#this panel strongly implies that the ONLY reason they stopped trying was because the healers told them not to. that it could kill Breha.
brcha · 2 years
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I always think it’s important to remember that Breha’s miscarriages (at least some of them) were public knowledge. both Breha and Bail are public figures -- Breha is their planet’s sovereign, Bail is their planet’s senator -- they don’t get to grieve these losses as privately as I’m sure they would have liked to. and while Breha is an extremely beloved ruler on her planet and I’m sure Alderaanian news sources handle her losses as gently as possible, it’s still big news because of her position. and intergalactic holonets probably had varying degrees of delicacy and tact...or lack thereof. (in case anyone needs another reason to hate Palpatine, in Clone Wars: Wild Space, he narrates about Bail’s “barren wife.”) and because of their positions, neither Breha nor Bail could really take time off from their respective duties to grieve -- Breha probably barely had the ability to take time to physically heal. in Last of the Jedi: Master of Deception, there’s a quote "We knew how sad the Queen had been.” as much as Breha tried to keep her grief and pain and depression internal, her people could still see that she was visibly depressed. and also remember that in spite of this, Breha did not allow herself to falter at all in Alderaan’s rule: Alderaan remained sought out for its schools and public services, remained peaceful throughout the Clone Wars, took on refugees, etc. all under Breha’s continued rule. she is an incredibly strong and capable Queen. 
also kind of important to remember that she and Bail wanted to be parents so much that they continued to try and try despite the losses and pain and grief. and that this comic panel strongly implies that the only reason they stopped was because their healers and doctors told them that it might kill her -- and that her final miscarriage nearly did kill her. (and Clone Wars: Gambit Siege tells us that they had been working with the best fertility doctor in the Republic; they were trying absolutely everything.) they wanted a child so badly; they wanted to be parents so much. 
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ofalderaan · 8 years
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