You shake your head. “No, not rain. Rain is nice. Rain is great, it’s soothing. It’s the really bad storms I have a serious problem with?” you admit it with a hand caught in your hair and this little sheepish look on your face as your words die away.
“Yeah, I get it.” and when he says that, he means it. Storms aren’t the worst thing, and by now, he’s been alone long enough that they don’t bother him at all, really. But every now and then, during a particularly bad one, he’s pacing and it’s too quiet except for the sounds of the storm outside, thunder and lightning rattling the windows of that big and empty house.
“As much as I hate to..” you nod to your car and shrug, “Probably a good idea for me to get going. I hate driving in the shit.”
Steve nods to his own car and smiles a little. “Yeah. Hey, if Hargrove creeped you out earlier, I can hang around until you’re out of here?”
You start to shake your head no but you wind up giving him a weak but grateful smile and nodding to agree to it. “Please? I know it’s probably nothing but it just felt… Like.. weird?” your hand is caught in your hair again and Steve’s staring at it. He gulps and nods, finally breaking the little trance. “No, it’s fine. He’s a creep, you’re probably not wrong.” Steve admits quietly. 
You really don’t want to step away from him because he’s warmth and with him so close right now, you’re not hyperfocused on the continued idling of the dark blue Camaro’s engine nearby. “Shit. I’m gonna try to go before the rain starts and we both get drenched in a downpour. I,uh.” you pause, “Thank you.”
You were rambling and the second you realize this, you trail off, laughing softly at yourself.
“It’s not a big deal.” Steve shrugs it off, leaning in the open door of his BMW. You sit down in the driver seat of your Mustang and put the key into the ignition and… Nothing.
There isn’t even a click. Not even a hint of life.
The thunder is rolling louder now, the clouds are rolling in nice and thick and you hate driving in storms, so you try again with a sense of urgency, swearing quietly when the car still won’t start. Steve is standing by your door and  you jump a little when he speaks up so close to you, “Hey, you can just leave it.. We’ll put your stuff in my car and I can take you home.”
It’s either the storm settling in for another night in a row, the idling Camaro and the overall creepy vibe you’ve gotten from it or a combination of the two but you agree and you hurry to the trunk, grabbing your bags and putting them into the backseat of Steve’s car. You make your way around the car to the passenger seat and you sit down, buckling your belt. Steve pulls out of the back parking lot and circles the mall until he comes out at the exit that leads to the road.
You’re laughing softly at the song on the radio and gazing over at him intently as the rain starts to beat down on the windshield making the red light you’ve come to a stop at a hazy blur. “I didn’t think you liked this stuff.”
“Look, some of their songs are good.” Steve admits, taking a hand off the wheel to drag it through his hair. “Some of them.”
“I’ve seen them in concert, actually. They’re better live.” you shrug when you say it and he chuckles. “I’ll have to take your word for it.”
You pout a little.
“So.. Where to?” he asks casually.
“That bar downtown? I’ve uh.. I’ve got an apartment on the top floor.”
Steve’s brows knit together. “Is that like.. Safe?”
The cops are always at that particular bar and everyone in town knows to stay away. If you want safer drinking, you go to the bar on the opposite end of town, the Hideout. It’s not nearly as bad. And Steve’s pretty damn sure he happened to overhear Hopper getting a call on the radio in his truck once for a fight that got so far out of hand that someone got stabbed during.
You laugh and shrug. “It is when you stick to the back stairwell? Look, Gus didn’t ask me a thousand nosy questions when I looked at this place and it’s one hell of a lot cheaper to rent an apartment there than anywhere else.” you’re teasing gently, poking out your tongue. Steve nods. “Yeah, well.. Pretty sure some biker got stabbed there last year.”
You giggle softly. “And I’m a big girl, okay? I carry a switchblade and I avoid the front and the bar at all costs. I go in through the back. It’s fine, I promise.” your soft laughter dies away and Steve nods. He doesn’t like the idea of dropping you off there, no matter what you insist, but he doesn’t say anything.
It’s not his place to, after all.
The parking lot to the bar comes into view and Steve pulls to a stop in one of the empty spots on the back row. 
“Thank you.” you’re thanking him again and he’s shrugging it off again.
To your surprise, when you’re just about to go into the back room where the stairs are at, his car door shuts and he jogs up, soaked by the rain as he stops by you. “You don’t have to..” you start to say he doesn’t have to walk you up, but he gazes at the flickering neon at the corner of the building and then back at you, a firm look in his eyes. “Yeah, I’ll feel better if I walk you to your actual door.”
You shrug and give him this soft little laugh. “Alright then. Right this way.” you step into the back entrance and true to form, a fight in the front spills over to the back and Steve’s yanked you behind him so fast you don’t even realize it until he’s glancing back at you, nodding to the drunk down on the floor with his hand in soft,fluffy hair. “Does this? Does it happen all the time?”
“Steve. It’s a Friday. They’re having a bike rally or somethin. Not usually.” your words trail off and he shakes his head. You go to step out from behind him and he follows you up the stairwell. As you round the corner and step out on the landing of the top floor, Steve nods to the red door. “Wild guess here… that’s your place?” he chuckles and somehow you two wind up stepping up to each other before you realize it’s happening. You nod, shrugging. “Maybe?”
“The uh.. The door gave it away. You like red, huh?”
You laugh softly, stopping to fluff his hair. “You could say that.”
“You were always wearing that one red sweater at school, I remember that.” Steve wants to kick himself and he goes quiet. You pause in the middle of unlocking your door to glance up at him over your shoulder and you’re licking your lips. The flickering yellow bulb overhead casts this soft glow over you both and it’s warm, hazy. Bathing his face with soft light in all the right angles, truth be told. He’s staring right back at you and you can feel your body burn up all over. You open the door to your apartment and sit down the shopping bags on the counter that separates the living room from the little kitchen space and Steve is standing in the doorway, eyes darting around all over.
“You live here alone?”
“Well yeah… Bob and Melanie like to travel now that they have the money to do it. Not that they were around a lot before, I mean…” you shrug, bending down to take off your shoes, letting them settle to the floor beside the door with a soft thud. During this, Steve finds himself checking you out, taking a shaky little breath or two when he realizes what he’s doing. “It’s not a big deal. They had me young. They weren’t ready to grow up or be parents?”
“Oh.” Steve answers. “They were fine with you moving all the way here alone though?”
“Doesn’t matter. I’m 18. I graduated early, I got a cosmetology license, I’m pretty much an adult?” you’re giggling as you watch Steve go through a full range of facial expressions as he tries to process what you’ve just told him.
It’s forward and you want to kick yourself when you do it, but you step closer to him. Body to body. “When I want something, I don’t stop til I get it? This,” you gesture to the little apartment you’re both standing in the door of as you smile at him, “Was something I really wanted. I mean if I’m gonna be alone, I might as well be alone, alone? Right?”
Steve swallows hard and nods.
He’s swallowing hard because when you’re talking about things you really want, there’s a second there when you get this soft little look in your eyes and you take a shaky breath and he wants to believe that maybe you’re not just talking about things or goals.
He wants to believe it but he doesn’t dare.
“Are you hungry?” you ask the question and it brings him out of his own distraction. He clears his throat. “I uh.. I am but I should go, you probably want me to go and that storm..” he’s rambling and none of it is what he opened his mouth to say. You laugh and shake your head. “You can stay to eat? It’s not a big deal, I mean it’s just leftovers from that little Italian place near the mall that just opened.”
“The one that always smells so damn good?” Steve’s grinning and you nod. “Yeah!” you laugh as you dig around, trying to remember which cabinet you’ve put the better plates into. He’s stopped behind you, reaching up to pull down two black plates. “Why put them up there?”
“Honestly?” you’re turned to face him now, laughing and blushing. Face on fire. You shrug. “I really don’t use them most of the time. Doesn’t make any sense when I’m the only one here.” you’re taking the styrofoam containers that hold your lunch leftovers out and opening them, grabbing forks. “I usually just sit on this counter and eat it out of the container?”
Steve laughs as he puts himself some of the food onto a plate. You hop up onto the counter just like you usually do and he laughs again, shaking his head as he takes a few bites of the pasta. “Oh this is good.” he groans out through a mouth full. You nod, smiling. “It is. I thought I’d be unimpressed, but they’re actually worth the money?” you lean in closer to him, swiping your thumb across the corner of his mouth as you bite your lip and laugh softly. “You had uh.. Alfredo sauce on your face.” you stammer out. He chuckles, leaning in closer to you. “Yeah? You’re the one with marinara at the corner of yours.” he taunts you and there you go, blushing again…
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